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The document discusses constructing alternating multiples of positive integers and the different cases to be considered for a number n to have an alternating multiple.

The document discusses proving that the circumcircles of two triangles formed in an acute-angled triangle have a common point on one of the sides of the triangle.

An alternating multiple of a number is constructed by first finding an alternating multiple of the number with a certain number of digits and then adding random digits to the front while maintaining the alternating property.

45th International Mathematical Olympiad

Athens, Greece, July 2004

1. Let ABC be an acute-angled triangle with AB 6= AC. The circle with diameter BC
intersects the sides AB and AC at M and N , respectively. Denote by O the midpoint of
the side BC. The bisectors of the angles BAC and M ON intersect at R. Prove that the
circumcircles of the triangles BM R and CN R have a common point lying on the side BC.

Soln. The radical centre of the three circles is A. Thus the radical axis of circles BM R
and CN R is AR. Thus we only need to show that BM RL and CN RL are cyclic, where
L = AR BC. We have

OM = ON and N OR = M OR M R = RN.

Also M AR = N AR, AR = AR and M R = RN imply either (i) 4AM R 4AN R

which in turn implies that AM = AN (impossible as AB 6= AC); or (ii) AM R+AN R =
180 which in turn implies that AM RN is cyclic. (This fact can also be obtained by noting
that the perpendicular bisector of M N and the angle bisector of M AN meet at R.)
This then implies that ARN = AM N = ACB = ACL, whence RN CL is cyclic.
Similarly, RM BL is cyclic.
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Second soln. Denote by T the midpoint of M N . Since 4ABC and 4AN M are similar,
with respective medians AO and AT , we have BAO = CAT . Thus the bisector AR of
BAC also bisects OAT . Therefore RO = AO . Furthermore, using the same fact again,

= = = .
We conclude that M R bisects OM N . Now BM O = B (O is the centre of the
circle (BCN M ). Combined with AM N = C, this yields OM N = A, and hence
BM R = B + A/2 = CLR. So B, L, R, M are concyclic. Likewise, C, L, R, N are

2. Find all polynomials P (x) with real coefficients which satisfy the equality

P (a b) + P (b c) + P (c a) = 2P (a + b + c)

for all triples a, b, c of real numbers such that ab + bc + ca = 0.

Soln. Put a = b = c = 0, we get 3P (0) = 2P (0) which implies P (0) = 0. Put

a = b = 0, we get P (c) = P (c) for all real c. Thus the polynomial has only even powers:
P (x) = m=1 a2m x2m .
Since the expression ab + bc + ca = 0 is homogeneous, we may assume that a = 1.
This yields b = c/(1 + c). Thus a general solution is

a = 1 + t, b = t, c = t + t2 .

A(n) = (a b)n + (b c)n + (c a)n = (1 + 2t)n + (t2 + 2t)n + (t2 1)n
B(n) = 2(a + b + c)n = 2(t2 + t + 1)n

It is easily seen that by direct computation that A(2) = B(2) and A(4) = B(4). Now
consider n 6. Again direct computation shows that the coefficients of t2n and t2n1 of
n n
A(n) and  B(n) are equal. The coefficient of t of A(n) is 4 2 1 while that of B(n)
n n
is 2 2 + 1 . Its clear that the latter is strictly smaller than the former for n 6.
This shows that P (a b) + P (b c) + P (c a) and 2P (a + b + c), as polynomials in t, are
not identical if k 3 (the terms in t4k2 are different) and are identical if k 2. So the
answer is P (x) = ax2 + bx4 , where a, b are real numbers.

3. Define a hook to be a figure made up of six unit squares as shown in the diagram
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or any of the figures obtained by applying rotations and reflections to this figure.
Determine all m n rectangles that can be covered with hooks so that
(i) the rectangle is covered without gaps and without overlaps;
(ii) no part of a hook covers area outside the rectangle.

