Hi-Lo Passages To Build Comprehension GR 3-4

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Grades 34

by Michael Priestley

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Hi-Lo Passages to Build Comprehension: Grades 3-4 Michael Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
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Hi-Lo Passages to Build Comprehension: Grades 3-4 Michael Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Hi-Lo Passages to Build Comprehension
Grades 34
A Note for Teachers.................................................................................................................. 4 Level
1. Rabbit Laughs (Story Elements)...................................................................................... 5 1.80
2. Here Comes the Sun (Sequence).................................................................................... 6 1.90
3. Trolls New Look (Story Elements) ................................................................................. 7 1.95
4. Meet Jorge Estrella (Drawing Conclusions).................................................................. 9 1.98
5. Rules for Our School (Drawing Conclusions)................................................................ 11 2.00
6. Talk With Your Hands (Main Idea and Details).............................................................. 12 2.03
7. The Right Pet (Making Inferences and Predictions) ...................................................... 14 2.05
8. Peanut Butter Fudge (Sequence)................................................................................... 15 2.10
9. The Snow Party (Making Inferences and Predictions)................................................... 17 2.15
10. Frieda and Her Trick (Details) ....................................................................................... 19 2.20
11. Creepy Spiders (Drawing Conclusions)........................................................................... 20 2.30
12. Asteroid Just Misses Boy! (Cause and Effect) ............................................................. 22 2.35
13. Riding the Board (Sequence) .......................................................................................... 23 2.37
14. The Clean-Up Team (Cause and Effect) ......................................................................... 25 2.40
15. Sisters in Space (Cause and Effect)................................................................................ 27 2.43
16. The Very Hungry Kid (Story Elements) ......................................................................... 29 2.45
17. Snow Caves (Main Idea and Details)................................................................................ 31 2.50
18. Mamas Magic Trick (Sequence) ..................................................................................... 32 2.55
19. What Is a Whale? (Comparing and Contrasting)............................................................ 33 2.60
20. What Did You Say? (Main Idea and Details) ................................................................... 35 2.65
21. Bug Eaters (Comparing and Contrasting) ....................................................................... 37 2.70
22. A Second Chance for Seabiscuit (Cause and Effect).................................................. 38 2.75
23. Animal Baths (Comparing and Contrasting) ................................................................... 40 2.80
24. Home Again (Story Elements).......................................................................................... 42 2.90
25. Blair Elementary School News for March (Making Inferences and Predictions) ..... 44 3.00

Answer Key................................................................................................................................. 46

Hi-Lo Passages to Build Comprehension: Grades 3-4 Michael Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
A Note for Teachers
Reading is the key to learning, and todays students read materials from an
ever-increasing number of sources. They must understand what they read in
traditional forms of fiction and nonfiction, such as stories and textbooks. They
must also comprehend newer forms of text, such as advertisements on Web sites
and e-mail on the Internet. Many students can benefit from more practice in
reading, but finding good examples of hi-lo texts for instruction at different
grade levels can be challenging.

How to Use This Book

The main purpose of this book is to provide high-interest passages for
students to read. All the passages in this book are intended to be motivating
and interesting for third- and-fourth grade students, but they are written for
readers one to two grade levels behind. You can find the readability score for
each passage in the table of contents. (Passages were scored using the Spache
scoring criteria and range in level of difficulty from 1.80 to 3.0.) These
passages can be used for practice and instruction in reading, and they can be
used to help prepare students for taking tests. Mostly, they can help students
enjoy what they read.
This book provides 25 grade-appropriate passages in a wide variety of
genres, including nonfiction articles, stories, recipes, and interviews. Passages
target comprehension skills, such as making inferences or comparing and
contrasting. Each passage has three or five comprehension questions based on
skills. The questions are intended mainly to help students think about what
they have read. (If you want to check students responses, you may refer to
the Answer Key at the back of the book.)
These questions will also help you to assess students comprehension of the
material. In addition, they will help students practice answering test questions.
The types of questions include multiple-choice items and short-answer items.
Some of the passages include writing prompts to elicit longer responses.

Extending Activities
For some of these passages, you may want to have students go beyond
answering the questions that are provided. For example, for any given passage
you could have students write a summary of the selection in their own words
or rewrite the passage from a different point of view. For some pairs of texts,
you might have students compare and contrast the two selections. For other
passages, you might want to create writing prompts and have students write
full-length essays about what they have learned. Students will benefit from
reading and analyzing these passages, discussing them in class or in small
groups, and writing about them in a variety of ways.

Hi-Lo Passages to Build Comprehension: Grades 3-4 Michael Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
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Passage 1 Story Elements

Long ago, there lived a rabbit. Rabbit had a field. It was filled with
weeds. Rabbit wanted to plant food. So she had to get rid of the weeds.
But Rabbit was lazy. She did not want to pull up the weeds.
Rabbit thought of a plan. She got a rope. She walked to one side of
the field. There she found a big hippo. I bet I can pull harder on this
rope than you! Rabbit told Hippo. Just hold one end. Wait until I
start to pull.
Then Rabbit took the other end of the rope. She walked to the
other side of the field. There she found an elephant. I bet I can pull
harder than you! Rabbit said. Just hold this rope until I start to pull.
Rabbit went to the middle. She gave a tug on the rope. Hippo and
Elephant began to pull on each end. They pulled hard. The rope went
this way and that. It cut down the weeds. Soon the weeds were gone!
Rabbit hopped over to Hippo. Thanks! she said. Then she hopped
back to Elephant. Thanks! she said.
Elephant and Hippo asked, But who
is pulling the other end of the rope if you
are hopping?
How that Rabbit laughed!
1. Where does this story take place?
A a sea
B a mountain
C a field
D a zoo

2. What was Rabbits problem?

3. Which word best describes Rabbit?

A sad C mad
B helpful D tricky

Hi-Lo Passages to Build Comprehension: Grades 3-4 Michael Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
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Passage 2 Sequence

Do you like the sun? Here is a way to have a sun in your room
every day!

