Nrusimha Stuthi Pio Vrudham Eng

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& 18.12.2015 - 26.12.2015
108th Maha Yagnam, Ahobilam
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Nrusimha Stuthi & Payovrutham 3 Nrusimha Stuthi & Payovrutham 4


1. Srimahasudarsanastotram 4

2. Dhakaradi Sridhanvantaryastottarasata
Namavalih 6

3. Srinarasimhastuthih 10

4. Srinrsimhakavacam 14

5. Sri Nrsimha dvatrimaat bijamala Stotram 17

6. Srinrsimhastutih 22

7. Payovrutham 24

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[This is a brief description of significance,procedure and benefits of
Payo-vrata as told in conto 8 of Srimad bhagavadam which is explained in the
following 44 verses.]

1. Once the enlightened Great Saint Katchyapa Maha Muni

on retreating from his prolonged samadhi (Yogic trance)
reached Athithi's ashrama and saw his sweet spouse Athithi
without any joy and the mundane happiness in her face,
He asked why.

2. Athithi performed the prescribed rituals of receiving her

husband by herself with a sorrowful and heavy heart
reflecting on her face. Accepting her prostrations at his feet
and being seated in sitting place, Maharishi questioned her
thoughtful of depression.

3. Maha Muni asked:

a. Why are you sad?
b. Why is your auspicious face dull, My sweet wife?
c. Whether all the dharmic activities are carried out
without any impediments during my absence?
d. Whether the Brahmins and cows are kept well?

4. Also asked:
a. Whether any athithi (guests) visited our house and
left without any offerings?
b. Did you not performed the Agni Homa properly?
c. Are your children faring well, My lady?
d. Let me know the reason for your distress.

5. Athithi replied: Great Master! The cows, the guests, servants

and the needy are well treated as should. All the dharmic
activities were performed well with your gracious blessings.
Hey Son of Mareechi Maharishi! Let me tell you the secret
that all the devas and asuras were born of your mind and
body. You are equal-minded to each of them.
Nrusimha Stuthi & Payovrutham 25 Nrusimha Stuthi & Payovrutham 26

6. Though as a father, treating both the children equally, I 12. Maharishi told I will tell you the code of conduct(vratham)
surrender myself fondly to you to find a solution for resolving the which once I was taught by Brahma. Bhagawan will be easily
sorrows of my children as you are the resolver of the sufferings of
satisfied by this vratham. In ascending period of the moon
one who surrender to you.
(suklapatcha) of palgunya month(Feb/Mar), perform this
7. Having heard this, the Maha Rishi with a smile on his face, told payo-vratham with patience and love for 12 days.
her on account of emotional bondage, you said them as your
children. But haven't you know that the body and soul are 13. From the New Moon Day, worship the lotus eyed
different? Also, understand that the mighty strength of Maha bhagawan(Aravindaakcha) with undistorted faith (bhakthi).
Vishnu is unlimited. He is Janardhana. He is parama purusha. He Vishnu took an incarnation named Varaha to retrieve Goddess
is Bhagawan Vasudeva. Earth from Pathaala.

8. Bodily Siblings are not the siblings of the souls. Because of the 14. Say hymns of Devi and apply mud on the body and take bath in
strength of both their body and soul, jeevas get happiness and the river in order to remove the sins. After finishing the daily
sorrows. Learn the spiritual eternity and shed your worldly routine, choose a place on earth and decorate it to worship the
desires. For this, worship Vasudeva. Almighty.

9. For those who worship Him in their hearts, He graciously 15. Pray unto the Almighty with the hymns with a Holy pot-
blesses them. He lives in the hearts of every being. He is water(poorna kumba jala) at decorated place, in the sun, with
worshipped by all the well wishers of the humanity and the the Guru, and with Agni with Love and compassion to get the real
world. He is total (paripoorna). He gives all in abundance. praise.

10. He is gracious to the pleading beings of the world. He is the Lord 16. The prayers are as follows 'Oh Vasudeva! The Lord who showers
of the Lords. He is the boon giver. He effaces the sufferings of the rare boons! You are the eternal deity, indweller of the hearts of
surrenderers. He is pure. He is eternal. He is the bhakta- everybeing who exist in all places, preacher of all dharmas
vatchalan. He is Srinivasan. He is the fulfiller of desires. forever, the embodiment of all the pure qualities of these.'

