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A chievement gaps are an all-too-present reality in

todays educational landscape. Despite decades
of overall progress in narrowing achievement gaps,
What are Achievement Gaps?
Achievement gaps are broadly defined as the
differences in academic performance between groups
disparities in educational outcomes related to poverty, of students of different backgrounds and have been
English language proficiency, disability, and racial and documented with respect to students ethnic, racial,
ethnic background persist. In recent years, closing gender, English language learner, disability, and
these gaps was a focal point for education policy. income status. Gaps may exist on a range of data
But as the political winds have changed, the focus on points, such as:
closing achievement gaps has been eclipsed by often
heated debates about teacher evaluation, Common Student performance on national and state tests and
Core State Standards, and other hot topics in the classroom assessments
education arena. Moreover, the complex intersections Measures that affect performance like tardiness,
of economic, housing, and education policy that have absences, access to qualified teachers, and access to
led to a resegregation of Americas public schools modern materials, facilities, technology, and books
make the multidimensional solutions that might
Access to and success in courses (e.g., algebra,
improve student achievement over time difficult to
calculus, physics) and special educational
sustain in an age of quick fixes and fractured political
opportunities (e.g., Advanced Placement, Honors,
dual enrollment) that are gateways to higher
Despite the complexity of the issues, renewing a education
collective commitment to closing the gaps must Early childhood readiness factors and access to quality
be at the forefront of efforts to ensure educational early learning and full-day kindergarten programs
opportunity for all students. With poverty rates
Readiness for college or career technical education
rising among public school children, and America
certification programs without need for remediation
continuing its demographic shift to a majority-
minority population, the task of scaling up and High school dropout and graduation rates
better supporting the practices and interventions College completion rates and employment later in life
that effectively close gaps and promote positive
achievement outcomes is more urgent than ever. These and other indicators point to gaps in the
While the Black-White achievement gap has been opportunities that are provided to students, as well
widely described in academic research and media as gaps in the educational attainment achieved by
outlets, other groups of students experience students.
significant gaps in academic achievement, and an
increasing number of these same students will be Gaps in Achievement Persist for Many
enrolled in Americas public schools in the years Students
ahead. Understanding who these children are and Distinct groups of students persistently lag behind
just how far they have been left behind, is a critical, their more privileged peers on various indicators
foundational step if we are to better address their of academic achievement. Since they were first
educational needs and increase positive achievement administered in the early 1970s, results from the
outcomes for all students.

Great Public Schools for Every Student

NEA Education Policy and Practice & Priority Schools Departments | Center for Great Public Schools | 1201 16th St., NW, Washington, D.C. 20036

National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) pronounced than the Black-White achievement
have documented overall increases in student gap that many often emphasize.1 Whether looking
performance in reading and math. Although at standardized test scores, grades, high school
achievement gaps between groups of students have completion rates, or college enrollment and
narrowed over this time, substantial gaps in NAEP completion rates, there are significant achievement
test scores have persisted for low-income students, gaps between low- and high-income students on
English language learners (ELL), students with most measures of academic success.2 For example,
disabilities, and students from various racial and ethnic the low-income graduation rate reached 73.3 percent
backgrounds. during the 2012-13 school year (an increase of 3.3
percentage points since 2010-11), but was still 8.1
While standardized test scores are not the only percentage points lower than the record-high national
means of comparing achievement outcomes by graduation rate of 81.4 percent.3
student group, the NAEP test results have provided
a consistent source of national level assessment data NAEP test scores also reflect persistent income
for more than 40 years and demonstrate the scope achievement gaps between students eligible for
and complexity of the achievement gap challenge. the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and
Graduation rate data released in March 2015 by the their higher income peers which have not narrowed
U.S. Department of Educations (ED) National Center appreciably since 2003.4 Half of the fourth and
for Education Statistics provide additional insight into eighth grade students who took the NAEP in 2013
achievement gaps between student groups, while were eligible to receive free or reduced priced lunch
select state level data point to achievement gaps for through the NSLP based on their families low levels
homeless students and students in the foster care of income.5 As compared to their higher-income
system. In addition, exposure to trauma and violence peers, students eligible for free and reduced price
cuts across socioeconomic categories and poses lunch demonstrated lower proficiency levels in fourth
significant barriers to educational achievement in the and eighth grade math and reading, and much larger
classroom. percentages of NSLP eligible students performed
below basic on NAEP tests than their non-NSLP
While intersections between student subgroupssuch eligible peers.6 (See Tables 1 and 2)
as between race and poverty, ethnicity and English
language proficiency, or gender and raceheighten TABLE 1
the complexity of analysis that is needed to move a 2013 NAEP - % Proficient
conversation toward solutions, the data that follows Eligible for NSLP Not
provides a baseline for understanding the gaps in Free Reduced Eligible
Lunch Price Lunch for NSLP
achievement that persist for too many of our students.
4th Grade Math 22% 33% 46%
Students from Low-Income Families
4th Grade Reading 22% 25% 37%
The income achievement gap between children from
8th Grade Math 16% 23% 35%
high- and low-income families increased 40 percent
between the mid-1970s and 2000 and is even more 8th Grade Reading 18% 28% 42%


