Emotional Aspects of Learning

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ORBIS SCHOLAE, 2013, 7 (2) 722


Emotional Aspects of Learning 7

and Teaching: Reviewing the Field
Discussing the Issues
Mi chaela Glser-Zi ku da
Friedrich-Schiller-University in Jena, Institute for Educational Science

Iv a Stuchl kov
University of South Bohemia in esk Budjovice, Faculty of Education

Tom Jan k
Masaryk University in Brno, Faculty of Education

Abstract: The introductory paper gives an overview of the international research

on emotions in learning and teaching. It addresses various theoretical, contextual, practical, and
empirical aspects. In the first part, the paper reflects the core concept of emotions with particular
emphasis on academic and achievement emotions. Next, it reviews the impact of emotions on
students learning and achievement, as well as on the relation between emotions and instructional
quality. The final part deals with academic emotions viewed in the context of different school
subjects. In general, this introductory paper emphasizes the relevance of emotions for education,
especially for learning and teaching in school.

Keywords: academic emotions, achievement emotions, learning emotions,

learning, teaching, instruction, instructional quality


Emotions are intimately involved in virtually every aspect of the teaching and
learning processes, therefore, an understanding of the nature of emotions within
the school context is essential wrote Schutz and Lanehart (2002, p. 67) in aspecial
issue on emotions in education in Educational Psychologist. The interaction between
emotions, motivation and cognition in human life, especially in school and classroom
contexts, is very complex. Yet this fact does not seem to be reflected enough in
Emotions may be seen as general evaluative reactions to experiences with asocial
context (Eisenberg & Fabes, 1992), with learning and instruction and with achieve-
ment demands (Pekrun et al., 2004; Ainley, Corrigan, & Richardson, 2005), outcomes
and feedback (Gumora & Arsenio, 2002; Skinner et al., 2008). But emotions are influ-
enced by the individualspersonality as well (Austin & Senese, 2007). There is aneed
for studying emotions in education, especially in school and classroom contexts (Lin-
nenbrink & Pintrich, 2004). Emotions influence teaching and learning in both positive
and negative ways (Kochanska, Murray, & Harlan, 2000). Students emotions play an
important role in social relations as well as in learning; goal orientation, motiva-
tion and self-concept (Dweck, 1986; Gtz et al., 2003). The learning processes and

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8 outcomes are influenced by emotions but they may also evoke emotions (Valiente,
Swanson, & Eisenberg, 2012). Therefore it is important to clarify how emotions are
influenced by the learning environment as well as the teacher behavior and expertise
(Fitzimons & Lanphar, 2011; Hargreaves, 1999; 2000). Finally, it should be discussed
how learning and teaching may be provided in amore emotionally-oriented way.
Thus, the aim of this paper is to give ashort (selective) overview of the research
field addressing various theoretical, empirical and practical aspects of emotions in
aschool and classroom.

1 What are emotions?

Emotions are basic psychological systems regulating an individualsadaptation to

personal and environmental demands. They are considered to be subjective ex-
periences and multidimensional constructs with affective, cognitive, expressive,
motivational and physiological components (Kleinginna & Kleinginna, 1981; Scherer,
1984; Scherer, Schorr, & Johnstone, 2001). Emotions are closely related to cognitive,
behavioral, motivational and physiological processes, therefore they are generally
important for learning and achievement. They may initiate, terminate or disrupt
information processing and result in selective information processing or they may
organize recall (Pekrun, Gtz, Titz, & Perry, 2002).

