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Test Date & Time Stream Hall Ticket Number

09-05-2024 (Thursday)
03:00 PM - 06:00 PM
Engineering (E) 2422S02075
Test Centre

(Information furnished by the Candidate) Registration No : A1420995024D Category

Candidate’s Name : PALLATI ABHISHEK
Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY) : 06/09/2006 Gender
Mobile Number : 8125335640
Medium of Test Opted : ENGLISH & TELUGU Local Status
TELANGANA - 506331 (OU)

Signature of the Candidate

(To be Signed in the presence of the Invigilator) CONVENER


1. The Candidate is advised to visit the test centre well in advance to get the acquaintance with the location of the Test Centre.
2. The Candidate will be permitted into the Examination Hall from 07:30 AM onwards for Forenoon (FN) session and 01:30 PM onwards for Afternoon (AN) session.
On the day of test as the candidate has to undergo the verification Process as it takes some considerable time to complete the Registration process. The candidate
who will come early will have the advantage of starting the test in time and no additional time will be given in this regard and the test will be closed sharp by 12.00
Noon for Forenoon (FN) session and by 06.00 PM for Afternoon (AN) session.
3. Hall Ticket shall be produced at the entrance of the Test Centre and also in the Examination Hall, failing which the candidate will not be allowed to write the test.
Candidate will be permitted for the examination only after their credentials are verified by the Test centre officials.
4. Candidates shall carry into the examination hall (i) Black/Blue Ball Point pen (ii) Hall Ticket and (iii) Filled in Online Application Form (Caste certificate in case of
SC/ST category only, if he/she has not furnished the caste certificate number at the time of submission of Online Application Form).
5. Complete the Filled in Online Application Form by affixing latest photograph and provide left hand thumb impression using stamp pad in the space provided well
in advance and it should be handed over to Invigilator after signing in the presence of Invigilator.
6. The candidate should return the (i) duly completed Filled in Online Application Form and (ii) Sheets used for Rough work before leaving the Examination Hall.
Failure to do so will make him / her liable for punishment as per norms.
7. Carrying of Calculators, Mathematical / Log Tables, Pagers, Cell Phones, Wrist-watches or any other Electronic Gadgets and personal belongings into the
examination hall is strictly prohibited. In case, the candidate carries any personal belongings, he / she has to keep them outside the examination hall at candidate’s
own risk. The authorities of the test centre will not be held responsible for any loss or damage of such items.
8. Candidates should note that in case of any discrepancy in the questions of bilingual papers, which is because of ambiguity in translation (if any), the
English version of the question shall be treated as final.
9. Candidate is permitted to write the Examination only once, even if he/she has submitted multiple applications.
10. Candidates are not allowed to bring loose sheets/blank papers into the examination hall for the purpose of rough work. sheets for rough work will be provided in the
Examination Hall. Candidates are required to fill the necessary data in the space provided in rough work sheets before using it. Candidate is responsible and shall
handover this sheets to the invigilator before leaving the examination centre after the end of the examination.
11. All the Entries on sheets supplied by the Convener for the purpose of rough work must be filled correctly. If the candidate writes any irrelevant matter, symbols,
religious marks, prayers or identification marks on any part of sheets used for Rough work, it will lead to Malpractice.

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12. The candidate will not be allowed into the Examination Hall once the test commences i.e., after 09.00 AM for forenoon session and after 03.00 PM for afternoon
session (will not be allowed even if he/she is LATE BY A MINUTE) and also will not be allowed to leave the examination hall till the END of the Examination (i.e.,
12.00 Noon for forenoon session and 06.00 PM for afternoon session) under any circumstances.
13. The check-in procedure inside the Examination Hall includes capturing of biometric data (Right hand thumb impression and photograph). This procedure is
mandatory to allow the candidates into the Examination Hall and it will allow TS EAPCET-2024 authorities to verify your identity and also to check impersonation
(if any).
14. The candidates are advised to avoid applying any external designs/ patterns like Mehandi, tattoos, Ink etc., on their hands and keep their hands clean and neat for
biometric purpose.
15. Follow the instructions announced by the invigilator carefully. No clarifications or doubts related to the questions of examination will be entertained during the
examination. If you face any hardware or software problems with the computer system provided, please inform the same to the invigilator for rectifying the problem
immediately. In case the problem is not rectified within the reasonable time, you will be provided with another computer system. The time lost for changing the
system (if any) will be compensated.
16. Adoption of any kind of unfair means and any act of impersonation at the time of test will render the applicant liable for invalidation of his / her performance in the
test. Further, he/she will forfeit the claim of appearing for the test and will make him/her liable for criminal action.
17. Issue of Hall Ticket and appearance at the test do not automatically entitle the candidate for admission into a College.
18. The candidate is required to bring at least one valid original photo identification (not photocopied / not scanned copy). Acceptable forms of photo identification
types are limited to College ID Card / Aadhaar Card / Driving License / Passport / PAN Card / Voter ID.
19. The Candidate should also Sign on the Hall Ticket in the presence of Invigilator as signed in the Filled in Online Application form.
20. Hall Ticket must be preserved till the time of admission into the college.
21. No travelling expenses will be paid for the journey to take the test.


1. Total duration of examination is 180 minutes (3 hours) The timer is provided on the top right corner of the screen. After commencement of the examination, the
remaining time for the examination is shown on top right corner of the screen. Examination will be over once the countdown timer reaches zero. You will not be
required to end or submit your examination as it will be automatically submitted.
2. Subjects in the examination are displayed on the top bar of the screen. Questions in a subject can be viewed by clicking on the section name. The section that you
are currently viewing is highlighted.
3. You can shuffle among subjects and questions any time during the examination as per your convenience.
4. Candidates can view the corresponding subject summary as a part of the legend that appears in every subject above the question palette.
5. The Question Palette displayed on the right side of screen will show the status of each question, using symbols followed by below description:
The Marked for Review status for a question simply indicates that you would like to look at that question again. If a question is answered and Marked for Review,
your answer for that question will be considered in the evaluation.
6. Click on the ">" arrow button to maximize the question window. To view the question palette again, you can click on "<" which appears on the right side of the
question window.
7. To answer a question, do the following:
Click on the question number in the Question Palette at the right of your screen to go to that numbered question directly. Note that using this option does NOT save
your answer to the current question.
8. Click on Save & Next to save your answer for the current question and then go to the next question.
9. Click on Mark for Review & Next to save your answer for the current question, mark it for review, and then go to the next question.
10. Procedure for answering a multiple choice type question:
To answer a question, Click on the button against the chosen option among the given four options. To change your chosen answer, click on the button of another
To deselect your chosen answer, click on the button of the chosen option again or click on the Clear Response button.
11. To save your answer, you MUST click on the Save & Next button.
12. The question(s) "Answered and Marked for Review" will be considered for evaluation.
13. Marked for Review status for a question simply indicates that you would like to look at that question again.
The question(s) "Marked for Review" will not be considered for evaluation. Hence, no marks will be allocated for the same.
14. To change your answer to a question that has already been answered, first select that question for answering then follow step 14 above.
15. Note that those Questions for which answers are "saved" or "marked for review after answering" will be considered for evaluation.

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