Green Line Underground

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QCS 2014 Section 22: Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Ventilation Page 1

Par 01: General

1 GENERAL ...................................................................................................... 2
1.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................... 2
1.1.1 Scope 2
1.1.2 References 2
1.1.3 Standard of Work 2
1.1.4 Data to be Supplied with Tender 3
1.1.5 Practical Completion Certificate 4
1.1.6 Air Conditioning Subcontractor 4

1.1.7 Design Data 4

1.1.8 Rating for Continuous Service and Local Ambient Condition 6

1.1.9 Quality of Materials and Equipment 6

1.1.10 Cleaning 7

1.1.11 Accessibility 7
1.1.12 Cutting and Patching
G 7
1.1.13 Inserts, Sleeves, Escutcheons and Curbs. 7

1.1.14 Access Panels and Doors 9


1.1.15 Flashing 10

1.1.16 General Welding Requirements 10

1.1.17 Testing for Welder Qualification 11

1.1.18 Testing of Welded Pipework Installation 12


1.1.19 Painting, Tags, Name Plate Identification and Colour Coding 13

1.1.20 Contract Drawings 15

1.1.21 Construction Drawings 16


1.1.22 Shop Drawings 16


1.1.23 Record Drawings 18


1.1.24 Storage of Materials and Equipment 18

1.1.25 Inspection of Material Prior to Installation 18
1.1.26 Inspection, Testing and Adjusting 18
1.1.27 Testing 21
1.1.28 Instructions for Operation and Routine Maintenance 21
1.1.29 Maintenance 22
1.1.30 Warranty 22
QCS 2014 Section 22: Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Ventilation Page 2
Par 01: General



1.1.1 Scope

1 This Part details the requirements for air conditioning, refrigeration and ventilation systems. It
shall apply to all mechanical and electrical systems and equipment.

2 Related Sections are as follows:

Section 1 General

Section 5 Concrete

Section 10 Instrumentation, Control and Automation
Section 16 Structural Metal Work

Section 17 Metal Work

Section 21 Electrical Installations

1.1.2 References
1 The following standards are referred to in this Part:
ASHRAE.....................Standard 52.1 - 1992 Gravimetonic and Dust spot Procedures for

testing air cleaning devices


BS 1710 ......................Identification of building services pipework


BS 1724 ......................Bronze welding by gas


BS 2600 ......................Radiographic examination of fusion welded butt joints in steel


BS 2640 ......................Class II oxyacetylene welding of carbon steel pipework for carrying


BS 2910 ......................Radiographic examination of fusion welded circumferential butt joints


in steel pipes
BS 2971 ......................Class II arc welding of carbon steel pipework for carrying fluids

BS 4515 ..........................Process of welding steel pipelines on land and off-shore


1.1.3 Standard of Work

1 The Contractor shall install equipment, air conditioning ducts, conduit and piping in a
workmanlike manner to present a neat appearance and to function properly to the
satisfaction of the Engineer. Air conditioning ducts and pipes shall be installed parallel and
perpendicular to the building planes. All piping and ductwork shall be concealed in chases,
behind furring, or above ceiling, except in unfinished areas. All exposed systems shall be
installed neatly and be grouped to present a neat appearance.

2 All gauges, thermometers, etc., shall be installed in such a way as to facilitate easy

3 All equipment and apparatus, which requires maintenance, adjustment or eventual

replacement, shall be installed making due allowance for access.
QCS 2014 Section 22: Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Ventilation Page 3
Par 01: General

4 Control sensors shall be installed to guarantee proper sensing. Elements shall be shielded
from direct radiation and shall avoid being placed behind obstructions.

5 All panels and boards, etc., shall be installed to remit easy operation.

6 The Contractor shall include in the work all the requirements of the manufacturers as shown
on their drawings.

7 The Contractor shall replace all work not performed to the satisfaction of the Engineer
without extra cost and to the standard required by the Engineer. This applies to any item that
is found to be defective in service during the maintenance period, or extended maintenance
period as appropriate.

8 Where height dimensions are given, the installation shall be reasonably expected to be within

13 mm of actual position.

9 Items displaying a horizontal dimension or edge must be plumbed with a level and must be to

the Engineers satisfaction. Any apparent discrepancy between level electrical and

mechanical items and adjacent items MUST be reported immediately to the Engineer.

All work shall be co-ordinated with other works so as not to obstruct equipment and
apparatus which requires maintenance, adjustment or eventual replacement.

11 Manufacturers and subcontractors shall operate an ISO 9000 approved quality system or

equivalent in house system. If requested, details of the quality system shall be submitted to

the engineer.

12 Equipment shall conform to the requirements of the Project Documentation and reference

13 All equipment furnished shall be new, and where feasible shall be a standard product of an
experienced or approved manufacturer, and assembled from standard components readily


1.1.4 Data to be Supplied with Tender


1 Initial technical submissions are to accompany the bid including full technical details of every
item of equipment proposed for the Project, with the appropriate figures and details

highlighted in marker pen or similar in standard manufacturers catalogues.


2 After final checking of sizing after award of contract, re-submission shall be made with any
changes specifically noted.

3 Technical submissions shall be submitted for all equipment as specified in the Project

4 In the even that the Engineer requires further information on any of the proposed items the
Contractor shall arrange visits to similar units that he has installed. In an event, all equipment
proposed for the Project shall be currently installed and working satisfactorily locally. The
Contractor must be able to provide references of at least three satisfied Owners and
Engineer with equipment of the particular size and model proposed.
QCS 2014 Section 22: Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Ventilation Page 4
Par 01: General

1.1.5 Practical Completion Certificate

1 A Practical Completion Certificate for works included in this Section shall only be issued
when the Engineer is satisfied that all the requirements of this Section have been met.

1.1.6 Air Conditioning Subcontractor

1 The air conditioning services subcontractor shall be responsible for co-ordination with other
trades and services and shall provide all materials, labour and supervision, equipment, tools,
appliances, services, etc. for the supply and installation of the following items or work:

(a) air conditioning and ventilation plant and equipment.