1.1 Academic and achievement emotions

The term academic emotions was proposed by Pekrun, Gtz, Titz and Perry (2002)
as an umbrella term for emotions within instructional context, covering emotions
that are directly tied to students learning, classroom instruction and achievement.
Students experience avariety of emotions in academic settings that influence their
perceptions and behavior. Academic emotions are significantly related to students
motivation, learning strategies, cognitive resources, self-regulation, academic
self-concept and academic achievement (Pekrun et al., 2002; Valiente, Swanson,
& Eisenberg, 2012). Emotions have an impact on students achievement as well as
their interest, engagement and personality development in addition to affecting the
social climate in classrooms and educational institutions (Pekrun, 2005).
Emotions which are directly related to achievement activities or achievement
outcome are defined as academic or achievement emotions (Pekrun, 2006). For along
time, research focused on emotions induced by achievement outcomes such as fear
of failure, pride and shame after performance feedback (Weiner, 1985). Research on
anxiety was dominating the field for along time (Man, Stuchlkov, & Hodapp, 1997;
Seipp & Schwarzer, 1991; Spielberger, 1966; Zeidner, 1998). For test anxiety the rel-
evance of the impossibility to control the situation is very well analyzed (Hembree,
1988). Different aspects of instruction may cause anxiety, for example unstructured
learning material, lack of feedback and lack of transparency in achievement de-

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Emotional Aspects of Learning and Teaching: Reviewing the Field Discussing the Issues

mands. Test anxiety has been shown to correlate with parent, peer and teacher 9
behavior such as punishment after afailure and competition in aclassroom. Test anx-
iety seems to occur primarily in elementary school. Some studies document asharp
increase in mean frequency and intensity of test anxiety from grade one to grade
four resulting in high prevalence in late childhood (Wigfield & Eccles, 1989). To cope
with anxiety, programs for students were developed and empirically tested (Stritt-
matter, 1993). Individual feedback on students ability and transparent achievement
demands were found to be reassuring (Sarason, 1984; Strittmatter, 1993). Regard-
ing further negative emotions, present studies confirm that students often expe-
rience not only anxiety but also boredom and low interest in school, especially in
mathematics (Gtz & Frenzel, 2010). The decrease in enjoyment of learning from
elementary to secondary school was already observed twenty years ago (Helmke,
1993) indicating that tests, achievement pressure and further problematic aspects
of school and education may have anegative influence on students development.
Meanwhile there is strong evidence that students experience avariety of posi-
tive and negative emotions in school. It is assumed that instruction, parents and
teachers value systems, autonomy, expectations and achievement goals as well as
achievement feedback and its consequences have an influence on students achieve-
ment emotions (Pekrun et al., 2002).
Emotions, particularly those experienced in academic and achievement contexts,
may be characterized by the criteria of valence (positive vs. negative) and activation
(activating vs. deactivating). Positive-activating emotions such as enjoyment, pride
and hope, positive-deactivating (relief and relaxation), high intensity negative-acti-
vating (anxiety, anger and shame/guilt) and negative-deactivating (boredom, hope-
lessness and disappointment) are differentiated (Pekrun, 1992). Emotions have an
evaluative relation to learning, instruction and achievement. Positive-activating
emotions are expected to have apositive influence on learning and achievement,
while negative-deactivating emotions should have anegative impact. However, sim-
ple linear effects may not be assumed. Instead the nonlinear effects caused by
different impact of the low- and high-intensity emotions (Sallquist et al., 2009), in-
direct effects (moderated by effortful control; Dennis, Hong, & Solomon, 2010) and
mediation via cognitive processes (Blair, 2002) are assumed. Furthermore, emotions
are experienced in specific situations (state-component) and they are developed in
the course of life and enduring (trait-component). In contrast to mood, emotions are
time-limited feelings and they are generally related to or caused by specific events
(e.g. feedback by teacher or parents).
Pekrun (2006; 2000) suggested acontrol-value approach to achievement emotions
(Figure 1) based on appraisal theories (Smith & Lazarus, 1993), expectancy-value
theories (Turner & Schallert, 2001), transactional approaches (Folkman & Lazarus,
1985), attributional theories (Weiner, 1985) and models of performance effects of
emotions (Pekrun, 1992; Zeidner, 1998; 2007).
This control-value approach points out that subjective control of the learning and
an achievement situation as well as the subjective value of alearning process and

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10 achievement are crucial for students emotional experience. For example, pleasure
in learning presupposes that students experience their ability to master atask (con-
trol) and their interest in the task (value).

