Air Charge Estimation in Turbocharged Spark Ignition Engines

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oping Studies in Science and Technology.

Thesis No. 989

Air Charge Estimation

in Turbocharged
Spark Ignition Engines

Per Andersson

Department of Electrical Engineering

Linkoping University, SE581 83 Linkoping, Sweden
Linkoping 2005
Air Charge Estimation in Turbocharged Spark Ignition Engines

c 2005 Per Andersson

[email protected]
Department of Electrical Engineering,
oping University,
SE581 83 Link oping,

ISBN 91-85457-77-9 ISSN 0345-7524

Printed by LiU-Tryck, Link

oping, Sweden 2005
To Ulrika

Turbocharged (TC) spark-ignited (SI) engines are popular as they combine
high power output with good fuel economy. Furthermore, their emissions can
be successfully reduced using a three way catalyst (TWC) provided that the air-
fuel ratio is precisely controlled. As the air-fuel ratio depends on the precision of
the air charge estimate, this thesis is devoted to the systematic improvement of
the cylinder air charge (CAC) estimation on TC SI engines. A second objective
is to provide the design engineer with a flexible framework for CAC estimation
that easily can be adapted to various engines.
The CAC is not measurable and it is therefore estimated using a model.
Part I concentrates on stationary conditions and examines existing air charge
estimation methods using engine experiments where the wastegate is opened
and closed. Measurements show that the existing methods are insufficient for
TC SI engines since the CAC depends on exhaust backpressure and charge
cooling from evaporating fuel. A new 2-parameter CAC model which accounts
for these effects is developed and the validation shows that the error is reduced
from 10% to 3%.
Part II deals with transient conditions and a dynamical component-based
model is developed for the gas flow systems of TC SI engines. The physical
structure of different TC SI engines is similar and these similarities are exploited
in the developed model. The division into components provides the basis for a
flexible framework that enables a straightforward adaption to various engines.
It is described how the model parameters are systematically fitted using an
engine map and maps from the turbocharger manufacturer. The accuracy of
the model is good and the stationary error is less than 10% on the intake side.
An observer that estimates the CAC, given available measurements, is sug-
gested. It is shown that the system is locally structurally observable from arbi-
trarily measured model states. Further, a specific combination of signals that
is most suitable for CAC estimation is pointed out. The developed observer is
based on the constant gain extended Kalman filter (CGEKF) and a systematic
method for selecting the design parameters in CGEKF filters is proposed. The
method only requires an engine map and the variance of the signals considered
for observer feedback. Several different combinations of observer feedback sig-
nals are studied and it is shown that the observer is capable of estimating the
model states. The design method is successfully tested on two different engines.
Finally, the developed model and observer is used for model-based air-fuel
ratio control. A TC SI engine is controlled by the proposed controller in real-
time and the transient deviations from = 1 are less than 7% in very rapid
throttle transients.

This work has been performed at Vehicular Systems and I am very grateful to
professor Lars Nielsen for letting me join his excellent group and for all the
support, discussions, and encouragement he has provided during this work.
First I would like to thank my supervisor Dr. Lars Lasse Eriksson, who is
greatly acknowledged for guiding me into the research field of mean value models
and for all careful proofreadings of research papers and this thesis. Thank you
Lasse for your patient guidance and encouragement during the project! Then, I
thank Dr. Erik Frisk for his help with LATEX and Emacs and for the interesting
discussions and proofreadings especially around the structural analysis, and
observer design chapters. Marcus Klein and Ylva Nilsson were kind to proofread
early versions of the manuscript.
This work would not have been possible without all the help from our re-
search engineers over the years Andrej Perkovic, Jan Brug ard, Mats Karlsson,
and Martin Gunnarsson who take good care of our research laboratory. Erik
ardh, Per Oberg, and Christer Rosenquist are also acknowledged as they
all have contributed in the development of our successful real-time control envi-
ronment. I thank Kristin Wiberg and Carolina Fr oberg as they made sure that
the administrative work always went smoothly. The staff of Vehicular Systems
is also acknowledged for creating a nice research atmosphere and amusing coffee
I also thank GM-Powertrain Sweden AB and Mecel AB for show-
ing great interest, for the hardware supply, and support during the project.
The Swedish Agency for Innovation Systems (VINNOVA) is acknowledged for
their support through the center of excellence ISIS (Information Systems for
Industrial Control and Supervision).
Finally I thank my mother Karin, father Ragnar, and my brother Ulf for
their support and encouragement.

oping, November 2005

Per Andersson

1 Introduction 1
1.1 Precise Air-Fuel Ratio Control is Necessary . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Air-Fuel Ratio Control Challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2.1 Feedback and Feedforward Control is Necessary . . . . . . 3
1.2.2 Desired Properties: Low Cost and Fast Calibration . . . . 3
1.3 Problem Formulation and Solution Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.4 List Of Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.5 Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2 Background 7
2.1 Why Focus on Air Estimation? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.1.1 Couplings Between Intake and Exhaust Side . . . . . . . . 8
2.1.2 The Necessity of CAC Prediction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.2 Air Charge Estimation Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.3 Measured Air-Mass Flow Principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.4 Speed-Density Principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.4.1 Filtering and Sensor Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.4.2 Side Effects of the Wastegate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.5 Cylinder Air Charge Estimation Principle Selection . . . . . . . . 13
2.6 Related Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.6.1 Mean Value Engine Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.6.2 Measuring Air-Fuel Ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.6.3 Observers and Air-Fuel Ratio Control Aspects . . . . . . 17


2.6.4 Time Domain versus Crank Angle Domain . . . . . . . . 18

I Stationary 19
3 Speed-Density Methods and Different Wastegate Settings 21
3.1 Air Intake System Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3.1.1 Intake Manifold Pressure Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.1.2 Air-Mass Flow Into the Intake Manifold . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.1.3 Port Air-mass Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.2 Intake Manifold Pressure Observers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.2.1 Port Air-mass Flow Estimation from Observed Intake Man-
ifold Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.2.2 Port Air-mass Flow Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.2.3 Observer Test Case Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.3 Observer with Proportional Feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.3.1 Tuning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.3.2 Steady-State Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.4 Port Air-mass Flow Observer with Additive Offset in vol . . . . 32
3.4.1 Tuning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.4.2 Steady-State Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.5 Observer with Air-Mass-Offset Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.5.1 Tuning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
3.5.2 Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
3.6 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

4 Development of a Control Oriented CAC Model 43

4.1 CAC and Air-Fuel Ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
4.1.1 Charge Cooling Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
4.1.2 CAC Model with Charge Cooling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
4.1.3 Results Using the Charge Cooling Model . . . . . . . . . 49
4.2 CAC and Exhaust Pressure Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
4.2.1 CAC Model with Exhaust Manifold Pressure Dependency 53
4.2.2 CAC Sensitivity Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
4.2.3 Exhaust Manifold Pressure Drop when Wastegate is Opened 58
4.2.4 CAC Change when the Wastegate is Opened . . . . . . . 58
4.2.5 Results of CAC Exhaust Manifold Pressure Sensitivity
Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
4.3 The Proposed CAC Model Improves Torque Estimates . . . . . . 61
4.3.1 Torque Estimates During Fuel Enrichment . . . . . . . . . 62
4.3.2 Torque Estimates For Different Wastegate Settings . . . . 63
4.4 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

5 Exhaust Manifold Pressure Estimation 65

5.1 System Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
5.2 Exhaust Pressure Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
5.2.1 Nominal Exhaust Pressure Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
5.2.2 Model of Exhaust Manifold Pressure Offset . . . . . . . . 68
5.2.3 Summary of Exhaust Pressure Calculation Process . . . . 72
5.3 Exhaust Pressure Estimator Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
5.3.1 Estimated Exhaust Pressure with Constant Air-mass Flow
Before and After the Wastegate Step . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
5.3.2 Estimated Exhaust Pressure with Different Air-mass Flow
Before and After the Wastegate Step . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
5.4 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

II Dynamics 79
6 A Mean Value Model of a TC SI Engine 81
6.1 Model Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
6.1.1 Model Simplifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
6.1.2 Model Inputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
6.1.3 Model States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
6.1.4 Data Sets for Parameter Estimation and Validation . . . 87
6.2 Incompressible Flow Restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
6.2.1 Air Filter Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
6.2.2 Intercooler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
6.2.3 Exhaust System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
6.3 Compressible Flow Restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
6.3.1 Throttle Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
6.3.2 Wastegate Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
6.4 Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
6.4.1 Port Air-mass Flow Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
6.4.2 Exhaust Mass-flow Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
6.4.3 Engine Torque . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
6.5 Turbocharger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
6.6 Compressor Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
6.6.1 Compressor Air-mass Flow Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
6.6.2 Compressor Efficiency Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
6.6.3 Compressor Temperature Out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
6.6.4 Compressor Torque . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
6.7 Turbine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
6.7.1 Turbine Mass-flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
6.7.2 Turbine Efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
6.7.3 Turbine Temperature Out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
6.7.4 Turbine Torque . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
6.8 Model Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120

6.8.1 Control Volumes with Filling and Emptying Dynamics . . 121

6.8.2 Turbocharger Speed Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
6.9 Summary of Model Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
6.9.1 Air-filter Control Volume Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
6.9.2 Compressor Control Volume Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . 123
6.9.3 Intercooler Control Volume Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . 124
6.9.4 Intake Manifold Control Volume Dynamics . . . . . . . . 124
6.9.5 Exhaust Manifold Control Volume Dynamics . . . . . . . 125
6.9.6 Exhaust System Control Volume Dynamics . . . . . . . . 126
6.9.7 Turboshaft Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
6.10 Total Model Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
6.10.1 Stationary Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
6.10.2 Transient Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
6.11 Modeling Methodology Applied to a Different Engine . . . . . . . 137
6.12 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139

7 Sensor Selection for Observer Feedback 141

7.1 Engine Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
7.1.1 Inputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
7.1.2 States and State Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
7.1.3 Measured Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
7.2 Observability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
7.2.1 Observability Index of A Subset of States . . . . . . . . . 145
7.2.2 Structural Observability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
7.3 Observability of the Engine Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
7.4 Signal Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
7.4.1 Signal Selection for Best System Observability . . . . . . 148
7.4.2 Signal Selection for Best CAC Observability . . . . . . . . 148
7.5 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149

8 Air-System Observer Design 151

8.1 Mean Value Air-System Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
8.1.1 Feedback is Necessary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
8.2 Observer Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
8.2.1 Design Method Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
8.2.2 Design Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
8.2.3 Observer Feedback Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
8.2.4 Design Point Selection and Model Linearization . . . . . . 156
8.2.5 Measurement Uncertainty R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
8.2.6 Model Uncertainty Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
8.2.7 Alternative Measures of the Model and Measurement Un-
certainty Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
8.2.8 Observer Gain Calculation and Gain Switching . . . . . . 160
8.2.9 Stability Investigations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
8.2.10 Discussion of Design Choices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160

8.3 Design Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161

8.3.1 Resulting Feedback Gains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
8.3.2 Evaluation using Measured Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
8.4 Stationary Non Stationary Observer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
8.5 Using Different Signals for Observer Feedback . . . . . . . . . . . 167
8.6 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173

9 Observer Based Feedforward Air-Fuel Ratio Control 175

9.1 Model of the System Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
9.2 Air-Fuel Ratio Controller Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
9.2.1 Observer Based Predicting Feedforward Control . . . . . 179
9.2.2 -Feedback Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
9.2.3 Total Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
9.3 Experimental Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
9.4 Experimental Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
9.4.1 Conventional Speed-density . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
9.4.2 Observer without Prediction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
9.4.3 Observer and Prediction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
9.4.4 Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
9.4.5 Remaining Error Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
9.5 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194

10 Conclusions 195

References 197

A Nomenclature 205

B Definition of Air-Fuel Ratio 209

C Derivation of pem Dependent CAC Model 211

D Alternative Derivation of pem 213

D.1 pem Derivation Based on a Simplified Thermodynamical Model 213
D.2 Summary of Exhaust Pressure Calculation Process . . . . . . . . 215

E Experimental Setup 217

E.1 Engine Test Cell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
E.1.1 SAAB 235R Engine and Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
E.1.2 SAAB 207R Engine and Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
E.2 Control Room . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
E.2.1 Measurment System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
E.2.2 Real-Time Engine Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
E.2.3 Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224


Today, everyone want cars that are less harmful to the environment and have
better fuel economy. As a small engine use less fuel, it is easy to save fuel by
making the engine smaller. However, a small engine does not meet the power
expectation of the driver during e.g. overtakings. The maximum power of the
engine depends on the amount of fuel it can burn and this in turn depends on
the availability of air. Thus, more air is necessary to increase the engine power.
One way to increase the air to the engine is to add a turbocharger (TC) that
simply raise the pressure of the air. Hence, it is possible to combine the fuel
economy of the small engine with the maximum power of a bigger engine and
this concept is called downsizing supercharging (Guzzella et al., 2000).
Here spark ignition (SI) engines are considered as the emissions of carbon
monoxide (CO), hydro-carbons (HC), and nitrogen oxide (NOx ) can be suc-
cessfully reduced using a three way catalyst (TWC). Thus, downsized and
supercharged SI engines is a promising concept that gains a lot of attention in
Europe. For the TWC to be efficient it is necessary to accurately control the
ratio of air and fuel. The air-fuel ratio is the ratio of air-mass and fuel-mass in
the cylinder when the valves are closed. The mass of air inside the cylinder, the
cylinder air charge (CAC), is influenced by the driver pressing the accelerator.
The fuel is injected by electronically controlled valves, so called injectors, that
are located close to the intake valve. An electronic control unit (ECU) deter-
mines the mass of fuel to inject by first estimating the expected CAC. Hence,
a key component for precise air-fuel ratio control and thus lower emissions is
precise cylinder air-charge estimates. Improving the CAC estimates is not an
easy task and therefore the topic of this thesis.

2 Chapter 1. Introduction

Figure 1.1: The maximum allowed emissions for gasoline powered passenger cars in Europe.
From EURO-1 (1992) to EURO-5 (proposed, 2008) the maximum allowed emissions have been
more than halved, which requires more accurate engine control systems. Note that for Euro 1
and Euro 2, the limit is on the sum of the HC and NOx , while there are separate limits for
HC and NOx from Euro 3 and on .

1.1 Precise Air-Fuel Ratio Control is Necessary

Over the last decade the maximum allowed emissions have been halved, see
Figure 1.1, and future legislation will require even lower emissions. Below the
introduction years of the European emission legislations are summarized.
Emission Standard Introduction
Euro 1 1992
Euro 2 1996
Euro 3 2000
Euro 4 2005
Euro 5 Proposition to 2008

To reach these low emissions, a three way catalyst (TWC) is used. Since the
TWC is only highly efficient in a narrow air-fuel ratio band, as shown in Fig-
ure 1.2, accurate air-fuel ratio control is necessary. In Figure 1.2 the TWC
efficiency is shown as a function of normalized air-fuel ratio . When there is
just enough air to fully oxidize all of the fuel is equal to one. If the mixture
is rich < 1, there are excess fuel and carbon monoxide is formed since there
is not enough oxygen to fully oxidize the fuel to carbon dioxide. On the other
side, for lean mixtures > 1, undesirable nitrogen oxides are instead formed.
Therefore, accurate air-fuel ratio control is essential (Heywood, 1988; Bauer
et al., 1996; Kiencke and Nielsen, 2000; Mondt, 2000).
1.2. Air-Fuel Ratio Control Challenges 3

Stationary TWC Efficiency

1 NO


Efficiency []

For stationary conditions the TWC is

efficient in a very narrow band
around =1


0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1 1.05 1.1 1.15 1.2

Normalized Air/Fuel Ratio []

Figure 1.2: The TWC conversion efficiency for stationary . Top: The conversion efficiency
is high only in a very narrow band around = 1. Especially the NOx conversion efficiency
drops rapidly for lean conditions.

1.2 Air-Fuel Ratio Control Challenges

To reach the required precision of the air-fuel ratio there are several design
challenges to overcome and here two important topics are highlighted.

1.2.1 Feedback and Feedforward Control is Necessary

It is impossible to accomplish the necessary accuracy of the air-fuel ratio us-
ing an open-loop controller as for example the fuel composition changes over
time. Feedback from a measured air-fuel ratio is therefore used to achieve the
necessary accuracy for stationary conditions. As the sensor is located in the
exhaust system, there is a non-negligible time delay between injector (actuator)
and sensor. Long time delays result in low bandwidth of the feedback controller
(Chevalier et al., 2000) and therefore a predicting feedforward component is
necessary for transient control. An important component is the design of the
feedforward component, which includes modeling of the air-system on TC SI-

1.2.2 Desired Properties: Low Cost and Fast Calibration

The automotive industry is very cost sensitive and a short time to market
is essential. As the physical structure of different TC SI engines is similar,
considerable time can be saved if these similarities could be better exploited
4 Chapter 1. Introduction

already during the design phase. Thus, it is important to develop methods that
can help the design engineer to cut the development time.

1.3 Problem Formulation and Solution Outline

The studied problem is to improve the air-fuel ratio control by improving the
CAC estimates. A second objective is to provide the design engineer with a
flexible framework for control and diagnosis system design that easily can be
adopted to various engines. The proposed solution is a control and diagnosis
oriented model of TC SI engines air-system with the primary focus on cylinder
air charge estimation for air-fuel ratio control. To better understand how to
estimate the CAC one must first gather knowledge of the air system on tur-
bocharged SI-engines. This is done for stationary conditions in Part I, and then
for transient conditions in Part II.
Part I starts by examining existing air charge estimation methods using
engine experiments where the wastegate is opened and closed. In Chapter 3
measurements show that the existing methods do not give correct CAC esti-
mates since the CAC depends on the exhaust backpressure. A CAC model
with explicit exhaust pressure dependency is therefore developed in Chapter 4.
Furthermore, the CAC is influenced by the air-fuel ratio for rich conditions at
high loads. A charge density increase caused by the evaporating fuel at rich
mixtures is thus included in the developed CAC model.
Part II deals with transient conditions and a component based mean value
model of the air-system is developed in Chapter 6. As the proposed CAC model
depends on several states in the engine model, it is necessary to estimate the
models state using an observer. When an observer is developed two questions
arise: First, is the system observable and second what measured signals should
be used for observer feedback. In Chapter 7 these questions are answered and
applied in Chapter 8, where the observer feedback gains are systematically
designed using extended Kalman theory.
The final step is to show the accuracy of the developed model and observer
by applying it for model-based control. Using the model, an air-fuel ratio con-
troller is developed in Chapter 9. The accuracy of the model and observer is
shown in Figure 1.3 as the resulting controller is able to maintain stoichiometric
conditions during a rapid throttle transient.

1.4 List Of Publications

This thesis is based on the following publications:

Per Andersson and Lars Eriksson. Air-to-Cylinder Observer on a Tur-

bocharged SI-Engine with Wastegate. In Electronic Engine Controls, SP-
1585, pages 3340. SAE 2001 World Congress, March 2001, Detroit, MI,
USA, March 2001. SAE Technical Paper No. 2001-01-0262.
1.4. List Of Publications 5

Measured Intake Manifold Pressure Measured Airfuel Ratio

Conventional speed density
1.35 Proposed solution
70 Large lean
Pressure [kPa]

65 with conventional

60 1.15

55 Transient 1.1

50 1.05

45 1

40 0.95

2.5 3 3.5 4 2.5 3 3.5 4

Time [s]

Figure 1.3: Measured air-fuel ratio at constant engine speed using a rapid step in throttle
where the CAC more than doubles. Two different controllers are used, one conventional
and the suggested controller from Chapter 9. Using the proposed model-based controller the
deviations from = 1 are negligible.

Per Andersson and Lars Eriksson. Cylinder Air Charge Estimator in

Turbocharged SI-Engines. Society of Automotive Engineers, 2004. SAE
Technical Paper No. 2004-01-1366.
Per Andersson and Lars Eriksson. Exhaust Manifold Pressure Estima-
tion on a turbocharged SI-engine with Wastegate. In IFAC Workshop
- Advances in Automotive Control; Karlsruhe, Germany, pages 395400,
March 2001.
Lars Eriksson, Lars Nielsen, Jan Brug
ard, Johan Bergstr
om, Fredrik Pet-
tersson, and Per Andersson. Modeling of a Turbocharged SI Engine. An-
nual Reviews in Control, 26(1):129137, October 2002.
Per Andersson. A Component Based Mean Value Engine Model of a Tur-
bocharged SI-Engine. Technical report, Vehicular Systems, Department
of Electrical Engineering, Link
opings Universitet, 2005.
Per Andersson, Erik Frisk, and Lars Eriksson. Sensor Selection for Ob-
server Feedback in Turbocharged Spark Ignited Engines. Prague, 2005.
IFAC Wold Congress.
Per Andersson and Lars Eriksson. Mean-value Observer for a Turbocharged
SI-Engine. IFAC Symposium on Advances in Automotive Control, pages
6 Chapter 1. Introduction

146151, Salerno, Italy, 2004a.

Per Andersson and Lars Eriksson. Observer Based Feedforward Air-Fuel
Control of Turbocharged SI-Engines. Prague, 2005. IFAC Wold Congress.

1.5 Contributions
Chapter 3 It is shown using measurements that the volumetric efficiency can
change up to 5% when the wastegate is opened on a TC SI engine. An
observer is proposed and deals with the varying volumetric efficiency that
estimates stationary correct CAC for different wastegate settings.

Chapter 4 A CAC model for TC SI engines is proposed which captures the

varying exhaust back pressure. Using the model, it is shown that the CAC
is most sensitive to exhaust backpressure changes at part load. The model
also includes the charge cooling effect during during fuel enrichment, which
reduce the CAC error from 10% down to only 3%.

Chapter 5 A new exhaust manifold pressure estimation method for TC SI

engines is developed that only uses sensors on the intake side. The method
is able to describe the exhaust manifold pressure changes even when the
wastegate setting is changed.

Chapter 6 A component based mean value engine model for a turbocharged

SI-engine is developed and it is described how the model parameters can
be systematically determined. The throttle flow equation is improved for
a better fit to measured data, by showing that the discharge coefficient
can be split into two factors: one that depends on the throttle area and
one that depends on the pressure ratio over the throttle.

Chapter 7 It is shown that the mean value engine model from Chapter 6 is lo-
cally structurally observable using feedback from an arbitrarily measured
state. It is also shown that when 3 feedback signals are used then there
are only 6 out of 680 combinations that best observe the necessary states
for cylinder air charge estimation.

Chapter 8 A systematic and automatic method is proposed for TC SI engine

observer design based on the model in Chapter 6. Design examples show
how the observer estimates states necessary for CAC estimation.

Chapter 9 A model based prediction feedforward air-fuel controller is pro-

posed that is tested using rapid tip-ins where the air-fuel ratio error is
less than 7%. The small error shows the accuracy of the mean value
model, CAC-model, and designed observer.


This chapter has several objectives: Motivate why the focus is on air charge
estimation, describe the additional air estimation challenges on turbocharged
(TC) engines, and introduce common air-estimation methods. Last, this work
is placed among others in a selection of recent related research.

2.1 Why Focus on Air Estimation?

Knowledge of both air-mass and fuel-mass in the cylinder are required to de-
termine the air-fuel ratio1 . It would be easy to control the air-fuel ratio if the
port air-mass flow and the port fuel-mass flow were measurable for stationary
conditions, but in a real application they are not. It is only possible to measure
the air-mass flow at a location some distance away from the port, which makes
the port air-mass flow indirectly measurable. Since there are considerable non-
linear dynamics between actuators and sensors on the engine, transient air and
fuel estimation are difficult tasks.
In this thesis the focus is given to air estimation for the following reasons:

Additional air estimation challenges on TC-engines For naturally aspi-

rated engines the air path has been a thoroughly studied topic. Additional
research on the air system of TC SI-engines is motivated by their more
complex intake system. Further, there are couplings between the intake
and exhaust side that influence the cylinder air charge. For more details
see Section 2.1.1 and Section 2.4.2.
1 For a detailed description of the air-fuel ratio definition, please consult Appendix B.

8 Chapter 2. Background

Necessity of CAC prediction In Section 2.1.2 it is motivated why port in-

jected SI engines require CAC prediction and since the air system on TC
engines is more complex it is harder to achieve CAC prediction compared
to NA-engines.
Diagnosis of sensors and leaks The emission legislations require that all
emission related components should be monitored (OBD, 1993). When
the air and fuel system is studied on a turbocharged production engine it
is clear, that most sensors are located on the intake side. To detect errors,
diagnosis methods based on mean value models have been shown very ef-
fective, see e.g. Weeks and Moskwa (1994); Nyberg (1999). This further
motivates research on the intake system of turbocharged SI-engines.
In the intake manifold there is also fuel dynamics present. However, as the fuel
dynamics on a port injected engine is similar regardless of whether the engine
has a turbocharger or not; thus it is natural to focus on the air path where
there are differences. In addition, it has been argued that the air-dynamics has
a more significant influence on the air-fuel ratio than the fuel dynamics (Powell
et al., 1998b).

2.1.1 Couplings Between Intake and Exhaust Side

On TC engines there is a device called wastegate (Watson and Janota, 1982;
Heisler, 1997), which is located in the turbocharger, on the exhaust side, with
the purpose to control the power to the turbine. It has been shown that the
engine efficiency increases when the wastegate is opened at part load as the
engine pumping losses are reduced (Eriksson et al., 2002a). Therefore, it is
desirable to use active wastegate control to improve fuel economy. A side ef-
fect of opening the wastegate is that the exhaust backpressure drops and this
influences the inducted CAC (Andersson and Eriksson, 2001), which is further
described in Section 2.4.2. Additionally the intake side and the exhaust side of
the engine are coupled through the turbine shaft. These two couplings make
CAC estimation on TC engines a complex task.

2.1.2 The Necessity of CAC Prediction

The amount of air in the cylinder depends among others on the throttle plate
angle which in turn is influenced by the drivers pedal position; and for the ECU
it then remains to determine the mass of fuel to inject. The mass of fuel to inject
depends on the inducted cylinder air charge (CAC) at intake valve closing (IVC).
Here port injected engines are considered which means that the fuel is injected
in the intake manifold close to the intake valve. To reduce the emissions of
hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide on port injected engines the injection has
to be finished around intake valve opening, see e.g. Bouza and Caserta (2003).
This means that the fuel is injected before the induction stroke starts and thus
the CAC at IVC is only known for stationary conditions. However for the ECU
2.2. Air Charge Estimation Methods 9

Cylinder Air Charge (CAC)

CAC [mg] 450
300 CAC
CAC delayed one revolution
4.3 4.35 4.4 4.45 4.5 4.55 4.6 4.65 4.7 4.75 4.8

Ratio Between Delayed CAC and the Current CAC


Change []



4.3 4.35 4.4 4.45 4.5 4.55 4.6 4.65 4.7 4.75 4.8
Time [s]

Figure 2.1: In this measured throttle step (tip-in) at a constant engine speed of 1800 RPM the
CAC (solid) is compared to the same CAC delayed one revolution. The deviation from one
is the resulting air-fuel ratio error if no prediction is used when the fuel-mass is determined.
Without prediction, there would be a 15% error in in this case!

the important quantity is the CAC at intake valve closing. This means that
there is an inherent delay that is constituted by the computation time, the
injection time, and the duration of the intake stroke. Typically this delay is
around one revolution.
During transients this time-delay becomes an issue and it is necessary to
predict the CAC. Here an example is used to show that the lack of prediction
results in large errors already for small throttle steps. To estimate the expected
air-fuel ratio error due to the delay, the CAC is compared to a one revolution
delayed CAC. The expected error in air-fuel ratio, if no prediction is used, is
the deviation from one in the calculated ratio. In this example, the expected
error is 15%, shown in Figure 2.1, but considerably larger errors occur for faster
transients or at lower engine speeds where longer prediction times are necessary.

2.2 Air Charge Estimation Methods

The air estimation problem is a well studied topic, especially for naturally as-
pirated engines. In the following sections, a brief summary of two common
methods are given:

Cylinder air charge can be estimated using an air-mass flow sensor and
divide the measurement by the engine speed. This strategy is particular
suitable for naturally aspirated engines with central fuel injection where
the fuel is injected at the throttle (Aquino, 1981).

Speed-density methods, where mainly intake manifold pressure and engine

10 Chapter 2. Background

speed is used to determine cylinder air charge. On port injected engines

this method estimates air-mass at the same location as the fuel injectors
are located, which improves the accuracy of the air-fuel ratio.

Next, these air estimation principles are described with emphasis on the condi-
tions in port-injected TC-engines, and in Section 2.5 it is motivated why speed-
density methods are preferred. For a description of symbols and abbreviations,
please consult the nomenclature in Appendix A.

2.3 Measured Air-Mass Flow Principle

The air-mass flow sensor, Wa , is typically located close to the air filter and thus
far from the cylinders. Consequently, there is a large volume consisting of hoses,
intercooler, and intake manifold separating the air-mass flow sensor from the
cylinders. The volumes introduce a non-negligible filling and emptying dynam-
ics, which means that the mass-flow measured by the sensor at the entrance
of the volume will not be the same as the exiting mass-flow at the cylinders.
The effect is illustrated by the following simulation, using the model developed
in Chapter 6, where there is a step in throttle angle while the engine speed is
constant. The result is shown in Figure 2.2 where the bottom plot shows that
the difference between air-mass flow at the throttle and at the port is 30%. The
resulting error in the air-fuel ratio would thus be 30%, if the measured air-mass
flow is used to calculate the mass of fuel to inject.
Normally a change in the air-mass flow to the engine is caused by a change
in throttle plate angle or engine speed, but a change in air-mass flow can also be
caused by a change in wastegate opening. This is illustrated later in Figure 2.5.
As there are large transient errors when this method is used for CAC es-
timation on port injected engines, various transient compensations have been
proposed. For naturally aspirated engines, improvements have been shown by
inverting the mass flow sensor dynamics and the filling/emptying dynamics in
the intake manifold (Grizzle et al., 1994). On TC engines it is harder to form the
transfer function between the sensor and the cylinder, as there are more com-
ponents that exhibit dynamics. Inversion of the air-mass flow sensor dynamics
is further complicated as it has been argued that it exhibits different dynamics
depending on the air-mass flow step size and direction (Hendricks et al., 1994).

2.4 Speed-Density Principles

When the measured air-mass flow was used the estimated CAC was deterio-
rated by the dynamics in the volumes between the air-mass flow sensor and the
cylinder. Fortunately, this is not a problem for speed-density methods. These
rely only on sensors in the intake manifold, namely the intake manifold pressure
and temperature. Using those sensors together with the engine speed and the
2.4. Speed-Density Principles 11


Wastegate position [%]

30 4

Throttle angle [deg]

Throttle angle
20 2
Wastegate opens later to
reduce boost pressure
10 0
4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Measured Airmass flow and Port Airmass Flow
Mass flow [kg/s]

Measured airmass flow is too large
due to intake system filling
0.02 Measured airmass flow at airfilter
Modeled port airmass flow
4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Expected Error in Airfuel Ratio

No stationary error in .

The deviation (error) in remains for several seconds

4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Time [s]

Figure 2.2: Simulated step response in throttle at a constant speed of 2000 RPM. Top:
Throttle is opened at 5 seconds and the wastegate opens slightly a few seconds later. Center:
Air-mass flow measured at the throttle compared to the port air-mass flow. During the tran-
sient, the air-filter mass-flow is considerably larger due to the intake system filling. Bottom:
The ratio between the air-flow at the air-filter and at the port. If this measured air-mass flow
would be used to determine injected fuel-mass, the error in would be 30% and the error
remains at a high level for several seconds.

volumetric efficiency, the cylinder air charge is estimated as:

pim Vd
CAC = vol (N, pim ) (2.1)
Rim Tim
Thus, speed-density methods are independent of the filling/emptying dynamics
between the sensor and the cylinder.
The parameter volumetric efficiency, vol in Eq. (2.1), is calculated from
stationary measurements using the fact that the stationary port-air mass flow
is equal to the measured air-mass flow Wa . The port air-mass flow is determined
as the product of CAC and the engine speed:
Wcyl = CAC (2.2)
For stationary conditions Wa = Wcyl and solving for vol results in:
Wa Rim Tim nr
vol = (2.3)
pim Vd N
Given the stationary volumetric efficiency, a standard method to represent it is
a two-dimensional map in engine speed and intake manifold pressure. Another
common method is to fit a polynomial in engine speed and intake manifold
pressure to the volumetric efficiency (Servati and DeLosh, 1986; Hendricks and
Sorensen, 1990) e.g. :
vol = a0 + a1 N + a2 N 2 + a3 pim (2.4)
12 Chapter 2. Background

2.4.1 Filtering and Sensor Dynamics

Speed-density methods rely mainly on intake-manifold pressure, engine speed,
and intake manifold temperature. When speed-density methods are used, there
are two challenges that are illustrated using an engine experiment. The ex-
periment is a rapid tip-in at constant engine speed where the measured intake
manifold pressure and temperature are shown in Figure 2.3. The two challenges
Filtering of the intake manifold pressure is necessary since it is subjected to
noise and this propagates directly to the CAC estimate through Eq. (2.1).
Unfortunately, the introduction of a filter results in a pressure phase lag,
which is undesirable in speed density methods. In the example, the phase
lag causes an error of more than 5% during the transient.
Temperature sensors are too slow to capture the fast temperature dynam-
ics during rapid throttle changes (Chevalier et al., 2000). If the measured
temperature in Figure 2.3 is used in a speed-density method it would
result in a 5% CAC error during the transient.

x 10 Measured Intake Manifold Pressure
10 Mean value
Pressure [Pa]

Filtered signal lags the
8 5% Deviations from mean value significantly
mean value in and the filter introduces a
7 measured signal more than 5% error during
the transients!
4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8

Intake Manifold Temperature

Temperature [K]



Sensor is too slow for the fast temperature dynamics


4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8

Time [s]

Figure 2.3: Rapid tip-in at a constant speed of 1800 RPM. Top: Measured intake manifold
pressure is subjected to noise caused by engine pumping and electronics. When the noise
is attenuated using a filter, the filtered signal lags the mean-value significantly. Bottom:
Measured and modeled intake manifold temperature during the transient. As the sensor has
a time constant of approximately 20 seconds, it misses the fast temperature rise captured by
the model.

2.4.2 Side Effects of the Wastegate

Yet another challenge is present on TC-engines using speed-density methods is
that the volumetric efficiency changes with wastegate setting. In Figure 2.4 the
2.5. Cylinder Air Charge Estimation Principle Selection 13

mapped volumetric efficiency is shown together with the estimated volumetric

efficiency from measurements. When the wastegate is opened and closed the ex-
haust manifold pressure changes rapidly and with it the residual gas mass. For
open wastegate, this means that more air can enter the cylinder and thus the
volumetric efficiency increases. In the lower plot of Figure 2.4 a 5% stationary
increase in vol is present as the conditions stabilize at 14 and 37 seconds. A no-
ticeable effect here is that the mapped volumetric efficiency decreases while the
calculated increases! This phenomenon is addressed for stationary conditions
in Chapter 3 and a more general solution is proposed in Chapter 4.

2.5 Cylinder Air Charge Estimation Principle

Which of the methods two methods, measured air-mass flow or the speed-density
method, is most suitable for CAC estimation? To compare the methods a
simulated step in wastegate is used. Using simulated values, it is easy to show
the differences between different port air-mass flow estimation methods. During
the simulation the engine speed is kept constant and a controller maintains
constant air-mass flow. Simulation results are shown in Figure 2.5. It is clear
that the speed-density method gives the smallest transient error even though a
small stationary error remains. As the error is small and constant, it is easily
corrected using feedback from measured air-fuel ratio. Of the two air charge
estimation methods, the speed-density principle is chosen for CAC-estimation
as it:

Gives smaller transient error for tip ins/outs. See Figure 2.2.

Gives smaller transient error when the wastegate is opened. See Figure 2.5.

Has been shown to give valid transient cylinder air charge estimates on
NA-engines (Smith et al., 1999; Chevalier and M
uller, 2000).

Further, introducing a pressure and temperature observer can solve the speed-
density methods problems with noisy signals and slow sensors.

2.6 Related Work

Air-fuel control has been a studied topic since the SI-engine was invented. One of
the first open-loop air-fuel controllers was the carburetor, invented by Wilhelm
Maybach in 1892 (Cummins, 2000, pp. 240). A lot has then been written about
air-fuel ratio control and here only a brief selection of relevant papers from the
last decades are made.
14 Chapter 2. Background

Pressure Changes During Wastegate Steps

Pressure [kPa]


100 Open wastegate Open wastegate

80 Exhaust Pressure
Intake Manifold Pressure
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time [s]

Air Mass Flow During Wastegate Steps

Measured Airmass Flow
Mass Flow [kg/s]

0.038 Target Flow


0 10 20 30 40 50
Time [s]

Volumetric Efficiency During Wastegate Steps

84 Calculated
vol [%]

Stationary offset Stationary offset
0 10 20 30 40 50
Time [s]

Figure 2.4: An engine experiment at constant speed and air-mass flow, which shows that
the wastegate setting influences the volumetric efficiency. Top: Exhaust and intake manifold
pressure during opening/closing of the wastegate. Wastegate is opened at 9, 30, and 52 sec-
onds. Center: Measured air-mass flow, Wa . A throttle controller tries to maintain a constant
reference air-mass flow (dashed). As the wastegate is opened, the air-mass flow decreases
momentarily until the air-mass controller has opened the throttle. Bottom: Calculated and
estimated volumetric efficiency. Eq. (2.4) determines the estimated volumetric efficiency and
the calculated is determined using Eq. (2.3). There is a stationary offset between the mapped
and estimated volumetric efficiency when the wastegate is open.
2.6. Related Work 15

Intake and Exhaust Pressure

Pressure [kPa]

120 Wastegate opens at 50 seconds


49 49.5 50 50.5 51 51.5 52 52.5 53

Airmass Flows
Massflow [g/s]


32 Portmass flow
49 49.5 50 50.5 51 51.5 52 52.5 53

Estimation Errors
Measured airmass flow
Error [%]

Speeddensity method gives

a small but stationary error

49 49.5 50 50.5 51 51.5 52 52.5 53

Figure 2.5: Simulated wastegate step at constant engine speed and the throttle controlled to
maintain constant air-mass flow. The engine model from Chapter 6 is used and the speed-
density air-mass flow is estimated using Eq. (2.2). Top: The wastegate opens at 50 seconds.
Center: The speed-density method captures the dynamics of the port air-mass flow well while
the measured air-mass flow underestimates the flow. Bottom: For the measured air-mass flow,
at the air-filter, the error is almost 15% while the speed-density principle gives an error of
only 2%.
16 Chapter 2. Background

2.6.1 Mean Value Engine Models

A key tool in this thesis is the mean value engine model and one of the first mean
value engine model of an SI-engine was described in Hendricks and Sorensen
(1990). Later the models were extended to include a turbocharger, see e.g.
Jensen et al. (1991); M uller et al. (1998); Moraal and Kolmanovsky (1999).
Here also some of the compressor modeling concepts from (Guzzella and Am-
stutz, 1998) has been adopted in a modified form. In Chapter 4 the modeling
strategy with control volumes between restrictions from Eriksson et al. (2002b)
is adopted. This strategy has also successfully been used for engine torque
modeling and control in Frei (2005).

Cylinder Air Charge Modeling

Different approaches have been suggested for cylinder air charge estimation.
In Grizzle et al. (1994) it is modeled by inverting the transfer function from
measured air-mass flow to the port air-mass flow. Another very accurate model
for CAC estimation on NA-aspirated engines is proposed in Hendricks et al.
(1996) using an affine function in the intake manifold pressure.
In Powell et al. (1998b) an interesting approach is taken where the cylinder
air-mass flow is modeled as a state instead of the intake manifold pressure.
Further, the measured cylinder pressure has been used in miscellaneous methods
to estimate cylinder air charge (Hart et al., 1998; Mladek, 2003).
An inspiring source to the cylinder air charge model used in this thesis is
found in Fox et al. (1993). There a simple model for the residual gas fraction is
described which was reformulated in Eriksson et al. (2002a) and adopted here
after some additional development.

Throttle Flow Modeling

Several references have studied throttle flow modeling and noticed that the crit-
ical pressure does not occur where the compressible flow equation predicts it. In
Pursifull et al. (2000) this is dealt with by introducing a throttle angle depen-
dent discharge coefficient. Another approach is taken in Hendricks et al. (1996)
where a revised flow equation is proposed. In Chapter 6 a similar approach has
been followed. In Blair (1999) and Arsie et al. (1996) other methods for throttle
flow modeling are employed.

Fuel Dynamics
One factor that influences the air-fuel ratio significantly especially for cold en-
gine conditions is fuel dynamics or fuel puddles. Extensive research on the fuel
dynamics has been performed, where it is commonly described as a two-path
flow (Aquino, 1981; Fozo and Aquino, 1988; Onder et al., 1998; Locatelli et al.,
2004). One part of the fuel from the injector enters the cylinder immediately
and the remaining part of the fuel is stored in a fuel film or a fuel puddle.
2.6. Related Work 17

From the puddle, some of the fuel evaporates and enters the cylinder together
with the fuel from the first part. It has also been argued that the identified
dynamics parameters are very sensitive to unknown time-delays, such as the
exact injection time (Henriksson and Nielsen, 1998).

2.6.2 Measuring Air-Fuel Ratio

Traditionally the air-fuel ratio is measured using a sensor in the exhaust system.
The characteristics of the oxygen sensor in the exhaust system are described in
Auckenthaler et al. (2002). In this work a wide-band oxygen sensor placed in
front of the TWC has been used.
Several methods to extract the air-fuel ratio from the cylinder pressure are
described in Powell (1993). Another in-cylinder air-fuel ratio estimation method
is to use the ion-current, which has been demonstrated in e.g. Wickstr om and
Byttner (2005).

