Mercury Instruments UT 3000 Tedlar en

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Wintershall Q4-C platform, North Sea Wintershall Wingas GmbH gasholder, Rehden (Germany)

Figures: Offshore and onshore natural gas production plants. The special UT-3000-Tedlar setup
allows to measure Hg in natural gas and gaseous hydrocarbons fast and accurate.

Mercury in Natural Gas Measuring of Hg in Natural

Mercury is a frequent constituent of natural Gas by the Tedlar Bag
gas. It can be found in concentrations from a Technique
few g/m up to >10000 g/m. In gas
The bag sampling technique offers a simple,
samples from Northern Germany
cost-effective and yet precise method to
concentrations between 700 g/m and
determine the mercury concentration in
4400 g/m have been reported. The limit
natural gas (or in other gas samples).
for sales gas in Germany is 28 g/m.
A Tedlar sample bag (for repeated use
Besides its toxicity mercury causes damage by
available as an accessory) is filled with the
corrosion to gaskets, turbine vanes and other
gas sample. The valve is closed and the bag
components of gas plants. For this reasons it
is carried to the UT-3000 ULTRATRACER
is important to monitor the mercury
which has been set up in the laboratory or
concentrations in natural gas production.
another safe place.

Connecting a Tedlar bag filled with Opening of the valve to release sample into the
sample to the UT-3000 analyzer
UT-3000 Tedlar System for Mercury in Natural Gas

Measuring the sample from the bag

After the UT-3000 ULTRATRACER has been
switched on the user is asked to enter the
sample name. A message on the display tells
the operator to connect the sample bag and
to open the sample bag valve. After the F1
key has been pressed the instrument will draw
the preset volume of sample from the bag.
The end of sampling is indicated by a
beeping sound and a message appears:
Close sample bag valve (clockwise);
Remove Sample Bag.
Extracting calbration gas from the UT-3000
Now analysis is started by pressing the F1 calibration device
key. After 90 seconds the result will be
displayed on the screen. The calibration gas is generated in a
specially designed glass chamber surrounded
The sample volume can be set between by an aluminium jacket that is cooled by a
0.1liter and 1liter, depending on the thermoelectric cooler. The chamber contains
expected concentration. For higher elemental mercury of high purity. The
concentrations the sample volume has to be temperature of the jar is exactly measured
smaller, for lower concentrations the sample with a high-precision temperature sensor. The
volume should be bigger. temperature signal is transmitted to the UT-
The built-in flow meter is adjusted auto- 3000 ULTRATRACER where the mercury
matically according to the composition of the concentration of the calibration gas is
sample gas before each measurement in calculated. A small volume of air is extracted
order to achieve the correct sample volume from the mercury chamber with a syringe and
independent from the sample composition. injected into the calibration port of the

Injection of calibration gas into the calibration

port of the analyzer

Working with the UT-3000 Tedlar in the lab Sampling System for Natural
Calibration of the Analyzer Gas
System For sampling of natural gas under high
pressure (for example from a pipeline) a
An easy to use calibration device is available specially designed sampling system has to be
as an accessory. It uses the principle of static used in order to reduce pressure and to
calibration with mercury saturated air. It is guide the sample from the sampling point to
maintenance free and unlike permeation the sample bag. The most important
devices does not require re-weighing. requirement for such a sampling system is
This calibration method is according to that it has to retain the mercury concentration
ISO/DIS 6978-3, ASTM D 5954 and VDI of the sample gas unchanged. Of course it
2267 PART 8 Standard Methods. must also be suitable for use in hazardous

Page 2
UT-3000 Tedlar System for Mercury in Natural Gas

zone. Mercury Instruments offers a Natural

Gas Sampling System which meets these
requirements 100%. The pressure regulator is
electrically heated thus avoiding
condensation caused by the Joule-Thompson
effect. This prevents from loss of mercury.
Condensate mist is effectively removed by a
specially coated membrane filter. Surfaces of
Sampling system (left) and UT-3000 (right),
benchtop setup

tubing and filters are specially coated for low

adsorptivity towards mercury. The design of
the system allows a maximum input pressure
of 3480 psig (240 bar), the output pressure
is adjustable from 1 psig to 28 psig (0.07
bar to 2.0 bar). Standard connectors to
interface with the process is NPT, others
are available optionally.

Sampling probe for natural gas

Performance Data

UT-3000-Tedlar; Carry Over Test

1640,6 9005,5



Left: measurements of two samples

with extreme high mercury
concentrations ((>1600 g/m and
concentration Hg [g/m3]

120 >9000 g/m) followed by blank

determinations. This demonstrates the
remarkable low carry over of the UT-
3000-Tedlar system.





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
measurement number

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UT-3000 Tedlar System for Mercury in Natural Gas

UT-3000; 10 L-Tedlar Bag; CH4 sample, mercury standard added

y = 0,9937x + 3,05
theoretical Hg concentration [ng/m3] Sample= CH4 (99.9 %) R = 0,9995




0,0 50,0 100,0 150,0 200,0 250,0
reading UT-3000 [ng/m3]

Recovery rate determined by measurements of methane samples with

calibration standard added

UT-3000, reproducibility of measurements Hg in methane

10 L Tedlar Bag


mean= 283,0 ng/m; standard deviation= 1,6 ng/m

reading Hg [g/m]





1 2 3 4 5 6
measurement number

Repeated measurement of a methane sample fom a 10 liter Tedlar bag

showing excellent reproducibility


Liebigstrasse 5
85757 Karlsfeld, Germany
Tel: +49-8131-505720
E-Mail: [email protected] Mercury Instruments GmbH, 11/2008

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