Vda de Rigonan v. Derecho

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Vda de Rigonan vs Derecho : 159571 : July 15, 2005 : J.

Panganiban : Third Division : Decision 02/03/2017, 3)26 PM


[G.R. No. 159571. July 15, 2005]


LAUDE, petitioners, vs. ZOROASTER DERECHO Representing the Heirs of
Representing the Heirs of Marcial Derecho, LANDILINO D. PRIETO
Representing the Heirs of Pilar D. Prieto, JUSTA D. BUENO, ADA D. MAPA,
Apolinar Derecho, VICENTE D. RIGONAN, RUFA D. JAYME Representing the
Heirs of Gerardo Derecho, MARDONIO D. HERMOSILLA Representing the
Heirs of Oliva D. Hermosilla, respondents.


Owners who, for a long period of time, fail to assert their rights to unregistered real property
may be deprived of it through prescription. Although the present respondents initially owned part of
the subject property by virtue of succession, their inaction for several decades bars them from
recovering it from petitioners who have possessed it as owners since 1928. The purpose of
prescription is to protect the diligent and vigilant, not those who sleep on their rights.

The Case

Before us is a Petition for Review under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court, challenging the July
28, 2003 Decision of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-GR CV No. 62535. The assailed Decision
disposed as follows:

WHEREFORE, premises considered, the instant appeal is hereby DISMISSED for lack of merit. The assailed
decision of the court a quo dated October 26, 1998 is AFFIRMED WITH THE MODIFICATION that its
declaration of the [petitioners] as lawful heirs of Dolores Derecho-Rigonan, and indicating their lawful share
equivalent to the share of one child of the deceased Hilarion Derecho is DELETED.

Costs against the [petitioners].

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The trial courts Decision, modified by the CA, had disposed as follows:

WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment is hereby rendered in favor of [respondents], declaring the
Affidavit of Adjudication executed by Leandro Rigonan on April 24, 1980 and the Deed of Sale executed by
Teodoro Rigonan in favor of Valerio Laude null and void; ordering the cancellation of Tax Dec. No. 00667 in
the name of Valerio Laude; ordering the [petitioners] to pay [respondents], jointly and severally, moral
damages in the sum of P10,000.00 and litigation expenses in the sum of P5,000.00.

[Petitioners] are hereby ordered to give-up and deliver the possession and ownership of the parcel of land in
question to [respondents]. [Petitioners] being the heirs of the late Dolores Derecho are entitled to the rightful
share equivalent to the share of one child of deceased Hilarion Derecho.

The Facts

The instant controversy revolves around a parcel of land located at Tuburan Sur, Danao City,
originally owned by Hilarion Derecho. When Hilarion died long before World War II, his eight
children -- Leonardo, Apolinar, Andres, Honorata, Dolores, Gerardo, Agaton, and Oliva -- became
pro indiviso co-owners of the subject property by intestate succession. Subsequently, Tax
Declaration No. 00267 was issued under the name Heirs of Hilarion.
On July 16, 1921, five of the co-owners -- Leonardo, Apolinar, Andres, Honorata, and Dolores -
- sold the inherited property to Francisco Lacambra, subject to a five-year redemption clause.
Notably, the three other Derecho heirs -- Gerardo, Agaton, and Oliva -- were not parties to the
pacto de retro sale.
Sometime in 1928, two years after the period for redemption expired, Dolores -- together with
her husband, Leandro Rigonan -- purchased the land from Lacambra and immediately occupied
More than five decades passed without any controversy. On April 24, 1980, Leandro Rigonan
executed the assailed Affidavit of Adjudication in favor of his son, Teodoro Rigonan (the deceased
husband of Petitioner Delfina vda. de Rigonan). Under this instrument, Leandro declared himself
to be the sole heir of Hilarion, while Teodoro obtained the cancellation of Tax Declaration No.
[11] [12]
00267, and acquired Tax Declaration No. 00667 in his own name.
During the same year, Teodoro mortgaged the subject property to the Rural Bank of
Compostela of Cebu. Dreading foreclosure, he settled his obligations with the bank by securing
the aid of Spouses Valerio and Visminda Laude. On April 5, 1984, Teodoro executed the assailed
Deed of Absolute Sale of Unregistered Land in favor of Valerio Laude, who then obtained Tax
Declaration No. 00726 under the latters name on May 10, 1984.