Soln. For any hook A, there is unique hook B covering the inside square of A with
one of its endmost squares. In turn, the inside square of B must be covered by an
endmost square of A. Thus, the hooks must come in pairs, in two different ways as
shown in the figure below. We call such a pair a tile.
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Depending on how the tile is placed, there are two cases:
(a) The column lengths of the tile are odd (3) while the row lengths are even (2 or 4)
as shown in the figure above.
(b) The column lengths of the tile are even while the row lengths are odd.
Suppose a tiling a possible, then 12 | mn. Also it is easy to see that m, n 6= 1, 2, 5.
We shall prove that one of m, n is a multiple of 4. If the number of tiles is even, then
24 | mn and thus one of m, n is divisible by 4 and we are done. Thus we may assume that
the number of tiles is odd. So one of (a) and (b) must occur an odd number of times. By
symmetry, we may assume that (a) occurs an odd number of times.
Colour black every 4th column from the left. Each type (a) tile must intersect one
black column. Since each type (b) tile can cover an even number of black squares, we see
that the total number of black squares is odd. Thus the column length is odd, i.e, one of
m, n is odd and so the other is divisible by 4.
Conversely, suppose 12 | mn, 4 divides one of m, n, and none of the sides is 1,2, or 5.
If 4 | m and 3 | n, then we can easily cover the rectangle with the 3 4 tiles.
If 12 | m and 3 - n, then write n = 3p + 4r. We can then partition the rectangle into
m 3 and m 4 rectangles. So a covering is again possible.

4. Let n 3 be an integer. Let t1 , t2 , . . . , tn be positive real numbers such that

2 1 1 1
n + 1 > (t1 + t2 + + tn ) + + + .
t1 t2 tn

Show that ti , tj , tk are side lengths of a triangle for all i, j, k with 1 i < j < k n.

Soln. By symmetry if suffices to show that t1 < t2 + t3 . We have

X ti tj
RHS = n + +
tj ti
1 1 1 X ti tj
= n + t1 + + (t2 + t3 ) + +
t2 t2 t1 (i,j)6=(1,2),(1,3)
tj ti

1 1 2 ti tj
+ , t 2 + t3 2 t 2 t 3 , + 2.
t2 t2 t2 t3 tj ti

Thus, setting x = t1 / t2 t3 > 0, we get
2 2 n 2
n + 1 > n + 2x + + 2 2 = 2x + + n2 4.
x 2 x

Hence 2x2 5x + 2 < 0, which implies that 1/2 < x < 2. Therefore t1 < 2 t2 t3 t2 + t3
as required.

5. In a convex quadrilateral ABCD the diagonal BD bisects neither the angle ABC nor
the angle CDA. The point P lies inside ABCD and satisfies

P BC = DBA and P DC = BDA.

Prove that ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral if and only if AP = CP .

D .
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D ... . .. ...
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. ... ... ... ... ... ... ........... .......... y.........
... .... P
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y ...................
. .. ...
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. ....
.. ... ......................... A .. .. ..
. .. ... ......................... ........
.. .
.. .................... ... ..... C ...... ...
. .
... .. B
.. ............. ..... .... ..... ... ... . .. ..
... ............. .. ..... .... ... .....
... y ........................ L... K ..... .... y.........
... ... .
. ... ... .. ... ....
... .............. .. y ...... .... ... ... ... ... ...
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C B ......
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Since P is in the interior of ABCD, we have DBA < DBC iff BDA < BDC. So
we may assume that P lies in triangles ACD and BCD. Also let P BC = DBA = y
and P DC = BDA = x.
Assume that ABCD is cyclic. Let the lines BP and DP meet AC at K and L,
respectively. Then ACB = ADB = x, ABD = ACD = y. Therefore P LK =
x + y = P KL, whence P K = P L. Also 4ADL ' 4BDC and 4ABD ' 4KBC.
= = ,
yielding AL = KC. Combine with the conclusions above, this implies that 4ALP
4CKP . Hence AP = CP .
Conversely, assume that AP = CP . Let the circumcircle of BCP meet the lines CD
and DP again at X and Y , respectively. The 4ADB ' 4P DX. Therefore DA/DP =
DB/DX and so 4ADP ' 4BDX. Therefore

= = .
Moreover, 4DP C ' 4DXY , which gives CP = PD . Since AP = CP , we have BX =
Y X. Hence

DCB = XY B = XBY = XP Y = x + y = 180 BAD.

