US Army Squad - Foundation of The Decisive Force

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National Security Report

The U.S. Army Squad:

Foundation of the Decisive Force

An AUSA Torchbearer Issue

October 2011
11 October 2011

The very essence of combat, the tip of the spear, has a timeless characteristicyoung leaders in front of small
units operating in remote and challenging locations under extreme conditions. This was true at the invasion of Nor-
mandy and in the Ia Drang Valley in Vietnam and it is true today in Afghanistan and Iraq. Victories on the battlefield
start with small units pressing forward toward an objective; however, on the modern battlefield those small tactical
actions have strategic implications. Our Soldiers and small-unit leaders must be prepared not only to win but also to
create the conditions for future stabilitytodays fight should not be tomorrows.
The Army is focused on the squad as a system and as the foundation of the decisive force. A holistic plan that
meshes training, equipping and networking is underway so that these small units are resourced and prepared in
accordance with their significance on the battlefield. Further, a focus on the human aspectsSoldiers skills and
attributesseeks to maximize performance and resilience in difficult environments. Complex hybrid warfare is the
new norm; the Army is building lethal, flexible, adaptive and educated squads to meet that challenge, now and in
the future.
In this latest installment of AUSAs signature Torchbearer series, we discuss how the Army is developing its
squads to make them a part of the dominant force on the modern battlefield. A historical overview of development,
a conceptual framework for operations and a discussion about required capabilities lay out a roadmap to small-unit
supremacy. We hope this report is a useful and informative resource and that you will continue to look to AUSA for
insightful and credible analysis of contemporary national security issues.

General, USA Retired
President, AUSA

Executive Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Toward the Future . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Required Squad Capabilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Historical Perspective of the Squad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 What is Needed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
The Squad Today. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 What Must Be Done . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
The Human Dimension of Todays Battlefield. . . . . . . . . 7 Torchbearer Message. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Executive Summary
A squad is an organizational idea jointly held by its members. It does not exist physicallyyou cant see
a squadyou can only see the individuals who man it.
Colonel William E. DePuy,
Eleven MenOne Mind,
ARMY, March 1958, p. 24

The United States Army is the premier instrument in the U.S. global strategy of engagement. As the nations
force for decisive action, the Armys ability to project and sustain forces in any location is the essence of strategic
flexibility. The modern fight against nontraditional, hybrid enemies in a mass-communications environment means
that tactical decisions can have strategic consequences. Those critical strategic actions fall to the Armys smallest
unit, the squadthe foundation of the decisive force. It is the building block for all other battlefield organizations
and will continue to be so into the future. Its ability to conduct a wide variety of missions must be sustained and
improved upon. A holistic, systems approach to training, equipping and networking is an Army imperative.
During the past 60 years the Army has adjusted the composition and organization of the squad to balance fire-
power, mobility and sustainability in support of the doctrinal tasks of fire and movement. The modern version is
composed of nine Soldiers organized into two teams of four and under the direction of a designated leader. The
contemporary, distributed battlefield emphasizes small-unit operations that range from active combat to partner-
nation assistance. The squads versatility has been critical in Iraq and Afghanistan as the United States conducts
complex and difficult missions that require a range of skills at the lowest tactical level.
Building the skills and capabilities required to maximize squad effectiveness, now and in the future, necessi-
tates attention to the human dimension. The balance among size, sustainability and controllability requires analy-
sis. The values of trust and understanding are enhanced in small groups, but physical and cognitive burdens are
more easily borne by large groups. Building cohesive teams that mitigate the difficulties of group size will be an
Army priority. The related goal is to provide combat overmatchthe ability to dominate an opponent of similar
size in any condition. Past Army efforts to achieve overmatch have focused on battalions and above; equipping and
procurement efforts have matched that focus. Future equipping strategies must make the squad as competitive for
resources as major weapon and vehicle programs. To facilitate resourcing the squad as the foundation of the deci-
sive force, the Army is taking a bottom-up approach to codifying requirements and capabilities needed to dominate
the current and future fights. The Army is working to improve several key capability areas.
Training: The Army is committed to revitalizing and improving its home-station live, virtual and constructive
training opportunities for squads that mirror the complexity and enabler availability of combat theaters. Develop-
ing nontraditional Soldier skills, such as cultural awareness and ethics, combined with traditional ones such as
physical fitness will make Soldiers comfortable and effective in any operating environment.
Leader Development: Outcomes-based training that stresses mission command and leadersubordinate trust is
essential to empower independent squads. The Army is planning to restore the lengths of its noncommissioned
officer education programs, increase throughput in premier leadership schools and implement 360-degree leader-
ship assessments. The goal is to produce well-rounded, experienced leaders who can operate in distributed environ-
ments and who are trusted by their leaders to seize the initiative.
The Network: The Army network will improve dismounted situational awareness and link each squad to higher-
echelon enablers, thereby making it part of the dominant force on the distributed battlefield. Pairing existing evolu-
tions, such as the smartphone, with the technological comfort of the Soldier will fuse different views of the battle-
field into one common operating picture. Fusing intelligence and precision enablers will provide squads with fast
access to information, early threat warning and responsive fire-support options.

