Shielded Metal Arc Welding Principles: Chapter Objectives

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Shielded Metal Arc

Welding Principles

Shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) is manual arc Chapter Objectives

welding in which the heat for welding is generated by an
electric arc established between a flux-covered consum-
After completing this chapter, you will be able to:
able metal rod called the electrode and the work. For this
reason, the process is also called stick electrode welding. 11-1 List the percentage of usage of SMAW in the industry.
The combustion and decomposition of the electrode cre- 11-2 Name the components that make up the schematic
ates a gaseous shield that protects the electrode tip, weld representation of the shielded metal arc.
puddle, arc, and the highly heated work from atmospheric 11-3 Know the maximum arc temperature of an SMAW
contamination, Fig. 11-1. Additional shielding is provided electrode.
for the molten metal in the weld pool by a covering of 11-4 List the four constant current welding machines.
molten slag (flux). 11-5 List the common type and uses of constant current
welding machines.
11-6 Name the power supply ratings.
For video showing the fundamentals of SMAW, 11-7 Name the characteristics of the four basic types of
please visit welding machines.
11-8 Choose the correct cable size based on the application.
The weld metal is supplied by the metal core of the 11-9 List the welders safety equipment.
consumable electrode, and the physical properties vary
with the electrode classification. Certain electrodes also
have metal powder mixed with the electrode coverings.
The shielding and filler metal largely control the mechan-
ical, chemical, metallurgical, and electrical characteris-
tics of the weld. Characteristics of electrodes for shielded
metal arc welding are presented in Chapter 12.

Welding Machine AC or DC Electrode
Electrode Coating Power Source and Controls Holder
Core Wire
Shielding Atmosphere Electrode
Arc Pool
Arc Stream Arc
Solidified Slag
Penetration Depth

Base Metal
Work Cable Work
Solidified Weld Metal
Electrode Cable
Fig. 11-1 Schematic representation of the shielded metal arc.
Adapted from AWS Standard Terms and Definitions, AWS3.0:2010, page 12 Fig. 11-2 Elements of a typical electric circuit for shielded metal
arc welding. Adapted from Welding Handbook, 9/e.

be removed. Deslagging causes some loss in deposition

Process Capability efficiency.
Shielded metal arc welding is one of the most widely used
of the various electric arc welding processes. Rather than Operating Principles
replacing shielded metal arc welding, the popularity of
Shielded metal arc welding equipment sets up an elec-
the other processes is causing the total amount of welding
tric circuit that includes the welding machine, the work,
performed to increase.
electric cables, the electrode holder and electrodes, and a
According to a recent market study of equipment and
work clamp, Fig.11-2. The heat of the electric arc brings
process usage among the industrial market segments,
the work to be welded and the consumable electrode to a
SMAW represents 42 percent, GMAW/FCAW 34percent,
molten state. The heat of the arc is intense. Temperatures
GTAW 13percent, SAW 9percent, and others 2 percent of
as high as 9,000F (5,000C) have been measured at its
the total welding. However, when looking at the dominant
markets using SMAW, 56percent of construction welding
Welding begins when an electric arc is started by strik-
is SMAW and 61 percent of maintenance and repair is
ing the work with the electrode. The heat of the arc melts
the electrode and the surface of the base metal next to the
Equipment for shielded metal arc welding is less com-
arc. Tiny globules of molten metal form on the tip of the
plex, more portable, and less costly than that for other arc
electrode and are transferred by the arc into the molten
welding processes. This type of welding can be done indoors
pool on the work surface. In flat welding the transfer is
and outdoors, in any location, and in any position.
induced by the force of gravity, molecular attraction, and
Shielded metal arc electrodes are available to match the
surface tension. When the welding is in the vertical and
properties and strength of most base metals. Metals most
overhead positions, electromagnetic, along with molecu-
easily welded by the shielded metal arc process are car-
lar attraction and surface tension are the forces that cause
bon and low alloy steels, stainless steels, and heat-resisting
the metal transfer. Because of the high temperature of
steels. Cast iron and the high strength and hardenable types
the arc, melting takes place almost instantaneously as the
of steel can also be welded providing the proper preheat-
arcis applied to the weld. After the weld is started, the arc
ing and postheating procedures are employed. Copper and
ismoved along the work, melting and fusing the metal as
nickel alloys can be welded by this process although gas
it progresses.
metal arc (GMAW, also known as MIG/MAG) welding
and gas tungsten arc (GTAW, also known as TIG) welding
are preferred.
Welding Power Sources
The shielded process is not used for welding the softer The successful application of the welding process re-
metals such as zinc, lead, and tin, which have low melting quires proper tools and equipment. Welders will find it
and boiling temperatures. impossible to do good work if they have inferior equip-
Processes that employ continuously fed electrode wires ment, if they lack equipment, or if they choose the wrong
(gas metal arc) or no filler metal (gas tungsten arc) have type of equipment for a particular job. The welding in-
some advantage in deposition efficiency. After each pass, dustry has spent many years in experimentation and
the slag formed by the shielded metal arc electrode must practical application, as well as millions of dollars in