You will need:

a paper plate a stapler

some yellow paint a black pen

a brush a hole punch

yellow paper string g

r in


Step 1: Paint the back of the plate yellow.

Step 2: Put your hand on the yellow paper. Draw
around your hand. Draw your hand 7 times.
Step 3: Cut out the 7 hands.
Step 4: Staple the hands to the plate.
Step 5: Draw a happy face on your sun.
Step 6: Make a hole at the top of the plate.
Step 7: Put string through the hole. Hang up the plate
in your room!
1. What is the first thing you should do?

2. What should you do after you draw your hand 7 times?

3. What is Step 6?
A Make a hole.
B Draw a happy face on your sun.
C Staple the hands to the plate.
6 D Cut out the 7 hands.

Hi-Lo Passages to Build Comprehension: Grades 3-4 Michael Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
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Passage 3 Story Elements

Once there was a troll who lived under a bridge. Every day he
scared people. That is what his father told him to do. That is what all
trolls do. Troll yelled, and people ran away.
Good job! said his father.
But Troll was very sad. His was a lonely job.
No one ever talks to me. No one ever smiles, he said.
Of course not! said his father. You are a troll! No one will smile
at you.
When Troll heard this, he sat under the bridge. He thought he
would never move again.
The next morning, three girls came to the bank of the river. Troll
knew he should yell and wave his arms. But he wanted to smile. He
wanted to tell them how pretty they looked. Then he remembered
what his father had told him. He yelled.
What was that? screamed the
big sister.
It must be a monster! screamed
the middle sister. They both ran
back the way they had come.
But the little sister looked under
the bridge. She saw Troll. Who are
you? she asked.
I am just a troll, said Troll. No
one will ever smile at me.
Think about how you look, said
the girl.
What do you mean? asked Troll.
If you sit under bridges and look
wild, people will not smile at you.
They will be scared of you, said the
girl. You need to change the way
you look!

Hi-Lo Passages to Build Comprehension: Grades 3-4 Michael Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
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How? asked Troll.

You need to take a bath. Cut your hair. Wear some nice clothes!
Troll thought hard about what the girl said. Then he took a bath
in the river. After that he walked into town. First he went to a
barbershop. He said, Please cut my hair.
As you wish, Mr. Troll, said the man.
Next Troll bought some nice clothes. He paid with some fish
from the river.
Thank you, said the man in the store, and he smiled at Troll!
That made Troll smile to himself all the way home.

1. At the beginning of the story, where is Troll?

A under a bridge
B in a store
C in a house
D on an island

2. What is Trolls problem?

3. How does Troll solve his problem?

4. Where does Troll walk to near the end of the story?

5. How does Troll feel at the beginning of the story, and how
does he feel at the end?

Hi-Lo Passages to Build Comprehension: Grades 3-4 Michael Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
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Passage 4 Drawing Conclusions

Jorge Estrella writes for a facts. I ask them questions. Then I go

newspaper. He works for Big Sky back to the building where I work. Its
News. We spoke to him to find out filled with people. The people are all
about his job. working on the next days newspaper.
Question: How long have you been Q: Do you think your job is hard?
writing news stories?
A: Some days are harder than
Answer: I have been writing for others. On a hard day, many things
two years. happen. That means I have to
write a lot of news stories.
Q: Why did you become
Sometimes I even miss
a writer?
lunch! But at the end of
A: I have always liked to a hard day, I feel good
write. When I was a kid, about all of my work.
I wrote lots of stories.
Q: Do you ever write
Q: So why do you news stories about
only write news kids?
stories now?
A: Sure. I am working on
A: When you write a one right now. Its about
storybook, you spend a lot some kids who think the
of time alone. I want to have city needs more soccer fields.
many chances to meet people and They want to find a way to get
talk to them. Thats why I write news, more fields.
not books.
Q: What do you think will happen?
Q: How do you spend time with
A: Well, many people will read my
other people as a news writer?
story. Maybe some of them will offer
A: Before I write a story, I have to get to help. If they do, that will be
facts. I see the people who know the another story I can write.

Hi-Lo Passages to Build Comprehension: Grades 3-4 Michael Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
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1. Big Sky News is the name of a .

A newspaper
B mystery book
C song
D college

2. From reading this passage, what can you tell about

Jorge Estrella?
A He likes to be alone.
B He likes to play soccer.
C He likes to write books.
D He likes to be around people.

3. Where do you think Jorge writes his news stories?

4. What would an easy day at work be like for Jorge?

5. To write a story about the kids who want more soccer fields,
what does Jorge need to do?
A Meet and talk to people.
B Read a soccer book.
C Watch the kids play soccer.
D Give the kids a soccer field.


Hi-Lo Passages to Build Comprehension: Grades 3-4 Michael Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
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Passage 5 Drawing Conclusions

1. SMILE. People catch smiles 3. ALWAYS SAY THANK YOU.

just like they catch colds! If you Remember to say Thank you to
smile at a person, he or she will others. The person you thank will
probably smile at someone else. feel good. The person will also be
Soon the whole school will be glad to help you the next time.
4. NEVER PUSH. Lots of people
2. FIND WAYS TO HELP. If someone share our school. We share the
falls, help that person up. If halls. We share the water fountains.
someone has a lot of books, You cant always be first. So do not
open the door. If a friend does push! You will make others angry.
not understand something, You might even hurt someone.
help him or her. Instead, say, You first!

1. Why do you think you should smile?

A It can help make others happy.
B Smiles are hard to catch.
C Few people know how to smile.
D The school will not catch cold.

2. What is one rule that you should NOT add to Rules for
Our School?
A Dont push others in line. C Dont help new students.
B Share with other students. D Always say Please.

3. What lesson did you learn from these rules?

Writing Prompt: Do you think these rules would be good for your
school? Why or why not?

Hi-Lo Passages to Build Comprehension: Grades 3-4 Michael Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
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Passage 6 Main Idea and Details

Some people cant hear. These people have a special way of

talking. They talk with their hands. This is called signing. There
are two main ways to sign. First, you can spell out each letter in a
word. Here is the word love.