Mobility: Soldiers require more capability but less weight. Streamlining equipment and developing multiuse
devices and new materials for body armor are required to allow Soldiers to effectively move under fire with both
the protection and connectivity needed to survive and win. Moreover, traditional areas of mobility such as mine
detection and obstacle breaching require examination to ensure retention of dismounted capability.
Power and Energy: The Army is looking to simplify the battery load of a Soldier and reduce the overall number
and weight of batteries carried for different devices. Further, forward-area power generation is evolving to reduce
the force-wide logistics burden. Development of light-weight batteries, solar chargers and fuel cells is an ongoing
effort, but new solutions such as kinetic energy converters are needed.
The Human Dimension: Developing trust between leaders and subordinate leaders is an Army imperative. Feed-
back from combat theaters indicates that restrictive rules are endangering Soldiers; proper training and education
will push the decisionmaking level down and empower trusted small-unit leaders with the resources to succeed on
the battlefield.
Lethality: Squads must be able to find, fix and finish an enemy in any environment. Moreover, they must be able
to initiate contact on terms of their choosing substantially more often than they react to contact on enemy terms.
Increased sensor capability, versatile weaponry and improved individual equipment are some of the areas in which
the Army is investing to give its squads the edge in challenging combat scenarios. Lethality also includes defense;
the modern squads ability to dig fighting positions and emplace obstacles is almost unchanged since World War II
and more effort is needed to close this capability gap.
Force Protection: Soldiers require layers of protection that follow them around the battlefield. Individual solu-
tions, such as the Enhanced Night-Vision Goggles and modular body armor, are being combined with collective
solutions such as the Counter Rocket and Mortar System to maximize survival without hindering mobility.
To fully empower and develop its squads for success in unified land operations, the Army must develop and
implement a plan that fuses the focus areas in a holistic manner. Improving Soldier skills, leader education and
formation equipping strategies in a synchronized fashion will produce well-led and effective squads for any current
or future battlefield. The administration and Congress must support the Army with a properly sized and resourced
force, timely and robust funding to execute multiyear development strategies and encouragement of industry
investment to lay a foundation on which the Army can build effective units. The Department of Defense must sup-
port the Army with a supportive and adaptable acquisition process, an appropriate modernization approach and
incentives for industry to pursue squad- and Soldier-level programs and solutions. Finally, industry must support
the warfighter through research and development of new materials, light-weight power solutions, improved virtual
and constructive training simulations and streamlined network integration hardware/software.
Empowering and trusting small units to operate in a decentralized manner will allow the Army to conduct
wide-area security and combined-arms maneuver in any operational environment. Squads, the basis on which
rest all other tactical echelons and through which many strategic goals are achieved, are more than the tip of the
spearthey are the foundation of victory.

The U.S. Army Squad: Foundation of the Decisive Force
We are very fortunate; we have incredible junior leaders who have always carried the day. Squads
have always been important and those junior leaders out there are making them successful . . . but the
only place on the battlefield where we do not have clear overmatch is at the lowest level, at the squad.
Major General Robert B. Brown, Commanding General,
U.S. Army Maneuver Center of Excellence, at the
2011 Maneuver Conference, Columbus, Georgia, 13 September 2011

The national security of the United States rests on
a comprehensive global strategy of engagement. This
engagement takes many formsranging from peace-
keeping and partnership-building to combatand
many times overlaps all categories. The premier instru-
ment for global engagement is landpower. The nations
expansive worldwide missions require a broad set of
interactions with diverse groups of people in varied
environments. The Army is uniquely suited to carry out
these missions because, at its heart, the Army is people.
For the United States, the Army is the nations force for
decisive action. The Armys ability to project and sus-
ability to close with an enemy on the ground, control
tain forces for any mission in any location is the foun-
territory, establish security for friendly populations
dation of the nations strategic flexibility.
and then maintain continuous engagement with those
The Armys endurance and flexibility are critical in populations creates the conditions for success. To
the fight against hybrid threatsthreats that blend con- ensure these capabilities are carried into the future, the
ventional, irregular, terrorist and criminal capabilities Army must develop a holistic approach to small-unit
and apply them against the United States asymmetri- development that considers training, equipping and
cally. The fight against hybrid enemies requires sus- networking in light of the squads contribution to the
tained, educated and nuanced engagement at the low- overall mission, treating it as a system rather than a
est tactical level. Further, the modern media-enabled collection of individuals.
and mass communications-based environment means
that tactical decisions can have strategic implications. Historical Perspective on the Squad
Those critical actions fall on the Armys smallest unit During the past 60 years the Army has studied
conducting the daily operations and missions on the and analyzed the proper balance of size, composition
ground around the world. The squad is the founda- and armament for its squads. The adjustment process
tion of the decisive force; its actions on the battlefield has reflected the constant need to maximize mobility,
help achieve the nations strategic vision. lethality and controllability in a small package.
The rifle squad is the fundamental organization of After the end of World War II, the Army concluded
Infantry formations, the building block of all higher that a squad should comprise nine Soldiers, with one
units. Ultimately, it provides the competitive and tac- designated leader and one Browning Automatic Rifle
tical edge of the Armys force. Combat operations in (BAR) to provide fire support. Experience in World
Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere highlight the impor- War II had shown that leaders frequently became
tance and centrality of squad successes to overarching pinned by enemy fire and could not effectively con-
tactical, operational and strategic goals. The squads trol the 13 Soldiers that, at that time, made up a squad.

The Armys Reorganization Objective Army Divi-
sion initiative of the early 1960s reduced the squad
to 10 Soldiers, due in part to the drive to reduce the
Armys size without reducing capability and in part
to the introduction of the M14 select-fire assault rifle
as a replacement for the semi-automatic M1 Garand
of World War II and Korea. In 1967 the Army tried to
capture the lessons of combat in Vietnam to ensure the
correct composition of the squad. Drawing on in-depth
historical analysis and the extensive survey of combat
veterans of Vietnam, the Infantry Rifle Unit Study
(IRUS) recommended 11 Soldiers comprising two
Further, the Army did not believe the squad was capa- teams, each with a leader and an automatic rifle. Inter-
ble of simultaneous fire and maneuver due to command estingly, the study concluded that nine Soldiers would
and control difficulties and enemy action. be acceptable for emerging mechanized infantry units,
theorizing that armored fighting vehicles would aug-
The Army employed the nine-Soldier squad in the ment capability and offset the reduction in personnel.
Korean War; however, the addition of another BAR Still, the Army entered into the 1980s with the 11-Sol-
allowed the unit to operate in two teams, each capable dier squad firmly in place.
of fire or maneuver. After the war, an Army internal
The post-Vietnam era had two major inputs on
study, titled A Research Study of Infantry Rifle Squad
squad design: the Army of Excellence (AoE) reorga-
TOE 1956 (ASIRS), formalized the fire-team concept
nization and the Force XXI analysis. The AoE reor-
and recommended that a squad consist of 11 Soldiers ganization in 1985 sought to reduce the size of Army
organized into two fire teams of five Soldiers each. Each divisions and units to make them more deployable.
team would have a BAR and a designated team leader; The reduction in division strength led to a reduction
one squad leader would control both teams. The team- in squad size from 11 Soldiers to nine for all infantry
leader position was conceived to assist the squad leader unitslight and mechanized. The Force XXI analysis
with command and control; the ASIRS study conclud- of the late 1990s aimed to optimize the size of Army
ed that the maximum number of Soldiers that could be units to take advantage of network and friendly-force
employed effectively by one leader was five. The team- tracking technology. The Force XXI analysis focused
leader concept meant the squad leader had to effectively primarily on the battalion level and above but did con-
employ only two peoplethe team leaders. This bal- sider the idea of seven-Soldier squads in mechanized
anced design reflected the command and control expe- units.1 Ultimately, the Force XXI analysis concluded
rience from Korea as well as the need to alternatively that seven-Soldier squads, while granting initial flex-
place a high volume of fire on a target and maneuver ibility in planning, were not robust enough to dominate
quickly against it. The Army also identified the endur- the close fight even with modern technology. Thus,
ing challenge for the squad: sustainability. Specifically, nine Soldiers remained the standard.
a squad would be forced to be redistributed or absorbed Historical precedent demonstrates several consis-
into another unit if it sustained casualties that reduced tent themes in U.S. Army squad design. First, it must
its strength to seven or eight soldiers. An 11-Soldier unit be small enough to be controllable yet large enough to
could sustain three or four casualties before becoming sustain losses without becoming ineffective. Second, it
ineffective; a nine-Soldier squad could endure only one must possess sufficient firepower to sustain itself dur-
or two casualties before combat ineffectiveness. ing periods of intense combat yet not be so heavily
Force XXI Division Design Analysis: Evolution of Operational Concept and Division Design, U.S. Army Training and
Doctrine Command Analysis Center, September 1998, p. 69. The seven-Soldier squad was considered in conjunction with
smaller platoons but more companies per battalion.

