Implementation Application of Alternative Fuel For Land Transportation Sector in Indonesia Based On Other Countries Experience

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Journal of Energy and Power Engineering 7 (2013) 524-536 D DAVID PUBLISHING

Implementation Application of Alternative Fuel for Land

Transportation Sector in Indonesia Based on Other
Countries Experience
Mirza Mahendra, Sutrasno Kartohardjono and Yuswan Muharam
Department of Chemical Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, Depok 16424, Indonesia

Received: June 24, 2012 / Accepted: September 07, 2012 / Published: March 31, 2013.

Abstract: The usage of alternative fuel as a substitute of oil fuel for transportation sector in developed countries has been commonly
implemented in order to decrease crude oil consumption, where in a few years back, the crude oil price is constantly increasing. In
addition, global warming issue becomes one of reasons that motivate many countries to switch for a cleaner energy usage. As a
country that has a relatively big reserve of natural gas, its appropriate natural gas could minimize subsidized oil fuel and also
financing countrys burden if Indonesia is optimizing the usage of energy resources. This paper will discuss about the background of
gas fuel usage for road transportation sector in Indonesia, review of alternative fuel usage, the gas fuel usage status in Indonesia and
gas usage recommendation for land transportation sector in Indonesia based on other countries experiences.

Key words: Alternative fuel, cleaner energy, gas fuel, land transportation.

1. Introduction three kinds (gasoline, kerosene and solar).

Based on subsidized oil fuel data on 2011, land
Oil fuel is one of a vital commodity that is needed
transportation sector is the majority user with 97.33%
by people in order to do daily life and economy
from total volume of subsidized oil fuel. Household
activity. Until now, Indonesia still provides subsidized
sector uses 2.25% and small business uses 0.2%.
oil fuel for their society. Subsidy of oil fuel that has
Whereas water transportation and fishery use 0.12%
been implemented nowadays was basically a subsidy
and 0.11%, respectively from total volume of
of price. The subsidy of oil fuel is the difference of
subsidized oil fuel in 2011. Fig. 1 explains the
total amount of money that granted by government
percentage of subsidized oil fuel usage in 2011.
from their economical price with the stated price,
Based on national social economy survey in 2008
therefore, it will be affordable for people. The subsidy
(Indonesian Central Bureau of Statistics) and World
of price is a certain amount of money that government
Bank (2010), 25% group of household with the
pays to cover the difference between economical
highest earning (expenses) per month receives
prices with stated price.
subsidys allocation for 77%. Meanwhile, 25%
The subsidy of fuel oil is going on for years, where
household group with the lowest earning (expenses)
since 1999, the variety of subsidized oil fuel started to
per month only receives around 15%. This fact shows
lessen from seven kinds of oil fuel (avtur, avgas, fuel
that after all this time the usage of subsidized oil fuel
oil, diesel oil, solar oil, gasoline and kerosene) to only
is not yet a correct decision. The group of people that
Corresponding author: Sutrasno Kartohardjono, Ph.D., receives the most subsidized oil fuel is from
professor, research fields: CO2 absorption, hollow fiber middle-high group of people. Fig. 2 shows the
membrane for water purification. E-mail:
[email protected]. percentage of household group subsidies recipients.
Implementation Application of Alternative Fuel for Land Transportation 525
Sector in Indonesia Based on Other Countries Experience

Household SmallBusiness

Water Fishery
Transportation 0.11%


Fig. 1 Percentage of subsidized oil fuel usage in Indonesia in 2011 [1].

high. In 2009, Indonesia was officially resigned from
OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting
Countries) membership and became an oil importer
Subsidies recipients (%)