Shielded Metal Arc Welding Principles Chapter 11279

developing the equipment necessary to carry on welding Constant Voltage
processes. Performance
Constant Current
Each welding process reaches its maximum efficiency 80 Performance

Voltage (Volts)
when used with the power source designed for it. Each
type of power source has certain fundamental electri- 60

cal differences that make it best suited for a particular 40

A welding machine must be able to meet changing arc 20
load and environmental conditions instantly. It must deliver
the exact amount of electric current at precisely the right 100 200 300 400 500 600
time to the welding arc in order to control arc behavior and Current (Amps)
make welds of consistent quality.
The arc welding process requires enough electric cur- Fig. 11-3 Typical output slopes for constant current and constant
rent (measured in amperes) to produce melting of the work voltage power sources. Source: From Welding Handbook, 9/e.
and the metal electrode and the proper voltage (measured
in volts) to maintain the arc. Depending on their size and
Each arc welding process has a characteristic output
type, electrodes require 17 to 45 volts and approximately
100 to 500 amperes. The current can be alternating or di-
rect, but it must be provided through a source that can be SMAW and GTAW require a steep output slope from
controlled to meet the many conditions encountered on a constant current welding machine. Constant cur-
the job. rent is necessary to control the stability of the arc
Welding machines are available in a wide variety of properly.
types and sizes to suit the demands of different welding GMAW and FCAW require a relatively flat output
processes, operations, and types of work. There are a slope from a constant voltage power source to produce
number of different makes, each having its own particu- a stable arc.
lar design. The control panel of each model is different Submerged arc welding is adaptable to either slope,
in many respects. The selection of a particular machine depending on the application and extra control
may also depend upon cost, portability, and personal equipment.
Some d.c. welding machines, especially the inverter
Welding power sources are also known as power
type, may combine the two basic types of output slope in
supplies and welding machines. All machines may
a single unit. By turning a selector switch on the machine,
be classed by (1) output slope, whether constant cur-
a steep slope (constant current) or a flat slope (constant
rent or constant voltage, and (2) power source type,
voltage) can be produced.
such as transformer, transformer-rectifier, inverter, or
generator. Types of Power Source
Type of Output Slope Constant current welding machines are also classified by
the manner in which they produce welding current. There
Welding machines have two basic types of output slope
are four general types:
constant current, which is also referred to as variable
voltage, and constant voltage, which is also referred to as Engine-driven generators These are powered by a
constant potential. gas or diesel combustion engine. These machines
Output slope, sometimes called the volt-ampere char- can also be found with an a.c. or d.c. electric motor
acteristic or curve, is the relationship between the output as their power source; however, they are no longer
voltage and output current (amperage) of the machine as being manufactured and are rarely found in industry
the current or welding workload is increased or decreased, today. Both may produce d.c., a.c., or a.c.-d.c. weld-
Fig.11-3. ing current.
Output slope largely determines how much the welding Transformer-rectifiers These use a basic electrical
current will change for a given change in load voltage. transformer to step down the a.c. line power voltage
Thus it permits the welding machine to control the weld- to a.c. welding voltage. The welding voltage is in turn
ing heat and maintain a stable arc. passed through a rectifier to convert the a.c. output to
The output slope of the machine indicates the type and d.c. welding current. Transformer-rectifiers may be
amount of electric current it is designed to produce. either d.c. or a.c.-d.c. machines.