Spelling words takes a long time. There is a faster way to sign.

You can show a whole word with one sign.
To sign some words, you keep your hands still. (Look at the
signs for love and ball below.) To sign other words, you need to
move your hands. To sign the word dog, you pat your leg.
Signing is lots of fun. Anyone can learn. You can learn from a
book. You can learn from a teacher. You can learn from a friend
who uses signing every day. Here are good signs to start with:


Hi-Lo Passages to Build Comprehension: Grades 3-4 Michael Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
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1. What is this passage mostly about?

A how to be a better speller
B why some people cannot hear
C all the things you can do with your hands
D using your hands to talk

2. Look at the sign. What letter is it?


3. What word does this sign stand for?

4. Name a word that you have to move your hands to sign.

5. There are many ways to learn how to sign. Name two.


Hi-Lo Passages to Build Comprehension: Grades 3-4 Michael Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
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Passage 7 Making Inferences and Predictions

Will sat on the kitchen floor. He was

holding a cookie next to a tiny hole in the
wall. Wills father came into the kitchen.
What are you doing? he asked.
Quiet, please, said Will. You will
scare it.
What will I scare? asked
Wills dad.
The mouse! said Will. This is a
mouse hole.
That hole does not belong to a mouse, said his dad. I made it.
How? asked Will.
I banged a chair leg into the wall. I am going to fix the hole,
said his dad.
Will looked at his father. Then he looked down at the floor.
What is wrong? asked his father.
Will said, Cats make Mom sick. Our apartment is too small for a
dog. I thought I had found a pet at last.
His father smiled. Wild animals do not make good pets, Will. I have
a better idea. Would you like to go to the pet store?
Of course, Will said as he stood up. He put the cookie in his
mouth. He was ready to go.
1. Why do you think Will was holding a cookie?

2. How do you think Will felt when he looked down at the floor?
A happy C tired
B surprised D sad

3. What do you think Will and his father will do next?

A Make a hole in the wall. C Buy a pet mouse.
B Get a mousetrap. D Make some cookies.

Hi-Lo Passages to Build Comprehension: Grades 3-4 Michael Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
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Passage 8 Sequence

Peanut Butter Fudge

Do you love peanut butter? Here is a way to make a soft peanut
butter fudge. Ask an adult to help you when you use the microwave.
Do not make this if you cannot eat peanuts.

A Recipe For Peanut Butter Fudge

1 stick of butter a cake pan
1 cup of peanut butter a large bowl that can
peanuts go in the microwave
4 cups of sugar a big spoon
2 cup of milk a rolling pin
1 cup of chocolate chips measuring cups

Step 1: Let the butter get soft. Step 5: Put the crushed peanuts
Rub a little butter all over into the bowl. Add the
the sides of the cake pan. sugar and the milk. Add
Step 2: Put the rest of the butter the chocolate chips. Stir
in the bowl. Add the everything together.
peanut butter. Put the Step 6: Put the bowl back in the
bowl in the microwave. microwave. Turn it on
Put it on high for two high for 1 minute.
minutes. Step 7: Take the bowl out and
Step 3: Take the bowl out of the stir well.
microwave. Stir well. Step 8: Pour the fudge into the
Step 4: Crush the peanuts into cake pan. Cool the pan
little pieces. You can do for one hour.
this with a rolling pin. Step 9: Cut the fudge into pieces.
Eat and ENJOY!


Hi-Lo Passages to Build Comprehension: Grades 3-4 Michael Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
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1. What is the first step?

A Heat the peanut butter.
B Add the milk.
C Butter the pan.
D Stir well.

2. What do you do right before you add the peanut butter?

A Stir well.
B Put the butter in the bowl.
C Add milk.
D Add the chocolate chips.

3. What do you do in Step 4?

4. What do you do in Step 7?

5. What do you do just after you pour the fudge into the
cake pan?


Hi-Lo Passages to Build Comprehension: Grades 3-4 Michael Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
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Passage 9 Making Inferences and Predictions

Amy and Hana woke up early on Monday. There was a loud

noise out in the street. It was the plow going by! There was snow
outside. Then there was a knock on the twins door.
Theres no school today! said Mom.
The girls smiled.
Then lets go outside, they said.
After breakfast, the twins put on their snow pants and coats.
Then they went across the street to the Arnolds house.
Amy knocked, and Mr. Arnold opened the door.
Hi, girls, he said.
Are you going to have a snow party today? asked Hana.
We always do! said Mr. Arnold. Go get your sleds!
The Arnolds had a big hill behind their house. It was great for
sledding. There was just one problem. At the bottom of the hill
was a fence. If you thought you might hit the fence, you had to
roll off your sled.
Mr. Arnold went down the hill first. His sled made a safe path
through the snow.

Hi-Lo Passages to Build Comprehension: Grades 3-4 Michael Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
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Mrs. Arnold went next. She did not steer very well and had to roll
off. When she came up the hill, she looked like a snow woman! The
twins laughed.
Hana had a great run. She steered just right. Amy clapped.
Then it was Amys turn. She jumped on her sled. She started down
the big hill. She went so fast! The snow flew up into her face! Where
was the path?
Jump! Mr. Arnold yelled.
Amy took a deep breath. She let go of her sled.
1. Why did Amy and Hana smile after they learned school
was closed?
A They were tired.
B They were mad.
C They were happy.
D They were hungry.

2. Why did the girls laugh after Mrs. Arnolds run?

A Mrs. Arnold looked funny.
B Mrs. Arnold looked cold.
C Mrs. Arnold looked scared.
D Mrs. Arnold looked sad.

3. Why did Amy clap after Hanas run?

A She was glad Hana had a good run.
B She wanted to warn Hana about the fence.
C She knew her turn would be next.
D Her hands were cold.