country. Fig. 3 shows Indonesias crude oil production

77% from the year of 2000 until 2010.
In conjunction to suppressed rapid development of
oil fuel consumption, government has taken source of
energy diversification policy in every activity.
25 Industrial and land transportation sectors are the most
25 % highest
25 % lower
important sector in supporting economical activity
smoothness. These sectors need a great amount of oil
fuel. The success of reaching subsidized oil fuel target
cumulative household group (%) in these two sectors will be of importance for the
Fig. 2 Percentage of household group subsidies recipients [1].
success of energy diversification effort nationally.
Indonesian government has given subsidized oil The alternative usage of fuel besides oil fuel is
fuel for the last couple of years (2006-2011) in the natural gas. As a country has a large reserve of natural
amount of IDR (Indonesian Rupiah) 579.7 trillion gas, it would be appropriate if Indonesia is using that
(2006: IDR 64.2 T; 2007: IDR 83.8 T; 2008: IDR source of energy optimally and no longer oriented to
139.1 T; IDR 45.0 T; 2010: IDR 83.4 T; 2011: IDR energy export, due to lessen subsidies of oil fuel
165.2 T). This condition is giving effect on decreasing which at the end could help to cut down nations fund
of budget allocation to finance social programs and burden.
infrastructure developments, even the amount of Based on Directorate General of Oil and Gass data,
subsidized oil fuel budget is greater than social Indonesias gas reserves status on January 1, 2009 has a
program budget, as it is shown in Word Bank data that total of 159.63 TSCF (trillion standard cubic feet).
countrys budget in 2008 for social programs was only The largest reserve is in Natuna as much as 52.14
half of subsidized oil fuel. TSCF. Sumatera has gas reserve 35.12 TSCF, Java
In line with recent developments, Indonesian raw 8.98 TSCF, Kalimantan 21.78 TSCF, Sulawesi 2.68
oil production is decreasing and raw oil prices TSCF, Maluku and Papua 38.93 TSCF. Fig. 4 shows
constantly increasing, thus subsidized oil fuel figure is gas reserves map in Indonesia.
526 Implementation Application of Alternative Fuel for Land Transportation
Sector in Indonesia Based on Other Countries Experience

1,500 1,328 1,294 1,212

CrudeOilProduction 1,098 1,036 1,003
957 899 931 944 955
(x1000bbl/day) 1,000


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Fig. 3 Indonesias crude oil production from the year of 2000 until 2010 [1].

Fig. 4 Indonesia gas reserve status on January 1, 2009 [1].

Variety of gas fuel for vehicles that has been used internasional journals review of alternative fuel usage,
in Indonesia is CNG (compressed natural gas) and the gas fuel usage status in Indonesia and
LGV (liquefied gas for vehicle). CNG is gas fuel recomendation of gas usage for land transportation
made from metana compression (CH4), with 200 bar sector in Indonesia based on other countries experience.
pressure. CNG can be used in areas which has gas
2. A Review on Alternative Fuel Usage
reserve or pipe system of natural gas. LGV is gas fuel
which formulated for vehicles with spark ignition Alternative fuel usage is a strategy that every
engine, it consists of mixture of propane (C3) and country must do, especially for developed country.
butane (C4). LGV spesification is almost similar with Some of the reasons that supported the idea of
LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) specification for alternative fuel strategy are a high rise of the world oil
household purposes, the differences are only in the price, crude oil availability is limited, environmental
composition ratio of propane (C3) and butane (C4). problem and sustainable energy. In few writings,
Propane (C3) and butane (C4) ratio in LGV product is which are already published are some discussions
51:49 with preasure ranging from 8-12 bar. LGV is related to it.
more flexible to be used in areas far from gas source The necessity to reduce oil consumption and green
or without natural gas pipe. house gases is giving a fundamental change toward
This paper disscusses about the usage of gas fuel more efficient, advanced vehicles and fuels in the
background for land transportation sector in Indonesia, transportation sector. Andress et al. [2] discuss about
Implementation Application of Alternative Fuel for Land Transportation 527
Sector in Indonesia Based on Other Countries Experience

