Green Application and Toxic Risk of Used Diaper and Food Waste As
Green Application and Toxic Risk of Used Diaper and Food Waste As
Green Application and Toxic Risk of Used Diaper and Food Waste As
Green application and toxic risk of used diaper and food waste as
growth substitute for sustainable cultivation of oyster mushroom
(Pleurotus ostreatus)
Nyuk Ling Ma a, b, **, 1, Shing Ching Khoo a, b, 1, Wanxi Peng a, 1, Chia Min Ng b,
Chin Hoe Teh c, Young-Kwon Park d, Su Shiung Lam e, a, *
Henan Province Engineering Research Center for Biomass Value-added Products, School of Forestry, Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou, 450002,
Faculty of Science and Marine Environment, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, 21030, Kuala Nerus, Terengganu, Malaysia
Bruker Malaysia Sdn Bhd, 11900, Bayan Lepas, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
School of Environmental Engineering, University of Seoul, Seoul, 02504, Republic of Korea
Pyrolysis Technology Research Group, Pyrolysis Technology Research Group, Institute of Tropical Aquaculture and Fisheries (AKUATROP), Universiti
Malaysia Terengganu, 21030, Kuala Nerus, Terengganu, Malaysia
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Used diaper and food waste form a major proportion of wastes piled up in landfill. This study aims to
Received 27 August 2019 reduce used diaper and food wastes (comprising coffee waste, sugarcane bagasse, banana skin, eggshell)
Received in revised form via converting them into a unique formulated growth substrate, providing an alternative of growth
5 May 2020
medium in mushroom cultivation. The growth media showed high content of cellulose (27%), hemi-
Accepted 14 May 2020
Available online 18 May 2020
cellulose (16%) and high nutrients with nitrogen (15,779 mg/kg), phosphorus (867 mg/kg) and potassium
(7,758 mg/kg), promoting nearly two-fold mushroom production (73 g) compared to commercial media
Handling editor: CT Lee (37 g). The mushroom cultivation also led to a 40% reduction in weight of growth substrate, confirming
its efficient utilization for growing mushroom while simultaneously leading to waste reduction. The
Keywords: mushroom harvested showed similar metabolite profile to that cultured by commercial media via
Cultivation profiling using nuclear magnetic resonances. The results indicated similar biological composition and no
Mushroom accumulation of undesired toxic and biological components that might be derived from the waste-
Diaper formulated substrate, thus providing assurance that it is safe to be used for sustainable mushroom
© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction of global food production had been turned into wastes. This has
raised environmental issues and caused many landfills to have
There are about 1.3 109 tons (t) of food waste and 2 1010 exceeded their carrying capacity and resulted in massive green-
pieces (pcs) of used diaper produced yearly due to urbanization and house gas emissions (Chen and Lo, 2016). Even though almost 90%
rapid increase of human population (FAO, 2017). Food waste and of food waste is biodegradable and can be recycled for production
used diaper had been ranked at the top and third place in the total of bio-fertilizer and compost, in reality, the food wastes are mixed
of solid waste in the landfill, respectively (Sheila, 2016). One-third with other types of solid wastes and make the recycling process
difficult to the extent of nearly impossible (Abdullah and Chin,
2010). Dumping and piling the food waste in landfill generate
* Corresponding author. Henan Province Engineering Research Center for methane, a major source of greenhouse gas, if it is not properly
Biomass Value-added Products, School of Forestry, Henan Agricultural University, managed (Lee et al., 2017).
Zhengzhou, 450002, China.
The invention of disposable diapers brings convenience to par-
** Corresponding author. Henan Province Engineering Research Center for
Biomass Value-added Products, School of Forestry, Henan Agricultural University,
ents. The downside is that it also generates massive wastes up to a
Zhengzhou, 450002, China. stage that cause difficulties to the disposal of the waste (Espinosa-
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (N.L. Ma), [email protected] (S.S. Lam). Valdemar et al., 2014). A baby can use more than 8,000 pcs of
These authors contributed equally to this paper and acted as first authors.
