Uos Outline Mktg1001 Sem1 2017

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Unit of Study Outline

Unit Code MKTG1001
Unit Title Marketing Principles
Semester 1, 2017
Pre-requisite Units:
Co-requisite Units:
Prohibited Units: MKTG2001
Assumed Knowledge and/or Skills:
Unit Coordinator: Dr Jeaney Yip
Address: Room 4205, Abercrombie Precinct(H70), The University of Sydney NSW 2006
Email: [email protected] Phone: 9351 5494
Consultation Hours: Tuesday 10 -12pm
Class Day(s): Please check your personal timetable and attend your allocated lecture and tutorial.
Required Text / Resources:
Armstrong, G., Adam, S. Denize, S. and Kotler, P. (2015) Principles of Marketing, 6th edition, Pearson: Sydney.
This unit of study outline MUST be read in conjunction with
The Business School Unit of Study Common Policy and implementation information that applies to every unit of study offered by the
Business School (http://sydney.edu.au/business/currentstudents/policy). All assessment rules, such as standards used, penalties etc, are

The Business School Student Administration Manual - for information about all processes such as illness, appeals etc (
http://sydney.edu.au/business/currentstudents/student_information/student_administration_manual) When deciding applications and
appeals relating to these matters it will be assumed that every student has taken the time to familiarise themselves with these key policies
and procedures.

The Business School seeks feedback from students and staff in order to continually improve all units offered. For information on previously
collected feedback and innovations made in response to this feedback, please see

1. Unit of Study Information

This unit examines the relationships among marketing organisations and final consumers in terms of
production-distribution channels or value chains. It focuses on consumer responses to various marketing
decisions (product mixes, price levels, distribution channels, promotions, etc.) made by private and public
organisations to create, develop, defend, and sometimes eliminate, product markets. Emphasis is placed on
identifying new ways of satisfying the needs and wants, and creating value for consumers. While this unit is
heavily based on theory, practical application of the concepts to "real world" situations is also essential. Specific
topics of study include: market segmentation strategies; market planning; product decisions; new product
development; branding strategies; channels of distribution; promotion and advertising; pricing strategies; and
customer database management.

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2. Program Learning Outcomes and Unit Learning Outcomes

The Program Learning Outcomes for this Program are located at

Unit Learning Outcomes

Unit Learning Outcomes Program Learning Outcomes
On the successful completion of the Unit you should be able to:
Explain and conceptualise the foundations of marketing from a marketer's 1. Business Knowledge
point of view.
Identify market opportunities through a comprehensive environmental scan 2. Critical Thinking
and market needs analysis. 3. Business Analysis and
Investigate the applicability of marketing to various contexts. 2. Critical Thinking
3. Business Analysis and
6. Ethical and Social
Strategically apply the marketing process in marketing an offering to a 2. Critical Thinking
specific target audience using a set of relevant marketing strategies. 3. Business Analysis and
4. Communication
5. Team Working

3. Assessment

Assessment Individual/ Assessment Learning Due
Length Weight Due Date Closing Date
Name Group Conditions Outcomes Time
1.5 hours in your
Individual Compulsory 1, 2, 3 allocated lecture 28% 27-Apr-2017 27-Apr-2017
7-8 mins +
portfolio per
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Total of two
Presentation Group Compulsory 15% Week 6 Week 11
6 presentations
worth 7.5% each
due in tutorials in
wk 6 and 11.
2000 words
1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
Project Group Compulsory excluding 20% 4:00pm 08-Jun-2017 08-Jun-2017
reference list
Participation Individual Compulsory 1, 4 Varies 7% Weekly Weekly 0
Final Exam Final Exam
Final Exam Individual Mandatory 1, 2, 3 2 hours 30%
Period Period
Week 4

For the meaning and operation of this table, see policy information in the box on the front page or click here

Assessment details

Mid-semester Exam

Task Description
The mid-semester exam consists of 60 multiple choice questions. Students will sit the mid-semester exam in
their timetabled lecture slot and venue (students must bring/keep a copy of their personal timetable to the

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exam and be able to produce it upon request). The mid-semester exam will assess materials covered from
weeks 1 - 6 (inclusive). Class time in the lecture and tutorial will be spent on topics that are especially
important, interesting or difficult. Students are responsible for all of the assigned materials whether they are
explicitly covered in class or not. All materials in lecture and tutorials, including guest speakers (if any) are

Assessment Criteria
1. Conforming with instructions (e.g. word length, font, other instructions)
2. Attention to purpose
3. Content and range
4. Use of literature/ Knowledge of theory
5. Problem solving
6. Conceptualisation

Feedback - What, when and how feedback will be provided for this assessment
Marks will be released four weeks (or earlier if time and marks processing permits) after the assessment date
through Blackboard. General feedback in terms of how the overall class performed will also be published
through Blackboard or provided in lectures.