the latest status of small vehicles in United State and transportation sector. With switching
policies to increase fuel efficiency, electric vehicle the fuel usage to renewable fuel, it will be able to
and continuously of bio fuel usage. This paper also suppress the growth of fossil fuel usage. Malaysia has
discusses about expenditure, technical, infrastructure a big potential to develop palm oil become bio-diesel
and market barrier for alternative technology raw materials. To implement renewable energy usage,
implementation, which are bio fuel vehicle, diesel, gas policy and infrastructure need to be done.
fuel, hybrid electric and fuel cell. A few conclusions Xie et al. [4] developed a model that integrated to
in this writing are as follows: calculate economizing of vehicle fuel usage and
Economical fuel and environmental problem emission using traffic emission model approach. This
inspired the changes on transportation sector policy case study is using a road network model in
and also cut down energy usage consumption and Greenville, South Carolina. For each of fuel variety,
green house gas emission; emission produced and fuel usage is evaluated based
Funding is needed for investigation of on market share. The result from this writing shows
technology development on vehicle machine CNG usage as bus fuel is increasing CO2 emission
production, fuel, fuel station and electrical energy level; this result is contrary with previous study. It
saving; also shows that private vehicle using electricity is
CNG vehicles growth in United State is not effectively decreasing NOx and CO2 emission content
quite high due to the limitation number of CNG also energy consumption.
station; The fast growth of vehicle in China resulted in
Subsidy from government is needed to develop increasing on crude oil usage. On the study done by
alternative fuel together with the infrastructure; Ou et al. [5], it analyzed future status of energy
GHG (green house gas) reduction from electric demand and green house gas emission on Chinas land
drive propulsion system depends on feedstock source. transportation sector, and also analyzed the success of
For grid-supplied electricity, coal-generated electricity alternative fuels usage. There are four specific
increases GHG emission relative to gasoline while scenarios used to describe future situation where some
natural gas-based electricity decrease GHG emission. of alternative fuel are implemented. Energy demand
Electricity that resulted from renewable resources and and green house gas emission reached as much as 734
nuclear can produce small amount of green house gas million-ton equal to oil and 2,384 million-ton CO2 in
emission. Hydrogen produced from processed natural 2050 on BAU (business as usual) scenario, where that
gas can cut down the green house gas emission amount is 5.6 times bigger from year 2007. Writers
content compared to gasoline. Whereas, hydrogen recommendation in implementing the policy in the
resulted from coal gasifying is increasing green house future is to support bio fuels usage continuously on
gas emission except carbon capture is executed. vehicles and development of coal basis fuel with low
Ong et al. [3] analyzed the energy pattern and carbon emission technology.
emission for road transportation sector in Malaysia. Das and Ahlgren [6] focused on energy system
Discussion of prospective policies such as fuel development in three ASEAN countries that are
economizing standard and switching fuel to natural Indonesia, Philippine and Vietnam. Energy
gas and biodiesel is summarized in this study. In infrastructure at those countries is in rapid growth
conclusion, writers view that policy compilation has process, thus technology selection is critical. This
to be done immediately in conjunction to energy article analyzed the roles of technology in exploiting
demand and usage also to decease emission in road resources with focused on energy safety and
528 Implementation Application of Alternative Fuel for Land Transportation
Sector in Indonesia Based on Other Countries Experience