2.6.3 Observers and Air-Fuel Ratio Control Aspects

In this thesis gain switched extended Kalman filters are used for state estima-
tion along the air-path. This methodology are also used in Hendricks et al.
(1992); Jensen et al. (1997); Maloney and Olin (1998). A different kind of ob-
server for air-mass flow estimation and diagnosis is also suggested for use in a
natural gas engine in Weeks and Moskwa (1994). The difference lies in that
the intake manifold pressure state is estimated by applying the observer error
multiplicatively to the estimated mass flow through the throttle rather than to
the intake manifold pressure state itself.
In Tseng and Cheng (1999) an observer for CAC estimation is suggested that
deals with small errors in the volumetric efficiency. This work inspired to the
observer structure in Chapter 3 where an cylinder air-mass offset is estimated
instead of an offset in the volumetric efficiency. Compared to the work by Tseng
and Cheng (1999) the suggested observer structure uses feedback to both the
pressure state and the estimated cylinder air-mass offset.
Observers for air-fuel control using only feedback from measured air-fuel
ratio have been proposed in Powell et al. (1998b). This observer is also run
entirely in the event domain. Further research on air-fuel ratio control is also
described in Onder and Geering (1993); Onder et al. (1997); Mladek (2003).
The need for prediction has been addressed in e.g. Chevalier et al. (2000)
where a predictive observer for the air-fuel ratio control is proposed for a nat-
urally aspirated engine. Prediction has also been discussed in Jankovic and
Magner (1999) where a NA-engine with EGR is considered. When prediction
is used, there are always prediction errors and an algorithm to compensate for
errors in cylinder air charge estimates is demonstrated in Kotwick and Russell
18 Chapter 2. Background

TWC Control
Recent research shows that emissions can be further reduced using the fact that
the TWC can store a certain amount of oxygen to be used later in the emission
reduction (Brandt et al., 2000; Jones et al., 2000; Yasui et al., 2000; Jones,
2003; Auckenthaler, 2003; Balenovic et al., 2004). By utilizing knowledge of
the oxygen storage capacity together with active control of the oxygen entering
the TWC an HC reduction of over 30% and a 60% reduction of NOx has been
shown (Miyamoto et al., 2002). As the air contains oxygen, knowledge of the
air-fuel ratio and the air-mass flow into the TWC is important to describe the
oxygen level.

2.6.4 Time Domain versus Crank Angle Domain

Engine controllers are executed either in the time-domain or in the crank angle
domain. It has been argued that all dynamics, except for fuel dynamics, varies
less in the crank angle domain (Chin and Coats, 1986). A challenge using event
based sampling is that the Nyquist criterion is not fulfilled for low engine speeds
(Hendricks et al., 1994).
Observers and engine models operating in the crank angle domain have been
developed for NA-engines in Fekete et al. (1995); Chang et al. (1993); Powell
et al. (1998b). In their proposed observer, structure there is a steady state
adaption table to compensate for model errors. The table is similar to the in
cylinder air-mass offset estimated in Chapter 3 but with a considerably slower
Part I



Speed-Density Methods and

Different Wastegate Settings

Knowledge of port air-mass flow is important for accurate air/fuel ratio control
on port injected SI-engines. Unfortunately it is not directly measurable and
therefore several strategies to estimate it have been proposed, see for example
Hendricks et al. (1992); Chang et al. (1993); Shio and Moskwa (1996); Tseng
and Cheng (1999); Kotwick et al. (1999); Jankovic and Magner (1999). In
Chapter 1 it was established that speed-density methods are suitable for port
air-mass flow estimation. For speed-density methods accurate knowledge of the
intake manifold pressure is crucial and therefore several methods to estimate it
have been proposed.
Intake manifold pressure estimation is a well-studied topic for NA-engines.
On TC-engines there is an additional challenge as the turbocharger couples
the intake side and exhaust side and causes the volumetric efficiency to change
when the wastegate is operated, which was shown in Section 2.1.1. It is de-
sirable to open the wastegate at part load to reduce the pumping losses and
thereby improve fuel economy (Eriksson et al., 2002a). Changes in wastegate
opening will act as a non-measurable disturbance that influence the estimated
intake manifold pressure. Thus, this chapter focuses on estimation of intake
manifold pressure and port air-mass flow for different wastegate settings. In
this case only stationary conditions are considered as the port-air mass flow
then can be validated using any known flow in the intake system, such as a
measured air-mass flow or a modeled flow through a restriction. Here a model
of a restriction, the throttle, is used instead of an expensive air-mass flow meter
to determine the air-mass entering the intake manifold. An additional advan-
tage of the throttle model is that it estimates the mass-flow at the entry of the

22 Chapter 3. Speed-Density Methods and Different Wastegate Settings

intake manifold, compared to the air-mass flow sensor that is located far from
the intake manifold.
The port air-mass estimation problem is addressed in the following steps.
First two different port-air mass flow models based on the speed-density prin-
ciple from literature are described and then a third speed-density based model,
which combines the two previous models is presented. To each of the three
models an observer is developed. For the first two observers, solutions from the
literature have been used:
1. A nonlinear observer using proportional feedback from the estimation er-
ror (Hendricks et al., 1992).
2. A nonlinear observer using integration of the estimation error (Tseng and
Cheng, 1999).
3. Using a new port-air mass flow model and by combining the advantages
of the observers above; a third observer is developed that better suits the
conditions in a TC SI-engine with wastegate.
In the evaluation of the observers, the estimated port air-mass flow and the
estimated intake manifold pressure are compared to measured data at steady-
state. Thus, the strategy for port air-mass flow estimation relies on:
A fast pressure sensor in the intake manifold pim . A fast sensor has a
higher bandwidth than in this case the intake manifold pressure dynamics.
Here a fast Kristal 4295A2 pressure sensor is used which has a cut off
frequency of 2 kHz (Kri, 1997).
Measured intake manifold temperature Tim , pressure pic and temperature
Tic before the throttle.
Throttle plate angle .
Measured engine speed N .
Models of parts of the intake system.
For a description of the subscripts and symbol names, please see the nomencla-
ture in Appendix A.

3.1 Air Intake System Modeling

The observer estimates the intake manifold pressure and relies on an intake
system model. The intake system model is described in three steps starting
with the intake manifold pressure dynamics. To describe the intake manifold
pressure dynamics models of the flows into and out of the manifold are required.
A throttle model in Section 3.1.2 describes the flow into the intake manifold and
a port air-mass flow model describes the mass flow out of the manifold. Here
3.1. Air Intake System Modeling 23

three different port air-mass flow models will be described in Section 3.1.3. Each
of the models are then used in the observer design and the observers capability of
describing port air-mass flow and intake manifold pressure for different settings
of the wastegate are investigated.

3.1.1 Intake Manifold Pressure Dynamics

The following standard assumptions are made when the intake manifold pressure
dynamics is modeled: Ideal gas, no temperature dynamics, and mass conserva-
tion in the intake manifold. The pressure change inside the volume (Vim ) of the
intake manifold is expressed using mass balance, with Kim = Rim Tim
Vim , as

= Kim (Wat (, pim , pic , Tic ) Wcyl ) (3.1)

The port air-mass flow Wcyl is described by one of the models in Equations (3.3,
3.4, 3.5). The flow into the manifold is described by the throttle model,
Eq. (3.2).
Temperature dynamics is also present in the intake manifold during large
pressure transients (Chevalier et al., 2000). In this study, temperature dynamics
is neglected as the focus is on stationary conditions and stationary effects.

3.1.2 Air-Mass Flow Into the Intake Manifold

In the pressure dynamics, Eq. (3.1), the air-mass flow into the intake mani-
fold Wat is required. The easiest method to access Wat would be to measure
it, but on the modeled engine the air-mass flow sensor is located after the air
filter and there are several large volumes between the intake manifold and the
sensor. Each volume introduces filling and emptying dynamics, which distort
the measurement. One method to deal with these volumes is to model the sys-
tem between the sensor and the intake and invert its dynamics. On naturally
aspirated engines, this approach has been applied in Grizzle et al. (1994). Un-
fortunately, this is harder to implement on turbocharged engines as several of
the components are complex such as the compressor and the intercooler. In-
stead of modeling the dynamics between the sensor and the throttle, only a
model of the throttle is used to estimate air-mass flow into the intake manifold
Wat :
Wat (, pim , pic , Tic ) = ic Aeff () () (3.2a)
Rim Tic
= (3.2b)
Aeff () = A () Cd () = ec2 +c1 +c0
24 Chapter 3. Speed-Density Methods and Different Wastegate Settings
r  2    1


1 for > 2
() =    +1  (3.2d)


1 1

+1 +12

The flow through the throttle depends not only on the effective area Aeff but
also on the pressure ratio through Eq. (3.2d). The effective area Aeff () is a
product of the area A () and discharge coefficient Cd (). Here, this product is
modeled as in Nyberg and Nielsen (1997) but using a different parameterization.
The parameters in Eq. (3.2c) are fitted in a least squares sense to mapped engine
data. In the left column of Figure 3.1 the result of the modeled Aeff () is shown.
A systematic relative error is present in the bottom left plot of Figure 3.1.
The relative error is positive for large which indicates that Aeff () could be
slightly improved by including , which is supported in Krysander (2000). This
is further addressed in Chapter 6.
In the lower right plot of Figure 3.1 it is shown that the stationary air-mass
flow into the intake manifold is the same as the measured air-mass flow 6%
for most points. To decrease the effect of throttle model errors, observers for
throttle air-mass flow have been proposed in e.g. Jensen et al. (1997). Here no
throttle air-mass observer has been added as the focus is on the behavior when
the wastegate is operated.

Modeled Aeff() versus Measured Throttle MassFlow

600 0.12
Modeled MassFlow [kg/s]

500 Modeled 0.1
Aeff() [mm2]

400 0.08

300 0.06

200 0.04

100 0.02

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
Throttle angle [deg] Measured MassFlow [kg/s]

Relative Area Error Relative MassFlow Error

10 10

5 5
Model error [%]

Model error [%]

0 0

5 5

10 10
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
Pressure Ratio [] MassFlow [kg/s]

Figure 3.1: Throttle model validation. Left column: Comparison of measured and calculated
Aeff (). The fit is within 5% for most points. Right column: Validation of the throttle
mass-flow. For flows larger than 20 g/s the error is less than 6%.

When throttle air-mass flow is determined through Eq. (3.2a) both the pres-
sure pic and the temperature Tic before the throttle are required. Fortunately,
3.1. Air Intake System Modeling 25

measurements can be used as the dynamics of pic and Tic are considerably slower
than pim , due to the substantially larger volume of the system before the throt-
tle and to the slower dynamics of the turbocharger. The measurements of pic
and Tic are also subjected to less pumping noise.

3.1.3 Port Air-mass Flow

First a standard method from the literature is presented to model port air-
mass flow based on Heywood (1988); Taylor (1994) followed by an augmented
model based on Tseng and Cheng (1999). By combining these models a new
interpretation of port air-mass flow is presented at the end.

Port Air-mass Flow Using Mapped Volumetric Efficiency

A standard model to describe port air-mass flow is to use the volumetric effi-
ciency of the engine vol (Heywood, 1988; Taylor, 1994). The port air-mass flow
is then given by
pim Vd N
Wcyl std (N, pim , Tim ) = vol (N, pim ) (3.3)
Rim Tim nr
The volumetric efficiency is described at steady-state, for a nominal setting
of the wastegate, as a function of engine speed N and mean intake man-
ifold pressure pim using the model given by Eq. (2.4), which was proposed
in Hendricks and Sorensen (1990). As all port air-mass flow models includes
Wcyl std (N, pim , Tim ) that relies on the accuracy of the modeled volumetric ef-
ficiency; a separate validation of the modeled parameter volumetric efficiency
is made. The result is shown in Figure 3.2, where the error in the modeled
volumetric efficiency is less than 6% for operating points above 50 kPa intake
manifold pressure.

Port Air-mass Flow with Modeled Offset in vol

A day-to-day variation in vol of a few percent is reported in Tseng and Cheng
(1999). Their solution to the problem is to introduce an additive offset to the
volumetric efficiency called vol . The port air-mass flow then becomes:

pim Vd N
Wcylts (N, pim , Tim , vol ) = (vol (N, pim ) + vol ) =
Rim Tim nr
pim Vd N pim Vd N
vol (N, pim ) +vol (3.4)
Rim Tim nr Rim Tim nr
| {z }
Wcyl std

The original purpose of the additive offset vol was to compensate for slow
day-to-day variations and it is therefore assumed to be more slowly varying than
other dynamics. By proper selection of vol this approach is suited to adapt to
26 Chapter 3. Speed-Density Methods and Different Wastegate Settings

Measured and Modeled Volumetric Efficiency



v [%]

60 Measured
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Intake Manifold Pressure [kPa]

Relative Error



20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Intake Manifold Pressure [kPa]

Figure 3.2: Validation of modeled volumetric efficiency.

the changing volumetric efficiency for different wastegate settings. Here vol
is estimated using an observer.

Port Air-mass Flow With Air-mass Offset

For nominal wastegate position the expected port air-mass flow is well described
by the model in Eq. (3.3). However, changes in wastegate setting influences the
exhaust manifold pressure and in turn the volumetric efficiency. The change
in volumetric efficiency is a result of a change in residual gas mass when the
exhaust manifold pressure changes. One way to deal with this change is to
introduce an offset in the volumetric efficiency vol as in Eq. (3.4). Another
way is to keep the physical interpretation of a change or an offset in inducted
air mass called CAC. The in-cylinder air-mass-offset CAC, is the difference
between the expected air-mass Eq. (3.3) and the current port air-mass flow.

pim Vd N pim Vd N
Wcylts = vol (N, pim ) + vol (3.5)
Rim Tim nr Rim Tim nr
| {z } | {z }
Wcyl std CAC, Air-mass offset

If CAC can be estimated using for example an observer, the port air-mass
flow can be written as a sum of the air-mass expected from Eq. (3.3) and the
in-cylinder air-mass offset CAC.

WcylCAC (N, pim , Tim , pem , (A/F ) , . . .) =

Wcyl std (N, pim , Tim ) + CAC (pem , pim , (A/F ) , . . .) (3.6)
3.2. Intake Manifold Pressure Observers 27

In Eq. (3.6) the in-cylinder air-mass-offset CAC is sensitive to factors that

cause deviations from the expected cylinder air charge. Examples of such factors
are the exhaust manifold pressure, the air/fuel ratio, and the dots in Eq. (3.6)
represent other influences including model errors.

3.2 Intake Manifold Pressure Observers

Here three different intake manifold pressure observers are investigated. The
observers are based on the intake manifold pressure model presented in Sec-
tion 3.1.1. Their differences lie in the port air-mass flow model, the number
of states, and how the feedback from the fast intake manifold pressure sensor
is used. The observer equations are given in Section 3.3 to Section 3.5 and
Table 3.1 gives an overview.

Described in States(s) Wcyl -model Wat -model Feedback

Section 3.3 pim Eq. (3.3) Eq. (3.2) Acts on pim
Section 3.4 pim ,vol Eq. (3.4) Eq. (3.2) Acts only on vol
Section 3.5 [
pim ,CAC Eq. (3.6) Eq. (3.2) Acts on both states

Table 3.1: The table shows the different observer configurations with states, port air-mass
flow model, and which state(s) that are affected by the feedback.

The following measurement signals are used by the observers: Engine speed
N, pressure before the throttle pic , temperature before the throttle Tic , throttle
plate angle , intake manifold pressure pim , and intake manifold temperature
Tim .
Next, the validation method is described together with the test case that is
used for validation. Then the three observers are described and evaluated in
Sections 3.3, 3.4, and 3.5.

3.2.1 Port Air-mass Flow Estimation from Observed In-

take Manifold Pressure
When the intake manifold pressure is estimated using the observers described
in Table 3.1 the port air-mass flow is determined by substituting pim for pim
in the port air-mass flow models. This port air-mass flow is one of the sought
outputs of the observers.

3.2.2 Port Air-mass Flow Validation

To validate the estimated port air-mass flow from observed intake manifold
pressure, for stationary conditions, the estimated throttle air-mass flow is used.
As the throttle mass-flow depends on the observed intake manifold pressure,
it is not likely that the estimated throttle air-mass flow is correct unless the
observer converges to the measured intake manifold pressure. A sensitivity
28 Chapter 3. Speed-Density Methods and Different Wastegate Settings

analysis, based on the throttle mass-flow Eq. (3.2a), is therefore made to de-
termine whether the observed intake manifold pressure can be used or not to
determine the throttle air-mass flow.
  Wat (,pim ,pic ,Tic ) 2 pim
+ ppim
a a
(a + 1)
pim pim pic ic
S = Wat (,pim ,pic ,Tic )
=   2   a+1 
pic a
2a ppim pim a
+ pic

As the sensitivity only depends on the pressure ratio pic = means that S is
reformulated into a function of the pressure ratio .
a +1 2
(a + 1) a 2 a
S() =  a +1 2
2a a a

Eq. (3.7) is valid for pressure ratios above the critical pressure crit :


For pressure ratios below crit the sensitivity function is constant and zero
which means that the throttle air-mass flow is insensitive to changes in intake
manifold pressure. Thus the observed intake manifold pressure can only be
used to determine the air-mass flow into the intake manifold for pressure ratios
below crit . Figure 3.3 shows S() and it can be seen that |S()| > 1 for
pressure ratios > 0.75. This means that even small errors in the observed
intake manifold pressure results in a biased ; if > 0.75 where |S()| > 1
and thus the error in the estimated throttle air-mass flow increase! Therefore,
the observed intake manifold pressure is not suitable to determine the throttle
air-mass flow unless it converges to the measured intake manifold pressure. In
addition, when the observers are validated, the stationary error in estimated
port air-mass flow is determined
cyl (N, pim , Tim , . . .) Wat (, pim , pic , Tic )

the measured intake manifold pressure is used to calculate Wat . This guarantees
an observer independent validation of the stationary port air-mass flow error.

3.2.3 Observer Test Case Description

For stationary conditions the port air-mass flow Wcyl is the same as the throttle
air-mass flow, Wat , and this is used to evaluate steady-state port air-mass flow
estimates for the observers in Sections 3.3, 3.4, and 3.5. The same experiment
is used to validate all observers and the performed experiment is to open and
close the wastegate with a constant reference air-mass flow and a constant engine
3.3. Observer with Proportional Feedback 29

Throttle Airmass Flow Sensitivity


Sensitivity []
0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95

Throttle Airmass Flow Sensitivity for 0<<0.8

Sensitivity []


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Pressure ratio over throttle

Figure 3.3: Throttle air-mass flow sensitivity to intake manifold pressure for different pressure
ratios = ppim . Top: For high pressure ratios the throttle air-mass flow is very sensitive to
intake manifold pressure errors. Bottom: For low pressure ratios, below = 0.53, the flow is
insensitive to changes in intake manifold pressure as S() = 0.

speed. The test data, shown in Figure 3.4, is measured at 3100 RPM and at
BMEP=5.3 bar. This operating point represents a medium engine speed at
part load where the pumping losses are reduced when the wastegate is opened.
In addition, all data have been low-pass filtered using a zero-phase filter to
suppress noise. During the experiment the air-mass flow is held constant by a
throttle controller. This is clearly visible in the center of Figure 3.4.
Wastegate steps of high amplitude are achieved using a manual control de-
vice instead of the production vacuum actuator. When the wastegate is opened
and closed there are air-mass flow transients at 5 seconds and 21 seconds. What
is furthermore interesting is that the mapped volumetric efficiency does not
match the calculated when the wastegate is open. This shows up as a 5%
steady-state difference between the mapped and measured volumetric efficiency
in the bottom of Figure 3.4. The cause is that the volumetric efficiency is sen-
sitive to changes in residual gas mass, which depends on the pressure ratio ppem

(Heywood, 1988; Taylor, 1994).

3.3 Observer with Proportional Feedback

To observe the intake manifold pressure Hendricks et al. (1992) suggest a con-
stant gain extended Kalman filter (CGEKF) (Safanov and Athans, 1978). It
uses proportional feedback from the intake manifold pressure estimation error.
30 Chapter 3. Speed-Density Methods and Different Wastegate Settings

Exhaust and Intake Manifold Pressure as Wastegate is Operated

Pressure [kPa]


Wastegate open
Exhaust Manifold, p
80 Intake Manifold, p

0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Measured Air Mass Flow

0.05 20

Throttle Plate Angle [deg]

Mass Flow [kg/s]

Air transient Air transient

0.04 19

0.03 18
0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Measured and Modeled Volumetric Efficiency

Volumetric Efficiency [%]

84 Modeled
5% Stationary error!
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time [s]

Figure 3.4: For observer validation the following measured engine data is used: Wastegate
opening and closing at constant air-mass flow, constant speed 3100 RPM, and 5.3 bar brake
mean effective pressure. Top: Exhaust pressure drops when the wastegate is opened at time
5 and it increases again when the wastegate is closed at time 21 seconds. Center: Air-mass
flow is controlled to a constant value by changing the throttle plate angle and transients in
the air-mass flow are only present after wastegate setting changes. Bottom: The volumetric
efficiency increases for open wastegate. At most there is a 5% steady-state error, compared
to the mapped value.
3.3. Observer with Proportional Feedback 31

In Eq. (3.1) the port air-mass flow Wcyl

pim Vd N
Wcyl = Wcylstd (N, pim , Tim ) = vol (N, pim ) (3.8)
Rim Tim nr

is given by Eq. (3.3), and the mass flow into the intake manifold is given by
Eq. (3.2a). The resulting observer is then:

= Kim Wat (, pim , pic , Tic ) Wcylstd (N, pim , Tim ) + Kobs (pim pim )
In Eq. (3.9), the CGEKF design methodology is used to determine the feedback
gain Kobs .

3.3.1 Tuning
When Kobs is determined in Eq. (3.9), the following inputs to the design method
are necessary: First, the variance of the state noise pim has to be determined.
In Hendricks et al. (1992) the engine pumpings in the intake manifold pressure
is considered as state noise. This is here determined by taking the variance of
the measured intake manifold pressure in the design points. The second input
is the variance of the measurement signal noise in pim . The variance of the
measurement noise is determined as in Jensen et al. (1997) by measuring the
intake manifold pressure with the engine off but with ignition and dynamometer
on. Further no correlation between the measurement and the state noises is
assumed. As the system is nonlinear, it is linearized in its stationary points
and Kobs is determined for each stationary point, where the stationary points
(N, pim ) are given by a measured engine map. The result is a table of Kobs
where the current state of the engine (N, pim ) are used as lookup keys. The
current gain Kobs is then determined by taking the nearest neighbor.

3.3.2 Steady-State Properties

As the port air-mass flow is calculated from observed intake manifold pressure
it is studied how the feedback gain influences:

1. The observed intake manifold pressure pim .

cyl .
2. The estimated port air-mass flow W

For air/fuel control the latter is most interesting. Two different feedback gains
are used to better show how the gain influences the estimated intake manifold
pressure and the estimated port air-mass flow. The first gain is referred to as
Design gain and is determined according to the systematic method described
in Section 3.3.1. The design gain K = 41. As the intake manifold pressure
only changes 2 kPa the feedback gain K is constant for the different wastegate
settings in the test case. To illustrate the behavior of a lower feedback gain, a
32 Chapter 3. Speed-Density Methods and Different Wastegate Settings

second gain is used and referred to as Low gain. The Low gain is simply
set to 1.
The results of running the observer with Low and Design gain are pre-
sented in Figure 3.5. In the center plot it is clear that the pressure estimation
error is inversely proportional to the feedback gain. That is to get a low pressure
estimation error a higher feedback gain should be used. However, the primary
interest is the port air-mass flow which is estimated using Eq. (3.3) and here
the difference
Wat (, pim , pic , Tic ) Wcylstd (N, pim , Tim )
is shown for the test data set in the bottom of Figure 3.5. For closed wastegate
there is no stationary error as the modeled volumetric efficiency is very accurate.
When the wastegate is open, there is a stationary error in the estimated port
air-mass flow. The port air-mass flow error is higher for the design gain, while
the intake manifold pressure error is higher for the low gain.
This can be explained by the fact that when there is an error in the modeled
volumetric efficiency, which it is when the wastegate is open, this error propa-
gates to the observed intake manifold pressure. Thus, given a pressure error the
corresponding error in port air-mass flow can be determined by setting the left
hand side of Eq. (3.9) to zero and solve for the stationary pressure difference
(pim pim ):
(pim pim ) = Wat (, pim , pic , Tic ) Wcylstd (N, pim , Tim ) (3.10)
| {z } Kobs | {z }
6= 0 6= 0
The equation above is nonlinear and to show how the pressure estimation error
and port air-mass error depends on observer gain an example where a known
error in volumetric efficiency is used. The result, shown in Figure 3.6, is that the
error in estimated port air-mass flow increases with the feedback gain. That is if
a low error in estimated port air-mass flow is desired then a low gain should be
used. As expected, the estimated intake manifold pressure error decreases with
increasing feedback gain. When there is an error in the volumetric efficiency, the
proportional feedback gain is a compromise between accurate intake manifold
pressure estimates (higher gain) or accurate port air-mass flow (lower gain).
Hence observers relying on proportional feedback for only the intake manifold
pressure state are not suitable for port-air mass estimation in turbocharged
engines where the volumetric efficiency changes with wastegate setting.

3.4 Port Air-mass Flow Observer with Additive

Offset in vol
A method capable of dealing with small offsets in volumetric efficiency is de-
veloped in Tseng and Cheng (1999). The original method was formulated in
discrete time but here a continuous time formulation is used. It estimates a
3.4. Port Air-mass Flow Observer with Additive Offset in vol 33

Exhaust and Intake Manifold Pressure

Pressure [kPa]

120 Wastegate closed

Wastegate open

80 p

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

Estimated Intake Manifold Pressure for Proportional Feedback Observer


72 Small
Pressure [kPa]

Stationary error stationary error


Low gain feedback (K=1)
66 Design gain feedback
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

Estimated Port AirMass Relative Error for Proportional Feedback Observer

Mass flow error [%]

1 Low gain: 0.5% error

2 Low gain feedback

Design gain: 2% error Design gain feedback
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Time [s]

Figure 3.5: Results for observer relying on proportional feedback Eq. (3.9). Top: The waste-
gate is open between time 5 seconds and 21 seconds. Center: For closed wastegate, where the
description of vol is correct, the stationary error in the observed intake manifold pressure is
independent of the feedback gain. When the wastegate is open the error is inversely propor-
tional to the feedback gain. Bottom: In the estimated port air-mass flow there is a stationary
error present when the wastegate is open. For the design gain the error is 2%.
34 Chapter 3. Speed-Density Methods and Different Wastegate Settings

Relative Error in Pressure and Port Airmass

Port airmass
Relative error [%]

Pressure error decreases with increasing gain


Port airmass flow error increases with increasing gain

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Absolute Error
Pressure [kPa]
Port airmass flow [g/s]
Absolute error

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Observer gain []

Figure 3.6: Calculated error in observed intake manifold pressure and estimated port-air
mass flow using the proportional feedback observer when there is a 5% error in the volumetric
efficiency. Engine operating conditions, N = 2000 RPM, = 14 , and pim 55 kPa. Top:
Relative error in pressure and port air-mass flow. It is clear that the port air-mass flow error
is lower for small gains and that the intake manifold pressure estimation error decreases with
feedback gain. Bottom: The absolute pressure estimation error goes to zero for high gains
while the port air-mass flow error increases with the gain.
3.5. Observer with Air-Mass-Offset Estimation 35

possible bias in vol by integrating the pressure error. Given this bias the
steady-state error in the intake manifold pressure estimate can be removed. In
the observer equations the port air-mass flow model is Eq. (3.4) and the air-
mass flow into the intake manifold is estimated by Eq. (3.2a). Intake manifold
pressure dynamics is given by Eq. (3.1). The port air-mass flow is given by:
    p V N
im d
Wcyl = Wcyl ts N, pim , Tim , vol = vol (N, pim ) + vol
Rim Tim nr

and the mass flow into the intake manifold is given by Eq. (3.2a). The observer
estimates vol in a similar manner as in Tseng and Cheng (1999).

= Kim Wat , pim , pic , Tic , vol Wcylts (N, pim , Tim ) (3.11a)
vol (N, p
im ) + vol N Vd
dvol 1
= (pim pim ) (3.11b)
dt L1 Rim Tim Wat (, pim , pic , Tic ) nr
In Eq. (3.11a) no feedback from the measured intake manifold pressure is used
and the feedback gain in Eq. (3.11b) is from Tseng and Cheng (1999) where L1
is a tuning parameter.

3.4.1 Tuning
The convergence rate of the vol estimation in Eq. (3.11b) is controlled by a
scaling factor L1 . No systematic tuning method for L1 is presented in Tseng
and Cheng (1999) and here L1 was simply set to one.

3.4.2 Steady-State Properties

When the observer has converged, Eq. (3.11b) is zero and the estimated intake
manifold pressure is equal to the measured. As dpdt im
= 0 the port air-mass
flow Wcylts is equal to the estimated air-mass flow into the intake manifold.
Therefore, this observer always gives stationary correct port air-mass flow and
intake manifold pressure estimates. These properties are shown in Figure 3.7.
A problem is reported in Tseng and Cheng (1999) during intake manifold
pressure transients where the observer updates vol incorrectly. Therefore, the
adaption of vol is turned off during large pressure transients. As the pressure
transients are small during changes in wastegate position there is no need in
this case to turn off the adaption.

3.5 Observer with Air-Mass-Offset Estimation

Of the two previous observers, the first observer using proportional feedback to
the estimated intake manifold pressure converges neither to the measured intake
36 Chapter 3. Speed-Density Methods and Different Wastegate Settings

Exhaust and Intake Manifold Pressure

Pressure [kPa]

120 Wastegate closed

Wastegate open

80 p

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

Estimated Intake Manifold Pressure for Observer With Integrated Offset in vol
Integrated offset in vol
Pressure [kPa]

72 Measured No stationary error

70 No stationary error


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

Port AirMass Flow Error for Observer Based on Integrated

Mass flow error [%]

No stationary error No stationary error

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Time [s]

Figure 3.7: Results for the observer that estimates an additive offset in the volumetric effi-
ciency vol . Top: The wastegate is open between time 5 and 21 seconds. Center: Observed
intake manifold pressure tracks the measured intake manifold pressure excellently for station-
ary conditions. Bottom: The estimated port air-mass flow is equal to the estimated air-mass
flow through the throttle.
3.5. Observer with Air-Mass-Offset Estimation 37

manifold pressure nor to the correct port air-mass flow when the wastegate
setting is changed. The second observer, which uses an augmented model,
offers stationary correct estimates of the intake manifold pressure and of the
port air-mass flow. Here a new observer is suggested that uses feedback of the
estimation error to both the pressure state and to an augmented state compared
to the previous observers, which only used feedback to one state.
A change in wastegate position results in a changed port air-mass flow. In
the port air-mass flow model described by Eq. (3.6) this change is described
using the in-cylinder air-mass-offset CAC. Now denote the estimated in-
[ If CAC
cylinder air-mass-offset CAC. [ is assumed to be slowly varying,
it can be estimated together with the intake manifold pressure, Eq. (3.1), using
[ is then used to determine the port
integration of the estimation error. CAC
air-mass flow. The observer equations are based on Eq. (3.1) where Wcyl is
given by Eq. (3.6)

Wcyl ( [ N, Tim ) = vol (N, pim ) pim Vd N +CAC N

pim , CAC,
R T n nr
| {z im im r}
Wcyl std

and the air-mass flow into the manifold is given by Eq. (3.2a).

Expected air mass Offset
z }| {
z }| {

pim Vd N N [
Kim vol (N, pman ) + CAC Wat (, pim , pic , Tic ) +
Rim Tim nr nr
| {z }
Air mass flow to cylinder

K1 (pim pim ) (3.12a)

= K2 (pim pim ) (3.12b)
By applying the systematic tuning method given by the CGEKF-theory the
feedback gains K1 and K2 in Eq. (3.12) are determined.

3.5.1 Tuning
The observer gains, K1 and K2 , are determined by linearizing Eq. (3.12) in
stationary points given by an engine map and applying Constant Gain Extended
Kalman filtering technique as in Section 3.3.1. To determine the gains, two
noise covariance matrices are required: the state variance and the measurement
variance. Using the same method as in Section 3.3 the intake pressure state
noise variance and measurement noise variance are determined.
The variance of the in-cylinder air-mass offset state noise is determined by
assuming that it is the change in cylinder air charge caused by the exhaust
38 Chapter 3. Speed-Density Methods and Different Wastegate Settings

manifold pressure changes. Thus, a model of the cylinder air charge with an
explicit exhaust manifold pressure is necessary and therefore the model from
Chapter 4 is used:

pim 1 rc ppem
CAC(pim , Tim , pem ) = C1 Vd
Rim Tim 1 + A 1 rc 1
( F )

In the model above = 1 is assumed. Now, the variance of CAC can be

estimated as:
var CAC = var CAC(pim 0 , Tim0 , pem (t))

Here pim 0 and Tim 0 means the conditions during closed wastegate and pem (t) is
the varying exhaust manifold pressure as the wastegate is opened and closed.
To determine the variance of CAC for various exhaust manifold pressures
it is necessary to have knowledge of the exhaust manifold pressure when the
wastegate opens and closes. Here, two methods are considered to determine
the exhaust manifold pressure. First, the pressure can be measured during
wastegate steps. Second, as the wastegate is controlled by a slow pneumatic
actuator, the exhaust manifold pressure is assumed to vary sinusoidally when
the wastegate is opened and closed. Its peak-to-peak amplitude is the exhaust
pressure difference caused by an opening and closing of the wastegate. Here the
second method is chosen.
Further, the intake manifold pressure and air-mass-offset are assumed to
be independent. The resulting K1 and K2 are stored in a table. In the table
(N, pim ) are used as lookup keys in the same manner as described in Section 3.3.

3.5.2 Properties
The result of applying the test case is shown in Figure 3.8. When the state
derivatives are zero, i.e. stationary conditions, two important features of this
observer are shown. First, it estimates the same intake manifold pressure as
measured. Second, there is no error in the estimated port-air mass flow.
To prove that there is no bias in the pressure nor any port air-mass flow error;
start by considering that the following relation holds for stationary conditions:

pim [
= =0
dt dt

Now, as ddtCAC
= 0 this means that the observed intake manifold pressure
equals the measured:
K1 (pim pim )
3.6. Results 39

In turn, this results in that:

Expected air mass Offset
z }| {
z }| {

pim Vd N N [
Kim vol (N, pman ) + CAC Wat (, pim , pic , Tic ) +
Rim Tim nr nr
| {z }
Air mass flow to cylinder

K1 (pim pim ) = 0
| {z }
=0,as pim =pim

The equation above simplifies to:

[ N Wat , pim , pic , Tic , CAC
Wcylstd (N, pim , Tim ) + CAC [ =0
This shows that the estimated port air-mass flow now must equal the mass
flow into the intake manifold, hence mass balance is fulfilled. Therefore, this
observer will estimate stationary correct intake manifold pressure together with
the same port air-mass flow as the air-mass flow through the throttle.

3.6 Results
Port air-mass flow estimation using speed-density methods that relies on ob-
served intake manifold pressure has been studied on a turbocharged SI-engine
with wastegate. The challenge is that the wastegate influences the non-measured
exhaust manifold pressure that governs the residual gas mass in the cylinder and
thus the volumetric efficiency. Therefore, the volumetric efficiency will change
with the wastegate setting and as speed-density methods rely on accurate de-
scriptions of the volumetric efficiency this results in incorrect port-air mass flow
estimates. It has been shown using measurements that the volumetric efficiency
can change by 5% when the wastegate is opened.
Stationary conditions are chosen as it is only possible to validate the port
air-mass flow for these conditions. Here, the modeled throttle air-mass flow
has been used to validate the estimated port air-mass flow. As the throttle
model uses observed intake manifold pressure it is important that the observed
intake manifold pressure converges to measured pressure in order to determine
the true flow, especially for higher intake manifold pressures which is shown in
Figure 3.3.
Three different observers with feedback from measured intake manifold pres-
sure were studied. In the observer evaluation, it was demonstrated that it is
not possible to estimate the system state for the observer that relies solely on
feedback to the pressure state. There, the feedback gain is a trade-off between
pressure convergence or accurate stationary port air-mass flow estimation. A
40 Chapter 3. Speed-Density Methods and Different Wastegate Settings

Exhaust and Intake Manifold Pressure

Pressure [kPa]

em Wastegate closed
Wastegate open

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

Estimated Intake Manifold Pressure

Pressure [kPa]

No stationary error at all!

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Time [s]
x 10 Estimated Mass Offset
CAC [kg]

CAC increases when the

0 wastegate is open

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Time [s]
Relative Port AirMass Flow Error
Mass flow error [%]

No stationary error No stationary error
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Time [s]

Figure 3.8: Results for the observer with air-mass-offset estimation. First: The wastegate is
open between time 5 and 21 seconds. Second: Observed intake manifold pressure tracks the
measured intake manifold pressure excellently for stationary conditions. Third: The increase
[ shows that more air is inducted into the cylinder, which is the expected result when
in CAC
the wastegate is opened. Fourth: The estimated port air-mass flow is equal to the estimated
air-mass flow through the throttle for stationary conditions.
3.6. Results 41

high gain results in fast pressure convergence but a large error in estimated port
air-mass flow. Better steady-state port air-mass flow estimates are achieved us-
ing observers with an additional state. The additional state represents an offset
in the volumetric efficiency or an offset from the expected cylinder air-mass.
The estimated offset can be compared to an I-part in a PI-controller and is here
able to compensate for model errors caused by for example a change in volumet-
ric efficiency. For the two observers with offset estimation, the intake manifold
pressure converges to measured intake manifold pressure and they estimate the
same port air-mass flow as the modeled air-mass flow into the intake manifold.
Therefore these observers are better suited for port air-mass flow estimation in
TC SI-engines.
42 Chapter 3. Speed-Density Methods and Different Wastegate Settings

Development of a Control
Oriented CAC Model

Today, the demands for lower emissions and improved fuel economy have re-
sulted in an increased popularity of TC SI-engines. An advantage of TC SI
engines is their ability to produce high torques as the turbocharger increases
the intake manifold pressure and thus increases the cylinder air charge (CAC).
A higher CAC allows more fuel to be injected and more torque is produced
by the combustion. For high torque output conditions, the engine starts to
knock and the ignition is retarded to reduce the knock. Unfortunately, this
exhaust temperature increase can destroy the TWC and the turbine. To cool
the exhaust gases, fuel enrichment is therefore necessary. Further, at these high
torques, it is important to avoid that the maximum torque to the transmission
is exceeded. As torque sensors are expensive, models of engine torque based on
CAC is used instead. However, at high loads where fuel enrichment is present
the traditional CAC-models can give an up to 10% error that propagates to an
error in estimated torque. Here the error is reduced down to only 3% by model-
ing the additional charge cooling during fuel enrichment at high loads that also
significantly improve the torque estimates.
On SI-engines, it is possible to improve the fuel economy by opening the
wastegate at part load. In the previous chapter, it was shown that the exhaust
manifold pressure and the cylinder air charge are influenced when the wastegate
is operated. As the emissions are reduced using a three way catalyst which is
only effective if the ratio of air and fuel is accurately controlled. Precise CAC
estimates are therefore required at part load. To maintain low emissions at
part load it is therefore desirable to find an improved CAC model for air-fuel
ratio control that includes exhaust manifold pressure. Further, the model is

44 Chapter 4. Development of a Control Oriented CAC Model

used to determine the operating conditions where the CAC is most sensitive
to exhaust manifold pressure changes. It is also used to quantify how large
exhaust manifold pressure changes that can occur in order not to exceed a
pre-determined maximum deviation from stoichiometric.
In this chapter, a speed-density based CAC model for a warmed up TC
SI-engine is developed in two steps. First, a conventional speed density CAC-
model is augmented with a model component that improves CAC estimates
during fuel enrichment. Then, an exhaust manifold pressure dependent model
component is developed. Finally both model components are merged and the
total model, which has only two parameters, is validated using a 2.3 liter tur-
bocharged SAAB 95 engine with wastegate. Thus, the model covers a wider
range of the TC SI engines operating region compared to models based on vol-
umetric efficiency. Finally, it is shown how the proposed CAC model improves
torque estimates based on the estimated CAC during fuel enrichment and for
different exhaust manifold pressures.

4.1 CAC and Air-Fuel Ratio

The volumetric efficiency (Heywood, 1988, p. 53) is a parameter that describes
how well the cylinder is filled with air. Using volumetric efficiency vol and the
ideal gas law the CAC can be estimated as:
pim Vd
CAC = vol (4.1)
Rim Tim
For stationary conditions the volumetric efficiency can be determined from mea-
sured data independently of the air-fuel ratio as:
Wa nr
N Wa nr Rim Tim
volmeas = pim Vd
= (4.2)
Rim Tim
N pim Vd

Now, how does the volumetric efficiency change when the air-fuel ratio changes?
As the fuel vapor volume changes with the air-fuel ratio, it is natural to start by
considering this effect on the volumetric efficiency. If it is assumed that all fuel
enters the cylinder as vapor, which is reasonable for a warmed up engine, then
the volumetric efficiency for quasi-stationary conditions is inversely proportional
to the volume of fuel vapor (Heywood, 1988, p. 210). Therefore, the volumetric
efficiency should decrease when the air-fuel ratio decreases.
voltheor 1 (4.3)
( FA )s

In the top of Figure 4.1 this decrease is illustrated. However, when volumetric
efficiency is measured for rich conditions, shown in the bottom of Figure 4.1,
the opposite phenomenon occurs. This increase can not be explained by other
4.1. CAC and Air-Fuel Ratio 45

Theoretical Volumetric Efficiency Behavior


Quasi stationary
Quasistationary decreases with decreasing
0.93 vol



0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1

Measured Volumetric Efficiency




Measured vol increases with decreasing


0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1

Normalized Air/Fuel Ratio []

Figure 4.1: Volumetric efficiency for the conditions where the mixture is rich ( < 1). Top:
Theoretically the quasi-stationary volumetric efficiency should decrease with decreasing as
the fraction of fuel vapor increases. Bottom: The estimated volumetric efficiency vol from
measurements with various air-fuel ratios . Volumetric efficiency vol increases significantly
for low .

volumetric efficiency increasing effects such as intake manifold tuning or RAM-

effect. One explanation is the density increase of the charge caused by the charge
cooling effect of the additional evaporating fuel. When the fuel vaporizes in the
air, it causes the charge temperature to drop and thus the charge density to
increase more than the fuel vapor volume does (Heywood, 1988, pp. 211). Taylor
(1994, pp. 184), gives a similar explanation. Next, this knowledge is included
in an augmented temperature model that is inserted into a CAC-model.

