1-Effects of Foliar Application of Plant Growth Hormone On Methane Emission From Tropical Rice Paddy-2016

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Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 233 (2016) 7584

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Effects of foliar application of plant growth hormone on methane

emission from tropical rice paddy
Leena Boraha,b , Kushal Kumar Baruaha,*
Department of Environmental Science, Tezpur Central University, Tezpur-784028, Assam, India
Present address: Department of Environmental Biology and Wildlife Sciences, Cotton College State University, Guwahati-781001, Assam, India


Article history:
Received 29 February 2016 Methane (CH4), a major greenhouse gas, is an important agent of global warming and climate change.
Received in revised form 18 July 2016 While rice agriculture is a major source of anthropogenic CH4 emissions, increased production of rice is
Accepted 30 August 2016 essential for ensuring global food security. Mitigating CH4 emissions from rice cultivation with
Available online 5 September 2016 simultaneous increase in grain productivity is a challenging issue. A two-year eld study was conducted
to investigate the effects of foliar application of plant growth hormones on emission reduction of CH4
Keywords: from rice paddies. CH4 emission measurement was done from rice plants treated with plant growth
Methane hormones gibberellic acid (GA3), indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) and kinetin
Plant growth hormones
(KIN) (in 20 mg L!1 concentration) and compared with the emission from untreated/control (CONT)
Stomatal frequency
plants. IAA and KIN applications were found to bring about a reduction in the cumulative CH4 emission
Xylem size
Photosynthate partitioning over control primarily through regulation of leaf growth, stomatal density and xylem vessel size. Foliar
Grain yield application of IAA and KIN enhanced the leaf photosynthetic rate and caused maximum partitioning of
photosynthates to the grains as evident from the higher grain lling ability and grain yield. The IAA and
KIN treatments improved the thousand grain weight and high density grain (%) in the rice plants resulting
in higher grain productivity over untreated plants. It can be concluded that foliar application of indole
acetic acid and kinetin can be an effective measure for regulating methane emission from rice paddies
coupled with increase in economic yield of the most popular crop of this region.
2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Green plants are reported to inuence the production,

consumption, as well as transport of CH4 from the soil to the
Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is the major cereal crop and the staple food atmosphere (Koelbener et al., 2010). Root exudates from plants
for more than half of the worlds population. Annual rice cropping play a signicant role in CH4 production from soil organic matter
area in India is reported to be 44.1 million hectares which is the by determining the C content of the rhizosphere soil (Koelbener
largest rice growing area of the world (FAOSTAT, 2013). Rice et al., 2010). Rice plants also mediate the transport of CH4 from the
production in India needs to be increased for national food soil to the atmosphere (Nouchi et al., 1990; Aulakh et al., 2000;
security. On the other hand, rice elds are considered as one of the Ding et al., 2005; Das and Baruah, 2008a).
major sources for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions contributing Plant growth hormones (gibberellins, auxins, cytokinins) are
about 30 and 11% of global agricultural methane (CH4) and nitrous widely known to regulate plant growth and developmental
oxide (N2O) emissions respectively (IPCC, 2007). The global processes such as cell division, cell elongation, protein synthesis
warming potential (GWP) of CH4 is 34 times higher than that of etc. and also determine overall plant architecture (Gray, 2004;
CO2 (Myhre et al., 2013). Indian agriculture accounts for Depuydt and Hardtke, 2011; Durbak et al., 2012). Therefore,
approximately 5% of the global CH4 budget (Wassmann et al., application of plant growth hormones may inuence the CH4
2009) with an emission estimate of 4.09 " 1.19 Tg CH4 y!1 from transport capacity of the rice plants by regulating their growth and
Indian paddy elds (Gupta et al., 2009). development. A two-year eld study was undertaken to investigate
the impact of plant growth hormones on CH4 emissions from a rice
ecosystem planted to cultivar Luit.
Optimization of grain yields have been suggested as an
* Corresponding author.
important measure for substantial CH4 emission reduction from
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (L. Borah), [email protected],
[email protected] (K.K. Baruah). rice agriculture by several authors (Denier van der Gon et al., 2002;

0167-8809/ 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
76 L. Borah, K.K. Baruah / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 233 (2016) 7584