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On November 10, 1993, respondents -- as the alleged heirs of Hilarion and pro indiviso owners
of the subject realty -- brought an action before the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Danao City
(Branch 25), first, to recover the property; and, second, to annul the Deed of Sale in favor of
Laude and the Affidavit of Adjudication, whose validity and authenticity they assailed on the
ground of fraud. They likewise maintained that the subject property had not been partitioned among
the heirs; thus, it was still co-owned at the time it was conveyed to Petitioner Laude.
Petitioners did not deny the imputed fraud in the execution of the Affidavit of Adjudication.
They, however, averred that the document had no bearing on their claim of ownership, which had
long pertained to the Rigonan spouses following the 1928 conveyance from the absolute owner,
Lacambra. They theorized that the co-ownership over the property ended when the period for
redemption lapsed without any action on the part of the co-owners. Therefore, the Rigonan
spouses bought the property as legitimate vendees for value and in good faith, not in the capacity
of redeeming co-owners.
Petitioners likewise argued that they and their predecessors-in-interest had continuously owned
and possessed the subject property for 72 years. Accordingly, acquisitive prescription had allegedly
set in, in their favor, when the case was filed in 1993.
Lastly, petitioners maintained that they were entitled to the equitable defense of laches.
Respondents and their forebears were rebuked for not asserting their rights over the property for
the past 72 years. They supposedly did so only after finding that the land had been developed, and
that it had appreciated in value.

Ruling of the Court of Appeals

On appeal, the CA held that the Affidavit of Adjudication and the Deed of Absolute Sale were
both void. The Affidavit was deemed fraudulent because of the undisputed factual finding that some
of the heirs of Hilarion were still alive at the time of its execution; hence, the statement that Leandro
was the sole heir was indubitably false. The Deed of Sale in favor of Laude was held void
because the vendor, Teodoro, had no legal right to dispose of the entire co-owned property.
Moreover, the appellate court found that the evident purpose of the Contract was to deprive the
other lawful heirs of their claims over the realty. Under Article 1409 (pars. 1 & 2), of the Civil Code,
the Contract was considered void ab initio.
As the Contracts were void, the defense of prescription was inapplicable. Article 1410 of the
Civil Code states that actions for the declaration of the inexistence of a contract do not prescribe.

As for the defense that the co-ownership ended when the period to redeem expired, the CA
ruled that the redemption or repurchase by the Rigonan spouses did not end the state of co-

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ownership. At most, the repurchase gave rise to an implied trust in favor of the other co-owners.
The CA added that prescription was inapplicable, because it did not run in favor of a co-owner
as long as the latter recognized the co-ownership. In the present case, petitioners failed to show
that the co-heirs, except Dolores, had repudiated their rights over the inherited property.
The appellate court further ruled that Valerio Laude was not a buyer in good faith for two
reasons; one, he had been forewarned by Respondent Ruben Derecho that the property was still
co-owned; and, two, Valerio had admitted seeing the cancelled Tax Declaration under the name of
the heirs of Hilarion. These matters should have alerted Valerio, who should have then exercised
prudence as a buyer.
Finally, the appellate court held that the action for recovery prescribed within ten years from the
issuance of the Certificate of Title, which operated as a constructive notice. Considering, however,
that the subject property was unregistered, the CA ruled that the prescriptive period should be
reckoned from the issuance of the Tax Declaration on May 10, 1984. It concluded that the action
was filed well within the period allowed by law for its recovery.
Hence, this Petition.


Petitioners raise the following issues for our consideration:

1. Respondent Court of Appeals erred in holding that the land subject matter hereof is property held in
common by the Heirs of Hilarion Derecho and an [i]mplied [t]rust was created by the act of repurchase.

2. Respondent Court of Appeals erred in holding that the action for the recovery of possession and
ownership is not time-barred by prescription and/or laches.

3. Respondent Court of Appeals erred in holding that respondents action for annulment of the Deed of
Sale and Affidavit of Adjudication is not time-barred by prescription and/or laches.

4. Respondent Court of Appeals erred in holding that Petitioner Valerio Laude is not a buyer in good
faith and cannot be considered as legitimate and lawful owner of the subject property.

5. Respondent Court of Appeals erred in resolving the case with an award of litigation expenses and
attorneys fees.

6. Respondent Court of Appeals acted with grave abuse of discretion when it ruled on the issue of

Simply stated, the issues are as follows:

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1. Whether at the time of the purchase in 1928, co-ownership still subsisted among the heirs of
Hilarion Derecho
2. Whether an implied trust was created
3. Whether the action in the RTC was barred by prescription and laches

The Courts Ruling

The Petition has merit.