4.1.1 Charge Cooling Modeling

In the previous section the effect of charge cooling was pointed out as a strong
candidate of the volumetric efficiency increase at rich air-fuel ratios. This means
that it is important to study the temperature of the mixture of air and evap-
orated fuel in the intake manifold when the mixture is about to be inducted
into the cylinder. Unfortunately, this temperature is difficult to measure, how-
ever the intake manifold temperature Tim is easy to obtain. Tim is measured
upstream of the fuel injectors and therefore the evaporation and charge cooling
process have to be described by a physically based model. When the charge
cooling model is validated, the modeled CAC is compared to measured CAC for
stationary conditions. If the modeled CAC, which includes the charge cooling
model, coincide well with measured data the model is assumed to be correct.
In Figure 4.2 the modeling of the temperature into the cylinders start by
showing a schematic of the intake manifold where the evaporating fuel and heat
46 Chapter 4. Development of a Control Oriented CAC Model


Intake manifold

Throttle (pim , Tim )

(pic , Tic ) Energy for vaprization

Wcyl Evaporating fuel

Tcyl Wcyl
Intake valve

(pim , Tcyl )


Q valve and cylinder

Figure 4.2: A schematic of the intake manifold with throttle and injector located close to
the intake valve. To make a thermodynamical model of Tcylin only a fraction of the intake
manifold is considered. The studied control volume is marked as a dotted box. In the control
volume parts of the injected fuel, xe , evaporates. The remaining fuel evaporates, outside of the
control volume, on the intake manifold walls using energy from Q man and do not contribute
to the temperature drop.

transfers are shown. It is assumed that parts of the injected fuel vaporize by
taking energy from the surrounding air and thus cooling the charge. The rest of
the fuel, which hits the wall as liquid, is vaporized as the intake manifold wall
heats it. When it is time to induct the air-fuel mixture all fuel has evaporated
and the charge temperature is Tcylin .
The inducted mixture temperature Tcylin is modeled using the first law of
thermodynamics. This law states that the energy is conserved, that is the
energy of the entering fluids into the control volume plus heat must equal the
energy of the exiting fluid. The dotted box in Figure 4.2 indicates the studied
control volume. Its volume is considerably smaller than the volume of the intake
manifold and it is therefore assumed that the air-mass flows into and out of the
control volume are the same, Wcyl . The temperature of the air-mass flow into
the control volume is Tim and heat transfer to the gas inside of the control
volume is not considered during fuel enrichment. The temperature of the flow
out of the control volume is Tcylin . When the liquid fuel with temperature Tfinj is
injected into the control volume a fraction of it, xe on mass basis, evaporates and
in the process consumes energy (heat) from the air-mass flow. The remaining
fuel hits the intake manifold wall and is vaporized by heat transfer from the
wall to the fuel and after the vaporization it has the same temperature as the
surrounding gas, that is Tcylin . A simplified schematic of the fluid and heat
transfer flows of the studied control volume are shown in Figure 4.3. The fuel
flow is Wf = Acyl and hf v is the heat required to vaporize the liquid. For
( F )s
additional nomenclature, please see Appendix A.
4.1. CAC and Air-Fuel Ratio 47

Intake manifold Cylinder

Wcyl cpa Tcylin
Wcyl cpa Tim xe Wf vaporizes when injected
and cools the fluid:
Liquid fuel Fuel vapor
xe hf v Wf
Wf cf Tfinj Wf cpf Tcylin

Figure 4.3: A thermodynamical model of the control volume in Figure 4.2. Fluid flows in and
out of the volume are shown with their respectively temperature. It is shown that a fraction
xe , on mass basis, of the fuel evaporates in the control volume and consumes energy. All of
the fuel enter the cylinder as vapor.

When the energy into the control volume is determined, the air related term
is considerably larger than the fuel related term:
cf Wcyl
cf Wf Tfinj = A
F s
cf 2cpa
2cpa Wcyl 2
cf Wf Tfinj A
 Tfinj = A
 cpa Wcyl Tfinj
| {z } s

As the factor in front of cpa Wcyl Tfinj is less than 0.3 together with that the
fact that the fuel temperature Tfinj is in the same range as the air temperature
means that the fuel related term Wf cf Tfinj can be neglected. The energy flow
into the control volume can thus be summarized as:
Ein = Wcyl cpa Tim + Wf cf Tfinj Wcyl cpa Tim
| {z } | {z }
Air Fuel

Next, the energy necessary for the fuel vaporization in the control volume is
determined. Here, a fraction xe of the injected fuel vaporizes and consumes
energy Evap . This evaporation term is non-negligible as hf v = (380 . . . 500)cpa
(Bauer et al., 1996, p. 238).
Evap = xe hf v Wf
When the the energy flow out of the control volume Eout is determined, the fuel
related term Wf cpf Tcylin is neglected using the same argument as for Ein .
Eout = Wcyl cpa Tcylin + Wf cpf Tcylin Wcyl cpa Tcylin
The energy balance becomes:
Ein Evap = Eout
Wcyl cpa Tim xe hf v Wf = Wcyl cpa Tcylin
48 Chapter 4. Development of a Control Oriented CAC Model

Now, Tcylin can be solved for:

Wcyl cpa Tim xe hf v Wf xe hf v

Tcylin = = Tim A
 = Tcylin (Tim , xe , ) (4.4)
Wcyl cpa F c
s pa

Eq. (4.4) describes the effect of charge cooling over all the engines operat-
ing regime as a function of Tim , xe , and , where all but xe are known. The
fraction of evaporated fuel, xe , is described by the evaporation curve and for
temperatures above 30 C it is almost linear in temperature (Guzzella and On-
der, 2004, p. 56). In Figure 4.4 stationary measurements of the intake manifold
temperature is shown as a function of 1 and it is clear that Tim 310 can be
approximated by a linear function of 1 . Further it can be seen that the in-
take manifold temperature is above 30 C when fuel enrichment is present and
thus the fraction of evaporated fuel can be expressed as xe = xe1 1 = xe ( 1 ).
Now, the temperature of the charge entering the cylinder can be expressed as

T is Affine in 1/ for < 1








1 1.05 1.1 1.15 1.2 1.25 1.3 1.35 1.4 1.45 1.5
Scaled 1/ []

Figure 4.4: For rich mixtures the intake manifold temperature is affine in

a function of Tim and :

1 xe ( 1 )hf v
Tcylin (Tim , ) = Tim A
F c
s pa

As fuel enrichment normally is only present at high loads, that are high intake
manifold pressures, only the additional cooling compared to stoichiometric is
4.1. CAC and Air-Fuel Ratio 49

considered. Now, the additional cooling, for non stoichiometric conditions, can
then be expressed as:
1 1
TAdditional cooling = Tcylin Tim , , xe

1 1 hf v 1
Tcylin Tim , , xe = x  (4.6)
cpa FA 2
| {z }
Constant = C1

h A

In Eq. (4.6) the factors xe1 cpf v F s are lumped together to one parameter C1 .
The next step is to include the charge cooling model in a CAC-model, where it
describes the additional temperature drop in intake manifold temperature for
rich mixtures. The total model is then validated using measured CAC-data.

4.1.2 CAC Model with Charge Cooling

In Hendricks et al. (1996) an affine parameterization of the product vol pim
in Eq. (4.1) is introduced which accurately describes CAC for stoichiometric
CAC = (a1 pim + a0 ) (4.7)
Rim Tim
To include the density increasing effect of the additional charge cooling, the
temperature drop described by Eq. (4.6) is subtracted from the measured Tim .
The temperature Tim in Eq. (4.7) is thus replaced by

Tim,new = Tim TAdditional cooling = Tim C1 (4.8)
By inserting Eq. (4.8) in Eq. (4.7) the augmented CAC-model becomes:

CAC = (a1 pim + a0 )  (4.9)
Rim Tim C1 1

In Eq. (4.9) the parameters C1 , a0 , and a1 are identified using a nonlinear

least-squares technique, the Matlab-function lsqcurvefit, for stationary data.

4.1.3 Results Using the Charge Cooling Model

A comparison between measured and estimated CAC using Eq. (4.9) with and
without the proposed cooling model Eq. (4.8) is shown in Figure 4.5. By in-
cluding the charge cooling effect the stationary error when fuel enrichment is
present at high loads is successfully reduced from 10% down to 23%. The
magnitude of the resulting temperature drop is discussed next.
In Figure 4.6 the model is applied to measured engine data and the estimated
additional temperature drop is less than 32 K. This value is compared to the
50 Chapter 4. Development of a Control Oriented CAC Model

x 10 Estimated vs Measured CAC

Estimated CAC [kg]

4 No Charge Cooling by Fuel Evaporation
With Charge Cooling by Fuel Evaporation
Charge cooling by fuel
evaporation improves estimates

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
x 10
Relative Error for Estimated CAC at High Loads

Significantly improved estimates

Relative Error []

No Charge Cooling by Fuel Evaporation
0.1 With Charge Cooling by Fuel Evaporation
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Measured CAC [kg] 3
x 10

Figure 4.5: Top: Measured CAC for stationary engine data is compared to estimated CAC
with charge cooling, Eq. (4.9), and estimated CAC without charge cooling, Eq. (4.7). When
enrichment is present, the model without charge cooling by fuel evaporation gives up to 10%
too low estimates. Bottom: With the modeled effect of charge cooling by fuel evaporation
the error in CAC is substantially reduced from 10% down to 23% for higher CACs.

expected temperature drop at stoichiometric conditions for gasoline, with hf v =

(380 . . . 500)cpa (Bauer et al., 1996, p. 238), which would result in a temperature
drop of at least 22 K when all fuel has evaporated. For a theoretical air-fuel
ratio of = 0.5 the expected temperature drop would be 53K. As the maximum
modeled additional temperature drop is in-between these theoretical values the
assumptions of the fraction of evaporated fuel seems correct. The temperature
drop depends on the gasoline quality and here winter grade gasoline was used
which have a higher volatility (Bauer et al., 1996, p. 233 and p. 238), and may
have a higher content of alcohols. These factors contribute to the significant
temperature drop when fuel enrichment is present at high loads. With this
approach the main advantages are:

The additional temperature drop for rich mixtures caused by charge cool-
ing at high loads can be compensated using an augmented temperature

Only one additional parameter C1 is introduced by the augmented model.

It is therefore strongly recommended to include the charge cooling effect in a

CAC-model for TC-engines.
4.2. CAC and Exhaust Pressure Changes 51

Estimated Charge Temperature

No Charge Cooling by Fuel Evaporation
With Charge Cooling by Fuel Evaporation


Temperature [K]



Charge cooling present for <1,

which occurs for CAC>2.5*103 kg

0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
Measured CAC [kg] 3
x 10

Figure 4.6: Measured intake manifold temperature and modeled temperature with the charge
cooling model. The data is measured at stationary conditions. The maximum modeled
temperature drop is 32K or 10%.

4.2 CAC and Exhaust Pressure Changes

It has been shown in Eriksson et al. (2002a) that fuel economy can be improved
if the wastegate is opened at part load. The fuel economy is improved as
the opening of the wastegate reduces the pumping loss and therefore increases
the engine efficiency. At part load the engine is running stoichiometricly and
with active wastegate control it is important to make precise CAC estimates
to maintain a stoichiometric mixture and thus low emissions. The necessary
accuracy of the CAC estimate is approximately 2% to 3% (Kiencke and Nielsen,
2000, pp. 69).
In Figure 4.7 an engine experiment at constant engine speed is shown, where
the wastegate is opened and closed. From Figure 4.7 it is clear that the CAC
estimates made using the mapped volumetric efficiency are incorrect for open
wastegate due to the stationary difference between measured and mapped vol-
umetric efficiency. The stationary volumetric efficiency difference is caused by
the exhaust manifold pressure change when the wastegate is opened, which has
been seen in for example Chapter 3. The reduced exhaust manifold pressure
influences the volumetric efficiency as the mass of residual gases in the cylinder
depends on the exhaust manifold pressure. This raises the following questions:

1. For what operating condition is CAC most sensitive to exhaust manifold

pressure changes?
52 Chapter 4. Development of a Control Oriented CAC Model

Pressure Changes During Wastegate Steps

Pressure [kPa]


100 Open wastegate Open wastegate

80 Exhaust Pressure
Intake Manifold Pressure
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time [s]

Air Mass Flow During Wastegate Steps

Measured Airmass Flow
Mass Flow [kg/s]

0.038 Target Flow


0 10 20 30 40 50
Time [s]

Volumetric Efficiency During Wastegate Steps

84 Calculated


Stationary offset Stationary offset
0 10 20 30 40 50
Time [s]

Figure 4.7: An engine experiment performed at constant speed and constant air-mass flow.
Top: Pressure changes in exhaust system, and intake manifold pressure during manual open-
ing/closing of the wastegate. Center: Measured air-mass flow, Wa . As the wastegate is
opened the air-mass flow decreases momentarily while the air-mass controller opens the throt-
tle. Bottom: Mapped and calculated volumetric efficiency using Eq. (4.2). The calculated
volumetric efficiency is only valid at stationary conditions which are marked with ellipses.
When the wastegate is open the mapped volumetric efficiency is incorrect. The change is
(82 78)/78 5% which would result in a 5% CAC error.
4.2. CAC and Exhaust Pressure Changes 53

2. Given a desired accuracy of the estimated CAC: How large exhaust mani-
fold pressure changes can be tolerated with an exhaust manifold pressure
independent model?

To answer these questions a CAC sensitivity analysis is performed. It is

performed using an ideal model of CAC (Eriksson et al., 2002a) that includes
exhaust manifold pressure, which is inspired by Fox et al. (1993). The model is
then augmented with the charge cooling effect described in the previous sections.
The total model is validated in two steps. First, it is validated for stationary
data where it is compared to a standard volumetric efficiency based CAC model
Eq. (4.7). Then the proposed model and a standard volumetric efficiency based
CAC model Eq. (4.7) are compared using varying exhaust manifold pressures.
The comparison shows that the exhaust manifold pressure dependent model
accurately describes the CAC for both stationary conditions and for varying
exhaust manifold pressure. Its ability to describe the magnitude of the CAC
change when the exhaust manifold pressure varies makes it very suitable as a
base of a sensitivity analysis.

4.2.1 CAC Model with Exhaust Manifold Pressure De-


The models purpose is primarily CAC estimation for air-fuel ratio control where
it is possible to include the effects of the exhaust manifold pressure. Here the
modeled CAC is based on an estimate of the inducted volume of air Va . On
turbocharged engines with fix valve timing it easy to estimate the volume of
inducted air, Va as the valve overlap is small which enables a simplified gas
exchange process to be used. As the valve overlap is small, the backflow is
zero. In Figure 4.8 a simplified gas exchange model illustrates how the volume
of inducted air Va is estimated by subtracting the residual gas volume and
the volume of evaporated fuel Vf from the total volume at intake valve closing
(IVC). In the model IVC occurs at bottom dead center (BDC) and exhaust
valve closing (EVC) occurs at top dead center (TDC).

z }| {
rc pim
pem e
pim pim 1
CAC = Va = C Vd (4.10)
Rim Tim Rim Tim vol 1 + A 1 rc 1
( F )
54 Chapter 4. Development of a Control Oriented CAC Model


After EVC but before IVO Intake Exhaust

pim pem
Intake Exhaust
pim pem

Residual gases (pem , Vc ) Air: (pim , Va )

Fuel vapor: (pim , Vf )

0Expanded residual gases:1

@p pem
im , Vr = Vc A

Figure 4.8: An illustration of the idealized induction model to determine the volume of in-
ducted air Va . Left: Prior to the inductions starts, at exhaust valve closing (EVC), the residual
gases at pressure pem fill the clearance volume Vc . Right: At the end of the intake stroke,
when the intake valve is about to close, the volume is Vd + Vc and the residual gases have
expanded from pem to pim . At IVC the pressure is pim in all of the volumes. The volume of
each component is schematically shown separated by dashed lines and Va = Vd + Vc Vr Vf .

A more detailed derivation of the model below is found in Appendix C.

Next, the effect of charge cooling by fuel evaporation is included by replacing
Tim with Eq. (4.8):
rc ppem
pim im
CAC =   Cvol   (4.11)
Rim Tim C1 2 1+ A 1
(rc 1)
( F )s
| {z }
Charge cooling

The total model given by Eq. (4.11) includes both the exhaust manifold pressure
and also the effect of fuel enrichment at high engine loads which was described
in the previous section. In the model, there are only two tuning parameters and
these are the pumping parameter Cvol and the effect of charge cooling by fuel
evaporation C1 .

CAC Model Validation

Validation of the CAC model is performed in two steps: First it is validated us-
ing stationary measured data and then for data with different exhaust manifold
4.2. CAC and Exhaust Pressure Changes 55

Model Validation Using Stationary Data

Validation is performed for stationary conditions by comparing stationary mea-

sured CAC to modeled CAC. Two models are used: The exhaust manifold
pressure dependent CAC and the CAC based on a parameterization of the vol-
umetric efficiency, Eq. (4.9). The purposes of this validation are to show:

1. That the model including exhaust manifold pressure has the same ac-
curacy, for a nominal wastegate setting, as models based on volumetric
efficiency such as Eq. (4.9).

2. That the model including exhaust manifold pressure better describes CAC
when the wastegate is opened, or when it is not in its nominal setting,
than models based on mapped/parameterized volumetric efficiency such
as Eq. (4.9).

In the validation, a different dataset has been used compared to the tuning data.
The validation data is measured three years later than the tuning dataset and
with a different gasoline quality. For both datasets, the wastegate is controlled
to a nominal opening by the ECU, which means that it is closed for most of the
In Figure 4.9 it is shown that the exhaust manifold pressure dependent
model shows about the same high accuracy as the model using parameterized
volumetric efficiency. In terms of root mean square error, the pem dependent
model has an error of 1.8 103 compared to 1.9 103 for the parameterized
volumetric efficiency. As the pem dependent model has one parameter less, the
stationary accuracy is very good.

Model Validation Using Different Exhaust Manifold Pressures

Here, measured engine data with different exhaust manifold pressures are used
to test how well the models describe the change in CAC. It has not been possible
to measure the transient CAC and therefore the estimates are compared to
measured air-mass flow after the air filter. This means that the comparison
in Figure 4.10 is only valid for stationary conditions due to the filling and
emptying of the intake system. The locations of the stationary conditions when
the wastegate is open have been marked using ellipses. Both models have been
tuned for nominal wastegate settings, which in this case is closed wastegate.
In Figure 4.10 the wastegate is opened and closed several times to vary
the exhaust manifold pressure. The pem dependent model Eq. (4.11) better de-
scribes the CAC change than the parameterized volumetric efficiency, Eq. (4.9).
As the exhaust manifold pressure dependent CAC model is able to better de-
scribe CAC for conditions where it has not been tuned it is study how sensitive
the CAC is to the exhaust manifold pressure changes.
56 Chapter 4. Development of a Control Oriented CAC Model

x 10 CAC Validation

Modeled CAC [kg]

RMS exh. press. dep : 1.8e03
RMS parameterized nvol : 1.9e03

0.5 Exh. Press. Dep

Parameterized vol
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Measured CAC [kg] x 10

Figure 4.9: Validation of the exhaust manifold pressure dependent CAC model using station-
ary data. It is compared to a model using parameterized volumetric efficiency and measured
data. The accuracy of Eq. (4.11) is in the same magnitude as the model using parameterized
volumetric efficiency, Eq. (4.9).

4.2.2 CAC Sensitivity Functions

Now an accurate CAC model exists that considers exhaust manifold pressure.
This model can therefore be used to study the CAC sensitivity to changes in
exhaust manifold pressure using sensitivity functions. The CAC sensitivity to
the parameter x is defined as:

CAC Sensitivity to Exhaust Manifold Pressure Changes

The derivative of Eq. (4.11) with respect to the exhaust manifold pressure is
determined and then divided by Eq. (4.11) and pem which yields the sensitivity
to exhaust manifold pressure changes:
CAC  1
pem pem e 1
=   1 (4.12)
pim pem e
pem e rc pim

There are two properties of the sensitivity function Eq. (4.12) that makes the
results from the analysis general. First, it does not include any specific engine
parameters that require tuning to measured data. Second, it only depends on
the pressure ratio ppem
The minus sign in Eq. (4.12) shows that an increase in exhaust manifold
pressure decrease CAC. In Figure 4.11 the sensitivity function is evaluated for
4.2. CAC and Exhaust Pressure Changes 57

Exhaust and Intake Manifold Pressure


Pressure [kPa]

100 Open wastegate Open wastegate Open wastegate



0 10 20 30 40 50 60

x 10 CAC Comparison

1.7 Measured CAC using an airmass flow sensor

Exhaust manifold pressure dependent CAC
CAC using parameterized vol
CAC [kg]



0 10 20 30 40 50 60

x 10 CAC Error

Exhaust manifold pressure dependent CAC

CAC using parameterized vol
CAC Error [kg]

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time [s]

Figure 4.10: Validation using wastegate opening/closing steps. Top: Intake manifold pressure
and exhaust manifold pressure varies depending on whether the wastegate is open or closed.
Center: The estimated CAC compared to measured CAC. To better study the estimated
change in CAC when the wastegate opens the stationary errors for closed wastegate have
been removed for both models by adding a constant offset. The model based on parameterized
volumetric efficiency underestimates CAC when the wastegate is open. Bottom: The CAC
error of the exhaust manifold pressure dependent model is smaller.
58 Chapter 4. Development of a Control Oriented CAC Model

five fix intake manifold pressures. From the figure it is clear that the CAC is
most sensitive to changes in pem for low intake manifold pressures, that is part
load conditions. This is a very important observation since at part load, where
the engine is run stoichiometricly, it is vital to make precise CAC-estimates.
For part load conditions, it is also most beneficial to improve the fuel economy
by opening the wastegate that changes the exhaust manifold pressure. There-
fore, to estimate the expected CAC change when the wastegate is opened it is
necessary to determine the magnitude of the exhaust pressure drop.

CAC Sensitivity to Changes in Exhaust Manifold Pressure

At high p CAC is almost insensitive to p changes
im em

p = 200 kPa

0.2 p = 138 kPa


p = 95 kPa
Sensitivity []


pim = 65 kPa

CAC is more sensitive to
p changes for low p
em im

pim = 45 kPa
100 150 200 250 300 350
Exhaust Manifold Pressure [kPa]

Figure 4.11: The figure shows that CAC decreases with increasing exhaust manifold pressure
for a given intake manifold pressure. CAC is almost insensitive to pem -changes at high intake
manifold pressures.

4.2.3 Exhaust Manifold Pressure Drop when Wastegate

is Opened
The maximum achievable pressure change when the wastegate goes from nom-
inal to open position was estimated by measuring the exhaust manifold pres-
sure when the engine was running in stationary points with open and nominal
wastegate. Then third order polynomials in the air-mass flow were fitted to
the measured exhaust manifold pressures. By taking the difference between the
polynomials the pressure drop at a given air-mass flow can be estimated. In
Figure 4.12 the exhaust manifold pressure drop is shown for various air-mass
flows. The maximum possible pressure drop is slightly more than 20%.

4.2.4 CAC Change when the Wastegate is Opened

Now a function to determine the magnitude of the CAC change is given by
Eq. (4.12) provided that exhaust manifold pressure drop is known. The ex-
4.2. CAC and Exhaust Pressure Changes 59

Exhaust Manifold Pressure as a Function of Airmass Flow

Open WG

Exhaust pressure [kPa]

250 Fitted line for open WG
Nominal WG
200 Fitted line for nominal WG



0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14
Airmass flow [kg/s]

Maximum Exhaust Manifold Pressure Drop Fraction

Pressure drop fraction [%]

Exhaust manifold pressure can drop more
than 20% when the wastegate is opened.

0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14
Airmass flow [kg/s]

Figure 4.12: Stationary exhaust manifold pressures for different air-mass flows with open and
nominal wastegate. Top: The exhaust manifold pressures can successfully be described using
third order polynomials in air-mass flow. Bottom: The exhaust manifold pressure drop when
the wastegate is fully opened in percent as a function of air-mass flow. It is calculated using
the difference between the fitted lines in the top plot. For this engine the exhaust manifold
pressure drops more than 20% when the wastegate is opened.

haust manifold pressure drop is determined by inserting measured data from an

engine map with nominal wastegate setting into the polynomials for the exhaust
manifold pressure for open and closed wastegate. The resulting CAC change
is then determined and shown in Figure 4.13. As the boost pressure drops to
virtually zero when the wastegate is opened, only points with intake manifold
pressure lower than ambient are shown. For the engine map the maximum CAC
change would be 5%, which corresponds very well to the measured results in
Figure 4.7.

The Necessity of Exhaust Manifold Pressure for CAC Estimation

The base for this investigation is that the necessary accuracy of air-fuel ratio
controllers is 2% to 3% (Kiencke and Nielsen, 2000, pp. 69) during stoichio-
metric conditions. In Figure 4.13 it is shown that during part load, where it is
motivated to open the wastegate to improve the fuel economy, the CAC changes
up to 5% for the points in the ellipsis. This means that a CAC-estimator with-
out knowledge of exhaust manifold pressure is not sufficiently accurate, that is
controllers based on mapped volumetric efficiency.
60 Chapter 4. Development of a Control Oriented CAC Model

Change in CAC when Wastegate is Fully Opened

Greatest CAC change at part load

CAC Change [%]

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Intake Manifold Pressure [kPa]

Figure 4.13: Estimated CAC change when the wastegate goes from nominal to fully open for
mapped engine data. By applying the pressure drop fraction from Figure 4.12 the change in
CAC is estimated using Eq. (4.12). At part load there can be an up to 5% CAC increase.

Maximum Tolerable Pressure Drop For Volumetric Efficiency Based

CAC Methods
Since CAC models that relies on mapped or parameterized volumetric efficiency
are unaware of the exhaust manifold pressure it is important to estimate how
large exhaust manifold pressure drops that can occur in order to keep the CAC
error within a certain limit. For a given exhaust manifold pressure drop pemdrop
the change in CAC is approximated by:
pemdrop = CAC change in percent
Thus for a given limit on the CAC change the maximum exhaust manifold pres-
sure drop pemdrop can be solved. Here it is calculated for stationary operating
points under the assumption that CAC
pem is constant when the pressure drop
is calculated. Figure 4.14 shows the maximum pemdrop which can be occur
without changing CAC more than the specified limit.

Example 4.1
The engine is running at part load with pim =60 kPa and the maximum accept-
able CAC error is 3%. The maximum exhaust manifold pressure drop that can
be accepted and still keep the CAC change lower than 3% is found by following
the 3% line in Figure 4.14. The maximum pemdrop is estimated to 20 kPa.
4.3. The Proposed CAC Model Improves Torque Estimates 61

Estimated pem for Different CAC Changes

50 4%

Maximal p




20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Intake manifold pressure [kPa]

Figure 4.14: Estimated maximal pemdrop until the CAC changes more than the specified

4.2.5 Results of CAC Exhaust Manifold Pressure Sensi-

tivity Analysis
Using sensitivity analysis it has been investigated how the exhaust manifold
pressure influences CAC. From the sensitivity analysis, there are mainly two

Sensitivity to changes in exhaust manifold pressure are most significant

at part load conditions.

With active wastegate control at part load the pressure drop when the
wastegate is opened results in a CAC change of up to 5%. This is not
properly described by an exhaust manifold pressure independent CAC
model. Thus, a CAC model with included exhaust pressure dependency
is necessary for accurate CAC estimation on TC engines with wastegate.

These results are general as the sensitivity analysis, Eq. (4.12), does not include
any engine specific parameters that require tuning to measured data.

4.3 The Proposed CAC Model Improves Torque

Engine torque can be well approximated, using an affine function in CAC, for
stationary conditions over a wide operating region.

Tqcs = t1 CAC t2 (4.13)

62 Chapter 4. Development of a Control Oriented CAC Model

Figure 4.15 shows the estimated Tqcs when t1 and t2 has been fitted to mea-
sured CAC. This simple model is used to show that the modeled torque from

Torque as a Function of CAC




Torque [Nm]





Model (with validity region)
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Measured CAC [kg/cycle] x 10

Figure 4.15: Left: Measured torque and modeled as a function of measured air-mass/cycle
(CAC). The model is valid for a wide range of the engines operating region.

estimated CAC using the proposed CAC model gives better torque estimates
when compared to CAC estimates from a conventional speed-density method.
The conventional CAC model is represented by Eq. (4.7), which parameters are
tuned for stoichiometric conditions and nominal wastegate setting. This model
is compared to the proposed model Eq. (4.11) for two conditions: First when
fuel enrichment is present and then for part load operation with open wastegate.
In the comparison, the parameters t1 and t2 are fix, i.e. not re-tuned for each

4.3.1 Torque Estimates During Fuel Enrichment

Here the torque estimates are validated for stationary conditions when fuel en-
richment is present, that is high loads. By inserting the modeled CAC, from
Eq. (4.11) and Eq. (4.7) respectively into the torque model Eq. (4.13) the re-
sulting torque estimates are shown in Figure 4.16. The torque models root
mean square errors are 8.5 Nm when the CAC estimates from the proposed
model Eq. (4.11) is used and 11.1 Nm when the parameterized volumetric ef-
ficiency without charge cooling Eq. (4.7) is used. The root mean square error
of the torque estimates is thus 30% higher when the charge cooling is excluded
for loads between 180 Nm and 300 Nm. It is therefore essential to include the
charge cooling effect to reduce torque estimation errors at high loads.
4.4. Results 63

Absolute Stationary Torque Error During Fuel Enrichment

Modeled CAC with charge cooling by fuel evaporation
Modeled CAC based on parameterized volumetric efficiency


Torque error [Nm]


RMS torque error with charge cooling: 8.5 Nm


RMS torque error without charge cooling: 11.1 Nm

180 200 220 240 260 280 300
Measured torque [Nm]

Figure 4.16: Absolute torque model errors using Eq. (4.13) and CAC models with and without
charge cooling. Using the proposed CAC model, Eq. (4.11), with charge cooling and exhaust
manifold pressure dependency the torque estimates are significantly improved.

4.3.2 Torque Estimates For Different Wastegate Settings

To verify the influence of changing exhaust backpressure on modeled torque from
estimated CAC, a dataset with open wastegate was used. For this dataset, the
CAC is estimated using the models from Eq. (4.7) and Eq. (4.11) and then
the torque is determined using the model in Eq. (4.13). The resulting torque
estimates are shown in Figure 4.17. The root mean square errors of the torque
estimates are 6.4 Nm using the CAC model Eq. (4.11) and 12.3 Nm using the
parameterized volumetric efficiency Eq. (4.7). This means that the root mean
square error is more than 90% higher for the model without exhaust pressure
dependency. Thus, it is beneficial to include the exhaust manifold pressure in
the CAC model when it is to be used for torque estimation.

4.4 Results
Cylinder air charge (CAC) estimation have been studied for turbocharged SI-
engines with emphasis on two topics: Fuel enrichment at high loads and varying
exhaust manifold pressure. The objective is to investigate whether standard
models based on volumetric efficiency can be used or how improvements can be
made to find a good model for control and diagnosis.
At high loads where rich air-fuel ratios are used, the additional fuel influences
CAC and standard models give an error of up to 10%. The error is caused
by the charge cooling effect that the fuel has when it evaporates and thus
64 Chapter 4. Development of a Control Oriented CAC Model

Stationary Torque Error With Open Wastegate

CAC model with pem dependency and charge cooling
CAC model based on parameterized
20 vol

15 RMS torque error with CAC(pim, pem, ): 6.4 Nm

RMS torque error for CAC(pim): 12.3 Nm

Torque error [Nm]



0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2
Measured CAC [kg/cycle] x 10

Figure 4.17: Engine torque estimation error for stationary data with open wastegate. It is
clear that the torque error for the exhaust pressure dependent CAC model is considerably

increases the charge density. The charge cooling effect is modeled and only
one additional parameter is introduced by the model. A standard CAC model
is then augmented with the charge cooling model. With the augmented CAC
model, the estimation error at rich conditions is reduced from 10% down to 3%.
CAC depends on the exhaust manifold pressure and the exhaust manifold
pressure can drop up to 20% when the wastegate is opened. Standard volumetric
efficiency based CAC models do not capture this exhaust manifold pressure
dependency. A CAC model that includes exhaust manifold pressure is therefore
examined and it shows good agreement with measured data even for operating
conditions where it has not been tuned. Using the model a CAC sensitivity
analysis is performed and it can be concluded that:
Exhaust manifold pressure influences CAC at most during part load con-
It is necessary to include the exhaust manifold pressure in the CAC model
to estimate CAC with an error less than 3% at part load.
When the exhaust manifold pressure dependent CAC model is augmented
with the charge cooling model, the total model is able to describe CAC with
changing exhaust manifold pressure as well as it describes CAC during fuel
enrichment. This was illustrated using a torque model based on estimated
CAC. With the suggested CAC model the estimated errors at high loads and
with open wastegate were significantly reduced. As the model is able to estimate
CAC over a wide range of operating conditions it is therefore highly suitable
for CAC estimation for control and diagnosis of turbocharged SI-engines.

Exhaust Manifold Pressure


Leaks before the first oxygen sensor can result in increased emissions and a
defective wastegate can cause expensive damages to the turbine if it exceeds its
maximum speed. All of these issues are related to the exhaust manifold pressure.
Knowledge of the exhaust manifold pressure is therefore an important tool for
diagnosis of the turbine, wastegate, and for leakage detection before the first
oxygen sensor (Andersson and Eriksson, 2002). Normally, the exhaust manifold
pressure is not measured due to the high temperatures in the exhaust system
and the extra cost of an additional sensor. Thus, it is desirable to estimate the
exhaust manifold pressure using information from available sensors. A challenge
is that all engine sensors, except the oxygen sensor(s), are located on the intake
Exhaust manifold pressure and temperature have successfully been esti-
mated on naturally aspirated (NA) engines using mean value models (Maloney
and Olin, 1998; Fons et al., 1999). These models rely on the assumption that the
exhaust manifold pressure is the result of a mass-flow through a fix restriction.
In NA engines the flow restriction on the exhaust side can be can be accu-
rately modeled using this assumption (Eriksson et al., 2001). On TC-engines
the wastegate acts as a variable restriction, which means that the models suc-
cessfully used for NA-engines can not be applied directly for exhaust manifold
pressure estimation. Further, the position of the wastegate is not fully known
which makes exhaust manifold pressure estimation a challenging task.
To estimate the absolute exhaust manifold pressure on a turbocharged en-
gine a two-component model is introduced. The model is based on a separation
of the exhaust manifold pressure into two parts, one nominal which is a function

66 Chapter 5. Exhaust Manifold Pressure Estimation

of the air-mass flow and one offset from the nominal pressure. No additional
sensors in the exhaust system are needed by the estimator after calibration.
Only the following sensors are required: ambient pressure pa , air-mass flow Wa ,
intake manifold pressure pim and temperature Tim , and air-fuel ratio . These
signals are available on many production engines.

5.1 System Overview

In Figure 5.1 a brief system overview of relevant parts of the engine and in-
take system is shown. For a description of the symbols used, please see the
nomenclature in Appendix A.
In Figure 5.1 the air-mass flow through the air-filter is measured by a sensor
Wa . The air-mass flow through the engine is normally restricted by the throttle
that is controlled by the driver. The port air-mass flow denoted Wcyl is a product
of the cylinder air charge, CAC and the engine speed, that is Wcyl = CAC nNr .
For stationary conditions Wcyl equals Wa . CAC depends on, among others, the
exhaust manifold pressure pem which in turn depends on the wastegate setting.
Normally, the wastegate setting is determined by the ECU and this is referred to
as a nominal wastegate setting or nominal operating conditions. To make rapid
wastegate steps of high amplitude, an additional manual wastegate actuator is
installed on the engine.

5.2 Exhaust Pressure Model

The basic idea behind the exhaust manifold pressure model is that pem can be
separated into two components, one nominal exhaust pressure pem nom and one
offset pem from the nominal pressure. Nominal exhaust manifold pressure is
the exhaust manifold pressure when the wastegate is controlled by the ECU and
not manually operated.
pem = pem nom + pem (5.1)
At nominal operating conditions pem is zero. This partition is also illustrated
using a resistor analogy in Figure 5.2.

5.2.1 Nominal Exhaust Pressure Model

Exhaust manifold pressure for nominal conditions pem nom can be expressed ei-
ther using a map or a polynomial in air-mass flow (Bergstr om and Brug ard,
1999; Pettersson, 2000; Eriksson et al., 2002b). Here the exhaust manifold pres-
sure drop over the muffler, turbine, and wastegate is modeled as a first order
polynomial in air-mass flow with k1 and k2 as parameters. To get an absolute
exhaust manifold pressure estimate, the ambient pressure pa is added to the
expected pressure drop:
pem nom = pa + k1 Wat + k2 (5.2)
5.2. Exhaust Pressure Model 67

Air filter

Wa Air flow meter

0000 Compressor

Throttle Turbine Shaft

pem Turbine
pim , Tim Waste-
Engine gate
Intake Exhaust
Manifold Manifold

Figure 5.1: Sensors and actuators on the engine. Only the air-mass flow after the air-filter
is measured, Wa . For stationary conditions the port air-mass flow Wcyl equals Wa . Exhaust
manifold pressure pem depends among others on the wastegate setting. On the exhaust side
there is only one sensor, the oxygen sensor .


pem Muffler

Wastegate pa

Nominal setting
The engine pumps a constant mass-flow

Figure 5.2: Hera a resistor analogy is used to show the partition of the exhaust manifold
pressure. The wastegates effect on the exhaust manifold pressure is like a variable resistor
with a nominal setting. When the wastegate is operated the exhaust manifold pressure
changes around its nominal value.
68 Chapter 5. Exhaust Manifold Pressure Estimation

For this polynomial the error is less than 4% and hence it is a good approxima-
tion of pem nom . Figure 5.3 shows the fitted polynomial and measured exhaust
manifold pressure as a function of measured air-mass flow.
For low air-mass flows it is possible to improve the accuracy by including
a second order term as Bergstrom and Brug ard (1999) did. A second order
polynomial describes the exhaust manifold pressure very accurately for closed
wastegate. However, the wastegate opens for higher loads, which means that
the second order polynomial can not be used to describe the nominal exhaust
manifold pressure.

5.2.2 Model of Exhaust Manifold Pressure Offset

At nominal exhaust manifold pressures, the CAC can successfully be described
by an affine parameterization in pim of the product vol pim according to Eq. (4.9):

CAC(pim , Tim , ) = (a1 pim + a0 )  (4.9)
| {z } Rim Tim C1 1
vol pim

When the engine is not running with nominal wastegate setting, the exhaust
manifold pressure is changed pem from nominal pressure and this changes
the residual gas mass. A different mass of residual gases will influence the
volumetric efficiency and thus the inducted CAC(pim , Tim , ). It will therefore
be a difference between measured and modeled CAC when the engine is not
running with a nominal wastegate setting. The difference is called CAC and
for stationary conditions, where Wat equals the measured Wa , it is calculated
by rearranging Eq. (3.12a):
CAC = Wa CAC(pim , Tim , ) (5.3)
An illustration is given in Figure 5.4, where a step in wastegate setting is used
to show the change in volumetric efficiency and difference between measured
and modeled CAC, CAC. The experiment in Figure 5.4 shows that pem
information is present in the measured signals on the intake side. Next, a
method is proposed where CAC is used to estimate pem .

Exhaust Manifold Pressure Offset as A Function of CAC

A straight forward method to determine the exhaust manifold pressure offset
pem as a function of the air-mass offset CAC is to consider a CAC model
with an explicit dependency of the exhaust manifold pressure and then linearize
the model around pem nom . The linearized model then becomes:

CAC(pim , pem nom + pem , Tim , ) = CAC(pim , pem nom , Tim , ) + pem
5.2. Exhaust Pressure Model 69

Measured Exhaust Manifold Pressure Compared to Estimated


Pressure [kPa]


0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12
Relative Error in Estimated Exhaust Manifold Pressure
Relative Error [%]

0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12
Measured Exhaust Manifold Pressure Compared to Estimated for Low Mass Flows

Pressure [kPa]



100 Measured
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04
Air Mass Flow [kg/s]

Figure 5.3: Top: Exhaust manifold pressure during mapping and fitted first order polynomial
in air-mass flow. Center: The relative error of the polynomial fitting is less than 4 percent
and largest for low mass flows. Bottom: For low air-mass flows a second order polynomial
would fit better.
70 Chapter 5. Exhaust Manifold Pressure Estimation

Pressure Changes During Wastegate Steps

Pressure [kPa]

120 Wastegate Open Wastegate Open


Exhaust Pressure
Intake Manifold Pressure
0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Volumetric Efficiency During Wastegate Steps


v [%]


0 10 20 30 40 50 60

4 Air Mass Offset CAC

x 10
Mass Offset [kg]

0 Stationary Stationary

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time [s]

Figure 5.4: Steps from nominal to fully open wastegate at constant engine speed. A controller
in the ECU tries to maintain constant air-mass flow. Top: When the wastegate has opened,
the exhaust manifold pressure drops significantly but the intake manifold pressure drops only
slightly. Center: Comparison of mapped and calculated volumetric efficiency. Eq. (2.3) was
used to determine the calculated volumetric efficiency. Both are equal for nominal wastegate
but the volumetric efficiency increases stationary when the wastegate is open. Bottom: For
open wastegate a there is a stationary offset between the measured and the expected or
modeled CAC. The difference between them are called CAC
5.2. Exhaust Pressure Model 71

After some substitutions, it will be shown that the linearized model can be
inverted and yield an explicit expression for pem .
For nominal exhaust manifold pressure, the cylinder air-charge is described
well by Eq. (4.9) that is independent of pem :

CAC(pim , pem nom , Tim , ) = CACpem nom (pim , Tim , )

Further, the cylinder air charge CAC(pim , pem nom + pem , Tim , ) in Eq. (5.4) is
also measured and this term is therefore replaced by the measurement.
CAC(pim , pem nom + pem , Tim , ) = Wa
| {zN}

By inserting the relation above together with Eq. (4.9) into Eq. (5.4) the result
nr CAC
Wa = CACpem nom (pim , Tim , ) + pem
| {zN} pem

When the terms are rearranged and the relation from Eq. (5.3) is applied, the
result is that CAC
pem pem must equal CAC:

nr CAC
Wa CACpem nom (pim , Tim , ) = pem (5.5)
| N {z } pem

Now, if pem is monotone and non-zero it is possible to solve Eq. (5.5) for pem :

pem = CAC

Next, it is necessary to determine the partial derivative CACpem which requires a

CAC model with explicit pem dependency. Fortunately, a pem dependent model
of CAC was proposed in Eq. (4.10), Chapter 4:
rc ppem
pim im
CAC(pim , pem , Tim , ) =   Cvol  
Rim Tim C1 1
2 1+ A 1
(rc 1)
( F )s
To investigate the properties of CAC
pem , Eq. (4.10) is differentiated with respect
to the exhaust manifold pressure pem .
pem eg
CAC C1 pim Vd pim
=     (5.7)
pem C2 (1) pem
1+ 1
( F
eg (rc 1) Tim 2 Ra
72 Chapter 5. Exhaust Manifold Pressure Estimation

9 CAC/p is Affine in Pressure Ratio

x 10




CAC/ p




0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

Pressure ratio p /p []
im em


Figure 5.5: pem
is affine in the pressure ratio pem
. However, the variations in pem

As all factors above are non-zero and do not change sign the partial derivative
will always be monotone and negative. Therefore, the inverse given by Eq. (5.6)
always exists. Also, note that CAC
pem , for a given , only depends on the ratio
pem CAC
pim . In Figure 5.5 pem has been evaluated for points in an engine map and as
the variations around the mean value of CAC CAC
pem are small a constant Ke = pem
will be assumed. The constant Ke had to be slightly increased compared to the
theoretical value of 1.9 109 . Instead the value Ke = 4 109 was used,
which results in the following simple pem model:

pem = Ke CAC (5.8)

In Appendix D an alternative derivation of pem is made that is based on a

simplified thermodynamic model, which yields a result that also include Tim
and . As both the intake manifold temperature and varies little these can
be assumed constant and then the models structure are equal.