0959-6526/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 N.L. Ma et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 268 (2020) 122272
disposable diapers from birth to potty training, leading to pro- mushroom cultivation via the use of a growth substrate formulated
duction of 2 t of slow-to-degrade used diapers that are expected to from the combination of used diapers and food wastes (e.g., coffee,
take up to 500 years (y) to be fully decomposed in landfill (Jesca and banana, sugarcane bagasse, and eggshell) to maximize mushroom
Junior, 2015). Hence, efforts should be made to divert food waste cultivation. The findings of this study advocate the concept of
and used diaper from landfilling via conversion into value-added recycling waste into a useful resource for mushroom cultivation
products. while simultaneously serves as a promising alternative to mush-
Studies have been performed to convert used diapers (Khoo room farmers with respect to increased mushroom production and
et al., 2018) and food wastes (Mahmood et al., 2019) into value- generation of income.
added products for application as compost and soil fertilizer. This Following the formulation of the growth substrate from the
provides the motivation for transforming used diaper and food used diaper and food waste, it was evaluated for its performance in
waste largely accumulated in the landfill into a unique growth growing oyster mushroom in mushroom farm. The growth and
substrate for mushroom cultivation. The aim was to reduce these yield of oyster mushrooms were observed in different stages of
wastes while simultaneously utilize the organic components as growth, such as mycelium running stage, primordial development
nutrients for growing mushrooms. Oyster mushroom (Pleurotus stage, and fruiting body development stage. The growth substrate
ostreatus), a common edible mushroom, was selected for this was examined for its weight reduction during mushroom cultiva-
study. The fruit bodies of mushroom are developed from the tion as an evaluation of the utilization of the organic components
germination of spore followed by the formation of mycelium. The for mushroom growth. The growth substrate was also examined for
organic components of the growth substrate would be decomposed its contents of mineral, cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin to
into smaller molecules that can be absorbed for the growth and correlate the utilization of these as nutrients (carbon source) for
development of the fruit bodies along the growth period. Therefore, growing mushroom. In addition, metabolomic profiling of the
the mushroom is deemed to be a good candidate with the potential harvested mushroom was performed using nuclear magnetic res-
to naturally degrade, transform, and utilize organic components onances (NMR) to assess the presence of toxic or undesired bio-
from waste as nutrients for its fruit body formation. logical elements that might derive from the waste-formulated
The growth substrate formulated from used diaper and food substrate.
waste is expected to possess three advantages based on the natural
enzymatic biodegradation mechanism in mushroom e 1) supply of
nutrients comprising nitrate (N), phosphate (P), and potassium (K) 2. Material and methods
derived from food waste and urine in the used diaper, 2) the cel-
lulose core of used diaper acting as platform for spreading and 2.1. Mushroom source
growth of mycelium, and 3) waste reduction from the degradation
action of cellulose by the lignocellulolytic enzyme produced during Oyster mushroom in spawning condition (containing enriched
mushroom cultivation (Espinosa-Valdemar et al., 2015). Baby di- content of mycelium) was obtained from S.R Mushroom Sdn. Bhd.,
apers, made up of 70% cellulose wood pulps, can potentially provide Terengganu, Malaysia. The mushroom spawn was kept at 4 C for
a rich source of cellulose to be consumed by mushrooms for growth long term storage.
and mycelium spreading (Khoo et al., 2018). Oyster mushroom is
classified as lignocellulolytic fungi which can perform lignocellu- 2.2. Used diaper and food waste source
lose degradation (Miles and Chang, 2004). In nature, mushroom is
often found as saprophytes that feed on lignocellulosic material, Used diapers with only urine discharged from kids below two
where the cellulose is reported to be converted into glucose from years olds were collected from Taska Juhani, Terengganu, Malaysia.
the smallest repetitive unit of cellulose called cellobiose (Pathak, The cellulose pulp in the diaper (diaper core) is deemed to be the
2017). primary carbon source that is beneficial for mushroom growth. The
Food wastes such as coffee ground, sugarcane bagasse, eggshell, diaper core was collected and then autoclaved for 15 min at 121 C.
and banana were selected as raw material for formulating the The pre-treatment process was followed by the drying process in
mushroom growth substrate. The main reason is to transfer the oven at 90 C for 2e3 days to make sure it is entirely dried for long
nutrients present in the wastes to enrich the growth substrate. term storage. The food wastes comprised of coffee ground collected
There were reports on the nutrient profiles of coffee ground with from local Starbucks coffee cafe, eggshell collected from local res-
high hemicellulose content (39.1%) and high carbon to nitrogen (C/ taurants as well as banana skin and sugarcane bagasse collected
N) ratio of up to 60.46 according to Ballesteros et al. (2014), banana from local fruit juice stall. These food wastes were individually
with high K of about 0.78 g/kg by Mohapatra et al. (2010), eggshell dried in oven at 70 C for 2 days. Then, the dried food waste was
with high calcium (about 33%) by Ray et al. (2017), sugarcane blended using an electronic blender into powder form and kept for
bagasse with high cellulose and hemicellulose content at 38.59% the subsequent formulation of blocks of growth substrate.
and 27.89% respectively by Masarin et al. (2011). In addition, these
food wastes were selected as they are more accessible for collection
and can be obtained in large quantity in many places. 2.3. Formulation of growth substrate in block
There have been studies on mushroom cultivation using
different growth substrates such as commercially used sawdust, Used diaper core and food wastes were mixed at different
rice straw (Saskiawan et al., 2016), and tea wastes (Yang et al., weight ratios to form the mushroom growth substrate (Table 1).
