TNPSC012014 401787995

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Memorandum of Admission (Hall Ticket) to the Main Written Examination for the
Posts included in Combined Civil Service Examination II (Non-interview posts) (Group IIA)

Register No.: 260526144 Subject :


(CODE NO. 002)

Name of the Candidate: RAJA SHUNMUGA PRASEETHA

Schedule of Examination:
Fathers Name: SRITHAR

29.06.2014 (SUNDAY)
Fore Noon 10.00 AM to 01.00 PM

Centre Name (Code): PALAYAMKOTTAI (2605)

Venue of Examination:
GOVERNMENT HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL, Scanned sign. of the applicant
PINCODE - 627356, NEAR POLICE STATION, PHONE - 0462- Application No.: 401787995

Read the instructions carefully

1. The candidates should read the Commissions Instructions to candidates appearing for objective type examination which is available in the Commission's Website.viz.
2. The candidate should bring this Memorandum of Admission (Hall Ticket) to the Examination Hall. He / She should shade and write Register Number, Subject Code, Question paper booklet
series in the OMR Answer Sheet.
3. The candidate is admitted to the written examination provisionally based on the information furnished by him/her in the online application. If at any stage, the information furnished by
him/her is found to be incorrect and does not confirm to the provisions announced in the Commissions Notification for this post, Instructions to the candidates, and other Rules this regard,
his/her application will be rejected summarily without any notice. Mere admission to the examination will not confer any right on the candidature. His / Her candidature shall be provisional
at all stages and the Commission has reserved the right to reject it at any stage as per the rules of the Commission.
4. Candidates are not allowed to bring Pager, Cellular Phone, Calculator and Watches and Ring with built in Calculator/Memory, Notes and Books, etc., or any other Electronic Device or
Recording Device as separate piece or part of something used by the candidate to the Examination Hall. Commission has the right to frisk the candidates if necessary.
5. Candidate should not make any indication (i.e. ticking, underlining or rounding the answer) or writing on the question paper (except writing the Register Number on first page in the space
provided for in the Question Paper).
6. Candidate should not mark or write anything on the tracking side of the OMR Answer Sheet.
7. If the Photo of the Candidate is not found or not clear in the Hall Ticket, he/she should furnish a separate photo affixed on a plain paper, by writing his/her Name, Address, Register
Number duly signed by him/her and got attested by a Government Officer belonging to Group A or B who knows him/her personally and handover it, to the Chief Invigilator. Xerox copy
of Memo of Admission should also be enclosed for reference. He / She should also give an undertaking to the Chief Invigilator that he/she is a genuine candidate and aware that he/she is
liable for criminal/penal action by the Commission, if the information furnished by him/her is found to be incorrect on a future date.
8. Candidates are admitted to the examination in the optional subject in which he/she opted in the online application. His / Her preference of post will be finalized on the basis of the option
subject and Educational Qualification prescribed for that post.
9. The attention of the candidate is drawn to the instruction No.41 of instructions to the candidates appearing for objective type examination and he/she is informed that his/her
representation, if any, regarding defects in question paper should be sent, to the Commission within 7 days from the date of examination.
10. After the examinations are over, further correspondence, if any, may be sent to the Controller of Examinations, Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission, Frazer Bridge Road, VOC Nagar,
Park Town, Chennai 600 003 mentioning the name of the Recruitment and Register number etc.,

Contact Nos. Grievance Cell : 044-25332855, 044-25332833 - Toll free No.1800 425 1002


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