This implies that ABCD is cyclic.

6. We call a positive integer alternating if every two consecutive digits in its decimal
representation are of different parity.
Find all positive integers n such that n has a multiple which is alternating.

Soln. (Official) A positive integer is alternating iff it is not a multiple of 20.

The last two digits of a multiple of 20 are both even and so it cant be alternating.
For the other integers, there are several cases.
a) Every power of 2 has an alternating multiple with an even number of digits.
Proof: If suffices to construct an infinite sequence {an } such that

an n + 1 (mod 2), 22n1 k a2n1 a2n2 . . . a1 ; 22n+1 k a2n a2n1 . . . a1

for each n. (Here for any positive integers a, b, c, ab k c means b is the largest integer such
that ab | c.) Start with a1 = 2, a2 = 7. If the sequence is constructed up to a2n , set
a2n+1 = 4. Then a2n+1 is even, and

22n+1 k a2n+1 . . . a1 = 4 102n + a2n . . . a1 ,

because 22n+1 k a2n . . . a1 by the induction hypothesis and 22n+2 k 4 102n . Denote
a2n+1 . . . a1 = 22n+1 A, with A odd. Now a2n+2 must be odd and such that

22n+3 k a2n+2 . . . a1 = a2n+2 102n+1 + a2n+1 . . . a1 = 22n+1 [a2n+2 52n+1 + A],

which holds whenever 5a2n+2 + A 4 (mod 8). The solutions of the last congruence are
odd, since A is odd. In addition, a solution a2n+2 can be chosen from {0, . . . , 7}. The
construction is complete.
b) Each number of the form 2 5n has an alternating multiple with an even number
of digits.
Proof: We construct an infinite sequence {bn } such that

bn n + 1 (mod 2) and 2 5n | bn . . . b1

for each n. Start with b1 = 0 and b2 = 5. Suppose b1 , . . . , bn have been constructed. Let
bn . . . b1 = 5` B, where ` n and 5 - B. The next digit bn+1 must be such that bn+1 n+2
(mod 2) and 5n+1 divides

bn+1 . . . b1 = bn+1 10n + bn . . . b1 = 5n [bn+1 2n + 5`n B].

The latter is true whenever bn+1 2n + B is divisible by 5. Now the system of simultaneous
congruence bn+1 n + 2 (mod 2), bn+1 2n + B 0 (mod 5) has a solution by Chinese
remainder theorem, since 2n and 5 are coprime. Also, a solution bn+1 can be chosen in
{0, . . . , 9}, as needed.
For the general case n = 2 5 k, where k is not a multiple of 5 or 2 and 1. First
we note that 2 5 has an alternating multiple M with an even number, say 2m, of digits.

Thus all numbers of the form M M . . . M are also alternating. We claim that one of them
is a multiple of n. Consider the numbers

C` = 1 + 102m + + 102m(`1) , ` = 1, 2, . . . , k + 1

There exist 1 i < j k+1 such that Ci Cj (mod k). Hence k | Cj Ci = Cji 102mi .
Since 10 is coprime to k, it follows that k | Cji . Now it is straightforward that Cji M ,
a number of the form M M . . . M is an alternating multiple of n.