Great Public Schools for Every Student

NEA Education Policy and Practice & Priority Schools Departments | Center for Great Public Schools | 1201 16th St., NW, Washington, D.C. 20036

(70 percent).12 Almost half of ELL fourth graders
2013 NAEP - % Below Basic
scored below basic in math (41 percent) and more
Eligible for NSLP Not than two-thirds scored below basic in reading (69
Free Reduced
for NSLP percent).13
Lunch Price Lunch
4th Grade Math 28% 15% 7% While the graduation rate for students with limited
English proficiency increased 4.1 percentage points
4th Grade Reading 48% 32% 17%
between 2010-11 and 2012-13, their graduation rate
8th Grade Math 41% 29% 14% stood at only 61.1 percenta full 20 points below
8th Grade Reading 36% 22% 13% the national graduation rate of 81.4 percent, and
25 points below their White peers (86.6 percent).14
According to data released by EDs National Center
Poverty and low economic status have a particularly
for Education Statistics in March 2015, ELL students
negative impact on young children as they enter
graduate from high school at the lowest rate of all
school and make their way through the K-12 system.
student subgroups.15
The income achievement gap is already large when
students enter kindergarten,7 and researchers have
identified school readiness gaps in preliteracy,
Students with Disabilities
math, and cognitive skills, which are among the Interpreting data regarding academic achievement for
most important predictors of later school success.8 students with disabilities is a complex task impacted
Researchers have also found that children who by decisions at the local level regarding instructional
experience repeated or continued poverty fall farther delivery, inclusion, testing, and other policies. For
and farther behind, with the differences in reading example, determinations as to whether students with
scores increasing over time between them and their disabilities take standardized tests with their same-age
high-income peers.9 peers or with their academic placement level and the
processes for making that determination vary across
English Language Learners districts. Even understanding this context, however,
the significant gaps in academic achievement that
Achievement gaps between ELLs and non-ELL
persist between students with disabilities and their
students are deeply rooted, pervasive, complex,
peers raise the question of what more the education
and challenging. As a group, ELLs face some of the
community should do to address their learning needs.
most pronounced achievement gaps of any student
groups. The 2013 NAEP test scores document large The 2013 NAEP test scores and graduation rates
ELL achievement gaps that have remained relatively document large achievement gaps between students
unchanged over the preceding 10 years.10 In 2013, with disabilities and their nondisabled peers. In
ELL students demonstrated proficiency levels that 2013, students with disabilities demonstrated
were 23 to 30 percentage points below their English- proficiency levels in reading and math that were 20
speaking peers, with only 3 to 4 percent of ELL to 27 percentage points below their nondisabled
eighth graders demonstrating proficiency in math or peers, with few fourth and eighth grade students
reading.11 More than two thirds of ELL eighth graders with disabilities demonstrating proficiency in math or
scored below basic in math (69 percent) and reading reading.16 Almost two-thirds of eighth grade students