burdened as to limit its maneuverability. Finally, two
subordinate elements are essential for effective fire
and movement. Infantry organizations of allied armies
reflect these themes as well. The Israeli Infantry squad
is organized with 10 Soldiers in two teams of four
infantrymen, led by a designated leader with an assis-
tant leader. British and Australian infantry squads are
organized with two four-man teams. Those of the U.S.
Marine Corps are largerorganized with three teams
of four infantrymen led by a squad leaderbut still
reflect the fire and maneuver fundamentals.

The Squad Today

noncombatant civilian and nongovernmental organi-
The rifle squad of today consists of nine Soldiers
zations and combat service support forces. They con-
organized into two teams of four and is capable of fire
duct missions with allied and host-nation partners,
and movement. Each team is led by a team leader and
man checkpoints and secure local populations, all in
has a grenade launcher and automatic rifle, but snipers,
support of effective governance and the overall plan
medium machine guns and other specialized weapons
for Afghanistan and Iraq. Well-trained and well-led
can be attached/substituted to augment firepower on a
squads, imbued with the Warrior Ethos, are fundamen-
mission basis. The Soldiers are equipped with night-
vision devices, precision optics and body armor; the tal to mission success.
squad leader is also equipped with a variety of radios The Human Dimension of Todays Battlefield
to connect him to other echelons and support networks. A decade of combat experience has shown that it is
These advanced technologies make the squad much difficult to keep squads fully manned. Injuriescom-
more capable and lethal than its historic counterparts bat and noncombatillness and other attritive effects
despite the comparatively smaller size. The rifle squad accumulate over time and can be mitigated only so
is also the same size and composition across all bri- much. Analysis of more than 2,000 post-combat sur-
gade combat team (BCT) typesInfantry, Stryker and veys indicates that squads have deployed below autho-
Heavy. Maintaining one size standard across the Army rized strength on over 50 percent of assigned missions.
has advantages: it improves efficiencies in training This undermanning can make them combat-ineffective
development, management and delivery and it stream- much more quickly during operations.
linesand thus more easily synchronizesprofession-
al development and force manning in support of the Because of the importance of the squads effec-
Army Force Generation (ARFORGEN) process. tiveness to overall mission success and the thin mar-
gin for loss, careful consideration must be given to the
The contemporary operating environment de- human dimension. Trust and understanding among
emphasizes large mounted formations and forces the Soldiers and leaders, learning and adapting to
Army to fight as dismounted small units. Combat the environment and physical and cognitive load-
operations have shown the effectiveness, versatility sharing are essential for successful performance
and significance of the rifle squad. Its lethality has been in training and operations. There is a complicated
critical in battles across several theaters, from Fallujah balance between maximizing positive human dimen-
and Sadr City, Iraq, to the Korengal Valley and Kunar sions, such as trust, and maximizing battlefield dimen-
Province in Afghanistan. Its resiliency has been proven sions, such as controllability and effectiveness. Trust
by long-duration operations from small, remote combat is enhanced in smaller groups, but too small a group
outposts in the very heart of enemy territory. is ineffective on the battlefield. In contrast, individual
Squads offer more than just lethality, however. cognitive load for problem-solving is increased as the
They are executing the day-to-day requirements of size of the squad is decreased. Distribution of human
security force assistance and providing security to senses is also reduced as size is reduced, thereby
Human Dimension of the Squad
Determine Human Capacity/Limits:
Cognitive, Physical, Social-Cultural, Moral-Ethical

Leader External
Development Enablers


Army Values Training and

Warrior Spirit Education

Small-unit Common
Operating Picture

situational awareness
Unblinking Eye
Cohesive Advanced
Team Situational
Networked lethality Awareness
Embedded training

Mobile communications
with voice, text and data
Digital Comprehensive
Comfort Mission planning tool Soldier Fitness