(b) insulated ductwork complete with air terminals, dampers, supports, etc.

(c) chilled water pipework complete with valves, fittings supports, etc.

(d) controls and control panels

(e) motor control centres and starter panels complete with cabling from the panels to the

respective equipment. Power supply up to the panel shall be the responsibility of the
electrical subcontractor
insulated drain piping from each air handling unit fan coil unit to the nearest drain
point. The drainage subcontractor shall be responsible for provision of a floor drain in
each mechanical room location to be co-ordinated with air handling units (AHU).

2 The contractor shall also include all overheads at office and site, labour, sundries, plant,

appliances and consumable both for the Works and for testing and commissioning, and
during the maintenance period.

3 The air conditioning subcontractor shall be approved so as to meet all QGEWC regulations.

1.1.7 Design Data


1 Design parameters. Design, in general, shall be based on ASHRAE recommendation in

addition to the following particular requirements:

2 Design Conditions
o o
(a) external (Summer) : 46 C Dry Bulb, 30 C Wet Bulb

23 1 C Dry Bulb, 50 5 % RH
(b) Internal :

3 Fresh air supply. One air change - minimum quantity as indicated on drawings.
QCS 2014 Section 22: Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Ventilation Page 5
Par 01: General

4 Noise levels

In general, the following noise ratings shall not be exceeded for central A/C plants:

DbA NCLevel

General Office 40-45 35-40

Private Office 35 30

Meeting Rooms 35 30

Corridor 45 40

Library 35 30

Cafeteria 50 45

Auditorium 35
G 30
Mosque 35-40 30-35

Class Room 40 35

Manned Control rooms 40-45 35-40


5 Solar load. Solar loads shall be based on maximum instantaneous values in appropriate

direction for consideration of the worst exposure calculations. They shall also be based on

the worst cumulative block load when checked on any hourly basis from 10 AM to 6 PM over
the period May to October, coincident with the maximum outside ambient as listed above.

Values as listed in ASHRAE or CARRIER SYSTEM MANUAL for 20 north will be


6 Air Filtration
Based on ASHRAE 52.1 - 1992

Primary filters (flat panel) : 95 % Gravimetric

Secondary filters (bag) : 60 % Opacimetric

7 Chilled water to cooling coils

Chilled water inlet temperature : 7 C
Chilled water outlet temperature : 12 C
Maximum velocity of water through pipework : 2.43 m/s
Pipes to be sized for full flow rate of all cooling
coils Maximum coil face velocity : 2.5 m/s
8 Air Distribution
Duct Velocity, supply : 5 m/s
Duct Velocity, return : 4 m/s
Duct Velocity, Kitchen exhaust : 10 m/s
Higher velocities are permissible in the ducts located in the shafts
QCS 2014 Section 22: Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Ventilation Page 6
Par 01: General

9 Fire Philosophy. Smoke detectors shall be positioned in return air ductwork of Air Handling
Units (AHU). A fire condition sensed by the smoke detectors shall shut off the relevant AHU
through the fire annunciation panel. Smoke detectors installed within rooms shall be
interlocked with the fan coil unit serving the respective room such that the fan coil unit will be
shut off in a fire situation through the fire annunciation panel. Fire dampers shall be
positioned in all ductwork crossing firewalls. Fire dampers shall be included in return and
extract ductwork at each fire zone crossing. They shall be triggered from a fusible link
connection sited in the damper.
Note: The above data that is mentioned in items 7 & 8 could vary subject to project
1.1.8 Rating for Continuous Service and Local Ambient Condition

1 The design of the Plant shall be in accordance with the latest good engineering practice. All

parts shall be of ample strength to withstand without failure or injury the maximum

mechanical and electrical stresses to which they may be subjected in the course of operation

of the plant.

2 The Works shall be designed to facilitate inspection, cleaning, and ease of maintenance and

operation in which continuity of service and reliability is the primary consideration. The design
shall incorporate every reasonable precaution and provision for the safety of all concerned in
the operation and maintenance of the plant.

3 All plant and equipment shall be suitable for operation under the prevailing ambient

conditions at site and all special requirements for thermal insulation, finish, painting and

lubrication etc. shall be incorporated.


4 Except where otherwise stated, all equipment shall be constructed and sealed as to prevent
damage by the ingress of wind blown sand and other matter. All equipment shall be suitable

for operation over the ambient temperature range 0 C to 55 C.


5 Except where otherwise stated in the Project Documentation, the declared ratings for all
equipment shall be for continuous operation in final service position for the following

environmental criteria.

(a) maximum daily average ambient temperature of 50 C

(b) relative humidity of 80 %

(c) altitude 20 m above sea level.


These criteria shall be achieved independently of any forced means of mechanical ventilation
or air conditioning plant.
1.1.9 Quality of Materials and Equipment

1 All materials used on the Project shall be brand new and of high quality. Obtain approval of
all manufacturers from the Engineer and Owner.

2 New is defined as newly manufactured, state of the art, tested and proven item of equipment.
Items that have been held in stock for any extended period of time by either the manufacturer
or the supplier will be rejected.
QCS 2014 Section 22: Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Ventilation Page 7
Par 01: General

1.1.10 Cleaning

1 Each day as the work proceeds, and on completion, the Contractor shall clean up and
remove from the premises all rubbish, surplus material, equipment, machinery, tools,
scaffolds, and other items used in the performance of the work. The Contractor shall clean
out dirt and debris and leave the buildings broom clean with no stains and in a condition
acceptable to the Engineer.

2 Where electrical items form part of the visible finish in the rooms, the Contractor shall protect
them from over-painting, etc. and shall give all items a final cleaning before handing over.