Great Public Schools for Every Student

NEA Education Policy and Practice & Priority Schools Departments | Center for Great Public Schools | 1201 16th St., NW, Washington, D.C. 20036

with disabilities scored below basic in math (65 But while the magnitude of the achievement gaps
percent) and reading (60 percent), while almost half of has changed, the gaps, nonetheless, persist for racial
fourth grade students with disabilities scored below and ethnic minorities.20 The 2013 NAEP test scores
basic in math (45 percent) and more than two-thirds indicate that Black, Hispanic, and AI/AN students
scored below basic in reading (69 percent).17 in the fourth and eighth grades scored significantly
lower than their White peers in reading and math.
Graduation rates for students with disabilities have Moreover, Black, Hispanic, and AI/AN students
been a source of more encouragement, with rates demonstrate proficiency in reading and math at much
improving from 59 percent in 2010-11 to 61.9 percent lower levels than White students and perform below
in 2012-13.18 Even with this improvement, however, basic in these subject areas at much higher rates than
the graduation rate for students with disabilities White students.21
is a full 20 percentage points below the national
graduation rate of 81.4 percent. In stark contrast, Asian/Pacific Islander (API) students
as a group consistently outperform their White
Racial and Ethnic Minorities peers and other racial and ethnic minorities with
Gaps in achievement between racial and ethnic respect to NAEP test scores and proficiency levels.
minorities and their White peers have been well As some have pointed out, however, [t]he Asian
documented over the last 40 years. Across the Pacific American demographic includes 48 distinct
spectrumfrom indicators of readiness for kindergarten ethnic groups from various regions, including East
among young children, through achievement Asians South Asians, Southeast Asians, Pacific
outcomes in the K-12 system, to success in completing Islanders, and more, and the needs of many API
college and career technical education programs students have been rendered invisible by the model
without the need for remediationwe see signs of minority myth.22 This perspective is supported by
progress mixed with signs of significant concern about research that disaggregates student data to examine
the effectiveness of Americas public education system the performance of various ethnic subgroups that
in addressing the needs of the growing population of make up the broader category of API students.
racial and ethnic minority students. One such study found that some Southeast Asian
groups experienced socioeconomic barriers similar
The data make clear that achievement gaps among to other racial and ethnic groups, as well as lower
Black, Hispanic, and American Indian/Alaska Native levels of educational attainment such as high school
(AI/AN) students and their White peers have narrowed diplomas.23
considerably over the past 40 years. For example,
more than three-quarters of Black students (83 Graduation rates also point to a story of progress that
percent) performed below basic on the NAEP fourth is overshadowed by persistent disparities. As of the
grade mathematics test in 1990 as compared to 41 2012-13 school year, Americas overall high school
percent of White students.19 In 2013, that number graduation rate was at a record high 81.4 percent.24
stood at 34 percent for Black students and 9 percent Between the 2010-11 and 2012-13 school years, the
for White studentsa marked improvement for both graduation rate grew for American Indian students
groups. Similar progress has been made by other by 4.7 percentage points, for Hispanic students by
racial and ethnic groups. 4.2 percentage points, and for Black students by 3.7


Great Public Schools for Every Student

NEA Education Policy and Practice & Priority Schools Departments | Center for Great Public Schools | 1201 16th St., NW, Washington, D.C. 20036