...Operating Under
Mission Command
Cultural, Social,
Civil, Language Family

Tactically and technically proficient, fully trained and empowered

Source: U.S. Army Maneuver Center of Excellence

decreasing collective situational understanding and
overall organizational effectiveness. The enduring
challenge to measuring effectiveness is simple met-
rics; lethality is readily modeled and measured, leader-
ship and cohesion are not.
The collective physical burden on a rifle squad is
also significant. Members must carry their individual
weapons and equipment as well as shared radios, night-
vision devices, ammunition and robotic systems. The
larger a squad the lower the burden; squads of suffi-
cient size are also able to more effectively manage the
work/rest cycle and can endure more casualties before
losing effectiveness. The social aspects of trust, adap- environments is an imperative for current and future
tation and coherence are critical to developing the missions. It is essential for effective wide-area security
required knowledge and skills of all members. How- operations, operating at the tactical edge of decentral-
ever, they must be considered in the context of physical ized operations and forming the foundation of com-
requirements and the sheer numbers of Soldiers needed bined-arms maneuver at higher echelons.
to sustain a mission. The squad operates in a tiered environment con-
Technological development will continue to struct that applies to all operationscurrent and future.
impact Soldiers in the squad. Evolving battle com- There are three tiers, each corresponding to a different
mand systems will provide access to more information degree of austerity and environmental development.
and greater capabilities from higher echelons, increas- Tier 1 is the most austerein Tier 1 squads conduct
ing the cognitive loads on leaders and members alike. dismounted operations in restrictive terrain with great
The proliferation of robotic systems and remote sensors risk acceptance; an example of Tier 1 is forcible-entry
will also tend to increase both physical and cognitive operations, such as airborne or air assault, into urban,
loads on the squad. Technology alone will not reduce mountainous or jungle terrain. Tier 2 represents opera-
the incredible complexity, constant change and surpris- tions with armored, mechanized or wheeled forces;
es associated with close combat. The tasks associated examples include airlanding vehicles, heavy landing
with combat operations among populations will still zones and company forward operating bases. Tier 3,
fall to superbly trained, cohesive and well-led combat the most robust environment, represents operations
units that must be prepared for more information input from secure forward operating bases; Tier 3 is charac-
and cognitive prioritization. terized by a well-established presence and long-term
occupation with contractor support. An important goal
Toward the Future
of the squad-as-a-system concept is transitioning from
The Armys goal is to develop capabilities that
each tier to the nextup and downwith minimal dis-
provide squads with combat overmatch. Overmatch
ruption or loss of capability. Inherent in that transition
is the ability to successfully execute critical tasks
is linking the assets available at all three levels to maxi-
against projected threat forces in all operational envi-
mize effects at the lowest tactical level.
ronments, concluding with decisive operations that
drive the adversary to culmination and achieving the Today, the Army has companies operating in bat-
operational objective while retaining the capability to tlespace for which battalions were responsible ten
continue with subsequent missions.2 In simpler terms years ago. In the 19992000 time frame, a brigade
it means dominating the battlefield against a similarly combat team was responsible for approximately 2,700
sized opponent, regardless of time, place or conditions. square kilometers of battlefield. However, in 2011
Empowering the squad to dominate in all operational 4th BCT, 10th Mountain Division was responsible for
Derived from Joint Publication 3-0, Joint Operations, 11 August 2011, p. V-8.

TIERed Environments
Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3
(Most austere) (Most robust)
Dismounted operations in complex, restrictive ter- Operations with armored, mechanized or wheeled Operations from secure forward operating base.
rain. Greatest risk acceptance. forces.

Example: Forced entry operations in urban, Example: Airland vehicles, heavy landing zone, Example: Well-established presence and long-term
mountain or jungle terrain. Airborne and air assault convoy link-up. Company forward operating bases occupation. Additional consecutive overseas tours
operations. Search and attack. in Operation Enduring Freedom. with contractors to sustain them.

Source: U.S. Army Maneuver Center of Excellence

approximately 13,000 square kilometers in Logar and much of a fair fight at the squad level with regard to
Wardak provinces in Afghanistan.3 This increased dis- enemy detection and lethality. Previous Army studies
tribution requires empowerment of the squad; the Army have either focused on individual Soldiers or on higher
must provide the right training, equipment and network echelons (Army of Excellence, Force XXI and Modu-
capability. Small units must be not only lethal and sur- larity); Army procurement strategy, of necessity, has
vivable but also a conduit for quickly vectoring addi- also focused on major weapon systems programs. The
tional combat power or enablers to a specific place and Armys most decisive, lethal and vulnerable units have
time to achieve overmatch or seize initiative through been excluded from the technological development pro-
noncombat assistance. The desired endstate of the cess that has provided higher elements with unrivaled
future squad is to be physically fit, agile, culturally and overmatch. Just 10 percent of the Armys equipping
environmentally aware and rigorously tested through investment budget for fiscal year 2012 is dedicated to
immersive training. maneuver, and just 1.5 percent of the total Army bud-
get is dedicated to Soldier programs. The Army must
In the past, the Army equipping, procurement and
resource the squad as the foundation of the decisive
modernization strategy has been aimed at attaining
force; enabling efforts must be as competitive as major
combat overmatch at the BCT level. This model has
weapon systems and vehicle programs for resources.
been extremely successful; the first Gulf War and the
invasion of Iraq in 2003 demonstrated the superiority of Required Squad Capabilities
American combat brigades. However, in the protracted, The current and future operational environments
close fight against the Taliban and al Qaeda, in both present an asymmetric and ambiguous battlefield with
Iraq and Afghanistan, Army squads and their foes are an intelligent and adaptive enemy. The Army is taking
almost evenly matched in terms of capabilities; it is too a bottom-up approach to codifying requirements and
From LTC Jeffrey R. Witsken, Network-Centric Warfare: Implications for Operational Design, School of Advanced
Military Studies, United States Army Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, 2001, p. 8; Wesley
Morgan, Coalition Combat Forces in Afghanistan, Afghanistan Order of Battle,, August 2011.

Where Should the Armys Focus Be?
65,000+ Growing gap/delta between warfighting and acquisition
Delta is more than science and technologyit includes Doctrine, Organization,
Training, Materiel, Leadership and Education, Personnel and Facilities (DOTMLPF)
and policy. Army Force Generation (ARFORGEN) focus is at brigade level and above.
Need to determine a better way to enable capabilities at the company level and below
Must synchronize warfighting and acquisition strategy
Deployed Element

ARFORGEN Warfighting

Platoon Soldier
50+/- & Leader

Company and below

Civil War World War II Desert Storm Iraq Afghanistan

(and Vietnam)
Source: Headquarters, Department of the Army

capabilities to provide its squads with the resources Currently, home-station resources such as ranges and
they need to dominate the fight and then carry on to the live-fire complexes are strained to accommodate the
next mission; accordingly, the Army is focusing on the high volume of units preparing to deploy overseas;
following key areas to improve capability. the home-station virtual and constructive facilities are
improving but are not yet at the level of fidelity truly
Training needed. The development of a Squad Combat Training
Training is the base of all Army units; proper train-
Center with a live opposing force could better replicate
ing is the foundation to which all other enabling tech-
the complex environment squads face on the battlefield.
nologies are applied. Squads require appropriate and
modernized home-station facilities to fully train on the The Army Learning Concept for 2015 outlines a
intricacies of combat, to include employment of high- set of Soldier competencies geared toward 21st century
er-echelon supporting assets normally seen only in the- missions. The concept places emphasis on well-round-
ater. All of the equipment used in combat must be used ed Soldiers who have well-developed skills in nontra-
in simulation and training to streamline and reduce risk ditional areas, such as moralethical decisionmaking,
in the peace-to-war transition period. Squads need a socialcultural awareness and cognitive reasoning.
blended training model that balances live, virtual and These smart-power attributes complement long-
constructive training to maximize time spent train- standing skill areas such as physical strength and stam-
ing and minimize resource conflicts between units.4 ina, technical and tactical competence and teamwork.

