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Help manual

iTools configuration and monitoring software

Version 7 and later

October 2010
2010 Eurotherm Limited

All rights are strictly reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, modified, or transmit-
ted in any form by any means, nor may it be stored in a retrieval system other than for the purpose
to act as an aid in operating the equipment to which the document relates, without the prior, written
permission of Eurotherm Limited.

Eurotherm Limited pursues a policy of continuous development and product improvement. The
specification in this document may therefore be changed without notice. The information in this
document is given in good faith, but is intended for guidance only. Eurotherm Limited will accept
no responsibility for any losses arising from errors in this document.
iTools Version 7 Help Manual

iTools Help manual

Table Of Contents
1. Introduction.............................................................................................. 1
1.1. Conventions .......................................................................................... 1
2. Running iTools ......................................................................................... 2
2.1. Launching the Application .................................................................. 2
2.2. Loading Devices into iTools ................................................................ 3
2.2.1. Clone devices ............................................................................... 3
2.3. Loading Clone Devices........................................................................ 3
2.4. Navigation ............................................................................................. 4
2.4.1. Menu Bar ...................................................................................... 4
2.4.2. Main Toolbar ................................................................................ 4
2.4.3. Views Toolbar ............................................................................... 4
2.4.4. Right Mouse Button ..................................................................... 4
2.5. Using the Application .......................................................................... 5
2.5.1. Panel Views ................................................................................... 5
2.5.2. Device Browser ............................................................................ 6
2.6. Wizards .................................................................................................. 7
3. Parameter Explorer ............................................................................... 10
3.1. The Parameter Explorer window ...................................................... 10
3.1.1. Columns ...................................................................................... 11
3.1.2. Parameter Explorer tools .......................................................... 12
3.1.3. Editing Parameter Values.......................................................... 12
3.2. Explorer Browsing and Navigation................................................... 13
3.2.1. Historical navigation .................................................................. 13
3.2.2. Vertical navigation ..................................................................... 13
4. Flash memory ........................................................................................ 14
4.1. Flash Memory Editor .......................................................................... 14
4.1.1. Message Table ........................................................................... 14
4.1.2. Message Table Config .............................................................. 16
4.1.3. Promote Parameters .................................................................. 16
5. Device Panel View ................................................................................ 18
6. Watch/Recipe ........................................................................................ 19
6.1. Watch Recipe Editor .......................................................................... 19
6.1.1. Creating a Watch List ................................................................ 19
7. Graphical Wiring Editor (GWE) ............................................................ 21
7.1. Introduction ........................................................................................ 21
7.1.1. Function block type ................................................................... 21
7.1.2. Function block instance ............................................................ 21
7.1.3. Wire ............................................................................................. 22
7.1.4. Block execution order ............................................................... 22
7.2. Compounds ........................................................................................ 22
7.2.1. Compound creation .................................................................. 23
7.3. Opening the Wiring Editor ................................................................ 23
7.4. Graphical Wiring Editor window ...................................................... 24
7.4.1. The Main Window ...................................................................... 24
7.4.2. The Tree View ............................................................................ 25
7.5. Creating an application ..................................................................... 26
7.5.1. Using function blocks ................................................................ 27
7.5.2. Block Appearance (3500 series, Epower,Mini8 controllers) 28
7.5.3. Block Appearance (Models 2604, 2704) ................................. 29
7.5.4. Wiring ......................................................................................... 30
7.5.5. Addition of Comments ............................................................. 32
7.5.6. Addition of Monitor Points ....................................................... 32
7.5.7. Making selections ...................................................................... 33
7.5.8. Item Colours ............................................................................... 33
7.5.9. Wiring Fragments ...................................................................... 34
8. Function Block View .............................................................................. 35

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9. Terminal Wiring view ........................................................................... 36

10. Toolkit Blocks View ............................................................................. 38
10.1. Toolkit Blocks ................................................................................... 38
10.1.1. User Values ............................................................................... 38
10.1.2. Analogue operations .............................................................. 39
10.1.3. Logic Operations ..................................................................... 41
10.1.4. Block wiring .............................................................................. 43
11. iTools with the Model 2400 ................................................................ 44
11.1. Programmer Editor .......................................................................... 44
11.1.1. Introduction (2400) .................................................................. 44
11.1.2. Program Editing (2400)........................................................... 47
11.1.3. Segment parameters (2400)................................................... 48
11.1.4. The Graph (2400) .................................................................... 51
12. iTools with the Model 2704 ................................................................ 53
12.1. Programmer Editor .......................................................................... 53
12.1.1. Introduction (2704) .................................................................. 53
12.1.2. Opening the editor ................................................................. 54
12.1.3. Program editing (2704) ........................................................... 57
12.1.4. Adding, Inserting and deleting segments ............................ 58
12.1.5. Segment parameters (2704)................................................... 60
12.1.6. The Graph (2704) .................................................................... 65
12.1.7. Asynchronous Programmer ................................................... 67
12.1.8. Using the editor in asynchronous mode ............................... 68
12.2. User Page Editor .............................................................................. 70
12.2.1. 2704 User Page Editor ............................................................ 70
12.2.2. Promote Parameters ............................................................... 73
12.2.3. User List Tab ............................................................................. 74
12.2.4. Styles ......................................................................................... 75
12.2.5. Go to Menu Control Button .................................................... 89
13. iTools with the Model 3500 series ..................................................... 90
13.1. Device Recipe Editor ....................................................................... 90
13.1.1. Introduction .............................................................................. 90
13.1.2. Recipe creation ........................................................................ 91
13.2. Programmer Editor .......................................................................... 92
13.2.1. Introduction (3500) .................................................................. 92
13.2.2. Opening the editor ................................................................. 93
13.2.3. Program editing (3500) ........................................................... 95
13.2.4. Adding, inserting and deleting segments ............................ 96
13.2.5. SyncStart segments ................................................................. 97
13.2.6. Segment parameters (3500)................................................... 99
13.2.7. The Graph (3500) .................................................................. 106
13.3. 3500 User Page editor ................................................................... 110
13.3.1. Introduction ............................................................................ 110
13.3.2. Loop Summary pages ........................................................... 113
14. iTools with EPower controllers ......................................................... 114
14.1. EPower controllers ......................................................................... 114
14.2. Fieldbus I/O Gateway EDITOR ................................................... 114
14.3. Tasks ................................................................................................ 115
14.4. User Pages (EPower controllers) ................................................. 116
14.4.1. User Page Creation ............................................................... 117
14.4.2. Styles ....................................................................................... 119
15. The menus ......................................................................................... 120
15.1. Context menus ............................................................................... 120
15.1.1. Block Wiring context menu .................................................. 120
15.1.2. Chart context menu (OPC Scope) ....................................... 122
15.1.3. Comment context menu ....................................................... 123
15.1.4. Compound Context Menu ................................................... 124
15.1.5. Device context menu ............................................................ 127
15.1.6. Device Recipe Data Sets context menu .............................. 131
15.1.7. Device Recipe parameter context menu............................. 132
15.1.8. Diagram context menu ......................................................... 133

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15.1.9. Flash Memory Context menu ............................................... 135

15.1.10. Function Block context menu ............................................ 136
15.1.11. Graph context menu ........................................................... 139
15.1.12. List context menu (OPC Scope) ......................................... 139
15.1.13. Monitor context menu ........................................................ 141
15.1.14. User Page Editor Context menu (2704) ............................ 143
15.1.15. Pages context menu (3500 and EPower controllers) ....... 145
15.1.16. Segment context menu (2400) .......................................... 146
15.1.17. Segment context menu (2704) .......................................... 147
15.1.18. Segment context menu (3500) .......................................... 148
15.1.19. Terminal Wiring context menu .......................................... 150
15.1.20. Toolbar context menu ........................................................ 150
15.1.21. Watch Recipe context menu .............................................. 151
15.1.22. Wire Context menu ............................................................. 152
15.2. Menu bar menus ............................................................................ 154
15.2.1. Device menu .......................................................................... 154
15.2.2. Explorer menu ....................................................................... 157
15.2.3. File menu ................................................................................ 158
15.2.4. Flash menu ............................................................................. 161
15.2.5. Function Block menu ............................................................ 161
15.2.6. Help menu .............................................................................. 163
15.2.7. OPC Scope menu .................................................................. 165
15.2.8. Options menu ........................................................................ 171
15.2.9. Pages menu (2704)................................................................ 179
15.2.10. Pages menu (3500 & EPower controllers) ........................ 181
15.2.11. Programmer menu .............................................................. 182
15.2.12. Recipe menu (Device Recipe) ............................................ 185
15.2.13. Recipe menu (Watch/Recipe) ............................................ 187
15.2.14. View menu ........................................................................... 189
15.2.15. Window menu ..................................................................... 191
15.2.16. Wiring menu ........................................................................ 194
16. The Toolbars ...................................................................................... 196
16.1. Main Toolbar .................................................................................. 196
16.2. Views Toolbar ................................................................................. 199
16.3. Device Recipe toolbar ................................................................... 200
16.4. Flash Toolbar .................................................................................. 201
16.5. OPC Scope Server toolbar ............................................................ 202
16.5.1. Computer: .............................................................................. 202
16.5.2. OPC Server: ............................................................................ 202
16.5.3. Connect /Reconnect to Server ............................................. 202
16.5.4. Disconnect from server ......................................................... 202
16.6. OPC Scope toolbar ........................................................................ 203
16.7. Programmer toolbar ...................................................................... 205
16.8. Terminal Wiring toolbar ................................................................ 207
16.9. User Page Editor Toolbar (2704) .................................................. 208
16.10. User Page Editor toolbar (3500 & EPower controllers)............ 209
16.11. Watch/Recipe toolbar ................................................................. 210
16.12. Wiring Editor toolbar ................................................................... 211
17. OPC Scope ........................................................................................ 213
17.1. OPC Scope introduction ............................................................... 213
17.1.1. Writing New Values ............................................................... 213
17.1.2. Adding Parameters to the list ............................................... 214
17.1.3. Removing Parameters from the list...................................... 214
17.1.4. List Tab.................................................................................... 214
17.1.5. Chart Tab ................................................................................ 214
17.1.6. Maximize Chart ...................................................................... 214
17.1.7. History Page Control ............................................................. 214
17.1.8. OPC Menu items.................................................................... 214
17.1.9. OPC Tools .............................................................................. 214
17.2. Chart Display .................................................................................. 215
17.2.1. Display parameters ............................................................... 215

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17.2.2. Chart Configuration .............................................................. 216

17.2.3. Review tab .............................................................................. 220
17.3. Data Logging (OPC Scope)........................................................... 221
17.3.1. Data logging configuration .................................................. 221
17.3.2. Log initiation .......................................................................... 221
17.3.3. Log termination ..................................................................... 221
17.3.4. Spreadsheet display .............................................................. 222
17.4. DDE Interface (OPC Scope) .......................................................... 223
17.5. Group item value writes ................................................................ 225
18. Port setup ........................................................................................... 226
18.1. iTools Control panel ...................................................................... 226
18.1.1. Access from the Start menu.................................................. 226
18.1.2. Access from within iTools ..................................................... 227
18.1.3. Registry Settings window ...................................................... 228
19. Command Line Options ................................................................... 232
19.1. Available command line options .................................................. 232
19.1.1. Addall ..................................................................................... 232
19.1.2. NoPurge ................................................................................. 232
19.1.3. NoSplash ................................................................................ 232
19.1.4. NoWarn .................................................................................. 232
19.1.5. RegServer ............................................................................... 232
19.1.6. Scan......................................................................................... 232
19.1.7. Server:name or /Server ......................................................... 232
19.1.8. UnregServer ........................................................................... 232
20. iTools Architecture ............................................................................ 233
20.1. iTools Shell ...................................................................................... 233
20.2. ActiveX Controls............................................................................. 233
20.2.1. Series2000Panel .................................................................... 233
20.2.2. OPCItemGrid ......................................................................... 234
20.3. OPC Server ..................................................................................... 234
20.3.1. Instrument Descriptor Modules ........................................... 234
21. Stand-alone Program Editor ............................................................ 235
21.1. Program editing within iTools ....................................................... 235
21.2. Program editing outside iTools .................................................... 235
21.2.1. Opening the Programmer Editor......................................... 235
21.3. Programmer Editor Toolbar .......................................................... 236
21.4. Command line options .................................................................. 238
21.4.1. StayOnTop ............................................................................. 238
21.4.2. ReadOnly ................................................................................ 238
21.4.3. TabbedOpen ......................................................................... 238
21.4.4. Device:<device name> ......................................................... 238
21.4.5. ProgNum:<number> ............................................................ 238
21.4.6. Quiet:<filename> .................................................................. 238
21.4.7. LoadFile:<filename> ............................................................. 238
21.4.8. Program Download Example ............................................... 238
21.5. Configuring the Runtime Environment ........................................ 239
21.5.1. Configuring the Runtime Environment ............................... 239
21.5.2. Customising New Program Creation................................... 241
21.6. Menus .............................................................................................. 243
21.6.1. Device menu .......................................................................... 243
21.6.2. Edit Menu ............................................................................... 244
21.6.3. File menu ................................................................................ 247
21.6.4. Help Menu .............................................................................. 249
21.6.5. Options Menu ........................................................................ 250
21.6.6. Plot Menu ............................................................................... 250
21.6.7. Context menus ....................................................................... 251
22. Report Configuration ........................................................................ 254
22.1. Lists Tab .......................................................................................... 254
22.2. Columns Tab .................................................................................. 255
22.3. Annotate Tab .................................................................................. 255
22.4. Format Tab ..................................................................................... 256

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23. Review Mode Entry ........................................................................... 257

24. Synchronisation ................................................................................. 257
25. Index ................................................................................................... 259

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These help pages apply to iTools version 7.00.

Please note that not all facilities are available to each product supported by iTools. Where a feature is not
available to a product (Graphical Wiring for example), then the toolbar icon, or menu item does not appear.

When instructions are given to use a keyboard key, the key name is displayed thus: <Insert>. The keys'
names may vary from keyboard to keyboard, in particular <Insert> may appear as <Ins>, and <Delete> may
appear as <Del>.

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iTools may be launched in any of the following ways:
1. By starting the iTools application itself. The setup program creates a program group called 'Eu-
rotherm iTools', containing an 'iTools' icon. Selecting this icon launches the application.

2. By opening an instrument clone file directly from the Windows Explorer or Shell. A Clone file may be
recognised by its filename extension (.UIC) or by its icon.

3. By opening a view of a connected on-line device from the Eurotherm network explorer (supplied as a
part of Eurotherm Suite). Each device attached to a Modbus port in the Eurotherm Network explorer
presents an 'Open in iTools' command on its file and context menus.

See also Command-line options

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Note: For certain instruments, a 'Wizard' appears when a 'new' instrument is loaded. These wizards allow
device configuration from a sequence of set-up pages. See 'Wizards' for more details.'

Devices can be loaded into iTools in the following ways:

1. By clicking on the Scan icon in the toolbar, or

by selecting 'Enable background scan' in the Device menu, or
by using the shortcut <Ctrl> + <Alt> +<S>

2. By clicking on the 'Add' icon in the toolbar, or

by selecting 'Add...' in the Device Menu, or
by using the shortcut <Alt> + <Insert>, or
by right clicking in the Panel views window at the bottom of the iTools window,
then selecting 'Add Devices...'
Use of the 'Add' feature displays a dialogue box showing all the devices known to the Modbus server.
See the Options menu description for more details (Options/Advanced/Show server).
3. By opening a view of a real or clone device in the Eurotherm network explorer.
The same copy of iTools can be used to open all device views.
4. By dragging a device icon out of the Eurotherm Network explorer and
dropping it into the iTools window.
2.2.1. Clone devices
Clone devices can be used to set up a configuration for a particular device type, and then download this
configuration to a real device. It is also possible to read the configuration from a real instrument and trans-
fer it into a clone device for editing.
On the screen, clones for devices which incorporate digital displays, can be distinguished from 'real' in-
struments by the colour of the digital display - yellow for real instruments and white for clone instruments.
Clones for devices without digital displays are 'filled' grey, whereas real devices are 'filled' green.
See 'Loading Clone Devices' for more details.


Clone files may be 'opened' in the following ways:

1. For new files, by clicking on the 'New File' icon in the toolbar or,
by selecting 'New Clone File...' in the File menu, or,
by right clicking in the Panel views window at the bottom of the iTools window
then selecting 'New Clone File...'

2. For existing files, by clicking on the 'Open File' icon in the toolbar or,
by selecting 'Open Clone File' in the File menu or,
by double clicking on a clone file from Windows explorer or shell or,
by dragging a file out of explorer and dropping it into the iTools window or,
by right clicking in the Panel views window at the bottom of the iTools window,
then selecting 'Open Clone File...'.

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iTools functionality can be accessed by various means, as follows:
2.4.1. Menu Bar
The iTools Main menu contains a number of items, fully described elsewhere in this document. (See 'The
menus'). The contents of the menu bar varies according to device type. The illustration below is a compos-
ite - not all device types will display all the menu items shown.

The content of the menu bar items themselves also depends on device type.

2.4.2. Main Toolbar

This toolbar features the functionality of the File and Device menus. See 'The Toolbars' for more informa-

2.4.3. Views Toolbar

Located below the main toolbar, this features buttons relevant to the currently selected device type. The
toolbar contents can therefore change according to device type. The displayed view options mimic the en-
tries in the 'Views' menu. See 'The Toolbars' for more information.

As well as launching an instance of the selected view, these buttons also provide a convenient means of
bringing a particular view to the front.
2.4.4. Right Mouse Button
Clicking on the right mouse button, causes a pop-up menu to appear. This menu is relevant to the location
of the tip of the cursor at the time the button is clicked (i.e. it is context sensitive). These menus are there-
fore sometimes called 'context menus'.

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iTools uses a 'device workspace' architecture which allows the user to open views on multiple devices, but
normally,only views associated with the currently selected device are visible.

Note: A device view can be made permanently visible by clicking on the panel-pin icon at the top right of
the view. When 'pinned', the pin changes shape, and has a red background when a different device is
selected as the current device.
Pinout icon = ; Pinned icon =

There are two device selection windows docked to the main iTools frame: Panel Views and Device Browser,
as described below.

Double clicking on a device name or faceplate launches the default view for that device. This may be the
'Parameter explorer' or the 'Graphical wiring editor' according to device type.
2.5.1. Panel Views
This view, which as a default, resides at the bottom of the frame, shows the 'faceplates' of the currently
loaded devices. The panel views window can be shown or hidden by selecting/deselecting 'Panel Views' in
the View menu. The panel views frame can be set either at the top or the bottom of the frame using the
'Panel Views Position' item of the Options menu.

The currently selected instrument is highlighted by means of a grey box surrounding the faceplate. Devices
which are in configuration mode display a 'spanner' symbol; devices which have a communications failure
for any reason display a white cross with a red background.

Configuration symbol Comms Fail symbol

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2.5.2. Device Browser

This view, near the top left of the frame, displays a list of currently loaded devices. The OPC parameters as-
sociated with the currently selected device are displayed in a separate pane directly below the device
browser. Each item in the device browser gives communications information for real instruments, or the file
location (if any) for clone devices. Configuration and comms failure symbols, as described above, appear to
the left of the device symbol, if appropriate.

The currently selected device is highlighted.

Device Browser

The Find tab at the bottom of the OPC parameter browser window allows the user to search for parameters
by name, description,Address or Comment. The user types in the required item in a field directly below the
'Matching' window (hidden by the drop-down menu in the figure below).

OPC Parameter Browse tab OPC Parameter Find Tab

Double clicking on a parameter in the OPC Parameter find tab window launches a Parameter Explorer view
for that parameter.

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When certain devices are loaded into iTools, either as clones or as real devices, a configuration wizard ap-
Note: It is possible to disable this function for Clone files, by 'unchecking' the 'Run Wizard for New Clone
File' item in the Options menu.

These wizards allow the user to set-up the device's parameters, using a number of configuration pages.
Clicking on the 'Next' key, calls the start page:

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2.6 WIZARDS (Cont.)

As can be seen, there are a number of tabs near the top of the screen, each one representing a specific area
of instrument configuration. These can either be clicked-on directly, or they can be accessed, in sequence,
by use of the 'Next >' key. Once started, the '< Back' key can be used to go back through the sequence one
step at a time.
It is not the intention of these pages to describe how to configure an instrument; the 'Input' and 'Summary'
pages for the above wizard are given below to show the style of presentation. As will be seen, the right
hand portion of each window is given over to parameter help.

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2.6 WIZARDS (Cont.)

Once all the required configuration items have been set up, clicking on the 'Finish' key allows the user to
save the configuration to a clone file, and then to send this clone file to an instrument if required.

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The parameter explorer window is, for most instruments*, the default iTools window. The window shows the
parameters associated with the current iTools browse list.

*Note: For some instruments, the default window is the Graphical Wiring Editor

Providing that the first instance is not maximised, multiple window instances, showing different lists, may be
created by double-clicking on the iTools browse tree. Only the active instance is updated.

The window (example shown below) is opened:

1. by double-clicking on the device faceplate (but see note above),
2. by clicking on the Parameter Explorer button in the Views Toolbar
3. by clicking on a folder or subfolder in the parameter browse window
4. by using the shortcut <Alt> + <X>.

The window opens, showing the parameters associated with the selected folder in the parameter browse
window. Where there are sub-folders, these appear as tabs (e.g. LA and LB in the figure below). The status
bar at the bottom of the window shows the full path of the list, together with the number of parameters.

The figure above shows the three parameters which are considered relevant out of the 13 available. 'Hid-
den' parameters can be displayed by de-selecting 'Hide Parameters and Lists when Not Relevant' in the 'Pa-
rameter Availability settings...' item in the Options Menu.

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Parameters in blue text are non-editable (Read Only).

Items in black text (with the 'pencil' symbol) are editable (Read/Write)
Parameters with a coloured background are hidden, when 'Hide Parameters and Lists when not relevant' in
the 'Parameter Availability settings...' item in the Options Menu is selected (default = hidden)
3.1.1. Columns
The figures above show the default display, showing read/write status, name, description, address and value
columns. For some instruments, a further column ('Wired From') also appears. The Explorer menu 'Columns'
item allows the user to define which default and non-default columns are to be displayed.

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3.1.2. Parameter Explorer tools

Note: Not all of these tools are available for use all of the time.

Back To: List name. See 'Historical Navigation' for more details
Forward to: List name. See 'Historical Navigation' for more details
Up one level. Displays the 'parent' of the currently displayed list. See 'Vertical Navigation' for more
Down one level. Causes a sublist (if any) of the current display to appear. See 'Vertical Navigation' for
more details.
Push pin... Clicking on this icon causes the current display to become permanent. I.E it is still view-
able when another device is the current device. See 'Using the application' for more details.
3.1.3. Editing Parameter Values
Writable parameters have their values changed by clicking anywhere in the parameter's row, and either typ-
ing a value in, or making a selection from a pull-down menu. The existence of a pull-down (combo) menu is
indicated by a black downward pointing arrow head. Clicking on this arrow head produces a list of items
which may be selected.

A number of 'Value cells' have an 'ellipsis' button associated with them. Clicking on this button causes a
dialogue box to be launched which allows time values to be edited.

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By default, the browse list displayed in the window is continuously synchronized with the user's browsing
activity in the iTools browse panel tree. This synchronization occurs even when the Parameter Explorer is
obscured by other iTools editors. If multiple Parameter Explorers are open, only the active instance is con-
trolled by the browse tree.
3.2.1. Historical navigation

(Shortcuts <Ctrl> + <B>, and <Ctrl> + <F> respectively)

The parameter explorer maintains a history buffer of up to 10 lists that have previously been browsed in the
current instance of the window. The 'Back to: List name' and 'Forward to: List name' buttons allow easy re-
tracing or repeating of the sequence of list selections. Hovering the cursor over either key (if active) causes
the name to be displayed, of the list which will appear if the key is clicked. Clicking on the black down ar-
row causes a drop down pick list to appear, which shows the last (up to 10) parameter lists visited in the
relevant direction. The user can then select the required list to go to.

3.2.2. Vertical navigation

(Shortcuts <Ctrl> + <U>, and <Ctrl> + <D> respectively)

The up/down pushbuttons are used to browse the address spaces of devices that have nested lists. If the
currently displayed list has sub-lists then the Down button browses one level deeper, and display these lists
as a tabbed display, as depicted below.

The 'Up' tool button calls the parent of the currently displayed list.

Note: The parameter explorer does not browse to the very top level in the name hierarchy, because there
are no parameters at this level. It is possible, however, to browse to other levels that do not have pa-
rameters, providing that they have sub-lists.

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Not all devices are fitted with flash memory.

The Flash Memory Editor is available to some devices to allow the editing of five tabbed lists that require an
extra step in order to block-write the parameters' values to flash memory.

As can be seen from the figures below, the five lists are entitled: Message Table, Message Table Config,
Promote Parameters, Recipe Definition and Recipe Names. Of these, Message Table, Message Table Config
and Promote Parameters have a user interface which is dedicated to the lists. The other lists are displayed
using the standard iTools grid, as used by the Parameter Explorer, for example, and are not discussed fur-
ther here.
4.1.1. Message Table

The message table contains a list of up to 15 items, each of which defines the message that is to appear if
the specified parameter's value satisfies a specified condition. The Flash Memory Editor tool bar or Flash
menu items are used to insert, delete, reorder etc. the messages.

Once editing is complete, the new list is downloaded to the device by means of the 'Update device flash
memory' tool button, the 'Update Device Flash' item in the 'Flash' menu, or by using the shortcut + . In
all cases, a confirmation message appears before download is carried out. The user is prompted to
download if an attempt is made to close the editor without downloading.

Message table items are displayed in a read-only grid: editing is performed using the control windows be-
low the message table.

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4.1.1 MESSAGE TABLE (Cont.)

There are a number of ways to access parameters for editing:

1. Invoke a browse dialogue by clicking on the ellipsis button adjacent to the parameter entry field.
2. Invoke a browse dialogue by double-clicking on the grid row
3. Invoke a browse dialogue by attempting to type into the Parameter entry field.
4. Drag parameters onto any grid row from elsewhere in iTools
5. Invoke a browse dialogue using the 'Edit Parameter' tool button, Flash menu or Context menu item

6. Invoke a browse dialogue using the shortcut <Ctrl> + <E>

This allows the message display condition to be defined from a drop-down pick lists.

Note: the figure below is a composite image. The two pick lists cannot be displayed simultaneously.

= Message displayed if the parameter value is equal to the entered Value
<> Message displayed if the parameter value is not equal to the entered Value
> Message displayed if the parameter value is greater than the entered Value
< Message displayed if the parameter value is less than the entered Value
Mask Message displayed if all the bits in the parameter match all the bits in the entered value

Allows the user to enter a value against which the parameter value is to be compared.

Allows the user to set the message priority as 'Low', 'Medium' or 'High'. These priority levels define the gap
between message displays.
These time delays are individually configurable in Message Table Config, below.
This text-entry field allows the user to enter the message to be displayed when the Condition criterion is

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4.1.2. Message Table Config

This window allows the user to set up time constants associated with message displays (see 'Message Table'
above). All values are in units of 100msec., thus an entry of 30 equates to a gap of 3 seconds.
The speed at which message characters move across the display. The default speed is 400 milliseconds be-
tween character 'jumps'.
These priority delays define the gap between the final character of a message's disappearance, and the
subsequent reappearance of the first character of the same message. Several messages with the same pri-
ority level may be grouped together into one big message.
4.1.3. Promote Parameters

The parameter promotion table contains a list of up to 60 items. The purpose of the list is to arrange the
listed parameters in a specific order for display by the device. Parameters can be added, deleted, moved
etc. by means of the Flash Memory Editor toolbar, or by the 'Flash' menu.

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Once editing is complete, the new list is downloaded to the device by means of the 'Update device flash
memory' tool, the 'Update Device Flash' item in the 'Flash' menu, or by using the shortcut + . In any
case, a confirmation message appears before download is carried out. The user is prompted to download if
an attempt is made to close the editor without downloading.

The parameter promotion table items are displayed in a read-only grid: editing is performed using the con-
trol windows below the message table.
There are a number of ways to access parameters for editing:

1. Invoke a browse dialogue by clicking on the ellipsis button adjacent to the parameter entry field.
2. Invoke a browse dialogue by double-clicking on the grid row
3. Invoke a browse dialogue by attempting to type into the Parameter entry field.
4. Drag parameters onto any grid row from elsewhere in iTools
5. Invoke a browse dialogue using the 'Edit Parameter' tool button, Flash menu or Context menu item

6. Invoke a browse dialogue using the shortcut <Ctrl< + <E>

Allows 'Level 2', or 'Level 1 + 2' to be selected from a drop-down pick list.
Levels 1 and 2 relate to Operator Access Levels as discussed in the relevant User Manual.
Allows the user to set the parameter access as Read Only or Read Write

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Clicking on this Views Toolbar item causes a front panel faceplate of the selected device to appear in the
main iTools frame. For many instruments types, any digital displays and/or push buttons etc. which 'appear'
on the device itself, are mimicked on this Device Panel View, allowing the device to be 'operated' via iTools
(instead of at the panel) if desired.

The Device Panel View can also be initiated by selecting 'Device Panel' in the 'View' menu, or by means of
the shortcut <Alt> + <E>.

A device-specific toolbar appears above the faceplate, to allow, for example, combinations of keys to be
operated simultaneously. Hovering the mouse cursor over these tool buttons causes a tool tip to appear,
containing a description of the button function. The figures below show these tool tips for the example
above. Other device types will have other tool button functions.

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The watch/Recipe Window can be opened by clicking on the Watch/Recipe tool button (above), by select-
ing 'Watch/Recipe' in the Views menu, or via the shortcut <Alt> + <A>. The window is in two parts: the left
part contains the watch list; the right-hand part contains a data set, initially empty and unnamed.

The window is used:

1. To monitor a so-called 'watch list' of parameter values. The watch list can contain parameters from
many different lists within the same device.
2. To create 'data sets' of parameter values which can be selected and downloaded to the device, in the
sequence defined by the recipe. The same parameter may be used more than once in a recipe.

6.1.1. Creating a Watch List

After opening the window, as described above, parameters can be added to it as described below. Pa-
rameters can be added only from the device to which the Watch/Recipe window relates (that is, parameters
from more than one device cannot be placed in one Watch list). The values of the parameters update in real
time, allowing the user to monitor, simultaneously, a number of parameters which might otherwise be unre-
1. Parameters can be 'click-dragged' into the watch list grid from elsewhere in iTools (for example: the
main browse tree, the Parameter Explorer window, the Graphical Wiring Editor (if applicable)). The
parameter is placed either in the empty row at the bottom of the list, or 'on top' of an existing parame-
ter, in which case it is inserted above this parameter in the list, the remaining parameters moving
down one place.
2. Parameters can be dragged from one position in the list to another. In such a case, a copy of the pa-
rameter is produced: the source parameter remains in place. Parameters can be also be copied by us-
ing the 'Copy Parameter' item in the Recipe or right mouse-click menu, or by using the short cut
<Ctrl> + <C>. Data set values are not included in the copy.
3. The 'Insert item...' tool button , the 'Insert Parameter' Recipe menu item or the shortcut <Insert>
can be used to open a browse window from which a parameter can be selected. The selected pa-
rameter is inserted above the currently active parameter.
4. A parameter can be 'copied' from (for example) the Graphical Wiring Editor and subsequently
'pasted' into the watch list using the 'Paste Parameter' item in the Recipe menu, or the right mouse-
click context menu (short cut = <Ctrl> + <V>).

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All the parameters required for the recipe should be added to the watch list, described above.

Once this has been done, if the empty data set is selected (by clicking on the column header), the 'Snapshot'
tool button can be used to fill the data set with the current values. Alternatively, the 'Snapshot Values'
item in the Recipe or context (right click) menu or the shortcut + can be used to fill the data set.
Individual data values can now be edited by typing directly into the grid cells. Data values can be left blank
or cleared, in which case, when the recipe is downloaded, no value will be written for those values. Data
values can be cleared by deleting all the characters in the field, then, either moving to a new cell, or typing

The set is called 'Set 1' by default. The name can be edited by using the 'Rename Data Set...' item in the
Recipe or right mouse-click menu, or by using the shortcut <Ctrl> + <R>.

New data sets can be added and edited in the same way, by using the 'Create a new empty....' tool button
, or by selecting the 'New Data Set' item in the Recipe or right mouse-click menu, or by using the short-
cut +

Once all the data sets required for the Recipe have been created, and saved, they can be downloaded to
the device, one at a time, using the download tool , or equivalent Recipe/context menu item, or the
shortcut <Ctrl> + <D>.

For descriptions of other tool buttons, see 'Watch/Recipe toolbar'. For descriptions of Recipe menu items,
see 'Recipe Menu (Watch/Recipe)'.

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This View menu button appears only for instruments which support graphical wiring.

The Graphical wiring editor is used to view and/or edit instrument block wiring (not physical signal cabling
etc.). Comments may be added and monitor windows can be linked to inputs and outputs, to show instan-
taneous values. The remainder of this introduction takes the form of a glossary, describing the terminology
used in the topic as a whole.
7.1.1. Function block type
The wiring editor groups parameters into one or more function blocks. A 'function block type' defines the
parameters needed to make up a unit of instrument functionality. Control loops and mathematical calcula-
tions are examples of function block types. In most cases, a function block type is all the parameters in an
iTools parameter list (and its sublists).

Function blocks have inputs and outputs. Any parameter may be used as an output, but there are restric-
tions on which parameters may be used as inputs.

The function block type definition does not refer to a specific set of parameters: it defines a pattern of pa-
rameters (which may appear in more than one parameter list).
A simple block type may be called 'Add', and may contain three parameters, 'In1', 'In2' and 'Out'. The pur-
pose of the block is to add 'In1' to 'In2', and place the result in 'Out'. Thus, although the block type defini-
tion includes the name of the block and the names of the parameters, it does not know where the parame-
ters reside within the device's address space.

Note: The Function block types available to the Graphical Wiring Editor vary from device to device.

7.1.2. Function block instance

A function block instance takes a function block type definition and maps it to a specific set of parameters.

In the case of the Add block in the example above, an instance (Add.1) would contain the OPC path to a pa-
rameter list which contains all the parameters in the Add block. For a Mini8 or 350x, the parameters would
be called 'Add.1.In1', 'Add.1.In2' and Add.1.Out. If a further instance of the Add block were to be intro-
duced, this would be called Add.2, and its parameters would be 'Add.2.In1', 'Add.2.In2' and Add.2.Out.
Other instruments may use a different naming structure

Function block instances remember their input and output parameter values, so once a parameter value is
set, it will retain that value until something changes it.