1.1.11 Accessibility

1 Each item of equipment shall be located so as to be accessible for maintenance or repair

without removing adjacent structures, equipment, piping, ducts, or other ducts, or other

materials. For large air handling units the Contractor shall ensure that these can be
assembled on site from components taken into the area.

2 Clean outs shall be located to permit rodding of all drain lines. These shall be located
wherever possible external to occupied areas, and to minimise spillage problems during
1.1.12 Cutting and Patching

1 The Contractor shall Inform all other Divisions in time concerning required openings. Obtain

the approval of the Engineer before doing any cutting.


2 In existing work and in work already finished as part of this contract, all cutting and patching
will be carried out at the expense of this Contractor. Where finishing work is involved, this will

only be reinstated by the Contractor responsible for the original work. The Contractor shall

obtain the approval of the Engineer before doing any cutting. Supporting members of any

floor, wall or the building structure shall only be cut and in such a manner as approved by the
Engineer. All reinstatement work must be done to the same standard as the original work.

1.1.13 Inserts, Sleeves, Escutcheons and Curbs.


1 The Contractor shall use only factory made, threaded or toggle type inserts as required for
supports and anchors, properly sized for the load to be carried. The inserts shall be place

only in portions of the main structure and not in any finishing material.

2 The Contractor shall use factory made expansion shields where inserts cannot be placed, but
only where approved by the Engineer and for light weights.

3 The Contractor shall not use powder activated tools except with the written permission of the

4 The Contractor shall supply and locate all inserts, holes anchor bolts, and sleeves in good
time when walls, floors, and roof are erected.

5 The Contractor shall ensure that insulation is unbroken where pipe or duct is insulated. Size
sleeves shall be sized to provide adequate clearance all around.
QCS 2014 Section 22: Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Ventilation Page 8
Par 01: General

6 The following materials shall be used for pipe sleeves:

(a) through all interior walls above grade, standard weight galvanized steel pipes,
machine cut, flush with finished structure. The Contractor shall check the room
finishes schedules.
(b) through all exterior walls above grade, standard weight galvanized steel pipes
machine cut, flush with finished structure inside and to suit flashing on outside
(c) through al exterior walls below grade and all other waterproof wall use extra heavy
weight cast iron sleeves, machine cut. Refer to Section 14, Roofing, for further
(d) through all waterproof floors, janitors closets, mechanical rooms kitchens, roofs, use

extra heavy weight cast iron sleeves, machine cut. As an alternative, copper DWV

sleeves up to and including 150 mm sleeve size and rolled 10 kg/m copper sleeves
for larger than 150 mm may be used. The sleeves shall be extended 100 mm above

finished floor level upwards and cut flush with underside of floor. The Contractor shall

make particular reference to flashing details through waterproof floors

(e) approved type plastic sleeves may be used as an alternative for standard weight
galvanized sleeves in interior areas if approved in writing by the Engineer
the Contractor shall provide 100 mm high, 100 mm wide watertight concrete curbs with
20 mm chamfered edges around all pipes passing though waterproof floors except
where furred in. Concrete works shall be done in accordance with Section 5,


7 The Contractor shall pack all sleeves between the insulated pipe and the sleeve or where
uninsulated between the pipe and the sleeve with polyurethane insulation. Seal the annular

space as follows:

(a) for all horizontal sleeves in exposed areas, the Contractor shall use a seal equal or

better fire rated than the wall to be sealed


(b) for horizontal concealed sleeves through fire walls and through walls separating areas
of different air pressure, use a permanently resilient silicone based sealing compound.

(c) for all vertical sleeves through roofs, janitors closets, equipment rooms, use

permanently resilient silicone based sealing compound, non-inflammable and


8 The Contractor shall ensure that the seal is compatible with the floor and ceiling finishes. The

room finishing schedules shall be checked for further details and clarified if necessary with
the Engineer.
QCS 2014 Section 22: Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Ventilation Page 9
Par 01: General

9 The following sleeving shall be used for ducts: The minimum thickness of duct material
passing through a sleeve shall be 1.3 mm. For rectangular duct openings through walls and
floors a removable hardwood box-out shall be provided of the required size, soft wood or
plywood will not be acceptable. Through fire walls, build fire dampers into wall, or make
detailed fixing in accordance with Engineers instruction. Through floors where ducts are not
furred in or enclosed in a duct shaft, provide 100 mm high and 100 mm wide watertight
concrete curbs, with 25 mm chamfered edges all around. Extend sleeves where used flush to
top of curb. Concrete works shall be done in accordance with Section 5, Concrete. Through
floors where duct is enclosed in a duct shaft or furred in, provide the watertight curbs at the
extreme top and bottom only. Cover exposed floor and wall pipe sleeves in finished areas
with satin finish chrome or nickel plated solid brass or with satin finished stainless steel
escutcheons with non-ferrous set screws. Split cast plates of the screw locking type may not

be used. Do not use stamped steel friction type split plates. Through roofs, provide curbs and

sleeves as shown on drawings and to suit flashing requirements.

10 After ducts are installed, the openings shall be packed and sealed as follows:-

(a) fibreglass insulation for packing except through curbed concrete floors where a fibre

proof packing must be used

(b) fibre proof packing shall be sealed in openings through floors with permanently
resilient silicone base non inflammable waterproof compound; duct supports shall be
pressed firmly down into caulking before bolting it down to curb
(c) through all vertical walls, seal the fibreglass packing using permanently resilient

silicone based sealant.


11 Duct sleeves and box-outs shall be braced to retain their position and shape during the

pouring of concrete and other work.


12 Bracing for each duct at ever passage through structure shall be provided to prevent sagging.

13 Exposed duct sleeves and openings shall be covered in exposed areas. 100 mm long

galvanized steel escutcheons shall be used in the form of a duct collar. Over curbs, the collar
shall be extended 30 mm down the side of the curb, similar to counter flashing. The collar

shall be fixed in place with Cadmium plated screws.