First Issue:

Petitioners argue that the co-ownership ended when the heirs entered into a sale with the right
to repurchase and subsequently failed to redeem the property within the stipulated period.
Consequently, when the Rigonan spouses bought the subject land from Lacambra, it was a
conveyance to the spouses in their personal capacities, not as co-owners.
On the other hand, respondents merely adopted the CAs disquisitions discussed earlier.
Since the Spanish Civil Code was still in effect when Hilarion died long before the outbreak of
the Second World War and when the sale was executed on July 16, 1921, it is evident that the
said law governed both the co-ownership and the pacto de retro sale.

Pacto de Retro and

Failure to Redeem

Under a pacto de retro sale, title to and ownership of property are immediately vested in the
vendee a retro, subject only to the resolutory condition that the vendor repurchases it within the
stipulated period. Pending the redemption, the vendor loses all ownership rights over the property,
save for the right to repurchase it upon compliance with the requirements provided in Article 1518
of the Spanish Civil Code.
In a number of cases, this Court has held that once the vendor fails to redeem the property
within the stipulated period, irrevocable title shall be vested in the vendee by operation of law.
In the instant case, the parties to the contract stipulated a five-year redemption period, which
expired on July 16, 1926. The failure of the sellers to redeem the property within the stipulated
period indubitably vested absolute title and ownership in the vendee, Lacambra. Consequently,
barring any irregularities in the sale, the vendors definitively lost all title, rights and claims over the

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thing sold. To all intents and purposes, therefore, the vendors a retro ceased to be co-owners on
July 16, 1926.
Clearly then, the parties to the sale -- Leonardo, Apolinar, Andres, and Honorata (but not
Dolores, as will be explained later), as well as all their successors-in-interest -- no longer had any
legal interest in the disputed property, none that they could have asserted in this action.

Purchase Beyond the

Redemption Period

As for Dolores, she reacquired legal interest in the property by virtue of the purchase in 1928,
two years after the period to redeem had already expired.
This purchase cannot be considered as a redemption in the concept of a pacto de retro sale,
which would imply that the period to redeem was extended long after it had already expired. Such
automatic extension is not possible because, as succinctly stated by Manresa, if the extension is
made after the expiration of the period, then it is void and of no effect because there is nothing to
Adiarte v. Tumaneng illustrates the legal effect of the expiration of the stipulated period for
redemption. In that case, Amanda Madamba sold two parcels of land to Spouses Cirilo Agudong
and Emiliana Tumaneng. However, she reserved for herself the right to repurchase the lots within
ten years. Five years after the period expired, Agudong executed a Contract promising to resell the
land to Madamba. When the former died without fulfilling his promise, the latter filed a suit to
compel the widow to execute a deed of sale in the plaintiffs favor. The widow argued that Madamba
could no longer redeem the property, because the period for redemption had already expired.
In debunking the widows defense, this Court ruled that the Contract did not constitute a
promise to resell, because the right to repurchase had been lost after the expiration of the
stipulated period. The original Contract of Sale with a right of repurchase no longer existed at the
time Agudong made the promise to sell. Therefore, the parties entered into an entirely new and
independent agreement to sell, which was binding on the widow.
In Umale v. Fernandez, the Court ruled that the vendors were entitled to redeem the
property despite the lapse of the period for redemption, inasmuch as the vendees had renounced
their right. On April 13, 1905, a parcel of land was sold a retro by Emigdio Umale and his wife to
Spouses Fernandez, without fixing any period for redemption. On June 12, 1909, Fernandez
executed a Contract allowing the Umale spouses to redeem the land despite the lapse of the four-
year period of redemption. This period was mandated by Article 1508 of the Spanish Civil Code
for cases in which no period had been stipulated. In 1911, Emigdio Umale redeemed the land and
took possession of it.
He then sued to compel the Fernandez couple to execute the instrument of redemption. The
defendants countered that the land belonged to them, because the vendors had failed to redeem it
within the term allowed by law. The Court ruled:

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In the absence of an express stipulation with regard to the period of redemption, the purchaser, in the exercise
of the freedom to make contracts that is possessed by all, has the power to extend the period allowed by law,
provided that the new period stipulated does not exceed the ten years fixed by article 1508 of the code. For
nothing in this article prohibits an extension, by agreement, of the four years, which is the period prescribed
by law in cases where, in sales with right of repurchase, no period for redemption has been fixed by the
parties. [Emphasis supplied]

