Combustion Characteristics and Flame Structure

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The document discusses the combustion characteristics and flame structure of nitromethane liquid monopropellant. Various parameters like burning rate were measured over a wide range of conditions for static and feeding tests. Detailed modeling of nitromethane combustion was also performed.

The thesis investigates nitromethane as a potential replacement for hydrazine monopropellant. It aims to measure basic propulsion parameters like burning rate for nitromethane under different conditions to assist in the design and evaluation of future propulsion systems.

Burning rate, pressure and temperature sensitivity of burning rate, reaction zone observations, and temperature profiles using microthermocouples were measured for nitromethane over a wide range of conditions.

The Pennsylvania State University

The Graduate School

College of Engineering



A Thesis in

Mechanical Engineering


J. Eric Boyer

2005 J. Eric Boyer

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements
for the Degree of

Doctor of Philosophy

December 2005
The thesis of J. Eric Boyer was reviewed and approved* by the following:

Kenneth K. Kuo
Distinguished Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Thesis Advisor
Co-Chair of Committee

Paul W. Brown
Professor of Materials Science and Engineering
Thesis Co-Advisor
Co-Chair of Committee

Thomas A. Litzinger
Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Stefan T. Thynell
Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Vigor Yang
Distinguished Professor of Mechanical Engineering

H. Joseph Sommer III

Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Interim Department Head of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering

*Signatures are on file in the Graduate School.



The push for higher performance and reduced toxicity monopropellant has led to

the search for a hydrazine replacement. One promising candidate, nitromethane, was

investigated in this study. To assist the design and evaluation of future systems,

measurement of basic propulsion parameters such as burning rate were made over a wide

range of conditions for both static (tube) and feeding tests. Three pressure regimes were

found, distinguished by pressure exponent slope breaks:

rb(mm/s) = 0.173[P(MPa)]1.17 (for 3<P15 MPa)

rb(mm/s) = 0.009[P(MPa)]2.33 (for 15<P70 MPa)

rb(mm/s) = 4.153[P(MPa)]0.86 (for 70<P170 MPa)

Temperature sensitivity of burning rate was determined to be a low value of about

2.6x10-3 at 3 MPa, decreasing with pressure. Observations and temperature profiles

measured using microthermocouples showed a very thin reaction zone and low-

luminosity flame over a stable, smooth liquid surface.

A comprehensive detailed model for linear regression was developed and exercised.

The model considered one-dimensional behavior with surface vaporization and detailed

gas-phase kinetics based on the RDX mechanism of Yetter, et al. combined with the

nitromethane decomposition of Glarborg, Bendtsen, and Miller. It was implemented

using a custom FORTRAN code wrapping the CHEMKIN PREMIX gas-phase code

coupled with the condensed-phase model. Predicted burning rates using the model

showed good agreement with measured rates over the subcritical range of 3 to 6 MPa,

based on review of recent literature, two rates were adjusted slightly to improve the

match. Calculated species and temperature profiles showed three regions that could be

distinguished based on species. CH4 and NO were the most important intermediate

species, with smaller percentages of CH2O, N2O, HNO, and HONO present. The first

stage was marked by decomposition of nitromethane, the second by consumption of all

intermediate species except CH4 and NO, and final by rise to final temperature and

species concentrations. Sensitivity analysis identified the importance of HNO reactions

to the temperature profile, and therefore burning rate. Although the absolute levels of

NH and HCO were low, they served as an important intermediate species transporting

nitrogen and carbon, respectively, between other higher-concentration species.

Although chemically nitromethane should be simpler than energetic molecules

such as nitramines, the combustion characteristics (no stable combustion at low pressure

and very thin reaction zone) made it more difficult to study. Many of the techniques that

have been applied to nitramines cannot be used with nitromethane because of its nature as

a clear liquid. Future refinement of the current model can be aided by the development

of higher-resolution measurement techniques or methods to stretch the nitromethane

reaction zone so that current techniques can more easily resolve species and temperature



LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................ vii

LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................ x

NOMENCLATURE........................................................................................................ xii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .......................................................................................... xiv

CHAPTER 1 Introduction ............................................................................................... 1

1.1. Liquid Rocket Basics .............................................................................................. 1
1.2. Research Motivation ............................................................................................... 4
1.3. Research Objectives................................................................................................ 5
1.4. Method of Approach ............................................................................................... 6

CHAPTER 2 Background and Review ........................................................................... 8

2.1. Material Characteristics .......................................................................................... 8
2.1.1. Molecular Structure .......................................................................................... 8
2.1.2. Handling and Storage........................................................................................ 9
2.1.3. Physical and Thermodynamic Properties.......................................................... 9
2.1.4. Oxygen Balance .............................................................................................. 10
2.1.5. Phase Behavior of Nitromethane .................................................................... 11
2.2. Previous Work and Literature Survey................................................................... 19
2.2.1. Rocket Propulsion Studies .............................................................................. 19
2.2.2. Other Combustion Studies .............................................................................. 23
2.2.3. Gas-Phase Thermal Decomposition................................................................ 24
2.2.4. Decomposition and Reaction Mechanisms..................................................... 46
2.2.5. Other Fundamental Studies............................................................................. 56
2.2.6. Potential Applications..................................................................................... 58

CHAPTER 3 Experimental Method of Approach....................................................... 62

3.1. Strand Burners ...................................................................................................... 62
3.1.1. Liquid Propellant Strand Burner (LPSB)........................................................ 63
3.1.2. Ultra-High Pressure Strand Burner (UHPSB) ................................................ 71
3.2. Temperature Measurement Using Microthermocouples ...................................... 75
3.3. UV/Visible Absorption Spectroscopy................................................................... 78

CHAPTER 4 Experimental Results and Discussion.................................................... 81

4.1. Ignition Characteristics ......................................................................................... 81
4.2. Observations of Near-Surface Region .................................................................. 81
4.2.1. Images and Description................................................................................... 82
4.2.2. Analysis of Observations ................................................................................ 84

4.3. Burning Rate Measurements................................................................................. 91

4.4. Temperature Sensitivity of Burning Rate ............................................................. 95
4.5. Temperature Measurements Using Microthermocouples..................................... 98
4.6. UV/Visible Absorption Spectroscopy Measurements ........................................ 102

CHAPTER 5 Theoretical Method of Approach......................................................... 106

5.1. Description of Problem ....................................................................................... 106
5.2. Model Development............................................................................................ 108
5.2.1. Condensed-Phase Model............................................................................... 110
5.2.2. Gas Phase Region Model .............................................................................. 122
5.2.3. Model Integration and Coupling................................................................... 124
5.2.4. Numerical Method and Code Structure ........................................................ 125
5.3. Model Input......................................................................................................... 131
5.3.1. Gas-Phase Chemical Kinetics ....................................................................... 131
5.3.2. Properties of Condensed-Phase Species ....................................................... 136
5.3.3. Properties of Gas-Phase Species................................................................... 138
5.3.4. Initialization and Inputs ................................................................................ 150
5.4. Consideration of Non-Ideal Behavior................................................................. 151

CHAPTER 6 Theoretical Results and Discussion...................................................... 152

6.1. Burning Rate ....................................................................................................... 152
6.2. Flame Structure Calculations.............................................................................. 154
6.3. Sensitivity Analysis ............................................................................................ 168
6.3.1. Chemical Reaction Parameters ..................................................................... 169
6.3.2. Thermal and Transport Properties ................................................................ 174
6.3.3. Initial Temperature........................................................................................ 177
6.3.4. Numerical Method Parameters ..................................................................... 179

CHAPTER 7 Conclusions and Recommendations .................................................... 181

7.1. Conclusions......................................................................................................... 181
7.2. Recommendations for Further Work .................................................................. 182

APPENDIX A CEA2000 Output for Nitromethane .................................................. 185

APPENDIX B Main Program of Nitromethane Flame Simulation Code ............... 189

APPENDIX C Nitromethane Detailed Reaction Mechanism ................................... 199

APPENDIX D Physical Property Graphs of Liquid Nitromethane......................... 206

APPENDIX E Thermal and Transport Data ............................................................. 209

REFERENCES.............................................................................................................. 211


Figure 1.1 Monopropellant specific impulse performance comparison. ............................4

Figure 1.2 Interaction of experimental, theoretical, and literature studies. ........................7

Figure 2.1 Nitromethane molecular structure .....................................................................9

Figure 2.2 Phase diagram for pure nitromethane..............................................................18

Figure 2.3 Burning rate of nitromethane (from Rice and Cole37).....................................22

Figure 3.1 Schematic diagram of the LPSB and control systems.....................................63

Figure 3.2 Cross-sectional view of the windowed LPSB chamber with feeding base
installed. .....................................................................................................................64

Figure 3.3 Cross-sectional diagram of LPSB chamber base and feed system outlet........65

Figure 3.4 Schematic diagram of the UHPSB and control system. ..................................74

Figure 3.5 Schematic diagram of the optical arrangement for UV/Visible absorption
spectroscopy measurements.......................................................................................79

Figure 4.1 Pictures of near-surface behavior for nitromethane at a stable free surface in
LPSB feeding tests at different pressures. .................................................................83

Figure 4.2. Images of regressing surface into quiescent propellant in square tubes.........84

Figure 4.3 Density and temperature contours for nitromethane combustion plume into a
slow purge flow (0.5 cm/s). .......................................................................................87

Figure 4.4 Density and temperature contours for nitromethane combustion plume into a
medium purge flow (5 cm/s)......................................................................................88

Figure 4.5 Density and temperature contours for nitromethane combustion plume into a
fast purge flow (50 cm/s). ..........................................................................................89

Figure 4.6 Measured burning rate of nitromethane as a function of pressure. .................92

Figure 4.7 High-pressure nitromethane burning rate data of Rice and Cole37 compared to
current study...............................................................................................................94

Figure 4.8 Data of Kelzenberg, et al. and Raikova, et al. compared to correlations
obtained from current study. ......................................................................................95

Figure 4.9 Nitromethane burning rate sensitivity as a function of initial temperature .....97

Figure 4.10 p sensitivity as a function of chamber pressure ...........................................98

Figure 4.11 Temperature-distance profiles for burning nitromethane at 4 and 6 MPa.....99

Figure 4.12 Apparent surface activation energy. ............................................................102

Figure 4.13 Image of nitromethane flame immediately above the surface of the sample
contained in a quartz tube (8 x 8 mm2) obtained from the UV/Visible test rig at 5.6
MPa (800 psig).........................................................................................................104

Figure 4.14 Absorption spectra of nitromethane flame at 5.6 MPa (800 psig). .............104

Figure 5.1 Physical model and axial temperature distribution for steady-state combustion
of liquid nitromethane fed into the burning zone under a controlled constant-pressure
condition. .................................................................................................................107

Figure 5.2 General structure of model and relationship to other parameters..................109

Figure 5.3 Schematic diagram of physicochemical processes for the bubbles within the
RDX two-phase reaction zone (from Ref. 186) .......................................................113

Figure 5.4 Comparison of two different methods of calculating enthalpy change for
initial temperature of 273 K to gas phase at specified surface temperature. ...........118

Figure 5.5 Comparison of ignition time at surface temperature to residence time in

thermal wave for nitromethane at a range of pressures. ..........................................120

Figure 5.6 Flow chart for PREMIX gas-phase driver code and CHEMKIN system (from
Ref. ). .......................................................................................................................127

Figure 5.7 Flow chart of program implementing gas- and condensed-phase coupling. .130

Figure 5.8 Fall-off curves for CH3NO2 dissociation (from Glarborg, Bendtsen, and

Figure 5.9 Curve fit to center-broadening parameter (Fcent) of Glarborg, Bendtsen, and
Miller for Troe form of falloff reaction. ..................................................................136

Figure 5.10 Comparison of literature values (DIPPR), curve fit, and CHEMKIN
polynomial approximation for nitromethane vapor viscosity. .................................145

Figure 5.11 Comparison of pure nitromethane thermal conductivity calculated by two

different methods. ....................................................................................................149

Figure 6.1 Comparison of calculated and measured burning rates for nitromethane at 3 to
6 MPa. ......................................................................................................................153

Figure 6.2 Calculated burning rate over a wide range of pressures................................154

Figure 6.3 Variation of nitromethane equilibrium flame temperature and product species
with pressure. ...........................................................................................................156

Figure 6.4 Calculated temperature and species profiles at 3 MPa..................................158

Figure 6.5 Calculated temperature and species profiles at 6 MPa..................................160

Figure 6.6 Calculated gas-phase heat release at 3 MPa. .................................................162

Figure 6.7 Comparison of calculated temperature profiles for a range of pressures. .....165

Figure 6.8 Temperature and species profiles calculated for 150 MPa............................167

Figure 6.9 Temperature sensitivity to reaction rates at 3 MPa. ......................................170

Figure 6.10 Burning rate sensitivity to reaction rates at 4 MPa......................................172

Figure 6.11 Logarithmic burning rate sensitivity to nitromethane molecular parameters at

4 MPa condition.......................................................................................................176

Figure 6.12 Calculated burning rate as a function of initial temperature and pressure. .178

Figure 6.13 Comparison of measured and calculated values for burning rate temperature
sensitivity. ................................................................................................................179


Table 2.1 Selected properties of nitromethane at one atmosphere. ..................................10

Table 2.2 Oxygen balance of nitromethane and related compounds. ...............................11

Table 2.3 Location of nitromethane critical and triple points...........................................12

Table 2.4 Antoine Equation parameters for boiling point of nitromethane (coefficients
calculated by NIST12 from other authors data).........................................................14

Table 2.5 Coefficients for nitromethane vapor pressure correlation (from DIPPR6). ......14

Table 2.6 Coefficients of the Simon-Glatzel equation for the high-pressure fusion curve
of nitromethane (from Ref. 20). .................................................................................16

Table 2.7 Mechanisms and reaction parameters for the thermal decomposition of
nitromethane. .............................................................................................................42

Table 2.8 Previously-developed detailed reaction mechanisms for nitromethane. ..........46

Table 2.9 Parameters of the two-step reduced nitromethane combustion mechanism of

Kelzenberg, et al.42 ....................................................................................................55

Table 2.10 Impetus of selected candidate liquid gun propellants.....................................59

Table 3.1 D-type thermocouple inverse polynomial for calculating temperature from

Table 4.1 Input and intial properties and conditions for FLUENT simulation of flame
plume in cold purge flow. ..........................................................................................86

Table 5.1 Coefficients for nitromethane density correlation (from DIPPR6) .................137

Table 5.2 Coefficients for nitromethane liquid heat capacity correlation (from DIPPR6)138

Table 5.3 Coefficients for approximation of the reduced collision integral ij(2,2)* ........143

Table 5.4 Coefficients for vapor viscosity correlation (from Ref. 6). ............................144

Table 5.5 Coefficients for CHEMKIN nitromethane vapor viscosity 3rd-order polynomial
correlation. ...............................................................................................................146

Table 5.6 Coefficients for DIPPR nitromethane vapor thermal conductivity correlation
(from Ref. 6). ...........................................................................................................148

Table 5.7 Coefficients for CHEMKIN nitromethane vapor thermal conductivity 3rd-order

polynomial correlation. ............................................................................................148

Table 5.8 Supplemental transport parameters used in this study....................................150



A chemical reaction pre-exponential factor

As surface pyrolysis law pre-exponential factor

Ea chemical reaction activation energy (cal/mol)

Es surface pyrolysis law activation energy (cal/mol)

H fo enthalpy of formation (kJ/mol)

kB Boltzmann constant (J/K)

L* ratio of rocket engine chamber volume to nozzle throat area (m)

Q heat flux (W/cm2)

rb burning rate (mm/s)

T temperature (K)

W molecular weight (g/mol)

W mean molecular weight of a mixture (g/mol)

X species mole fraction

Zrot rotational relaxation collision number

Greek Symbols

chemical reaction temperature exponent

polarizability (3)

thermal diffusivity (cm2/s)


ij* reduced dipole moment

kB Lennard-Jones potential well depth (K)

Dipole moment (Debye)

Lennard-Jones collision diameter ()

p burning rate temperature sensitivity at constant pressure (K-1)

ij(2,2)* reduced collision integral

 reaction rate


cond conduction

init initial

i, j indices

flame flame property

g, gas gas-phase property

liq liquid-phase property

rad radiation

reac reaction

s, sur surface


I would like to thank Prof. Kenneth K. Kuo for his invaluable advice and support

throughout my graduate career, and acting as advisor and committee Co-Chair for this

study. I would also like to thank Paul W. Brown for serving as the committee Co-Chair.

The time and effort of Profs. Thomas A. Litzinger, Stefan T. Thynell, and Vigor Yang are

appreciated for serving as committee members.

Discussions with Prof. Richard Yetter and use of his RDX mechanism were very

valuable to this work. Mr. Donald Kochs help in the setup of the ultra-high pressure

strand burner, and the assistance of Dr. Yi-Ping Chang and Dr. Abdullah Ulas with

UV/Visible absorption spectroscopy measurements are greatly appreciated. I would also

like to thank Prof. BaoQi Zhang for his valuable translations of Russian-language works,

and Ryan Houim for assistance with FLUENT.

Portions of this material are based upon earlier work supported by the U. S. Army

Research Office under Contract Nos. DAAH04-93-D-0364 and DAAL03-92-G-0118

under the management of Dr. Robert W. Shaw and Contract No. DAAH04-96-1-0054

under the management of Dr. David M. Mann.

Finally, I would like to thank my parents for their unflagging support and




There are three general types of chemical rockets, with the name a rough

description of the propellant storage phase in the system: liquid, solid, and hybrid.

Liquid rockets depend on liquid propellants being fed under pressure from tanks into the

thrust chamber; either pressurized tanks or pumps can be used. In solid rockets, the

container holding the solid propellant is the motor chamber. Hybrid rockets combine

aspects of both solids and liquids, while separating the fuel and oxidizer by both phase

and space (usually with liquid oxidizer and solid fuel).1 In this study, nitromethane liquid

propellant will be examined.

1.1. Liquid Rocket Basics

In general, liquid rockets offer the highest performance and best control over

engine operation, although the pumping/pressurization and feed control systems are

heavier and more complex than the support components needed for solids or hybrids.

Because liquid-phase propellants have no preferred shape and propellant storage is

separate from the thrust chamber, tank locations and shapes are not tightly prescribed,

leading to design flexibility such as the use of conformal tanks. However, the liquid can

be subject to spills and leaks, leading to handling difficulties when using toxic or

hazardous propellants. Since only a portion of the system is subjected to the heat and

pressure of combustion conditions, components other than the relatively small

combustion chamber (compared to hybrids or solids) can be lighter or made out of


cheaper and less strong materials.

A sub-classification of liquid rockets depends on the form of the oxidizer and fuel

in the propellant. The fuel and oxidizer may be separate compounds in the mixture or in

a single molecule. If they are combined in a single fluid, it is known as a

monopropellant. The majority of liquid rocket systems utilize separate fuel and oxidizer,

and are known as bipropellant rockets.1

Rocket engines utilizing storable (i.e. non-cryogenic and long-term stable)

monopropellants are very useful for attitude and trajectory control rockets. Another

application is gas generators. Currently, hydrazine is the most extensively used

monopropellant.2 A useful monopropellant must be chemically and thermally stable (for

storage) but easily decompose and have good combustion properties.1 Physical

properties of the liquid (e.g. density, boiling point, freezing point, etc.) must also be

suited to the application. For example, cryogenic or high freezing point propellants

requiring temperature control would not be appropriate for space or tactical applications

due to the adverse environments encountered by the systems. The material must also be

user-friendly for handling. Because of the above requirements and other storage and

handling constraints, the selection of monopropellants is more limited than that of

bipropellants. Also, because the material must be somewhat insensitive for safety up

until the point it is injected into the chamber, high-power igniters or catalysts are often

required to initiate and sustain smooth combustion.

Although usually lower energy than bipropellant rockets, monopropellant systems

can be lighter and less complex because only a singly storage and feed system is required.

Monopropellant engine supply systems often consist of just a pressurized tank and inline

valve. However, in order to achieve desirable ignition and combustion behavior of a

relatively stable material, they often require the use of a catalyst in the chamber. In some

cases, just an atomizing injector for supplying monopropellant sprays into the combustor

is sufficient.

A chart comparing the specific impulse performance of the most widely-used

monopropellant, hydrazine, with some potential replacements at typical rocket

conditions is shown in Figure 1.1. Nitromethane has a significant performance advantage

over hydrazine, and a candidate hydroxylammonium nitrate(HAN)-based monopropellant

(HAN 269 MEO: 69.15% HAN/15.46% methanol/0.59% ammonium nitrate/balance

H2O).3 Nitromethane also shows almost 50% improvement over 98% hydrogen peroxide

(highest commercially-available), which is of interest because of its non-toxic green

nature. Sample outputs of nitromethane performance calculations are shown in Appendix


There is also potential for the use of liquid monopropellant in large-bore guns

such as howitzers. Compared to current solid stick propellants, a liquid system can allow

greater control over ballistic performance by metering a precise load of propellant into

chamber, allowing the range and velocity of the round to be tailored. However, the

aforementioned problems with spills or leaks are more challenging to overcome in a

battlefield environment.

P = 1000 psia
= 40 266.4 269.4
Vacuum Specific Impulse [sec]





HTP 98% Hydrazine HAN 269 MEO Nitromethane
Hydrogen Peroxide

Figure 1.1 Monopropellant specific impulse performance comparison.

1.2. Research Motivation

At the present, a push for higher performance and reduced toxicity

monopropellant has led to the search for a hydrazine replacement. The material

examined in this study, nitromethane, offers potential to meet that need with better

performance than current and many proposed replacement propellants. Measurement of

basic propulsion parameters such as burning rate over a wide range of conditions is useful

in evaluating these materials for future designs. Previous measurements available in the

literature were over a limited range and performed using crude instruments leading to

significant uncertainty. Better understanding of combustion phenomena and having a


predictive capability for burning behavior will aid in development of new systems

utilizing this material.

As part of the renewed interest, old problems must be also considered and

addressed. Previously, shock sensitivity was found to be an issue. However, there are

known additives (especially alcohols such as butanol) that can reduce the risk to

acceptable levels. In early rocket tests, combustion instability was also noted during

nitromethane engine firings. There are a number of possible solutions to this negative

aspect. Although the solution depends on the precise mode, with great advances in

chamber and injector design and materials over the past half-century, it is likely this

problem could be addressed solely from a manufacturing standpoint. However, other

approaches are available: increasing viscosity of the propellant was shown to reduce

oscillations and active control (including addition of external acoustic energy or

controlling propellant flow) may prove effective.

1.3. Research Objectives

The overall goal of this research was to achieve a deeper understanding of the

combustion behavior of nitromethane over conditions of interest in combustion systems,

especially rocket engines. In order to achieve this goal, major objectives of this

investigation were to:

Experimentally obtain engineering parameters such as burning rate and

temperature sensitivity over a large range of operating conditions;

Observe surface burning behavior and flame structure as well conduct other

experimental measurements such as UV/visible absorption spectroscopy and


temperature profiling using microthermocouples;

Formulate a comprehensive model describing the combustion behavior of

nitromethane; and

Implement a numerical simulation code for predicting the burning rate of

nitromethane as a function of pressure and for studying the flame structure.

1.4. Method of Approach

Experimental, theoretical, and literature studies have been undertaken to meet the

objectives listed in the previous section. The complementary connection between these is

shown in Figure 1.2.

Review of the historical literature (given in Chapter 2) determined the present

state of knowledge in the field and avoided duplication of work. Properties of materials

and specific reaction rate data were obtained from literature and standard references.

Experimental equipment and techniques utilized in this study are described in

Chapter 3, with results presented and analyzed in Chapter 4. Experimental work was

selected to generate basic combustion parameters, characterize the physical and chemical

structure of the surface region and luminous flame zone, and to provide inputs to the

modeling activities. Regression rate data allowed the model results to be tested against

real-world measurements, while surface region observations and temperature profile

measurements served to guide model development and as a check on results.

In Chapter 5, simplified representations of the important phenomena seen in

combustion were developed to provide a predictive tool that allowed linear regression

rate at a particular set of conditions (i.e. pressure and initial temperature) to be


determined based on simulation of the chemical and physical processes involved. Results

of the model, given in Chapter 6, also allowed trends in other calculated intermediate

parameters of interest (e.g. species and temperature profiles) to be examined.

Finally, the findings are summarized and suggestions for the direction of future

studies are given in Chapter 7.

In situ Observation of
Flame and Near-surface

Reaction Data
Limited Species from Literature
Data from
Absorption Model and

Numerical Code

Regression Rate Data at

Temperature Profiles Different Pressures and
from Initial Temperatures

Figure 1.2 Interaction of experimental, theoretical, and literature studies.



Background and Review

In order to effectively study a topic one must have knowledge of previous

investigations, both to avoid duplication of work and to provide perspective on the

subject to best allocate time and effort. This chapter provides some general information

and background on the substance of interest, and detailed literature review of previously-

published pertinent studies.

A readily available industrial chemical, nitromethane has a wide variety of

applications. It is commonly used as a solvent for chemical processing and analysis. The

energetic nature of the compound makes it useful as a liquid explosive and as a high-

performance additive to fuel for internal combustion (IC) engines.4 As a storable high-

energy monopropellant, it has potential to be used in attitude control rockets where its

lower toxicity makes it an attractive replacement for hydrazine, and when mixed with

other components such as alcohol has been investigated for liquid propellant guns.

2.1. Material Characteristics

2.1.1. Molecular Structure

The chemical formula of nitromethane is CH3NO2, with molecular structure as

shown in Figure 2.1. As the name suggests, the molecule is essentially methane with one

of the four hydrogens replaced by a nitro group. In essence, it is the simplest of possible

energetic CHON molecules that contain nitro groups, which is why it is often used in

reaction studies as a prototype for more complex energetic materials.


Figure 2.1 Nitromethane molecular structure

2.1.2. Handling and Storage

Nitromethane is a clear, colorless liquid with a mild fruity odor. Although

classified as a flammable liquid for storage and shipping, it may detonate when

shocked with sufficient energy. It can also be explosion sensitized when contaminated

with amines, strong acids, or alkalis. Some metal ions are incompatible with

nitromethane, promoting decomposition. These include lead, copper, and alloys

containing either metal. Other materials such as some plastics, rubbers, and coatings can

react directly with nitromethane. Contact with the liquid or breathing large amounts

vapor can cause irritation, but it is not considered a carcinogen.4 Because the activation

energy of its weakest bond is well over the rule-of-thumb value of 170 kJ/mol, the pure

substance can be considered stable at room temperature for thousands of years.5

2.1.3. Physical and Thermodynamic Properties

A selection of physical properties at ambient conditions is shown in Table 2.1.

More detailed discussion of thermal and transport properties and their variation with

temperature will be given in later sections.


Table 2.1 Selected properties of nitromethane at one atmosphere.

Property Value Units Ref. Notes
Molecular Weight 61.040 g/mol 6
Liquid Density, 1.1371 g/cm3 7 at 20 C
Boiling Point 374.35 K 6
Freezing Point 244.60 K 6
Specific Heat, Cp 105.98 J/mol-K 8 at 25 C
Enthalpy of Fusion, Hfus 9.703 kJ/mol 7 at f.p.
Enthalpy of Vaporization, Hvap 33.99 kJ/mol 7 at b.p.
Liquid Enthalpy of Formation -113.1 kJ/mol 9
Heat of Combustion 709.188 kJ/mol 10

2.1.4. Oxygen Balance

Oxygen balance is a way to measure the surplus (or deficit) of oxygen available in

the combustion of a material. It can be defined as the mass fraction of oxygen in excess

of that needed for complete combustion (i.e. to CO2 and H2O), expressed as a percentage.

It is an important quantity for evaluating the possible performance and suitability of a

substance as a monopropellant or as a component of a bipropellant combination. Positive

values mean oxygen is available to combine with other materials in the propellant

mixture; negative values mean the material itself cannot achieve complete combustion.

Because rocket performance is a function of more than just molecular formula, oxygen

balance is most valuable when used to indicate relative trends, not absolute quality of a

particular material. For comparison and reference, oxygen balance of nitromethane and a

number of related compounds of interest due to their similarity to nitromethane or utility

as an additive are listed in Table 2.2.


Table 2.2 Oxygen balance of nitromethane and related compounds.

Chemical Oxygen Boiling Freezing
Material Notes
Formula Balance Point Point
Nitromethane CH3NO2 39.32 % 101.2 C -28.6 C
Methyl nitrite CH3ONO 39.32 % 12 C -16 C b.p. too low
Methyl nitrate CH3NO3 -10.38 % 66.5 C -82.3 C
Dinitromethane CH2(NO2)2 15.09 % 100 C < -15 C explodes at b.p.
Nitroethane C2H5NO2 -95.91 % 115 C -50 C liquid fuel
Butyl alcohol C4H10O -259.02 % 99.5 C -114.7 C desensitizer additive

The somewhat negative value of nitromethane implies that it is best suited as a

monopropellant, or as a fuel component with a small amount of oxidizer. Although a

chemical isomer of nitromethane, and therefore possessing the same molecular weight

and oxygen balance, methyl nitrite is not usable as a storable propellant due to its low

boiling point. Nitroethane, a two-carbon chain with an attached nitro group, has more

fuel (C and H) compared to oxygen, and therefore is more appropriate as a liquid fuel

used with an additional oxidizer. In general, nitromethane is more stable than

compounds with multiple nitro groups, and more stoichiometric than those with longer

carbon chains. This is demonstrated with dinitromethane (containing two opposing nitro

groups), which tends to explode near the boiling point. Butyl alcohol can be used as a

desensitizing additive to nitromethane.4

2.1.5. Phase Behavior of Nitromethane

In designing and analyzing practical systems, temperature and pressure data for

phase transitions (i.e. melting/freezing, vaporization/condensation, and sublimation) are

very important. However, no complete single-component phase diagram for

nitromethane was found in the literature for conditions encountered in typical rocket

propellant storage and combustion environments. A number of studies have examined

the phase behavior in the gigapascal range, and engineering tables have been generated

for the phase change behavior at industrial conditions, but no source unified the data into

a single diagram. To rectify this, a phase diagram was generated, using data collected

from a variety of sources and approximating curves where data were not available. Two

of the most important constants on the phase diagram, the triple and critical points, are

noted in Table 2.3. Subsequent sections document the source of these values and the

phase transition curves.

Table 2.3 Location of nitromethane critical and triple points.

Temperature Pressure
(K) (Pa)
Critical Point 588.15 6.3126E6
Triple Point 244.60 1.4015E2 Critical Point

One of the most important points on the phase diagram is the critical point,

indicating where differences between vapor and liquid phases vanish. Although the

critical temperature for nitromethane (588.15 K) is well-established, conflicting values

for critical pressure appear in the literature. One of the best-known standard references,

the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics,11 lists a value (5.87 MPa) which is lower

than that found in other sources. The National Institute of Standards and Technology

(NIST) Webbook12 cites two studies with contradictory values. The value given by the

Design Institute for Physical Properties (DIPPR) project6 (6.3126 MPa) was compiled

from multiple sources and critically evaluated, so it will be accepted as the reference

value in this manuscript. Triple Point

At the triple point, all three phases (solid, liquid, and vapor) exist in

thermodynamic equilibrium. The location of this point for nitromethane is much better

established than that of the critical point, with the value of Jones and Giauque (244.73 K)

cited by the NIST Webbook12 and the value predicted by the DIPPR project staff6

(244.60 K) differing by less than 0.1 percent. From the actual manuscript of Jones and

Giauque,8 it is not clear that they measured the triple point; rather it appears to be the

melting point at one atmosphere. In any case, since the melting point is relatively

insensitive to pressure, the error of misinterpretation is very small. Vaporization Curve

Because of its engineering importance, the liquid-vapor line is the best-

documented for nitromethane. Studies by McCullough et al.13 and Berman and West14

experimentally measured the vapor pressure as a function of temperature over limited

temperature ranges. McCullough et al. obtained data over the range of 55 to 136 C and

Berman and West investigated higher temperatures between 130 and 200 C. Although

Berman and West found discoloration at temperatures above 140 C, using mass

spectroscopic analysis they could find no change in composition, indicating that there

was virtually no reaction at these temperatures. As compiled in the NIST Webbook,12 the

results of these studies express the vapor pressure as an Antoine equation:

log P = A (2.1)

where P is in bar, T in Kelvins, and A, B, and C are adjustable parameters. The

correlation coefficients are listed in Table 2.4.

Table 2.4 Antoine Equation parameters for boiling point of nitromethane (coefficients
calculated by NIST12 from other authors data).
Temperature (K) A B C Source of Data
404.9 476.0 4.11350 1229.574 -76.221 Berman and West
328.86 - 409.5 4.40542 1446.196 -45.633 McCullough, et al.

Unfortunately, the experimental data only covers a relatively small span of

temperature, limiting its usefulness in combustion modeling. Gallant expanded the range

using the Kharbanda nomograph,15 covering -20 to 240 C, but published his results only

in graphical form.16 More recently, the DIPPR project6 developed a correlation over the

entire temperature range where the liquid-vapor phase transition exists (between the triple

and critical points) based on regression analysis of six different studies. The following

function was used:

A + + C ln T + DT
P = e T
With the coefficients listed in Table 2.5, it was deemed to be accurate to within 3% over

the entire range.

Table 2.5 Coefficients for nitromethane vapor pressure correlation (from DIPPR6).
Temperature (K) A B C E E
244.60-588.15 8.7411E1 -7.1332E3 -9.7786 7.9061E-6 2.0000 Fusion Curve

The freezing point (solid-liquid transition) has been determined as a function of

pressure in high pressure studies, both experimentally and more recently,


computationally. At very high pressures and temperatures, nitromethane phase structure

has been investigated by a number of researchers using a diamond anvil cell. The study

by Brasch17 compressed nitromethane at pressures from 20 to 50 kbar (2 to 5 GPa). From

100 to 160 C, no transition was observed from the crystalline phase. A more recent and

comprehensive study at pressures up to 7 GPa by Piermarini, Block, and Miller18 mapped

the equilibrium melting point at very high pressures and temperatures. Condensed-phase

behavior was studied at pressures up to 35 GPa over a temperature range of 20 to 350 C

in the investigation of Courtecuisse, et al.19 Five distinct solid phases were identified

using Raman scattering. A molecular dynamics study by Agrawal, Rice, and

Thompson20 studied melting specifically over the range of 1 to 30 kbar (0.1 to 3 GPa).

Computed values were correlated by them using the Simon-Glatzel equation,21 which has

been shown to work well for non-metallic and non-ionic substances with normal melting


P = aT b + c (2.3)

Coefficient values (yielding pressure in kilobars) found by them are shown in Table 2.6.