4. Why did Amy take a deep breath at the end of the story?

5. What do you think Amy did next?


Hi-Lo Passages to Build Comprehension: Grades 3-4 Michael Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
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Passage 10 Details

Frieda lives in Germany. Frieda is an octopus. Every day

people come to the zoo to see Frieda. They come to see her
special trick.
An octopus has eight arms. Frieda
uses these arms to do her trick. She
opens jars! Here is how she does it.
People at the zoo put food that
Frieda likes in a jar. They put the
lid on tight. Then they place the jar
in the water with Frieda.
This smart little octopus climbs
on the jar. She holds the lid with
her arms. Then she turns her body.
The lid comes off!
People at the zoo think Frieda
saw them open jars. Then she did it
herself. Frieda only opens the jars
with food that she likes!

1. Where does Frieda live?

2. What is in Friedas jars?

3. Frieda holds the lid with her .

A head
B arms
C mouth
D tail

Hi-Lo Passages to Build Comprehension: Grades 3-4 Michael Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
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Passage 11 Drawing Conclusions

Many people are a little afraid of spiders. This makes sense

because some spiders can hurt people. But most spiders are safe.
It is important to know that.
Ann Blaine was not just a little afraid of spiders. Every time she
saw a spider, Ann screamed. She cried. She fell down. She was
that scared!
If the spider was in her house, she had to leave. She would stay
at a friends house until her family caught the spider! Once she did
not come home for a month!
Ann went to a doctor. Anns doctor told her that lots of people
are afraid of things. He said she could get help. He sent her to a
special doctor who helps people who are afraid a lot of the time.
First, Ann had to look at pictures of
spiders. To her surprise, she slowly got
used to them. Next, Ann had to look at
videos of spiders. Then, the doctor gave
Anns family a big, toy spider. Their job was
to hide it in the house. Poor Ann! Coming
across the toy spider in strange places was
not fun!
Finally, the doctor said Ann was ready for a big
test. He put some real spiders in front of Ann. The
spiders were in jars. They were very tiny spiders. Then
the spiders were let loose. Ann made herself touch one.
She even let one run on her hand.
Ann is still a little afraid of spiders.
But if she finds one at home, she does
not have to move away for a month.
She can catch the spider in a jar
and put it outsideall by herself.


Hi-Lo Passages to Build Comprehension: Grades 3-4 Michael Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
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1. Why do you think Ann Blaine went to a special doctor?

2. Why do you think the doctor made Ann look at pictures of


3. Why do you think Ann was ready for the big test at the end
of the story?
A She could put spiders in jars.
B She could hide toy spiders in her house.
C She could let spiders run on her hand.
D She wasnt afraid of toy spiders anymore.

4. Do you think the special doctor helped Ann? Tell why or

why not.

5. Think of something else a person might be afraid of.

How would you help this person if you were a doctor?
How would you get the person used to the thing so it did
not seem so scary?


Hi-Lo Passages to Build Comprehension: Grades 3-4 Michael Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
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Passage 12 Cause and Effect

September 1, 1991
Noblesville, Indiana

Last night, Brodie Spaulding was shooting star in the night sky? It is
standing outside his house. He heard really a burning space rock. Most of
a strange sound. Then a small rock hit these rocks burn up before they reach
the ground. It was black and brown. Earth. Only a few hit the ground.
When Brodie touched the rock, he The rock in Brodies yard was still
was surprised. The rock was warm! warm because it had just been on fire!
Brodies rock was very special. It The rock hit Earth hard because it
came all the way was moving very
from space to fast. It made a hole
Brodies yard! in Brodies yard.
Space is full of Brodie felt
rocks. They are scared. The rock
called asteroids. High almost hit him!
in the air, the asteroid He also felt lucky.
catches on fire. Have Now he owned a
you ever seen a space rock!

1. Why was Brodie surprised when he touched the rock?

A It was brown. C It was small.
B It was black. D It was warm.

2. Why did the asteroid make a hole in Brodies yard?

3. Why did Brodie feel scared about the asteroid?


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Passage 13 Sequence

Yoko stepped on her skate board and pushed off. But this time
something went wrong. Her board flew out from under her. As she
started to fall, she put out her arm and fell hard on it.
Yoko rubbed her arm. She waited for the hurting to stop, but it
did not. Then Yoko tried to move her arm. It hurt even more.
She looked across the park. Dad was reading a book.
She got up and she walked toward Dad. She held her arm still as
she walked, but it still hurt a lot.
Now Yoko was crying. Dad moved Yokos hurt arm just a little bit.
Ow! shouted Yoko. That hurts!
Dad took Yoko to the doctor. Dr. Rio took an X-ray of Yokos arm.
She showed it to Yoko and her dad. The X-ray showed that Yokos
arm bone was broken.
But I was wearing my arm pads, said Yoko. How could I break
my arm?
You held your arm out and landed on it. Thats why it broke,
said Dr. Rio. Next time hold them close to your body.
Thats an important thing to know,
said Dad.
Yes, said Dr. Rio. We often learn best
from the mistakes we make. Then she
smiled at Yoko. Now, lets put a cast
on that arm of yours.


Hi-Lo Passages to Build Comprehension: Grades 3-4 Michael Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
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1. What happened first in this story?

A Yokos board flew out from under her.
B Yoko fell on her arm.
C Yoko pushed off.
D Yoko stepped on her board.

2. What did Yoko do just before she fell?

3. Which of these happened first?

A Dad took off Yokos helmet and pads.
B Yoko rubbed her arm and tried to move it.
C Yoko got up and walked toward Dad.
D Yoko started crying.

4. What happened next after Dad brought Yoko to the doctor?

A Dad tried to move Yokos arm.
B Yoko asked, How could I break my arm?
C Dr. Rio took an X-ray of Yokos arm.
D Yokos arm stopped hurting so much.

