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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)

ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-3, Issue-3, March 2015

Polybutylene succinate preparation and

Biodegradation study of cellulose and cellulose
Benarbia Abderrahim, Prof. Elidrissi Abderrahman, Bellaouchi Reda, Prof.Asehraou Abdeslam
systems [4], whereas a blend of cellulose with poly
Abstract The humidity and the quantity of water are (4-vinylpyrrolidone) is homogeneous at any ratio [5]. The
well-known factors affecting the results of biodegradability investigation of the films obtained from blends of cellulose
tests. Experiments are conducted with blend of biopolymers with poly (ethylene terephthalate) showed that a specific
(cellulose/polybutylene succinate), blend of natural polymer and
polymer-polymer interaction takes place [5].
synthetic polymer (cellulose/polycaprolactone) and cellulose
only. The American Testing material (ASTM) Standard was the
Recently, polycaprolactone (PCL) and polybutylene
method chosen to evaluate the ultimate aerobic succinate (PBS) attract more attention because PCL combines
biodegradability. Inoculum was obtained from the lixivia biodegradability and compatibility [6-11] and PBS is a
extracted from the public discharge of Oujda city biodegradable polymer, its monomers [succinic acid, (1-4)
(Morocco).The percentage of microorganisms growth in surface butandiol] can be obtained from biomass by fermentation,
of samples was followed in differentes environnements: [12-20].
contamination, inoculation at low humidity and inoculation at Green composites obtained by blending cellulose and PCL
height humidity. From the tests of contamination and [21-23] or PBS [24] were much investigated especially for
inoculation at low humidity environnements, microorganisms
their good thermal and mechanical proprieties. The
growth in surface of samples was favored in case of
contamination, followed but not so much by the inoculation. We
biodegradation rates of the green composites need to be
noted A degrease of microorganisms growth in surface of evaluated when deciding suitable waste management methods
samples in case of inoculation at height humidity environment and for designing future waste disposal facilities. However
.We concluded that humidity retard the rate of biodegradation there is a little information on the biodegradation
(cellulose, cellulose /biodegradable polymers). characteristic of this green composite.

Index Terms biodegradability, cellulose, polybutylene The main goal of this work is:
succinate, polycaprolactone, blends. - Synthesis of green composites widely used in industry
having differentes compositions.
- Evaluation of their biodegradation in some environments.
Each year more than 100 billion tons of organic matters are
produced by photosynthetic organism (plant, algae, and some II. EXPERIMENTAL
bacteria) [1] that the half of mass form is cellulose [2]. This
polymer, normally branches with hemicellulose and lignin,
has to undergo unhealthy chemical process with harsh alkali Cellulose (Mn = 300 g/mol), polycaprolactone (Mn = 10000
and acid treatment to improve its properties for industry. Thus g/mol), (1,4) butanediol, succinic acid, paratoluene sulfonic
to preserve the health and the environment we usually used acid, titanium butoxide, monopotassium phosphate,
one of the most efficient and economically profitable potassium hydrogen phosphate, magnesium sulfate
methods, which is the creation of green composite materials, heptahydrate, ammonium nitrate, sodium chloride, ferrous
via mixing of synthetic or natural and natural polymers. There sulfate heptahydrate, zinc sulfate heptahydrate, manganese
is limited number of works in literature dedicated to Sulfate heptahydrate, dichloromethane, toluene and ether
investigation of cellulose blends with various synthetic were purchased from SigmaAldrich Chemical Co. All
polymers, for example nylon-6 is incompatible with cellulose, reagents were used as received. Lixivia is recuperated from
and poly (-caprolactam) is partially compatible [3]. landfill site of Oujda city (Morocco).
Cellulose-polyamide blends are heterogeneous two-phase
2.1. Fourier transforms infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)
Manuscript received March 24, 2015. The FTIR spectra were recorded using IRTF B8400S
Benarbia Abderrahim, LCAE-URAC18: Laboratory of Applied Shimadzu between 4000 and 600 cm-1 at resolution of 4 cm-1,
Chemistry and Environment Department of Chemistry, Faculty of potassium bromide is used as the background.
Sciences, Mohammed Premier University Oujda, Morocco,
Tel: +2120661770699, Fax: +212536609147
Prof. Elidrissi Abderrahman, LCAE-URAC18: Laboratory of Applied
2.2. Nuclear magnetic resonance (1H-NMR)
Chemistry and Environment Department of Chemistry, Faculty of The 1H-NMR spectra were recorded in UATARS - CRNST
Sciences, Mohammed Premier University Oujda, Morocco RABAT- MOROCCO using spectrometer BRUKER. The
Bellaouchi Reda, LBPM: Laboratory of biology of Plants and deuterated chloroform (CDCL3) with trifluoroactic acid
Microorganisms Department of biology, Faculty of Sciences, Mohammed
(C2HF3O2) were used as solvent and tetramethylsilane (TMS)
Premier University Oujda, Morocco
Prof.Asehraou Abdeslam, LBPM: Laboratory of biology of Plants and as internal reference.
Microorganisms Department of biology, Faculty of Sciences, Mohammed
Premier University Oujda, Morocco 2.3. Differential scanning Calorimetric (DSC)