Soln. Solution by Joel Tay, (RJC). The answer is every positive integer n which is
not a multiple of 20. If 20 divides n, then the last 2 digits of any multiple of n are even,
hence cannot be alternating. If 20 - n, then either (1) 2 k n, (2) 2 - n or (3) 22 | n, 5 - n.
We consider these 3 cases separately.
Case (1): 2 k n. We can reduce this to case (2) as follow. In this case, n/2 is odd. By
case (2), an alternating multiple of n/2 is obtained. If this number is even, then it is an
alternating multiple of n. If it is odd, multiplying by 10 (that is adding a zero to its unit
place) gives an alternating multiple of n.
Case (2a): 2 - n and 5 - n. That is (n, 10) = 1. Consider the number x = 1212 12,
where the digits 12 are repeated k times. Here k is taking to be large, say larger than
n(n), where is the Euler function. Since (2, n) = 1, there exists an integer y, 1 y n
such that 2y x (mod n). On the other hand, (10, n) = 1 implies that 10(n) 1
(mod n). Thus 2 10(n) 2 (mod n) and 2 10m(n) 2 (mod n) for all integer m.

a = 2+210(n) +2102(n) + +210(y1)(n) 2+2+ +2 2y x (mod n).

That is a + x is a multiple of n. Note that x is alternating and the digits of a are all
even and the length of a is shorter than the length of x. Thus a + x is alternating.

Case (2b): 2 - n and 5c k n, where c is a positive integer. We shall first find an

alternating multiple of 5c having at most c digits. To do so, we construct inductively
an alternating multiple am1 a2 a1 a0 of 5m for m = 1, 2, . . . , c. Take a0 = 5, a1 = 2.
Suppose 5m divides the alternating number am1 a2 a1 a0 .
First note that 0 10m , 2 10m , 4 10m , 6 10m , 8 10m are distinct mod 5m+1
and 5m divides all of them. Similarly, 1 10m , 3 10m , 5 10m , 7 10m , 9 10m are
also distinct mod 5m+1 and 5m divides all of them. So there exists exactly one number
among 0 10m , 2 10m , 4 10m , 6 10m , 8 10m or exactly one number among 1 10m ,
3 10m , 5 10m , 7 10m , 9 10m where we denote it by am 10m such that it is the
additive inverse of am1 a2 a1 a0 (mod 5m+1 ). In other words, am am1 a2 a1 a0 is
divisible by 5m+1 . Furthermore the parity of am can be chosen to be different from that
of am1 , hence ensuring am am1 a2 a1 a0 is alternating. This completes the proof that
there is an alternating multiple ac1 a2 a1 a0 of 5c having at most c digits.

Now consider the integer n. First choose a positive integer q such that q(n/5c ) >
c. Note that 5c divides any number ending with ac1 a2 a1 a0 . As such consider the
following number.

101010 10ac1 a2 a1 a0 if ac1 is odd
010101 01ac1 a2 a1 a0 if ac1 is even

Here there are k 01s or 10s in x. Also k is chosen to be sufficiently large, say larger than
(q + n)(n/5c ).
As noted before, 5c divides x and x is alternating. Since (2, n/5c ) = 1, there exists an
integer y with 1 y n/5c such that 2y x (mod n/5c ).
Also 2 10m(n/5 )
2 (mod n/5c ) for all integers m. Thus
c c c
a = 2 10q(n/5 ) + 2 10(q+1)(n/5 ) + + 2 10(q+y1)(n/5 )
2 + 2 + 2 2y x