1.1.14 Access Panels and Doors


1 The Contractor shall install all concealed mechanical equipment requiring adjustment or
maintenance in locations easily accessible through access panels or doors. Install systems

and components to result in a minimum number of access panels. Indicate access panels on
as-built drawings.

2 The Contractor shall prepare drawings showing the location and type of all access doors in
co-ordination with other trades before proceeding with installation and hand these to the
Engineer to obtain approval. On smaller Projects, the Contractor shall indicate on the ceiling
plans access required at the discretion of the engineer.

3 All access doors shall be sized to provide adequate access commensurate with the type of
structure and architectural finish. Should it be necessary for persons to enter, a minimum
opening of 600 x 450 mm shall be provided.

4 Proper fire rating of access doors shall be ensured in fire separations.

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Par 01: General

5 Lay-in type ceiling tiles, if properly marked may serve as access panels.

6 The Contractor shall provide panels in glazed tile walls of 2.6 mm thick 304 alloy stainless
steel, with no. 4 finish, with the recessed frame secured with stainless steel, countersunk,
flush-headed screws.

7 Panels in plaster surfaces shall be provided with dish shaped door and welded metal lath,
ready to take plaster. A plastic grommet shall be provided for door key access.

8 Details of other types of access doors shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval.

1.1.15 Flashing

1 The Contractor shall provide flashing to all mechanical and electrical parts passing through or

built into a roof, outside wall, or waterproof floor.

2 49 kg/m sheet lead flashing shall be provided for cast iron sleeves passing through roof.

Factory manufactured flange plates shall be provided to flash PVC-U pipes passing through


3 7 kg/m copper flashing shall be provided for copper sleeves passing through roof where
copper sleeves are used for copper pipework

4 All flashing shall suit the roof angle and shall extend a minimum of 400 mm on all sides. The

Contractor shall build the flashing into the roofing system to render a completely watertight


5 Counter flashing shall be provided on all stacks, ducts, and pipes passing through roofs to fit
over the flashing or curb.

6 Pipes through waterproof floors shall be flashed as per approved details.


7 Provide pipes and sleeves passing through outside walls with lead or copper flashings and as
directed by the Engineer. All visual aspects of such sleeves to be approved by the Engineer.

All sleeves shall be installed according to the relevant standard and shall be suitable for local

ambient conditions.

8 The Contractor shall pay special attention to the waterproof conditions of basements and

walls and floors that may exist. The Contractor shall ensure co-ordination at all times with the

waterproofing trade to prevent damage to any water proofing seal. The Contractor shall
provide piping sleeves passing through waterproof walls which shall be sealed to the
satisfaction of the Engineer.

1.1.16 General Welding Requirements

1 All welding shall be generally in accordance with BS 4515. This will be modified where
appropriate for other materials and may be relaxed or varied by order of the Engineer,
provided that the Contractor has made a comprehensive request for an alternate.

2 Tack welds shall be performed by fully qualified welders and all tack welds shall be of a
length equal to twice the pipe thickness and shall fully penetrate the pipe walls.
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Par 01: General

3 Where welding is carried out in the proximity of inflammable materials special precautions
shall be taken to prevent risk of fire or other damage to the building fabric.

4 Where oxyacetylene cutting equipment or any welding plant is being used by an operative for
any of part of the Works, then fire extinguishers shall be supplied and carried as part of the
equipment. The operators of cutting and welding equipment shall be trained in the use of the
fire extinguishers which they carry and all extinguishers shall be fully charged and ready for
use. In all cases, extinguishers shall be positioned immediately adjacent to the position
where cutting and welding is being carried out and shall be readily accessible for use in the
event of an emergency.

5 All accommodation, benches, tools, welding plant, acetylene, oxygen or electricity, filler rods

and electrodes, which are necessary for installations where welding is required, shall be
provided as part of this Contract.

6 All welded pipe assemblies shall be constructed so that individual welded joints do not affect
each other. The distance between the centres of adjacent welds shall be not less than twice

the bore diameter of the pipe.

7 No welded joints shall be left partially completed. Any joints tacked in position must be

promptly finished within the working day. The Engineer will reject all work not done in
accordance with this instruction.

8 Where work is rejected, pipes must be machine cut at least 150 mm either side of rejected

welds and proper weld preparation must be used on the shortened sector. Where shorter fill-

in sections are required because of such rejection and re-working, then new full sized lengths
must be supplied by the Contractor.

9 Where pipes with longitudinal seams are specified, pipes seams shall be arranged such that

adjacent seams are opposed 45 from each side of top dead centre and branches shall be

made only with weldable fittings.


10 All filler metals that are coated shall be protected from excessive moisture changes. Filler
materials or fluxes that show any sign of deterioration shall not be used. If instructed by the

Engineer, samples of filler rods to be used shall be submitted for approval before any work is

done on site. These may be submitted, at the Contractors cost, to an independent testing
laboratory for verification.

1.1.17 Testing for Welder Qualification


1 The purpose of the welders qualification tests is to determine the ability of the welders to
make sound and acceptable welds. Before any site welding on the contract is allowed, each
proposed welder shall carry out the tests required in the presence of the Engineer.

2 A responsible person shall keep any weld test specimens that have been suitably marked
and approved on site, so that they can be produced at any time, at the request of the

3 All accommodation, benches, tools, welding plant, acetylene, oxygen, electricity, test pieces,
filler rods, electrodes, facilities for cutting and grinding, polishing, bending and examining,
which are necessary for welders qualification tests shall be provided by the Contractor. In the
absence of any items for inspecting the welds, the Engineer may submit the finished samples
to an independent laboratory for testing at the Contractors expense.
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Par 01: General

4 Under no circumstances shall a welder be employed on the Works, either on or off the site,
for welding operations other than those for which that welder is qualified.