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Polybutylene succinate preparation and Biodegradation study of cellulose and cellulose blends

Test differential scanning calorimetry analysis (DSC) is sterilized physiologic water to reduce carbone in lixivia; the
performed by a TA DSC Q20 (United State). About 10 mg of presence of homogenous microorganisms (bacteria, fungi)
sample was placed in sealed aluminum capsules. Samples was confirmed by microscopic observation. A medium M1
were subjected to two scan from - 40 to 200 C with a rate of inoculated with lixiviat without source of carbone was used as
10 C /min. The crystallinity degree (Xc), was Calculated control.
2.6.1. The aerobic biodegradability by natural
Cellulose, blend of cellulose (80%) with polybutylene
- Hm: Polymer melting enthalpy calculated from second succinate (20%) and blend of cellulose (80%) with
scan, polycaprolactone (20%) were placed on the agar medium M1.
- Wpoly: Weight fraction of Polymer in blend (20%) The petri dishes opened and left for 7 days in place near
- H100: Melting enthalpy of 100% cristallin Polymer discharge of Oujda city (Morocco). The petri dishes were
closed again and then incubated at 30 C 2C, for 28 days.
2.4. Synthesis of polybutylene succinate
The polybutylene succinate was synthesized in two stages the 2.6.2. The aerobic biodegradability by inoculation
first by melt condensation using (1, 4) butanediol, succinic Cellulose, blend of cellulose (80%) polybutylene succinate
acid and paratoluene sulfonic acid (APTS). (1, 4) butanediol (20%) and blend of cellulose (80%) polycaprolactone (20%)
(0.01 mol), succinic acid (0.19 mol) and APTS (0.1%) were were placed on the agar medium M1.We inoculated the
introduced in three-necked round bottom flask and 20 ml of surface by two drops of lixivia, the first drop in the middle of
toluene was added. A thermometer was fitted to the neck, a the sample, the second drop between the sample and the
stirrer to the other and Dean Stark was fitted to third neck. The mineral medium M1. The petri dishes were closed and then
temperature was kept at 115 C for 24 hours to remove water incubated at 30 C 2C, for 28 days.
by azeotropie. The organic solvent was extracted and 0.1% of
Titanium Butoxide was added as a catalyst with constant The aerobic biodegradability at low humidity
stirring, the temperature was carried out at 240 C under by inoculation
vacuum for another 6 hours. The reaction mixture was The inoculated samples were incubated at 30 C 2C and
dissolved in dichloromethane and precipitate in an excess of relative humidity between 10% and 20%.
ether, the white product was removed by filtration and kept at
60 C under vacuum for 24 hours. The aerobic biodegradability at height
humidity by inoculation
2.5. Preparation of the cellulose blends. The inoculated samples were incubated at 30 C 2C at 75
An amount of cellulose (80%) and Polybutylene succinate % relative humidity.
(20%) was added to dichloromethane under constant stirrer
during 3 hours at room temperature and the mixture was 2.6.3. Standard procedures ASTM G 21-90 and
removed in Petri dish, the solvent was eliminated by ASTM G 22-76 applications
evaporation over the night and then kept in desiccators with The surface of polymers was observed visually and with
P2O5 powder for 24 hours under vacuum. microscope to evaluate their colonization by microorganisms.
The rate of colonization of the polymer was evaluated as
2.6. The aerobic biodegradability test methods surface of polymer covered by colonies of microorganisms
For tests in the solid phase, we used the standard procedures (Table1) :
ASTM G 21-90 and ASTM G 22-76, these standards specify
a method by determining the resistance of polymeric materials Table.1. Observed Growth on Specimens and rating.
to bacteria and fungi [25]. The aim of these tests is to see if Growth Rate
micro-organisms can colonize the polymer surface and use it No growth 0
as a sole carbon source for their growth. Traces of growth (less 1
These tests were performed in Petri dishes containing a
mineral medium (M1) which is composed of monopotassium than10%)
phosphate (KH2PO4: 0.7 g); potassium hydrogen phosphate Slight growth (10% to 30%) 2
(K2HPO4: 0.7 g); magnesium sulfate heptahydrate
(MgSO4/7H2O: 0.7 g); ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3: 1 g); Medium growth (30% to 60%) 3
sodium chloride (NaCl: 0.005 g); ferrous sulfate heptahydrate Heavy growth (60% to 4
(FeSO4/7H2O: 0.002 g); zinc sulfate heptahydrate
(ZnSO4/7H2O: 0.002 g); manganese Sulfate heptahydrate complete coverage)
(MnSO4/7H2O: 0.001 g) dissolved in sufficient distilled water
to make up 1000 ml. This medium was sterilized by The surface of polymers was observed during 28 days to
autoclaving at 121C for 20 min. After sterilization, the pH establish the growth percentage on the surface of samples, and
was between 6.0 and 6.5. if there was a visual change or not. Observation for visible
We placed the material tested on the agar medium M1 and
effects and rate as follows (Table1).Therefore the growth
then we inoculated it with the lixivia extracted from the public
graph obtained as taking time (days) for X axis and growth
discharge of Oujda city (Morocco) in petri dishes. The
percentage on the surface of samples for Y axis.
inoculum prepared was 1/3 of lixiviat diluted in 2/3 of