Figure 1 Emotions, learning and instruction a theoretical model based on the control-value
approach to achievement emotions (cf. Pekrun et al., 2007, p. 17)
Fig. 02-1
On the contrary, the loss of control and worrying about the sufficiency of
onesperformance may elicit the defensive and even maladaptive strategies of cop-
ing with learning tasks, including cheating (Stuchlkov & Vanek, 2000; Vrbov &
Stuchlkov, 2012). Students experience avariety of instructional situations and they
value these situations depending on previous experiences, the social context, their
personal goals, their interests and other personality factors (Pekrun et al., 2002).

2 Emotions and their impact on learning

and achievement

Emotions have an effect on learning and achievement, mediated by attention,

self-regulation and motivation (Pekrun et al., 2002), thus directing the person to-
wards or away from learning matters in learning situations (Ellis & Ashbrook, 1989).
Furthermore, it was shown that students perceived self-regulation is significantly
positively correlated with positive emotions (Boekaerts, Pintrich, & Zeidner, 2000;
Carver & Scheier, 1990), whereas perceived external regulation is correlated with
negative emotions (Pekrun et al., 2002). The experience of competence and au-

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Emotional Aspects of Learning and Teaching: Reviewing the Field Discussing the Issues

tonomy in learning has been pointed out to be important for self-regulation and 11
self-determination (Deci & Ryan, 1985). Emotions are related to interest as well. The
positive impact of interest on learning has been confirmed for individuals, knowledge
domains and subject areas (Hidi, Berndorff, & Ainley, 2002). Interest has value-re-
lated valence as well as feeling-related valence (Krapp, 2002; Renninger, Hidi, &
Krapp, 1992); it is highly correlated with intrinsic motivation and pleasure, and it is
closely linked to all self-determined activity.
The impact of emotions may be positive, as well as negative in nature but the
relation to learning is not so straightforward. For example, test anxiety is roughly
seen as adebilitating emotion but research (Man et al., 1997; Schutz & Davis, 2000;
Cassady & Johnson, 2002) shows that there are two components of the test anxiety,
one that really worsens the academic performance (the cognitive component con-
sisting of worrying about the consequences of failure), and on the other hand the
so-called emotionality which is associated with the elevated arousal, has anonlin-
ear u-curve relation to performance and as such may facilitate learning (at least
within some range) and performance.
This means that emotions influence the learning process in very different modes.
In general, we can summarize these different modes under two headings intrap-
ersonal and interpersonal effects (Oatley et al., 2011). The interpersonal effects of
emotions on learning are associated with the impact of emotions on social judgment
and social perception (e.g. on comparison with mates), with the influence of social
contexts on emotional expression and experience (display and feeling rules with-
in instructions), with the role of emotions in creating, maintaining and dissolving
social relationships (with teachers and peers) and with the verbal and nonverbal
communication of emotion in social learning situations. Enjoyment and humor can
revitalize learning climate in the classroom but when the students are in bits of
laughter, it may act as adistractor for some students who cannot concentrate on
the subsequent learning.
Intrapersonal effects are usually seen as the effects that emotions have on
onescognitive processing. There is longer tradition (over twenty years) of research
on attentional biases (esp. related to processing of negatively emotionally valenced
material), on emotion-memory congruency and on decision making being influenced
by emotions. The research effort has recently shifted more towards investigation of
the effects of emotion on higher-level cognitive processes like interpretation, judg-
ment and reasoning (Blanchette & Richards, 2010). In brief, an emotion interacts
with four types of essential processes of our mind which are fundamental for learn-
ing attention, priming of concepts and knowledge structures, allocation cognitive
resources to particular information and with reflective (metacognitive) processes
which direct our strategic deliberative information processing.
It was also emphasized in the recent literature that it is important to distin-
guish between integral and incidental emotions (Blanchette & Richards, 2010).
Incidental is such an affective state (or mood) that is induced by abroader con-
text, previous situations or is related to personal (affective) traits. It means that