Task Description
Student groups of up to 3 members (from the same tutorial, no exceptions) will do a set of creative and
strategic activities that enable students to learn the marketing process in a dynamic way. Groups exceeding
this size is only strictly allowed due to class numbers (and is an exception to the norm) which require special
permission from both the tutor and lecturer. Groups are finalised in wk 3 in tutorials. It is every student's
responsibility to ensure that they are in a group by wk 3 or risk withdrawing from the subject. It is not the
teaching team's responsibility to 'find you a group'.
This assessment item is made up two presentations worth 7.5% each (total of 15%), in which the specified
tasks are related to a marketing opportunity. The two tasks are linked and progressively build on one another.
The first group presentation is due in week 6 while the second group presentation is due in week 11, in your
respective tutorials.
All tasks are in Blackboard in the Assessment link, under the Group Activities folder. Each task is due in
the form of a 7 - 8 mins presentation (actual time will be determined by tutor depending on class size and
number of groups) in the group's respective tutorial and a submission of a 2 page (max) presentation portfolio
to your tutor. The portfolio comprises all presentation materials used including slides as well as
supplementary notes. No email attachments or hard copies can be submitted after the deadline.

Assessment Criteria
1. Clarity of expression (incl. accuracy, spelling, grammar, punctuation)
2. Referencing
3. Analysis
4. Critical reasoning / critical thinking
5. Synthesis
6. Originality
7. Interactive and group skills (include. Teamwork, Negotiation/micro-politics & empathy)
8. Critical review (to be used in peer assess)
9. Presentation / communication (oral)

Feedback - What, when and how feedback will be provided for this assessment
Marks and qualitative feedback will be returned to students in tutorials in wk 8 (first presentation) and wk 12

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(second presentation).


Task Description
This project is the finished product of the group presentations in a more complete version, written in a
professional report format. The report should be no longer than 2000 words (1.5 line spacing and size 12
font), inclusive of in-text references but not the reference list at the end of the report, appendices and group
diary. The diary records all events, time and date, action points that took place during group meetings,
detailing clearly 'who did what'.
Peer evaluation is used for all group assessments which can affect an individual student's total marks for the
group presentation in wk 6 and wk 11 as well as the group final report. The peer evaluation form must
be submitted to your tutor in wk 13 otherwise your group report will not be marked. Please read the 'Group
work policy' document in Blackboard and understand how peer evaluation works.
The group project report is due on Thursday 8 June (wk 13) by 4pm.
Where a word length is specified, students must conform to the word length. Where a student exceeds the
word length, the student will lose 10% of the total marks when the submission is 10% above the word length
and for each 10% over length thereafter. Please note the word limit includes the in-text referencing in the
There is a late penalty of 10% (of the awarded mark) per day, the weekend is considered one day. After
seven days, it is zero.

Assessment Criteria
1. Conforming with instructions (e.g. word length, font, other instructions)
2. Presentation, communication & style (written)
3. Clarity of expression (incl. accuracy, spelling, grammar, punctuation)
4. Referencing
5. Use of literature/ Knowledge of theory
6. Analysis
7. Critical reasoning / critical thinking
8. Synthesis
9. Interactive and group skills (include. Teamwork, Negotiation/micro-politics & empathy)
10. Critical review (to be used in peer assess)

Feedback - What, when and how feedback will be provided for this assessment
Marks and qualitative feedback will be available for pick up during the official exam period. Once ready,
announcements will be made in Blackboard as to when and how these can be made available to students.


Task Description
There are two components to this assessment:
1. Tutorial participation worth 5%
Students will be awarded marks for their attendance, preparation and participation during tutorials towards
assigned activities and group presentations. Students may be asked to submit their written work to any
assigned activities (see tutorial guide in Blackboard) as a record of preparation and participation. Simply
turning up to classes does not guarantee any marks, neither are vague or irrelevant comments/written work.
Quality participation is dependent on these criteria: understanding of assigned activities and its relevant
theoretical applications, ability to critique related contents, clear communication and a positiive attitude
towards learning and contribution to the class atmosphere.
2. Research component worth 2%
You have two options for the Research Component Assessment;

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Option #1: Participating in a Research Study (2%)

You will be required to spend approximately 45 minutes participating in ONE research study. Please go to
http://marketing-usyd.sona-systems.com/ to register a new account (your login/passwords from last semester
wont work) and sign-up for a study. Studies will be available for sign-up from Week 1 and run on different
dates throughout the semester. Please login to website listed above to find out when studies are running. You
must complete this assessment by the end of week 12, the 2nd June 2017 (by 5pm). Refer to the
Assessment folder 'Research Component' file on Blackboard for more information about how to sign-up
for a study and for details on how to add/change courses for the award of your 2 marks (IMPORTANT: please
make sure you pick the correct marketing course code and subject name so your marks are assigned to the
right subject. Please refer to the instructions on Blackboard if you need to add missing courses or
change/reassign marks to a different marketing course. If you are taking more than one marketing course that
includes the Research Component as an assessment, please note you will need to participate in a separate
study for EACH of your marketing courses.