Although their calculated results compared well to experimental data of Piermarini,

Block, and Miller18 at high pressure, extrapolation of the curve to low pressure (e.g. 1

atm) showed some differences from measured values. For the purposes of Figure 2.2, a

smooth curve was interpolated from the triple point, through the empirical melting point

at atmospheric pressure, to the lowest-pressure calculated point of Agrawal, Rice, and


Table 2.6 Coefficients of the Simon-Glatzel equation for the high-pressure fusion curve
of nitromethane (from Ref. 20).
Coefficient Value
a 1.597E-5
b 2.322
c -6.74 Sublimation Curve

Although solid-vapor phase transition data was not found in the literature, the

sublimation line can be approximated with knowledge of the enthalpy of sublimation and

a single known equilibrium point by applying the Clausius-Clapeyron relationship:

P H 1 1
ln = (2.4)
Po R To T

where Po is the vapor pressure at a known temperature To, H is the enthalpy of the phase

transition (sublimation in this case), and T is another temperature at which the vapor

pressure, P, is to be determined (or vice versa). To find the unknown pressure of phase

transition for a given temperature, Equation (2.4) can be rewritten as

H 1 1

R To T
P = Po e (2.5)

The triple point temperature and pressure as given by the DIPPR project6 and listed in

Table 2.3 were used as the reference state since, by definition, all phases must be in

equilibrium at that point. No experimental measurements of the enthalpy of sublimation

were found. However, using molecular dynamics simulation, Alavi and Thompson24

determined it as a function of temperature from 4.2 to 240 K, calculating values from

253.5 to 233.1 kJ/mol over that range. As the Clausius-Clapeyron relation as expressed

in Equations (2.4) and (2.5) assumes a constant value for the enthalpy of sublimation, in

addition to ideal gas behavior of the vapor, an intermediate value of 243 kJ/mol was

assumed to approximate the sublimation line. Some error was introduced by this

approximation, but it would be most significant at the lowest temperatures which are least

likely to be found in any practical application. In addition, the vapor pressure is already

so low that the error introduced by assuming a single constant property value will have

virtually no engineering significance. For example, the calculated vapor pressure at 100

K changed from 1.46E-73 to 7.31E-80 kPa as enthalpy of sublimation varied from 233.1

to 253.5 kJ/mol. Although this is a nearly a seven order of magnitude change, the

practical effects should be unnoticeable. Therefore, the implicit inaccuracy of assuming a

constant value was deemed acceptable to illustrate the general trend. Phase Diagram

Combining the points and phase transitions discussed in previous sections, a

phase diagram has been developed for nitromethane and is shown here as Figure 2.2.

The temperature range spans the triple and critical points (roughly 200 to 600 K), over a

pressure of 10-5 to 107 kPa. Phase behavior in most conceivable practical applications

should be captured by this range.



Pressure (kPa)


Critical Point (DIPPR)

10 Triple Point (DIPPR)
L-V (NIST/Berman&West)
L-V (NIST/McCullough et al.)
-3 L-S (Agrawal Eq)
L-S (Piermarini&Block&Miller)
L-S interpolated
S-V (Clausius-Clapeyron/Alavi&Thompson)
200 300 400 500 600

Temperature (K)

Figure 2.2 Phase diagram for pure nitromethane.

Looking at the phase boundaries, one can see that nitromethane can be considered

storable at ambient conditions for most applications, though the freezing point may be an

issue at extreme conditions. The critical point lies within the temperature and pressure

range of combustion systems, so supercritical effects may need to be considered.


2.2. Previous Work and Literature Survey

First examined as a monopropellant in the early days of rocket propulsion (late

1930s to early 1950s), interest in nitromethane waned when hydrazine and higher-

performance bipropellants were discovered and implemented. Low level interest with

more of a focus on fundamental chemistry and detonation phenomena continued for the

next few decades, while experimental instruments and analytical techniques grew

increasingly sophisticated. Many investigations seemed to view nitromethane as an

initial step in research of more complex substances such as higher nitro-compounds or

nitramines like RDX and HMX, due to the fact that as a simpler, but similar molecule,

nitromethane can be used to validate methods or techniques for use with more energetic

systems. With the continuing development of algorithms and numerical methods coupled

with exponentially increasing computer power, many studies implemented molecular

dynamics simulations and calculations of both physical properties (packing, molecular

structure, etc.) and fundamental decomposition and subsequent reactions. However,

recent studies have again considered nitromethane (or mixtures containing nitromethane)

for use in propulsion systems. This seems to have been prompted by a number of factors,

including the current emphasis on green and reduced-toxicity propellants (i.e.

replacement of hydrazine) and the perceived advantages that may be gained by use of

storable liquid propellants in large-caliber gun systems.

2.2.1. Rocket Propulsion Studies

Nitromethane was first tested as a rocket monopropellant by Crocco in the early

1930s in Italy. Initial results using a benchtop apparatus to determine decomposition


and sensitivity results at both atmospheric and high (60-90 atm) pressures were deemed

satisfactory, but an explosion in a high-speed pump ended the experiments.25,26 Rocket

firings showed promise, but the study ended due to lack of funding and there was little

further activity recorded anywhere until the World War II time frame in the United


By the end of World War II, the Aerojet Corporation,27,28 the Jet Propulsion

Laboratory (JPL) at the California Institute of Technology,29 and the Navy Engineering

Experiment Station (EES) at Annapolis2 had all investigated the use of nitromethane as a

monopropellant for rocket applications. Its potential as a high-energy, relatively non-

toxic, and storable propellant was widely recognized, and it was believed that the

sensitivity issues, while significant, could be overcome.30,31,32 Aerojet found that the

addition of 8 percent of butanol acted as an effective desensitizer,2 and JPL conducted

detailed injector and chamber design studies immediately following the war.33

Post-war investigations by the Army34,35 studied nitromethane as a propellant for

rockets to be used in launching of buzz bombs. Ignition difficulties were overcome with

the use of a torch-type igniter. Although detonation sensitivity was found to be reduced

significantly with the use of certain additives such as gasoline, methanol, or amyl acetate,

unwanted initiation in the injector system under certain conditions remained an issue.

Rocket testing was extensive, with over 200 runs made at chamber pressures ranging

from approximately 700 to 1000 psi.

Aerojet also studied the kinetics of thermal decomposition and evaluated catalytic

methods of lowering the L* (ratio of chamber volume to nozzle area) necessary for

effective combustion in a rocket motor. It was found that stainless steel served as a

catalyst, increasing the reaction rate by a factor of 40. A number of materials, including

ammonia, lithium, sodium, and potassium, produced a hypergolic reaction with

nitromethane when placed in solution.36 Work continued at Aerojet to investigate and

solve ignition and combustion stability concerns, resulting in the eventual development

by 1954 of a mixture known as Neofuel containing 79 percent nitromethane, 19 percent

ethylene oxide, and 2 percent chromium acetyl acetonate.2

At approximately the same time, liquid strand tests were conducted over a limited

range of conditions by Rice and Cole37 at the Naval Ordnance Laboratory (NAVORD) to

characterize the burning behavior. According to their report, these were the first reported

data on burning rate as a function of pressure. They used several horizontally mounted

lead break wires across a 6-mm ID Pyrex tube at different axial positions. The burning

rate of nitromethane was deduced from recorded break-wire signals in the pressure range

from 1,080-2,076 psig. It was postulated that the hump observed in the burning rate

curve near 1500 psi in Figure 2.3 (replotted from a poor quality microfiche reproduction)

may have been the cause of observed erratic behavior in contemporary rocket motor tests.

Burning rate data at higher pressures (up to 25,000 psig) were also obtained, but the

measurements contained large uncertainties from pressure excursions in the small

combustion chamber due to the mass addition of the product gases. Also, the timing

instruments used led to significant sources of error at higher pressures and burn rates.

Prior to the current work, the NAVORD report represents the first and only published

burning rate data for nitromethane, to the authors knowledge. Their results are directly

compared with data from the present study in a later section.

Burning Rate (in/s)


1000 1250 1500 1750 2000
Pressure (psi)

Figure 2.3 Burning rate of nitromethane (from Rice and Cole37)

Causes and possible methods to reduce the high required L* were also

investigated by Hermoni in Israel.38 He concluded that reactions of NO greatly

influenced the overall reaction rate, and the addition of catalysts which would promote

oxidation reactions could reduce the L* required for stable operation.

Koch, et al.39 and Boyer, et al.40 previously determined burn rate and temperature

sensitivity using the constant-feed liquid propellant strand burner described in this

study.41 Portions of these studies are incorporated in this document.

Other than this work, the only reported attempt to model the linear regression of

nitromethane propellant was by Kelzenberg, et al.42 Their study employed a very

simplified model of nitromethane ignition and combustion with a very reduced overall

reaction mechanism consisting of two consecutive first order steps. This mechanism

(described in greater detail in a later section) was combined with the CTEM one-

dimensional code of Zarko, et al.43 to find calculated transient and steady-state regression

rates. The results were stated to compare well with measured strand burner rates at their

observed low pressure limit (~0.02-0.03 cm/s below 1 MPa). However, no other data or

trends with pressure or initial temperature were reported.

2.2.2. Other Combustion Studies

Hall and Wolfhard44 tried unsuccessfully to achieve a self-supporting

nitromethane flame using gaseous nitromethane in a flat burner at atmospheric pressure.

Only by adding a stoichiometric amount of air or oxygen could they obtain a stable

flame. In this configuration, they observed two relatively thin, distinct regions: an

orange/yellow zone followed by a violet region characterized by C2, CH, CN, NH, NO,

and OH emission. The flame structure lacked the blue initial zone with formaldehyde

emission seen with methyl nitrite/oxygen.

Flame velocities and temperatures for nitromethane/air flames were measured by

de Jaegere and van Tiggelen.45 Only a single stage of combustion was found in their


Eckl, Weiser, and Eisenreich (with co-workers) measured infrared (IR)46 and

ultraviolet/visible (UV/Visible)47,48 spectra of nitromethane pool fires. Strong emission

bands for NO and CO were found, with little soot present.


2.2.3. Gas-Phase Thermal Decomposition

This section presents a summary of studies examining the gas-phase thermal

decomposition of NM. The earliest investigations were focused on applications, but most

later ones investigated the just the chemical characteristics and properties. Many studies

considered nitromethane as the simplest model nitro-compound (having a single methyl

group and a single nitro group) to find techniques and trends that could be applied to

higher nitroalkanes or more complex nitrohydrocarbons. Likely because of its simplicity,

availability, energetic nature, and other properties, nitromethane has been studied around

the world, including significant work found in Russian literature. Table 2.7 at the end of

the section summarizes conditions, findings, and kinetic parameters of the most of the

significant studies. Rates in the table have been standardized to use the three parameters

of the extended Arrhenius expression:

k = AT exp a (2.6)

where A is the pre-exponential factor in the appropriate units containing cm, mol, and s

(depending on reaction order), the dimensionless temperature exponent , and Ea the

activation energy in cal/mol.

Perhaps the first detailed study of nitromethane thermal decomposition was

performed by Taylor and Vesselovsky at New York University in 1934.49 In their study,

the pressure increase in a small sample volume containing nitromethane was monitored

as a function of time. Initial pressures examined ranged from 24.5 to 307 mm (3.27 to

40.9 kPa), with most cases below 200 mm. Initial temperatures of 380 to 420 C were

chosen to yield convenient decomposition times on the order of minutes. In all cases, the

final pressure was found to be about 130 percent of the initial value. By fitting an

Arrhenius expression to the elapsed times until one-fourth of the total pressure rise was

observed as a function of reciprocal temperature, activation energy for the initial

unimolecular decomposition reaction was determined to be 61 kcal/mol. This was

associated with the loss of an oxygen atom from the nitromethane molecule, creating


CH 3 NO 2 CH 3 N O + O (2.7)
Subsequent reactions were deemed too complex to analyze with the limited empirical


Some years later, Cottrell and Reid50 noted inconsistencies in the work of Taylor

and Vesselovsky,49 and performed a similar set of static experiments, but over a higher

initial temperature and pressure range of 380 to 430 C and 200 to 350 mm. They also

observed a first-order reaction, but found the rate to be given by

52, 700
k = 1014.36 exp sec

with a significantly lower activation energy than that previously determined by Taylor

and Vesselovsky. At pressures less than 200 mm, the rate constant increased with

pressure. Cottrell and Reid postulated that the initial decomposition step resulted from C-

N bond scission (instead of N-O), resulting in a decomposition reaction of

CH 3 NO 2 CH 3 + NO 2 (2.9)
with activation energy of approximately 52 to 53 kcal. Further expanding their test

matrix in the continuing study, Cottrell, Graham, and Reid51 looked at slightly higher

pressures (up to 400 mm) and refined the result reported in Ref. 50. Here, the first order

thermal decomposition rate was determined to be

53, 600
k = 1014.6 exp sec

They also re-analyzed the earlier data of Taylor and Vesselovsky and found it yielded a

similar fit. Using chemical analysis along with mass and infrared spectroscopy,

intermediate products were measured and a set of five likely intermediate reactions


Nearly simultaneously, Frjacques52 performed a similar study, though at lower

pressure (4-40 mm Hg) and similar temperatures. The effect of other gases on

decomposition rates was also determined. At this much lower pressure, a significantly

slower rate and activation energy were found (42.8 kcal/mole).

In contrast to the static method of Cottrell, Graham, and Reid,50,51 Hillenbrand

and Kilpatrick used a flow reactor with nitrogen as a carrier.53,54 The reactor pressure

was atmospheric, and temperature was maintained at a constant value between 420 and

480 C. The rate expression obtained in this study was similar to that of Cottrell,

Graham, and Reid, and agreed with their conclusion that the activation energy of the rate-

limiting step in thermal decomposition is consistent with C-N bond scission. However,

the observed high initial formaldehyde formation suggested an intermolecular

rearrangement reaction may also have been present.

Along with rocket motor tests, Kindsvater, et al.36 at Aerojet also studied the

kinetics of thermal decomposition. To investigate the decomposition reaction and the

effect of additives, they designed a glass reaction vessel that was placed in a furnace at a

specified temperature. The evolved gas was then measured and sampled. Among the

more notable results, it was found the decomposition reaction was first-order, with

activation energy of 53 kcal/mole, and stainless steel served as a catalyst, increasing the

reaction rate by a factor of 40.

Gray, Yoffe, & Roselaar55 obtained only limited quantitative results, but they

were consistent with a unimolecular decomposition resulting from C-N bond fission.

They interpreted the formaldehyde seen by Cottrell, Graham, and Reid51 to be formed

from multiple pathways involving reactions of the decomposition products CH3 and NO2;

either together or each with nitromethane.

The first researcher to investigate the kinetics of thermal decomposition at

elevated pressure was Mueller at Aerojet;56 although early studies in Italy had measured

the gas evolution rate from high-pressure reactions,25,26 no detailed chemistry was

elucidated. In Muellers study, nitromethane contained in a sealed 3-ml ampule was

submerged in a constant-temperature bath (355 C) for a desired length of time (2

minutes to 24 hours), then quenched at room temperature and the remaining species

analyzed. Initial pressures ranged from 180 to 300 psia. Based on the variations of

measured species with pressure, a brief reaction scheme was proposed that included both

N-O and C-N bond scission as parallel pathways for unimolecular decomposition; the

former was considered prevalent at high pressure, and the latter at low pressure.

Soon afterward, Makovky and Gruenwald,57 noting the inconsistency of Muellers

results with previous low-pressure studies, conducted a series of tests using a similar

method, but at higher pressure (40 atm). A set of lower pressure (0.714 8.2 atm) runs

were also conducted to closely examine the effect of pressure on HCN formation. By

considering the third-body enhancement at higher pressures of the reaction between

methyl radicals and nitric oxide to form nitrosomethane (an HCN precursor),

CH 3 + NO CH 3 NO (2.11)

they found the inclusion of a decomposition reaction involving N-O bond fission was no

longer necessary to explain the pressure dependence of observed results. Although only a

single rate constant at 40 atm was given, it was observed that the first-order

decomposition reaction was about half as fast at 1 atm. Again, the increase in rate with

pressure was attributed to third body effects.

Bradley58 analyzed the decomposition products of 10% nitromethane in argon at

low pressure in a shock tube using time-of-flight mass spectroscopy. Activation energy

(when calculated with first-order rate constants) was found to be a very strong function of

temperature (decreasing by almost three times) over the range examined, 872-1187 C.

This change in activation energy as a function of temperature with no change in apparent

order of reaction was explained by multiple activation or isomerization steps resulting

from interactions with a third body:

NM + Ar YZZ1
Z NM* + Ar
k 1

NM* + Ar YZZZ NM** + Ar (2.12)
k 2

NM** products

He also cited the pressure-dependent behavior seen by Cottrell, et al.51 at pressures below

200 mm, implying third-body interactions were important below this pressure limit. The

actual form of the resulting decomposition reaction was not inferred absent further data.

Emission measurements by Hiraoka and Hardwick59 indicating immediate

appearance of NO2 followed by rapid consumption in subsequent reactions in high

temperature shock waves were consistent with C-N bond fission, but no quantitative

determinations were made.

Mader at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory60 conducted one of the first

computational studies in 1965. He investigated the response and stability of the

detonation reaction zone as a function the velocity profile of stepped velocity driving

piston. One-dimensional, reactive, viscous Lagrangian hydrodynamic equations were

utilized with accurate equations of state. The reaction was modeled using a unimolecular

Arrhenius form with an activation energy of 50 kcal/mole. In a subsequent report,61 the

hydrodynamic equations were extended to two-dimensional forms, and both Eulerian and

Lagrangian formulations were examined, with no effect on stability found between the

two. The sensitivity of detonation reaction zone stability to different activation energies

(30, 40, 53.6 kcal/mole) was also determined to be negligible.

Similar to Bradley,58 Borisov, Kogarko, and Skachkov62 also saw change of the

reaction rate at higher temperature. By correlating data from Refs. 49, 51, 54, 57, and 58

along with those from their own study, they found the reaction rate could be expressed

well for temperatures between 327 and 927 C by a rate constant expression containing a

temperature exponent term:

57, 000 57, 000
k = 1011.2
exp sec

At temperatures over 927 C, the deviation from this expression was significant. They

also noted that when correlated with the other studies, Bradleys data appeared

anomalously low. High measured rates at high temperatures were attributed to the effects

of increased rates of secondary reactions consuming the CH3 and NO2 decomposition

products, not to a change in decomposition mechanism or isomerization.

Based on questions raised by results of previous study, Borisov, Zaslonko, and

Kogarko63 examined reactions at temps above 927 C in more detail. Absorption

measurements were not able to directly identify species, but times and optical density

were consistent with the following scheme:

CH 3 NO 2
CH 3O + NO
CH 3O + CH 3 NO 2
NO 2 + CH 3OCH 3 (2.14)
NO + CH 3O
HNO + CH 2 O
NO 2 + CH3O
CH 2 O + HNO 2

where k1 was expressed by Eq. 2.10 (determined previously62) and k2 could be found

from methyl nitrite decomposition. At temperatures below 827 to 927 K, k1 was the

limiting rate, above that, methyl nitrite decomposition limited the overall decomposition,

leading to the shift in overall observed decomposition rate with temperature. It was noted

that the isomerization reaction to methyl nitrite could proceed either by direct molecular

rearrangement or through rupture of the C-N bond followed immediately by a rapid

recombination to CH3ONO; the two paths were would be indistinguishable under the

conditions of the study.

Crawforth and Waddington64 measured the nitromethane pyrolysis rate constant

in static tests at the relatively low temperature of 375-440 C. They found pressure

dependence of the rate at pressures below 150 mm, and approximately first-order

behavior above. The decomposition reaction was assumed to consist of C-N bond

fission. Activation energy was 55.2 kcal/mol.

The unimolecular decomposition rate was calculated from kinetics of the back

reaction (CH3+NO2) by Benson and ONeal65 for a National Bureau of Standards

publication. Although they surveyed a number of experimental measurements of the

decomposition rate, they used the reverse rate of Phillips and Shaw,66 confirmed by

Shtern,67 to determine the forward rate with an activation energy of 59 kcal/mol.

Similarly to what has been done in this document for Table 2.7, Benson and ONeal

standardized the reaction rates cited by various researchers into two Arrhenius

parameters: the pre-exponential factor, log A, and activation energy, E. However, the rate

constant of Borisov, Kogarko, and Skachkov62 contained an explicit temperature

dependence outside the exponential that could not be accounted for with the two terms

available, leading to significant error between the original expression and that tabulated

by Benson and ONeal. A more accurate representation is used in Table 2.7; by

including a temperature exponent with the pre-exponential factor and activation energy,

the original expression can be matched exactly.

Dubikhin, Nazin, and Manelis68 ran at similar conditions to Crawforth and

Waddington,64 and also found pressure dependence of the nitromethane decomposition

rate, although they observed that it continued above 400 mm. Their activation energy

value, 54.3 kcal/mol, was very similar.

Glnzer and Troe69 conducted a detailed shock-tube study of highly-diluted

nitromethane in Ar at high temperature. Considered by most later investigators to be one


of the seminal studies on nitromethane decomposition, they found the reaction rate to be

a function of concentration in the fall-off range.

CH 3 NO 2 ( + M ) CH 3 + NO 2 ( + M ) (2.15)

Using the Kassel integral to fit the fall-off curve, the low- and high-pressure limiting rate

constants could be written as

42, 000
k0 = [ Ar ] 1017.1 exp 3 -1 -1
cm mol s
58,500 -1
k = 1016.25 exp s

In a high temperature shock tube study, Zaslonko, et al.70 found nitromethane

decomposed through C-N bond fission into CH3 + NO2, which then rapidly recombined

into CH3ONO and CH3O. Relatively low activation energy for decomposition (48.1

kcal/mol) was obtained from fitting to data from both literature and their study. The

divergence in measurements at high temperatures by various investigators was attributed

in part to pressure differences.

Apparently the first reported study employing detailed computational chemistry

techniques was performed by Alster, et al. in 1979.71 Using a modified version of the

MINDO/3 (Modified Intermediate Neglect of Differential Overlay) technique, they found

the activation energy of the C-N bond breaking decomposition reaction to be 62.6

kcal/mol. Somewhat later, Dewar, Ritchie, and Alster72 performed a more detailed

theoretical computational chemistry study. Comparing relatively low activation energies

(as low as 42.8 kcal/mol) reported in the literature reviewed by them to the calculated C-

N bond energy (60.0 kcal/mol) led them to believe that nitromethane decomposition did

not occur through simple dissociation into radicals, but rather via a rearrangement to

methyl nitrite, which has a much lower activation energy of dissociation, calculated by

them to be 33.0 kcal/mol. They found the activation energy of the rearrangement itself to

be 47.6 kcal/mol. The ratio of rearrangement to C-N bond fission at 700 C was

determined to be 17:1, noting the higher activation energy measured at higher

temperatures by Borisov, Kogarko, and Skachkov62 supported the expected increase in

importance of the C-N bond fission. It should be pointed out that the literature cited by

Dewar, Ritchie, and Alster was very incomplete and did not include a number of studies

that reported higher activation energies at low temperature, bringing their conclusions

into question.

Based on their low temperature (400 to 500 C) static tests, Perche, Tricot, and

Lucquin73,74,75 proposed a reaction scheme which included unimolecular decomposition

reaction with C-N bond fission using an activation energy of 57 kcal/mol. The effect of

pressure does not seem to have been examined. The pyrolysis process was observed to

be very rapid (explosive) at temperatures approaching 500 C.

Another computational study was carried out by McKee.76 In contrast to the

findings of Dewar, Ritchie, and Alster,72 McKee found the rearrangement barrier was

higher than the C-N bond energy, and therefore concluded that reactions must either be

bimolecular or proceed through dissociation to CH3 and NO2. He also pointed out the

surprising choice of the MINDO/3 method by Dewar, Ritchie, and Alster since more

appropriate techniques were available for molecules with the characteristics of


Although the original report of Krause, et al.77 is not accessible, their

measurement of the unimolecular decomposition rate was referenced in a later paper by

Kelzenberg, et al.42 Using a heatable infrared cell, they found activation energy of 55


Cohn78 examined the pyrolysis of nitromethane using rapid adiabatic compression

to yield rapid heating and temperature conditions similar to those in shock tubes.

Nitromethane diluted in both N2 and Ar at mole fractions between 0.064 and 0.112 was

compressed to final temperatures between approximately 700 and 1100 K. The results

using Ar as a diluent were judged to be not reliable; the much lower compression ratio

required to reach a given temperature point due to higher specific heat ratio of monatomic

gas led to large experimental uncertainties. At a given comparison condition (952 K), the

observed decomposition rate for nitromethane in nitrogen was consistent with the first-

order C-N fission decomposition reaction rate as calculated from Benson and ONeal,65

five times above that of Crawforth & Waddington64 and one-fifth that of Glnzer and

Troe.69 Although reaction rates fell within the range seen in the literature, product

fractions, especially high levels of methane, were at variance with studies at similar

conditions (i.e. shock tubes) in literature which showed virtually no methane. Possible

errors in published rates of hydrogen abstraction from nitromethane by methyl radicals

were put forth as a partial explanation.

Classical dynamics calculations were performed by Rice and Thompson79 to

investigate the unimolecular decomposition of nitromethane. Computations indicated

that there were three possible decomposition pathways, in contrast with only two

identified by experiment at that time. One was the classic C-N bond scission, while two

went through intermediate formation of methyl nitrite (CH3ONO), which then split into

either CH3 and NO2 or CH3O and NO. However, it was recognized that energy

predictions for the transition states did not match those made by ab initio methods, and

since the reaction products of the newly-identified methyl nitrite pathway with a

relatively low energy barrier (47.6 kcal/mol) resembled those of the C-N scission

pathway, experimental verification would be very difficult.

Roszak and Kaufman80 computed the C-N bond dissociation energy using a large

basis set multiple reference double-excitation configuration-interaction (MRD-CI) ab

initio calculation. Although they stated the calculated value of 64.31 kcal/mol was in

good agreement with experimental values, it exceeded the cited measurements tabulated

by Benson and ONeal65 by more than 4 kcal/mol.

Melius81 studied the decomposition mechanism of nitromethane, using the Bond-

Additivity-Corrected Mller-Plesset 4th-order perturbation (BAC-MP4) method to

determine bond dissociation energies. Unimolecular C-N bond fission was assumed to be

the initial decomposition step, with the dissociation energy calculated to be 58.9


Zeman82 correlated the empirical pyrolysis activation energy and oxygen balance

for a large number of nitroparaffins, classified into groups based on molecular structure.

From the correlations, interpolated Arrhenius parameters for reaction were determined.

The activation energy of nitromethane was calculated to be 56.9 kcal/mol using

the MINDO/3 method by Khrapkovskii, et al.83 A correlation of calculated activation


energies to intermolecular steric strain energy was also found for aliphatic nitro

compounds that could allow simpler approximation of activation energy for similar, but

more complex (e.g. halogenated) forms.

Cant, et al.84 measured the level of nitromethane decomposition as a function of

temperature in a flow reactor. They found no reaction at temperature below 440 C, and

virtually no effect on pyrolysis/oxidation rate from addition of O2 or O2 and NO. No rate

was directly derived from the experimental measurements, but results were successfully

modeled using a mechanism created by adding two reactions (nitromethane C-N bond

fission initiation reaction followed by a recombination of products to CH3O and NO) to a

detailed mechanism of methane oxidation including NO by Bromly, et al.85

Unfortunately, the reference as cited by the authors for the first two reaction rates does

not exist, and it is unclear what expression they actually used for the rate of the initiation

step or where it was obtained.

Djebaili-Chaumeix, Abid, and Paillard86 carried out a shock tube study to

investigate the decomposition and oxidation behavior of gas-phase nitromethane at

conditions near those of detonation. In the pressure range (170 to 880 kPa) used, they

considered the decomposition reaction to behave as bimolecular with the carrier gas

(similar to Hsu and Lin87) and calculated the rate constant accordingly from their

measured data.

Decomposition rates of highly-diluted nitromethane in different carrier gases were

studied by Zaslonko, Petrov, and Smirnov88 in a shock tube over a wide range of

pressures using a spectrophotometric technique. The measured reaction rates were found

to be a function of both pressure (i.e. molecular concentration) and composition of

diluent gas. Limiting rates and parameters of the fall-off reaction were found, using the

modified Kassel integral89 to construct the transition curves between low- and high-

pressure reaction limits. The rates were similar to those of Glnzer and Troe,69 although

the parameters of the Kassel integral fall-off curve differed significantly. This was

attributed to a lower number of data points and simplified fitting procedure in the original

work of Glnzer and Troe. Zaslonko, Petrov, and Smirnov also determined the

effectiveness of Ar, He, CO2 and CF4 as collision partners, finding relative efficiency of

these gases to be 1:2:3:3.

Zhang and Bauer90 studied high-temperature decomposition (at 1000 to 1100 K)

using shock heating. A spectrophotometric technique was developed to measure the

degree of pyrolysis based on UV absorption of an axial beam through the shock tube. A

fit of the experimental data found a relatively low reaction rate not consistent with that of

Glnzer and Troe69 However, significant data scatter was noted, and in the proposed

mechanism, the high-pressure (unimolecular) rate of Glnzer and Troe was adopted. The

pre-exponential value of 1.26E14 for the third-body (actually bimolecular) decomposition

reaction, R2, printed in their article appears to be an odd choice. The explanation in the

text does not make clear where the parameters are obtained; in fact, the purportedly

explanatory figure (their Fig. 2) makes the choice appear rather arbitrary. Looking just at

the rate, the pre-exponential value given (1.26E14) may be a misprint, and should

probably correspond to that of Glnzer and Troe69 (1.26E17), which is how it was listed

as in a subsequent publication by the same authors.91 The later paper also added a

centerbroadening parameter in the temperature-dependent form developed by Gilbert,

Luther, and Troe:92

Fcent = 0.3732 exp + 0.6268exp (2.17)
250 901

It was calculated from the experimental data of Glnzer and Troe to better approximate

rates in the fall-off region, since techniques that used this parameter were not available at

the time of Glnzer and Troes original study.

The work of Manaa and Fried93 showed calculated C-N bond energy was very

sensitive to computational technique, finding a range of 49.9 to 56.2 kcal/mol depending

on the method used.

Glarborg, Bendtsen, and Miller94 analyzed experimental shock tube data of other

researchers (Glnzer and Troe69 and Zaslonko, Petrov, and Smirnov88) and refined the

rate constant of the decomposition reaction based on this analysis. They determined that

the Glnzer and Troe low- and high-pressure limits were consistent with all the shock

tube data, but introduced a constant-value center broadening parameter,92 Fc = 0.183, to

better describe the falloff region.

Khrapkovskii, Chachkov, and Shamov95 used the non-empirical B3LYP method

with two different basis sets to find C-N bond dissociation energies for a set of

nitroalkanes. The nitromethane C-N bond dissociation energy at 298 K was found to be

55.827 kcal/mol with the 6-31G(d) basis set and 53.920 kcal/mol using the 6-

311++G(df,p) basis set.

In light of the continuing discrepancies both in energy magnitudes and reaction

pathways, Nguyen, et al.96 re-examined the potential energy surface of nitromethane in


hopes of resolving the issues raised by previous studies and pointed out that the pyrolysis

kinetics are actually quite complex for the seemingly simple molecule. It was noted that

the analysis of experimental work by Wodtke, Hintsa, and Lee97,98 relied on frequency

factors of questionable reliability from Dewar, et al.72 as input in their calculations,

making their conclusion that isomerization to methyl nitrite had a lower barrier than C-N

bond breaking (contradicting the results of McKee76) very suspect. (A later work by

McKee99 using improved computational methods, once again found that the C-N bond

fission was favored.) Using a different quantum mechanical model than previous

computational studies, Nguyen, et al. found that the C-N bond dissociation energy was

602 kcal/mol, consistent with many experimental findings. This did not match the

MCSCF results of McKee99 or Saxon and Yoshimine100, but partially agreed with Hu, et

al.101 Nguyen, et al. concluded that although their results showing that C-N bond fission

was preferred were consistent with experimental data where available, much additional

experimental and theoretical work needed to be done to come to a comprehensive

understanding of nitromethane decomposition.

Nearly simultaneously with Nguyen, et al.,96 Arenas, et al.102 were investigating

the same issue, namely the balance between C-N bond breaking and isomerization to

methyl nitrite. Calculations using two different levels of theory showed that in all cases,

dissociation was the preferred reaction. The isomerization transition state found

resembled that of McKee (1986),76 while the lower energy transition states reported by

McKee (1989)99 and Saxon and Yoshimine100 appear to have been computational artifacts

and not true solutions.


Khrapkovskii, et al.103 used semi-empirical, ab initio, and density functional

theory techniques to compare the energies needed for C-N bond breaking to that

necessary for rearrangement of the nitro group to a nitrite form for a selection of

nitrohydrocarbon compounds. For nitromethane, they considered B3YLP calculations to

be the most reliable, giving a range of 65-65.7 kcal/mol for rearrangement. Comparing

these values to those of C-N dissociation, they concluded that the probability of

experimental observation of the rearrangement was almost nil.

From the studies reviewed here, it can be seen that historically there is no

consensus on nitromethane decomposition mechanism or kinetic rates. A wide range of

results have been reported from both empirical and computational investigations.

Experimentally, most researchers seem to find the most plausible pathway to be

C-N bond fission with activation energy around 55-60 kcal/mol, but measures of pressure

dependence vary. The rates of Glnzer and Troe69 seem to be fairly widely accepted, but

they provided no definitive accounting for the fall-off region, although characterizing its

existence. Using a later theoretical framework to describe pressure-sensitive

decomposition, both Zhang and Bauer91 and Glarborg, Bendtsen, and Miller94 calculated

center-broadening parameters to better fit the experimental data.

Although C-N bond fission seems to be the preferred decomposition path,

uncertainty still remains as to the degree or even existence of molecular rearrangement to

methyl nitrite, and the conditions under which that isomerization could be important.