In his Concurring Opinion, Justice Torres arrived at the same conclusion, but on a different
ground. He explained that the contracting parties had no right to extend the legal period for
redemption after it had already lapsed; and that, when the vendees alienated and returned the
property afterwards, they did so by virtue of a new Contract of Sale, independent of and distinct
from the previous one already terminated.
It is clear from Adiarte and Umale that after the expiration of the period for redemption, the
parties could either (1) enter into an entirely new contract involving the same property; or (2) if they
did not expressly stipulate the period, extend the time for redemption, provided the extension did
not exceed the maximum period of ten years allowed by Article 1508.
In the present case, Lacambra and the heirs stipulated a five-year redemption period. When it
lapsed, the vendee acquired absolute title, while the five co-owners-sellers were stripped of their
co-ownership of the property.
Therefore, when Dolores repurchased the property in 1928, she did so in her personal capacity,
no longer as a co-owner-seller. Following the ruling in Adiarte, she is deemed to have entered into
an entirely new contract, independent of the 1921 pacto de retro sale.

Second Issue:
Implied Trust

Petitioners contend that the appellate court erred in holding that an implied trust had arisen
from the 1928 repurchase by the Rigonan spouses. They argue that the sale was a conveyance of
the absolute ownership of Lacambra over the land, which he had acquired by virtue of a failure to
redeem. Therefore, when he sold it, the spouses likewise acquired absolute ownership.
We clarify.

Satisfy Demands of
Justice and Equity

An implied trust arises, not from any presumed intention of the parties, but by operation of law
in order to satisfy the demands of justice and equity and to protect against unfair dealing or
downright fraud. Under Article 1456 of the new Civil Code, if property is acquired through

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mistake or fraud, the person obtaining it is, by force of law, considered a trustee of an implied trust
for the benefit of the person from whom the property comes. Although this provision is not
retroactive in character, and thus inapplicable to the 1928 purchase, it merely expresses a rule
already recognized by our courts prior to the effectivity of the Code.
In the present case, the implied trust arose in 1921, when five of the eight co-owners assumed
ownership of the whole inherited property and sold it in its entirety to Lacambra. The sale clearly
defrauded the three other co-heirs who were not parties to the transaction -- Gerardo, Agaton, and
Oliva -- and unlawfully deprived them of their undivided shares in the inheritance. Thus, to the
extent of their participation, the property is deemed to have been acquired through fraud; and the
person who acquired it, a trustee for the benefit of the person from whom it was acquired.
In the present case, Lacambra was the trustee who held the property partly for the benefit of
the three mentioned heirs (cestuis que trustent).
The CA, however, erred in finding that the implied trust had arisen in 1928, when the Rigonan
spouses repurchased the property from Lacambra. By then, Petitioners Rigonan were merely
stepping into the shoes of Lacambra as trustee.

Third Issue:
Prescription or Laches

Petitioners argue that even if an implied trust existed, acquisitive prescription is still applicable.
They rely on the pronouncement in Medina v. Court of Appeals that acquisitive prescription
applies to implied trusts, provided there is continuous adverse possession of property in the
concept of owner.
Petitioners maintain that they obtained absolute ownership of the subject land through
acquisitive prescription. They point out that the heirs did not impugn the validity of the documents of
sale until after seventy-two years, in 1993 when the case was filed before the trial court.
Petitioners are correct.
[53] [54]
It is settled in this jurisdiction that prescription, as well as laches, supervenes in the
enforcement of implied trusts.

Prescription of Action

Possession of the property by petitioners commenced way back in 1928, when the
prescriptive periods applicable were those provided in Act 190 (Code of Civil Procedure). Their
argument finds basis in Article 1116 of the new Civil Code, which states that prescription already

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running before the effectivity of this Code shall be governed by laws previously in force x x x.
Under Section 40 of the Code of Civil Procedure, an action for recovery of real property, or of
an interest therein, can be brought only within ten years after the cause of action accrues.
The cause of action of respondents accrued in 1928, when they lost possession of the property
to the forebears of petitioners. These predecessors-in-interest took possession from 1928 until
1980 when Laude, their successor-in-interest, continued possession up to the present. During this
entire time, respondents inexcusably failed to take action to recover the property. In 1993, they
finally rose from their seeming slumber when they filed the present suit. Unfortunately, 65 years
had already lapsed and, by that time, their right of action had clearly been barred by extinctive

Acquisitive Prescription

Moreover, petitioners acquired title to the subject property by prescription. Section 41 of Act
190 (Code of Civil Procedure) provides:

Title to land by prescription. -- Ten years actual adverse possession by any person claiming to be the owner
for that time of any land or interest in land, uninterruptedly continued for ten years by occupancy, descent,
grants, or otherwise, in whatever way such occupancy may have commenced or continued, shall vest in every
actual occupant or possessor of such land a full and complete title, saving to the person under disabilities the
rights secured by the next section. In order to constitute such title by prescription or adverse possession, the
possession by the claimant or by the person under or through whom he claims must be actual, open, public,
continuous, under a claim of title exclusive of any other right and adverse to all claimants x x x.