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12 it is transient and not evoked by the target learning tasks or materials. On the
contrary, integral emotion is induced by emotionally arousing tasks or materials
that alearner is processing. Anumber of studies (see Blanchette & Richards, 2010
for review) show that people reason about emotional contents more logically than
about neutral ones.
Integral emotion may focus attention towards task-relevant information and this
could improve performance. This concept of integral emotion evokes directly the
idea that instructions themselves (their structure, clarity, etc.) could elicit students
emotions. There is evidence that emotion can either enhance or impair cognitive
performance, depending on the type of emotion examined, the features of the task
or the interaction between the reasoning style and the requirements of the task.
The amount of literature on higher-level cognitive processes and emotion is grow-
ing very quickly (see Blanchette & Richards, 2010; Fredrickson & Branigan, 2005 for
review) and will change the understanding of basic concepts of education learning
and teaching significantly. The traditional distinction between hot and cold
functions (Hofmann, Schmeichel, & Baddeley, 2012) referring to emotion and cog-
nition respectively is being replaced with dynamic interplay between the two, with
an acknowledgment that many brain structures and processes are both cognitive
and emotional.
Nonetheless, the term learning emotions (cognitive perspective) could be dif-
ferentiated from academic emotions (amore general perspective of educational
psychology). The learning-related emotions in the cognitive perspective refer more
to the facilitative or disruptive role of emotional arousal in reasoning processes or
memory (Linnenbrink, 2007; Isen, 2008). In such aperspective emotions could be
seen as an immediate product of instructional quality (its content-specific aspects
like clarity, structure, etc.) and could act as moderators of cognitive processing at
the same time. On the other hand, emotions related to studentsperformance (and/
or mastery), to academic self-concept and to social context of learning in general
could be also seen as consequences of instructional quality (in the process-product
perspective). Emotions could be processed cognitively as evaluative (affective) in-
formation about the quality of instruction. Such adistinction is, of course, just theo-
retical because in the real classroom settings emotions develop both as antecedents
and as consequences of student learning.
The interaction between emotion, motivation and cognition is even more com-
plex as emotions are intertwined with students beliefs and actions constituting an
integral part of the interpersonal processes that create classroom contexts (Meyer &
Turner, 2006). Therefore, it is important to study students emotions in instructional
context (Frenzel, Pekrun, & Gtz, 2007).

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Emotional Aspects of Learning and Teaching: Reviewing the Field Discussing the Issues