percentage points.25 Moreover, the gap between experience homelessness or high mobility. Variation
White and Black students and between White and in achievement among HHM students suggests that
Hispanic students receiving high school diplomas homelessness and high mobility affect individual
is closing.26 Despite this progress, however, the students differently, and that other factors related
graduation rates of ethnic and racial minorities remain to resilience bolstered the achievement of some
troubling, with the American Indian graduation rate HHM students. This study pointed out that additional
standing at only 69.7 percent, the Black graduation research is needed to better understand the impact
rate standing at 70.7 percent, and the Hispanic of homelessness and high mobility on student
graduation rate standing at 75.2 percent, as compared achievement.
to the White graduation rate of 86.6 percent.27
Another study found that, Compared to all other
student groups in Californiaincluding those
Other Vulnerable Students: Youth in Foster
already identified with the widest achievement
Care, Homeless Youth, and Youth Exposed to gaps, such as English learners, students from low
Trauma and Violence socioeconomic backgrounds, and students with
Youth in foster care and homeless youth face disabilitiesstudents who are in foster care drop out
significant barriers to success in school. Frequent of school at much higher rates and graduate at much
moves for these students undermine academic lower rates, with only about 58 percent of grade
success and can be caused by a changed foster 12 students earning a high school diploma. 29 Test
care placement, family homelessness, or transient or results from the California Standards Test show that,
unstable housing arrangements. Far too often, these results for students in foster care fell into the two
factors combine with the challenges they may face lowest performance levels for English language arts
as a racial or ethnic minorityand as a result of their and mathematics at twice the rate of those for the
low-income economic statusto further hinder their statewide student population.30 Moreover, high
educational attainment. While national NAEP data school students in foster care had the highest dropout
is not specifically reported for these two subgroups, rate and lowest graduation rate, with students in
analysis of state data points to significant achievement upper grade levels and those who experience three
gaps for homeless youth and youth in foster care. or more foster care placements experiencing the
greatest achievement gaps.
One longitudinal study of students in Minnesota
found that, students who experienced homelessness The estimated 46 million children affected by
or high mobility had chronically low levels of reading violence, crime, abuse, or psychological trauma
and math achievement compared to their peers in a given yearalmost two out of every three
gaps that either stayed the same or worsened as children in the U.S.represent a large presence in
students approached high school.28 Homeless or Americas public schools.31 Education is one area
high mobility (HHM) students, showed lower levels of in which negative, long-term effects of trauma and
achievement, and slower growth in math achievement, violence can be observed. Chronic stress caused
during years in which they experienced homelessness by adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) can have
and high mobility compared to their own achievement permanent effects on the chemical and physical
and growth during years in which they did not structures of a childs brain, creating issues with


Great Public Schools for Every Student

NEA Education Policy and Practice & Priority Schools Departments | Center for Great Public Schools | 1201 16th St., NW, Washington, D.C. 20036

attention, concentration, memory, and creativity Even more immediately, between 2011 and 2022,
making it far more difficult for the child to succeed White student enrollment in public elementary and
in the classroom.32 Repeating grades, dropping secondary schools is projected to decrease from 52
out, and lower scores on tests of verbal ability and percent of all students enrolled in public schools to 45
comprehension, reading and math skills, and overall percent, while students who are Hispanic will increase
achievement on standardized tests are among the from 24 percent to 30 percent, bringing the total
educational consequences for these students.33 While enrollment of minority students in public schools to
NAEP and other data sources are not designed to more than half. 36
document achievement gaps for these children in
the same way that they are for other student groups, English language learners represent a growing
exposure to trauma and violence cuts across lines population in Americas public schools. During the
of race, ethnicity, income, gender, and the other 2011-12 school year, there were almost 4.4 million ELL
categories frequently associated with achievement students in the United States, comprising 9.1 percent
gaps. Understanding this interplay is an important of all preK-12 students nationwide.37 Data collected
step in addressing achievement gap issues. in 2009 indicate that 37 percent of Hispanic fourth
graders and 21 percent of Hispanic eighth graders are
English language learners.38 Attending to the needs
Changing U.S. Demographics Increase the
of ELL students is not just a western state issue. While
Urgency for Action to Close Achievement the eight states with ELL public school enrollment
Gaps rates of 10 percent or more are in the West (Alaska,
Demographic trends and projections related to race California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, New Mexico,
and ethnicity, ELL status, and income level suggest Oregon, and Texas), ELL student enrollment increased
that in the coming years, Americas public schools will by more than 100 percent in seven states in other
be called upon to educate an increasingly diverse regions of the country between 2004-05 and 2011-12:
student body and an increasing number of students Kansas, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Maryland, Michigan,
from demographic groups that experience the largest South Carolina, and West Virginia.39
achievement gaps. States are already confronting the
socioeconomic and diversity challenges that we know Against this backdrop of growing racial and ethnic
the nation will soon face. diversity in our nation and in our schools, there has
also been a marked increase in economic inequality.
By as early as 2044, the majority of the U.S. population As of 2013, for the first time in recent history, a
will be comprised of people currently considered majority (51 percent) of public school students come
to be racial or ethnic minorities.34 The growth in the from low-income families.40 This reflects a persistent
number of minority children over time illustrates the increase in the growth of low-income public school
expected superdiversification of Americas children students over the past several decades, from 32
that public schools will face in the coming decades: percent in 1989, to 38 percent in 2000, to 51 percent
while 25 percent of American children were a racial in 2013.41 While most of the states with a majority of
or ethnic minority in 1980, children are 46 percent low-income students enrolled are found in the South
minority today and are projected to be 57 percent and West, the growth of the low-income student
minority in 2040 and 65 percent minority in 2060.35 population is national in scale. In 21 states, half or