Das and Baruah, 2008b; Jiang et al., 2013). Plant growth hormones run-off reaches the soil from the leaves which could possibly affect
play crucial role in controlling sink and source size in plants and soil bacterial activity. In one 2 m # 2m = 4 m2 plot, there were 130
thus inuence the grain yield (Ghodrat et al., 2012). Therefore, in numbers of rice plants and 500 ml of 20 mg L"1 solution per plot
the present study, attempts were also made to determine whether was sprayed on the rice leaves.
growth hormone application in rice agriculture can improve the
grain productivity while simultaneously reducing the CH4 2.4. CH4 sampling and measurement
CH4 ux from both treated and untreated rice plants was
2. Materials and methods recorded from 0 DAT at weekly interval up to 21 days after harvest
(DAH) using the static chamber technique described by Buendia
2.1. Site description et al. (1997). Chambers of 50 cm length, 30 cm breadth and 70 cm
height made of 6 mm thick acrylic sheets were used for gas
The experiments were conducted inside Tezpur Central collection. Chambers with height ranging from 90 to 120 cm were
University Campus, Tezpur (26! 410 N, 92! 500 E) situated in the used during the later crop growing period to accommodate the
North Bank Plain Agro-climatic Zone of Assam, India. The region is increasing plant height. Rectangular U shaped aluminum channels
subtropical humid having moderately hot-wet summers and dry (50 cm # 30 cm) were used to accommodate the chamber. The
cold winters. The soil is characterized by recent and old alluvium aluminum channels were inserted into the soil to a depth of 15 cm
soils of sandy to sandy-loam texture with sand (%) 60.35, silt (%) well ahead of gas sample collection. Each aluminum channel
14.40, clay (%) 23.50 and slight to moderate acidic soil pH (5.65). enclosed six plants of rice. A battery-operated fan was xed inside
The bulk density of the soil was 1.72 g cm"3 and the percentage of the chamber to homogenize the inside air. The top of the chamber
organic carbon was 0.94. The available nitrogen, phosphorous and was tted with two self-sealing rubber septa. A thermometer was
potassium content of the soil were 108.64, 32.72 and 249.18 kg inserted through one of these septa to record the chamber
ha"1 respectively. The meteorological parameters recorded at a temperature. Gas samples were drawn from the chambers using a
weather station located at the university campus are presented in 50 ml airtight syringe tted with a three-way stop-cock and a ne
Supplementary Fig. 1. needle inserted through the other self-sealing rubber septum. The
samples were drawn at xed interval of 0, 15, 30 and 45 min at
2.2. Field management 0900 h and again at 1400 h from the day of transplanting (0 DAT)
onwards at weekly interval. The samples were brought to the
Rice was planted to the eld during pre-monsoon season (locally laboratory immediately after collection and CH4 concentration in
known as Ahu rice, AprilJuly) of 2012 and 2013. The main eld was the gas samples were analyzed using a gas chromatograph (Varian,
ploughed, puddled thoroughly and leveled properly before trans- CP-3800 GC, USA) equipped with a ame ionization detector (FID)
planting of rice. Fertilizers were applied @ 40:20:20 kg N-P2O5- and a chromopack capillary column. Column, injector and detector
K2O ha"1 as recommended by the Department of Agriculture, temperatures were maintained at 50 ! C, 90 ! C and 150 ! C,
Assam. One-third of the quantity of N (13.3 kg ha"1 applied as urea) respectively. The gas chromatographic system was calibrated
and the whole quantity of P2O5 (as single super phosphate) and K2O periodically with a standard obtained from National Physical
(as muriate of potash) were applied at the time of nal puddling. Laboratory, New Delhi, India. Nitrogen (N2) (99.999% pure) was
Twenty-ve days old rice seedlings of an improved rice cultivar Luit used as a carrier gas whereas hydrogen (H2) and zero air were used
were transplanted (2 seedlings hill"1) during the rst week of April for ignition of the ame in the FID. CH4 uxes (mg CH4 m"2 h"1)
with a spacing of 20 cm between the rows and 15 cm between plant were calculated from the temporal increase in the gas concentra-
to plant in plots of size 2 m # 2m = 4 m2. The second 1/3rd tion inside the box using the equation of Parashar et al. (1996) and
(13.33 kg ha"1) and the third 1/3rd (13.33 kg ha"1) doses of urea the average of morning and evening uxes were considered as the
were applied at tillering (28 days after transplanting/28 DAT) and ux value for the day. Cumulative CH4 emission for the entire crop
panicle initiation stages (56 DAT) respectively. The experiment growth period was computed by the method given by Naser et al.
consisted of ve treatments (section 2.3) with 4 replications each (2007) by using the following formula:
arranged in a randomized block design.The crop was grown
exclusively under rainfed condition and was properly managed Cu mulative CH4 emission S Ri # Di
during the experimental period. Insecticides were sprayed just after i1

crop establishment (8 DAT) for protection against caseworms which Where Ri is the mean gas emission, Di is the number of days in the
was well before the rst dose of hormone application (28 DAT). sampling interval and n is the number of sampling times.
Cumulative CH4 emission was expressed in g m"2.
2.3. Foliar application of plant growth hormones