This provision, as authoritatively and consistently interpreted by this Court, allows adverse
possession in any character to ripen into ownership after the lapse of ten years. Prescription
lies under the said section even in the absence of good faith and just title.
In the instant case, the Rigonan spouses possessed the property in the concept of owners after
their purchase in 1928. They peacefully occupied it, were never ousted from it, and never
prevented from enjoying its fruits.
Furthermore, possession by the Rigonan spouses was adverse to the other heirs, as shown by
the following: one, the former obtained the cancellation of the Tax Declaration in the latters name;
two, the spouses executed the Affidavit of Adjudication, claiming that Leandro Rigonan was the
sole heir; three, petitioners did not share with respondents the enjoyment of the property for a half-
century; and four, Teodoro sold the property to Laude. Respondents were aware of these facts and
of their rightful share in the land. Therefore, they knew that petitioners were holding the property
adverse to their interests.
As petitioners have been in continuous possession and enjoyment of the disputed land since
1928, a length of time that has never been questioned, there can be no doubt that they obtained
title to it by acquisitive prescription.

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To stress the folly of respondents protracted inaction, may we add that the present action would
still be barred, even if the Court were to apply the thirty-year period fixed by the present Civil Code
for the acquisition of ownership by extraordinary prescription or for the extinction of the right of
action over immovables.

Action to Annul Contracts

Imprescriptible, but Recovery
of Realty Barred by Acquisitive

The CA dismissed petitioners defense of prescription on the ground that the action for
annulment of contracts was imprescriptible, as mandated by Article 1410 of the Civil Code.
There is no question that the said action does not prescribe, but the principal question in this
case is the recovery of the subject property, which is the ultimate goal of respondents. They seek
the nullification of the Contracts, merely as a means or prelude to the recovery of the property.
Unfortunately for them, acquisitive prescription has already set in to bar the recovery.
As stated in Bargayo v. Camumot, the prescription of an action and the acquisitive
prescription of ownership cannot and should not be confounded. They are two different and distinct
things, although equally transcendent, being of identical result and effect.
In that case, the Complaint filed by the heirs was one for partition, which did not prescribe,
while the defendant raised the defense of acquisitive prescription. This Court took a moment to
explain that the law spoke only of the imprescriptibility of the action, not of ownership. It explained
thus: x x x [I]t is evident that to deny the prescription of the ownership of an inheritance, because
Article 1965 of the Civil Code declares the action for its partition imprescriptible, is to confound the
prescription of ownership and that of an action x x x. But the Court overruled the defense,
because the defendant had failed to prove adverse possession, an essential element of acquisitive
Similarly, the imprescriptibility of an action to annul a contract does not mean that the present
respondents are perpetually allowed to recover the property, the subject of the void contract. They
may file the action to annul, but their right to recover based on ownership is contingent on the
premise that they still own the property. Ownership may have been lost in the interval during which
they remained inactive. For this reason, the Court constantly reminds parties to remain vigilant over
their rights.
This matter is likewise illuminated by Heirs of Maningding v. CA. In that case, Ramon
owned two parcels of land in Pangasinan. When he died intestate, his four children -- Roque,
Segunda, Juan, and Maria -- inherited the contested properties. While Juan and Maria renounced
their rights to the inheritance, Roque claimed the land as his own by virtue of a donation propter
nuptias, previously executed in his favor by their father. Having been excluded from the enjoyment
of the property, the heirs of Segunda filed an action for partition against Roque, as well as for the

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annulment of the conveyance documents.