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7.1.3. Wire
A wire transfers a value from one parameter to another. Transfers are executed by the device once per con-
trol cycle.

Wires are created from the output of a function block to the input of a function block. It is possible to create
a wiring loop, in which case there will be a single iteration delay at some point in the loop. For a Mini8 con-
troller or 350x, this point is shown on the diagram, and it is possible to move this position if required, and
thus to choose where the delay will occur.

For EPower controllers, wiring between tasks must include a task break to avoid phasing problems (the tasks
are synchronised with different power phases). These breaks are shown in blue.
7.1.4. Block execution order
For Mini8 controllers, model 350x and EPower, the order in which blocks are executed by the device de-
pends on the way in which they are wired. If there are no loops, they will be ordered such that each block
output has been set by the block execution before its value is transferred to another block. Block execution
order appears in the bottom left corner of each block.

For EPower controllers, each 'Task' (Network Block) has its own execution order. These are shown in the
bottom left-hand corner of each block. Task one execution orders appear with a red background (as for
Mini8 Controllers and Model 350x). Execution orders for tasks two, three and four appear against green,
black and blue backgrounds respectively.

The execution order for models 2400 and 2704 is fixed, and not shown on the diagram

Compounds are used to simplify the top level wiring diagram, by allowing the placing of any number of
function blocks within one 'box', the inputs and outputs of which operate in the same way as those of a nor-
mal function block. The maximum number of compounds which can be created depends on the type of in-

Each time a compound is created, a new tab appears at the top of the wiring diagram. If there are more
compounds than can fit across the width of the diagram, scroll buttons appear to allow navigation to hidden
tabs. Initially, the compounds and their tabs are labelled 'Compound 1' 'Compound 2' and so on, but they
can be re-named by right clicking either on the compound in the top-level diagram, or anywhere within an
open compound, selecting 'Rename' and typing in the required text string (16 characters max.).

Compounds cannot contain other compounds (i.e. they can be created only in the top level diagram).

Compounds can be opened by double clicking on them in the top level menu, by right clicking within the
compound in the top level menu and selecting 'Open', or by clicking on the required tab. The tabs can be
scrolled through (and the associated compound opened) using <Ctrl> + <Page Up> and/or <Ctrl> + <Page

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7.2.1. Compound creation

Create compound toolbar icon

Flatten compound toolbar icon

1. Empty compounds can be created (only within the top level diagram) by clicking on the 'Create Com-
pound' toolbar icon. If the maximum number of compounds already exists, or, if this is not the top
level of the wiring diagram, this toolbar icon is greyed-out.
2. Compounds can also be created by highlighting one of more function blocks in the top level diagram,
and then clicking on the 'Create Compound' toolbar icon. The highlighted items are moved into a
new compound.
3. A Compound is 'uncreated' (flattened) by highlighting it in the top level diagram, then clicking on the
'Flatten compound' toolbar icon. All the items previously contained within the compound appear in
the top level diagram.
4. Wiring from a top level item to a compound item is carried out by clicking on the source parameter,
then clicking on the relevant compound (or its tab) and finally clicking on the destination parameter.
Wiring from a compound item to a top level item or to an item in another compound is carried out in
a similar way. The tag system of identification is used for all wiring in to and out of compounds.
5. Unused function blocks can be moved into compounds by dragging them from the tree view. Existing
blocks can be dragged into a compound from the top level diagram or out of a compound to the top-
level diagram. A block can be dragged from one compound to another by dragging the required
item(s) onto the tab of the destination compound. Items can also be 'cut and pasted'.
6. Each default compound name (e.g. 'Compound 2') is used only once. For example, if Compounds 1
and 2 (only) have been created, and Compound 2 is then deleted (flattened), then the next com-
pound to be created will be 'Compound 3'.

For those instruments that support the feature, the graphical wiring editor can be opened by:
1. Double clicking on the device faceplate in the Panel Views area.
2. Clicking on the Graphical Wiring Editor button (shown above) in the Views toolbar.
3. Selecting 'Graphical wiring' from within the 'Views' menu.
4. By right clicking on the device faceplate, and selecting 'Graphical Wiring' from the resulting context

The Graphical wiring tool button can also be used to bring the existing wiring diagram to view if it is ob-
scured by other windows.

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The Graphical Wiring Editor window is in two parts, called 'the tree view' and 'the main window'. Note that
block and parameter names vary from device to device.

7.4.1. The Main Window

This consists of the main drawing area and the toolbar. The main drawing area contains the wiring diagram.
See 'Creating an Application' for an example.
The visible part of the diagram can be moved within the window in the following ways:
1. By using the up, down, left and right keyboard keys.

2. By using the horizontal and vertical scroll bars

3. In select mode , by holding down the shift key, then click-dragging on the diagram.
4. In Pan mode , by click-dragging on the diagram.
5. By using the Pan tool .

See 'Wiring editor toolbar' for details of these and other tools.

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7.4.2. The Tree View

This window contains:
1. Comment
2. Monitor
3. IO
4. A list of function block types
To add a comment to the wiring diagram, click/drag the Comment item from the Tree View to the Main
Window. A text entry box appears to allow the user to enter the comment text, followed by 'OK'. The text
entry box closes, and the comment box appears in the wiring diagram at the point at which the mouse but-
ton was released.
To link the comment to an item, click on the chain symbol at bottom right-hand corner of the comment box,
then again on the destination point. Once linked, the chain symbol disappears, and reappears only when
the mouse pointer hovers over bottom right-hand corner of the comment box.

Note: For some devices, new items are drawn with 'dashed' outlines until the file has been downloaded to
the device. For all devices, the Link Line is dashed both before and after downloading.
Monitor windows are added to the wiring diagram using the same method as described above for Com-
ments (except that the monitor points do not have a text entry window). Monitor windows are linked to the
input or output of a function. Once the link is established, the displayed value changes from its initial
???????? to the current value of the input or output point (e.g. PV = 1243.09).
IO shows all the IO function block types and the instances in use in the wiring diagram.
Note: Where there is only one available instance of a function block type (Instrument for example) the tree
cannot be expanded at this point.
1. If a function block is in use on the diagram it is 'faded' in the tree view
2. If a function block is in use on the diagram it is 'faded' in the tree view.
3. If all available instances of a block have been used, the block type also becomes faded.
4. Block names vary from device to device

To enable a block and make it available for wiring, click-drag either the type, or an instance of it, from the
tree to the required position on the diagram. (If the type is dragged, the first available instance of that type
will be used.)
Once the block appears on the diagram, a context menu becomes available in the tree window, allowing the
user to open the iTools Function block view for all the parameters in that block. Function block view can be
opened by double clicking on the block, either in the tree or in the diagram, or by clicking the right-hand
mouse button over the block, and selecting Function Block View from the resulting menu.
If the active iTools window is not maximised, multiple function block views can be open at the same time.
If a block instance is clicked on in the tree view, the block is selected and the diagram moves to bring it to
the centre of the view. Clicking on a block also updates the contents of the Function Block View to show the
parameters in the newly selected block.

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When the wiring editor is opened on a connected instrument, the current wiring and diagram layout is read
from the instrument.

For models 2604/2704, any changes made in the diagram are downloaded immediately to the instrument.
For such devices, new items (e.g. blocks, wires) are drawn with solid outlines. The 'download' key writes the
wiring layout to a file on the pc.

For series 3500 devices, EPower controllers and Mini8 controllers, changes made in the diagram have no
effect on the block execution or wiring of the actual instrument until the download key is pressed, at which
time, the wiring diagram is written to the instrument. For such devices, new blocks, wires etc. are drawn with
green, dashed outlines, and deleted items are drawn 'ghosted' and dashed, (and can be 'undeleted'), until
the download button is operated. If changes are made, and the editor is subsequently closed without
those changes being saved, a delay will occur whilst the editor clears the changes.

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7.5.1. Using function blocks

If a function block is not 'faded' in the tree, then it can be dragged into the diagram. Once in the diagram, it
can be moved by click-dragging with the mouse, or the selected item can be moved using the keyboard left,
right, up and down keys. Blocks can be deleted using the right mouse-click 'context' menu or by operating
the <Delete> key.

A block labelled 'Loop' is depicted below, where 'Loop' is the name of the block instance.

Hovering the mouse cursor over the block, causes 'tooltips' to appear. In the figure below the tooltip for
'Main PV' is shown as an example.

If the Block Type information is editable, clicking on the adjacent down arrow, causes a pop-up window to
appear, allowing the user to select or enter a new value:

The inputs and outputs which are commonly of most use appear within the body of the block. Further pa-
rameters can be selected by clicking on the 'Select Output' icon at the bottom right of the block.

Generally, for blocks to be of use, parameters must be 'wired' to other parameters. To start a wire from a
recommended output, click on the output parameter, then move the mouse cursor to the destination point,
and click again on the required input.

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7.5.2. Block Appearance (3500 series, EPower and Mini8 controllers)

When first dragged into the diagram, the block is shown with a green, dashed outline. This shows that the
block is enabled, but is not yet being executed by the instrument. The block remains in this state, until the
wiring diagram is downloaded into the instrument. The block is then added to the instrument function block
execution list and is drawn with a solid outline.

If a dashed outline block is deleted, it is removed from the diagram immediately.

When the wiring diagram has been downloaded, any dashed items are re-drawn with solid lines. The block
is in the instrument's function block execution list, and is being executed.

Not applicable to all devices.

If a solid outline block is deleted, it remains on the wiring diagram in a dashed and ghosted form, to show
that it is still being executed by the instrument. The ghosted image is removed from the diagram, and from
the instrument function block execution list, after the diagram has been downloaded to the device.

A ghosted outline block can be 'undeleted' using the right mouse-click 'context' menu.

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7.5.3. Block Appearance (Models 2604, 2704)

New items are downloaded to the instrument immediately. There are no dashed or ghosted states as de-
scribed above, for the Series 3500, EPower and Mini8 controllers.

If an item is deleted, it is immediately removed from the diagram. The 'Undo' tool button must be used to
restore it. This button 'undoes' item-by-item back to the time the Wiring editor was last opened.

New blocks, wires, monitor windows appear as shown below.

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7.5.4. Wiring
Note: New blocks, wires etc. may be drawn green and dashed (as shown) or solid, according to device type.
In this example, a maths block output is to be wired to an alarm block input.
1. Locate the two blocks to be wired together, or add new blocks as required.

2.. Either click on the Maths block 'Out' parameter, or, as shown below, click on the wiring icon at bot-
tom right to display the Connection dialogue. This shows all the connectable parameters for the
block, with the recommended parameters in green. (If it is required to wire a parameter that is not
currently available, the red 'plug' icon should be clicked on to add non-wirable (red) parameters to
the dialogue box.)

3. Click on the required parameter ('Out' for this example). This is equivalent to clicking on the 'Out'
parameter in the block view.

The dialogue box disappears, and the mouse cursor becomes a wiring pointer.


4. Move this pointer to the parameter labelled 'Input' in the Alarm block, and left click to complete the

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Dashed wires (not all devices) have not been downloaded to the instrument, and are therefore not being

Black: Normal, functioning wire.

Magenta: The mouse is hovering over a black wire or its source or destination block. This aids identifi-
cation in densely packed wires.
Grey, dashed:
A wire marked for deletion at next download
Red: The wire is connected to an input which is not alterable, or to an output which is not available for wir-
ing. Values on the wire will be rejected by the input, or be indeterminate.
Violet: The mouse is hovering over a red wire or its source or destination block. This aids identification in
densely packed wires.
If the mouse is hovered over a wire, a tooltip appears, showing the source and destination parameters, and
if the diagram has been downloaded, the current value of the source parameter.
When a wire is first made, it is autorouted by iTools, which tries to find a clear path amongst the function
blocks. A wire can be autorouted again, either by using the right mouse-click context menu, or by double
clicking on the wire.

If a wire segment is clicked-on, it is redrawn with small boxes at the corners, and each segment between
these boxes can be click-dragged to re-route it manually. iTools remembers that the wire has been re-
routed, and should the block subsequently be moved, as much as possible of the current shape of the path
is preserved.
For EPower controllers only. If no task break is inserted when attempting to wire between blocks that are
located in different tasks, all the affected wires are highlighted by being drawn with a much thicker wire than
usual. Thick wires still execute, but the results are unpredictable as the unit cannot resolve the strategy.

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If blocks are some distance apart, or the wires are densely packed, it may be more useful to convert a wire to
source and destination tags as shown below. This is done by right clicking on the wire, and enabling the
'Use Tags' menu selection. Once created, tags can be moved by click-dragging them to the desired posi-
tion. The wire can subsequently be restored by disabling 'Use Tags'.

As shown in the example below, the tags are labelled with their destination block names. As with normal
wires, current values can be viewed by using the tooltip which appears when the cursor hovers over the tag.

7.5.5. Addition of Comments

To add a comment to the wiring diagram, click/drag the Comment item from the Tree View to the Main
Window. A text entry box appears allowing the user to enter the comment text, followed by 'OK'. The text
entry box closes, and the comment box appears in the wiring diagram at the point at which the mouse but-
ton was released.

Note: The text appears in the note box as it appears in the text entry box. Carriage returns are used if the
width of the comment box is to be limited.

To link the comment to a block, wire etc. click on the chain symbol and then on the destination item.
Once linked, the chain symbol disappears, and reappears only when the mouse pointer hovers over the bot-
tom right hand corner of the comment box.

If a wire is selected as the link destination, the comment box is linked to the centre of the wire.

Note: For relevant devices the comment box remains green and dashed until the file has been downloaded
to the device. For all instruments, the Link Line remains dashed.

7.5.6. Addition of Monitor Points

Monitor windows are added to the wiring diagram using the same method as described above for Com-
ments (except that the monitor points do not have a text entry window). Monitor windows are linked to the
input or output of a function or a wire.

Once the link is established, the displayed value changes from its initial ???????? to the current value of the
input or output point (e.g. PV = 1243.09). If the parameter name is not required, it can be removed by right-
clicking in the monitor box, and disabling 'Show Names'. Show Names can subsequently be re-enabled if

It is possible to link a monitor window to any of the block's parameters, by clicking on the link symbol, then
on the 'Chip' icon and selecting a parameter (In2Mul in the example below) from the list.

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7.5.7. Making selections

Selections are made by clicking on the relevant item. Selected wires are shown with small blocks at their
corners; all other items are surrounded with a dashed line when selected. Selecting a block automatically
also selects any wires associated with it.

To select more than one item, < Ctrl> should be operated when the required items are clicked, or the
mouse can be click-dragged to encompass all the required items, and then released.
7.5.8. Item Colours
Items which totally or partially obscure other items and items which are totally or partially obscured by other
items. Wires that are connected to unalterable or non-available parameters. Execution breaks. Block exe-
cution order background for all blocks except for models 2400 and 2704 (not used) and Tasks 2, 3 and 4 for
EPower controllers.
Non-available parameters in function blocks. Block execution order background for Task 4 (EPower control-
lers only). Task breaks (EPower controllers only).
Items added since the last down load are shown as green dotted lines. Block execution order background
for Task 2 (EPower controllers only).
All selected items. Any item over which the cursor is hovering.
Red wires when being hovered over by the mouse cursor.
All items added to the diagram before last download. Redundant execution breaks. Monitor and comment
text. Block execution order background for Task 3 (EPower controllers only).

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7.5.9. Wiring Fragments

Copy a diagram fragment to a file toolbar icon.

Paste a diagram fragment to a file toolbar icon.

Elements of wiring diagrams cane be saved to and restored from file, using the toolbar icons depicted
above. This is identical in operation with standard Copy and Paste operations, except that the fragment is
named and saved to a file from which it can be pasted at a later date.

Highlighting one or more diagram elements and clicking on the 'Copy a diagram fragment...' icon opens a
dialogue window allowing the user to name the fragment before saving it.

Clicking on 'Paste a diagram fragment...' opens a window showing all the saved fragments from compatible
instrument types.

Fragment files are saved to a sub-folder within 'My iTools Wiring Fragments' located in 'My Documents'.
Fragments can be renamed, deleted etc. from within the relevant sub-folder.

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This view is available only with devices that support the Graphical Wiring Editor or Terminal Wiring view.

The function block view is a variant of the Parameter Explorer that can be created by double clicking on a
block in the Graphical Wiring Editor, or by using the 'View parameters in selected I/O module' tool button
in the Terminal Wiring view. Multiple copies of the window can be opened, provided that the top
iTools window is not maximised.

Closing the Graphical Wiring Editor (or Terminal Wiring View) also closes all Function Block Views that were
opened from within it.

The list or set of tabbed sublists displayed in the window may be updated by clicking on any of the blocks in
the wiring diagram, or by selecting these used blocks via the Block's browse tree. The function block view
has no explorer-type capabilities.

The function block view has the same context menu as the Parameter Explorer.

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For certain instruments, a 'Terminal Wiring' tool button (above) allows the user to view the rear terminal
panel of the device, and to determine the hardware setup. The initial view shows the rear panel, with Mod-
ule One highlighted. Clicking on other areas of the diagram highlights other modules (module two in the
figure below). Details of the currently highlighted module are given below the terminal layout.

The two tool buttons allow the user to display a list of fitted modules (not all devices) or to view the pa-
rameters associated with the highlighted module . See 'Terminal Wiring toolbar' for more details.

See also 'Terminal Wiring context menu'.

Clicking on the Summary tab calls a further display, showing details of all the modules fitted.

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Opened by the Toolkit Blocks Views toolbar tool, by the Toolkit Blocks View menu item or
via the context menu which appears when the selected device faceplate (in Panel Views) is right-clicked.
Toolkit blocks simplifies production of applications by allowing wiring links to be made by 'dragging and
dropping' parameters.

Note: The displays vary from device to device

The window has three or, as shown below, four tabs viz: User Values, Analog operations, Logic operations,
Block Wiring. The Block Wiring tab can be enabled or disabled for view using the 'Toolkit Blocks Perform-
ance' item in the Options menu.
10.1.1. User Values

User values are intended for use as constants or comms inputs to calculations.

In the example above, the user value to be edited is selected by clicking on the down arrow and selecting
the required User_Value. For other instruments, only the value can be edited and the page contains a list of
all the supported UserVals.

Items are edited either by clicking on the value or comment area and typing in the required value, or select-
ing the required entry from a picklist displayed by clicking on the down arrow at the right-hand end of the
relevant field.

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10.1.2. Analogue operations

Note Also known as 'Analogue calculations'.

This page provides a convenient way to configure the device to perform a mathematical calculation on two
inputs. These inputs may be analogue or digital values. The page allows:

1. The 'soft' wiring of two inputs to an analogue calculation block.

2. The ranging of such inputs by the application of a multiplication factor.
3. The performance of a mathematical calculation on the two inputs. See 'Maths operations' for details
4. The application of maximum and minimum limits on the result of the calculation.
5. The provision of a 'fallback' value to be used in case an error occurs.
6. An optional method of wiring the output value of the calculation to a further stage in the process.
The page allows up to 32 calculations to be performed. Selection of inputs is made in the graphical part of
the window, by:

1. Pressing the ellipsis button adjacent to the Input 1 or Input 2 field. This causes a browser window
to open, allowing the user to select the required parameter.
2. Drag-dropping the parameter from the tree browser window to the relevant field.

Output wiring is optional, and is made by selecting a destination parameter from a pop-up browser window
that opens when 'Add' is clicked-on.
Note: The calculations are called An_1 to An_32, or AOPR01 to AOPR32 according to device type.
Clicking on this button calls a display box showing the input and output parameters used in this calculation.

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Allows the user to specify a maximum output range.
Allows the user to enter a value which the output will adopt if an error condition occurs in the calculation.
This value must lie within the Hi and Lo limits, unless Fallback Overrides Limits is enabled (below).
If 'Fallback Overrides Limits' is enabled, then if the relevant parameter goes invalid for any reason, the fall-
back value is adopted whether the fallback value be inside or outside the value's normal clipping limits. If
'Fallback Overrides Limits' is not enabled, the value will be 'clipped' as normal.
Allows the user to add (via a browse window) or delete wires from the calculation block output.
This tickbox appears only for some device types. This is used to force the status of the output to 'Good',
even in error conditions.
Allows a comment to be entered to be associated with this analogue operation.
The following mathematical operators are available for each analogue operation.

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10.1.3. Logic Operations

1. Also known as 'Logic calculations' and as 'Digital Calculations'.
2. Logic wiring always outputs a 'Boolean' type result no matter what the input type(s)

This page provides a convenient way to configure the device to perform a logical function on two inputs.
These inputs may be analogue or digital values. The page allows:

1. The 'soft' wiring of two inputs to an logic calculation block.

2. The individual inversion of such inputs.
3. The performance of a logical calculation on the two inputs. See 'Logic Operators' for more details.
4. The provision of a 'fallback' value to be used in case an error occurs.
5. An optional method of wiring the output value of the calculation to a further stage in the process.
The page allows up to 32 calculations to be performed. Selection of inputs is made in the graphical part of
the window, by:

1. Pressing the ellipsis button adjacent to the Input 1 or Input 2 field. This causes a browser window
to open, allowing the user to select the required parameter.
2. Drag-dropping the parameter from the tree browser window to the relevant field.

Output wiring is optional, and is made by selecting a destination parameter from a pop-up browser window
that opens when 'Add' is clicked-on.

Note: The calculations are called Logic_1 to Logic_32, or DOPR01 to DOPR32 according to device type.

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Allows each input to be inverted as required. The box is not available for logic functions such as = or >,
which require a numeric entry rather than a 'Boolean' entry.
Clicking on this button calls a Parameter Explorer view showing the input and output parameters used in this
Allows the user to select a value (True or False) which the output will adopt if an error condition occurs in the
Allows the user to add (via a browse window) or delete wires from the calculation block output.
This tickbox appears only for some device types. This is used to force the status of the output to 'Good',
even in error conditions.
Allows a comment to be entered to be associated with this analogue operation.
The following operators are available for each logic operation.

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10.1.4. Block wiring

1. Also known as 'Wireable Params'.
2. The Block Wiring tab can be enabled or disabled for view using the 'Toolkit Blocks Performance' item
in the Options menu.

Wiring between control blocks and other application specific blocks uses the wirable parameters listed un-
der the Block Wiring tab.
Clicking in the 'Wired From' column calls a Browser window allowing the user to edit the current entry.
To remove a wire, right click in the relevant row, and select 'Delete Wire' from the pop-up context menu that

After confirmation, the wire is removed.

Note: Wires can also be deleted using the Edit Wire... selection.

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11.1.1. Introduction (2400)
This sequence of help pages refers to the Model 2400 controller/programmer.

The Programmer Editor is used to edit setpoint programs for those devices which include a programmer.
These pages are not intended to describe the device programmer itself, as this is explained in the user
guide and / or engineering manual appropriate to the device.

Most operations require that the clone or instrument be in 'Configuration' mode. This mode can be en-
tered either by clicking the right-hand button of the mouse over the required device panel view, then using
the 'Set Access Level...' menu item, or by using the 'Access' tool button to toggle between 'Configuration'
and 'Operator' (see 'Main toolbar').
If the editor is opened for a connected device (i.e. not a clone device), then any changes made to the pro-
gram are written to the device, immediately. Normal instrument rules apply, so the same changes can be
made to the running instrument via iTools, as can be made at the instrument's operator interface.

Online editing can be relatively slow, so it may be preferred to make the changes to a clone file, or to a pre-
viously saved file, and then to download the edited version to the instrument.

If the editor is opened for a clone device, the program created must either be saved to file, or downloaded
to an on-line device.
The graph (also called the 'chart') cannot be printed directly. Right clicking within the chart area, then se-
lecting 'Copy Chart' saves a copy of the chart to the clipboard, whence it may be imported into Word or Ex-
cel, and then printed as usual (e.g. <Ctrl> + <P>).
The program can be printed by selecting the required segments and copying to the clipboard (e.g by using
<Ctrl> + <C>). The program can now be imported into, say, Excel by using the Paste command (e.g. <Ctrl>
+ <V>), and printed as usual (e.g. <Ctrl> + <P>). It may be convenient to delete unused columns, rows etc.
prior to printing.

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The Programmer Editor is opened for an actual device or for a clone by:
1. Clicking on the Programmer Editor tool button in the Views toolbar.
2. Selecting 'Programmer' in the 'Views' menu, or in the right mouse-click context menu.
3. Using the short cut <Alt> + <P>

The programmer window opens with the 'Segment Parameters' tab active. The figure below shows a new
(untitled) clone. Real devices may have different segments defined, depending on the programming his-
tory of the device.

The parameter browse window contains the PSP Parameters, allowing these to be edited (if read/write),
without losing the segment parameters view.

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When Access Level = 'Configuration', Program Setpoint parameters can be displayed by clicking on the
'PSP Parameters' tab. This produces a grid list of parameters which may be edited if Read/Write. Read only
parameters appear in blue (e.g. 'EventOut1' and 'Event Out2' in the figure below).

The 'PSP Parameters' tab does not appear for Access level = 'Operator'.

Program parameters can similarly be displayed by clicking on the 'Program Parameters' tab.

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'Hidden' parameters can be displayed by de-selecting 'Hide Parameters and Lists when Not Relevant' in the
'Parameter Availability settings...' item in the Options Menu. When displayed, such parameters have a col-
oured background, as shown in 'The Explorer Window' description.
11.1.2. Program Editing (2400)
Note: The device (real or clone) must be in configuration mode before editing can be carried out. Configu-
ration mode can be entered either by clicking the right-hand button of the mouse over the required
device panel view, then using the 'Set Access Level...' menu item, or by using the 'Access' tool button
to toggle between 'Configuration' and 'Operator' (see 'Main toolbar').
The program name can be edited by double-clicking anywhere in the Program Name area, or single clicking
on the ellipsis box (as shown) then entering a new name, of up to 16 characters, in the text entry box which
appears. The program name applies only to the program in which it is entered.

The Target Setpoint (Trace) name is edited in a similar way.

See the separate topic 'Segment Parameters' for full details of the 'spreadsheet' view.
See separate topic 'The Graph' for details of the graphical display.
See 'Programmer Toolbar' for details.
See 'Programmer Menu' for details

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11.1.3. Segment parameters (2400)

Inserting Segments
A segment can be added by:
1. Clicking on the 'Insert' Programmer tool
2. Select 'Insert Segment' from the right-click (context) menu or the main Programmer menu or
3. Use the short cut <Insert>.
4. Pasting a segment from the clipboard using either the 'Paste Insert' or 'Paste Over' Tool, Programmer
menu item or Context menu item. 'Paste Insert' causes a new segment to be inserted after the high-
lighted segment. 'Paste Over' replaces the selected segment.

Deleting Segments
A segment is deleted by selecting it, then either clicking on the 'Delete' Programmer tool, by selecting 'De-
lete Segment' from the Programmer menu or the context menu, or by using the short cut <Ctrl> + <De-

Clicking on the arrow head, as shown above, produces a list of available parameter types. Once a type has
been selected the display changes to include the relevant parameters for the selected segment type.

Select a segment type from the picklist.

RMP.R = Rate type ramp segment

RMP.T = Time to Target type ramp segment
DWEL = Dwell segment
STEP = Step segment
CALL = Call sub-program type segment.

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In holdback mode, the program is 'frozen' if the measured process value (PV) does not track the setpoint
(SP) within a user defined amount.

The parameter appears only if the 'Holdback Per Segment Enable' parameter (HbAc) is set to 'SEG' in the'
PSP Parameters' tab. Allows the user to select Off, Low, High or Band as holdback mode per segment. The
holdback value is set using the Hb_V parameter in the 'Program Parameters' tab

If HbAc is set to 'PROG', then holdback is selected for the current program using the 'Holdback Type Per
Program' parameter (Hb) in the 'Program Parameters' tab.

In either case:
OFF= Holdback disabled for this segment.
LO = Holdback mode is entered when the PV is lower than (SP - HoldbackVal)
HI = Holdback mode is entered when the PV is higher than (SP + HoldbackVal)
BAND = Holdback mode is entered when the PV is lower than (SP - HoldbackVal) or higher than (SP + Hold-

Program number. This appears only if one or more 'call' type segments are included in the program, and
allows the user to type-in the number of the program which is to be called.

No. of cycles. This appears only if one or more 'call' type segments are included in the program. The pa-
rameter allows the user to type-in how many iterations of the called program are to be run, or to select
CONT, for continuous running.

Target setpoint. This allows the user to enter a target value to which the segment is to ramp. For RMP.T
segments, the ramp duration is entered using the 'Duration' parameter 'dur'. For RMP.R mode segments,
the ramp duration depends on the rAtE, setting below.

For 'RMP.T' and 'DWEL' segment types only.

By clicking on the ellipsis button in the Duration cell, the Duration entry box (shown above) appears. This
allows the user to set a time for the segment to complete its task.

Time segments take this specified time to reach the new setpoint
For Dwell segments, the setpoint remains at the starting value.

For 'DWEL' type segments, the value set here, and the value of the 'Dwell Time Units' parameter (dwLU) in
the Program Parameters tab must be compatible, or the segment may not be seen at the instrument display.

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For RMP.R segments, this defines the rate at which the ramp is to be completed. The units (seconds, min-
utes or hours) are configured using the 'Ramp Time Units' parameter (rmPU) in the 'Program Parameters'


Allows the user to define the action of the program end segment as shown in the figure above.

DWEL causes the output value to remain at the previous segment's end value.

RSET causes the program to reset.

S OP causes the output to go to the value set in the 'Power Level in End Segment' parameter (EndP) to be
found in the Operator/OP folder in the tree browser window.


This Event output status display appears only if the 'Programmer event outputs enable' parameter ('out') is
enabled in the PSP Parameters tab. The number of event outputs is eight. Active events for the segment are
indicated by the upper row of dots.
Event outputs can be used to drive relay, triac or logic outputs, according to the modules fitted.
Clicking on the ellipsis button calls the Event output configuration page. This allows the user to define
which event outputs are active during the segment.
The Bit fields display gives each Event output (D out) a binary value, such that, when checked, D out 1 = 1; D
out 2 = 2; D out 3 = 4; D out4 = 8; D out5 = 16; D out6 = 32; D out7 = 64 and D out8 = 128.
In the example, D out1, D out5 and D out8 are checked, giving a cumulative value of 1 + 16 + 128 = 145.
The status of the outputs can be shown graphically, as described in 'The Graph', which also allows the out-
put names to be defined.

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11.1.4. The Graph (2400)

The graph displays the setpoint program segments.

As can be seen from the figure above, subprograms (segment 4) are depicted as occurring all in one seg-
ment width.

A Graph may be printed by pasting it into a standard spreadsheet, and printing it from there. See 'Graph
printing' in the Introduction to the Programmer Editor.

Scales can be chosen as either linear or logarithmic, by using the 'logarithmic' tool button (shortcut
<Ctrl> + < M>) to switch between the two scale types.

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11.1.4 THE GRAPH (MODEL 2400) (Cont.)

The examples above show analogue graphs. If Event Outputs are enabled, their status can be displayed in
graphical form:

Clicking on a Event output 'face plate' (DOut_03 above), Highlights that faceplate, and emphasises the as-
sociated trace on the graph.

Event output names can be entered, as described for program names in 'Program editing'.

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12.1.1. Introduction (2704)
This sequence of help pages refers to the Model 2704 controller/programmer.

The Programmer Editor is used to edit setpoint programs for those devices which include a programmer.
These pages are not intended to describe the Device Programmer itself, as this is explained in the user
guide and / or engineering manual appropriate to the device.

Most operations require that the clone or instrument be in 'Configuration' mode. This mode can be en-
tered either by clicking the right-hand button of the mouse over the required device panel view, then using
the 'Set Access Level...' menu item, or by using the 'Access' tool button to toggle between 'Configuration'
and 'Operator' (see 'Main toolbar').
Version 6 and later of the Model 2704 include an asynchronous program mode which allows up to three
program setpoints (PSPs) to be driven by separate programmers, The programs can be included in pro-
gram groups, and the operator can then select and run that group of programs. Alternatively, the user can
select a program for each PSP, and start them individually, or as a group.

There are 60 programs available to the user. In synchronous mode, these are called Program 1 to Program
60. In asynchronous mode, each of the PSPs is allocated 20 programs. These are variously called Programs
1 to 20, for each PSP, or Programs 1 to 20 for PSP1, Programs 21 to 40 for PSP2 and Programs 41 to 60 for
If the editor is opened for a connected device (i.e. not a cone device), then any changes made to the pro-
gram are written to the device, immediately. Normal instrument rules apply, so the same changes can be
made to the running instrument via iTools, as can be made at the instrument's operator interface.

Online editing can be relatively slow, so it may be preferred to make the changes to a clone file, or to a pre-
viously saved file, and then to download the edited version to the instrument.

If the editor is opened for a clone device, the program created must either be saved to file, or downloaded
to an on-line device.
The graph (also called the 'chart') cannot be printed directly. Right clicking within the chart area, then se-
lecting 'Copy Chart' saves a copy of the chart to the clipboard, whence it may be imported into Word or Ex-
cel, and then printed as usual (e.g. <Ctrl> + <P>).
The program can be printed by selecting the required segments and copying to the clipboard (e.g by using
<Ctrl> + <C>). The program can now be imported into, say, Excel by using the Paste command (e.g. <Ctrl>
+ <V>), and printed as usual (e.g. <Ctrl> + <P>). It may be convenient to delete unused columns, rows etc.
prior to printing.

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12.1.2. Opening the editor

The Program Editor is opened, for an actual device or for a clone by:
1. Clicking on the Programmer Editor tool button in the Views toolbar.
2. Selection of 'Programmer' in the 'Views' menu, or in the right mouse-click context menu.
3. Using the short cut <Alt> + <P>

The programmer window opens with the 'Segment Parameters' tab active. The figure below shows a new
(untitled) clone in Configuration mode. By default, new programs have no segments defined for them. Real
devices, or previously saved clones may have one or more segments defined, depending on programming

The parameter browse window contains the Program Setpoint (PSP) Parameters, allowing these to be edited
(if read/write), without losing the segment parameters view.

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When Access Level = 'Configuration', Program Setpoint parameters can be displayed by clicking on the
'PSP Parameters' tab. This produces a grid list of parameters which may be edited if Read/Write. Read only
parameters appear in blue.

The 'PSP Parameters' tab does not appear for Access level = 'Operator'.

Hidden Parameters
'Hidden' parameters can be displayed by de-selecting 'Hide Parameters and Lists when Not Relevant' in the
'Parameter Availability settings...' item in the Options Menu. When displayed, such parameters have a col-
oured background, as shown in 'The Explorer Window' description.

