BM11 - 2008-08-08 Deloitte Pellet Cost Study

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The document discusses conducting a cost study for developing a wood pellet industry in Ontario to utilize lower quality timber and biofibre. It considers factors like fibre supply, site selection, capital and operating costs, and financing opportunities.

The purpose of the cost study is to explore opportunities for seven Sustainable Forest License companies in Ontario to utilize lower quality timber and biofibre available for harvest through developing a wood pellet industry in the region.

The methodology for site selection considers identifying a long list of potential sites, shortlisting sites, and recommending sites based on factors like potential ports and infrastructure considerations.

Wood pellet plant cost study for the

forests of North Eastern Ontario

August 26, 2008
Table of Contents

1. Introduction Final site recommendations and output levels

Overview of the Deloitte engagement Additional considerations
Purpose and limitations
5. Capital costs
Approach and methodology
Input assumptions
2. Background Optional items
SFLs participating in the wood pellet plant cost
study 6. Operating and maintenance costs
Overview of the wood pellet industry Input assumptions
Wood pellet global production and markets 7. Financing
The wood pellet price opportunity Input assumptions
The Canadian wood pellet industry Opportunities for financial assistance
Opportunities to develop a wood pellet industry in
Ontario 8. Findings and analysis
The wood pellet production process and key risks Review of input assumptions
Cost per tonne per proposed plant
3. Fibre supply Sensitivity
Methodology Consideration of cost feasibility
Overview of region being covered by forest
Fibre supply input assumptions 9. Other considerations
Fibre supply and pellet production Broad infrastructure considerations
Private forests and First Nations Contract structuring
Harvest cost input assumptions Harvest cost synergies
Harvest cost per m3 by forest Combined Heat and Power synergies
Torrefied pellets
4. Site selection Moisture levels
Step 1: Identify long list 10. Appendices
Step 2: Identify short list
Potential ports
Step3: Identify recommended sites

1 CONFIDENTIAL Not for distribution Wood pellet plant cost study Deloitte & Touche LLP and affiliated entities.
1. Introduction
Overview of the Deloitte Engagement

Westwind Forest Stewardship Inc., in cooperation with six other Sustainable Forest License
management companies (SFL or SFLs) in the Ontario Great Lakes / St. Lawrence
(GLSL) region and the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR), are exploring
opportunities to utilize lower quality timber products available for harvest (biofibre
including merchantable unmarketable wood and tops) within each of these forests.
With rising fossil fuel prices and carbon emission policies being implemented by
governments around the world, particularly in the EU under the Kyoto Protocol, there is a
growing global demand for alternative, low carbon, renewable fuel sources.
Wood pellets provide a clean, diversified energy solution and while Canada is already a
major producer and exporter of wood pellets, Ontario, through its skilled forestry sector
and underutilized biofibre, has an opportunity to be a significant contributor to this
growing industry.
Deloitte & Touche LLP has been engaged by Westwind Forest Stewardship Inc. as a
coordinating body to carry out a cost study with regard to encouraging a wood pellet
industry in the GLSL region, including an analysis of available fibre supply, potential plant
locations, pellet plant capital outlays, operating costs, and financing costs.

3 CONFIDENTIAL Not for distribution Wood pellet plant cost study Deloitte & Touche LLP and affiliated entities.
Purpose and limitations of this Report

The purpose of this report is to:

Gather and analyze crown fibre supply data from the seven participating SFLs to
determine potential wood pellet production levels;
Assess and recommend sites for wood pellet plants, including output levels; and
Develop a cost per tonne model for wood pellet plants based on recommended sites and
production levels.
Limitations of this Report:
Crown fibre supply is based on estimates of current availability as confirmed/adjusted by
SFL managers. They include assigned but not utilized volumes in certain forests. None
of the fibre supply being considered in this study is known to have been committed to
wood pellet production as yet.
Available and accessible data on wood pellet plant costs is limited. This study provides a
current and high level cost analysis. More detailed data can be found through carrying
out a detailed business plan for a specific proposed pellet plant or group of pellet plants,
including securing supply and equipment contracts and conducting a complete wood
pellet market analysis.
This analysis has been conducted to FOB mill cost of production. Domestic and
international wood pellet demand, market pricing, post manufacturing logistics and
transportation costs, sale contracts, and other elements have not been considered and
would be necessary for a detailed study on feasibility.
This report contains a high level assessment of cash flows for selected sites. These cash
flows are not intended to be relied upon for investment purposes. Final investment
decisions should be based on detailed business cases carried out on a site by site basis.