Four different plant growth hormones viz. gibberellic acid (GA), 2.5. Analysis of soil parameters
indole acetic acid (IAA), indole butyric acid (IBA) and kinetin (KIN)
were selected for this experiment. Hormone solutions were Prior to rice cultivation soil samples were collected randomly
prepared by rst dissolving 20 mg of GA, IAA and IBA in few from different locations of the experimental plot from a depth of 0
drops of ethanol and 20 mg of KIN in 1N NaOH since they were 15 cm and soil samples were analyzed for the basic soil
insoluble in water. Then the nal volume was made up to 1000 ml physicochemical properties (Section 2.1) by following the methods
with distilled water in order to get the desired concentration described in Borah and Baruah (2016).
(20 mg L"1). One set of rice plants was sprayed with distilled water After transplanting of rice, soil samples were collected from the
without any hormone and this treatment was taken as control rice grown plots at weekly interval on the day of CH4 gas sampling
(CONT). Thus the total number of treatments was ve, viz. with the help of a soil core from 015 cm soil depth and analyzed
T1 = CONT, T2 = GA, T3 = IAA, T4 = IBA, T5 = KIN. These solutions for soil moisture content (SMC) following the method of Page et al.
were sprayed on the rice leaves at tillering and panicle initiation (1982). Soil organic carbon was analyzed in a TOC analyzer (Multi
stage of the crop with a back-pack sprayer system (Ghodrat et al., N/C 2100S with HT 1300 module, Analytik Jena, Germany) by the
2012). Maximum care was taken during spraying to ensure that no method of Awale et al. (2013).
L. Borah, K.K. Baruah / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 233 (2016) 7584 77