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When Access Level = 'Configuration', Program Setpoint wiring can be displayed by clicking on the 'PSP
Wiring' tab. This produces a grid list of parameters the wiring for which may be edited as required.
The 'PSP Wiring' tab does not appear for Access level = 'Operator'.

Program parameters can similarly be displayed by clicking on the 'Program Parameters' tab. Read only pa-
rameters appear in blue.

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12.1.3. Program editing (2704)

Note: The device (real or clone) must be in configuration mode before editing can be carried out. Configu-
ration mode can be entered either by clicking the right-hand button of the mouse over the required
device panel view, then using the 'Set Access Level...' menu item, or by using the 'Access' tool button
to toggle between 'Configuration' and 'Operator' (see 'Main toolbar').
The program name can be edited by double-clicking anywhere in the Program Name area, or single clicking
on the ellipsis box (as shown) then entering a new name, of up to 16 characters, in the text entry box which
appears. The program name applies only to the program in which it is entered.

The Program Setpoint (PSP) names (Trace Names) are changed in a similar way. The PSP names entered
here are common to all programs i.e. if a name is edited in one program, then the new name appears in all
other programs. See also 'Asynchronous Programmer'.

1. The number of PSPs is defined by 'NumPSP' in the 'PSP Parameters' tab.
2. The colours in the PSP faceplate header bars are reflected in the Segment list and on the graph, eas-
ing identification.
3. Clicking on a faceplate highlights the selected PSP trace in the graph. See 'The Graph' for more de-
4. In order to improve clarity, if the PSP values are widely different, then one or more of the traces will be
drawn to a different scale (displayed scale is x10 or x100 actual value). The scaling factor appears in
the faceplate. See 'The Graph' for more details.
See the separate topic 'Segment Parameters' for details of the 'spreadsheet' view.
See separate topic 'The Graph' for details of the graphical display.
See 'Programmer toolbar' for details.
See 'Programmer Menu' for details

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12.1.4. Adding, Inserting and deleting segments


Clicking on the arrow head, produces a list of available segment types. All Segments but the first (illustrated
above) also include 'Go Back' as a segment type. Once a type has been selected the display changes to
include the relevant parameters for the selected segment type. The figure below shows a partial parameter
list for a Ramp Rate type program.

To add a new segment, the arrow head to the right of the ???????? Type field can be clicked (as shown be-
low), and once a type has been selected, the new segment parameters appear, their values based on the
previous segment. The ???????? field does not appear if the final segment is of type 'End Segment'.

The two views below show typical parameter lists for the two 'Modes' of operation viz: 'Ramp Rate' and
'Time to Target'. Mode selection is defined by 'Mode' in the 'PSP Parameters' tab. Other parameters ap-
pear only if the relevant options have been enabled, also via the 'PSP Parameters' tab. The parameters
themselves are described in a separate topic: 'Segment parameters'.

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To insert a segment, highlight the segment immediately to the right of where the new segment is to appear,
1. Click on the 'Insert' tool button in the Programmer toolbar,
2. Select 'Insert Segment' from the main Programmer menu or the right-click (context) menu,
3. Use the shortcut <Insert>.

A new segment, identical with the one highlighted, appears to the left of the highlighted segment.

An alternative is to highlight one or more segments, copy them to the clipboard and then paste them into
the required position . Again, the inserted segments appear to the left of the highlighted segment. This cut
and paste technique can be used to copy portions of one program into another, either within one instru-
ment or clone, or from one to another.

Copying is done by highlighting the required segments, then:

1. Clicking on the 'Copy' tool button in the Programmer toolbar,
2. Selecting 'Copy' from the main Programmer menu or the right-click (context) menu,
3. Using the shortcut <Ctrl> + <C>.

Pasting is done by highlighting the segment to the right of the insertion point, then:
1. Clicking on the 'Paste Insert' tool button in the Programmer toolbar,
2. Selecting 'Paste Insert' from the main Programmer menu or the right-click (context) menu,
3. Using the shortcut <Ctrl> + <V>.

It is also possible to replace one or more segments with the same number of replacement segments. This is
done by copying and pasting as described above, but using the 'Paste Over' tool button or menu item,
rather than 'Paste Insert'. Shortcut = + + . The number of segments highlighted to be pasted over must be
the same as the number of segments on the clipboard.
Segments can be deleted in the following ways;
1. By selecting one or more segments, then clicking on the Delete tool button .
2. By selecting one or more segments, then selecting 'Delete Segment' from the right-click (context)
menu or the main 'Programmer' menu.
3. By selecting one or more segments, then using the shortcut <Ctrl> + <Delete>.
4. By changing segment type to 'End'. This deletes all segments to the right of the new End segment.

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12.1.5. Segment parameters (2704)


Clicking on the arrow head, produces a list of available segment types. All Segments but the first (illustrated
above) also include 'Go Back' as a segment type. Once a type has been selected the display changes to
include the relevant parameters for the selected segment type.

The two views below show typical segment parameter lists for the two 'Modes' of operation viz: 'Ramp Rate'
and 'Time to Target'. Mode selection is defined by 'Mode' in the 'PSP Parameters' tab.

User Text.

Clicking on the arrow head to the right of 'Default Text', displays a picklist of text strings, one of which may
be selected for this segment. These text strings are edited in the INSTRUMENT/ User_Text subfolder.

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12.1.5 SEGMENT PARAMETERS (2704) (Cont.)

Select a segment type from the picklist, as shown above.

End segment action is set in 'EndAct' in the 'Program Parameters' tab to be either 'Reset' or 'Dwell'.

For Go back details, see GbkSeg, below.

For Time to Target Mode programs only.

By clicking on the ellipsis button next to 'Duration', the Duration entry box (shown above) appears. This al-
lows the user to set a time for the segment to complete its task.

Segment type ('n' = 1, 2 or 3).

For Ramp Rate mode only.

Select a Ramp Type of Step, Dwell or Ramp. Subsequent PSP parameters vary according to the Type se-

Segment target ('n' = 1, 2 or 3).

This allows the user to type in a target value to which the segment is to ramp. For mode = Time to target,
the ramp duration is entered using the 'Duration' parameter described above. For Ramp Rate mode pro-
grams, the ramp duration is set in PSPnRt (below).

Ramp Rate ('n' = 1, 2 or 3).

For Mode = 'Ramp Rate' and PSPnTp = 'Ramp' only.

The speed at which the ramp is to take place is entered here. The units are set as per second, per minute or
per hour in 'RateU' to be found in the Program Parameters tab list.

Example: With 'RateU' set to 'per minute', an entry of '2' would mean the ramp takes place in 30 seconds.
An entry of '3' would mean the ramp would complete in 20 seconds, and so on.

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12.1.5 SEGMENT PARAMETERS (2704) (Cont.)


Dwell Duration ('n' = 1, 2 or 3).

For Mode = 'Ramp Rate' and PSPnTp = 'Dwell' only.

Clicking on the ellipsis button next to the dwell value field causes the Dwell Time entry box (shown above)
to appear. This allows the user to set a time for the segment to complete its task.

This value may affect the timing of other PSPs.

Holdback Type ('n' = 1, 2 or 3).

In holdback mode, the program is 'frozen' if the measured process value (PV) does not track the setpoint
(SP) within the user-defined amount. The actual values associated with the list items are editable in the 'Pro-
gram Parameters' tab list (H1FVal, H2FVal, H3FVal and H1CVal, H2CVal, H3CVal, where 1, 2 and 3 represent
the relevant PSP number).

If holdback is enabled (HbkMod in the 'Program Parameters' Tab list), and 'Per Segment' selected, then the
user can select the required holdback time for this segment from a drop-down list containing the following:
Off, Fine Lo, Fine Hi, Fine Band, Coarse Lo, Coarse Hi and Coarse band.

If holdback 'Per Program' is selected (HbkMod in the 'Program Parameters' tab list), then the user can select
the required holdback time for all segments in the program from drop-down lists called PSP1HT, PSP2HT
and PSP3HT, also in the 'Program Parameters' tab list. The drop-down lists contain the same items as listed

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12.1.5 SEGMENT PARAMETERS (2704) (Cont.)

Event outputs are used to drive Relay, Triac or Logic outputs, according to the modules fitted.
The Event Output Status Word (P_DOut) is displayed graphically as two horizontal lines each of up to 16
dots where the dots representing Event output 1 are leftmost. The number of dots in the lower line matches
the number of Event outputs entered in the 'NumDos' parameter in the 'PSP Parameters' tab. (Normally,
only the maximum number of Event outputs needed is typed-in, in order to minimise display complexity at
the 2704 user interface.)
The dots in the upper line show which Event Outputs are to be active, whilst the associated segment is ac-
tive. The figure below shows that this segment is to have Event Outputs 1, 3, 5 and 7 active.

Hovering the cursor over the ellipsis button displays the status in logical format as shown below, where 1 =
active and 0 = inactive.

Clicking on the ellipsis button allows the user to edit the status of each Event Output. The value of the status
word is the sum of all the bits set. In this example, with Bits 1, 3, 5 and 7 set, the value of the status word is 1
+4 + 16 +64 = 85.

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12.1.5 SEGMENT PARAMETERS (2704) (Cont.)


On completion, the segment waits for as long as the selected Wait Event is active.
Allows the selection of a User Value to be made. User values are associated with the Pattern Generator and
are described in the Installation and Operation handbook.
For 'Go Back' segments only, this allows the user to define the segment to which the program is to go back.
Once defined, a graphical interpretation is displayed just below the graph, showing which segment is to be
returned-to and how many times the segment(s) included in the go back section are to be run (see GBkCyc,

For 'Go Back' segments only, this allows the user to define how many times the segment(s) included in the
go back section are to be run (see also GBkSeg, above).

In the example above, segments 2 and 3 run once, and are then repeated twice before segment 4 runs.

In the example below, segments 1 to 5 run once, and are then repeated 5 times (i.e. they are run 6 times in
all) before segment 6 executes.

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12.1.6. The Graph (2704)

The graph displays the setpoint program segments. As can be seen from the figure above, the traces and
parameters reflect the colours of the PSP faceplates.

Clicking on a faceplate (PSP2 in the example above) causes both the faceplate and the associated trace to
be highlighted.

As can be seen from PSP1 and PSP 2 in the example above, if traces have widely different values, then the
traces with lower values are 'magnified' so that they can be seen more clearly. In the example above, PSP1
trace is magnified by 100 and PSP2 trace is magnified by 10. Obviously, the values in the graph y-axis must
be divided by the same factors to give correct values.

A Graph may be printed by pasting it into a standard spreadsheet, and printing it from there. See 'Graph
printing' in the Introduction to the Programmer Editor.

Scales can be chosen as either linear or logarithmic, by using the 'logarithmic' tool (shortcut <Ctrl> + <
M>) to switch between the two scale types.

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12.1.6 THE GRAPH (2704) (Cont.)

The examples above show analogue graphs. If Event Outputs are enabled, a digital view of the program
can be displayed, by clicking on the 'Digital' tool button , or by using the shortcut <Ctrl> + <D>. The
example below shows a display for five Event outputs. See 'P_DOut' in 'Segment Parameters' for more de-

To return to the analogue display, the 'Analog' tool button should be clicked on.

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12.1.7. Asynchronous Programmer

Version 6 and later of the Model 2704 include an asynchronous program mode which allows up to three
program setpoints (PSPs) to be driven by separate programmers, The programs can be included in pro-
gram groups, and the operator can then select and run that group of programs. Alternatively, the user can
select a program for each PSP, and start them individually, or as a group.

1. Enabling asynchronous mode causes all existing programs to be deleted, so if the existing programs
are to be retained, they should be saved.
2. After changing mode, it may be necessary to close, then re-open the programmer before the changes
take full effect.
Once the instrument or clone is active, the Instrument/Options/Asynch can be double clicked in the parame-
ter browse window, and 'Asynchronous' selected in the resulting picklist.

Alternatively, the value can be changed from the Options tab of the Instrument function block view, called
by double clicking on Instrument in the Tree view:

A similar process is carried out to return to Synchronous mode should this be required.

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12.1.8. Using the editor in asynchronous mode

Asynchronous mode editing is similar to Synchronous mode editing, described in 'Progam editing'. The
basic procedure is as follows:

1. Select the 'Global Parameters' tab and set the program mode (Mode) to 'Ramp Rate' or 'Time-to-
Target' as required. Set the number of PSPs (NumPSP) to 1, 2 or 3, as required.
2. Select the 'Segment Parameters' tab. If necessary, select PSP1 using the 'Select asynchronous PSP'
tool .
3. Select the required program number using the 'Program Number tool .
4. Create the required PSP program, as described in 'Program editing'.
5. Repeat for all required PSPs and Programs.
6. Select the 'Program Groups' tab and assign the PSPs to the required Program groups.
The following sections describe the differences between the two modes.

Parameter List changes

1. The 'PROGRAM_RUN' list is removed.
2. The three PSP option parameters are shown in 'PSP1-PROFILE', 'PSP2_PROFILE' and 'PSP3_PROFILE'.
3. Programmer options appear in 'PSP1-PROFILE', 'PSP2_PROFILE' and 'PSP3_PROFILE', not in 'PRO-
4. Groups of programs are created and controlled via 'PROGRAM_EDIT/Groups' and 'PRO-
GRAM_EDIT/Group names'

Number of Programs
There are 60 programs available to the user. In synchronous mode, these are called Program 1 to Program
60. In asynchronous mode, each of the PSPs is allocated 20 programs. These are variously called Programs
1 to 20, for each PSP, or Programs 1 to 20 for PSP1, Programs 21 to 40 for PSP2 and Programs 41 to 60 for

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Operator interface
1. An extra tool button is enabled on the toolbar, allowing the user to select PSP1, 2 or 3 for program-

2. Only one PSP is shown, because each asynchronous program can have only one PSP.
3. The 'PSP Parameters' and' PSP wiring' tab names include the currently selected PSP number. The
faceplace is always PSP1.
4. A new tab 'Global Parameters' appears. This tab contains the parameters that are associated with all
5. A new tab 'Program Groups' appears which allows the user to allocate the PSPs to program groups.
Thus when a program group is run, the PSPs which have been allocated to that group are run. In the
example below, if program group 3 were chosen, then PSP1 Program 1, PSP2 Program 5 (25) and
PSP3 Program 5 (45) would be run.

PSP / Program / Group relationship

The twenty programs associated with each PSP are independent of each other, and of all the programs as-
sociated with other PSPs, except in the relationship defined in the Program Groups database. For example,
PSP1 Program 1, PSP2 program 1 and PSP3 program 1 are entirely independent, unless they are placed in
the same Program group.

Saving / Loading asynchronous programs

Each program is saved and loaded individually. It is not possible to save or load groups of parameters in
one step.

Groups are saved in the instrument clone file. The editor cannot save groups separately.

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12.2.1. 2704 User Page Editor
The User Page Editor provides templates to allow the user to create screens to appear at the 2704 display,
by assigning parameters to locations on the screen. 'Live' mode simulates the appearance of the actual dis-

There are eight user-definable pages available, and each page can be configured to show parameter values
in one of seven styles. Pages are edited in the User Screen Tab. The User List tab displays up to ten 'Pro-
mote Parameters'.

The User Page Editor is opened by:

1. Clicking on the 'User Pages Editor' tool button in the 'Views' toolbar.
2. Selecting 'User Pages' from the Views menu
3. Using the shortcut <Alt> + <U>
4. Right clicking over the relevant instrument faceplate, and selecting 'User Pages' from the resulting
context menu.

The editor opens in whatever style Page 1 is set to. For new clones or instruments, the default style is Pa-
rameter List.
No matter which style of display is chosen (apart from blank), and providing the conditions below are met,
parameters can be dragged from anywhere in iTools into any parameter position. If a parameter already
exists in the dragged-to location, it is overwritten.

Note: The dragged-to screen location becomes the 'selected parameter'.

Alternatively, the Edit wiring tool button , the 'Pages' menu item in the iTools main menu, the context
menu (right click) or the shortcut <Ctrl> + <E> can be used.

1. The device must be in configuration mode, otherwise 'Edit' mode is not available.
2. The User screen must be in Edit mode, not in Live mode. Live and edit are toggled between using the
'Show live data'/'Return to editor' tool button in the toolbar, by selecting 'Show live data'/'Return
to editor' from the 'Pages' menu, or by using the shortcut <Ctrl> + <L>.

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12.2.1 2704 USER PAGE EDITOR (Cont.)


A panel to the right of the device 'faceplate' allows Page details to be configured.

Page Name
Clicking in this area calls the user text dialogue box, allowing the user to select one of 100 text strings for the
page name. These text strings are entered in the Instrument/User_Text folder in the parameter browse list.

Auto/man Loop:
Allows the user to select None, LP1, Lp2 or Lp3. Defines which page the Auto/Man(ual) key is to be associ-
ated with.

Page Location:
Select 'None', 'Loop Summary' or 'Main Page' for the User Page location at the 2704 user interface.
None = Page is hidden
Main Page = Page name appears in the main configuration menu, immediately below 'User Pages'.
Loop Summary = Page found by one or more operations of the 'Loop' front panel control button.

Page Style:

Allows the user to select a style for the selected user page. See Parameter List style, Single Loop style, Dual
Loop style, Triple Loop style 1, Triple Loop style 2, Status Grid style, Bar Graph style, for further details.

The Blank Page style is used to 'hide' other displays until needed.

Note: The Parameter List style differs from other styles in that it shows the 'Promotion Parameter' list in the
main display area (i.e. the user screen).
Each of the other styles (except 'Blank') includes a display area, near the bottom of the screen, in
which one of the promotion parameters is displayed. The default is the first parameter in the promo-
tion Parameter List, but scroll buttons allow any one of the 10 parameters to be chosen. The full list
can be viewed by clicking on the 'User List' tab.

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12.2.1 2704 USER PAGE EDITOR (Cont.)

Page Promote:
Allows the user to select the access level(s) at which the page may be viewed.

Graph Style:
This appears only for User pages incorporating bargraphs etc.

Allows 'Absolute' or 'Error' to be selected for graphical elements.

Absolute starts at the bottom and grows upwards.
Error starts at zero, but Error type graphs are scaled by GraphLo and GraphHi (in the 'Selected Parameter'
area), thus allowing the zero point to be offset to allow positive and negative excursions to be shown. The
Graph end points can also be set up in the 'LPn_SETUP/Display' folder, parameters GraLo and GraHi.

Section name
These controls appear only if the page style is dual or triple loop. Double clicking anywhere in the control
or single clicking in the ellipsis box allows the user to select a text string from the User_Text subfolder, to act
as a section name.

This panel area displays details of the currently selected (clicked-on) parameter.

User Text
Clicking in this area calls the user text picklist, allowing the user to select one of 100 text strings for the pa-
rameter name. These text strings are entered in the Instrument/User_Text subfolder in the Parameter
Browse List.

The user text dialogue box can also be called by clicking on the 'Edit user text for selected parameter' tool
, or by using the short cut <Ctrl> + <T>. This allows an individual entry to be selected or edited, to be-
come the new parameter name.

Graph Lo / Graph Hi
These controls appear only for 'Bargraph' display style and allow endpoints for the relevant parameter's
graphical display to be entered.


This field appears only in the User List Tab View, or for 'promote parameters' and allows the user to select a
required access level for each parameter. Access levels and their passwords are set in the ACCESS folder.

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12.2.2. Promote Parameters

The (up to 10) parameters displayed when the 'User List' tab is clicked-on are called Promote parameters. In
each style (except 'Parameter List' and 'Blank Page') there is an area near the bottom of the User Screen dis-
play in which one of these Promote Parameters is displayed.

As shown in the figure below (for edit mode), the User list parameter number (2) and the parameter mne-
monic (AL_2) appear, along with a pair of scroll buttons. These scroll buttons are used to select the required
promote parameter for display. Alternatively, a replacement parameter can be displayed by dragging it
into the display area. Such an action automatically updates the User List.

The 'Live' mode display is similar, but the User List parameter number disappears, and the parameter name
and value are displayed instead of just the mnemonic. Again, the scroll buttons are used to select the re-
quired promote parameter for display.

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12.2.3. User List Tab

Note: the figure below is a composite view of the User List (Edit mode) - it is not possible to view the full
width of this window in iTools.

The User List Tab allows all the promote parameters for the associated User Page to be displayed simulta-

In Edit mode, User Text and Access level can be edited using the 'Selected Parameter' panel. In Live Data
mode, the list appears as shown below, giving the parameters' User Text names and associated live values.

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12.2.4. Styles

This provides a view of a Bar Graph style, used to display analogue values. Parameters can be dragged to
the relevant positions on the page, or they can be inserted using the Edit wiring tool button or 'Pages' menu
item or by using the shortcut <Ctrl> + <E> or the Context (right-click) menu.
A maximum of 10 bars can be shown. Bars can be added (up to a maximum of 10) or deleted, using the
toolbar tool buttons, or the relevant selections from the Pages menu or Context menu.
The figure above shows the style, in edit mode. The live data screen is described below.
As can be seen above, the display screen is divided into a number of areas. Each of these areas is covered
by a separate topic:
1. The user screen itself which shows a Model 2704 faceplate. Parameters can be dragged into the dis-
play from any other area of iTools.
The Control buttons (below) can be used to navigate through the pages and the page items. The 'Go
to Menu' button calls the main menu, from which any one of the eight User Pages can be selected for
view, either by double clicking on the menu item, or by clicking on the 'Select Page' control button.

2. Selected Page area. This allows the currently selected page to be configured. See Selected Page for
more details.
3. Selected Parameter area. This gives details of the currently selected parameter. See Selected Pa-
rameter for more details.

4. User pages toolbar . See 'Pages Toolbar' for further de-

5. User List Tab. See 'User List Tab' for further details.
6. Promote parameter. See 'Promote Parameters' for details

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12.2.4 STYLES (BARGRAPH) (Cont.)


As can be seen, the live data screen is similar to the Edit screen, but this time the bargraphs are active.

Default Parameter names are displayed or, if any parameter has been re-named, then the new name ap-
pears here.

See 'Selected Parameter' for details of how to re-name the parameter.

Promotion Parameters
The User List tab contains up to 10 parameters, which may be the same as or different from the parameters
at the display. These parameters are called Promotion parameters, and appear in the Parameter List User

One of these parameters is displayed at the bottom of the device screen, as shown above. The up/d0wn
arrows allow the user to scroll through the promotion parameters, one at a time, as required.

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12.2.4 STYLES (Cont.)


This provides a view of a dual loop program. Parameters can be dragged to the relevant positions on the
page, or they can be inserted using the Edit wiring tool button or 'Pages' menu item or by using the short-
cut <Ctrl> + <E>.

The figure above shows Dual Loop style, in edit mode. The live data screen is described below.

As can be seen above, the display screen is divided into a number of areas. Each of these areas is covered
by a separate topic:
1. The user screen itself which shows a Model 2704 faceplate. Parameters can be dragged into the dis-
play from any other area of iTools.
The Control buttons (below) can be used to navigate through the pages and the page items. The 'Go
to Menu' button calls the main menu, from which any one of the eight User Pages can be selected for
view, either by double clicking on the menu item, or by clicking on the 'Select Page' control button.

2. Selected Page area. This allows the currently selected page to be configured. See Selected Page for
more details.
3. Selected Parameter area. This gives details of the currently selected parameter. See Selected Pa-
rameter for more details.

4. User pages toolbar . See 'pages Toolbar' for further details.

5. User List Tab. See 'User List Tab' for further details.
6. Promote Parameter. See 'Promote Parameters' for details.

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12.2.4 STYLES (Cont.)


As can be seen, the live data screen is similar to the Edit screen, but this time with instantaneous values dis-
played for each parameter.

Default Parameter names are displayed or, if any parameter has been re-named, then the new name ap-
pears here.

See 'Selected Parameter' for details of how to re-name the parameter.

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12.2.4 STYLES (Cont.)


The figure above shows a parameter list style page, in edit mode. The live data screen is discussed below.

As can be seen above, the display screen is divided into a number of areas. Each of these areas is covered
by a separate topic:

1. The user screen itself which shows a Model 2704 faceplate with space for up to 10 'promote parame-
ters'. Parameters can be dragged into the display from any other area of iTools. This list and the User
list are identical for this display style.
The Control buttons (below) can be used to navigate through the pages and the page items. The 'Go
to Menu' button calls the main menu, from which any one of the eight User Pages can be selected for
view, either by double clicking on the menu item, or by clicking on the 'Select Page' control button.

2. Selected Page area. This allows the currently selected page to be configured. See Selected Page for
more details.
3. Selected Parameter area. This gives details of the currently selected parameter. See Selected Pa-
rameter for more details.

4. User pages toolbar . See 'Pages Toolbar' for further details.

5. User List Tab. See 'User List Tab' for further details.

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12.2.4 STYLES (Cont.)


As can be seen, the live data screen shows the same parameter list, but this time with live values displayed
for each parameter.

Parameter names are displayed with their full default text, or, if any parameter has been re-named, as in pa-
rameter 7 (Purge), above, then the new name appears here.

See 'Selected Parameter' for details of how to re-name the parameter.

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12.2.4 STYLES (Cont.)


This provides a view of a single loop program. Parameters can be dragged to the relevant positions on the
page, or they can be inserted using the Edit wiring tool button or 'Pages' menu item or by using the short-
cut <Ctrl> + <E>.

The figure above shows Single Loop style, in edit mode. The live data screen is described below.

As can be seen above, the display screen is divided into a number of areas. Each of these areas is covered
by a separate topic:

1. The user screen itself which shows a Model 2704 faceplate. Parameters can be dragged into the dis-
play from any other area of iTools.
The Control buttons (below) can be used to navigate through the pages and the page items. The 'Go
to Menu' button calls the main menu, from which any one of the eight User Pages can be selected for
view, either by double clicking on the menu item, or by clicking on the 'Select Page' control button.

2. Selected Page area. This allows the currently selected page to be configured. See Selected Page for
more details.
3. Selected Parameter area. This gives details of the currently selected parameter. See Selected Pa-
rameter for more details.

4. User pages toolbar . See 'Pages Toolbar' for further details.

5. User List Tab. See 'User List Tab' for further details.
6. Promote parameter. See 'Promote Parameters' for details

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12.2.4 STYLES (Cont.)


As can be seen, the live data screen is similar to the Edit screen, but this time with live values displayed for
each parameter.

Default Parameter names are displayed or, if any parameter has been re-named, then the new name ap-
pears here.

See 'Selected Parameter' for details of how to re-name the parameter.

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12.2.4 STYLES (Cont.)


This provides a view of a status grid style, used to display the on/off status of digital values. Parameters can
be dragged to the relevant positions on the page, or they can be inserted using the Edit wiring tool button
or 'Pages' menu item or by using the shortcut <Ctrl> + <E>.

A maximum of 12 items can be shown. Parameters can be added (up to a maximum of 12) or deleted, using
the toolbar tools, or the relevant selections from the Pages menu or by dragging.

The figure above shows the style, in edit mode. The live data screen is described below.

As can be seen above, the display screen is divided into a number of areas. Each of these areas is covered
by a separate topic:

1. The user screen itself which shows a Model 2704 faceplate with space for up to 12 parameters'. Pa-
rameters can be dragged into the display from any other area of iTools.
The Control buttons (below) can be used to navigate through the pages and the page items. The 'Go
to Menu' button calls the main menu, from which any one of the eight User Pages can be selected for
view, either by double clicking on the menu item, or by clicking on the 'Select Page' control button.

2. Selected Page area. This allows the currently selected page to be configured. See Selected Page for
more details.
3. Selected Parameter area. This gives details of the currently selected parameter. See Selected Pa-
rameter for more details.

4. User pages toolbar . See 'Pages Toolbar' for further de-

5. User List Tab. See 'User List Tab' for further details.
6. Promote parameter. See 'Promote Parameters' for details

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12.2.4 STYLES (Cont.)


As can be seen, the live data screen is similar to the Edit screen, but 'On' (non-zero) parameters are high-
lighted yellow, and 'Off' (zero) parameters remain in black.

Text strings appear only for parameters that have been re-named, otherwise, the areas are blank.

See 'Selected Parameter' for details of how to re-name the parameter.

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12.2.4 STYLES (Cont.)


This provides a view of a triple loop style 1 program. Parameters can be dragged to the relevant positions
on the page, or they can be inserted using the Edit wiring tool button or 'Pages' menu item or by using the
shortcut <Ctrl> + <E>.

The figure above shows the style, in edit mode. The live data screen is described below.

As can be seen above, the display screen is divided into a number of areas. Each of these areas is covered
by a separate topic:

1. The user screen itself which shows a Model 2704 faceplate. Parameters can be dragged into the dis-
play from any other area of iTools.
The Control buttons (below) can be used to navigate through the pages and the page items. The 'Go
to Menu' button calls the main menu, from which any one of the eight User Pages can be selected for
view, either by double clicking on the menu item, or by clicking on the 'Select Page' control button.

2. Selected Page area. This allows the currently selected page to be configured. See Selected Page for
more details.
3. Selected Parameter area. This gives details of the currently selected parameter. See Selected Pa-
rameter for more details.

4. User pages toolbar . See 'Pages Toolbar' for further details.

5. User List Tab. See 'User List Tab' for further details.
6. Promote parameter. See 'Promote Parameters' for details

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12.2.4 STYLES (Cont.)


As can be seen, the live data screen is similar to the Edit screen, but this time with instantaneous values dis-
played for each parameter.

Default Parameter names are displayed or, if any parameter has been re-named, then the new name ap-
pears here.

See 'Selected Parameter' for details of how to re-name the parameter.

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12.2.4 STYLES (Cont.)


This provides a view of a triple loop style 2 program. Parameters can be dragged to the relevant positions
on the page, or they can be inserted using the Edit wiring tool button or 'Pages' menu item or by using the
shortcut <Ctrl> + <E>.

The figure above shows the style, in edit mode. The live data screen is described below.

As can be seen above, the display screen is divided into a number of areas. Each of these areas is covered
by a separate topic:

1. The user screen itself which shows a Model 2704 faceplate. Parameters can be dragged into the dis-
play from any other area of iTools.
The Control buttons (below) can be used to navigate through the pages and the page items. The 'Go
to Menu' button calls the main menu, from which any one of the eight User Pages can be selected for
view, either by double clicking on the menu item, or by clicking on the 'Select Page' control button.

2. Selected Page area. This allows the currently selected page to be configured. See Selected Page for
more details.
3. Selected Parameter area. This gives details of the currently selected parameter. See Selected Pa-
rameter for more details.

4. User pages toolbar . See 'Pages Toolbar' for further details.

5. User List Tab. See 'User List Tab' for further details.
6. Promote parameter. See 'Promote Parameters' for details.

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12.2.4 STYLES (Cont.)


As can be seen, the live data screen is similar to the Edit screen, but this time with instantaneous values dis-
played for each parameter.

Default Parameter names are displayed or, if any parameter has been re-named, then the new name ap-
pears here.

See 'Selected Parameter' for details of how to re-name the parameter.

Promotion Parameters
The User List tab contains up to 10 parameters, which may be the same as or different from the parameters
at the display. These parameters are called Promotion parameters.

One of these parameters is displayed at the bottom of the device screen, as shown above. The up/d0wn
arrows allow the user to scroll through the promotion parameters, one at a time, as required.

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iTools Version 7 Help Manual

12.2.5. Go to Menu Control Button

When the User Pages Editor is the active editor, The Go to Menu control button calls the top level User
Pages menu, depicted below.

Any of the eight pages can be selected:

1. by double clicking on the relevant page item
2. by clicking on the item once, to highlight it, and then clicking on the 'Select Page' control button.
3. by clicking on the item once, to highlight it, and then clicking on the 'Select Page' tool button

Note: Once a menu item has been selected, other items can be selected by use of the up/down (Next Se-
lection/ Previous selection) control buttons.

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13.1.1. Introduction

The Device Recipe Editor can be opened by clicking on the Device Recipe View tool button or by selecting
'Device Recipe' in the Views menu. The window is in two parts: the left part contains the recipe parameter
list; the right-hand part contains 'Data sets' and is initially empty.

The window is used:

To monitor a so-called 'watch list' of parameter values. The watch list can contain parameters from many
different lists within the same device and the values of these parameters are continuously updated from the
To create 'data sets' of parameter values which can be selected and downloaded to the device in the se-
quence defined by the recipe. The same parameter may be used more than once in a recipe.

The difference between the Device Recipe and the Watch/Recipe editors is that with the Device Recipe, the
parameters and data sets are stored as parameters on the device, whereas the Watch/Recipe window is a
file-based system. Unlike the Watch/Recipe window, the downloading of data values to their corresponding
parameters can be performed from the device front panel without the need for iTools to be running.

The 3500 can store up to 24 parameters and up to eight data sets.

Note: It is not necessary that parameters occupy contiguous grid rows (i.e. gaps may be left between pa-
rameters). It is also possible to have empty data set cells.

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13.1.2. Recipe creation

After opening the window, as described above, parameters can be added to it as described below. Pa-
rameters can be added only from the device to which the Device Recipe window relates (that is, parameters
from more than one device cannot be placed in one watch list). The values of the parameters update in real
time, allowing the user to monitor, simultaneously, a number of parameters which might otherwise be unre-

The order in which items appear in the list may be changed using the 'Move selected item' (up/down) tool
button in the Device Recipe tool bar. Because there is a fixed relationship between the item locations in the
window grid, and the corresponding parameters in the device, the move operation may seem quite slow.

Note: The left-most column indicates (by being 'colour-filled') which parameter is currently 'selected'. In the
figure above, it is Loop.1.PID.
1. Parameters can be 'click-dragged' into the watch list grid from elsewhere in iTools (for example: the
main browse tree, the parameter explorer window, the graphical wiring editor). The parameter is
placed either into an empty row, or 'on top' of an existing parameter, in which case it replaces this pa-
rameter in the list.
2. Parameters can be dragged from one position in the list to another. In such a case, a copy of the pa-
rameter is produced: the source parameter remaining in place. Parameters can be also be copied by
using the 'Copy Parameter' item in the Recipe menu or the context (right click) menu, or by using the
short cut <Ctrl> + <C>. Data set values are not included in the copy.
3. The 'Browse for recipe parameter' tool button , the 'Browse Parameters...' Recipe (or right mouse-
click) menu item or the shortcut + can be used to open a browse window from which a parameter can
be selected. The selected parameter is inserted into the selected grid row, overwriting an existing pa-
rameter at that position.
4. The Browse window can also be opened by double clicking on a row in the grid. The parameter se-
lected is loaded into the selected row, replacing any previously existing parameter in that row.
5. A parameter can be 'copied' from (for example) the Graphical Wiring Editor and subsequently
'pasted' into the watch list using the 'Paste Parameter' item in the Recipe menu, or the right mouse-
click context menu (shortcut = <Ctrl> + <V>).