5 Copies and records of all test reports shall be promptly given to and kept by the Engineer.

6 For tests for Qualification on Steel Pipes, each test shall be carried out in accordance with
the test procedures laid down in BS 2640 and BS 2971. The test position shall be similar to
the working conditions expected to be encountered and test pieces shall not be rotated to suit
any individual welding procedures. Each test sample shall be subjected to the following
examinations and test.

(a) Pipes up to 100 mm diameter shall undergo visual examination and normal tongue
bend test and X-ray test

(b) Pipes over 100 mm diameter shall undergo visual examination and 2 normal tongue
bend tests and two reverse bend tests and X-ray tests.

7 The Engineer may at his discretion require macro-etch examination in the event of any doubt.

For a successful test, the weld shall conform in all respect to the requirements of the relevant

British Standard. Each welder who qualifies shall be issued with a metal punch with an
identifying number and shall stamp adjacent to each weld. If any test sample does not reach

the required standard, two further welds shall be made and tested as detailed. Both of the re-
tests shall be successful for the welder to qualify for the work.

8 For testing for Qualification on Copper Pipes, each test shall be carried out in accordance

with the test procedures laid down in BS 1724. The test position shall be similar to the

working conditions expected to be encountered and test pieces shall not be rotated to suit
any individual welding procedure. Each test sample shall be subjected to the following tests

and examinations.

(a) visual

(b) flattening test


(c) micro examination


For a successful test, the weld shall conform in all respects to the requirements laid down in
BS 4515. Other conditions are similar to the above for steel pipes.

1.1.18 Testing of Welded Pipework Installation


1 Testing of welded pipework installations shall be by either destructive or non destructive test

methods as detailed in the following schedules.

2 All services 75 mm and below shall have two joints per floor for destructive testing. All
services above 75 mm shall have two joints per floors for non-destructive testing. If a weld
fails the testing requirements, then two additional welds made by the same operative shall be
tested, at no additional cost. If both additional welds are successful, then in the case of
destructive testing, the cost of making good shall be at no additional cost. If either of the two
additional welds fail the test requirements, then further tests on other or all of the welds made
by that operative shall be carried out, at the Engineers discretion. All costs resulting from
either of the two additional welds failing the test requirements shall be at no cost to the
Contract. If either of the two additional welds fail, then the operative concerned shall not
make any further welds on any service unless approved by the Engineer.
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Par 01: General

3 The detailed requirements concerning testing shall be as follows:

(a) destructive testing. Destructive testing and examination shall be exactly as detailed
under Tests for Welder Qualification
(b) non-destructive testing shall consist of radiographic inspection to comply with BS
2600 and BS 2910. Non-destructive testing shall be carried out by a specialist
company approved by the Engineer
(c) the specialist company shall provide a report on the radiographic tests which have
been made, including an interpretative results section. The report and films shall be
handed to the Engineer
(d) the material of the image quality indicator shall be radiographically similar to that of

the filler metal under examination

(e) the use of x-ray and gamma radiation sources shall be in strict accordance with the

requirements of the Ionising Radiation (Sealed Sources) Regulations.

(f) the required radiographic sensitivity shall not be more than two, and the required
image details shall be readily seen on each radiograph

(g) radiographs which do not comply with this requirement, whatever the cause, shall be

unacceptable and the weld in question shall be re-examined at no cost to the
Contract. All interested parties shall be advised well in advance where and when
radiographic tests are to be conducted, in order that appropriate precautions may be

(h) macro-examinations. When the Engineer requires macro examinations, these shall

be carried out by a specialist company who shall present etched section photographs

and a report on the tests to the Engineer. All costs for these tests are to be borne by
the Contractor.

1.1.19 Painting, Tags, Name Plate Identification and Colour Coding


1 All painting of plant, equipment, storage vessels, and the like, and all surfaces to be painted
in the areas where such items are installed, including generator areas, condenser areas, etc.

shall be carried out by an approved specialist painting contractor.


2 Painting shall be applied to all pipework and associated pipework components, valves,
fittings, etc. equipment, supports of any kind, insulation, plain mild steel, copper, or cast iron
surfaces. Where movement is required between adjacent surfaces, the Contractor shall

request clarification from the Engineer.


3 The following items do not require site painting:

(a) Insulation having any of the following finishes:

(i) aluminium foil
(ii) metalwork
(iii) polyisobutylene sheeting/bitumen coating
(iv) vinyl-glass/resin-aluminium foil laminate
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Par 01: General

(b) equipment or plant or supports or frames delivered to site with any of the following
(i) painted finish, other than printed only, provided that the finish is not damaged
in any way
(ii) stainless steel or plastic coated steel
(iii) stoved enamel.

4 All surfaces to be painted shall be prepared by thoroughly cleaning and removing all rust,
grease, oil, dirt and surface corrosion, using wire brush, emery paper and/or degreasing
medium as required. The paint shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturers
instructions and the type of paint to be used shall be in accordance with the following:-

(a) ferrous surface, one coat of zinc chromate primer plus wash primer as necessary,

followed by 2 undercoats, and one finishing coat.

(b) (non-ferrous surface, one coat of zinc chromate primer plus wash primers as

necessary, followed by 2 undercoats, and one finishing coat.

Approved manufacturers shall supply all paint.

5 For factory applied finishes, repainting or refinishing of any surfaces damaged during
shipping, erection or construction shall be done using only factory supplied materials.
6 After finished painting is completed, each piped and ducted service shall be identified, and
identification and flow arrows located.

(a) behind each access door


(b) at each change of direction on all joining pipes and ducts

(c) at not more than 10 m in straight runs of exposed pipes and ducts, but on both sides

of sleeves

(d) at not more than 10 m apart in straight runs of pipes and ducts behind removal

enclosures such as lay-in ceiling but on both sides of sleeves


(e) above each floor or platform for vertical exposed pipes, preferably 1.5 m above

floor or platform level.