The Court ruled that the parcels of land had devolved to the children of Ramon by right of
succession. Roque did not acquire exclusive ownership of those properties by virtue of the Deed of
Donation, which was null and void. Nevertheless, the Court held that his thirty-six years of
exclusive possession and enjoyment of the property sufficed to confer ownership through
acquisitive prescription. The heirs of Segunda were thus barred from recovering their shares in the
It will be noted that Maningding sustained the defense of acquisitive prescription despite the
imprescriptibility of the actions for annulment of contracts and partition. Simply put, the
imprescriptibility of an action is distinct from the prescription of ownership and rights.
In the present case, we hold that respondents can no longer recover the property despite the
nullity of the assailed contracts, because they have lost their ownership by reason of prescription.


Assuming arguendo that the action does not prescribe, laches would still bar respondents from
belatedly asserting their claim. The defense of laches, which is a question of inequity in permitting a
claim to be enforced, applies independently of prescription, which is a question of time.
Prescription is statutory; laches is equitable.
In Miguel v. Catalino, Bacaquio sold a parcel of land to Catalino in 1928. The latter
possessed it and enjoyed its fruits from then until 1962, when the heirs of Bacaquio filed a
complaint for recovery of possession of the property. The heirs asserted that the sale was void for
lacking the requisite executive approval. The Court held that, despite the nullity of the sale and the
fact that no prescription had run against the title of the heirs, the action was already barred by
laches due to their passivity and inaction for more than thirty-four years.
Again in Mejia de Lucas v. Gamponia, the Court held that while the legal defense of
prescription did not lie, the equitable defense of laches did.
In that case, Domingo sold a parcel of registered land to Zacarias, who immediately took
possession of it and enjoyed its fruits. When the heirs of Domingo filed an action for the annulment
of the sale, Gamponia -- Zacarias successor-in-interest -- proffered the defense of prescription. The
lower court overruled the defense on the ground that registered lands could not be acquired by
The lower court was reversed by this Court. Although Gamponia could not be deemed to have
acquired title by virtue of the fact that he and his predecessors had long and continued possession
of the property for thirty-seven years, the owners right to recover it as well as the title to it was held
to have been converted into a stale demand by their inaction and negligence.
Laches is defined as the failure to assert a right for an unreasonable and unexplained length of
time, warranting a presumption that the party entitled to assert it has either abandoned or declined

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to assert it. This equitable defense is based upon grounds of public policy, which requires the
discouragement of stale claims for the peace of society.
As previously mentioned, an action to enforce an implied trust may be circumscribed by laches.
Under this circumstance, repudiation is not even required, unless the facts that give rise to the
trust are concealed. This principle holds because of the nature of an implied trust, which involves a
certain antagonism between the cestui que trust and the trustee. There is neither promise nor
fiduciary relation; the trustee does not recognize any trust and has no intention of holding the
property for the beneficiary; therefore, the latter is not justified in delaying action to recover the
property. Having incurred unreasonable delay, the beneficiary is estopped by laches.
Coming to the present case, the record does not reveal, and respondents do not even assert,
that there was a concealment of the 1921 sale of the property to Lacambra. Although three of the
co-heirs were not parties to that transaction, there is no showing whatsoever that they interjected
any objection to the conveyance. There is no allegation, either, that respondents were unaware of
the sale in favor of Dolores or of her familys possession of the property since 1928. On the
contrary, Respondent Ruben Derecho warned Laude not to buy the land because it had not been
partitioned. This fact shows that respondents were aware that Teodoro intended to sell the land,
a move that was clearly an act of dominion over the entire property. Their cognizance of these facts
eliminates the need for a repudiation on the part of petitioners.
It was held in Go Chi Gun v. Co Cho that four elements had to be shown in order to use
laches as a defense: (1) conduct on the part of the defendant, or of one under whom a claim is
made, giving rise to a situation for which a complaint is filed and a remedy sought; (2) delay in
asserting the rights of the complainant, who has knowledge or notice of the defendants conduct
and has been afforded an opportunity to institute a suit; (3) lack of knowledge or notice on the part
of the defendant that the complainant will assert the right on which the latter has based the suit;
and (4) injury or prejudice to the defendant in the event that the complainant is granted a relief or
the suit is not deemed barred.
The four requisites are present in the instant case. First, the five co-owners act of selling the
entire property deprived respondents predecessors of the enjoyment of their rightful shares in the
inheritance. This deprivation was the basis of the Complaint filed by respondents.
Second, respondents waited more than six decades to file a suit without offering any excuse for
the long delay in the assertion of their rights. They do not at all claim that they were unaware of
their co-heirs actions. They could have instituted an action to annul in 1921 or to recover the
property in 1928, since they were legally presumed to know of the invalidity of the sale as to their
shares; they did not have to wait for sixty-five years to institute this suit.
Third, after being allowed more than six decades of peaceful possession of the property,
petitioners were certainly not expecting respondents to reclaim it. Although Ruben Derecho warned
Laude not to buy the land because it was still co-owned, the former still took no immediate action to
prevent Teodoro from selling the entire property or to recover it. Respondents even allowed nine
more years to pass before rising from their stupor to institute the Complaint.