Note: Each row in the grid can be given a 'meaningful' title,by directly editing the appropriate cell in the
'Tag' column.
All the parameters required for the recipe should be added to the watch list, described above.

Initially, all the data sets are empty. Values for each parameter can be directly entered into the data sets, or
a whole data set can be selected (by clicking on the column header), and the 'Snapshot' tool used to
fill the data set with the current values. Alternatively, the 'Snapshot Values' item in the Recipe or right
mouse-click menu or the shortcut + can be used to fill the data set.
Individual data values can now be edited by typing directly into the grid cells. Data values can be left blank
or cleared by deleting all the characters in the field, then, either moving to a new cell, or typing <Enter>.

The sets are called 'Set n' by default, where n can take the values 1 to the maximum number of sets for the
device. The names can be edited by using the 'Rename data Set...' item in the Recipe or right mouse-click
(context) menu, or by using the shortcut <Ctrl> + <R>.

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13.2.1. Introduction (3500)
This sequence of help pages refers to the Model 3504/3508 controller/programmer.

The Programmer Editor is used to edit setpoint programs for those devices which include one or more pro-
grammers. These pages are not intended to describe the device programmer itself, as this is explained in
the user guide and / or engineering manual appropriate to the device.

Some operations require that the clone or instrument be in 'Configuration' mode. This mode can be en-
tered either by clicking the right-hand button of the mouse over the required device panel view, then using
the 'Set Access Level...' menu item, or by using the 'Access' tool button to toggle between 'Configuration'
and 'Operator' (see 'Main toolbar').
The model 3500 may be supplied as a zero, one or two programmer unit, as defined at time of order. The
two-programmer unit can operate in one of three modes, selected using the 'ProgMode' parameter in In-
strument Options configuration. These modes are called 'SyncAll', 'SyncStart' and 'Single Channel'. The
program editor is closed down, after suitable warnings, when a mode change is requested.

This means that all segments for the two 'channels' are synchronised during program execution. This means
that only time-based segment types are available.

This means that the two programmers start running the two segment 'channels' together, but thereafter run
independently of one another. Wait segments in Channel 1 can be configured to specify a channel 2 seg-
ment with which to synchronise. Whichever channel reaches the synchronisation point first stops and waits
for the other channel to 'catch up'. When both channels have reached the synchronisation point, both pro-
grams continue at their next segments

Single Channel
The same as a single programmer unit.


If the editor is opened for a connected device (i.e. not a clone device), then any changes made to the pro-
gram are written to the device, immediately. Normal instrument rules apply, so the same changes can be
made to the running instrument via iTools, as can be made at the instrument's operator interface.

Online editing can be relatively slow, so it may be preferred to make the changes to a clone file, or to a pre-
viously saved file, and then to download the edited version to the instrument.

If the editor is opened for a clone device, the program created must either be saved to file, or downloaded
to an on-line device.
The graph (also called the 'chart') cannot be printed directly. Right clicking within the chart area, then se-
lecting 'Copy Chart' saves a copy of the chart to the clipboard, whence it may be imported into Word or Ex-
cel, and then printed as usual (e.g. <Ctrl> + <P>).

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The program can be printed by selecting the required segments and copying to the clipboard (e.g by using
<Ctrl> + <C>). The program can now be imported into, say, Excel by using the Paste command (e.g. <Ctrl>
+ <V>), and printed as usual (e.g. <Ctrl> + <P>). It may be convenient to delete unused columns, rows etc.
prior to printing.
13.2.2. Opening the editor
The Programmer Editor is opened for an actual device or for a clone by:
1. Clicking on the Programmer Editor tool button in the Views toolbar.
2. Selecting 'Programmer' in the 'Views' menu, or in the right mouse-click context menu.
3. Using the short cut <Alt> + <P>

The programmer window opens with the 'Segment Parameters' tab active. By default, new programs have
no segments defined for them. Real devices may have one or more segments defined, depending on the
programming history of the device.

The figure below shows the opening display for a two-programmer configuration. The single-programmer
display is similar, except that the 'Programmer 2 Parameters' tab does not appear.

Note: The 'Add (+)' tool button referred to in the figure below means the 'Add' tool button in the Pro-

grammer Editor toolbar, not the similar tool button in the main toolbar.

The parameter browse window contains the Program Setpoint (PSP) Parameters, allowing these to be edited
(if read/write), without losing the segment parameters view.

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When Access Level = 'Configuration', Programmer parameters can be displayed by clicking on the 'Pro-
grammer 1 Parameters' or 'Programmer 2 Parameters' (two-programmer instruments only) tab. This pro-
duces a grid list of parameters which may be edited if Read/Write. Read only parameters appear in blue
(e.g. 'Units' and 'Resolution' in the figure below).

'Programmer 1(2) Parameters' tabs do not appear for Access level = 'Operator'.

Hidden Parameters
'Hidden' parameters can be displayed by de-selecting 'Hide Parameters and Lists when Not Relevant' in the
'Parameter Availability settings...' item in the Options Menu. When displayed, such parameters have a col-
oured background, as shown in 'The Explorer Window' description.
Program parameters can similarly be displayed by clicking on the 'Program Parameters' tab.

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13.2.3. Program editing (3500)

Note: The Programmer 1 Parameters and Programmer 2 Parameters tabs appear only in configuration
mode. Configuration mode can be entered either by clicking the right-hand button of the mouse
over the required device panel view, then using the 'Set Access Level...' menu item, or by using the
'Access' tool button to toggle between 'Configuration' and 'Operator' (see 'Main toolbar').
The program and trace names can be edited by double-clicking in the Name area, or single clicking on the
ellipsis box (as shown for 'Program Name') then entering a new name, of up to 16 characters, in the text en-
try box which appears. The new names apply only to the program in which they are edited.

See the separate topic 'Segment Parameters' for full details of the 'spreadsheet' view.
See separate topic 'The Graph' for details of the graphical display.
See 'Programmer Toolbar' for details.
See 'Programmer Menu' for details

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13.2.4. Adding, inserting and deleting segments

The following description relates to all modes except 'SyncStart'. See 'SyncStart segments' for details.

Note: The total number of segments available depends on the number of programs fitted. For 1 program,
the maximum number of segments is 20; otherwise the maximum number of segments available is 5
00. The Segment diagnostics display is useful in establishing the number of segments used, and the
number still available.

The first segment is added by:
1. Clicking on the 'Add at end' Programmer tool button
2. Selecting 'Add Segment' from the right-click (context) menu or the main 'Programmer' menu.
3. Using the short cut <Ctrl> + <Insert>

Subsequent segments are incorporated either by 'Adding' as above, or by inserting segments into a specific
location, as described below.

Unless the final segment is an 'End' segment, the 'Add Segment' procedure places a copy of the current
final segment at the end of the program to become the new final segment.

If the final segment is an 'End' segment, then the Add Segment procedure inserts a copy of the previous
penultimate segment immediately before the End segment.
To insert a segment, highlight the segment to the right of where the new segment is to appear, then:
1. Click on the 'Insert' Programmer tool button
2. Select 'Insert Segment' from the right-click (context) menu or the main 'Programmer' menu or
3. Use the short cut <Insert>.

A new segment, identical to the one highlighted, appears to the left of the highlighted segment.

An alternative is to highlight one or more segments, copy them to the clipboard (<Ctrl> + <C>), and then
paste them into the required position (<Ctrl> + <V>). Again, the inserted segments appear to the left of the
highlighted segment. This cut and paste technique can be used to copy portions of one program into an-
other, either within one instrument or clone, or from one to another.
Segments can be deleted in the following ways;
1. By selecting one or more segments, then clicking on the Delete tool button .
2. By selecting one or more segments, then selecting 'Delete Segment' from the right-click (context)
menu or the main 'Programmer' menu.
3. By selecting one or more segments, then using the shortcut <Ctrl> + <Delete>.
4. By changing segment type to 'End'. This deletes all segments to the right of the new End segment.

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13.2.5. SyncStart segments

SyncStart mode segments differ from other segments in that they are added/inserted/deleted for each trace
separately. Channels can be re-synchronised at any point by using a channel 1 'wait' segment with the
'Wait for' parameter set to 'Ch2Sync', and the relevant Channel 2 segment selected as the synchronisation
The first segment is added by:
1. Clicking on the 'Add at end' Programmer tool button
2. Selecting 'Add Segment' from the right-click (context) menu or the main 'Programmer' menu.
3. Using the short cut <Ctrl> + <Insert>

The first segment is added to Channel 1. Channel 1 and Channel 2 'faceplates' appear, with Channel 1 'ac-

Subsequent segments are incorporated into Channel 1, either by 'Adding' as above, or by inserting seg-
ments into a specific location, as described below. To add segments to Channel 2, click on the Channel 2
faceplate, or click in the Channel 2 area to highlight Channel 2, then proceed as for Channel 1.

Unless the final segment is an 'End' segment, the 'Add Segment' procedure places a copy of the current
final segment at the end of the program to become the new final segment.

If the final segment is an 'End' segment, then the Add Segment procedure inserts a copy of the previous
penultimate segment immediately before the End segment.

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To insert a segment, highlight the segment to the right of where the new segment is to appear, then:

1. Click on the 'Insert' Programmer tool button

2. Select 'Insert Segment' from the right-click (context) menu or the main 'Programmer' menu or
3. Use the short cut <Insert>.

A new segment, identical to the one highlighted, appears to the left of the highlighted segment.

An alternative is to highlight one or more segments, copy them to the clipboard (<Ctrl> + <C>), and then
paste them into the required position (<Ctrl> + <V>). Again, the inserted segments appear to the left of the
highlighted segment. This cut and paste technique can be used to copy portions of one program into an-
other, either within one instrument or clone, or from one to another.
Segments can be deleted in the following ways;
1. By selecting one or more segments, then clicking on the Delete tool button .
2. By selecting one or more segments, then selecting 'Delete Segment' from the right-click (context)
menu or the main 'Programmer' menu.
3. By selecting one or more segments, then using the shortcut <Ctrl> + <Delete>.
4. By changing segment type to 'End'. This deletes all segments to the right of the new End segment.

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13.2.6. Segment parameters (3500)

1. The order in which segment parameters appear depends on the operating mode.
2. Some items appear only if the relevant parameter has been enabled in the Programmer 1(2) parame-
ters tab.


Clicking on the drop-down arrow displays a menu listing the available segment types. Once a type has
been selected the display changes to include the relevant parameters for the selected segment type.

1. Goback is not available from segment 1 or from any segment immediately after an existing GoBack
2. In SyncAll mode, only End, Time, Wait, and GoBack segments are available.

This appears only if one or more 'call' type segments are included in the program, and defines the program
number to be called.

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This appears only if one or more 'call' type segments are included in the program, and defines how many
iterations of the called program are to be run.

For 'Go Back' segments only, this allows the user to define the segment to which the program is to go back.
Once defined, a graphical interpretation is displayed just below the graph, showing which segment is to be
returned-to and how many times the segment(s) included in the go back section are to be run (see 'Go-
backCycles', below).

For 'Go Back' segments only, this allows the user to define how many times the segment(s) included in the
go back section are to be run (see also GoBackSeg, above).

In the example above, segments 4 and 5 run once, and are then repeated twice before segment 7 runs.

In the example below, segments 1 to 4 run once, and are then repeated 5 times (i.e. they are run 6 times in
all) before segment 6 executes.

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This allows the user to hold program execution until a certain event takes place: In all cases, the program
waits until the event is 'True'.

PrgIn1 and PrgIn2

These are digital inputs to the program. The program waits until the selected input goes true.

The program waits until PrgIn1 and PrgIn2 are both true simultaneously.

The program waits until either or both inputs are true.

The program waits until the Process value meets the criteria defined in 'PVWait' and 'WaitVal'
(described below).

Valid only for two-programmer instruments working in SyncStart mode The program waits until Channel 2
has completed the segment specified in 'SyncToCh2Seg', described below.

PVWait and WaitVal

These parameters appear only for Wait segments which have the 'WaitFor' parameter set to 'PVWaitIP'. For
units working in 'SyncAll' mode, separate parameters appear for each channel.

PVWait allows a threshold to be defined such that the program waits until the Process Variable value moves
above or below the threshold (WaitVal) before continuing with the next segment.

For a PSP = 100, and a WaitVal = 15, the program waits until the process value reaches the following values
before continuing:
AbsH1: PV >= 15
AbsLo: PV<= 15
DvHi: PV<= 115 (PSP + WaitVal)
DvLo: PV>= 85 (PSP - WaitVal)

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Valid only for two-programmer instruments working in SyncStart mode, which have a Wait segment config-
ured as 'WaitFor Ch2Sync'.

The program waits until Channel 2 has completed the segment number entered here before starting both
channels simultaneously (i.e. it re-synchronises the channels).

For 'Time' and 'Dwell' segment types only.

By clicking on the ellipsis button in the Duration cell, the Duration entry box (shown above) appears. This
allows the user to set a time for the segment to complete its task.

Time segments take this specified time to reach the new setpoint
For Dwell segments, the setpoint remains at the starting value.

For Ramp segments, this defines the rate at which the ramp is to be completed. The units (seconds, minutes
or hours) are configured in 'Ramp Units' in the 'Program Parameters' tab.

For 'Rate', 'Time' and 'Step' segments, this allows the user to select Off, Low, High or Band as holdback
mode per segment. In holdback mode, the program is 'frozen' if the measured process value (PV) does not
track the setpoint (SP) within a user defined amount.

Off = Holdback disabled for this segment.

Low = Holdback mode is entered when the PV is lower than (SP - HoldbackVal)
High = Holdback mode is entered when the PV is higher than (SP + HoldbackVal)
Band = Holdback mode is entered when the PV is lower than (SP - HoldbackVal) or higher than (SP + Hold-

For Dwell segments, Holdback is replaced by GSoakType, described below.

This allows the user to enter a target value to which the segment is to ramp. For Time segments, the ramp
duration is entered using the 'Duration' parameter described above. For Ramp segments, the ramp dura-
tion depends on Ramp Rate (above).

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End Type

The action to occur at the end of the program can be selected as Reset, Dwell or SafeOP.
Reset resets the program. Dwell causes the output value to remain at the previous segment's end value.
SafeOP means that the program outputs the value of the 'SafeOutVal' parameter in Loop/1/OP or
Loop/2/OP as appropriate.

Appears only if 'EnablePVEvent' has ben enabled in the relevant Programmer 1(2) tab.

This is an alarm,which is triggered when the Process value reaches a certain value (PV Threshold). Once
triggered, the relevant PV Event Output becomes active.

For a PSP = 100, and PVThreshold = 15, the alarm is triggered when the process value reaches the following
AbsH1: PV >= 15
AbsLo: PV<= 15
DvHi: PV<= 115 (PSP + WaitVal)
DvLo: PV>= 85 (PSP - WaitVal)
DvBand: 85 <= PV<=115 (alarm is active if the PV lies outside the band PSP +/- PV Threshold)

For 'Rate', 'Time' and 'Step' segments, this causes the value of 'UserVal' to be output to UValOP for the dura-
tion of the segment.

1. UserVal appears only if 'EnableUserVal' is set to 'yes' in the relevant Programmer 1(2) Parameters tab.
2. The 'UValName' parameter in the relevant Programmer 1(2) Parameters tab can be used to enter a
text string of up to eight characters to replace 'UserVal'.

GSoakType and GSoakVal

For 'Dwell' segments only, this is the same as 'Holdback' (described above), except that the user can define
a holdback value (GSoakVal) for the segment.

Note: These parameters appear only if 'EnableGSoak' has been enabled in the relevant Programmer 1(2)
Parameters tab.

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PID set
Allows a PID set to be selected for each 'Rate', 'Time', 'Dwell' or 'Step' type segment. P, I and D parameters
are defined in the Loop setup page.

Note: This parameter appears only if 'EnablePIDSched ' has been enabled in the relevant Programmer 1(2)
Parameters tab.

For 'Rate' and 'Dwell' segments, EventOut1 can be set to become active at a specified time (OnTime) after
segment start, and to become non-active at a second specified time (OffTime) after segment start.

1. This parameter appears only if 'EnableTimeEvent' has been enabled in the relevant Programmer 1(2)
Parameters tab.
2. EventOut 1 (see below) cannot be edited if 'EnableTimeEvent' is enabled.

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Event outputs can be used to drive relay, triac or logic outputs, according to the modules fitted. The num-
ber of event outputs enabled is set in the Programmer/N/Setup/MaxEvents parameter, where N is the num-
ber of the relevant programmer. If MaxEvents is set to zero, then all event outputs are disabled.

Clicking on the ellipsis button calls the EventOuts dialogue box. This allows the user to define which event
outputs are active during the segment. In the example above, outputs 1, 5 and 8 are active during the seg-
ment. The status of the outputs can be shown graphically, as described in 'The Graph'.

The Bit fields display gives each Event output (D out) a binary value, such that, when checked, D out 1 = 1; D
out 2 = 2; D out 3 = 4; D out4 = 8; D out5 = 16; D out6 = 32; D out7 = 64 and D out8 = 128.

In the example below, D out1, D out5 and D out8 are checked, giving a cumulative value of 1 + 16 + 128 =

1. Event Output 1 cannot be edited if 'EnableTimeEvent' (see 'TimeEvent' above) is enabled for the
2. The number of event outputs (maximum eight per channel) can be set using the 'MaxEvents' parame-
ter in the relevant Programmer 1(2) Parameters tab.

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13.2.7. The Graph (3500)

The graph displays the setpoint program segments either as an analogue trace, or if Event outputs are en-
abled, these can be shown in digital form. Analogue graphs (default) are selected by clicking on the 'Ana-
logue' button . Digital graphs are selected by clicking on the 'Digital' button .

1. Subprograms (Call segments) are depicted as occurring all in one segment width.
2. A Graph may be printed by pasting it into a standard spreadsheet, and printing it from there. See
'Graph printing' in the Introduction to the Programmer Editor.
3. Clicking on a 'face plate' highlights that faceplate, and emphasises the associated trace on the graph.
For analogue graphs, scales can be chosen as either linear or logarithmic, by using the 'logarithmic' tool
button (shortcut <Ctrl> + < M>) to switch between the two scale types.

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13.2.7 THE 3500 GRAPHS (Cont.)

The following illustrations show typical graph displays for the various operating modes.
Single Programmer/Single channel

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13.2.7 THE 3500 GRAPHS (Cont.)


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13.2.THE 3500 GRAPHS (Cont.)


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13.3.1. Introduction
This device provides user-configurable pages, known equally as User pages and Custom pages.

The User Page Editor is used to set up these pages to show a scrollable sequence of parameter values in a
variety of display styles. There are 64 display items which can be freely assigned within the eight pages.

The User Page Editor is opened by:

1. Clicking on the 'User Pages' tool in the Views toolbar
2. Selecting 'User Pages' from either the Views Menu or the Device context menu
3. Using the short cut <Alt> + <U> in the iTools main window.

If the device is a connected device (i.e. it is not a clone), the window opens with the current configuration
displayed. If the device is a clone, the configuration grid is empty (for new clones) or contains the saved
configuration (for saved clones).

The window consists of the following areas:

1. Toolbar. See 'User Page Editor toolbar (3500)' for details.
2. Loop summary page tabs. See separate topic: 'Summary page tabs'.
3. 'User Pages' tab used to return the user page to the display after accessing any of the loop summary
4. Faceplate of the instrument ('live' if connected)
5. 'Promote Parameter Totals', showing the number of items used in all pages and the number of free
items available.
6. A 'Promote Parameter List' showing the display items for the current page.
7. A 'Selected User Page' area showing page specific items, and a pair of entry boxes for setting graph
limits for all relevant bargraphs on this page.
8. A 'Selected Promote Parameter' area showing details of the currently selected item.

This allows the user to select the parameter to appear as the main display item. As there is a maximum of
five characters, not all parameters are suitable for display here.

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13.3.1 INTRODUCTION (Cont.)


One of the promote parameters (selected using the scroll key ) appears on the bottom line of the in-
strument's display.

Items can be added to the grid by:

1. Click-dragging from the main iTools parameter browse tree. (Select Item Style window opens.)
2. Inserting an item using the 'Insert item ahead of selected item' tool button .
3. Selecting 'Insert item...' from either the 'Pages' menu or the right click (context) menu.
4. Using the shortcut <Insert>. (Select Item Style window opens.)

Double-clicking on this column, or anywhere in an empty row, calls the 'Select Item Style' dialogue box,
which allows a style to be selected for the selected row. If there is not yet a parameter associated with this
row, the user is given the opportunity to assign one.

A description of each style is given in the 'Description' box below the style list.

1. 'Text' style has no parameter associated with it.
2. 'Value only' style has no user text capability.
3. 'Dual Row' and 'Triple Row' styles occupy more than one line on the device display, and should not be
used for the 1st item in the page, as this item does not scroll.

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13.3.1 INTRODUCTION (Cont.)


If there is not yet a parameter associated with the row, the following parameter browse dialogue box ap-
pears, allowing the user to select a parameter to be assigned to the style.

This column contains the name of the folder which contains the selected parameter. Double-clicking in the
relevant cell calls a parameter browse dialogue box, similar to the 'Add item..' browser above, allowing the
user to select a new parameter.

This column contains the name of the selected parameter. Clicking in the relevant cell calls a parameter
browse dialogue box, similar to the 'Add item..' browser above, allowing the user to select a new parameter.

User Text
Double-clicking in this column calls a text entry box, allowing the user to enter new text, or to edit existing
text. Parameters which do not support user text display '(no user text)' in this column, and access is denied.

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13.3.2. Loop Summary pages

Loop summary pages are preconfigured pages within the model 3500. The User Page Editor allows the
user to create a list of additional 'Promote' parameters which are appended to the preconfigured list. The
scroll key is used to scroll through this list, until the required parameter appears at the bottom of the
display screen.

The illustration below shows the Loop 1 summary page for a two-programmer instrument. A single pro-
grammer unit's page is similar, but contains neither the 'Loop 2 Summary Page' nor the 'Dual Loop Sum-
mary Page' tab.

See the topic '3500 User Page Editor' for details of Promote parameters.

See the topic 'User Page Editor toolbar (3500)' for details of the tool buttons.

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The unique iTools items associated with EPower controllers are as follows:
Fieldbus I/O Gateway,
User pages.
A Profibus master may be required to work with slaves from different manufacturers and with different func-
tions. Also, there are many parameters which are not required by the network master. Fieldbus I/O Gate-
way (opened by clicking on the toolbar icon shown above) allows the user to define which input and output
parameters are to be available over the Profibus link. The master may then map the selected device pa-
rameters into, for example, PLC input/output registers, or, in the case of a supervisory SCADA package, to
a pc.

Values from each slave (the 'input data') are read by the master, which then runs a control program such as a
ladder logic program. The program generates a set of values (the 'output data') and loads them into a pre-
defined set of registers for transmission to the slave devices. This process is called an 'I/O data exchange'
and is repeated continuously to give a cyclical data exchange.

As shown above, there are two tabs called 'Input Definition' and 'Output Definition'. Inputs are values sent
from the EPower controller to the Profibus master. Outputs are values received from the Master and used
by the controller (e.g. setpoints written by the Master). Values from Profibus overwrite changes made at the
Controller's Operator Interface.

The procedure for selecting variables is identical for input and output definition tabs.
1. Double-click the next available position* in the relevant table and select the variable to assign to it. (A
pop-up, shown below for input 5) provides a browser from which a list of parameters can be opened.
2. Double click the required parameter to assign it to the input definition.

* Gaps may be left in the tables if desired.

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When all the required parameters have been added, notes of how many 'wired entries' are included in the
input and output areas should be made, as this information is required when setting up the Profibus Master.

1. The Profibus standard allows a maximum of 117 total input and output parameters, but most Profibus
masters are unable to support this number. For EPower, a maximum of 32 input and 16 output pa-
rameters may be set using the Gateway I/O Register.
2. No checks are made that output variables are writable. If a Read-only parameter is included, it will be
ignored without any warning message.
3. The read and write parameter tables both access the same memory location (0C06), which then points
to the read or write table, according to whether this is a read or write instruction. The values read or
written depend on the parameters in the read and write tables. This means that if a value is written to
a particular address, and this address is then read from, the value that is read will be different from the
value written, unless the same parameter is in the same location in both read and write tables.

Once the changes have been made to the Input and Output definition lists, they must be downloaded to the
controller unit. This is done (for both tables simultaneously) by clicking on the 'Update device Flash Mem-
ory' button just above the Input Definition tab. The controller performs a restart after this operation.

14.3. TASKS
The EPower Controller User guide (HA179769) should be referred-to for more details of controller opera-

The EPower controller is designed to drive single or multiphase ac supply power to loads such as furnaces.
iTools for this application has to cater for the situation that in a multi-phase system, the phases, by defini-
tion, are out of phase with one another. For this reason the concept of 'tasks' is introduced, where a task
may be considered to be associated with a phase. The task would normally consist of input and output
blocks, a network block, a Firing OP block etc. Each task (i.e. all items associated with a Network block) has
its own block execution order, distinguishable from others by background colour.

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14.3 TASKS (Cont.)

It is convenient but not necessary to arrange tasks to be within separate Compounds.

Any software wiring between tasks must include a task break to ensure that phasing problems do not occur.
Wiring between tasks, that does not include a task break, is drawn with thick wires. Such wires will execute,
but the results are unpredictable as the unit is unable to resolve the strategy.

The background colours for block execution order are as follows:

Task 1 = Red
Task 2 = Green
Task 3 = Black
Task 4 = Blue


Up to four User Pages, each with four lines, can be created and downloaded to the unit. These allow the
operator interface to display particular sets of values, in various formats. The figure below shows the initial
display when the 'User Pages' toolbar icon (shown above) is clicked on.

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14.4.1. User Page Creation

1. Click on the Page up/down arrow to select the required Page number for configuration.
2. Double-click one of the cells in the 'Promote Parameter List' to display the Select Item Style window

3. Click on the required style, then on 'OK'.

A parameter browse window appears for the selected row, allowing a parameter to be selected.

4. Click 'OK' to insert the parameter into the list.

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5. If required, click on the white square on the relevant 'Graph Low' and/or 'Graph High' title bar and set
the low and high values which are to appear with an associated bargraph.

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14.4.2. Styles

If 'Text' is selected, a text entry window appears allowing the user to enter the text which is to appear on the
selected line of the display. The display can accommodate 10 characters - any further characters are hidden.
This style is shown as line one of the figure above.
Displays the value of the selected parameter, right justified. No user text may be entered for this style. This
style is shown as line two of the figure above.
Displays the parameter mnemonic (left justified) and the parameter value (right justified). User text may be
entered but overwrites the parameter mnemonic. This style is used for line three of the above figure.
Displays the parameter value as a left-hand zero bargraph. This style is shown in line four of the figure
above (and in line two of the figure below.
Supplies low limit (left justified), parameter mnemonic (centred) and high limit (right justified) displays.
Normally used in conjunction with a Left Origin bar on the line below (as shown in lines one and two below)
or on the line above. User text may be entered. As the number of characters increases, user text first over-
writes the mnemonic, then the range values.
Similar to' Bar Graph Title 1' above, but includes a numeric value for the parameter as well as its mnemonic
and range values. Normally used in conjunction with a Left Origin bar on the line below or on the line above
(as shown in lines two and three below) . User text may be entered. As the number of characters increases,
user text first overwrites the mnemonic, then the range values. If the number of characters entered exceeds
10, then all the user text is hidden, leaving just the parameter value.

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15.1.1. Block Wiring context menu
This menu appears if the mouse right button is clicked whilst the mouse pointer is hovering over a parame-
ter row in the Toolkit Blocks 'Block Wiring' tab window. Applies only to those instruments that support
'Toolkit Blocks'.


See Explorer menu for details. Parameter help is available only for some instruments.

Clicking on this entry calls the browser window for the clicked-on parameter. This allows the user to select a
source or destination block to wire to.

For instruments with parameter help, a 'Show Help' button is appears, and if this is clicked-on, help details
for the selected parameter appear (as shown below). The 'Show Help' button becomes the 'Hide Help' but-

Existing wires can be deleted (after confirmation) by clicking on the 'Delete Wire' box, then on 'OK'.

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Allows the user to paste a wire, previously copied to the clipboard, into the clicked-on location.
Allows the user to delete a wire, after confirmation.
Refreshes the display.
Not active in the 'Block Wiring' tab. In the 'User Values' tab area, this allows the user to enable/disable cer-
tain columns for display.

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15.1.2. Chart context menu (OPC Scope)

This menu appears when the mouse right-hand key is clicked, whilst the mouse cursor is hovering over the
OPC Scope chart.
Opens a file dialogue window allowing the user to define a destination path for saving the chart.
Initiates the chart printing process. Colour or monochrome, and grid or no grid, are selected from the 'Plot'
tab of the Chart Control panel.
Allows the user to copy the chart to the clipboard, for use in other applications.
Calls the Chart Control Panel, allowing the user to set up chart parameters such as parameter content, col-
ours, scales and so on.


Selecting this item causes OPC scope chart to enter Review Mode.

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15.1.3. Comment context menu

This menu appears if the right mouse button is clicked whilst the mouse pointer is hovering over a comment

Selecting this item causes the comment edit dialogue box to open, allowing the user to edit the current text.
This discards any existing link between the comment box and a function block or wire. Creating a new link
also discards any existing link.
The normal cut, copy and paste functions, applied to Comment boxes.
Models 3500, EPower controllers, Mini-8 controllers
If the comment has previously been downloaded, it is shown 'ghosted' until next time the wiring diagram is
downloaded, when it disappears from view. Until such time, it can be 'undeleted' using the 'Undelete'
menu item, below. If the comment is 'new' (that is, it has not yet been included in a download), then the de-
letion takes effect immediately.

Models 2604, 2704

Deleted items are immediately removed from the wiring diagram. Such items can be restored using the
Undo tool button (shortcut + ).
Models 3500, Epower controllers, Mini-8 controllers
Comments that have been downloaded at least once, then deleted are shown 'ghosted' to indicate that the
instrument still has the comment stored in its memory. If the 'Undelete' item is selected before the next
download, then the comment is restored to its former non-deleted status.

Models 2604/2704
This 'Undelete' menu item is not available. Deleted items can be restored using the Undo tool button
(shortcut + ).
Selecting this item brings the selected comment to the front of the diagram. The same effect can be
achieved by moving the comment.
Selecting this item sends the selected comment to the back.

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15.1.4. Compound Context Menu

This context menu is displayed when the mouse is right clicked whilst the cursor is hovering over a com-
pound in the top level wiring diagram.

Opens the compound
Allows the compound to be renamed.
This causes iTools to discard, and do a re-route for the current routing for all the wires connected to the
This causes iTools to discard, and do a re-route for the current routing for all input wires connected to the
This causes iTools to discard, and do a re-route for the current routing for all output wires connected to the
This menu item can be enabled on a block-by-block basis. When enabled, wires are replaced by source and
destination tags.
Carries out the normal cut, copy and paste functions on the Compound. Error messages appear if there are
insufficient blocks of the correct types available.

If Compound 1 (for example) is cut and pasted onto the same diagram, then the default name is Compound

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Models 3500, EPower controller, Mini8 controller
If the item has previously been downloaded, it is shown 'ghosted' until next time the wiring diagram is
downloaded, when it disappears from view. Until such time, it can be 'undeleted' using the 'Undelete'
menu item, below. If the item is 'new' (that is, it has not yet been included in a download), then the deletion
takes effect immediately.

Models 2604, 2704

Deleted items are immediately removed from the wiring diagram. Such items can be restored using the
Undo tool button (shortcut + ).

Models 3500, EPower controller, Mini8 controller
Items that have been downloaded at least once, then deleted are shown 'ghosted' to indicate that the in-
strument is still 'executing' the item. If the 'Undelete' item is selected before the next download, then the
item is restored to its former non-deleted status.

Models 2604/2704
This 'Undelete' menu item is not available. Deleted items can be restored using the Undo tool button
(shortcut <Ctrl + <Z>)

Selecting this item (active in the top level only) causes the compound 'box' to be removed from the top level
diagram and its contents to be positioned on the top level diagram. These components are 'selected', so
that they can easily be moved to a convenient place on the diagram.

The associated compound tab is removed from the window. Default compound names can be used only
once. For example, if Compound 1, Compound 2 and Compound 3 exist and then Compound 2 and
Compound 3 are deleted, the next compound to be created will have the default name Compound 4.
This saves a copy of the selected compound to a file name entered by the user. This file is located in 'My
iTools Wiring Fragments' located in 'My Documents'.

Paste Fragment is used to place a copy of the saved compound on to a top level wiring diagram. Paste
Fragment is initiated either by clicking on the Paste Fragment icon , or by selecting 'Paste Fragment'
from the Diagram Context menu (opened by right clicking within an empty area of the diagram).

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Compounds which are wired into and/or out of, show the names of the parameters which have wires asso-
ciated with them. Right clicking whilst hovering over such a parameter name (as in the diagram above) acti-
vates the Parameter Properties... menu item, which is otherwise greyed.
Selecting this item calls the relevant Parameter properties display. If Parameter Help is available (depends
on instrument type) then a 'Help' tab is located at the top of the Properties window allowing the user to dis-
play the description for this parameter.

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15.1.5. Device context menu

This context menu appears if the mouse right button is clicked whilst the mouse pointer is hovering over a
device either in the device browser window, or in the panel views area.

Note: This menu varies according to device type.

The top section of this menu contains Viewing mode selections. The available viewing modes are described
in the Views menu topic and the Views Toolbar topic.
Load values from File...
This selection opens a file dialogue box to allow the user to select a previously stored file for loading into
the selected instrument. If the file is incompatible with the selected device, the load will fail.
Saves the current file to its previous location. If the file is new, then the Save As... dialogue box opens.
Save As... / Save to File...
Opens a file dialogue box to allow the user to select a destination folder for the file.
Send to Device
Allows the user to select a connected instrument to which the file is to be downloaded.

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Verify against Clone File

Looks for differences between the clone file and the device file. A message log appears (above), identifying
any differences.

Note: This can take some minutes.

The log can be Saved, or Printed by clicking on the relevant button.

Should the error 'Verifying clone of device xxx not supported while parameter attribute monitoring is en-
abled' appear (where xxx represents the device type), then 'Global Enable Active Mirror Device' must be
disabled in the Options/Advanced/Show Server Edit menu.

Opens the Report configuration window. See 'Report Configuration' for more details.