environmental conditions surround it. Main focus is to non-motorized category and transportation system
on electricity sector. It is stated in the article that there plan that able to compete with personal vehicle on
is a big potential market for the usage of service quality, together with increasing of
environmental friendly technology in those three environmental performance.
ASEAN countries. If used, this technology will bring Zhang [9] analyzed kinds of policies respond that
advantages such as lessen the needs of primary energy, made in Asia, nationally, regionally and
cut down investment on electrical sector, decrease on internationally in relation with the challenges of
importing primary energy, decrease on CO2, decrease environment sympathy. Asia has experienced a fast
on energy system cost and low of electrical cost. economical growth in the last two decades. Therefore,
In Europe, gas fuel vehicles only play a small role it caused higher cost of environmental consequence.
since the dependency of most European countries of In national level responds context, special attention is
imported gas and low of infrastructures (i.e., gas fuel given to few issues that are coordination between local
station). In contrary with Latin America and Asian government and headquarter, market that rely on
countries, gas fuel vehicles are common. In few years environmental instrument and industrial policy,
back, issue regarding environment and high on oil emission standard and fuel quality. In conclusion, the
price stimulates natural gas usage as vehicles fuel in authors stated that correct policy is strengthened with
Europe. Government in European countries develops national level cooperation. Regional and international
incentive (i.e., tax cut of) to increase gas fuel vehicles level will guarantee economic growth continuously in
usage, hybrid and electric. Problems on hybrid Asia area with still focusing on environment quality
technology and electric vehicle still need technology issue.
development. In contrary, the usage of natural gas as Alternative fuel usage on vehicles has been
fuel on conventional vehicle engine is commonly used. considered as one of the most important strategy to
Thus, natural gas usage as fuel on vehicles needs to be overcome energy dependence, air quality and climate
promoted in Europe. This analysis is stated on Engerer change. Yeh [10] investigated the comparison of NGV
and Horn [7] journal. (natural gas vehicles) usage in eight countries that are
Big cities have increased in energy usage, green Argentina, Brasilia, China, India, Italy, New Zealand,
house gas emission and ownership of personal vehicle. Pakistan, and United State. This writing investigates
Poudenx [8] in his/her writing explained a short main policies in order to promote NGV usage,
journey of 12 big cities with variety of policy for instrument for policy implementation and factors that
personal vehicle usage limitation and judging their influence NGV usage. Writers few points are
success from energy usage and green house gas summarized as follows:
emission. Writers debate of policies that targeted to The availability, modern technology and gas fuel
lessen personal vehicle usage is failed, since they are vehicles component are important for the acceptance of
not compared the reality of human tendention to gas fuel vehicles on costumer side, compared to the
accessibility and comfortability. That policy failed to existence of OEMs (original equipment
be applied to attract costumer with lower quality manufacturers).
services. Demand to accessibility and comfortability The main strategies of NGV success are having a
would probably continue to grow with the increment retail selling price of gas fuel as much as 40%-50%
of life standard where ignorance of environment below gasoline & diesel price, and also giving
impact occurred. Writer recommends to increase incentive to receive payback period for 3 to 4 years or
competitive ability of alternate models with investing below.
Implementation Application of Alternative Fuel for Land Transportation 529
Sector in Indonesia Based on Other Countries Experience

Introduction of passenger car market with Comprehensive study of alternative fuel for road
alternative fuel has been done in Switzerland. transportation in Singapore has been done by Poh and
Stakeholders analysis and dynamic modeling Ang [13]. Many analysis attributes are used to identify
technique are used to describe the system. The a number of fuel options for future needs. AHP
analysis identified barriers and chances in penetration (analytic hierarchy process) analysis has been done to
process of cars market with gas fuel in Switzerland. analyze four plans or scenarios. In the result of the
Referring to elements of Balanced Scorecard study, there are policies and alternative fuel usage
approach, it will produce better performance on plan for land transportation sector between the year of
implementing fuel gas vehicles in Switzerland. This 2020 to 2030. Electric car is a wise choice. However,
study is performed by Janssen et al. [11]. Writers to implement the usage of electric car, the readiness of
recommendations are as follows: infrastructure and government policies are needed.
CNG fuel station ratio is 1:300 NGVs; Demir et al. [14] discussed about few of emission
NGV conversion done by local mechanic caused calculation on vehicles. This study compared numbers
higher emission level and greater fuel usage compared of developed models to analyze how big the fuel
to NGV from OEM. Thus, it eliminates most of the consumption and green house gas emission, which
gas fuel usage benefit; related to transportation. Those models gave a slight
The NGV Payback period is a maximum of four different result on the simulation that used realistic
years in order to attract customer, therefore lesser tax assumption, but overall it was consistent and
from government is needed; predictable. For example, the difference of fuel
Subsidy for the purchase of gas fuel vehicle is consumptions matched with cars sizes, gradient road,
important in order to give costumer attraction. and speed. When comparing result from model
Hekkert et al. [12] studied about CO2 emission and implementation with actual ratio and road data, those
energy efficiency with (wee to wheel) analysis as an models are resulted on different performances.
alternative automotive fuel chain, using natural gas as Ireland is very much depending on import to
a source of primer energy alternative replacing crude fulfilling transportation sector fuel. In 2008, total cost
oil. The results indicate that natural gas based spent is 5.9 billion Euros. The significant resources in
hydrogen applied in fuel cell vehicles lead to the organic residues and feedstock is readily available
largest CO2 emissions reductions (up to 40% compare potential to substitute 8.4% of oil with indigenously
to current practice). However, the biggest barriers on produced biomethane, a renewable gaseous transport
implementing this option are foreseen technically and fuel. By using bio methane, it will automatically
in network system/infrastructure changes. Two economize import expenses and produce extra fund
different transition strategies are discussed gradually for Ireland economy as much as the imported value.
to get transition as a chosen fuel chain. The Besides that, it will be able to save destruction fund
importance of technology transition is as strength of that related to environmental destruction. Bio methane
traditional machine technology that is using CNG and can be used as a feed from CNG. In 2020, the usage of
FCV (fuel cell vehicles). The next result shows a bio methane for transportation sector could reach 10%
conventional series innovations such as diesel hybrid goals from renewable energy usage. However, the
vehicle is more efficient compared to other kinds of industry development in Ireland needs government
natural gas vehicle. This option has more value on commitment. Government supports that special
carbon emission and becomes the most suitable needed are buss requirement of using gas fuel;
decision in the future. determine target market for gas fuel vehicles (CNG),
530 Implementation Application of Alternative Fuel for Land Transportation
Sector in Indonesia Based on Other Countries Experience