5.2.3 Summary of Exhaust Pressure Calculation Process

First the temperature of the air-fuel mixture is calculated according to Eq. (4.8)
and then the air-mass offset CAC, Eq. (5.3), is calculated. The nominal
exhaust pressure is determined by Eq. (5.2), the exhaust manifold pressure
5.3. Exhaust Pressure Estimator Validation 73

offset by Eq. (5.8) and finally inserted into Eq. (5.1) which yields pem .
Taf (Tim , ) = Tim C1
vol pim
z }| {
nr (a1 pim + a0 ) Vd
CAC (Wa , N, pim , Tim , ) = Wat
N RTaf (Tim , )
pem nom (Wa ) = pa + k1 Wa + k2
pem (CAC) = Ke CAC
pem (Wa , CAC) = pem nom (Wa ) pem (CAC)

Important second order effects, such as heat transfer, and valve overlap etc. are
taken into account by pem nom .

5.3 Exhaust Pressure Estimator Validation

The estimator is validated using measurements of the exhaust pressure when
the wastegate valve is manually operated. When the wastegate is opened the
power to the turbine drops and hence also the boost pressure. Boost pressure
drops cause the air-mass flow controller in the engine management system to
open the throttle more to maintain a constant air-mass flow. Now, there are
two cases: First, the pressure before the throttle is high enough to supply the
engine with the same air-mass flow as before the wastegate was opened. Second,
the boost pressure is too low when the wastegate is open to maintain the same
air-mass flow. The exhaust manifold pressure estimator is validated for both
cases in Section 5.3.1 and Section 5.3.2 respectively.
While the air-mass controller changes the throttle plate angle, there are
transients in the air-mass flow and the air dynamics introduce small deviations
in the estimated air-mass offset CAC until the controller has settled. These
deviations are clearly visible in Figure 5.6. Further, in this offline validation all
measured signals have been zero phase low pass filtered to reduce the influence
of noise.
Measurements have been taken for a number of loads at engine speeds be-
tween 1800 and 3100 RPM. In each measurement the engine speed is held
constant and the wastegate is initially controlled by the ECU. The wastegate
is then manually opened and held constant for approximately 10 seconds and
then again closed. This process is repeated a few cycles.

5.3.1 Estimated Exhaust Pressure with Constant Air-mass

Flow Before and After the Wastegate Step
Stationary validation is performed with and without the air-mass offset informa-
tion to show the necessity of the additional information. First, this is shown in
74 Chapter 5. Exhaust Manifold Pressure Estimation

Figure 5.6 where the intake manifold pressure is below ambient and the air-mass
flow is controlled to 45 g/s during the experiment.
The controller succeeds in maintaining the desired air-mass flow even when
the wastegate is open. The nominal exhaust manifold pressure is expressed
as a polynomial in air-mass flow and since the air-mass flow is constant, the
estimated exhaust manifold pressure is also constant. When the wastegate is
opened, there is an offset from the nominal exhaust manifold pressure. This
offset called pem can be estimated by inverting the linearization of CAC with
respect to deviations from nominal exhaust manifold pressure. When the esti-
mated pem are applied, the drops in exhaust manifold pressure are captured.
During transients there are over shoots in the estimated exhaust manifold pres-
sure, which are results of a using a static intake model.
More results of applying the method described by Equations (5.2, 5.8) are
shown in Figure 5.7 (low brake mean effective pressures, bmep) and top of
Figure 5.8 (high bmep) where different settings of the wastegate are used in four
different operating points. The absolute exhaust manifold pressure is described,
in most cases, within 5%.
In the bottom of Figure 5.7 it is shown that even when there is a bias in the
estimated pem the exhaust manifold pressure change is still correct. The bias
in the estimated exhaust manifold pressure change pem is caused by errors
in the modeled volumetric efficiency. This shows that even though there are
errors the estimated pressures the estimator still gives useful exhaust manifold
pressure information.

5.3.2 Estimated Exhaust Pressure with Different Air-mass

Flow Before and After the Wastegate Step
To maintain an intake manifold pressure above ambient it is necessary to provide
a certain boost pressure, which can only be achieved when the wastegate is
closed or for small openings. If the wastegate is fully opened when a boost
pressure is required to maintain a constant air-mass flow, there will be a drop
in the air-mass flow as it is not possible to achieve the previous air-mass flow.
This is the situation in the bottom of Figure 5.8, where the air-mass-controller
is unable to supply the engine with the same air-mass flow when the wastegate
is opened as the boost pressure is too low. As the air-mass flow decreases when
the wastegate is opened and the nominal exhaust manifold pressure pem nom is
a function of the air-mass flow, the polynomial better describes the exhaust
manifold pressure change is this case. However, the exhaust manifold pressure
estimates are further significantly improved when the pem component is added.
5.3. Exhaust Pressure Estimator Validation 75

RPM = 2500, bmep=9.4 bar

Wastegate Closed Measured pem
Estimated pem +pem
140 nom
Polynomial pem
Pressure [kPa]



120 Wastegate Open

Wastegate Open

110 Compensated Estimate

Compensated Estimate
10 20 30 40 50 60
Time [s]

Air Mass Flow During Wastegate Experiment


Air Transient
Stationary Air
Mass Flow
Mass Flow [kg/s]


Stationary Air Stationary Air

0.04 Mass Flow Mass Flow
Air Transient

10 20 30 40 50 60
Time [s]

Figure 5.6: Top: Measured exhaust manifold pressure data compared to estimated pressure
with and without pem information. The polynomial description gives accurate estimates for
nominal wastegate setting, but overestimates the pressure for open wastegate. With the pem
information, Eq. (5.8), it is also possible to describe the pressure for open wastegate. The
estimated exhaust manifold pressure follows the measured within 5%. Bottom: When the
wastegate is operated there is a short transient in the air-mass flow. Between the transients
the air-mass flows are constant, which have been marked.
76 Chapter 5. Exhaust Manifold Pressure Estimation

RPM = 3100, bmep=5.3 bar



Pressure [kPa]



Measured p
110 Estimated p +p
em em
105 Polynomial p

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160

RPM = 1800, bmep=5.2 bar


Pressure [kPa]


Measured p
100 Estimated p +p
em em
Polynomial p

0 20 40 60 80 100
Time [s]

Figure 5.7: Measured exhaust manifold pressure (solid) compared to nominal pressure (dash-
dotted), and estimated using the in-cylinder air-mass offset information (dashed). When the
additional pressure offset pem is added, the estimates are improved for open wastegate. In
the bottom plot there is a stationary error in pem , but pem captures that there is a change
in exhaust manifold pressure.
5.3. Exhaust Pressure Estimator Validation 77

RPM = 3100, bmep=9.2 bar



Pressure [kPa]


120 Measured pem

Estimated pem +pem
110 nom
Polynomial p
100 em

0 50 100 150 200
Time [s]

RPM = 1800, bmep=11.9 bar


Pressure [kPa]


120 Measured pem

Estimated p +p
em em
Polynomial pem

0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time [s]

Figure 5.8: Measured exhaust manifold pressure (solid) compared to nominal pressure (dash-
dotted), and estimated using the in-cylinder air-mass offset information (dashed). In the
bottom plot the air-mass flow through the engine drops when the wastegate is opened and
thus also the pem nom . However it is still necessary to add the exhaust manifold pressure offset
pem to better describe the exhaust manifold pressure.
78 Chapter 5. Exhaust Manifold Pressure Estimation

5.4 Results
On turbocharged spark-ignition engines with wastegate the absolute exhaust
manifold pressure can not be estimated using a simple function of the air mass
flow. This as one of the three parts in the exhaust system, the wastegate can
not be described as a static restriction while the two other components the
muffler and the turbine can be described as a static functions. To resolve this
a two-stage exhaust manifold pressure estimator is proposed. It first estimates
the nominal exhaust manifold pressure, which is a static function of the ambient
pressure and the air-mass flow. Then, changes from nominal exhaust manifold
pressures cause the in-cylinder air-mass-offset CAC to be non-zero. Using the
estimated CAC the pem (CAC) can then be estimated and added to the
nominal exhaust manifold pressure and thus a better estimate of the exhaust
manifold pressure is produced when the wastegate is not in its nominal setting.
The estimator is validated using steps in wastegate for various speeds and
loads for two cases:

1. When the air-mass flow can be maintained before and after the step in

2. When it is not possible to maintain the same air-mass flow since the
opening of the wastegate causes the boost pressure to drop too much.

In neither case does the nominal exhaust manifold pressure describe the exhaust
manifold pressure sufficiently accurate. It is therefore necessary to consider the
varying restriction caused by the wastegate. By adding the estimated pressure
offset pem (CAC) caused by the wastegate, the absolute exhaust manifold
pressure estimates are improved. Accurate pem estimates are produced, using
sensors from the intake side only, provided that there is a precise description of
the volumetric efficiency. Here the precision of the estimated absolute exhaust
manifold pressure has been within 5% for most cases.
Part II



A Mean Value Model of a TC

SI Engine

Engine control systems are growing more complex as the demands for low emis-
sions and good fuel economy increase. To facilitate the controller design process,
a physically based model of the engine is desirable. Additionally, the model can
serve as a virtual engine during the initial tests. For these purposes, a highly
suitable model class is mean value engine models (MVEMs) which describe the
average behavior of the engine over one to several thousands of engine cycles, see
eg. (Aquino, 1981; Hendricks and Sorensen, 1990; Powell et al., 1998a; M uller
et al., 1998; Eriksson et al., 2002b).
The objective of this chapter is to present a component based MVEM to-
gether with systematic methods to determine its parameters. Here the word
component based reflects that the component structure of the engine is pre-
served. Typical components are air-filter, intercooler, and throttle that are
connected by pipes or manifolds. One benefit of this modeling strategy is that
every component can be separately identified and then the engine model is
built using the separate components. Each component is described in terms of
equations, constants, parameters, states, inputs, and outputs.
The intended use of the component based engine model is to form a basis
of a pressure, temperature and mass-flow observer along the air-path of a tur-
bocharged engine. The first application is in Chapter 7 where the model is used
to determine observability of the model and further which signals that are most
suitable for observer feedback. An observer is then designed in Chapter 8 and
the resulting observer is used in Chapter 9 to achieve accurate air/fuel control.
Other applications of the TC spark ignited (SI) engine model are diagnosis,
prediction, estimation of non-measured signals, and turbocharger control.

82 Chapter 6. A Mean Value Model of a TC SI Engine

The presented model is a result of a long term project at Vehicular Systems

with the objective to gain knowledge of turbocharged SI-engines for control.
More details regarding the selection of the structure of the individual compo-
nents can be found in Bergstr om and Brug ard (1999), Pettersson (2000), Eriks-
son et al. (2002b), and Andersson and Eriksson (2004). Most of the following
sections therefore only give a short description of each component with focus on
how to determine the parameters and the quality of each modeled component.
The quality of each modeled component is described by showing the model fit
both for a tuning and a validation data set. Here the parameters are tuned to
a Saab B235R engine, which was located in the research laboratory of Vehicu-
lar Systems. Using a second engine, a Saab B207R, the model and parameter
tuning methodology was tested with excellent results.

All plots shown in this chapter have been slightly scaled in order not to
reveal the true engine parameters. As both the modeled and measured values
are scaled by the same scaling factor the scaling does not influence the relative
error. Therefore, the model quality is best reflected using the relative error.

6.1 Model Structure

The engine consists of components such as air-filter, compressor, intercooler,

and so on. Between these components, there are pipes or manifolds. These
pipes or manifolds can be considered as control volumes where the pressure and
temperature of the gas inside depends on the mass-flows into and out of the
volume. Mass-flows are determined by restrictions that are components that
given the pressure and temperature before and after the restriction determine
the mass-flow and temperature of the flow.

The modeling principle is thus to place restrictions between control vol-

umes. Therefore, the modeling is reduced to describe the engine components
in terms of restrictions and control volumes. Here the design is aided by a
Matlab/Simulink toolbox called MVEM-Library (Frei and Eriksson, 2001),
which provides a set of well tested blocks (components). An example where
the modeling methodology is applied to an NA-engines air-system is shown in
Figure 6.1. It is clear that the modeling methodology preserves the physical
structure of the engine, as all of the components exist on a physical engine.

Now, the modeling methodology is applied to a turbocharged engine and

the restrictions and control volumes are listed next.
6.1. Model Structure 83

Ground Ground1
Temperature of downstream flow

m_flow down

Q in
T up

T down
mFlow up

mFlow down
Q in
T up

T down

T flow
m flow
mFlow up

mFlow down
T flow
m flow
Control Volume:
Control volume:

effective area
Pipe between Restriction:
Restriction: Intake manifold
airfilter and Throttle
Air filter

T down

p down
T down

p down

T up
p up
T up
p up


1e5 Temperature to next restriction

300 100e6 Pressure to next restriction

Ambient Throttle Area [m^2]

Figure 6.1: Illustration of modeling methodology with control volumes in series with restric-
tions. From the left there is one restriction (air-filter) which produces a mass-flow into a
control volume (the pipe between the air-filter and the throttle). The mass-flow out of the
control volume is governed by a restriction (throttle), which in turn is followed by another
control volume (intake manifold).

Restriction(R) Control volume (CV)

Air-filter (R)
Pipe between air-filter and compressor (CV)
Compressor (R)
Pipe between and intercooler (CV)
Intercooler (R)
Pipe between and Intercooler and throttle (CV)
Throttle (R)
An intake manifold connects the throttle and cylinders (CV)
Engine determines port air-mass flow (R)
An exhaust manifold connects the cylinders and the tur-
bine/wastegate (CV)
Turbine/wastegate (R)
Pipe between and turbine/wastegate and the exhaust system
Exhaust system (R)
To complete the model there only two additional components left. First there
is the turbocharger shaft, which is modeled as a rotating inertia, and second
the engine torque model. Below the components are divided into groups that
will be thoroughly described later:
Restrictions These determine a mass-flow through the restriction with a tem-
perature given pressure and temperature before and after the restriction.
Incompressible flow restrictions: Air-filter, intercooler, and exhaust
system are modeled using this MVEM-Library standard compo-
nent. See Section 6.2.
Compressible flow restriction: Throttle and wastegate. This compo-
nent is described in Section 6.3 and it is also a standard MVEM-
Library component.
84 Chapter 6. A Mean Value Model of a TC SI Engine

Custom restrictions These restrictions are application specific:

Engine Determines the port air-mass flow, exhaust mass-flow and
temperature of the gases to the exhaust manifold. This block
also models the engine torque. See Section 6.4
Compressor The compressor is a part of the turbocharger and it
is considered as a restriction as it produces a mass-flow through
the compressor and models the mass-flow temperature. It also
produces a loading torque to the turbine. See Section 6.6.
Turbine The turbine part of the turbocharger produces a mass-flow
through the turbine, models its temperature, and describes the
torque produced by the turbine. See Section 6.7.
Adiabatic mixer This component is used to adiabatically mix flows from two
different restrictions, such as when the flows through the turbine and
wastegate meet. The outputs are mass-flow and flow temperature. This
is a standard MVEM-Library component and it is described in Sec-
tion 6.2.3.
Model dynamics Components, which have one or more states. In Section 6.8
the dynamic equations are described.
Control volume A control volume is used to connect two restrictions.
It has two states, pressure and temperature. Control volumes are
located between the restrictions: air-filter, compressor, intercooler,
throttle, engine, turbine, and exhaust system. Inputs: mass-flows in
and out of the control volume together with the flow temperatures.
It is also possible to specify heat transfer to/from the gas inside the
control volume. The control volume is implemented as a standard
component in MVEM-Library.
Inertia with friction The axle in the turbocharger is modeled as a ro-
tating inertia, where the inertia is the total inertia of the axle, com-
pressor, and turbine. The angular velocity of the shaft is represented
by a state. The inertia is powered by the torque from the turbine and
loaded by the compressor and axle friction. The inputs are: Driv-
ing torque and loading torque. Output is speed. This is a standard
component in MVEM-Library.
The final component based model is shown in Figure 6.2.

6.1.1 Model Simplifications

As the model will be used for observer design some general simplifications and
assumptions are made:
Flows run only in forward direction. Example: The air always flows from
the air-filter to the compressor, never from the compressor to the air-filter.
15 16
W_af W_ic [kg/s]
W_comp [kg/s] Ground3
W_af [kg/s] W_ic
Ground4 Ground


Q in

T up
Q in

T up

T flow

m flow
Q in

T up

T down
T down

mFlow up
T down

mFlow up
Air filter

mFlow up
Air filter

mFlow down
Compressor Restriction and

T_fwd_flow [K]

mFlow down
mFlow down
Incompressible Control Compressor Control Temperature Intercooler
Restriction Volume Volume model Control Volume

T_cool [K]


p up
T up
T down
p down
C 6
T_ic [K]
6.1. Model Structure

1 T_cool
p_af [Pa]

T_c p_c 4
T_c [K]
2 5 T_ic p_ic
T_af p_af T_af [K] p_ic [Pa]
3 Throttle W_th [kg/s]
p_c [Pa] Compressible
Ambient Conditions
p up

T up m flow W_th
1 effective area
w_tc Function
5 u_th [deg] T down
Tq_t deg2area T flow
p_amb [Pa]
p down
6 TC dynamics
T_amb [K] Intertia with friction

13 Intake
w_tc [rad/s] Control Volume

mFlow up
T up

Q in

T down Ground2
10 p
12 T_em [K] rad/s > U/min mFlow down 18
2 w_e
T_es [K] W_cyl [kg/s]
3 n_e 30/pi
11 T_t p_t u_wg [0...1] T_em p_em
p_es[Pa] 7
9 p_i m[Pa]
4 p_im
lambda []


p up
T up


T im
p im


p em

T down
p down

Exhaust System Turbine Turbine and 8

Incompressible Control wastegate Exhaust T_im [K]
Restriction Volume Manifold Engine

with a shadowed backdrop are blocks where dynamics (states) are present.
Control Volume


mFlow up
T up
Q in
T down
mFlow down

m flow
T flow
mFlow up
T up
Q in
T down
mFlow down
mFlow e
T ti
air Flow

1 W_e_fg

W_es 1
Ground6 Ground5 Terminator

Note that the modeling methodology with control volumes between restrictions is implemented
without exceptions. In the center the turbocharger shaft dynamics block is shown. The blocks

Figure 6.2: The mean value engine model implemented in Simulink using MVEM-Library.
86 Chapter 6. A Mean Value Model of a TC SI Engine

No heat transfer to/from the gas inside of the control volumes.

No compressor by-pass valve as the modeled engine was not initially

equipped with such a valve.

All gases are considered to be ideal and there are two sets of thermody-
namic properties:

1. Air on the intake side has gas constant Ra and the ratio of specific
heats is a .
2. Burned (exhaust) gas has gas constant Reg and the ratio of specific
heats is eg .

6.1.2 Model Inputs

Inputs to the model are:

Name Description Unit

N Engine speed RPM
Throttle angle deg
uwg Wastegate opening. Range 01
Normalized air/fuel ratio
pa Ambient pressure Pa
Ta Ambient temperature K

6.1.3 Model States

The model has states for pressures and temperatures in each control volume
and one state for the turbocharger speed:

State Description
paf Pressure after air-filter
Taf Temperature after air-filter
pcomp Pressure after compressor
Tcomp Temperature after compressor
pic Pressure after intercooler
Tic Temperature after intercooler
pim Intake manifold pressure
Tim Intake manifold temperature
pem Exhaust manifold pressure
Tem Exhaust manifold temperature
pt Pressure after turbine
Tt Temperature after turbine
TC Turbocharger speed
6.2. Incompressible Flow Restrictions 87

6.1.4 Data Sets for Parameter Estimation and Validation

Two measured data sets have been used, one for parameter tuning and one
for validation. In each data set, all model states and inputs have been mea-
sured except for the wastegate position. Additionally the following signals have
been measured: air-mass flow after the air-filter, injection time, and engine
torque. For more information on how the data sets were acquired, please see
Appendix E.

Tuning Data
An engine map with 343 points has been used to determine the engine model
parameters. Additional data from the turbocharger manufacturer have been
used together with engine specific parameters such as volumes and geometry.
In addition, a data set where the engine is run with constant throttle angle is
used to determine the throttle model parameters.

Validation Data
This data set has 68 points spread over the entire operating region. It was
measured 3 years after the tuning data set. In the meantime, the research lab-
oratory was redesigned and the status of the engine changed. Here is a list
of modifications made to the engine compared to its status when the tuning
data was measured: a replaced air-mass flow sensor which gave slightly dif-
ferent readings, a modified exhaust system (different back-pressure), modified
intercooler installation, different pressure and temperature sensors, and a new
dynamometer. The following additions were also made to the engine: crank
case ventilation and compressor by-pass valve. The validation data set was
measured using a summer grade gasoline while the tuning data was measured
using a winter grade gasoline.

6.2 Incompressible Flow Restrictions

The air-filter, intercooler, and the exhaust system all acts like restrictions to the
fluid that are assumed to be incompressible and isenthalpic (Frei and Eriksson,
2001; Eriksson et al., 2002b). A restriction determines the mass-flow through it
and the temperature of the flow. Lets start by modeling the flow temperature
out of the restriction. From the isenthalpic assumption it follows that Tafter =
Tbefore , that is no temperature change. One exception is the intercooler, which
is not isenthalpic, and its flow temperature is therefore modeled in Section 6.2.2.
By assuming a constant Reynolds number, the pressure drop p over the
restriction can be described as a one parameter function of the mass-flow and
the temperature before the restriction (Cengel, 2003, p. 433):
Tbefore W 2
p = pbefore pafter = H (6.1)
88 Chapter 6. A Mean Value Model of a TC SI Engine

As the pressure drop p is known together with the temperature before the
restriction, the mass-flow W is determined by inverting Eq. (6.1):

qpbefore HTbefore , p > plin
W = pbefore

0 p plin (6.2)

HTbefore plin ,

0, p < 0
For pressure drops p plin , the mass-flow is linearized, to reduce the derivative
p for small p as:
lim =
p0 p

The parameter H is determined using the method of least squares, given mea-
surements of p, pbefore , and Tbefore . Next tuning and validation of the pa-
rameter H in Eq. (6.1) is shown for the following incompressible restrictions:
air-filter, intercooler and exhaust system.

6.2.1 Air Filter Model

The pressure head loss over the air-filter is:
Ta Waf
paf = pa paf = Haf (6.3)
A validation of the modeled pressure drop compared to measured pressure drop
is shown in Figure 6.3. In the measurements, it can be noted that the measured
pressure drop over the air-filter increases slightly where the laminar mass flow
meter LFE3 is connected, as it acts as a small restriction in series with the
air-filter. For the operating points where it is not connected, the model shows
good agreement with measured data. The air-filter model inputs, parameters,
and output are listed in Table 6.1.

h 2 2i Inputs Output
Haf Pa s
Ta [K] Waf [kg/s] Eq. (6.3)
plinaf [Pa] pa [Pa]
paf [Pa]

Table 6.1: Air-filter model inputs, parameters, and output.

6.2.2 Intercooler
The intercooler is an incompressible restriction where the pressure drop follows
Eq. (6.4). One major difference from the air-filter is that the temperature of the
flow out of the intercooler is not equal to the temperature of the gases flowing
into the intercooler. The temperature of gases flowing out of the intercooler is
instead described by Eq. (6.5a).
6.2. Incompressible Flow Restrictions 89

Tuning: Air Filter Pressure Drop Model Validation: Air Filter Pressure Drop Model

Measured Measured without LFE 3

Modeled Measured with LFE 3
10000 10000 Modeled

8000 8000
Pressure drop [Pa]

Pressure drop [Pa]

6000 6000

4000 4000

2000 2000

0 0
0 0.05 0.1 0 0.05 0.1
Air mass flow [kg/s] Air mass flow [kg/s]

Figure 6.3: Air filter pressure head loss model described by the parameter Haf . Left: The
model describes the pressure drop very well for all operating points. Right: The model
describes the pressure drop within 10% for higher mass flows when the laminar mass flow
meter LFE 3 is disconnected. When it is connected the model predicts a too low pressure
drop which is correct as it is tuned without the LFE3.
90 Chapter 6. A Mean Value Model of a TC SI Engine

Tuning: Intercooler Pressure Drop Model Validation: Intercooler Pressure Drop Model

Measured Measured
14000 Modeled 14000 Modeled

12000 12000

10000 10000
Pressure drop [Pa]

Pressure drop [Pa]

8000 8000

6000 6000

4000 4000

2000 2000

0 0
0 0.05 0.1 0 0.05 0.1
Air mass flow [kg/s] Air mass flow [kg/s]

Figure 6.4: Intercooler pressure head loss model described by the parameter Hic . Left: Model
fit for the tuning data is better than 10% for high air-mass flows. Right: For the validation
data the fit is better than 20% for high flows.

Pressure Drop
Intercooler pressure head loss is described by

Tcomp Wic 2
pic = pcomp pic = Hic (6.4)

where Wic is the air-mass flow through the intercooler. This kind of intercooler
pressure drop model is also suggested in (Watson and Janota, 1982, pp. 321).
A validation of modeled data against measured is shown in Figure 6.4.

Temperature Change
The intercooler is a cross-flow heat exchanger with unmixed flows. Here the
temperature change is considered and the heat transfer is modeled for stationary
conditions by a regression model (Eriksson et al., 2002b):

Ticout = max (Tcool , Tcomp +  (Tcomp Tcool )) (6.5a)

Tcomp + Tcool Wic
 = a0 + a1 + a2 Wic + a3 (6.5b)
2 Wcool
The regressors are inspired by the NTU-model (Holman, 1992) and the parame-
ters are determined using the method of least squares. There is also a saturation
6.2. Incompressible Flow Restrictions 91

Tuning: Temperature After Intercooler Validation: Temperature After Intercooler

390 390

380 380
Modeled temperature [K]

Modeled temperature [K]

370 370

360 360

350 350

340 340

330 330

320 320
320 340 360 380 320 340 360 380
Measured temperature [K] Measured temperature [K]

Figure 6.5: Intercooler temperature model. Left: For the tuning data the fit is within 1%.
Right: The model predicts the temperature with an average error of less than 2% for low to
medium mass-flows and the maximum error is 8% that occurs for high loads.

that makes sure that the temperature out of the intercooler is not lower than
the cooling air.
In Figure 6.5 a validation of the temperature model is shown. For the tuning
data, the maximum error is within 1%, but for the validation data the error is
larger. The large maximum error in the validation data is probably caused by a
lower flow of cooling air though the intercooler. The lower mass-flow of cooling
air can be a result of the changed intercooler fan installation.
The intercooler model inputs, parameters, and outputs are listed in Ta-
ble 6.2.

h 2 2i Inputs Outputs
Hic Pa s
Tcomp [K] Wic [kg/s] Eq. (6.2)
plinic [Pa] paf [Pa] Ticout [K] Eq. (6.5a)
a0 , a1 , a2 , a3 [-] pcomp [Pa]
Tcool [K]
Wcool [kg/s]

Table 6.2: Intercooler model inputs, parameters, and outputs.

92 Chapter 6. A Mean Value Model of a TC SI Engine

6.2.3 Exhaust System

Here the catalyst is considered a part of the exhaust system as it acts as a
restriction in series with the muffler. To determine the exhaust system pressure
head loss it is necessary to know the temperature of the gases flowing into the
exhaust system, Tesin . The gases flowing into the exhaust system is a mix of
the gases from the wastegate and the turbine. Therefore, Tesin is modeled using
energy conservation during adiabatic mixing of the gases flowing through the
turbine and wastegate. Both gases are burned gases and they are assumed to
have a constant and equal capacity of specific heats cpeg in Eq. (6.6a).

cpeg Ttout Wt + cpeg Tem Wwg Ttout Wt + Tem Wwg

Tesin = = (6.6a)
cpeg (Wt + Wwg ) Wt + Wwg

Tesin Wes
pt = pt pa = Hes (6.6b)
As measurements of the temperature into the exhaust system were available,
these were used when the pressure head-loss parameter Hes is determined. A
validation of modeled data against measured is shown in Figure 6.6. The model
fit can be improved by including a linear term, corresponding to dArcys law for
head losses (Eriksson et al., 2002b) but this has not been done, as the absolute
error is small.
The exhaust system model inputs, parameters, and outputs are listed in
Table 6.3.

h 2 2i Inputs Output
Hes Pa s
Ta [K] Wes [kg/s] Eq. (6.6b)
plines [Pa] pt [Pa] Tesin [K] Eq. (6.6a)
Tem [K]
Tt [K]
Wt [kg/s]
Wwg [kg/s]

Table 6.3: Exhaust system model inputs, parameters, and outputs.

6.3 Compressible Flow Restrictions

Isentropically compressible mass flows (Taylor, 1994, pp. 503507) are used to
describe the flow through the throttle and the wastegate. The flow is modeled
by the set of Equations in (6.7).
W (, pafter , pbefore , Tbefore ) = () Cd A () (6.7a)
Ra Tbefore
6.3. Compressible Flow Restrictions 93

x 10 Tuning x 10
4 Validation

7 Measured 7 Measured
Modeled Modeled

6 6

5 5
Pressure drop [Pa]

Pressure drop [Pa]

4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1

0 0
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0 0.05 0.1 0.15
Mass flow [kg/s] Mass flow [kg/s]

Figure 6.6: Exhaust system pressure head loss. Left: For the tuning data there is a systematic
error present, which could be reduced by augmenting the model using a linear term. Right:
The fit for the validation data shows the same trends as the tuning data.

= pbefore , pafter < pbefore
1, otherwise
r  2 

() = s  (6.7c)
2  +1 
+1 2

0 < +1 2

1   +1

() = () 2
< lin (6.7d)

(lin )

lin 1 ( 1) for lin < 1

To prevent dWd from reaching for pressure ratios close to 1, Eq. (6.7c) is
linearized for pressure ratios above lin . In the sections below, the flow through
the throttle is described first followed by the flow through the wastegate.

6.3.1 Throttle Flow

When the compressible flow model is applied to a throttle there are a number
of challenges that have to be addressed such as:
94 Chapter 6. A Mean Value Model of a TC SI Engine

1. Can the discharge coefficient Cd be regarded as a constant or is a more

complex model necessary?
2. Does the compressible flow equation Eq. (6.7d) describe the flow properly?
3. It is necessary to find a parameterization of the geometric area function,
These topics are discussed in this section.

Discharge Coefficient Model

Starting with the discharge coefficient Cd , there are several references that
model it as a varying parameter:
Blair (1999, pp. 327) models the discharge coefficient as a function of
pressure ratio and throttle area.
Pursifull et al. (2000) studies NA-engines where the pressure before the
throttle varies less and there Cd was successfully modeled as area depen-
dent with variations from 0.7 up to 1.
Arsie et al. (1996) models the discharge coefficient as a function of pressure
before and after the throttle, area, and temperature.
Hendricks et al. (1996) models a pressure ratio dependent Cd by including
it in a modified ()-function which better fits measured data.
Several of the references above model Cd as a function of pressure ratio and/or
area A(). As none of the references agree on how to describe Cd an engine
experiment has been performed to investigate which parameters that influence
the discharge coefficient. Here the purpose is to find a throttle flow model,
of the same complexity as the physically based model, which better explains
measured data.
The experiment is performed by locking the throttle (fixed geometric area)
and use the engine speed to vary the pressure ratio . The different sweeps in
pressure ratio for a given area are presented in the top of Figure 6.7, where it
can be seen that the throttle area varies less than 0.5 degree. By rearranging
Eq. (6.7a) an equation is determined for the area and pressure ratio dependent
parts of the air-mass flow:

Wat Ra Tic
A()Cd (A(), )() = (6.8)
Next the left hand side is normalized by dividing with the mean of the three
largest values of the right hand side for each throttle area. The result is called
normalized Cd (A(), )().
A()Cd (A(), )()
Normalized Cd (A(), )() =
meanof the 3 largest (A()Cd (A(), )())
6.3. Compressible Flow Restrictions 95

The normalized1 Cd (A(), )(), presented in Figure 6.7, follow one curve,
as the area dependency is canceled in the normalization, which suggests that
Cd can be separated into two functions:

Cd (, A()) = Cd ()Cd (A ()) (6.10)

By inserting Eq. (6.10) into Eq. (6.7a) and rearrange the factors two new func-
tions appear. One function that depends on the pressure ratio and one that
depends on :
W (, pim , pic , Tic ) = () Cd () Cd (A ()) A () (6.11)
Ra Tim | {z }| {z }
Function of Function of

In mean value engine models, functions are commonly parameterized to reduce

the need for extensive mapping and in Eq. (6.11) there are two functions to

A pressure ratio dependent product: () Cd ()

A throttle angle dependent product: Cd () A ()

The pressure ratio dependent product is described in the section compressible

flow model and the throttle angle dependent factor is described in the section
throttle area model.

Compressible Flow Model

To check whether the factor Cd () in the measured product Cd ()() can be
neglected or not the measurements shown in the bottom of Figure 6.7 are plotted
together with the standard () function given by Eq. (6.7d). The result is
presented in Figure 6.8 where it is clear that the critical pressure, where the
flow reaches sonic condition, does not appear at the same pressure ratio as
predicted by the isentropic model, Eq. (6.7d). This has also been observed, in
for example Pursifull et al. (2000) and Hendricks et al. (1996). One explanation
to why the critical pressure is not reached at the pressure ratio described soley
by the compressible flow Eq. (6.7d) is that Cd () is non-negligible. This is
supported by the fact that the points in Figure 6.8 follow one line which differs
from the standard () function. Thus, a model of the product Cd ()() is
desirable. The objective of the model is to describe the critical pressure ratio
and also to better capture the shape of measured Cd ()(). Two models are
studied which both describe the critical pressure better than the original model.
First the models are presented and compared, then it is decided which one of
the models that will be used.
1 The normalized flow was compensated for the small changes in throttle area are during

the experiment.
96 Chapter 6. A Mean Value Model of a TC SI Engine

Throttle Angle for Different Pressure Ratios

Ath=70 mm2
Throttle angle [deg]

12 Ath=100 mm2
A =125 mm2
10 A =150 mm

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

Compressible Flow Restriction for Different Geometric Areas

Normalized Cd() []

0.9 2
A =70 mm

0.8 Ath=100 mm2

Ath=125 mm2 Normalized Cd()Cd(A())A()() follows one line
0.7 2
A =150 mm regardless of throttle area.
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Pressure ratio =p /p
im ic

Figure 6.7: Measurements with different pressure ratios over the throttle for four fix throt-
tle areas. Top: The maximum deviation in throttle angle is less than 0.5 degree and the
median deviation is 0.2 degree for each sweep in pressure ratio . Bottom: The normalized
Cd (A(), )() follow one curve which shows that the area dependency of Cd (A(), )()
is canceled and thus it can be factorized into Cd (A())Cd ()().
6.3. Compressible Flow Restrictions 97

Compressible Flow Restriction

Modeled critical

Normalized Cd()() []

Measured critical



0.7 70 mm2
100 mm2
125 mm2
150 mm2
Theoretical ()
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Pressure ratio =pim/pic

Figure 6.8: Normalized ()Cd () and modeled compressible flow function (), Eq. (3.2d).
The modeled () is shown as a dashed line. It has the same shape but the modeled critical
pressure (the knee) appears at a too high pressure ratio.

In the first model, presented in Hendricks et al. (1996), the ordinary ()-
function is replaced by:
 1 p
1 p2 , pcrit
() = pn (6.12)
1, < pcrit
  p p 1
p1 2 1
pcrit = (6.13)
pn = ppcrit

There are two tunable parameters p1 and p2 in Eq. (6.12), which were deter-
mined using the Matlab function lsqcurvefit.
The second model is based on the fact that the critical pressure is a function
of . By replacing the physical value of in Eq. (6.7d) with a value determined
using optimization to better describe the measured ()Cd (). The optimiza-
tion was carried out using the Matlab function lsqcurvefit and the new was
chosen in a way such that the difference between the measured product and the
modeled product of () = Cd ()() was minimized on the experimental
data in Figure 6.8.
In Figure 6.9 a comparison is shown between (), (), and (). For
pressure ratios between 0.4 and 0.7, () shows a slightly better behavior over
(). However as the differences between them are small, approximately 1%,
98 Chapter 6. A Mean Value Model of a TC SI Engine

Compressible Flow Restriction



Measured critical
Normalized Cd()() []



Ath=70 mm
Ath=100 mm
A =125 mm2
A =150 mm2

0.65 Original ()
() where =1.91

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Pressure ratio p /p
im ic

Figure 6.9: Improved versions of the compressible flow restriction function (). Two models
are shown together with measured data and the original function Eq. (6.7d). Both new
models show a considerable improvement compared to the original function (dashed). All
fitted functions have been normalized to one at sonic flows. The () with = 1.91 reduces
the error from 10% down to less than 3%.
6.3. Compressible Flow Restrictions 99

for pressure ratios between 0.4 and 0.7, () is chosen as it has only one
parameter and its structure is well known.

Throttle Area Parameterization

The product of Cd ()A() can now be calculated from mapped engine data by
inverting Eq. (6.11):

Wat (, pim , pic , Tic ) Ra Tic
Cd ()A () =     (6.15)
pim pim pic
pic pic
| {z }
Modeled by Eq. (6.7d) with a tuned

For this engine a throttle area model has been developed with the following
appearance (Nyberg and Nielsen, 1997):

Cd ()A() = A1 1 cos(a2 2 + a1 + a0 ) + A0 (6.16)

The Matlab function lsqcurvefit was used to determine the model parameters
and the resulting area estimates are shown in Figure 6.10. Points with pressure
ratios close to one have been omitted during the tuning as the () function
is very sensitive to small changes in , caused by for example pressure sensor
There is a large discrepancy between the model error for the tuning data and
the model errors for the validation data. Therefore the cause of the increased
error was investigated and was traced to a slight change in the parameters
A0 and A1 . This was verified by re-tuning the throttle area parameters using
the validation data and there was only a significant change in two parameters
A0 (30% increase) and A1 (7% decrease). The cause of the parameter change is
most likely the exchange of air-mass flow sensor and the pressure sensor before
the throttle. These sensors were replaced in the time between the measurements
of the tuning and the validation data.

Resulting Throttle Model Validation

As Cd ()() and Cd ()A() have been separately validated, the next step
is to validate the estimated throttle air-mass flow. In Figure 6.11 comparisons
of modeled air-mass flow and measured air-mass flow are shown. For small
flows the large relative error are explained by the fact that a small absolute
error results in a large relative error for small flows. Most of the points have a
precision within 5% and if the throttle area parameters A0 and A1 are tuned
using the validation data then the error for the validation data takes the same
shape as for the tuning data. Thus the larger error for the validation data is
explained by a change in throttle area parameters.
Throttle model inputs, parameters, and outputs are listed in Table 6.4.
100 Chapter 6. A Mean Value Model of a TC SI Engine

3 Tuning: C ()A() 3 Validation: C ()A()

d d
x 10 x 10
Estimated from measurements Estimated from measurements
1 Modeled 1 Modeled
C ()A() [m ]

Cd()A() [m ]

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Pressure ratio pim/pic Pressure ratio pim/pic

Cd()A() Error Cd()A() Error

0.15 0.15
The error has systematically increased
0.1 0.1
Relative error []

Relative error []

0.05 0.05

0 0

0.05 0.05

0.1 0.1
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Pressure ratio p /p Pressure ratio p /p
im ic im ic

Figure 6.10: Validation of throttle area model. In the left column, the tuning data is shown
and to the right is the validation data shown. Top: Modeled and estimated area from mea-
surements using Eq. (6.15). Bottom: Relative error in the throttle area model. For the tuning
data the model error is less than 5% for most of the points. In the validation the errors are
larger but this is explained by a change in the throttle area parameters A0 and A1 due to
different sensors.

Parameters Inputs Output

[-] Tic [K] Wat [kg/s] Eq. (3.2a)
A0 , A1 , a0 , a1 , a2 pic [Pa] Tth [T] Equal to Tic
pim [Pa]

Table 6.4: Throttle model inputs, parameters, and outputs.

6.3. Compressible Flow Restrictions 101

Tuning: Throttle Airmass Flow Validation: Throttle Airmass Flow

0.15 0.15
Measured Measured
Modeled Modeled
Airmass flow [kg/s]

Airmass flow [kg/s]

0.1 0.1

0.05 0.05

0 0
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0 0.05 0.1 0.15
Measured airmass flow [kg/s] Measured airmass flow [kg/s]

Relative Airmass Flow Error Relative Airmass Flow Error

0.2 0.2

0.15 0.15
Relative error []

Relative error []

0.1 0.1

0.05 0.05

0 0

0.05 0.05

0.1 0.1
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0 0.05 0.1 0.15
Measured airmass flow [kg/s] Measured airmass flow [kg/s]

Figure 6.11: Measured and modeled air-mass flow past the throttle. Left: Tuning data. Right:
Validation data. Bottom: Relative error in air-mass estimations as a function of measured
air-mass flow. There is a systematic relative error in the validation data that is caused by
offsets in the throttle area parameters A0 and A1 . By re-fitting A0 and A1 the error has the
same shape as for the tuning data, which show that these parameters have changed slightly
due to changed sensors.
102 Chapter 6. A Mean Value Model of a TC SI Engine

6.3.2 Wastegate Flow

For the wastegate, the standard flow equations (6.7a, 6.7b, 6.7d) are used. As
it is not possible to measure the wastegate flow, a validation has not been
performed for this component. The value of is set to eg for the flow through
the wastegate.
Aeffwg = Cd Awgmax uwg uwg [0, 1]

Measurements of the wastegate valve diameter approximates the maximum open

wastegate area parameter Awgmax . In Table 6.5 a summary of the wastegate flow
model inputs, parameters, and outputs are listed.

Parameters Inputs Output

= eg [-] uwg [-] Wwg [kg/s] Eq. (6.7a)
Awgmax [m2 ] Tem [K] Twg = Tem [K]
Cd = 0.9 [-] pem [Pa]
pt [Pa]

Table 6.5: Wastegate flow model inputs, parameters, and outputs.

6.4 Engine
The engine produces a port air-mass flow, exhaust-mass flow, temperature of
the latter, and also torque to the crank shaft:

Port air-mass flow Mass-flow from the intake manifold into the cylinder.

Exhaust-mass flow Mass-flow from the combustion, that is cylinder air-mass

flow and fuel mass-flow into the exhaust manifold. The temperature of
the exhaust-mass flow is determined in two steps including heat transfer
from the exhaust manifold.

Torque The engine torque model includes pumping and friction effects.