For more information on live, virtual and constructive training, see AUSA Torchbearer National Security Report U.S. Army
Training for Unified Land Operations, September 2011,

Squad Priorities Over Time
FY12 Near Term Far Term
Network Nett Warrior Access to precision targeting and Push-down SA/SU
Company intelligence support team fires Reachback to support weapons
Connecting Soldiers to digital platforms
applications Direct linkage to higher echelons
Mobility (Load) Squad multipurpose equipment Portable mine clearing Portable mine clearing
transport Enhanced working dogs Portable robotics
Working dogs Push-down improvised explosive
device detection/identification
Light weight ammunition
Power and Energy Auxiliary power unit fuel cell Batteries/power generation Embedded batteries/power into
Squad mission equipment transport Longer life, reduced weight, existing uniforms and equipment
Human Dimension Dismounted Soldier System Blended live/virtual/constructive Embedded training capability
(Immersive Squad-Level Trainer) and gaming simulations training Avatar linked to simulation
360 assessment Digital Soldier avatar performance
Squad/Team Leader Course Digital Soldier book/tracker
Warrior Leader Course, Advanced
Leader Course, Senior Leader Course
Ranger School increase
Lethality XM25 Counter Defilade Target Nonlethal capability Connectivity to all supporting
Engagement System Individual carbine platforms
Laser Target Locator Module Precision sniper rifle Lethal-to-nonlethal conversion
Small Tactical Optical Rifle Mounted Sensor-to-shooter linkage/Pass
Micro-laser Rangefinder targets
Accelerated Precision Mortar Initiative
Force Protection Enhanced Night-Vision Goggles Robotic explosive detection Lightweight body armor
Individual Gunshot Detection Unmanned aerial system E-Tool Replacement
Individual Soldier Protection Sense-through-the-wall Bio monitoring and reporting
Enhanced Combat Helmet, pelvic capability
protection, body armor Combat ID
SA Situational Awareness SU Situational Understanding Source: U.S. Army Maneuver Center of Excellence

For individual Soldiers, the Army is consider- perform in a gaming environment to the Soldiers level
ing the use of individual training avatarsvirtual of ability, thus exposing strengths and weaknesses to
representations of individual Soldiers created at ini- be addressed. The avatar concept would allow leaders
tial entry and staying with the Soldiers through their and Soldiers to more quickly identify and address spe-
careers. The avatar would mirror the Soldiers train- cific issues related to performance. It would also allow
ing metrics, such as physical fitness test scores and multi-echelon training in simulations and significantly
marksmanship qualifications. The avatar would then enhance squad performance.

Further, the Army is pursuing Advanced Situ- a clearer picture of the leadership climate and high-
ational Awareness Training (ASAT) for Soldiers. ASAT light areas for sustainment or improvement, the Army
is focused on the human terrain of combat; behavior will implement 360-degree leader assessments that pro-
recognition, combat profiling, overcoming observa- vide leaders with feedback from subordinates as well
tion biases and recognizing behavior anomalies are all as superiors. Additionally, the Army is considering
focus areas for making every Soldier a sensor. increasing the throughput of its premier small-unit lead-
ership course, Ranger School, to provide world-class
Leader Development training to a larger percentage of the total force. The
One of the eight leader-development imperatives endstate is an integrated educational system that meshes
stated in the Army Leader Development Strategy for with the ARFORGEN cycle, provides the proper train-
a 21st Century Army (2011) is that the Army must ing at the correct time in a Soldiers career and builds
prepare its leaders for hybrid threats and unified land effectively on previous training and experience.
operations through outcomes-based training and edu-
cation. Outcome-based training emphasizes the mis- The Network
sion command concept for leaders and subordinate The Army network will bring together small units
leaders; leaders provide intent and subordinate lead- and allow them to collaborate to develop shared situ-
ers determine how to achieve that intent. To be suc- ational understanding and fuse access to intelligence
cessful, squads must be led by adaptive leaders who and precision enablers across echelons. Improvements
are comfortable operating in ambiguity and complex- to the Army network need to address capability gaps in
ity. The squad leader must be empowered to execute unit collaboration, fast access to intelligence and more
the commanders intent and commanders at all levels responsive sensor systems that can provide continuous
must trust that leaders technical and tactical capabil- early warning to small tactical units. With direct link-
ity to execute. The Army institutional training centers ages to BCT-level assets, the squad becomes part of
for officer and noncommissioned officer education the dominant force on a decentralized battlefield. A
must transform into warrior universities that prepare perfect example is initial operations in Afghanistan in
small-unit leaders for the challenges of combined-arms late 2001; small Special Forces units linked to high-
maneuver and wide-area security missions in the con- level fire support assets completely routed al Qaeda
duct of unified land operations. and the Taliban in a matter of weeks. The Army needs
Part of that transformation is a restoration of course to replicate that connectivity and responsiveness for all
length within the Noncommissioned Officer Education its small units.
System (NCOES). To meet the force demand for non- The network needs to be pushed down to the
commissioned leaders since 9/11, the Army has had to individual dismounted Soldier level. Once a squad
shorten the course time for its NCOES programs. The dismounts from basing platforms or vehicles, its situ-
average course time for junior, mid-level and senior ational awareness begins to decay at a rapid pace. Dis-
noncommissioned officers (NCOs) has been reduced by mounted Soldiers today fight at nearly the same tech-
almost half, but NCO responsibilities continue to grow.5 nology level as in World War IIwith paper maps and
The dispersed, decentralized fight requires appropri- eyeballs. Nonetheless, U.S. Soldiers have a comfort
ate professional education that properly prepares Army level with technology that provides an advantage to
NCOs for the demands of modern war. Coupled with network integration. Harnessing the so-called smart-
the length restoration must be an emphasis on unit-level phone revolution will push capability and customiza-
leader development. Unit-level development must be tion to every Soldier. Repetitive live, virtual and con-
constant; unit leaders must mentor and guide subordi- structive training will prepare Soldiers to deal with the
nate leaders throughout the development process and amount of information on the tactical network, prevent-
allow the NCOES to provide capstone training. To paint ing sensory overload.
Warrior Leader Course (E-5)from 30 to 17 days; Advanced Leader Course (E-6)from 8 to 5 weeks; and Senior Leader
Course (E-7)from 11 to 7 weeks.