subsidy for biomethane facility and networking gasoline PI machine and 56% lower from CNG-BI
expansion. This result is summarized in Thamsiriroj et machine;
al. [15] articles. CO emission produced by CNG-DI machine is
Collantes and Melaina [16] analyzed regarding greater compared to gasoline PI machine and CNG-BI
Argentinas experience in implementing CNG. machine;
Methods that have been used in the analysis are It can be concluded that CNG-DI machine
through interviews with stakeholders and analyzing performance is similar with gasoline PI machine and
Argentinas economical data to determine the main better than CNG-BI machine.
reason in fuel usage in the views of economic, politic Most of the Algerian transportation sector is still
etc.. Based on analysis result, regulation to determine depending on crude oil. Pollution produced by this
fuel prices is decisive factor that significant with CNG sector is increasing with their vehicles addition. Thus,
usage. Few points that need to be highlighted on HCNG (hydrogen compressed natural gas) usage
alternative fuel development are: hopefully will play a significant role to reach
Determine and implement the effective standard alternative fuel usage target which are clean and
and code; economical. The greatest benefit will be produced if
Cost prediction and financing mechanism from hydrogen and natural gas are used together on the
fuel switching transition; combustion engine. Algerian has an important
Cooperate with the stakeholders; resources and potential to introduce this new fuel.
Determine economical price for costumers; HCNG developments as a fuel give hydrogen a chance
Facility benefited from existing fuel station with to be used in transportation sector. Amrouche et al. [18]
using modular; discussed strategically ways in introducing HCNG as a
Speed up the infrastructure development. transportation fuel in Algeria. Two strategic
Kalam and Masjuki [17] compared the test result fundamental elements are designed to introduce
from CNG-DI (direct injection), CNG-BI (bi fuel) and hydrogen natural gas as transportation fuel; they are
Gasoline PI (port injection) machine. The machines CNG development process as transportation fuel and
are developed from gasoline multi cylinder (port settlement step of MedHySol project. MedHySol
injection) machine modification. CNG-DI machine project includes the production and the distribution of
has no obstacle in the first starter, that is similar with solar produced hydrogen, involves the project
Gasoline PI machine. The machine does not cause HySolThane intended for the development of HCNG
noise in compression ratio 14 (compression initial fuel road with 8% vol of hydrogen in natural gas.
ratio 10). Others conclusions are: In the future, the new biomass technology will take
In average speed, CNG-DI machine produces part on Switzerlands energy sector. Schulz et al. [19]
2.02 kW smaller power (4.26%) from gasoline PI analyzed economical condition where the new
machine and greater power as much 8.67 kW (19.10%) biomass technology will be much competitive to
from CNG-BI machine; implement. This judgment focused on synthetic
CNG-DI machine reduces fuel consumption as natural gas production (bio SNG) resulted from wood
much 0.28% compared to Gasoline PI machine and of methanation plant. This assessment is conducted
7.87% compared to CNG-BI machine; with the cost-optimization model SWISS-MARKAL
NOx emission produced by CNG-DI is 42% (MARKet Allocation). SWISS MARKAL is a future
lower from Gasoline PI machine; investment project that integrates main analysis,
CNG-DI machine produces 25% higher HC from secondary analysis, final analysis and final energy
Implementation Application of Alternative Fuel for Land Transportation 531
Sector in Indonesia Based on Other Countries Experience