Both the exhaust manifold mass-flow and the engine torque are modeled as
instantaneous, that is the delay caused by the cycles in the four stroke engine
is neglected.

6.4.1 Port Air-mass Flow Model

Several effects govern the amount of air entering the cylinder, such as pressure
ratio between intake and exhaust ports, air-fuel ratio, heat transfer, engine
speed, engine geometry and design (Heywood, 1988, p. 209).
6.4. Engine 103

Tuning: Port Airmass Flow Validation: Port Airmass Flow

0.15 0.15
Modeled [kg/s]

Modeled [kg/s]
0.1 0.1

0.05 0.05
Model Model
Ideal Ideal
0 0
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0 0.05 0.1 0.15
Measured [kg/s] Measured [kg/s]

Model Error Model Error

0.15 0.15

0.1 0.1
Relative error []

Relative error []
0.05 0.05

0 0

0.05 0.05

0.1 0.1

0 0.05 0.1 0 0.05 0.1

Measured [kg/s] Measured [kg/s]

Figure 6.12: Modeled and measured port air-mass flow where the wastegate is controlled by
the ECU. In the left column, the tuning data is shown and to the right the validation data
is shown. Top: The ideal air-mass flow refers to when the modeled flow and the measured
flow are equal. Bottom: The accuracy of Eq. (6.17) is better than 10% for most points.
The model has largest relative errors for low flows where small absolute errors result in large
relative errors.

Here the port air-mass flow model with included exhaust manifold pressure
dependency and fuel charge cooling effect is used from Chapter 4:
1 rc ppem N
Wcyl = pim C1
1+ A 1 rc 1
( F )s 1
Tim C2 2

| {z }
Charge cooling
The model has only two engine specific parameters, and those are the gain
parameter C1 , which describes the engine pumping capabilities, and the effect
of charge cooling by fuel evaporation C2 . The parameters are determined using
the Matlab-function lsqnonlin.
The high accuracy of Eq. (6.17) is shown in the top of Figure 6.12 for sta-
tionary data where the engine is running with the wastegate controlled by the
ECU. For most points the error is less than 10% even though a different gaso-
line quality has been used in this validation compared to the tuning data set.

A validation using different exhaust manifold pressures are shown in Chap-

104 Chapter 6. A Mean Value Model of a TC SI Engine

ter 4, Figure 4.10. The port-air mass flow model inputs, parameters, and out-
puts are listed in Table 6.6.

Parameters Inputs Output

a  [-] pim [Pa] Wcyl [kg/s] Eq. (6.17)
F s [-] Tim [K] Tcflow = Tim [K]
Ra [J/kg/K] pem [Pa]
rc [-] [-]
Vd [m3 ] N [RPM]
C1 , C2 [-]

Table 6.6: Throttle model inputs, parameters, and outputs.

6.4.2 Exhaust Mass-flow Model

When the air-fuel mixture has been combusted it enters the exhaust manifold
and the mass-flow We is modeled as instantaneous, that is without taking the
rotational delay of the engine into account:
We = Wcyl + Wf = Wcyl 1 + A
F s

The temperature of the flow is crucial as it determines the flow of energy to

the turbine. Therefore, the next section is devoted to the exhaust mass-flow
temperature. The exhaust mass-flow model inputs, parameter, and output are
listed in Table 6.7.

 Inputs Output
F s [-] Wcyl [kg/s] We [kg/s] Eq. (6.18)

Table 6.7: Exhaust mass-flow model inputs, parameter, and output.

Exhaust Mass-flow Temperature

There is considerable heat transfer in the exhaust manifold and therefore it
is hard to measure the exhaust mass-flow temperature. Further, there is a
non-negligible thermal mass on the exhaust side, which has to reach thermal
equilibrium, and this means that the settling time for exhaust temperatures is
long. Only the stationary temperature close to the turbine inlet has been mea-
sured. At this point, it is important to know the temperature as it determines
the energy into the turbine. As only stationary measurements are present, only
the stationary temperature has been modeled.
6.4. Engine 105

Using the first law of thermodynamics, for stationary conditions, the heat
transfer from the gas inside the exhaust manifold can be superpositioned as a
temperature drop on the gas entering the exhaust manifold. This technicality
simplifies the modeling and is easy to implement in the model. The temperature
model is based on the stationary model presented in Eriksson (2002), where the
modeling starts by describing the temperature out of the engine. By assuming
a nominal and spark-timing, the temperature is modeled as an affine function
of mass flow:
Te = Te0 + Temax (6.19)
The heat transfer from the gas is then superpositioned on this temperature:
htot Dem lem

Temin = Ta + (Te Ta )e Wairfuel cpeg (6.20)
 HTexh1  HTexh2
4 We 7 1
hexhint = HTexh0 exh (6.21)
exh ncyl Dem 10 Dem
1 1
htot = Dem lem ncyl (eg 1) 1 1 (6.22)
hexh + hexh We Re eg
int ext

A validation of the total model, Equations (6.19, 6.20), is shown in Figure 6.13,
where the fit for stoichiometric conditions is within 20% for all of the tuning
data points and within 25% for the validation data points. The error decreases
rapidly with increasing load and for part load conditions, the error is less than
5% which is about the same accuracy as the other models. Therefore this model
is sufficiently accurate.
The parameters are determined using the Matlab-function lsqcurvefit. To
determine the thermal conductivity and dynamic viscosity, the polynomials from
Cho et al. (1997) were evaluated at 1100K. The exhaust mass flow temperature
model input, parameters, and output are listed in Table 6.8.

6.4.3 Engine Torque

The engine torque model is based on a model of the brake mean effective pressure
(BMEP). BMEP is estimated by subtracting pumping (PMEP) and friction
work (FMEP) from the supplied work from the fuel (IMEP).

Tqcs = (6.23)
60 2 qHV min(, 1)
IMEP = Wcyl A
 e (6.25)
N F s
PMEP = pem pim (6.26)
mps = 2 Stroke (6.27)
106 Chapter 6. A Mean Value Model of a TC SI Engine

Parameters Input Output

Wemax [kg/s] We [kg/s] Temin [K] Eq. (6.20)
HTexh0 = 0.26 [-]
HTexh1 = 0.6 [-]
HTexh2 = 0 [-]
cpeg [J/kg/K]
eg [-]
exh = 6.85 102 [W/mK]
exh = 4.23 105 [kg/(ms)]
ncyl [-]
Dem [m]
lem [m]
Te0 [K]
Temax [Ks/kg]

Table 6.8: Exhaust mass flow temperature model input, parameters, and output. We is
determined using Eq. (6.18). exh and exh were determined at 1100 K.

Tuning: Turbine Inlet Temperature Validation: Turbine Inlet Temperature

1200 1200

1100 1100

1000 1000

Modeled Tem [K]

900 900
Modeled T

800 800

700 700

600 600
1 1
<1 <1
500 500
400 600 800 1000 400 600 800 1000
Measured Tem [K] Measured Tem [K]

Figure 6.13: Measured and modeled turbine inlet temperature. The model has been tuned for
stoichiometric conditions ( = 1) and the non stoichiometric conditions are only shown for
the sake of completeness. Left: For the tuning data the maximum error is 20% that occurs
for low loads. Right: The model predicts up to 25% too high temperatures for low exhaust
temperatures but the error decreases to a 5% error for part load conditions.
6.5. Turbocharger 107
1000 Bore

0.464 + 0.0072mps
bl 105 + |0.0215BMEP
{z } (6.28)
BMEPWcyl 60n r
N V CTq1 +CTq2

The friction model originates from ETH, see e.g. Soltic (2000). In the torque
model above all parameters are fitted using the method of least squares in two
steps. First the parameters CTq1 and CTq2 are determined, followed by the
two remaining parameters and e . During the parameter tuning only air-fuel
ratios close to stoichiometric have been used. The resulting model is compared
to measured data in Figure 6.14, where it is shown that the model describes
the torque to within 20% for all but very low loads. By including the effects
of fuel enrichment and retarded spark advance it is possible to further improve
the torque model.
In Table 6.9 a summary of the torque model inputs, parameters, and output
are listed.

Parameters Inputs Output

qHV = 44106 [J/kg] pim [Pa] Tqcs [Nm] Eq. (6.23)
F s [-] pem [Pa]
Vd [m3 ] [-]
Stroke [m] Wcyl [kg/s]
Bore   [m] N [RPM]
bl = max pa [-]
e [-]
CTq1 , CTq2 [-]

Table 6.9: Torque model inputs, parameters, and output. The port-air mass-flow input Wcyl
is given by Eq. (6.17).

6.5 Turbocharger
The turbocharger consists of three components:

Compressor It produces the mass-flow through the compressor and its tem-
perature. To produce the air-mass flow a driving torque is required that
also is modeled. See Section 6.6.

Turbine It generates the turbine mass-flow, its temperature, and torque deliv-
ered to the turbine shaft. See Section 6.7.
108 Chapter 6. A Mean Value Model of a TC SI Engine

Tuning: Torque Model Validation: Torque Model

500 350


350 250
Modeled torque [Nm]

Modeled torque [Nm]




150 100


0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400
Measured torque [Nm] Measured torque [Nm]

Figure 6.14: Validation of measured and modeled crank shaft torque. Left: Modeled and
measured torque for the tuning data. Here the model overestimates low torques. Right: The
torque is described within 20% for the validation data.

Connecting axle Connects the turbine and compressor. This part models the
dynamic behavior of the turbocharger speed. See Section 6.8.2.

6.6 Compressor Model

The compressor model is divided into following sub-models:
Air-mass flow through the compressor
Efficiency, needed by the temperature and torque model
Temperature of the mass flow out of the compressor
Loading torque, needed by the turbocharger speed dynamics model
The models are tuned using mapped data from the manufacturer.

6.6.1 Compressor Air-mass Flow Models

In Moraal and Kolmanovsky (1999) the model by Jensen et al. (1991) is sug-
gested as a suitable compressor air-mass flow model. It is based on a parame-
terization of the normalized air-mass flow using six parameters. By making a
different parameterization, a simpler model is developed and it is shown that
6.6. Compressor Model 109

this simple model gives similar precision as the model by Jensen et al. (1991)
over the most interesting region of the compressor map. Advantages of the
simpler model are:

Good description of the air-mass flow in the low load region where the
engine operates most of the time.

Simple tuning.

Both models are based on a parameterization of the dimensionless normalized

air-mass flow comp :
comp = paf 2 (6.29)
D Ucomp
R T 4 c
| a{z af} | {z }
Density Area

In Eq. (6.29) the blade tip speed is required:

Ucomp = TC (6.30)

Assuming that the normalized air-mass flow can be parameterized as comppar ,

then it is possible to invert Eq. (6.29) and express the air-mass flow as a function
of comppar :
paf 2
Wcomp = Dc Ucomp comppar (6.31)
Ra Taf 4

Now it remains to find a model (parameterization) of the normalized air-mass

flow. Here, two models of the normalized air-mass flow are studied. First the
model proposed by Jensen and Kristensen where the head parameter comp and
the Mach-number M are used.
a 1
comp 1
comp = cpa Taf 1 2 (6.32)
2 Ucomp
M = (6.33)
a RT

In the second model only the head-parameter comp is used.

Jensen and Kristensen

The compressor air-mass flow model by Jensen, A.F, Sorenson, Houbak, and
Hendricks (1991) is based on a parameterization of comp1 using comp , the
110 Chapter 6. A Mean Value Model of a TC SI Engine

Mach number M , and six parameters k1 to k6 .

comp = (6.34)
K3 = k5 + k6 M (6.35)
K2 = k3 + k4 M (6.36)
K1 = k1 + k2 M (6.37)
K3comp K1
comp1 = (6.38)
K2 + comp
To determine the air-mass flow parameters the Matlab-function lsqcurvefit is
applied to Eq. (6.31) with comppar = comp1 . In Eq. (6.38) comp is calculated
using Eq. (6.32). When the parameters are fitted to the measured data it is
important that K3 is positive to avoid negative flows (Moraal and Kolmanovsky,
1999). Even with this constraint, it is hard to get a good fit as there are several
local minima which requires manual adjustment of the initial conditions.
By rewriting the optimization problem as
K3comp K1 comp K2 = comp comp
the method of least squares can be used to find the parameters k1 to k6 . How-
ever, this method gave a poor result as it optimizes the parameters to minimize
the distance to comp comp instead of the desired comp ! Therefore, lsqcurvefit
was used instead.
Table 6.10 lists a summary of the Jensen and Kristensen compressor air-mass
flow model inputs, parameters, and output.

Parameters Inputs Output

a [-] Taf [K] Wcomp [kg/s] Eq. (6.31)
Dc [m] paf [Pa]
ki , 1 i 6 [-] Ucomp [m/s]

Table 6.10: Jensen and Kristensen compressor air-mass flow model inputs, parameters, and
output. The blade speed Ucomp is determined using Eq. (6.30).

Fitting of Dimensionless Numbers

In Figure 6.15 it is shown that comp and comp form a quarter of an ellipsis,
which results in that the normalized flow comp can be described using only the
head parameter comp , Eq. (6.32):
1 K1 2comp
comp2 = , where 1 K1 2comp 0 (6.39)
In Eq. (6.39) the parameters K1 and K2 are determined using the method of
least squares after rewriting the problem as 2comp K1 + 2comp2 K2 = 1. Here
this method gave sufficiently accurate results.
6.6. Compressor Model 111

Dimsionless Numbers comp and comp




comp []




Measurements from manufacturer
0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4
comp []

Figure 6.15: comp and comp follows a quarter of an ellipsis. Here measured and modeled
comp are shown as a function of comp .

Using Eq. (6.31) with comppar = comp2 from Eq. (6.39), the air-mass flow
through the compressor is determined. In Eq. (6.39) the head parameter comp
is calculated using Eq. (6.32). To ensure that Eq. (6.39) is not complex comp
must fulfill:

! 1a

1 16 K1 cpa Taf 2 Dc 2 TC 2 K1 a
16 K1 cpa Taf
1 16 K1 cpa Taf + 2 Dc2 TC
K1 a
16 K1 cpa Taf

In Table 6.11 a summary of the compressor air-mass flow model inputs, param-
eters, and output are listed.

Parameters Inputs Output

a [-] Taf [K] Wcomp [kg/s] Eq. (6.31)
Dc [m] paf [Pa]
K1, K2 [-] Ucomp [m/s]

Table 6.11: Compressor mass-flow model based on parameterized dimensionless numbers

inputs, parameters, and output. The blade speed Ucomp is determined using Eq. (6.30).
112 Chapter 6. A Mean Value Model of a TC SI Engine

Mapped and Modeled Compressor Airmass Flow

Measurement from manufacturer N = 221000
Jensen & Kristensen
Parameterized dimensionless numbers

NTC= 195000
Pressure ratio comp=pcomp/paf

NTC= 169000

2 NTC= 143000

NTC= 104000

0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2 0.22
Airmass flow [kg/s]

Figure 6.16: Two different compressor air-mass flow models are compared to measured data
from the manufacturer. For low to medium compressor speeds both models give accurate
estimates of air-mass flow through the compressor. At higher compressor speeds and high
mass-flows, none of the models give good agreements with measured data as the models do
not include choke. The speed lines show corrected compressor speed. Due to lack of data the
same data has been used for tuning and validation.

Selection of Compressor Air-mass Flow Model

In Figure 6.16 the two models are compared to measured data from the tur-
bocharger manufacturer. Both models show similar accuracy for low to medium
turbocharger speeds but the Jensen and Kristensen model gives slightly better
agreement at higher compressor speeds. However it is considerably harder to
tune the Jensen and Kristensen model as it has six parameters and the objective
function has several local minima. The parameterized dimensionless numbers
method does not require any manual input to determine the correct parameters
and the model gives the same accuracy for lower compressor speeds. As the
engine operates most of the time in the part load region where both models
give the same accuracy, the model using parameterized dimensionless numbers
is chosen to model compressor air-mass flow.

6.6.2 Compressor Efficiency Model

The efficiency is modeled based on the proposed model by (Guzzella p and Am-
stutz, 1998). Here it has been improved by substituting comp to 1+ comp 1
as this gives a better agreement with measured data. The model requires the
6.6. Compressor Model 113

Relative Error in Compressor Efficiency



Relative error in c []




1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Pressure ratio []

Figure 6.17: The modeled and measured compressor efficiency for the data supplied by the
manufacturer (the same data have been used for tuning and validation). The accuracy is
within 8% and the error is largest for low pressure ratios. For high pressure ratios the error
is less than 2%.

location of the maximum efficiency, max , pressure ratio, corrected air-mass flow
(Heywood, 1988, p. 262), and three tunable parameters, a11 , a12 , and a22 :
T0 /Tstd
Wcompcorr = Wcomp (6.41a)
p0 /pstd
a11 a12
Q = (6.41b)
a12 a22
Wcompcorr Wcompmax
= p (6.41c)
1 + comp 1 compmax
comp = max T Q (6.41d)

Equations 6.41c and 6.41d require the maximum efficiency max and its loca-
tion in terms of corrected mass-flow Wcompmax and pressure ratio compmax . It
is not probable that this point is included in the measured data supplied by the
manufacturer and therefore max , Wcompmax , and compmax are considered as
parameters which are determined using the Matlab-function lsqcurvefit. Given
the maximum efficiency and its location the parameters a11 , a12 , a22 are given
by the method of least squares. To make sure that the efficiency is not com-
plex, the pressure ratio must fulfill comp 1. The resulting model validation
is shown in Figure 6.17.
114 Chapter 6. A Mean Value Model of a TC SI Engine

In Table 6.12 a summary of the compressor efficiency model inputs, param-

eters, and output are listed.

Parameters Inputs Output

Wcompmax [kg/s] comp [-] comp [-] Eq. (6.41d)
compmax [-] TC [rad/s]
max [-]
a11 , a21 , a22 [-]

Table 6.12: Compressor efficiency model inputs, parameters, and output.

6.6.3 Compressor Temperature Out

The temperature out of the compressor is modeled by inverting the efficiency
definition (Heywood, 1988, pp. 252):
a 1

Tcompout = Taf 1 +

In Figure 6.18 a validation plot is shown. In Table 6.13 a summary of the

compressor outlet temperature model inputs, parameter, and output are listed.

Parameter Inputs Output

a [-] Taf [K] Tcompout [K] Eq. (6.42)
comp [-]
comp [-]

Table 6.13: Summary of inputs, parameter, and output of the temperature model of the air
leaving the compressor. The compressor efficiency comp is determined using Eq. (6.41d).

6.6.4 Compressor Torque

This model is based on power balance of the power to the compressor P =
Tqcomp TC which equals the necessary work transfer rate performed by the com-
pressor (Heywood, 1988, p. 252).

cpa Wcomp (Tcompout Taf )

Tqcomp = (6.43)
In Table 6.14 a summary of the compressor torque model inputs, parameters,
and output are listed.
As no measured compressor torque exists, this model component can not be
separately validated.
6.6. Compressor Model 115

Compressor Temperature Out



Model [K]



350 400 450 500 550 600
Measured [K]

Figure 6.18: Validation of compressor temperature out model using the validation data set
instead of the compressor map. The average error is less than 3% and the maximum error is

Parameters Inputs Output

a [-] Taf [K] Tqcomp [Nm] Eq. (6.43)
cpa [J/kg/K] Wcomp [kg/s]
TC [rad/s]

Table 6.14: Compressor torque model inputs, parameter, and output.

116 Chapter 6. A Mean Value Model of a TC SI Engine

6.7 Turbine
Four sub-models describe the turbine:

Mass flow model

Efficiency model, needed by the temperature and torque models

Temperature of gas flowing out of the turbine

Torque model, which is needed by the turbocharger speed dynamics

6.7.1 Turbine Mass-flow

It has been noted that the turbine mass flow is almost independent of the turbine
speed and can therefore be effectively described by the pressure ratio over the
turbine. Here the corrected turbine mass flow is modeled as a restriction like in
Eriksson et al. (2002b):
t = (6.44)
( q
Wtcorr = k1 1 kt 2 , kt 2 1 (6.45)
0, otherwise

The corrected mass flow Wtcorr is defined as (Heywood, 1988, p. 255):

Wtcorr = Wt (6.46)

The parameters k1 and k2 in Eq. (6.45) are determined using the Matlab-
function lsqcurvefit and the validation is shown in Figure 6.19. The relative
error is less than 5% for the data supplied by the manufacturer and for the
measured validation data, the fit is good considering the uncertainties regarding
the temperature before the turbine.
In Table 6.15 a summary of the turbine mass-flow model inputs, parameters,
and output are listed.

Parameters Inputs Output

k1 , k2 [-] pt [Pa] Wt [kg/s] Eq. (6.46)
pem [Pa]
Tem [K]

Table 6.15: Turbine mass-flow model inputs, parameters, and output.

6.7. Turbine 117

Turbine Mass Flow Model Fitted to Map From Manufacturer

Corr. mass flow [kg*K0.5/s/Pa]





0.006 Measurement from manufacturer

1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

Turbine Mass Flow Model Applied on Validation Data

Corr mass flow [kg*K0.5/s/Pa]





0.002 Validation data

0.95 1 1.05 1.1 1.15 1.2 1.25
Pressure ratio []

Figure 6.19: Validation of corrected turbine mass flow. Top: Modeled data is compared to
measured data from the manufacturer and the error is less than 5% for all points. Bottom:
Measured data in the engine lab is compared to modeled data for operating points where the
wastegate is closed. The measured corrected mass-flow is higher than the modeled data as the
measured temperature did not reach stationary conditions at low loads and at higher loads
the engine knocks and retard the ignition timing which increases the temperature and thus
the corrected mass flow.
118 Chapter 6. A Mean Value Model of a TC SI Engine

6.7.2 Turbine Efficiency

Turbine efficiency depends on the blade speed ratio, BSR, as seen in Watson
and Janota (1982, pp. 164) and Dixion (1998, p. 284). BSR is defined as:
BSR = v ! (6.47)
2 uu   1eg
t2cp Tem 1 1 eg
eg t

To make sure that the BSR is not complex the following inequality must hold:
  1 eg
1 eg
Given the BSR the turbine efficiency is modeled using two parameters. The first
parameter is the maximum efficiency tmax and the second is its corresponding
blade speed ratio BSRtmax .
BSR BSRtmax 2
t = tmax 1 (6.48)
The turbine efficiency model parameters are determined using the Matlab-
function lsqcurvefit. In Figure 6.20 the efficiency model is validated using data
supplied by the manufacturer and it shows a very good fit. A summary of the
turbine efficiency model inputs, parameters, and output are listed in Table 6.16.

Parameters Inputs Output

Dt [m] Tem [K] t [-] Eq. (6.48)
cpeg [J/K/kg] Wt [kg/s]
eg [-] Tem [K]
tmax [-]
BSRtmax [-]

Table 6.16: Turbine efficiency model inputs, parameters, and output.

6.7.3 Turbine Temperature Out

This is calculated from the definition of turbine efficiency, see (Heywood, 1988,
pp. 254):  eg 1 

Ttout = Tem Tem 1 t eg

t (6.49)

In Figure 6.21 the model is validated to measured temperature after the turbine.
The model underestimates the temperature with at most 10%.
A summary of the turbine temperature out model inputs, parameters and
output are listed in Table 6.17.
6.7. Turbine 119

Turbine Efficiency
Measurement from manufacturer


Efficiency []






0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9
Blade Speed Ratio

Figure 6.20: Top: Validation of efficiency as a function of blade speed ratio using the tuning
data supplied by the manufacturer. Here the fit is within 1%.

Parameters Inputs Output

eg [-] Tem [K] Ttout [K] Eq. (6.49)
cpeg [J/kg/K] Wt [kg/s]
Wt [kg/s]
t [-]

Table 6.17: Inputs, parameters of the turbine exit mass-flow temperature.

120 Chapter 6. A Mean Value Model of a TC SI Engine

Validation: Turbine Temperature Out




Modeled Tt [K]






500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000
Measured Tt [K]

Figure 6.21: The temperature is described within 10%. This model can only be validated
in operating points where the wastegate is closed as the mass-flow through the wastegate is

6.7.4 Turbine Torque

Produced torque from the turbine is estimated from the change in gas temper-
ature times the efficiency:
 eg 1 

t Wt cpeg Tem 1 t eg

T qt = (6.50)
In Table 6.18 a summary of the model inputs, parameters, and output are listed.

Parameters Inputs Output

eg [-] Wt [kg/s] T qt [Nm] Eq. (6.50)
cpeg [J/kg/K] Tem
t [-]

Table 6.18: Turbine torque model inputs, parameters, and output.

6.8 Model Dynamics

In the engine model, there are two kinds of dynamics:
6.8. Model Dynamics 121

Receiver filling and emptying All control volumes are modeled with filling
and emptying dynamics using two states: pressure and temperature.
Turbocharger speed The connecting axle between the turbine and compres-
sor has dynamics as it is driven by the turbine torque and loaded by the
compressor and friction.

6.8.1 Control Volumes with Filling and Emptying Dy-

Using the ideal gas law together with mass and energy conservation, the pres-
sure and temperature dynamics in a control volume is modeled. The pressure
derivative originates from differentiation of the ideal gas law and the tempera-
ture derivative is given by differentiating the energy conservation law.
m= (6.51a)

dT 1 1  
= (Win cv (Tin T )) + R (Tin Win T Wout ) + Q =
dt mcv mc
f dT p, T, Tin , Win , Wout , m, R, V, cv , Q (6.51b)

dp RT mR dT  
= (Win Wout ) + = f dp p, T, Win , Wout , m, R, V, f dT
dt V V dt dt dt

The locations of the control volumes are described in Table 6.19.
Control volume between restrictions
Name Restriction 1 Restriction 2
af air-filter compressor
comp compressor intercooler
ic intercooler throttle
im throttle cylinder (intake valve)
em cylinder (exhaust valve) turbine
t turbine exhaust system

Table 6.19: Control volume locations.

In Table 6.20 the inputs, parameters, and states/outputs are listed for each
control volume.
Here the volume parameter is determined using known engine geometry,
and measurements of the pipe volumes etc. To validate the control volume it is
necessary to know the flows into and out of the volume. Since there is only one
mass-flow sensor, this is not possible. Therefore, the control volume dynamics
are validated during the total model validation.
122 Chapter 6. A Mean Value Model of a TC SI Engine

Parameters Inputs States, Outputs

V [m3 ] Tin [K] T [K] Eq. (6.51b)
R [J/kg/K] Win [kg/s] p [Pa] Eq. (6.51c)
cv [J/kg/K] Wout [kg/s]
Q [J/s]

Table 6.20: Adiabatic control volume inputs, parameters, and states/outputs.

6.8.2 Turbocharger Speed Dynamics

The turbocharger speed dynamics is modeled using Newtons second law for
rotating systems. Inputs are the difference between the driving torque from the
turbine and the loading torque from the compressor. A friction term is included
as it improves stability (Eriksson et al., 2002b). The identified frictionTC should
be small as this term also is included in the efficiency of the turbine.
ITC = Tqt Tqcomp TC frictionTC (6.52)
There are two parameters ITC and frictionTC which are tuned manually. The
inertia is tuned by step response experiments and frictionTC is estimated using
the following relation: frictionTC = qt TC qc applied on the validation data.
When frictionTC is determined, only points with closed wastegate and where
the engine delivers a positive torque is used.
In Table 6.21 a summary of the turbocharger speed model inputs, parame-
ters, and state/output are listed.

Parameters Inputs State, Output

ITC [Js2 /rad] T qt [Nm] TC [rad/s] Eq. (6.52)
frictionTC [Js/rad] Tqcomp [Nm]

Table 6.21: Turbocharger speed dynamics inputs, parameters, and state/output.

6.9 Summary of Model Equations

Next follows a summary of the equations that have been developed for this
family of turbocharged SI-engines.

6.9.1 Air-filter Control Volume Dynamics

dTaf 1
= (Waf cva (Ta Taf )) +
dt maf cva
Ra (Ta Waf Taf Wcomp ) + Q (6.53a)
maf cva
6.9. Summary of Model Equations 123

dpaf Ra Taf maf Ra dTaf

= (Waf Wcomp ) + (6.53b)
dt Vaf Vaf dt

paf Vaf
maf = (6.53c)
Ra Taf

pa paf
pa paf > plin
qpa Haf Taf ,
Waf = pa pa paf (6.53d)
plin , 0 pa paf plin

Haf Ta

0, pa paf < 0
u a 1
u a
u 1 min K1 cpa Taf 1comp , 1
 u 2
2 Ucomp
paf 2 t
Wcomp = D Ucomp
Ra Taf 4 c K2
Ucomp = TC (6.53f)

6.9.2 Compressor Control Volume Dynamics

dTcomp 1 
= Wcomp cva Tcompout Tcomp +
dt mcomp cva
Ra Tcompout Wcomp Tcomp Wic + Q (6.54a)
mcomp cva

dpcomp Ra Tcomp mcomp Ra dTcomp

= (Wcomp Wic ) + (6.54b)
dt Vcomp Vcomp dt

pcomp Vcomp
mcomp = (6.54c)
Ra Tcomp

Tcompout = Taf +
0 1
a 1
B a C
Taf @comp 1A

2 q 3T 2 q 3
T0 /Tstd T0 /Tstd
6 Wcomp Wcomp 7 a11 a12 6 Wcomp Wcomp 7
max 4 5 4 5
p p0 /pstd max a12 a22 p p0 /pstd max
1 + comp 1 comp 1 + comp 1 comp
max max


pcomp pic
pcomp pic > plin
qpcomp Hic Tcomp ,
Wic = pcomp pcomp pic (6.54e)
Hic Tcomp

plin , 0 pcomp pic plin

0, pcomp pic < 0
124 Chapter 6. A Mean Value Model of a TC SI Engine

6.9.3 Intercooler Control Volume Dynamics

dTic 1
= (Wic cva (Ticout Tic )) +
dt mic cva
Ra (Ticout Wic Tic Wat ) + Q (6.55a)
mic cva

dpic Ra Tic mic Ra dTic

= (Wic Wat ) + (6.55b)
dt Vic Vic dt

pic Vic
mic = (6.55c)
Ra Tic
Wat = ic () Aeff () (6.55d)
Ra Tic
= (6.55e)
r  2 

() = s  (6.55f)
2  +1 
+1 2

0 < +1 2

1   +1

() = () 2
< lin (6.55g)

(lin )

lin 1 ( 1)for lin < 1

Aeff () = A1 1 cos(a2 2 + a1 + a0 ) + A0 (6.55h)
! ! !
Tcomp + Tcool Wic `
Tic = max Tcool , Tcomp + a0 + a1 + a2 Wic + a3 Tcomp Tcool (6.55i)
out 2 Wcool

6.9.4 Intake Manifold Control Volume Dynamics

dTim 1
= (Wat cva (Tic Tim )) +
dt mim cva
Ra (Tic Wat Tim Wcyl ) + Q (6.56a)
mim cva

dpim Ra Tim mim Ra dTim

= (Wat Wcyl ) + (6.56b)
dt Vim Vim dt
6.9. Summary of Model Equations 125

pim Vim
mim = (6.56c)
Ra Tim

1 rc pem
pim N
Wcyl = pim C1 Vd  (6.56d)
1+ 1 rc 1 Rim Tim C2 1
2 120
( F
) s

6.9.5 Exhaust Manifold Control Volume Dynamics

dTem 1 
= We cveg (Temin Tem ) +
dt mem cveg
Reg (Temin We Tem (Wt + Wwg )) + Q (6.57a)
mem cveg

dpem Reg Tem mem Reg dTem

= (We (Wt + Wwg )) + (6.57b)
dt Vem Vem dt

pem Vem
mem = (6.57c)
Reg Tem
We = Wcyl 1+ A
F s
h D l
We tot em em
Temin = Ta + (Te0 + Temax Ta )e Wairfuel cpeg (6.57e)
 HTexh1  HTexh2
4 We 7 1
hexhint = HTexh0 exh (6.57f)
exh ncyl Dem 10 Dem
1 1
htot = Dem lem ncyl (eg 1) 1 1 (6.57g)
hexhint + hexhext
W e R e eg
( q
Wt =
pem k1
1 kt 2 , kt 2 1 (6.57h)
0, otherwise
126 Chapter 6. A Mean Value Model of a TC SI Engine

Wwg = p em (em ) Aeffwg (uwg ) (6.57i)
Reg Tem
em = (6.57j)
2 eg +1
eg 1 eg eg

em (em ) = v ! (6.57k)
u     eg 1
u 2 +1

t 2eg 2 eg 1
2 eg
eg 1 eg +1 eg +1


0 < em eg2+1

em (em ) = (6.57l)
em (em ) < em lin
2 eg

em (lin )
eg +1

lin 1 (em 1) for lin < 1

Aeffwg (uwg ) = Cd Awgmax uwg uwg [0, 1] (6.57m)

6.9.6 Exhaust System Control Volume Dynamics

dTt 1 
= (Wt + Wwg )cveg (Tesin Tt ) +
dt mt cveg
Reg (Tesin (Wt + Wwg ) Tt Wes )) + Q (6.58a)
mt cveg

dpt Reg Tt mt Reg dTt

= ((Wt + Wwg ) Wes ) + (6.58b)
dt Vt Vt dt

pt V t
mt = (6.58c)
Reg Tt

pt pa
pt pa > plin
qpt Hes Tt ,
Wes = pt pt pa (6.58d)
plin , 0 pt pa plin

Hes Tt

0, pcomp pic < 0
cpeg Ttout Wt + cpeg Tem Wwg Tt Wt + Tem Wwg
Tesin = = out (6.58e)
cpeg (Wt + Wwg ) Wt + Wwg
6.10. Total Model Validation 127
 eg 1 
Ttout = Tem Tem 1 t

Dt 2
2 u
v TC
! BSRtmax

t2cp Tem 1( 1 ) eg

eg t

tmax 1 (6.58f)

6.9.7 Turboshaft Dynamics

ITC = Tqt Tqcomp TC frictionTC (6.59a)
cpa Wcomp (Tcompout Taf )
Tqcomp = (6.59b)
 eg 1 

t Wt cpeg Tem 1 t eg

T qt = (6.59c)

6.10 Total Model Validation

Now all components have been separately validated and it is time to validate
the total model. First, the model is validated for stationary conditions and then
step response experiments are used for the dynamics.
All engine experiments have been performed at room temperature and the
ambient conditions are given as inputs to the model. As the ambient conditions
change more than in the laboratory, a sensitivity analysis has been performed
to check how sensitive the models stationary points are to changes in ambi-
ent conditions. The results of this analysis are presented after the stationary

6.10.1 Stationary Validation

To validate the entire model for stationary conditions, the same stationary oper-
ating points are used as for the component validation. The inputs to the model
are (N,,,uwg ,pa ,Ta ) and most of them (N ,,pa ,Ta ) have been measured in the
validation data set. As there are uncertainties in throttle position and waste-
gate position, these pose two challenges. The uncertainty in the throttle plate
angle relates to the fact that the throttle parameters have changed somewhat
as described on p. 99. As the wastegate position uwg is not measurable on the
engine, it is necessary to determine this input during the validation. On the
engine uwg is determined by a controller, but the exact implementation of the
controller is not known.
128 Chapter 6. A Mean Value Model of a TC SI Engine

Two PI-controllers are introduced to handle the throttle and wastegate. One
fast that controls the throttle angle to achieve a desired (measured) air-mass
flow and a second slower controller that controls the wastegate uwg in order to
get the same pressure after the intercooler as in the measured data set. The
latter controller is disabled for low boost pressures as on the modeled engine.
These controllers are used when the stationary model validation is performed
by simulating the system in Figure 6.2.
Results of the stationary validation are shown in the following figures with
measured values on the x-axis and simulated values on the y-axis with one
exception for the wastegate opening that is shown as a function of air-mass

Validation of Model Inputs

The inputs to the model are shown in Figure 6.22. As the throttle angle was
determined using a controller it is encouraging to see that the relative error is
less than 5% for all but very low and high pressure ratios over the throttle.

Validation of Pressure States

The modeled and measured pressures are shown in Figure 6.23 and the relative
errors are shown in Figure 6.24. The pressure errors are generally small, only a
few percent, except for the intake manifold pressure where there is a mean error
of -5%. To investigate the causes remember that, the throttle plate is controlled
to achieve the measured flow as measured in the validation data. Further, there
is a new air-mass flow sensor compared to when the tuning data was measured.
Now, since the intake manifold pressure is the most important input to the port
air-mass flow model, model errors in the port air-mass flow will propagate to
mostly the intake manifold pressure. Additionally the pressures are controlled
on the intake side to measured pressure, at least after the intercooler, which
reduce their errors when the wastegate is open.
Small, but systematic, underestimations of the pressures on the intake side
are present when the wastegate is closed. On the exhaust side, these errors are
present as a small negative trend in especially pt .

Temperature State Validation

Figure 6.25 shows the modeled temperatures and the relative errors are shown
in Figure 6.26. Here all temperatures on the intake side are modeled within
6% even though no heat transfer is modeled in the control volumes. On the
exhaust side the temperatures are described within 22%. The temperature
after the turbine is overestimated partly due to the large error in the exhaust
manifold temperature.
6.10. Total Model Validation 129

Engine Speed [RPM] Throttle Angle [deg] []

10000 100 1.5

Simulated [deg]

5000 50 1

0 0 0.5
0 5000 10000 0 20 40 0.5 1 1.5
Measured Measured [deg] Measured

Wastegate vs Wat pa [Pa] T [K]

1 101 340



100 320
99 300

0 98 280
0 0.1 0.2 98 100 102 250 300 350
Air Mass Flow [kg/s] Measured Measured

Relative Throttle Angle Error


Relative Error [%]


Large errors for high pressure ratios

0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

Throttle Pressure Ratio pim/pic

Figure 6.22: Stationary model validation. Here the inputs are shown for each operating point.
Bottom: The relative error in modeled throttle angle compared to measured. Except for high
pressure ratios, the errors are only a few percent.
130 Chapter 6. A Mean Value Model of a TC SI Engine

4 p 5 pcomp
x 10 af x 10
9.5 2.5

9 2

8.5 1.5

8 1

7.5 0.5
7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Measured 4
x 10 Measured 5
x 10

5 pic 4 pim
x 10 x 10
2.5 15





0.5 0
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 5 10 15
Measured 5
x 10 Measured 4
x 10

5 pem 5 pt
x 10 x 10
3.5 2

3 1.8


2.5 1.6

2 1.4

1.5 1.2

1 1
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
Measured x 10
5 Measured x 10

Figure 6.23: Stationary model validation of the pressure states. The maximum error on the
intake side is 12% and 10% on the exhaust side.
6.10. Total Model Validation 131

paf pcomp

Rel. Err [%]

Rel. Err [%]


0.5 8
8 8.5 9 1 1.5 2
Pressure [Pa] x 10
4 Pressure [Pa] x 10

pic pim

2 2
Rel. Err [%]

Rel. Err [%]


8 10

1 1.5 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Pressure [Pa] x 10
5 Pressure [Pa] x 10

pem pt

Rel. Err [%]

Rel. Err [%]


2 0
1 1
0 <1 2 <1

1.5 2 2.5 1.2 1.4 1.6

Pressure [Pa] x 10
5 Pressure [Pa] x 10

Figure 6.24: Relative errors for modeled pressures.

132 Chapter 6. A Mean Value Model of a TC SI Engine

af comp
325 600

320 550


300 400

295 350
290 300 310 320 330 300 400 500 600
Measured Measured

Tic Tim
390 400

380 390

370 380


360 370

350 360

340 350

330 340
320 340 360 380 400 340 360 380 400 420
Measured Measured

Tem T
1200 1200
1 1
<1 <1
1000 1000


800 800

600 600

400 400
400 600 800 1000 400 600 800 1000
Measured Measured

Figure 6.25: Stationary temperature model validation.

6.10. Total Model Validation 133

13 T T
x 10 af comp

0.5 0.5
Rel. Err [%]

Rel. Err [%]


1 2

300 310 320 330 340 400 450 500 550

Temperature [K] Temperature [K]

ic im

1 0

0 1
Rel. Err [%]

Rel. Err [%]

4 4

5 5
340 360 380 360 370 380 390 400 410
Temperature [K] Temperature [K]

Tem Tt

Rel. Err [%]

Rel. Err [%]

10 5

5 0

0 1 1
<1 <1
500 600 700 800 900 500 600 700 800 900
Temperature [K] Temperature [K]

Figure 6.26: Relative errors for the modeled temperatures. On the exhaust side the temper-
atures are overestimated for high temperatures as the temperature model lacks the cooling
effect when fuel enrichment is present.
134 Chapter 6. A Mean Value Model of a TC SI Engine

Turbine Speed Validation

Figure 6.27 shows the resulting turbine speed and relative error in turbine speed.
The turbocharger speed is shown separately as this is a key component that
connects the intake side to the exhaust side. Turbocharger speed is described
within 10% for most points at medium to high turbocharger speeds. At lower
speeds, the model underestimates the turbine speed.

x 10 Turbocharger Speed [RPM]



0.5 Closed wastegate

Open wastegate
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
x 10
Relative Error in Turbocharger Speed

Rel. Err []


Closed wastegate
Open wastegate
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2
Measured [RPM] x 10

Figure 6.27: Validation of turbocharger speed. In the plots it is shown where the controller
has opened the wastegate as these point are marked using circles.

Sensitivity to Changes in Ambient Conditions

As the ambient conditions pa and Ta are inputs to the model it is important to

study how sensitive the estimated states are to changes in ambient conditions.
These studies were conducted by simulating the model with different ambient
conditions and then calculate the sensitivity in each state. The sensitivity func-
tion of the state xi to the ambient pressure pa is for example:

6.10. Total Model Validation 135

The result of the sensitivity analysis is that no state is particularly sensitive

to changes in ambient conditions for a given operating condition. A typical
example is the turbocharger speed that has the following sensitivity to changes
in ambient pressure and temperature:
It decreases linearly with an increase in ambient pressure.
It increases only 60% of the increase in ambient temperature.
The model does not amplify changes in ambient conditions and therefore it is
sufficient to validate the model using the measurements at room temperature.