7 PVC tape identifying bands will not be accepted.


8 Stencils and stencil paint shall be used on all piping and ductwork. letters a minimum of 30

mm high shall be Used. After completion of the Works, the Contractor shall provide to the
Engineer usable stencils for each service.
QCS 2014 Section 22: Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Ventilation Page 15
Par 01: General

9 Wherever insulation is to be painted, the paint used shall comply with all the fire resistance
requirements for insulation finish, and shall be carried out by the insulation subcontractor. In
all cases, the actual grade of paint to be used shall be suitable for the operating surface
temperature and shall be approved by the maker for the application concerned. In certain
cases, the grade of finishing coat may not require the application of undercoats in which case
these may be omitted, provided that the Engineers approval in writing is obtained
beforehand. All insulated or un-insulated pipework in concealed positions shall be identified
by means of 75 mm wide identification bands, painted neatly on and at right angles to the
pipe axis at intervals not greater than 3 m. In addition to the name of the service and pipe
diameter shall be stencilled on in a visible position with an arrow indicating the direction of
flow. Flow and returns shall have the letter F or R added to the identifying name. The
identifying band colours and the finishing colour of the services to be painted shall be in

accordance with the colours and procedures given in BS 1710. Ductwork shall be identified in

accordance with the procedures laid down in HVAC Code of Practice No. DW 144.

10 All equipment located in concealed positions shall have a nameplates secured to the item

giving the following information.

Equipment reference number (as indicated on the record drawings).

Room/Area served
Duty/output information
11 The name plate shall be 100 x 100 mm approximately, of white plastic 3 mm thick with the
above information engraved in black lettering and the plate shall be secured by screws, bolts,

clips, etc. as appropriate to the item concerned. This plate is in addition to any name plate

supplied by the manufacturer of the item giving detailed specification information for the


1.1.20 Contract Drawings


1 The drawings included in the Project Documentation are diagrammatic, and intended to

convey the scope of work and indicate general arrangement and approximate locations of
apparatus, fixtures, pipe and duct runs, etc. The drawings are not intended to indicate

Architectural or Structural details, nor do they show any fabrication or installation details.

2 Do not scale drawings. Obtain accurate dimensions to structure and architectural items from
drawings of those trades. Confirm by site measurement. The Contractor shall verify the

location and elevation of all services (water, electrical, telephone, sanitary, storm drainage,
gas, etc.) before proceeding with the work.

3 The Contractor shall install all ceiling mounted components (diffusers, grilles, detectors, light
fixtures, emergency lights, fire detectors, loudspeakers, camera points, etc.) in accordance
with the reflected ceiling drawings which are to be prepared by the Contractor and co-
ordinated with all trades. These must be submitted for approval and be approved before any
work commences on site.

4 Sufficient space shall be left clear to install all work to accommodate future materials and/or
equipment as indicated and/or supplied by another trade. All pipe runs, conduit runs, cable
trays etc. shall be installed to maintain maximum headroom and clearances, and to conserve
space in shafts and ceiling spaces and under floors, and to provide adequate space for
service and maintenance.
QCS 2014 Section 22: Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Ventilation Page 16
Par 01: General

5 The exact location of outlets and fixtures shall be confirmed on the site, also the locations of
outlets and fixtures provided by any other trade shall be confirmed.

1.1.21 Construction Drawings

1 The Contractor shall prepare drawings in conjunction with all trades concerned in the Works,
showing sleeves and openings for all passages through the structure and all insert sizes and

2 Composite construction drawings shall be prepared of piping and equipment in tunnels,

shafts, mechanical equipment rooms and areas, and all other critical locations to avoid a
conflict of trades that are fully dimensioned. The equipment drawings shall be based upon

shop drawings and include but not necessarily limited to, all details pertaining to access,
clean outs, tappings, sleeves, electrical connections, drains, location and elevation of pipes,

ducts, conduits, etc. obtained from consultation with, and agreement of, all trades involved.

3 The Contractor shall prepare drawings of equipment bases, pump pits, anchors, inertia slabs,

floor and roof curbs, wall openings, trenches, pertaining to mechanical work.

4 All drawings shall be prepared to scale and dimension. These shall be forwarded, after

approval by the trades concerned to the Engineer for his records. Transparencies and printed
copies shall be provide in the number specified in the Project Documentation, but in any case
not less than four sets.

5 The Contractor shall bind one complete set of construction drawings showing as built

conditions in each operating and maintenance instruction manual. The extent of these
drawings will be indicated to the Contractor in advance by the Engineer.

1.1.22 Shop Drawings


1 The Contractor shall submit shop drawings and samples for materials and equipment as

listed in this and in each subsequent section. Transparencies shall be provided wherever
possible as well as printed copies in the number specified in the Project Documentation. The
Engineer may retain the sample of each item at his discretion until the completion of the


2 The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer a schedule of shop drawings after award of the
Contract, in accordance with programme detailed in the Project Documentation. The

schedule shall indicate the anticipated date when the drawings will be submitted for review.

The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the timely submission of all drawings. An
allowance of three weeks shall be made for the Engineers review period. At time of
submission, the Contractor shall indicate any other constraints and associated cost
implications resulting from the programme, etc. otherwise the Engineer will advise the Owner
that cost and completion date will be unaffected.

3 The Engineer will only consider shop drawing bearing the stamp of the Contractor and all
Subcontractors involved. The Contractor shall check the drawings for all pertinent information
such as physical dimensions, make, performance, electrical characteristics, and shall use
reference symbols or enumeration to correspond to the design drawings.
QCS 2014 Section 22: Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Ventilation Page 17
Par 01: General

4 The Contractor shall assume responsibility for the accuracy of equipment dimensions related
to space available, accessibility for maintenance and service and compliance with inspection
authority codes. Shop Drawings shall indicate the shipping and working weights of all

5 The submission of samples will be subject to the same procedure as those of shop drawings.
The materials for which samples are to be submitted shall include, but may not be limited to
conduits and accessories, wiring accessories, distribution boards, cables and wires, fire
alarm accessories, speakers, light fittings, sanitary fixtures and fittings, valves, Instruments,
thermostats, Insulation and grilles and diffusers. One set of such samples shall be required
to be brought to site and kept there after approval until substantial completion.