usage in Switzerland. Moreover, writer conducted few until reaching a successful point. Result sensitivity to
evaluations regarding oil price increment, subsidy assumption on word of mouth, average vehicle life and
allocation for methanation plant and competition emissions rates are explored and found that changing
between methanation plant and biomass that using FT these can result in a greater impact on take-up and
(fischer-tropsch) synthesis basis. Analysis is done emission than policy vehicle attribute factors.
with variety of methanation plant investment cost Transportation sector in developed countries suffers
level. The result, with implementing SNG bio for few issues, especially regarding the increases of
alternative fuel will decrease the dependency of energy consumption needed. INEP (integrated
imported oil and lower CO2 emission level. To national energy planning) in transportation sector is a
implement bio SNG, R & D continuation and solution for those countries to change energy
government policy are needed. consumption pattern which could decrease below
Karamangil [20] explained the development of average value. One of INEPs goals is to determine
vehicles sector with LPG basis in Turkey, and rules & the best pattern for fuel usage and transportation
regulations that implemented by Turkey government technology that is able to fulfill future transportation
are in relation with vehicles sector. LPG vehicles in demand in the lowest cost as possible. Determine
Bursa province are considered as a representative of energy master plan of transportation sector
whole Turkey area. This paper also explained about development is through EFOM-ENV (Energy Flow
economical loss and their problems caused by energy Optimization Model-ENVironment), continue with
selection and environmental policy error in Turkey. performing RES (reference energy system) from
Turkeys government is not offering guidelines and transportation sector. Scenario has to be put on
policys support on LPG implementation for vehicles. definition of business-as-usual, optimal reference and
The most important, the policy regarding implemented sensitivity analysis on fuels price, transportation and
energy to use alternative fuel has not been formed. invesment fund necessity. Those issues are
Thus, LPG vehicles development in Turkey has summarized on Sadeghi and Hosseini [22] writings.
general economy issues and many obstacles arise from Based on the above goals, writers focusing on pattern
private sector. that optimizing the vehicles fuel usage & product and
Shepherd et al. [21] did continuation investigation passenger transportation technology in Iran.
from previous research done by Struben and Sterman Minimizing cost of transportation system is needed in
(2008) to study all of the factors that influence electric the next 25 years (up until 2029). Some of the studys
car usage to CO2 emission effect and the amount of recommendations are:
fund needed by government for its development until The main priority on transportation product is to
the year of 2050. Writer used market analysis to use big truck and train. Therefore, oil fuel usage
develop dynamic model system of electric car usage (gasoline and solar) for pick-up and small truck has to
for the next 40 years in England. The impact of reduce. CNG car is the right decision for alternative
models acceptance and CO2 emission from various vehicle to overcome the increment of oil fuels price;
sector such as subsidy, reach of availability, average The best model for passenger transportation is to
emission and income tax are the important part. Based use public transportation. The main priorities of public
on analysis result, subsidy gives small impact on the transportation are train development (diesel train,
usage of BAU traditional concept. However, when we subway, LRT and monorail) and CNG car for public
introduced a scenario of marketing with condition, transportation (CNG mini bus and bus). The usage of
they play an important role in market determination gasoline and solar car has to lessen;
532 Implementation Application of Alternative Fuel for Land Transportation
Sector in Indonesia Based on Other Countries Experience

