Point of View and Fact and Opinion

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P oi nt o f V ie w &

c t a nd Op i nion
by LeAnn Nickelsen
with Sarah Glasscock



Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
I would like to thank the f ollowing people for this book:

my husband, Joel, and my twin children, Keaton and Aubrey, for encourag-
ing and supporting me with the goal of wr iting this book.

my parents, Jim and Dolores Heim, for helping me with ideas and f or all
their support. Thanks Mom and Dad f or creating the Who Am I? activity.

Virginia Dooley, my senior editor, for helping me become a more concise

writer and for all of the wr iting opportunities she has given me .

Sarah Glasscock, my cowriter, and Sarah Longhi, my editor, who spent

numerous hours checking over this book to make sure it was perfect.

Katie Lucarelle for her work on student samples .

my sister, Sherry DeVilbiss, for being a great, supportive friend. I know you
really wanted your name to be in a book, so here it is (hahaha).

my education friends who have taught with me through the y ears.

You know so much and have contr ibuted so much time and eff ort.
You know who you are!

Grapevine-Colleyville ISD in Texas for supplying me with resources and

advice. Anne Simpson, your knowledge is valued by many. Thanks for the
help with summarization and main idea.
LeAnn Nickelsen

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Scholastic Teaching Resources, 557 Broadway, New York, NY 10012-3999.

Cover design by Norma Ortiz

Cover art by Jason Robinson
Interior design by Sydney Wright
Interior illustrations by Teresa Southwell

Copyright 2004 by LeAnn Nickelsen. All rights reserved.

ISBN 0-439-43836-5
Printed in the U.S.A.
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Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Point of View
Mini-Lesson 1:Pointing Out Differences in Views . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Differentiate among the most common points of vie w.

Mini-Lesson 2:A Mock Trial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Determine the authenticity of a point of vie w.

Mini-Lesson 3:Whats the True Story of The Three Little Pigs? . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Write from a characters point of view.

Mini-Lesson 4:Current Event Views . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Assess different viewpoints based on a newspaper article.

Mini-Lesson 5:Test-Taking Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Identify points of view in sample test passages .

w Final Project:Putting
Point-of-Vie It All Together: POV Proved . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Use research to suppor t a point of view.

Fact and Opinion

Mini-Lesson 1:Its a Real Fact! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Define, recognize, and give examples of factual statements.

Mini-Lesson 2:Opinions Are Feelings and Attitudes! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Define, recognize, and give examples of opinion statements .

Mini-Lesson 3:Fact and Opinion Spinner Fun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Distinguish between facts and opinions and give e xamples of each.

Mini-Lesson 4:Changing Facts to Opinions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

Turn factual statements into opinion statements using k ey words.

Mini-Lesson 5:Test-Taking Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Choose correct fact or opinion answer statements f or sample test passages .

Fact-and-Opinion Final Pr It All Together: Fact or Fiction Flip Books . . 59
Create information flip books containing fiction, facts, and opinions.

Teacher Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65

Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
The Comprehension Mini-Lessons Series

National and state standards, and schools across the country require all
students to master a set of reading objectives, with an emphasis on these key
comprehension areas: main idea, summarizing, inference, cause and effect,
point of view, fact and opinion, sequencing, and context clues. For me and the
teachers I work with, teaching students to deepen their comprehension has
always required several creative lessons for each reading objective to ensure
that everyone achieves success. Customizing each lesson plan is a lot of work,
and thats where this series of high-interest mini-lessonsthe product of years
of classroom lesson successescomes to the rescue.
Each book in this series provides you with several different mini-lessons for
each objective, which appeal to different learning styles and help you reach
each and every learner. The mini-lessons include activities and real-world
examples, so that students have fun learning the reading objective and find the
skills they learn useful in their everyday reading and pertinent to their lives.

About This Book

This book presents lessons that teach students skills and strategies for
understanding point of view and fact and opinion.
Point of View
There are three main points of view from which a narrative can be written:
first person (one of the characters tells the story); third person (someone
outside the story narrates); and omniscient (storyteller knows each characters
experiences, feelings, and actions). Understanding how point of view shapes a
story connects readers more deeply to the text. Students who can recognize
point of view can determine the biases of the author or narrator, step into a
characters shoes, make accurate predictions, and become more invested in the
outcome of the story or passage.
Fact and Opinion
Facts are statements about things that have happened or are true. Opinions
represent feelings and attitudes. Being able to distinguish between facts and
opinions helps readers question the validity of a statement, respect diverse
viewpoints and opinions, differentiate what can be changed and what cannot
be changed, and use fact and opinion statements appropriately in their writing
to persuade an audience.

Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
How to Use This Book
Youll find five mini-lessons on point of view and five on fact and opinion
with activities that stimulate different learning styles. I recommend teaching
the lessons sequentially. The first lesson introduces the objective in simple
terms. The subsequent lessons elaborate on the objective and offer students
different skills to better understand it. The last lesson features the objective
in a standardized test format which helps familiarize students with the test
language and structure. A final project pulls the whole concept together.
Projects are important because students can show creatively and elaboratively
what they learned within the mini-lessons. They also get to share their
learning with other classmates. Whenever students teach other students
what they have learned, the learning becomes more cemented in their brains.
I suggest beginning your instructional unit with the point of view lessons
first and then introducing fact and opinion. In this book, the point of view
section is positioned first because it supports students ability to understand
opinions. If a student understands that there are several points of view to
look at while reading and comprehending a story, then he or she will better
understand opinions and be able to evaluate bias in writing.
LeAnn Nickelsen

Young Adult Literature Resources

Here are some suggestions for young adult titles that support the objectives
in this book:

Books That Look at Different Points of View

Cleary, Beverly. Ramona Quimby, Age 8. New York: HarperCollins, 1981.
Babbitt, Natalie. Tuck Everlasting. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1975.
Dahl, Roald. The Witches. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1983.
MacLachlan, Patricia. Sarah, Plain and Tall. New York: Harper & Row, 1985.

Books That Look at Fact & Opinion

Bunting, Eve. Is Anybody There? New York: HarperCollins, 1986.
Elmore, P. Susannah and the Blue House Mystery. New York: Dutton, 1980.
Fitzhugh, Louise. Harriet the Spy. New York: Harper & Row, 1964.
Rosenbloom, Joseph. Maximilian, Youre the Greatest. New York: Dutton, 1984.

Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Point of View

Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Point of View Mini-Lesson

Pointing Out Objective

Differences in Views Students learn to
differentiate among
the most common
Opening the Lesson points of view.

w To introduce this lesson, I give each of my students a copy of the

MAKE Meaning Model reproducible. This model will serve as a
index cards, pens,
review of what theyve already learned about point of view. It will
also help them relate different points of view to their own lives. I
take this opportunity to explain that as we explore point of view,
well be looking at whos telling the story and from which perspec- Reproducibles
tive theyre speaking. After going over the model with the class, I MAKE Meaning
Model, page 10
allow time for everyone to complete the model individually. (NOTE:
(Make 1 copy for
the MAKE Meaning Model can be used to stimulate background each student.)
knowledge for any lesson and can be used with any topic.)
Most Common Points
w When my students are finished, I invite them to share one of the of View, page 11
sections on their models with the rest of the class. (Make 1 transparency.)

w Then I collect the models and keep them for a closing-the-lesson More Point of View
Examples, page 12
(Make 1 transparency.)
Comparing Points
Teaching the Lesson of View, page 13
(Make 2 copies for
Part 1: Identifying Point of View in Literature each student. Make
1 transparency.)
1. Use the Most Common Points of View transparency to introduce or
review the three most common points of viewfirst person, third
person, and omniscient. Then lead a discussion about the three
literary excerpts shown on the transparency and ask students to
identify from which point of view each is written. My students
usually have little trouble identifying the Twenty-One Balloons excerpt
as a first-person point of view; however, differentiating between
third person and omniscient can be more difficult. I usually model
my thinking for them in this way: The first and second examples both
use the third-person he or them to talk about the main character or
characters. But I think that the second example, From the Mixed-Up
Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler is omniscient because I know how both
Claudia and Jamie are feeling, and I know what theyre thinking.

Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
2. Then have pairs of students find examples of each different point of
view from fiction they are reading. They can write a short excerpt
from the book on an index card and on the back of the card write the
point of view used. Let students share their examples and explain their
reasoning with a partner. Encourage partners to bring any differences of
opinion to the classs attention so that any confusion may be cleared up.
3. To check students understanding, use the More Point of View Examples
transparency. Read aloud the first paragraph, and then ask which point
of view is used in it. Students should write their responses on a sheet of
paper. When you say, Show me, have students hold up their responses
to show you what they wrote. Repeat the activity with the other examples.
This is a great way to determine which students need more help.