5. After Dr. Rio took an X-ray, what did she do next?


Hi-Lo Passages to Build Comprehension: Grades 3-4 Michael Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
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Passage 14 Cause and Effect

Mrs. Gill lived next door to Nita. Every afternoon, Mrs. Gill took
a walk. She said it kept her young. Nita liked to peek out when
Mrs. Gill came back. Mrs. Gill was always happy after her walk. She
often showed Nita something she had found, like a bright red leaf.
One afternoon, Mrs. Gill looked sad. Nita asked her what was
Mrs. Gill held up a can. I am sad about all the trash on the
street, she said. I have never seen so much trash in this
neighborhood! What has happened?
Mr. Trent moved, said Nita. He used to go out each morning
and pick up trash. I often saw him on my way to school.
Mrs. Gill looked surprised. I thought I knew everything about
this neighborhood! she said. But you see more than I do!
I wish I could do Mr. Trents job, but my back is stiff. Its hard
for me to bend over and pick things up.
I could do that, said Nita.
Mrs. Gill smiled. I will carry the trash bag! You can use my
gardening gloves so your hands stay clean.
Nita put on the gloves. She picked up pieces of paper. She
picked up cans. Lots of people stopped to thank Mrs. Gill and Nita.
The street looked much better when Nita and Mrs. Gill were done.
Thanks, Nita, said Mrs. Gill. Lets call ourselves the clean-
up team!

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1. Why did Mrs. Gill take a walk every day?

A She wanted to pick up litter.
B She wanted to talk to Mr. Trent.
C She wanted to feel young.
D She wanted to start a club.

2. Why was Mrs. Gill sad one day?

A She lost a red leaf.
B The streets were full of trash.
C She lost her gloves.
D Nita was bothering her.

3. Why did the neighborhood have so much trash?

4. Why did Nita pick up the trash instead of Mrs. Gill?

5. Why did Nitas hands stay clean?


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Passage 15 Cause and Effect

Sisters in Space
Venus is close to Earth. It is the second planet from the sun.
Earth is third from the sun. Venus and Earth are almost the same
size. Thats why Venus is called Earths sister planet.
Scientists have been learning about Venus for a long time. First
they looked at Venus through telescopes. Telescopes make things
that are far away look closer. But Venus is covered with thick clouds.
The scientists could not see Venus through the clouds. So they made
guesses about it.
For a long time, scientists thought that Venus had water and
plants. They thought Venus might have animals, too. But they could
not know for sure.
Then scientists found a way to learn more about Venus. In 1978,
they began sending space probes to Venus. Probes are tools that are
used to look at things. The probes flew through the thick
clouds. They took pictures of Venus up close. They
found out other things, too. The probes sent
the pictures and things they found out back
to the scientists.
The scientists learned a lot from the
probes. First they learned that most of
their guesses were wrong. Nothing could
ever live on Venus. Why not? Venus is
much, much too hot.
After that, scientists knew
they could not send people
to Venus. But they still
wanted to know more Venus
about it. So they made
new probes. These
new probes took great
pictures of the planet.
The pictures showed
that Venus has plains,
mountains, and valleys.
In some ways, Venus
looks like Earth. Earth

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1. Why is it hard to see much of Venus through a telescope?

2. Why did scientists send probes to Venus in 1978?

3. What is the main reason people can never visit Venus?

A It does not have water.
B It is a long way from Earth.
C It does not have plants.
D It is much too hot.

4. Why did scientists send new probes to Venus?

A The telescopes broke.
B The old probes were lost in space.
C They wanted to know even more about Venus.
D They wanted to show that people could live there.

5. What new things did scientists learn because of the

new probes?


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Passage 16 Story Elements

One morning a mother goat led her kids up a mountain. The

mountain was tall. After walking for a while, the kids grew tired.
They asked their mother to let them rest. But she told them to keep
going. I see grass just above us, she told them. Well be there
before you know it.
Soon the goats reached the grass. How good it tastes, Mother!
the kids said. They began to eat.
But before long, the biggest kid began to worry. This grass is
sweet, he said. But the hard walk made us all very hungry. I am
sure there is not enough grass here for all of us.
That is silly, his mother laughed. There is more than enough
grass here.
The biggest kid did not listen to his mother. Instead he looked
over at the next mountain. On it he saw a green patch. His mouth
began to water. I shall go down this mountain and up the next,
said the biggest kid. There I will have all the grass for myself.


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So he started off. The trip down the first mountain took a long
time. The walk up the next mountain took even longer. At last the
biggest kid reached the green patch he had seen from far away. But
now his heart sank. Instead of grass, all he found were weeds. The
weeds had a very bad taste.
The biggest goat had to go back to his family. As he made his way
back, he cried. By now my brothers and sisters have eaten every
piece of grass. I am sure they have left nothing for me.
For the second time that day, the biggest kid was wrong. When he
found his family again, they were sleeping in the warm sun. Most of
the grass was chewed down to its roots. But there was still some
grass for him. It was more than enough to fill the biggest kids very
empty belly.
1. At what time of day does the story begin?

2. Where did the mother goat lead her kids?

3. Why did the biggest kid go down the first mountain and up
the next?

4. What happened when the biggest kid went up the second


5. Which word best describes the biggest kid?

A brave C smart
B scared D greedy

Writing Prompt: On a piece of paper, tell all the important things

that happen in this story.

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Passage 17 Main Idea and Details

People are not made to live in very

cold weather. We do not have
fur to keep us warm! We must
make our clothes and shelter.
In winter, you must be
careful. If you get stuck outside for a long
time on a cold day, you may freeze. So what can you
do to stay warm?
First, find a big pile of snow. Then, dig a cave. Make the
cave big enough to hold air for you to breathe. Before you
climb inside, brush any snow off your clothes. The heat from
your body will be trapped inside the cave. This is
good! But if your clothes are snowy, the snow
will melt. This is bad. Wet clothes will pull the
heat right out of your body
Climb into your cave. Next, fill up the
door hole with snow. This way the heat
will not get out. If you can, share your
cave with a friend. Two people make
more heat than one person can.
1. What is this passage mostly
A how animals live in winter
B what to do if you are stuck outside in
the cold
C how to build a nice house
D games to play in the snow during the winter

2. What should you do if your clothes are snowy?

3. Why should you fill up the door hole with snow?


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Passage 18 Sequence

Rosa, Anita, and Felipe came to the kitchen

for dinner.
Rosa said, I do not like salad.
I know that, said Mama, but salad is
what we are having.
Then Mama put some chicken on each plate.
I dont like chicken, said Felipe.
Last, Mama gave each of them some special rice.
That smells so good! said Felipe.
I want plain rice, said Anita.
Finally, Mama said, I cook and cook, but I
can never make something that all you children like.
That would take magic, said Papa.
Mama laughed. Then she left the room. When she came back,
she was wearing a pair of wings from the dress-up box. She was
carrying a wand.
She pointed the wand at all three children. Love the food!
she laughed. Love it all!
Rosa smiled and took a bite of salad. Anita grinned and ate
some rice. Felipe even tried some chicken. Papa said Mamas
magic trick worked!
1. What happened first?