6 The Engineer shall mark the drawings re-submit specified item, rejected, no exception
taken, or make correction noted. In the last case, all revisions will be clearly marked on the

returned print and corrected prints may be issued for manufacture and construction. The

Contractor shall make the revisions shown on the make corrections as noted prints onto the

drawings as soon as practicable and forward copies to the Engineer for his records. This
must be done within one month. Failure to re-submit in this time will cause the drawings to be

treated as revise and re-submit and the contractor will be responsible for any delays so

7 The Engineer is not responsible for any delays caused by the inadequacy of the Contractors
drawings or his failure to obtain initial or subsequent approval. Any time taken by the
Contractor to obtain approval after the originally scheduled date will be considered as a delay

to the contract caused by the Contractor.


8 When drawings are marked re-submit specified item, the Contractor is to re-submit the item

as originally specified or as may be determined to be equivalent by the Engineer. The


Engineer is the sole arbiter of whether any item is satisfactory or equivalent.


9 When drawings are marked rejected a complete re-submission of the particular drawing is

necessary, subject to the same conditions as outlined above.

10 The Engineers review shall not relieve the Contractor from responsibility for deviations from

the Project Documentation, unless he has, in writing, called the Engineers attention to such

deviations at the time of submission of drawings. The Engineers review shall be construed to
apply to, and only to, general arrangements and shall not relieve the Contractor from the
entire responsibility. Any approval by the Engineer shall be on the understanding that any

item submitted shall be ordered with options and modifications to fully meet the requirements

of the Project Documentation. Any fabrication, erection, setting out or other work done in
advance of receipt of stamped drawings shall be done entirely at the Contractors risk and

11 The Contractor shall furnish prints of the reviewed details to all other parties who may require
them for proper co-ordination of their work, and furnish all information necessary for the work
as a whole.

12 The Contractor shall obtain manufacturers installation directions to aid in the proper
execution of the work. Two copies of such directions shall be submitted to the Engineer prior
to installation, for use in inspecting the work.

13 One complete set of checked shop drawings shall be bound into each operating and
maintenance manual.
QCS 2014 Section 22: Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Ventilation Page 18
Par 01: General

1.1.23 Record Drawings

1 As the job progresses, the Contractor shall mark on one set of prints to accurately indicate
the status of installed work. The white prints shall be available for inspection at the site at all
times, and be presented for scrutiny at all progress meetings. All information shall be
transferred onto the set of transparencies. One set of transparencies and five sets of white
prints shall be submitted to the Engineer for onward transmission to the Owner.

2 The record drawings shall show the installed inverts of all services entering and leaving the
building and the property. Underground services shall be dimensioned at key points of every
run in relation to the structure and building. Record all elevations for underground services
shall be recorded in relation to floor level of the building and give reference datums to

Municipality benchmarks.

3 The exact locations of all services left for future work shall be indicated. All embedded work

shall be shown and dimensioned in the structure.

1.1.24 Storage of Materials and Equipment

1 The Contractor shall protect all mechanical and electrical works from damage and shall keep
all equipment dry and clean at all times.
2 All openings in equipment and materials shall be covered. all temporary openings in ducts
and pipes with polyethylene sheets or caps shall be covered until the final connection is

made. The quality of such cover must be determined with due regard to how long it may be

until final connection.


3 The Contractor shall be responsible for and make good any damages caused directly or
indirectly to any walls, floors, ceilings, woodwork, brickwork, finishes, services, roads,

gardens etc.

1.1.25 Inspection of Material Prior to Installation

1 The following shall be inspected prior to Installation:


(a) pumps and fans shall be inspected to ensure there is no damage to the
casings impellers or drives

(b) pipework and ductwork shall be checked for any obstructions or dirt

(c) valves dampers set shall be checked for damage and proper operation
(d) all material shall be inspected to ensure that it is an approved item.

1.1.26 Inspection, Testing and Adjusting

1 All the works provided as part of this Contract shall be inspected and commissioned in
accordance with all relevant British Standards and to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer.
QCS 2014 Section 22: Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Ventilation Page 19
Par 01: General

2 The electrical/mechanical subcontractor shall employ the services of a specialist testing and
commissioning company approved by the Engineer. The specialist company should be
regularly engaged in providing a testing and commissioning service and have been in
continuous business for not less than seven (7) years. The company shall employ fully
trained staff having not less than three (3) years dedicated experience. A senior experienced
commissioning engineer with minimum dedicated experience of seven (7) years shall be
responsible for supervising and directing the activities for the testing and commissioning

3 The Contractor shall carry out all tests specified any other tests required by the Engineer.
Equipment shall be tested to the requirements of, and where necessary, in the presence of
the manufacturer and the Engineer.

4 The Contractor shall provide all equipment, labour, instruments, loading devices, incidentals,

and pay for all fuel, power and sundries required to carry out the tests.

5 All installations shall be inspected and tested in sections as the work proceeds and on

completion as composite systems and it shall be noted that the Engineer or any of the other

relevant Authorities may require to inspect or test any equipment during manufacture at the
manufacturers works. All necessary arrangements shall be made as part of this Contract.

This will generally not apply to specified items unless specifically noted in the Project
Documentation, but may be necessary for alternate equipment, should this be considered at

6 All tests shall be arranged in co-operation with the Engineer and all other concerned parties

and shall be subject to at least five (5) days notice in writing of the time, location and nature
of the test to be performed. Not test shall be considered valid unless the Engineer is present.

7 All necessary skilled and unskilled labour shall be provided for attendance during the tests

(including pre-and post-test activities) and the test media shall be provided and subsequently

disposed of except where specifically stated otherwise.