Part 2: Taking a Broader Look at Point of View

1. Take this opportunity to review point of view as putting yourself in
somebody elses shoes and forming opinions, feelings, and attitudes
about a topic. Discuss these meanings to make sure everyone
understands them.
2. In this activity, students will learn
more about the first- and third-person
points of view by writing their own
opinions, feelings, and attitudes
about a topic and comparing them
to someone elsesyours! Distribute
the Comparing Points of View
reproducible. Explain that theyll be
discovering what their own points
of view about a specific topic are.
(NOTE: You should choose a topic
and write your own response to it,
such as the type of food served in the
cafeteria, on the Comparing Points of
View transparency.)
3. Share the topic youve chosen with students, and ask them to write
three to four sentences describing their own viewpoints about the topic.
They should include details to support their viewpoint in the second
box. When they have completed the first two boxes, reveal the
transparency with your own point of view and supporting details. Then
ask students to write a brief summary of it, including the details, in the
Another Point of View box. Give them time to put themselves in your
shoes and to use their thoughts to complete the reproducible. Have

Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
their responses to the topic changed, or have their points of view been
strengthened? Show them how writing from their own perspective
establishes a first-person point of view and writing to explain someone
elses perspective establishes a third-person point of view.

Closing the Lesson

Use one or more of these activities to wrap up the mini-lesson.

w Journal: Ask students to add to the A, K, and E sections on their
MAKE Meaning Model reproducibles now that theyve had the
opportunity to consider someone elses point of view.
w Work at Home: Let students take home the Comparing Points of
View reproducible. They can ask family members to respond with
their viewpoints on a topic. Decide on a topic before they do this.
For instance, my class chose the topic of bedroom cleanliness.

Most Common Points of View, page 11: 1.Third person; 2. Omniscient; 3. First person
More Point of View Examples, page 12: 1.Third person; 2. First person; 3. Omniscient

Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Name ______________________________________________ Date ______________________

MAKE Meaning Model

M y topic of inf
ormation:Point of View

A pplying this topic to m

y life: How could learning about others
points of view and your own point of view help y ou become a better reader and a better
friend? Why do you think you need to lear n about this topic?

K nowledge I have about this topic:What do you already know

about point of view?

E xperiences I
ve had with this topic:
Have you ever changed your
point of view after having a discussion with someone who had a diff erent point of view?
What did that per son say to change your point of view? How did you feel about it? Br iefly
explain what happened.

Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Name ______________________________________________ Date ______________________

Most Common Points of View

Point of view is the angle from which a stor y is told. It is the relationship of the
storyteller to the characters and e vents.

Most Common Points of View

First Person:One of the char acters tells the stor y. The storyteller uses the first-person I
to tell his or her o wn experiences, thoughts, feelings, and actions. (KEY WORDS: I, me, my)
Third Person(also known as Limited Point of View): The story is usually told chiefly
from the main char acters point of view. Most of the books you read are probably written
in the third per son. (KEY WORDS: he, she, it, her, his, and so on)
Omniscient(also known as All-Knowing Point of View):The storyteller knows each char-
acters experiences, thoughts, feelings, and actions. (KEY WORDS: he, she, it, her, his, and so on)

Examples of Point of View

Identify which paragraphs are told from the f irst-person, third-person, or omniscient points
of view.
1. From Maniac Magee by Jerry Spinelli (Scholastic, 1990), page 76
So he turned and started walking north on Hector, right down the middle of the street,
right down the invisible chalk line that divided East End from West End. Cars beeped
at him, drivers hollered, but he never flinched. The Cobras kept right along with him
on their side of the street. So did a bunch of East Enders on their side. One of them
was Mars Bar. Both sides were calling for him to come over.

2. From From the Mixed-Up Files of Mr s. Basil E. Frankweiler, by E.L. Konigsburg (Yearling,
1977), pages 8990
Claudia was furious. The men who moved it last night hugged it when they
moved it. Theres all kinds of hugging.
She refused to look at Jamie again and instead stared at the statue. The sound of
footsteps broke the silence and her concentration. Footsteps from the Italian Renaissance
were descending upon them! The guard was coming down the steps. Oh, baloney!
thought Jamie. There was just too much time before the museum opened on Sundays.
They should have been in hiding already. Here they were out in the open with a light on!

3. From The Twenty-One Balloons by William Pne du Bois (Viking, 1975), page 39
It is funny that my trip has ended by being such a fast trip around the world. I find
myself referred to now as one of the speediest travelers of all times. Speed wasnt at all
what I had in mind when I started out. On the contrary, if all had gone the way I had
hoped, I would still be happily floating around in my balloon, drifting anywhere the
wind cared to carry meEast, West, North or South.

Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Name ______________________________________________ Date ______________________

More Point of View Examples

Which of the following passages represents which point of view: first person,
third person, and omniscient?

1. From Number the Stars by Lois Lowry (Bantam Doubleday Dell, 1989), page 3
One of the soldiers, the taller one, moved toward her. Annemarie
recognized him as the one she and Ellen always called, in whispers, the
Giraffe because of his height and the long neck that extended from his
stiff collar. He and his partner were always on this corner.
He prodded the corner of her backpack with the stock of his rifle.
Annemarie trembled. What is in here? he asked loudly. From the corner
of her eye, she saw the shopkeeper move quietly back into the shadows
of the doorway, out of sight.
Schoolbooks, she answered truthfully.

Point of view: ________________________________________________________

2. From Missing May by Cynthia Rylant (Bantam Doubleday Dell, 1993), page 47
The day after May didnt come to us, Ob didnt get out of bed. He didnt
get me up either, and from a bad dream I woke with a start, knowing
things were wrong, knowing I had missed something vitally important.
Among these, of course, was the school bus. It was Monday, and Ob
should have called me out of bed at five-thirty, but he didnt, and when I
finally woke at seven oclock, it was too late to set the day straight.

Point of view: ________________________________________________________

3. From The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis, pages 34
He himself was a very old man with shaggy white hair which grew over
most of his face as well as on his head, and they liked him almost at once,
but on the first evening when he came to meet them at the front door he
was so odd-looking that Lucy (who was the youngest) was a little afraid of
him, and Edmund (who was the next youngest) wanted to laugh and had
to keep on pretending he was blowing his nose to hide it.

Point of view: ________________________________________________________

Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Name __________________________________________________________________ Date ______________________________________

Comparing Points of View

Complete the section for My Point of View. After hearing or reading another point of view, complete the rest of the sheet.

My Point ofView Another Point ofView

This isWHY I have this point of vie

w: This isWHY she/he has this point of vie

Put yourself in her/his shoes.

I understand these
First person things about her/his point of w.
vie Third person
point of vie w: point of vie w:
Your writing reflects your Your writing describes
own thoughts and feelings. someone elses thoughts and
You use I to address feelings.You use he or she to
your audience in the address your audience
first-person voice. in the third-person voice.

What is my point of vie

w NOW, after considering both points of vie

Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Point of View Mini-Lesson

A Mock Trial
Students explore how
(NOTE: This mini-lesson may take two class periods.)
to determine the
authenticity of a point Opening the Lesson
of view by par ticipat-
ing in a mock tr ial. w I play four different types of music for the class, such as classical,
pop, rock, and jazz. After playing a portion of a song, I ask my
Materials students to write about how the song made them feelannoyed,
four different types relaxed, frustrated, energetic, distracted, and so on.
of music, tape or CD w After my students have listened to all the music, I pair them so that
player, paper, pens,
they can compare their points of view.
scissors, bag
Reproducibles Its helpful to establish ground rules for the par tners.
Holding a Mock Trial, Let your par tner fully explain how the music made her/him feel.
page 16 (Make 1 copy
Dont interrupt.
for each group.)
Dont make judgmental comments, such as You like classical music?
The Facts of the Case:
Lee v. Kris, page 17 Yuck!
(Make 1 copy for each
w When pairs have shared their points of view, I then ask them to write
Defendants Point of about how they felt when their partners disagreed or agreed with
View, page 18 (Make
them. Did their partners points of view change their own points of
1 copy for each group.)
view? Can they understand their partners response to the music?
Plaintiff s Point of View,
page 19 (Make 1 copy w Then we discuss their responses. Here are some questions I use to
for each group.) spur discussion: Was it hard to suspend judgmental comments? Did you
Judges Job, page 20 make yourself stay quiet when you wanted to interrupt?
(Make 1 copy for w At this point, I often share a personal story that illustrates how
each group.)
difficult it was for me to suspend judgment so that I could clearly
understand somebody elses point of view. The story helps my
students realize that everybody deals with this issue.