Great Public Schools for Every Student

NEA Education Policy and Practice & Priority Schools Departments | Center for Great Public Schools | 1201 16th St., NW, Washington, D.C. 20036

more students in public school were eligible for free inside the classroom, including the very complex
or reduced-price lunch in 2013, and in 40 of 50 states, issues of economic inequality and socioeconomic
at least 40 percent of students were low-income.42 segregation in housing that intersect with race
and ethnicity to profoundly impact educational
Meeting the Challenges Ahead opportunity and outcomes . This will require
The achievement outcomes, demographic trends, unprecedented collaboration across the spectrum.
and projected shifts in student population described Whether we are decision makers in the policy arena,
here foreshadow the significant challenges that lie educators in our schools, or advocates and parents
ahead for Americas public schools. Beyond the moral in the community, closing achievement gaps and
imperative of fairness and equity, there are enormous expanding opportunity for all students must remain at
economic benefits to closing achievement gaps, and the forefront of our efforts.
significant economic costs if we fail.43 Yet despite
ample forewarning, we face this educational future
without the political and educational strategies in
place and at the scale that will be needed to produce
the highly skilled workforce called for in the years
aheadunless we make a different choice.

Advancing an opportunity agenda in the policy arena

that expands equity, access, and opportunity for the
students we are currently leaving behind is critical
if we are to change the story of achievement gaps
to one of achievement for all students. Providing
resources for schools and students that face the
greatest challenges, expanding education models
like community schools and parent/community
engagement that address the holistic needs of
students, and increasing diversity and cultural
competence in and across the education workforce
are cornerstones of a policy and practice agenda
aimed at eliminating achievement gaps.

But closing the gaps and raising achievement

outcomes will require more than just changes within
school systems. Curricula, instructional methods, and
other aspects of educational practice are an important
part of the solution, but they alone are not enough.
We must also address the social and economic factors
outside the classroom that impact students success


Great Public Schools for Every Student

NEA Education Policy and Practice & Priority Schools Departments | Center for Great Public Schools | 1201 16th St., NW, Washington, D.C. 20036