4 CONFIDENTIAL Not for distribution Wood pellet plant cost study Deloitte & Touche LLP and affiliated entities.

The study followed the approach laid out below, which carries through in the flow of this
report. Details of each step can be found on the following slide:

Plant Location Capital, Operating

Analysis and and Financing
Recommendations Costs

Synergies and
Fibre Supply and
Harvest Costs
Plant Cost

5 CONFIDENTIAL Not for distribution Wood pellet plant cost study Deloitte & Touche LLP and affiliated entities.

Plant Location Capital, Synergies

Fibre Supply and
Analysis and Operating and and Other
Harvest Costs
Recommendations Financing Costs Considerations

Review and mine MNR Determine key needs Conduct extensive Review of broad
data on Crown fibre and constraints, research on wood infrastructure
leading to criteria for pellet plant process, requirements
Provide SFLs with
long and short lists components and costs
summary data for Trends in market
review and collect Interview SFLs and Develop financial contracts
known private and MNR to apply criteria model and review for
Opportunities for
First Nations volumes and determine long list gaps and opportunities
Follow up with SFLs Review fibre supply Customize model for
Review of refined
and MNR regarding findings and other each selected site
pellet product and
any discrepancies and considerations for
Finalize model and potential applications
confirm final volumes short list and final site
conduct sensitivity
for this study recommendations Moisture content

SFL managers, industry

SFL managers, Industry sources, sources, equipment and
MNR and SFL MNR, industry equipment and pellet pellet manufacturers,
managers sources, published manufacturers, published published studies and
reports and studies studies and reports reports


This report sites a number of references throughout, details of which can be found in
Appendix D.
6 CONFIDENTIAL Not for distribution Wood pellet plant cost study Deloitte & Touche LLP and affiliated entities.
2. Background
SFLs participating in the wood pellet plant cost study

8 CONFIDENTIAL Not for distribution Wood pellet plant cost study Deloitte & Touche LLP and affiliated entities.
Overview of the wood pellet industry

Wood pellets are a near carbon neutral source of renewable bio fuel used for both heat
and power generation:
Home and commercial heating systems can be easily fit or retrofit with pellet burning
furnaces (small and medium scale use);
Existing coal fired power plants can be converted to fire or co-fire wood pellets with
minimal capital investment (large scale use) and significant emissions reductions; and
Wood pellet manufacturing plants are being built in conjunction with Combined Heat and
Power (CHP) plants in both Europe and North America that use a portion of the pellets
produced to generate power, which is sold into the grid, use part of the power generated
parasitically, and distribute the heat through a district heating system to local
businesses and institutions.
Wood pellets are readily transportable by sea, rail, and road. This leaves few markets, if
any, inaccessible.
As a clean, renewable, high energy density, portable, and easy to use energy source,
wood pellet demand is expected to increase steadily over the next decade, including
through the expansion of major potential markets such as Asia and Eastern Europe.
A January 2008 Standard & Poors Industry Survey1 on the paper and forest products
sector noted opportunities in biofuels and large scale production of biomass as one of the
more promising opportunities for the forest products industry, particularly given rising
fossil fuel prices and increasing environmental concerns.