Teaching the Lesson

1. Point out that suspending judgments during reading, listening, and

interactions with others can reduce the number of misunderstandings.
Its essential to hear all sides before making a judgment. Explain that

Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
this is what happens in our court system. The judge hears the
details of an event from both sidesthe defendant, who is
accused, and the plaintiff who makes the accusation. After asking
questions, reflecting on both points of view, and evaluating the Tip
law, the judge decides which point of view to favor. If your class does not
divide evenly into
2. Tell students that theyll have the opportunity to act as a judge,
groups of three, place
plaintiff, or defendant during a mini-trial. Divide your class
two plaintiffs and/or
into groups of three. To determine which roles students will
two defendants in a
play, have them draw numbers from a bag: 1Judge, 2Plaintiff,
group. As an alternative,
assign the following
3. Then hand out a set of reproducibles to each group. (NOTE: roles to your remaining
Remember that each group member receives a copy of the students: court
Facts of the Case.) Allow time for each member to read the recorder or newspaper,
reproducible that corresponds to his/her role. Then the judge radio, or television
should read the Holding a Mock Trial and the Facts of the reporter.
Case reproducibles aloud to the group. The groups proceed by
following the rules outlined on the Holding a Mock Trial and
on the Judges Job reproducibles. Circulate among the groups
to make sure they understand the rules.
4. After the activity, poll the groups for their trial results. Be
preparedthis discussion will provide good examples of
learning to listen to other points of view!

Closing the Lesson

Use one or more of these activities to wrap up the

w Journal: Ask students to record their feelings
about the mini-trial in their journals. Do they
think the trial and its outcome were fair? How
did they feel when the opposing party or parties
explained their points of view? How did playing
their roles make them feel? How would they
change the trial if they could? Why is it impor-
tant to examine and understand all points of
view before making a decision?
w Verbal/Auditory: Hold a class discussion and
encourage students to share their journal entries.
This usually sparks a spirited discussion.


Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Name ______________________________________________ Date ______________________

Holding a Mock Trial

These are the rules for the mock trial. The judge reads this page aloud to the
rest of the group.

1. A group of three students holds the mock tr ial.

One student is the Plaintiff, Lee. He/she receives the Plaintiff s Point of View
One student is the Def endant, Kris. He/she receives the Defendants Point of
View sheet.
One person is the judge . He/she receives the Judges Job sheet and this sheet.
(Nobody needs to represent the dog.)

2. Everyone reads The Facts of the Case .

3. Then the plaintiff and the def endant fill out their sheets. They will use these
sheets to plead their cases. Remember, if youre Kris, you have to fight for your
dog and against paying the fine. If youre Lee, you have to fight for receiving
money for your damaged garden. If youre the judge, you have to decide who
is right after hearing both points of views.
A NOTE TO EVERYONE: Be sure to listen well during the trial. Everyone will
have the chance to ask one or tw o questions.

4. While the defendant and plaintiff fill out their sheets, the judge meets with
the teacher to go over the Judges Job sheet.

5. When the sheets are complete , its time to star t the trial!

art: a gavel

Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Name ______________________________________________ Date ______________________

The Facts of the Case

Lee v. Kris
Lee is the plaintiff. Kr is is the defendant. Lee is
complaining a bout the neighbor Kr iss do g. Lee wants
to be paid for the dama ge that Kr iss do g, Rags, did to
the g arden. Ra gs has always stay ed behind the fence
in his y ard. The do g has nev er hurt any one befor e or
caused any har m.

Then one day , while looking thr ough the fence ,

Rags spotted a squir rel in Lee s y ard. The squir rel
began to tease the do g. Ra gs g ot upset, slid under the
fence, and dashed ar ound Lee s bac kyard, trying to
catch the squir rel. In the course of the c hase, Rags
tore up the g arden that Lee had spent hours and
hours cr eating. Ev ery plant in the g arden was
knocked o ver. Within a few days, all the v egetable
and herb plants w ere dead.

Lee was e xtremely upset. The g arden sa ves Lee

about $500 in the spr ing and summer because the
family eats v egetables fr om the g arden and doesn t
have to buy pr oduce. Kr is apolo gized but r efused to
pay $500 in dama ges to Lee . Kr is c laims that the
damage was an accident and that no one was at fault.

Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Name ______________________________________________ Date ______________________

Defendants Point of View

Answer these questions to prepare for the trial.

1. What are you being accused of ? Explain your side of the stor y. Add more details
to the stor y. Give your point of view about what happened.

2. How did this event make you feel? Why did it make you feel this way?

3. How do you want the tr ial to end? What would be a fair outcome?

4. You will have the oppor tunity to ask the plaintiff tw o questions that could help
strengthen your argument or weaken that of the plaintiff. What questions would
you like to ask the plaintiff?

w Be prepared to answer questions from the plaintiff and the judge .They may ask
you two questions each.

Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Name ______________________________________________ Date ______________________

Plaintiffs Point of View

Answer these questions to prepare for the trial.

1. What are you accusing the defendant of ? Explain your side of the stor y.
Add more details to the stor y. Give your point of view about what happened.

2. How did this event make you feel? Why does it make you feel this way?

3. How do want the tr ial to end? What would be a fair outcome?


4. You will have the oppor tunity to ask the defendant two questions that could help
strengthen your argument or weaken that of the defendant. What questions would
you like to ask the defendant?

w Be prepared to answer questions from the defendant and the judge .They may
ask you two questions each.

Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Name ______________________________________________ Date ______________________

Judges Job
The job of judge is diff icult because you have to use your set of values, the law, and
common sense to decide who will win the tr ial. Since you dont know the law, you will
have to use your values and common sense to decide what will happen in this case .

There are many ways this trial could end.

w Lee gets some or all the money f or the garden from Kr is.
w Lee doesnt receive any money. Kris doesnt receive any blame. Both have to
pay cour t costs.
w The judge can make a creative decision. (But dont be silly about this. Make your
decision as real as possible).

Youre in charge of making sure the tr ial goes in the f ollowing order :
1. Read aloud The Facts of the Case: Lee v. Kris to the plaintiff and the def endant.
2. Allow the defendant and plaintiff time to complete their point of view sheets.
3. Then call the cour t to order. Sit facing both Lee and Kr is.
4. Call on Lee to stand and read aloud his or her responses to the Plaintiff s Point
of View sheet.
5. Allow Kris to ask Lee one or tw o questions. Listen to Lees response carefully.
6. Now ask Lee one or tw o questions to help you understand the situation better
from Lees point of view.
7. Call on Kris to stand and read aloud his or her responses to the Def endants
Point of View sheet.
8. Allow Lee to ask Kr is one or two questions. Listen to Kriss response carefully.
9. Now ask Kris to answer one or two questions to help you understand the
situation better from Kr iss point of view.
10. Summarize both points of view aloud and mak e a decision about the case .
To explain your position, you must also explain the reasons behind y our decision.

Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Point of View Mini-Lesson

Whats the True Story of

The Three Little Pigs? Students write a
familiar story from a
different characters
Opening the Lesson point of view.

w I ask my class to tell the story of The Three Little Pigs. I either
call on volunteers or go around the room in order and have each
The Three Little Pigs
student contribute to the story.
(any traditional
w I point out that weve only heard from the pigs point of view. version), The True
(In literary terms, the story is told from the third-person limited Story of the Three Little
Pigs by Jon Scieszka
point of view.) Weve never heard the wolf tell his side of the story.
(Scholastic, 1989),
Weve always assumed the wolf was the bad guy, but could it be Newfangled Fairy Tales
that the pigs were the bad guys? by Bruce Lansky
w Then I read aloud The True Story of the Three Little Pigs by Jon (Simon and Schuster,
1997), paper, pens
Scieszka and ask, How does this story compare to the traditional story
you just told? What do you think of the new twist on the old story?
Comparing Points
Teaching the Lesson of View, page 13
(Make 1 copy for
1. Have pairs of students use the Comparing Points of View repro- each student.)
ducible to outline the surviving pigs point of view and the wolfs Twisted Fairy Tale
point of view in the Scieszka book. One partner can be the pig and Writing Rubric,
the other partner can take the role of the wolf. Each student should page 23 (Make 1 copy
fill out the My Point of View section and then complete the for each student.)
Another Point of View section after comparing viewpoints.
Partners should work together to complete the final box. Who do
they think really was guilty in the death of the two little pigs?
2. Set aside time for students to share their points of view with the
whole class.
3. Now students get a chance to write their own Twisted Fairy Tales.
Before they begin, give them another example of how to twist a
fairy tale. Summarize the traditional telling of Jack and the
Beanstalk. Then read aloud the twisted version Jill and the
Beanstalk from Newfangled Fairy Tales by Bruce Lansky. (Or you
can choose any of the other fairy tales in Lanskys book.)

Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
4. Let students choose the fairy tale they want to twist. Some ideas are listed
Cinderella Little Red Riding Hood
Sleeping Beauty Goldilocks and the Three Bears
The Hare and the Tortoise The Gingerbread Boy
The Princess and the Pea Hansel and Gretel
Snow White Rapunzel
5. Distribute the Twisted Fairy Tale Writing Rubric, review with students the
assignment criteria listed on it, and answer any questions.
6. You might want students to take this piece of writing through the
writing process (brainstorm, organize, rough draft, edit, and final copy). If
so, review the steps in the process with them.