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Used to re-synchronise iTools with the instrument. Used when changes have been made at the instrument
via its operator interface. See 'Synchronisation' for more details.
Removes the selected device from iTools.
Remove from display only
For connected instruments, removes the selected item from the panel views area and from the Device
browser. Can be re-instated by using the Add facility for example.
Deactivate / Activate
For supported instruments, this toggles the selected instrument's operator interface display, in the Panel
Views area, on and off.
Device Comment...
Allows a device comment to be added.
Identify Current Parameter
For relevant device types only, this displays a dialogue box identifying the parameter currently shown at the
instrument display. Short cut <Ctrl> + <I>. The entry is 'greyed' for other device types.
Browse To Current Parameter
For relevant device types only, this opens the iTools browse tree to the parameter currently shown at the
instrument display. Short cut <Ctrl> + <P>. The entry is 'greyed' for other device types.
Home Display
For relevant device types only, this returns the instrument to its default home display page. The entry is
'greyed' for other device types.
Reset program
For relevant device types only, this resets any setpoint program running in the device. The entry is 'greyed'
for other device types.
Set Access Level
Allows the user to select 'Operator' level (short cut <Ctrl> + <Alt. + <O>) or Configuration access level
(short cut <Ctrl> + <N>).

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Device Help
This menu item appears only for those instruments which have their own parameter help pages. Selecting
the menu item opens the instrument's help system. The menu item does not appear for instruments with-
out Parameter Help.
Device information...
This menu item calls the 'Device info' display. The communications tab shows the Communications proto-
col, the Device address and the (for live devices only) Baud rate.

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15.1.6. Device Recipe Data Sets context menu

This menu appears if the right hand mouse button is operated whilst the mouse pointer is hovering over a
Device Recipe data set (not supported by all instruments).


Enabled only if a data set is 'selected'.

Selection of this Recipe menu item calls the access level configuration page, which allows the required ac-
cess level to be set for the selected data set. The number of access levels varies from one device to another.
Short cut <Ctrl> + <F>.

= configuration access only.

= access never.
= other access levels.
Enabled only if a data set is selected, this allows the user to enter a title for the selected data set. Short cut
<Ctrl> + <R>.
Enabled only if a data set is selected, this fills the selected data set with the current values of the parameters
listed in the data list. Short cut <Ctrl> + <A>.
Enabled only if a data set is selected, this allows the user to copy the selected data set to the clipboard.
Short cut <Ctrl> + <C>.
Enabled only if a data set is selected, and there is a data set located on the clipboard, this allows the user to
paste a previously copied data set from the clip board to the selected data set. Short cut <Ctrl> + <V>.

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15.1.7. Device Recipe parameter context menu

This menu appears if the right hand mouse button is operated whilst the mouse pointer is hovering over the
Device Recipe parameter area (not supported by all instruments).

Loads the recipe list and data sets from a file, clearing all existing values from the device. Short cut <Ctrl> +
Saves the current parameter sets to a file. Short cut <Ctrl> + <S>
If a parameter is selected, then this opens a browse list at that parameter. If an empty row is selected, the
browse window opens at the parameter last accessed using this browser tool. Short cut <Ctrl> + <B>
Enabled only if a parameter is 'selected', this removes the currently selected parameter. Short cut <Ctrl> +
Enabled only if a parameter is 'selected', this allows the user to copy the selected parameter to the clip-
board. Short cut <Ctrl> + <C>.
Enabled only if a suitable parameter is located on the clipboard, this allows the user to paste a parameter
from the clip board to the watch list. Short cut <Ctrl> + <V>.
Enabled only if a parameter is 'selected'.

See Explorer menu for details.


Allows the user to enable/disable the Description and comment columns for display in the watch list win-

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15.1.8. Diagram context menu

This menu appears if the right hand mouse button is operated whilst the mouse pointer is hovering over the
wiring diagram background.


The standard cut copy and paste items for wiring diagram components.
For selected wires, the current routing is discarded and a new path found. If no wires are selected, all wires
are discarded and new paths found for all wires.
Aligns the tops of all selected (non-wire) items.
Aligns the left edges of all selected (non-wire) items.
This allows the user to space the selected items such that their top left corners are evenly spaced, both hori-
zontally and vertically. The items to be spaced should be control-clicked in the order in which they are to be
spaced, before the Space Evenly is selected by right clicking in the selected area, then left clicking 'Space
Selects all items in the wiring diagram. Short cut = <Ctrl> + <A>.
Selecting this item causes a new compound to be created. A new tab (Compound N) appears at the top of
the wiring area. If the maximum number of compounds for the instrument type already exist, then this item
is greyed out. See 'Compounds' for more details.

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Note: this function is active only if more than one item is selected in the wiring layout diagram. If only one
item is selected, the Function Block context menu appears instead.

Models 3500, EPower controllers, Mini-8 controllers

If deleted items have previously been downloaded, they are shown 'ghosted' until next time the wiring dia-
gram is downloaded, when they disappear from view. Until such time, they can be 'undeleted' using the
'Undelete' menu item, below. If deleted items are 'new' (that is, they have not yet been included in a
download), then the deletion takes effect immediately.

Models 2604, 2704

Deleted items are immediately removed from the wiring diagram. Such items can be restored using the
Undo tool button (shortcut + ).
Note: this function is active only if more than one item is selected for undeleting. If only one item is se-
lected, the Function Block context menu appears instead.

Models 3500, EPower controllers, Mini-8 controllers

Items that have been downloaded at least once, then deleted are shown 'ghosted' to indicate that the in-
strument still has the items in its memory. If the 'Undelete' item is selected before the next download, then
the items are restored to their former non-deleted status.

Models 2604/2704
This 'Undelete' menu item is not available. Deleted items can be restored using the Undo tool button
(shortcut + ).
If one or more items are selected, they are copied to the clipboard as a metafile. If no items are selected,
the whole diagram is copied. Metafiles can be imported into documents etc. if required. The grid is copied,
if enabled.

Note: The quality of metafile rendering varies from package to package, but generally the printed result is
better than the on-screen appearance would suggest.
As above, but the diagram is saved to a file instead of to the clipboard.
Copies the highlighted items to a filename defined by the user, located somewhere in 'My iTools Wiring
Fragments' to be found in 'My Documents'.
This opens a browse window showing all the fragments previously saved (copied) from this or another com-
patible instrument.
This item becomes active when multiple components are selected (by click-dragging a rectangle round
them) and the mouse is right-clicked within the selection area. Selecting 'Centre' causes the selected items
to move to the centre of the wiring diagram.

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15.1.9. Flash Memory Context menu

There are two versions of the Flash Memory Editor context menu. The version which appears when the
mouse is right clicked, depends on which tab is currently active.

For the 'Message Table' and 'Promote Parameters' tabs, the full version appears:

For the remaining tabs ('Message Table Configuration, 'Recipe Definition and Recipe names'), the simpler
version appears (see Explorer menu for details):

Inserts an item immediately above the currently selected item. An item can be added to the end of the list
by inserting it with the final empty row selected. Shortcut = <Insert>
Open a browse dialogue to edit the parameter associated with the selected item. Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <E>
Removes the selected item from the list. Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <Del>.
See Explorer menu for details.

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15.1.10. Function Block context menu

This 'Context' menu appears if the right mouse button is clicked whilst the mouse pointer is hovering over a
Selecting this item calls an iTools parameter list showing all the parameters in the block. If the list contains
sub-lists, these are shown as tabs, as in the example below.

This causes iTools to discard, and do a re-route for the current routing for all the wires connected to the se-
lected block.
This causes iTools to discard, and do a re-route for the current routing for all input wires connected to the
selected block.

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This causes iTools to discard, and do a re-route for the current routing for all output wires connected to the
selected block.
This menu item can be enabled on a block-by-block basis. When enabled, wires are replaced by source and
destination tags.


This menu item can be enabled on a block-by-block basis. When enabled, all parameters not so far used are
hidden. The figure shows two identical blocks one with parameters shown - the other with unwired parame-
ters hidden.

This operation copies the selected item(s) to the pasteboard and either removes them from the diagram or
marks them for removal ('ghosts' them) according to instrument type (see 'Delete' and 'Undelete', below).
If the context menu is opened by right clicking when the mouse pointer is over a parameter, and 'Copy' se-
lected, then a reference to the parameter will be copied for subsequent 'pasting' into a watch window or
OPC scope.
If the context menu is opened by right-clicking when the mouse pointer is over a block (but not directly over
a parameter) the block is copied to the pasteboard ready for pasting elsewhere in the diagram.
Copies the contents of the pasteboard to the selected location
Models 3500, EPower controller, Mini8 controller
If the item has previously been downloaded, it is shown 'ghosted' until next time the wiring diagram is
downloaded, when it disappears from view. Until such time, it can be 'undeleted' using the 'Undelete'
menu item, below. If the item is 'new' (that is, it has not yet been included in a download), then the deletion
takes effect immediately.

Models 2604, 2704

Deleted items are immediately removed from the wiring diagram. Such items can be restored using the
Undo tool button (shortcut + ).

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Models 3500, EPower controller, Mini8 controller
Items that have been downloaded at least once, then deleted are shown 'ghosted' to indicate that the in-
strument is still 'executing' the item. If the 'Undelete' item is selected before the next download, then the
item is restored to its former non-deleted status.

Models 2604/2704
This 'Undelete' menu item is not available. Deleted items can be restored using the Undo tool button
(shortcut <Ctrl> + <Z>).
Selecting this item brings the selected block to the front. The same effect can be achieved by moving the
block, using the mouse or direction keys.
Selecting this item pushes the selected block to the back. Normally used when the current item is obscuring
another (and is therefore drawn in red).
This menu item is enabled when the right mouse button is clicked whilst the mouse pointer is hovering over
a parameter. Left clicking on this menu item calls a parameter edit box, allowing the user to change the
value (providing that the parameter is not Read Only).


See Explorer menu for details.

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15.1.11. Graph context menu

This menu is obtained by right-clicking over the chart area of the screen for instruments which support Pro-
grammer editor. See 'Chart context menu' for OPC Scope functions.
Selecting this item causes a copy of the chart to be saved to the clipboard ready for 'Pasting' into word
processing or spreadsheet programs. Amongst other things, this allows the chart to be printed.
15.1.12. List context menu (OPC Scope)
There are two List context menus, the default menu (contains 'Write Value...') and the Group Item Value
Writes version (contains 'Setup New Value...' etc.) which appears if 'Group Item Value Writes' is enabled in
the OPC Options menu.

Opens a file dialogue box allowing the user to define a destination path for saving the file.
Allows the user to define the selected item as a link parameter. When added to a spreadsheet, the parame-
ter value is updated in real time. See 'DDE Interface' for more details.
Copies the selected item to the clipboard.
Pastes item from the clipboard into the selected list or chart etc, within OPC scope, or anywhere else.
Adds the selected item to the list or chart, after a confirmation message.
Removes the selected item from the list or chart.
For Read/Write parameters, this allows the user to edit the value of the selected parameter.

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For parameters newly entered to the list, selecting this menu item, causes the parameter to be added to the
chart. Subsequently, the parameter can be removed from and restored to the chart as required.
Calls the item properties page to the display.


If 'Group Item Value Writes' is enabled in the Options menu, then new values can be entered for one or
more of the parameters in the OPC list. The entered values can then be downloaded together, by using the
Write New Values item. Should it be necessary, the new values can be deleted by selecting 'Clear New Val-

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15.1.13. Monitor context menu

This menu appears if the right mouse button is clicked whilst the mouse pointer is hovering over a monitor

This selection allows the user to add/delete parameter names to/from the monitor window. Names are par-
ticularly useful when monitoring wires.

Example 1: Monitor value for parameter ('ShowNames' selected):

Example 2: Monitor value for parameter ('Show Names' not selected):

Example 3: Monitor for wire ('Show Names' selected):

Example 4: Monitor for wire ('Show Names' not selected):

This discards any existing link between the monitor box and a function block or wire. Creating a new link
also discards any existing link.
Carries out the normal cut, copy and paste functions for Monitor windows.
Models 3500, EPower controllers, Mini-8 controllers
If the item has previously been downloaded, it is shown 'ghosted' until next time the wiring diagram is
downloaded, when it disappears from view. Until such time, it can be 'undeleted' using the 'Undelete'
menu item, below. If the comment is 'new' (that is, it has not yet been included in a download), then the de-
letion takes effect immediately.

Models 2604, 2704

Deleted items are immediately removed from the wiring diagram. Such items can be restored using the
Undo tool button (shortcut <Ctrl> + <Z> ).

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Models 3500, EPower controlers, Mini-8 controllers
Items that have been downloaded at least once, then deleted are shown 'ghosted' to indicate that the in-
strument still has the monitor point stored in its memory. If the 'Undelete' item is selected before the next
download, then the comment is restored to its former non-deleted status.

Models 2604/2704
This 'Undelete' menu item is not available. Deleted items can be restored using the Undo tool button
(shortcut <Ctrl> + <z> ).
Selecting this item brings the selected monitor box to the front of the diagram. The same effect can be
achieved by moving the monitor box.
Selecting this item sends the selected comment to the back.
For instruments which support Parameter Help, this produces a description of the parameter which is being
monitored. A 'Properties' tab is located near the top of the display, and this allows the user to view the
properties of the parameter.

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15.1.14. User Page Editor Context menu (2704)

This context menu is called by clicking on the right mouse button whilst the mouse pointer is hovering over
a parameter in the page display. the menu content changes according to the page style currently selected.
The menu content mimics the functions of the 'Pages' menu and the Pages Toolbar.

Context menu for all styles except Status Grid, Bargraph and Blank.

Context menu for Status grid style

Context menu for Bargraph style.

Selection of this item causes a browse dialogue box to appear allowing the user to select a parameter to
add to the page at the highlighted position. Any existing parameter is overwritten, after confirmation. Short
cut<Ctrl> + <E>. Disabled in Live Data mode.
Edit user text for selected parameter. When enabled, this opens the User Text dialogue box. The user can
either select an existing item of user text from the 100 available, or an item can be edited. As soon as the
selection is made, it is assigned to the selected parameter. Short cut<Ctrl> + <T>. Disabled in Live Data

If an existing item of user text is edited here, then the new text will apply to all instances of this User Text
item throughout the device.
See Explorer menu for details.
Removes ALL parameters from the page, not just the highlighted one. Short cut<Ctrl> + <U>. Disabled in
Live Data mode.

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15.1.14 USER PAGE CONTEXT MENU (2704) (Cont.)

Switches display to live mode. Menu item text changes to 'Return to Editor'. Short cut<Ctrl> + <L>.
Switches back to edit mode from Live Data mode. Menu item text changes to 'Show Live Data'. Short
cut<Ctrl> + <L>.
For 'Status Grid' style only, this allows the user to insert a new status block to the left of the selected block.
Short cut <Insert>. The maximum number of blocks is 12, and this control is disabled if all 12 blocks are
used. Disabled in Live Data mode.
For 'Status Grid' style only, this allows the user to insert a new block to the right of the selected block. Short
cut <Ctrl> + <Insert>. The maximum number of blocks is 12, and this control is disabled if all 12 blocks are
used. Disabled in Live Data mode.
For 'Bargraph' style only, this allows the user to delete the selected status block. Short cut <Ctrl> + <De-
lete>. Disabled in Live Data mode.
For 'Bargraph' style only, this allows the user to insert a new bar to the left of the selected bar. Short cut <In-
For 'Bargraph' style only, this allows the user to insert a new bar to the right of the selected bar. Short cut
<Ctrl> + <Insert>. Disabled in Live Data mode.
For 'Bargraph' style only, this allows the user to delete the selected bar. Short cut <Ctrl> + <Delete>. Dis-
abled in Live Data mode.

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15.1.15. Pages context menu (3500 and EPower controllers)

Opens a browse window to allow the user to select a parameter for insertion into the table. The insertion
point is above the currently selected item. Short cut <Insert>.
Removes selected item from the configuration list. Short cut = <Ctrl> + <Delete>.
If this is clicked-on, a browser dialogue box appears allowing the user to replace the current parameter with
another. Short cut<Ctrl> + <E>.
Allows the user to edit the existing user text, or to create a new text string. Short cut<Ctrl> + <T>. For pa-
rameters which do not support user text, '(no user text)' appears in the 'User Text' column.
Clicking on this tool calls the style selection dialogue box, allowing the user to edit the current selection for
the selected parameter. Short cut <Ctrl> + <S>.
See Explorer menu for details.

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15.1.16. Segment context menu (2400)

This menu appears when the right-hand mouse button is operated whilst the mouse pointer is hovering
within the segment progamming area of the screen.
Selects all segments. Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <A>.
Removes the selected segment(s) from the program and places them on the clipboard. Shortcut = <Ctrl> +
Copies the selected segment(s) to the clipboard, leaving the originals in place. Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <C>.
This takes any segments located on the clipboard and inserts them into the program. The insertion point is
to the left of the highlighted segment. The highlighted segment and all subsequent segments are moved
rightwards and renumbered appropriately. Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <V>.
This tool replaces the highlighted segment(s) with the contents of the clipboard. All other segments remain
unchanged. Shortcut = <Shift> + <Ctrl> + <V>.
This inserts a copy of the highlighted segment into the program, at the highlighted position. All subse-
quent segments are moved rightwards and renumbered appropriately. Shortcut = <Insert>.
Removes the highlighted segment. Subsequent segments are moved left and renumbered appropriately.
Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <Delete>.
See Explorer menu for details.

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15.1.17. Segment context menu (2704)

This menu appears when the right-hand mouse button is operated whilst the mouse pointer is hovering
within the segment programming area of the screen.
Selects all segments. Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <A>.
Removes the selected segment(s) from the program and places them on the clipboard. Shortcut = <Ctrl> +
Copies the selected segment(s) to the clipboard, leaving the originals in place. Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <C>.
This takes any segments located on the clipboard and inserts them into the program. The insertion point is
to the left of the highlighted segment. The highlighted segment and all subsequent segments are moved
rightwards and renumbered appropriately. Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <V>.
This tool replaces the highlighted segment(s) with the contents of the clipboard. All other segments remain
unchanged. Shortcut = <Shift> + <Ctrl> + <V>.
This inserts a copy of the highlighted segment into the program, at the highlighted position. All subse-
quent segments are moved rightwards and renumbered appropriately. Shortcut = <Insert>.
Removes the highlighted segment. Subsequent segments are moved left and renumbered appropriately.
Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <Delete>.
See Explorer menu for details.

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15.1.18. Segment context menu (3500)

This menu appears when the right-hand mouse button is operated whilst the mouse pointer is hovering
within the segment programming area of the screen.
Selects all segments. Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <A>.
Removes the selected segment(s) from the program and places them on the clipboard. Shortcut = <Ctrl> +
Copies the selected segment(s) to the clipboard, leaving the originals in place. Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <C>.
This takes any segments located on the clipboard and inserts them into the program. The insertion point is
to the left of the highlighted segment. The highlighted segment and all subsequent segments are moved
rightwards and renumbered appropriately. Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <V>.
This takes any segments located on the clipboard and appends them to the program. Selection is enabled
only if there are no segments highlighted, otherwise the entry is 'greyed'. Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <Alt> + <V>.
This tool replaces the highlighted segment(s) with the contents of the clipboard. All other segments remain
unchanged. Shortcut = <Shift> + <Ctrl> + <V>.
This inserts a copy of the highlighted segment into the program, at the highlighted position. All subse-
quent segments are moved rightwards and renumbered appropriately. Selection is enabled only if there
are one or more segments highlighted, otherwise the entry is 'greyed'. Shortcut = <Insert>.
Appends a segment to the end of the program. The segment is identical to the previous segment. Selection
is enabled only if there are no segments highlighted, otherwise the entry is 'greyed'. Shortcut = <Ctrl> +

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15.1.18 SEGMENT CONTEXT MENU (3500) (Cont.)

Removes the highlighted segment. Subsequent segments are moved left and renumbered appropriately.
Selection is enabled only if one or more segments are highlighted, otherwise the entry is 'greyed'.
Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <Delete>.
A program consists of a list of linked segments, these segments being obtained from a common segment
pool. Knowledge of this internal structure is normally required only for diagnostic purposes.

The 'Used Segments' and 'Free Segments' totals are useful in understanding why any error messages, stat-
ing that there are insufficient segments available to perform an operation, have been generated.


See Explorer menu for details.

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15.1.19. Terminal Wiring context menu

This menu appears when the mouse is right clicked whilst the cursor is hovering over a Terminal Wiring View


For appropriate modules only, selecting 'Function Block View ' calls the Function Block parameter list for
that module.

Where terminations are not associated with modules (supply voltage input, for example) the menu selection
is greyed.
See Explorer menu for details.
Allows the user to copy the diagram to the clipboard, for subsequent pasting into word processing or
spreadsheet applications.
When selected this calls a 'Save Diagram' dialogue box to allow the user to define a name and destination
folder for the (.emf) file containing the diagram. Such diagrams can then be imported into word processing
or spreadsheet applications.

15.1.20. Toolbar context menu

Allows the user to enable/disable the display of tool labels in the Main and Views Toolbars. The tool bars
themselves can also be hidden, individually by selecting 'Hide Toolbar'. In such a case, the Views menu
'Tools' item must be used to re-display the hidden toolbar(s).

Typical toolbars without labels appear as follows.

Hovering the mouse pointer over any tool shows a tool tip describing that tool's function.

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15.1.21. Watch Recipe context menu

This creates a new watch list by clearing out parameters and data sets from the window. If any of the exist-
ing data is unsaved, confirmation is requested before the operation starts. Short cut <Ctrl> + <N>.
This opens a file containing a previously created watch list and any data sets that were defined for it. If any
existing data is unsaved, confirmation is requested before the operation starts. Short cut <Ctrl> + <O>.
Saves the current watch list and any data sets. If the file has not previously been saved, 'Save' acts as 'Save
As...', described below. Short cut <Ctrl> + <S>.
Saves the current watch list and any data sets to a file name entered by the user.
This opens a browse list to allow the user to choose a parameter for insertion into the watch list. The inser-
tion point is above the currently selected parameter. Short cut <Insert>.
This causes the selected parameter to be deleted from the watch list. Short cut <Ctrl> + <Del>.
This allows the user to copy the selected parameter to the clipboard. Short cut <Ctrl> + <C>.
This allows the user to paste a parameter from the clip board to the watch list. Short cut <Ctrl> + <V>.
See Explorer menu for details.

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Allows the user to enable/disable the Description and comment columns for display in the watch list win-
15.1.22. Wire Context menu

This 'Context' menu appears if the right mouse button is clicked whilst the mouse pointer is hovering over a
For Mini8 Controllers, EPower controllers and Models 350x.

If wires form a loop, a break point has to be established, where the value written to a block input comes
from a source that was executed during the previous execute cycle, thus introducing a delay. This option
allows the user to specify which wire is to have this break imposed upon it. The item allows the break to be
enabled or disabled as required.
For EPower controllers only, this inserts a task break for wiring between tasks. This helps to avoid phasing
problems by inserting a time delay.
The current wire route is discarded and a new route traced.
This allows the user to replace one or more wires with source and destination tags. See 'Using Tags' in 'Cre-
ating an application'.
Selecting 'Find Start' causes the visible part of the diagram to move to the source block of the highlighted
wire. Selecting 'Find End' causes the visible part of the diagram to move to the destination block of the
highlighted wire.
Not used in this context.

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15.1.22 WIRE CONTEXT MENU (Cont.)

Models 3500, EPower controllers, Mini8 controllers
If the item has previously been downloaded, it is shown 'ghosted' until next time the wiring diagram is
downloaded, when it disappears from view. Until such time, it can be 'undeleted' using the 'Undelete'
menu item, below. If the comment is 'new' (that is, it has not yet been included in a download), then the de-
letion takes effect immediately.

Models 2604, 2704

Deleted items are immediately removed from the wiring diagram. Such items can be restored using the
Undo tool button (shortcut <Ctrl> + <z> ).
Models 3500, Epower controllers, Mini-8 controllers
Items that have been downloaded at least once, then deleted are shown 'ghosted' to indicate that the in-
strument is still 'executing' the comment. If the 'Undelete' item is selected before the next download, then
the comment is restored to its former non-deleted status.

Models 2604/2704
This 'Undelete' menu item is not available. Deleted items can be restored using the Undo tool button
(shortcut <Ctrl> + <z>).
This brings the selected item to the front of the diagram. The same effect can be achieved by moving the
This pushes the selected item to the back.

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15.2.1. Device menu


This causes iTools to search for connected instruments with addresses within the range specified by the
user. Newly detected instruments spend some time synchronising. See 'Synchronisation' for more details.
Short cut <Ctrl> + <Alt> + <S>.

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15.2.1 DEVICE MENU (Cont.)


This allows the use of iTools with a Series 2000 Configuration Station to configure and commission Series
2000 instruments. Short cut <Ctrl> + <Alt> + <C>. For more details, see the Technical Information Sheet
TIS 241, to be found under 'Technical Information bulletins' on the iTools CD.
Select additional devices from list. Clicking on this tool causes a selection list to appear containing all the
devices known to the Modbus server. Items are added to/deleted from the list via the Op-
tions/Advanced/Show server menu item.
Short cut <Alt> + <Insert>.
Used to re-synchronise iTools with the instrument. Used when changes have been made at the instrument
via its operator interface. See 'Synchronisation' for more details.
Removes the selected device from iTools. Short cut <Alt> + <Delete>.
Remove From Display Only
For connected instruments, removes the selected item from the panel views area and from the Device
browser. Can be re-instated by using the Add facility for example.
For supported instruments, this toggles the selected instrument's operator interface display, in the Panel
Views area, on and off.
This activates all devices' operator interface displays in the Panel Views area.
Deactivate All Panel Views
This deactivates all devices' operator interface displays in the Panel Views area.
Makes the first device in the list the active device. Short cut <Alt> + <Home>. Has no effect if the current
device is the first device.
Makes the previous device in the list the active device. Short cut <Alt> + <Page Up>. Has no effect if the cur-
rent device is the first device.
Makes the next device in the list the active device. Short cut <Alt> + <Page Down>. Has no effect if the cur-
rent device is the last device.
Makes the final device in the list the active device. Short cut <Alt> + <End>. Has no effect if the current de-
vice is the last device.
Allows a device comment to be added.
Identify Current Parameter
For relevant device types only, this displays a dialogue box identifying the parameter currently shown at the
instrument display. The entry is 'greyed' for other device types. Shortcut <Ctrl> + <I>.

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15.2.1 DEVICE MENU (Cont.)

For relevant device types only, this opens the iTools browse tree to the parameter currently shown at the
instrument display. The entry is 'greyed' for other device types. Shortcut <Ctrl> + <P>.
For relevant device types only, this returns the instrument to its default home display page. The entry is
'greyed' for other device types.
For relevant device types only, this resets any setpoint program running in the device. The entry is 'greyed'
for other device types.
Allows the user to select 'Operator' level (short cut <Ctrl> + <Alt. + <O>) or Configuration access level
(short cut <Ctrl> + <N>) via a pop-up menu.


A list of recent devices. Clicking on one of these devices adds it to iTools.

The list may be cleared, using the 'Clear Most Recently Used Lists' item on the Options Menu

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15.2.2. Explorer menu

This Explorer menu item copies the selected parameter to the clipboard.
Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <C>

This calls a display showing details of the selected parameter.

The help tab produces a display describing all the possible 'values' which can be associated with the pa-
rameter type selected.

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15.2.2 EXPLORER MENU (Cont.)

This produces the same display as appears when the 'Help' tab is clicked from within the Parameter Proper-
ties Information display, above. The help can also be opened via the shortcut <Shift> + <F1>.

This allows various columns to be enabled and disabled for display. Some columns are device dependent,
and therefore do not always appear in the menu.

15.2.3. File menu

Note: The file menu content varies according to device type. A particular device may contain items not
shown in the figure below, or may not contain items which are shown below. The same applies to the
menu item descriptions.

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15.2.3 FILE MENU (Cont.)

Calls the 'New Clone File' selection box to the display, to allow the user to select a device type for opening.
The selection can be made from the 'All' tab, or the device type tabs may be used to filter the choices.


Calls a file dialogue box , allowing the user to open an existing saved file.
Calls a file dialogue box , allowing the user to open an existing saved file. An attempt is made by iTools to
load this file into the selected device. If the file is incompatible with the selected device, the load will fail.
The tool is disabled ('greyed') if no device is currently selected.
Live instruments have insufficient space to contain the comments which can be entered, for example, in Pa-
rameter explorer. It is possible, however, to store comments in an associated clone file. If this is done, and
the 'Load comments from file...' facility used, the parameter lists of the instrument will display the comments
from the clone file.

Selecting this item opens a browse window, allowing the user to select the appropriate clone file.
If this is a pre-existing file, then 'Save' saves the file to its original location. If this is a new file, 'Save' calls a file
dialogue box allowing the user to save the file to a chosen destination.
Calls a file dialogue box allowing the user to save the file to a chosen destination.
Calls a file dialogue box allowing the user to save the file to a chosen destination.

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15.2.3 FILE MENU (Cont.)


Looks for differences between the clone file and the device file. A message log appears (above), identifying
any differences.

Note: This can take some minutes.

The log can be Saved, or Printed by clicking on the relevant button.

Should the error 'Verifying clone of device xxx not supported while parameter attribute monitoring is en-
abled' appear (where xxx represents the device type), then 'Global Enable Active Mirror Device' must be
disabled in the Options/Advanced/Show Server Edit menu.
Allows the user to select a connected instrument to which the file is to be downloaded.
Opens the report wizard. This allows the user to create. a 'report' showing the current configuration of a set
of user selected parameters. See 'Report Configuration' for more details.
Opens the normal printer set-up page, allowing the user to select the required printer, paper size, orienta-
tion and so on.
Causes iTools to quit (after confirmation).


Lists the latest files to be opened. Clicking on any one of the listed files opens that file.

The list may be cleared, using the 'Clear Most Recently Used Lists' item on the Options Menu

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15.2.4. Flash menu

The Flash menu contains the following items, the functions of some of which are copied by the tools in the
Flash memory editor tool bar.


This tool is used to cause the updated flash contents to be downloaded to the device. A confirmation mes-
sage must be 'OKed' before the download is allowed to commence. If the editor is closed while changes
are still unsaved the user is prompted to write the changes to the device flash memory, or to discard them.
Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <F>
Inserts an item immediately above the currently selected item. An item can be added to the end of the list
by inserting it with the final empty row selected. Shortcut = <Insert>
Open a browse dialogue to edit the parameter associated with the selected item. Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <E>
Removes the selected item from the list. Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <Del>.
See Explorer menu for details.

15.2.5. Function Block menu

This item appears in the main menu bar, whenever a function block view is open.

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Copies selected parameter to the clipboard, ready to be pasted into (for example) a watch list. Short cut =
<Ctrl>+ <C>.
See Explorer menu for details.
This allows various columns to be enabled and disabled for display. Some columns are device dependent,
and therefore do not always appear in the menu.



Canonical is used here in the sense of "authoritative, standard, accepted". These are generally the ad-
dresses published in the communications handbooks, for users of 3rd-party communications drivers.

They are often not the addresses used by iTools because the same parameter also exists at a second ad-
dress, where it may be read with higher precision - as an IEEE 32-bit float or integer, rather than a scaled
integer. Some 3rd-party communications drivers do not support this advanced functionality, thereby mak-
ing it harder (or impossible) to configure when using these addresses.
Allows the user to select Decimal or Hexadecimal for the address column display.

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15.2.6. Help menu

This menu gives access to the various help and information systems available to the user. The menu items
vary from one instrument type to another.
This calls the 'Device information' display giving information about the selected device. The communica-
tions tab shows the Communications protocol, the Device address and the (for live devices only) Baud rate.

Selecting this item produces a display giving details of the pc on which this version of iTools is running.
Produces a display showing details of the various iTools components.

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15.2.6 HELP MENU (Cont.)

Allows entry of a new product key code, for the adding of new features etc.

Selecting this item calls the iTools 'About' screen:

The above figure shows the About screen after the 'Features' key has been clicked-on.

Note: The figure above is for illustrative purposes only, and therefore does not contain the current software
version number. See 'Introduction' for the software version to which these help pages apply.

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15.2.7. OPC Scope menu


Copies the function of the 'Load settings from file' tool. Opens a file dialogue box to allow the user to load
a previously saved .uix file
Opens a file dialogue box to allow the user to define a destination path for the current (.uix) file. The func-
tion is also available from the 'save settings to file' tool, and via the Chart context menu.
Initiates the chart printing process. Colour or monochrome, and grid or no grid, are selected from the 'Plot'
tab of the Chart Control panel.
The standard printer set up page allowing paper size and orientation etc. to be defined.
Quits the OPC Scope session.


Copy Item DDE Link

Copies the item for DDE linking with spreadsheet etc. applications. Allows the user to define the selected
item as a link parameter. When added to a spreadsheet or other DDE client, the parameter value is updated
in real time. See 'DDE Interface' for more details.
Copy Item
Copies the item to the clipboard.
Paste Item
Pastes the clipboard contents into the selected location
Copy Chart
Copies the chart to the clipboard

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15.2.7 OPC SCOPE MENUS (Cont.)


If no server connection is currently in use, this connects to the specified server.
If a server is already connected, this re-connects to it, losing the current configuration.
This causes a disconnection from a connected server. If there is no current server the icon is disabled
Displays server information
Refresh Browse
Closes all open subfolders in Browse tree. Shortcut <F5>.

Add Item...
If a parameter is highlighted, this opens a dialogue box which allows the user to add this parameter to the
list. See OPC Scope Introduction. If the display is in chart mode, the new parameter will automatically be
added to the chart. Otherwise, the parameter can be added to the chart by:
1. Selecting the 'Item appears on chart' selection.
2. Clicking on the tick box in the Chart control panel.
3. Using the 'Add item' selection in the right click (context) menu.
Remove Item...
Removes the selected item from the list.
Setup New Value...
Allows the user to enter a value for the selected parameter. The Parameter must be read/write, and the
user's access level must be sufficient to allow the updating of this parameter.
Write New Values...
Allows the user to write the new value to the selected parameter. The Parameter must be read/write, and
the user's access level must be sufficient to allow the updating of this parameter.
Clear New values...
Deletes the newly set up value(s).
Item appears on chart
This menu item allows the user to add or remove the selected parameter from the OPC chart display. May
also be done from the Chart Control panel 'Items' tab and via the List context menu.

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15.2.7 OPC SCOPE MENUS (Cont.)

Item Properties...
Calls the item properties page to the display.


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15.2.7 OPC SCOPE MENUS (Cont.)

Update Interval...
This defines the update rate for the OPC server. The chart is updated, typically, at twice this rate. This set-
ting defines the total history length. The displayed width of the chart is set up in the Chart Control Panel
'Axes' tab.