Computational studies have shown varied outcomes based on technique and level of

theory. Low measured apparent activation energy under certain conditions has been

interpreted as evidence of both third-body collision effect and as an indication of a

separate reaction pathway other than C-N bond fission (which could have a lower

energy). Recent results seem to indicate the C-N bond fission is energetically preferred

over rearrangement, but questions remain. These issues can only be addressed with

further computational and experimental studies on the behavior and properties of the

nitromethane molecule.
Table 2.7 Mechanisms and reaction parameters for the thermal decomposition of nitromethane.
Temperature Pressure Ea
Investigators Year Method Mechanism A* Notes
(C) (Initial) (cal/mol)
Taylor and 1935 380-420 25-300 mm static N-O bond fission 61,000
Cottrell and Reid50 1950 380-430 200-350 mm static C-N bond fission 2.29E14 52,700
Frjacques52 1950 310-440 4-40 mm static C-N bond fission 2.5E11 42,800
Cottrell, Graham, 1951 380-430 200-400 mm static C-N bond fission 3.98E14 53,600
and Reid51
Hillenbrand and 1951 420-480 45 and 135 mm flow C-N bond fission 4.07E13 50,600 pressure of NM + N2
Kilpatrick53 carrier gas was 745 mm
Kindsvater, et al.36 1951 391-418 77-150 mm static unspecified first-order 7.8E15 53,000 several effective
catalysts identified
Hillenbrand and 1953 420-480 45 and 135 mm flow C-N bond fission, with 2.70E13 50,000 pressure of NM + N2
Kilpatrick54 some intramolecular 1.35E13 580 carrier gas was 740-750
rearrangement mm
Gray, Yoffe, and 1955 430-485 ~4 mm flow C-N bond fission 50,000 limited quantitative
Roselaar55 (0.04 mole% data, NM with He
NM) carrier gas at
atmospheric pressure
Mueller56 1955 355 180-300 psia static parallel N-O and C-N N-O bond fission
bond fission thought to predominate
at higher P, C-N at
lower pressure
Makovky and 1959 312-340 40 atm static C-N bond fission 5.37E13 49,200
Bradley58 1961 872-997 6-10 mm of 10 shock tube C-N bond fission 35 lower Ea at higher T,
997-1187 % NM/90% Ar 13,000 explained with multiple
7,000 activation steps
Hiraoka and 1963 1147-1587 0.0091 to 0.0133 shock tube C-N bond fission No quantitative
Hardwick59 mole fraction of determination of kinetic
NM in Ar parameters

Temperature Pressure Ea
Investigators Year Method Mechanism A* Notes
(C) (Initial) (cal/mol)
Borisov, Kogarko, 1966 427 -1027 0.11.5 atm NM static, adiabatic C-N bond fission 1.72E23 -2.7 57,000 parameters calculated
and Skachkov62 in Ar at Po = 1 compression, from given correlation,
15 atm shock tube rate is higher at
T > 927 C
Borisov, Zaslonko, 1968 777-1027 0.7-14% NM in shock tube Isomerization to 23,000 Ea given is for high T
and Kogarko63 Ar at 10-50 mm CH3ONO, then 4000 reaction (lower Ea at
initial P decomposition to lower T)
CH3NO and NO
Crawforth and 1969 305-440 50 - >200 mm static C-N bond fission 1.26E14 55,200 pressure-dependent A &
Waddington64 900 Ea (lower at P < 150
Benson and 1970 calculation C-N bond fission 3.98E15 59,000 calculated from reverse
ONeal65 reaction data of Refs. 66
and 67
Dubikhin, Nazin, 1971 360 and 390 200-500 mm static C-N bond fission 2.19E+14 54,300
and Manelis68
Glnzer and Troe69 1972 627-1227 0.01-0.3% NM C-N bond fission; fall- ko: 1.26E17 42,000 conditions in falloff
in 1.5E-6 off reaction k: 1.78E16 58,500 range, Kassel integral
3.5E-4 mol/cm3 500 for curve
Zaslonko, et al70. 1972 757-1307 70 and 120 mm shock tube C-N bond fission 6.31E12 48,100 some pressure and
initial, 1-2.8 atm temperature dependence
after shock seen
Perche, Tricot, and 1979 400-500 static C-N bond fission 6.62E14 57,000
Alster, et al.71 1979 computational C-N bond fission 62,600 modified MINDO/3
Dewar, Ritchie, and 1985 computational mostly rearrangement 2.00E13 47,600 MINDO/3 method
Alster72 to CH3ONO

Temperature Pressure Ea
Investigators Year Method Mechanism A* Notes
(C) (Initial) (cal/mol)
McKee76 1986 computational C-N bond fission or 57,450 bond dissociation
bimolecular reaction energy found using
31G* method
Krause, et al.77 1987 1 atm(?) heated cell C-N bond fission 1.00E14 55,000 from summary in Ref.
Cohn78 1990 638-812 0.064 to 0.100 adiabatic C-N bond fission k varied from 29-600 s-1
(Ti = 39) mole fraction in compression at T=922-1085 K; at
N2 at 0.842 bar 952 K, k=120 s-1
initial (similar to Ref. 65)
Melius81 1990 computational C-N bond fission 58,900 bond dissociation
energy found using
BAC-MP4 method
Rice and 1990 computational C-N bond fission and multiple pathways for
Thompson79 two pathways for decomposition are
isomerization to possible
Roszak and 1991 computational C-N bond fission 64,310 bond dissociation
Kaufman80 energy found using
MRD-CI method
Zeman82 1995 calculated C-N bond fission 2.00E14 54,500 from correlation to
oxygen balance of
similar compounds
Khrapkovskii, et 1996 computational C-N bond fission 56,900 MINDO/3 method
Djebaili-Chaumeix, 1997 787-1057 0.2-1.5% NM in shock tube bimolecular (with Ar); 1.33E18 52,160 at conditions of study,
Abid, and Paillard86 Ar, 170-880 kPa C-N bond fission decomposition acts as
after shock bimolecular reaction

Temperature Pressure Ea
Investigators Year Method Mechanism A* Notes
(C) (Initial) (cal/mol)
Zaslonko, Petrov, 1997 777-1127 0.01-0.5% NM shock tube C-N bond fission ko: 2.00E17 41,990 Kassel integral falloff,
and Smirnov88 in Ar, He, CO2, k: 1.58E16 59,700 3rd-body efficiencies
and CF4, 0.2-40 Ar:He:CO2:CF4 =
atm after shock 1:2:3:3
Zhang and Bauer90 1997 727-827 0.6% NM in shock tube C-N bond fission 1.977E12 38,000 fit to experimental data;
300-400 Torr Ar 3,000 for modeling used
Glnzer and Troe69 rates
Manaa and Fried93 1998 computational C-N bond fission 49,900 multiple computational
56,200 techniques
Glarborg, Bendtsen, 1999 727-1127 0.5-6 bar reinterpretation C-N bond fission ko: 1.3E17 42,000 Glnzer and Troe69 rates
and Miller94 of literature k: 1.8E16 58,500 with Fc=0.183
Zhang and Bauer91 1999 627-1227 correlation to C-N bond fission ko: 1.26E17 42,000 Glnzer and Troe rates
literature data k: 1.78E16 58,500 with Fcent = 0.3732
exp(-T/250) + 0.6268
Khrapkovskii, 2001 -273.15 computational C-N bond fission 54,775 bond dissociation
Chachkov, and 25 55,827 energy found using
Shamov95 B3LYP method
Hu, et al.101 2002 25 computational C-N bond fission 61,900 G2MP2//B3YLP/6-
311++G(2d,2p) method
Nguyen, et al.96 2003 computational C-N bond fission 60,000 multiple computational
2000 methods, computational
discrepancies persist re
Arenas, et al.102 2003 computational C-N bond fission 59,000 CASPT2 asymptotic
*Units of A are cm, mol, and s as appropriate for reaction order.

Note: Where required, pre-exponential A-factors have been converted to standard scientific notation and activation energies to
cal/mol for comparative purposes.


2.2.4. Decomposition and Reaction Mechanisms

As experimental techniques, general knowledge of chemical reactions, and

computational resources all matured, more complex reaction mechanisms were

developed. These mechanisms were formulated by many researchers to help interpret

their studies, as the actual measured data were often limited and not directly quantitative

for many species and reactions. These models were generally tailored to the particular

conditions of their studies (especially in rate and choice of expression for the

nitromethane decomposition reaction), and often were not appropriate at conditions

outside of those investigated. Some of the more comprehensive models were used as

stepping stones in the development of a more complete nitramine mechanism. Only one

attempt was made to represent combustion behavior directly (as opposed to

decomposition), but it was extremely simple. A list of the mechanisms found in the

literature and a brief summary of their features are shown in Table 2.8, with more

detailed discussion given in the text.

Table 2.8 Previously-developed detailed reaction mechanisms for nitromethane.

Investigator Year Reactions Species Validation Method
Tricot, Perche, and 1981 121 compared to time evolution of H2, N2, NO, NO2,
Lucquin104 CH4, and CO for NM decomposition and
oxidation in static reactor
Hsu and Lin87 1985 37 24 compared to time evolution of CO and NO for
dilute NM (in Ar) in shock tube
Guirguis, et al.105 1985 48 28 compared to time evolution of pressure and NO
for high-concentration NM in shock tube
Yetter and Rabitz106 1989 66 28 compared to results of Tricot, Perche, and
Lucquin,104 Hsu and Lin,87 and Guirguis, et al.105
Melius107 1995 312 48 compared to ignition delay times of Guirguis, et
al.105 and Lee, Sanborn, and Stromberg108.
Djebaili-Chaumeix, 1997 365 67 compared to time evolution of dilute NM (in Ar
Abid, and Paillard86 and Ar+O2) in shock tube
Zhang and Bauer90 1997 99 41 compared to post-shock levels of NM, CH4,
C2H6, C2H4, and C2H2 from dilute NM in Ar

Investigator Year Reactions Species Validation Method

Glarborg, Bendtsen, 1999 461 70 compared to shock tube results of Glnzer and
and Miller94 Troe,69 Hsu and Lin,87 and Zhang and Bauer90
Zhang and Bauer91 1999 50 21 all species of reduced mechanism within 5% of
full mechanism from previous work (Ref. 90)
Kelzenberg, et al.42 2003 2 3 matched to adiabatic solution from mechanism of
Miller and Bowman109 with added single-step
NM decomposition Kinetics of Tricot, Perche, and Lucquin

Based on their studies of the low-temperature decomposition and oxidation of

nitromethane under static conditions,73-75 Tricot, Perche, and Lucquin104 developed a

reaction mechanism to model their results. An activation energy of 57 kcal/mole for

decomposition of nitromethane into CH3 and NO2 was chosen as an intermediate between

the Glnzer and Troes low- and high-pressure limits of 42 and 59 kcal/mole,

respectively.69 The resulting rate constant was verified against their earlier static

decomposition experiments between 400 and 500 C. An initial 121-step reaction

mechanism was simplified to 51 reactions after comparison of individual reaction rates to

overall species formation rates. Although discrepancies were seen in some species

concentrations and profiles with time, overall agreement was good, and the rate constants

of some of the rate-limiting steps (such as reaction of CH3NO2 with OH) were refined. Kinetics of Hsu and Lin

In modeling their shock tube study, Hsu and Lin87 calculated a single rate constant

expression for nitromethane decomposition at their conditions (940-1520 K, 0.41 atm).

Over the limited pressure and temperature range of their experimental data, the

decomposition could be represented as a single reaction in the form of the low-pressure


step of Glnzer and Troe69 with parameters modified for conditions of the study:

CH 3 NO 2 + M
CH 3 + NO 2 + M
44, 000 (2.18)
k1 = 6.0x1016 exp

The 37-step mechanism was formulated specifically to model the NO and CO species

measured in the study; other species were utilized only as computational intermediates.

The calculated species profiles were NO and CO found to fit measured values very well.

Using the proposed mechanism, most NO was found to form quickly from the

recombination of CH3 and NO2 fragments, while CO came from later reactions via

CH2O. Kinetics of Guirguis, et al.

In a similar study at the same facility (Naval Research Laboratory), Guirguis, et

al.105 performed a high-temperature ignition study of high-concentration gaseous

nitromethane at 1-10 atm using a shock tube with mass and infrared spectroscopy.

Special emphasis was placed on understanding the role of the NO2 group in ignition. A

detailed mechanism of 48 reactions was developed to model the process, and calculated

induction times showed good agreement with measured values. Although Glnzer and

Troes69 low-pressure reaction was used for the initiation step, a fit of the calculated

induction times yielded a global Arrhenius parameter of 38.6 kcal/mol, implying that the

participation of other reactions quickly became significant. After initial decomposition,

the carbon chain reaction took two major parallel pathways to CH2O, through methoxy

(CH3O) and CH2NO2 radicals. Formaldehyde was converted to HCO and finally CO. It

was noted that the endothermicity of breaking the C-N bond prevented ignition from

taking place in the adiabatic system until all the nitromethane was consumed. The chain-

branching reaction of the nitro group with H

NO 2 + H OH + NO (2.19)

was found to be key in generating highly-reactive OH radicals. Deletion of this reaction

prevented ignition at lower (e.g. ~1100 K) temperatures, while significantly raising

reaction time and impacting degree of reaction at higher temperature conditions. Kinetics of Yetter and Rabitz

Yetter and Rabitz106 constructed a detailed mechanism of nitromethane

decomposition. The list of reactions was developed through review of the literature and

selection of appropriate elementary reactions and parameters. The studies surveyed

included, but were not limited to, earlier nitromethane decomposition studies,74-87

selected reactions from methane110 and methanol111 oxidation investigations, nitrogen

chemistry studies,112,113 and atmospheric kinetics literature.114 The mechanism was

validated using CHEMKIN115 against the shock tube results of Hsu and Lin87 and

Guirguis, et al.,105 and the static study of Tricot, Perche, and Lucquin73,104 The effect of

adding the isomerization reaction of nitromethane to methyl nitrite was examined. Using

parameters from the infrared multi-photon dissociation study of Wodtke, Hintsa, and

Lee116 (N.B. the parameters calculated by Wodtke, Hintsa, and Lee were later questioned

by Nguyen, et al.96), the influence on the overall reaction was found to be small, but

noticeable. At the conditions of Hsu and Lin,87 addition of this reaction accelerated the

overall reaction slightly, resulting in greater production of CO and NO. H-atom


abstraction reactions,

CH 3 NO 2 +H CH 3 NO 2 +H 2 (2.20)
CH 3 NO 2 +OH CH 3 NO 2 +H 2 O (2.21)

were found to be important at high temperature, both for the decomposition of

nitromethane and consumption of radicals. A later study117 investigated thermal

decomposition of condensed-phase nitromethane at low temperature and high pressure.

Differences from ideal gas behavior were found to be significant, although the rate-

controlling reactions were the same. A sensitivity analysis found that reaction between

two nitromethane molecules,

CH 3 NO 2 + CH 3 NO 2 CH 3 NO + CH 2 O + HNO 2 (2.22)

was the most important rate-controlling step. Kinetics of Melius

By extending previous works with calculated rate constants, Melius developed a

detailed reaction mechanism for nitromethane. Limited discussion of nitromethane work

as a precursor to his well-known nitramine mechanism was given in a number of

publications;118,119,120 a 1995 article exclusively on nitromethane ignition was the most


Ignition simulations were conducted using the SENKIN program of the

CHEMKIN package121 for a homogeneous gas mixture in a closed constant-volume

system. In particular, post-shock conditions similar to those of Guirguis, et al.105 and

low-temperature, high-pressure conditions like those of Lee, Sanborn, and Stromberg108

were examined.

Initial studies118,119 were able to adequately match the characteristic delay times

for the first stage of high-temperature ignition (data of Guirguis, et al.105), but resulted in

times that were orders of magnitude too slow for second stage. Much better agreement

was obtained after updating a number of reactions, especially those of NO, HNO, NO2,

and HCN based on evolving knowledge of reaction including those species. With the

improved mechanism, both ignition stages matched well.107 However, Guirguis, et al.

only reported multiple (i.e. two-stage) ignition pressure spikes in two out of seventeen

experiments, raising the possibility that multiple stages may not be distinctive (at least at

the level of sensitivity of the measurement techniques used) for most of the conditions

examined (4.00 to 8.80 atm, 1017 to 1494 K).

Melius concluded that although the global ignition process could be separated into

four distinct stages (preliminary, first-stage ignition, intermediate, and second-stage

ignition), the actual chemical process was very complex. The slow preliminary reactions

were dominated by endothermic nitromethane decomposition, offset by heat release from

reactions involving HNO. The net result after the first-stage ignition was the overall

conversion of NO2 (from nitromethane decomposition) to NO through multiple parallel

pathways, with limited production of N2 contributing heat release. All nitromethane was

consumed by the end of the first stage ignition. The exothermic intermediate stage was

characterized by the slow consumption of CH4 and NO, with generation of HCN. When

the temperature became high enough, reaction rates rapidly accelerated in a runaway

fashion, creating the second-stage ignition. Here, the majority of heat release occurred,

converting NO to N2.

A limited study of nitromethane ignition at high density (i.e. high pressure)

conditions was also conducted. When compared to the experimental ignition delay data

of Lee, et al.108 at 10 and 50 kbar, and low temperatures (400 to 600 K), significant

differences were found. Calculated delay times at those conditions were longer than

measured, while extrapolating the data of Lee, et al. (using an Arrhenius expression) to

higher temperatures (i.e. 1100 to 1300 K) yielded calculated rates much shorter than the

trend of experimental values would show. Melius postulated that this indicated a change

in reaction mechanism at high-pressure, low temperature conditions. Considering

hydrolysis reactions and solvent-assisted hydrogen transfer mechanisms (like that

suggested by Shaw, et al.122) for the decomposition of nitromethane, for example

CH 3 NO 2 CH 2 N(O)OH Products (2.23)

showed encouraging results. Because of small pre-exponential factors for these

reactions, they would be important in the condensed-phase-like low temperature

regime, while being overwhelmed by the standard decomposition reactions at higher-

temperature gas-phase-like conditions where radical species were active. Non-ideal-

gas effects (as examined by Yetter and Rabitz117) were not discussed, and no further

results were reported. Kinetics of Zhang and Bauer

More recently, Zhang and Bauer90 studied the high-temperature decomposition (at

1000-1100 K) using shock heating in a shock tube. Building on earlier works, they

developed a mechanism consisting of 99 reactions and 41 species to match both their data

and published results of other research groups. This mechanism was based on ones

previously proposed by Hsu and Lin87 and Perche, et al.,74 combined with other rate

expressions from the NIST Chemical Kinetics Database.123 The resulting set of reactions

and parameters was validated and adjusted based on static vessel experimental data from

Perche, et al.73 and shock tube data of Hsu and Lin87 and Glnzer and Troe.69 An

important finding was that significant consumption of nitromethane occurs from

secondary reactions involving free radicals such as H, OH, and CH3. Semi-quantitative

results were reported. Also, a number of important reactions with unreliable rate

constants were identified for further study.

A later work by this group91 performed a sensitivity study on the proposed

mechanism and eliminated 20 species and 49 reactions. However, they indicated that

concentrations calculated with the reduced model varied up to 5% from the more detailed

reaction kinetics. Examination of the reaction set shows that it was developed solely for

the decomposition process as it exists in low-concentration shock tube conditions, not

complete combustion; an obvious indicator is the omission of N2 and any associated

reactions. Kinetics of Glarborg, Bendtsen, and Miller

Glarborg, Bendtsen, and Miller94 developed a detailed model to describe the

decomposition of highly-diluted nitromethane at shock tube conditions. A nitromethane-

specific subset consisting of 19 reactions (one of them duplicating an earlier reaction, but

with a modified rate constant) were added to their previously-developed mechanism for

hydrocarbon/nitric acid interactions.124 They compared results calculated using

SENKIN121 to experimental shock tube data of other researchers (Glnzer and Troe,69

Hsu and Lin,87 and Zhang and Bauer90) that covered relatively high temperatures (1000-

1400 K) at pressures of 0.5 to 6 bar.

Based on comparison with the NO2 profile of Glnzer and Troe, they adjusted the

rate constant of the CH3 and NO2 recombination reaction (R14 in their manuscript):

CH 3 + NO 2 CH 3O + NO (2.24)

to better match the experimental data. This reaction was one of the ones recommended

for refinement by Zhang and Bauer.90

Similar to the results of Melius for the ignition of high-concentration

nitromethane,107 CH4 was found to be an important intermediate; C2 hydrocarbons were

important, as well. However, unlike the conditions of Guirguis, et al.,105 at the highly-

diluted conditions of the shock tube studies evaluated, no ignition was seen and the

reactions did not proceed to final products. Good agreement was seen between

calculations and the time profile of NO and CO concentrations measured by Hsu and Lin.

The nitromethane and methane concentrations of Zhang and Bauer were matched very

while, while the agreement with individual C2 hydrocarbons (C2H4 and C2H6) was not as

good, although the combined levels were similar. At low temperatures and atmospheric

pressure, the recombination reaction to nitromethane

CH 3 + NO 2 (+ M) CH 3 NO 2 (+ M) (2.25)

was determined to be competitive with Eq. (2.24), although its rate decreased rapidly

with temperature, while Eq. (2.24) was relatively insensitive.

55 Kinetics of Kelzenberg, et al.

As part of their simulation of the linear regression of nitromethane propellant,

Kelzenberg, et al.42 employed a very reduced overall reaction mechanism consisting of

two consecutive first order steps:

k1 k2
A BP (2.26)

where A represented the initial reactant (nitromethane), B a set of intermediate species,

and P the products. The initial step was considered to be controlled by C-N bond fission,

so the kinetic parameters for the unimolecular decomposition found in a previous study77

were used for the first step. Parameters for the second step were obtained by choosing

values that would match the final results of CHEMKIN II when run for adiabatic

conditions with a detailed mechanism made up of the unimolecular decomposition step

combined with the gas phase CH4/NO2/O2 mechanism of Miller and Bowman.109 Kinetic

parameters for the two reactions are listed in Table 2.9. It was noted that profiles of the

intermediate species B corresponded closely with those of NO produced by the detailed

mechanism, and postulated that NO consumption was the rate-determining step for the

lumped second reaction.

Table 2.9 Parameters of the two-step reduced nitromethane combustion mechanism of

Kelzenberg, et al.42
Log A Activation Energy Enthalpy
(pre-exponential) (cal/mol) (cal/g)
k1 14.0 55000 1150
k2 7.7 42000 400

2.2.5. Other Fundamental Studies

Because of nitromethanes utility as a liquid explosive, a significant amount of the

literature is devoted to shock simulations and high-pressure studies. In some cases,

nitromethane was mixed with other ingredients to intentionally sensitize it to shocks.

Since the combustion processes examined in this study occur on relatively slower time

scales, larger length scales, and lower pressures than shocks, this shock literature was not

reviewed in detail. A few of the investigations are cited here as an example of the some

of the other work that has been done.

The work of Shaw, et al.122 showed that the thermal explosion temperature of

liquid nitromethane under static conditions was a strong function of pressure; 354 C at 1

kbar, 276 C at 10 kbar, and 184 C at 50 kbar. The apparent activation energy was also

inversely pressure dependent; Ea = 127, 22, and 20 kcal/mole at 1, 10, and 50 kbar,

respectively. At very high pressures, hydrogen transfer was suggested as the rate-

controlling step, instead of C-N bond fission, since the A-factor rate constant at 50 kbar

was more than 107 times greater than that of C-N bond fission (as given by Benson and

ONeal65). A significant isotope effect was noted when nitromethane values were

compared with those of perdeuteronitromethane (CD3NO2) at 10 kbar, reinforcing the

authors assertion that C-N fission is not the rate-determining step for high-pressure

liquid decomposition.

Blais, et al.125 used a detonation mass spectrometer to detect species in the

reaction zone at high detonation wave pressures up to 14 GPa. The coupling of a time-

of-flight mass spectrometer to a detonation cell in the mass spectrometer vacuum


chamber allowed the detonation reaction to be rapidly quenched by a rarefaction wave,

giving a record of the chemistry as a function of time and space. Both neat and sensitized
(up to 5% diethylenetriamine) nitromethane were tested in normal, CH3NO2, and

CD3NO2 forms. Although the authors did not feel the data was sufficient to conjecture on

the nature of detailed reaction mechanisms, they noted that the first step in the fast

reaction zone chemistry for detonation appeared to be a "condensation" reaction or group

of reactions yielding molecules more massive than nitromethane and/or molecules

containing numerous nitrogen atoms. At the high densities found in the experiments,

faster reactions involving radicals could be suppressed by high pressure and limited


Winey and Gupta126 also examined shock-induced decomposition. Very high (up

to 19 GPa) shock pressures were used to initiate both neat and ethylenediamine-sensitized

nitromethane. A mechanical shock was created by the impact of a projectile fired from a

light-gas gun. Subsequent reflections of the shock from opposing windows bounding the

sample cell generated a step-wise loading profile on the nitromethane. Reaction-induced

spectral changes in the UV/Visible absorption spectrum between 300 and 550 nm were

used to infer induction times and changes in chemical species. Measured induction times

as a function of pressure and initial temperature were consistently shorter than those

measured using non-absorption techniques in continuum experiments. The authors

attributed this to the greater sensitivity of the absorption technique to earlier stages of the

reaction process. In contrast to other works, no pressure dependence of induction time

was found.

Woods, et al.127 used laser-initiated decomposition of single aerosol particles in a

mass spectrometer to examine the species formed by condensed-phase decomposition.

They found the decomposition to be consistent with unimolecular processes, with C-N

bond breaking to form CH3 and NO2 dominant at near-threshold energies and

rearrangement to methyl nitrate and subsequent formation of CH3O and NO active at

higher energies.

Often, catalysts are used to enhance the combustion of monopropellants.

Benzinger128 examined the process of nitromethane decomposition on nickel catalysts. In

this study, a mass beam of nitromethane was impacted on a temperature-controlled nickel

test surface in a vacuum. Adsorbed species and gas-phase fragments were sampled. It

was found that the rate-limiting step for the catalyzed decomposition was not the C-N

bond breaking, but instead the N-O bond scission. Therefore, it was determined that a

material that would weaken the N-O bonds when adsorbed could yield a more effective


2.2.6. Potential Applications

Since first being considered in early rocket studies, nitromethane has been

investigated as a propellant in a wide variety of applications, from rocket engines and

large-caliber guns to IC engines. Theoretical and applied research has been conducted

for use in pulse detonation engines,129 pulse combustion rockets,130 and meso- or micro-

scale thrusters131,132 and propulsion systems.133,134 It has also been considered as fuel for

compact combustion-powered devices such as a gas-powered nail-driving tool.135

When the US Army was considering using liquid propellant for its next-

generation 155-mm gun, a study was performed by Knapton, et al.136 at the Ballistic

Research Laboratory to compare a number of candidate monopropellants. Nitromethane

and a nitromethane-methanol (80/20 by weight) mixture had a significantly higher

impetus (a common ballistic figure-of-merit) than the other monopropellants tested

(hydroxylammonium nitrate-based material and isopropyl nitrate), shown in Table 2.10

below. Required ignition energy was found to be high, but acceptable, and some

instability problems when large feed orifices were encountered. Other

nitromethane/methanol liquid gun propellant studies in Germany examined the effect of

additives on pressure oscillations137 and both analytical and experimental treatments of a

40-mm gun.138

Table 2.10 Impetus of selected candidate liquid gun propellants

Impetus Reference
Liquid Propellant
LP 1845 (20% TEAN/63.2% HAN/16.8% water) 934 136
LP 1846 (19.2% TEAN/60.8% HAN/20.0% water) 898 136
Isopropyl nitrate 831 136
Nitromethane 1244 136
Nitromethane/Methanol (80/20) 986 136
Nitromethane/Methanol (70/30) 818 138

When used in IC engines, nitromethane can deliver specific energy up to 5 times

that of gasoline or methanol, leading to usage in applications where high energy output is

of paramount importance such as drag racers (Top Fuel), pulling tractors, and racing

aircraft. Nitromethane is also widely used as a fuel additive in small-displacement, high-

output hobby engines for model planes and vehicles. It can be run at a significantly

richer air-fuel ratio than gasoline because of the oxidizer included in the nitromethane

molecule. However, it is susceptible to pre-ignition (knock) because the relatively low

self-ignition temperature (compared to other IC engine fuels) can easily be reached by

compression heating of the charge. Due to extreme conditions in high-performance

engines, engine lifetime is often limited to tens of seconds, at best.139 Although much

anecdotal evidence can be found, few published scientific studies have been conducted

on the use of nitromethane as a high-performance additive or fuel for internal combustion

engines. The earliest quantitative work in the literature is by Starkman and

associates140,141 in which they examined the power increase generated by the use of up to

20% nitromethane as a fuel additive for piston engines. Noting that the limiting factor

was knock (as apparent octane number of fuel mixture decreases markedly with

nitromethane addition), use with methanol showed a greater performance enhancement

than with hydrocarbon fuels due to the higher optimum fuel-air ratio of the alcohol.

Bush, Germane, and Hess142 closely examined the effect of engine operating conditions

and fuel blends on knock. With the use of carefully-chosen engine conditions, up to 80%

NM in methanol was run successfully and conditions were identified that would retain

power output while lowering combustion stress. A recent patent143 has also made use of

nitromethane as a component in a low-polluting fuel formulation.

In the last few years, there have been a number of studies on the physical

properties of nitromethane and alcohol mixtures. Various papers have examined

miscibility,144 densities and viscosities,145 and densities and speed of sound.146 Although

no application to propulsion was claimed by the authors, the inclusion of butanol in these

studies is interesting since it had previously been shown to act as a desensitizer.2


To modify physical and energetic properties for use in new or novel systems, a

variety of additives have been examined as gelling agents. In earlier works, various

hydrocarbons,147 polymers,148,149,150 or other materials151 were investigated. More recent

studies have examined the effect of micro- or nano-sized particulate additives on

sensitivity152 and mechanical or rheological properties.153,154 With current developments

in nanotechnology, the use of gelled propellants containing nano-sized particles as the

gelling agent (with no inert gellant needed) has become of interest,155 and this technology

may be applied to enhance the energy and physical properties of nitromethane-based

propellant in the future.



Experimental Method of Approach

In this chapter, experimental equipment and methods used for this study are

described. A number of complementary measurement techniques were used to

characterize the combustion behavior of nitromethane over a wide range of pressures. A

variety of strand burners available at the High Pressure Combustion Lab were employed

combust the propellant at desired pressure and environmental conditions. Burning rates

were measured in two ways: with the propellant feed to a stationary free surface, and

with the burning surface regressing into a quiescent fluid contained in a tube.

Temperature profiles were obtained with embedded microthermocouples. UV/Visible

absorption spectroscopy was used to detect OH radicals at chamber pressures up to 1,500


3.1. Strand Burners

At lower pressures (below 5,000 psig), tests could be run with either regression

into quiescent propellant in a tube or propellant fed to a stationary burning surface. The

feeding system built into the Liquid Propellant Strand Burner (LPSB) allowed optical

access and a long burn time (on the order of minutes). In addition, initial propellant

temperature could be controlled from 30 to +45 C. For pressures up to 30,000 psig, an

Ultra-High Pressure Strand Burner (UHPSB) was designed and constructed for static


3.1.1. Liquid Propellant Strand Burner (LPSB)

A specially-designed LPSB that contained an accurate liquid feeding system was

utilized to study the burning behavior of nitromethane. After being developed for the

nitromethane study, this device was later used to investigate flashback behavior of XM46

HAN-based monopropellant by Chang, Boyer, and Kuo.156 An overall diagram of the

system is shown in Figure 3.1, and details of the chamber and chamber base with feed

tube are seen in Figure 3.2 and Figure 3.3, respectively.

Figure 3.1 Schematic diagram of the LPSB and control systems.


Figure 3.2 Cross-sectional view of the windowed LPSB chamber with feeding base

Figure 3.3 Cross-sectional diagram of LPSB chamber base and feed system outlet.

The optically accessible windows of the LPSB allowed visual observation of the

whole combustion event and the usage of non-intrusive diagnostic techniques. Although

the test chamber itself could sustain pressure up to 70 MPa, all tests were conducted in

this chamber with pressures less than 35 MPa (5,000 psig) due to the limitations of the

optically accessible windows. Tests at higher pressures were performed in the ultra-high

pressure burner, which is described in detail later in this chapter.

Although the feeding system itself was installed as part of a previous project,

operational procedures and extensive modifications to fully utilize it were developed for

the current study. The temperature conditioning system and flame extinguisher were also

designed and installed for the nitromethane investigation.

Traditional static tests of stagnant LP strands could also be performed in the

LPSB. In static tests, experiments were conducted by filling liquid propellant in a quartz

tube (7 mm in diameter) or a thin-walled cylindrical straw made from a combustible wax

paper. Each method had its own advantages and disadvantages. By using the quartz

tube, the propellant flame was confined in a one-dimensional reaction zone and the

combustion product gases forced to accelerate in the vertical direction only. On the other

hand, the unconfined burning of LP in combustible straws offered the condition of

minimized heat loss from the propellant flame to the tube wall, thereby allowing the

liquid propellants to burn at their intrinsic burning rates. For nitromethane, both were

utilized and negligible difference was noted between the two types of containment. Liquid Propellant Feeding and Ignition Systems

To limit the amount of liquid propellant (LP) in the test cell, only the LP reservoir

cylinder and a feeding tube leading to the chamber were filled (see Figure 3.1) during the

test. Except when loading, bulk liquid propellant was stored away from the LPSB in a

glass bottle equipped with a feeding nozzle. A maximum of 70 cc of LP could be loaded


into the feed system for each test. At nitromethane regression rates, this was sufficient to

provide minutes of test time.

During tests, the linear actuator drove the piston into the cylinder, forcing LP up

through the feeding tube into the chamber. A section of quartz tube about 2.5 cm long

with a 4.83 mm ID was connected to the tip of the feeding tube to reduce heat loss to the

metal feeding tube and assist in flame stabilization. In addition, this quartz tube enabled

visual tracking of the LP surface position when the LP was pushed upward prior to

ignition as well as during burning. Once the stable flame was established, one could

deduce the burning rate from the feeding speed.

To achieve ignition of the LP, a nichrome wire was placed across the exit plane of

the quartz tip prior to each test. The nichrome wire was heated by supplying AC electric

energy to the wire; ignition of LP was achieved through heat transfer from the electrically

heated wire to the LP. To eliminate any interaction with the LP flame and to avoid

obstruction of the viewing area, the nichrome wire was stretched by springs from both

ends. When ignition was accomplished, the springs pulled the ends of the broken

nichrome wire away from the flame region and viewing ports. In the case that the

temperature near the pyrolyzing propellant surface region was not high enough to break

the nichrome wire, the electric energy supplied to the wire was quickly increased after

ignition was achieved. Increased temperature resulting from the electrical energy surge

melted the nichrome wire and caused it to break. The springs then retracted the two

broken segments away from the viewing area.

68 Propellant Temperature Conditioning System

A propellant temperature conditioning system was designed, constructed, and

utilized to determine the effect of initial temperature on the burning rate. This

conditioning system consisted of a series of liquid-tight stainless steel jackets

surrounding the propellant feeding tubes. Conditioned fluid from a regulated temperature

bath/circulator flowed through the coolant jackets thus regulating the initial temperature

of the propellant. The cooling bath used for this system was the NESLAB ULT-80 Low-

Temperature Bath/Circulator. The stabilized temperature range for this circulator bath is

-80 to +18 oC with temperature stability of 0.03 oC. Although the unit can circulate

higher temperature fluids (up to 80 oC), the internal heating and control system cannot

maintain liquid at those temperatures. In order to condition the propellant at the ambient

and high temperature ranges, a supplemental heat exchanger system was constructed and

placed in the NESLAB liquid bath. With this feature added to the NESLAB liquid bath,

the temperature range for the test sample could be controlled between 80 and +80 C.

When Dow Chemical Syltherm XLT silicone heat transfer fluid was utilized as the

working fluid, the practical temperature range for nitromethane varied from -30 C

(freezing point of nitromethane) to approximately +45 C (flash point of Syltherm XLT). Liquid Propellant Burn Rate Control System

The liquid propellant would have regressed into the feeding tube after ignition if

no further efforts were made to prevent this from occurring. The unique feature of this

LPSB setup is that the LP burning surface can be stabilized at the exit plane of the quartz

tube during burning. To achieve this, the LP was fed into the tube at its regression rate

with an electric linear actuator, as shown in Figure 3.1.

Two methods of setting the feed rate were available: a pulsed mode that varied

the speed depending on an external input and continuous run at a preset rate. Since the

burning rate of the LP at a particular pressure was not known a priori, adjustment of the

feeding rate during testing was necessary. This was achieved by programming the

controller to adjust the speed of the linear actuator proportional to an instantaneous

voltage input. The voltage was controlled manually by the operator turning a

potentiometer connected to a 9-Volt battery. The operator adjusted the voltage output

according to the real-time video images of the LP surface location. The voltage output

from the potentiometer was connected to an I/O module on the controller that read in

analog data at a fixed rate of 10 Hz. Through this interactive operation procedure, a

relatively steady-state position of the burning LP surface could be maintained.

It should be noted that although the above procedure showed a relatively steady

position for the LP burning surface, it was found that this method resulted in a

"pulsating" liquid motion near the tip of the quartz tube. This was due to a limitation in

the feeding systemthe linear actuator and controller could not operate at an infinite

acceleration mode; whenever there was a speed change, an acceleration or deceleration

stage was involved. Every time the I/O module sampled the user input (sampling rate =

10 Hz), the actuator accelerated, traveled at a constant velocity proportional to the

voltage input for a preset time, then decelerated while waiting for the next input cycle.

The pulsating motion became more evident at higher pressures and feed rates.

To obtain a non-pulsating, fixed nitromethane burning surface position and


therefore the intrinsic burning rate at a particular chamber pressure, a procedure which

involved two series of tests was created and implemented. In the initial set of tests,

burning rate measurements using the user-input stepping motion at the specified pressure

were conducted. Obviously, the constant speed read from the user input did not represent

the true burning rate; however, the results served as a guideline for more accurate

continuous feed tests.