Closing the Lesson

Use one or more of these

Big Red Riding Hood
activities to wrap up the A Twisted Fairy Tale by Nicole C.
mini-lesson. Reddy is my name and riding my bike is my game. I live in a St. Louis, Missouri
apartment next to the St. Louis Arch. Every time I look out my window, all I see is the

w Auditory/Verbal: huge arch which blocks the view of the Mississippi River and the country beyond that. I
hate living in these cramped quarters and the busy, polluted, loud city. I have tried to
Encourage students to escape several times on my red bike, but each time Ive crossed the bridge that takes me to
the peaceful country, my grandmother (Big Red Riding Hood is her nickname) would catch
share their stories with up with me and bring me back home. She can drive her little car very fastfaster than I
can pedaland I never made it into the country until one amazing day last summer.
the class. They may dress You see, grandma is the type who fears anything beyond the city; at least that is
up as the character who is what she tells me. She says that the country had wild, vicious animals that attack people. I
used to laugh at that because the city has people that attack other people. But I lived with
telling the story and grandma, so I had to respect her wishes. Everyone who lived around us also respected
grandmas wishes. She had an aura about her that put her on a pedestal. People were actu-
disguise their voices. ally afraid of her. Everyone knew of her even though she hardly ever left the apartment.
People looked at her as if she had done some heroic feat for them. I never understood

w Assessment: As students what made her so special until the day I finally escaped.
One hot summer day, Big Red Riding Hood was not fast enough to stop me from fol-
read aloud their stories, lowing the rural routes that took me across the river. I jumped onto my bike and pedaled
faster than E.T.s friend. The view was so beautifulthe clear, blue sky, fresh smell of
you can use the rubric to leaves, and cool breeze on my face. I was feeling total freedom as I pedaled my bike away
from the busy city and into the calm country. I began to smell something so delicious that
grade their writing. After I became mesmerized and had no idea where I was going, but it was definitely towards the
collecting the stories, yummy smell. As I got closer, I realized the smell was of pumpkin muffins, my favorite
dessert of all time. I was determined to find these muffins! I was known for losing my
look for punctuation and mind when pumpkin muffins were near me. I had a craving that was out of control!
Finally, I was sure that I had reached my dream destination. I threw aside my bike
editing mistakes. and ran towards a huge, hollow tree just like the centerpiece tree at Animal Kingdom at
Disney. I opened the door and heard laughter and music. Would you believe that there were
more than 100 pumpkin muffins right in front of me with about 50 wolves surrounding
them? I thought, How can I discreetly get some of those muffins?

Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Name ______________________________________________ Date ______________________

Twisted Fairy Tale Writing Rubric

Students name __________________________________________________
Twisted fairy tale title __________________________________________________
Based on the fair y tale _________________________________________________

CRITERIA Incomplete Oka y Good Outstanding

0 1 2 3
1. The story is based on a familiar fair y tale.
2. The story is written from a specific characters point of view.
3. The main character is different from the main char acter in the
traditional story. (The author gives a nontraditional viewpoint.)
4. The story is different from the tr aditional story.
5. The new stor y gives a creative twist to the tr aditional story.

Structure and Style

6. The story has an introduction, a sequence of three or f our events,
and a conclusion.
7. The story contains colorful details and language .The reader can
visualize the stor y in his or her mind.

8. The story is edited. (Spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and grammar
have been checked and corrected.)
9. The story is at least one and one half pages in length.
10. The story is written neatly.
Things you did well:

Opportunities for growth:

TOTAL SCORE: ______ /30

Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Point of View Mini-Lesson

Current Event Views
Students assess Opening the Lesson
different points of
view based on a w I begin this mini-lesson by reading aloud a newspaper article
newspaper ar ticle. about an international event and allowing my students to discuss
the article. (This mini-lesson can tie in easily to your social
Materials studies curriculum.)
variety of newspaper
w After the initial discussion, I point out that someone who lived in
articles on international
the country where the event occurred would probably have a
events, paper, pens,
paper clips or stapler different point of view about the event than someone in this
country would. But I also emphasize that events in other
countries can have an impact on Americans.
Current Event Point
of View, page 26 Teaching the Lesson
(Make 1 copy for each
student/1 transparency.) 1. At this point, explain to students that there are first-person and
third-person points of view expressed in newspaper and maga-
zine articles. Factual articles are meant to inform, and they will
always use the third person. Articles using the first-person convey
writers opinions and are meant to entertain or persuade readers.
2. Read aloud another newspaper article. Display the Current Event
Point of View graphic organizer on the overhead projector, and
show how to complete it. Model writing a summary of the article
(who did what, where, when, why, and how). Then ask students
to supply the important facts from the article to consider and
record their answers.
3. Ask students what might be the viewpoint of someone from
the foreign country discussed in the article. Then ask what a
U.S. viewpoint might be. On the transparency, write your own
first-person point of view in the adults section. Ask students to
write their own first-person points of view in their journals.
Discuss their responses. You might want to point out that
editorial writers often write in the first-person voice and
reporters most often write in the third-person voice that
represents the perspective of the newspaper.

Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
4. Pass out copies of the Current
Event Point of View reproducible,
and have students complete it for
homework. Encourage them to
find newspaper articles about
another international event. (Be
sure to have some extra articles
on hand for students who may
not have access to a newspaper.)
Students can get their parents or
caretakers involved by asking
them to contribute the adults
point of view. Tell them to attach
the article to the completed
reproducible so you can assess
how well they were able to summarize the issue and express
the point of view from a foreign and U.S. perspective.

Closing the Lesson

Use one or more of these activities to wrap up the mini-lesson.

w Journal: Challenge students to respond to this question in their
journals: Why is it important to look at an event from different
points of view?
w Extension: The day after students turn in their Current Event
Point of View reproducibles, distribute a completed sheet to
each student (make sure no one receives his or her own). Have
them read the corresponding articles and viewpoints and then
write their own points of view on the back of the sheets.

Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Name __________________________________________________________________ Date ______________________________________

Current Event Point of View
Title of article:__________________________________________________________________________

Summary of article: Foreign countrys point ofview:

U.S. point of view:

Important facts to consider


An adults point ofview:

My point of vie

Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Point of View Mini-Lesson

Test-Taking Format Objective

Opening the Lesson Students identify points
of view in sample
w For a quick review of first- and third-person points of view, I test passages.
engage my students in a guessing game using a transparency
of the Who Am I? reproducible on the overhead. I cover the Materials
clues and reveal them one at a time, challenging students to Two-Minute Mysteries
figure out who or what is speaking. As each line is revealed, my by Donald J. Sobol
students write down their guesses. I tell them that a guess can (Scholastic, 1967) or
only be changed once, so its wise to wait until all the clues have similar mini-mystery
been given. books, paper, pens

w After we talk about the guesses and how the clues helped
identify each speaker, I turn the discussion to point of view. I
Who Am I?, page 29
ask: What point of view is used in all the clues? How do you know?
(Make 1 transparency.)
What would you have to do to the clues to change them to a different
point of view? Then volunteers revise the clues to change the Point of View Passages
1 and 2, pages 3031
point of view to third person.
(Make 1 copy for
each student. Make
1 transparency.)
Teaching the Lesson

1. For this activity, students can choose their own mini-mystery

stories or you can assign some from Two-Minute Mysteries. After
reading the stories, students should write down who committed
the crime and why they did it. Then direct them to write a
paragraph from the point of view of a different character in the
story. The paragraph should explain why the character thinks
the crime was committed, his/her role in the event, and how it
affected him/her. Emphasize that they can use either the first- or
third-person point of view, but that they must use it consistent-
ly. Set aside time for students to read aloud their paragraphs.
2. Now that students have had the opportunity to review points
of view, you can introduce them to the test-taking format.
Distribute copies of the Point of View passages. Read aloud the
first passage, Listen to Me, and go over the answer choices.
Think aloud about the question and the choices: The president of
the punch company does use the word I in the letter, but the president

Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
isnt telling the story. So A is not a good choice. Hannah is telling the story,
and it is in the first person. B looks like the correct answer, but Id better
check the other choices. Both C and D state that the story is told in the third
person, which is incorrect. The words I and my signal that the point of view
is first person.
3. Let students complete the second question independently. Discuss
their answers.

Closing the Lesson

Use one or more of these activities to wrap up the mini-lesson.

w Assessment: Have students complete the second passage, Sea Horses
in Danger, independently.
w Writing: Encourage students to write their own Who Am I? clues. You
can compile them into a class book. Volunteers in my class typed their
clues and answers (these can go at the back of the book). My students
love looking through the book.