2.6. Analysis of plant morphological and physiological parameters adjacent to the ag leaf were prepared for analysis of the xylem
size following the same procedure. Three to four randomly selected
Plant variables such as leaf area index and tiller number were vascular bundles were photographed in SEM and from these, 5
recorded at weekly interval on the day of CH4 sampling. Total leaf individual xylem vessels were selected at random for calculation of
area of plants within 1 m2 area of the planted plots were estimated xylem size. Xylem size was calculated in mm according to the scale
with the help of portable laser leaf area meter (CID, Model CI-203, visible on the micrograph and expressed as the average internal
USA) at weekly interval (on the day of CH4 sampling) from four diameter of xylem vessels of the node.
replications. The leaf area index (LAI) was expressed as the total
leaf area per unit ground area (m2). The results presented are the 2.8. Analysis of yield and yield attributing parameters
mean of four observations.
Five plants were selected at random from each plot and the Five panicles each from four replications (n = 5 ! 4 = 20) of the
number of tillers were counted from the four replications treatments were taken at random for determining yield param-
(n = 5 ! 4 = 20) on the day of CH4 sampling. eters such as panicle length and lled grain (%) at harvest.
Leaf photosynthesis, transpiration and stomatal conductance Thousand grain weight and grain yield were recorded from four
were recorded at weekly interval with the help of an infrared gas replications (n = 4) of each treatment following the method of
analyzer (LI-6400 Portable photosynthesis system, LI-COR, Lincoln, Baruah et al., 2012.
NE, USA). The middle portion of a fully expanded leaf from the top
of a selected plant was taken for measurement of photosynthesis 2.9. Statistical analysis
and transpiration during pre-owering stage. Three randomly
selected plants from each replication (total 3 replications) were The statistical software IBM SPSS version 20.0 was used to
taken for this measurement. After panicle initiation stage (56 DAT calculate the correlation (Pearson correlation) coefcient of CH4
onwards) photosynthesis and transpiration rate was measured in uxes with means of plant and soil variables. Pooled analysis of
the fully expanded ag leaf. Results presented are the mean of total data for two years of experimentation was done by using two-way
nine readings for each observation. ANOVA and Duncans multiple range test (DMRT).
For plant biomass determination, four randomly selected plants
of rice were uprooted carefully from three replications of each 3. Results
treatment (n = 4 ! 3 = 12) at weekly interval (on the day of CH4
sampling) and were brought to the laboratory. The soil adhered to 3.1. Weekly CH4 emission and cumulative CH4 emission from the rice
the roots were washed carefully by placing the roots on a ne sieve plants
to prevent the washing away of root fragments. After that, different
parts of the plants viz. leaf blade, leaf sheath, culm, root (at The quantity of CH4 emitted from the rice plants varied with
vegetative stage) and panicle (after panicle emergence) were respect to the control depending on the hormones applied (Fig. 1).
separated with the help of scissors. Different plant parts were dried However, the trend of CH4 emission was similar in hormone
separately in an oven at 75 " C until constant weight was obtained treated as well as control plants with two distinct emission
and then the dry weights were recorded in an electronic balance maxima-one at tillering and the other at panicle initiation stage of
(Sartorius CP225D, Germany). Plants within 1 m2 of each 4 m2 plot the crop (Fig. 1). CH4 ux ranged from 0.02 to 1.13 mg m#2 h#1
were kept intact for determination of grain yield at harvest. Plants during the experimental period of 2012 and from 0.09 to
for biomass determination were sampled at random from outside 0.89 mg m#2 h#1 during 2013 (Fig. 1). Initially the CH4 ux was
this 1 m2 area. low and gradually started to increase with the growth of the rice
plants. The rst high peak of CH4 emission was observed at 35 and
2.7. Analysis of plant anatomical parameters 42 DAT during 2012 and 2013 respectively which coincided with
the tillering stage of the crop. After the rst emission maxima,
Stomatal frequency of ag leaf and size of the xylem vessels of there was a drop in CH4 ux for a brief period up to 49 DAT.
the node attached to the ag leaf of the rice plants were analyzed at Thereafter, the emission increased again through 56 DAT and
panicle initiation stage (56 DAT) with the help of scanning electron reached a peak at 63 DAT which marked the panicle initiation (PI)
microscope (SEM) during the second year of experimentation stage of the crop. During the later part of the cropping period CH4
(2013). Leaf sections were cut from the middle portion of the fully ux gradually declined and recorded a minimal level after harvest
expanded ag leaf with a sharp blade and immediately xed in 3% (Fig. 1).
glutaraldehyde for 24 h. Primary xation was followed by washing The cumulative emission of CH4 (Esif), from the rice plants were
in 0.1 M sodium cacodylate buffer. Post xation was done by computed at the end of the experiment. Statistical variations in
immersing the samples overnight in 1% osmium tetroxide. cumulative CH4 emission pooled for 2012 and 2013 were observed
Thereafter, the samples were washed again in 0.1 M sodium among different treatments (Fig. 2). IAA and KIN treated plants
cacodylate buffer. Washing was followed by dehydration which recorded signicantly lower ($10% lower) cumulative CH4 ux
was done by passing the samples through various acetone grades compared to control indicating a potential role of plant growth
(30, 50, 70, 80, 90, 95 and 100% 2 changes of 15 min each) at 4 " C. hormones in suppressing CH4 emission from rice paddies (Fig. 2).
Dehydrated samples were then dried using the Tetra Methyl Silane On the other hand, GA treated plants recorded higher cumulative
(TMS) method. Samples were immersed in TMS for 510 min (2 CH4 emission over CONT while IBA did not signicantly alter CH4
changes) at 4 " C and then brought to room temperature (26 " C) for emission. The effect of year and hormone treatment on cumulative
drying. The samples were then mounted on metal stubs with a CH4 emission was signicant at p < 0.01 level (Fig. 2).
carbon adhesive tape and platinum sputter coating was done by
Auto Fine Coater (JFC-1600; JEOL, Tokyo, Japan) before examining 3.2. Association of soil moisture and soil organic carbon with CH4
the samples under a SEM (JEOL Asia PTE Ltd., Singapore/JEOL JSM, emission
Model 6390 LV). Three random elds from each sample were taken
for the measurement of stomatal frequency (from the adaxial The soil moisture content of the experimental eld varied from
surface of leaf). The average stomatal frequency was expressed as 30-62 and 15-76% during 2012 and 2013 respectively (Supplemen-
number of stomata per mm2 of leaf surface area. Sections of node tary Fig. 2). The pattern of soil moisture agreed fairly well with the
78 L. Borah, K.K. Baruah / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 233 (2016) 7584

Fig. 1. CH4 emission (mg m!2 h!1) from hormone treated and untreated Ahu rice variety Luit in 2012 and 2013. Vertical bars represent standard error. DAH = Days after harvest.
Arrows represent date of hormone application (tillering stage-28 DAT; panicle initiation stage-56 DAT).