11. Athithi told her husband:Oh My Lord of Brahmins! 17. 'Oh sarveshwara! You are the Maha Purusha worshipped in
Mahanubhaava! Please preach me the way to worship the true Purusha suktha. You are the factor of all the sense organs. You
embodiment of Sathya so that he gets satisfied and bless me are predominantly existing in every minute beings. You are the
forever to fulfil my desires. witness of all happenings in the world (prakriti).'
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18. 'You hold 24 principles(thathuvas) as your body. You are the 24. 'You resemble the bluish Indrakanti stone. You are the indweller
eternal soul. You are limitless. For the personification of this for both creator and annihilator. You have become the twelve
world, you are the cause. You are the Narayana. I worship you to beautiful kesava murthis. My peethaambarathaari! I worship
the fullest.' you.'

19. 'Hey Mahavishnu, You are the personification of spiritual 25. 'You are the greatest of all the boon-givers. Contented pundits
sciences and you have the Vedas as your sareera which take your feet's dust onto their heads. Devas and lakshmi
correlates the modern science with yagna sciences.'
willingly associate with you. Oh, merciful vasudeva! Please grace
the devotees.'
20. 'Materials on account of worldly existence are your place. Past,
present and future times are your three feets(paathas). Sound,
26. 'Oh Devaki's son! I surrender at your feet. Along with Rukmini
hymn, nama, Akyaatha nipaathas are your four horns.
Devi, please have a cordial spirit towards us. Please remove the
Differences are your seven hands. These are your marked
sins from misdeeds and mistakes of me. Let me merge with the
feet of your avowed greatness. '
21. 'The water that flows from your feet is held on your head and
27. Telling the above slokas, Maharishi told: By chanting these
you are called as shiva. You are called as rudra when you were
mantras with utmost faith and devotion, prathista the Almighty
born in the world and cried when born. You are the Lord of the
and honour Him in every respect with the help of the necessities
five elements of Nature in the name of umapathy-spouse of
of worship. You should bathe him with milk and pure water and
uma. Oh Madhava! You have outsourced the annihilating
activities to your body which is named as Sankara.' then dress Him with new clothes, a sacred thread
(Yagnopavithram) and ornaments.
22. 'You are residing in Brahmadeva for creating the world. All the
creatures survive because of you secretly. You are the praana 28. Along with chanting of the sacred twelve mantras rendered to
(life breadth) for all the dharmic world. You manage the world the Lord daily, You should also present the daily upacharas to
by giving pure yoga smrithi.' Him. Also offer pure rice with ghee, molasses and milk and
request Him to partake them as Naivedhya.
23. 'You are the deva for all the devas. You are NaraNarayana. For
the three, you are the principal. You are the Narayana, the 29. Having offered the naivedhya to the deity, offer the sweet rice
eternal. Give us the deathlessness for the beings who have come (payaasanna) chanting the (12) dwadasa mantras as oblations in
to you. I pray unto you who embrace the Goddess the fire. After offering the oblations, offer them to Brahmins and
Mahalakshmi.' if they are not available, have the prasaada by yourself at least.
Nrusimha Stuthi & Payovrutham 29 Nrusimha Stuthi & Payovrutham 30

30. To the Brahmins- the devotees of the Lord, after offering them 36. Chant purusha sukta mantras on Maha Vishnu and oblate the
the upacharas, offer the betel nuts with spices by yourself. By prasaada meticulously prepared with milk (havis) in Homa and
repeating the dwadasa mantras 108 times, pray to Bhagawan offer the Bhagawan, various tasty food items and then feed the
Vasudeva and circum ambulate them joyously with much Brahmins as well.
devotion and charm them.
37. The spiritual masters who are well versed in the spiritual
31. After removing the flowers decorated for the Deity and adoring
knowledge (Acharya ridwik) should be rewarded to your mite
it to your head with devotion, feed the qualified Brahmins as per
and worship them. Offer them, excellent drinks and various
the rituals. Once properly having honoured them, with their
food items along with thaamboolam.
permission, eat the remnants of the prasaada yourself.

