June 2008 Rural Women Magazine, New Zealand
June 2008 Rural Women Magazine, New Zealand
June 2008 Rural Women Magazine, New Zealand
• GPS on horseback
Amid great fanfare Rural Women New Zealand launched an The second runner-
exciting new Enterprising Rural Woman Award during our up will receive $500
National Conference in Blenheim. worth of marketing
The Rural Women New Zealand Enterprising Rural Woman from a company of their
Award 2009 will be presented to an outstanding rural choice.
businesswoman running her own enterprise. “This is also a great
“If you have taken an innovative idea and made it work and opportunity for rural
are passionate about your business, you could be our first women entrepreneurs
Enterprising Rural Woman Award winner” said National to gain media exposure
President, Margaret Chapman. for their businesses,
and the finalists will
Amber Quinnell,
have the right to use
Marketing Manager
the award logo on their
of chief Award
promotional material and stationery for one year,”
sponsor BNZ with
says Margaret Chapman.
RWNZ National
President Margaret Rural Women New Zealand would like to thank
Chapman at our major award sponsor, Bank of New Zealand, along with
the launch of the Access Homehealth Limited, Propaganda, Precise Print &
Enterprising Rural Design, TGM Design and Rural News Group.
Wo m a n A w a rd We urge our members to promote this award amongst friends
2009 and acquaintances who are running small businesses in their
homes, on their farms or in retail or commercial premises.
In launching this award Rural Women New Zealand is keen To enter, the business must have been operating for two
to support and encourage small rural businesses and celebrate years, be based in a rural area and have less than 10 full-time
the success of rural women entrepreneurs. equivalent staff.
“The award puts into action our aim of strengthening rural Entries close 16 February 2009. Finalists will be notified by 16
communities, as well as offering great opportunities to promote March 2009 and interviewed by a judging panel in April 2009
Rural Women New Zealand,” says Margaret Chapman. prior to a winner being chosen.
The three award finalists will be presented with their prizes Promotional flyers for the award are available from RWNZ’s
at a high profile ceremony to be held in the Grand Hall of national office. Entry forms and information sheets can be
Parliament on 15 May 2009, in conjunction with our next downloaded from our website www.ruralwomen.org or by
National Conference. ringing 0800 2 JOIN RWNZ (0800 256 467).
The winner of the inaugural Enterprising Rural Woman Award
2009 will receive $1500 prize money, the opportunity to attend School Transport Safety Campaign
a BNZ Women in Agribusiness course and a trophy. The first Rural Women New Zealand is continuing its campaign to
runner-up will receive $500 in prize money and $500 in printing improve the safety of rural children travelling to and from
or design work from Precise Print & Design, Paraparaumu. school. We have written to Transport Safety Ministery, Harry
Duynhoven calling for a reduction in the speed limits outside
schools between 8am and 9.30am and 2.30pm and 4pm,
Star questions for three hour stroke window following strong support for the
idea at National Conference.
Fast recognition of
We are also continuing our
a stroke can mean a push for a nationwide campaign
much better outcome to increase awareness and
for victims, as getting enforcement of the 20kph speed
medical help within the limit when passing a stationary
first three hours is crucial school bus in either direction.
to reversing its effects. Rural Women New Zealand is organising a meeting of
stakeholders such as Land Transport New Zealand, School
Here are three simple
Trustees, Bus and Coach Association, SafeKids, ACC and others
steps to help with stroke identification known as ‘STaR’.
to find practical solutions and ways of implementing them.
S - Smile - Ask the individual to smile; We are also talking with Total Span, a company which launched
T - Talk - Ask the person to speak a simple sentence; a project at the Fieldays to set up partnerships with rural
R - Ask him or her to raise both arms. communities to erect bus shelters for the safety and comfort
If he/she has trouble with any one of these call 111 of bus passengers. “This is an exciting project and we are
immediately. keen to see how we can work together for the benefit of rural
communities,”says RWNZ Executive Officer, Noeline Holt.
our people
Unstoppable RWNZ members continue their strong
The drought took a break during record of supporting rural communities through
the recent RaiValley A&P Show, fundraising efforts.
but the much needed rain didn’t
dampen the spirits of RWNZ
Rai Valley branch members
as they held their inaugural
Smallholders Auction.