280Chapter 11Shielded Metal Arc Welding Principles

A.C. transformers These use an electrical transformer Open Circuit and Arc Voltage Open circuit voltage is the
to step down the a.c. line power voltage to a.c. weld- voltage generated by the welding machine when no weld-
ing voltage. ing is being done. The machine is running idle. Arc volt-
Inverters This type of power source increases the fre- age is the voltage generated between the molten tip of the
quency of the incoming primary power, thus provid- electrode and the surface of the molten weld pool during
ing for a smaller-size machine and improved electrical welding. It is also referred to as arc length. Load volt-
characteristics for welding, such as faster response age is the voltage at the output terminals of the weld-
time and more control for pulse welding. Inverters ing machine when an arc is going. Load voltage is the
may be either constant current, constant voltage, or combination of the arc voltage plus the voltage drop in
both. They can produce a.c. or d.c. welding current. the welding circuit. Open circuit voltage generally runs
between 50 and 100 volts. Arc voltage runs between
It is important to select the right power source for
18 and 36 volts. The two open circuit voltages expressed
each job, Fig.11-4. A study of the job will usually indi-
in Fig. 11-5 are approximately 90 volts (A) and slightly
cate whether alternating or direct current should be used.
below 50 volts (B). The arc voltages range from 32 (long
This will determine the selection of either an a.c. or d.c.
arc) to 22 volts (short arc).
power source or a combination a.c.-d.c. power source. For
Open circuit voltage drops to arc voltage when the arc
shielded metal arc welding and gas tungsten arc weld-
is struck, and the welding load is on the machine. Arc
ing, the performance characteristics of any of these four
voltage is determined by the arc length held by the welder
power sources must be the constant current rather than
and the type of electrode used. When the arc is length-
the constant voltage type. The constant voltage machine
ened, the arc voltage increases and the current decreases.
is preferred for semiautomatic and automatic arc welding
If the arc is shortened, the arc voltage decreases and the
processes such as gas metal arc.
current increases. Note that in Fig. 11-5 there is a differ-
ence of 40 amperes between the long arc and the short arc.
Constant Current Characteristics Just how much change takes place depends on the open
Constant current welding machines are primarily circuit voltage setting. Although the total current range
used for shielded metal arc welding and gas tungsten arc between the long arc and the short arc in Fig. 11-5 is 40
welding because current remains fairly constant regard- amperes, the range that the two open circuit voltages have
less of changes in arc length. They are also called droop- in common is only 15 amperes. The minimum open cir-
ing voltage, variable voltage, or droopers because the cuit voltage (B) produces a much wider current range than
load voltage decreases, or droops, as the welding current the maximum circuit voltage (A).
increases. Open circuit voltage on constant current machines
These machines can also be adapted to spray arc MIG/ is higher (about 80 volts) than on most constant voltage
MAG welding (d.c.), flux cored arc, or submerged arc machines (about 50 volts). Arc voltage depends on the
welding (a.c. or d.c.) with a special arc voltage sensing physical arc length at the point of welding and is con-
control and variable speed wire feeder. This control senses trolled by the welder in shielded metal arc welding and
the changes in arc voltage and corresponding arc length gas tungsten arc welding. Arc voltage is much lower than
and varies the wire feed speed to maintain a constant arc open circuit voltage: normally about 20 to 30 volts for
length voltage. Constant current welding machines, how- shielded metal arc welding, 10 to 15 volts for gas tung-
ever, are not as satisfactory for spray arc MIG/MAG weld- sten arc, and 25 to 35 volts for submerged arc.
ing as constant voltage machines because of the poorer There is no voltage adjustment dial on constant current
arc starting and more complicated equipment. welding machines. However, open circuit voltage can be
adjusted with the fine current adjustment dial on welding
Output Slope Constant current welding machines have a machines having dual control.
steep output slope and are available in both d.c. and a.c. In shielded metal arc welding and gas tungsten arc
welding current. The steeper the slope of the volt-ampere welding, the welder cannot hold the arc length truly con-
curve within the welding range, the smaller the current stant. Rather wide changes in arc length and, therefore, a
change for a given change in arc voltage, Fig.11-5. Some voltage change, will occur. With a constant current ma-
jobs require a steep volt-ampere curve (A) while other jobs chine, relatively small changes in current (amperage) re-
require the use of a less steep volt-ampere curve (B). The sult from changes in arc length. Thus the welding heat and
constant current power source enables the welder to con- burnoff rate of the electrode are influenced very little, and
trol welding current in a specific range by simply chang- the welder is able to maintain good control of the weld
ing the length of the arc as welding progresses. pool and the welding operation.

Shielded Metal Arc Welding Principles Chapter 11281



Generators Transformer-types

a.c. or a.c.-d.c. or d.c. a.c.-d.c. or d.c. a.c. or d.c. a.c.

only Engine-driven d.c. only Transformer- Transformer- Transformer3
generator Inverter7 rectifier rectifier2



Constant Constant
current6 voltage

Adjustable slope Transformer types
and/or inductance

d.c. d.c. d.c. d.c.