4. Who Am I?
w I am round. a circle
w I come in different sizes. a ball
w I have skin. a fruit
w I need sunshine. orange, tomato
w I am juicy and sweet. orange
w I grow in a bunch. grapes, cherries
w I grow on a vine . grapes

Who Am I?, page 29: 1. dominoes; 2. clock; 3. bee; 4. grapes; 5. electricity; 6. fish
Point of View Passages 1 and 2, page 30: 1. B; 2. D; page 31: 1. C; 2. A

Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Name ______________________________________________ Date ______________________

Who Am I?
1. Who Am I? 4. Who Am I?
w I am a rectangle . w I am round.
w People like me. w I come in different sizes.
w I come in different colors. w I have skin.
w You can pick me up. w I need sunshine.
w You can count me . w I am juicy and sweet.
w I have dots. w I grow in a bunch.
w I am a game . w I grow on a vine .

2. Who Am I? 5. Who Am I?
w People need me. w I am invisible.
w I come in different sizes. w You use me every day.
w Sometimes I make noise. w I can make things work.
w You have many of me. w I can be dangerous.
w I am mechanical. w I dont mix well with water.
w I have two hands. w I have a jolting per sonality.
w I tell time. w I come to your house in a wire
and can light up your life.

3. Who Am I? 6. Who Am I?
w I am tiny. w I come in many sizes.
w I am noisy. w I live everywhere in the world.
w My family is big. w There are many of me.
w I like flowers. w I can see and hear.
w I can sting. w People eat me.
w I fly. w I am a good swimmer.
w I make honey. w I can get caught on a hook.

Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Name ______________________________________________ Date ______________________

Point of View Passage 1

Read the passage.Then circle the best answer for each question.
Listen to Me!
I took a gulp of the lemonade I had just mixed and almost choked. It was
too sweetand it didnt taste like lemonade at all. I tapped my mother on the
shoulder. This lemonade tastes terrible. Dont buy it anymore.
She nodded but continued to leaf through a cookbook. Are you listening?
I asked.
The next week I discovered three new packages of the lemonade mix in
the cabinet. Three! But I was so thirsty that I made a pitcher of the lemonade.
I added less sugar this time. It was still too sweet. Yuuuuckk! And the
lemonade tasted like pickles instead of lemons.
With a terrible taste in my mouth, I sat down to write a letter to the
company that made the lemonade mix.

Dear People,
Have you ever tried drinking your lemonade? Im sorry, but it tastes awful.
To be honest, you should name it Pickle Punch instead of Sunny Lemonade
because thats what it tastes like. Usually, no one ever listens to me, but Im
hoping that you will. I dont want your company to go out of business because
you wouldnt listen to your customers.
Hannah Garner

To my surprise, I received a large package from the company a few weeks

later. Inside were different samples of dr ink mixes. In a letter, the president of the
company asked if I would mind tasting its new dr ink mixes. P.S. Well listen. I
promise, the president wrote.They did, too.The company even named one of the
drinks for meHannahs Not-Too-Sweet Lemonade. Maybe youve tried it.

1. What is the point of view of this stor y?

A first person: president of the company C third person: Hannahs mother
B first person: Hannah Garner D third person: Hannah

2. Which words offer clues to the stor ys point of view?

A president, company C mother, she
B Hannah Garner, it D I, my mouth

Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Name ______________________________________________ Date ______________________

Point of View Passage 2

Read the passage.Then circle the best answer for each question.
Sea Horses in Danger
Wading into the ocean, Bart scooped a glass jar into the salty water. He
held the jar up to the sun. There they weresmall creatures no more than a
few inches long! Their curly tails swished back and forth as they swam. Bart
got out a magnifying glass to examine the creatures. Their heads looked like
horses heads. He had done it! He breathed in a sigh of relief. He had
caughtmaybe savedsome sea horses.
The World Conservation Union, a group that protects nature, said that sea
horses were in danger of becoming extinct. From Florida to the Philippines,
fishermen supported their families by catching and selling sea horses. Some
people ate the tiny fish. Others collected them. Bart had read that in China,
sea horses were used to cure skin diseases and other illnesses. As a result, at
least 20 million sea horses were lost each year. If something wasnt done to
protect them, the only horses on the earth might be the ones on dry land!
Bart released his sea horses into the ocean again. He hoped that no one
else would capture them. He hoped that the sea horses would be able to
swim freely in the sea for the rest of their lives.

1. The point of view in this stor y helps the reader to

A realize how sea horses act
B picture a Florida beach
C understand how Bar t feels
D know what fishermen think

2. This story is told from

A Barts point of view (third per son)
B the sea horses point of view (first person)
C the World Conservation Unions point of view (third per son)
D a Florida fishermans point of view (first person)

Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Point of View Final Project
Plan this lesson
with your school
librarian and
Putting It All Together:
computer specialist.
This project is
POV Proved
also an excellent
way to get families Preparing for the Project
involved in their
childrens work. w For homework, have students work with an adult at home to create
two different points of view on a topic that is easy to research.
They should write down opinions representing both points of view
and bring them to class the next day. Emphasize that they may use
Objective either a first- or a third-person point of view.
Students use research w Provide some possible topic statements so students and supervising
to suppor t their points adults will know what is acceptable. You may want the topic to be
of view.
related to your curriculumscience, social studies, or language
arts. Here are some topic statements that Ive used in my classroom:
The atomic bombs dropped on Japan were essential in bringing
two to four days
an end to World War II.
Tiger Woods is the greatest golfer who has ever played the game.
For the long term, the stock market is the best place to invest
a variety of resources
including magazines, money.
newspapers, books, Water pollution is rapidly increasing in the United States.
and Web sites
Air quality in the United States has improved in recent history.
The reading test scores of American students in grades 48
Reproducibles have decreased in the past 10 years.
POV Proved Sample,
Video games have a negative impact on students academic
page 34 (Make
1 transparency.) learning.
POV Proved, pages w Its important that students choose a statement they believe can be
3536 (Make supported or proven with available resources. Also emphasize that
1 double-sided copy they should be genuinely interested in the statements they choose.
for each student.) Interest is the best way to motivate students for this project.
POV Proved
w (NOTE: If this assignment is too difficult for some students, have
Reflection Sheet,
page 37 (Make 1 copy them work with partners.) Encourage them to take opposing
for each student.) viewsone believes that preservatives in food increase cancer,
while the other student believes that preservatives make longer and
healthier lives possible.

Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Introducing the Project

1. Have students share their point of view statements with

the class. Ask them to choose two statements in case other
students have duplicate statements. I recommend asking
parent volunteers to
2. Remind students that points of view that are supported by help with research in
research are stronger and more credible than personal the library. You might
opinions. Display the example of the point of view on the even want to plan a
POV Proved Sample transparency. day in the computer
3. Show students how to complete a bibliography citation. Use lab in order to pull
the style adopted by your school district or the following articles off the Inter net.
standard format: Be sure to follow
your districts Internet
Rubel, David. Encyclopedia of the Presidents and Their Times.
New York: Scholastic, Inc., 1994.
4. Now its time for your students to do some research. Tell
them that theyll be completing a POV Proved reproducible
for one of their statements. Refer to the sample transparency
to show them how to group the supporting details theyve
gathered into the following categories: facts, statistics, and
real examples. Remind them to write information about each
source on the second page of the POV Proved reproducible
in the bibliography section. When they use a source, they
should record the author, publication or Web site, and page
number in the right column.

Assessing the Project

When the research is complete, ask students to fill out the
POV Proved Reflection Sheet and staple it to the back of the
POV Proved reproducible Ask them to share portions of their
research with the class. You can extend this assignment by
asking students to write papers based on their research. They
may use the first- or third-person point of view.

Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Name ______________________________________________ Date ______________________

POV (Point of View) Proved Sample

Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Name __________________________________________________________________ Date ______________________________________

POV (Point of View) Proved

Point ofView Statement:________________________________________________________ Author/P
age Number




Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Name __________________________________________________________________ Date ______________________________________

POV (Point of View) Proved, Page 2
Point ofView Statement:________________________________________________________ Author/P
age Number




Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Name ______________________________________________ Date ______________________

POV Proved Reflection Sheet

1. Were you able to prove your POV statement? Explain why or why not.

2. What difficulties did you encounter during your research?


3. Place a checkmark next to the resource(s) y ou used to suppor t your POV statement.
___ Internet ___ books ___encyclopedia ___ magazines/journals
___ other: _________________________________________________________

4. Complete this sentence: I got the most excited when I f ound the following
information: ________________________________________________________

5. What three things did you learn during your research (skills, information, something
about yourself)?

6. Now that you have completed your research, how do you feel about your original
POV statement? Would you keep it the same , change the wording, or totally
change the meaning of your statement?

Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Fact and Opinion

Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Fact and Opinion Mini-Lesson

Its a Real Fact! Objective

Opening the Lesson Students define,
recognize, and give
examples of factual
w I read aloud Whats Smaller Than a Pygmy Shrew? or a similar
nonfiction book packed with facts about a subject I know my
students will find interesting. As I read and show them the
pictures, I have my students write down three facts from Materials
the book. Whats Smaller Than a
Pygmy Shrew? by Robert
w Then I invite them to share their facts with the class. Once a E. Wells or a similar
fact has been mentioned by one student, no one else may use it book, a dictionary,
againthis means they really have to be listening to each other! newspaper ar ticles,
paper and pens

Teaching the Lesson

1. Ask students how they recognized the facts in the book. After Word Web, page 41
(Make 1 transparency.)
your discussion, read aloud the definition of the word fact from
a dictionary. Websters NewWorld Childrens Dictionary gives
the following definitions: 1. something that has actually hap-
pened or that is really true/I cant deny the fact that I was late./
2. something that is said to have happened or is supposed to be
true/Check to see if your facts are correct./
2. Use the Word Web transparency to brainstorm synonyms for
the word fact. Write the word in the center of the web, and
record students synonyms in the outer circles. Synonyms may
include reality, information, truth, and details.
3. Then introduce them to a chant that will help them remember
what a fact is: Its a fact, its a fact, its a REEEAAAL fact. The
key here is to extend and exaggerate the word real when you
say it. As you repeat the chant, put your hands together and
open and close them like youre opening and closing a book.
Open and close your hands to the beat of each word. Practice
this with students several times.
4. Now give students the opportunity to test their knowledge of
facts. Read each pair of statements that follow. Have students
identify which statement is a fact.

Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
The Grand Canyon is Americas most beautiful landmark.
The Grand Canyon is one mile deep in some places.
The Civil War was fought between 1861 and 1865.
The Civil War is the most fascinating war to research.
Remind students not to confuse facts with theories. A theory is a
guess about something. Once a theory has been proven absolutely,
it becomes a fact.
5. Pair students, and have them race to write down as many facts
as they can think of in five minutes. They can use any of their
textbooks for reference. Set your timer, and say, Go! When time
is up, ask partners to draw stars next to any statements theyre
unsure about. Encourage them to share their starred statements,
and let the entire class decide whether the statement is a fact.

Closing the Lesson

Use one or more of these activities to wrap up the mini-lesson.

w Journal: Challenge students to write a letter to a first grader
explaining what a fact is and giving several examples. They may
include some examples of statements that arent facts.
w Assessment: Hand out
newspaper articles to
students. Direct them to
read the articles and
underline the facts. They
should exchange articles
with partners. Can part-
ners find any additional
facts in the articles? Have
them use a different-
colored pen or marker
to underline additional
facts. Make sure partners
compare their work on
each article. Do they
agree about which
statements were facts? In
some cases, you may have
to be the final authority.

Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Name ______________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Web

Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Fact and Opinion Mini-Lesson

Opinions Are Feelings
Students define,
recognize, and give
examples of opinion
and Attitudes!
Opening the Lesson
Materials w Everyone has an opinion about something. Our opinions differ
dictionary because people have different likes and dislikes. I give my
students a chance to air their opinions by having them
Reproducibles complete The Best! reproducible.
The Best!, page 45 w I encourage each student to share and explain two opinions
(Make 1 copy for each from their responses on the reproducible. This usually ignites
a lively classroom discussion!
Opinion Key Words
and Categories,
page 46 (Make Teaching the Lesson
1 transparency. Make
1 copy for each 1. Read aloud the definition of the word opinion from the
student.) dictionary. Websters NewWorld Childrens Dictionary offers the
Opinion Word following definitions: 1. a belief based on what someone
Category Char t, page thinks to be true or likely /We had different opinions about
47 (Make 1 copy for who started the argument./ 2. what someone thinks about
each group. Make
how good or valuable a thing is /a low opinion of the movie/
1 copy for each
student.) 3. a judgment made by an expert/The judge wrote her opinion
on the case./
Word Web, page 40
(Make 1 transparency.) 2. Introduce this chant that will help students remember what an
opinion is: Opinions are feelings and AAAATTITUDES.
Really extend and exaggerate the word attitudes. As you chant,
place your right hand over your heart and tap it with your
fingers. Then open your palm. Tap your heart and open your
palm to each beat of the chant. Practice this several times
with students.
3. Brainstorm synonyms for the word opinion with the Word Web
transparency. Write the word opinion in the center of the web,
and record the synonyms that students volunteer in the outer
circles. Synonyms might include feeling, attitude, view, idea,
inference, conjecture, supposition, theory, belief, and conviction.

Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
4. Tell students that noticing certain key words will help them
identify opinion statementsif there is one opinion key
word in a sentence, then the entire sentence is an opinion.
Although there are hundreds of opinion key words, most
fall into five categories: like, good, nice, important, and think.
Explain that opinion words are synonyms or antonyms
for the category words. They will see examples on the
Opinion Key Words and Categories reproducible.
5. Distribute copies of the Opinion Key Words and Categories
reproducible and display the transparency on the overhead.
Model sample opinion sentences for the first category of
like or dislike. Substitute synonyms in the sentence for the
word like: I like visiting Florida. I love visiting Florida. I adore
visiting Florida. I enjoy visiting Florida. Of course, someone
else might have a different opinion about Florida. They
might say, I dislike visiting Florida. I hate visiting Florida.
I despise visiting Florida.
Continue by asking volunteers to supply sample opinion
sentences with synonyms for the other categories.
6. To help students become more familiar with key words
that signal opinion statements, have small groups use the
Opinion Word Category reproducible to brainstorm other
words that fall into the categories youve introduced.
Students may use words that have already been mentioned,
but theyll only receive points for new words. Set a timer for
five minutes, and say, Go! When time is up, ask groups to
share their new words. Once a word has been mentioned, it
cannot be mentioned again. Encourage students to add new
words from other groups to their own lists. (Each student
should have a separate reproducible to use for reference in
future fact and opinion assignments.)

Closing the Lesson

Use one or more of these activities to wrap up the mini-lesson.

w Verbal: Have pairs of students discuss opinions. Let one
partner explain how to tell if a statement is an opinion. Then
the other partner can define what an opinion is.
w Journal: Challenge students to complete a RAFT writing
assignment. Students get to choose the following:


Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
R Role they will play as a writer (Who will they be
or represent?)
A Audience (Who will they be addressing?)
F Format of writing (In this case, it will be a
persuasive paragraph or essay.)
T Topic (What subject will I write about?)

For example, a student might write from the point of view of a

pair of lungs (Role) to a cigarette company (Audience) giving
its opinion in a persuasive business letter (Format) about the
damage that cigarettes cause to the body (Topic). Allow time
for students to share their work with the rest of the class.

Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Name ______________________________________________ Date ______________________

The Best!
Finish the statements below to show your opinions.

The best car is ____________________________________________ .

The best spor t is __________________________________________ .

The best color is ___________________________________________ .

The best food is ___________________________________________ .

The best drink is ___________________________________________ .

The best song is ___________________________________________ .

The best radio station is _____________________________________ .

The best television show is ___________________________________ .

The best school subject is ___________________________________ .

The best hobby is __________________________________________ .

The best animal is __________________________________________ .

The best season is _________________________________________ .

The best movie is __________________________________________ .

The best _______________________ is ________________________ .

The best _______________________ is ________________________ .

The best _______________________ is ________________________ .

Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Name ______________________________________________ Date ______________________

Opinion Key Words and Categories:

How You Can Identify an Opinion Statement

Use a synonym for each key word in a sentence that expr esses an opinion.

1. like or dislike
Synonyms for like: love, adore, admire
Synonyms for dislike: hate, loathe
Model sentence: _____________________________________________________

2. good or bad
Synonyms for good: great, fantastic, terrific, stupendous, successful, generous
Synonyms for bad: rotten, terrible
Model sentence: _____________________________________________________

3. nice or mean
Synonyms for nice: enjoyable, attractive, pleasing
Synonyms for mean: cruel, hateful, aggressive
Model sentence: _____________________________________________________

4. important or unimportant
Synonyms for important: significant, necessary, relevant, needed
Synonyms for unimportant: useless, worthless
Model sentence: _____________________________________________________

5. think
Synonyms for think: believe, feel, know
Model sentence: _____________________________________________________

Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Name ______________________________________________ Date ______________________

Opinion Word Category


Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Fact and Opinion Mini-Lesson

Fact and Opinion
Students play a
spinner game to
distinguish between
Spinner Fun
facts and opinions and Opening the Lesson
give examples of each.
w I start the lesson with the two chants introduced in mini-lessons 1
Materials and 2: Its a fact, its a fact, its a REEEAAAL fact! and Opinions
pencil, paper clips, are feelings and AAATITUDES. I practice with my students until
chapters from science they can repeat the chants quickly and rhythmically.
or social studies
w Then I read the statements from the Fact and Opinion Statements
textbooks or other
content area texts
reproducible. I ask my students to determine whether each
statement is a fact or an opinion. If its a fact, they do the fact chant.
If its an opinion, they do the opinion chant. After I read a statement,
Reproducibles I say, Go so that my students know when to start their chant. If
Fact and Opinion there is disagreement about whether a statement is a fact or an
Statements, page 50
opinion, we stop and discuss it.
teachers use)
Fact and Opinion Teaching the Lesson
Spinner, page 51
(Make 1 copy for 1. In this activity, small groups of students will be playing a spinner
each group.) review game. Youll need to prepare a reading passage for each
group. I suggest using a chapter from a social studies or science
textbook. Be sure to select a manageable chunk of text that best
meets students needs.
2. Show students how to fashion a spinner out of a pencil and a
paperclip. Place the tip of a pencil inside a paperclip so the tip
rests on the dot in the center of the spinner. (See the how-to
illustration on the Fact and Opinion Spinner reproducible.)
3. To play the spinner game, players take turns reading two paragraphs
from the passage. When a player has finished reading, he or she
spins the Fact and Opinion Spinner and either states a fact from the
passage when the spinner lands on FACT or gives an opinion about
the passage when the spinner lands on OPINION.
4. Play continues until the group has read the entire chapter or
assigned section.

Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Closing the Lesson Name ______________________________________________ Date ______________________

Fact and Opinion Spinner

Use one or more of these activities to wrap up the
w Journal: After the game, ask your students to
write the eight most important facts from the opi
chapter and a paragraph that contains his/her ct

opinion of the chapters topic. Tell them to

underline all the opinion key words in
their paragraphs.

w Verbal/Auditory: Challenge your students to

write an opinion about the spinner game.
Emphasize that their opinions should be based
on facts. Ask them to read aloud their opinions.
Based on these opinions, can your class come
up with suggestions about how to change or
improve the game? 49

Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Fact and Opinion Statements

To the teacher:
Read aloud each statement. Let students identify whether the statement is a fact or an opinion.

1. Plants need water, sunshine, and nutrients to grow. (fact)

2. My favorite subject is math. (opinion)
3. Our school library is open at 9:00 A.M. (fact)
4. Martin Luther King, Jr., won the Nobel Peace Prize. (fact)
5. Very little rain falls in a deser t. (fact)
6. Montana is a great place to liv e. (opinion)
7. The hear t rate accelerates during exercise. (fact)
8. In order to stand f or many years, a house must have a firm foundation.
(opinionMust is an opinion word.)
9. I think its going to r ain tomorrow. (opinion)
10. Charlottes Web is a fantastic classic stor y. (opinion)
11. Bees pollinate flowers. (fact)
12. Magnets attract objects made out of steel and iron. (fact)
13. Apples and blueberries make the freshest pies. (opinion)
14.The sun rises in the east. (fact)
15. Wheat is a gr ain that every person needs to eat. (opinionNeeds is an
opinion word.)
16. Everyone should get eight hour s of sleep at night. (opinion)
17. Swimming in a pool is more fun than swimming in an ocean. (opinion)
18. Apple juice is too sweet. (opinion)
19. Research shows that married couples can benefit from having pets. (fact)
20. Chocolate ice cream is the most delicious ice cream. (opinion)
21. Pluto is the smallest planet. (fact)
22. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the w orld. (fact)
23. Planes fly faster than sound. (fact)
24. Airplanes are fun to tr avel in. (opinion)
25. Steel is a hard substance . (fact)

Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Name ______________________________________________ Date ______________________

Fact and Opinion Spinner

t opi





Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Fact and Opinion Mini-Lesson

Changing Facts to
Students turn a
factual statement into
an opinion statement
using key words. Opening the Lesson

Materials w In order to deepen students understanding of facts and opin-

Is a Blue Whale the ions, its important for them to learn how to change a factual
Biggest Thing There Is? statement into an opinion statement. To do this, I read aloud
by Rober t E. Wells Is a Blue Whale the Biggest Thing There Is? or a similar book to my
(Albert Whitman, students. As I read, my students record the facts they find most
1993) or a similar
interesting. They use the following format: The most amazing
book, reading passage
from social studies,
fact to me was . . .
science, or literature w After my students share what they wrote, I point out that in
book their statements they changed facts to opinions. We discuss how
they accomplished this by using the phrase The most amazing
Reproducibles fact to me was . . . to introduce the fact. I guide them to see
Fact Changer, page 54 that the opinion key words are most amazing and (in this context)
(Make 2 copies for to me.
each student.)
Opinion Key Words
and Categories, Teaching the Lesson
page 46 (Optional.
Make 1 transparency.) 1. Point out to students that they can change a factual statement
into an opinion statement by adding an opinion word. If
necessary, remind them about the five categories of opinion
words from mini-lesson 2. You may want to display the Opinion
Key Words and Categories transparency for students to refer to.
2. Next ask students to form opinion statements from facts.
Think aloud and model the first example for them. Fact: There
are many different breeds of dogs. I think I can change this fact into
an opinion by adding just one word. Heres one opinion: There are too
many different breeds of dogs. Or, I could also say something like this:
There are many different breeds of dogs, but the Welsh corgi is my
favorite breed.

Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
3. Write the following facts and sample opinions
on the board.
Fact: The moon travels around the earth.
Sample opinion: The moon travels around the
earth, but Im confused about why it does.
Fact: Big Bend National Park in Texas contains
more than 800,000 acres.
Sample opinion: Big Bend National Park in
Texas must be gigantic because it has more
than 800,000 acres.
Discuss students opinions and how they were
formed. Have them identify the opinion word(s).
4. Then distribute the Fact Changer reproducible.
Explain that youll read a passage aloud. As you
read, theyll write four facts from the passage on
the reproducible. When they finish, students
exchange reproducibles and rewrite the facts as
opinion statements.

Closing the Lesson

Use one or more of these activities to wrap up the mini-lesson:

w Journal: Students write a short account of something that
recently happened to them. While writing, they should
make sure that they include facts as well as opinions. Have
them underline the opinion statements.
w Assessment: Ask partners to check each others work on
the Fact Changer reproducible. The students who wrote
the facts should look for opinion keywords within the
rewritten statements.

Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Name ______________________________________________ Date ______________________

Fact Changer
Passage title: ________________________________________________________
Write four facts from the passage. Your partner will rewrite the facts as opinions.


Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Fact and Opinion Mini-Lesson

Test-Taking Format Objective

Opening the Lesson Students choose
correct fact or opin-
ion answer statements
w Since my students have had practice in differentiating between
after reading sample
fact and opinion statements, they should be ready to try their test passages.
skills in a test-taking situation.
w I display the Sample Fact and Opinion Questions transparency, Materials
and ask my students to write the answers. Then we discuss paper and pens,
each question and answer. I point out that questions and editorials from various
answer choices are typically phrased this way on the standard- newspapers
ized test and I give some other phrasing variations that
students may encounter, such as Which of the following Reproducibles
statements from the passage is NOT a fact? Sample Fact and
Opinion Questions,
page 57 (Make
Teaching the Lesson 1 transparency.)
Practice Fact and
1. For this activity, students will use newspaper editorials. You Opinion Test
may want to bring in a complete newspaper and go over Questions, page 58
each section in class. Describe each section, and ask students (Make 1 copy for
whether the section is fact-based or opinion-based, or a each student.)
combination of both. Stress that editorials are opinions.
2. Pair students, and have each pair read an editorial together.
Then they will write five facts and five opinions from the
editorial in a T-chart. (NOTE: Some more sophisticated
editorials may not offer many isolated facts and opinions. Tell
students to record as many as they find.)
3. Partners will use the T-chart to write multiple-choice questions:
one partner should write a fact question with four answer
choices and the other partner should write an opinion question
with four answer choices. Keep the Sample Fact and Opinion
Questions transparency on the overhead so students can refer
to the format and style of the questions.
4. Then have partners exchange and answer each others ques-
tions. Remind them to read the article again.

Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Teens and senior citizens Adults seem to think teens
cause more car accidents are never old enough to drive.
than any other age group.
Every driver should be
In some states, such as New tested regularly for eye-hand
Jersey, the legal driving age coordination, reflexes, and
has been raised to 18. agility.

Only teens and people without

licenses are required to take
the written and road tests.

Closing the Lesson

Use one or more of these activities to wrap up the mini-lesson.

w Working Independently: Let students practice answering multiple-
choice questions with the Practice Fact and Opinion Test Questions
reproducible. They should do this independently. Create more
questions for students who need additional practice.
w Assessment: Compile students fact and opinion questions in a
binder. Give them the opportunity to select various tests to take.
Keep an answer key in the back of the binder. And if your test-takers
have questions about the test, they can go right to the source!

page 57 1. D; 2. A
page 58 1. B; 2. A

Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Name ______________________________________________ Date ______________________

Sample Fact and Opinion Questions

Read the paragraph below. Then circle the best answer to each question.