(mod n/5c ). In decimal representation, a = 200 0200 0 200 0, where each block
of 200 0 has at least c zeros since q(n/5c ) > c. Thus a + x is alternating as the
addition of a to x does not affect the first c digits of x, all digits of a are even and x is
long enough to have more digits than a. Therefore a + x is alternating and divisible by
n/5c . Since a + x is also divisible by 5c and (52 , n/5c ) = 1, it is divisible by n.
Case (3): 2c k n, where c 2 and 5 - n. We first construct an alternating multiple of
2c . Take x = 1010 10 or 0101 010, so that it has c digits. Note that 2 k x. (That is
x/2 is odd.) Now we use induction to construct an alternating multiple of 2m (2 m c)
of the form x + am2 am3 a0 , where all digits a0 , a1 , . . . , am2 are even.
For m = 2, take a0 = 6. Then 22 divides 101 16 or 010 016. Suppose 2m divides
x + am2 am3 a0 . Note that 0 10m1 and 2 10m1 are distinct mod 2m+1 and
that 2m divides both of them. Exactly one of them is congruent to x am2 am3 a0
(mod 2m+1 ). Denote that one by am1 10m1 . Then x + am1 am2 a0 = x +
am2 am3 a0 + am1 10m1 is divisible by 2m+1 . Since a0 = 6 and a1 , . . . , am1
are either 0 or 2, the number x + am1 am2 a0 is an alternating multiple of 2m+1 .
Consequently, we have constructed an alternating multiple of 2c having at most c digits.
Now we return to the case n = 2c k, where (2, k) = 1, (5, k) = 1 and c 2. Denote
the alternating multiple of 2c obtained above by bc1 bc2 b0 . Consider

101010 10bc1 b2 b1 b0 if bc1 is odd
010101 01bc1 b2 b1 b0 if bc1 is even

where 10 or 01 is repeated k times and k is chosen sufficiently large, say larger (q n

1)(n/2c ) with q(n/2c ) > c. Note that x is alternating and is divisible by 2c .
Let y be an integer with 1 y n/2c such that 2y x (mod n/2c ). As before,
c c c
a = 2 10q(n/2 ) + 2 10(q+1)(n/2 ) + + 2 10(2+y1)(n/5 )
2 + 2 + 2 2y x

(mod n/2c ). That is a + x is divisible by n/2c and it is alternating. Since q(n/2c ) > c,
the first c digits of a + x is bc1 bc2 . . . b0 and thus a + x is divisible by 2c . Therefore it is
an alternating multiple of n.

Solution by Andre Kueh, (RJC). Let n = 2a 5b k, where a and b are non-negative
integers and (k, 2) = 1, (b, 5) = 1. Since (10, k) = 1, there exists a positive integer m such
that 10m 1 (mod k). We first prove the following lemma.
Lemma There exists an alternating number j with 2m digits and an odd digit at the
unit place such that (j, k) = 1. Furthermore there exists a positive integer such that
j 1 (mod k).
Proof Let j = (102m 1)/99 + 2`102m1 , ` = 1, 2, 3. In other words, j is the
2m-digit number 10101 01, where = 2, 4, 6. As (102m 1, 102m1 ) = 1, we have
((102m 1)/99, 102m1 ) = 1 so that the common factors of (102m 1)/99 and 2`102m1
are factors of 2`. Since (102m 1)/99 is odd, the common factors of (102m 1)/99 and
2`102m1 is either 1 or 3. Thus the common factors of (102m 1)/99 and (102m 1)/99 +
2`102m1 is either 1 or 3. Consequently, (102m 1, (102m 1)/99 + 2`102m1 ) is a factor
of 99 3 = 33 11. Since there are 3 possible choices for `, we may choose ` such that
j = (102m 1)/99 + 2`102m1 is not divisible by both 3 and 11. Now for this choice of `,
we have (j, 102m 1) = 1. Thus (j, k) = 1 as k divides 10m 1. Since (j, k) = 1, there
exists such that j 1 (mod k). This completes the proof of the lemma.
Note that j has 2m digits and a finite number of concatenations of j is still an alter-
nating number.
Case (1): a = b = 0. That is n = k. Let x = jj j, where there are n copies of
j. In other words, x = j + j 102m + + j2m(n1) . Since n(= k) divides 2m 1, we
have 102m 1 (mod n). Thus x j + j + + j = nj 0 (mod n). That is x is an
alternating multiple of n.
Case (2): a 2, b = 1. This impels that n is a multiple of 20. As the last two digits
of any multiple of 20 are always even, n cannot have an alternating multiple.
Case (3): a = 0, b 1. That is n = 5b k. First we construct inductively an alternating
multiple of 5b having at least b digits whose unit digit is odd. When b = 1, take the number
5 itself. Suppose ab1 ab2 a0 is an alternating multiple of 5b . Then ab1 ab2 a0
c 5b (mod 5b+1 ). Note that 0 10b , 2 10b , 4 10b , 6 10b , 8 10b are distinct residue
classes modulo 5b+1 , so do 1 10b , 3 10b , 5 10b , 7 10b , 9 10b . We may pick an additive
inverse ab 10b of c 5b modulo 5b+1 such that ab and ab1 are of opposite parity. Then
ab ab1 a0 ab 10b + c c 10b 0 (mod 10b+1 ), giving an alternating multiple of
5b+1 .
Note that adding any arbitrary digits to the front of this alternating multiple of 5b will
still be a multiple of 5b . Thus we may add random odd and even digits to this alternating
multiple of b taking care to ensure that it remains alternating until we obtain an alternating
multiple of 5b having 2pm digits for some positive integer p. Let this alternating multiple
of 5b be y. Note that the leftmost digit of y is even. Now let q y (mod k), where
q {1, 2, . . . , k}. Consider the number x = jj jjy. Here the number x has q copies
of j, where is the number provided by the lemma. As 10m 1 (mod k), we have
x qj + y 0 (mod k). Since x is divisible by 5b , it is an alternating multiple of n.
Case (4): a 1, b = 0. That is n = 2a k. First we construct inductively an alternating
multiple of 2a having at least a digits. Let 2a = as1 as2 a1 a0 . The unit digit a0 is
always even. If a1 is also even, we may add as1 as2 a1 a0 to itself a number of times
until a carry occurs in the 10th place. Then the digit at the 10th place of the resulting