Engine-driven Spray Transformer- Transformer- Inverter
generator Globular4 rectifier rectifier Variable slope
Fixed slope Short circuiting5 Fixed slope Variable slope and/or

Spray Spray
Globular4 Globular4 Spray
Short circuiting5 Globular4

Fig. 11-4 Common types and uses of arc welding machines.1 Source: Republic Steel Co.

282Chapter 11Shielded Metal Arc Welding Principles

Submerged Arc

Constant Constant
current6 voltage

Generators Transformer-types Inverters Generators Transformer types

d.c. d.c. a.c. a.c.-d.c d.c. d.c.

Engine- Transformer- Transformer3 f requency Engine-driven1 Transformer-
driven1 rectifier amplitude generator rectifier
generator cc or cv Fixed slope Fixed slope

Fig. 11-4 (Concluded)

This figure shows the most common uses of welding machines for processes noted. Other combinations are possible.

 The a.c. can be used only on single-phase line power. The d.c. is most commonly used on three-phase power, except for most a.c.-d.c. units.

 Single phase only.


 Mild steel carbon dioxide weldingnot normally used for stainless.


 Inductance usually added. Some shorting-arc machines have a fixed slope set at a steeper angle with adjustment made by varying the

 Used with voltage-sensing control and variable speed wire-fed unit.

 Invertera.c. or d.c. may be used.


Machines for Shielded Metal
Maximum OCV
Engine-Driven Generator Welding
Generators are classified by the type of engine that
A drives the generator. The common generator welding
machine consists of a hydraulic or internal combustion

B engine, a d.c. generator, and an exciter connected to it.

50 Minimum OCV The engine drives the generator that provides the current
for welding.
These types of engine-driven generators are very
32 Long Arc Length popular in the field where electric power supply is not
Normal Arc Length Arc Voltage readily available. They are typically driven by a gasoline
22 Short Arc Length or diesel internal combustion engine. Generators used in
the field are illustrated in Figs.11-6, 11-7, and 11-8.
125 Amps The engine-driven generators have a very wide use
27 Volts due chiefly to their desirable characteristics for many arc
welding operations.
100 15 200 They have a forceful or soft penetrating arc.
CurrentAmps 40 Amps They are versatile; they can be used to weld all metals
that are weldable by the arc process.
Fig. 11-5 Two possible output slopes for a constant current They are flexible, with the proper electrode, processes
welding power source. The steep slope (A) gives minimum current
variation. The flatter slope (B) indicates the variation in current by and gases can be used for many applications.
changing the length of the arc. Note that changing the open circuit They can also function as generators to power lights
voltage (OCV) changes the slope of the curve. or other tools like plasma arc cutting equipment.

Shielded Metal Arc Welding Principles Chapter 11283

Fig. 11-8 A versatile engine-driven generator (alternator) capable
of SMAW, GTAW, GMAW, FCAW, and PAC, while providing power for
Fig. 11-6 Engine-driven d.c. generator for SMAW. Note remote a grinder for weld-joint preparation. Miller Electric Mfg. Co.
control and engine gauges. Lincoln Electric

In the manual welding operation, the machine is not

required to provide current continuously. The machine
is idle part of the time while the welder changes elec-
trodes, adjusts the heat setting, sets up the work, cleans
the welds between passes, and shifts welding positions.
For machines rated at 200 amperes or more, the output
rating is based on a 60 percent duty cycle. This means
that the machine can deliver its rated load output for six
out of every ten minutes. Machines rated at 100 amperes
or less are usually rated on the basis of a 50 percent
duty cycle. In many cases these are portable machines
that are not used on a continuous basis. Fully automatic
power supply units are usually rated at a 100 percent
duty cycle.
Fig. 11-7 Engine-driven generator (alternator) for SMAW. Note A welding machine will deliver a higher current value
a.c.-d.c. polarity, wire, stick switch, and 240V./120V. auxillary power than its rating indicates. Thus, a welder rated at 200 am-
receptacles are located behind protective doors. Miller Electric peres will deliver from 200 to 250 amperes for welding.
Mfg. Co.
The actual output is always somewhat higher than the
rated output. However, a machine should not be used at
or beyond its maximum capacity over an extended period.
They can also have on board air compressors for A larger machine is indicated. These machines provide
doing air carbon arc gouging. a steady supply of current over a wide range of welding
They are durable and have a long machine life where voltage.
portability and limited electrical power are the key
requirements. Maintenance The engine-driven generator machines are
very durable and give long service if properly maintained.
Sizes Machine sizes are determined on the basis of am- Repair costs may be somewhat higher than for other types
perage (current output). They range from 100-
ampere of welding machines because many moving parts provide
rated machines for home use to more than 750-ampere the opportunity for wear and m alfunction. The control
rated machines for use with automatic submerged arc rheostat should be inspected, cleaned frequently, and re-
welding equipment. placed when necessary. Brushes need frequent inspection