2. Which food did Mama serve last?

A salad C chicken
B rice D water

3. What did Mama do after she got dressed up?


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Passage 19 Comparing and Contrasting

Many people think that a whale is a kind of fish. A whale is not a

fish at all. But whales and fish are much alike.
Like fish, whales spend their lives in the water. Whales and fish
both have fins. They use the fins to swim. Whales often stay together
in groups. These groups are called pods. Many kinds of fish also stay
together in groups. A group of fish is called a school.
Whales are different from fish in an important way. A fish can
breathe underwater. A whale cannot. A whale must come to the top
of the water to take a breath. It takes in air through a hole on its
back. A whale can hold its breath under the water for a long time.
But after a while, it must come back up for more air.
If a whale is not a fish, what is it? A whale is a mammal. There are
many kinds of mammals. Dogs, cats, and horses are mammals, too.
Most mammals live only on land. Some, such as beavers, live part
of the time on land and part of the time in water. Besides the whale,
just one other mammalthe sea cowlives only in water.


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Did you know that you are a mammal, too? You are more like a
whale than you might think. You have hair on your body. So does a
whale. Your heart has four parts. So does a whales. Your body always
stays about the same temperature. A whales body does, too.
Of course, you are different from a whale in many ways. You dont
have fins or a tail. You spend almost all your time on land. But heres
something to think about the next time you go swimming. When you
dive under the water and come back up for air, you are acting just
like a whale!
1. How are the bodies of fish and whales alike?

2. In this article, how is a school different from a pod?

3. How are sea cows and whales alike?

A They spend their lives in the water.
B They are kinds of fish.
C They can breathe under the water.
D They have holes in their backs.

4. How are whales like dogs, cats, and horses?

A All have the same shape.
B All stay together in groups.
C All are the same size.
D All are mammals.

5. How is your heart like a whales heart?


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Passage 20 Main Idea and Details

People use sayings

every day. You may ask an
unhappy friend why shes
feeling blue. If youve
done only a small part of
a big job, you might call it
a drop in the bucket.
These sayings dont
mean exactly what the
words say. But its easy to
tell why we use them.
Blue is a cool, quiet color.
So its a good word for
sad. A bucket holds too
many water drops to
count. So just one drop is
very little.
Other sayings are more
difficult to understand.
When you are about to go
to bed, you are going to
hit the hay. This saying
does not make much
sense unless you know
where it came from. It
was first used in the 1930s. At that time, many Americans
were out of work. Some went from place to place, looking
for jobs. At night they were very tired. They often made a
bed of hay in a field or barn. As soon as their heads hit
the hay, they fell asleep.


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Here is another saying. When you are sick, you might say you are
under the weather. But why? This saying is more than 200 years old.
It began in the days when many people went from place to place by
boat. When the storm winds rocked the boat, people often felt sick.
The boat was sailing under the weather.
Old sayings like these can be hard for kids to understand. But new
sayings come along every day. Kids often understand new sayings
better than older people do. Thats why your grandmother might not
know what you mean when you say chill out or give me five. She
might think youre off your rocker.
1. What is this article mostly about?
A colors C jobs
B sayings D boats

2. What is another good title for this article?

A Feeling Blue
B People in the United States
C Old Sayings
D A Cool, Quiet Color

3. What does feeling blue mean?

A sad C mad
B cold D happy

4. What does hit the hay mean?

5. Which saying is more than 200 years old?

A feeling blue
B hit the hay
C drop in the bucket
D under the weather


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Passage 21 Comparing and Contrasting

Did you know that some plants eat bugs? They do! But first the
plants must catch their food.
The Venuss flytrap has little hairs on its leaves. When a bug moves
against these hairs, the plant feels it. Then the leaves snap shut. The
bug is trapped.
The teasel is a plant shaped like a cup. When it rains, water stays in
the bottom of the cup. Bugs fall into the water. They cannot get out.
Look at the picture of the sundew plant. Do you see the long
arms? These arms make sticky drops. A bug lands on the drop and
gets stuck. Then the arms close up. They trap the bug!
The rainbow plant also traps bugs with sticky drops.
1. Which two plants have sticky drops?

2. How are all these plants the same?

A They all have hairs C They all have arms.
on their leaves.
B They all trap bugs. D They all have drops.

3. Which plant is shaped like a cup?


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Passage 22 Cause and Effect

In 1936, a horse named Seabiscuit was put up for sale. At the age
of three, Seabiscuit had run many races. But he lost most of them.
His owner did not want to keep a losing horse.
A man name Charles Howard bought Seabiscuit. He had seen
the horse race. He liked what he saw. Howard thought Seabiscuit
could win races. He asked a man named Tom Smith to work
with Seabiscuit.
Smith knew that Seabiscuits first owner had raced him too hard.
Seabiscuit was tired and mean. Smith thought that being with other
animals would make Seabiscuit happy. So he put a goat next to
Seabiscuit. But Seabiscuit didnt like the goat at all. He picked up
the goat with his teeth and tossed it away. Next Smith put a little
horse next to Seabiscuit. Seabiscuit liked the horse and began to
calm down. Before long, Seabiscuit also made friends with a dog
and a monkey. They were his pets.
Now Tom Smith was ready to train Seabiscuit. Smith was kind.
Seabiscuit grew to like him. Soon Seabiscuit was running well.
Smith told Howard the horse was ready to race again.
As Charles Howards
horse, Seabiscuit won some
big races. By 1938 many
people were talking about
Seabiscuit. They thought he
might be the best racehorse
But there was another
great horse that Seabiscuit
had never raced. This horses
name was War Admiral. There
was only one way to tell
which horse was faster. The
owners planned a race
between the two horses.