6.10.2 Transient Validation

Step response experiments have been performed to validate the dynamic proper-
ties of the model where the model is compared to measured data. The measured
engine data depends on controllers in the ECU, such as the wastegate controller
and the by-pass valve controller. These controllers are not known and therefore
they can not be properly modeled. Thus can only data measured with closed
wastegate and closed by-pass valve be used for validation. In the test cell, it
would be possible to disable both the wastegate and the by-pass valve but this
increases the risk of damaging the engine or turbocharger.
Consequently, the model is not fully able to describe rapid throttle closings
where the by-pass valve is open and it will overestimate the states when the
engines wastegate is open. Further, the measured throttle angle is fed directly
to the model instead of being determined using a controller as during the sta-
tionary validation. As the throttle parameters have changed, see p. 99, there
will be small offsets in all states as they depend on the air-mass flow.
The operating points that have been selected for the validation reflects the
operating region of normal driving, that is part load transients, a full load
transient at approximately 2000 RPM, and an engine speed transient to simulate
a rapid gear-shift. In Figure 6.28, Figure 6.29, and Figure 6.30 the model is
compared to measured transient data and the result can be summarized as:
Pressure dynamics and the speed dynamics of the turbocharger are ac-
curately described by the model. These are good indicators of that the
control volume parameters are correct. The turbocharger inertia is correct
as the turbocharger speed tracks the measured in terms of time constants.
Fast temperature changes are captured by the model, which the sensors
miss as they are too slow.
The model has a good attenuation of noise in the measured pressure sig-
Additional tests have been performed using steps in throttle, wastegate and en-
gine speed. For all cases, the model converged and the rise time of turbocharger
speed and pressures are close to the measured data.
136 Chapter 6. A Mean Value Model of a TC SI Engine

N p
4 Taf 5p Tc
x 10 af x 10 c
315 500
Temperature [K]

Temperature [K]
Pressure [Pa]

Pressure [Pa]
2050 10 2
310 450
2000 1.5
9 305 400
1950 1
8 300
0 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20

5p p
5 T p5
x 10 ic x 10 im im
x 10 em
2 2 Temperature [K] 380
Pressure [Pa]

Pressure [Pa]

Pressure [Pa]
Angle [deg]

40 360
1 340 2
1 1
0 0 300
0 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20
T 5p T
x 10 t t
x 10 tc
1.5 900 2
Temperature [K]

Temperature [K]
Pressure [Pa]

Speed [rad/s]

1.4 800
700 1.3 1
600 1.2
600 0
0 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20
Time [s] Time [s] Time [s]

Figure 6.28: Dynamic model validation using large throttle steps at 2000 RPM. Solid lines
are the models and the dash-dotted (gray) are measured data. Initially a few seconds are
necessary for the model to converge as it starts from a fix initial state. During the experiment,
the wastegate did not open or just opened slightly as the model accurately describes pressures
on the intake side just before the tip-outs. Also, the model captures the fast temperature
dynamics in the intake manifold, which is important for air/fuel ratio control. Further, it also
suppresses noise in the measured pressure signals.
6.11. Modeling Methodology Applied to a Different Engine 137

N p4 T p4 T
x 10 af af
x 10 c c
9.05 303 10 385

Temperature [K]

Temperature [K]
Pressure [Pa]

Pressure [Pa]
1900 9 380
302 9.5
8.95 375
1800 301
8.9 9 370
1700 8.85 300 365
0 5 10 0 5 10 0 5 10 0 5 10 0 5 10

p4 p4 T p5
x 10 ic x 10 im im
x 10 em
10 380 1.8

Temperature [K]
Pressure [Pa]

Pressure [Pa]

Pressure [Pa]
Angle [deg]

360 1.6
9.5 6 340 1.4
320 1.2
9 300 1
2 280 0.8
0 5 10 0 5 10 0 5 10 0 5 10 0 5 10
Tem p
5 Tt tc
x 10 t
700 1.26
Temperature [K]

Temperature [K]
Pressure [Pa]

Speed [rad/s]
1.24 6000
600 4000
1.2 650
1.18 2000
500 1.16 600
0 5 10 0 5 10 0 5 10 0 5 10
Time [s] Time [s] Time [s]

Figure 6.29: Dynamic model validation at low load using medium throttle steps at 1800 RPM.
Solid lines are the model and the dash-dotted (gray) are measured data. Initially a few seconds
are necessary for the model to converge as it starts from a fixed initial state. Here it is shown
that even for small steps, the model captures the mean value of the pressure. Further, the
time constant of the turbocharger speed is correct even though the speed is underestimated.

6.11 Modeling Methodology Applied to a Dif-

ferent Engine
The methodology has been developed and applied first on the B235R-engine
and to verify the generality of the model and methodology it was applied to a
different engine (SAAB B207R). The new engine has the same structure but
different sizes. This model with re-fitted parameters is used in Chapter 9. A
map consisting of 45 points was used together with maps from the turbocharger
The parameter tuning was applied in the same manner with only two minor
modifications. Firstly the throttle angle was not available on the new engine and
was instead taken from the ECU. Secondly, when the tuning data set was used
the resulting parameter values of the intercooler temperature model Eq. (6.5a)
were not physically reasonable. The problem was caused by the new engine
map where a shorter settling time was used in order to save time. This resulted
138 Chapter 6. A Mean Value Model of a TC SI Engine

N p4 T p4 T
x 10 af af
x 10 c c
1800 9.05 9.4 400

Temperature [K]

Temperature [K]
Pressure [Pa]

Pressure [Pa]
1600 9 9.2
310 390
8.95 9 380
1200 305
1000 8.9 8.8
800 8.85 300 8.6
0 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20

p4 p4 T p5
x 10 ic x 10 im im
x 10 em
10 400 1.8

Temperature [K]
Pressure [Pa]

Pressure [Pa]

Pressure [Pa]
Angle [deg]

10 1.4
9.2 5 350
5 9 1
0 300 0.8
0 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20
Tem p
5 Tt tc
x 10 t
650 1.3 750
Temperature [K]

Temperature [K]
Pressure [Pa]

Speed [rad/s]
600 700 4000

550 1.2 650

500 600
450 1.1 550 0
0 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20
Time [s] Time [s] Time [s]

Figure 6.30: Dynamic model validation using engine speed steps between 900 and 1600 RPM.
Solid lines are the model and the dash-dotted (gray) are measured data.

in that the temperature out of the intercooler had not settled properly for
low mass-flows. Therefore, the parameter values from the B235R intercooler
temperature model was reused as the intercoolers are similar.

To compare the quality of the models, the root mean square of the stationary
model error in percent is used. The results are summarized in Table 6.22. On
the B207R, the errors on the exhaust side are slightly larger except for pt . This
is partly caused by the turbine efficiency where the maximum efficiency is speed
dependent and this is not captured by the model. Also, the turbocharger speed
error is lower for the B207R which is result of that the wastegate opens earlier
on this engine and thus enables the modeled wastegate controller. During the
stationary validation the same type of wastegate controller was used as for the
B235R but with a lower activation pressure. It is therefore concluded that the
model and tuning methodology works for engines of the same physical structure.
6.12. Results 139

RMS Error
State B235R B207R
paf 0.3 0.2
Taf 0 0
pcomp 3.1 2.1
Tcomp 1.2 2.1
pic 3.8 2
Tic 2.1 3.1
pim 5.9 3.9
Tim 3.3 2.5
pem 3.8 7.5
Tem 9.4 10.6
pt 2.1 0.6
Tt 8.2 16.3
TC 21.5 13.7

Table 6.22: Root mean square of the relative errors for the B235R and B207R engine models.

6.12 Results
A component based mean value engine model of a turbocharged SI engine is
presented. The model is suitable for observer design, diagnosis, and control.
For each component, it is described how to determine its parameter(s). To
determine the parameters measured engine data, engine geometry, and data
from the turbocharger manufacturer are required. During the modeling work,
it was observed that the throttle model needs improvement which was realized
by introducing a non-physical value of the ratio of specific heats in the incom-
pressible flow model. Further it is shown that the discharge coefficient in the
compressible flow model can be separated into two factors, one that depends on
the throttle area and one that depends on the pressure ratio.
The model has been validated in several steps. First, each component is
validated and then the total model is validated both for stationary conditions
and for different transients. The stationary validation of the total model shows
that the accuracy on pressures and temperatures on the intake side is better
than 5% for most of the points. In addition, the model is able to predict
turbocharger speed within 5% for medium to high turbocharger speeds. Further,
the model attenuates pumping fluctuations in the measured pressure signals. In
step response experiments the model has the same time constants as the physical
engine. In addition, a sensitivity analysis to changes in ambient conditions was
performed and none of the modeled states are particularly sensitive to changes
in ambient pressure or temperature.
Finally it can be concluded that the component based modeling methodology
is successful in describing the air-system dynamics of a turbocharged SI-engine
and the parameter tuning method makes it easy to tune the model to different
140 Chapter 6. A Mean Value Model of a TC SI Engine

Sensor Selection for Observer


In the previous chapter, a mean value engine model was presented which in-
cludes descriptions of the intake and exhaust side. Using this model it is possible
to estimate pressures, temperatures, mass-flows, and turbocharger speed. How-
ever, the estimates can be improved if some signals can be measured on the
real process. On TC SI-engines, several signals are normally measured such as
pressures before and after the throttle, temperatures in various locations and
the air-mass flow. When a models estimates of states are improved by feedback
from measured signals, it is called an observer. Using an observer it is possi-
ble to estimate signals that otherwise would have been necessary to measure.
This enables the number of sensors to be reduced which means that the cost of
sensors is lower. Further, the observer can be used to create redundant infor-
mation to provide sensor diagnosis opportunities etc. All of this requires that
the sensor(s) used for observer feedback are carefully chosen.
Observers require feedback from one or more sensors and an important ques-
tion that arises during the design phase is: Given a limited number of sensors,
what sensors or sensor configurations are the best choices? This question is
addressed in this chapter. A challenge is that the number of possible sensor
combinations virtually explode when more than one sensor is used, which is
illustrated in the following example. Here there are 17 possible sensor sources.
When two sensors are used there are 17 2 = 136 combinations and if three sen-

sors are used then there are 3 = 680 combinations. Therefore, a systematic
method is proposed to reduce the number of possible candidates and aid the
selection of sensors.
A necessary condition in observer design is that the system is observable from

142 Chapter 7. Sensor Selection for Observer Feedback

the selected feedback signal(s). It is shown that the system is locally structurally
observable from any measured state or function of measured states such as air-
mass flows. Thus, there are a vast number of possible sensor configurations.
The observed system has 13 states and the primary objective of the model
is air-fuel control that relies on proper cylinder air charge estimates. When a
systematic method to select sensors for observer feedback is proposed, the fact
that only a subset of the states are required for cylinder air charge estimation
is taken into account.

7.1 Engine Model

Turbocharged engines are similar in their structure: They have air-filter, com-
pressor, intercooler, throttle, intake manifold, exhaust manifold, turbine, and
an exhaust system. At most of these components, it is possible to measure
pressure and temperature and air-mass flow.
The observer design relies on a nonlinear mean value engine model of a tur-
bocharged SI-engine. To model the engine, the methodology of placing control
volumes between restrictions (Eriksson et al., 2002b) is applied. This preserves
the physical structure of the turbocharged engine in the model. The structure of
the physical system used is shown in Figure 7.1 where also some possible sensor
locations are shown. In the model, described in detail in Chapter 6, there are
13 states and 5 inputs.
Air filter

Air flow meter, Waf , Wcomp 0
1 paf , Taf
pic , Tic
Wic pcomp , Tcomp 0
111111 Compressor
pem ,Tem

Throttle Turbine shaft, TC


pim ,Tim Waste-

gate pt , Tt
Intake Exhaust
manifold manifold

Catalyst & Exhaust system

Figure 7.1: A schematic of a turbocharged SI-engine. Arrows pointing out of the engine
indicate possible sensor placements. Arrows inside the engine indicate air-mass flows, of which
the air-mass flow into the cylinders Wcyl is of particular interest for air/fuel ratio control.

The nomenclature is that pressures are denoted p, temperatures T , air-mass

flows W , and the index shows the location. The locations are: air-filter (af),
7.1. Engine Model 143

compressor (comp), intercooler (ic), intake manifold (im), exhaust manifold

(em), and turbine (t). The turbocharger speed is indicated by TC . For more
details please consult the nomenclature in Appendix A. Next model inputs,
states, and outputs are explained.

7.1.1 Inputs
Inputs to this model are engine speed N , throttle plate angle , the air/fuel
ratio , opening of the wastegate uwg , together with ambient conditions such
as pressure pa and temperature Ta .

7.1.2 States and State Equations

The states in the model are six pairs of pressure and temperature states and
the turbocharger speed, TC . In Chapter 6 the model is described in detail
and all of the differential equations are listed in Section 6.9 and below only the
structure of the equations are shown.

paf = fpaf (paf , Taf , pcomp , TC , pa , Ta ) (7.1a)

Taf = fTaf (paf , Taf , pcomp , TC , pa , Ta ) (7.1b)
pcomp = fpcomp (paf , Taf , pcomp , Tcomp , pic , TC ) (7.1c)
Tcomp = fTcomp (paf , Taf , pcomp , Tcomp , pic , TC ) (7.1d)
pic = fpic (pcomp , Tcomp , pic , Tic , pim , ) (7.1e)
Tic = fTic (pcomp , Tcomp , pic , Tic , pim , ) (7.1f)
pim = fpim (pic , Tic , Tim , pim , pem , N, , ) (7.1g)
Tim = fTim (pic , Tic , Tim , pim , pem , N, , ) (7.1h)
pem = fpem (pim , Tim , pem , Tem , pt , N, , uwg , Ta ) (7.1i)
Tem = fTem (pim , Tim , pem , Tem , pt , N, , uwg , Ta ) (7.1j)
pt = fpt (pem , Tem , pt , Tt , TC , uwg , pa ) (7.1k)
Tt = fTt (pem , Tem , pt , Tt , TC , uwg , pa ) (7.1l)
tc = fTC (paf , Taf , pcomp , pem , Tem , pt , TC ) (7.1m)

7.1.3 Measured Signals

Measured signals are outputs of the system which are states and/or functions
of states and inputs:
y = g(x, u) (7.2)
An example of a function of states and inputs is the measured air-mass flow
after the air-filter which can be expressed as a function of the pressure after the
144 Chapter 7. Sensor Selection for Observer Feedback

air-filter, a constant parameter Haf , and the inputs pa and Ta :

pa (pa paf )
Waf = g( paf , pa , Ta ) =
|{z} | {z } Haf Ta
x u

Thus it depends only on one state, the pressure after the air-filter. For the other
possible air-mass flows in the intake side the state dependencies are as follows:
Compressor air-mass flow: Wcomp = g(paf , Taf , pcomp , TC )
Intercooler air-mass flow: Wic = g(pcomp , Tcomp , pic )
Throttle air-mass flow: Wth = g(pim , pic , Tic )

Available Sensor Signals and Sensor Dynamics

All states are considered to be measurable and functions of states and inputs
such as air-mass flows are only measurable on the intake side. One practical
consideration is necessary for temperature sensors as their time constant is in
the order of several seconds compared to the considerably faster pressure sensors
and air-mass flow sensors. Therefore, the system is augmented with temperature
sensor dynamics for each temperature sensor (Chevalier et al., 2000):
Tsensor = (T Tsensor )

The set of sensors considered here are thus:

Y = {paf , Taf , pcomp , Tcomp , pic , Tic , pim , Tim ,

pem , Tem , pt , Tt , TC , Waf , Wcomp , Wic , Wth }
Note that all states are considered measurable, but for each temperature sensor
the system has to be augmented with one state.

7.2 Observability
Before an observer is designed, it must be determined whether the system is
observable and as the system is nonlinear, this is not an easy task. One method
to show that the system is at least locally observable is to linearize the equation
system in Section 7.1.2 in stationary points and then use linear theory to deter-
mine observability. Given that fx (x, u) is the partial derivative of f (x, u) w.r.t.
x, (x0 , u0 ) is a stationary point, then the linearized system matrices A, B, C
and D are defined as follows:
A = fx (x0 , u0 ) B = fu (x0 , u0 )
C = gx (x0 , u0 ) D = gu (x0 , u0 )
The linearized system can now be written as
x = Ax + Bu
7.2. Observability 145

and the measured signal(s)

y = Cx + Du
Measured signals y are selected from the set Y. Introduce the standard notation


O = .. (7.3)

where the matrix O without index means = n, i.e. O = On . Then the system
is observable if and only if O has full column rank (Kailath, 1980, p. 81). The
smallest that makes the system observable is called the observability index.
Unfortunately, the linearized system matrix A is ill-conditioned due to large
differences in time-constants in the engine dynamics. This makes it hard to
numerically determine the observability index using Eq. (7.3) as it, for example
when one feedback is used, involves taking A to the power of 12.

Definition 7.1 (Observability index). The observability index is defined as the

smallest positive integer such that O has full column rank.

The numerical challenge is a result of considering the observability of the

entire system. In several applications, there is only a fraction of the state space
that is more interesting than others. This is especially true for cylinder air
charge estimation. The following states are included in the cylinder air charge
model: pim , Tim , and pem (Andersson and Eriksson, 2004), which are only 3 out
of 13 states and thus the question is asked whether there are combinations of
measured signals that better observe these variables. We therefore use observ-
ability index of only a part of the state vector as a metric to evaluate sensor
configurations. The metric is further discussed in Section 7.4.

7.2.1 Observability Index of A Subset of States

Start by partitioning the state vector x into x = (x1 , x2 ), where x1 are the
states we want to observe. The vector x1 has n1 states, x2 has n2 states, and
n1 + n2 = n. Now the columns of the observability matrix O Rmn are
rearranged into On = [On1 On2 ], where On1 Rmn1 and On2 Rmn2 . After
the rearrangement the first n1 columns in O correspond to the states in x1 .
Next observability of a subset of states and its associated observability index
are defined.

Definition 7.2 (Observability of a set of states x1 ). The state vector x1 is

observable if and only if On = [On1 On2 ] is 1-full rank (Terrell, 2001) w.r.t. the
n1 first columns, i.e.

rank On = n1 + rank On2

146 Chapter 7. Sensor Selection for Observer Feedback

Using this definition, the observability index for a subset of the states can
be defined.

Definition 7.3. (Observability index of a set of states x1 ) Let (C, A) be an

observable pair, then the observability index w.r.t. x1 is the smallest positive
integer such that O = [O1 O2 ] is 1-full rank w.r.t. the n1 first columns, i.e.

rank O = n1 + rank O2

As can be seen in Definition 7.3 it is possible that fewer differentiations,

and hence lower powers of the ill-conditioned A will be required, as it is now
only required that the rank of O is at least n1 . Since fewer differentiations are
needed than before, the numerical problems are not as severe for the partial
observability problem.

7.2.2 Structural Observability

Structural observability makes it possible to avoid the numerical problems with
high powers of A in On . Structural observability only considers the structure
of the model and thus only provides a necessary condition for observability.
However, for physically based models it is reasonable to assume that structural
observability also implies analytical observability (Lin, 1974).
Lin (1974) introduced the concept of structure to analyze controllability of
linear systems. The approach is based on the assumption that a qualitative
property such as controllability is determined by the structure of the model,
rather than the values of the actual system parameters. Structure here means
the zero/non-zero structure of the model matrices (A, B, C, D).
A dual formulation of the controllability definition in (Lin, 1974) gives the
following definition of structural observability.

Definition 7.4 (Structural observability). The pair (C, A) is structural observ-

able if there exists an observable pair (C0 , A0 ) with the same structure.

Structural rank, sometimes referred to as generic rank or normal rank, of

a matrix A is here defined as the maximum rank possible for any matrix with
the same structure as A. Then it is tempting to think that a pair (C, A) is
structurally observable if and only if the observability matrix has full structural
rank. However, this is not true (Shields and Pearson, 1976; Lin, 1974) and
therefore the following result from (Shields and Pearson, 1976) is used:

Theorem 7.1 (Structural observability). Let A Rnn and C Rmn . Then

the pair (C, A) is structurally observable if and only if the following [n2 + n(m
7.3. Observability of the Engine Model 147

1)] n2 matrix has structural rank n2 .

I A 0 0 0
0 I A 0 0

.. .. .. .. ..
. . . . .

0 0 0 I A

0 0 0 0 C

0 0 0 C 0

. .. .. .. ..
.. . . . .

0 0 C 0 0

0 C 0 0 0
C 0 0 0 0

The structural rank of a matrix can be efficiently computed using graph the-
oretical algorithms for matchings in bipartite graphs. In Matlab, the structural
rank is computed using the dmperm command.

7.3 Observability of the Engine Model

The first question to answer is whether the engine model in Eq. (7.1) is observ-
able using feedback from Y. As there are numerical difficulties when the analytic
observability matrix is computed the structural approach is taken instead.
Looking at the structure of the engine model one can verify that the lin-
earized system only has two structures over the engines entire operating region.
The cause of the structural change is that for low pressure ratios over the throt-
tle the pressure and temperature states before the throttle do not depend on
the intake manifold pressure.
Below all nonzero elements of the A-matrix are shown using an X, and
the elements that can be zero in one of the two structures are marked using

Eqn. paf Taf pcomp Tcomp pic Tic pim Tim pem Tem pt Tt TC
Eq. (7.1a) X X X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X
Eq. (7.1b) X X X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X
Eq. (7.1c) X X X X X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X
Eq. (7.1d) X X X X X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X
Eq. (7.1e) 0 0 X X X X (X) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Eq. (7.1f ) 0 0 X X X X (X) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Eq. (7.1g) 0 0 0 0 X X X X X 0 0 0 0
Eq. (7.1h) 0 0 0 0 X X X X X 0 0 0 0
Eq. (7.1i) 0 0 0 0 0 0 X X X X X 0 0
Eq. (7.1j) 0 0 0 0 0 0 X X X X X 0 0
Eq. (7.1k) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X X X X X
Eq. (7.1l) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X X X X X
Eq. (7.1m) X X X 0 0 0 0 0 X X X 0 X

Using Theorem 7.1 it can be verified that the linearized engine model is
structurally observable from any single sensor signal. Thus the system is locally
structurally observable using one feedback from Y and as Y includes all states
the system is locally structurally observable with feedback from any measured
state. This result is valid for all TC SI-engines with the same structure.
148 Chapter 7. Sensor Selection for Observer Feedback

7.4 Signal Selection

A selection metric is necessary in order to systematically determine what feed-
back signal(s) or combination(s) of feedback signals to use. Here the selected
metrics are based on observability index and two scenarios are studied: Signal
selection for best observability of the total system and signal selection for best
CAC observability.

7.4.1 Signal Selection for Best System Observability

When an arbitrary signal in Y is used for observer feedback the system is locally
structurally observable, as shown in Section 7.2.2. Given that more than one
signal from Y is selected, is it then possible to find a combination of measured
signals that is most suitable, i.e. results in a minimized observability index?
Consider m > 1 feedback signals which result in a C matrix with m-rows. The
total number of rows in O still has to be at least n, in order for the rank to
be n. The introduction of more than one measured signal does not reduce the
number of necessary rows in O. However the lower bound of the observability
index is inversely proportional to the number of feedback signals m:

Consequently, for the total system the lower bound1 of the observability
index depends on the number of system states. As slow sensors introduce ad-
ditional states, it is better to use fast sensors. Further, a specific combination
of feedbacks that would give a minimized observability index can not be found
using the test given by Theorem 7.1 as it only gives a true or false result. To
determine the best combination it is necessary to know if more than the min-
imum number of differentiations is required. Therefore, it is only possible to
give a lower bound of the observability index through Eq. (7.4).

7.4.2 Signal Selection for Best CAC Observability

The primary objective in engine air/fuel control is to observe the states nec-
essary for CAC estimation and the states involved in the CAC calculation
are pim , Tim , and pem . The criterion for sensor selection is thus to minimize
the observability index, according to Definition 7.3, for the subset of states
x1 = {pim , Tim , pem }. Here this method
 is illustrated for three feedback signals,
which is a case where there are 17 3 = 680 combinations.
When three signals are selected from Y for observer feedback and the ob-
servability index for the subset of states x1 is evaluated the result are three
interesting groups of feedback signals which all have observability index less or
equal to 4. These are summarized in Table 7.1.
1 Notation: dne means n rounded towards the closest upper integer.
7.5. Results 149

Table 7.1: Observability index for the subset x1 = {pim , Tim , pem } using three feedback
Index Signal 1 Signal 2 Signal 3
2 pim Tim pem
3 pic pim Tim
3 pim Tim Wth
3 pim pem Tem
4 pim pem pt
4 Tim pem Tem

The results from Table 7.1 are:

Only one combination with index 2. The obvious selection to measure the
signals in x1 is the best choice, even though it involves augmenting the
system by one additional state for the temperature sensor dynamics. A
practical aspect is that the exhaust manifold pressure is hard to measure.

Three combinations with index 3. One of them is the combination pic ,

pim , and Tim that are normally measured signals on TC SI-engines.

Two combinations with index 4, which both include temperatures.

In the cases above, the highest power of A is three, and therefore the numerical
problems are avoided. Thus, the analytical method is able to produce a very
short list of good candidates. As the underlying engine model has physically
based parameters, it is reasonable to assume that this result is valid for all TC
SI-engines with the same structure.

7.5 Results
The problem of selecting signals for observer feedback has been studied. Using
a structural method, it is possible to show that the studied system is locally
structurally observable from any measured state or combination of states. A
metric, observability index, is used to aid the selection of what signals that
are most suitable for observer feedback. Two scenarios are considered: The
entire system and a subset of the system. In the latter case the selected subset
of states are those involved in the CAC estimation but the methodology is
generally applicable.
In the first scenario, observability of the entire system, it is best to use
sensors that do not require the system to be augmented with sensor dynamics.
When the system is augmented with sensor dynamics the minimum number of
required differentiations increase and hence the observability index.
In the second scenario, when the application cylinder air charge estimation
is considered, only a fraction of the state space is required to determine the
150 Chapter 7. Sensor Selection for Observer Feedback

cylinder air charge. Therefore, the observability index of this subset of states
is used to evaluate which feedback signal and/or combination of signals that
observes this subset best. When three sensors are used only 6 configurations
of 680 possible reach an observability index less or equal to 4. One unique
combination is best and reaches the observability index 2. It is the obvious
combination of measuring pim , Tim , and pem . Even though it requires that
the system is augmented with one additional state to describe the temperature
sensor dynamics it is the best choice. In addition, the normally measured pic ,
pim , and Tim is a very good combination with observability index 3.
Thus, the proposed method provides the observer designer with valuable
information during the sensor selection. An advantage is that only the model
equations are necessary inputs to the method. To test the observability of the
entire system it is sufficient to know only the structure. As most TC SI engines
are similar in structure, the observability results are valid for all engines of the
same structure.

Air-System Observer Design

A key element to precise air/fuel ratio control is accurate estimates of cylinder

air charge (CAC). Since the CAC is not measurable, it has to be estimated.
Here CAC estimates are based on the CAC-model for TC engines proposed in
Chapter 4. This CAC model relies on the following signals: intake manifold
pressure pim , intake manifold temperature Tim , and exhaust manifold pressure
pem . Now, three challenges become evident: the measured pim is very noisy, the
Tim sensor is considerably slower than the temperature dynamics, and pem is
not normally measured. Again, a model such as the one proposed in Chapter 6
can estimate these signals. Unfortunately, there are model errors that cause
estimation biases and a remedy is to improve the estimates using feedback from
measured signal(s). A model of a process that takes, in addition to the process
inputs, measured signals from the process as feedback to improve state estimates
is called an observer.
In addition to CAC estimation, there are other observer applications such as
diagnosis of sensors and actuators. By observing a signal that is measured and
not used by the observer, the measured and observed signal can be compared.
If the difference is large then it can be concluded that, with some degree of
certainty, an error is present. Thus, there are several applications of observers
and a systematic observer design method is desirable.
The focus of this chapter is to present a systematic and automatized design
method for a basic TC SI-engine observer. The resulting observer can be used
for noise reduction, estimate non-measured signals, decrease the effects of sensor
dynamics, diagnosis and also for prediction. The observer relies on the mean
value engine model developed in Chapter 6 that is briefly summarized in the

152 Chapter 8. Air-System Observer Design

next section. Then the chapter continues with a more detailed description of
the observer design.

8.1 Mean Value Air-System Model

A component based mean value model of the air system, exhaust system, and
turbocharger forms the base of the observer design. The model is described in
Chapter 6 and it is suitable for air-fuel control and diagnosis. Model inputs
are N , , , uwg , pa , and Ta . The nomenclature is described in Appendix A.
Below, in Eq. (8.1), a summary of the model equations are shown. An important
observation is that several state equations have dependencies on both intake
and exhaust conditions. Such couplings are present in e.g. the intake manifold
pressure and temperature states. A consequence of the couplings is that it is
not sufficient to only model the intake side on TC SI-engines, hence the model
includes the exhaust side and turbocharger speed dynamics.

paf fpaf (paf , Taf , pcomp , TC , pa , Ta )
Taf fTaf (paf , Taf , pcomp , TC , pa , Ta )

pcomp fpcomp (paf , Taf , pcomp , Tcomp , pic , TC )

Tcomp fTcomp (paf , Taf , pcomp , Tcomp , pic , TC )

pic fpic (pcomp , Tcomp , pic , Tic , pim , )

Tic fTic (pcomp , Tcomp , pic , Tic , pim , )

pim = fpim (pic , Tic , Tim , pim , pem , N, , ) (8.1)

Tim fTim (pic , Tic , Tim , pim , pem , N, , )

p em fpem (pim , Tim , pem , Tem , pt , N, , uwg , Ta )

Tem fTem (pim , Tim , pem , Tem , pt , N, , uwg , Ta )

fpt (pem , Tem , pt , Tt , TC , uwg , pa )
Tt fTt (pem , Tem , pt , Tt , TC , uwg , pa )
tc fTC (paf , Taf , pcomp , pem , Tem , pt , TC )

8.1.1 Feedback is Necessary

Figure 8.1 shows the results of an open loop simulation of a throttle step at
constant engine speed, where the model is compared to measured engine data.
Initial values for the simulation was set to ambient conditions and the results
shown here are after the initial transient. The selected signals for the compari-
son are those involved in the CAC estimation. Note how the model successfully
reduces intake manifold pressure noise without introducing a time lag. Also,
the intake manifold temperature dynamics is important for CAC estimation
(Chevalier and M uller, 2000) and it is described by the model. This fast dy-
namics is important as it is not captured by the measurements due to the slow
temperature sensor. However, even though the model estimates the required
states, the estimate of for example the intake manifold pressure is biased. To
8.1. Mean Value Air-System Model 153

Intake Manifold Pressure p


Pressure [kPa]


60 Model
3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Intake Manifold Temperature Tim

Temperature [K]

305 Model captures
300 temperature dyn.

295 Measured
3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Exhaust Manifold Pressure pem

200 Measured filtered
Pressure [kPa]



3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Time [s]

Figure 8.1: Model compared to measured data during a very rapid throttle step at constant
speed at 1800 RPM. Top: The model reduces noise in the intake manifold pressure signal.
Center: Transient behavior of the intake manifold temperature is captured by the model but
it suffers from a bias before the transient as heat transfer to the gas in the intake manifold is
not modeled. Bottom: Measured exhaust manifold pressure compared to modeled. There is
a bias in the estimated mean exhaust manifold pressure.
154 Chapter 8. Air-System Observer Design

reduce the state biases and thus improve the CAC estimates it is necessary to
introduce feedback from measured signals ym .
An observer is to be designed using the known inputs u, measured outputs
ym , and the non-linear process model x = f (x, u) given by Eq. (8.1). In the ob-
server, the observed states are called x
and the dynamics of x are described by
the non-linear system dynamics f ( x, u) together with feedback from the differ-
ence between the measured signals ym and the modeled measurement signals y.
The observer structure used in this chapter is thus:

= f (
x x, u) (ym y)
x, u) + K(
y = g(
x, u)

As the estimation error ym y is amplified through K, a compromise is required

as a high K means that the observer relies more on the measurements and the
noise that comes with the measurements. A low K on the other hand means
that the observer relies more on the model but also on the model errors.

8.2 Observer Design

As K is a compromise between relying on the model or on the measurements,
the next step is to investigate the quality of the model and the measurements
over the operating region of the engine. When studying the quality of the model
it is clear that the model errors, shown in Figure 6.24, are not equal over the
entire operating region. Further, the level of noise on the measured signals used
for observer feedback also depends on the operating point. Thus, it is desirable
to have different observer gains depending on the operating point.
A challenge when several gains are to be designed over the entire operating
region is that there is a large number of gains to determine. A simple example is
given to illustrate that it is not reasonable to manually determine all the gains.
Assume that there are thirteen states, two feedback signals, and the gains are
determined in 50 operating points (10 speeds and 5 different intake manifold
pressures for each speed). Then there are 2 50 13 = 1300 gains to calculate!
It would be too time-consuming to manually compute all these and therefore,
a systematic design method that can be automatized is necessary.

8.2.1 Design Method Selection

For observers based on linear models there is an abundance of design methods
to choose from. However, the model that forms the base of the observer is
non-linear. Therefore, a variant of the constant gain extended Kalman filter
(CGEKF) is chosen for observer design. It is a design method for non-linear
systems presented in Safanov and Athans (1978) that has been used by several
references for pressure and temperature observers (Jensen et al., 1997; Maloney
and Olin, 1998). The method is chosen as the resulting feedback gain is a
8.2. Observer Design 155

weighing between only two design inputs Q and R, which describe the accuracy
of the model and the measurements respectively. The design is performed in
points spread across the operating region of the engine to take the varying
process dynamics, varying quality of the model, and varying quality of the
measurements into account.

8.2.2 Design Overview

Necessary inputs when designing an observer according to the CGEKF metho-
dology are:
1. A non-linear plant model.
2. Measured signal(s) for observer feedback.
3. A description of the process noise variance Q (model uncertainty).
4. A description of the variance of the measured signal(s) noise R (measure-
ment uncertainty).
The method uses theory for the linear stationary Kalman filter to determine the
feedback gain K. In order to produce an optimal Kalman filter the process noise
and the measurement noise have to be additive, white, and gaussian. In practical
applications the noises Q and R are often considered as design parameters as Q
and R seldom are additive, white, and gaussian. In this application Q and R are
not known and it is also not known whether they are white and gaussian. Thus,
they are treated as design parameters that describe the quality or uncertainty
of the model and the measurements. In the following text, Q is referred to
as model uncertainty and R as measurement uncertainty. In Section 8.2.5 and
Section 8.2.6, a method is developed to systematically assign values to them
over the operating region of TC SI-engines.
The observer design starts by selecting signals for observer feedback, which
is described in Section 8.2.3. When signals for observer feedback have been
determined, the proposed systematic method is applied to determine the design
parameters model- and measurement uncertainty. Then the observer gains are
determined for each design point. A design point is here determined by the
engine speed, air-mass flow, and the pressure before the throttle. In Section 8.2.4
the selection of design points are described. Given a design point, the gain
calculation can be summarized as:
1. Find the stationary point of the model in the design point. The station-
ary point is defined by values of the states x0 and inputs u0 such that
f (x0 , u0 ) = 0. See Section 8.2.4 for more details.
2. Linearize the model in the stationary point (x0 , u0 ), see Section 8.2.4.
3. Determine the observer design parameters Q (model uncertainty) and R
(measurement uncertainty) using the systematic method described in Sec-
tion 8.2.5 and Section 8.2.6.
156 Chapter 8. Air-System Observer Design

4. Design the feedback gains, see Section 8.2.8.

5. Store the calculated feedback gains in a look up table.

8.2.3 Observer Feedback Selection

As the system is locally structural observable from an arbitrarily measured state
according to Chapter 7, this design method can be applied to a wide variety
of measurement signals. To illustrate the observer design in this chapter two
pressure signals are chosen for observer feedback: Intake manifold pressure and
pressure before the throttle. These signals are chosen as they are measured
using fast sensors and are available on most production engines. If for example
a temperature would have been considered for observer feedback, then the model
have had to be augmented with sensor dynamics as the temperature sensors are
considerably slower than the system dynamics. Further, on the engine in the
research laboratory there are several additional sensors available that could be
used for observer feedback. One can then argue that all available sensors should
be used, but this will conceal one of the observer advantages of estimating non-
measured states or signals. In addition, the automotive industry is very cost
sensitive and every extra sensor increases the cost of the engine.

8.2.4 Design Point Selection and Model Linearization

The observer design is carried out in stationary points determined by design
points. The design points should be chosen in such way that they reflect the
non-linear dynamics of the model and describe the input u0 of the model nec-
essary to determine the stationary point x0 . As the model consists of control
volumes, whose dynamics depend on the air-mass flows; it is natural to choose
the linearization points across the range of air-mass flow through the engine.
The air-mass flow is basically determined by multiplying the engine speed N
by the intake manifold pressure pim . An excellent candidate to describe the de-
sign points is therefore an engine map as it is commonly measured for different
engine speeds and different intake manifold pressures. The engine map is also
used when the engine model is tuned and/or validated.
In the engine map all necessary inputs in u0 are measured except for the
wastegate angle. However, as the air-mass flow is used to describe the design
point, the measured throttle angle can not be used due to small throttle model
errors. Instead, the throttle angle and wastegate setting will be determined by
simulating the model as described in the stationary validation in Section 6.10.1.
Two controllers are used to determine the stationary point: one faster that
governs the air-mass flow by adjusting the throttle angle and a second slower
controller that governs the wastegate setting to achieve the same pressure before
the throttle as in the measurements. The process of determining the stationary
point can be summarized as:
8.2. Observer Design 157

1. Read the current design point from the engine map, that is the following
values: N, Wa , pic

2. Determine the stationary point (x0 , u0 ) by controlling the system to the

design point in terms of N, Wa , pic .

3. Store the resulting design point (x0 , u0 ) in a table for later use in the

Repeat the process for all remaining entries in the engine map.

Model Linearization
The stationary point of the model were determined in the previous section and
stored in a table according to step 3. Now, for every stationary point (x0 , u0 ),
the model is linearized:

A = fx (x0 , u0 ) B = fu (x0 , u0 )
C = gx (x0 , u0 ) D = gu (x0 , u0 )

Above, the notation fx (x0 , u0 ) refers to the Jacobian of f (x, u) with respect to
the states x evaluated in (x0 , u0 ). The linearized model is in Section 8.2.8 when
the Kalman gains are determined.

8.2.5 Measurement Uncertainty R

The purpose of the measurement uncertainty R is to describe the deviations
from the desired measurement and here only measurements from the physical
process will be used when R is determined; that is the measurement uncertainty
is independent of the process model. The measurement uncertainty should be
determined in the design points where the desired measured signal would be the
mean value of the signal. However, in practice there are disturbances caused by
non-modeled effects, electrical disturbances, and so on. Therefore, all deviations
from the measured mean value of the signals are considered as measurement
uncertainty R. To measure the deviations from the mean value of the measured
signal, the variance of the signal is used. In practice, this requires that the
engine map is extended with the variance of the signals considered for observer
feedback in each design point. That is calculate and store the variance of the
signals in each design point in addition to the mean values of the measured
signals. Note that it is sufficient to have the variance for the signals that will
be used in the feedback.
An example of this measurement uncertainty definition is shown in Fig-
ure 8.2. Here the non-modeled engine pumpings in the intake manifold pressure
signal are considered as measurement uncertainty. As the data is sampled, the
158 Chapter 8. Air-System Observer Design

x 10 Measurement Uncertainty R
Deviations from mean value are considered
as measurement uncertainty


Pressure [Pa]






8 Measured
3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8
Time [s]

Figure 8.2: The measurement uncertainty R describes deviations from the desired measure-
ment which is the mean value. The measurements are considered as independent of the process
and here the measurement uncertainty R is defined as the variance of the measured signal.
The variances of the measured signals are preferably stored during the engine mapping.

measurement uncertainty can be calculated from measurements as:

1 X 2
Ri = y measi ymeasi [n]
N 1 n=1

where i is the i:th measured signal. The uncertainties of the measured signals
are assumed to be independent, which results in a diagonal R matrix.
Further, the matrix R must be positive definite and therefore the elements
are bounded from below to make sure that the matrix is not singular. The
threshold is individually set for each signal to one of the lower measured values.
Examples of thresholds used are: Rpim 2 105 and Rpic 104 .

8.2.6 Model Uncertainty Q

The objective is to find a description of the models uncertainty, and the basic
idea is to use the design points to extract this information. By assuming that
there are no sensor biases, which is reasonable when calibrated sensors are used,
a simple and straightforward method to assess the model uncertainty is to use
the stationary model error. For each design point, the stationary value of the
modeled state i is xstatei and the value of the measured state i is xmeasi . The
model uncertainty Qi is then defined as:
Qi = (xmeasi xstatei )
This error was also calculated in the stationary model validation in Section 6.10.1.
Thus, Q is diagonal as no knowledge of dependencies of other model equations
8.2. Observer Design 159

Model error [MPa2] Simulated (model) [kPa]

Measured vs. Simulated Intake Manifold Pressure


0 50 100 150 200
Measured (mapped) [kPa]
Model Uncertainty Q


0 50 100 150 200
Measured (mapped) [kPa]

Figure 8.3: An example illustrating how the model uncertainty parameter is determined
for stationary operating points. Top: Here the measured intake manifold pressure and the
modeled intake manifold pressure is shown. Bottom: The resulting model uncertainty Qpim =
(pim meas pim )2 is shown.

are present. If a description of dependencies between model uncertainty in the

equations is available, then it can be easily included in the framework.
Using this definition the model quality is reflected in the selected operating
points and an illustration of this model uncertainty definition for the intake
manifold pressure is shown in Figure 8.3.

8.2.7 Alternative Measures of the Model and Measure-

ment Uncertainty Definitions
Several other methods to estimate the covariance matrices Q and R have been
proposed in the literature and here two methods are mentioned. None of these
methods have been tested as the proposed method gave good results.
In Jensen et al. (1997) Q is also set diagonal, but instead of using the
model error as model uncertainty the power of the pumpings in e.g. the intake
manifold pressure where used as Qpim . They used the measured noise on the
sensor signals when the engine is not running, but the electronics is switched
on, as measurement uncertainty.
Chevalier et al. (2000) develop a predicting observer for a NA-engine is
developed. There the process noise is estimated using a different structure of Q
where also some of the off-diagonal elements are non-zero with good results.
Another method is proposed in Bos et al. (2005) that does not rely on
known covariance information. There, measured data is also used to estimate
the covariance matrices based on an estimated autocovariance of the measured
160 Chapter 8. Air-System Observer Design

8.2.8 Observer Gain Calculation and Gain Switching

Now there exists a linearized model, a method to determine the design param-
eters Q and R, which mean that the stationary Kalman gain K in the design
point can be calculated (Levine, 1996, p. 608).

K = P CR1 (8.2)

P is the stationary error covariance matrix, which is determined by solving an

algebraic Riccatti equation (Levine, 1996, p. 608).

P = 0 = AP + P AT P C T R1 CP + Q

Observer feedback gains can now be pre-computed offline for each design
point given by the engine map. Later, when the observer is run, a simple table
look-up of the closest feedback gain is used. Look-up keys in the gain switch-
ing are engine speed and intake manifold pressure, as these two are important
parameters for the system dynamics.