284Chapter 11Shielded Metal Arc Welding Principles

for wear and must be replaced when worn down. Brushes readily adjusted. A wheel or lever permits the welder to set
should ride free in the brush holders. the current at a definite rate.
The manufacturers owners manual should be followed There are two types of dual control generators: tapped-
for all maintenance items. step current control and continuously variable current

Controls of the Engine-Driven Generator Dual Tapped-Current Control On generators with fixed current
steps, the coarse adjustment dial selects the current range,
Start and Stop Controls These controls are for the pur- called steps or taps. It is impossible to secure a current value
pose of starting and stopping the engine that drives the between two steps by setting the dial between them. The dial
generator of the welding machine. must be set squarely on the desired step to prevent burning
out the control device and taps.
Polarity Switch Electrode negative and electrode positive
The fine adjustment dial trims the current between the
are used in d.c. welding. When welding with d.c. electrode
steps. Whether the fine adjustment dial is to be set high
negative (DCEN), the electrode is connected to the nega-
or low depends on the type and size of the electrode, the
tive terminal of the power source, and the work is connected
thickness of the metal, whether a soft or digging arc is
to the positive terminal. When welding with d.c. electrode
required, the arc starting, any restricting characteristics,
positive (DCEP), the electrode is connected to the positive
and the position of welding.
terminal of the power source, and the work is connected to
the negative terminal. Dual Control In constant current or constant voltage gen-
The polarity switch (if provided) changes to either elec- erators with dual control, the coarse adjustment switch
trode positive or electrode negative. This controls the di- adjusts current. (Some manufacturers refer to the coarse
rection of current flow. In the electron theory it is said to adjustment dial as the job selector, mode switch, or elec-
flow from negative to positive. trode selector.)
The fine dial adjusts the current (amperage) or the volt-
Volt-Ampere Meters Meters sometimes serve a dual pur- age. The operator adjusts the output slope/inductance-dig for
pose. On some machines they indicate polarity as well as a given current setting by manipulating both the coarse ad-
current values in volts and amperes. Some machines have justment switch and dig/inductance control dial.
individual meters for volts and amperes. Others have sin- A wheel or knob on both the amperage and the voltage
gle meters that indicate both the volt and ampere readings. setting devices gives the welder continuous control of both
A switch or button must be engaged to obtain individual the amperage and voltage ratings. This separate, complete
readings on a combination volt-ampere meter. In order control of both voltage and amperage makes it possible to
to obtain a true indication of the volt and ampere values set up any volt-ampere combination within the output range
being used, the welder must have some other person check
of the particular machine being usedfrom minimum volt-
the meters while he or she is welding. Digital meters such
age at minimum current to maximum voltage at maximum
as these will hold the display for 3 seconds after the arc
current. Thus, a welding arc having various characteristics
is broken.
may be secured.
Current Controls The student will better understand the Remote Control Welding machines may be obtained that
function of the current controls if he or she keeps in mind are equipped with remote-control, current-control units.
that the ampere rating can be compared with the amount The welding machine may be installed in any remote
of water flowing through a pipe. Amperage is the quantity location, and the welder may adjust the current without
of current and determines the amount of heat produced leaving the welding work site. This is timesaving on work
at a weld. Voltage is like pressure behind the water in the where it is necessary for the welder to leave the fabrication
pipe. It is a measure of the force of the current. Voltage to readjust current.
determines the ability to strike an arc and maintain its
consistency. If voltage is too high, the arc is too harsh and Air Filters Wear in arc welding machines is costly since
may produce arc blow. On the other hand, if it is too low, it necessitates not only the cost of replacement parts and
it is very difficult to maintain the arc. labor, but also the loss of production due to nonuse of the
Dual control welding generators provide a wide range machine. Bearing and engine wear is critical and may be
of welding current selection and make it possible to pro- reduced through the use of air filters. The filter is replaced
vide precise heat values. Good arc control is possible or cleaned regularly with high pressure air, a commercial
because the output slope of the welding machine can be solvent, or steam.

Shielded Metal Arc Welding Principles Chapter 11285

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