In the continuous feed tests, the chamber pressure was initially set equal to that of

previously-described variable-speed feeding tests. The linear actuator was then

programmed to move at a constant speed rather than a stepping motion. The speed was

usually set at a level lower than the steady-state level obtained in the variable-speed tests,

based upon the controller sampling procedure described earlier. Once the ignition wire

was energized, the motion of the linear actuator was initiated. The regression rate of the

LP at the initial chamber pressure may not have matched the set feeding rate of LP

immediately. Since the linear actuator did not allow speed adjustment during motion,

chamber pressure was adjusted to match the pressure-sensitive LP burning rate to the

actuator feeding rate. When the observed burning surface position started to move

downward into the clear quartz tip, chamber pressure was reduced to decrease the LP

burning rate. If LP started to bulge above the quartz tip exit plane, chamber pressure was

raised to increase the LP burning rate. The chamber pressure was manually adjusted by

controlling the purge flow into the chamber and out of the exhaust line shown in Figure

3.1. When the LP burning rate at the adjusted chamber pressure matched the LP feeding

rate of the linear actuator, the burning surface was stable at the exit plane of the quartz

tube. The pressure level at that condition was then paired with a corresponding burning

rate deduced from the linear actuator velocity setting. Once a propellant was partially

characterized, the burning rate could be extrapolated from previous data with a standard

power-law expression to provide a better initial prediction for the initial continuous feed

rate at pressures other than those already tested. Liquid Propellant Flame Extinguishment System

The LP flame was extinguished before the motion of the linear actuator was

terminated; otherwise the flame could propagate into the feeding tube. Flame

extinguishment was achieved by blowing out the LP flame with nitrogen gas jet injection

aimed toward the LP burning surface region. Just prior to desired end of the test run, the

chamber pressure was lowered, causing a liquid bulge to form above the quartz tube exit,

raising the flame position. Since the LP mass feeding rate was constant, the burning

surface area increased to compensate for the lower linear regression rate. When the

extinguisher gas stream was initiated, it drove the flame away from the surface region,

causing drastic reduction of heat feedback from the gas phase to the LP surface, thereby

extinguishing the flame. The linear actuator was then stopped and the chamber


3.1.2. Ultra-High Pressure Strand Burner (UHPSB)

One goal of this study was to expand the pressure range of nitromethane burning

rate measurements beyond those commonly examined. Conventional vented strand

burners generally have pressure limits of up to 10,000 psi. However, pressures generated

inside gun chambers or future propulsion devices could be much higher, possibly

exceeding 100,000 psi. Gaining more knowledge of high-pressure combustion behavior

can also be useful in understanding detonation initiation and reaction processes for

energetic substances. In order to achieve the high pressures required, an ultra-high

pressure strand burner (UHPSB) was designed, constructed, and tested.

The UHPSB is a unique facility that allows the regression rates of strand

propellants to be measured at pressures up to 207 MPa (30,000 psi). Two solid or liquid

strands up to 65-mm long could be tested simultaneously to minimize gas usage and

maximize data return. Liquid or gelled propellant strands could be contained in either a

quartz tube (for simplicity) or combustible straws to minimize tube effects. To pass

ignition power and diagnostic signals through the high-pressure chamber wall, a custom-

made 8-wire electrical feedthrough was utilized. A total of three thermocouples (TCs), or

up to four break wires per sample can be sampled using this setup. Also, the number of

break wires could be increased with simple modifications to the sample base. The

control panel allowed operation and observation of a number of important functions from

a remote site, including:

compressor power control

exhaust valve actuation

electrical continuity test on TC/BW/ignition

trigger output from ignition switch for data acquisition system activation

Variac or DC power source control for igniter power input

Either glass tubes or combustible straws can be used to contain the liquid

propellant. Combustible straws used for nitromethane measurements were approximately

75 mm (3 inches) in length and 6.4 mm (0.25 inches) inner diameter. Up to 4 holes were

drilled or punched at known intervals, and segments of Bussman 0.25-ampere fuse wire

were utilized as break wires threaded through the propellant strands. Break wire holes in

combustible straws or quartz tubes were sealed with a dot of epoxy to contain the liquid

propellant. Burning rate was deduced by measuring the time delay between burn-through

of adjacent wires.

Ignition of the samples was achieved by heating a nichrome wire by passing an

electrical current through the wire. An ignition booster charge consisting of a small piece

(~0.05 to 0.10 gram) of an easily ignitable solid propellant (JA-2) was attached to the

nichrome wire to ensure uniform ignition. Electrical energy was supplied by either a

Variac variable AC transformer or DC power source at the control panel. In addition, the

system can be easily reconfigured to use any other type of initiator or electrically-

actuated igniter.

Since the test chamber was adapted from a high-pressure compressor storage tank

with a length of approximately 6 feet and a 4-inch inside diameter, the internal volume is

very large. Therefore, there was negligible pressure change due to product gases released

during the combustion event. The atmosphere for combustion was determined by the gas

input source to the compressor. Pressurized nitrogen was used for the environment in all

tests in this study, but other gases such as air or argon could easily be substituted.

Because of the chamber design and horizontal orientation, there was no provision for an

axial purge gas flow during a test. Although the lack of purge could lead to flame

spreading down the sides of solid propellant strands, for liquid propellants contained in

either glass or combustible tubes, flame spreading was not a concern.

A schematic diagram of the UHPSB is shown in Figure 3.4. It can be seen that

for safety, the controls and data acquisition system are located in another building apart

from the one containing the UHPSB test chamber. Both the compressor and the exhaust

solenoid valve (SV1) could be remotely operated to increase or decrease the chamber

pressure to a desired level. To run an experiment, after pressurization, the igniter power

input is set and the test triggered.

Compressor Building
(P1) (Test Cell)
High Pressure HV1

Combustion Lab Water

(Control Room) Manual Remote
To lab
High Pressure
TV set Compressor HV5

Valve Test Sample

Continuity (Pmax=30,000 psi)

TC/BW Continuity
Exhaust Cylinder A:
FIRE SV1 Test Chamber
Compressor Exhaust
OFF ON (Pmax=30,000 psi) HV6
Cylinder B:
Power OFF OFF HV8 Storage Tank HV7

Figure 3.4 Schematic diagram of the UHPSB and control system.

Purge gas flows up through the chamber base and exits through a perforated plate

to uniformly distribute the purge flow field around the propellant strand. This gas flow

serves the purpose of cooling the propellant product gases and sweeping any smoke or

colored product gases away from the viewing ports and into the exhaust system.

3.2. Temperature Measurement Using Microthermocouples

Microthermocouples have been successfully used to measure condensed-phase

and gas-phase temperature profiles in solid propellants175 (including nitramines with a

significant melt/foam layer157) and liquid propellants.158 By correlating the time-resolved

temperature data with burning rate and observed position, a temperature profile as a

function of location can be determined. The subsurface thermal profile will help in

characterizing the processes occurring in the two-phase region (e.g. temperature of

evaporation and/or decomposition processes and thermal wave thickness), establishing a

surface temperature, and supplying initial condition and validation data to the gas-phase

reaction and flame simulations. Flame location and structure can be determined by

examining the profile for rapid temperature rise and plateau features. These data can be

used as a guide during formulation of the model to determine what phenomena need to be

considered and which ones can safely be neglected while still capturing important

behavior. Using measured values as an initial guess for the gas-phase solution can reduce

computation time and aid convergence on a realistic solution.

One of the major difficulties with thermocouple measurements is due to the

relatively small thickness of the thermal features in the regions of interest for burning

propellant, namely the condensed-phase thermal wave and gas-phase flame.

Zenin determined that for a thermocouple measurement to resolve the temperature

profile, the thermal wave must be more than 10 times the thermocouple thickness to

ensure sufficient spatial and temporal response. Currently, the practical limit on

thermocouple thickness is approximately 5 m for Type S (Pt-10%Rh/Pt) and about


twice that value for the higher-temperature Type D (W-3%Re/W-25%Re).

Basically, the thermal wave is the depth of heat penetration conducted into the

condensed phase from the regressing burning surface. At higher burning rates, the

preheated zone is thinner than those at lower burning rates. For a homogeneous

condensed phase, the thermal wave thickness (th) for 99% of the total temperature rise

from Ti to Ts can be defined as:

th = 4.6 (3.1)

where is the thermal diffusivity of the liquid propellant and rb is the regression rate.

For nitromethane at ambient temperature, the burning rate at a low pressure condition (P

= 3 MPa) is about 0.93 mm/s. Calculated from values found in Ref. 16, the value of

liquid thermal diffusivity, , is approximately 1.0x10-3 cm2/s. Using Eq. (3.1), the

thermal wave thickness is about 500 m. This value decreases rapidly with pressure

(inversely proportional to burning rate), to less than 250 m at 6 MPa. Flame zone

thickness and structure is undetermined before experimental observations. However, it is

expected to be a strong function of reaction scheme and rates, and therefore can vary

significantly in dimension with temperature. Some propellants show a very concentrated

flame, while others include multiple stages and even dark induction zones with nearly-

constant temperature and little visible emission.

The maximum temperature of S-type thermocouples is approximately 1750 C

and D-type thermocouples can reach a maximum temperature near 3100 C, but they are

not recommended for below 400 C. Both of these types are normally made from

commercially-available 25-m wire. The junction thickness can be decreased by rolling

the junction section and surrounding wire to the desired thickness. The procedure for

making thermocouple junctions has been well-established at the High Pressure

Combustion Lab. The junction can be formed in one of two manners, either using a spark

welding process or by flowing current through two wires in contact with each other at

their tips. By regulating the voltage and current, the temperature can be controlled to

form a welded junction at the point of contact. Both of these processes result in a

junction bead of approximately the same size as the wire diameter. Using the typical

values shown above for the thermal wave thickness and expected flame dimensions, for

practical thermocouples that can be successfully mounted in the liquid propellants, it is

expected that only low burning rate (i.e. low pressure) conditions can be successfully


To measure the temperature profile through the combustion zone, a thermocouple

supported by a thin dielectric post was installed through a hole drilled in the side of a

tube. The post limited the motion of the thermocouple junction during the combustion

event, ensuring that the junction was at a known location, generally near the centerline of

the tube.

A reference junction was created by immersing a second thermocouple of the

same type in an ice-water bath and connecting it in series to the thermocouple mounted in

the sample. The zero-referenced thermoelectric voltage was amplified 100 times near the

point of measurement to reduce the effect of electrical noise introduced on the cabling

between the chamber and data acquisition device.


Measured thermoelectric voltage was converted to temperature through use of an

inverse polynomial. For the S-type thermocouples, the ninth-order ITS-90 polynomial

given in the Omega Temperature Handbook159 was used. For the D-type, no standard

was given, so a seventh-order polynomial curve fit was obtained from the direct

polynomial given in the Omega Handbook. For temperature in degrees C and voltage in

millivolts, the following expression can be used:

T = cn E n (3.2)
n =0

For greater accuracy, the curve was broken into two temperature ranges, resulting in the

parameters given in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1 D-type thermocouple inverse polynomial for calculating temperature from
T < 783 C T > 783 C
(EMF < 13.822 mV) (EMF > 13.822 mV)
Coefficient Value Coefficient Value
c0 0.35788 c0 -2561
c1 100.67 c1 876.97
c2 -14.888 c2 -107.9
c3 3.0624 c3 7.6642
c4 -0.41425 c4 -0.32134
c5 0.033629 c5 0.0079706
c6 -0.0014708 c6 -0.00010833
c7 2.6553e-05 c7 6.2345e-07

3.3. UV/Visible Absorption Spectroscopy

The experimental setup and theory for UV/Visible absorption measurements

using the apparatus in this study were previously reported in detail by Lu, et al.160,161

Figure 3.5 shows a schematic diagram of the optical arrangement. A xenon arc lamp was

used as a high-intensity source for a light beam passing through the flame zone; a portion

of the light energy was absorbed by OH molecules present within the flame zone. The

beam was focused on a pinhole to set the spatial resolution of the measurement, then

directed into the spectrometer. Least-squares fitting of a model spectra to the measured

one allowed species concentration and temperature to be found.

Figure 3.5 Schematic diagram of the optical arrangement for UV/Visible absorption
spectroscopy measurements.

The use of liquid propellant presented unique problems. All previous uses of this

device were with solid propellant sticks. However, unlike a solid-propellant strand,

liquid propellant needed to be confined in some sort of container in order to retain its

shape. In addition, the container had to interact as little as possible with the white light

beam passing through the combustion zone of interest. For this series of tests, an 8-mm

ID square quartz tube approximately 75 mm long was used. The parallel sides of the

square tube minimized distortion in the light beam passing through the flame zone that

could be caused by a cylindrical sample tube. The tube also confined the flame and

product gas, producing an essentially one-dimensional flowfield in the axial direction

above the burning liquid surface. Quartz was selected because of its high transmissivity

in ultraviolet and visible wavelengths. For UV/Visible absorption spectroscopy

measurements, ignition was achieved through the use of a 100-W CO2 laser incident on

the top surface of the propellant. At low pressures in the N2 atmosphere, ignition was

very difficult both due to the N2 gas environment and in-depth absorption of the infrared

laser energy. A small piece of solid propellant suspended just above the liquid surface

was found to be very effective in assuring a rapid ignition of the nitromethane.



Experimental Results and Discussion

Measurements and observations from well-selected experiments can provide

engineering data for system design, as well as serve to guide development of a model and

provide data for model validation. Surface region observations and temperature profile

measurements helped determine boundaries and conditions for reaction zones.

Regression rate data allowed the model results to be matched against real-world


4.1. Ignition Characteristics

Tests over a wide range of pressures indicated that nitromethane is very difficult

to ignite in a nitrogen environment, as noted by Birk, et al.162 In the initial series of

feeding tests, there was no successful ignition for nitromethane in nitrogen at pressures

up to the highest level tested at 19.4 MPa (2800 psig) using an electrically-heated

nichrome wire. In air, ignition even in air was difficult when the chamber pressure was

below 4.24 MPa (600 psig). However, tube tests in a nitrogen atmosphere (in the

UHPSB or UV/Visible chamber) ignited reliably when using a small piece of solid

propellant as a booster.

4.2. Observations of Near-Surface Region

Close-up observations of the liquid propellant burning surface were very useful in

understanding its combustion behavior. In order to observe the burning surface


phenomena (such as bubbling, surface instabilities, etc.) and visible flame structure, high-

pressure, windowed strand burners were used for close visualization of the surface

structure of the burning propellant. High-resolution images of the near-surface region

were captured using either an S-VHS VCR coupled with a PC-based frame grabber or a

high-speed digital camera system. The Photron FastCam PCI high-speed camera system

used was capable of capturing up to 2000 24-bit color frames per second, although the

achievable rate was lower due to relatively low luminosity of the nitromethane flame and

limited dynamic light sensitivity of the CCD imager. In both cases, a macro zoom lens

was used to ensure high-quality, high-magnification images. Two different types of

observations were made: feeding liquid in a stationary open tube in the LPSB, and

regressing liquid in a static tube in a windowed strand burner with CO2 laser ignition.

4.2.1. Images and Description Feeding Tests

At low pressures (e.g. 3.1 MPa) in the LPSB feeding mode, nitromethane

exhibited distinct bubbling near the liquid surface, as seen in Figure 4.1. The bubble

sizes were relatively large, up to about 800 m. Bubble size and frequency decreased

with elevated pressure. At 13.3 MPa, the burning surface was quite uniform with no

visible bubbles.

In the 3.1 MPa image of Figure 4.1, a large, unstable, contracting flame plume

can be seen. Just above the surface, a thin luminous reaction zone is distinct. This thin,

uniform flame is assumed to be the monopropellant flame, while the large plume is due to

secondary combustion of the monopropellant products in the air atmosphere. Since

nitromethane by itself is significantly oxygen-deficient (oxygen balance of 39.32 %),

the H2 and CO products could react to water and carbon dioxide if additional oxidizer

was supplied. As the pressure increased, the plume elongated and became more

luminous and longer. Eddies can be seen at the flame boundaries from interaction of the

plume with the purge gas flow.

3.1 MPa (430 psig) 13.3 MPa (1920 psig)

Figure 4.1 Pictures of near-surface behavior for nitromethane at a stable free surface in
LPSB feeding tests at different pressures. Static Tests

For tests with a static strand, the regressing surface was observed to be very

smooth and uniform, with only a few occasional surface disturbances visible. Typical

images of the regressing surface at 3 and 6 MPa in an 8x8 mm square tube are shown in

Figure 4.2. The liquid meniscus against the tube wall gives the appearance of slight

curvature near the edges. The surface is illuminated from below; the glow near the

surface is believed to be a combination of self-illumination from the faint flame and light

refracted or reflected by the interface from the external illumination. At the conditions

observed for tube tests, no secondary flame plume was seen.

3 MPa 6 MPa
Figure 4.2. Images of regressing surface into quiescent propellant in square tubes.

4.2.2. Analysis of Observations

Although the bubbles seen in feeding tests were believed at first to be uniformly

distributed across the surface, continued observations and comparison to tube tests at

similar conditions with no evidence of bubbles led to the conclusion that the visible

bubbles were forming at the walls only. The presence of bubbles near the burning

surface is believed to have been caused by the combined effects of long liquid propellant

residence time associated with low burning rate and tube walls heated from the adjacent

stationary flame. At the exit plane, the tube walls were exposed to a steady high-

temperature flame, resulting in significant heating. The disappearance of bubbles at

higher pressures was associated with shorter residence time and increased boiling point.

Higher burning rate (and hence convective cooling of the walls) also served to reduce the


Other than the bubbling near the heated exit tip wall for feeding tests at lower

pressures, the images displayed in the previous section for both feeding and static tests

showed a uniform surface with no indication of instability over the entire pressure range

observed. This was in stark contrast to XM46 HAN-based liquid propellant, which when

tested under similar conditions on the same equipment showed extreme surface instability

and waves.156 The flat nitromethane monopropellant flame was of low luminosity, and

very thin (< 1 mm) with no apparent induction zone or distinct stage structure at any

condition. Because of these traits, a one-dimensional approximation for the gas-phase

reaction zone was judged to be reasonable for model development, and the thin flame

structure was used to guide the initial guess for the gas-phase solution.

In the free-surface LPSB feeding tests, the flame plume showed both contraction

and eddies at the boundary. These details were examined to understand their existence

and magnitude. It was believed the flame contraction was caused by buoyancy affecting

the very hot flame plume emerging into the relatively cool purge environment. To

investigate this behavior, an axisymmetric simulation of the plume was done using

FLUENT flow modeling software.163 Full multicomponent diffusion, buoyancy, and

variable properties with temperature were considered. The gases were assumed to be

"incompressible ideal gases," meaning that the density was only a function of

temperature. For one simulation, this assumption was relaxed to ideal gases and no

changes were noticed in the solution except for much slower convergence. The

conservation equations were solved by a Newton iteration scheme where the equations at

each step were solved by a Successive Over-Relaxation (SOR)-based Gauss-Seidel


method. The initial grid size used was 3000 cells; further refinement showed no change

in the solution.

Input conditions were derived from species composition, temperature, and

velocity at the completion of combustion at 5 MPa calculated using the gas-phase model

in described in Chapter 5. From the observations and measurements, most of the plume

effects occurred above the thin reaction zone. In addition, the effects were believed to

result from the composition change and energy release generating the hot plume.

Important initial and boundary conditions are shown in Table 2.1. All thermodynamic

and transport values needed were calculated internally by FLUENT.

Table 4.1 Input and intial properties and conditions for FLUENT simulation of flame
plume in cold purge flow.
Gas Property Value Units
Pressure 49.34614 atm
Density, 0.004970601 g/cm3
Axial velocity 38.06179 cm/s
Temperature 2459.512 K
Mass fraction H2 0.0220551
Mass fraction H2O 0.2447451
Mass fraction CO 0.381092
Mass fraction CO2 0.1221842
Mass fraction N2 0.2293859

Since the actual purge flow rate was not measured for the images above, a range

of typical values for the equipment used was estimated. For the simulation, three

different cases were run with the concentric flow of N2 purge gas set at 0.005, 0.05, and

0.5 m/s, which were labeled as slow, medium, and fast respectively.

Flow streamlines, and temperature and density contours for the three purge

conditions are shown in Figs. 4.3 to 4.5. Looking at these figures, it can be seen that the

hot, low density flame plume was rapidly accelerated against the gravity vector by

buoyancy in all cases. Because of continuity, the flow tube must contract, resulting in the

characteristic plume shape seen in the previous images. This is illustrated by the

streamlines bending toward the centerline of the flow just above the zero position. Not

surprisingly, the higher mass and momentum flow at the fast condition was affected least

by the flame plume, while the slow purge showed very significant entrainment.

Figure 4.3 Density and temperature contours for nitromethane combustion plume into a
slow purge flow (0.5 cm/s).

Figure 4.4 Density and temperature contours for nitromethane combustion plume into a
medium purge flow (5 cm/s).

Figure 4.5 Density and temperature contours for nitromethane combustion plume into a
fast purge flow (50 cm/s).

Eddies seen at the flame boundaries in Figure 4.1 are manifestations of a different

phenomenon. The flame above the free surface can also be viewed as a thermal plume or

jet into a cooler, denser environment. Periodic instabilities in buoyant jets have been

observed in experimental studies164,165 and captured in theoretical and computational

studies.166,167,168 These Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities at the shear interface between the

plume and environment are in general still not well-understood, but observations have

shown two different types of instability: a sinuous mode characterized by a long

columnar flame, and a varicose mode with larger-scale low frequency vortex formation

near interface.169 Most work for flames has been done on either unreactive heated

plumes (e.g. He) or diffusion flames. However, essentially isothermal plumes from

rapidly-reacting premixed flame should behave similarly, though with somewhat

different frequency characteristics due to different density gradients at the

flame/environment interface.170,171 The varicose mode is consistent with the structures

observed in the nitromethane plume as seen in Figure 4.1, although some sinuosity is

seen at the lower pressure (3.1 MPa) condition, also. Because the situation is

mathematically very challenging due to complex interactions of different flow fields and

chemical reactions, a variety of parameters to characterize the flow and methods to define

stability have been developed. These include the jet-to-environment density ratio,

velocity difference, Reynolds number of the plume, Froude number

Fr = (4.1)

and Richardson number

gD 1 j

Ri = (4.2)

V2 j

With a Reynolds number of about 135 and a Richardson number of approximately 3.4,

the nitromethane plume at 5 MPa resembles very closely a helium jet at similar

conditions as imaged by Subbarao and Cantwell.165 The density ratio (~0.09) and

Reynolds number (~135) for the conditions discussed here also place it within the

unstable region as mapped by Cetegen.172


4.3. Burning Rate Measurements

A series of tests were conducted in both the LPSB and the UHPSB at pressures up

to 170 MPa in order to better characterize the burning rate of nitromethane. HPLC-grade

nitromethane obtained from Sigma-Aldrich was used for all tests conducted in this

investigation (including LPSB and tube data). Two methods of measuring the

nitromethane burning rate were used: the burning rate at a stationary surface determined

with a constant feed rate and regression rate within a tube.

A compilation of ambient-temperature burning rate data obtained from quartz

tube tests and feeding tests in the LPSB, combustible straw tests in the UHPSB, and

quartz tube data from NAVORD37 is shown in Figure 4.6. The data appeared to break

into three regimes based on the pressure exponent. For feeding tests at low pressures in

the LPSB, a pressure exponent of 1.03 was found. Quartz tube test data at the same

conditions showed a slightly lower burning rate compared to the feeding tests, but a

slightly higher pressure exponent of 1.17. These two sets of burning rates converged as

the pressure increased. A slope break to much higher exponent (n=2.33) appeared around

15 MPa. The abrupt change in the burning rate versus pressure slope was also noted by

Rice and Cole37 of NAVORD in this range. A second slope break occurred near 70 MPa;

where the pressure exponent flattened significantly to n=0.86. In summary, the burning

rate of nitromethane could be described by three separate power-law equations for their

respective pressure regimes:

rb(mm/s) = 0.173[P(MPa)]1.17 (for 3<P15 MPa) (4.3)

rb(mm/s) = 0.009[P(MPa)]2.33 (for 15<P70 MPa) (4.4)


rb(mm/s) = 4.153[P(MPa)]0.86 (for 70<P170 MPa) (4.5)

The close agreement between the measured burning rates from the present quartz tube

tests and NAVORD quartz tube test results can be seen from this figure. This is expected

due to the similar test conditions.

145 psi 1450 psi 14500 psi

LPSB: r = 0.299P
Q uartz Tube (PSU): r = 0.173P
UHPSB: r = 0.009P (15<P<70 MPa)
r = 4.153P (P>70 M Pa)
Burning Rate (mm/s)

Quartz Tube (NAV ORD): r = 0.226P


1 10 100
Pressure (MPa)

Figure 4.6 Measured burning rate of nitromethane as a function of pressure.

For both LPSB feeding tests and low-pressure quartz tube tests, an air

environment was used to achieve ignition. Although tube tests were conducted in air, as

soon as the flame passed below the tube mouth, the tube walls blocked radial diffusion of

the surrounding gas to the flame zone, hence the propellant burned in a monopropellant

mode in the tube tests. The nitromethane burning rate from LPSB could be enhanced

slightly by reducing heat loss to the tube wall and the oxygen in the purge gas (air).

However, as pressure was increased, the difference between the two burning rates

became less, with the two curves nearly converging. Although the quartz tube data could

be slightly affected by the heat loss from the flame zone to the tube walls, from the

captured images the reaction takes place in a very concentrated zone. Based on the

observed wall bubbling in the feeding tests, it is believed the tube test results are closer to

the intrinsic burning rates of nitromethane.

Rice and Cole37 also reported high-pressure strand burning rate results. However,

due to limitations of their equipment including the use of electromechanical timers and

large pressure excursions due to small chamber size (pressure increase of up to 5000 psi),

the data are much less reliable than lower-pressure values. Their reported values are

reproduced in Figure 4.7 below and compared to the correlations derived in the current

study. It can be seen that for the middle pressure range, their measured burning rates are

higher than those of the current study, but nearly identical after the slope break (other

than a single outlier). The distinct change in slope is also present in their data.

NAVORD high pressure data
Curve fit of present study
Burning Rate (mm/s)



10 100 1000
Pressure (MPa)
Figure 4.7 High-pressure nitromethane burning rate data of Rice and Cole37 compared to
current study.

Reference to burning rate measurements made in Russia by Raikova, et al. was

found in a recent paper by Kelzenberg, et al.42 Although the cited Ph.D. thesis173 and

data from the Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology174 were not acquired,

values could be estimated graphically from the plot given in the paper. Data of

Kelzenberg, et al. was over the pressure range of 0.5 to 4 MPa, and Raikova, et al.

covered 6.5 to 30 MPa. These data along with the lines showing the correlations derived

in this study are shown in Figure 4.8. It can be seen the data of Kelzenberg, et al. shows

a lower pressure limit. To achieve ignition and sustained combustion, they used an air

environment, and at such a low burning rate (less than 0.2 mm/s), the combustion may

become diffusion-controlled by the oxygen in the air environment. Date of both


Kelzenberg, et al. and Raikova, et al. match the low pressure correlation from this study

very well. The slope break near 15 MPa also appears, but above that pressure, the limited

data of Raikova, et al. appears to show a somewhat higher pressure exponent. Since no

details were given on experimental equipment or technique used to obtain this data, it is

difficult to speculate on the cause of the difference.


Kelzenberg, et al.
Raikova, et al.
100 Correlation of Current Study
Burning Rate (mm/s)


0.1 1 10 100

Pressure (MPa)

Figure 4.8 Data of Kelzenberg, et al. and Raikova, et al. compared to correlations
obtained from current study.

4.4. Temperature Sensitivity of Burning Rate

Intrinsic burning rates of nitromethane were found using the LPSB over a range

of 2.5 to 15 MPa (350 to 2200 psig) and initial temperatures of -30, 15, 25, and 45 C. A

small variation in burning rate was caused by change in initial temperature. The

following power-law equations provide a close fit to the measured intrinsic burning rates:

Ti = -30 C: rb = 0.237 P1.14 (4.6)

Ti = 15 C: rb = 0.299 P1.03 (4.7)

Ti = 25 C: rb = 0.323 P1.02 (4.8)

Ti = 45 C: rb = 0.323 P1.03 (4.9)

where rb is the burning rate in mm/s and P is the pressure in MPa.

The temperature sensitivity of burning rate to initial temperature variation under

constant pressure conditions can be defined as:

ln rb
p (4.10)
Ti P

Using this relationship, p indicates the fractional variation in burning rate with respect to

the initial temperature change at a given pressure. Figure 4.9 shows the logarithm of the

burning rate plotted versus propellant initial temperature for a number of chamber

pressure conditions. The p for each pressure can then be deduced from the slope of a

linear curve fit. Values of p obtained are shown in Figure 4.10 as a function of pressure.

It can be seen that nitromethane burning rate is most sensitive to initial temperature

change at low pressures, with p = 2.9 x 10-3 K-1 at 2.51 MPa (350 psig). The p

decreases significantly with increasing pressure, dropping to a very low value of 0.6 x 10-

3 K-1 at a pressure of 9.96 MPa (1430 psig). Normal homogeneous solid propellant has

p on the order of 2 x 10-3 K-1 at very high pressures such as 180 MPa.175 It was found

that a second-order polynomial given by Eq. (4.11) can fit the deduced p data at

different pressures.

p = 4.38x10-3 - 6.73x10-4P + 2.97x10-5P2 (4.11)

where P is in MPa and p in K-1. The decreasing trend of p with increasing pressure

indicates even lower temperature sensitivity at higher pressures. This behavior is highly

desirable for nitromethane to burn according to the steady state burning rate with very

insignificant amount of transient burning effects as pressure increases in an actual

combustor. The physical interpretation of the extremely low p is that since the thermal

wave thickness of nitromethane is very thin at high pressures, the relaxation time needed

to respond to a pressure excursion is very short. The energy stored in the thermal wave is

very limited due to steep gradient near the surface.


ln(r b )



240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320
Ti (K)
2.51 MPa (350 psig): ln(r b) = -1.091 + 0.0029T i
3.41 MPa (480 psig): ln(r b) = -0.622 + 0.0024T i
5.06 MPa (720 psig): ln(r b) = -0.013 + 0.0017T i
7.68 MPa (1100 psig): ln(r b) = 0.629 + 0.0010T i
9.96 MPa (1430 psig): ln(r b) = 1.028 + 0.0006T i
Figure 4.9 Nitromethane burning rate sensitivity as a function of initial temperature

3.0 10 -3
-3 -4 -5 2
= 4.38x10 - 6.73x10 P + 2.97x10 P

2.5 10 -3

2.0 10 -3
p (K-1 )

1.5 10 -3

1.0 10 -3

5.0 10 -4
2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Pressure (MPa)
Figure 4.10 p sensitivity as a function of chamber pressure

4.5. Temperature Measurements Using Microthermocouples

Temperature profile data were captured using microthermocouples mounted in the

sample tubes. A set of typical traces at 4 and 6 MPa are plotted in Figure 4.11. Although

some variation is expected between tests due to uncertainty of the thermocouple junction

position and possible slight motion from surface tension effects, the trends seen in the

figure are representative of the pressure effect. The time axis has been converted to

distance through use of the regression rate. The trace can be seen to consist of four


6 MPa
Temperature (K) 2000




-1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

Distance (mm)

Figure 4.11 Temperature-distance profiles for burning nitromethane at 4 and 6 MPa.

The first is the undisturbed liquid, seen as the constant-temperature section at the

left side of the plot. Most of this region was truncated in the plot shown in Figure 4.11.

Although it was expected that the temperature should remain constant at the initial value,

in all tests performed, a low-rate, small-magnitude temperature rise (on the order of 15-

20 C) was noted starting after ignition. Since the incident laser was shut off

immediately after ignition (less than 1 second of irradiation) and this portion of the trace

was far away from the main thermal wave, the indicated temperature rise may be due to

radiation from the approaching flame front penetrating the transparent nitromethane and

heating the exposed thermocouple junction. The liquid propellant temperature is believed

to remain at the initial value.

The second region is the arrival of the thermal wave in the liquid subsurface

region, and is just under 1-mm thick for the 4 MPa case, and about 600-m thick for the

6 MPa case. As expected, the thermal wave for the lower pressure, lower burning rate

condition is thicker than the one for higher pressure.

A change in slope and rapid temperature rise indicates the liquid/gas interface and

reactions associated with the flame in the third zone. The flame zone is very thin, with

the distance as shown less than 50 micrometers (if the plot is significantly stretched in

scale). As this is too thin to be accurately resolved by the thermocouple used, the true

flame thickness cannot be determined with certainty.

The fourth and final region is the product gases with a plateau near the flame

temperature. For the 4 MPa case, after the initial jump just above the surface, the more

gradual rise to this final temperature occurs over approximately 1.5 mm. At higher

pressure (P = 6 MPa), the reactions leading to the plateau temperature occur faster, with

the peak temperature found at 0.75 mm from the surface. The temperature decrease after

the peak is most likely due to heat loss to the surrounding walls, since they are exposed to

a cold purge flow on their outside surface. This heat loss to the surroundings is

illustrated by the thermal boundary layer seen in the purge flow on the outside of the tube

above the flame location shown in the images of Fig. 2. Measured peak flame

temperatures varied from about 2080 K at 3 MPa to 2120 K at 6 MPa; these were

significantly lower than the equilibrium flame temperature of 2460 K as calculated by the

NASA CEA code.176 The traces as shown are truncated after 2.5 mm due to burnout of

the microthermocouple and associated loss of signal soon after that point.

Because temperature rises so rapidly near the gas/liquid interface, it is impossible


to determine an accurate value of the surface temperature. However, a takeoff point

can be distinguished in the curve where the temperature gradient jumps to a very steep

slope. The values of this takeoff temperature (which may not be the true surface

temperature) are near 230 C, with higher temperature at higher pressure. By plotting the

burning rate against inverse temperature and fitting an Arrhenius-style expression, an

apparent activation energy can be found. Although not a true surface temperature, this

takeoff temperature should behave similarly. In Figure 4.12, two sets of data are plotted.

One set corresponds to the measured takeoff temperatures at pressure levels of 4 and 6

MPa. The other set is the calculated surface temperatures based on phase equilibrium.

Although the pre-exponential factor varies, the slopes (i.e. activation energies) are very

similar. This suggests that the physical processes occurring are similar; therefore surface

regression is driven by equilibrium evaporation.



0.4 r = 4.67e+02 * exp(-4.56e+03/T)

r = 2.11e+03 * exp(-4.78e+03/T)
Burning Rate (cm/s)

Measured "Takeoff"

0.1 Calculated T
0.001 0.002 0.003
1/T (K )

Figure 4.12 Apparent surface activation energy.

4.6. UV/Visible Absorption Spectroscopy Measurements

Previously, UV-visible absorption spectroscopy has been used for flame zone

diagnostics for solid propellants.177 Vanderhoff, et al.178,179 measured both species (OH

and NO) and temperature profiles in a variety of solid propellant flames. More recently,

Lu, et al.160,161 successfully measured species (OH and NO) and temperature profiles for

a variety of propellants including both double-base (JA-2) and nitramine-based (neat

RDX, XM39, and M43) compositions.

Transmission spectra covering the wavelength range from 307 to 311 nm were

measured just above the nitromethane burning surface, through the concentrated reaction

zone. This was achieved by mounting the sample cell so that the light beam passed

through the unburned liquid. Then, the spectrometer was set to continuously gate and

sample spectra. The sample was ignited and began to regress, with the surface

eventually passing through the probing location. Since the attenuation was much

different through liquid than through the gas phase, it was obvious when the burning

surface passed the sampling volume. With the spatial resolution near the dimension of

the reaction zone (approximately 200 m), it was assumed that the first good spectrum

was just above the propellant surface and thus reflected the average composition in the

reaction zone.