Notes 7
Reardon, S.F. (2011). The widening academic achievement
gap between the rich and the poor: New evidence and
Reardon, S.F. (2011). The widening academic achievement possible explanations. In R. Murnane & G. Duncan (Eds.),
gap between the rich and the poor: New evidence and Whither Opportunity? Rising Inequality and the Uncertain
possible explanations. In R. Murnane & G. Duncan (Eds.), Life Chances of Low-Income Children. New York: Russell
Whither Opportunity? Rising Inequality and the Uncertain Sage Foundation Press.
Life Chances of Low-Income Children. New York: Russell 8
Layzer, J. & Price, C. (2008). Appendix D: Closing the Gap
Sage Foundation Press.
in the School Readiness of Low-Income Children. (Working
Reardon, S.F. (2013). The Widening Income Achievement paper prepared for A Working Meeting on Recent School
Gap. Educational Leadership, 70(8), 10-16. Readiness Research: Guiding the Synthesis of Early
National Center for Education Statistics. (2015) Childhood Research). Office of the Assistant Secretary
Achievement gap narrows as high school graduation rates for Planning and Evaluation, U.S. Department of Health
for minority students improve faster than rest of nation and Human Services. Retrieved from http://aspe.hhs.gov/
[Press release]. Retrieved from http://www.ed.gov/news/ hsp/10/SchoolReadiness/apd.shtml.
press-releases/achievement-gap-narrows-high-school- 9
Layzer, J.& Price, C. (2008). Appendix D: Closing the Gap
graduation-rates-minority-students-improve-faster-rest-nation in the School Readiness of Low-Income Children. (Working
National Center for Education Statistics. (2014) The paper prepared for A Working Meeting on Recent School
Nations Report Card Mathematics and Reading 2013: Readiness Research: Guiding the Synthesis of Early
Trends in 4th- and 8th-grade NAEP mathematics and Childhood Research). Office of the Assistant Secretary
reading average scores and score gaps, by NSLP eligibility. for Planning and Evaluation, U.S. Department of Health
Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of and Human Services. Retrieved from http://aspe.hhs.gov/
Education. Retrieved from http://www.nationsreportcard. hsp/10/SchoolReadiness/apd.shtml.
gov/reading_math_2013/#/achievement-gaps 10
National Center for Education Statistics. (2014) The
NAEP. (2014). NAEP Data Explorer. National Center Nations Report Card Mathematics and Reading 2013:
for Education Statistics, Institute of Education Trends in 4th- and 8th-grade NAEP mathematics and
Sciences. Retrieved from http://nces.ed.gov/ reading average scores, by status as English language
nationsreportcard/naepdata/report.aspx?p=1- learners (ELL). Institute of Education Sciences, U.S.
RED-2-20133,20113,20093,20073,20053,20033,20023, Department of Education. Retrieved from http://www.
20003,19983-RRPCM-SLUNCH3-NT-RP_RP-Y_J-0-0-5 nationsreportcard.gov/reading_math_2013/#/gains-by-
Students eligible for NSLP are from families that have group
incomes at or below 130 percent of the poverty line 11
National Center for Education Statistics. (2014) The
($29,965 for a family of four) or between 130 and 185 Nations Report Card Mathematics and Reading 2013:
percent of the poverty line ($29,965 to $42,642 for a family Trends in 4th- and 8th-grade NAEP mathematics and
of four). See Interpreting NAEP Reading Results. Retrieved reading achievement-level results, by status as English
from http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/reading/ language learners (ELL). Institute of Education Sciences,
interpret_results.aspx U.S. Department of Education. Retrieved from http://www.
National Center for Education Statistics. (2014) The nationsreportcard.gov/reading_math_2013/#/student-
Nations Report Card Mathematics and Reading 2013: groups
Trends in 4th- and 8th-grade NAEP mathematics and 12
National Center for Education Statistics. (2014) The
reading achievement-level results, by eligibility for Nations Report Card Mathematics and Reading 2013:
the National School Lunch Program (NSLP). Institute Trends in 8th-grade NAEP mathematics and reading
of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education. achievement-level results, by status as English language
Retrieved from http://www.nationsreportcard.gov/reading_ learners (ELL). Institute of Education Sciences, U.S.
math_2013/#/student-groups Department of Education. Retrieved from http://www.


Great Public Schools for Every Student

NEA Education Policy and Practice & Priority Schools Departments | Center for Great Public Schools | 1201 16th St., NW, Washington, D.C. 20036

nationsreportcard.gov/reading_math_2013/#/student- student-groups
groups 18
National Center for Education Statistics. (2015)
National Center for Education Statistics. (2014) The Achievement gap narrows as high school graduation rates
Nations Report Card Mathematics and Reading 2013: for minority students improve faster than rest of nation
Trends in 4th- grade NAEP mathematics and reading [Press release]. Retrieved from http://www.ed.gov/news/
achievement-level results, by status as English language press-releases/achievement-gap-narrows-high-school-
learners (ELL). Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. graduation-rates-minority-students-improve-faster-rest-
Department of Education. Retrieved from http://www. nation
nationsreportcard.gov/reading_math_2013/#/student- 19
National Center for Education Statistics. (2014) The
groups Nations Report Card Mathematics and Reading 2013:
National Center for Education Statistics. (2015) Trend in fourth-grade NAEP mathematics achievement-level
Achievement gap narrows as high school graduation rates results, by race/ethnicity (19902013). Institute of Education
for minority students improve faster than rest of nation Sciences, U.S. Department of Education. Retrieved from
[Press release]. Retrieved from http://www.ed.gov/news/ http://www.nationsreportcard.gov/reading_math_2013/#/
press-releases/achievement-gap-narrows-high-school- student-groups
graduation-rates-minority-students-improve-faster-rest- Educational Testing Service (ETS). (2010). The Black-White
nation Achievement Gap: When Progress Stopped. Washington,
National Center for Education Statistics. (2015) DC: Barton, P.E., & Coley, R.J.
Achievement gap narrows as high school graduation rates 21
National Center for Education Statistics. (2014) The
for minority students improve faster than rest of nation Nations Report Card Mathematics and Reading 2013:
[Press release]. Retrieved from http://www.ed.gov/news/ Trend in fourth- and eight-grade NAEP mathematics and
press-releases/achievement-gap-narrows-high-school- reading achievement-level results, by race/ethnicity (1990
graduation-rates-minority-students-improve-faster-rest- 2013). Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of
nation Education. Retrieved from http://www.nationsreportcard.
National Center for Education Statistics. (2014) gov/reading_math_2013/#/student-groups
The Nations Report Card Mathematics and Reading 22
Nhan, D. (2012, May 11). Asians Often Burdened as Model
2013: Trends in 4th and 8th grade NAEP reading and Minority. National Journal. Retrieved from http://www.
mathematics achievement-level results, by status as nationaljournal.com/thenextamerica/education/asians-
students with disabilities (SD). Institute of Education often-burdened-as-model-minority-20120511
Sciences, U.S. Department of Education. Retrieved from
http://www.nationsreportcard.gov/reading_math_2013/#/ See Pang, V. O., Han, P.P., & Pang, J.M. (2011) Asian

