Septic Shock

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case report

Anesthetic Management of Septic Shock

Konstantinos Alexopoulos (Meds 2016)
Faculty Reviewer: Dr Ramiro Arellano, MD, FRCPC (Department of Anesthesiology)

background nasal cannula, febrile with a temperature of 39.2 C. Neurologically

Severe sepsis, a systemic inflammatory response characterized the patient was intact, alert and oriented to person, place and time.
by acute organ dysfunction in the face of an infectious process, is a However, as the exam continued SM became increasingly obtund-
major healthcare issue worldwide. Sepsis presents a unique chal- ed, showing signs of laboured breathing. Her airway exam revealed
lenge in the management of patients who require anesthesia and a Mallampati Class IV with decreased thyromental distance. Intu-
definitive surgical treatment. Anesthesiologists are involved in bation was predicted to be extremely difficult. SMs most recent
the multidisciplinary management of patients with severe sepsis blood work and chemistries showed a leukocytosis with a develop-
throughout the patients clinical course.1 The mainstays of manage- ing coagulopathy due to urosepsis. As the patient was a Jehovahs
ment include prompt administration of IV antibiotics in conjunc- Witness, all blood products were refused. The patient had a 20 Ga
tion with preoperative fluid and pharmacological resuscitation. IV in situ. Plan for induction of anesthesia included an awake arte-
The goal is to optimize end organ perfusion through the judicious rial line for accurate hemodynamic monitoring, and an additional
use of pressors, inotropes and IV fluids.2 An example might in- large bore IV (> 18 Ga), modified rapid sequence induction and oral
clude a patient with an acute small bowel obstruction complicated endotracheal intubation using the Glidescope and transfer to the
by sepsis. The patient would be appropriately resuscitated using Medical Surgical Intensive Care Unit (MSICU) for postoperative
a multi-modal approach as outlined above, while definitive man- care.
agement would include surgical decompression of the obstruction. An arterial line was established in the right radial artery us-
Intra-operatively, these patients require conscientious induction of ing sterile technique. A good waveform was observed. The dicrot-
anesthesia, ample fluid resuscitation coupled with invasive hemo- ic notch indicates closure of the aortic valve and the wash back of
dynamic/biochemical monitoring.1 Efforts to promote a favourable blood against the aortic valve. The waveform showed a lower than
surgical outcome of a septic patient begins before the surgeon picks normal dicrotic notch indicating that the patient was severely hy-
up the scalpel. povolemic.5 SM was having difficulty cooperating with our instruc-
tions as she was extremely somnolent. Tracheal topicalization was
case presentation achieved with 2% lidocaine spray. BP had dropped to 85/40 mmHg.
Patient SM is a 67-year-old retired female who presented A 1 litre fluid bolus of 0.9% NaCl was administered prior to intuba-
to University Hospital with nausea, vomiting, constipation and tion. Hypnotic agents like etomidate were discussed for the mainte-
acute kidney injury. SMs creatinine trended upwards for several nance of what little hemodynamic stability SM had, but ultimately
days from 341 to 372 then 401. Kidney ultrasound was performed was not chosen. Evidence in the literature indicated that etomidate
which revealed severe bilateral hydronephrosis. Subsequently, SM in sepsis can precipitate marked adrenal insufficiency and increase
had bilateral ureteric stents to relieve the outlet obstruction. De- rates of mortality.6 The patients potassium was 3.8 mmol/L which
spite the ureteric stents, SMs urine output remained poor and an made succinylcholine our choice for neuromuscular blockade.
IV fluid bolus was administered. Within 24 hours, SM developed Remifentanil, a potent ultra-short-acting opioid was chosen to as-
increasing SOB and O2 requirement, as well as a cough with fever. sist visualization of the glottis during intubation. Remifentanil in
SM was started on IV Ceftriaxone and Piperacillin-Tazobactam to rat models has demonstrated a protective effect against sepsis. The
cover gram negative organisms that colonize the urogenital tract proposed mechanism is a decreased release of inflammatory media-
including E. coli, Proteus and Klebsiella.3 Interventional radiology tors IL-1, IL-6, TNF-alpha, while also decreased the inducible nitric
was consulted for the placement of bilateral nephrostomy tubes to oxide synthase which is a potent endogenous vasodilator.7
relieve the bilateral ureteric outlet obstructions. A defasciculating dose of Rocuronium 3 mg IV was adminis-
SM was evaluated by the consultant anesthesiologist, resident tered to prevent fasciculations and myalgias from succinylcholine.
physician and author KA. SMs past medical history included GERD, Midazolam 1 mg was administered for anxiolysis. Cricoid pressure
chronic fatty liver, hypothyroidism, irritable bowel syndrome, dys- was applied to the larynx. IV Lidocaine was not administered since
lipidemia, psoriasis, migraines and anxiety. SM appeared much it was deemed that the pharyngeal response of increased BP to la-
older than her stated age with central morbid obesity and a BMI ryngoscopy would be favourable in this patient. Remifentanil 30
of 48 kg/m2. With this information SM was assigned the American mcg was administered, followed by Propofol 30 mg and Succinyl-
Society of Anesthesiologists number 5 physical status classification. choline 100 mg. At this point, SMs SpO2 was 85% despite adminis-
Class 5 patients are not expected to survive 24 hours without surgi- tration of 100% O2. The Glidescope was used and a McCormack-Le-
cal intervention.4 SMs vitals at this time were: NIBP 95/42 mmHg, hane Grade II view was obtained. Intubation was successful and
MAP calculated at 60 mmHg, HR of 130 bpm, SpO2 of 88% on 10 L confirmed with end tidal CO2 (ETCO2) return and equal bilateral