8 The testing and adjusting is the contractual responsibility of the Contractor but actual
performance of the tests is expected to the sole responsibility of an approved subcontractor.

9 The Contractor shall have all testing and balancing performed only by persons who are
thoroughly versed in this type of testing and balancing and with proven ability. Names,
complete with experience records, and references shall be submitted for the approval of the


10 Any defects occurring at any time during the test duration shall be made good and a
complete re-test shall be carried out, at no additional cost to the Contract.

11 Where failure occurs during a test, inspection or commissioning procedure which results in
damage to the building fabric and/or any services not provides as part of this Contract, or
requires subsequent builders work to be carried out, this work shall be performed to the
entire satisfaction of the Engineer at no additional cost to the Contract.

12 All the test points shall be provided which are necessary to carry out the specified tests and
commissioning procedures including facilities for measuring or monitoring temperature,
pressure, pressure drop, volume flow, in-duct sound power or sound pressure, humidity, or
other relevant conditions in both air side and water side systems. Such points shall be fitted
with removable plugs, flanges, or other appropriate and approved devices.
QCS 2014 Section 22: Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Ventilation Page 20
Par 01: General

13 Prepare test report forms for each test to be performed and submit these to the Engineer at
least two weeks prior to the commencement of any tests.

14 Only after the system installation has been completed and the system has been put into
continuous operation shall testing be carried out. The testing, adjusting, and balancing shall
be performed when outside conditions are commensurate with the design conditions for the
given system. Dummy loads shall be added to the system if outside conditions are less
severe than the specified points.

15 The Contractor shall prepare a complete list of instruments for each test containing for each

(a) name of instrument manufacturer

(b) scale and full scale accuracy

(c) date of last calibration test

(d) name of last calibrating company.

16 All instruments and consumable, such as recording paper, necessary for conducing the tests
shall be provided, including but not limited to the following:-

(a) electronic anemometer
(b) inclined tube manometer or micromanometer

(c) pitot tubes of various lengths


(d) digital thermometers


(e) weekly recording thermometers

(f) weekly recording relative humidity meter

(g) anemometer for diffusers, with collector


(h) ammeter, voltmeter, wattmeter

(i) power factor meter

(j) insulation tester


(k) earth loop impedance tester

(l) tachometer

17 Duplicate signed test certificates shall be provided after each test which will be countersigned
by the attending Engineer. The test certificate shall give the following particulars:

(a) apparatus or section under test

(b) makers number (if any)
(c) nature, duration and conditions of test
(d) result of test

No test shall be valid until the test certificate is provided.

18 Duplicate copies of test certificates carried out at manufacturers works shall be forwarded to
the Engineer for approval prior to despatch of the article to site.
QCS 2014 Section 22: Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Ventilation Page 21
Par 01: General

19 No section of the Works shall be insulated or in any other way concealed prior to testing and
inspection and subsequent concealment where applicable shall only take place following
written authority from the Engineer.

1.1.27 Testing

1 All necessary facilities, measuring and recording instruments including test pumps and
gauges for inspection, testing and commissioning requirements shall be provided and shall
be checked or calibrated as necessary before use.

2 The Engineer reserves the right to call for a demonstration of the accuracy of any
instruments provided.

3 All representatives present during inspection, testing and commissioning shall be fully

conversant with the system concerned and the method of system and instrument operation.

4 Manufacturers of specialist subcontractors representatives shall attend where specifically

indicated elsewhere in the Project Documentation or where necessary to ensure full service

and co-operation is available to the Engineer to enable the Works to be tested and
commissioned in accordance with the requirements of the Project Documentation.

5 All necessary precautions shall be taken to safeguard structures and existing equipment
against damage during inspection, testing or commissioning. Any damage so caused shall be
made good at no cost to the Contract.

6 All tests shall last for the minimum time period stated or longer if necessary to ensure all
sections have been fully examined as required by the test.

1.1.28 Instructions for Operation and Routine Maintenance


1 The Contractor shall provide instruction to the Owners staff on how to make minor
adjustments, carry out necessary maintenance and how to operate each system.

2 For new equipment, the Contractor shall provide the Engineer with three copies of complete

operating and maintenance instruction for equipment at the time of delivery of the equipment.

3 Equipment shall be rejected unless accompanies by instructions. Such documents must be

received al least one month prior to the completion date of the relative section of the Works.

4 Instructions shall be bound in a suitable loose leaf booklet or binder, and shall include prints
of the following drawings:

(a) list of all equipment installed

(b) general layout
(c) wiring diagram of control panels
(d) non-dimensional layout, showing location of all electrical devices

1 The contractor is to operate a draft for discussion with the Engineer prior to finalising the

5 Portable tools and spare parts shall be correctly labelled and handed over to the Engineer.
QCS 2014 Section 22: Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Ventilation Page 22
Par 01: General

6 The section dealing with complete systems shall be subdivided into each service with a ready
means of reference and detailed index. The function and manner of operation of each
system shall be clearly described together with illustrations and line diagrams in schematic
form showing the location and function of control valves, items of equipment and spaces or
areas which are service by these items. The colour coding and identification systems
employed shall be explained.

1.1.29 Maintenance

1 Maintenance is defined as the Contractual Liability to maintain the equipment in working

condition, plus the regular checks and servicing of equipment during the maintenance period
to keep the equipment in best working order.

2 Regular maintenance shall be as necessary, but in any event not less frequently than


3 In the even that the Owner has his own staff, the Contractor is still to check monthly and

advise on any problems and is still to assume responsibility. The Owner is to ensure that his

staff do nothing to adversely affect the Contractual maintenance.

1.1.30 Warranty
1 All Warrantees for equipment suppliers will be vested in the Owner regardless of whether the
Contractor who supplied the equipment is still associated with the Project or not.

2 Warranty will be full warranty and will include all overhead, profit, incidental charges and

3 Where damage is caused to any other item by any failure of the item warranted then the

warranty shall also include the costs incurred in rectifying the damage.


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