In the near team, the continual evolution of the operationsfor instance ballistic-plate carriers versus
Armys Nett Warrior Program will push handheld data/ full Kevlar vests.
voice/location/situational awareness connectivity to the Dismounted Soldier mobility can also be improved
individual Soldier through lightweight smartphone-like through the use of robotic cargo systems such as the
devices. The Nett Warrior program also has the poten- Squad Multipurpose Equipment Transport. Despite tech-
tial to close the surveillance-domination capability gap. nological advancements, however, the discussion about
A small, streamlined link to a dismounted squad from equipping must shift from simply adding items to add-
higher echelons could alert the squad leader to poten- ing capability through efficiencies and multiuse devices.
tial hazards and allow the leader to select from a menu Moreover, traditional mobility issues such as breaching
of fires or effects provided by an assortment of support- capability and mine/improvised explosive device detec-
ing weapons platforms. For vehicle-mounted Soldiers, tion must be addressed. Solutions may not necessarily
the development of the Mounted Soldier Systema be technological but rather a matter of accessibility to
combat vehicle crewman system that integrates com- existing assets such as military working dogs. Going
munications, heads-up displays, microclimate cooling forward, the Army must examine every area, from
technology and body armor into one ensemblewill ammunition and weapons to equipment and batteries, to
provide better situational awareness and protection reduce the overall load a squad carries into combat and
while decreasing the difficulty of operations in con- maximize a Soldiers ability to move under fire.
fined vehicle spaces.
In the long term, the Army is seeking to harness the Power and Energy
network to enable more refined situational awareness The Army must focus on efficient use of available
and friendly-unit tracking as well as more responsive power and the ability to regenerate power in forward
reachback capability to supporting weapons platforms locations to reduce the logistics burden. A major chal-
such as mortars and artillery. lenge in current theaters is battery use. Currently, a pla-
toon on a 72-hour combat mission requires, on average,
Mobility approximately 1,400 individual batteriescomprising
Mobility is the ability to deploy individual and 11 different types and weighing some 430 poundsto
squad equipment into operations and sustain those sustain operations. This immense requirement illus-
operations over distance and elevation. Mobility has trates two central issues: power usage and power man-
been a continual challenge in the modern era, especial- agement. The level of power usage for modern opera-
ly in the difficult terrain of Afghanistan. The balance tions is significant, and the Army is implementing
between mobility and protection is critical. The Army changes to make more efficient use of multifunctional
has taken several steps already in acknowledgment of systems and invest in improved energy efficiency for its
the importance of Soldier mobility, such as purchasing devices, tools and enablers. Furthermore, battery com-
lighter individual body armor and granting command- monality and universality must be expanded to simplify
ers some discretion as to the type of armor worn on the Soldier load and the sustaining logistics chain. The

Army is examining the concept of conformal batteries and Vietnam. Todays squad needs increased sensor
that are embedded in clothing and equipment to reduce capability to detect enemy presence before contact
the bulk of batteries. New, lighter-weight batteries are is initiated. Moreover, it needs a dismounted system
a step in the right direction, but new solutions such as that links it to the Common Operating Picture (COP),
kinetic-energy conversion are needed to truly free the providing the location of friendly units and available
Soldier from the logistical constraints of battery reli- enablers. Now, when a squad dismounts, it loses access
ance. Simultaneously, forward-area power generation to the COP, unmanned aerial system feeds, unit intelli-
and base/outpost self-sufficiency are being addressed gence databases and updated informationall of which
through the use of solar power, waste regeneration, fuel reduce the lethality and effectiveness of the squad.
cells and more efficient generators.6 Often sidestepped in favor of offense-focused train-
ing and operations, defense is a core competency of all
Human Dimension
tactical units. The squads ability to emplace obstacles,
Some of the changes and developments the Army
dig fighting positions and establish engagement areas
is implementing involve the organizational culture
needs to be examined. The standard entrenching tool is
that inhibits decentralized command and control and
almost unchanged from World War II and provides the
restricts the authority of subordinate leaders to make
same level of capability. Future research and develop-
decisions. Soldiers returning from combat theaters
ment efforts must include new and improved means to
have indicated that overly restrictive rules of engage-
quickly establish defensive positions.
ment require far too much time to clear and employ
supporting fires. When Soldiers are committed to com- The ability to find, fix and finish an enemy is the
bat, the Army needs to instill a climate that errs on the essence of combat; Army squad capabilities need to be
side of Soldier protection and entrusts critical decision- maintained and improved upon. Weapon systems must
making authority to small-unit leaders. Some capabili- complement one another and the squad must be able
ty gaps identified by the Army, such as the excessive to leverage precision direct fires and counter-defilade
response time for supporting fires, can be solved by fire. It also needs to be able to engage armored as well
simply entrusting junior leaders to make decisions as unarmored enemies. Several lethality improvements
at the lowest tactical level. Trust in subordinate lead- are already in use in combat theaters. The XM25 Coun-
ers abilities to make sound decisions can also be cul- ter Defilade Target Engagement System is in limited but
tivated through improvements to Army junior NCO effective use in Afghanistan. It fires a 25mm exploding
education programs. Small-unit tactical leader training projectile that can be set by the user to detonate on ene-
that produces highly professional and technically com- mies behind cover or dug into the ground. The Army is
petent leaders will encourage senior leaders to enable planning to field more than 12,000 XM25senough to
decisionmaking at the lowest possible level, which will equip every squad and Special Forces team. The Laser
greatly enhance supporting fires response times and Target Locator Module and the Small Tactical Optical
Soldier protection. Rifle Mounted Micro laser rangefinder allow Soldiers
to rapidly mark enemy positions with visible/nonvis-
Lethality ible light and, when paired with a global positioning
The squad on the modern battlefield must be able system, accurately determine enemy geographic posi-
to employ precision targeting to leverage joint fires and tions. Finally, the Accelerated Precision Mortar Initia-
be able to instantly achieve direct-fire range and effects tive (APMI) is giving Soldiers in Afghanistan the capa-
overmatch at the small-unit level. It must be able to ini- bility to employ GPS-guided 120mm mortar rounds in
tiate contact more often than it reacts to contact. React- support of small-unit actions. The APMI is 76 times
ing to contact is a tactical disadvantage and not sub- more accurate than any previous mortar system; it pro-
stantively different from tactics in World War II, Korea vides precision indirect fire capability to the lowest