8.2.9 Stability Investigations

It is hard to prove stability of extended Kalman filters especially for high or-
der systems. Instead, two other tests are performed. First an observer non-
divergence test is made and then extensive tests using measured data. The
non-divergence test is presented for CGEKF in Safanov and Athans (1978).
Non-divergence means that a mean-square bounded disturbance produces a
mean-square bounded estimate error. The non-divergence test was applied as in
Safanov and Athans (1978) in all design points and the conditions were satisfied.
The second stability test is more pragmatic than stringent: Extensive testing
using different operating conditions. Here 20 different step response experiments
were tested; they were 16 steps in throttle, 2 steps in engine speed, and 2 steps
in wastegate setting. In neither of the cases did the observer diverge which
indicates that the system is stable. Further it has not diverged during real-time
tests either, which gives additional support to the stability of the observer.

8.2.10 Discussion of Design Choices

Here the extended Kalman filter theory is used to design the observer gains. The
Kalman theory requires that the noise intensities (uncertainties) of the model
Q and measurements R originate from additive white gaussian noise processes.
To identify the corresponding values of Q and R, according to the theory, would
require substantial more effort. Here two of the objectives are ease of use and
that it should be easy to obtain the necessary inputs for the observer design.
The proposed method to select the model and measurement uncertainties is not
aimed at being general; instead it is customized for the use in TC SI-engines.
Using the proposed definitions of model and measurement uncertainties, it is
8.3. Design Example 161

sufficient to use an engine map that has been extended with the variance of
the measurement signals that are considered for observer feedback. This design
choice is supported by the fact that it has been tested on two different engines
and no manual tuning of the resulting gains has been necessary, which supports
that the method as suitable for its purpose.
Below, an example is given that shows a potential drawback of the proposed
method to select the model uncertainty. In models where the state equations
have strong dependencies on surrounding states, the use of a diagonal Q causes
the selected uncertainty measure to propagate errors in one state equation to the
surrounding equations. This is illustrated in the following synthetic example,
where there is no error in the x1 state equation but there may be an error
present in the x2 state equation:
x 1 = x1 + k1 x2
x 2 = (k2 + k2 )x2 + u
Given that there
 is nomodel error, i.e. k2 = 0, the stationary point will be
u0 and x0 = k2 u0 , uk20 . When the model error k2 is non-zero the stationary

point will be:

k1 1
u = u0 , x0k2 = u0 , u0
k2 + k2 k2 + k2
Using the definition of the design parameter model uncertainty Q, this is defined

  2 u20 k22
q11 0 k 0
1 k22 (k2 +k2 )2
Q = diag(x0 x0k2 )2 = u20 k22
0 q22 0 k2 (k2 +k2 )2

An important observation is that the error in the x2 state equation propagates

to the first state x1 as q11 = k12 q22 and if |k1 | > 1, the error is amplified!
Fortunately this effect is reduced, in this engine application, as the design points
are selected in such manner that the air-mass flow is the same as measured
through the model and the pressure before the throttle is close to measured
for all points were the wastegate is opened. This means that the effect of
error propagation is most pronounced for low engine loads. The basic design
proposed above has produced good designs for the feedback gain for the two
engines investigated here. However, as the discussion above highlights, there are
no guarantees for receiving good designs for all cases and systems. Therefore,
as a fall back solution, if the results is not satisfying after the basic design, there
is always the possibility to manually fine tune the gains.

8.3 Design Example

The method to select the design parameters Q and R has been applied to design
an observer given the two signals that were selected for observer feedback in
162 Chapter 8. Air-System Observer Design

Section 8.2.3, the pressure after the intercooler and the intake manifold pressure.
Given these signals, the observer gains were determined in 67 design points
spread across the operating region of the engine.
First properties of some selected feedback gains are discussed followed by an
observer evaluation using measured engine data. The evaluation shows how the
observer estimates the necessary states in the CAC model and as an example
estimates of the not normally measured turbocharger speed is shown.

8.3.1 Resulting Feedback Gains

As there are 13 states and 2 feedback signals there are 26 feedback gains for
each of the 67 design points. Four different gains have been selected to illustrate
that the design method achieves a weighing between model uncertainty and
measurement uncertainty. In Figure 8.4 these gains are shown and a description
of what the figure shows is given below:

Feedback gains from measured pic to pic and pim In the top left corner
of Figure 8.4, it can be seen that the gain is initially increasing for air-
mass flows up to 40 g/s and then stabilize at a lower level. Recall that
the model uncertainty in the intercooler pressure state is higher for low
air-mass flows, which was seen in Figure 6.24. For low air-mass flows,
the measured pic shows low measurement uncertainty. The combination
of model and measurement uncertainty results in high feedback gains to
the pic state itself for low air-mass flows. For higher air-mass flows, above
40 g/s the model uncertainty is lower as the wastegate opens; the observer
therefore relies more on the model and as a result the gain stabilizes at a
lower level. Also, the feedback from pic do influence pim through the cross
coupling to the pim state. This is shown in the bottom left corner, where
the feedback from pic to pim increases for mass-flows up to 40 g/s as the
model quality is less good for these low mass-flows where the wastegate is

Feedback gains from measured pim to pim Measured pim is subjected to

more pumping fluctuations compared to the measured pic , which results
in lower feedback gains compared to the feedback gains from pic (top

Feedback gains from measured pic to tc In the bottom right corner it is

shown how the measured pic is used to improve other states that is not
directly related to the measured signal such as the turbocharger speed.

With the proposed method to determine the model and measurement uncer-
tainty, the resulting observer feedback gains can be applied without any manual
tuning. This is not always the case, Jensen et al. (1997) reports that using a
different definition of model Q and measurement uncertainties R the resulting
observer gains had to be manually reduced.
8.3. Design Example 163

Feedback Gain from p to p Feedback Gain from p to p

ic ic im im
meas meas
100 1.5

Gain []

Gain []


0 0
0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150
Air mass flow [g/s] Air mass flow [g/s]

Feedback Gain from pic to pim Feedback Gain from pic to tc

meas meas
100 1.5

Gain []

Gain []



0 0
0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150
Air mass flow [g/s] Air mass flow [g/s]

Figure 8.4: Four feedback gains have been selected to illustrate how the resulting gains reflect
the weighing of model and measurement uncertainty for the design example. The gains are
shown as a function of air-mass flow. Top left: The gain from measured pic is higher for
mass-flows less than 40 g/s where the model errors are larger. Top right: The gain from
measured intake manifold pressure is lower as the measured signal pimmeas is noisier than
picmeas . Bottom left: Here the coupling between feedback signals and other states is shown.
The observer tries to increase intake manifold pressure when the estimated pressure after
the intercooler is too low. Bottom right: Here it is shown how the observer uses pressure
measurements to improve the turbocharger speed state estimate.
164 Chapter 8. Air-System Observer Design

8.3.2 Evaluation using Measured Data

Measured data from a turbocharged SAAB 95 -engine (B235R) is used to test the
observer. The measurement setup is described in Appendix E. The evaluation
focuses on states that are important for CAC estimation.
To show that the introduction of feedback improves state estimates, it is first
tested using the same step in throttle position at 1800 RPM, which was used
in Figure 8.1. The results using the observer is shown in Figure 8.5. It is clear
that the models noise attenuation property for pic , pim , and pem is preserved.
In addition, the observer is able to reduce the stationary errors of the exhaust
manifold pressure, turbocharger speed, and pressure before the throttle very
well compared to the open loop simulation (model). However, the observer is
not able to fully eliminate the stationary error for low intake manifold pressures.

Feedback and Stationary Errors in the Presence of Model Errors

In the previous example, it was seen that even though feedback was used from
the measured intake manifold pressure, a small stationary error remained. One
of the causes is that there are model errors that introduce biases in the state
estimates. This effect was described in Section 3.3.2. If it is crucial to reach
stationary correct values a remedy is suggested in Chapter 3 where the model
is augmented with an additional state that e.g. scales a parameter in the CAC
model. In this way it was possible to cancel stationary errors in the pim state
that also was measured.

8.4 Stationary Non Stationary Observer

The suggested observer is based on the assumption that a stationary Kalman
filter is sufficient. To verify this assumption, a non-stationary Kalman was im-
plemented. First the resulting gains and then the state estimates are compared
to the stationary Kalman filter.
The observer gain K is a function of (P, R), see Eq. (8.2), and thus to
implement the non-stationary filter it is necessary to determine (P, R) in run-
time. The dynamics of the error covariance P is (Levine, 1996, p. 608):

P = AP + P AT P C T R1 CP + Q (8.3)

Measurements of the state uncertainty Q and the measurement uncertainty R

exist only for discrete points described by an engine map. Therefore these were
assumed to be the nearest of the known given by the engine map. Here nearest
means the closest point in terms of intake manifold pressure and engine speed,
like in the selection of stationary gain. The A and C matrices are however
determined by linearizing the system in the current operating point.
For comparison, the stationary and non-stationary filters were designed with
feedback from measured intake manifold pressure and pressure after the inter-
8.4. Stationary Non Stationary Observer 165

Intake Manifold Pressure p Intake Manifold Temperature Tim


120 315

Temperature [K]
Pressure [kPa]

Excellent noise 305 Model captures
80 reduction temperature dyn.

60 295

4 6 8 4 6 8

Exhaust Manifold Pressure p Intercooler Pressure p

em ic

130 140
Pressure [kPa]

Pressure [kPa]

120 130

4 6 8 4 6 8
Time [s] Time [s]

Turbocharger Speed TC

9000 Measured
8000 Observed
Speed [rad/s]





3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Time [s]

Figure 8.5: Observed and measured states during a throttle tip-in at constant engine speed
of 1800 RPM. Note that the legend shown in the bottom plot applies to all plots. Top left:
The observer reduces pumping noise. Top right: The intake manifold temperature is only
slightly improved as the model lacks heat transfer to the gas in the intake manifold. Center:
The observer reduces the stationary errors in pem and pic . Here the measured pem has been
zero-phase low pass filtered to improve clarity. Compare it to Figure 8.1. Bottom: Observed
turbocharger speed TC is very close to the measured compared to the open loop simulation.
166 Chapter 8. Air-System Observer Design

Feedback Gain pic to pic Feedback Gain from p to pim

meas meas

100 Nonstationary


Gain []

Gain []


20 0.1

0 0
4 6 8 10 4 6 8 10
Time [s] Time [s]

Figure 8.6: Kalman feedback gains for the stationary and non-stationary Kalman filter during
a throttle transient at constant speed. When the non-stationary observer feedback gains have
converged, they are in the same magnitude as the stationary feedback gain.

cooler, which is the same as used in the previous design example. The filters
are evaluated using a step in throttle at constant speed.
First, selected feedback gains from the stationary and non-stationary Kal-
man-filters are discussed. Selected feedback gains are: the gain from measured
intake manifold pressure to the intake manifold pressure state and the feedback
gain from measured pressure after the intercooler to the intercooler pressure
state. These gains are shown in Figure 8.6. At a first glance, it may seem
like that there are large differences in feedback gains for the pressure after the
intercooler state, but the gains converge to values close to the stationary in
a few seconds. It can be seen that the non-stationary Kalman gains change
like step responses when the stationary feedback gain switches. This as the
measurement and state uncertainties only are available for discrete operating
points given by the engine map. When the stationary observer switches to
another feedback gain, the non-stationary observer starts to use different model
and measurement uncertainties that influence the resulting feedback gain. In
addition, the gains for the non-stationary filter did not converge to the same
value as the stationary gains as the system is not linearized in the same operating
points. The stationary filter is linearized in discrete points given by the engine
map while the non-stationary system is linearized in the current operating point
that results in a slightly different A-matrix. As the A-matrix is differs the
resulting feedback gain Knon stat will be different from Kstat which is seen in
Figure 8.6.
Second, hardly any differences are visible in the state estimates, shown in
8.5. Using Different Signals for Observer Feedback 167

the top of Figure 8.7. Therefore, the differences between them are shown at
the bottom of the figure. For the pressure after the intercooler, the maximum
pressure difference is less than 1.5%. The maximum difference between the
intake manifold pressure state estimates is less than 2.5%. As the differences
between the stationary and non-stationary Kalman filter are small this is good
motivation for the assumption of stationary error covariance P .

8.5 Using Different Signals for Observer Feed-

One advantage of the mean value engine model used is that it includes a de-
scription of both the intake and the exhaust side, which enables a wide variety
of signals to be used for observer feedback. This property is being used here,
where three combinations of different observer feedbacks are tested with three
different applications in mind. The applications are described and motivated

pic , pim A standard configuration were two commonly available pressure sen-
sors are used for observer feedback.

pim This setup is shown to indicate that the observer can be used for diagnosis
of in this case pic . For diagnosis it is necessary to create redundant infor-
mation that does not rely on the signals that should be diagnosed. Here
the observer estimates the pressure after the intercooler pic only using
feedback from measured intake manifold pressure.

TC This example shows how the turbocharger speed, which is a not normally
measured signal, can be used to improve both the port air-mass flow and
estimated pressures.

Three different test cases are used: A modest throttle transient at 2500 RPM,
a large throttle transient at 2000 RPM, and an engine speed transient at part
load. Results of the different feedback combinations are shown for each test
case in Figure 8.8, Figure 8.9, and Figure 8.10. The results for each observer
are summarized below:

The standard configuration with feedback from pic and pim estimates the
pressures, air-mass flows, and also the turbocharger speed well for all test

To diagnose sensors it is necessary to provide redundant information. Us-

ing only the measured intake manifold pressure for observer feedback, it
can be seen in Figure 8.9 that the observer estimates pic accurately for
168 Chapter 8. Air-System Observer Design

x 10Pressure after Intercooler x 10Intake Manifold Pressure

5 4


1.4 11

Pressure [Pa]

Pressure [Pa]

1.2 8

1.15 Stationary 7
1.1 Nonstationary

1 5
4 6 8 10 4 6 8 10
Time [s] Time [s]

Pressure Difference after Intercooler Intake Manifold Pressure Difference

500 800


0 400

Pressure [Pa]

Pressure [Pa]

500 0


1000 400


1500 800


2000 1200
4 6 8 10 4 6 8 10
Time [s] Time [s]

Figure 8.7: State estimates compared from a stationary and non-stationary Kalman filter
during a throttle transient at constant speed. The legend in the top left also applies to the
top right plot. There are no differences that can be detected by visual inspection between
the state estimates provided by the stationary and non-stationary observer. Bottom: State
estimate differences between stationary and non-stationary. During the transients there are
small differences of less than 2.5%.
8.5. Using Different Signals for Observer Feedback 169

higher loads. For lower loads, such as in Figure 8.8 and the speed tran-
sient in Figure 8.10 the feedback from measured intake manifold pressure
alone is insufficient to create accurate estimates of pic and also of TC .
This indicates that when the observer is to be used for diagnosis it is
necessary to select an operating region where the observer gives accurate
estimates. Here the observer can be used to create redundant information
for diagnosis of, in this case, the pressure after the intercooler sensor for
conditions such as in Figure 8.9.

When the turbocharger speed is used for observer feedback, it gives a

nice illustration of how the observer is able to extract information of the
system state from a normally non-measured signal. However, during the
engine speed transient, it makes a slight overestimate of the pressure after
the intercooler, the intake manifold pressure, and of the the turbocharger
speed itself.

In addition, it can be seen that using any of the observers, the estimated air-
mass flow at the air-filter is close to the measured. This indicates that it might
be possible to replace the air-mass flow sensor by the observer and thereby
achieve a cost reduction. The port air-mass flow estimates Wcyl are also close
to each other regardless of observer feedback. For stationary conditions, Wcyl
can be compared to the measured Waf and it can be seen that the difference
between them are small. This shows that the observers estimate CAC well.
170 Chapter 8. Air-System Observer Design

4 p 5 p
im ic
x 10 x 10
12 1.4

10 1.3
Pressure [Pa]

Pressure [Pa]
8 1.2

6 1.1

4 1

2 0.9
3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6

Waf Wcyl
Massflow [kg/s]

Massflow [kg/s]

0.04 0.04

0.03 0.03

0.02 0.02

0.01 0.01

0 0
3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6

pic & pim
Speed [rad/s]

No feedb.

3 4 5 6
Time [s]

Figure 8.8: A modest throttle transient at a constant speed of 2500 RPM. The legend applies
to all plots. In this case the intake manifold pressure alone is not sufficient to describe neither
the turbocharger speed TC nor the pic accurately.
8.5. Using Different Signals for Observer Feedback 171

5 p 5 p
im ic
x 10 x 10
2.5 2.5

Pressure [Pa]

Pressure [Pa]

0 0.5
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

af cyl
Massflow [kg/s]

Massflow [kg/s]

0.08 0.08

0.06 0.06

0.04 0.04

0.02 0.02

0 0
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

4 tc
x 10
1 pic & pim
Speed [rad/s]

0.5 im
0 No feedb.

1 2 3 4 5
Time [s]

Figure 8.9: A large throttle transient at a constant speed of 2000 RPM. The legend applies
to all plots. All tested signals are well described regardless of observer feedback.
172 Chapter 8. Air-System Observer Design

4 p 5 p
im ic
x 10 x 10
10 1.2

9 pim
Pressure [Pa]

Pressure [Pa]
7 No fb.

5 1
2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8

Waf Wcyl
0.03 0.03
Massflow [kg/s]

Massflow [kg/s]

0.02 Meas. 0.02

pic & pim
0.01 im 0.01

No feedb.
0 0
2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8

Engine Speed
7000 2600

Speed [rad/s]

Speed [RPM]


3000 1600
2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8
Time [s] Time [s]

Figure 8.10: An engine speed transient at part load. The legend applies to all plots. Here it
can be seen that the observer relying only on the intake manifold pressure feedback is not able
to accurately describe neither the turbocharger speed nor the pressure after the intercooler.
For the other cases the observer dynamics is correct but there are stationary biases in pic
when pim or TC are used for observer feedback.
8.6. Results 173

8.6 Results
A systematic and automatic method is proposed for a basic TC SI observer
design. The observer relies on a mean value engine model and the observer is
designed using the CGEKF framework. Here the contribution is a systematic
method to select the design parameters model and measurement uncertainty for
the CGEKF framework.
The purpose of the model uncertainty is to describe the accuracy of the
model in each design point. Here the stationary error of the model in each design
point is used to quantify the model uncertainty. The measurement uncertainty
is given by the variance of the measured signals that are considered for observer
feedback. As input to the design method, it is sufficient to supply an engine map
that has been extended with the variance of the signals considered for observer
feedback. A benefit of the proposed design parameter selection method is that
the resulting CGEKF gains can be applied without any manual tuning. Thus
the method results in a good basic observer design.
Design examples are used to illustrate the benefits of the observer. It is
shown how the observer is suitable for its primary objective of estimating air-
mass flow to the cylinder for air/fuel ratio control as it provides excellent noise
suppression and does not introduce a large phase shift. Other possible applica-
tions are:

Estimate non-measured signals such as for example turbocharger speed,

exhaust manifold pressure, and port air-mass flow.

Diagnosis of sensors as it can observe signals that also can be measured.

Here it has been illustrated how the observer can estimate the pressure
after the intercooler using only feedback from measured intake manifold
pressure. Thus it creates redundant information that is necessary for

Reduction of sensors as measured signals can be replaced by observed

values. In several different observer designs, it is shown how the air-mass
flow at the air-filter can be accurately estimated. This indicates that the
air-mass flow sensor can be replaced by observed values.
174 Chapter 8. Air-System Observer Design

Observer Based Feedforward

Air-Fuel Ratio Control

In spark ignited (SI) engines it is essential to provide accurate air-fuel ratio

control to successfully reduce emissions using a three way catalyst (Heywood,
1988; Bauer et al., 1996; Kiencke and Nielsen, 2000; Mondt, 2000). As the
desired air is basically determined by the driver through the accelerator pedal
the attention is given to the fuel. The mass of injected fuel is determined
by the opening time of the fuel injectors. An Electronic Control Unit (ECU)
determines the injection time by estimating the air-mass (CAC) in the cylinder
at intake valve closing. Therefore, precise cylinder air charge estimates are
crucial for accurate air-fuel ratio control. An air charge estimation challenge
in TC engines is that both intake and exhaust systems are coupled through the
turbo. More details on this were given in Chapter 4 where it was shown that
CAC estimates are improved when the exhaust manifold pressure is included.
In the proposed CAC model, Eq. (9.1), the coupling between the intake- and
exhaust side is represented by the pressure ratio dependent term ppem

pim C1 Vd rc pem e
CAC =   (9.1)

1+ A1
(rc 1) Rim Tim C2 1
( F )s

The cylinder air charge (CAC) estimates thus depend on the following signals:
pim , Tim , pem , and . However, as only stoichiometric operation is considered
in this chapter, can be regarded as a constant.

176 Chapter 9. Observer Based Feedforward Air-Fuel Ratio Control

Cylinder air charge estimation using Eq. (9.1) poses several challenges:

The intake manifold pressure pim is subjected to noise as seen in Figure 9.1.
Most of the noise originates from the deterministic engine pumpings which
can be suppressed by a filter with a cut-off frequency selected in such
way that the pumpings are suppressed at idle. A side-effect is the non-
negligible filter lag which in the example in Figure 9.1 results in a more
than 5% error in the CAC estimate.

The intake manifold temperature can be measured using a sensor, but

temperature sensors dynamics is so slow that they miss the 5% to 10%
temperature transient. This is illustrated in the bottom of Figure 2.3.

CAC depends on exhaust backpressure as shown in Chapter 4 but the

exhaust manifold pressure is not normally measured due to the harsh
conditions on the exhaust side and thus has to be estimated.

To achieve low hydrocarbon emissions the injection has to be finished

around intake valve opening. That is, the CAC at intake valve closing has
to be predicted more than half a revolution in advance.

x 10 Measured Intake Manifold Pressure
10 Mean value
Pressure [Pa]

Filtered signal lags the
8 5% Deviations from mean value significantly
mean value in and the filter introduces a
7 measured signal more than 5% error during
the transients!
4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8

Intake Manifold Temperature

Temperature [K]



Sensor is too slow for the fast temperature dynamics


4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8

Time [s]

Figure 9.1: Rapid tip-in at a constant speed of 1800 RPM. Top: Measured intake manifold
pressure is subjected to noise caused by engine pumping and electronics. Noise attenuation
using a causal filter results in a significant lag compared to the mean-value. Bottom: Measured
and modeled intake manifold temperature during the transient. As the sensor has a time
constant of approximately 20 seconds, it misses the fast temperature rise captured by the

To illustrate the importance of prediction an example is given of how large

errors in that can be expected if no prediction is made.

Example 9.1
Assume that the necessary prediction time is the sum of the following events:
The induction stroke corresponds to half a revolution.
The time to inject the fuel is between one millisecond and up to fully open
injectors. Typical injections last a few milliseconds.
The time necessary to calculate the fuel injection time.
Communication delays are present when the computations are performed
on external hardware.
This sums up to approximately the time of one revolution.

In Figure 9.2, a measured step in throttle at constant speed shows that the
expected error in is approximately 15%. Here ideal prediction was simulated
by translating the modeled port air-mass flow in time corresponding to the time
of one revolution. By taking the ratio of the curves, an estimate of the expected
error in is available.
Cylinder Air Charge (CAC)
CAC [mg]

300 CAC
CAC delayed one revolution
4.3 4.35 4.4 4.45 4.5 4.55 4.6 4.65 4.7 4.75 4.8

Ratio Between Delayed CAC and the Current CAC


Change []



4.3 4.35 4.4 4.45 4.5 4.55 4.6 4.65 4.7 4.75 4.8
Time [s]

Figure 9.2: A measured step in throttle at constant engine speed 1800 RPM where the port
air mass flow (solid) is compared to a translated, corresponding to perfect prediction one
revolution ahead, port air-mass flow. The difference between the curves is the resulting error
if no prediction is used when the fuel mass is determined and in this case it would result in a
15% error in .

Thus for accurate air-fuel ratio control during transients it is necessary to

provide the following capabilities: filtering, estimation, and prediction. One
solution that provides the desired filtering, prediction and estimation of non-
measured signals are observers, which has been successfully used for CAC esti-
mation on naturally aspirated engines (Powell et al., 1998b; Choi and Hedrick,
1998). A good result using a predicting controller is presented in Chevalier
178 Chapter 9. Observer Based Feedforward Air-Fuel Ratio Control

Driver command alpha

In1 Out1 In1 Out1
p_im In2 Out
x_hat In Out
Out In Out In Out Out In Out In In
In2 Out2
In3 u

Airfilter Control Volume Compressor Control Volume
Airfilter Compressor
Intercooler Control Volume
Throttle Control Volume
Intake manifold



Turbine shaft CAC


Feedforward controller

Out1 Out1 In1

In Out In
In Out In In1
Out Out2 In2 Out In Out
Exhaust Control Volume Turbine and Engine,
m_fuel In2
system Exhaust system wastegate Control Volume combustion
Exhaust manifold
Observed system Injection
Measured lambda

Feedback controller

Figure 9.3: An overview of a turbocharged SI-engine where the couplings between the intake
and exhaust side are explicitly shown through the connecting shaft and the cylinder air charge
(CAC). The observer estimates an initial condition to the predictor which estimates the system
state one revolution ahead. The predicted state is used to estimate CAC (feedforward).
Measured air-fuel ratio is used as feedback to remove stationary errors. In the figure the
letters CV means control volume, which represents a volume that connects two components.
The control volume have states for pressure and temperature.

et al. (2000) for NA engines. But here turbocharged (TC) engines are consid-
ered, which have a more complex air-system where the turbocharger connects
the intake side to the exhaust side through the turbine shaft and the CAC has
a dependency on the exhaust back-pressure. Therefore, a more sophisticated
controller, and observer, is necessary.
For TC-engines, a traditional control structure is suggested, with one feedfor-
ward part for transient control and one slower feedback controller. The feedback
controller maintains = 1 at stationary conditions using a PI-controller with
feedback from a wide-band oxygen-sensor. This chapter focuses on design of
the advanced feedforward controller that predicts CAC at intake valve closing.
An overview of the controller is shown in Figure 9.3.

9.1 Model of the System Dynamics

A description of the system dynamics is necessary for the feedforward controller
to estimate the behavior during rapid transients. Here the system dynamics is
described by a mean value engine model of the intake and exhaust system. The
modeling methodology of restrictions in series with adiabatic control volumes
is applied; see Chapter 6 for a full description of the model.
In the model there are thirteen states and the state derivatives are described
by nonlinear functions of states and inputs, see Eq. (9.2). Inputs to the model
are: Throttle plate angle , engine speed N , wastegate opening uwg , normal-
ized air-fuel ratio , and ambient conditions (pressure pa and temperature Ta ).
Outputs are states and signals that can be derived from the estimated states
such as air-mass flows. A summary of the model equations is given in Eq. (9.2).
9.2. Air-Fuel Ratio Controller Design 179

Please consult Appendix A for more nomenclature details.

paf fpaf (paf , Taf , pcomp , TC , pa , Ta )
Taf fTaf (paf , Taf , pcomp , TC , pa , Ta )

pcomp fpcomp (paf , Taf , pcomp , Tcomp , pic , TC )

Tcomp fTcomp (paf , Taf , pcomp , Tcomp , pic , TC )

pic fpic (pcomp , Tcomp , pic , Tic , pim , )

fTic (pcomp , Tcomp , pic , Tic , pim , )

pim fpim (pic , Tic , Tim , pim , pem , N, , )
= (9.2)
fTim (pic , Tic , Tim , pim , pem , N, , )

pem fpem (pim , Tim , pem , Tem , pt , N, , uwg , Ta )

fTem (pim , Tim , pem , Tem , pt , N, , uwg , Ta )

pt fpt (pem , Tem , pt , Tt , TC , uwg , pa )

Tt fTt (pem , Tem , pt , Tt , TC , uwg , pa )
tc fTC (paf , Taf , pcomp , pem , Tem , pt , TC )
| {z } | {z }
x f (x,u)

9.2 Air-Fuel Ratio Controller Design

The control objective is to maintain the normalized air-fuel ratio close to one.
During transients, the challenge is the fast dynamics in the intake manifold
requiring prediction of the CAC as shown in Figure 9.2. Here the air-fuel ratio
control problem is partitioned into two parts, one feedforward controller to deal
with the fast transients and one feedback controller to cancel stationary errors,
see Figure 9.3. This division is standard in air-fuel ratio control (Guzzella, 1995;
Powell et al., 1998b; Chevalier et al., 2000).

9.2.1 Observer Based Predicting Feedforward Control

The CAC depends on three states: pim , Tim , and pem . For accurate CAC estima-
tion, it is necessary to predict or guess these states approximately one revolution
ahead. The prediction is implemented in two steps: First the system state is
estimated using an observer. A predictor then estimates the system states given
the observed state and an assumption of constant inputs during the prediction.
Using the predicted states, the future CAC can be estimated. Thus, the first
step is to design the state observer.

State Observer Design

An observer,
= f (
x x, u) + K (y g (
x, u))
with the measured outputs is y = g (x, u), is developed. As the observer objec-
tive is to estimate the current system state x
it is important to make sure that
the system is observable from the selected feedback signals. In Chapter 7 it
180 Chapter 9. Observer Based Feedforward Air-Fuel Ratio Control

alpha [deg]

lambda u
K(yg(x,u)) x

T_a f(x,u)+K(yg(x,u))


Multiply p_im [Pa] U(E) U

K(yg(x,u)) Pick p_im

p_ic, p_im Gain matrix
Measured feedback signals

pick measured states

U(E) U

Figure 9.4: A Simulink diagram of the implemented state observer.

is shown that the system is locally structurally observable using feedback from
arbitrary state(s). Therefore, the selection is based on which sensors that is
available. On the engine in the laboratory of Vehicular systems the following
sensors are available: Air-mass flow after the air filter, pressure in the intake
manifold, pressure before the throttle, and intake manifold temperature. Pres-
sure sensors are preferred for their fast dynamics and the following two sensors
are chosen as feedback sources: Pressure after the intercooler pic and intake
manifold pressure pim .

The observer gains are then generated offline using the systematic design
method in Chapter 8 and gain switching is then performed online to select a
pre-computed K. This means that the online computational power demand
is low. The gains were determined in 45 different stationary points for engine
speeds between 1200 RPM and 4700 RPM and intake manifold pressures be-
tween 40 kPa up to 160 kPa.

In Figure 9.4 a schematic of the implemented state observer is shown. Fur-

ther, Chapter 8 shows how this observer is able to reduce the noise in the intake
manifold pressure, estimate the intake manifold temperature, and estimate the
non-measured exhaust manifold pressure. Next, it is described how the esti-
mated states x
(t) are used in the predictor.
9.2. Air-Fuel Ratio Controller Design 181

Compression Expansion Exhaust Intake

180 deg 180 deg 180 deg 180 deg
Injection (duration can vary)
CAN transport (fix in time)
Fuel calculation (fix in time)

Figure 9.5: The duration of the injection depends on the inducted cylinder air charge. Pre-
diction is necessary as the injection has to be finished before the induction stroke starts. The
required prediction time is the sum of the injection time and the time for the fuel calculation
and in this case the transport delay on the CAN-bus.

Predictor Design
Prediction is implemented by simulating the dynamic system f (x, u) using a
numerical integration method.
Z tpred
(tpred ) =
x f (x, u(t0 ))dt

This type of problem is referred to an initial value problem (Ascher and Pet-
zold, 1998). To solve initial value problems (IVP), it is necessary to provide a
description of the system dynamics and initial values of the states. Here, the
system dynamics is described by Eq. (9.2) that also is used for the observer
and the initial state values are given by the observer. Also, the simulation re-
quires knowledge of future inputs but here this is replaced by setting the inputs
constant to the value at t0 . Next, the prediction end time tpred , integration
method, and integration step size are chosen.
First, the prediction horizon tpred has to be selected. It is determined by
the sum of the computation time, injection time, and the time of the intake
stroke. In the tests performed here the injection time is shorter than half a
revolution (between 3 and 12 ms), the intake stroke is half a revolution, and
the computation time 400 as the controller is run at 400 Hz. Additionally, in
this implementation the computations are performed on an external PC which
means that the transfer time over the CAN bus has to added. The PC sends the
calculated injection time with 400 Hz and the ECU reads the CAN-bus every
160 seconds. The timing diagram is shown in Figure 9.5 and the total prediction
time is:
1 60 1 1
tpred t0 = + + + tinj
2N 400 160
In Figure 9.6 the delays in the crank angle domain are shown for the injection,
computation, and transmission. As the injection time depends on the inducted
CAC which is not known means that the injection time is not known either.
One method is to iterate and solve for the prediction time or use a worst case
scenario based on the longest possible injection time. Instead a compromise is
made by taking a mean value of the minimum delay and maximum delay for the
182 Chapter 9. Observer Based Feedforward Air-Fuel Ratio Control

Injection Duration in Crankangle Domain

Duration [deg] 600



5000 15
4000 10
2000 5
Engine 1000 0
[RPM] t [ms]
Transport and Computational Delays

Duration [deg]





1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000
Engine Speed [RPM]

Figure 9.6: Crank angle duration of the injection and the computation and transmission
delays. For engine speeds between 1500 and 3000 RPM the sum of the delays are between 90
to 360 degrees.

studied operating regime. For engine speeds between 1500 and 3000 RPM the
required prediction time is between 270 and 540 degrees and the mean of those
is approximately the time of one revolution. The prediction time is therefore
fixed to the time of one revolution. Given the required prediction time, the
state at tpred can be determined by simulating x = f (x, u) with the assumption
that the input u is constant between t0 and tpred .
Second, a numerical integration method have to be selected and here an
explicit one step method, Runge-Kutta 4 (RK4), was chosen with an integration
step size of step size of 400 .
Given the predicted states x (tpred ), the CAC at tpred is estimated:
pem (tpred ) e
pim (tpred )C1 Vd rc pim (tpred )
[ pred ) = 
1+ A 1
(rc 1)Rim Tim (tpred ) C2 1
( F )s

9.2.2 -Feedback Control

The purpose of the feedback controller is to compensate for stationary errors
and it is implemented as a PI-style controller:

e = ( ref ) (9.3a)
y = KFB (e + e dt) (9.3b)
9.3. Experimental Setup 183

1 0.25 1
lambda_meas Out1
K_FB Saturation

2 6 1
1/Ti Integrator

Figure 9.7: Simulink diagram of the implemented feedback controller.

In this case the output y is limited and also the integrator is limited in order to
avoid wind-up. The selection of KFB and T1I are not crucial and the following
values were chosen using step response experiments: KFB = 0.25 and T1I = 6.
Figure 9.7 shows the Simulink implementation, note that the output has been
limited to 10.5. From Figure 9.3 it can be seen that the output of the controller
is multiplicative, which is standard in air-fuel ratio control as most errors are

9.2.3 Total Controller

The combined controller, with ref = 1, has the following appearance:

\  Z 
CAC(t pred ) 1
mf = A
 K FB ( 1) + ( 1)dt (9.4)
| F s
{z } | {z }
Feedforward Feedback

9.3 Experimental Setup

The suggested controller has been tested in the research laboratory of Vehicular
Systems on a 2-liter Saab turbocharged SI-engine and the experimental setup is
shown in Figure 9.8. The engine is controlled by an engine control unit (ECU)
that communicates with a personal computer (PC) over a CAN-bus. More
details on the laboratory setup are given in Appendix E.
The observer and predictor is run in the PC and Eq. (9.4) is implemented
in MathWorks RealTime Workshop using Linux and RTAI 3.2 (Quaranta and
Mantegazza, 2001; Rosenquist, 2003). In the PC it is also possible to measure
analog signals. Here the PC measures the following signals using analog inputs:
throttle angle, intake manifold pressure (Kistler), pressure before the throttle
(Kistler), and the air-fuel ratio from a wideband sensor (Bosch LSU4). The
wastegate position is not measurable and the engine is therefore initially run in
conditions were the wastegate is closed. The engine speed is measured over the
CAN-bus together with the intake manifold temperature (production sensor).
Using the measurements, the PC estimates the system state, predicts the CAC
one revolution ahead, runs the feedback controller, and finally sends the desired
injection time to the ECU over the CAN-bus. During run-time it is possible to
enable/disable the prediction part and the feedback controller.
184 Chapter 9. Observer Based Feedforward Air-Fuel Ratio Control

In the implementation the state observer and feedback controller is run at

a step size of 400 and the Simulink solver was set to ode4 (Runge-Kutta).
PC running Simulink and Turbocharged
RealTime Workshop
11 CAN-bus Sensors

0000000000000000 Actuators

Figure 9.8: The PC is running a realtime operating system (Linux with the RTAI patch) and
communicates with the ECU over a CAN-bus. The ECU is responsible for sending sensor
readings to the PC and also to inject the determined amount of fuel.

9.4 Experimental Results

The performed experiment is a rapid step in engine load at a constant speed
of 2000 RPM. The same step has been repeated using four different controller
configurations. In each case the measured air-fuel ratio is used to evaluate
the controller. Following four test cases have been used:
Experiment 1 Purpose: Show the necessity of observer and predictor.
Method: Use a conventional speed-density feedforward controller, Eq. (9.5),
and the -feedback controller, Eq. (9.3).
Experiment 2 Purpose: Show that significant improvements are made by the
introduction of the observer.
Method: The observer is run with the predictor step disabled. The -
feedback enabled.
Experiment 3 Purpose: Verify that prediction improves air-fuel ratio.
Method: Run the controller with prediction and -feedback enabled.
Experiment 4 Purpose: Estimate prediction errors.
Method: Disable -feedback but enable the observer and predictor.
In all experiments, the engine has first been warmed up to operating tempera-
ture. An advantage of performing the experiments in an engine test cell is the
high repeatability of the experiments as shown in Figure 9.9. In the top plot
it can be seen that the throttle moves very repeatable and in the center the
intake manifold pressure traces have been low pass filtered to show that engine
behaves the same in the different experiments. In the bottom plot it is shown
that the dynamometer performs the same during the experiments with only a
modest overshoot of 60 RPM. The high repeatability of the engine, throttle
controller, and dynamometer ensures that differences in measured originates
from the air-fuel controller.
9.4. Experimental Results 185

Measured Throttle Angle


Angle [deg] 30 Experiment 1

Experiment 2
Experiment 3
Experiment 4
2 2.5 3 3.5
x 10 Measured Intake Manifold Pressure
Pressure [kPa]

2 2.5 3 3.5
Measured Engine Speed
Speed [RPM]


2 2.5 3 3.5
Time [s]

Figure 9.9: Here the high repeatability of the engine test cell is shown. The repeatability is
excellent as it is hard to distinguish any differences between the four measurements.

9.4.1 Conventional Speed-density

To compare the proposed feedforward controller a conventional speed-density
method is implemented, where the CAC is estimated as:
CAC = (a0 pim + a1 ) (9.5)
| {z } Rim Tim
vol pim

which is suggested in Hendricks et al. (1996). To reduce noise in the measured

intake manifold pressure signal due to engine pumpings, it is low-pass filtered
using a fourth order butterworth filter. The cut-off frequency of the filter is
chosen in such way that it is able to reduce the pumpings at engine idle. To
reduce the pumpings at idle, 800 RPM, the filter has to damp the two pumpings
60 25 Hz.
per revolutions which results in a cut off-frequency of 2800
Using the speed-density controller the resulting -excursions are higher than
25%, which can be seen as a dashed line in Figure 9.10. The controller was also
tested with the intake manifold pressure low-pass filter disabled, which reduced
the error in to only 14%. However, the variance of the injection time was
3 times higher and results in unnecessary cycle-to-cycle variations. Further
experiments are therefore performed with the low-pass filter enabled.

9.4.2 Observer without Prediction

Here the CAC is estimated from the current state provided by the observer.
Using this CAC estimate the dash-dotted line in Figure 9.10 shows the resulting
186 Chapter 9. Observer Based Feedforward Air-Fuel Ratio Control

for the throttle transient. Compared to the baseline speed-density method

the error is reduced to only 10%, which is even better than the speed-density
method with disabled low-pass filter. The remaining error is mainly a result of
that the fuel is injected based on a CAC estimate at t=IVO minus the injection
time and computation time. -excursions during transients are mainly caused
by the substantial CAC change between the time of the fuel calculation and
intake valve closing, as shown in for example Figure 9.2.

9.4.3 Observer and Prediction

Using the observer a considerable part of the remaining error in originates

from the lack of prediction. When the prediction step is enabled the transient
error in almost disappears as the solid line in Figure 9.10 is close to = 1.

Measured Intake Manifold Pressure

Pressure [kPa]




2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4

Measured Airfuel Ratio

Speed density (filtered pim)
Speed density
Observer, no prediction
1.15 Observer and prediction

1.1 Large lean transient with conventional method.

1.05 Lean transient without prediction!
2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4
Time [s]

Figure 9.10: Top: Intake manifold pressure. Bottom: Conventional speed density control,
with filtered intake manifold pressure, results in a 27% error. With a disabled low-pass filter
the error was still 14%. Using the observer without prediction reduces the error to a 10% lean
transient in , shown as a dash-dotted line. When the suggested observer is used together
with prediction of the CAC one revolution ahead, the error decreases to approximately 3%.
9.4. Experimental Results 187

9.4.4 Validation
Above, the controller was been tested at 2000 RPM in one operating point. To
validate the controller for a larger operating region, the following tests have
been done:

1. Test the same rapid medium load step at 1500 RPM and 3000 RPM. This
shows that the controller is able to control the air-fuel ratio accurately at
different speeds without modifications.

2. A larger throttle step, where the wastegate opens has also been made for
three different speeds: 1500, 2000, and 3000 RPM.

Medium Load Transient at Different Engine Speeds

Here the observer based predicting feedforward controller was run at 1500 RPM
and then the speed was doubled to 3000 RPM. The purpose is to test whether
it is sufficient to use the fix prediction horizon of one revolution or if a more
sophisticated calculation of the prediction horizon is necessary. Figure 9.11
shows the result in for both transients. For both engine speeds, the maximum
error is limited to 7%. A large portion of this error is related to a stationary
model error which is described in Section 9.4.5 and Figure 9.15.
As the controller is able track = 1 using prediction one revolution ahead
even when the engine speed is doubled, which changes the required prediction
time, shows that the strategy of a fix prediction horizon in the crank angle
domain is sufficient. The remaining error in shows one similarity between
the experiments: At the tip-in there is a lean transient and the cause of this is
further investigated in Section 9.4.5.