3 Academic and achievement emotions, 13

teachers and instruction

Until recently, emotions have not been sufficiently attended to in instruction (May-
ring & Rhneck, 2003; Glser-Zikuda et al., 2005). Although social context and
school-related experiences were studied in asmall number of studies, instructional
quality and its relation to students emotions have been largely neglected up to now.
However, it was already proven that the combination of specific aspects of direct
and student-centered instruction (e.g. clear instructional structure, adaptation of
instructional contents to students presuppositions and teachers emotional involve-
ment) showed an increase in both students achievement and enjoyment (Gruehn,
1995; Fitzsimmons & Lanphar, 2011). It therefore seems extremely important to
reveal the links between the quality of instruction and students learning emotions
in more depth.
The influence of the social context and the learning environment on learning and
achievement emotions was already emphasized by Pekrun et al. (2002). Instruction-
al quality, value systems, concession of autonomy, expectations and learning and
achievement goals as well as ateachersachievement feedback are assumed to have
an influence on students emotions (Glser-Zikuda & Fu, 2008).
Klieme, Pauli and Reusser (2009) identified three basic dimensions of instructional
quality: cognitive activation, supportive climate and classroom management. The
cognitive activation is abroad set of processes within which emotions serve as are-
flection upon successfulness and integrity of the progress. When activated properly,
students feel good and ready or even eager to learn. Proper activation means that
the astudentsactual cognitive and metacognitive processes (esp. the structure of
cognitive categories and metacognitive feelings of knowing; Veenman, Van Hout-
Wolters, & Afflerbach, 2006) are not only addressed and respected, but also chal-
lenged. Similarly, supportive climate and classroom management may help to refine
emotional granularity of the students their ability to reflect upon onesemotions
in aspecific and accurate way (Barrett, 2004). The cognitive, emotional and motiva-
tional processes are in fact so intertwined that they cannot be changed or fostered
independently. The emotion-related self-regulation therefore refers to monitoring
and regulating the impact of emotions and motivational states on onesperformance
and parallels the regulation of cognition involved in the executive function dimen-
sion of metacognition (Eisenberg, 2010).
Hugener et al. (2009, p. 76) report that various teaching patterns have various
effects on emotional and motivational learning quality (perceived by students). As
the authors point out, specifically the discovery pattern, providing the highest
degree of cognitive autonomy to the students, led to negative emotions and the sub-
jective feeling of not having understood well the content of the lesson, whereas no
significant effect on self-determined motivation or on cognitive learning activity was
found. This finding is explained in afollowing way: despite higher autonomy sup-
port, students learning experiences were rather negative. These negative effects

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14 might be related to the degree of students sense of competence: one could argue
that the discovery pattern, which confronts students with the challenging tasks of
discovering anew mathematical concept through self-regulated problem-solving,
may reduce the experience of competence for many students. From this perspec-
tive, the negative effects of the discovery pattern are in line with theoretical consid-
erations suggesting that only if students believe that they are capable of successfully
mastering tasks do they desire autonomy (Hugener et al., 2009, p. 76).
To fully determine the role of emotions in learning and/or instruction also means
to tackle the teachers emotions and their perspectives on emotions in teaching.
Teachers emotions and their influence on teachers behavior in aclassroom and
teaching practices are rarely analyzed (Schutz & Pekrun, 2007). Teaching is an emo-
tional endeavor (Sutton, Mudrey-Camino, & Knight, 2009). Teachers may experience
happiness when an instructional objective is met or students follow directions, frus-
tration when students cannot grasp aconcept, anger with misbehavior, disappoint-
ment with lack of effort and anxiety when their competence is challenged. Teachers
report that these emotions often arise from management and disciplinary classroom
interactions and that they try to regulate these emotions frequently because they
believe it helps them achieve their goals (Sutton, 2004).
In line with teacher self-efficacy research (Tschannen-Moran & Hoy, 2001), Fren-
zel, Gtz and Pekrun (2008, p. 198) describe the reciprocal relation between teach-
er emotions, teaching practices and instructional aims. Significant correlations
were found between mathematics teachers pleasure and teaching practice rated
positively by students. An interview study with teachers from different school types
(Hargreaves, 2000) revealed that the experience of successful support of students
who had problems with their learning processes was asource of teachers positive
emotions. Furthermore, based on attribution theory, Graham and Weiner (1986)
showed that teachers anger increased when they attributed students failure to
alack of students engagement. On the other hand, teachers who thought that stu-
dents who were lacking adequate abilities felt compassionate (Butler, 1994; Ruste-
meyer, 1984). Furthermore, teachers enthusiasm and engagement were revealed as
conditions for effective and successful instruction (Sutton, 2004; Witcher, Onwueg-
buzie, & Minor, 2001).
Teachers professional learning itself is acomplex process requiring strong emo-
tional and cognitive involvement, in both individual and collective respect, the
capacity and willingness to examine where one stands in terms of convictions and
beliefs, and the perusal and enactment of appropriate alternatives for improvement
or change. The role of emotions in ateacherschange (development) is still to be
unveiled (Day & Leitch, 2001).
School-based research, still being rather scarce, tends to demonstrate that
close emotional connectedness or the emotional topography that exists between
all school community members engenders engagement in the learning process (Har-
greaves, 2002, p. 15) and relatively few studies show how emotions help create
optimal learning environments (Wubben, de Cremer & van Dijk, 2009, p. 19). Never-