number is odd. In this way, we obtain a multiple of 2a of the form pr pr1 p1 p0 such
that at least the first 2 right-most digits are of opposite parity. Now suppose p is the first
non-alternating digit in the number pr pr1 p1 p0 . We consider the following two cases.
Suppose both p and p1 are odd. We add a certain multiple of as as1 a1 a0 00 0
to pr pr1 p p1 p1 p0 , where there are ( 1) zeros in the first number, until a carry
occurs at the 10 th place. Then the resulting multiple of 2a will be alternating starting
from right to left up to the ( + 1)th digit.
Suppose both p and p1 are even. We add a certain multiple of as as1 a1 a0 00 0
to pr pr1 p p1 p1 p0 , where there are ( 1) zeros in the first number, until the
first time no carry occurs at the 10 th place. Again, the resulting multiple of 2a will be
alternating starting from right to left up to the ( + 1)th digit.
Continue the above procedure until the alternating multiple of 2a so obtained has at
least a digits. Then the number obtained by taking the first a digits of this multiple of
2a is again an alternating multiple of 2a . That is we discard all the digits after the 10a
place. Now as in case (3), we may add random digits to the front of this number until it
has 2pm + 1 digits for some positive integer p. Denote the resulting alternating multiple
of 2a by y. Note that both the first and last digits of y are even.
Since (10, k) = 1 (mod k), there exists t {1, 2, . . . , k} such that 10t 1 (mod k).
Also let q {1, 2, . . . , k} be such that q y (mod k).
Consider the number x = jj jjy. Here the number x has tq copies of j, where
is the number provided by the lemma. Note that x is alternating as the unit digit of j is
odd. As 10m 1 (mod k) so that 102mr+1 10 (mod k) for any positive integers r, we
have x 10tqj + y q + y 0 (mod k). Since x is divisible by 2a , it is an alternating
multiple of n = 2a k.
Case (5): a = 1, b 1. By case (3), there is an alternating multiple ar ar1 a0 of
n/10, where a0 is odd. Then ar ar1 a0 0 is an alternating multiple of n.
Concluding all, we have shown that a positive integer n is alternating if and only if it
is not a multiple of 20.

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