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Case Report

Amlodipine overdose with hypotension and noncardiogenic

pulmonary edema.

Anish Hirachan,1 Sushil Baral,1 Miqdaadh Shareef, 1 Rishikesh Rijal, 2 Laxman Tibrewala1

Department of Cardiology, National Academy of Medical Sciences, Bir Hospital, Kathmandu,Nepal
Department of Cardiology, Shahid Gangalal National Heart Centre , Bansbari, Kathmandu,Nepal
Corresponding author: Anish Hirachan, Department of Cardiology, National Academy of Medical Sciences, Bir Hospital, Kathmandu,Nepal

Amlodipine overdose can be a life threatening situation when it is manifested as noncardiogenic pulmonary
edema. Treatment remains challenging when it is complicated with refractory hypotension and pulmonary
edema. Here we describe a 23 year old female with history of ingestion of 45 tabs (5mg) of amlodipine
as a suicidal intent and presented within 36 hours to the hospital. High flow oxygen, iv fluids, calcium
gluconate infusion and antibiotics were used for the management. After 7 days of hospital stay, patient was
discharged with full recovery .

Key words: Amlodipine , Hypotension , Noncardiogenic Pulmonary edema

Introduction of head trauma or focal neurological signs .Her initial CBC,

Amlodipine is a common drug prescribed for hypertension and renal function tests and electrolytes were unremarkable. Her
angina .1 Amlodipine, a dihydropyridine group of calcium channel ABG report showed PH- 7.48, PCo2-26 mm Hg.Po2-70mmHg
blockers (CCBs), constitutes the leading form of cardiovascular (mild hypoxemia and respiratory alkalosis) .The lactate level was
drug overdose and has been implicated in several deaths resulting 0.8 mmol/L,chloride-110mmol/l and calcium level 1.10mmol/l.
from such overdose.2 ECG showed - sinus tachycardia with ST segment depression
Amlodipine is a dihydropyridine group of CCB with in lead II, III aVF and V3-V6. Cardiac markers were negative.
half life of 30-50 hours and a large volume of distribution (21 Chest X-ray and USG abdomen revelaed no significant
L/Kg).3 Treating patients with overdose of this medicine can abnormality on admission. She was continued on IV Normal
be challenging even for the most experienced physician. The saline at 50 ml/hr and after 12 hours of hospital admission, she
difficulty arises because patients severely poisoned with CCB may developed marked breathlessness with respiratory distress and
have profound refractory bradycardia, hypotension , acute kidney chest revealed diffuse lung crackles with persistant hypotension
injury and either cardiogenic or noncardiogenic pulmonary and BP dropped to 70/50 mmHg . She was shifted to ICU and
edema. treated with high flow oxygen, bronchodilators and iv diuretic.
Here we report a case of amlodipine overdose with non Echocardiogram revealed normal LV and RV function, with
cardiogenic pulmonary edema without refractory hypotension mild pericardial effusion. Repeat Chest X-ray showed bilateral
which was managed supportively. fluffy opacities and left sided pleural effusion. In addition to
Case Report the resuscitative measures, the patient was given 10% Calcium
A 23 yrs old housewife presented to emergency room Gluconate over 10 min followed by repeated boluses of Calcium
(ER) after 36 hours of ingestion of 45 tabs of 5mg amlodipine gluconate three times a day along with i.v. antibiotics (tazobactam
(220mg). She complained of multiple episodes of vomiting, and piperacillin with levofloxacin) and i.v fluids . Her blood and
facial puffiness along with dizziness. On examination, she was urine culture showed no growth. Over the next 48h, she showed
conscious, alert and well oriented. Her heart rate was 130/ gradual improvement in her clinical condition with decreasing
min, regular, SPO2 was 94% in room air and blood pressure oxygen requirements. Calcium gluconate was ceased after 72h
was 80/60 mmHg. Clinical examination revealed no murmur, of admission. On day seven, she was discharged in good health
gallop and chest was clear with no added sounds . She denied and referred for psychiatric evaluation.
consumption of alcohol or any other drugs. There was no signs

@Nepalese Heart Journal. All right reserved. Nepalese Heart Journal 2016; 13(1): 27-29
28 Anish Hirachan, Sushil Baral, Miqdaadh Shareef, et al. Amlodipine overdose with hypotension and noncardiogenic
pulmonary edema .

Fig 1: Chest X-ray after admission and at discharge .**

Discussion Our patient developed hypotension and pulmonary

Amlodipine overdoses may currently be a rare presentation, edema which was managed supportively with iv fluids , calcium
but with an increasing number of people treated with CCBs, infusion and high flow oxygen .
these cases may become more challenging . Amlodipine is a
dihydropyridine group of CCBs with a half life of 30-50 hours
and a large volume of distribution.It has predominant effect Conclusion:
on vascular smooth muscle cells with little effect on cardiac Amlodipine Overdose can present with prolonged hypotension
pacemaker cells and cardiac contractility .4, 5 In our case , patient and in severe cases with pulmonary edema and refractory shock
developed transient hypotension along with non cardiogenic . Fluid resuscitation should be well judged clinically and not to
pulmonary edema after 48 hours of ingestion of amlodipine. precipitate pulmonary edema . We present a case of amlodipine
Acute non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema, hypodynamic overdose where it is complicated with hypotension and non
shock and hyperglycaemia are recognised complications of CCB cardiogenic pulmonary edema ,which was managed with
overdose. Some cases with catastrophic shock and noncardiogenic supportive measures .
pulmonary edema were reported.6,7 The mechanism of non-
cardiogenic pulmonary edema in patients with CCB overdose
is not well known. The blockade of L-type calcium channels
in smooth muscle and myocardial depressant activity at toxic
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@Nepalese Heart Journal. All right reserved. Nepalese Heart Journal 2016; 13(1): 27-29
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Cite this article as: Anish Hirachan, Sushil Baral, Miqdaadh

Shareef, et al. Amlodipine overdose with hypotension and
noncardiogenic pulmonary edema . Nepalese Heart Journal
2016;13(1):- 27-29.

@Nepalese Heart Journal. All right reserved. Nepalese Heart Journal 2016; 13(1): 27-29

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