rainfall pattern during the experimental seasons (Supplementary 3.3. Effect of plant growth hormones on leaf area index (LAI) and tiller
Fig. 1). The soil moisture content recorded a positive correlation number
with CH4 emission during both the years (p < 0.01 in 2012 and
p < 0.05 in 2013) (Table 1). The leaf area index (LAI) of the rice plants ranged from 0.12
The soil organic carbon (SOC) content varied from 1.401.69% in 5.67 and 0.127.47 in 2012 and 2013 respectively. GA application
2012 and 1.401.83% in 2013 (Supplementary Fig. 3). The organic was found to bring about an increase in LAI (maximum value of
carbon content recorded a good correlation with CH4 ux (p < 0.01 5.67 at 63 DAT) over control (4.79) (Supplementary Table 1). IBA
in 2012 and p < 0.05 in 2013) during both the experimental seasons application slightly increased the LAI (4.82) whereas IAA and KIN
(Table 1). application resulted in reduction of LAI (4.22 and 4.28 respectively)
L. Borah, K.K. Baruah / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 233 (2016) 7584 79

Fig. 2. (a) Cumulative CH4 emission (g m"2) and (b) grain yield (kg ha"1) of hormone treated and untreated Ahu rice variety Luit pooled for the years 2012 and 2013. Bars
(mean # standard error) tagged with the same letter are not signicantly different at P < 0.05 level by Duncans Multiple Range Test.

over control in the rst year. A similar trend was observed in the treated plants resulted in a lower leaf blade biomass over control
second year. LAI was found to bear a good correlation with CH4 (Supplementary Table 2). Leaf blade biomass showed a good
emission (p < 0.05 in 2012 and p < 0.01 in 2013) in our study association with CH4 emission in both the years of experimenta-
(Table 1). tion (p < 0.01) (Table 1).
The mean tiller number per hill ranged from !230 over the The biomass of the leaf sheath of the different treatments
crop growing season in both the years. Tiller number in GA, IAA and ranged from 0.3510.41 and 0.429.73 g hill"1 in 2012 and 2013
IBA treated plants were slightly lower compared to control and KIN respectively while the culm biomass ranged from 0.1515.79 and
treated plants (Supplementary Table 1). Tiller number of the rice 0.1612.54 g hill"1 in 2012 and 2013 respectively. Biomass of leaf
plants recorded a positive correlation with CH4 emission (Table 1). sheath and culm were not found to be related to CH4 emission in
the present investigation (Table 1).
3.4. Effect of plant growth hormones on plant biomass The root biomass of the hormone treated plants ranged from
0.035.87 g hill"1 in 2012 and 0.055.68 g hill"1 in 2013 GA and IBA
The leaf blade biomass of the hormone treated rice plants applications were not effective on the root biomass increment in
ranged from 1.156.87 g hill"1 in 2012 and 0.119.05 g hill"1 in the rice plants whereas IAA and KIN treated plants recorded lower
2013. Plants treated with GA recorded higher biomass of leaf blade root biomass over control (Supplementary Table 2). The root
over control, whereas IBA application marginally increased the leaf biomass was closely associated with CH4 emission in our study in
biomass (Supplementary Table 2). On the other hand, IAA and KIN both the years (p < 0.05 in 2012 and p < 0.01 in 2013) (Table 1).

3.5. Effect of plant growth hormones on leaf photosynthesis,

Table 1
Correlation of various soil and plant parameters with CH4 emission during Ahu rice transpiration and stomatal conductance
growing seasons of 2012 and 2013.
Rate of leaf photosynthesis varied from 5.4131.67 and
Parameters Correlation coefcient
6.2237.65 mmol CO2 m"2 s"1 in 2012 and 2013 respectively. Rice
2012 2013 plants have shown differential response to hormone applications
Leaf area index 0.903* 0.984** in terms of photosynthesis rate (Supplementary Fig. 4). IAA and
Tiller number 0.841* 0.710** KIN applications were found to bring about an enhancement in leaf
Leaf blade biomass (g hill"1) 0.971* 0.984**
photosynthesis rate of the rice plants over control, GA and IBA
Leaf sheath biomass (g hill"1) 0.502 0.522
Culm biomass (g hill"1) 0.486 0.506 applications. The rate of photosynthesis in plants treated with
Root biomass (g hill"1) 0.934* 0.929** exogenous GA was slightly lower compared to control. The leaf
Photosynthesis rate (mmol CO2 m"2 s"1) 0.283 0.406 photosynthesis rate was weekly correlated with CH4 emission in
Transpiration rate (mmol H2O m"2 s"1) 0.656* 0.994**
our study (Table 1).
Stomatal conductance (mol H2O m"2 s"1) 0.655* 0.968*
Soil moisture (%) 0.733** 0.750* Rate of leaf transpiration in the hormone treated plants varied
Soil organic carbon (%) 0.678** 0.852* from 0.818.19 mmol H2O m"2 s"1 in 2012 and 0.7211.16 mmol
H2O m"2 s"1 in 2013. GA treated plants mostly recorded higher
Signicant at P < 0.05.
** transpiration rate compared to untreated (control) plants
Signicant at P < 0.01.
80 L. Borah, K.K. Baruah / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 233 (2016) 7584