Option #2: Research Paper Review (2%)

As an alternative to participating in a research study (Option #1 above) you have the option of writing a review
about a research article from a scholarly marketing journal. Information about how to complete and submit
Option 2 are located in the Assessment folder Research Component file in Blackboard. Due end of Week 12,
2nd June 2017 (by 5pm).
This assessment is independently administered by Dr. Christina Anthony (Discipline of Marketing Subject Pool
Co-ordinator). ALL questions about this assessment should be directed to
[email protected](please do NOT email your lecturer about this

Assessment Criteria
1. Attention to purpose
2. Use of literature/ Knowledge of theory
3. Conceptualisation
4. Originality
5. Reflection/evaluation
6. Presentation / communication (oral)
7. Self Presentation

Feedback - What, when and how feedback will be provided for this assessment
This assessment mark will only be released until after the official grade is published through SydneyStudent
during the official grade release period. Students however, are able to check with their tutor anytime in terms
of how they feel they are performing based on discussions and other assessment pieces.

Final Exam

Task Description
The final exam will be multiple choice questions and will assess materials covered from weeks 8 - 13
(inclusive). Class time in the lecture and tutorial will be spent on topics that are especially important,
interesting or difficult. Students are responsible for all assigned materials whether they are explicitly covered
in class or not. All materials in lecture and tutorials, including guest speakers (if any) are assessable.

This assessment is listed as MANDATORY which means you must undertake the assessment and achieve at
least 5% of the available marks in that assessment. Students who fail to achieve this minimum standard in this
assessment, even when their aggregate mark for the entire unit of study is above 50%, will be given a Fail
grade for this unit. As a result a student's academic transcript will show a Fail grade and the actual mark

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achieved if the final mark of the unit is between 0-49 and a Fail grade and a capped moderated mark of 49 for
all other final marks.

Assessment Criteria
1. Conforming with instructions (e.g. word length, font, other instructions)
2. Presentation, communication & style (written)
3. Clarity of expression (incl. accuracy, spelling, grammar, punctuation)
4. Attention to purpose
5. Use of literature/ Knowledge of theory
6. Problem solving
7. Conceptualisation
8. Critical reasoning / critical thinking

Feedback - What, when and how feedback will be provided for this assessment
This assessment mark will not be released until after the official grade is published through SydneyStudent
during the offical grade release period. Students wishing to receive verbal feedback on their performance will
be advised through Blackboard as to the necessary arrangements for scheduling of feedback.

4. Other Resources for Students

All lectures and seminars are recorded and will be available within Blackboard for student use. Please note the
Business School does not own the system and cannot guarantee that the system will operate or that every
class will be recorded. Students should ensure they attend and participate in all classes.

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5. Unit Schedule

Week List of Topics Assessments Due

Course overview
1 The Marketing Process
6 Mar 2017 An introduction to Marketing
Chapter 1
Continuation of introduction to Marketing
2 Explanation of Group Presentation and
Strategic Marketing and Planning
13 Mar 2017 Project in tutorials
Chapter 2
3 Environmental Analysis and Insights
Group Establishment Form due in tutorials
20 Mar 2017 Chapter 3
Understanding markets
Consumer Behaviour
27 Mar 2017
Chapter 5
5 Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning
3 Apr 2017 Chapter 6
6 Continuation of market segmentation, targeting and
Group Presentation 1 due in tutorials
10 Apr 2017 positioning

Common week 17 Apr to 23 Apr

7 Mid-semester Exam in your time-tabled lecture time

No tutorials
24 Apr 2017 and venue
The Marketing Mix
Products, services and brands
1 May 2017
Chapter 7
9 New Product Development & Pricing Srategies Qualitative progress report due to your
8 May 2017 Chapter 8 & 9 tutor
10 Promotion Mix: advertising and public relations
15 May 2017 Chapter 11
11 Promotion Mix: personal selling and sales promotion
Group Presentation 2 due in tutorials
22 May 2017 Chapter 12
12 Direct and digital Marketing
29 May 2017 Chapter 13
Group project report due 8 June by 4pm
Placement Strategies
13 through Turnitin in Blackboard + group
Chapter 10
5 Jun 2017 diary and peer evaluations forms due in
Wrap up

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