With switching over from business-as-usual and analyze the HSC (hydrogen supply chain) deeply
concept to optimal pattern, oil fuel consumption to detect any important factors that could increase an
(gasoline and solar) decrease as much as 24% and optimal adjustment. Dagdougui [24] discussed recent
17% for 25 years ahead; condition to design and facilitate hydrogen
Economical potential from fuel conservation in infrastructure steps. The decision supporting system in
Iran is as much 14% from estimated cost; hydrogen supply (HSC) could easily change from one
Cost saving from transportation sector is $114.46 writing to another. In this writing, models
billion. classification and steps of approaches are conducted
Californias goal is to decrease a GHG (green house including mathematical methods, decision-supporting
gas) emission in the year 2050 as much 80% below system based on GIS (geographical information
the level of 1990. To achieve that target, transition system) and judgment plans of a better transition on
scenario is developed with focusing on light vehicles HSC (hydrogen supply chain). This writing highlights
(LDV). Leighty et al. [23], explores four questions about future challenges of hydrogen introduction.
related to light-duty vehicles and green house gas Yarime [25] analyzed an effort made by Tokyo
emission, as follows: (1) what are programs selection Metropolitan Government in a program of replacing
available to decrease green house gas emission as diesel vehicles with CNG vehicles that have lower
much 80% on transportation sector below 1990s level emission. A common issue in transportation sector is
on 2050? (2) what is the fastest way to do transition when components of technology system become
on LDV market, fuel and riding attitude for the next complex which leads to a failure in coordination that
40 years ahead? (3) how to do middle policy related to caused lock-in technology condition. In this situation,
different ways of transition? (4) what is the impact of government could form a coordination to promote
the technological changes percentage and market new technologies. Learned from the experience of
implementation from 2010 until 2050 to the Tokyo city in overcome lock-in technology situation,
occurrence of GHG emission cumulative number? effective management is crucial through attitude and
Development of scenario is done through decrease of strong hopes from everyone involves in using,
travel demand, resources availability, and producing, and supporting the existence of cleaner
improvement of fuel saving & low carbonated fuel alternative vehicles.
usage that depend on vehicles market potential and Energy supply that parallel with affordable price are
new fuel. This scenario shows few solutions that are: vital. ASEAN is committed to get cleaner and greener
LDVs electrification, speeding up the vehicles area with fully forming improvement mechanism also
efficiency improvements and fuel usage in the future to make sure regional environmental protection,
with carbon intensity that is half of gasoline and diesel. resources and high quality of peoples life. Nowadays,
The availability of low carbonate bio fuel and energy usage in transportation sector becomes an
decrease of travel demand level is a swing factors. important issue in ASEAN countries. Therefore, few
Hydrogen infrastructure shows lots of challenges; approaches that relatively inexpensive is to give
therefore, special attention is needed in order to introduction program of fuel saving and labels
achieve a successful transition period for economical standard in order to influence customers attitude that
hydrogen sector in the future. These challenges are leads to more production of efficient vehicles by
mainly caused by numbers of technology selection automobiles factory. Fuel saving and labels standard
availability for production, storage, transportation and for vehicles have been implemented in many countries
users. Related to this matter, it is crucial to understand around the world to save fuel consumption and
Implementation Application of Alternative Fuel for Land Transportation 533
Sector in Indonesia Based on Other Countries Experience