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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-3, Issue-3, March 2015
III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1.3. Differential scanning calorimetric of PBS
3.1. Characterization of polybutylene succinate
synthesized As showed in (Figure.3), the main melting peaks are at Tm2 =
112 C in case of the first run and Tm1 = 111 C for the second
3.1.1. FTIR analysis run. The main crystallization peaks for the first and the second
From FTIR spectrum of polybutylene succinate presented in run are relatively obtained at temperature range around Tc2 =
(Figure.1), the absorption band appeared at 2947.82 cm-1 is 62.5 C. In second scan we observed a little crystallization
assigned to the CH stretching bonds of the polymer. The peak at Tc1 = 90.2 C, followed by Pre-melting temperature at
band at 1716.78 cm-1 is assigned to C=O stretching vibration Tpm = 100 C. The glass transition temperatures was observed
of the ester carbonyl group, the band at 1341.25 cm-1 is at the beginning of the experiment at Tg = - 40 C.
assigned to COO- bond stretching vibration. The signal at
1158.73 cm-1 is characterizing the COC stretching
vibration in the repeated OCH2CH2 units.

Figure.3. Differential scanning calorimetric of PBS

Figure.1. FTIR spectrum of polybutylene succinate

3.1.2. 1H-NMR analysis

H-NMR spectrum of polybutylene succinate is shown in
(Figure.2). The peak at 2.65 ppm is attributed to methylene
protons on succinic acid unit (a). The peak at 4.3 ppm is
attributed to methylene protons
O=C-O-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-O-C=O (c) on butanediol unit,
and the peak at 1.6 ppm is attributed to the centered methylene
protons (b) of (1,4) butanediol. The protons of the methylene
in position of the hydroxyl group at the chain end (d)
appeared at 3.35 ppm. This signal is used to determine the
molecular weight of the PBS prepared.

Figure.4. The melting enthalpies of the polybutylene

succinate determined in the second scan

Table.2. proprieties of polybutylene succinate prepared.