(Supplementary Fig. 4). IAA treated plants recorded lower 3.7. Yield response of rice plants to exogenous application of plant
transpiration rate over control at the initial and later stages of growth hormone
the crop but during the mid-cropping period (3556 DAT) the rate
of transpiration was higher in IAA treated plants over control. IBA The yield (Fig. 2) and yield attributing parameters (Supple-
and KIN treated plants generally recorded lower transpiration rate mentary Table 3) recorded at harvest were pooled for two seasons
over control. The rate of leaf transpiration was found to be (2012 and 2013). Plant growth hormones were found to inuence
positively related to weekly CH4 emission from the rice plants in the grain lling efciency in rice in terms of lled grain percentage,
both the years (Table 1). IAA being the most effective with 68% lled grain (Supplementary
Leaf stomatal conductance of the rice plants varied from 0.22 Table 3). The thousand grain weight in IAA and KIN treated plants
2.61 and 0.052.61 mol H2O m!2 s!1 in 2012 and 2013 respectively. was slightly higher (18.89 g and 18.77 g respectively) over control,
GA treated plants usually recorded higher stomatal conductance GA and IBA treated plants (Supplementary Table 3). Foliar
compared to untreated plants (Supplementary Fig. 4). IBA application of IAA and KIN signicantly enhanced the grain yield
application did not appear to have signicant inuence on the over control, whereas IBA application did not produce a similar
stomatal conductance. IAA and KIN treated plants generally effect (Fig. 2).
recorded lower stomatal conductance over control at the initial
stage of plant growth but subsequently the conductance increased
from 49 to 70 DAT. Leaf stomatal conductance recorded a good 4. Discussion
correlation with CH4 emission in our study (Table 1).
4.1. Pattern of methane emission
3.6. Effect of plant growth hormones on stomatal frequency and xylem
vessel size The occurrence of the high emission peak at tillering stage may
be attributed to the increase in CH4 transport capacity of the rice
Scanning electron micrographs of the adaxial surface of the ag plants with increasing growth and development of tillers (Aulakh
leaf of treated as well as untreated plants are shown in Fig. 3. The et al., 2000) and also due to the expansion of leaf blade surface area
ag leaf stomatal frequency of GA and IBA treated plants was for CH4 emission (Neue et al., 1997; Gogoi et al., 2005) (Fig. 1). A
higher (765.96 and 691.92 respectively) compared to control plants positive relationship of leaf area index (LAI) with CH4 emission was
(666.67) whereas the stomatal frequency of IAA and KIN treated observed in our study (Table 1) which further lends support to the
plants were signicantly lower (476.95 and 539.01 respectively) above statement. The occurrence of the high peak at the panicle
over control plants (Table 2). The stomatal frequency was found to initiation stage may be attributed to a further enhancement of leaf
have good correlation with the cumulative CH4 emission (p < 0.05) surface area with the emergence of ag leaves and also due to the
from the rice varieties (Table 2). greater availability of soil organic carbon for CH4 production due to
Scanning electron micrographs of the xylem vessels of the node higher rhizosphere activity and rhizodeposition (Zhan et al., 2011).
are presented in Fig. 3. Differences in xylem vessel size were Cause of decline after rst peak in CH4 emission in the later
observed in the rice plants (Table 2) due to application of cropping period may be due to the reduction in leaf area, tiller
hormones. IAA and KIN application resulted in a smaller xylem size number and root growth with the onset of crop senescence. Similar
(21.23 mm) compared to untreated plants (24.92 mm). The xylem pattern of CH4 emission from rice has been reported by several
vessel size bears a signicant correlation with cumulative CH4 authors (Gogoi et al., 2008; Suryavanshi et al., 2013).
emission (p < 0.05) recorded from the rice plants (Table 2).