decrease CO2 emission. Silitonga et al. [26] discussed best fuel usage for transportation sector. This situation
on fuel saving and labels standard for chosen ASEAN aims to multi criteria selections problem to multi
countries vehicles such as Singapore, Indonesia, alternative. In Mohamadabadi et al. [28] study, a
Malaysia, Philippine, Thailand and Vietnam. multi-criteria assessment model was developed to rank
Singapore is the first ASEAN country that different road transportation fuel-based vehicle (both
implemented fuel saving and labels standard. The renewable and non-renewable) using a method called
implementations of a clean fuel standard play an PROMETHEE (Preference Ranking Organization
important role to protect public and environmental Method for Enrichment and Evaluations). This
health from emission in transportation sector. method combines qualitative and quantitative criteria
Alternative fuels that are commonly used in ASEAN to give alternative fuel a grade. In this study, vehicles
are biodiesel, ethanol, methanol, propane, hydrogen fuel is categorized in gasoline, electric-gasoline
and natural gas. (hybrid), E85 ethanol, diesel, biodiesel B100 and
Since global energy demand suffers an increment, CNG (compressed natural gas). These alternatives are
natural gas plays strategically role on energy supply. based on five criteria: cost of vehicles, cost of fuel,
Over the last couple of decades, this has changed and distance between stations, number of vehicles
gas market continue to expand more rapidly than those selections for customers, and green house gas
of other fossil fuels. Natural gas is a clean fuel and emission. In addition, analysis sensitivity has been
consist lots of hydrogen, it also an energy conversion done to study the effect of changes in various
that has high efficiency for electricity power plant. parameters in final level. In scenario that using
The key and challenge of energy industry is how is the economical parameter, vehicles with gasoline and
transition process can be better arranged. Economides diesel is given higher level from other vehicles,
and Wood [27] observed regarding natural gas source, followed by hybrid, E85, biodiesel, and CNG. In
limitation and potential. Writers also discussed about environmental parameter case of scenario, hybrid car
technology identification and commercial challenge to is on the first level, followed by vehicles with
be overcome in taking the world through the transition biodiesel, diesel, gasoline, E85 and CNG basis.
process. Big investments in infrastructure could
3. Alternative Fuel Usage in Indonesia
increase gas usage. Few facilities of liquid natural gas
are more flexible in the usage. Gas conversion Implementation of alternative fuel usage for vehicles
technology such as GTL and CNG grab many in Indonesia is gas fuel (BBG) that is CNG and LGV.
attentions yet the energy efficiency and cost becomes The CNG usage program for vehicles in Indonesia
barrier for alternative steps. The growth of natural gas started in 1986 which has been implemented for the
gives a contribution that has a big potential for first time in 1987 with Pilot Project for about 300
transportation sector directly. Current technologies, taxis and small buses in DKI Jakarta. BBG usage for
investments and consumption trends suggest that vehicles is increased every year and reached the top in
natural gas will be at the centre of a world wide the year 2000; it is recorded as much as 6.633 small
transformation resulting in a greatly expanded market cars are using BBG. However, together with issues
share of gas in the energy mix for power generation, appearances, numbers of CNG vehicles are declining
space heating, petrochemical feedstocks and continually as shown in Fig. 5. The figure is clear that
transportation fuels. BBM diversification to CNG is still dominated by
Factors of economy, environment and social are small cars, whereas a large numbers of big cars (bus
determined factor on vehicles selections based on the and trans Jakarta) have not yet switched to gas fuel.
534 Implementation Application of Alternative Fuel for Land Transportation
Sector in Indonesia Based on Other Countries Experience

Light vehicle

Fig. 5 Growth of CNG vehicles in Jakarta [1].

Nowadays, BBM diversification to gas fuel for new (8) vehicles technical problem;
cars is implemented in five cities in Indonesia that are (9) low quality of gas;
Jakarta, Bogor, Cirebon, Surabaya and Palembang. In (10) policy implementation and program consistency.
reality, the implementation of conversion in the above
4. Conclusion
cities is still facing barriers. Based on Directorate
General of Land TransportationMinistry of The increase of energy consumption and crude oils
Transportation data, there is around 86.526 public price gives an effect to government of Indonesia to
transportation that are Taxi, TransJakarta Buslo, also increase the value of subsidized oil fuel. The
Mikrolet, ABK, APB and Bajaj in Jakarta. From that amount of the given subsidy reduces countrys budget
total, only 3.236 have used BBG. However, many allocation for funding the social programs and
people are switched back to oil fuel usage (premium) infrastructure development. Based on reserved natural
with variety of reasons. gas that own by Indonesia, the usage of gas fuel as an
Compared with numbers of cars in Indonesia, alternatives substitute of oil fuel is a better selection.
especially in those four countries, this condition is Public transportation for land transportation could
very sympathetic and seems that government policy directly aim through government policy by doing
regarding BBM conversion to gas fuel is still far from conversion to gas fuel.
hope. From investigation result from many sides, Natural gas process for transportation sector in
generally, unsuccessful BBG program for vehicles is developed countries has been implemented to lessen a
caused by various problems that are: dependency from crude oil where in a few years back,
(1) limited spbg availability and mainstay; crude oil price is increasing. Moreover, global
(2) limited gas supply quantity; warming issue motivates many countries to use a
(3) expensive conversion kit; cleaner energy. Indonesia is committed that in 2020
(4) limited gas pipe network; green house gas emission will reduce as much as 26%.
(5) gas sell price structure is lower from its Green house gas emission caused by CO2, CH4, N2O,
economical price; HFC, PFC, and SF6.
(6) insufficiency of spare part workshop and certified Based on review of alternative fuel usage and gas
personal; fuel implementation problems for transportation sector
(7) security and comfort ability; in Indonesia, there are few recommendations
Implementation Application of Alternative Fuel for Land Transportation 535
Sector in Indonesia Based on Other Countries Experience

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