For more information on Army energy-related initiatives, see AUSAs Torchbearer National Security Report U.S. Army
Energy Security and Sustainability: Vital to National Defense, April 2011,

efforts such as the Counter Rocket and Mortar sys-
tem, which detects incoming indirect fire with radar
and then engages the incoming munitions with preci-
sion cannon fire. Pushing counter-indirect fire systems
down to battalion/company/platoon outposts is a next
step. The squad needs to have layers of protection that
cover it at all times.
To capitalize on and sustain combat performance,
the Army must empower its small-unit leaders with
trust, training and technology to ensure they have the
most relevant and effective capabilities possible on
level everreducing collateral damage, ammunition future battlefields. Investing in home-station live, virtu-
expenditure and tactical risk. al and constructive training environments will provide
the most challenging and realistic scenarios for train-
Force Protection ing; prioritizing procurement strategies and empha-
Force protection encompasses all aspects of a mis- sizing the squad-level systems will provide the tools
sion. From a combat outpost to contact on patrol, the needed to fight, win and sustain operations anywhere in
Army must provide the maximum complementary the world; and reinvigorating junior-leader education
protection to its Soldiers. The ever-present challenge courses will develop the professionalism and technical
is balancing the demands of protection with those of competence that engenders trust at all levels. The end
other functional areas such as mobility. The other capa- result will be overmatchthe ability to fight and win
bility areas overlap with force protection in a number against any enemy in any environment.
of ways. Networking Soldiers can improve situational
awareness and reduce the risk of fratricide. Improved What is Needed
materials will reduce body armor and helmet weight Todays small unit has a critical presence on the
while adding protection for extremities and the pelvic modern battlefield. It serves as the focal point of tac-
area. However, the Army cannot just address exist- tics, operations and strategy in pursuit of the national
ing threats; it must contemplate possible future ones mission. Accordingly, the Army needs to implement a
as well. The squad must be able to mitigate chemical, force-wide plan that makes it the centerpiece of educa-
biological, radiological and nuclear effects in a manner tion, training, equipping and resourcing.
that complements mobility.
At the individual level, the Army needs to empha-
Examples of individual force-protection initiatives size a broad set of skills that make each Soldier more
are the fielding of Enhanced Night-Vision Goggles effective on the battlefield and as part of a team. Cog-
lightweight night-vision devices that combine con- nitive reasoning, physical fitness, mental stamina and
ventional light amplification with infrared technology cultural sensitivity are just a few of the areas in which
to deliver a clearer picture in low-light conditions; the Soldiers must excel. The Army needs to provide the
Soldier Protection Systema modular, scalable body
tools for Soldiers to measure and evaluate themselves
armor system that allows multiple configurations based
in the context of goals and missions; Soldiers must take
on mission set and anticipated threat and maximizes
it upon themselves to improve their skill sets.
protection and mobility; and the Individual Gunshot
Detection System, an electronic monitor that records At the unit level, the Army must ensure that squads
the sound of bullets passing nearby and determines the and other small units receive the very best of integrat-
direction of origin. The Army is also developing por- ed live, virtual and constructive training. A restoration
table sense-through-the-wall radar imaging capability of professional development course lengths must be
to reduce risk in urban operations. These individual- paired with committed unit-level leader development
focused efforts are paired with base/camp protection and mentorship. The Army must also increase use of

its premier leadership courses to spread technical and The Army must:
tactical competence around the force. continue to improve its training and leader devel-
Force-wide, the Army must adjust its procure- opment approaches, leveraging live, virtual and
ment and equipping strategy to reflect the focus on constructive opportunities and technologies to
capability. The squad-as-a-system concept must be provide realistic, effective home-station training
embraced, and corresponding purchases for Sol- (AUSA Resolution 11-10);
diers and small units must be as competitive in the advance network development and integrate new
resource arena as major weapon systems and vehi- devices in a coherent and systemic manner (AUSA
cle programs. The Army cannot just provide more Resolution 11-14);
equipment for Soldiers and call it an increase in capa-
bility; the acquired equipment and enablers must also improve its ability to rapidly integrate operational
be integrated in a more coherent fashion. To achieve lessons from the battlefield into institutional train-
this, the Army must partner with industry to develop ing (AUSA Resolution 11-10);
new technologies, materials and systems in a timely, transform its professional education system into
responsive and cost-effective manner that reflects a a holistic model that is correctly sized and timed
deliberate plan and desirable endstate. to build on the experience and prior education of
What Must Be Done
The administration and Congress must: develop a procurement strategy that emphasizes
the squad as much as other major programs
fully fund an operational force sufficient to sustain (AUSA Resolution 11-15); and
the Armys daily mission requirements throughout
the Army Force Generation process (AUSA Reso- support the continued fielding of small-unit
lution 11-07); enablers, such as the XM25, Enhanced Night-Vision
Goggles and Accelerated Precision Mortar Initiative
authorize and appropriate annual funding in a
(AUSA Resolution 11-15).
timely and predictable manner to allow the Army
to modernize without disruption according to mul- Industry must:
tiyear strategies (AUSA Resolution 11-07); and develop lighter-weight materials for body armor
encourage private industry to invest in research and helmets to increase Soldier mobility and
involving technologies to reduce the weight of decrease load;
Soldier equipment and improve power consump- invest in methods to reduce battery weight without
tion and generation capabilities. sacrificing power;
The Department of Defense must: refine and improve portable network architecture
support force modernization efforts from a collec- to allow warfighter connectivity on the move and
tive, unit-effectiveness approach; in remote locations (AUSA Resolution 11-15);
build greater flexibility in the acquisition process enhance virtual and constructive training simula-
to allow the service to rapidly adapt emerging tions to reflect even greater levels of realism and
technologies for battlefield capabilities; complexity for both mounted and dismounted
reinforce the goals of initiatives that revitalize and scenarios; and
reenergize blended home-station live, virtual and prioritize dismounted connectivity, situational
constructive training and encourage innovative awareness and enabler integration in research and
solutions for improving combat unit effectiveness development efforts (AUSA Resolution 11-14).
(AUSA Resolution 11-10); and The squad is the foundation of Army tactical units;
support industry efforts to develop and implement as such it is at the very forward edge of the nations con-
new network and robotic technologies to push con- flicts. In the modern era of instant communications and
nectivity down to the lowest tactical level. complex battlefields, squads are sometimes functioning