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Emotional Aspects of Learning and Teaching: Reviewing the Field Discussing the Issues

theless, when it comes to the notion of optimal learning, the classroom and teach- 15
ers in particular, the role of emotion remains largely unexamined, suppressed and
downplayed (Smith et al., 2009; Fitzsimmons & Lanphar, 2011). Teachers are typi-
cally afraid to enter into the emotional arena believing it is too personal (Halstead,
2005), that schooling is about rationality and emotions are simply not apart of this
construct (Zinn, 2006).
It is therefore necessary for the teacher to pay attention to academic emotions
which may provide feedback on individual as well as group learning processes. These
emotions serving as afeedback are either positive (interest, joy and enthusiasm)
or negative (anxiety, anger, sadness and boredom), however, they are all equally
important. Boredom, for example, is the most activity-specific emotion which can
reflect monotony and subjectively missing meaning of the learning (Robinson, 1975).
According to Pavelkov (2009), students see ateacher (his/her way of teaching or
acting in general) mostly as the main source of their boredom; or they ascribe their
boredom to the subject. Only scarcely do they admit the reasons lie in their own
attitude, e.g. their inactivity, aversion to change or novelty, etc.

4 Domain-specific nature of academic

and achievement emotions

Besides instructional features, it should be considered that not all topics and sub-
jects are favored by students in school context. Mathematics and physics in particu-
lar seem to repel many students during adolescence (e.g. Kessels & Hannover, 2008).
Numerous research studies have shown decrease in interest in mathematics during
secondary school (Fredricks & Eccles, 2002; Kller, Baumert, & Schnabel, 2001;
Pavelkov, kaloudov, & Hrabal, 2010a). And physics does not seem to be favored
very much by students in lower secondary schools (Hoffmann, Huler, & Lehrke,
1998). Teachers expertise and competencies have an influence on achievement
emotions as well (Glser-Zikuda & Fu, 2008). So far afew studies have analyzed
the combination of specific aspects of direct and student-centered instruction (e.g.,
clear instructional structure, adaptive instruction and ateachersemotional involve-
ment) in secondary schools and showed an increase in both students achievement
and enjoyment (Gruehn, 1995). Positive (e.g. happiness) and negative (e.g. anger
and sadness) emotions are experienced by elementary school children in specific
school and instructional situations (Samanci & Kaya, 2010). Alarming decrease in
enjoyment at transition from primary to secondary school was already observed by
Helmke (1993). Finally, school and classroom climate are important factors influ-
encing achievement emotions. Therefore, it may be assumed that classmates play
an important role in students (achievement) emotions.
For example, the way mathematics was perceived in their classroom had signif-
icant impact on students enjoyment of mathematics (Frenzel et al., 2007). The
influence of the social context on learning and achievement emotions was empha-