Hi-Lo Passages to Build Comprehension: Grades 3-4 Michael Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
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Many people turned out for the race on November 1, 1938. All over
the country, people listened to the race on the radio. When the bell
rang, War Admiral and Seabiscuit began to run. Side by side, the two
horses ran like the wind. Seabiscuit pulled ahead, but War Admiral
caught up to him. The crowd roared.
Together, the horses headed for the finish line. Then Seabiscuit
pulled ahead again. But this time War Admiral was too tired to catch
up. Seabiscuit won the race by just a few yards!
Today, people think of the race between Seabiscuit and War
Admiral as one of the greatest ever. Charles Howard and Tom Smith
are famous, too. They gave a losing horse a second chance.
1. Why did Seabiscuits first owner put him up for sale?
A He did not like horses anymore.
B He knew someone else could help Seabiscuit.
C He needed a way to get some money.
D He did not want to keep a horse that lost races.

2. What made Seabiscuit so tired and mean?

3. Seabiscuit began to calm down when .

A Charles Howard bought him
B he made friends with a goat
C Tom Smith put a friendly horse beside him
D he started racing other horses again

4. Why did Seabiscuit grow to like Tom Smith?

5. Why did Seabiscuit win the race?


Hi-Lo Passages to Build Comprehension: Grades 3-4 Michael Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
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Passage 23 Comparing and Contrasting

To wash yourself, you take a bath or

a shower. Animals need to keep clean,
too. How do animals clean themselves?
Cats lick themselves to keep their
fur clean. Have you ever watched a pet
cat clean itself?
Elephants take baths much as you
do. But instead of hopping into the
tub, they walk into a river or lake.
Pigs also like to roll around in water. This keeps them clean and
cool. If there is no clean water, they will roll in mud on a hot day.
They do this to cool off. Pigs do not really like mud. They are happier
in a nice, clean pond.
Bats have a funny way to groom. They lick their thumbs to clean
their ears!
Guess how polar bears clean themselves. They use snow, of course!
Some animals take baths in dust instead of water! The wombat is
an Australian animal with lots of fur. To get clean,
it lies down. Then it scoops sand all over itself!
Birds clean themselves in many ways.
Sometimes they wash in water. Thats why
some people put birdbaths in their yard.
At other times birds take dust baths, just
like wombats. Birds also use their beaks to
keep their feathers clean. They use their
beaks the way you use a comb.
Sometimes a bird has itchy bugs in its
feathers. Birds may use ants to help them
clean off the bugs. A bird will lie down on
an ant nest. Then the ants will crawl on the
bird. The ants make a kind of bug spray on
the feathers. Then the itchy bugs die!


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Birds take baths in something else besides dust and ants! Some
birds take smoke baths. They sit on chimneys. They wave their
wings in the smoke!

1. Name two animals that take dust baths.

2. What is a pigs favorite way to get clean?

A It takes a bath in clean water.
B It licks itself.
C It rolls in nice, thick mud.
D It lies down on ants.

3. How is a polar bears bath different from a cats bath?

4. A bird uses its beak like a person uses a .

A tub C lake
B comb D shower

5. How are the ways elephants and birds take baths alike?
How are they different?

Writing Prompt: Think about the way a pet or animal that you
know takes a bath. How is it like and different from the way that
people take baths?


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Passage 24 Story Elements

Niki saw the

sign first. It said
Welcome to
Layton. Were
here! Niki said.
Yes, answered Mom. Now Ill show you where I grew up.
Mom turned right and then left. This is Norbeck Street. Lets find
my old house. She stopped the car in front of a red house and said,
Oh, my!
Whats wrong? asked Niki.
Its so different now, Mom said sadly. The porch and the fence
are gone. Mom became quiet. Then she said, Lets see how Main
Street looks.
As the car moved up Main Street, Mom and Niki looked from side
to side. Is Main Street the way you remember it? Niki asked.
No, Mom sighed. Not much is the same. But then she smiled.
Look, Niki! The Layton Diner is still here! Mom pulled the car into
the parking lot. Lets go in and get some lunch.
Niki and Mom walked into the diner. Mom looked around and
laughed. It hasnt changed a bit. Even the wallpaper is still the same!
A waitress led Mom and Niki to their table. They sat down, and
Mom looked at the menu. Just like the old days! said Mom.
Just then, a woman with white hair sat at the next table. The
waitress said something and the woman laughed. Niki saw Moms eyes
grow wide. What is it, Mom? she asked.
That laugh, Mom said softly. I remember that laugh. She turned
and looked at the woman. When she turned back, she said,
I dont know who that woman could be.


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Niki looked past Mom and smiled at the woman. The woman smiled
back kindly at Niki. Then the woman gasped with surprise. She stood
up and walked over to Mom and Nikis table. She looked closely at
Moms face before she spoke. Margaret, its so nice to see you after all
these years.
Mom gave the woman a blank look.
Im Mrs. Blade, the woman said. Your third-grade teacher.
Mom jumped up and hugged Mrs. Blade. I didnt know who
you were.
Mrs. Blade laughed loudly again. I didnt know who you were
either, Margaret, she said. Then she turned toward Niki and said,
But your daughter looks just like you did in third grade. And I never
forget a students face.
1. What were Mom and Niki doing in this story?

2. How did Mom feel when she saw her old house?
A sad C sleepy
B happy D mad

3. Where did Mom and Niki stop for lunch?

4. Why did Mom turn around and look at the woman with
white hair?

5. Who was the woman with white hair?

A Moms school friend
B Moms third-grade teacher
C a waitress at the diner
D Nikis third-grade teacher


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Passage 25 Making Inferences and Predictions



Blair Elementary School

News for March
Special Dates: March 4 Mrs. Mohans
class takes a trip to North Park Zoo.
The bus will leave school at 12:00 P.M.
and come back at 3:00 P.M. Wear shoes
that feel good.
March 16 School will end at 12:30 P.M.
March 30 This is School Picture Day.
Wear a big smile to school!