Following good pre-show
publicity, 50 auction lots
were received ranging from
Highland cattle to turkeys,
peacocks, chickens, ducks,
rabbits and geese. The
North Auckland Provincial Executive recently gave
puppies and a miniature $5,000 to the Bay of Islands hospice. Presenting
Diane Payton, Rai Valley Branch pony were hotly contested by
the cheque to the hospice Treasurer is Provincial
President bidders, though the pigs and President, Judy Nesbit pictured above with past
sheep proved less popular. The Rai Valley women are already Provincial President Marilyn Hutchings and
planning their next auction for 2008. Provincial Treasurer Val Driver.
Our leptospirosis fundraising efforts received a
Finding and keeping ‘Point Three’ of big push leading up to the cheque presentation
a teacher an impossible task to Massey University at National Conference. In
Southland, Hedgehope, Makarewa, Dacre and Rimu
The urgency of RWNZ’s call for the Minister of Education to
branches joined Woodlands branch which hosted a
fund two teachers in all rural schools was underlined at our
Light Lunch and Learn to Bowl afternoon at the Woodlands
National Conference when parent Monique Godsiff told of Bowling Club, while Central Taranaki branches held a quiz
the problems facing Waitaria Bay school, the most isolated night. Great support from local businesses ensured the 29
school on mainland New Zealand. teams were in to win a wide range of prizes and raffles.
“The problem, in short, is that the school is allocated 1.5 days South Otago Provincial produced a beautiful calendar
a week in release teaching funding but cannot use this because featuring pictures by Tahatika member and photographer
teachers are not prepared to drive five hours on uncomfortable Angela Wylie to raise funds to send members to conference, as
windy, narrow and partly unsealed roads, and accommodate well as promoting RWNZ. Such was the success of the calendar
themselves for a night, just to work for 1.5 days.” that Tahatika branch is planning another for 2009 which will
be on sale in time for World Rural Women’s Day in October.
Over the last three years seven teachers have tried and all
have resigned. This has had very serious implications for the Party games, quizes and scrumptious lunches provided by
Murchison members to other members and friends have
principal and the Board
been a fun and painless way to help a good cause, says
of Trustees. The last two
Shirley Blakemore of Murchison Branch. The group recently
permanent principals presented a cheque for $1,000 to the Nelson Region Hospice.
have left through The money will be used to buy four light-weight wheelchairs
wo r k l o a d p re s s u re s for patients.
and the Board is facing
ongoing employment
issues due to the lack of
teaching support.
“Having a sole charge
principal isolated and
alone leaves the children
Waitaria Bay pupils and sole charge vulnerable in the event
principal Odette Roper of intrusion, accident or
sudden sickness. Our
extreme isolation renders a full time role, enabling the teacher
to live in the area, the only practical solution,” says Monique.
Waitaria Bay is one of about 100 sole charge schools in New
Zealand that receive funding for 1.3 teachers. The Rural
Education Reference Group, chaired by Jacky Stafford of RWNZ
continues to press the case for two teachers at all rural schools Members from Franklin, Rodney and Kaipara gathered at the
with the Minister of Education. Auckland Botanic Gardens in early April to help the Franklin
members celebrate the 59th birthday of their district.
our people
Books Galore
In collaboration with The Waikato with Life Education Trusts
Times, Fieldays covers the history of
the phenomenon that is the Fieldays. Rural Women New Zealand congratulates the Life
It looks at the origins, how it evolved, Education Trust as it celebrates 20 years of operation
key players, Royal family involvement, in New Zealand delivering programmes to young
competitions, inventions, themes, people that encourage healthy living and respect for
international growth/exposure, rural the environment and others.