Show Display update Rate

If enabled, this shows the OPC Scope display update rate in the status bar at the bottom of the OPC Scope
window, replacing the server's data update rate.

Group Item Value Writes

This enables/disables the ability to enter new values for one or more OPC list parameters, and then write
them simultaneously. See the separate topic 'Group Item Value Writes'.

Show Quality and TimeStamp

Adds columns for parameter status and Time and Date to the display.

Decimal Places
Allows the user to choose the number of decimal places to be displayed for the parameter value, or 'Scien-
tific notation' to be chosen instead.

Override Server Timestamps

This is enabled if it is necessary to ensure that time stamps are regular and in the local time. When enabled,
data values are time stamped by OPC Scope, overriding time stamps provided by OPC server. This may be
useful when using OPC servers which do not update their own time stamps properly.

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15.2.7 OPC SCOPE MENUS (Cont.)

Data Logger Options...

This allows the user to select Logging rate and File write mode. See 'Data Logging' for more details.

Start Data Logger...

Allows the user to initiate data logging. A file dialogue box opens, allowing the user to define a path for the
data logging CSV file. When logging, the text changes to 'Stop Data Logger', allowing the user to termi-
nate the logging session.

Show Chart Control Panel

Calls the Chart Control Panel, to allow the chart items to be defined and configured.

Enable Review of Historical Data

This control toggles the chart between 'live' and 'review' modes. See 'Review Mode' for more details.

Set Font...
Allows the user to select type face, size, style, colour etc. for the parameter lists.

Stay On Top
If this is enabled, the OPC Scope window always remains on view, no matter what other applications may be

Minimize to System Tray

Normally, the minimize command minimizes the OPC scope window to the task bar. It may be found
more convenient to minimize it to the 'System tray' (i.e. the area in the bottom right-hand corner of the
screen, normally containing the time display).

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15.2.7 OPC SCOPE MENUS (Cont.)


Registration Information...

Allows the user to enable new features by entry of a key code.

Displays the iTools OPC Scope about screen. In the figure below, the 'Features <<' key has been clicked-

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15.2.8. Options menu

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15.2.8 OPTIONS MENU (Cont.)


Allows the user to increase the faceplate size for small-frame devices. Applies to faceplates in the Panel
Views area of the iTools window. The illustrations below show 'To Scale', '50% Larger' and '100% Larger'

Note: If all panel devices are 1/16th or 1/32 DIN, then they are all drawn '100% larger' no matter what the
Scaling setting.


When enabled, shows the name of the device/clone in the panel views area. It may be necessary to increase
the height of the panel views area to see the device names.
Allows the user to show or to hide toolbar names. See 'Toolbar context menu' for details.

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15.2.8 OPTIONS MENU (Cont.)


Allows the user to select top or bottom of screen for the Panel Views area. The Panel views area can be
shown or hidden according to the status of the 'Panel Views' selection in the View Menu.
This selection has two tabs viz 'Device Synchronization' and 'Linearization tables'. Each selectable item
within these tabs contains a description of its function.

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15.2.8 OPTIONS MENU (Cont.)


Panel Views
When No Key Pressed
For use with devices whose front panel controls can be operated via iTools. Defines the update rate whilst
no panel key is being operated.
When Key Pressed
For use with devices whose front panel controls can be operated via iTools. Defines the update rate whilst
the panel keys are being operated. Typically, this will be considerably faster than the No Key Pressed state,
so that the display can keep up with the key operations.

Parameter Lists
Allows a new update rate to be entered for parameter list refresh.

Note: Setting update rates too fast will have an effect on the serial communications performance. This is
particularly important if there are numerous devices in the same communications network.

Suspend Updates while Cloning

Allows the user to enable or disable updates during the cloning process.


Allows the user to select the number of decimal places, or to select 'Scientific' Notation (e.g. 1.23 E+002) for
parameter numeric values.

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15.2.8 OPTIONS MENU (Cont.)


Hide Parameters and Lists when Not Relevant

If enabled, this reduces the length of parameter lists. The number of hidden parameters is displayed at the
bottom of the parameter list window.

Parameter Value Selections Restricted by Current Limits

With this enabled, the set of enumerations shown when using a drop-down (combo) menu is restricted ac-
cording to the current high and low limits for the parameter.

This allows the user to choose whether, after the value in a parameter list cell has been edited, the cursor
remains in the just edited cell, or moves to the next cell in the list.
If this setting is disabled, then tree view parameter lists etc. contain only folders and sub-folders. All pa-
rameters are hidden.

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15.2.8 OPTIONS MENU (Cont.)


Show Block Wiring Page

For those devices that support Toolkit Blocks this allows the user to enable or disable the Block Wiring Tab
for display. If the selection is made with the Toolkit blocks view open, it is necessary to close, then re-open
the window before the change takes effect. Disabling the Block Wiring Tab can speed-up the operation of
the Toolkit Blocks editor.

Show Enum Strings in Block Wiring Page

For those devices that support Toolkit Blocks, this allows the enumeration strings (combo or pull-down pick-
lists) to be enabled or disabled for view in parameter tables. If the selection is changed with the Toolkit
blocks view open, it is necessary to close, then re-open the window before the change takes effect. The fig-
ures below show a part of a parameter list with Enumerations strings enabled, and disabled, respectively.

Show Enum strings... enabled

Show Enum Strings... disabled


When enabled, iTools automatically launches the Configuration Wizard window when a new clone file is
opened for a device that supports wizards. See 'Wizards' ('Running iTools') for more details.

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15.2.8 OPTIONS MENU (Cont.)


Allows the user to select 'Operator' or 'Engineer' as Authorization level. The user may be asked for a pass-
word to confirm the operation. Operator and Engineer passwords may be set up using the iTools applet in
the Windows Control Panel.
Note: It is recommended that Windows XP users switch to 'Classic View' - as shown below - if necessary.
This is done by clicking on 'Switch to Classic View':

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15.2.8 OPTIONS MENU (Cont.)


Show Server
Causes the current OPC server to appear. Any devices saved in this server will appear in the 'Add device'
pick lists.

Hide Server
Removes the server window from the task bar.

Send Command to Server...


This clears the lists of recently used items from the File and Device menus.
Causes the current iTools settings to be saved immediately.
Causes the current iTools settings to be saved when the user quits.

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15.2.9. Pages menu (2704)

Standard menu with Status Grid items with Bargraph items

This menu appears as a part of the main iTools menu bar whenever User Page Editor is the active editor for
the selected device. The functions are also available via the User Page Editor toolbar and by the context
(right-click) menu. The contents of the menu change according to the display style selected, as shown
Selection of this item causes a browse dialogue box to appear allowing the user to select a parameter to
add to the page at the highlighted position. Any existing parameter is overwritten, after confirmation. Short
cut<Ctrl> + <E>. Disabled in Live Data mode.
Edit user text for selected parameter, if applicable. When enabled, this opens the User Text dialogue box.
The user can either select an existing item of user text from the 100 available, or an item can be edited. As
soon as the selection is made, it is assigned to the selected parameter. Short cut: <Ctrl> + <T>. Disabled in
Live Data mode. If an existing item of user text is edited here, then the new text will apply to all instances of
this User Text item throughout the device.
Removes ALL parameters from the page, not just the highlighted one. Short cut<Ctrl> + <U>. Disabled in
Live Data mode.
Switches display to live mode. Menu item text changes to 'Return to Editor'. Short cut <Ctrl> + <L>.
Switches back to edit mode from Live Data mode. Menu item text changes to 'Show Live Data'. Short cut
<Ctrl> + <L>.
For 'Status Grid' style only, this allows the user to insert a new status block to the left of the selected block.
Short cut <Insert>. The maximum number of blocks is 12, and this control is disabled if all 12 blocks are
used. Disabled in Live Data mode.
For 'Status Grid' style only, this allows the user to insert a new block to the right of the selected block. Short
cut <Ctrl> + <Insert>. The maximum number of blocks is 12, and this control is disabled if all 12 blocks are
used. Disabled in Live Data mode.
For 'Bargraph' style only, this allows the user to delete the selected status block. Short cut <Ctrl> + <De-
lete>. Disabled in Live Data mode.

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15.2.9 PAGES MENU (Cont.)

For 'Bargraph' style only, this allows the user to insert a new bar to the left of the selected bar. Short cut <In-
sert>. Disabled in Live Data mode.
For 'Bargraph' style only, this allows the user to insert a new bar to the right of the selected bar. Short cut
<Ctrl> + <Insert>. Disabled in Live Data mode.
For 'Bargraph' style only, this allows the user to delete the selected bar. Short cut <Ctrl> + <Delete>. Dis-
abled in Live Data mode.

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15.2.10. Pages menu (3500 & EPower controllers)

Opens a browser dialogue box to allow the user to select a parameter for insertion into the table. The inser-
tion point is above the currently selected item. Short cut <Insert>.
Removes selected item from the configuration list. Short cut = <Ctrl> + <Delete>.
If this is clicked-on, a browser dialogue box appears allowing the user to replace the current parameter with
another. Short cut<Ctrl> + <E>.
Allows the user to edit the existing user text, or to create a new text string. Short cut<Ctrl> + <T>. For pa-
rameters which do not support user text, '(no user text)' appears in the 'User Text' column.
Clicking on this tool calls the style selection dialogue box, allowing the user to edit the current selection for
the selected parameter. Short cut <Ctrl> + <S>.
Removes ALL parameters from the page, not just the highlighted one. Short cut<Ctrl> + <X>.
See Explorer menu for details.

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15.2.11. Programmer menu

Note: Not all of the above menu items appear for all devices.

The Programmer menu appears within the main iTools menu bar only if the active editor is a Programmer
Editor belonging to the selected device. Program mode is entered by clicking on the Programmer editor
button in the Views toolbar, or via the 'Views' menu.

Most Programmer menu items have functions similar to those of the tool buttons in the Programmer toolbar
which appears above the graph in the Programmer window.
Selecting this item calls a standard Windows File Open dialogue box which allows the user to select a previ-
ously saved program. Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <L>.
Clicking on this tool calls a standard Windows File Save dialogue box which allows the user to define a des-
tination when saving a program. Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <S>.
Calls a list of currently connected devices to allow the user to download the program to a selected device.
Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <T>

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15.2.11 PROGRAMMER MENU (Cont.)

Allows the user to choose the required program number, via a pop-up dialogue box. The program number
range depends on the device type.
For devices that support 'Call' type segments, this menu item calls the subprogram associated with the high-
lighted segment, to the display. Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <U>.
For devices that support 'Call' type segments, this menu item returns the calling program associated with
the highlighted segment, to the display. Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <B>.
Used to copy the selected item to the clipboard, deleting the source. Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <X>.
Copies the selected item to the clipboard, without deleting the selected item. Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <C>.
This takes any segments located on the clipboard and inserts them into the program. The insertion point is
to the left of the highlighted segment. The highlighted segment and all subsequent segments are moved
rightwards and renumbered appropriately. Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <V>.
Not all device types.

This takes any segments located on the clipboard and appends them to the program. Enabled only if there
are no segments selected. Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <Alt> + <V>.
This tool replaces the highlighted segment with the contents of the clipboard. All other segments remain
unchanged. Enabled only if there is a segment selected. Shortcut = <Shift> + <Ctrl> + <V>.
This inserts a copy of the highlighted segment into the program, at the highlighted position. The high-
lighted segment and all subsequent segments are moved rightwards and renumbered appropriately. En-
abled only if there is a segment selected. Shortcut = <Insert>.
Not all device types.

Appends a copy of the final segment to the end of the program. Enabled only if there are no segments se-
lected. Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <Insert>.
Removes the highlighted segment(s). Subsequent segments are moved left and renumbered appropriately.
Enabled only if there is one or more segment selected.
Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <Delete>.

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15.2.11 PROGRAMMER MENU (Cont.)

Not supported by all devices.

A program consists of a list of linked segments, these segments being obtained from a common segment
pool. Knowledge of this internal structure is normally required only for diagnostic purposes.

The 'Used Segments' and 'Free Segments' totals are useful in understanding why any error messages, stat-
ing that there are insufficient segments available to perform an operation, have been generated.

Selects all segments. Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <A>.
Makes the beginning of the program visible if the segment display has been scrolled to later in the program.
Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <Left arrow>.
Makes the end of the program visible if it has been scrolled off the end of the display. Shortcut = <Ctrl> +
<Right arrow>.
This is the default mode for displaying and editing the selected program's segment data. The graphical
display shows a separate trace for each PSP Target Setpoint. Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <G>.
A view of the selected program displaying separate graphical traces for each enabled Event Output bit.
Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <D>.
Toggles between linear and logarithmic graph scales. Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <M>.

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15.2.12. Recipe menu (Device Recipe)

This menu appears in the main iTools menu only when the Device Recipe Editor is the active editor. The
recipe menu items are also available by right clicking in the editor to obtain the context menu. The content
of the context menu depends on whether it is clicked while the cursor is in the parameter list or the data
sets part of the window.

Loads the recipe list and data sets from a file (extension .uir), clearing all existing values from the device.
Shortcut <Ctrl> + <L>.
Saves the current parameter sets to a file with the extension .uir. Shortcut <Ctrl> + <S>.
If a parameter is selected, then this opens a browse list at that parameter. If an empty row is selected, the
browse window opens at the parameter last accessed using this browser tool. Shortcut <Ctrl> + <B>.
Enabled only if a parameter is 'selected', this removes the currently selected parameter. Shortcut <Ctrl> +
Enabled only if a parameter is 'selected', this allows the sure to copy the selected parameter to the clip-
board. Shortcut <Ctrl> + <C>.
Enabled only if a suitable parameter is located on the clipboard, this allows the user to paste a parameter
from the clipboard to the watch list. Short cut <Ctrl> + <V>.

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Enabled only if a parameter is 'selected'.

See Explorer menu for details.


Allows the user to enable/disable the Description and Comment columns for display in the watch list win-
Short cut <Ctrl> + <E>.
Enabled only when one of the data sets is selected.

Selection of this Recipe menu item allows the required access level to be configured for the selected data
set via a dialogue box. Shortcut <Ctrl> + <F>.

= configuration access only.

= access never.
= other access levels.
Enabled only when one of the data sets is selected, this allows the user to enter a title for the selected data
set. Shortcut <Ctrl> + <R>.
Enabled only when one of the data sets is selected, this fills the selected data set with the current values of
the parameters listed in the data list. Shortcut <Ctrl> + <A>.
Enabled only when one of the data sets is selected, this removes all values from the selected data set.
Shortcut <Shift> + <Delete>.
Enabled only when one of the data sets is selected, this allows the user to copy the selected data set to the
clipboard. Shortcut <Ctrl> + <C>.

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Enabled only when one of the data sets is selected and there is a data set on the clipboard. This allows the
user to paste a previously copied data set from the clipboard to the selected data set. Shortcut <Ctrl> +

15.2.13. Recipe menu (Watch/Recipe)

This Recipe menu appears in the main iTools menu only when the Watch/Recipe Editor is the active Editor.
The recipe menu items are also available by right clicking in the editor to obtain the context menu. The con-
tent of the context menu depends on whether it is clicked while the cursor is in the parameter list or the data
sets part of the window.

This creates a new watch list by clearing out parameters and data sets from the window. If any of the exist-
ing data is unsaved, confirmation is requested before the operation starts. Short cut <Ctrl> + <N>.
This opens a file containing a previously created watch list and any data sets that were defined for it. If any
existing data is unsaved, confirmation is requested before the operation starts. Shortcut <Ctrl> + <O>.
Recipe files have the extension .uir
Saves the current watch list and any data sets. If the file has not previously been saved, 'Save' acts as 'Save
As...', described below. Shortcut <Ctrl> + <S>. Recipe files have the extension .uir
Saves the current watch list and any data sets to a file name entered by the user.
This opens a browse list to allow the user to choose a parameter for insertion into the watch list. The inser-
tion point is above the currently selected parameter. Shortcut <Insert>.

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15.2.13 RECIPE MENU (Watch/Recipe)(Cont.)

This causes the selected parameter to be deleted from the watch list. Shortcut <Ctrl> + <Del>.
This allows the user to copy the selected parameter to the clipboard. Shortcut <Ctrl> + <C>.
This allows the user to paste a parameter from the clipboard to the watch list. Shortcut <Ctrl> + <V>.
See Explorer menu for details.

Allows the user to enable/disable the Description and comment columns for display in the watch list win-
Shortcut <Ctrl> + <E>.
Allows the user to enter a title for the selected data set. Shortcut <Ctrl> + <R>.
Add an empty data set column. Shortcut <Ctrl> + <W>.
Deletes the selected data set. Shortcut <Ctrl> + <Del>.
Loads current data into the selected data set. If no data set is selected, a new data set is created with the
current data loaded. Shortcut <Ctrl> + <A>.
Download the selected data set to the device after confirmation. Short cut <Ctrl> + <D>.
Removes all values from the selected data set. Short cut <Shift> + <Del>.
This allows the user to copy the selected data set to the clipboard. Short cut <Ctrl> + <C>.
This allows the user to paste a previously copied data set from the clipboard to the selected data set. Short
cut <Ctrl> + <V>.

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15.2.14. View menu

Note: The view menu content varies according to device type. A particular device may contain items not
shown in the figure below, or may not contain items which are shown below. The same applies to the
menu item descriptions.

Allows the user to display or hide the Main Toolbar and/or the Views Toolbar. By default, the toolbars in-
clude text descriptions of the tools' functions. These text strings can be hidden, by right clicking anywhere
in the Main or 'Views' toolbar, and deselecting 'Show Labels' from the context menu which appears. See
'Toolbar Context menu' for more details.

This allows the user to display or hide the status bar at the bottom of the iTools window. The status bar con-
tains various information windows, including access level, device type and software version, and a descrip-
tion of whichever window, tool, menu item etc. the mouse cursor is currently hovering over. In the above
example, the mouse cursor is hovering over a parameter (ClearMemory) in a parameter explorer window.
The status bar also displays scan information during the scanning-for-devices process.
This is the area of the window which contains the device faceplates. By default, Panel Views is enabled,and
located near the bottom of the main iTools frame, just above the status bar.

The panel views area can be displayed or hidden using the 'Panel Views' menu item. When enabled, it can
be positioned either near the top of the window, or near the bottom of the window, using the Options menu
'Panel Views Position' item.
When enabled, tool bars and Panel views are removed, to increase the working area to the maximum pos-
sible extent. Shortcut = F11.

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15.2.14 VIEW MENU (Cont.)

Refreshes the current display. Short cut <F5>
Refreshes all displays. Short cut <Shift> + <F5>
For those instruments which support the feature, opens the Graphical Wiring Editor window.
This menu item appears when one or more views have been launched from the Graphical Wiring Editor
(GWE) (e.g. by double clicking on a block in the GWE window). This can be useful in bringing the function
block list to the front, when the GWE (or other window) is maximised.
Opens the Parameter Explorer window.
For those instruments which support the feature, this opens the Flash Memory Editor window
Selecting this item causes the Device Panel view of the device to appear in the main iTools frame.
For devices which support the feature, this opens the Device Recipe Editor.
For devices which support the feature, this opens the Watch/RecipEditor.
For those instruments which support the feature, this opens the Toolkit Blocks Editor.
For those instruments which support the feature, this opens the relevant Programmer Editor.
For those instruments which support the feature, this opens the relevant programmer window.
Opens the OPC Scope application.
For use by the manufacturer and/or agents to add software features. Not intended for customer use.

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15.2.15. Window menu

Arranges open windows in rows.

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15.2.15 WINDOW MENU (Cont.)

Arranges open windows in column format

Arranges open windows one on top of the other.

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15.2.15 WINDOW MENU (Cont.)

Minimizes all open windows to icons at the bottom of the iTools window.
Left clicking on a minimized window icon calls the standard Windows application menu.

Restores the selected window to its previous non-minimised state.

Allows the user to position the minimized icon anywher in the window, using the mouse.

Not applicable to minimized windows.

Not applicable to minimized windows.

Maximises the window. Set to 'Cascade' to view other menus.

Closes the selected window Short cut <Ctrl> + <F4>

Moves to the next window.

Restores all open widows previously minimized, to their previous state.
Arranges minimized icons in rows, starting at the bottom left corner of the window.
Closes the selected window Short cut <Ctrl> + <F4>
Closes all windows for the current device.

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15.2.16. Wiring menu


Downloads wiring to the instrument. This tool is used to initiate transfer of the wiring and (if the device sup-
ports it) the wiring layout to the device. Shortcut <Ctrl> + <S>
This opens a function block view for the I/O modules. The module types are non-editable for real instru-
ments, but can be edited for clone devices. This view is also available using the 'View summary list of I/O
modules' tool button in the Terminal Wiring view.

Sets mouse into Select mode (i.e. its normal operating mode). The mouse can be used to click-drag the dia-
gram within the viewing window if the shift key is held down whilst dragging. Short cut <Alt> + <S>.
Sets mouse into Pan mode, where the mouse can be used to click-drag the diagram within the viewing win-
dow. Shortcut <Alt> + <P>
This toggles the background grid on and off. Items snap to this grid whether or not it is displayed.

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15.2.16 WIRING MENU (Cont.)

Models 3500, EPower controllers, Mini8 controllers
If the item has previously been downloaded, it is shown 'ghosted' until next time the wiring diagram is
downloaded, when it disappears from view. Until such time, it can be 'undeleted' using the 'Undelete'
menu item, below. If the comment is 'new' (that is, it has not yet been included in a download), then the de-
letion takes effect immediately.

Models 2604, 2704

Deleted items are immediately removed from the wiring diagram. Such items can be restored using the
Undo tool button (shortcut <Ctrl> + <z> ).
These menu items undo or redo the specified step. Shortcuts <Ctrl> + <Z> and <Ctrl> + <R> respectively.
Carry out cut, copy and paste operations for wiring elements.
When selected, every item in the wiring diagram is selected. Shortcut <Ctrl> + <A>.

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This combines the functions of the File menu and the Device menu. The toolbar shown below includes text
descriptions of the tools' functions. These text strings can be hidden, by right clicking anywhere in the Main
or 'Views' toolbar, and deselecting 'Show Labels from the context menu which appears. See 'Toolbar Con-
text menu' for more details.

Create new clone file. Calls the 'New Clone File' selection box to the display, to allow the user to
select a device type for opening. The selection can be made from the 'All' tab, or the device type tabs
may be used to filter the choices.

Open clone file for editing. Calls a file dialogue box, allowing the user to open an existing saved

Load device parameters from file. Calls a file dialogue box, allowing the user to open an existing
saved file. An attempt is made by iTools to load this file into the selected device. If the file is in-
compatible with the selected device, the load will fail. The tool is disabled ('greyed') if no device is
currently selected.

Save device parameters to file. Calls a file dialogue box allowing the user to save a clone file to a
chosen destination.

Generate Report on selected device. This allows the user to print a 'report' showing the current
configuration of a set of user selected parameters. See 'Report Configuration' for more details.

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16.1 MAIN TOOLBAR (Cont.)

Background scan for new devices. This causes iTools to search for connected instruments with
addresses within the range specified by the user. See also, 'Synchronisation'.

''Connect via Series 2000 Interface Adapter (not CPI)' allows the use of iTools with a Series 2000
Configuration Station to configure and commission Series 2000 instruments. Short cut <Ctrl> +
<Alt> + <C>. For more details, see the Technical Information Sheet TIS 241, to be found under
'Technical Information bulletins' on the iTools CD.

Select additional devices from list. Clicking on this tool causes a selection list to appear. This list
contains all the devices known to the Modbus server. Items are added to/deleted from the list via
the Options/Advanced/Show server menu item

Remove highlighted device from display. Clicking on this tool causes the selected device to be
removed from iTools, after confirmation.

Toggle access configuration level. This button switches the selected instrument between Configu-
ration and Operator levels of access.

Click down arrow to list available wizards. For devices that support wizards, this allows the relevant
wizard to be opened, to allow configuration editing.

Click down arrow to list available views. This tool displays all the Views toolbar items.

For devices with their own help system only, this allows the user to enter that help system, or to select 'De-
vice Information' (see below).

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16.1 MAIN TOOLBAR (Cont.)

This button calls the 'Device info' display. This button replaces the Help button, above, for instru-
ments which do not have their own help pages. The communications tab shows the Communica-
tions protocol, the Device address and the (for live devices only) Baud rate.

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The Views toolbar mimics the functions of the Views menu. The toolbar shown below includes text descrip-
tions of the tools' functions. These text strings can be hidden, by right clicking anywhere in the Main or
'Views' toolbar, and deselecting 'Show Labels from the context menu which appears. See 'Toolbar Context
menu' for more details.

Note: The figure below is a composite, in an attempt to show as many View Tools as possible. Where a view
is not supported by a device, the tool does not appear in the tool bar.

This tool calls the graphical wiring window for those devices which support the
Graphical Wiring Editor (GWE) feature.
This appears when one or more Function block views have been launched from
the Graphical Wiring Editor (GWE) (e.g. by double clicking on a block in the GWE
window) or from the Terminal Wiring View. This can be useful in bringing the
function block list to the front, when the GWE (or other window) is maximised.
This tool opens the parameter explorer, allowing the user to edit, copy, move a
selected parameter. See parameter Explorer for more details.
. For EPower controllers only, this allows Profibus input and output parameters to
be defined. See 'Fieldbus I/O Gateway' for further details.
This opens the Flash tool editor window, for those devices which support Flash
memory editing. See 'Flash memory editor' for more details.
This tool causes a front-panel view of the device to appear in the main window.
For many instruments,the displays, push-buttons etc. are active in this view, allow-
ing operation from iTools instead of via the front panel itself. See 'Device Panel'
for more details.
This tool opens a rear panel view of the device, showing the terminal layout. This
view allows the user to see which modules are fitted where, and also allows the
user to open a Function block view of the currently selected module, showing the
relevant parameters. For more details, see 'Terminal Wiring View'.
Opens the Device recipe editor for applicable devices. See 'Device Recipe Win-
dow' for details.
Opens the watch Recipe editor for applicable devices. See 'Watch Recipe View'
for details.
For devices that include a programmer, this opens the Programmer editor. See
the relevant Programmer editor topic for more details.
Opens the User pages editor for devices that support user pages. See the relevant
User pages editor topic for more details.
For relevant device types, this opens the Toolkit Blocks editor. See 'Toolkit
Blocks' for more details.
Opens the OPC scope application. See 'OPC Scope' for more details.

For use by the manufacturer and/or agents to add software features. Not for cus-
tomer use.

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Note: This toolbar is context-sensitive, so some tool buttons will not always be available (i.e. they will be

Load recipe data from file (<Ctrl> + <L>). Loads the recipe list and data sets from a file, clearing all
existing values from the device.

Save the current recipe list (<Ctrl> + <S>). Saves the current parameter sets to a file.

Browse for recipe parameter (<Ctrl> + <B>). If a parameter is selected, then this opens a browse list
at that parameter. If an empty row is selected, the browse window opens at the parameter last ac-
cessed using this browser tool.

Remove recipe parameter (<Ctrl> + <Delete>). Removes the currently selected parameter. Enabled
only if a parameter is 'selected'

Move selected item. Moves the currently selected parameter and its data set values to a new position
in the list.

Capture current values into a data set (<Ctrl> + <A>). Fills the selected data set with the current val-
ues of the parameters listed in the data list. Enabled only if a parameter is 'selected'

Clear the selected data set (<Shift> + <Delete>). Removes all values from the selected data set. En-
abled only if a data set is selected.

Set the access level in which the selected data set can be loaded (<Ctrl> + <F>). Enabled only if a
data set is selected.
= configuration access only; = access never; = other access levels.
Clicking on the icon calls a dialogue box which allows the required access level to be set for the se-
lected data set. The number of access levels varies from one device to another.

Open an OPC Scope window. This launches OPC Scope to view the parameters in the list.Enabled
only if a data set is selected.

Push Pin to give window global scope. See Using the Application for details.

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The tool buttons in the toolbar at the top of the Flash Memory Editor pages have the following functions:

Update device flash memory. Causes the updated flash contents to be downloaded to the device. A
confirmation message must be 'OKed' before the download is allowed to commence. If the editor is
closed while changes are still unsaved the user is prompted to write the changes to the device flash
memory, or to discard them. Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <F>

Insert item. Inserts an item immediately above the currently selected item. An item can be added to
the end of the list by inserting it with the final empty row selected. Shortcut = <Insert>

Edit parameter. Open a browse dialogue to edit the parameter associated with the selected item.
Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <E>

Remove item. Removes the selected item from the list. Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <Del>

Move selected item buttons. Clicking on these buttons moves the selected item up or down the list,
as applicable.

Push Pin to give window global scope. See Using the Application for details.

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16.5.1. Computer:
If a computer name or IP address is entered in this field, OPC Scope will attempt to connect with the identi-
fied OPC server on that computer.
16.5.2. OPC Server:
When OPC_Scope is opened, it automatically starts the Eurotherm Modbus Server known as EuroMBus.
OPC_Scope will also start running the configuration obtaining the last time it was shut down.

This field allows the user to choose an alternative OPC Server if such is available.
16.5.3. Connect /Reconnect to Server
If no server connection is currently in use, this connects to the specified server.
If a server is already connected, this re-connects to it, losing the current configuration.

16.5.4. Disconnect from server

This causes a disconnection from a connected server. If there is no current server the icon is disabled

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Load settings from file. Opens a file dialogue box to allow the user to load a previously saved .uix file

Save settings to file. Opens a file dialogue box to allow the user to define a destination path for the
current (.uix) file.

Add new item to list. If clicked-on whilst a parameter is highlighted, opens a dialogue box which al-
lows the user to add this parameter to the list. If the display is in chart mode, the new parameter will
automatically be added to the chart. Otherwise, the parameter can be added to the chart by:
1. Using the 'Item appears on chart' selection in the 'Item' menu
2. Clicking on the tick box in the Chart control panel
3. Using the 'Add item' selection in the right click (context) menu.

Remove selected item. Removes the selected item from the list. Copies the function of 'Remove Item'
in the 'Item' menu and in the context menu.

Set update interval for all items. This defines the update rate for the OPC server. The chart is up-
dated, typically, at twice this rate. This setting defines the total history length. The displayed width of
the chart is set up in the Chart Control Panel 'Axes' tab. The Update Rate page is also accessible from
the Options menu.

Start/Stop data logger.

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Show Chart properties. Calls the Chart Control Panel. Also accessible via the Options menu and the
right click (context) menu.

Toggle chart review mode. Switches between 'live' chart and 'review' mode.

Select display font. Allows the user to select type face, size, style, colour etc. for the parameter lists.

Show information dialogue.

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The Programmer toolbar appears above the graph. The contents of the bar varies according to device type.

Load Program. Clicking on this tool button opens a standard Windows File Open dialogue box to
allow the user to select a previously saved program. Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <L>.

Save current program to file. Clicking on this tool tool button opens a standard Windows File Save
dialogue box to allow the user to define a destination when saving a program. Shortcut = <Ctrl> +

Transfer this program within this session or download to another device. Calls a list of currently con-
nected devices to allow the user to download the program to a selected device.

Program number. Allows the user to choose the required program number.

Select Asynchronous PSP. This tool is disabled ( greyed) for synchronous programming, or for de-
vices that do not support asynchronous programming. If asynchronous programming is enabled in
Instrument/Options/Asynch, the tool allows the user to select a particular Setpoint for view/edit. See
'Asynchronous programmer' for more details.

View subprogram. Appears only for devices that support 'Call' type segments. Enabled for segments
of type = 'Call' and if clicked on, the called program is displayed. Short cut = <Ctrl> + <U>.

Back to calling program. Appears only for devices that support 'Call' type segments. Enabled in sub-
programs, to allow the user to return to the calling program. Short cut = <Ctrl> + <B>.

Cut. This tool button is used to copy the selected item to the clipboard, deleting the source. Short-
cut = <Ctrl> + <X>.

Copy. This tool button is used to copy the selected item to the clipboard, without deleting the se-
lected item. Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <C>.

Paste insert. Operation of this tool button causes any segments located on the clipboard to be in-
serted into the program. The insertion point is to the left of the highlighted segment. The highlighted
segment and all subsequent segments are moved rightwards and renumbered appropriately. Short-
cut = <Ctrl> + <V>.

Paste add at end (Not all devices). This tool button takes any segments located on the clipboard and
adds them to the end of the program. Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <Alt> + <V>. This tool button is disabled if
one or more segments is highlighted.

Paste over. Operation of this tool button causes the highlighted segment(s) to be replaced with the
contents of the clipboard. All other segments remain unchanged. The number of segments being
copied must equal the number of segments highlighted. Shortcut = <Shift> + <Ctrl> + <V>.

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Insert. This inserts a copy of the highlighted segment into the program, at the highlighted position.
All subsequent segments are moved rightwards and renumbered appropriately. Shortcut = <Insert>.
This tool button is enabled only if one or more segments is highlighted.

Add at End (not all devices). Copies the final segment, and appends it to the end of the program. If
the program is empty, a 'Rate' segment is created as segment 1. This tool button is disabled if one or
more segments is highlighted.

Delete. Removes the highlighted segment(s). Subsequent segments are moved left and renumbered
Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <Delete>. This tool button is enabled only if one or more segments is high-

Go To First. Makes the beginning of the program visible if the segment display has been scrolled to
later in the program. Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <Left arrow>.

Go To Last. Makes the end of the program visible if it has been scrolled off the end of the display.
Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <Right arrow>.

Analog. This is the default mode for displaying and editing the selected program's segment data.
The graphical display shows a separate trace for each PSP Target Setpoint. Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <G>.

Digital. A view of the selected program displaying separate graphical traces for each enabled Event
Output bit. Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <D>.

Logarithmic. Toggles between linear and logarithmic graph scales. Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <M>.

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The tool buttons in the toolbar at the top of the Terminal Wiring Diagram View have the following functions.

View summary list of I/O modules. Clicking on this tool button, calls a summary page giving details of
the |I/O modules fitted to the device. This tool button is not available for all devices.

View parameters in selected I/O module. Clicking on this tool button calls the Function Block view
page, showing the parameters associated with the highlighted I/O Module. Not available from the
Terminal Wiring Summary page.

See the Options/Parameter Availability Settings... item for details of how to display hidden items (if any).

Note: The Function Block Views toolbar tool is displayed when Function block view is displayed. This tool
allows the Function block view to be brought to the front, when the Terminal Wiring function is maxi-
mized. Similarly, clicking on the Terminal Wiring View tool returns the Terminal Wiring View to the

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Standard toolbar

with status grid tools

with bargraph tools

This toolbar appears at the top of the User Page editor display. Most of the tool buttons are disabled in
'Live' mode. Status grid tools appear only for status grid style; Bargraph tools appear only for Bargraph

Select Page. Allows the user to select the required page for editing.