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16 sized by Pekrun et al. (2002). It was shown that many students decline in their
valuation of school during adolescence (Wigfield et al., 2006). Students academic
beliefs, attitudes and values are linked to their school-related behaviors, choices
and performance (Wigfield et al., 2006). The way students feel in school and the
way they value school subjects and achievement are not only influenced by peers
and teachers, but also by parents and other family members. The social-cognitive
approach of achievement emotions (Pekrun, 2000) points out that values are trans-
mitted by direct verbal information or by the behavior of onessignificant others,
and are adopted by students as aresult (Eccles, 2007; Zhou, Main, & Wang, 2010).
Parents and teachers are seen as significant interpreters of reality (Eccles et al.,
1993, pp. 154177). Parents, peers and teachers are of primary importance for the
formation of self- and task-related beliefs and values, especially in various domains
(Pekrun, 2000). It may be expected that students valuation of subjects is influenced
by parents who value mathematics or physics/science highly, classmates who like
aparticular subject and teachers who teach these subjects enthusiastically.
It is nonetheless important to highlight that teachers tend to view students
individual characteristics as habitual, domain-general attributes rather than do-
main-specific phenomena (Marsh, 1993; Marsh, Smith, & Barnes, 1983; Pohlmann,
Mller, & Streblow, 2004). It may be misleading to make inferences about students
emotions experienced in one domain (e.g. science) from their emotions in another
domain (e.g. humanities). It is therefore important for teachers to be aware of
the domain specificity of students affective experiences, to try to avoid thinking
about students emotions in terms of global positive versus negative affects, and to
acknowledge the variety of distinct academic emotions experienced by students as
part of the learning process instead (Gtz et al., 2007).
An analysis of students attitudes towards particular school subjects was carried
out by Pavelkov, kaloudov and Hrabal (2010b). 3108 students from 25 Czech
schools in total answered aquestionnaire revealing their subjective ratings of inter-
est (liking), difficulty, importance and academic scores in all school subjects. These
students teachers were also asked to provide similar ratings, to answer how they
as teachers perceived their students liking of the subject and the students ratings
of the difficulty and importance of the subject. The findings show that students
liking scores were the highest for informatics and subjects like physical education,
arts and crafts, music, civics, health education and world of work. These subjests
were, on the contrary, at the end of the importance list, except for informatics.
In general, the teachers estimated the students ratings of the subjectspopularity
accurately but they overestimated the importance that the students would ascribe
to the popular subjects, like civics or health education. (Pavelkov, kaloudov, &
Hrabal, 2010b).
Students boredom was analyzed in another survey (with 437 students) as an
important part of the investigation of the students attitudes towards the school
subjects (Pavelkov, 2009). Boredom varied among students, it was related to vari-
ous subjects and the differences were also determined by gender (boys were bored

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Emotional Aspects of Learning and Teaching: Reviewing the Field Discussing the Issues

slightly more in general, but less in physics and biology). The findings are, of course, 17
sample-specific but they show great individual differences regarding emotional expe-
riences in instruction and subjects. Therefore, research elaborated further is needed.

5 Conclusion

As Fitzsimmons and Lanphar (2011) summarize, the role of emotions in classroom

learning is not one of simply being afeel-good experience, but the psycho-so-
cio-emotional glue that has the potential to take students to new areas of reflec-
tive and practical capabilities. As such, it certainly requires further investigation.
For example, there is aneed of differentiated research concerning learning and
achievement emotions in various instructional settings e.g. open instruction, adap-
tive instruction and personalized instruction which are brought about by curriculum
changes in different countries and are expected to influence and be more attuned
to the context of instruction.
Because of their effect on teaching, learning and achievement, emotions are
aresearch area that is relevant for practice. Abetter understanding of the underly-
ing emotional processes of instruction will help design emotionally sound instruc-
tion in schools (Astleitner, 2000).
This monothematic issue may contribute to the discussion on emotions in the
context of learning and teaching in school by addressing both broader issues in the
field (i.e. review of research) and more focused topics (i.e. empirical findings on
the transition from primary to secondary education or on emotions related to the
use of aportfolio).


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Michaela Glser-Zikuda
Institute for Educational Science
Am Planetarium 4
07737 Jena
[email protected]

Iva Stuchlkov
Department of Pedagogy and Psychology
Faculty of Education
University of South Bohemia in esk Budjovice
Dukelsk 9
370 01 esk Budjovice
Czech Republic
[email protected]

Tom Jank
Institute for Research in School Education
Faculty of Education
Masaryk University
Po 31
603 00 Brno
Czech Republic
[email protected]

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