Only very limited absorption spectroscopy results were obtained for OH in

nitromethane flames over the pressure range from 3.5 to 10.3 MPa (500 to 1500 psig).

An image of combustion in a square quartz sample cell and absorption spectrum at 5.6

MPa (800 psig) are shown in Figure 4.13 and Figure 4.14, respectively. In Figure 4.13,

the concentrated reaction just above the surface (about 25% from the bottom of the

image) can be seen, with the luminous flame situated on top of the surface. The two very

large bright regions are caused by scattering of the UV/Visible light beam from the

sample cell walls. Small carbonaceous deposits can be seen on the quartz walls. The

spectrum in Figure 4.14 was actually taken at an earlier time than is indicated in Figure

4.13; as shown, the surface has regressed significantly below the sampling region.

When the captured spectra were analyzed, levels of OH were too low (< 1%) to be

accurately determined using the data reduction program, but the strong absorption peak

seen near 309 nm indicated the presence of OH.


White light
beam from
Oriel arc lamp

Square quartz
Flame location tube containing
Unburned nitromethane
Nitromethane liquid propellant
Figure 4.13 Image of nitromethane flame immediately above the surface of the sample
contained in a quartz tube (8 x 8 mm2) obtained from the UV/Visible test rig at 5.6 MPa
(800 psig).


Transm ittance


Sharp reduction in
represents absorption
due to OH presence

307 308 309 310 311
Wavelength (nm)
Figure 4.14 Absorption spectra of nitromethane flame at 5.6 MPa (800 psig).

Because of the small length scale of the reaction zone compared to the resolution of the

instrument, even at low pressures, it was impossible to resolve the profile or temperature

of active species (e.g. OH, NO, CN). The instrument resolution of approximately 150

m was larger than the gas-phase reaction zone in which the intermediate radicals formed

and were consumed. Therefore, the amount of information that could be obtained from

this technique was very limited. The only conclusions that could be drawn were that OH

was present in the reaction zone, and that the zone thickness was similar to or smaller

than the resolution of the instrument. The thin gas-phase reaction zone with low

concentration of OH is consistent with the calculated low-pressure species profiles

discussed in Chapter 6.


Theoretical Method of Approach

Until this study, no comprehensive investigation of the nitromethane combustion

process in steady regression had been made. One of the main tools that can be applied to

address the problem is a detailed model of the combustion process, incorporating both

condensed-phase and gas-phase portions. In order to accurately predict combustion

behavior, a number of physical and chemical processes need to be considered. The

condensed-phase treatment needs to capture preheating from an arbitrary initial

temperature and gasification at the surface. Although gas-phase reactions have been

addressed by previous researchers, no detailed model has been used for a steady

deflagration situation. By coupling the two regions at the burning surface and using

selected empirical parameters as inputs, a predictive model can be developed. For this

study, only behavior at ambient pressures below the critical point was considered.

Additional considerations necessary for supercritical conditions will be discussed later,

but were not implemented in the predictive model presented here.

5.1. Description of Problem

Two types of experimental measurements were made for burning rate: regression

into quiescent liquid in a tube, and feeding tests where the liquid was fed to a free surface

at its regression rate to ensure a stationary surface. In principle, both of these situations

can be treated as a stationary surface fed by a steady flow. In its most general form, the

stable combustion of liquid propellant can be broken into a series of adjacent regions

distinguished by the dominant effects in each (shown in Figure 5.1).

Hot Plume

Gas Phase

Combustion Products

Concentrated Gaseous Flame


Two-Phase Region

Preheated Region


Unreacted Liquid

T Feeding Velocity
Figure 5.1 Physical model and axial temperature distribution for steady-state combustion
of liquid nitromethane fed into the burning zone under a controlled constant-pressure

First, there is a region of uniform temperature flow of unburned liquid

nitromethane. Next is a complex preheated region where heat transfer from the surface

and possibly the walls affects the fluid. This is largely driven by energy transfer from the

flame zone to the liquid surface and subsequent conduction in the steep thermal wave

zone. Near the surface of the preheated region, bubble formation is possible due to

homogeneous nucleation phenomena at the boiling point. As the temperature rises, the

fluid may bubble giving rise to a two-phase region. At the gas/liquid interface, if bubbles

exist, they burst to release their internal chemical species and bulk gasification occurs

through either pyrolysis or evaporation. Finally, in the gas phase region, many

elementary chemical reactions combine to generate heat and a visible flame.

5.2. Model Development

A block diagram of the general structure of the model and its relationship to input

data and anticipated output information is shown below in Figure 5.2. Experimental

observations and measurements can contribute to the model development and its

validation. The test results can also suggest simplifying assumptions, and provide initial

values for certain unknowns such as axial temperature profile. Some of the properties

and the reaction mechanism can be taken from the literature. By combining all these

parameters and solving the governing equations for the zone of interest, burning rate,

species and temperature profiles, and other useful values can be determined.

The challenge of an effective and efficient model is to simplify the true situation

as much as possible to aid implementation, yet capture the important phenomena. In

order to achieve this, the theoretical approach to this investigation is divided into two

major parts: a condensed-phase model including all liquid processes and surface

phenomena, and a gas phase model incorporating chemical reactions and heat release.

Based on observations and temperature measurements, the chemical reactions and

associated heat release for nitromethane can be considered to be concentrated in a very

thin region in the gas phase just above the surface. The high-temperature flame feeds

heat back to the surface through conduction to sustain steady regression.

Assumed Values
for Unknowns Initial
Conditions Boundary
Empirical Data Conditions
and Correlations
Simplifying Properties
Assumptions Governing Equations
Species Considered and Equations Transport
Reaction Mechanism Equation of State Properties

Numerical Method and

Convergence Criteria Tube Wall

Flame Structure
- Species Profiles
- Temperature Profile
Burning Rate
Characteristics, Etc.

Figure 5.2 General structure of model and relationship to other parameters

The physical situation to be simulated is the regression of nitromethane contained

in a tube. Because fluid below the thermal wave and combustion zone is quiescent, the

velocity profile could be approximated as uniform, and the one-dimensional assumption

applied to both condensed and gas-phase models. Conduction through and heat loss to

the quartz tube walls were neglected here; the effect could be significant for the feeding

tests where the burning surface and flame are stationary just above a particular segment

of tube.

To support the modeling, a number of physical and thermal properties need to be

known. In some cases, these can be approximated or calculated, but measured values

will be used wherever available. Many of these properties are mentioned in Chapter 2;

others will be introduced in this chapter where appropriate.

5.2.1. Condensed-Phase Model

To adequately represent subsurface region, a way must be found to simplify the complex

phenomena that are occurring. A number of different techniques have been proposed for

a similar situation found near the surface of burning nitramine propellants. Although

very similar to nitromethane in the presence of a liquid-vapor interface at the burning

surface, nitramine combustion differs in that the bulk material is in the solid phase and

has a melting process. Nitromethane starts in a pure liquid phase and is converted to gas,

through evaporation or chemical reactions. Discrete Phase Models

What is referred to as the condensed phase may in reality consist of some degree

of gas, either dissolved or in discrete bubbles, formed by subsurface vaporization or

decomposition processes. The most comprehensive technique is to track both gas and

condensed phases separately in a two-phase zone. However, this adds much complexity

to the formulation and solution. This two-phase region has been modeled in different

ways by different investigators.

Margolis, Williams, and Armstrong180 proposed a model for two-phase nitramine

(RDX and HMX) combustion which was later extended by Li, Williams, and Margolis181.

This model treated the gas and condensed (liquid) phases separately, and related them

using a void fraction variable. A global reaction scheme was used, with three simple

one-step reactions for condensed-phase reaction to gaseous products, liquid-to-gas

vaporization, and gas-phase reaction, respectively. Asymptotic analysis was used to

account for the presence of bubbles and droplets. Two zones were found in the two-

phase region. At higher liquid volume fractions, evaporative equilibrium was present,

while at lower liquid volume fractions, non-equilibrium vaporization was found.

Solutions showed good agreement with measured burning rates and pressure and

temperature sensitivities.

Another method, used by Liau and Yang182 for RDX steady-state burning, was

later extended to transient (ignition)183 and composite propellant (HMX/GAP)184 cases.

Low-pressure nitramine deflagration can be considered to be very similar in many ways

to nitromethane due to the thick bubbling two-phase layer at the surface. Their technique

used spatial averaging over gas bubbles randomly distributed in the condensed phase.

Separate analyses and conservation equations for gas bubbles and condensed phase were

related using a void fraction porosity variable, :

Ag = A (5.1)

where Ag is the fractional cross-sectional area of the gas bubbles and A is the total cross-

sectional area of the propellant. A reduced set of condensed phase decomposition and

gas-phase secondary reactions was applied within the two-phase region.

Kuo and Lu185,186 used a statistical technique to extend the Lagrangian treatment

of a single gas bubble to the entire two-phase region. By assuming a Gaussian


distribution of bubble sizes throughout the zone, average parameters (e.g. density and

temperature) could be found, and a single set of conservation equations applied.

Although mathematically developed and physically closest to the two-phase pyrolysis

and evaporation phenomena, this technique has not been computationally solved to date. Single Bubble Model

Before applying any of the two-phase flow models described above or similar

methods to the nitromethane condensed-phase region, it was useful to determine if the

two-phase effects had any significant influence. Although tests with feeding showed

bubbling near the surface, static tube tests had no indications of any subsurface

evaporation or pyrolysis. Further investigation of the observations strongly suggested the

bubbles seen in feeding tests were from wall effects. Simulations of gas bubble

formation and growth using the single-bubble model combined with observations allowed

this to be investigated systematically and results used to guide the condensed-phase


To examine bubble growth, a single bubble was modeled. The Lagrangian model

following the growth of a single bubble was originally developed by Kuo and Lu185 and

implemented by Kuo, Lu, and Tzeng186 for an RDX foam layer (shown in Figure 5.3).

Since there were many similarities between the RDX foam layer and nitromethane near-

surface region, the adaptation of this model could provide insight into the processes

taking place during nitromethane combustion. It was used to investigate bubble growth

as a function of pressure and temperature, and determine if significant decomposition of

nitromethane occurred in the subsurface region. A brief summary of this model and

discussion of its application to nitromethane are given below.

Figure 5.3 Schematic diagram of physicochemical processes for the bubbles within the
RDX two-phase reaction zone (from Ref. 186)

For a spherical bubble, the mass balance at the bubble surface (boundary of control

volume) was taken as

D 3
g DB = DB l rl g
Dt 6

with rl g representing the liquid-gas conversion rate, expressed as the radial growth

velocity of the bubble. Species concentration tracked the balance of chemical species at

the bubble boundary.

D 3
g DBYgi = DB l rl g i + DB i
3 2
Dt 6 6

where  i is the volumetric production rate of the ith species from chemical reactions. It

was assumed that there were no dissolved gases in the liquid, so only the single

component liquid species passed across the boundary in the first right-hand side term.

Therefore, i was equal to 1 for the liquid component and 0 for all other species. Energy

conservation was given as:

g DB eg = DB l rl g hRDX + hc (Tl Tg ) p
3 2
Dt 6 Dt

After performing an order-of-magnitude analysis, the momentum equation was ignored.

In Kuo, Lu, and Tzengs original RDX analysis,186 three global reactions proposed by

Brill187 were used to account for reactions taking place inside the bubble. It was found

that there was very little reaction within the bubble; rather, mass flux from vaporization

dominated the bubble growth process. Bubble growth rate was much faster than RDX

solid surface regression rate. Hence, the bubble size was limited by foam layer thickness.

The biggest change necessary to adapt the analysis to nitromethane was to replace

the nucleation at the solid-liquid interface with homogeneous nucleation in a liquid

continuum. This was simulated by introducing bubbles of nitromethane vapor at various

locations through the thermal wave, instead of at a phase interface, and tracking their

development. The thermal wave dimension and profile was based on conduction heat

transfer calculations and measured temperature profiles. Bubble sizes introduced ranged

from micron-size to hundreds of microns (approaching the thermal wave thickness).

Liquid and gas properties and reactions were also replaced with ones appropriate for

nitromethane. Thermodynamic properties for the gases in bubbles (i.e., CH3NO2, CH3,

and NO2) were obtained from NASA coefficients in the September 2004 release of

Alexander Burcats database188 (this source will be discussed in greater detail in a later

section). The pressure-sensitive decomposition (expressed as one unimolecular and one

third-body reaction) of nitromethane to CH3 and NO2 was taken from Zhang and Bauer.90

CH 3 NO 2
CH 3 + NO 2 , k1 = 1.78x1016 exp (5.5)
42, 000
CH 3 NO 2 + M
CH 3 + NO 2 + M, k2 = 1.26x1017 exp (5.6)

Results at all conditions simulated showed no reaction or bubble growth occurred

with time; in fact, bubbles shrunk quickly as the contents condensed. The lack of

vaporization was expected since conditions below surface were by definition below the

boiling point. The relatively high activation energy of the decomposition reactions and

relatively low temperature of the material also prevented any significant amount of

decomposition from occurring. As there was no gasification driving bubble formation

(either through evaporation or decomposition), the conclusion was that the subsurface

condensed-phase region could be treated uniformly as a single-phase liquid, and gas just

above the surface as nitromethane generated by evaporation solely at the surface. Gasification Model

The simplest case of treating the condensed phase is to view it as a single-

component liquid with an evaporative process at the surface. A control volume could be

chosen that that encompassed all processes of interest, starting below the thermal wave

and ending just above the surface. This approach could be applied to either feeding tests

or combustion into quiescent fluid in tubes by anchoring the control volume to the

surface location. Then, the burning surface could be treated as stationary, with a flow of

unreacted and unheated propellant entering the bottom of the control volume at a velocity

equivalent to the burning rate. Although developed independently, the model shown here

resembles that of Miller and Anderson.189

Considering steady, one-dimensional flow, the mass balance can be written as

m = init uinit Ainit = g u g Ag (5.7)

For the situation examined here, the area is constant. Since CHEMKIN uses the mass

flux (mass per time per area), continuity can be also expressed in terms of flow rate:

m = FLRTinit = FLRTg (5.8)


or in terms of burning rate (which is equivalent to the velocity at which fluid is flowing

into the control volume),

= rb (5.9)

As only one species is considered for the condensed phase with no reaction taking

place in this region, species mass conservation does not provide any additional

information. Similarly, momentum can be neglected by assuming inviscid, isobaric flow

with no body forces.

The energy balance across the control volume can be expressed as follows:

mh  g + Q cond + Q rad + Q reac = 0

 i mh (5.10)

Q cond is the heat conducted into the control volume at the surface (dT/dx = 0 at the inlet

since the boundary was chosen to lie below the thermal wave), Q rad is the net radiative

flux at the surface, and Q reac is the energy released by chemical reactions within the

control volume. Q reac is assumed to be negligible based on the analysis in the previous

section, and will be discussed in detail later in this section. Q rad from the non-sooting

flame48 is also assumed to be negligible compared conduction to the surface. Latent heat

associated with phase change is captured in the enthalpy terms. With these assumptions,

the energy balance can be simplified to:

Q cond = m ( hg hinit ) (5.11)

Practically, this relation can be implemented and solved in two ways. The first is

to find the sensible enthalpy change in the condensed phase, then add the latent heat of

vaporization for a given surface temperature:

Q cond = m
( Ts

Tinit )
c p dT + Lv


An alternative technique suggested by Miller and Anderson189 is to find the total enthalpy

values directly for liquid at the initial temperature and at a point just above the surface

(where the gas temperature is still the same as the surface temperature) for the gas phase.

These values can then be used directly in Eq. (5.11). Either of these methods should

work, depending on the accuracy of the input data used.

A comparison was made of the two, over a range of possible surface

temperatures. The gas-phase total enthalpy in Eq. (5.11) was obtained from NASA

coefficients for nitromethane in the September 2005 release of Burcats database.190

Enthalpy at initial conditions was found by adding the heat of formation to the (relatively

small) sensible enthalpy change from standard temperature to the initial temperature.

hinit = h of + c p dT (5.13)

A temperature-dependent liquid specific heat correlation given later in Eq. (5.40) and

Table 5.2 was used for both techniques. Figure 5.4 shows the significant differences

between the two methods of finding the enthalpy change for typical conditions. The

baseline method displays virtually no change until a sudden drop-off with increasing

temperature, while the technique of Miller and Anderson shows the expected

monotonically-increasing value. Upon closer examination, it was found that the

correlation used to find liquid specific heat was only specified to be valid up to 473.15 K,

so the function beyond that point was based on an unreliable extrapolation. Because of

this, the method of Miller and Anderson was selected for use in this study.


Enthalpy Change (J/kmol)





480 500 520 540 560 580 600
Surface Temperature (K)

Figure 5.4 Comparison of two different methods of calculating enthalpy change for
initial temperature of 273 K to gas phase at specified surface temperature.

Inherent in the above equations is the assumption that there is no decomposition

or reaction of nitromethane below the surface, either in the condensed phase or in gas-

phase bubbles, if they existed. The only method of gasification is vaporization; therefore

the gas generated at the surface is pure nitromethane. This was justified in three ways.

First, previous studies had shown little to no reaction over long time scales for

nitromethane at temperatures near those postulated for the interface. For example, Shaw,

et al. found liquid nitromethane to be thermally stable at temperatures below 627 K for

pressures up to one kilobar (100 MPa).122 Similar results were also found in the high-

pressure diamond-anvil cell work of Piermarini, Block, and Miller.18 Second, the single-

bubble simulation of a bubble in the thermal wave (described in the previous section)

showed no growth or reaction in the bubble. Finally, a series of calculations were

performed using CHEMKIN 4 with a closed, homogenous, zero-dimension reactor at

constant-pressure condition.191 To find the ignition time for a particular pressure, the

initial conditions used were pure nitromethane gas at the desired pressure and calculated

surface temperature (i.e. saturated vapor). This was considered a very conservative

approximation of conditions through the thermal wave in the subsurface region. Ignition

time was defined as when the temperature rose 400 K above the initial value. In Figure

5.5, a series of calculated ignition times at different pressures are plotted with an

estimated residence time in the thermal wave, found from the empirical burning rate. It

can be seen that over the range of pressures of interest, the ignition time was many orders

of magnitude greater than the residence time at elevated temperatures in the near surface

region, justifying the chemically-inert assumption for the subsurface region. These

results indicated two-phase phenomena could be safely neglected.



10 t

Time (sec)




1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000

Pressure (kPa)

Figure 5.5 Comparison of ignition time at surface temperature to residence time in

thermal wave for nitromethane at a range of pressures.

Initial temperature of the unreacted propellant was an input to the problem. For

conditions below the critical pressure, the surface temperature was found as the point

where the vapor pressure equaled the specified chamber pressure (boiling point). With

their explicit treatment of two-phase flow, Li, Williams, and Margolis181 found

evaporative equilibrium at the condition of high liquid volume fraction, which is met in

this case. In his studies of the combustion of melted energetic materials,192 Zarko also

used this assumption of phase equilibrium at the liquid surface, applying the Clausius-

Clapeyron equation to relate surface temperature to pressure. Here, a more accurate

correlation given by Eq. 2.2 was used.

Beyond the range of subcritical pressures, phase equilibrium no longer applies as

the liquid and gas phases are not distinct. An Arrhenius-form pyrolysis law similar to

that suggested by Miller and Anderson189

rb = As exp s (5.14)

can be used to extrapolate, with the parameters obtained by fitting the equation to

calculated surface temperatures over the range where a liquid-vapor transition exists.

This functional dependence has been shown to adequately capture a wide variety of

surface behavior. A unified gasification law of this form was applied by Zenin to

double-base and composite-modified double-base propellants.193 Miller and Anderson

used it to capture more complex behavior such as liquefaction, evaporation, and

condensed-phase reaction for nitramines.194 For HMX, Ward, Son, and Brewster used it

to model a zero-order reaction for condensed phase to initial gas-phase species just above

the surface.195

Of course, it is recognized that for differing physical processes at the interface

(with increasing pressure and expected increasing surface temperature into the

supercritical region), both activation energy and pre-exponential factors could vary,

perhaps significantly. In fact, the definition of the surface becomes much less obvious.

However, this approach can still be useful, and has been implemented into the code using

values obtained from the vaporization curve and empirical burning rate data: A = 527.51

g/cm2-s with Ea = 9,071 cal/mol. For comparison, the value for the activation energy

obtained by Zenin for double base propellants is approximately 9,900 cal/mol.193

5.2.2. Gas Phase Region Model

Based upon the experimental observations and measurements, gas phase

processes in the region above the liquid/gas interface could be approximated by one-

dimensional, isobaric, steady-state axisymmetric flow. Essentially, the luminous flame

above the interface is very flat and uniform. Its stand-off distance and thickness are very

small compared to the inner diameter of the feeding tube. In this one-dimensional

constant-area reaction zone, detailed chemical kinetics have been considered.

The conservation equations for the gas-phase region are listed below.

Conservation of Mass

( u ) = 0 (5.15)

Conservation of Species Mass

dYi d
u + ( YV
i i ) = i
dx dx

Conservation of Energy

dT d dT N dT N
c pu = i i pi
YV c  i hi (5.17)
dx dx dx i =1 dx i =1

where the specific enthalpy for a particular species, hi, is a combination of the heat of

formation and sensible enthalpy for that species, namely

hi = hDfi + c
pi dT (5.18)

The gas is assumed to behave ideally:


p= (5.19)

where W is the mean molecular weight of the mixture

W= N

i =1 Wi

The diffusion velocity Vi can be found either with mixture-averaged properties or using a

full multicomponent formulation to determine transport properties. Although the

multicomponent solution should be more accurate, comparisons of solutions using both

techniques showed differences on the close order of one percent or less, while calculation

times using the multicomponent properties were up to ten times greater. Therefore, the

mixture-averaged properties were used. With mixture averaging, the diffusion velocity in

the energy and species equations can be written as the sum of three parts:

Vi = VD ,i + VT ,i + Vc (5.21)

The first term is ordinary mass diffusion caused by a concentration gradient (Ficks Law).

It makes use of a mixture-averaged diffusion coefficient. The second term is mass

diffusion from a thermal gradient (Soret effect), also with a mixture-averaged diffusion

coefficient, and is only utilized for the low molecular weight species H and H2. The final

term, Vc, is a species-independent correction velocity ensuring that

i =1
i i =0 (5.22)

Species production rates in the above conservation equations come from reactions

either producing or consuming species.


N k fj N

ik M k ik M k for k = 1, 2, , M
i =1
i =1

where M is the total number of elementary reactions. For the kth elementary reaction, the

reaction-rate constant kk can be expressed as

kk = Ak T k exp k (5.24)

Finally, the species production rate is

vj ,k
E N X p
 i = Wi ( vi,k vi,k ) Ak T exp ak j
k =1 RuT j =1 RuT

The above equations have been implemented into the PREMIX driver code for


5.2.3. Model Integration and Coupling

To predict the burning rates of nitromethane, the subsurface model was coupled to

the gas-phase model. This was accomplished by matching the mass, species, and energy

fluxes at the interface. Also, the temperature was required to be continuous at the

interface. With the formulations used, the interface between the condensed-phase and

gas-phase models was actually in the gas phase, just above the surface. For the energy

condition, the conduction heat flow into the condensed phase was obtained from the

conductivity and temperature gradient just above the surface. These requirements can be

expressed as follows, with the condensed-phase condition on the left and gas-phase

condition on the right:

Ts ,0+ = Tg (5.26)

m s ,0+ = m g (5.27)

 i ,0+ = mY
mY  i,g (5.28)

Q cond = g (5.29)
dx 0+
Applying these matching conditions resulted in the vaporization rate, surface

temperature, and species concentrations calculated from the condensed phase being used

as inputs to the PREMIX gas-phase solver.

5.2.4. Numerical Method and Code Structure

In essence, independent solutions to each phase were found, which were then

coupled by applying and testing the interface boundary conditions, and modifying the

boundary conditions of each phase as necessary. Structurally, this actually occured in a

nested fashion, where the inner level was the gas-phase solver found in the PREMIX

driver code, and the outer level was the condensed-phase solver and coupling code. Condensed Phase Solver

Since the condensed-phase equations were not time- or distance-dependent, they

could be solved algebraically. Changes in sensible enthalpy were obtained by

analytically integrating and solving correlations of Cp with respect to temperature.

Condensed-phase inputs and properties are discussed in a later section. Gas-Phase Solver

Figure 5.6 shows an operation flow diagram of the gas-phase solver as

implemented through the PREMIX driver code and CHEMKIN libraries and utilities.

Database files containing the species list and reaction mechanism, thermodynamic

properties, and transport properties are pre-processed into binary linking files for use by

the CHEMKIN library subroutines. The conservation equations are implemented in the

PREMIX driver code that calls the CHEMKIN subroutines as necessary to find properties

and reaction rates. When executed, the PREMIX program reads initial and boundary

conditions, as well as other problem parameters (e.g. tolerances and grid limits) from an

input file. The level of output during execution can be set by the user; at successful

convergence on a solution, the species and temperature profiles are written out.

In the PREMIX code, the governing gas-phase equations (Eq. 5.15 to 5.25) were

discretized using a finite difference approximation over a non-uniform adaptive grid.

The convective terms used windward differencing, while derivatives in the energy and

species equations were approximated with central differences. At the cold boundary inlet

(x = 0), the initial temperature, species composition, and mass flux were specified. At the

hot boundary (outlet), the temperature and species gradients were required to be zero.

To find the solution, a steady-state damped Newton technique was applied until

user-specified relative and absolute tolerance criteria were met. To condition the steady-

state solution during iteration, a pseudo-timestepping technique was used where transient

terms were added to energy and species equations and a certain number of time steps

were taken. Steady-state techniques were then re-applied to the evolved solution. The

maximum number and size of the time steps were set by the user in the problem input

file, although the PREMIX code could adapt the usage (both size and number of steps)

within the user bounds as required by the specific situation. After a solution was found,

the first and second derivatives between grid points of both temperature and species

profiles (gradient and curvature) were checked against specified tolerances. If either was

higher than desired, new mesh points were introduced and a new solution was found on

the adapted finer mesh.196 Gas-phase inputs and properties are discussed in a later


Figure 5.6 Flow chart for PREMIX gas-phase driver code and CHEMKIN system (from
Ref. 197).
128 Solution Coupling and Code Structure

Obviously, no analytical solution of the coupled problem exists. Instead, a

numerical solution of a numerical solution needed to be found. Finding the solution to

the one-dimensional gas-phase governing equations was very computationally expensive,

both in absolute value (CPU time on a 3-GHz PC ranged up to hours per solution) and

relative to the rest of the problem. Since solutions were of a non-linear nature, many

standard techniques relying on analytical derivatives of functions or calculations at

projected points to speed convergence could not be applied directly. The use of empirical

data to guide initial guesses proved very helpful.

The gas-phase and condensed-phase solutions were coupled using the flux and

temperature-matching conditions listed in Section 5.3.3. These were implemented using

an iterative process. A flow diagram of the FORTRAN code implementing the coupling

and iteration processes is shown in Figure 5.7. The code itself is listed in Appendix B.

An initial guess was assumed for the burning rate and an appropriate mass flux

(flowrate) was generated based on density found from the specified initial temperature.

This assumed flowrate value and the surface temperature (found either from the

assumption of phase equilibrium at the surface or a pyrolysis law) were used as input

conditions for the gas solver.

Once a gas-phase solution was found, heat flux to the surface could be calculated

from the product of gas-phase temperature gradient and thermal conductivity just above

the surface, as expressed in Eq. (5.29). From this calculated heat flux, a new burning rate

value could be determined from the condensed phase equations. If this new burning rate

differed from the one previously assumed for the gas phase, a modified value based on

the difference was generated which was then fed back to the gas-phase solver as updated

input conditions and a new gas-phase solution found. This process was repeated in an

iterative manner until the burning rate calculated from heat transfer into the condensed

phase matched within a specified relative tolerance the assumed value used for the gas-

phase solution or an iteration limit was reached.

To find updated flowrate values for the gas-phase input, the bi-section method

was chosen for simplicity, but with a modified scaling factor parameter to tune it for this

particular problem. The true bisection method applies a factor of 0.5 to the difference

between the assumed and calculated solution values to find the correction for the next

guess. Too high a value could overshoot the true solution and lead to oscillation, while

too low a value would increase iterations, slows convergence, and possibly lead to greater

numerical error. To speed convergence for this problem, a factor of 0.6 was found to be a

reasonable compromise, but no extensive analysis was done to determine if it was an

optimal value. The solution tolerance selected was 5E-4, which gave a solution with

accuracy better than three significant figures, while not requiring an excessive number of

iterations. By using a well-chosen initial flowrate value, the program would generally

converge on a solution within 5 to 10 iterations.



Declare variables

Initialize shell
environment for

Preprocess data and input files:

- chemistry mechanism
- thermo data
- transport data

Check if
Terminate with
iteration limit
error message

Write updated
input file Run PREMIX

Check for
Terminate with
error message

Find new value

Extract solution data
for rb,assumed

Calculate rb based on
gas-phase heat feedback

Is rb,calc
rb,assumed within

Terminate with
success message

Figure 5.7 Flow chart of program implementing gas- and condensed-phase coupling.

5.3. Model Input

As shown in Figure 5.2, a number of external values, properties, and parameters

are needed as inputs to the general model. These include the chemical kinetics

mechanism, thermal and transport properties for unreacted, intermediate, and final

species, initial guesses to aid the solution, and other properties used in calculations.

Many of these values have been found in the literature. Where necessary, estimated

values were determined either through analogy or calculation. In some cases (e.g. initial

values for burning rate and gas-phase temperature profile), empirical correlations and

measurements obtained in this study have been used. Details on the values and sources

used are given in this section.

5.3.1. Gas-Phase Chemical Kinetics

As mentioned in the background section, a number of detailed reaction

mechanisms have been proposed for nitromethane. However, most were based on low-

pressure, low-concentration data, and developed to model specific shock tube or static

vessel conditions. Therefore, only the decomposition or at most, ignition process was

captured. For example, the mechanism proposed by Zhang and Bauer90 appears to be

somewhat comprehensive, with 41 species and 99 reactions. However, it lacks reactions

involving N2, one of the major equilibrium products of combustion, making it obviously

unsuitable for a combustion simulation. Two of the detailed mechanisms, those of

Melius, and Yetter and Rabitz, were specifically developed for high-concentration

propellant ignition. However, they were used mostly as developmental models, and

quickly superseded by more comprehensive and accurate nitramine combustion


mechanisms that were better validated against experimental measurements.

The mechanism being considered here is made up of Yetter, et al.s RDX

mechanism198 combined with the recent nitromethane decomposition work of Glarborg,

Bendtsen, and Miller.94 Yetter. et al.s mechanism was used as a base to take advantage

of the refinement of gas-phase chemistry when the mechanism was validated against

RDX. Large modified nitramine species and fragments (e.g. RDXR, HCNNO2, etc.) and

associated reactions were removed from the reaction set, since nitromethane is a much

simpler molecule than RDX. Rates for the CH3 reactions were verified against the more

recent work of Warnatz, Maas, and Dibble199 and updated where appropriate. The

resulting overall mechanism was made up of 47 species and 250 reactions, and is listed in

Appendix C. Note that two of the elementary reactions (R111 & R114) have rates

modified from more recent literature and to match the measured burning rates of

nitromethane from the present study (this will be discussed in the following chapter).

Perhaps the most important reaction, initial decomposition of the nitromethane

molecule into CH3 and NO2, has been found to have a pressure-dependent rate constant

over the pressure range examined in this study. For pressure-varying reactions in the gas

phase, CHEMKIN provides multiple ways to express this dependency. Lindemann, Troe,

and SRI formulations are recognized to capture behavior in the fall-off region.200 All

falloff reactions used here are in the Troe form.

To accurately represent reaction rates in the falloff region, Gilbert, Luther, and

Troe developed a set of equations with adjustable parameters that could be used to blend

reaction rates between low- and high-pressure limits.92 The low-pressure limit can be

written as

k0 = A0T 0 exp 0 (5.30)

and likewise, the high-pressure limit as

k = AT exp (5.31)

Then, the actual reaction rate for a given pressure can be expressed as a function of the

high-pressure limit, reduced pressure Pr, and an adjustable parameter F.

k = k r F (5.32)
1 + Pr

The reduced pressure is a function of the mixture concentration and the rate limits:

k0 [ M ]
Pr = (5.33)

When F is 1, the expression reduces to the Lindemann form. For the Troe form, F is

given by

log Pr + c

log F = 1 + log Fcent (5.34)

n d ( log Pr + c )

where constants c, n, and d are as follows:

c = 0.4 0.67 log Fcent

n = 0.75 1.27 log Fcent (5.35)
d = 0.14

The maximum Fcent can attain is 1, at 0 K and approached asymptotically at increasing

temperature. The 4-parameter function


T T T **
Fcent = (1 ) exp *** + exp * + exp (5.36)

was proposed to capture this behavior with temperature.92

In the case of nitromethane unimolecular decomposition, Glarborg, Bendtsen, and

Miller94 chose to use a centering parameter in the Troe form to accurately represent the

reaction rate in the fall-off region. Figure 5.8 shows measured reaction rates of Glnzer

and Troe69 (cited as [9] in the figure) and Zaslonko, et al.88 (cited as [26] in the figure) as

a function of concentration for three different temperatures. It can be seen that their use

of a center-broadening term Fcent with the Troe expression fits the data much better than

the Lindemann expression.

Figure 5.8 Fall-off curves for CH3NO2 dissociation (from Glarborg, Bendtsen, and

To illustrate the importance of capturing the falloff behavior for combustion

modeling, the concentration at a typical condition of 5 MPa can be located on Figure 5.8.

To approximate, assume an ideal gas

PV = nRT (5.37)

and solve for molar concentration.

n P
= (5.38)

Given an intermediate temperature of 1000 K in the flame above the surface, the

concentration is 0.601 mol/L or 6.01x10-4 mol/cc. Although the conditions under which

nitromethane decomposition occurs vary, both through the flame and for different initial

conditions, it can be seen that the concentration is in the region where the center-

broadening curve deviates significantly from the either the asymptotic or Lindemann

expressions for the reaction rate.

CHEMKIN does not take a constant Fcent (as given by Glarborg, Bendtsen, and

Miller94) directly as input, however, but uses a function of temperature with either three

or four user-supplied parameters, , T*, T**, and T***, as shown in Eq. 5.36. T** is an

optional value, and its term will be omitted if the parameter is not supplied.196 In order to

use the constant Fcent as input to the gas-phase solution, suitable parameters had to be

found for at least , T*, and T***. These parameters were obtained by curve fitting Eq.

5.36 to the constant Fcent value over the temperature region of interest. By following the

technique used by Yetter, et al.198 of forcing T*** to be very small (i.e. 1E-90) and T* to

be very large (i.e. 1E90), the function showed essentially no variation with temperature

over a typical combustion range, and assumed the constant value of Fcent. The points

used and resulting fit to the three-parameter correlation used by CHEMKIN are shown in

Figure 5.9.


0.15 y = (1-M1)*exp(-M0/1E-90)+M1...

Value Error

m1 1.83e-01 0e+00
0.1 Chisq 0e+00 NA
R 1e+00 NA

NM decomposition: CH NO (+M)<=>CH +NO (+M)
3 2 3 2
Glarborg, et al. F = 0.183
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500

Temperature (K)

Figure 5.9 Curve fit to center-broadening parameter (Fcent) of Glarborg, Bendtsen, and
Miller for Troe form of falloff reaction.