Ways You Can Help:

Do you have some extra yarn at home? Mr. King needs it!
Drop the yarn in the box near the art room.
Bring back the books! Mrs. Nolen says many students need to
bring back school library books. She has sent out notes about
missing books.
Should Blair Elementary School have a science fair? Jan Lee
thinks so. She wants to start one. But she needs other parents
to help her. If you want to help, call Jan at 555-6791.

Other News:
This spring, Mrs. Bains class will be in charge of the schools
flower garden near the front door.
Laurie Burks visited Mr. Waynes class. She sang some of her
songs to the class. The class gave Laurie a big hand.


Hi-Lo Passages to Build Comprehension: Grades 3-4 Michael Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
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1. Why do you think students should wear shoes that feel good
on the zoo trip?
A They will be doing a lot of walking.
B They will be riding on animals.
C You need special shoes to go to the zoo.
D Other kinds of shoes scare the zoo animals.

2. What does wear a big smileon March 30 mean?

A Students should smile for their pictures.
B Students should wear tags with smiles on them.
C Students should wear clothes with smiles on them.
D Students should always be happy in school.

3. The flower garden will be near the front door. What do you
think the front door is?
A the front door of Mrs. Bains class
B the front door of the school
C the front door of a students house
D the front door of a greenhouse

4. Which of these people do you think works in the school

A Mr. Wayne
B Mrs. Mohan
C Laurie Burks
D Mrs. Nolen

5. Why do you think the class gave Laurie a big hand?


Hi-Lo Passages to Build Comprehension: Grades 3-4 Michael Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Answer Key
1. Rabbit Laughs 6. Talk With Your Hands
1. C 1. D
2. Rabbit had to clear a field of weeds. 2. C
3. D 3. ball
4. dog
2. Here Comes the Sun 5. Answers should include two of the
1. Paint the back of the plate yellow. following: from a book, a friend, or
2. Cut out the 7 hands. a teacher.
3. A
7. The Right Pet
3. Trolls New Look 1. He was trying to catch a mouse.
1. A 2. D
2. He has a lonely job and people dont 3. C
smile at him.
3. He takes a bath, gets a haircut, and 8. Peanut Butter Fudge
buys new clothes. 1. C
4. town 2. B
5. He feels sad and lonely at the 3. Crush the peanuts with a rolling pin.
beginning; he feels happy at the end. 4. Take the bowl out and stir well.
5. Cool the pan for one hour.
4. Meet Jorge Estrella
1. A 9. The Snow Party
2. D 1. C
3. at the building where he works 2. A
4. On an easy day, few things would 3. A
happen. Jorge might write just 4. Sample answer: She was worried
a few stories. about letting go of the sled.
5. A 5. She rolled off the sled.

5. Rules for Our School 10. Frieda and Her Trick

1. A 1. Frieda lives in a zoo in Germany.
2. C 2. food
3. Sample answer: Be nice to other 3. B
Writing Prompt: Answers will vary.


Hi-Lo Passages to Build Comprehension: Grades 3-4 Michael Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
11. Creepy Spiders 15. Sisters in Space
1. She was afraid of spiders. 1. Venus is covered with thick clouds.
2. to help her get used to seeing 2. to learn more about the planet
spiders 3. D
3. D 4. C
4. Yes. She is now able to catch spiders 5. Venus has plains, mountains,
even though she is still a little afraid and valleys.
of them.
5. Answers will vary. Students should 16. The Very Hungry Kid
mention a fear and a way of helping 1. morning
someone overcome it. 2. up a mountain to some grass
3. Sample answer: He thought there
12. Asteroid Just Misses Boy! wasnt enough grass for him on the
1. D first mountain, and he thought he
2. The asteroid hit Earth hard. saw grass on the next mountain.
3. It almost hit him. 4. Instead of grass, he found weeds
that tasted bad.
13. Riding the Board 5. D
1. D Writing Prompt: Answers will vary.
2. She put out her arm.
3. B 17. Snow Caves
4. C 1. B
5. She showed the X-ray picture to 2. Brush the snow off.
Dad and Yoko. 3. to keep your body heat in the cave

14. The Clean-Up Team 18. Mamas Magic Trick

1. C 1. Rosa, Anita, and Felipe came to the
2. B kitchen for dinner.
3. Mr. Trent used to pick up the trash, 2. B
but he moved away. 3. Mama came back to the kitchen,
4. Mrs. Gills back was stiff. pointed the wand at the children,
5. She wore Mrs. Gills gardening and told them to love the food.


Hi-Lo Passages to Build Comprehension: Grades 3-4 Michael Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
19. What Is a Whale? 23. Animal Baths
1. Both have fins. 1. wombats and birds
2. A school is a group of fish; a pod 2. A
is a group of whales. 3. A polar bear uses snow, but a cat
3. A licks itself.
4. D 4. B
5. Both have four parts. 5. Both elephants and birds take baths
in water. Unlike elephants, birds also
20. What Did You Say? take baths in dust, ants, and smoke.
1. B They also use their beaks.
2. C Writing Prompt: Answers will vary.
3. A
4. go to sleep or go to bed 24. Home Again
5. D 1. They were visiting the town where
Mom grew up.
21. Bug Eaters 2. A
1. the sundew plant and the 3. the Layton Diner
rainbow plant 4. Mom remembered the laugh, so she
2. B turned to see who was laughing.
3. the teasel 5. B

22. A Second Chance for Seabiscuit 25. Blair Elementary School News
for March
1. D
2. His first owner had raced him 1. A
too hard. 2. A
3. C 3. B
4. He was kind. 4. D
5. War Admiral was too tired to 5. It means the class clapped for Laurie
catch up. because they liked her songs.


Hi-Lo Passages to Build Comprehension: Grades 3-4 Michael Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources

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