student-groups In 2013, fewer than 10 percent of 8th grade American and Pacific Islander Students: Equity and the
students with disabilities demonstrated proficiency in math Achievement Gap. Educational Researcher, 40 (8), 378-389.
or reading, fewer than 10 percent of 4th grade students Retrieved from JSTOR.
with disabilities demonstrated proficiency in reading, and 24
National Center for Education Statistics. (2015)
only 16 percent of 4th grade students with disabilities Achievement gap narrows as high school graduation rates
demonstrated proficiency in math. for minority students improve faster than rest of nation
National Center for Education Statistics. (2014) [Press release]. Retrieved from http://www.ed.gov/news/
The Nations Report Card Mathematics and Reading press-releases/achievement-gap-narrows-high-school-
2013: Trends in 4th and 8th grade NAEP reading and graduation-rates-minority-students-improve-faster-rest-
mathematics achievement-level results, by status as nation
students with disabilities (SD). Institute of Education 25
National Center for Education Statistics. (2015)
Sciences, U.S. Department of Education. Retrieved from Achievement gap narrows as high school graduation rates
http://www.nationsreportcard.gov/reading_math_2013/#/ for minority students improve faster than rest of nation


Great Public Schools for Every Student

NEA Education Policy and Practice & Priority Schools Departments | Center for Great Public Schools | 1201 16th St., NW, Washington, D.C. 20036

[Press release]. Retrieved from http://www.ed.gov/news/ Generals National Task Force on Children Exposed to
press-releases/achievement-gap-narrows-high-school- Violence. Washington, DC. Retrieved from http://www.
graduation-rates-minority-students-improve-faster-rest- justice.gov/defendingchildhood/cev-rpt-full.pdf.
nation Childrens Exposure to Violence and Trauma and its

National Center for Education Statistics. (2015) Adverse Effects on Education factsheet citing Teaching
Achievement gap narrows as high school graduation Through Trauma: How Poverty Affects Kids Brains.
rates for minority students improve faster than rest of Southern California Public Radio. 2 June 2014. Web. http://
nation [Press release]. Retrieved from http://www.ed.gov/ www.scpr.org/blogs/education/2014/06/02/16743/
news/press-releases/achievement-gap-narrows-high- poverty-has-been-found-to-affect-kids-brains-can-o/.
school-graduation-rates-minority-students-improve-faster- 33
Childrens Exposure to Violence and Trauma and its
rest-nation . The Black-White gap decreased from 17 Adverse Effects on Education fact sheet, citing Bethell,
percentage points in 2010-11 to 15.9 percentage points in C., et al., Adverse Childhood Experiences: Assessing
2012-13, and the Hispanic-White gap decreased from 13 the Impact on Health and School Engagement and the
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ncela.ed.gov/data/factsheets. National Center for 41

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Educational Statistics. English Language Learners. U.S. Research Bulletin: A New Majority: Low Income Students
Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences. Now a Majority In the Nations Public Schools. Retrieved
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Great Public Schools for Every Student

NEA Education Policy and Practice & Priority Schools Departments | Center for Great Public Schools | 1201 16th St., NW, Washington, D.C. 20036

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