5.3.2. Properties of Condensed-Phase Species

With the assumption that no reaction occurs in the condensed phase, the only

compound that needed to be considered was NM liquid. Density and specific heat as a

function of temperature were necessary to calculate mass flow and enthalpy change in the

subsurface region.
137 Density

Density as a function of temperature beyond the ambient boiling point was

measured experimentally by Berman and West14 between 130 and 200 C. They

expressed the density as a second-order polynomial. A more comprehensive regression

of data from eight different studies by the DIPPR project6 used

(1+(1T C)D )
=A B (5.39)

where is in grams per cubic centimeter, and T in Kelvin. With this function and the

coefficients listed in Table 5.1, density can be found from the freezing to boiling points,

with less than 1% error expected over the entire range. It is assumed the compressibility

of the condensed phase is very low.

Table 5.1 Coefficients for nitromethane density correlation (from DIPPR6)

Temperature (K) A B C D
244.60-588.15 1.3793 2.3918E-1 5.8815E2 2.9030E-1 Specific Heat and Enthalpy

Heat capacity of the liquid was also determined by Berman and West14 over the

same range of conditions, and fit to a fourth-order polynomial. Again, properties over a

wider range of temperatures have been tabulated by the DIPPR project. A second-order


Cp = A + BT + CT 2 (5.40)

was sufficient to give less than three percent error, providing Cp in J/kmol-K using the

coefficients listed in Table 5.2.


Table 5.2 Coefficients for nitromethane liquid heat capacity correlation (from DIPPR6)
Temperature (K) A B C
244.60-473.15 1.1627E5 -1.3530E2 3.4500E-1

Change in enthalpy with temperature can be obtained from integrating the specific heat

polynomial over the temperature range of interest. If integrated from standard conditions

and combined with heat of formation, enthalpy as a function of temperature can be

determined. Other Properties

Other thermal and physical properties of the liquid were compiled, calculated, and

presented in a graphical format by Gallant.16 A selection of useful plots from this

document are reproduced in Appendix D. Correlations for some of these properties are

also given in the DIPPR database.6

5.3.3. Properties of Gas-Phase Species

Most of the species of interest in the kinetics mechanism are commonly studied in

combustion problems, and both thermal and transport parameters can be found in the

databases included with the CHEMKIN 4.0 distribution.191 However, there are a few that

are more rarely seen or specific to the nitromethane mechanism, and alternative methods

had to be found to develop values. Since CHEMKIN has a particular format for inputting

thermal and transport properties (not actually properties themselves, but parameters of

curve fits or equations that can be used to calculate them), a number of sources and

estimation techniques were employed to collect a complete set of parameters. Selected


species transport and thermal data used in this study are listed in Appendix E. Thermal Properties

Data for the thermal properties of most species included in this study were from

the comprehensive database compiled and maintained by Burcat,201 containing more than

1300 species. The April 2005 version202 was used for the calculations in this document.

Not all species in the reaction mechanism were present in the database, so other sources

were used for a few species. For those species that were not available in the the Burcat

database, thermodynamic property parameters in the CHEMKIN format were used from

the earlier study of Yetter, et al.198

It should be noted that Burcats database was undergoing a substantial update and

expansion at the time of writing, and at the request of the author will include in future

revisions entries for all species used in this study. Transport Properties

To evaluate the governing equations for the gas phase, a set of accurate transport

properties including viscosities, thermal conductivities, and mass and thermal diffusion

coefficients are needed. Instead of tabulating coefficients for each property, CHEMKIN

calculates these properties based on kinetic theory. Six molecular parameters are

required for each species of interest.200

1. Geometry index indicating whether molecule is monatomic, linear, or non-linear

2. Lennard-Jones potential well depth, k B , in Kelvin

3. Lennard-Jones collision diameter, , in Angstroms


4. Dipole moment, , in Debye

5. Polarizability, , in cubic Angstroms

6. Rotational relaxation collision number, Zrot

A transport database of molecular parameters for many species used in the

modeling of combustion is distributed with the CHEMKIN 4.0.2 package.191 This

database was used without modification or review for the species contained in it.

However, there were a number of species that did not have parameters in this database;

therefore, alternate sources and estimation methods were required to obtain the necessary

data. A study of laminar flame speeds in H2/air mixtures by Dong, et al.203 found that the

sensitivity to diffusivities could be of the same order as to kinetics. Also, it will be

shown in a later section that the results of this study were relatively sensitive to transport

property values, so care was taken in finding values for the parameters of missing


Although thermodynamic data is generally available for almost all gaseous

species of interest somewhere in the scientific literature, transport properties and

parameters are not as widespread. Where no existing data could be found, the parameters

had to be calculated or estimated.

An extensive derivation and discussion of the calculation of transport properties

based on rigorous kinetic theory was given by Hirschfelder, Curtiss, and Bird.204 From

the Lennard-Jones 6-12 intermolecular potential, Svehla later developed a series of rules

to calculate or estimate transport coefficients from empirical measurements, physical

properties, or other techniques.205 These rules were further refined by Kee, Coltrin, and

Glarborg.206 A brief summary of the rules is presented here.

The best method is to fit experimentally-measured transport properties with an

expression obtained from kinetic theory, using the force constants and as adjustable

parameters. Measurements of viscosity are considered more reliable than thermal

conductivity for obtaining values of and . If data of acceptable quality are not

available for measured transport properties, other ways to estimate force constants based

on physical properties, mixing rules of other species, or analogy with similar molecules

can be applied. The rules are listed in roughly declining order of quality and desirability.

1. Fit experimentally-measured viscosity as a function of temperature.

2. Fit experimentally-measured thermal conductivity as a function of temperature.

If reliable data for neither of the above transport properties is available, the individual

force parameters can be estimated based on empirical relationships with other physical


3. Find based on molar volume at the boiling point.

4. Find based on molar volume at the melting point.

5. Find based on the critical temperature and pressure.

6. Find k B based on boiling point at one atmosphere.

7. Find k B based on critical temperature.

If no reliable physical property data is available, the following mixing rules can be used

to obtain the molecular parameters from those of other materials.

8. Find for monatomic species based on for diatomic molecule.

9. Find for diatomic species based on for monatomic species.


10. Find for triatomic species based on for monatomic species.

11. Find based on Bragg-Slater atomic radii.

12. Estimate for monatomic species as that of diatomic species (or vice versa).

13. Find and for diatomic molecule AB based on values for species A2 and B2.

14. Estimate parameters based on linear interpolation or extrapolation from a series of

homologous compounds

15. Estimate parameters based on analogy with chemically-similar molecules.

Estimation of and transport parameters for nitromethane is shown here as an example

of the technique. Parameters for other molecules missing from the CHEMKIN transport

database were found using similar methods following the rules given above.

Since high-quality transport data (i.e. viscosity and thermal conductivity) as a

function of temperature were readily available in the literature for nitromethane,6 Rule 1

could be applied. From kinetic theory, viscosity can be expressed as

26.693 MT
x106 = (5.41)
2 (2,2)*
where is viscosity in micropoise, M is molecular wt, T is absolute temperature in

Kelvin, the collision diameter in angstroms, and ij(2,2)* the reduced collision integral

describing molecular interactions.205 The collision diameter is an unknown property (to

be obtained from fitting), and the reduced collision integral can be approximated by the

following expression.206

( ) (
ij(2,2)* T * , ij* b1T *b2 + (T * + b3 ) f (2,2) T * , ij* )

Here, the collision integral is shown as a function of reduced temperature,

Tk B
T* = (5.43)

where the temperature is non-dimensionalized by the ratio of the force constant in

Joules to the Boltzmann constant207 (kB = 1.3806505x10-23 J/K) and ij* is the reduced

dipole moment:

1 i j
ij* = (5.44)
2 ij ij3

This reduced dipole moment is a function of the dipole moment of the molecule(s) of

interest, (in Debyes), and the force constants and (to be obtained from fitting). In

Eq. 5.26, the term f (2,2) expands as

( ) ( )
b5 T * T*
e e b6 *

( )
f (2,2) T*
, *
= 1 + (5.45)
2 + 2.5ij*

The coefficients bj in Eqs. 5.26 and 5.29 are given by Kee, Coltrin, and Glarborg206 and

are listed in Table 5.3 below. With the set of equations above, given viscosity as a

function of temperature, molecular weight, and dipole moment, the force constants and

can be found for a specified molecule.

Table 5.3 Coefficients for approximation of the reduced collision integral ij(2,2)* .

j=1 j=2 j=3 j=4 j=5 j=6

bj 1.0413 0.11930 0.43628 1.6041 0.095661 2.0

Experimental measurements have found the dipole moment of nitromethane lies

somewhere in the range of 3.1-3.57 Debye, with multiple measurements at 3.46.208 This

value was also the one recommended by DIPPR,6 and so was used here for the

calculation of transport properties. Viscosity data were also obtained from the same

source. In that database, the viscosity data are already correlated, although to a less

complex function of temperature:

= (5.46)
1+ C
where A, B, and C are coefficients, T is the temperature in Kelvin, and the resulting

viscosity value is given in Pa-s. The coefficients for nitromethane used in this study are

listed in Table 5.6.

Table 5.4 Coefficients for vapor viscosity correlation (from Ref. 6).
Coefficient Value
A 4.0700E-07
B 6.4850E-01
C 3.6750E+02

A spreadsheet was constructed with the input data and constants, Eqs. (5.41)

(5.45) were applied, and the Solver tool in Microsoft Excel209 was used to obtain the

best-fit values of = 4.271 and k B = 486.013 J. The quality of the fit can be seen

graphically in Figure 5.10, which shows the literature viscosity data with the curve fit of

Eq. (5.25) superimposed (marked as Svehla fit). It can be seen that the fit is very good;

the maximum error from the literature value was 1.89% at the lowest temperature. To

speed up internal calculations, during the preprocessing step CHEMKIN approximates

the more complex kinetic theory expression for viscosity with a simpler 3rd-order

polynomial fit which is then used for further computations.

ln k = an ,k ( ln T )
n 1
n =1

For the third-order fit, N = 4. This polynomial fit is shown as the third curve in Figure

5.10, and is also a very good fit to the literature values, with maximum variation of

1.31%. The four an coefficients of Eq. 5.47 for nitromethane are listed in Table 5.5.

3 10

DIPPR Viscosity (microPoise)

Svehla fit Viscosity (microPoise)
CHEMKIN poly fit Viscosity (microPoise)
3 10
Viscosity (microPoise)

2 10

2 10

1 10

5 10
300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Temperature (K)

Figure 5.10 Comparison of literature values (DIPPR), curve fit, and CHEMKIN
polynomial approximation for nitromethane vapor viscosity.

Table 5.5 Coefficients for CHEMKIN nitromethane vapor viscosity 3rd-order polynomial
Coefficient Value
a1 3.1350E-05
a2 1.1119E+00
a3 -9.1600E+01
a4 1.12800E+05

For determination of other transport properties, two additional parameters are

used, polarizability, , and the rotational relaxation collision number, Zrot.

Polarizability describes the tendency of a molecule to develop a dipole (separate

from the permanent dipole) due to an applied external electrical field. In essence, the

molecule deforms in the field, with the electrons shifting in one direction, while the

nucleus (containing positive charges) shifts in the opposite direction.204,210 CHEMKIN

considers this parameter when calculating the binary interaction of a polar and a non-

polar molecule, with only the polarizability of non-polar molecules being used,196 as the

permanent dipole moment of a polar molecule would overwhelm any additional induced

dipole moment. As nitromethane has a dipole moment (discussed earlier in this section),

this parameter can be neglected for it. If it is necessary to find the polarizability of a

molecule, Refs. 204, 210, and 211 describe detailed methods.

The rotational relaxation collision number Zrot is used in weighting the

contribution of the rotational component to thermal conductivity. It represents the

number of collisions necessary to return an activated molecule to rotational

equilibrium.212 To account for variation with temperature, the transport database

specifies the value at 298 K and a function for the temperature dependence is assumed.196

For nitromethane (and other species of interest), this parameter was not found in the

literature. However, from examination of the CHEMKIN transport database, values of

Zrot for most species are of O(1), with a few exceptions including Zrot,H2 = 280 ,

Zrot,CH4 = 13 , and Zrot,NH3 = 10 . It can be noted that of these exceptions, the

heterogeneous molecules have relatively spherical shape with hydrogens evenly

distributed about the center atom, possibly minimizing the rotational effects of collisions

with other molecules. Based on these observations and values given for structurally-

similar molecules in the database, it seems reasonable to assume a Zrot value of 2 for

nitromethane and other species with unknown values. To test this assumption, cases

were run with Zrot varying from 1 to 4 for nitromethane. The change in predicted burning

rate was nearly undetectable, less than 10-3 mm/s.

Since nitromethane is the major component just above the surface where energy

transfer is important, the gas-phase thermal conductivity as calculated by CHEMKIN

from the data in Table 5.8 were also compared to the literature value to ensure

consistency and accuracy. The function used by the DIPPR project for thermal

conductivity is

= (5.48)
1+ + 2

where A, B, C, and D are coefficients, T is the temperature in Kelvin, and the resulting

thermal conductivity value is given in W/m-K. Similar to the viscosity values, the

coefficients used in this study were obtained from the DIPPR database6 and are

reproduced here in Table 5.6.


Table 5.6 Coefficients for DIPPR nitromethane vapor thermal conductivity correlation
(from Ref. 6).
Coefficient Value
A 3.1350E-05
B 1.1119E+00
C -9.1600E+01
D 1.2800E+05

To find pure species thermal conductivities, CHEMKIN uses a complex

expression composed of translational, rotational, and vibrational components as given by

Warnatz.213 As with viscosity, to speed up internal calculations CHEMKIN

approximates the more complex expression with a simpler 3rd-order polynomial fit which

is then used for further computations:

ln k = bn ,k ( ln T )
n 1
n =1

Coefficients of nitromethane for this polynomial fit are given in Table 5.7 and the results

graphically displayed in Figure 5.11. As with viscosity, it can be seen that the

correlations are very similar, with only slight variation between the two (maximum of

2.58%). Interestingly, the sign of difference varies along the curve, suggesting that much

of the variation is due to differences in the correlating function used between the two

sources, rather than any other error.

Table 5.7 Coefficients for CHEMKIN nitromethane vapor thermal conductivity 3rd-order
polynomial correlation.
Coefficient Value
b1 3.1350E-05
b2 1.1119E+00
b3 -9.1600E+01
b4 1.12800E+05

400 600 800 1000 1200

8 10
NM Thermal Conductivity, k (W/cm-K) (DIPPR curve fit)
NM Thermal Conductivity, k (W/cm-K) (CHEMKIN curve fit)
NM Thermal Conductivity, k (W/cm-K) (DIPPR curve fit)

7 10

6 10

5 10

4 10

3 10

2 10

Maximum Variation is 2.58%

1 10
300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100
Temperature (K)

Figure 5.11 Comparison of pure nitromethane thermal conductivity calculated by two

different methods.

Table 5.8 lists the supplemental transport properties for species present in this

study that did not have data in the tran.dat file distributed with CHEMKIN. Parameters

for a number of the minor species were taken from the RDX study of Liau.214 Although

it is obvious that some of them are estimates, since the mole fractions of those species are

relatively low at all points in the flame, the sensitivity to error in the properties should not

be significant. Properties for the last three species in the table were determined using the

rules listed above.

Table 5.8 Supplemental transport parameters used in this study.

Species Geometry /kB Zrot. Source or Estimation Technique
CH3ONO 2 436.000 5.180 0.000 0.000 2.000 Ref. 214
HONO 2 572.400 3.600 1.844 0.000 3.000 Ref. 214
HNC 2 116.700 3.492 0.000 0.000 1.000 Ref. 214
CNO 1 232.400 3.828 0.000 0.000 1.000 Ref. 214
HNO3 2 436.000 5.180 0.000 0.000 2.000 Ref. 214
NO3 2 436.000 5.180 0.000 0.000 2.000 Ref. 214
H2CNH 2 436.000 5.180 0.000 0.000 2.000 Ref. 214
H2CNO 2 436.000 5.180 0.000 0.000 2.000 Ref. 214
CH3NO2 2 486.013 4.271 3.46 0.000 2.000 Rule 1, Refs. 6 & 208
CH3NO 2 580.000 4.356 3.73 0.000 2.000 Rules 5 & 6, Ref. 6
CH2NO2 2 486.013 4.271 3.46 0.000 2.000 Rule 15: approximate as CH3NO2

5.3.4. Initialization and Inputs

Based on empirical data, an initial guess was made for the flowrate. Where the

vaporization curve was valid, surface temperature (i.e. gas-phase initial temperature) was

specified by phase equilibrium, otherwise an initial guess was made based on an

estimated flowrate and the pyrolysis law. The gas-phase solver was also initialized with

a temperature profile either from approximating the measured data, or derived from a

previous solution. The initial grid used was 100 points for the low pressures (6 MPa or

below) or 200 for the higher range; this grid was automatically refined as necessary.

Curvature and gradient limits were set to 0.3 and 0.15, respectively. As mentioned

previously, the initial gas composition was considered to be pure nitromethane, since no

condensed-phase reaction was expected.


5.4. Consideration of Non-Ideal Behavior

At pressures higher than those considered here, non-ideal effects may need to be

considered. These are manifested in two ways: supercritical conditions for nitromethane

at the surface and real-gas effects in the gas phase. The critical pressure of

nitromethane is 6.31 MPa, within the range of normal rocket operation and a portion of

the experimental burning rate data. Above the critical pressure, there is no true phase

change (discontinuity in density) to form a distinct interface separating liquid and gas.

However, there is still a rapid change in the density due to intense heating from the flame

zone. Solubility of intermediate and product species at the surface can also be of

consequence. The supercritical droplet burning reviews by Kuo215 and Yang216 can

provide a guide to formulating the surface conditions. As long as an appropriate equation

of state and method is used to define the surface, the energy balance given in Eq. 5.11

should still be valid, although the thermophysical properties exhibit great sensitivity to

pressure and temperature near the critical point, and can vary significantly from ideal gas

assumptions. Thermodynamic properties can be obtained by combining ideal gas values

with correction terms that can be found from a real equation of state, such as the

Benedict-Webb-Rubin (BWR) equation of state. Real-gas behavior can influence the

gas-phase beyond the surface, as well. In an earlier nitromethane ignition study by Yetter

and Rabitz,117 introducing a real gas model for high pressure changed the characteristic

times, but not the controlling reactions.



Theoretical Results and Discussion

The code implementing the one-dimensional coupled condensed-phase and gas-

phase models discussed in Chapter 5 was exercised over a range of conditions for

nitromethane combustion. Predicted burning rate values were obtained, and sensitivities

to various parameters, including kinetic rates and thermal and transport properties were


6.1. Burning Rate

Predicted burning rates for nitromethane were found over the range of 3 to 6 MPa.

Comparison of two sets of calculated rates to measured tube rates is shown in Figure 6.1.

Agreement between the calculated rates and data is relatively good. As noted in the

figure legend, some of the reaction rates were modified slightly from the baseline values

given in the reaction list in Appendix C. The first set of calculations is based upon the

overall reaction mechanism with updated values of R111 and the basline value for R114,

and yields burning rates about 5% lower than the measured rates. The calculated values

showed a slightly higher pressure exponent, 1.27, compared to the empirical value of

1.17. In the second set, the rate for R114 was increased by 15% to better match the

measured burning rate behavior. This increase is justified because it falls within the

stated uncertainty for the kinetic rate of this reaction. These modifications, based on the

values reported in the literature, will be discussed in more detail in a later section when

sensitivities are examined.



Empirical correlation
Calculated (updated R111x0.5, M&A R114)
Calculated (updated R111x0.5, M&A R114x1.15)
Burning Rate (mm/s)

r = 1.73e-01 P
r = 1.40e-01 P R= 9.99983e-01
r = 1.44e-01 P R= 9.99955e-01
2 3 4 5 6 7
Pressure (MPa)

Figure 6.1 Comparison of calculated and measured burning rates for nitromethane at 3 to
6 MPa.

Burning rates at higher pressures were also calculated, and shown in Figure 6.2.

The predicted and measured values diverged where the empirical measurements showed

higher-slope regions (above 15 MPa). This is believed to be due to the pyrolysis law

assumed for gasification not fully capturing physical behavior over portions of the

pressure regime.

3 4 5
10 10 10
Calculated (updated R111x0.5 M&A R114x1.15)
Empirical Correlations
Regression Rate (mm/s)




r = 0.148 P R= 9.999e-01

1 10 100 1000
Pressure (MPa)

Figure 6.2 Calculated burning rate over a wide range of pressures.

6.2. Flame Structure Calculations

By examining the species and temperature in the nitromethane flame, a better

understanding of the processes controlling the flame can be reached. At the most basic

level, equilibrium flame temperature and species concentrations vary very little with

pressure over the range of interest, so the final products and flame temperature of all

conditions should be similar. Equilibrium values calculated using NASAs CEA code176

are shown in Figure 6.3. Temperature increased approximately 10 K, from 2,448 to


2,460 over the range shown of 1 to 6 MPa. Because of the significantly negative oxygen

balance, nitromethane does not combust to fully-oxidized products. Water and carbon

monoxide are the most abundant species, with virtually identical mole fractions of about

0.272. Hydrogen and nitrogen follow at 0.228 and 0.167, respectively. A small amount

of carbon dioxide, 0.061, is also present. Virtually no change in equilibrium species

concentrations occurred with pressure.

One may note that the products are highly under-oxidized (in fact, a significant

fraction of H2 is present!) and reasonably question the effectiveness of nitromethane as a

monopropellant based solely on the species. However, the figure of merit used for most

propulsion applications, specific impulse, is a function of both molecular weight of the

gas mixture and flame temperature,

T flame
Isp (6.1)

allowing the lower molecular weight of species that are not fully oxidized (e.g. H2 or CO

vs. H2O or CO2, respectively) to partially offset the loss in energy from incomplete

oxidation reactions. Therefore, the highest-performance condition for hydrocarbons is

often somewhat fuel-rich because of the very low molecular weight of unoxidized

hydrogen. In fact, the specific impulse of nitromethane compares favorably to other

monopropellants as seen in Figure 1.1.



0.4000 T
f lame

Equilibrium Flame Temperature (K)

Species Mole Fraction



H2O N2
0.1000 CO CO2
0.0900 H2


0.0500 0
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0

Pressure (kPa)

Figure 6.3 Variation of nitromethane equilibrium flame temperature and product species
with pressure.

Detailed species and temperature profiles for the nitromethane flame were

obtained as part of the gas-phase solution when burning rate was determined. Calculated

results from 3 MPa are shown in Figure 6.4, and profiles from 6 MPa are in Figure 6.5.

The trends seen in both sets of plots are similar, with the reactions occurring over a

shorter distance (i.e. more compact flame) at the higher pressure.

For the 3 MPa case, the temperature increased monotonically from the initial

value to the final flame temperature of 2439 K, very close to the equilibrium value found

using CEA. No obvious stages or plateaus were apparent, but some small changes in the

slope could be discerned. The flame thickness (distance to final temperature) was

approximately 700 m. Major species included the reactant (CH3NO2) which was

consumed rapidly, and H2, H2O, CO, CO2, and N2, all of which are equilibrium product

species. Calculated final values were all within a less than half of a percent of the CEA

values, although slightly less CO and slightly more CO2 were present. Although

classified here as minor species, significant fractions of NO and CH4 appeared as

intermediate species, in addition to lower levels of CH2O, HNO, HONO, and N2O.

(a) 3 MPa temperature


(b) 3 MPa major species

(c) 3 MPa minor species

Figure 6.4 Calculated temperature and species profiles at 3 MPa.


At 6 MPa, temperature profile shape was similar, but the flame thickness was

about half of the 3 MPa value, at 350 m. The final flame temperature of 2,451 K was

again very close to the equilibrium value of 2,460 K. Final species fractions of H2, H2O,

CO, CO2, and N2 were nearly identical to the 3 MPa case, as were the presence and level

of NO, CH4, CH2O, HNO, HONO, and N2O intermediate species.

(a) 6 MPa temperature


(b) 6 MPa major species

(c) 6 MPa minor species

Figure 6.5 Calculated temperature and species profiles at 6 MPa.


Although no distinct stages could be seen in the temperature profile, examination

of the species profiles showed three regions could be distinguished based upon the

chemical composition trends. The description given here is based on the 3 MPa profiles

in Figure 6.4; regions at 6 MPa are identical, except at shorter distances.

In the initial stage, nitromethane was consumed, resulting in generation of NO

and CH4, with smaller amounts of CH2O, N2O, HONO, and HNO. HONO and much of

the HNO disappeared by the end of this region. At the relatively low gas-phase

temperature at the burning surface, it may be expected that there would be a significant

induction time. However, due to the low gas-phase velocity near surface (less than 4

cm/s), diffusion of both energy and species is significant, initiating decomposition almost

immediately. For 3 MPa, this region could be considered to span from the surface up to

about 100 m, with temperature increase from surface temperature to about 1300 K.

The next 100 m was an intermediate zone, marked by the partial consumption of

NO and CH4, and total consumption of the other intermediate species (CH2O, N2O, and

remaining small amount of HNO). Temperature increased from 1,400 K to 1,800 K.

Consumption of NO and CH4, with associated rise of N2, H2, and CO to final

values accelerated in the final zone after N2O was depleted. After a small overshoot of

H2 balanced with H2O, the final concentrations were reached.

The heat release distribution in the gas-phase zone is shown in Fig. 6.5. The peak

energy release location corresponds the end of the initial zone, when the nitromethane is

completely consumed. Smaller peaks occur subsequently in the intermediate and final

zones. The second peak corresponds to the consumption of CH2O and N2O, with the

final peak corresponding to the consumption of CH4 and NO, with only equilibrium

products remaining.

Figure 6.6 Calculated gas-phase heat release at 3 MPa.

To better understand the chemical processes taking place in each zone, in is

instructive to follow the paths of particular elements. These can be deduced by

scrutinizing the species production rates and evolution of concentration profiles through

the flame.

Both the carbon and nitrogen pathways started off with the decomposition of the

nitromethane molecule. By far, the majority of CH3NO2 was decomposed through C-N

bond fission (R237) into CH3 and NO2, with production rates ten times higher than

hydrogen abstraction reactions with either CH3 (R243) or H (R239). Other nitromethane

reactions were even less active. The highly-reactive CH3 radical rapidly converted to

CH3O or CH4. While the CH4 was relatively stable in the initial stage, the CH3O rapidly

followed through CH2O with significant portion of the formaldehyde going immediately

to CO through HCO (which was very short-lived as an intermediate species with very

low mole fraction). In the intermediate zone, all of the CH2O and some of the CH4 were

consumed, with the CH2O following the same path to CO as in the initial stage (through

HCO). The CH4 that was consumed had a hydrogen removed by either OH or O (R224

and R225), then went through the CH3O path to CO. With some CO being oxidized to

CO2, the concentration of CO actually stayed approximately constant through this region.

In the final zone, CH4 was the only remaining carbon-containing intermediate species,

and was slowly oxidized to CO through similar process seen in the intermediate zone (to

CH3, then through CH2O and HCO).

Most nitrogen came from the formation of NO2 from the initial decomposition,

although a small amount (less than ten percent) went through CH2NO2 or HONO. All of

these intermediates then went to NO, the most abundant intermediate species in

nitromethane combustion. Some of this NO was converted to HNO through reaction with

HCO and CH3O (R58 and R248). A small amount of N2O was also formed, either

directly or from NO or HNO. In the increasing temperature of the intermediate zone,

remaining HNO and HONO intermediates were quickly converted to NO, while N2O was

processed to N2 more slowly, through decomposition or reduction with CO or H.

Although the absolute level of NH was very low in this zone, it acted as an active

reaction intermediate, transporting N from HNO to N2 or NH2 (which combined with NO

to yield N2). After the N2O was completely consumed, NO was the only remaining

nitrogen-containing intermediate at the start of the final zone. There, it was slowly

reduced to N2, either directly or indirectly through N2O.

The staged behavior seen here with nitromethane in one-dimensional flow was

also seen by Melius in his low-pressure high-temperature ignition studies,120 although

with more explicit effects on the temperature profile (distinct stages) with time. Similar

species trends to the current study were noted, with a relatively large amount of NO being

the predominant intermediate. In Melius work, the reaction proceeded by unimolecular

decomposition to CH3 and NO2, which recombined to methyl nitrite (CH3ONO), and then

decomposed to CH3O and NO followed by subsequent intermolecular reactions. In this

study, the nitromethane decomposition portion of the mechanism (from Glarborg,

Bendtsen, and Miller94) included a reaction (R246) to directly convert CH3 and NO2 to

CH3O and NO without going through CH3ONO as an intermediate (although the

CH3ONO path is still available via R249); most of the production went through the R246

direct path.

NO is known to be an important intermediate species for other propellants as well,

especially in dark zone chemistry.189 Similar concentrations (~ 0.20 mole fraction) at

similar temperatures (~1,200-1,400 K) were measured in nitramine (XM39 and M43)

propellants.160 There is great commonality between the gas phase mechanism of RDX

and nitromethane; in fact, they are identical after the initial decomposition of

nitromethane. However, the decomposition products of nitromethane are smaller, more

reactive species, and the burning rate of nitromethane was about one-tenth that of RDX at

similar conditions, leading to a flame zone that was much more spatially compressed.

Figure 6.7 shows a superposition of calculated gas-phase temperature profiles

over the range where calculated burning rates closely match measured values. Similar

shape and behavior was seen in all cases, with the main difference being the flame width,

narrowing from about 700 m at 3 MPa to approximately 100 m at 15 MPa.


3 MPa

Figure 6.7 Comparison of calculated temperature profiles for a range of pressures.

Consistent with equilibrium calculations, final flame temperature remained nearly

constant, though there was a small amount of overshoot before settling to the equilibrium

value at the highest pressure condition. This can be seen more clearly in Figure 6.8 for

just the 150 MPa case. Although this case is unrealistic in terms of surface conditions, in

can still be useful to examine trends in the gas phase behavior. Looking at the species

profiles, the higher temperature was caused by rapid reactions over-oxidizing to form

excess water and carbon dioxide. The remaining NO and CH4 were oxidized more

slowly, with the H2O and CO2 levels decreasing slowly to equilibrium balances with H2

and CO, respectively. This overshoot was also observed in nitramine simulations.182

(a) temperature

(b) major species

(c) minor species

Figure 6.8 Temperature and species profiles calculated for 150 MPa.

For the high pressure situation, CH2O and N2O were present as intermediate

reactants at all pressures. This is unlike RDX decomposition, where an HCN-yielding

reaction was preferred at higher temperatures, while the one producing CH2O was more

prevalent at lower temperatures.217

6.3. Sensitivity Analysis

Sensitivity analysis can give insight to the problem and relative importance of

inputs by examining the response of the solution to changes in input parameters.

Sensitivity can be stated in terms of the percent change of the output per percent change

in the parameter or interest. Mathematically, this non-dimensional value can be found

using by differentiating the natural log of the output of interest with respect to the natural

log of the parameter being examined:

Species mole fraction

ln X k
ln i


ln T
ln i

Burning rate

ln rb
ln i

Here, i is the parameter being varied; it can be the Arrhenius pre-exponential A-factors

from chemical reactions, physical, thermal or transport properties, etc. Similar


expressions can be written for any variable of interest. Because of the nature of the

solutions found in this study, temperature and species sensitivities can be determined for

each discrete time or space point, while a single burning rate sensitivity value

characterizes the problem.

6.3.1. Chemical Reaction Parameters

Since the gasification rate of the condensed phase is determined by conductive

heat feedback from the gas phase, the slope of the temperature profile just above the

surface controls the burning rate. To determine which reactions were most important to

the calculated temperature profile, an analysis was performed to determine sensitivities to

the pre-exponential factors. This sensitivity analysis was conducted at the 3 and 6 MPa

conditions. For 3 MPa, the reactions with the highest temperature sensitivity are plotted

in Figure 6.9 and listed here:

N + CO 2 = NO + CO (R45)

NH + OH = HNO + H (R74)
HNO + H = H 2 + NO (R111)

HNO + NO = N 2 O + OH (R114)

CH 3 + NO 2 = CH 3O + NO (R246)
Near the surface, R111 and R246 had negative temperature sensitivity (increase in rate

resulted in lower temperature), while R45, R74, and R114 are positive. As species and

temperature evolved through the flame, the relative importance and even sign of the

sensitivity of these reactions changed. In general, sensitivities were highest near the

burning surface, and fell to nearly zero by the end of the reaction zone (approximately

0.07 cm for the 3 MPa case shown). This is because these rates affect the bulk

temperature the most where the highest chemical reaction rates and intermediate species

occur, just above the surface. Species concentrations were nearly at equilibrium values

by the end of the reaction zone, and changes in these reaction rates have relatively little

effect on the equilibrium concentrations. Concentrations of many of the species involved

were very small, making these particular reactions unimportant in the equilibrium

situation. R74 was also found among the most sensitive reactions for RDX burning rate

by Yetter, et al.198 and R114 is very important in dark zone structure, especially in nitrate

ester propellants.194

Figure 6.9 Temperature sensitivity to reaction rates at 3 MPa.


Identical trends in temperature sensitivity were seen at 6 MPa, although with

slightly higher initial sensitivities, and damping occurring at a shorter distance due to the

more compact flame structure. At 150 MPa, NO became relatively less important, and

R45 and R246 were replaced by reactions converting N2O to N2 (R140 and R142) in the

list of five most sensitive reactions.

Regression is controlled by conduction at the surface, which by Fouriers Law is

proportional to the temperature gradient. Therefore, it was expected that reactions that

most strongly affected the initial temperature gradient should result in the greatest effect

on calculated burning rate. To test this, the reaction rates were modified (typically the

pre-exponential parameter was doubled) one at a time, new burning rate solutions found,

and the sensitivities determined. From looking at the slope near the surface in Figure 6.9,

R114 should have a relatively strong positive burning rate sensitivity, while the value for

R111 is expected to be slightly lower and negative. The other reactions should yield

much less effect. The calculated effect of the five most temperature-sensitive reactions

on burning rate is displayed in Figure 6.10. As expected, this correlates closely to the

initial slope of the sensitivity seen in Figure 6.9 since heat feedback at the surface

governs burning rate.







-0.50 0.00 0.50

Burning Rate Sensitivity

Figure 6.10 Burning rate sensitivity to reaction rates at 4 MPa.

After identifying the reactions that had the greatest effect on burning rate, rates

were examined in more detail to see if studies that occurred since the mechanism was

first formulated could contribute. It was found that the original expressions for R111 and

R114 in the mechanism could be updated by ones found in the literature.

For R111, the source cited for the parameters found in the mechanism was Soto

and Page.218 However, the values of both pre-exponential factor and activation energy in

the mechanism were not consistent with those in the cited source. Accordingly, the

mechanism was corrected to match the published values. No more recent studies were


R114 was among the reactions specifically examined by Diau, et al.219 in their

study of HNO + NO reactions. Compared to the original parameters from the mechanism

of Miller and Bowman,109 their pre-exponential factor was over four times higher, and the

activation energy increased by about 15%. However, work by Anderson on HNO220

determined that the value of the HNO heat of formation commonly cited was incorrect.

Based on this updated value, a very recent study Miller and Anderson194 determined that

the true rate of R114 should be twice that originally determined by Diau, et al. using the

incorrect heat of formation. The updated Miller and Anderson value was considered as

the baseline for this study.