2016). However, so far, only two studies have been reported on The pH of the growth substrate was adjusted to pH 5.8 ± 0.8 by
the use of diaper as substrate for mushroom cultivation (Espinosa- adding a small amount of calcium carbonate powder (Khan et al.,
Valdemar et al., 2011, 2015). Espinosa-Valdemar et al., 2011 2013). The moisture level of the growth substrate was maintained
explored the feasibility of diaper in mushroom cultivation of Pleu- at 75 ± 5% (Koncsag et al., 2012). The resulting growth substrate
rotus ostreatus and they subsequently investigated the use of diaper was packed into a polyethylene cylindrical bag with a final weight
waste and gardening wastes such as withered leaves, grass, and of 600 g, and the experiments were performed in triplicates for
wheat straw as co-substrate for mushroom cultivation (Espinosa- each treatment. All the substrate blocks were autoclaved at 121 C
Valdemar et al., 2015). In this study, an improved method of for 15 min and kept in a clean environment.
N.L. Ma et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 268 (2020) 122272 3
Table 1
Formulation of growth substrate block in different weight ratios of used diaper core to food waste.
Treatment Formulation
T1 (control) Commercial mushroom cultivation block (control) e sawdust: rice bran: lime powder (Weight ratio-100:1:1)
T2 Fully DC
T3 DC: CG: SCB: BS: ES (Weight ratio- 5: 2: 1: 1: 1)
T4 DC: CG: SCB: BS: ES (Weight ratio- 6: 1: 1: 1: 1)
T5 DC: CG: SCB: BS: ES (Weight ratio- 7: 1: 1: 1: 1)
Notes: DC ¼ diaper core, CG ¼ coffee waste, SCB ¼ sugarcane bagasse, BS ¼ banana skin and ES ¼ eggshell.
Table 2
MRR and duration taken for full mycelium colonization throughout the whole growth substrate.
Treatments MRR (cm/day) Duration taken for Full Mycelium Colonization (days)
Data presented are means ± SD, n ¼ 3, and means in the same column with same letters are not significantly different at p 0.05 according to
Tukey’s HSD test.
N.L. Ma et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 268 (2020) 122272 5
Table 3
Primordial development period from stimulation to initiation and then from initiation to harvest, the average number of primordial, fruiting bodies and effective fruiting
bodies harvested, and the average fresh weight of individual fruiting bodies.
Treatments Primordial Development Period (Days) Average number harvested Average fresh weight of individual fruiting bodies
From Stimulation to From Initiation to Primordial Fruiting Effective fruiting
Initiation Harvest bodies bodies
b a a a a a
T1 6±2 4±1 19 ± 3 9±5 5±4 9±3
T2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
T3 3 ± 1a 3±1 a
25 ± 3 a
11 ± 2 b 8±2 b
11 ± 1 b
T4 5±2b 4±1 a
21 ± 2 a
9 ± 1 ab 6±1 ab
9 ± 1 ab
T5 4±2a 3±0 a
18 ± 5 a
7±4a 5±3 a
10 ± 1 ab
Data presented are means ± SD, n ¼ 3, means with the same column followed by the same letters are not significantly different at p 0.05 according to Tukey’s HSD test. N/A
represent data not available.
Table 4
Average dimension of the fruiting body of oyster mushroom, and its biological yield and economic yield.
Treatments Diameter of pileus (mm) Thickness of pileus (mm) Diameter of stipe (mm) Length of stipe (mm) Biological yield (g) Economic yield (g)
*Highest production yield among the treatments. Data presented are means ± SD, n ¼ 3, means with the same column followed by the same letters are not significantly
different at p 0.05, according to Tukey’s HSD test. N/A represents data not available.
Fig. 2. Weight reduction of substrate block after the harvested of mushroom fruit body. Different small letters indicate significantly different at p < 0.05 according to Tukey’s HSD
test, n ¼ 3.
coffee waste, sugarcane bagasse, banana skin, and eggshell showed by Zhang et al. (2019) in their mushroom cultivation study on
the highest percentage of weight reduction (40%) compared to Agaricus bisporus, recording a degradation and conversion of
other growth substrate blocks. The higher weight reduction in- lignocellulosic content (14e22%) to glucose. The transformation of
dicates the efficient utilization of the growth substrate by the lignocellulosic components into simple sugar molecules can act as
mushroom for growth while simultaneously serves as an indicator nutrient for the growth of mycelium and fruiting bodies.