Fig. 3. Scanning electron micrographs of (AE) stomata of adaxial ag leaf surface and (FJ) topmost node of hormone treated and untreated Ahu rice variety Luit. Circled areas
indicate the leaf stomata and arrows indicate xylem vessels of node.
L. Borah, K.K. Baruah / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 233 (2016) 7584 81

Table 2
Flag leaf stomatal frequency and xylem size of node of Ahu rice variety Luit and their correlation with cumulative CH4 emission. Within a column, values (mean ! standard
error) followed by same letters are not signicantly different from each other at P < 0.05 level by Duncans multiple range test.

Treatment Stomatal frequency (mm"2 of leaf) Xylem size (mm)

CONT 666.67 ! 37.53bc 24.92 ! 1.43b
GA 765.96 ! 14.18c 26.40 ! 0.70b
IAA 476.95 ! 48.78a 21.23 ! 0.63a
IBA 691.92 ! 58.98c 24.46 ! 0.21b
KIN 539.01 ! 28.37ab 21.23 ! 0.61a
Correlation with cumulative CH4 emission 0.888* 0.882*
Signicant at P < 0.05.

4.2. Soil moisture and organic carbon reported by many authors (Liu et al., 2002; Tanimoto, 2005;
Kukavica et al., 2007) which might be the reason for the lower root
Moisture content determines the availability of anaerobic zones biomass of IAA treated plants in our study. The role of cytokinin in
in the soil which are conducive for CH4 production (Kotiaho et al., the inhibition of lateral root initiation in rice and other plants are
2010; Yu et al., 2013) and this might be the reason for the observed reported by many authors (Debi et al., 2005; Laplaze et al., 2007;
positive relationship of soil moisture with CH4 emission in our Bielach et al., 2012) and are well corroborated with our ndings of
study. Soil organic carbon acts as the major source of substrates to lower root biomass in kinetin treated plants.
methanogenic bacteria for CH4 production (Zhan et al., 2011;
Conrad et al., 2012; Yuan et al., 2014) which might be the reason for 4.5. Leaf photosynthesis, transpiration and stomatal conductance
the observed positive relationship of SOC with CH4 emission. The
higher CH4 emission during the tillering and panicle initiation Inhibition of photosynthesis rate due to external application of
stages may be attributed to the greater availability of SOC during GA is reported by Thetford et al. (1995) and Wang et al. (2013) and
these stages (Supplementary Fig. 3). similar ndings are reported in the present study (Supplementary
Fig. 4). Our results on enhancement of leaf photosynthesis rate in
4.3. Leaf area index and tiller number rice by IAA are in good agreement with Aldesuquy (2000) who
have reported increased ag leaf photosynthetic activity and
Increase in LAI of GA treated rice plants over control pigment formation during grain lling due to external application
(Supplementary Table 1) may be attributed to a GA induced of IAA in wheat. Positive inuence of auxin on chlorophyll content
elongation of leaf blade observed in the present study. Similar and net photosynthetic rate was also reported by Ahmad et al.
ndings have been reported by Asthir et al. (2004) in barley. (2001) in Brassica juncea and our results are well corroborated with
Exogenous supply of IAA resulted in a reduction of LAI in rice plants these ndings. Stimulation of photosynthesis by external applica-
over control (Supplementary Table 1). The role of auxin in tion of cytokinins is reported by Iqbal and Ashraf (2005) in wheat
controlling leaf expansion is reported to have shown conicting and Wu et al. (2012) in eggplant and our results on kinetin induced
results (Keller et al., 2004). Higher level of auxin in intact plants is enhancement in photosynthetic activity are in conformity with the
reported to inhibit leaf expansion (Keller et al., 2011) which ndings of above reports.
possibly might have caused inhibition in leaf growth. Slight The enhancement of leaf transpiration rate and stomatal
reduction of LAI was observed in kinetin treated rice plants over conductance by exogenous GA might have been brought about
control (Supplementary Table 1). There are some reports on by the regulation of stomatal behavior as suggested by Dodd
inhibition of leaf area development due to foliar application of (2003) in barley (Supplementary Fig. 4). Stomatal conductance is
cytokinin in soybean (Leite et al., 2003) and in tomato (Papado- also reported to be inuenced by GA application (Yuan and Xu,
poulos et al., 2006). Therefore, it is evident that the effect of kinetin 2001). Our ndings on the enhancement of transpiration rate and
on LAI is dependent on hormone concentration as well as plant stomatal conductance due to GA application are in good agreement
species. with the above reports.
Exogenous GA is reported to mask tiller growth by regulating Responses of stomata to auxins and cytokinins are species
the levels of endogenous IAA (Liu et al., 2011), which might be the specic as reviewed by Pospilov (2003). In the present
reason for the observed reduction in tiller number of GA treated investigation, variations in transpiration rate and stomatal
rice plants over control in our study (Supplementary Table 1). conductance between CONT-IAA-KIN were not consistent through-
Auxins such as IAA are also reported to reduce tillering in rice (Choi out the experimental seasons (Supplementary Fig. 4). This may be
et al., 2012) and our ndings are in conformity with the above due to uctuations in environmental factors such as CO2
report. concentration over the canopy, ambient temperature, water
potential of leaf and xylem, soil water potential, leaf-stem
4.4. Leaf blade and root biomass hydraulics and vapor pressure decit (Hubbard, 2001; Tuzet
et al., 2003; Yu et al., 2004; Zhang et al., 2013).
GA induced leaf area enhancement in rice as discussed earlier
(section 4.3) might have resulted in higher leaf blade biomass over 4.6. Stomatal frequency and xylem vessel size
control whereas the lower LAI observed in IAA and KIN treated
plants have resulted in reduction in leaf blade biomass in these Stomatal behavior (opening and closing), stomatal pattern,
plants (Supplementary Table 2). stomatal density etc. are regulated by hormonal and environmen-
Exogenously applied GA is reported to have little effect on root tal factors (Dodd, 2003; Casson and Gray, 2008; zyig !it and Can,
growth in many plants (Tanimoto, 2005) and similar observations 2009). Relatively higher rate of leaf area development in GA and
have been made in our study on rice (Supplementary Table 2). IBA treated plants might have contributed to a greater leaf stomatal
Deceleration of root growth due to exogenous auxin application is frequency in these plants (Table 2). Conversely, reduced leaf area in
82 L. Borah, K.K. Baruah / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 233 (2016) 7584