Large Load Transient at Different Engine Speeds

The controller is now tested for a larger load step at three different engine
speeds: 1500, 2000, and 3000 RPM. In this case a rapid load step in intake
manifold pressure from 40 kPa up to 120 kPa and here the wastegate will open.
Thus, a PI-style wastegate controller is introduced in the observer to determine
uwg . The wastegate controller operates in such manner that the pressure after
the intercooler is the same as the measured pressure after the intercooler. In
Figure 9.12 the implemented controller is shown. The PI-controller parameters
were tuned manually.
Figure 9.13 shows the step in intake manifold pressure for the three different
engine speeds. Note the step in intake manifold pressure consists of two phases:
First a rapid increase up to ambient pressure and then a slower increase while
the turbocharger spins up and supplies boost pressure. In the resulting -traces,
the first transient is mostly pronounced. Here three different controllers were
tested, the speed-density, the observer based, and the observer and predictor.
Figure 9.14 shows the results of the different controllers. As in the previous tests,
188 Chapter 9. Observer Based Feedforward Air-Fuel Ratio Control

Load Transient at 1500 RPM Load Transient at 3000 RPM

100 100

80 80
Pressure [kPa]

Pressure [kPa]
60 60

40 40
p p
im im
20 20
5 10 15 20 25 30 5 10 15 20 25 30

Airfuel Ratio Airfuel Ratio

1.1 1.1

1.05 1.05


1 1

0.95 0.95

0.9 0.9
5 10 15 20 25 30 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time [s] Time [s]

Figure 9.11: Rapid load transients at 1500 RPM and 3000 RPM with the suggested observer
based controller. Top: Intake manifold pressure. Bottom: Measured air-fuel ratio. During
transients the resulting errors in are less than 7% for both operating points.

enable wg

wg_pos [0,1]
2 ref Product
3 y

Figure 9.12: The wastegate controller is of a PI-type with K = 5 105 and T1 = 10. The
controller opens the wastegate when the observed pressure after the intercooler is higher than
the measured. There is also an on/off functionality to make sure that the wastegate is closed
for low boost pressures.
9.4. Experimental Results 189

1500 RPM 40 > 120 kPa

pim [kPa]

4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8
2000 RPM 40 > 120 kPa
pim [kPa]

4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8
3000 RPM 40 > 120 kPa
pim [kPa]

4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8
Time [s]

Figure 9.13: A larger load step at constant engine speed. In all cases the transient consists
of two parts. First the rapid increase in intake manifold pressure up to ambient which takes
approximately 2 to 4 revolutions. It is followed by a slower increase in pressure that depends
on the time required for the turbocharger to reach sufficient boost pressure.

most of the reduction of the error in originates from the introduction of the
observer. When the prediction is added to the observer a further reduction of the
maximum error is possible and did not reach more than 6% in the transients..

9.4.5 Remaining Error Sources

There are primarily five sources to the air-fuel ratio error:
Model errors.
Prediction is made with the assumption of constant inputs that they are
No fuel dynamics included. However this effect is mostly pronounced at
cold engine operation which is not considered here (Fozo and Aquino,
The prediction time has a dependency on the injection time, but in the
tested load and speed range this effect is small. For higher engine speeds,
above 3500 RPM, and high loads this effect is no longer negligible.
190 Chapter 9. Observer Based Feedforward Air-Fuel Ratio Control

1500 RPM 40 > 120 kPa

35% error Speed density
Observer no prediction

Observer and prediction

16% error
1 6% error

5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 6

2000 RPM 40 > 120 kPa
35% error

14% error
1 4% error

5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 6

3000 RPM 40 > 120 kPa
35% error

12% error
1 5% error
5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 6
Time [s]

Figure 9.14: Measured for three different controllers using a large rapid load transient at
three different speeds. The legend shown in the top plot applies to all plots. For all speeds
there is a lean transient in . As in the previous tests the introduction of the observer is able
to reduce the error in with 50% compared to pure speed-density CAC estimation. When the
predicting step is enabled a further reduction is possible and the maximum error is reduced
to 6%.
9.4. Experimental Results 191

The effect of the fuel pressure regulator settling time. Depending on type
this can vary between a few milliseconds up to 0.5 second (Hubbard, 2002).

The three first items are discussed next.

Model Errors
As CAC is only measurable for stationary conditions a test of the feedforward
component, observer with prediction, was made by disabling the -feedback
controller. The result is shown in Figure 9.15 and note that regardless of engine
speed there is a small lean transient after each tip-in. This transient error can
be caused by several phenomenon such as:

Incorrect volume of the intake manifold.

The prediction time should vary with the injection time, but here a fix
prediction of one revolution is used.

The throttle angle is not constant during the prediction time.

There may be unmodeled dynamics such as fuel dynamics.

Another contributing factor to the shape of the transient response in is dif-

ferences in stationary model error between operating points. Figure 9.15 shows
the models stationary description of the cylinder air charge. For the load tran-
sients at 1500 RPM and 2000 RPM, the stationary error before and after the
transient is only a few percent. Recall that for 3000 RPM there was a larger
transient error in , see Figure 9.11. This larger transient error is explained by
the large difference in stationary model error that is present at 3000 RPM. To
compensate for the error in , the feedback controller has to integrate the error
and this takes time. This integration is clearly visible after each transient in
the lower right corner of Figure 9.11.

Unknown Inputs During Prediction

There are mainly two inputs that change during transients: Engine speed and
throttle position. In addition, the wastegate setting can change during tran-
sients. Normally the engine speed changes slowly which makes the assumption
of constant speed during the prediction time valid. In this experiment the en-
gine speed changes less than 3%. The throttle on the other hand moves rapidly
during the prediction horizon; in Figure 9.16 the change during the prediction
is shown and this rapid change contributes to a portion of the measured er-
ror in air-fuel ratio. Without future knowledge of the throttle position, this
kind of error is unavoidable. Fortunately, the intake manifold acts as a low
pass filter and the port-air mass flow is therefore less influenced by the rapid
change in throttle area which is seen in the lower right corner of Figure 9.16.
One method to reduce the error would be to model the throttle servo and use
192 Chapter 9. Observer Based Feedforward Air-Fuel Ratio Control

x 10 Transient at 1500 RPM
10 1.125
9 1.1

Pressure [Pa]

8 1.075
7 1.05

6 1.025
5 1
4 0.975
3 0.95
0 2 4 6 8 10

x 10 Transient at 2000 RPM
10 1.125
9 im 1.1

Pressure [Pa]

8 1.075
7 1.05

6 1.025
5 1
4 0.975
3 0.95
0 2 4 6 8 10

x 10 Transient at 3000 RPM
10 1.15
9 1.125

Pressure [Pa]

8 1.1
7 1.075

6 1.05
5 1.025
4 1
3 0.975
0 2 4 6 8 10

Figure 9.15: Measured data with prediction enabled but with the feedback controller disabled
for three different speeds. The accuracy of the model is measured using the difference between
before the step and at the end of the step. The important result here is that the stationary
error of the model is small at 1500 and 2000 RPM. For 3000 RPM there is a large difference
in stationary, approximately 10%, error before and after the step that have to dealt with by
the -feedback controller. Finally, note that there is a lean transient after each tip-in.
9.4. Experimental Results 193

the requested throttle area as input instead. As no model of the throttle servo
was available, this approach has not been implemented. Another approach was
applied in Chevalier et al. (2000) where the throttle actuation was delayed in
order to know the throttle position in advance. This was not followed here as
it introduces an undesirable torque delay.
The expected error in from the assumption of a constant throttle area
during the prediction is that there would be a lean transient during tip-ins
and a rich transient during tip-outs. In Figure 9.11, there are systematic lean
transients during tip-ins and small rich transients during the tip-outs. However,
these can also be caused by fuel dynamics, which is the next topic.
x 10 Throttle Area Port Airmass Flows

MassFlow [kg/s]
Area [mm2]


1 Wc
Ideal prediction of Wc
Measured Area
0.5 0.01 RK4 Prediction of Wc
Translated Area
2.35 2.4 2.45 2.5 2.55 2.6 2.35 2.4 2.45 2.5 2.55 2.6

Throttle Area Relative Change During Prediction Relative Error

300 0
Area change [%]

Error [%]

150 20

100 30
Wc without prediction
40 RK4 Prediction of Wc
2.35 2.4 2.45 2.5 2.55 2.6 2.35 2.4 2.45 2.5 2.55 2.6
Time [s] Time [s]

Figure 9.16: The prediction is carried out with the assumption of fix throttle area and the
prediction time corresponds to one revolution or 30 ms at 2000 RPM. Left column: Here the
magnitude of the area change is shown for a tip-in. The constant area assumption results in
a short error of up to 300%. Right column: Estimated port air-mass flows. The predicted
mass-flow using RK4 and the constant area assumption results in a short error of up to 40%
which is considerably smaller than the throttle area error!

Fuel Dynamics
Fuel dynamics is related to that not all fuel vaporizes during injection as a
fraction of the injected fuel fp forms a liquid film on the intake manifold wall.
Fuel dynamics is therefore commonly modeled as a puddle which mass is
modeled using one state mfp and Eq. (9.6). This film evaporates with a time
constant of fp and then enters the cylinder as vapor together with the fuel that
was not deposited in the puddle, Eq. (9.7).

dmfp 1
= fp Wfinj mfp (9.6)
dt fp
Wfc = (1 fp )Wfinj + mfp (9.7)

This phenomena has been studied and for port injected engines in for example
Fozo and Aquino (1988) where the effect is most pronounced for cold engines.
According to Fozo and Aquino (1988) the effect is around 5% during a slow load
194 Chapter 9. Observer Based Feedforward Air-Fuel Ratio Control

transient and warmed up engine but others claim higher values. An example is
shown in Guzzella and Onder (2004, p. 55) where the identified fp for a fully
warmed up 1.8 dm3 engine can reach values close to 50% for high loads. The
time constant fp varies between 0.2 seconds and up to 0.5 seconds according
to the same reference for the 1.8 dm3 engine. Similar values are described in
Simons et al. (1998). The parameters are engine dependent and the values
shown here is only a guideline.
The effect of fuel dynamics would be a lean transient during the tip-in and
a rich transient during the tip-out. In the measured data, there are systematic
lean and rich transients at tip-ins and tip-outs respectively but this is the same
effect that can be expected by the unknown inputs during the prediction. Hence,
the effect of fuel dynamics can not be excluded and it is possible that the
introduction of fuel dynamics can improve the air-fuel ratio control further.

9.5 Results
TC SI engines have a complex air-system that makes precise air-fuel ratio con-
trol a challenging task. Accurate air-fuel ratio control relies on precise cylinder
air charge estimates. To estimate the CAC, knowledge is necessary of the in-
take manifold pressure and temperature together with the exhaust pressure.
Especially transient control requires the fast intake manifold dynamics to be
taken into account. Therefore an observer based feedforward control structure
is proposed.
Two controllers are used, one feedforward and one feedback. The feedback
controller cancels stationary errors using feedback from measured . The feed-
forward controller consists of an observer and a predictor that both are based
on a mean value engine model. The observer estimates the system state us-
ing feedback from measured pressure after the intercooler and intake manifold
pressure. The estimated system state is used as an initial condition to the pre-
dictor, which then estimates the system state one revolution ahead. Given the
predicted system state it is now easy to estimate the CAC. In engine experi-
ments, the deviation from stoichiometric is reduced from almost 30% down to
less than 7% over a wide range of engine speeds. Most of the improvement
originates from the introduction of a model-based observer.


Turbocharged (TC) spark-ignited (SI) engines are popular as they combine

high power output with good fuel economy. In addition, the emissions can be
successfully reduced using a three way catalyst (TWC) provided that the air-fuel
ratio is precisely controlled. As the air-fuel ratio depends on the precision of the
air charge estimate, this thesis is devoted to systematically improve cylinder air
charge (CAC) estimation on TC SI engines. The result is a predicting observer
based feedforward controller, which shows very good result in engine tests.
In the first part the attention is turned to stationary effects. TC SI engines
pose additional challenges for the CAC estimation and these are pointed out in
Chapter 3. TC SI engines are equipped with a wastegate that influences the
exhaust manifold pressure and as a side effect the cylinder air charge. A new
observer that estimates the stationary correct CAC is proposed and evaluated.
The exhaust manifold pressure has a non-negligible effect on the CAC and
Chapter 4 focuses on finding a suitable model for CAC estimation that cover the
engines entire operating region. It is concluded, using the resulting model, that
the CAC is most sensitive to exhaust manifold pressure changes at part load; a
result that is independent of tuned engine parameters. Further, TC SI engines
commonly use fuel enrichment at high loads and the additional fuel cools the air
charge as it evaporates. A new CAC model that includes exhaust back-pressure
and charge cooling is therefore proposed. It reduces the stationary CAC errors
from 10% down to only 3% for rich of stoichiometric operating points at high
loads. Finally in part 1, Chapter 5 proposes an estimation method for the
normally non-measured exhaust manifold pressure, using only sensors on the
intake side.

196 Chapter 10. Conclusions

In the second part, the attention is turned to the dynamic behavior of TC SI

engines air- and exhaust system. First, a parameterized component based model
of the engines intake system and exhaust system including the turbocharger
and wastegate is compiled in Chapter 6. The systematic modeling methodology
of control volumes between restrictions was successfully applied. Benefits are
that components can be separately identified and it is easy to reuse identical
components such as control volumes and various restrictions. This modeling
methodology was tested on two different engines where the only modification
was the inputs to the parameter tuning method. Using the model, all pressures
and temperatures are successfully described including those necessary for CAC
An observer is then used to improve the state estimates. It compensates
for model errors and engine aging as well as address issues such as filtering
of the intake manifold pressure and intake manifold temperature estimation.
Additionally, the use of an observer enables more information to be extracted
from available sensors and it is thus suitable for sensor and actuator diagnosis.
When an observer is designed, it is important that the system is observable
from the measured signals. Therefore, an observability analysis is performed in
Chapter 7. The result is that the system locally structurally observable from
an arbitrary measured state or mass-flow. This result is valid for all TC SI-
engine models of the same structure. As the system is observable, the next step
is to design the observer. Nonlinearities and the limited computational power
of engine control systems make observer design a complex task. Here, a well-
known and tested observer design methodology for NA SI-engines is adopted
for TC SI engines in Chapter 8: The gain switched extended Kalman filter. In
the design process, it is necessary to supply the noise variances of the process
and the measurement(s). These noise variances are design parameters and a
systematic and automatic method is proposed for determining them. Inputs
to the systematic method are an engine map that is extended with measured
variance on the signals considered for observer feedback. The resulting observer
was tested using measured engine data and was found to estimate the system
state well. In addition, examples are shown how it accurately estimates normally
non-measured signals such as turbocharger speed using only feedback from two
measured pressures on the intake side.
Finally the result of the proposed methodology is evaluated, in Chapter 9,
where the CAC model is used together with the designed observer and a model-
based predictor to achieve observer based feedforward control of the estimated
cylinder air charge. Engine test results show that the air-fuel ratio is controlled
to within 7% for very rapid load steps between 1500 RPM and 3000 RPM.

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A variable specifying the type (presser, temperature, etc.) and subscript are
used to describe the location. Example: paf refers to the pressure after the

Variable Symbol
Pressure p
Temperature T
Mass-flow W
Pressure ratio
Torque Tq
Diameter D
Volume V
MAss m

Subscripts are used in the following way to indicate the location of the described

206 Appendix A. Nomenclature

Location Subscript
Ambient or air a
Exhaust gas eg
Air-filter af
Compressor comp
Intercooler ic
Intake manifold im
Cylinder cyl
Exhaust manifold em
Turbine t
Wastegate wg
Crank shaft cs
Displacement d
Before before
After after
All pressures are assumed to be static pressures and all temperatures are
assumed to be stagnation temperatures as this is the output of the sensors used
(Ekroth and Granryd, 1991).
Other symbols used are:

Symbol Description
A () Throttle area
Aeff () A fitted function to the measured product of area and
 discharge coefficient
F s Stoichiometric air/fuel ratio
Cd () Discharge coefficient for the throttle
cv Specific heat at constant volume
k1 Constant in polynomial for nominal exhaust manifold
k2 Constant in polynomial for nominal exhaust manifold
k Scaling factor to calculate air and fuel mass given air
mass, k = 1 + A
( F )s
Ke Constant in equation for exhaust manifold pressure dif-
Kim Filling/emptying constant Kim = Rim Tim
Vim for the intake
Kinj Maximum delivered fuel mass per second
Kobs Feed-back gain from pressure estimation error in ob-
server using proportional feed-back to the pim state
K1 Feed-back gain from pressure estimation error in the 2-
state observer to the pim state
K2 Feed-back gain from pressure estimation error in the 2-
[ state
state observer to the CAC

continued from previous page

Symbol Description
L1 Time constant in (Tseng and Cheng, 1999)
M Molar mass
Ma Molar mass of air
Mf Molar mass of fuel
CAC Mass of air the cylinder
mf Mass of fuel the cylinder
mr Residual gas mass
CAC In-cylinder air-mass offset
CAC Estimated in-cylinder air-mass offset
nr Number of revolutions per cycle
N Engine speed i revolutions per second or revolutions per

Gas constant, 8.31 [ moleK ]
pem nom Nominal exhaust manifold pressure
pem Exhaust manifold pressure difference from nominal
pem Mean of exhaust manifold pressure difference from nom-
inal pressure
pim Estimated intake manifold pressure
rc Compression ratio of the engine
Rc Specific in cylinder gas constant at intake valve closing
Rim Specific gas constant in the intake manifold
T1 Temperature of charge (air, fuel, and residual gases) at
start of compression
Tr Temperature of residual gases
t0 Time in seconds for the injector needle lift or start of
prediction time
tinj Time in seconds where the injector is open
Vc Clearance volume
Vr Volume of residual gases
Wa Measured air-mass-flow
Wcyl Air-mass-flow to cylinder
Wcylstd Air mass flow to cylinder using mapped volumetric effi-
Wcylts Air mass flow to cylinder using mapped volumetric effi-
ciency with estimated offset vol
xr Residual gas fraction
Throttle angle
Ratio of specific heats cvp
vol Volumetric efficiency
vol Offset in volumetric efficiency
vol Estimated offset in volumetric efficiency
208 Appendix A. Nomenclature

continued from previous page

Symbol Description
Normalized air/fuel ratio m mA a
f(F )
v  Standard deviaion of noise
F s Stoichiometric air/fuel ratio = 14.5
mps Mean piston speed
BMEP Brake mean effective pressure
PMEP Pump mean effective pressure
FMEP Friction mean effective pressure

Definition of Air-Fuel Ratio

Air-fuel ratio is the composition, on mass basis, of air and fuel in the cylinder
when the intake valve has closed. Denote the mass of air by ma , the mass of
fuel by mf , and the air-fuel ratio is then m f
. In most cases the normalized
air-fuel ratio is used, that is the air-fuel ratio divided by the stoichiometric
ratio. The stoichiometric air-fuel ratio F s
describes the ratio of air and fuel,
on mass basis, where it is just enough air to fully oxidize the fuel. A typical
stoichiometric reaction of air and a fuel is shown below.
b c
Ca Hb Oc + a + (O2 + 3.77N2 )
| {z } 4 2
Fuel | {z }
| {z }
b b c
aCO2 + H2 O + a + 3.77N2
2 4 2
| {z }

Now the stoichiometric air-fuel ratio is defined as

A a + 4b 2c Mair a + 4b 2c (32 + 3.77 28)
F s Mf uel 12a + b + 16c

For isooctane C8 H18 this evaluates to F s
15.1 and for commercial gasoline
the value of 14.7 is commonly used. In the following text the air-fuel ratio is

210 Appendix B. Definition of Air-Fuel Ratio

used as a synonymous to the normalized air-fuel ratio

= A

mf F s

Two other common definitions are lean and rich mixture. For lean mixtures
there are excess air, > 1, and in rich mixtures there are more fuel than the
available air can oxidize, < 1. At stoichiometric conditions the normalized
air-fuel ratio is one.

Derivation of pem Dependent

CAC Model

Instead of using energy balance as in (Taylor, 1994, pp. 510), which lacks pa-
rameters that can be tuned for a specific engine, the volume of inducted air Va
is estimated (Eriksson et al., 2002a) and the CAC is hence:
pim Va
CAC = (C.1)
Rim Tim
Using the fact that the ideal gas law can be expressed like
V = = (n1 + + nn )
p p
(V1 + + Vn ) = (n1 + + nn )
Vi = ni 1in
This results in that the gases in the cylinder can be divided into volumes of air,
fuel, and residual gases, which is illustrated to the right of Figure 4.8.
The volume of air Va and evaporated fuel Vf is simply estimated by subtract-
ing the volume that the residual gases occupies at intake valve closing (IVC)
from the total volume.
V a + Vf = V +V Vr
| {z } | d {z }c
Volume of air and fuel Total cylinder volume

Residual gas volume at IVC is estimated by isentropic expansion of the residual

gases from the conditions at exhaust valve closing (EVC). That is they expand

212 Appendix C. Derivation of pem Dependent CAC Model

from volume Vc which gases occupies at exhaust manifold pressure pem to the
volume Vr which they occupy at IVC and intake manifold pressure pim :
Vr = Vc

Here the residual gas volume at EVC is assumed to be constant and equal to
the clearance volume Vc . This is reasonable as the engine is not equipped with
any cam phasing device and also by the fact that volumes change only slightly
around TDC. The remaining volume, after the expansion of the residual gases
to intake manifold pressure, is then compensated for the volume of the fuel vapor
(all fuel is assumed to enter the cylinder as vapor). The volume of inducted air
is then Va :
rc pim
Vaf = Vd
rc 1

Va = 1 Vaf
1+ ( F
) s

In the Equations above the following identities have been used: Vd + Vc = rc Vc

and Vc = rcV1
To describe the pumping capabilities of the engine one tunable gain param-
eter Cvol is introduced and inserted into Eq. (C.1), and the final CAC model
z }| {
1 rc pim
pim Cvol Vd
1+ A1 rc 1
( F )s
CAC = (C.2)
Rim Tim

Alternative Derivation of pem

D.1 pem Derivation Based on a Simplified Ther-

modynamical Model
The calculated CAC will be used in the derivation of pem , which starts by
considering a simplified gas exchange process. In the simplified gas exchange
process, it is assumed that there are no valve overlap and no heat transfer
to/from the gas. The assumption of small overlap is motivated for turbocharged
engines in Fox et al. (1993). Furthermore, it is assumed that the gases are ideal
and that the thermodynamic properties cp , cv , and R are the same for unburned
and burned gases. This is a standard assumption for simplified thermodynamic
models (Heywood, 1988, p. 102). The mass of gas inside the cylinder at intake
valve closing is denoted m and it consists of the mass of air ma 1 and air-fuel maf
and residual gas mass mr . Now, according to the first law of thermodynamics,
the internal energy of the mixture is conserved:

mcv Tcyl = maf cv Taf + mr cv Tr (D.1a)

maf = ma + mf = ma 1+ A
F s
| {z }

Here it will also be assumed that the fresh mixture of air and fuel Taf has
1 Here m denotes the measured CAC. This is a deviation from the standard nomenclature
to keep the notation in the energy balance consistent.

214 Appendix D. Alternative Derivation of pem

the temperature given by Eq. (4.8).

Now, the ideal gas law gives the total in-cylinder mass m which is required
by Eq. (D.1a):
pcyl (Vc + Vd )
m= (D.2)
In Eq. (D.2) the in-cylinder pressure at intake valve closing is needed to deter-
mine m. As this is not measured it is instead approximated by the mean intake
manifold pressure, that is pcyl = pim . Further, the ideal gas law also gives the
mass of residual gases mr :
pem Vr
mr = (D.3)
The mass of air inside the cylinder during stationary conditions is described by
Eq. (5.3):
pim Vd
ma = vol (N, pim ) + CAC (D.4)
Insert Equations (5.1, D.1b, D.2, D.3, D.4) into Eq. (D.1a) which cancels Tcyl ,
cv , and Tr :

pim (Vc + Vd ) pim Vd (pem nom + pem ) Vr

= vol (N, pim ) k + CAC Taf k +
The change in exhaust pressure pem that resulted in the air-mass-offset CAC
can now be expressed as

pem Vr pim (Vc + Vd ) pim Vd pem nom Vr

= vol (N, pim ) k CAC Taf k
(Vc + Vd ) Vd
pem = pim vol (N, pim ) k
Vr Vr
| {z }
When CAC = 0 then pem = 0 and this term must equal pem nom

pem nom CAC Taf k (D.6b)
given the volume of the residual gases is Vr . As the term to the left of pem nom
in Eq. (D.6b) is linear in pim and changes in pim are small when the exhaust
manifold pressure changes, these terms cancel each other which results in:
1 R
pem = CAC Taf 1 + A
F s |{z}Vr
| {z }

For a motivation of the small change in pim when the wastegate is opened see
for example Figure 5.4. In the equations above Vr is constant as the engine
D.2. Summary of Exhaust Pressure Calculation Process 215

does not have variable valve timing. For an ideal otto cycle Vr = Vc but a real
engine has valve overlap and heat transfer, therefore Vr is not necessarily equal
to Vc . In the final exhaust manifold pressure model, the parameters Vr and R
are lumped together to Ke . Ke is determined from measured wastegate steps
and in the studied region, from 1800 to 3100 RPM and brake mean effective
pressures from 5 to 12 bar, a fixed Ke 2.4 103 kgK
was used.
Further support for the assumption of constant Ke is given when the CAC
sensitivity to changes in exhaust manifold pressure, Eq. (4.12), is studied. In
Figure D.1, the sensitivity is shown for operating points with nominal wastegate
setting over the entire operating region. The result is plotted as a function of
intake manifold pressure and it is clear that the sensitivity is small (0.2 to
0.1) for intake manifold pressures above 50 kPa.

CAC Sensitivity to pem Changes


Virtually constant CAC sensitivity to pem changes

CAC sensitivity to pem []






50 100 150 200
Intake manifold pressure pim [kPa]

Figure D.1: Sensitivity to exhaust manifold pressure changes are small over the operating
region of the engine. However for low intake manifold pressures the magnitude of the sen-
sitivity increases which suggest that the exhaust pressure estimation can be improved by
incorporating the intake manifold pressure.

D.2 Summary of Exhaust Pressure Calculation

First the temperature of the air-fuel mixture is calculated according to Eq. (4.8)
and then the air-mass offset CAC, Eq. (5.3), is calculated. The nominal
exhaust pressure is determined by Eq. (5.2), the exhaust manifold pressure
216 Appendix D. Alternative Derivation of pem

offset by Eq. (D.7) and finally inserted into Eq. (5.1) which yields pem .
Taf (Tim , ) = Tim C1
vol pim
z }| {
nr (a1 pim + a0 ) Vd
CAC (Wa , N, pim , Tim , ) = Wat
N RTaf (Tim , )
pem nom (Wa ) = pa + k1 Wa + k2
k = 1+ A

F s
pem (Wa , CAC, k, Tim ) = pem nom (Wa ) Ke kTim CAC

Important second order effects, such as heat transfer, and valve overlap etc. are
taken into account by pem nom .

Experimental Setup

The research laboratory at Vehicular Systems consists of a control room and an

engine test cell. A schematic of the experimental setup is shown in Figure E.1.

E.1 Engine Test Cell

During the project two different engines were used:

1. Initially a SAAB B235R was used for the wastegate experiments, to de-
velop the mean value engine model, and the observer design methodology.

2. A modified SAAB B207R, was used for the real-time control experiments.

Next the engines, sensors, and dynamometers are described.

E.1.1 SAAB 235R Engine and Sensors

This is a 2.3 dm3 turbocharged SAAB 95 engine with wastegate. Compared to
a production engine, this engine has additional holes drilled in the intake and
exhaust system to allow extra sensors. Further, the engine was equipped with
a device (handle) to enable manual steps in wastegate and for safety reasons it
was only possible to open the wastegate using this device. During the first part
of the project this engine was neither equipped with a compressor by-pass valve
nor a closed crank-case ventilation. The engine data is listed in Table E.1.

218 Appendix E. Experimental Setup

Isetta Bristol 11Meas.

00 Saab
ECU Real-time 00
11 Sys.
Control Control

Sensors Firewire
Sensors Sensors Measurement
ECU System
HP E1433A
Actuators HP E1415A


Torque Sensor


Figure E.1: Experimental setup. The two computers, measurement system and X-ACT are
located in the control room. The engine, dynamometer and engine control system (ECU) are
in the engine test cell.

Manufacturer SAAB Automobile

Model B235R
Displacement Volume 2.3 dm3
Compression ratio 9.3
Maximum Power 170 kW @ 6200 RPM
Maximum torque 350 Nm @ 1900 RPM

Table E.1: B235 Engine data

E.1. Engine Test Cell 219

Available Sensor Signals

The additional temperature sensors are listed in Table E.2 and the additional
pressure sensors are listed in Table E.3. Further sensor signals are listed in
Table E.4. Note that the laminar air-mass flow sensor is not always connected.
The approximate location of the sensors are shown in Figure E.2.

Nr Location Designation Type

1 Air-filter entry Ta Thermocouple
2 After compressor Tcomp PT200
3 After intercooler Tic PT200
4 In intake manifold Tim PT200
5 Exhaust manifold Tem Thermocouple
6 After turbine Tt Thermocouple

Table E.2: Available temperature sensors. The thermocouples are of type K.

Nr Location Designation
1 Ambient pressure pa
2 Before compressor paf
3 After compressor pcomp
4 After intercooler pic
5 Intake manifold pim
6 Exhaust manifold pem
7 After Turbine pt

Table E.3: Available pressure sensors. All sensors except for the ambient pressure are high
performance Kistler Kristall sensors (Kri, 1997). The ambient pressure is measured through
the laminar flow meter LFE3, which is equipped with an ambient pressure sensor.


An asynchronous Schenck Dynas2 220 dynamometer is fitted to the engine.

With this type of dynamometer it is possible to either brake or supply torque
to the engine. The later is used to start the engine and gives the possibility to
simulate downhill driving.
The dynamometer is controlled via a user interface called X-ACT. From
X-ACT the engine speed and engine throttle position are controlled. It is also
possible to control the engine speed and throttle position from a computer via a
serial interface (RS-232). This is done during for example the engine mapping.
Dynamometer data are listed in Table E.5.
220 Appendix E. Experimental Setup

Nr Location Designation Type

1 Air-mass flow Waf
2 Air-mass flow WafLFE 3
3 Injection time tinj Cylinder 1
4 Air-fuel ratio NTK UEGO TC-6000
5 Throttle angle -
6 Engine speed N Leine&Linde 540
7 Turbine speed Nt Gready ES-DA 1
8 Torque Tq X-ACT

Table E.4: Miscellaneous sensors. The second air-mass flow sensor is a laminar air-mass flow

Air filter

pic , Tic pcomp , Tcomp
0000 Intercooler

1111 Compressor
pem , Tem
Throttle Turbine Shaft


pim , Tim pt , Tt
Engine gate
Intake Exhaust
Manifold Manifold

Figure E.2: Engine schematic with approximate sensor locations. Note that the wastegate
position is not measurable.

Manufacturer Schenck
Model Dynas2 220
Maximum power 220 kW
Maximum torque 450 Nm
Max speed 9500 RPM

Table E.5: Dynamometer Dynas2 data.

E.1. Engine Test Cell 221

E.1.2 SAAB 207R Engine and Sensors

This is a 2.0 dm3 turbocharged SAAB 93 Sport Sedan engine with wastegate.
Compared to the original engine, it has several holes drilled for sensors, and
it is equipped with a modified cylinder head. The ECU is a prototype engine
control system where functionality has been added to allow external controllers
to override the built-in controllers.
This engine was only mapped for between engine speeds 1000 and 3000 RPM
and for intake manifold pressures below ambient.

Available Sensor Signals

The additional temperature sensors are listed in Table E.6 and the additional
pressure sensors in Table E.7. Further sensor signals are listed in Table E.8.
The approximate location of the sensors are shown in Figure E.2.

Nr Location Designation Type

1 Air-filter entry Taf Thermocouple
2 After compressor Tcomp Thermocouple
3 After intercooler Tic Thermocouple
4 In intake manifold Tim Thermocouple
5 Exhaust manifold Tem Thermocouple
6 After turbine Tt Thermocouple
7 Ambient Ta Thermocouple

Table E.6: B207R: Available temperature sensors. The thermocouples are of type K and
3 mm in diameter.

Nr Location Designation
1 Ambient pressure pa
2 Before compressor paf
3 After compressor pcomp
4 After intercooler pic
5 Intake manifold pim
6 Exhaust manifold pem
7 After Turbine pt

Table E.7: B207R: Available pressure sensors. All sensors except for the ambient pressure are
high performance Kistler Kristall sensors (Kri, 1997).

An asynchronous Schenck Dynas3 250 dynamometer is fitted to the engine.
With this type of dynamometer it is possible to either brake or supply torque
222 Appendix E. Experimental Setup

Nr Location Designation Type

1 Air-mass flow Waf -
2 Injection time tinj Cylinder 1
3 Air-fuel ratio ETAS LA3
4 Throttle angle -
5 Engine speed N Leine&Linde 540
6 Turbine speed Nt Acam Picoturn
7 Torque Tq X-ACT

Table E.8: B207R: Miscellaneous sensors.

to the engine. The later is used to start the engine and gives the possibility to
simulate downhill driving.
The dynamometer is controlled via a user interface called X-ACT. From
X-ACT the engine speed and engine throttle position are controlled. It is also
possible to control the engine speed and throttle position from a computer via a
serial interface (RS-232). This is done during for example the engine mapping.
Dynamometer data are listed in Table E.9.

Manufacturer Schenck
Model Dynas3 250
Maximum power 250 kW
Maximum torque 480 Nm
Max speed 10000 RPM

Table E.9: Dynamometer Dynas3 data

E.2 Control Room

From the control room, the engine and dynamometer are controlled. In the
control room there are three computers with specific tasks. As computers at
Vehicular Systems are named after car brands they are listed by their names:

Isetta Communicates with the ECU over a CAN-bus. From Isetta it is possible
to set and read data in the ECU. Isetta is used mainly during the real-time
experiments to enable/disable controllers within the ECU.

Saab Controls the measurement system and the dynamometer. See Section E.2.1.

Bristol Executes controllers in real-time with possibility to measure analog

signals, and to interact with the ECU over a private CAN-bus. See Sec-
tion E.2.2.
E.2. Control Room 223

E.2.1 Measurment System

There are two high quality VXI-measurement instruments from Hewlett-Packard,
E1415A and E1433A, which are controlled by the computer Saab. Custom
software have been developed in order to make all measurements from Mat-
lab. LabWindows/CVI from NationalInstruments was used to development the
measurement software.

HP E1415A
E1415A can measure up to 64 channels with a maximum sampling frequency
of 2000 Hz and it features a built-in self calibration. The raw measurement
signals are adapted to the instrument through signal conditioning hardware.
This instrument can be equipped with up to eight different signal conditioning
modules, where each covers a maximum of eight channels. The installed signal
conditioning modules are listed in Table E.10.

Module Description Nr. of channels

HP E1503A Number of voltage channels 38=24
HP E1505 Number of current source channels 8
HP E1538A Number of frequency, PWM channels 8

Table E.10: Signal conditioning modules in HP E1415.

To measure the resistance over the PT200 elements the current source mod-
ule is used and the voltage over the element is measured using the so called
4-wire principle. As the voltage and the current are known it is easy to calcu-
late the resistance and hence the temperature.

HP E1433A
This instrument can measure eight channels simultaneously using separate A/D
converters at a sampling frequency of up to 196 kHz. It can further perform
measurements in the crank angle domain. Here E1433A is used to measure the
noise levels which are used in the observer design in Section 8.2.

E.2.2 Real-Time Engine Control

It is possible to control the engine in hard real-time using models/controllers
designed in Simulinks Real-time Workshop. The injection time is controlled in
this way from the remote computer Bristol, in Chapter 9. To enable hard
real-time on a desktop computer, the operating system has to support this func-
tionality. Here a hard real-time extension to the Linux kernel, called Real-Time
Application Interface (RTAI), is used. This environment was carefully setup
and tested in Rosenquist (2003). In RTAI a port to Matlab/Simulink is in-
cluded through RTAI-Lab (Quaranta and Mantegazza, 2001) and an interface
224 Appendix E. Experimental Setup

sfun_comedi_data_read 1 auto
(???) INPUTS sfun_rtai_scope N
Throttle Area Data Type Conversion8 Wcomb [mg/c]
Gain2 y
CAC No Prediction

N [RPM] auto y
Wcomb [mg/c]
Data Type Conversion1 Predicted CAC Euler 1
Engine Speed
0 auto Wcomb [mg/c]
(???) y
Data Type Conversion2
wastegate Predicicted CAC RK4
1 predHorizon

lambda ref
p_a Inputs

States Feedback
T_a N

Activate data


lambda, kanal 3
sfun_comedi_data_read K auto
p_ic, kanal 0 Gain3 Data Type Conversion3
lambda_meas sfun_rtai_scope
auto y gain
sfun_comedi_data_read K (???)
Selector3 lambdaRef
p_im, kanal 1 Gain6 Data Type Conversion4 ref
3 K 1
SelectSource t_inj0
sfun_rtai_scope Time [us]
0 Injection Time

LambdaControllerOnOff LambdaController

p_im [Pa]
Out1 K
T [C] auto T_im [K]
(???) Gain7 Multiport
T Air Inlet Data Type Conversion6 Switch
Speed density CAC



Figure E.3: The implemented Simulink schematic that was compiled and run in hard real-time
on Bristol.

to a data acquisition card is also supported through the Comedi project. Com-
pared to the initial implementation from Rosenquist (2003), the environment
was updated to use RTAI 3.1 and also the ability to communicate with the ECU
over a CAN-bus was added. To access the ECU additional Simulink-blocks were
developed, and an example of a simulink schematic used for control is shown in
Figure E.3. For details on the system, please see Table E.11.

CPU AMD Athlon 1900+

Linux Distribution Fedora Core 1 (
Kernel 2.4.27 (
Kernel patch ADEOS (
RTAI version 3.2 (
DAQ-card National Instruments PCI-6035E
Comedi driver version 0.7.69 (
CAN interface PEAK-System Technik PCAN-PCI ISO
PCAN driver version 3.6 (
Matlab/Simulink 7.1

Table E.11: Real-time computer Bristol.

E.2.3 Measurements
In this thesis two kinds of measurements have been performed:

1. Stationary measurements (engine mapping)

E.2. Control Room 225

2. Transient measurements (step response experiments)

Engine Mapping
The engine mapping is an automated process where the engine speed and throt-
tle position are controlled by the computer Saab. When the engine has run a
pre-determined time in each point, the measurement is started and the signals
are measured for 5 to 10 seconds and then the mean values are stored in a table.
Three engine maps were measured:
1. An engine map of the B235R with 343 points is measured between 800 and
4300 RPM. These measurements are used for tuning of the mean-value
2. A small engine map of the B235R with different fix throttle areas. The
pressure ratio over the throttle was varied by changing the engine speed.
These measurements are used when the parameter(s) in the compressible
flow model in Section 6.3.1 are determined.
3. An engine map of the B235R in 69 points for validation of the mean
value model. This map is also used in the observer design in Chapter 8.
In the observer design methodology it is also necessary to supply signal
noise data. Therefore, an additional time-based measurement is performed
immediately after the mean-value measurement. There the instrument is
re-initiated to take a fast measurement at 1000 Hz on all channels. The
duration of the noise measurement corresponds to 100 cycles. The map
covers engine speeds from 1000 to 6000 RPM.
4. An engine map of the B207R in 45 points including noise measurements.
These data are used to tune the engine model and in the observer design
in Chapter 9.

Transient Experiments
In the transient experiments, signals are measured over time with a fix sam-
pling frequency. The dynamic experiments are performed with four different
1. Measurements to study how the intake side is influenced by changes in
exhaust manifold pressure caused by an opening of the wastegate. A
sampling frequency of up to 1000 Hz is used and the alias filters were
disabled to reduce the phase lag. This measured data is mainly used in
Chapter 3.
2. Measurements using steps in wastegate are made to study how information
on the intake side can be used to estimate the exhaust manifold pressure
in Chapter 5. As the stationary behavior is most interesting here the data
is sampled at 10 Hz.
226 Appendix E. Experimental Setup

3. Several steps in load (throttle) at constant speed are performed to model

the inertia of the turbocharger and also to tune the turbine friction param-
eter. This data is also used to validate the designed model in Chapter 6
and the observer in Chapter 8. These data were measured at 1000 Hz and
with the alias filters disabled.

4. Measurements of steps in engine speed to validate the engine model for

dynamic conditions.

air charge estimation methods, 9 CAC

Air-mass flow sensor, 9 air-fuel ratio dependency, 44
Speed-density, 10 charge cooling, 45
air-fuel ratio exhaust pressure dependency, 51
definition, 209 sensitivity, 56
lean, 210 model with charge cooling, 49
normalized, 210 CAN
rich, 210 driver, 224
stoichiometric, 209 interface, 224
air-fuel ratio control CGEKF
measured air-mass flow, 10 constant gain extended Kalman
speed-density, 10 filter, 154
Air-Fuel Ratio Controller Design, 179 charge cooling, 45
air-fuel ratio controller design Compressible flow restrictions, 92
observer based predicting feedfor- Throttle, 93
ward control, 179 Wastegate, 102
predictor design, 181 compressor
state observer design, 179 Air-mass flow
air/fuel ratio Jensen and Kristensen, 109
Param. dim.less numbers, 110
lean, 2
Air-mass flow models, 108
rich, 2
efficiency model, 112
stoichiometric, 2
temperature out, 114
torque, 114
bottom dead center, 53 DAQ-card, 224

228 Index

driver, 224 with modeled offset in volumetric

efficiency, 25
ECU, 66, 175
Electronic Control Unit, 1, 218 RTAI, 223
engine torque, 105 Runge-Kutta
EVC RK 4, 182
exhaust valve closing, 53
Exhaust mass flow model, 104 sensor selection, 148
experimental setup best CAC observability, 148
control room, 222 best system observability, 148
engine test cell, 217 speed-density
cylinder air charge, 11
Incompressible flow restrictions, 87 filtering and sensor dynamics, 12
air filter, 88 port-air mass flow, 10
exhaust system, 92 side effects of wastegate, 12
intercooler, 90 structural observability, 146
intercooler, 88
IVP top dead center, 53
initial value problem, 181 Throttle flow modeling, 23, 93
area parameterization, 99
Measurment system, 223 compressible flow, 95
E1415A, 223 discharge coefficient, 94
E1433A, 223 flow validation, 99
MVEM torque
Mean Value Engine Model, 81 compressor, 114
engine, 105
NA estimation from CAC, 61
naturally aspirated, 65 turbine, 120
nominal wastegate opening, 55 turbine, 116
efficiency, 118
observability Inlet temperature, 104
engine model, 147 mass-flow, 116
index, 145 temperature out, 118
index of set of states, 146 torque, 120
structural, 146 Turbocharger, 107
subset of states, 145 turbocharger
observable, 144 Compressor model, 108
linearized system, 144 Turbine model, 116
observer based predicting feedforward TWC
control, 179 Efficiency, 2
Three Way Catalyst, 2
port air-mass flow, 25, 102
mapped volumetric efficiency, 25 wastegate
speed-density, 11 nominal opening, 55
with air-mass offset, 26
Notes 229
230 Notes
Notes 231

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