Insert status control in front of selected status control. For 'Status Grid' style only, this allows the user
to insert a new status block to the left of the selected block. Short cut <Insert>. The maximum number
of blocks is 12, and this control is disabled if all 12 blocks are used. Disabled in Live Data mode.
Add status control after selected status control. For 'Status Grid' style only, this allows the user to in-
sert a new block to the right of the selected block. Short cut <Ctrl> + <Insert>. The maximum num-
ber of blocks is 12, and this control is disabled if all 12 blocks are used. Disabled in Live Data mode.
Remove selected status control. For 'Bargraph' style only, this allows the user to delete the selected
status block. Short cut <Ctrl> + <Delete>. Disabled in Live Data mode.
Insert bar in front of selected bar. For 'Bargraph' style only, this allows the user to insert a new bar to
the left of the selected bar. Short cut <Insert>. Disabled in Live Data mode.
Add bar after selected bar. For 'Bargraph' style only, this allows the user to insert a new bar to the
right of the selected bar. Short cut <Ctrl> + <Insert>. Disabled in Live Data mode.
Remove selected bar. For 'Bargraph' style only, this allows the user to delete the selected bar. Short
cut <Ctrl> + <Delete>. Disabled in Live Data mode.
Edit wiring for selected parameter. If this is clicked-on, a browse list appears allowing the user to se-
lect a parameter to add to the page at the highlighted position. Any existing parameter is overwritten,
after confirmation. Short cut<Ctrl> + <E>.
Edit user text for selected parameter. When enabled, this opens the User Text list. The user can ei-
ther select an existing item of user text from the 100 available, or an item can be edited. As soon as
the selection is made, it is assigned to the selected parameter. Short cut<Ctrl> + <T>.
If an existing item of user text is edited here, then the new text will apply to all instances of this User
Text item throughout the device.
Unwire all parameters for this page. Removes ALL parameters from the page, not just the highlighted
one. Short cut<Ctrl> + <X>.

Show live data/Return to editor. Toggles display between edit mode and live mode. Short cut<Ctrl>
+ <L>.

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Acknowledge Device. Allows the user to 'Press' the Page and Scroll buttons simultaneously. Greyed
out unless the operation of the keys is required. Does not appear for EPower controllers.

Select Page. Allows the user to select the required page for editing.

Insert item ahead of selected item. Opens a browser dialogue box to allow the user to select a pa-
rameter for insertion into the table. The insertion point is above the currently selected item. Short cut

Remove selected item. Removes selected item from the configuration list. Short cut = <Ctrl> + <De-

Move selected item. Moves the selected item up or down the list.

Edit parameter for selected item. If this is clicked-on, a browser dialogue box appears allowing the
user to replace the current parameter with another. Short cut<Ctrl> + <E>.

Edit user text for selected item. Allows the user to edit the existing user text, or to create a new text
string. Short cut<Ctrl> + <T>. For parameters which do not support user text, '(no user text)' ap-
pears in the 'User Text' column.

Edit style for selected item. Clicking on this tool button calls the style selection page, allowing the
user to edit the current selection for the selected parameter. Short cut <Ctrl> + <S>.

Remove all items from this page. Removes ALL parameters from the page, not just the highlighted
one. Short cut<Ctrl> + <X>.

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Note: The tools are context sensitive. Those tools which are not applicable to the current situation are

Create a new Watch/Recipe list (<Ctrl> + <N>). This creates a new list by clearing out all parameters
and data sets from the window. If the current list or data set has not been saved, confirmation is re-

Open an existing Watch/Recipe file (<Ctrl> + <O>). If the current list or data set has not been saved,
confirmation is requested. A file dialogue box then opens allowing the user to select a file to be

Save the current recipe list (<Ctrl> + <S>). Allows the current watch list/data sets to be saved to a
specified location.

Download the selected data set to the device (<Ctrl> + <D>). Causes the currently selected data set
to be downloaded to the device, after confirmation.

Insert item in front of selected item. Adds a parameter to the list above the currently selected item.

Remove recipe parameter (<Ctrl> + <Delete>). Removes the currently selected parameter from the
watch list.

Move selected item. These buttons are used to move the selected item up or down the list.

Create a new empty data set (<Ctrl> + <W>). Adds a new data set column.

Delete the selected data set (<Ctrl> + <O>). Removes the selected data set from the window.

Capture current values into a data set (<Ctrl> + <A>). Fill the selected data set with the instantaneous
values in the watch list.

Clear the selected data set (<Shift> + <Del>). Clears all values from the selected data set.

Open an OPC Scope window. Launches OPC Scope, to view the parameters in the watch list.

Push Pin to give window global scope. See Using the Application for details.

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Download Wiring to Instrument. This tool button is used to initiate transfer of the wiring and (if the
device supports it) the wiring layout to the device. For series 2600/2700 devices, the wiring is trans-
ferred as it is drawn, and the Download Wiring to Instrument tool is used to save the wiring layout
Set up I/O modules. Clicking on this button opens the parameter list which defines the I/O module
setup. The list is non-editable for real devices, but may be edited for clone devices.

Mouse Select. The mouse operates in its normal mode. Shift click-dragging allows the mouse to act
in Pan mode.
Mouse Pan. The mouse can be used to click-drag the diagram.

Zoom Percent. Allows the user to choose a magnification for the wiring diagram.
Pan Tool. When this icon is clicked and held, a miniature version of the diagram appears and move-
ment of the mouse cursor moves the view window over the diagram, allowing the user to select the
required part of the diagram for display.
Show/Hide grid.
Delete. For models 2604, 2704, deletes the selected components immediately. Can be restored us-
ing the undo tool button (below), or the relevant context menu or Wiring menu item. For other mod-
els, components which have not yet been downloaded to the instrument are removed immediately.
Components which have been downloaded are 'ghosted' until next download, after which they are
removed from the diagram. 'Ghosted' items can be restored using the undo facilities described

Undo/Redo tool buttons. Shortcuts <Ctrl> + <Z> and <Ctrl> + <R> respectively. The tool tip shows
the last edit to be undone or redone.

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Cut, Copy, Paste. Carry out the normal cut, copy and paste functions on wiring diagram items.
Copy a diagram fragment to a file. Copies the selected item to a file in 'My iTools Wiring Fragments'
in 'My documents'
Paste a diagram fragment from a file. Opens a browser window containing diagram fragments and
compounds from compatible instruments, for pasting to the current diagram.
Create compound. Creates a new compound. Greyed out if the maximum number of compounds for
this type of instrument have already been created, or if the user is not in the top level diagram.
Flatten compound. Removes the compound and its tab, leaving the components previously in the
compound on the top level diagram. These components are automatically selected ready for drag-
ging to an appropriate place on the diagram.

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'OPC Scope' is a separate utility that allows trending, data logging, Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE). It is an
OPC explorer program that can connect to any OPC server that is in the Windows registry.

Note: OPC is an acronym for 'Object linking and embedding (OLE) for Process Control'

Opened by using the iTools 'OPC Scope' Views tool button, or the OPC Scope View menu item.

The figure below shows the start screen. Note that parameters from more than one device can be included
in OPC Scope trending, data logging and data transfer operations.

As can be seen, the main part of the screen is divided into two areas, one containing parameter trees for all
the devices (real or clone) currently open in iTools, the other containing a list of parameters for logging,
trending or DDE.
17.1.1. Writing New Values
It is possible to write new values for groups of read/write parameters, using 'Group Item Value Writes' in the
Options menu and then download them simultaneously.

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17.1.2. Adding Parameters to the list

A parameter can be added to the list in the following ways:
1. Double-clicking on the parameter tab or name in the browse tree .
2. Click-dragging a parameter from the browse tree into the list
3. Clicking on the parameter tab or name, then clicking on the 'Add new item to list' tool or 'Item'
menu item.
4. Using the 'Edit' menu 'Paste item...' selection to append a parameter previously copied to the clip-

In both cases 3 and 4, above, a confirmation window appears before the item is added. This confirmation
window includes the ability to define an 'Access Path' which, if used, is intended to give the server a hint as
to the optimal way to access the data item. How access paths are used is server-specific. It is always safe to
omit the access path altogether.

Note: If the chart is on display, the new parameter is automatically added to the chart. If the list is on display,
the new parameter will not appear in the chart, until enabled. This can be done by using the Chart
Control Panel, displayed by clicking on the 'Show Chart Properties' tool , or by selecting 'Item Ap-
pears on Chart' in either the 'Item' or the right-click context menu.

17.1.3. Removing Parameters from the list

Parameters can be removed from the list by:

1. Clicking on the parameter, then on the 'Remove selected item' tool.

2. Clicking on the parameter, then selecting 'Remove Item' in the 'Item' menu.
3. Right clicking on the parameter, then selecting 'Remove Item' from the context menu which appears.
17.1.4. List Tab
The List view is the default OPC Scope view, allowing parameters to be added or removed as described
17.1.5. Chart Tab
Clicking on the Chart tab, causes the display to switch to Chart mode. The chart display is empty, until pa-
rameters have been configured to appear in it. See 'Chart Display' for more details.
17.1.6. Maximize Chart

When in chart mode, maximising the chart causes the tree browser window, tool bars etc. to be hidden,
with the chart occupying the whole height and width of the OPC Scope window. A second operation, re-
turns the display to 'normal'.
17.1.7. History Page Control

These two buttons are enabled only when the chart is in 'Review' mode. They are used to shift the
chart time axis by one page-width at a time.
17.1.8. OPC Menu items
See 'The menus' for details of the main OPC Menu bar, and of the OPC context menus.
17.1.9. OPC Tools
See 'The Toolbars' for details of the various tools associated with OPC Scope.

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OPC Scope allows parameters from several devices to be traced, in real-time, on a simulated chart. The up-
date rate can be selected by typing the required value into the Update rate entry box, which appears when
the 'Set update rate for all items' tool is clicked-on.

17.2.1. Display parameters

When the chart tab is first clicked-on, the chart display is empty, except for the Show Chart Control Panel
tool, as shown below.

Clicking on this tool, calls the chart control panel, displaying its default tab 'Items'.

Initially all the tick boxes are empty. As soon as the first item is selected, a chart appears, with the selected
parameter being traced on it. As each subsequent item is enabled, it is added to the chart.

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It is also possible to add parameters directly to the chart, by

1. Double-clicking on the parameter tab or name in the browse tree .
2. Click-dragging a parameter from the browse tree into the chart.
3. Clicking on the parameter tab or name, then clicking on the 'Add new item to list' tool or 'Item'
menu item.
4. Using the 'Edit' menu 'Paste item...' selection to add a parameter previously copied to the clipboard.

In both cases 3 and 4, above, a confirmation window appears before the item is added.

17.2.2. Chart Configuration


The horizontal (time) axis can be selected by clicking on the required item. This defines the total width of the
chart in minutes, hours, days, months etc. as appropriate. The update rate is selected using the 'Set update
rate for all items' tool .

The vertical scaling can be selected as automatic (default), in which case it is set to suit the selected input
signals' ranges, or not. If not 'Automatic', the user enters the required Minimum and Maximum scale values.
Any trace whose value lies outside this scale range is not drawn on the graph.

The user is also offered the option of using linear or logarithmic as the vertical scale.

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Colours for the Axes, Grid and Chart (background) can be selected or defined by the user, from the 'Chart
Colors' area of the 'General' tab (see below for an example). 'Use Defaults' returns the setting to factory val-

Trend colours may be edited via the 'Items' tab of the Chart Control Panel.

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Legend refers to the box, listing the displayed parameters, which appears above the chart. It should be
noted that the width of the box, and therefore, the number of parameters which appear per line, depends
on the width of the OPC Scope window.
No legend
The legend box is not displayed.
Item Names
The legend block displays the names of the parameters and their trace colours.

Names and Most Recent Values

The legend block displays the names of the parameters, their trace colours and the latest values.

The line thickness of the traces can be selected as one, two or three pixels in the Plot tab configuration area.
If value labels is enabled, then clicking on a parameter trace in the legend box produces set of value boxes
above the trace. Quite often, these boxes overlap to the extent that they appear as a thick black bar, with
the current value at the right-hand end.

The easiest way to see the values, is to enter review mode, and then enlarge the area of interest, by click-
dragging the mouse down and to the right. The enclosed size of the drag box is magnified to occupy the
whole chart area.

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Monochrome printing
This allows the user to cause the chart to print in black and white. In some cases this is the only way of see-
ing some traces.
Deselecting Monochrome printing causes the traces to be printed in colour (or in shades of grey on a black
and white printer).
When printing, the background colour of the chart is always white.

Grid Appears on Printouts

Allows the user to select whether or not grid lines are to appear on the printed chart.

Print Chart
Clicking on 'Print Chart' initiates the print process. This can also be initiated by selecting 'Print Chart' from
the OPC 'File' menu, or from the chart right-click (context) menu.

Copy Chart
Clicking on 'Copy Chart' causes the chart to be copied to the clipboard, ready for pasting into other applica-
tions. This can also be initiated by selecting 'Copy Chart' from the OPC 'Edit' menu, or from the chart right-
click (context) menu.

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17.2.3. Review tab

This allows the user to Enable Review Mode. The Page Left and Page Right buttons allow the user to shift
the displayed history page by one page-width left (older data) or right (newer data).

The 'Usage Information' panel gives useful information about zooming and navigation whilst in Review
When in review mode, the chart stops being updated, and the user can scroll through the data on the chart
and zoom in on a particular section, if required.

Note: Although the chart display is not updated, in review mode, chart data is still collected and retained,
and added to the chart when the user quits review mode.
These two keys allow the user to move the displayed data one page to the left, or one page to the right. In
either case, no action is taken if the displayed area of chart is already at the end point. These Chart control
keys copy the functions of the History Page Control keys, described in OPC Scope Introduction,
Click-dragging the right mouse button within the chart area allows the user to move the chart, both left-right
and up-down.
Click dragging the left mouse button over an area of the chart, from top left to bottom right, causes that area
to be expanded, both horizontally and vertically, to fill the chart area.
Click dragging the left mouse button from bottom right to top left, causes the chart area to return to 1:1

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This allows the user to produce comma separated variable (CSV) file for importing into spreadsheets.
17.3.1. Data logging configuration

Opened by clicking on the 'Data Logger Options...' item in the OPC Scope Options menu, this allows the
user to select Logging rate and File write mode.
Allows the user to select 'Log every change' or 'Log every N seconds', where N is a user enterable value.

Note: Many parameters, such as Process value and Output power, may change frequently. In such cases it
may be preferable to limit the file size by selecting a constant logging rate.
Allows the user to select overwrite or append as the file write mode. If 'Overwrite Existing File' is selected,
then the user is prompted for a new destination path when logging is initiated.

17.3.2. Log initiation

Logging can be started by:
1. Clicking on the 'Start data logger' tool . The tool changes to the 'Stop data logger' tool (below).
2. Selecting 'Start Data Logger' from the Options Menu. The menu entry changes to 'Stop Data Logger'
In either case the user is prompted for a new destination path when logging is initiated.
17.3.3. Log termination
Logging is stopped by
1. clicking on the 'Stop data logger' tool . The tool changes to the 'Start data logger' tool (above).
2. Selecting 'Stop Data Logger' from the Options Menu. The menu entry changes to 'Start Data Logger'

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17.3.4. Spreadsheet display

The CSV file is imported into a spreadsheet, by clicking on File/Open in the spreadsheet. Select .csv as a file
type if necessary.

The file is imported into the spreadsheet with the time and date in column A, parameter names in row 1; the
other cells containing the values of the parameters at the specified time.

Note: If necessary, the time/date can be reformatted by right clicking on column A header, and selecting
Format cell... The time and date display format can then be configured in 'Custom'. Custom allows
dd/mm/yy or mm/dd/yy to be selected, amongst other things.

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This allows the user to add parameters to a spreadsheet, where their values are updated in real time.
The procedure is as follows, and is illustrated below:
1. Select the parameter to added to the spreadsheet, from the OPC Scope list view.
2. Select 'Copy item DDE Link' from the 'Edit' Menu or from the list context (right click) menu.
3. Open the spreadsheet.
4. Right Click in the required spreadsheet cell.
5. Select 'Paste Special...
6. Select 'Paste Link'
7. Click on 'OK'.
8. Select 'Paste Link' as Unicode Text., then click on OK.

The parameter value appears in the selected cell, and the parameter path name appears in the equation
block, preceded by
'=OPCScope|Server name'.

Copy item

Note: text colour in the above illustration was selected using 'Select Display Font' tool

Select Spreadsheet 'Paste Special'

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17.4 DDE INTERFACE (Cont.)

Select 'Paste link'

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Clicking on Options/Group Item Value Writes, adds a further column 'New value' to the OPC scope parame-
ter list.

A new value is set up for writing by clicking on the parameter, then right-clicking on the mouse and select-
ing 'Setup New Value' from the pop-up 'context' menu.

Once the new value has been typed into the entry box, it appears in the 'New Value' column.

Once all the required parameters have had their new values entered, they can all be written together by
clicking on 'Write New Values' in the context menu.

If necessary the new values can be cleared by selecting 'Clear New Values' from the context menu.

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The iTools control panel applet allows access to system-level configuration items. These include Serial and
TCP communications, and the ability to enter a product code to enable additional iTools features that have
been purchased.

When setting up communications, it is normally necessary to have access to IT personnel in order to obtain
some of the required information (e.g. IP addresses).

The control panel can accessed in three ways:

1. It appears at the end of the installation process.
2. It can be accessed using the host pc Start menu
3. It can be opened from within iTools itself.

18.1.1. Access from the Start menu

1. Operate the keyboard Start key , or click on 'Start' at the bottom left of the screen.

2. Click on 'Control Panel'.

3. If the control panel opens in 'Category View, click on 'Switch to Classic View'

4. Find the iTools logo

and double click it to launch the Registry Settings window.

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18.1.2. Access from within iTools

Select 'Advanced/Show Server' in the Options menu.

This opens the Server. The server window may appear on the screen, or may appear only as a new item in
the task bar, according to the Windows operating system in use. Click on the Server item in the task bar if
necessary to open the Server window.

In the Edit menu, select 'iTools Control Panel'.

This opens the 'Registry Settings' window:

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18.1.3. Registry Settings window

The registry window opens. In order to edit the contents of more than one tab, the 'Apply' key should be
clicked on before the next tab is accessed. Clicking on 'OK' in any of the tabs, closes the window

This allows users with Product keys to enter the key number to allows access to iTools features.


Click on the relevant port to enable it for use by iTools. Port characteristics can be edited if required (Edit...
key), but this facility should be used only by advanced users.

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Clicking on 'Add' calls the 'New TCP/IP Port' configuration window. This window is initially empty. New
ports can be added to the list by clicking on the 'Add' key, and typing in a name for the Port in the 'Edit
Host' window which appears.

Once a name has been entered for the Port (Henry_VIII), the with the relevant port selected, clicking on the
Add key allows the user to enter the names or IP addresses of one or more hosts to be associated with the
new Port.

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This allows passwords to be entered, but the fields can be left blank if so desired.

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If the server configuration has previously been saved, then a saved file path name appears in the Default
settings field. The ellipsis key can be clicked on to allow an alternative default to be selected.
If required, the default setting can be overridden, for the current user, by clicking on the 'Override Default
Settings.....' area and browsing to the required filename.

When saving the server configuration to a new name (Server File menu Save As...) , the user is asked
whether this new name is to become the default, and if so,whether it is to be the default for all users or only
for the currently logged in user.

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1. Command line options are not case-sensitive.
2, See also 'Stand Alone Program Editor' 'Command Line Options'

19.1.1. /Addall
Causes faceplates for all devices known to the iTools server to be displayed on startup. Devices identified
later (e.g. by the server scanning the network) will not be added. See also '/Scan'.
19.1.2. /NoPurge
Devices which have been known to the OPC Server, but which are no longer present, are normally purged
when iTools starts up. Using the /NoPurge option prevents this from happening.
19.1.3. /NoSplash
This prevents the iTools 'Splash screen' from being displayed at startup.
19.1.4. /NoWarn
This option suppresses the warning messages which otherwise appear, when an attempt is made to load a
device of unknown type and/or version.
19.1.5. /RegServer
Updates the Windows Registry with all settings required by iTools. This is performed automatically by the
iTools setup program.
19.1.6. /Scan
Enables a background scan for new devices. As additional devices are detected by the iTools Server during
execution, corresponding faceplate views are displayed in the iTools main window. This functionality can be
enabled/disabled from the iTools Device menu, or via the toolbar. See also '/AddAll'.
19.1.7. /Server:name or /Server
Specifies the location of the computer running the iTools server application. Using this option causes iTools
(client) to try connecting with the remote server machine using DCOM instead of using the server on the
local computer.
If servername is notspecified on the command line, a dialogue box prompts for the name of the remote
1. The iTools Server must be installed and registered on the local (client) computer, even when connect-
ing with a remote server using DCOM
2. This option is provided for user convenience and is not supported by the manufacturer.

19.1.8. /UnregServer
Removes all settings added by iTools from the Windows Registry.

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The iTools shell (iTools.exe) is the application through which the user interacts most of the time. The shell is
responsible for ensuring that the iTools OPC Server is loaded and ready to run, and for 'containing' and or-
ganising the various device views which are available.


An ActiveX Control is a reusable software component which encapsulates a well-defined functionality, and
which must be contained within an application in order to operate.

Note: An ActiveX Control is also known as an 'OLE Control' or as an 'OCX'.

The ActiveX Controls supplied are called 'Series2000Panel' and 'OPCItemGrid'. In some applications they
appear as part of a library called 'Eurotherm iTools Controls'. They are accessible using the ProgIDs
'iToolsX.Series2000Panel' and 'iToolsX.OPCItemGrid' respectively.
20.2.1. Series2000Panel

This control shows a faceplate of a Series 2000 instrument, and allows the user to interact with a real or simu-
lated device via a replica of the instrument's own keypad and the display of 'Live' data.

The key properties of this component are:

Identifies the iTools OPC server to connect to. This item should be set to 'Eurotherm.ModbusServer.1'.
Identifies the device to communicate with. This is the same name as appears against the device in iTools,
and has a format of the type: COM1.ID001-2402-V356, where 'COM1' is the pc port, '001' is the Modbus
address of the device '2402' is the device type and V356 is the device software version.
Note: The version part of the name is sometimes omitted.
This should be set to logic value: 'True'.

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20.2.2. OPCItemGrid
This control shows the contents of any device parameter list, with 'live' updates and the ability to modify pa-
rameter values via a dialogue box.
The key properties of this component are:
Identifies the iTools OPC server to connect to. This item should be set to 'Eurotherm.ModbusServer.1'.
This is the OPC path name for the displayed parameter list e.g. COM1.ID001-2402-V356.Operator.Main
The interval (in msec) to be used for the updating of item values.
Enables/disable the user's ability to modify item values.


The OPC Server (EuroMBus.exe) is responsible for the obtaining of values from devices, and for the writing
of values to devices. Neither the iTools shell, nor the ActiveX Controls communicate directly with the de-
vices, they communicate with EuroMBus which communicates with the devices.

In most cases, the iTools OPC server delivers data to its clients (e.g. iTools shell) using the published OPC
interfaces. This means that the same OPC server may be used to provide data to third-party applications,
particularly SCADA programs.

OPC = OLE for Process Control
OLE = Object Linking and Embedding

20.3.1. Instrument Descriptor Modules

The iTools OPC server starts one Instrument Descriptor Module (IDM) for every device or clone file to which
it is connected. The IDM is responsible for supplying the OPC server with the parameter map for the ap-
propriate device.

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If an instrument or clone (simulation) needs to be in configuration mode whilst the program is being config-
ured, then this configuration must be done via iTools.
The program editor adds the 'Programmer' menu to the iTools main menu, and contains the entries found in
the 'Edit' and 'Plot' menus described below.

Toolbar buttons are displayed within the Programmer Editor window - they are not merged into the iTools
main toolbar.


Note: The stand alone Programmer Editor is not intended as a configuration tool. It is for use only at Opera-
tor Access level. For Configuration Access level operations,the editor must be opened from within
iTools by clicking on the 'Program Editor' tool button.

21.2.1. Opening the Programmer Editor

The programmer Editor is opened by double-clicking on 'S2KPE.exe in the iTools Folder (usually
C:\Program Files\Eurotherm\iTools), or by clicking on 'iTools Programmer Editor' in the Start\(All) Pro-
grams\Eurotherm menu. The opening display is shown below.

Once a clone has been opened or instrument connected, the display changes, according to model type.

For details of segment programming, display modes etc. refer to the 'Programmer editor' topic in 'iTools
with the Model 2400', 'iTools with the model 2704' or 'iTools with the 3500 series' according to device type.

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The Programmer toolbar appears above the graph. The contents of the bar varies according to device type.

New. Opens a dialogue box to allow the user to select a device type for programming. Once a de-
vice has been selected, and 'Ok' clicked-on, the relevant Programmer Editor window opens. Shortcut
<Ctrl> + <N>.

Open. Opens a standard Windows 'File Open' dialogue box, allowing the user to select an existing
program (.uip) file for editing. Shortcut <Ctrl> + <O>.

Connect to Device. Clicking on this tool button opens the 'Connect to Device' dialogue box, allowing
the user to select the required instrument from a list of devices known to iTools. See 'Device Menu'
for further details. Shortcut = <Alt> + <Insert>.

Load Program. Clicking on this tool button opens a standard Windows File Open dialogue box to
allow the user to select a previously saved program. Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <L>.

Save current program to file. Clicking on this tool tool button opens a standard Windows File Save
dialogue box to allow the user to define a destination when saving a program. Shortcut = <Ctrl> +

Send to device. Calls a list of currently connected devices, that are known to the server, to allow the
user to download the program to a selected device.

Program number. Allows the user to choose the required program number.

Select Asynchronous PSP. This tool is always disabled ( greyed) for the Model 3500.

View subprogram. Appears only for devices that support 'Call' type segments. Enabled for segments
of type = 'Call' and if clicked on, the called program is displayed. Short cut = <Ctrl> + <U>.

Back to calling program. Appears only for devices that support 'Call' type segments. Enabled in sub-
programs, to allow the user to return to the calling program. Short cut = <Ctrl> + <B>.

Cut. This tool button is used to copy the selected item to the clipboard, deleting the source. Short-
cut = <Ctrl> + <X>.

Copy. This tool button is used to copy the selected item to the clipboard, without deleting the se-
lected item. Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <C>.

Paste insert. Operation of this tool button causes any segments located on the clipboard to be in-
serted into the program. The insertion point is to the left of the highlighted segment. The highlighted
segment and all subsequent segments are moved rightwards and renumbered appropriately. Short-
cut = <Ctrl> + <V>.

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Paste add at end (Not all devices). This tool button takes any segments located on the clipboard and
adds them to the end of the program. Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <Alt> + <V>. This tool button is disabled if
one or more segments is highlighted.

Paste over. Operation of this tool button causes the highlighted segment(s) to be replaced with the
contents of the clipboard. All other segments remain unchanged. The number of segments being
copied must equal the number of segments highlighted. Shortcut = <Shift> + <Ctrl> + <V>.

Insert. This inserts a copy of the highlighted segment into the program, at the highlighted position.
All subsequent segments are moved rightwards and renumbered appropriately. Shortcut = <Insert>.
This tool button is enabled only if one or more segments is highlighted.

Add (not all devices). Copies the final segment, and appends it to the end of the program. If the pro-
gram is empty, a 'Rate' segment is created as segment 1. This tool button is disabled if one or more
segments is highlighted.

Delete. Removes the highlighted segment(s). Subsequent segments are moved left and renumbered
Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <Delete>. This tool button is enabled only if one or more segments is high-

Go To First. Makes the beginning of the program visible if the segment display has been scrolled to
later in the program. Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <Left arrow>.

Go To Last. Makes the end of the program visible if it has been scrolled off the end of the display.
Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <Right arrow>.

Analog. This is the default mode for displaying and editing the selected program's segment data.
The graphical display shows a separate trace for each PSP Target Setpoint. Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <G>.

Digital. A view of the selected program displaying separate graphical traces for each enabled Event
Output bit. Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <D>.

Logarithmic. Toggles between linear and logarithmic graph scales. Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <M>.

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21.4.1. /StayOnTop
Prevents the Editor from being obscured by other windows.
21.4.2. /ReadOnly
A program can be opened and sent to a connected instrument, but cannot be edited.
21.4.3. /TabbedOpen
Instead of using the Windows File Open dialogue, the File/New tabbed dialogue is used to open programs.
Normally used only with /ReadOnly invoked. See 'Configuring the Runtime Environment' for further details.
21.4.4. /Device:<device name>
This option is used to connect to a device on start-up. The path to the device is set up in the OPC server.
Example: /Device:COM2.ID002-2604-V500
21.4.5. /ProgNum:<number>
Switch to this program number in the connected instrument/simulation.
21.4.6. /Quiet:<filename>
If set, the process dialogue is not shown when loading a file, but a file with this name is created if the pro-
gram fails to load. The presence of <filename> can be used by the calling program to find out if the pro-
gram download failed.
21.4.7. /LoadFile:<filename>
Load this file into the connected device. This command line option can be used only when the /Device: and
/ProgNum: options have also been used.

21.4.8. Program Download Example

To download a program saved in d:\progdir\myprog.uip to the device COM2.ID002-2504-V500 program 6,
the following command should be entered:

S2KPE /DEVICE:COM2.ID002-2604-v500 /prognum:6 /liadfile:d:\progdir\myprog.uip

If the process dialogue is to be hidden, add the /Quiet option to the S2KPE command.

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21.5.1. Configuring the Runtime Environment
A utility is provided which can be used to configure the File/New... dialogue box, shown below.

A file called 'progtempl.ini' located in the directory into which iTools is installed configures the new program
dialogue box.

Note: Write access is required in order to edit this file and thus, to configure the dialogue box.

The file format is as shown below. Each 'section' is the name of a tab, and contains a 'Directory' value and a
number of 'FileSpec' values.

The contents of the file installed by iTools is as follows:


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The directory names can be relative to the iTools install directory, as shown above, or they can be full path
names - the configuration program always turns them into full paths.

To make each Filespec name unique, each one has a numeral appended to it, starting with 1. The value of
the Filespec name is a file pattern, and all files in the given directory, which match this pattern, appear under
the relevant tab.

Once a program has been selected from the dialogue box, the Programmer Editor carries out the following

1. The program is opened and the instrument type and version information is extracted from it. The file
is a standard program file which must contain, as a minimum, the instrument IDM ProgID. The pro-
gram may also contain program segments.
2. The Programmer Editor then searches for a clone template (.uit) file, having the same name in the
same directory. This .uit file is used to initialise the simulation into which the program template will be
loaded. The instrument type and version of this template file must match that of the program.
3. It then looks for a clone template file named after the instrument type and version, in the same direc-
tory. For example: 2604 v204.uit.
4. If either or both of these .uit files cannot be found, the Programmer Editor constructs a name using the
instrument type and version, and loads the relevant template as suppled with iTools.
5. The simulation is then loaded using the clone template file, and the program is loaded into that simu-

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21.5.2. Customising New Program Creation

The New Program dialogue box can be customised using the 'Programmer Editor Configuration' utility sup-
plied with iTools in the 'Advanced Tools' folder.

Before starting, it is recommended that existing template programs, and either the matching clone template
files or the single template for that set of programs be saved.
The iTools 'Save As...' File menu item is used to save a clone template, by selecting 'iTools Clone Template
Files (*.uit)' as the file type.

The clone file may be given the same name as the program file, already saved, or the instrument type and
version can be used as a file name. For example '2604_v206.uit'.

Note: When using the version number, do not include decimal points. For example use 'V206', not 'V2.0.6'.

Instrument versions
When iTools is on line to an instrument, it will show the version of that instrument. If a clone file is saved, and
then loaded into iTools, it may show a different version number because several versions are supported by
the same IDM, and the version number in simulation is the version of the IDM.

The only way to ensure that the correct name is being used for the .uit files is to save the clone file and load
it into iTools. The correct version will appear at the bottom of the screen, and this is the version number
needed to create the correct clone template file. I.E. the file needs to be re-saved with this version number.

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Clicking on 'Programmer Editor Configuration' in iTools 'Advanced Tools', opens the 'Configure New Pro-
gram Dialog' box.

Add Tab
Allows the user to add a tab, by clicking on the 'Add Tab' button, and typing-in a name for the new tab.
Clicking on 'OK' causes the tab to appear in the 'Preview' window.
Delete Tab
Allows the user to remove a tab by clicking on the 'Delete Tab' button and confirming the deletion.
Edit Tab
This field displays the name of the currently active tab. The user can edit this name if so desired.
This field allows the user to select the relevant Progtempl directory, either by typing the path name, or by
File pattern defines which instruments and versions appear in the tab.
One of two wildcard characters may be used: the question mark and the asterisk. The question mark
matches a single character. The asterisk matches any number of characters.
An entry of *.uip causes all files with the .uip extension to be included in the tab.
An entry of 26*.uip, causes all .uip files starting with 26 to be included in the tab.
An entry of 2?04v5*.uip causes 2604v500 and 2704v500 to appear in the tab.

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Move Left/Move Right

These two buttons allow the order in which the tabs are arranged to be changed, by moving the current tab
to the left or right relative to the other tabs.

21.6. MENUS
21.6.1. Device menu

The device menu allows the user to connect the Programmer Editor to an instrument, so that programs
within that instrument can be edited. Shortcut <Alt> + <Ins>.

The dialogue box lists all the connected instruments that are known to the server, allowing the user to select
the required device. In the example below, only one instrument is connected.

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21.6.2. Edit Menu

Allows the user to choose the required program number, via a pop-up dialogue box. The program number
range depends on the device type. If the current program has unsaved changes, the user is prompted to
save or discard it.
Not supported by all instruments. Enabled only if the selected segment is of type 'Call', this allows the user
to switch quickly to the called program. This can also be achieved by double-clicking on the 'Call' seg-
ment's header, by using the shortcut <Ctrl> + <U> or by using the 'View Sub-program' tool button .
Not supported by all instruments.
Enabled only if the current program has been reached using 'View Subprogram' as described above, this
allows the user to return quickly to the calling program. This can also be achieved by using the shortcut
<Ctrl> + <B> or by using the 'Back to calling program' tool button .
Used to copy the selected item to the clipboard, deleting the source. Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <X>.
Copies the selected item to the clipboard, without deleting the selected item. Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <C>.
This takes any segments located on the clipboard and inserts them into the program. The insertion point is
to the left of the highlighted segment. The highlighted segment and all subsequent segments are moved
rightwards and renumbered appropriately. Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <V>.