UWOMJ 83:S1 | Summer 2014 Page 8

case report

air entry. Patients with sepsis have a decreased anesthetic require- references
ment, thus, maintenance of anesthesia was achieved using Sevo- 1. Eissa D, Carton EG, and Buggy DJ. Anaesthetic management
flurane at a concentration of 1% end-tidal Sevoflurane, which is of patients with severe sepsis. Br J Anaesth. 2010 Oct; 105 (6):
one half its minimal alveolar concentration.2 SMs ETCO2 was 21 734743.
mmHg, indicating poor perfusion likely due to decreased cardiac 2. Yoon SH. Concerns of the anesthesiologist: anesthetic induc-
output and developing pulmonary edema secondary to acute respi- tion in severe sepsis or septic shock patients. Korean J Anes-
ratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Phenylephrine 200 mcg, a pure thesiol. 2012 Jul; 63 (1): 310.
alpha-1 agonist was administered, with little to no effect. Another 3. Kalra OP, Raizada A. Approach to a patient with urosepsis. J
300 mcg was given with no observable clinical effect. Glob Infect Dis. 2009 Jan-Jun; (1) :5763.
SM was now markedly hypotensive at 70/35 mmHg as per the 4. Daabis M. American society of anaesthesiologists physical
arterial line. Treatment for pulmonary edema caused by ARDS is status classification. Indian J Anaesth. 2011 MarApr; 55 (2):
positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP), but PEEP decreases ve- 111115.
nous return and results in hypotension. At this point, the need for 5. McGhee BH, Bridges EJ. Monitoring arterial blood pressure:
adequate ventilation did not outweigh the need for hemodynamic what you may not know. Crit Care Nurse. 2002 April; 22 (2):
stability. Vasopressin was considered but ultimately was not admin- 6079.
istered in favour of more powerful direct acting inotropes. 10 mcg 6. Chan CM, Mitchell AL, Shorr AF. Etomidate is associated with
of IV epinephrine was administered in conjunction with a fluid bo- mortality and adrenal insufficiency in sepsis: a meta-analysis.
lus. The radiologist began to scrub for the procedure. SM developed Crit Care Med. 2012 Nov; 40(11): 294553.
tachycardia at 145 bpm, with a BP 55/30 mmHg. SpO2 was 78%.
Sevoflurane was switched off; oxygen at 100%, flows at 15 L/min.
IV epinephrine was increasingly administered in 10 mcg boluses
escalating to 30 mcg boluses. BP improved slightly to 70/40 mmHg.
An infusion of epinephrine/norepinephrine was established.
The anesthesiologist advised the radiologist that the patient
was too unstable for the procedure. SMs coagulopathy and sep-
sis were far too severe, and in the event of blood loss the risk for
mortality was greatly increased.2 SM was transferred to the MSICU
on the infusion of epinephrine/norepinephrine and cardiac moni-
tors. SM was started on continuous renal replacement therapy and
maintained on an epinephrine/norepinephrine infusion. 24 hours
later, the ureteric stents were changed at the bedside in the MSICU.
Prior to the procedure, SM received DDAVP (Vasopressin) 20 mcg
IV and Vitamin K 10 mg IV for her coagulopathy. The procedure
was a success and the patients coagulopathy started to resolve. SM
remained in the MSICU for 4 days requiring decreasing doses of
pressors. After a 24 day stay, she improved markedly and was dis-
charged home in stable condition.

This case presented some difficult decisions from a manage-
ment perspective. As always it is important to remember that phy-
sicians inadvertently can cause harm to their patient(s). From iatro-
genic infections, to ill-informed decision making, in some cases, the
gold standard treatment for the patient may result in deleterious
consequences. In SMs case, the decision to forego the procedure
in the face of marked hypoxemia and hypotension was the most ap-
propriate management. In the event that plan A begins to fail, plan
B must already be formulated and ready to implement, while re-
membering: First, do no harm.

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