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Fourth, there is no doubt that petitioners will suffer if respondents are allowed to recover the
property. The former have already developed, invested in, and religiously paid the taxes for it for at
least a half-century. On the other hand, respondents nonchalantly allowed petitioners to continue
with their possession and enjoyment of the property, and then pounced upon them when the latter
least expected it.
Although we condemn the fraudulent acts of Leandro and the five co-owners in their scheme to
deprive their relatives of the latters rightful shares in the inheritance, the fact remains that
respondents and their forebears wasted their opportunity through a lifetime of indifference and
apathy. They cannot now be permitted to recover property that others have possessed, developed,
and invested in for sixty-five years. It would be sheer injustice to allow the latter to reap benefits
after generations of predecessors passively slept on their rights. The Court aptly stated in Miguel v.

x x x. Courts cannot look with favor at parties who, by their silence, delay, and inaction, knowingly induce
another to spend time, effort, and expense in cultivating the land, paying taxes and making improvements
thereon x x x only to spring from ambush and claim title when the possessors efforts and the rise of land
values offer an opportunity to make easy profit at his expense.

To grant respondents relief when they have not even offered any justifiable excuse for their
inaction would be unjust. It is certainly beyond our comprehension how they could have remained
silent for more than 50 years. They have only themselves to blame if the Court at this late hour can
no longer afford them relief against the inequities they allegedly suffered.
Considering the undisputed facts, not only had laches set in when respondents instituted their
action for reconveyance in 1993, but their right to enforce the constructive trust had already
prescribed as well.
WHEREFORE, the Petition is GRANTED. The assailed July 28, 2003 Decision of the Court of
Appeals is hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE. The Complaint before the Regional Trial Court of
Danao City is hereby DISMISSED. No costs.
Sandoval-Gutierrez, Corona, Carpio-Morales, and Garcia, JJ., concur.

Rollo, pp. 10-29.
Id., pp. 31-40; Special Second Division. Penned by Justice Amelita G. Tolentino, with the concurrence of Justices
Buenaventura J. Guerrero (Division chairman) and Mariano C. del Castillo (member).
CA Decision, p. 11; rollo, p. 40.
Id., pp. 4 & 34.
Id., p. 9.
Id., p. 2; rollo, p. 32.

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Id., pp. 7 & 37.
Id., pp. 3 & 33.
Id., pp. 6 & 36.
Id., p. 9.
Id., pp. 3 & 33.
Id., p. 9.
Id., pp. 1 & 31.
Id., pp. 3 & 33.
Petitioners Memorandum, p. 15; rollo, p. 79.
Id., pp. 9-10 & 73-74.
Id., pp. 13 & 77.
Id., pp. 17 & 81.
Id., pp. 18 & 82.
CA Decision, pp. 6-7; rollo, pp. 36-37.
Id., pp. 6 & 36.
Id., pp. 7 & 37.
Id., pp. 8 & 38.
Id., p. 9.
Id., pp. 9-10.
The case was deemed submitted for decision on May 17, 2004, upon this Courts receipt of both respondents
Memorandum, which was signed by Atty. Januario C. Flores; and petitioners Memorandum, signed by Atty. Ana
Marie Angelica P. Batiquin.