Based on the sensitivity results and literature evaluations for R111 and R114,

reaction rates were modified slightly to get burning rates closer to the measured ones.

Using the baseline literature values, calculated burning rate at 3 MPa was about 5%

below the empirical value. In the study of Soto and Page, the parameters cited for R111

are calculated ones; however, the rate differed by up to an order of magnitude from older

experimental values also shown. Although they attributed much of the difference to the

possibility of missing pathways in the previous experimental data analyses, it does not

seem unreasonable to assume a rate falling between the experimental and computational

values. Therefore, a pre-exponential factor of 0.5 times the calculated rate of Soto and

Page was used, with the same activation energy retained. For R114, it was found that

increasing the baseline value for the pre-exponential factor (from Miller and Anderson194)

by 15% produced a better fit to measured data. This small increase is well within the

uncertainty cited by Diau, et al.219

When the A-factors of reactions 111 and 114 were modified as described above,

calculated burning rates (shown by open square symbols in Figure 6.2) much closer to the

measured values were obtained. The modifications introduced were small, and there is

justification for the selection of the modified values, including uncertainty in the

published rates.

6.3.2. Thermal and Transport Properties

Although properties of most stable species are known to a reasonable degree of

accuracy, those of some short-lived highly-reactive radicals are not as well established.

Available databases are constantly being revised to include new and updated values based

on new experimental data or more accurate computer modeling.

Recently, Dong, et al.203 found that laminar flame speeds could be as sensitive to

diffusivities as to kinetics. It has also been pointed out that the methodology and

database used to obtain transport properties in the CHEMKIN package have been

superseded, especially for lighter molecules typically seen in combustion problems.221

These parameters control the transport of species, momentum, and energy. They will not

have any direct effect on the reactions, but can influence the temperature and

concentration fields, both of which control reaction rates. Effects should be most

significant for species with highest concentrations, although small changes in highly-

reactive species could also influence flame structure. In light of this, a sensitivity

analysis was conducted for selected thermal and transport properties to help quantify the

possible error or uncertainty introduced to the results of this study.

Thermal conductivity is used not only in the gas-phase code, but also directly in

Fouriers Law to find the gas-phase heat feedback to the condensed phase. Normally, it

is calculated from the species mole fraction and temperature found just above the surface

in gas phase solution. Although thermal conductivity can be calculated from the

molecular parameters, a more direct way to isolate the effect on burning rate is by setting

it to different constant values and comparing the results. Through this method, sensitivity

of burning rate to thermal conductivity was found to vary from 1.24 at 3 MPa to 1.03 at 6

MPa. These values are much higher than the sensitivity to any particular chemical

reaction, emphasizing the importance of having reliable property data.

In general, the transport properties could not be varied directly since their

computation and use is embedded in the CHEMKIN 4 PREMIX program binary code.

However, sensitivity to the molecular parameters in the transport database from which

the properties are calculated can be examined.

Since nitromethane is the initial and arguably most important constituent,

sensitivities to its molecular parameters were investigated. As described in Chapter 5, its

transport parameters were not directly available in any database, and were calculated or

estimated for this study. To find the effect of inaccuracy in these parameters, the burning

rate sensitivities were found by manually varying each parameter a small percentage,

then finding net effect on calculated burning rate. These sensitivities, found in the form

of Eq. 6.4, are shown in Figure 6.11.




-0.10 -0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10

Burning Rate Sensitivity

Figure 6.11 Logarithmic burning rate sensitivity to nitromethane molecular parameters at

4 MPa condition.

As mentioned previously, CHEMKIN only uses the polarizability parameter, ,

for a non-polar molecule when finding the interaction between that molecule and a polar

one. Since nitromethane has a permanent dipole moment and its polarizability is not used

in any case, the sensitivity should be zero. Using nitromethane as an indicator, the

sensitivity to transport parameters is relatively small. However, depending on the quality

of the data used to obtain these molecular parameters and the importance of the species

affected to the flame structure, the effect on results could still be significant.

6.3.3. Initial Temperature

The sensitivity of burning rate to initial temperature at a given temperature, p,

has traditionally been defined in a dimensional form as:

ln rb
p (6.5)
Ti P

Using this relation, p indicates the fractional variation in burning rate with respect to the

change in initial temperature, in units of inverse Kelvin. Figure 6.12 shows the logarithm

of the burning rate plotted versus propellant initial temperature for a number of chamber

pressure conditions. The p for each pressure can then be deduced from the slope of a

linear curve fit. Figure 6.13 shows the calculated values of p in relation to measured

values over the same range. Although the magnitudes are similar, the measured values

show a stronger function of pressure, declining by about a factor of two over the range

shown, while the calculated values only show a slight decrease.

In the model, the main effect introduced by change of initial temperature is to

change the sensible enthalpy required to raise the liquid temperature from the initial value

to the surface temperature. As pressure increases, the heat feedback to the surface

becomes proportionally larger compared to the sensible enthalpy change, leading to a

higher mass flow rate and lessening of the effect of initial temperature change.

3 MPa ln rb 5 MPa ln rb
4 MPa ln rb 6 MPa ln rb

y = -1.003e+00 + 2.686e-03x R= 1e+00

y = -6.111e-01 + 2.685e-03x R= 9.999e-01

y = -2.735e-01 + 2.655e-03x R= 9.999e-01

ln(Burning Rate)

y = 2.865e-02 + 2.662e-03x R= 9.999e-01




240 260 280 300 320 340
T (K)

Figure 6.12 Calculated burning rate as a function of initial temperature and pressure.




(K )



2 3 4 5 6 7
Pressure (MPa)

Figure 6.13 Comparison of measured and calculated values for burning rate temperature

6.3.4. Numerical Method Parameters

The sensitivities of numerical method parameters were not explicitly determined,

rather, values were selected such that the solution was repeatable and did not change

within the tolerance. The initial uniform grid size (NPTS) in the gas phase was selected

to be 100 points (200 points at high pressures). Using a lower number of initial points

caused convergence problems in some cases; a larger number led to increased calculation

time with no change in final solution. The allowable gradients (GRAD) and curvature

(CURV) used to determine where mesh refinement was necessary were chosen to be 0.15

and 0.3, respectively (compared to default values of 0.1 and 0.5). Again, these were

selected to aid convergence of the gas phase solution. Specifying tighter bounds led to a

slightly finer mesh with much longer calculation time to solve, but no observed change in

burning rate solution. Gas phase tolerances were set at 0.002, which provided

approximately 3 significant digits in the solution.



Conclusions and Recommendations

7.1. Conclusions

The push for higher performance and reduced toxicity monopropellant has led to

the search for a hydrazine replacement. One promising candidate, nitromethane, was

examined. A number of conclusions can be drawn from this study:

1. Measurement of basic propulsion parameters such as burning rate were made over

a wide range of conditions for both static (tube) and feeding tests. Three pressure

regimes were found, distinguished by pressure exponent slope breaks:

rb(mm/s) = 0.173[P(MPa)]1.17 (for 3<P15 MPa)

rb(mm/s) = 0.009[P(MPa)]2.33 (for 15<P70 MPa)

rb(mm/s) = 4.153[P(MPa)]0.86 (for 70<P170 MPa)

Temperature sensitivity of burning rate was determined to be a low value of about

2.6x10-3 at 3 MPa, decreasing with pressure.

2. Observations and temperature profiles measured using microthermocouples

showed a very thin reaction zone and low-luminosity flame over a stable, smooth

liquid surface. The flame was too thin to be resolved by 25-m thermocouples.

3. A comprehensive detailed model for linear regression was developed and

exercised. The model considered one-dimensional behavior with surface

vaporization and detailed gas-phase kinetics based on the RDX mechanism of


Yetter and Rabitz combined with the nitromethane decomposition of Glarborg,

Bendtsen, and Miller. It was implemented using a custom FORTRAN code

wrapping the CHEMKIN PREMIX gas-phase code coupled with the condensed-

phase model. Predicted burning rates using the model showed good agreement

with measured rates over the subcritical range of 3 to 6 MPa, based on review of

recent literature, two rates (R111 and R114) were adjusted slightly to improve the


4. Calculated species and temperature profiles showed three regions that could be

distinguished based on species. CH4 and NO were the most important

intermediate species, with smaller percentages of CH2O, N2O, HNO, and HONO

present. The first stage was marked by decomposition of nitromethane, the

second by consumption of all intermediate species except CH4 and NO, and final

by rise to final temperature and species concentrations. Sensitivity analysis

identified the importance of HNO (R74, R111, and R114) reactions to the

temperature profile, and therefore burning rate. Although the absolute levels of

NH and HCO were low, they served as an important intermediate species

transporting nitrogen and carbon, respectively, between other higher-

concentration species.

7.2. Recommendations for Further Work

Although significant findings have been made in this research, some additional

questions and refinements have been identified. In general, the next step is to address the

higher pressure behavior (including slope break mechanisms) and investigate why the

model does not fully capture the decrease of p (burning rate temperature sensitivity)

with respect to increasing pressure.

As for all but the simplest combustion modeling, the quest for an improved

reaction mechanism is an ongoing search. Looking at the detailed reaction mechanism, a

few items can be singled out for further investigation. More recent reviews such as

Kuo222 and Warnatz199, or other studies of individual reactions can be used to update

parameters of elementary reactions in the current mechanism. In addition, it may be

necessary to add additional reactions to accurately model different pathways active at

higher pressures. Recent mechanisms for more complex propellants or mixtures often

significantly exceed 300 reactions; there may be pathways that have not been captured in

the mechanism utilized here. This particular problem could also benefit from a surface

treatment covering the complete range of conditions encountered in practical systems,

either in as a unified expression or piecewise in the pressure range. Along with this, a

real-gas treatment for the gas-phase solution at higher pressures would address non-

idealities. The quality of experimental data is currently limited by the resolution of

common techniques and instruments compared to the small spatial dimension of the

reaction zone at self-sustaining pressures for monopropellant combustion. In the future,

development and utilization of higher-resolution measurements to resolve flame zone

temperature and species profiles could be used to verify the selected mechanism and

physical processes. Alternatively, a method to extend the reaction zone to multiple-

millimeter scales by allowing self-supported combustion or combustion assisted in

quantified ways at lower pressure would permit more complete profiles to be generated

using current technology. Finally, to simulate practical monopropellant formulations, the

models should be extended to deal with mixtures of multiple ingredients.



CEA2000 Output for Nitromethane

The following output file was generated by NASAs CEA2000 chemical equilibrium

code. A rocket problem for pure nitromethane was run with typical conditions for an

upper stage or space thruster with a chamber pressure of 1000 psia and a nozzle

expansion ratio of 40.

name NM wt% 100 C 1 H 3 N 1 O 2 h,kJ/mol=-113.09 t,k=298.15

prob rocket p(psi)=1000 sup,ae/at=40

output trace=1.e-15 calories



TRACE= 1.00E-15 S/R= 0.000000E+00 H/R= 0.000000E+00 U/R= 0.000000E+00

Pc,BAR = 68.947304

Pc/P =



NFZ= 1 Mdot/Ac= 0.000000E+00 Ac/At= 0.000000E+00


N: NM 1.000000 -.136015E+05 298.15 .0000
C 1.00000 H 3.00000 N 1.00000 O 2.00000



l 1/97 *C tpis79 *CH l11/89 CH2

l11/89 CH3 l12/92 CH2OH l10/92 CH3O
l 8/88 CH4 l 8/88 CH3OH l 3/96 *CN
l12/89 CNN tpis79 *CO l 7/88 *CO2
tpis91 COOH tpis91 *C2 l 1/91 C2H
l 6/89 CHCO,ketyl l12/89 C2H2,vinylidene l 1/91 C2H2,acetylene
l 5/90 CH2CO,ketene l 2/92 C2H3,vinyl l12/92 CH3CN
l 6/96 CH3CO,acetyl l 1/91 C2H4 l 8/88 C2H4O,ethylen-o

l 8/88 CH3CHO,ethanal l 8/88 CH3COOH l12/92 C2H5

l 8/88 C2H6 l 8/88 CH3N2CH3 l 8/88 C2H5OH
l12/92 CH3OCH3 l12/92 CCN tpis91 CNC
tpis79 C2N2 l12/89 C2O tpis79 *C3
bur 92 C3H3,propargyl l12/92 C3H4,allene l12/92 C3H4,propyne
l 5/90 C3H4,cyclo- bur 92 C3H5,allyl l 2/95 C3H6,propylene
l 1/93 C3H6,cyclo- l 6/90 C3H6O l 6/90 C3H7,n-propyl
l 9/85 C3H7,i-propyl l 6/90 C3H8 l 9/88 C3H8O,1propanol
l 9/88 C3H8O,2propanol l 7/88 C3O2 l 7/88 C4
l 2/93 C4H2 l 5/90 C4H4,1,3-cyclo- x10/92 C4H6,butadiene
x10/93 C4H6,1-butyne x10/93 C4H6,2-butyne l 5/90 C4H6,cyclo-
x 4/88 C4H8,1-butene x 4/88 C4H8,cis2-buten x 4/88 C4H8,tr2-butene
x 4/88 C4H8,isobutene l 5/90 C4H8,cyclo- l 6/90 (CH3COOH)2
x10/84 C4H9,n-butyl x10/84 C4H9,i-butyl l 1/93 C4H9,s-butyl
l 1/93 C4H9,t-butyl l 6/90 C4H10,isobutane l 6/90 C4H10,n-butane
j 3/61 C4N2 l 7/88 C5 l 5/90 C5H6,1,3cyclo-
l 1/93 C5H8,cyclo- x 4/87 C5H10,1-pentene l 6/90 C5H10,cyclo-
x10/84 C5H11,pentyl l 1/93 C5H11,t-pentyl x10/85 C5H12,n-pentane
x10/85 C5H12,i-pentane x10/85 CH3C(CH3)2CH3 l 2/93 C6H2
l 1/91 C6H5,phenyl l 6/90 C6H5O,phenoxy l 1/91 C6H6
l 6/90 C6H5OH,phenol l 1/93 C6H10,cyclo- x 4/87 C6H12,1-hexene
l 6/90 C6H12,cyclo- x10/83 C6H13,n-hexyl l 6/96 C6H14,n-hexane
l 1/93 C7H7,benzyl l 1/93 C7H8 l 1/93 C7H8O,cresol-mx
x 4/87 C7H14,1-heptene x10/83 C7H15,n-heptyl x10/85 C7H16,2-methylh
x10/85 C7H16,n-heptane x 4/89 C8H8,styrene x10/86 C8H10,ethylbenz
x 4/87 C8H16,1-octene x10/83 C8H17,n-octyl x 4/85 C8H18,n-octane
x 4/85 C8H18,isooctane x10/83 C9H19,n-nonyl l 8/93 C10H8,naphthale
x10/83 C10H21,n-decyl l12/84 C12H9,o-bipheny l12/84 C12H10,biphenyl
l 9/96 *H l 7/88 HCN l 9/96 HCO
tpis89 HCCN l11/92 HNC l 2/96 HNCO
l12/89 HNO tpis89 HNO2 l 4/90 HNO3
l 5/89 HO2 tpis78 *H2 l 8/88 HCHO,formaldehy
l 8/88 HCOOH l 8/89 H2O l 2/93 H2O2
l 8/88 (HCOOH)2 l 1/97 *N l 2/96 NCO
l11/89 *NH l12/89 NH2 tpis89 NH3
tpis89 NH2OH tpis89 *NO l 7/88 NO2
j12/64 NO3 tpis78 *N2 l12/89 NCN
l 5/90 N2H2 tpis89 NH2NO2 l 5/90 N2H4
l 7/88 N2O l 4/90 N2O3 tpis89 N2O4
l 4/90 N2O5 tpis89 N3 l 7/88 N3H
l 1/97 *O tpis78 *OH tpis89 *O2
l 5/90 O3 x 4/83 C(gr) x 4/83 C(gr)
x 4/83 C(gr) l 8/89 H2O(s) l 8/89 H2O(L)

O/F = .000000


ENTHALPY h(2)/R h(1)/R h0/R
(KG-MOL)(K)/KG -.22282836E+03 .00000000E+00 -.22282836E+03

KG-FORM.WT./KG bi(2) bi(1) b0i

*C .16382603E-01 .00000000E+00 .16382603E-01
*H .49147810E-01 .00000000E+00 .49147810E-01
*N .16382603E-01 .00000000E+00 .16382603E-01
*O .32765206E-01 .00000000E+00 .32765206E-01


1 19 2461.279 -11.021 -8.714 -12.611 -19.863



Pinj = 1000.0 PSIA



NAME NM 1.0000000 -27029.159 298.150

O/F= .00000 %FUEL= .000000 R,EQ.RATIO= 1.750000 PHI,EQ.RATIO=



Pinf/P 1.0000 1.8003 697.91
P, ATM 68.046 37.798 .09750
T, K 2461.28 2193.44 573.49
RHO, G/CC 6.8502-3 4.2698-3 4.2126-5
H, CAL/G -442.81 -576.42 -1300.69
U, CAL/G -683.37 -790.80 -1356.74
G, CAL/G -7171.45 -6572.84 -2868.48
S, CAL/(G)(K) 2.7338 2.7338 2.7338

M, (1/n) 20.332 20.332 20.332

Cp, CAL/(G)(K) .5032 .4942 .3820
GAMMAs 1.2411 1.2465 1.3438
SON VEL,M/SEC 1117.6 1057.4 561.4
MACH NUMBER .000 1.000 4.773


Ae/At 1.0000 40.000

CSTAR, FT/SEC 5010.3 5010.3
CF .6924 1.7545
Ivac,LB-SEC/LB 194.3 282.1
Isp, LB-SEC/LB 107.8 273.2


*C .00000 *CH .00000 CH2 .00000

CH3 .00000 CH2OH .00000 CH3O .00000
CH4 .00000 CH3OH .00000 *CN .00000
*CO .27660 *CO2 .05648 COOH .00000
C2H .00000 CHCO,ketyl .00000 C2H2,vinylidene .00000
C2H2,acetylene .00000 CH2CO,ketene .00000 C2H3,vinyl .00000
CH3CN .00000 CH3CO,acetyl .00000 C2H4 .00000
CH3CHO,ethanal .00000 CH3COOH .00000 C2H5 .00000
C2H6 .00000 C2N2 .00000 C2O .00000
C3O2 .00000 *H .00120 HCN .00001
HCO .00000 HNC .00000 HNCO .00000
HNO .00000 HNO2 .00000 HO2 .00000
*H2 .22253 HCHO,formaldehy .00000 HCOOH .00000
H2O .27631 H2O2 .00000 *N .00000
NCO .00000 *NH .00000 NH2 .00000
NH3 .00003 NH2OH .00000 *NO .00002
NO2 .00000 *N2 .16652 NCN .00000

N2H2 .00000 N2H4 .00000 N2O .00000

N3 .00000 N3H .00000 *O .00000
*OH .00030 *O2 .00000 O3 .00000






Main Program of Nitromethane Flame Simulation Code

This code, implementing the integrated model discussed in the text to solve for

burning rate, was written in FORTRAN 90 and compiled for use on Microsoft Windows

using COMPAQ Visual Fortran 6.6C. Libraries from CHEMKIN 4.0.2 were used. The

PNNL Fortran Library (FLIB) Version 2.02R provided useful file and character string

manipulation functions.223

! nm_flame.f90
! nm_flame - Entry point of console application.

! PROGRAM: nm_flame
! PURPOSE: Entry point for the console application.

!Additional libraries used:
! libstr
! (...add description of function used)
! flib
! (...add description of functions used)

PROGRAM nm_flame

!Include modules from external libraries

!CVF 6 portability and Windows libs

! Variables

LOGICAL(4) success !result variable for SETENVQQ call

LOGICAL exists !test result logical variable for INQUIRE statement

INTEGER(4) shell_err !result and error variables for console calls

CHARACTER(256) shell_cmd, shell_cmd_tmp !temporary string to construct and pass

shell calls

!FIOPAK library variables

!StringLib variables
CHARACTER(128) word(128)

DOUBLE PRECISION rb, delta_rb, rdelta_rb, rb_assumed, rb_calculated, rb_new

DOUBLE PRECISION flowrate, new_flowrate

INTEGER loopcount, maxloops, TPROcount, n

CHARACTER(256) error_message

!!clean up and document these vars:

DOUBLE PRECISION Distance(10), P(10), rho(10), Temp(10), mole_fraction(100)
DOUBLE PRECISION Ts, Ti, dTdx, T_ave, k, q_flux, q_rad
DOUBLE PRECISION rb_tol, rb_rtol !absolute and relative tolerances for burn
rate calc
DOUBLE PRECISION scaling_factor !weighting of delta_rb when determining next
CHARACTER(1024) configline, configlinetemp

!variables for filenames used for input and output

CHARACTER(1024) therm_data_file, therm_output_file
CHARACTER(1024) trans_data_file, trans_input_file, trans_output_file
CHARACTER(1024) chem_input_file, chem_output_file
CHARACTER(1024) premix_input_file, premix_output_file
CHARACTER(1024) CHEMKIN_app_name

!* Execution paramaters and other user settings

maxloops = 50
Ti = 298 !Initial temperature (K)
rb_tol = 2.D-4
rb_rtol = 5.D-4

!* Set filenames to use

!Shouldn't need to change most of these unless trying out weird stuff
!not all implemented in shell calls, so be careful and check if not default...
therm_data_file = 'therm.dat' !therm filename
therm_output_file = '' !therm output filename
trans_data_file = '' !trans data file
trans_input_file = 'RDX+NM supplemental tran.dat' !supplemental trans data
trans_output_file = '' !trans output file
chem_input_file = 'Yetter NM+RDX.inp' !chem input file
chem_output_file = '' !chem output file
premix_input_file = 'pre-mixed_burner__burner_stabilized.inp' !premix input
premix_output_file = '' !premix output file
CHEMKIN_app_name = 'CKReactorBurnerStabilizedFlame' !CHEMKIN application/driver

!***Start body of program ***!

!* Initialize shell environment


!* Initialize variables

delta_rb = 1.D+0 !initialize to some huge value so convergence loop runs

first time...
rdelta_rb = 1.D+0 !initialize to some huge value so convergence loop runs
first time...

loopcount = 0


!* Preprocess chemistry mechanism, therm and transport data files

!Preprocess chem.inp mechanism file and therm.dat data file

!success = SYSTEMQQ('%REACTION_DIR%\chemkin40_pc\bin\chem -i chem.inp -o

chem.out &
! & -d %REACTION_DIR%\chemkin40_pc\data\therm.dat')
!success = SYSTEMQQ('%REACTION_DIR%\chemkin40_pc\bin\chem -i chem.inp -o
chem.out &
! & -d %REACTION_DIR%\chemkin40_pc\data\therm.dat')
success = SYSTEMQQ('%REACTION_DIR%\chemkin40_pc\bin\chem -i chem.inp -o
chem.out &
& -d therm.dat')

PRINT *, "Preprocessed chemistry and therm data files...",success

!Preprocess tran.dat file

!check for supplemental file in working directory--if it exists, process also
INQUIRE (FILE = 'tran.dat', EXIST = exists) !use supplemental transport data

file name
IF (exists) THEN
success = SYSTEMQQ('%REACTION_DIR%\chemkin40_pc\bin\tran -i tran.dat -o
tran.out &
&-d %REACTION_DIR%\chemkin40_pc\data\tran.dat')
PRINT *, "Preprocessed transport data files...",success
success = SYSTEMQQ('%REACTION_DIR%\chemkin40_pc\bin\tran -o tran.out &
&-d %REACTION_DIR%\chemkin40_pc\data\tran.dat')
PRINT *, "Preprocessed transport data file...",success

!* Main loop - checks rb match for convergence between assumed value and
! and calculated value from gas phase heat transfer
PRINT *, "rb_tol:", rb_tol, "rb_rtol:", rb_rtol
PRINT *, "delta_rb:", delta_rb, "rdelta_rb:", rdelta_rb

!DO WHILE (ABS(delta_rb) .GT. rb_tol)

DO WHILE (ABS(rdelta_rb) .GT. rb_rtol)

!* Check to see if maximum number of loops reached

IF (loopcount .GE. maxloops) THEN
error_message = 'Maximum loopcount reached with no
PRINT *, "Loopcount =", loopcount
!PRINT *, other parameters of interest for problem-solving

!* Run premix burner stabilized CHEMKIN program

PRINT *, "Running PREMIX..."
IF (loopcount .EQ. 0) THEN
!Run PREMIX to find new solution
success = SYSTEMQQ('%CHEMKIN_BIN%\CKReactorBurnerStabilizedFlame &
& -i pre-mixed_burner__burner_stabilized.inp &
& -o pre-mixed_burner__burner_stabilized.out')
PRINT *, "CKReactorBurnerStabilizedFlame executed...",success
!READ (*,*)
ELSE !if loopcount > 0, run PREMIX with restart file and new input file
success = SYSTEMQQ('%CHEMKIN_BIN%\CKReactorBurnerStabilizedFlame &
& -i pre-mixed_burner__burner_stabilized.inp &
& -o pre-mixed_burner__burner_stabilized.out')
PRINT *, "CKReactorBurnerStabilizedFlame with restart
!READ (*,*)

!* Check for successful execution

!Check for existence of file

INQUIRE (FILE = '', EXIST = exists)
IF (.NOT. exists) THEN
PRINT *, "No file exists...please check input files and"

PRINT *, "output logs for possible errors, then restart"

error_message = 'Missing'//error_message

!Check for existence of executable output logfile and look for signs of
INQUIRE (FILE = 'pre-mixed_burner__burner_stabilized.out', EXIST = exists)
IF (.NOT. exists) THEN
PRINT *, "No pre-mixed_burner__burner_stabilized.out file
PRINT *, "check input files and output logs for possible errors, then
error_message = 'Missing output logfile '//error_message

!Check for indication of successful convergence in CHEMKIN app output file:

!"TWOPNT: SUCCESS. PROBLEM SOLVED." seen at end of output for good run, so
!search for substring of this line.
!*be careful with this--look at some output files to make sure it doesn't
!converge, refine the grid, then *not* converge for final case. May need
!to go to end of output file, rewind a few lines, and scan them to make
!sure only final status of TWOPNT is captured...*
! use FIO_LOCSTR from FLIB/FioPak
OPEN (UNIT=25, FILE='pre-mixed_burner__burner_stabilized.out',
status='OLD', iostat=iflg)
CALL FIO_LOCSTR(25, '100',sstr, nlp, ostr, iflg)
PRINT *, 'iflg:', iflg
PRINT *, ostr
CASE (:-2) !some sort of error searching the file
PRINT *, "Error searching output file..."
PRINT *, "Please fix this. Hit <ENTER> to continue."
READ (*,*)
error_message = 'Problem searching output file.'//error_message
CASE (-1) !search string not found--no convergence?
PRINT *, "No TWOPNT success found...may have been convergence
PRINT *, "May be partial solution in output. Hit <ENTER> to continue."
READ (*,*)
!error_message = 'No TWOPNT: SUCCESS. found.'//error_message
!EXIT !uncomment to break out of main DO loop, otherwise try to work
with what we've got
CASE (0) !string found in output file
PRINT *, "TWOPNT appears to have been successful! Continuing..."
PRINT *, "Major error found searching output file."
PRINT *, "Please fix this. Hit <ENTER> to continue."
READ (*,*)
error_message = 'Problem running FIO_LOCSTR output file

!Convert and extract useful data from solution file


CALL Extract_solution(Temp, Distance, P, rho, mole_fraction)

!Get the initial (surface) temperature from the gas phase solution in the
!PREMIX output file
Ts = Temp(1)

!* Find heat flux to liquid from gas phase (for interface energy balance)

dTdx = (Temp(2)-Temp(1))/(Distance(2)-Distance(1)) !K/cm

T_ave = (Temp(2)+Temp(1))/2

!PRINT *, "Finding k(T) for single component (NM)..."

!CALL Find_k(k, T_ave)
PRINT *, "Finding kmix(T) using CHEMKIN calls..."
CALL Find_kmix(k, T_ave, mole_fraction) !get k of mixture using CHEMKIN

!add in radiation? from pool fire papers...

!q_rad = 30.0 !radiation flux in W/cm^2--calculate based on
!pool fire approximations?
q_rad = 0.0

PRINT *, 'Radiation heat flux from gas phase (W/cm^2):', q_rad

q_flux = (k * dTdx) + q_rad !W/cm^2

PRINT *, 'Total heat flux from gas phase (W/cm^2):', q_flux

!* Calculate regression rate based on Ti, Ts, and heat of vaporization(Ts)

!call with necessary paramaters to calculate condensed phase gasification
!i.e. Ts (or P, then find Ts for generality?), dTdx_plus
CALL Find_rb(rb, dTdx, Ts, Ti, q_flux)

!* Compare calculated regression rate to assumed value

! (for gas phase input)

!Open input file for reading

!OPEN (UNIT=20, FILE='premix.inp', status='OLD',iostat=iflg)
OPEN (UNIT=20, FILE=premix_input_file, status='OLD',iostat=iflg)

!read input file to get FLRT value

CALL VI_GETVAR(20,'1', 'FLRT', ndat, iflg)
!check iflg for good outcome?
CALL VI_DATA(1, flowrate, iflg)
!check iflg for good outcome?

!then convert to rb based on rho_liquid at initial conditions (Ti)

!where it enters the control volume
CALL Find_rho_liquid(rho_liquid, Ti)

rb_assumed = flowrate/rho_liquid
!then find difference from assumed value
delta_rb = rb - rb_assumed

rdelta_rb = delta_rb / rb_assumed

PRINT *, "rb_assumed", rb_assumed, "rb calc", rb

PRINT *, " delta_rb", delta_rb, "rdelta_rb", rdelta_rb
!PRINT *, "Hit <ENTER> to continue."
!READ (*,*)

!IF (ABS(delta_rb) .GT. rb_tol) THEN

IF (ABS(rdelta_rb) .GT. rb_rtol) THEN

!If not converged, create/update input file with new conditions

! look for better convergence routine? (Newton-like?)
! can keep history in an array if will help settle the values
! very basic technique is bisection method (see
! Numerical Recipes in Fortran, Ch.9)
! new_rb = rb_assumed + (rb_calc - rb_assumed)/2
! Also, check secant and false positive methods (per NR)?
! See Kincaid book for more recent treatment?...
! -->need to minimize/eliminate evaluation of intermediate values of
! the function because of computational cost (CHEMKIN takes many
! minutes to converge).

!aid for convergence?:use scaling factor against delta_rb

!bisection method = 0.5, lower values mean less jumping,
!but slower convergence
scaling_factor = 0.6
!for very small values of delta_rb, make sure change in flowrate isn't too
!small and drops out due to significant digits after decimal
!in FLRT input statement
!(currently 5) ????
IF (ABS(delta_rb * scaling_factor) .GT. 0.00001) THEN
rb_new = rb_assumed + (scaling_factor * delta_rb)
rb_new = rb_assumed + ((ABS(delta_rb)/delta_rb) * 0.00001)
PRINT *, "New rb guess is", rb_new, " cm/s"
new_flowrate = rb_new * rho_liquid
PRINT *, "New flowrate guess is", new_flowrate

!Determine surface temperature associated with new guess for conditions

!This value is an input to the PREMIX code, set in the PREMIX input file
!as the initial temperature profile point (at x=0)
CALL Find_Ts(new_flowrate, P(1), Ti, Ts, new_Ts)

!Now that I.C. guesses are updated, write out new config file
!input file modify/write routines...
!?use the restart from previous run setting by adding RSTR keyword
!to input file
!rewrite old input file with loopcount suffix
!This routine assumes input file linelength <= 128 characters
!Use CASE statement to check for keywords and modify lines appropriately.

!run clean solution temporarily...

!OPEN (UNIT=20, FILE='premix.inp', status='OLD',iostat=iflg)

!check for RSTR keyword so restart solution is used to speed convergence

!CALL Check_keyword('RSTR')

!check for USEV keyword so updated rb (flowrate) is used for new solution
!CALL Check_keyword('USEV')

!***this has been moved to a generic subroutine for keyword checking***

!parse/copy current config file into updated config file

!Print current configfile (opened on UNIT 20) to the screen (debugging)

!REWIND (20)
! READ (20,'(A128)') configline
! PRINT *, TRIM(configline)

OPEN(UNIT=30, FILE='newconfig.inp')


READ (20,'(A128)') configline
configlinetemp = configline
!PRINT *, TRIM(configline)
CALL pars(configlinetemp,word,nword)
!PRINT *, TRIM(configlinetemp) !pars() returns just 1st word in
!DO i=1,nword
! PRINT *, TRIM(word(i))
IF (word(1) .EQ. 'FLRT') THEN !update flowrate value for FLRT line
!take new flowrate, turn into string, concatenate, and write
!entire FLRT line to new config file, replacing old one...
!write to 5 digits after decimal (oscillation in convergence at 4)
configline = '' !blank out configline so fresh start for
CALL SP_CATNUM(new_flowrate, 'F5', 'FLRT ', configline)
WRITE (30,*) TRIM(ADJUSTL(configline))
PRINT *, " Writing new flowrate: FLRT = ", new_flowrate
ELSE IF (word(1) .EQ. 'TPRO') THEN !temperature profile entry
IF (TPROcount .EQ. 1) THEN !update temp to Ts for first TPRO entry
only (x=0)
!NOTE: this assumes first TPRO entry always at x=0!
!take new temp, turn into string, concatenate, and write
!entire TPRO line to new config file, replacing old one...
!write to 5 digits after decimal (saw oscillation in
!convergence at 4)
configline = '' !blank out configline so fresh start for
CALL SP_CATNUM(new_Ts, 'F1', 'TPRO 0.0 ', configline)
configline = ADJUSTL(configline)
configline = configline(1:n)//' ! Temperature (K)'

WRITE (30,*) TRIM(configline)

PRINT *, " Writing new initial TPRO: Ts = ", new_Ts
!read/check/write if config file lines seems to add a space
!to beginning of lines each iteration (except rewritten
!FLRT line), so trim both preceding and following spaces...
configlinetemp = configline !reuse temp variable, but with
entire line...
configline = ADJUSTL(configlinetemp)
WRITE (30,*) TRIM(configline) !write line unchanged to new
config file
PRINT *, " Copying non-initial TPRO line...", TPROcount
ELSE !default action for all other keywords
!read/check/write if config file lines seems to add a space
!to beginning of lines each iteration (except rewritten FLRT line),
!so trim both preceding and following spaces...
configlinetemp = configline !reuse temp variable, but with entire
configline = ADJUSTL(configlinetemp)
WRITE (30,*) TRIM(configline) !write line unchanged to new config

!use SELECT CASE instead of IF? Probably not necessary if only

!looking to update one parameter (FLRT)...
!SELECT CASE (word(1))
!modify with new value based on rb_new guess

!write line unchanged to new config file
!WRITE (30,*) TRIM(configline)

PRINT *, "Updated config file written..."

!PRINT *, "Hit <enter> to continue"
!READ (*,*)

CLOSE (20) !close old config file

CLOSE (30) !close updated config file

!back up old config file (incrementing name based on loopcount)

!and xcopy newconfig to "standard" config file name
PRINT *, "loopcount:", loopcount
shell_cmd_tmp = ''
!CALL SP_CATNUM(loopcount, 'I', 'XCOPY premix.inp premix', shell_cmd_tmp)
!CALL SP_CATNUM(loopcount, 'I', 'XCOPY '//premix_input_file//' premix',
!CALL SP_CATNUM(loopcount, 'I', 'XCOPY pre-
mixed_burner__burner_stabilized.inp pre-mixed_burner__burner_stabilized',
CALL SP_CATNUM(loopcount, 'I', 'REN pre-mixed_burner__burner_stabilized.inp
pre-mixed_burner__burner_stabilized', shell_cmd_tmp)
!***check this command: gives Warning: Expression does not contribute to
!shell_cmd = shell_cmd_tmp//'.inp'
!use "/i" to supress "file or directory" query for XCOPY (not working?)