IAA and KIN treated plants as discussed earlier may have resulted Lower root biomass may be a possible but not conclusive reason for
in a lower stomatal frequency over control plants (Table 2). low methane emission in IAA and KIN treated plants.
Gibberellins, auxins and cytokinins are widely reported to
control vascular cell differentiation and determination of continu- 5. Conclusions
ity and pattern of vascular tissue formation in plants (Berleth et al.,
2000; Fukuda, 2004; Aloni et al., 2006; Sorce et al., 2013). The Hormones are known to regulate growth and developmental
control of xylem cell differentiation determines the diameter of processes of plants. In the present investigation, hormone
xylem vessels (Sorce et al., 2013). In the present investigation, GA applications in rice were found to have visible impact on the
and IBA application on rice did not alter the xylem vessel size growth, physiological and anatomical characteristics of the rice
whereas IAA and kinetin application resulted in reduced size of plants. IAA and kinetin applications in rice agriculture were found
xylem vessels over untreated plants (Table 2). Therefore, hormonal to be benecial in terms of lower GHG emission accompanied by
control of xylem vessel size is evident in case of IAA and KIN higher grain production. Our experimental ndings provide
applications and is in good agreement with the ndings of above evidences in favor of a regulatory role of plant hormones in
authors. growth and development of rice plants which indirectly inuence
their GHG transport capacity. It is concluded that manipulation of
plant growth and developmental processes and optimization of
4.7. Yield attributes and grain yield grain yields by application of plant growth hormones, especially
indole acetic acid (IAA) and kinetin (KIN) in suitable dosage can
GA application brought about an improvement in grain yield provide a promising option for mitigation of CH4 emissions from
through its stimulatory effect on panicle length and quantity of rice ecosystem through management of plant mediated methane
lled grains (Fig. 2; Supplementary Table 3). Improvement of grain transport.
yield by GA application is reported by many authors (Ghodrat et al.,
2012; Tiwari et al., 2011) which support our ndings. IAA and Acknowledgement
kinetin application signicantly enhanced the grain yield in Ahu
rice through their stimulatory effect on the yield attributing Leena Borah is grateful to Department of Science and
parameters. Similar ndings are reported by Sadak et al., 2013 and Technology, Government of India, for providing nancial support
Abdoli et al., 2013. Enhancement of yield and yield attributing to carry out the present research work through DST INSPIRE
parameters by kinetin and auxin application are reported by many Fellowship.
authors (Sawan et al., 2000; Papadopoulos et al., 2006; Abdoli
et al., 2013; Javid et al., 2011; Khalil et al., 2006) and our results are
in conformity with these ndings. Appendix A. Supplementary data

Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in

4.8. Mitigation of CH4 emission by hormone application the online version, at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2016.08.033.

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