Future Squad Concept

under mission
command in a
JIIM environment

Unmanned Precision
sensors targeting and
(ground and air) The Squad fires combat
Power and Energy
Human Dimension
Lighten Force Protection Supporting
load/increase weapons
power capacity platforms

Portable explosive device
obstacle and explosive
clearing detection

JIIM Joint, Interagency, Intergovernmental and Multinational Source: U.S. Army Maneuver Center of Excellence

as a strategic force. Whether engaging the enemy in foundation of the decisive force will allow the Army
combat, protecting populations or partnering with allied to meet the challenges of todays operating environ-
nations, their actions have global implications for the ment while remaining versatile and adaptable for future
United States. The Armys small units have performed uncertainties. The squad, the base on which all other
admirably in the remote and challenging arenas of Iraq tactical echelons rest, will execute the core competen-
and Afghanistan. Modular and adaptable, the squad cies of wide-area security and combined-arms maneu-
provides operational versatility, enhanced sustainment ver through leadership, adaptability, resourcing and
and endurance for an expeditionary force in austere the- empowerment. When the Army answers the nations
aters of operation. The commitment to the squad as the call, the squad will be at the very front.

Torchbearer Message
The United States relies on the U.S. Army, the decisive force for action, to execute national strategy. In turn, the
Army relies on its smallest unitthe squadto perform daily missions in environments that range from peace to war.
The mass-media environment means that tactical decisions can have strategic implications; the squad is the founda-
tion of the decisive force. Against a hybrid enemy, it must be trained, equipped and networked in a holistic manner that
allows for sustained and effective performance at the lowest tactical level. Successful squads, the base on which all other
tactical formations are built, will enable effective combined-arms maneuver and wide-area security for the larger force.
The squad is a flexible unit that reflects the historical need for fire and movement capability balanced against
mobility, protection and firepower. Its resiliency and lethality have been proven in combat; however, more needs to
be done to ensure small-unit dominance. The desired endstate is overmatchthe ability to dominate a similarly-sized
enemy under any circumstances. The Army seeks to provide the squad the capabilities to detect and destroy adversar-
ies as its higher formations are able to do. Accordingly, the Army is studying and investing in several key areas.
Improving home-station live, virtual and constructive training focused on squad performance is a priority. Upgrad-
ed range complexes and virtual simulations that achieve greater realism are required to provide the most immersive
training possible; training at home stations on enablers available in combat theaters will minimize initial operational
friction. Building Soldier cultural, ethical and reasoning skills alongside traditional physical and operational skills
will enable squads to engage people in any setting. Refocusing on professional education for Army small-unit lead-
ers will ensure squads are led by competent and professional leaders who can operate in decentralized environments.
Developing squads also means equipping them with tools that maximize lethality, force protection and energy
without decreasing mobility. The Army is undertaking efforts to research new materials, find new power solutions
and develop multiuse devices to improve the Soldiers ability to move under fire. New technologies such as gunshot
detection systems, counter mortar systems and advanced night-vision devices, which increase Soldier protection, are
already being fielded in combat theaters. Further evolution in force protection systems will seek to provide layers of
defense that go where Soldiers go.
Finally, networking will mesh intelligence, surveillance and fire support enablers to make the squad the domi-
nant force on the distributed battlefield. Pairing technological evolutions with Soldiers technology comfort level will
generate a more accurate common operational picture that is accessible to all units. Handheld network connections
will also provide more responsive reachback to supporting weapon systems such as mortars and artillery. Friendly-
force tracking and connection through network technologies will allow small-unit leaders to vector enablers to critical
points faster and with more situational clarity.
The unifying human principle of the training, equipping and networking focus areas is trust. Leaders must be able to
trust subordinate leaders to execute the mission and make sound decisions in difficult circumstances; subordinate lead-
ers must trust that they are sufficiently resourced and connected to accomplish the mission; and the nation must trust
that the Army has educated, trained and equipped its squads to conduct the complex tasks required by national strategy.
To support the Armys efforts to maximize squad capability in the challenging fight against a hybrid enemy, the
administration and Congress must authorize an appropriate endstrength that allows the Army to project and sustain well-
trained forces to the location and at the time required. Furthermore, timely and predicable funding that supports multi-
year modernization and investment in capability is required. The Department of Defense (DoD) must develop a respon-
sive acquisition system that allows for rapid adoption of emerging technologies. DoD must also support incentives
for industry to develop the required network and robotic technologies needed on the battlefield. Finally, industry must
invest in squad-level energy, material, training and network improvements on an equal basis with traditional programs.
The squad must be empowered to meet the challenges of todays operational environment while remaining flex-
ible to meet future unknowns. Moving into the second decade of the 21st century, the squads ability to shoot, move,
communicate, survive and engage at all levels of conflict and in all locations will continue to be the bedrock of the
nations decisive forcethe Army.

As we build Army 2020, we will begin by looking at the force from the bottom up with the squad as the foundation.
Within this focus area, we will examine the required capabilities at the squad level to achieve overmatch including
but not limited to lethality, mobility, access to information, emerging power and energy demands, protection, and
sustainment. We will also explore options for improving our ability to train squads both at home station and at the
combat training centers.
General Martin E. Dempsey,
37th CSA Thoughts on the Future of the Army,
14 June 2011

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Institute of Land Warfare

Association of the United States Army
2425 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, Virginia 22201-3385

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