32. At night, observe celibacy for the duration of the payo-vrata. On 38. After also having fed all the poor, Brahmins, the averse and so
the next day, after having bathed, with pure faith and devotion, on with the pure food, with that kind of understanding having
continue the worship of Vishnu with the oblations closely pleased Lord Vasudeva, together with friends and relatives eat
following the prescribed procedures as done on the previous the prasaada yourself.
39. From the first day till the last, worship the Original personality
33. With drinking milk only (vratha), with faith and devotion, with this payo-vrata to the fullest with dancing, playing various
continue with the worship of Vasudeva, as stated with bathing instruments, reciting Vedic recitation, mantras, songs and
three times a day and also be faithful to the obligations of feeding hymns praising Him, offering prayers, reading and telling the
the Brahmins. Also, observe celibacy and sleep on the floor stories of Him.
during the entire course.
40. Oh greatly fortunate one, now worship the Almighty with a
34. Beginning with the day of pratipat (pradama) until the
pure state of mind and with devotion by following the payo-
thirteenth day of the bright half of the month (suklapatcha),
vrata process. Oh good lady, Of all religious ceremonies, this
refrain yourself from great and small sensual pleasures from
one is called 'sarva yagna'(the one covering all sacrifices) and is
discussing trivial subjects and from splendours and resort your
the essence of all austerities. said Kashyapa Mahamuni to get
thoughts on the Supreme - Vasudeva.
rid of his wife's distress.
35. Next, on the thirteenth day (thriyodasi day) proceeding in
41. Of all the austerities, this payo-vrata is the greatest one and it
accordance with the regulations as laid down in the scriptures,
tantamount to the doings of all the donations. The Supreme
the Almighty should be bathed with five substances
Lord, being satisfied by you faithfully observing this vow
(panjaamrutham- milk, yogurt, ghee, sugar and honey). This
according to the rules, will therefore soon bestow upon you all
ceremony should be done in grandeur with the help of four
meritorious veda pundits. benedictions.
Nrusimha Stuthi & Payovrutham 31 Nrusimha Stuthi & Payovrutham 32

42. Athithi Devi, thus being advised by her husband unrelentingly About Sri Guruji...
and faithfully executed this payo-vrata for twelve days. The His Holiness Sri. V.V. Sridhar Guruji, the Chief Patron and Advisor of Sri
Supreme Lord overwhelmed by her devotion, appeared before Jwala Central Trust, is an ardent upaasaka of Lord Lakshmi Nrusimha . He is
her and uttering that her long standing desires would be fulfilled, the last link, as yet in the lineage of Chaya Atharva Veda. He is well versed in
He joyously incarnated Himself as a son in her holy belly. Krishna Mohana Vidya. He is a complete Master of several intricate
upaasana methods and Yagnic rituals culled out from Nrusimha
43. This Sathya vrata will
Guruji has performed 107 Maha Yagnams and hundreds of Yantra
a. shower all benedictions;
Poojas in India and abroad.He was blessed with Ashta Maha Sidhis at an
b. give birth to son;(vamsa vrithi) early age by the grace of Mother Goddess.
c. retrieve the lost wealth; Guruji, being a Grihastahimself,advocates harmony in families and
d. bestow happiness along with friends and relatives and in married life.
e. uplift to higher posts with dexterity. Guruji says, If the blessings of the pitrus are available, any problem
can be solved. Without their blessings, we cannot achieve anything.
Everyone of us should respect our parents, as our father and mother are
44. Mangalam and victory to Vasudeva bhagawan; Mangalam to the living representatives of our pitrus (forefathers). One should also do
Pitru Karma with sincerity and devotion for his departed parents to invoke
Kashyapa; Mangalam to Devas and Rishis; Mangalam to
the blessings from pitrus.
Vamana; Mangalam to Mother Athithi; Mangalam to Pitru Saapam (curse of the fore-fathers) affects not only the
Thejomaya Thrivikrama;Mangalam to dhivya paadhuka. individual, but also extends to the future generations of the individual,
causing delayed marriage, childlessness, health problems and several
other nagging situations.
Sri Guruji performs Sarpa Aaraadhana in the Yagnas, reciting various
Sarpa Gadyams for the benefit of the devotees. He has been performing
Yantra Poojas, Sahasra Kalasabhishekas and Nrusimha Dhanwantri Maha
Yagnams for world peace and for the well being of humanity. Nrusimha and
Dhanwantri combination enhances the curative forces in the environment
and helps in combating several diseases.
Sri Gurujis spiritual discourses are versatile, illustrative, exhaustive
and appealing. He narrates many Sufi stories, Buddhist tales and episodes
connected with Hindu mythology in His discourses, providing great insights
into our day to day life. Guruji has touched the lives of many people around
the world, going beyond the barriers of race, nationality and religion with
the objective of Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu.
With the DIVINE GRACE The 108 Maha Yagnam in the series will be
conducted at Ahobilam

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