Tm2 (C) Hf J/g c (%) Mn (g/mol)

- 40 C 112 57.28 25.85 3010

Figure.2. 1H-NMR of the polybutylene succinate

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Polybutylene succinate preparation and Biodegradation study of cellulose and cellulose blends

3.2. Biodegradation of cellulose Figure.7. Cellulose biodegradation by inoculation with

lixivia (75%) relative humidity.
3.2.1. Cellulose biodegradation by natural

Cellulose initiated state Cellulose after 28days,

(heavy growth)
Figure.5. Cellulose biodegradation by contamination.
Figure.8. Percentage of microorganisms growth in surface of
cellulose in different humidity conditions
3.2.2. Cellulose biodegradation by inoculation with lixivia
at low humidity
The growth of microorganisms at the surface of cellulose is
the faster in case of contamination at low humidity with a
heavy growth after 28 days of incubation. The contamination
by drops of lixivia at the surface of cellulose shows a plateau
phase between 14 days and 21 days. We recorded a medium
growth after 28 days of incubation and the plateau become
larger between 1 day and 21 days. When the humidity
increases we recorded a slight growth after 28 days of

3.3. Biodegradation of blend (A) : [cellulose (80%) +

polybutylene succinate (20%)].

3.3.1. Biodegradation of blend (A) by contamination

Cellulose initiated state Cellulose after 28 days,

(medium growth)
Figure.6. Cellulose biodegradation by inoculation with
lixivia low humidity.

3.2.3. Cellulose biodegradation by inoculation with lixivia

(75%) relative humidity

Blend initiated state Blend after 28 days,

(heavy growth)
Figure.9. Blend (A) biodegradation by contamination.

3.3.2. Blend (A) biodegradation by inoculation with

lixivia low humidity
Cellulose initiated state Cellulose after 28 days,
(slight growth)

351 www.erpublication.org
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-3, Issue-3, March 2015
days with a heavy growth after 28 days of incubation. The
contamination by drops of lixivia in low humidity started
faster but not so much and a plateau phase appeared between
7 days and 14 days and we recorded medium growth after 28
days of incubation. When the humidity increases, we noted a
plateau phases apparition at the beginning between 1 day and
7 days and at the end of the process between 14 days and 28
days. We recorded a slight growth after 28 days of
3.4. Biodegradation of blend (B) : [cellulose (80%) +
polycaprolactone (20%) ].
3.4.1. Biodegradation of blend (B) by contamination

Blend initiated state Blend after 28 days,

(medium growth)
Figure.10. Blend (A) biodegradation by inoculation with
lixivia low humidity

3.3.3. Blend (A) biodegradation by inoculation with

lixivia at relative humidity (75%)

Blend initiated state Blend after 28 days,

(heavy growth)
Figure.13. Blend (B) biodegradation by contamination

3.4.2. Blend (B) biodegradation by inoculation with lixivia

at low humidity

Blend initiated state Blend after 28 days,

(slight growth)
Figure.11. Blend (A) biodegradation by inoculation with
lixivia at relative humidity (75%)
Blend initiated state Blend after 28 days,
(medium growth)
Figure.14. Blend (B) biodegradation by inoculation with
lixivia low humidity
3.4.3. Biodegradation of blend (B) by inoculation with
lixivia at (75%) relative humidity.

Figure.12. Microorganisms growth on the surface of blend

(A) in different humidity conditions. Blend initiated state Blend after 28 days,
(slight growth)
The microorganisms growth on the surface of blend (A)
started faster in case of contamination; in low humidity we Figure.15. Blend (B) biodegradation by inoculation with
noted the presence of a plateau phase between 7 days and 14 lixivia at relative humidity(75%).

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Polybutylene succinate preparation and Biodegradation study of cellulose and cellulose blends

inoculation by drops of lixivia under low humidity and height

humidity were monitored during 28 days.
The tests lead to the development of microorganisms capable
to use our products (cellulose, Blend (A) and Blend (B)) as
carbon source. It is noted visually that samples were largely
colonized by the microorganisms under natural contamination
in low humidity environment (cellulose (Figure.5), Blend (A)
(Figure.9), Blend (B) (Figure.13), followed but not so much
by samples inoculated by drops of lixivia in low humidity
environment (cellulose (Figure.6), Blend (A) (Figure.10),
Blend (B) (Figure.14). The samples inoculated by drops of
lixivia in height humidity environment were smallest
colonized by the microorganisms (cellulose (Figure.7),
Blend (A) (Figure.11), Blend (B) (Figure.15)).