CALL UNION(shell_cmd_tmp,'.inp',shell_cmd)
CALL Run_shell(shell_cmd, shell_err)

!shell_cmd = 'XCOPY newconfig.inp'// premix.inp' !copy temp config to

!shell_cmd = 'XCOPY newconfig.inp'//premix_input_file//' /y' !copy temp
config to actual
!use "/i" to supress "file or directory" query
!try using "COPY" since just a single file being changed
shell_cmd = 'COPY newconfig.inp pre-mixed_burner__burner_stabilized.inp /y'
CALL Run_shell(shell_cmd, shell_err)

shell_cmd = "DEL newconfig.inp" !delete the temp config file

CALL Run_shell(shell_cmd, shell_err)

PRINT *, "Updated config file generated..."

!PRINT *, "Hit <ENTER> to continue."
!READ (*,*)

END IF !(ABS(delta_rb) .GT. rb_tol)

!update loop iteration count

loopcount = loopcount + 1


!* Determine situation and write out final status/results

IF (error_message .NE. '') THEN
PRINT *, "Encountered errors during execution:"
PRINT *, error_message
PRINT *, "Hit <ENTER> to end."
READ (*,*)
PRINT *, "Convergence criterion satisfied"
!PRINT *, "Pressure =", P, "Burning rate =", rb
PRINT *, "See CHEMKIN output files for details."
PRINT *, "Hit <ENTER> to end."
READ (*,*)

!* End of main program nm_flame. Subroutines follow...



Nitromethane Detailed Reaction Mechanism

Modified from RDX mechanism of Yetter, et al.198 with nitromethane decomposition of

Glarborg, Bendtsen, and Miller.94

1. C 12.0112
2. H 1.00797
3. N 14.0067
4. O 15.9994
1. H2 G 0 2.0159E+00 200 6000 0 2 0 0
2. O2 G 0 3.1999E+01 200 6000 0 0 0 2
3. H2O G 0 1.8015E+01 200 6000 0 2 0 1
4. O G 0 1.5999E+01 200 6000 0 0 0 1
5. H G 0 1.0080E+00 200 6000 0 1 0 0
6. OH G 0 1.7007E+01 200 6000 0 1 0 1
7. HO2 G 0 3.3007E+01 200 6000 0 1 0 2
8. H2O2 G 0 3.4015E+01 200 6000 0 2 0 2
9. CH2O G 0 3.0026E+01 200 6000 1 2 0 1
10. HCO G 0 2.9019E+01 300 5000 1 1 0 1
11. CO G 0 2.8011E+01 200 6000 1 0 0 1
12. CO2 G 0 4.4010E+01 200 6000 1 0 0 2
13. N G 0 1.4007E+01 200 6000 0 0 1 0
14. N2 G 0 2.8013E+01 200 6000 0 0 2 0
15. NO G 0 3.0006E+01 200 6000 0 0 1 1
16. NO2 G 0 4.6005E+01 200 6000 0 0 1 2
17. NH G 0 1.5015E+01 200 6000 0 1 1 0
18. NH2 G 0 1.6023E+01 200 3000 0 2 1 0
19. NH3 G 0 1.7031E+01 200 6000 0 3 1 0
20. NNH G 0 2.9021E+01 200 6000 0 1 2 0
21. HNO G 0 3.1014E+01 200 3500 0 1 1 1
22. HONO G 0 4.7013E+01 300 5000 0 1 1 2
23. HCN G 0 2.7026E+01 200 6000 1 1 1 0
24. HNC G 0 2.7026E+01 200 6000 1 1 1 0
25. N2O G 0 4.4013E+01 200 6000 0 0 2 1
26. CN G 0 2.6018E+01 200 6000 1 0 1 0
27. C2N2 G 0 5.2036E+01 200 6000 2 0 2 0
28. NCN G 0 4.0025E+01 200 6000 1 0 2 0
29. NCO G 0 4.2017E+01 200 6000 1 0 1 1
30. CNO G 0 4.2017E+01 200 6000 1 0 1 1
31. HNCO G 0 4.3025E+01 200 6000 1 1 1 1

32. HOCN G 0 4.3025E+01 300 5000 1 1 1 1

33. HCNO G 0 4.3025E+01 300 5000 1 1 1 1
34. NO3 G 0 6.2005E+01 200 6000 0 0 1 3
35. HNO3 G 0 6.3013E+01 200 6000 0 1 1 3
36. H2CN G 0 2.8034E+01 200 6000 1 2 1 0
37. H2CNH G 0 2.9042E+01 300 4000 1 3 1 0
38. H2CNO G 0 4.4033E+01 200 6000 1 2 1 1
39. CH3NO2 G 0 6.1041E+01 200 6000 1 3 1 2
40. CH3ONO G 0 6.1041E+01 300 4000 1 3 1 2
41. CH2NO2 G 0 6.0033E+01 200 6000 1 2 1 2
42. CH3OH G 0 3.2042E+01 200 6000 1 4 0 1
43. CH2OH G 0 3.1034E+01 200 6000 1 3 0 1
44. CH3O G 0 3.1034E+01 200 6000 1 3 0 1
45. CH4 G 0 1.6043E+01 200 6000 1 4 0 0
46. CH3 G 0 1.5035E+01 200 6000 1 3 0 0
47. CH3NO G 0 4.5041E+01 200 6000 1 3 1 1

(k = A T**b exp(-E/RT))

1. H2+M=H+H+M 4.57E+19 -1.4 104000.0

H2 Enhanced by 2.500E+00
H2O Enhanced by 1.200E+01
CO Enhanced by 1.900E+00
CO2 Enhanced by 3.800E+00
2. O+H2O=OH+OH 2.97E+06 2.0 13400.0
3. O+H2=H+OH 5.06E+04 2.7 6290.0
4. O+O+M=O2+M 6.17E+15 -0.5 0.0
H2 Enhanced by 2.500E+00
H2O Enhanced by 1.200E+01
CO Enhanced by 1.900E+00
CO2 Enhanced by 3.800E+00
5. H+O2=O+OH 1.94E+14 0.0 16440.0
6. H+O2(+M)=HO2(+M) 4.52E+13 0.0 0.0
Low pressure limit: 0.67000E+20 -0.14200E+01 0.00000E+00
TROE centering: 0.10000E+01 0.10000E-89 0.10000E+91
H2 Enhanced by 2.500E+00
H2O Enhanced by 1.200E+01
CO Enhanced by 1.900E+00
CO2 Enhanced by 3.800E+00
7. H+O+M=OH+M 4.72E+18 -1.0 0.0
H2 Enhanced by 2.500E+00
H2O Enhanced by 1.200E+01
CO Enhanced by 1.900E+00
CO2 Enhanced by 3.800E+00
8. OH+H2=H2O+H 2.16E+08 1.5 3430.0
9. OH+H+M=H2O+M 2.21E+22 -2.0 0.0
H2 Enhanced by 2.500E+00
H2O Enhanced by 1.200E+01
CO Enhanced by 1.900E+00
CO2 Enhanced by 3.800E+00
10. HO2+O=O2+OH 1.75E+13 0.0 -397.0
11. HO2+H=H2+O2 6.62E+13 0.0 2130.0
12. HO2+H=OH+OH 1.69E+14 0.0 874.0
13. HO2+OH=H2O+O2 1.90E+16 -1.0 0.0
14. HO2+HO2=H2O2+O2 4.20E+14 0.0 11980.0
Declared duplicate reaction...

15. HO2+HO2=H2O2+O2 1.30E+11 0.0 -1629.0

Declared duplicate reaction...
16. H2O2(+M)=OH+OH(+M) 2.95E+14 0.0 48460.0
Low pressure limit: 0.12000E+18 0.00000E+00 0.45500E+05
TROE centering: 0.50000E+00 0.10000E-89 0.10000E+91
17. H2O2+O=OH+HO2 9.64E+06 2.0 3970.0
18. H2O2+H=H2O+OH 1.00E+13 0.0 3590.0
19. H2O2+H=HO2+H2 4.82E+13 0.0 7950.0
20. H2O2+OH=H2O+HO2 1.00E+12 0.0 0.0
Declared duplicate reaction...
21. H2O2+OH=H2O+HO2 5.80E+14 0.0 9557.0
Declared duplicate reaction...
22. CH2O+M=HCO+H+M 1.63E+33 -4.1 92550.0
23. CH2O+M=H2+CO+M 8.25E+15 0.0 69540.0
24. CH2O+O2=HCO+HO2 2.05E+13 0.0 38920.0
25. CH2O+O=HCO+OH 1.81E+13 0.0 3078.0
26. CH2O+H=HCO+H2 1.26E+08 1.6 2163.0
27. CH2O+OH=HCO+H2O 3.43E+09 1.2 -447.0
28. CH2O+HO2=HCO+H2O2 1.99E+12 0.0 11660.0
29. HCO+M=H+CO+M 1.85E+17 -1.0 17000.0
H2 Enhanced by 1.890E+00
H2O Enhanced by 1.200E+01
CO Enhanced by 1.900E+00
CO2 Enhanced by 3.800E+00
30. HCO+O2=CO+HO2 7.58E+12 0.0 406.0
31. HCO+O=CO+OH 3.00E+13 0.0 0.0
32. HCO+O=CO2+H 3.00E+13 0.0 0.0
33. HCO+H=CO+H2 7.23E+13 0.0 0.0
34. HCO+OH=CO+H2O 3.00E+13 0.0 0.0
35. HCO+HO2=CO2+OH+H 3.00E+13 0.0 0.0
36. CO+O(+M)=CO2(+M) 1.80E+10 0.0 2380.0
Low pressure limit: 0.13500E+25 -0.27880E+01 0.41910E+04
TROE centering: 0.10000E+01 0.10000E-89 0.10000E+91
N2 Enhanced by 1.330E+00
H2 Enhanced by 2.500E+00
H2O Enhanced by 1.200E+01
CO Enhanced by 1.900E+00
CO2 Enhanced by 3.800E+00
37. CO+O2=CO2+O 2.53E+12 0.0 47700.0
38. CO+OH=CO2+H 1.50E+07 1.3 -765.0
39. CO+HO2=CO2+OH 5.80E+13 0.0 22930.0
40. N+H2=H+NH 1.60E+14 0.0 25140.0
41. N+O2=NO+O 6.40E+09 1.0 6280.0
42. N+OH=NO+H 3.80E+13 0.0 0.0
43. N+HO2=NH+O2 1.00E+13 0.0 2000.0
44. N+HO2=NO+OH 1.00E+13 0.0 2000.0
45. N+CO2=NO+CO 1.90E+11 0.0 3400.0
46. N+NO=N2+O 3.27E+12 0.3 0.0
47. N+NO2=NO+NO 4.00E+12 0.0 0.0
48. N+NO2=N2O+O 5.00E+12 0.0 0.0
49. N+NO2=N2+O2 1.00E+12 0.0 0.0
50. N+HNO=NH+NO 1.00E+13 0.0 2000.0
51. N+HNO=N2O+H 5.00E+10 0.5 3000.0
52. N+N2O=N2+NO 1.00E+13 0.0 19870.0
53. NO+M=N+O+M 9.64E+14 0.0 148400.0
N2 Enhanced by 1.500E+00
CO2 Enhanced by 2.500E+00
54. NO+O(+M)=NO2(+M) 1.30E+15 -0.8 0.0
Low pressure limit: 0.47200E+25 -0.28700E+01 0.15510E+04
TROE centering: 0.95700E+00 0.10000E-89 0.83320E+04

55. NO+H(+M)=HNO(+M) 1.52E+15 -0.4 0.0

Low pressure limit: 0.89600E+20 -0.13200E+01 0.73520E+03
TROE centering: 0.82000E+00 0.10000E-89 0.10000E+91
56. NO+OH(+M)=HONO(+M) 1.99E+12 -0.1 -721.0
Low pressure limit: 0.50800E+24 -0.25100E+01 -0.67560E+02
TROE centering: 0.62000E+00 0.10000E-89 0.10000E+91
H2O Enhanced by 5.000E+00
57. HO2+NO=NO2+OH 2.11E+12 0.0 -479.0
58. NO+HCO=HNO+CO 7.23E+12 0.0 0.0
59. NO2+O=O2+NO 3.91E+12 0.0 -238.0
60. NO2+O(+M)=NO3(+M) 1.33E+13 0.0 0.0
Low pressure limit: 0.14900E+29 -0.40800E+01 0.24670E+04
TROE centering: 0.82600E+00 0.10000E-89 0.31910E+04
61. NO2+H=NO+OH 1.32E+14 0.0 361.6
62. NO2+OH(+M)=HNO3(+M) 2.41E+13 0.0 0.0
Low pressure limit: 0.64200E+33 -0.54900E+01 0.23500E+04
TROE centering: 0.83700E+00 0.10000E-89 0.16570E+04
63. NO2+CH2O=HONO+HCO 8.02E+02 2.8 13730.0
64. NO2+HCO=CO+HONO 1.24E+23 -3.3 2354.0
65. NO2+HCO=H+CO2+NO 8.39E+15 -0.8 1927.0
66. NO2+CO=CO2+NO 9.03E+13 0.0 33780.0
67. NO2+NO2=NO3+NO 9.64E+09 0.7 20920.0
68. NO2+NO2=2NO+O2 1.63E+12 0.0 26120.0
69. NH+M=N+H+M 2.65E+14 0.0 75510.0
70. NH+O2=HNO+O 3.89E+13 0.0 17890.0
71. NH+O2=NO+OH 7.60E+10 0.0 1530.0
72. NH+O=NO+H 5.50E+13 0.0 0.0
73. NH+O=N+OH 3.72E+13 0.0 0.0
74. NH+OH=HNO+H 2.00E+13 0.0 0.0
75. NH+OH=N+H2O 5.00E+11 0.5 2000.0
76. NH+N=N2+H 3.00E+13 0.0 0.0
77. NH+NO=N2O+H 2.94E+14 -0.4 0.0
Declared duplicate reaction...
78. NH+NO=N2O+H ******** -0.2 0.0
Declared duplicate reaction...
79. NH+NO=N2+OH 2.16E+13 -0.2 0.0
80. NH+NO2=NO+HNO 1.00E+11 0.5 4000.0
81. NH+NO2=N2O+OH 1.00E+13 0.0 0.0
82. NH+NH=N2+H+H 5.10E+13 0.0 0.0
83. NH2+O2=HNO+OH 1.78E+12 0.0 14900.0
84. NH2+O=HNO+H 6.63E+14 -0.5 0.0
85. NH2+O=NH+OH 6.75E+12 0.0 0.0
86. NH2+H=NH+H2 6.92E+13 0.0 3650.0
87. NH2+OH=NH+H2O 4.00E+06 2.0 1000.0
88. NH2+N=N2+2H 7.20E+13 0.0 0.0
89. NH2+NO=NNH+OH 2.80E+13 -0.6 0.0
90. NH2+NO=N2+H2O 1.30E+16 -1.2 0.0
Declared duplicate reaction...
91. NH2+NO=N2+H2O ******** -0.6 0.0
Declared duplicate reaction...
92. NH2+NO=N2O+H2 5.00E+13 0.0 24640.0
93. NH2+NO=HNO+NH 1.00E+13 0.0 40000.0
94. NH2+NO2=N2O+H2O 3.28E+18 -2.2 0.0
95. NH3+M=NH2+H+M 2.20E+16 0.0 93470.0
96. NH3+O=NH2+OH 9.40E+06 1.9 6460.0
97. NH3+H=NH2+H2 6.40E+05 2.4 10170.0
98. NH3+OH=NH2+H2O 2.04E+06 2.0 566.0
99. NH3+HO2=NH2+H2O2 3.00E+11 0.0 22000.0
100. NH2+HO2=NH3+O2 1.00E+13 0.0 0.0
101. NH2+NH2=NH3+NH 5.00E+13 0.0 10000.0

102. NNH+M=N2+H+M 1.00E+14 0.0 3000.0

103. NNH+O=N2O+H 1.00E+14 0.0 0.0
104. NNH+H=N2+H2 1.00E+14 0.0 0.0
105. NNH+OH=N2+H2O 5.00E+13 0.0 0.0
106. NNH+NO=N2+HNO 5.00E+13 0.0 0.0
107. NNH+NH=N2+NH2 5.00E+13 0.0 0.0
108. NNH+NH2=N2+NH3 5.00E+13 0.0 0.0
109. HNO+O2=NO+HO2 1.00E+13 0.0 25000.0
110. HNO+O=OH+NO 1.81E+13 0.0 0.0
111. HNO+H=H2+NO 4.46E+11 0.7 655.0
112. HNO+OH=H2O+NO 1.00E+13 0.0 993.5
113. HNO+HCO=CH2O+NO 6.02E+11 0.0 1987.0
114. HNO+NO=N2O+OH 1.70E+13 0.0 29590.0
115. HNO+NO2=HONO+NO 6.02E+11 0.0 1987.0
116. HNO+NH2=NO+NH3 2.00E+13 0.0 1000.0
117. HNO+HNO=H2O+N2O 8.51E+08 0.0 3080.0
118. HONO+O=OH+NO2 1.20E+13 0.0 5961.0
119. HONO+H=H2+NO2 1.20E+13 0.0 7352.0
120. HONO+OH=H2O+NO2 1.26E+10 1.0 135.1
121. HCN(+M)=H+CN(+M) 8.30E+17 -0.9 123800.0
Low pressure limit: 0.35700E+27 -0.26000E+01 0.12490E+06
TROE centering: 0.95700E+00 0.10000E-89 0.83320E+04
122. HCN+O=CN+OH 2.70E+09 1.6 29200.0
123. HCN+O=NH+CO 3.45E+03 2.6 4980.0
124. HCN+O=NCO+H 1.38E+04 2.6 4980.0
125. HCN+OH=H2O+CN 3.90E+06 1.8 10290.0
126. HCN+OH=H+HOCN 5.85E+04 2.4 12500.0
127. HCN+OH=H+HNCO 1.98E-03 4.0 1000.0
128. HCN+OH=NH2+CO 7.83E-04 4.0 4000.0
129. HCN=HNC 2.06E+14 -1.1 43710.0
130. HNC+O=NH+CO 2.89E+12 0.0 0.0
131. HNC+O=H+NCO 1.60E+01 3.1 -224.0
132. HNC+OH=HNCO+H 2.80E+13 0.0 3700.0
133. HNC+OH=CN+H2O 1.50E+12 0.0 7680.0
134. HNC+NO2=HNCO+NO 1.00E+12 0.0 32000.0
135. HNC+CN=C2N2+H 1.00E+13 0.0 0.0
136. N2O(+M)=N2+O(+M) 7.91E+10 0.0 56020.0
Low pressure limit: 0.91300E+15 0.00000E+00 0.57690E+05
H2O Enhanced by 7.500E+00
NO Enhanced by 2.000E+00
CO Enhanced by 2.000E+00
CO2 Enhanced by 3.000E+00
HCN Enhanced by 3.000E+00
137. N2O+O=O2+N2 1.00E+14 0.0 28000.0
138. N2O+O=2NO 1.00E+14 0.0 28000.0
139. N2O+H=N2+OH 2.53E+10 0.0 4550.0
Declared duplicate reaction...
140. N2O+H=N2+OH 2.23E+14 0.0 16750.0
Declared duplicate reaction...
141. N2O+OH=HO2+N2 2.00E+12 0.0 40000.0
142. N2O+CO=N2+CO2 5.01E+13 0.0 44000.0
143. CN+H2=H+HCN 5.50E+02 3.2 -223.0
144. CN+O2=NCO+O 7.50E+12 0.0 -389.0
145. CN+O=CO+N 1.80E+13 0.0 0.0
146. CN+OH=NCO+H 4.22E+13 0.0 0.0
147. CN+CH2O=HCN+HCO 4.22E+13 0.0 0.0
148. CN+HCO=HCN+CO 6.02E+13 0.0 0.0
149. CN+CO2=CO+NCO 3.67E+06 2.2 26900.0
150. CN+NO=NCO+N 9.64E+13 0.0 42120.0
151. CN+NO2=NCO+NO 1.59E+13 0.0 -1133.0

152. CN+HNO=HCN+NO 1.81E+13 0.0 0.0

153. CN+HONO=HCN+NO2 1.20E+13 0.0 0.0
154. CN+HCN=H+C2N2 1.21E+07 1.7 1530.0
155. CN+N2O=NCN+NO 3.85E+03 2.6 3696.0
156. CN+CN(+M)=C2N2(+M) 5.66E+12 0.0 0.0
Low pressure limit: 0.34200E+26 -0.26100E+01 0.00000E+00
TROE centering: 0.50000E+00 0.10000E-89 0.10000E+91
157. C2N2+O=NCO+CN 4.57E+12 0.0 8880.0
158. C2N2+OH=HOCN+CN 1.86E+11 0.0 2900.0
159. NCN+O2=NO+NCO 1.00E+14 0.0 0.0
160. NCN+O=CN+NO 1.00E+14 0.0 0.0
161. NCN+H=HCN+N 1.00E+14 0.0 0.0
162. NCN+OH=HCN+NO 5.00E+13 0.0 0.0
163. NCO+M=N+CO+M 3.10E+16 -0.5 48300.0
N2 Enhanced by 1.500E+00
164. NCO+H2=HNCO+H 7.60E+02 3.0 4000.0
165. NCO+O2=NO+CO2 2.00E+12 0.0 20000.0
166. NCO+O=CO+NO 2.00E+13 0.0 0.0
167. NCO+H=NH+CO 5.36E+13 0.0 0.0
168. NCO+OH=NO+CO+H 1.00E+13 0.0 0.0
169. NCO+OH=NO+HCO 5.00E+12 0.0 15000.0
170. NCO+CH2O=HNCO+HCO 6.02E+12 0.0 0.0
171. NCO+HCO=HNCO+CO 3.61E+13 0.0 0.0
172. NCO+N=N2+CO 2.00E+13 0.0 0.0
173. NCO+NO=N2O+CO 6.20E+17 -1.7 763.0
174. NCO+NO=CO2+N2 7.80E+17 -1.7 763.0
175. NCO+NO2=CO+2NO 1.39E+13 0.0 0.0
176. NCO+NO2=CO2+N2O 4.17E+12 0.0 0.0
177. NCO+HNO=HNCO+NO 1.81E+13 0.0 0.0
178. NCO+HONO=HNCO+NO2 3.61E+12 0.0 0.0
179. NCO+N2O=N2+NO+CO 9.03E+13 0.0 27820.0
180. NCO+CN=NCN+CO 1.81E+13 0.0 0.0
181. NCO+NCO=N2+2CO 1.00E+13 0.0 0.0
182. CNO+O=CO+NO 1.00E+13 0.0 0.0
183. CNO+NO2=CO+2NO 1.00E+13 0.0 0.0
184. CNO+N2O=N2+CO+NO 1.00E+12 0.0 15000.0
185. HNCO(+M)=NH+CO(+M) 6.00E+13 0.0 99800.0
Low pressure limit: 0.21700E+29 -0.31000E+01 0.10190E+06
TROE centering: 0.93800E+00 0.10000E-89 0.33040E+04
186. HNCO+O2=HNO+CO2 1.00E+12 0.0 35000.0
187. HNCO+O=CO2+NH 9.64E+07 1.4 8524.0
188. HNCO+O=OH+NCO 6.67E-04 4.5 1780.0
189. HNCO+O=HNO+CO 1.58E+08 1.6 44300.0
190. HNCO+H=NH2+CO 2.20E+07 1.7 3800.0
191. HNCO+OH=H2O+NCO 6.38E+05 2.0 2563.0
192. HNCO+HO2=NCO+H2O2 3.00E+11 0.0 29000.0
193. HNCO+NH=NH2+NCO 3.00E+13 0.0 23700.0
194. HNCO+NH2=NH3+NCO 5.00E+12 0.0 6200.0
195. HNCO+CN=HCN+NCO 1.51E+13 0.0 0.0
196. HCNO+O=HCO+NO 1.00E+12 0.0 9000.0
197. HCNO+OH=HCO+HNO 1.00E+13 0.0 5000.0
198. HCNO+OH=CNO+H2O 1.00E+12 0.0 2000.0
199. HCNO+CN=HCN+CNO 1.00E+12 0.0 2000.0
200. HOCN+O=NCO+OH 1.50E+04 2.6 4000.0
201. HOCN+H=HNCO+H 2.00E+07 2.0 2000.0
202. HOCN+OH=NCO+H2O 6.40E+05 2.0 2560.0
203. H2CN+M=HCN+H+M 1.00E+16 0.0 30000.0
204. H2CN+CH2O=H2CNH+HCO 1.00E+12 0.0 14000.0
205. H2CN+NO=HCN+HNO 1.00E+12 0.0 3000.0
206. H2CN+NO2=HCN+HONO 1.00E+12 0.0 1000.0

207. H2CN+NO2=H2CNO+NO 1.00E+12 0.0 3000.0

208. H2CN+HNO=H2CNH+NO 1.00E+12 0.0 4000.0
209. H2CN+HONO=H2CNH+NO2 1.00E+12 0.0 12000.0
210. H2CNH+OH=H2CN+H2O 1.00E+13 0.0 0.0
211. H2CNH+CN=H2CN+HCN 1.00E+13 0.0 0.0
212. H2CNO+M=HCNO+H+M 1.00E+16 0.0 50000.0
213. H2CNO+OH=HCNO+H2O 1.00E+13 0.0 0.0
214. H2CNO+NO=HCNO+HNO 1.00E+12 0.0 25000.0
215. H2CNO+NO2=HCNO+HONO 1.00E+12 0.0 2000.0
216. H2CNO+NO2=CH2O+NO+NO 1.00E+12 0.0 0.0
217. H2CNO+HNO=H2CN+HONO 1.00E+12 0.0 2000.0
218. CH3+NO2=CH3ONO 5.00E+11 0.0 0.0
219. CH3+OH=CH2O+H2 8.00E+12 0.0 0.0
220. CH3+OH=CH3O+H 2.00E+16 0.0 27410.0
221. CH3+CH3O=CH4+CH2O 2.40E+13 0.0 0.0
222. CH4=CH3+H 8.51E+14 0.0 103800.0
223. CH4+H=CH3+H2 2.25E+04 3.0 8755.0
224. CH4+OH=CH3+H2O 1.93E+05 2.4 2106.0
225. CH4+O=CH3+OH 1.02E+09 1.5 8604.0
226. CH4+HO2=CH3+H2O2 1.81E+11 0.0 18580.0
227. CH3OH=CH3+OH 5.40E+15 0.0 91780.0
228. O2+CH3OH=CH2OH+HO2 2.05E+13 0.0 44910.0
229. OH+CH3OH=CH2OH+H2O 6.62E+04 2.5 -960.0
230. O+CH3OH=CH2OH+OH 3.88E+05 2.5 3080.0
231. H+CH3OH=CH2OH+H2 4.00E+13 0.0 6095.0
232. H+CH3OH=CH3+H2O 6.45E+11 0.0 5305.0
233. CH3+CH3OH=CH4+CH2OH 4.15E+01 3.2 7171.0
234. HO2+CH3OH=CH2OH+H2O2 3.98E+13 0.0 19400.0
235. CH2OH+M=CH2O+H+M 1.85E+24 -2.5 34190.0
236. O2+CH2OH=CH2O+HO2 1.00E+14 0.0 5000.0
237. CH3NO2(+M)=CH3+NO2(+M) 1.80E+16 0.0 58500.0
Low pressure limit: 0.13000E+18 0.00000E+00 0.42000E+05
TROE centering: 0.18300E+00 0.10000E-89 0.10000E+91
238. CH3NO2+H=CH3+HONO 3.30E+12 0.0 3730.0
239. CH3NO2+H=CH2NO2+H2 5.40E+02 3.5 5200.0
240. CH3NO2+O=CH2NO2+OH 1.50E+13 0.0 5350.0
241. CH3NO2+OH=CH2NO2+H2O 5.00E+05 2.0 1000.0
242. CH3NO2+OH=CH3OH+NO2 2.00E+10 0.0 -1000.0
243. CH3NO2+CH3=CH2NO2+CH4 5.50E-01 4.0 8300.0
244. CH2NO2=CH2O+NO 1.00E+13 0.0 36000.0
245. CH3+NO(+M)=CH3NO(+M) 9.00E+12 0.0 119.0
Low pressure limit: 0.32000E+24 -0.18700E+01 0.00000E+00
246. CH3+NO2=CH3O+NO 4.00E+13 -0.2 0.0
247. CH4+NO2=CH3+HONO 1.20E+13 0.0 30000.0
248. CH3O+NO=CH2O+HNO 1.30E+14 -0.7 0.0
249. CH3O+NO(+M)=CH3ONO(+M) 6.60E+14 -0.6 0.0
Low pressure limit: 0.27000E+28 -0.35000E+01 0.00000E+00
250. CH3O+NO2=CH2O+HONO 6.00E+12 0.0 2285.0

NOTE: A units mole-cm-sec-K, E units cal/mole



Physical Property Graphs of Liquid Nitromethane

From the paper of Gallant.16

Liquid heat capacity from 40 C to +160 C


Liquid viscosity from 0 C to 200 C

Liquid surface tension from 0 C to 200 C


Liquid thermal conductivity from 0 C to 200 C



Thermal and Transport Data

Following are the additions made to the thermodynamics and transport data files used by

CHEMKIN. Both files are in formats as specified by CHEMKIN. The thermodynamics

data are taken from the extensive database maintained by Prof. Alexander Burcat at

Technion - Israel Institute of Technology. The most recent version can be found in the

THERM.DAT file online at

As the complete database contains over 1,100 entries, only the species of interest for

nitromethane combustion were extracted. These are taken from the April 2005 release.

A few species that were included in the combustion mechanism were not in Burcats


!CH3ONO values taken from old CH3NO2.dat file (origin unknown--Yetter NM?)
CH3ONO 103190C 1H 3N 1O 2G 0300.00 4000.00 1500.00 1
0.11361289E+02 0.04159349E-01-0.04145670E-05-0.01695140E-08 0.03028732E-12 2
-0.12814815E+05-0.03545434E+03 0.14903451E+01 0.02645433E+00-0.02112331E-03 3
0.09414399E-07-0.01811204E-10-0.09125782E+05 0.01813766E+03 4
!Following species missing from Burcat database copied from orig Yetter RDX inp
HCO 121286H 1C 1O 1 G 0300.00 5000.00 1000.00 1
0.03557271E+02 0.03345573E-01-0.01335006E-04 0.02470573E-08-0.01713851E-12 2
0.03916324E+05 0.05552299E+02 0.02898330E+02 0.06199147E-01-0.09623084E-04 3
0.01089825E-06-0.04574885E-10 0.04159922E+05 0.08983614E+02 4
NNH T07/93N 2H 1 0 0G 200.000 6000.000 1
0.37667544E+01 0.28915082E-02-0.10416620E-05 0.16842594E-09-0.10091896E-13 2
0.28650697E+05 0.44705067E+01 0.43446927E+01-0.48497072E-02 0.20059459E-04 3
-0.21726464E-07 0.79469539E-11 0.28791973E+05 0.29779410E+01 0.30009828E+05 4
HONO 31787H 1N 1O 2 G 0300.00 5000.00 1000.00 1
0.05486893E+02 0.04218065E-01-0.01649143E-04 0.02971877E-08-0.02021148E-12 2
-0.01126865E+06-0.02997002E+02 0.02290413E+02 0.01409922E+00-0.01367872E-03 3
0.07498780E-07-0.01876905E-10-0.01043195E+06 0.01328077E+03 4
NCO EA 93 N 1C 1O 1 0G 200.000 6000.000 1
0.51521845E+01 0.23051761E-02-0.88033153E-06 0.14789098E-09-0.90977996E-14 2
0.14004123E+05-0.25442660E+01 0.28269308E+01 0.88051688E-02-0.83866134E-05 3
0.48016964E-08-0.13313595E-11 0.14682477E+05 0.95504646E+01 0.21347373E+05 4
HOCN BDEA94H 1N 1C 1O 1G 300.000 5000.000 1368.000 1
5.89784885E+00 3.16789393E-03-1.11801064E-06 1.77243144E-10-1.04339177E-14 2
-3.70653331E+03-6.18167825E+00 3.78604952E+00 6.88667922E-03-3.21487864E-06 3
5.17195767E-10 1.19360788E-14-2.82698400E+03 5.63292162E+00 4
HCNO BDEA94H 1N 1C 1O 1G 300.000 5000.000 1382.000 1
6.59860456E+00 3.02778626E-03-1.07704346E-06 1.71666528E-10-1.01439391E-14 2
1.79661339E+04-1.03306599E+01 2.64727989E+00 1.27505342E-02-1.04794236E-05 3
4.41432836E-09-7.57521466E-13 1.92990252E+04 1.07332972E+01 4
H2CNH 41687C 1H 3N 1 G 0300.00 4000.00 1000.00 1
0.05221589E+02 0.04748526E-01-0.04179159E-05-0.02606612E-08 0.04703140E-12 2
0.08657219E+05-0.04500776E+02 0.02365879E+02 0.06780570E-01 0.02423000E-04 3
-0.06157824E-08-0.01615097E-10 0.09971141E+05 0.01230718E+03 4

Data for most of the species of interest were included with the CHEMKIN distribution;

these were used without modification or review. For the species not found in this listing,

the parameters had to be estimated using the method of Svehla or approximating as

similar molecules since no comprehensive compilation of transport property data was

found in the literature. Species of interest not included in the standard distribution were

included as supplemental data file.

!Supplemental tranport data for nitromethane combustion

!Following data taken from Liau RDX program
!CH3NO 2 436.000 5.180 0.000 0.000 2.000
!CH3NO2 2 436.000 5.180 0.000 0.000 2.000
CH3ONO 2 436.000 5.180 0.000 0.000 2.000
HNO2 2 436.000 5.180 0.000 0.000 2.000
HONO 2 572.400 3.600 1.844 0.000 3.000
HNC 2 116.700 3.492 0.000 0.000 1.000
CNO 1 232.400 3.828 0.000 0.000 1.000
HNO3 2 436.000 5.180 0.000 0.000 2.000
NO3 2 436.000 5.180 0.000 0.000 2.000
H2CNH 2 436.000 5.180 0.000 0.000 2.000
H2CNO 2 436.000 5.180 0.000 0.000 2.000

!Calculated epsilon/k and sigma using method of Svehla

!***polarizability and Zrot still a guess...***
CH3NO2 2 486.076 4.271 3.46 0.000 2.000
CH3NO 2 580.000 4.356 3.73 0.000 2.000
!transport preprocessing crashes with the "real" HNO3 values, so use
!generic values above... ***look into this***
!HNO3 2 97.94 3.344 2.17 0.000 2.000
!Approximate CH2NO2 as CH3NO2 for now (to complete trans database)
CH2NO2 2 486.076 4.271 3.46 0.000 2.000

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Eric Boyer was born on November 28, 1971 and grew up amidst the rolling hills

and apple orchards of Adams County, Pennsylvania. After graduating as valedictorian

from the Bermudian Springs High School, he attended Princeton University and received

a Bachelor of Science degree in Aerospace Engineering in June, 1993. At the

Pennsylvania State University, he has worked on many different projects at the High

Pressure Combustion Laboratory (HPCL), including liquid, solid, gel, and hybrid rocket

systems as well as gun and mortar studies. He has also served as HPCL Safety Officer

while working on his Ph.D. program.

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