Mrs. Kinkles favorite book is The Twenty-One Balloons. She

thinks the story really stretches the readers imagination. Its a story
about the most incredible voyage in the history of travel. Professor
William Waterman Sherman left San Francisco on August 15, 1883, in a
balloon. His intention was to fly across the Pacific Ocean. Three weeks
later, the professor was picked up in the Pacific Ocean. He was found
clinging to the wreckage of a huge platform that had been flown
through the air by twenty-one balloons. As it turns out, Professor
Sherman landed on the island of Krakatoa before he was found floating
in the ocean. And, just after he left Krakatoa, the island was destroyed
by a volcanic eruption. The book explains what the professor did for
so long on this mysterious island, why he had some diamonds, and how
in the world he got on that huge platform. The Twenty-One Balloons
takes readers to a wonderful island where they will want to stay
forever. Mrs. Kinkle believes that readers will want to read the book
over and over again.

1. Which of the following statements from the par agraph is an opinion?

A Mrs. Kinkles favorite book is The Twenty-One Balloons.
B The professor landed on the island of Kr akatoa.
C Professor Sherman left San Fr ancisco on August 15, 1883.
D Its a stor y about the most incredible voyage in the histor y of travel.

2. Which of the following statements from the par agraph is a fact?

A Professor William Waterman Sherman wanted to fly across the Pacific Ocean.
B She thinks the stor y really stretches the readers imagination.
C Mrs. Kinkle believes that readers will want to read the book o ver and over again.
D The Twenty-One Balloons takes readers to a wonderful island where they will
want to stay forever.

Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Name ______________________________________________ Date ______________________

Practice Fact and Opinion Questions

Read the paragraph below. Then circle the best answer to each question.

I like to take a walk every day because it benefits me in many

ways. For example, I feel more energetic after the walk. My doctor
told me that this is because exercise pumps more oxygen throughout
the body via the bloodstream. Blood is pumped throughout our bodies
by our hearts. A vigorous walk makes the heart beat faster, and so it
pumps more oxygen. I also enjoy walking because it helps me appreci-
ate nature more. Those cute little baby squirrels that I see in the park
are so quick and funny. The tall, green trees provide shade so that I
stay cooler when I walk. Finally, I enjoy taking walks because it keeps
me out of a kitchen full of yummy treats that are tempting to eat.

1. Which of the following statements from the par agraph is an opinion?

A My doctor told me that this was because ex ercise pumps more oxygen
throughout the body via the b loodstream.
B Finally, I enjoy taking walks because it k eeps me out of a kitchen full of
yummy treats that are tempting to eat.
C Blood is pumped throughout our bodies b y our hear ts.

D A vigorous walk makes the hear t beat faster, and so it pumps more o xygen.

2. Which of the following statements from the par agraph is a fact?

A My doctor told me that this was because ex ercise pumps more oxygen
throughout the body via the b loodstream.
B Finally, I enjoy taking walks because it k eeps me out of the kitchen full of
yummy treats that are tempting to eat.
C The tall, green trees provide shade so that I sta y cooler when I walk.

D I also enjoy walking because it helps me appreciate nature more .

Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Fact and Opinion Final Project

Putting It All Together: Objective

Students create flip books

Fact or Fiction Flip Books containing fiction, facts,

and opinions.

Preparing for the Project Duration

two to three days
w Cut 6 pages of construction paper into 4- by 12-inch
sheets for the flip books. (NOTE: You may want students
do this step later.) Create a sample flip book as a model for Materials
students. Also, display a calendar that includes the due calendar, paper and pen,
self-stick notes (9 for each
date(s) for the projects.
student), six 4- by 12-inch
w To review fact and opinion, I ask my students to write true sheets of light-colored
or false after I read each of the following statements: construction paper (1 set
for each student), hole
1. Jupiter is the smallest planet in the solar system. (false) puncher, string, markers,
2. Ladybugs can sting people. (false) scissors (optional),
3. Cats have seven legs. (false) resource books (Enlist
the help of your school
w I emphasize that none of the statements is true. They arent librarian.)
opinions, but instead, they fall into the fact category
theyre facts that arent true. For the purposes of this Reproducibles
project, I call them fictional statements. Student Project Sheets,
pages 6162 (Make
1 copy for each student.)
Introducing the Project
Guess and Check
Note-Taking Sheet, page
1. Explain to students that theyll be creating Fact and Fiction 63 (Make 1 or more
flip books on specific topics. Choose a broad topic and copies for each student,
write down several subtopics that students could research. depending on the
For instance, Ive used the topic of the twentieth century number of flip books.)
for this project. I listed the following subtopics for my Fact or Fiction Flip Book
students to research: the Cold War, World War II, the Rubric, page 64 (For
Great Depression, the Dust Bowl, the Roaring Twenties, teacher use: Make 1 copy
for each student book.)
the Kennedy family, the moon landings, and Watergate.
Each student should select a different subtopic. This is a
great way to cover your social studies curriculumand
students will be teaching each other.

Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
2. Display the sample
flip book, and
distribute the
Student Information
Sheets. Go over the
instructions, and
make sure everyone
understands how to
do the project.
3. When the books are finished, ask small groups to take
turns reading each others books, guessing the answers, and
checking to see if their answers are correct. Also have them complete
the Guess and Check Note-Taking Sheet as they read each book (the
reproducible gives them space to respond to three different books).
Emphasize the importance of learning facts from each book. When
a group finishes a set of flip books, collect them and pass them on to
the next group. Continue this rotation until students have read all
the books.
4. Hand out and discuss the Evaluation Rubric so students will
understand how their books will be graded.

Assessing the Project

w Verbal: Ask students to tell what their favorite topic was. Which book
did they learn the most from, and why?
w Assessment: After students have read all the books, collect their
Guess and Check Note-Taking Sheets. Make sure they were filled out
correctly. Then use the Evaluation Rubric to grade students Fact or
Fiction Flip Books.

Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Name ______________________________________________ Date ______________________

Fact or Fiction Flip Book

Student Project Sheet
Follow these steps to make your fact or fiction flip book.

Step 1: Choose a topic to research.

Take the time to research y our topic
well so that you can present all the
information in an interesting way in
your book.

Step 2: Make a booklet with

6 sheets of 4- by 12-inch light-
colored construction paper. Punch
two holes along the left, narrow
side of the booklet to create a spine .
Thread string through each hole and
tie it to bind the pages together.

Step 3: Here is what your book should contain:

Page 1 (cover page): Include
the book title, your topic, and
your name

Page 2 (background information

on the topic):This page includes
the most impor tant information about
your topic. Do not use information
that you plan to put in y our fact or
fiction flips on pages 3, 4, and 5. This
page will help the reader under stand
your topic better so that they can
make appropriate guesses about your
fact or fiction flips. Think of this page
as a summar y of your topic.

Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Name ______________________________________________ Date ______________________

Fact or Fiction Flip Books

Student Project Sheet
Pages 3,4, and 5 (fact or fiction
flips):Place three self-sticking
notes side by side on each page .
The notes should flip up. At the top
of each note, write FACT OR
FICTION? Then write a piece of
important information about your
topic. It may be true (a fact) or false
(a fictional statement that reads lik e
a fact). Underneath each note on
the construction paper, write the
correct answer: FACT or FICTION.
If the statement is fiction, explain
why it is. Make sure your flips include
a variety of facts and fictions.

Page 6 (your opinion on the

topic):To conclude your book,
write a 68 sentence par agraph that
states and suppor ts a strong opinion
you have about your topic. If youre
having trouble coming up with an
opinion that you can defend, use an
opinion youve come across in your
reading or ask an adult f or help.
Remember to suppor t your opinion
with facts. The more solid your
argument, the more convincing
your opinion will be!

Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Name ______________________________________________ Date ______________________

Guess and Check Note-Taking Sheet

Fact or Fiction Flip Book Topic:
Tally the number of correct guesses you made (before you flipped up the notes):
These are the most amazing facts that I lear ned from this book:
Circle one: I agree/disagree with this students opinion about

Fact or Fiction Flip Book Topic:

Tally the number of correct guesses you made (before you flipped up the notes):
These are the most amazing facts that I lear ned from this book:
Circle one: I agree/disagree with this students opinion about

Fact or Fiction Flip Book Topic:

Tally the number of correct guesses you made (before you flipped up the notes):
These are the most amazing facts that I lear ned from this book:
Circle one: I agree/disagree with this students opinion about

Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Fact or Fiction Flip Book Rubric
Students name: _______________________________________________________
Topic: _______________________________________________________________

CRITERIA Incomplete Oka y Good Outstanding

0 1 2 3

1. The cover page is neat and colorful and contains all required inf ormation.

2. The background information gives a clear summar y of the topic .

3. The book presents the most impor tant facts about the topic .

4. The book contains a var iety of factual and fictional statements.

5. Notes are written neatly and precisely, and the information is accurate.

6. The opinion statements are interesting to read and ha ve facts to suppor t them.

7. Overall effort.

Things you did well:

Opportunities for growth:

TOTAL SCORE: ______ /21

Comprehension Mini-Lessons: Point of View & Fact and Opinion LeAnn Nickelsen, Scholastic Teaching Resources

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