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Not all device types.
This takes any segments located on the clipboard and appends them to the program. Enabled only if there
are no segments selected. Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <Alt> + <V>.
This tool replaces the highlighted segment with the contents of the clipboard. All other segments remain
unchanged. Enabled only if there is a segment selected. Shortcut = <Shift> + <Ctrl> + <V>.
This inserts a copy of the highlighted segment into the program, at the highlighted position. The high-
lighted segment and all subsequent segments are moved rightwards and renumbered appropriately. En-
abled only if there is a segment selected. Shortcut = <Insert>.
Not all device types.
Appends a copy of the final segment to the end of the program. Enabled only if there are no segments se-
lected. Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <Insert>.
Removes the highlighted segment(s). Subsequent segments are moved left and renumbered appropriately.
Enabled only if there is one or more segment selected.
Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <Delete>.
Not supported by all devices.
A program consists of a list of linked segments, these segments being obtained from a common segment
pool. Knowledge of this internal structure is normally required only for diagnostic purposes.
The 'Used Segments' and 'Free Segments' totals are useful in understanding why any error messages, stat-
ing that there are insufficient segments available to perform an operation, have been generated.

Selects all segments. Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <A>.

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Makes the beginning of the program visible if the segment display has been scrolled to later in the program.
Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <Left arrow>.
Makes the end of the program visible if it has been scrolled off the end of the display. Shortcut = <Ctrl> +
<Right arrow>.

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21.6.3. File menu

Opens the dialogue box,shown below, to allow the user to select a device type for programming. Once a
device has been selected, and 'Ok' clicked-on, the relevant Programmer Editor window opens. Shortcut
<Ctrl> + <N>.

Opens a standard Windows 'File Open' dialogue box, allowing the user to select an existing program (.uip)
file for editing. Shortcut <Ctrl> + <O>.
Loads a program file into the current program. Used to load a program into an instrument currently being
viewed in the Editor, or to load several programs into one off-line edit session. Shortcut <Ctrl> + <L>.
Opens a standard Windows 'File Save' dialogue box, allowing the user to choose a destination path for the
current program. If the program has previously been saved to file, then the file name previously used ap-
pears as the default for the Save operation. Shortcut <Ctrl> + <S>.
This selection closes the current program. If the program has been edited AND it is not in a 'real' device,
the user is prompted to save the program before it closes.

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21.6.3 FILE MENU (Cont.)

This allows the user to send the program to a connected instrument. Opens a dialogue box which allows
the destination device to be selected and a program number to be defined. It also allows the user to specify
whether or not the program is automatically to open once the send operation is complete. Shortcut <Ctrl>
+ <T>.

This quits the Programmer editor, after any unsaved data has been saved, if required.

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21.6.4. Help Menu

Opens the iTools Help documentation contents list.
Produces the iTools About screen.

1. The figure below shows the About screen after the 'Features' key has been clicked-on.
2. The figure is for illustrative purposes only, and therefore does not contain the current software ver-
sion number. See 'Introduction' for the software version to which these help pages apply.

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21.6.5. Options Menu

Refreshes the display. Shortcut <F5>.
When selected, the programmer editor always stays 'on top' of any other windows on the desktop.
21.6.6. Plot Menu
This menu allows the user to select the display mode. The display modes are fully described in the 'Pro-
grammer Editor' topic within 'iTools with the Model 2400', iTools with the Model 2704' or 'iTools with the
Model 3500 Series' Help items, according to Device type.

This displays an analogue trace of the setpoint program. If digital outputs are enabled, the digital setpoints
are shown as dots in the digital output row. Shortcut <Ctrl> + <G>.

The digital outputs for a segment can be edited by clicking on the 'hysteresis' button to the right of the digi-
tal output status display for the segment.

If digital outputs are not enabled, this selection is greyed out.

This mode shows the status of the digital outputs for each segment. Analogue setpoints are not shown.
Shortcut <Ctrl> + <D>.
Allows the segment display to be viewed with a logarithmic vertical axis.

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21.6.7. Context menus

This menu appears when the mouse right-hand button is clicked whilst the cursor is hovering within the
segment programming area. The items which appear in this menu are Device-type dependent. This help
topic contains descriptions of all items which can appear for any instrument.

The menu items are not all active all of the time. For example if a segment has not been copied or cut to the
clipboard, or if the context menu is opened with no segment selected, many of the insert, add etc. entries
are 'greyed'.

Select All
Always active, this command selects all the segments in the program. Shortcut <Ctrl> + <A>.
Active only when one or more segments are selected. Used to copy the selected segment(s) to the clip-
board, deleting the source segment(s). Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <X>.
Active only when one or more segments are selected.
Copies the selected item to the clipboard, without deleting the selected item. Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <C>.
Paste insert
Active only if one or more segments are located on the clipboard.
This takes any segments located on the clipboard and inserts them into the program. The insertion point is
to the left of the highlighted segment. The highlighted segment and all subsequent segments are moved
rightwards and renumbered appropriately. Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <V>.
Paste Add
Not all device types.
Active only if one or more segments are located on the clipboard, and there are no segments selected.
This takes any segments located on the clipboard and appends them to the program (i.e. adds them to the
end). Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <Alt> + <V>.
Paste over
Active only if one or more segments are located on the clipboard.
This tool replaces the highlighted segment with the contents of the clipboard. All other segments remain
unchanged. Enabled only if there is a segment selected. Shortcut = <Shift> + <Ctrl> + <V>.

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21.6.7 CONTEXT MENUS (Cont.)

Insert Segment
This inserts a copy of the highlighted segment into the program, at the highlighted position. The high-
lighted segment and all subsequent segments are moved rightwards and renumbered appropriately. En-
abled only if there is a segment selected. Shortcut = <Insert>.
Add Segment
Not all device types. Active only if there are no segments currently selected.
Appends a copy of the final segment to the end of the program. Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <Insert>.
Delete segment
Removes the highlighted segment(s). Subsequent segments are moved left and renumbered appropriately.
Enabled only if there is one or more segment selected.
Shortcut = <Ctrl> + <Delete>.
Segment Diagnostics
Not supported by all devices.
A program consists of a list of linked segments, these segments being obtained from a common segment
pool. Knowledge of this internal structure is normally required only for diagnostic purposes.

The 'Used Segments' and 'Free Segments' totals are useful in understanding why any error messages, stat-
ing that there are insufficient segments available to perform an operation, have been generated.

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This calls a display showing details of the selected parameter.

The help tab produces a display describing all the possible 'values' which can be associated with the pa-
rameter type selected.

Parameter Help...
This produces the same display as appears when the 'Help' tab is clicked from within the Parameter Proper-
ties Information display, above. The help can also be opened via the shortcut <Shift> + <F1>.

Chart context menu

This menu is obtained by right-clicking over the chart area of the Programmer Editor screen.

Copy Chart
Selecting this item causes a copy of the chart to be saved to the clipboard ready for 'Pasting' into word
processing or spreadsheet programs. Amongst other things, this allows the chart to be printed.

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iTools Version 7 Help Manual


The set up of a report for printing is carried out using four pages, as depicted below. When 'Finish' is
clicked, the report is generated, and appears on the screen so that it can be edited before printing. Printing
is initiated by clicking on a 'Print' button which appears at the top of the page.

The following control items appear on all the Report Configuration pages
This button allows the user to save the report configuration as a template that can subsequently be re-


This allows settings, such as which columns are to be enabled, to be saved as a default setting.


This tab allows the user to add or remove lists and/ or sublists of parameters. This is carried out by clicking
on the required folder and then using the Add... and Remove../ buttons located in the central area of the

As in the parameter explorer view, the user can choose to hide or to display 'Non-relevant' parameters, by
using the 'Hide parameters which are Not Relevant' check box.

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This tab allows the user to select certain columns for the parameter list. 'Name' and 'Value' cannot be dis-
abled for printing.


This tab allows the user to enter details which, if entered, appear at the head of the report, along with the
time and date etc. automatically entered by iTools. The instrument identification (in this example
COM1.ID001-2704) appears at the top of the report, and as a 'header' on each page.

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This page is used to format the output of the report.

Clicking on the 'Finish' key causes the report to be generated, ready to be verified and edited (if necessary)
before printing is initiated.

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iTools Version 7 Help Manual


Review mode is entered by any of the following methods:

1. Click on the 'Toggle chart review mode' tool

2. Select 'Enable Review of Historical Data' in the OPC Scope Options menu
3. Select 'Enable Review of Historical Data' in the Chart context (right click) menu
4. Select 'Enable Review of Historical Data' in the Review tab of the Chart Control Panel

After an instrument has been detected by the Scan process, iTools spends some tens of seconds reading
instrument configuration data into its internal database so that the features relevant to the instrument type
may be made available to the user. A similar process takes place if Resynchronise is selected from the De-
vice context menu, or from the Device menu.

During this time, the User is unable to access some functions (e.g. Graphical Wiring Editor) associated with
the synchronising instrument.

Whilst synchronising, the 'Synchronising' (curved arrows) icon appears in the 'connected instruments' area
in the top left corner of the iTools window, below the toolbar.
Once synchronisation is complete, this is replaced by the normal 'connected instrument' icon.

Synchronisation (or Re-synchronisation) in progress.

Synchronisation (or Re-synchronisation) complete.

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This page is deliberately left blank

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About .................................................. 163, 165, 249 BrowseRoot ......................................................... 233
Access .............................................................. 14, 70 CallCycles ...............................................................99
Access configuration level ................................. 196 CallProg ..................................................................99
Acknowledge Device ......................................... 209 Capture current values into a data set...... 200, 210
Activate ................................................................ 127 Cascade ............................................................... 191
Activate All Panel Views ..................................... 154 Centre .................................................................. 133
Activate Panel View............................................. 154 Chart colours ....................................................... 215
ActiveX Controls ................................................. 233 Chart Configuration ............................................ 215
Add 3, 38, 154, 236 Chart context menu .................................... 122, 253
Add at end ..................................................... 96, 205 Chart Display ....................................................... 215
Add Bar ................................................................ 179 Chart Tab ............................................................. 213
Add bar after selected bar ................................. 208 Clear Data Set ............................................. 185, 187
Add Item ...................................................... 139, 165 Clear Most Recently Used Lists ......................... 171
Add new item to list ............................................ 203 Clear New values ................................................ 165
Add Segment ...................... 96, 148, 182, 244, 251 Clear the selected data set ........................ 200, 210
Add Status Control .....................................143, 179 Clone devices........................................................... 3
Add status control after selected status control Cloning ................................................................ 171
208 Close ........................................................... 191, 247
Add Tab ............................................................... 241 Close All ............................................................... 191
Addall ................................................................... 232 Columns...... 10, 120, 132, 151, 157, 161, 185, 187
Adding Parameters ............................................... 70 Columns Tab ....................................................... 254
Adding Parameters to the list ............................ 213 Command line options ...................................... 238
Adding parameters to the watch list ............. 19, 90 Comment ................................................................38
Adding segments ..................................... 58, 96, 97 Comment context menu .................................... 123
Addition of Comments ......................................... 26 Comms port setup .............................................. 226
Addition of Monitor Points ................................... 26 Compounds ...........................................................22
Address Display .................................................. 161 Computer ............................................................ 202
Address Format................................................... 161 Condition ................................................................14
Advanced ............................................................. 171 Configuring the Runtime Environment ............ 239
Align Lefts ............................................................ 133 Connect ............................................................... 165
Align Tops............................................................ 133 Connect to Device .............................................. 236
Analog .......................................................... 205, 236 Connect to Server ............................................... 202
Analog Mode ..............................................182, 250 Connect via Series 2000 Interface Adapter
Analogue operations ............................................ 38 ........................................................... 154, 196
Annotate Tab ....................................................... 254 Contents .............................................................. 249
Arrange Icons ...................................................... 191 Control panel ...................................................... 226
Asynchronous Programmer ................................. 67 Copy 136, 146, 147, 148, 182, 205, 236, 244, 251
Authorization ....................................................... 171 Paste ............................. 124, 133, 152, 194
Authorization tab ................................................ 226 Copy a diagram fragment ....................................26
Auto/man Loop: .................................................... 70 Copy chart ......................... 122, 139, 165, 215, 253
Available command line options ...................... 232 Copy Compound To File... ................................ 124
Axes 215 Copy Data Set .................................... 131, 185, 187
Back to Calling Program ...........182, 205, 236, 244 Copy Diagram ..................................................... 150
Background colours ........................................... 115 Copy Fragment to File... .................................... 133
Background scan for new devices .................... 196 Copy Graphic ...................................................... 133
Bar Graph............................................................... 70 Copy item .................................................... 139, 165
Bargraph ................................................................ 75 Copy Item DDE Link ................................... 139, 165
Black wires ............................................................. 26 Copy Parameter ........ 132, 151, 157, 161, 185, 187
Blank Page ............................................................. 70 Create a new empty data set ............................. 210
Block Appearance ................................................ 26 Create a new Watch/Recipe list ........................ 210
Block execution order .................................. 21, 115 Create Compound ............................................. 133
Block wiring ........................................................... 38 Create new clone file .......................................... 196
Block Wiring context menu ................................ 120 Creating a Data Set ........................................ 19, 90
Bring To Front ............................123, 136, 141, 152 Creating a Watch List ............................................19
Browse for recipe parameter ............................. 200 Creating an application.........................................26
Browse Parameters .....................................132, 185 Customisation procedure .................................. 241
Browse To Current Parameter ................... 127, 154 Customising New Program Creation ................ 241
Browse Tool button .............................................. 13 Cut ........ 146, 147, 148, 182, 205, 236, 244, 251

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cYcn ..................................................................... 48 Edit wiring for selected parameter ................... 208

Dashed outline ...................................................... 26 Editing Parameter Values......................................10
Data Logger Options .......................................... 165 Enable Background Scan ................................... 154
Data Logging....................................................... 221 Enable Review of Historical data ............... 122, 165
DDE Interface ...................................................... 223 End Type .................................................................99
Deactivate .................................................... 127, 154 endt ......................................................................48
Deactivate All Panel Views ................................. 154 Entry to asynchronous mode................................67
Decimal Places .................................................... 171 Event Output 1 .......................................................99
Delete123, 124, 133, 136, 141, 152, 194, 205, 236 EventOuts ...............................................................99
Delete Data Set ................................................... 187 Exit ........................................................... 158, 165
Delete Segment ........146, 147, 148, 182, 244, 251 Explorer Browsing and Navigation ......................13
Delete Tab ........................................................... 241 Explorer menu .................................................... 157
Delete the selected data set .............................. 210 Fallback ...................................................................38
Delete Wire.................................................... 38, 120 Fallback Overrides Limits......................................38
Deleting segments............................. 48, 58, 96, 97 Fieldbus I/O Gateway......................................... 114
Device File menu ..................................................... 158, 247
<device name> .................................... 238 File menu selections ........................................... 127
Device Browser ........................................................5 FILE PATTERN ..................................................... 241
Device Comment ........................................127, 154 File Write Mode .................................................. 221
Device context menu .......................................... 127 Find Start / Find End ........................................... 152
Device Information .....................................163, 196 First segment..........................................................58
Device menu ...............................................154, 243 Flash Memory Context menu ............................ 135
Device Name ....................................................... 233 Flash Memory Editor .............................................14
Device Panel View ............................................... 199 Flash memory View ............................................ 199
Device Recipe Data Sets context menu ............ 131 Flash menu .......................................................... 161
Device Recipe Editor ............................................ 90 Flash Toolbar ...................................................... 201
Device Recipe parameter context menu .......... 132 Flatten Compound ............................................. 124
Device Recipe toolbar ........................................ 200 Force Exec Break ................................................ 152
Device Recipe View ............................................ 199 Force Good Status .................................................38
Diagram context menu ....................................... 133 Format Tab .......................................................... 254
Differences between Synchronous and Function Block context menu ............................ 136
Asynchronous ........................................................ 68 Function block instance ........................................21
Digital ........................................................... 205, 236 Function Block menu .......................................... 161
Digital Graphs .........................................51, 65, 106 Function block type ...............................................21
Digital Mode ................................................182, 250 Function Block View .................. 136, 150, 189, 199
DIRECTORY ......................................................... 241 GbkCyc ...................................................................60
Disconnect ........................................................... 165 GbkSeg ...................................................................60
Disconnect from server ...................................... 202 Generate Report on selected device ................ 196
Display parameters ............................................. 215 Ghosted outline .....................................................26
download ............................................................... 26 Go To First .................................. 182, 205, 236, 244
Download the selected data set Go To Last................................... 182, 205, 236, 244
to the device ............. 210 Go to Menu Control Button ..................................89
Download Values ................................................ 187 GobackCycles ........................................................99
Download Wiring ................................................ 194 GobackSeg .............................................................99
Download Wiring to Instrument ........................ 211 Goto First ............................................................. 154
Dual Loop .............................................................. 70 Goto Last ............................................................. 154
Dual Loop style ..................................................... 77 Goto Next ............................................................ 154
Dur ..................................................................... 48 Goto Previous...................................................... 154
Duration ........................................................... 60, 99 Graph context menu .......................................... 139
Edit ................................................................... 123 Graph Hi .................................................................70
Edit Menu..................................................... 165, 244 Graph Lo .................................................................70
Edit Parameter ................... 135, 145, 161, 181, 201 Graph Printing ........................................... 44, 53, 92
Edit parameter for selected item ...................... 209 Graph Style .............................................................70
Edit Parameter Value .......................................... 136 Graph Style: ............................................................70
Edit Style ...................................................... 145, 181 Graphical Wiring ................................................. 189
Edit style for selected item ................................. 209 Graphical Wiring View ....................................... 199
Edit Tab ................................................................ 241 Graphs ................................................................. 106
Edit Text ......................................143, 145, 179, 181 Grey, dashed wires ................................................31
Edit user text for selected item .......................... 209 Grid Appears on Printouts ................................. 215
Edit user text for selected parameter ............... 208 Group item value writes ............................. 165, 225
Edit Wire ............................................. 120, 143, 179 GSoakType .............................................................99
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GSoakVal................................................................ 99 LoadFile
Hb ..................................................................... 48 <filename> ............................................ 238
Help ................................................................... 196 Loading Clone Devices ........................................... 3
Help menu .......................................... 163, 165, 249 Loading Devices into iTools ................................... 3
Hi Limit ................................................................... 38 Log initiation ....................................................... 221
Hidden Parameters ................................... 44, 53, 92 Log termination .................................................. 221
Hide Parameters and Lists when Logarithmic ................................ 182, 205, 236, 250
Not Relevant .............. 171 Logarithmic Scales .................................. 51, 65, 106
Hide Server .......................................................... 171 Logging Rate ....................................................... 221
Hide unwired connections ................................. 136 Logic Operations ...................................................38
Historical navigation ............................................. 13 Logic Operators .....................................................38
History Page Control .......................................... 213 Magenta wires ........................................................26
History Page Control keys .................................. 215 Main Toolbar ................................................... 4, 196
Home Display ..............................................127, 154 Making a wire between two blocks .....................26
Identify Current Parameter ........................ 127, 154 Making selections ..................................................26
Information .......................................................... 165 Maths Operators ....................................................38
Input 1 / Input 2 ..................................................... 38 Maximize .............................................................. 191
Insert ........................................................... 205, 236 Maximize Chart ................................................... 213
Insert Bar ...................................................... 143, 179 Maximize View Area ........................................... 189
Insert bar in front of selected bar ...................... 208 Menu Bar .................................................................. 4
Insert Item .......................... 135, 145, 161, 181, 201 Message..................................................................14
Insert item ahead of selected item .................... 209 Message Table .......................................................14
Insert item in front of selected item .................. 210 Message Table Config ..........................................14
Insert Parameter ..........................................151, 187 Minimize .............................................................. 191
Insert Segment ..........146, 147, 148, 182, 244, 251 Minimize all.......................................................... 191
Insert Status Control ...................................143, 179 Minimize to System Tray .................................... 165
Insert status control in front of Monitor context menu ........................................ 141
selected status control ................. 208 Monochrome printing ........................................ 215
Inserting segments ............................ 48, 58, 96, 97 Most Recently Used Devices ............................. 154
Instrument Descriptor Modules ........................ 234 Most Recently Used Files ................................... 158
Instrument versions............................................. 241 Mouse Pan ........................................................... 211
Introduction .................................. 21, 26, 44, 53, 92 Mouse Select ....................................................... 211
Invert ..................................................................... 38 Move ................................................................... 191
Item Appears on Chart ............................... 139, 165 Move Left ............................................................. 241
Item Colours .......................................................... 26 Move Right .......................................................... 241
Item Menu ............................................................ 165 Move selected item ................... 200, 201, 209, 210
Item Names ......................................................... 215 Names and Most Recent Values ........................ 215
Item Properties ............................................139, 165 Navigation ................................................................ 4
iTools control panel ............................................ 226 New ........................................................... 236, 247
iTools Installation Diagnostics ........................... 163 New Clone File .................................................... 158
iTools Secure ....................................................... 189 New Clone File... ...................................................... 3
iTools Shell .......................................................... 233 New Data Set....................................................... 187
Launching the Application ......................................2 New File .................................................................... 3
Left Mouse Button function ................................ 215 New Recipe ................................................. 151, 187
Legend Style ........................................................ 215 Next ................................................................... 191
Level ..................................................................... 14 No legend............................................................ 215
Line thickness ...................................................... 215 NoPurge .............................................................. 232
List context menu ................................................ 139 NoSplash ............................................................. 232
List Tab ................................................................. 213 NoWarn ............................................................... 232
Lists Tab ............................................................... 254 Number of Programs .............................................53
Live Data screen ..................... 75, 79, 81, 83, 85, 87 OCX' ................................................................... 233
Lo Limit ................................................................... 38 Offline editing ........................................................92
Load ........................................................... 182, 247 OffTime ...................................................................99
Load Access Level .......................................131, 185 OLE Control ......................................................... 233
Load Comments from File ................................. 158 Online / Offline editing .................................. 44, 53
Load device parameters from file ..................... 196 Online editing ........................................................92
Load Program..............................................205, 236 OnTime ...................................................................99
Load Recipe .................................................132, 185 OPC parameter browser ......................................... 5
Load recipe data from file .................................. 200 OPC Scope ......................................... 165, 203, 213
Load settings from file ........................................ 203 OPC Scope Server toolbar ................................ 202
Load values from File .................................127, 158 OPC Server .................................................. 202, 234
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OPC Server Startup tab ...................................... 226 Print Chart ........................................... 122, 165, 215
OPCItemGrid ....................................................... 233 Print Setup ........................................................... 158
Open ..........................................124, 165, 236, 247 Printer Setup ....................................................... 165
Open an existing Watch/Recipe file ................. 210 Printing and Clipboard ...................................... 215
Open an OPC Scope window .................... 200, 210 Printing the graph ..................................................92
Open Clone File .............................................. 3, 158 Printing the program .............................................92
Open clone file for editing ................................. 196 Priority .....................................................................14
Open File ..................................................................3 Priority delays .........................................................14
Open Recipe ...............................................151, 187 Product code ....................................................... 226
Opening the editor ................................... 44, 53, 92 Product key tab ................................................... 226
Opening the Programmer Editor ...................... 235 Profibus parameter access ................................ 114
Opening the Wiring Editor .................................. 23 ProgID .................................................................. 233
Operator ................................................................ 14 ProgNum
Options Menu .................................... 165, 171, 250 <number> ............................................. 238
Override Server Timestamps ............................. 165 Program ....................................................... 182, 244
P_DOut ................................................................... 60 Program and PSP names .......................................57
P_OP ..................................................................... 48 Program and trace names ............................. 47, 95
Page Left / Page Right ........................................ 215 Program Download Example ............................ 238
Page Location:....................................................... 70 Program editing ............................... 47, 57, 95, 235
Page Name ............................................................ 70 Program Name .......................................................95
Page Promote........................................................ 70 Program number ........................................ 205, 236
Page Promote: ...................................................... 70 Program parameters ................................ 44, 53, 92
Page Style: ............................................................. 70 Program Printing....................................... 44, 53, 92
Pages context menu ........................................... 145 Programmer Editor ................................................92
Pages menu .................................................179, 181 Programmer Editor view .................................... 199
Pan ................................................................... 194 Programmer menu ............................................. 182
Pan Tool ............................................................... 211 Programmer Parameters .......................................92
Panel Enabled ..................................................... 233 Promote Parameters ................................. 14, 73, 74
Panel Views ..............................................5, 171, 189 Promotion Parameters ..........................................75
Panel Views Position ........................................... 171 PSP Parameters ............................................... 44, 53
Parameter .............................................................. 14 PSP Wiring ..............................................................53
Parameter Availability Settings .......................... 171 PSPnDw...................................................................60
Parameter Explorer tools ..................................... 10 PSPnHT ...................................................................60
Parameter Explorer View.................................... 199 PSPnRt .....................................................................60
Parameter Help ...........................................157, 251 PSPnTg ....................................................................60
Parameter List .................................................. 38, 70 PSPnTp ....................................................................60
Parameter List Cursor Options .......................... 171 Push Pin ....................................................... 200, 201
Parameter List style ............................................... 79 Push Pin to give window global scope ............. 210
Parameter Lists .................................................... 171 Push To Back .............................. 123, 136, 141, 152
Parameter Properties ......................... 143, 157, 251 PV Threshold ..........................................................99
Parameter Value Selections Restricted by Current PVEvent ...................................................................99
Limits ................................................................... 171 PVWait.....................................................................99
Paste a diagram fragment .................................... 26 Quiet
Paste Add....................................148, 182, 244, 251 <filename> ............................................ 238
Paste add at end .........................................205, 236 RampRate/Sec ........................................................99
Paste Data Set .................................... 131, 185, 187 rAtE ......................................................................48
Paste Fragment from File... ................................ 133 ReadOnly ..................................................... 233, 238
Paste Insert146, 147, 148, 182, 205, 236, 244, 251 Recipe creation ......................................................90
Paste Item .................................................... 139, 165 Recipe menu ............................................... 185, 187
Paste Over 146, 147, 148, 182, 205, 236, 244, 251 Reconnect to Server ........................................... 202
Paste Parameter .........................132, 151, 185, 187 Red wires ................................................................26
Paste Wire ............................................................ 120 Redo ................................................................... 194
PID set .................................................................... 99 Refresh ......................................................... 120, 250
Pinned icon ...............................................................5 Refresh All ........................................................... 189
Pinout icon ................................................................5 Refresh Browse ................................................... 165
Plot Menu ............................................................. 250 Refresh Current ................................................... 189
PrgIn1 ..................................................................... 99 Register Address To Display ............................. 161
PrgIn1n2 ................................................................ 99 Registration information ............................ 163, 165
PrgIn2 ..................................................................... 99 Registry Settings window ................................... 226
PrGn ..................................................................... 48 RegServer ............................................................ 232
Print ........................................................... 127, 158 Remove ..................................................38, 127, 154
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Remove All Items ................................................ 181 Select additional devices from list .................... 196
Remove all items from this page ....................... 209 Select All ... 133, 146, 147, 148, 182, 194, 244, 251
Remove Bar .................................................143, 179 Select Asynchronous PSP .......................... 205, 236
Remove from display only.......................... 127, 154 Select Data Set ............................................ 185, 187
Remove highlighted device from display ........ 196 Select display font .............................................. 203
Remove Item .... 135, 139, 145, 161, 165, 181, 201 Select Page .......................................................... 209
Remove Parameter ....................132, 151, 185, 187 Selected Page ........................................................70
Remove recipe parameter ......................... 200, 210 Selected Parameter ........................................ 70, 74
Remove selected bar .......................................... 208 Send Command to Server ................................. 171
Remove selected item ................................ 203, 209 Send to Device .................. 127, 158, 182, 236, 247
Remove selected status control ........................ 208 Serial Ports tab .................................................... 226
Remove Status Control ............................... 143, 179 Series2000Panel ................................................. 233
Removing Parameters from the list ................... 213 Server name ........................................................ 232
Rename ................................................................ 124 Server menu ........................................................ 165
Rename Data Set................................ 131, 185, 187 Set Access Level.......................................... 127, 154
Report Configuration .......................................... 254 Set Font ................................................................ 165
Report Templates ............................................... 254 Set the access level ............................................. 200
Re-Route Input Wires ..................................124, 136 Set up I/O modules .................................... 194, 211
Re-Route Output Wires .............................. 124, 136 Set update interval for all items ......................... 203
Re-Route Wire ..................................................... 152 Setup New Value ........................................ 139, 165
Re-Route wires ................................... 124, 133, 136 Show Block Wiring Page .................................... 171
Reset program.............................................127, 154 Show Chart Control Panel.......................... 122, 165
Restore ................................................................. 191 Show Chart properties ....................................... 203
Restore all ............................................................ 191 Show Device Names ........................................... 171
Resynchronise .............................................127, 154 Show Display update Rate ................................. 165
Return to Editor .................................. 143, 179, 208 Show Enum Strings in Block Wiring Page ........ 171
Review Mode ....................................................... 215 Show grid ............................................................ 194
Review Mode Entry ............................................. 257 Show information dialog .................................... 203
Review tab ........................................................... 215 Show Labels on Toolbars ................................... 171
Right Mouse Button .................................................4 Show Live Data................................... 143, 179, 208
Right Mouse Button functions ........................... 215 Show Names ....................................................... 141
Routing Wires ........................................................ 26 Show Parameters in Browse/Find View ............ 171
Run Wizard for New Clone File ......................... 171 Show Server ........................................................ 171
SafeOP ................................................................... 99 Show Wires using tags ............................... 124, 136
Save 122, 127, 132, 139, 151, 158, 165, 185, 187 Show/Hide grid ................................................... 211
Save As ................................................ 127, 151, 187 Single Channel .............................................. 92, 106
Save As... .............................................................. 158 Single Loop ............................................................70
Save Current program ................................ 182, 247 Single Loop style ...................................................81
Save current program to file ...................... 205, 236 Single Programmer ............................................ 106
Save device parameters to file .......................... 196 Single/Dual programmers ....................................92
Save Diagram ...................................................... 150 Size ................................................................... 191
Save Diagram Layout .......................................... 194 Snapshot Values ................................ 131, 185, 187
Save Graphic... .................................................... 133 Solid outline ...........................................................26
Save settings as default ...................................... 254 Space Evenly ....................................................... 133
Save Settings Now .............................................. 171 Speed ......................................................................14
Save Settings On Exit .......................................... 171 Spreadsheet display ........................................... 221
Save settings to file ............................................. 203 Start data logger ......................................... 165, 221
Save the current recipe list ......................... 200, 210 Start/Stop data logger ....................................... 203
Save to File .................................................. 127, 158 Status Bar ............................................................. 189
Save Wiring.......................................................... 194 Status Grid ....................................................... 70, 83
Saving clone template files ................................ 241 Stay On Top ................................................. 165, 250
Scaling .................................................................. 171 StayOnTop .......................................................... 238
Scan ............................................................... 3, 232 Stop data logger ................................................. 221
Section name ......................................................... 70 Suspend Updates while Cloning....................... 171
Segment configuration......................................... 48 SyncAll ........................................................... 92, 106
Segment context menu .............146, 147, 148, 251 Synchronisation ................................. 127, 196, 257
Segment Diagnostics ................148, 182, 244, 251 SyncStart ........................................................ 92, 106
Segment Parameters ......................... 48, 60, 95, 99 SyncStart segments ...............................................97
Segment type ........................................................ 60 SyncToCh2Seg .......................................................99
SegType ................................................................. 99 System information ............................................. 163
Select 194 TAB NAME ........................................................... 241
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TabbedOpen ....................................................... 238 User Pages view .................................................. 199

Task Break............................................................ 152 User Text .................................................................70
TCP Port configuration ....................................... 226 User Values .............................................................38
TCP/IP Tab ........................................................... 226 UserVal ....................................................................99
Terminal Wiring context menu .......................... 150 Using function blocks ............................................26
Terminal Wiring toolbar ..................................... 207 Using Tags ..............................................................26
Terminal Wiring View ......................................... 199 Using the Application .............................................. 5
tGt ..................................................................... 48 Using the editor in asynchronous mode .............68
The Graph ................................................51, 65, 106 UsrTxt ......................................................................60
The Parameter Explorer window ......................... 10 UVal1/UVal2 ...........................................................60
Thick Wires ............................................................ 26 Value ......................................................................14
Tile Horizontally................................................... 191 Value Labels ........................................................ 215
Tile vertically ........................................................ 191 Verify against Clone File ............................ 127, 158
TimeEvent .............................................................. 99 Vertical navigation .................................................13
Toggle access configuration level .................... 196 View menu ........................................................... 189
Toggle chart review mode ................................. 203 View selection ..................................................... 127
Toolbar context menu ........................................ 150 View subprogram ....................................... 205, 236
Toolbars ............................................................... 189 View Sub-Program ...................................... 182, 244
Toolkit Blocks ........................................................ 38 Views ................................................................... 196
Toolkit Blocks Performance ............................... 171 Views Toolbar.................................................. 4, 199
Tooltips .................................................................. 26 Violet ......................................................................26
Trace name ............................................................ 95 WaitEv .....................................................................60
Transfer this program.... ..................................... 205 WaitVal ....................................................................99
Triple Loop ............................................................ 70 Watch list ................................................................90
Triple loop style 1 ................................................. 85 Watch Recipe context menu.............................. 151
Triple Loop style 2 ................................................ 87 Watch Recipe Editor ..............................................19
tYPE ............................................................... 48, 60 Watch Recipe View ............................................. 199
Undelete ....................123, 124, 133, 136, 141, 152 Watch/Recipe toolbar ........................................ 210
Undo ................................................................... 194 When Key Pressed .............................................. 171
Undo/Redo tool buttons .................................... 211 When No Key Pressed ........................................ 171
Unlink ........................................................... 123, 141 Window menu ..................................................... 191
UnregServer ........................................................ 232 Wire ......................................................................21
Unwire all parameters for this page .................. 208 Wire colours ...........................................................26
Unwire Page ................................................143, 179 Wire Context menu ............................................ 152
Update Device Flash........................................... 161 Wired From ............................................................38
Update device flash memory ............................. 201 Wiring .....................................................................26
Update Interval .................................................... 165 Wiring Editor toolbar ......................................... 211
Update Rates ....................................................... 171 Wiring Fragments ..................................................26
UpdateRate .......................................................... 233 Wiring menu........................................................ 194
Use Tags .............................................................. 152 Wizards ............................................................ 7, 196
User List Tab .......................................................... 74 Write New Values ............................................... 165
User Page Editor ................................................... 70 Write Value .................................................. 139, 165
User Page Editor Context menu ........................ 143 Writing New Values ............................................ 213
User Page Editor Toolbar ........................... 208, 209 Zoom Percent ...................................................... 211
User Pages ........................................................... 116

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Issue 5 Oct 10
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HA028838/5 (CN26835)

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