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Petitioners Memorandum, pp. 6-7; rollo, pp. 70-71.
Id., pp. 9-13 & 73-77.
Respondents Memorandum, pp. 5-11; rollo, pp. 56-62.
Historically, the Second World War reached Philippine shores on December 8, 1941. Araneta v. Dinglasan, 84 Phil.
368, 403, August 26, 1949; Co Cham v. Valdez, 75 Phil. 113, 212, September 17, 1945.
Tolentino, Civil Code of the Philippines (1959), Vol. V, p. 135.
Patricio v. Aragon, 4 Phil. 615, July 28, 1905; Krapfenbauer v. Orbeta, 52 Phil. 201, October 13, 1928; Rosario v.
Rosario, 110 Phil. 394, December 29, 1960; Dalandan v. Julio, 119 Phil. 678, February 29, 1964; Bayquen v.
Balaoro, 143 SCRA 412, August 13, 1986; De Guzman v. CA, 156 SCRA 701, December 21, 1987; Flores v. So,
162 SCRA 117, June 16, 1988; Cruz v. Leis, 327 SCRA 570, March 9, 2000.
CA Decision, p. 2; rollo, p. 32.
Adiarte v. Tumaneng, 88 Phil. 333, 345, March 15, 1951, per Padilla, J.
28 Phil. 89, September 29, 1914.
Article 1508. The right referred to in the preceding article, in the absence of an express agreement, shall last four
years counted from the date of the contract.
Should there be an agreement, the period shall not exceed ten years.
Umale v. Fernandez, supra, p. 93, per curiam.
Id., pp. 94-97.
Now Article 1606 of the new Civil Code.
Petitioners Memorandum, pp. 12-13; rollo, pp. 76-77.
Bueno v. Reyes, 137 Phil. 734, 738, April 28, 1969.
Diaz v. Gorricho, 103 Phil. 261, 264, March 29, 1958 (citing Gayondato v. Treasurer of the Phil. Islands, 49 Phil. 244,
August 25, 1926).
See Noel v. Court of Appeals, 240 SCRA 78, January 11, 1995; Gayondato v. Treasurer of the Philippine Islands, 49
Phil. 244, August 25, 1926.
CA Decision, p. 7; rollo, p. 37.
109 SCRA 437, 444-445, November 27, 1981.
Petitioners Memorandum, pp. 16-17; rollo, pp. 80-81.

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Id., pp. 13-17 & 77-81.
Bueno v. Reyes, supra at note 46; J. M. Tuason v. Magdangal, 4 SCRA 84, 88, January 30, 1962; Ramos v. Ramos,
61 SCRA 284, 300, December 3, 1974; Medina v. CA, supra at note 50.
Fabian v. Fabian, 22 SCRA 231, 236, January 29, 1968 (citing Diaz v. Gorricho, supra at note 47, pp. 264-265).
There is no showing of actual possession by Lacambra from the time of the pacto de retro sale in 1921 up to the time
he sold the property to the Rigonans. Hence, possession for the purpose of prescription is counted only from 1928
when the Rigonans purchased and commenced possession of the property.
40 of Act 190 reads: An action for the recovery of title to, or possession of, real property, or an interest therein, can
only be brought within ten years after the cause of action accrues.
CA Decision, p. 7; rollo, p. 37.
Altman v. Commanding Officer, 11 Phil. 516, October 27, 1908; Locsin Rama v. Montelibano Ramos, 36 Phil. 136,
January 23, 1917; Santos v. Heirs of Crisostomo, 41 Phil. 342, January 4, 1921; Arboso v. Andrade, 87 Phil. 782,
December 29, 1950; Ongsiaco v. Dallo, 136 Phil. 596, February 28, 1969; Alvero v. Reas, 35 SCRA 210,
September 30, 1970; Ramos v. CA, 112 SCRA 542, March 15, 1982.
Alvero v. Reas, supra, p. 214, per Reyes, J.
Article 1137. Ownership and other real rights over immovables also prescribe through uninterrupted adverse
possession thereof for thirty years, without need of title or of good faith.
Article 1141. Real actions over immovables prescribe after thirty years. This provision is without prejudice to what is
established for the acquisition of ownership and other real rights by prescription.
CA Decision, p. 6; rollo, p. 36.
40 Phil. 857, 866, March 12, 1920, per Torres, J.
Id., p. 867.
276 SCRA 601, July 31, 1997.
Maneclang v. Baun, 208 SCRA 179, April 22, 1992 (citing Nielson & Co., Inc. v. Lepanto Consolidated Mining Co., 18
SCRA 1040, December 17, 1966).
Maneclang v. Baun, supra, p. 193.
26 SCRA 234, November 29, 1968.
100 Phil. 277, October 31, 1956.
Tijam v. Sibonghanoy, 23 SCRA 29, April 15, 1968.
Gonzales v. IAC, 204 SCRA 106, 115, November 21, 1991; Fabian v. Fabian, supra at note 54, pp. 236-237 (citing
Diaz v. Gorricho, supra at note 47, pp. 264-265).

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Bueno v. Reyes, supra at note 46, p. 738.
Diaz v. Gorricho, supra at note 47, p. 266.
CA Decision, p. 9.
96 Phil. 622, 637, February 28, 1955.
Miguel v. Catalino, supra at note 68, p. 239, per Reyes, J.

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