Figure.16. Microorganisms growth on the surface of blend The visual following of microorganisms growth in surface of
(B) in different humidity conditions. samples is faster in case of contamination in low humidity, but
for blend (A) (cellulose (80%) + PBS (20%)) we recorded a
The microorganisms growth in the surface of blend [cellulose plateau phase between 7 days and 15 days. Certainly
(80%) + polycaprolactone (20%)] faster in case of Polybutylene succinate Provides excellent thermal and
contamination in low humidity with a heavy growth after 28 chemical stability [32, 33], but has a slow rate of
days of incubation. The contamination by drops of lixivia in biodegradation may be due to its high degree of crystalline
low humidity begins by a plateau phase in the range of 1-7 [34], either polymer or copolymer [35-39], or a blend mixture
days and then started faster but not so much and we recorded a with another polymer [40]. In the case of blend (B) (cellulose
medium growth after 28 days of incubation. In the (80%) + PCL (20%)) no plateau phase was recorded. The
contamination by drops of lixivia in height humidity, the semi crystalline PCL polymer is highly processible as it is has
microorganisms growth starts faster in the surface of blend, a a slow melting point (55- 60 C) and shows a glass transition
plateau phase is noted between 7 days and 21 days and after temperature at 60 C [41-45]. PCL is soluble in a wide range
28 days of incubation we recorded a slight growth. of organic solvents, giving the ability to form miscible blends
with wide range of polymers. The semi crystalline PCL
Biodegradation is governed by different factors that include polymer offers more amorphous areas making the
polymer characteristics, type of microorganisms, and nature microorganism developments easer.
of pretreatment. The polymer characteristics for example its
mobility, tactility, crystallinity, all plays an important role in The inoculation by drops of lixivia at low humidity shows a
its degradation [26-27]. During biodegradation the polymer is growth percentage on the surface of samples which starts
first converted to its monomers, and then these monomers are faster with a plateau phase for cellulose between the 14 day
mineralized. Most polymers are too large to pass through and the 21 day, for Blend (A) between the 7 day and the 15
cellular membranes, so they must first be depolymerized to day and for Blend (B) between first day and the 7 day. The
smaller monomers before they can be absorbed and growth percentage on the surface of samples by inoculating
biodegraded within microbial cells. At least two categories of with drops of lixivia at high humidity showed that the plateau
enzymes are actively involved in biodegradation of polymers: phases become larger and multiples, for cellulose between the
extracellular and intracellular depolymerases [27]. During first day and the 15 day, for Blend (A) between the first day
biodegradation, exo-enzymes from microorganisms break and the 7 day and between the 15 day and the 21 day. Finally
down complex polymers yielding smaller molecules of short for Blend (B), the plateau phase is formed between the 7 day
chains. and the 21 day.

Water can bind the OH group of a cellulose chain by The plateau phases can be explained by of microorganisms
hydrogen bonding or bridges hydroxyls from different chains. adaptation. The growth synergic of many fungi can also cause
Direct bonding of an OH can occur either along the same small-scale swelling and bursting, as the fungi penetrate the
cellulose chain or between different chains. Clusters of water polymer solids [46].When the humidity increases, the rapid
molecules, especially at high water concentration [28-30], can initial uptake expresses the extreme hygroscopicity of dry
form as well as crystalline and amorphous cellulose chain cellulose, which reflects tight interactions between cellulose
domains; even though there is no complete agreement yet and water. It is generally admitted that the first water
about the water sitting and the role it plays in the ultra molecules adsorb on the polar accessible groups of cellulose
structure of cellulose [31]. as the amorphous areas, they are logically suspected to be the
Different sterilized samples (cellulose, blend (A) composed most favorable adsorption sites [47], thus the amorphous
of (80%) of cellulose and (20%) of PBS and blend (B) domains degrease and the crystalline domains show more
composed of (80%) cellulose and ( 20%) of PCL are tested in difficulties for biodegradation phenomena. After an initial
aerobic biodegradation. Various parameters were followed. degradation, crystalline spherolites appear on the surface; that
The growth percentage on the surface of samples (Table1), can be explained by a preferential biodegradation of the
before and after natural contamination under low humidity, amorphous polymer fraction, etching the slower-degrading
crystalline parts out of the material [48].

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ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-3, Issue-3, March 2015
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