of the degrading efficiency of the mushroom in reducing the used Cellulose biomass can be converted into glucose-containing
diaper and food waste, representing a beneficial feature leading to compounds through the synergistic action of the cellulolytic
both waste utilization and reduction. The mechanisms behind the enzyme while hemicellulose can be converted into sugars such as
waste utilization and reduction could be derived from the xylose, galacturonic acid and glucuronic acid (Pathak, 2017). The
cellulose-hydrolyzing enzymes and cellulase produced during the presence of high content of cellulose and hemicellulose can be an
cultivation of the mushroom, which have an important role in indicator that there are more sugar available for conversion into
cellulose-degrading activity (Duhan and Gulati, 2017). Espinosa- carbon sources for mushroom growth when these lignocellulosic
Valdemar et al. (2011) also found that the weight of growth sub- substrates are digested (Mussatto and Teixeira, 2010). This explains
strate (diaper added with grape waste) was reduced after two the higher yield of mushroom shown by T3 growth substrate
harvest cycles of mushroom. compared to the commercial growth substrate since the higher
The weight reduction of the growth substrate is closely related contents of holocellulose (a combination of hemicellulose and
to the lignocellulosic content in the growth substrate (Fig. 3). T3 cellulose) in overall as observed in T3 was likely to have boosted up
showed a higher content of lignin and hemicellulose but lower the growth and subsequently the yield of mushroom. These find-
content of cellulose compared to that of control (Fig. 3). Biocon- ings corroborate the beneficial role of cellulose and hemicellulose
version of lignin, cellulose, and hemicellulose to glucose was likely derived from the waste materials in supplying additional nutrients
to have occurred during mushroom cultivation. This was supported for the growth of the mycelium and mushroom. Oyster mushroom
6 N.L. Ma et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 268 (2020) 122272
Fig. 3. Lignocellulose content in the T3 growth substrate compared to control. The different letters at the top of the bars indicate significantly different at p < 0.05, according to
Tukey’s HSD test, which indicates that T1 (Control) is significantly different from T3 with respect to cellulose, lignin, and hemicellulose content.
3.3. Nutrient profile of growth substrate Fig. 4(a) shows that the peaks of spectra acquired from T3 are
similar to the NMR spectra shown by the control. Moreover, the PCA
Apart from providing high content of lignin and hemicellulose score plot in Fig. 4(b) showed only one single cluster, confirming
for the growth and development of the oyster mushroom, the that there is no variation between the metabolome of both mush-
formulation of T3 also showed higher content of nutrients room samples. The result demonstrates that the metabolomics
compared to that of control (Table 5). In particular, the macronu- profiles of mushroom cultivated by T3 are highly similar to the
trients needed for the mushrooms to grow, especially the N, P, K, control and no extra peaks were observed indicating similar bio-
were significantly higher in T3 compared to the control (commer- logical composition and no accumulation of undesired toxic or
cial mushroom cultivation block). The nutrient value of N, P, K in T3 biological components that might have derived from the use of
growth substrate are 15,779 mg/kg, 867 mg/kg and 7,758 mg/kg waste materials to form the growth substrate, thus providing an
respectively compared to commercial growth substrates with assurance that the T3 growth substrate is safe to be used for
N ¼ 1,157 mg/kg, P ¼ 206 mg/kg and K ¼ 1,065 mg/kg. This cor- mushroom cultivation.
roborates the higher yield of mushroom from the use of the T3
growth substrate due to its higher nutrient content (Table 5). 4. Conclusions
In addition, the nutrient content of growth substrate also
significantly affected the mycelium growth performance and Used diaper and food waste were successfully converted into a
mushroom yield. Royse et al. (2004) revealed that the increase in unique, formulated growth substrate, consisting of 27% cellulose
nutrient level at high rates can boost the mycelial growth by and 16% hemicellulose, leading to improved growth of oyster
providing more energy and thus increase the overall growth of the mushroom (P. ostreatus). The application of this formulated growth
fruiting bodies. In addition, the utilization of different ratios of the substrates resulted in an increase of mushroom production up to
waste substrate by the fungus (Pleurotus ostreatus) was closely two-fold compared to that shown by commercial growth substrate.
related by its capacity to secrete digestive enzymes. The digestive NMR metabolite profiling showed that the substrate is safe to be
N.L. Ma et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 268 (2020) 122272 7
Fig. 4. Metabolomic profiling of the harvested oyster mushroom using 1H-NMR. (a) 1H NMR spectra (600.13 MHz) of metabolites obtained from three biological replicates of the
mushroom cultivated by T3 growth substrate and T1 (control); the data were analyzed with MestReNova (Mnova), (b) PCA score plot of mushroom cultivated from T3 growth
substrate and the control. Black squares represent the control, whereas red dots represent T3. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is
referred to the Web version of this article.)
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