bachelor competition, AgArt wear, Rural Women New
economic benefits, the organisation Zealand has been
today and the future. Written by Susan involved with Life
Pepperell, Assistant Editor at The Education Trusts
Waikato Times, and full of excellent since the beginning
photographs taken by Waikato Times photographers, this is when NZ founder
a lively memento of an important institution in the farming Trevor Grice was
calendar. travelling through
the country
Cooking Times by Kate Fraser takes speaking with
readers on a culinary journey through Kiwi community groups
kitchens from the 1930s to the present day. to raise support for
The recipes are true to the decade and are the concept.
accompanied by anecdotes from the kitchens
of engaging fictitious characters, giving a The late Jean Sargent,
fascinating retrospective on our culinary a WDFF member
Cromwell Vice President, Helen
traditions. from Hurunui
Irwin presents a copy of Trevor immediately saw
Grice and Tom Scott’s book The that our organisation could
While Australians and New Zealanders
Great Brain Robbery to a local be a catalyst for encouraging
have long debated the sticky issue of which
librarian community support.
country invented this dessert The Pavlova
Story by Helen Leach tells the story of The Southland LET Community Trust was soon formed with
the evolution of the three pavlova types, Barbara MacKay as the educator. A teacher and farmer’s wife,
and the creative and innovative cooks who Barbara became a familiar sight as she drove the large mobile
have played the most important roles in classroom from school to school, with her little car towed
transforming a fashionable afternoon tea cake behind. Barbara was the Southland educator for 17 years and
into an iconic dish. The book includes 12 is a ‘legend’ within the organisation.
classic pavlova recipes revised and illustrated In the last 20 years the Life Education programme has
by Leach’s sister Mary Browne. grown. There are now 36 community trusts with 41 educators
Rita Angus (1908–70) was one of New Zealand’s most loved delivering classes at 1,264 primary and intermediate schools
and respected artists, but until now, Angus’s to over 220,000 children.
life has remained a mystery. In Rita Angus Rural Women New Zealand branches
- An Artists’s Life, Jill Trevelyan paints have continued to make regular
a vivid picture of Rita Angus the person – donations to Life Education trusts,
curious and forthright, staunchly pacifist and while individual members have
feminist, and wholly dedicated to her art. served as trustees.
Stunning artworks, personal photographs, and One such trustee is RWNZ past
insightful letters help bring Angus’ colourful president Jeanette McIntyre who
story to life. served on the Southland Community
Life Education Trust for 10 years.
We have two copies of The Pavlova Story and one copy of For the last eight years she has been
Cooking Times, Fieldays and Rita Angus to give away. To go in a trustee of the Heartland Otago/
the draw write your name and address on the back of an envelope, Southland Life Education Trust.
stating your preferred book and post to RWNZ, PO Box 12-021, Jeanette McIntyre MBE
A Place in the Sun? Stay at Harris Cottage
Congratulations to Ruth Thompson, Janice Smith, Joan van Asch Would you like an affordable winter break? RWNZ’s Harris
and Lynn Hill, winners of our March issue book draws. Cottage on the Whangaparaoa Peninsula north of Auckland
is an ideal place to go. There are eight beaches close by, two
It’s always nice to have a book or author recommended. A regional parks, a leisure centre and numerous restaurants.
group of Franklin District members have enjoyed one author so Buses for Orewa, Auckland and Waiwera stop at the gate.Visit
much that they have penned a letter to Rural Women endorsing the Orewa hotpools or Kawau Island. Go to our website to
the books of Rachael Treasure. “If your library has not yet check out the very reasonable rates or for bookings contact
purchased Jillaroo, The Stockmen or the Rouseabout agitate until Fay Keane (09) 428 0471. The cottage is also available to
it does!” they say. non-members.
GPS on horseback
Official Journal of Rural Women New Zealand • PO Box 12021, Wellington • Tel 04 473 5524 • Fax 04 472 8946
Editor: Head Office, PO Box 12021 Wellington • Printer: Precise Print & Design, Paraparaumu