9 CONFIDENTIAL Not for distribution Wood pellet plant cost study Deloitte & Touche LLP and affiliated entities.
Wood pellet global production and markets

A November 2007 IEA Bioenergy2 report on global wood pellet markets cites the largest
producer of wood pellets globally as Sweden, followed by the United States and Canada,
with the latter driven by export opportunities due to low domestic sales.
Russia is noted as having the potential to be one of the largest exporters of wood pellets
but its success will be largely dependent on economic and political considerations,
including the issue of significant tariffs recently increased to 15% on wood exports to
Major international wood pellet markets include Sweden, along with Austria, Italy,
German, the Netherlands, Denmark and Belgium. Because biomass carbon credits follow
the end user rather than the producer under the Kyoto Protocol, the report notes, these
countries will likely continue to be predominantly importers of wood pellets.
The chart on the right shows annual pellet
consumption for Scandinavian, European
and North American countries by end use.
While Canada noticeably consumes very
little, a June 2008 presentation by
proPellets Austria3, concluded that "Canada
is in a very good position to become an
important player in the international pellet

10 CONFIDENTIAL Not for distribution Wood pellet plant cost study Deloitte & Touche LLP and affiliated entities.
The wood pellet price opportunity

In a June 2008 presentation4, Pinnacle Pellet Inc. described what it referred to as the
Pellet Price Opportunity, which illustrates the equivalent price of one tonne of wood
pellets, on an energy output basis, as compared to oil and natural gas.
At current energy prices, there is a clear fuel cost advantage associated with the
consumption of wood pellets versus oil and natural gas. A considerable drop in oil and
natural gas prices would be required before price parity were reached. Similarly, wood
pellets pricing has room to grow as it is increasingly integrated into energy markets.

Oil Equivalent

One tonne pellets = 3.36 barrels of oil

@ $125 per barrel of oil = $420 per tonne of pellets

Natural Gas Equivalent

One tonne pellets = 20.5 GJ of natural gas

@ $13.43 per GJ = $275 per tonne of pellets

(May 26th, 2008 market prices)

11 CONFIDENTIAL Not for distribution Wood pellet plant cost study Deloitte & Touche LLP and affiliated entities.
The Canadian wood pellet industry

European imports of wood pellets from Canada are expected to continue to grow
considerably over the next five to ten years.
With production capacity in Canada currently at close to 2 million tonnes per year and with
an abundance of saw mill residue and biofibre, as well as the prospect of several hundred
tonnes of annual output being added annually over the next several years, Canada is
expected to keep pace with this growing international market and has an opportunity to
stake its claim as the global leader supplying the industry.
Canadian Wood Pellet Production
(Wood Pellet Association of Canada, July 2008)








1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Production Capacity Actual Production Dom estic Sales US Sales Overseas

12 CONFIDENTIAL Not for distribution Wood pellet plant cost study Deloitte & Touche LLP and affiliated entities.
Opportunities to develop a wood pellet industry in
GLSL Region
Over the course of several decades, economic and non-economic forces have converged
leading to mill closures, job losses and the underutilization of bio fibre in Ontarios forests.
As one Canadian attendee noted at the recent World Bioenergy 2008 conference in
Sweden, "the wood and forestry sector is going broke by relying on conventional
A 2006 report published by the Canadian Council of Forest Ministers6 set out a series
observations where the Council saw opportunity in a forest industry restructuring,
Moving beyond being a low cost producer towards new value added products that are
increasing in demand and offer opportunities for healthy profit margins;
Being in a position to "climb the learning curve quickly" on new products to "capture as
much value as possible" early on; and
Being able to "pioneer the industry into some exciting new forest based specialty
The report also recognized bio-mass fuels as a key value added product in the
R&D/Introductory phase at the time. While the wood pellet industry has grown
considerably since then, there remains an opportunity for Ontarios forestry industry to be
at the forefront in developing new technologies and products as the industry expands.

13 CONFIDENTIAL Not for distribution Wood pellet plant cost study Deloitte & Touche LLP and affiliated entities.
Opportunities to develop a wood pellet industry in
GLSL Region
Significant volumes of biofibre in Ontarios forests are, for a variety of reasons, not
currently being utilized.
MNR recognizes this biofibre availability as both an economic and environmental
opportunity for the province of Ontario, supporting rural and northern communities
through job creation and tackling climate change through the encouragement of a clean,
renewable source of energy.
In a Directive issued on August 13th, 20087, MNR set out goals and objectives for a policy
guiding the use of forest biofibre to help:
Create and support new opportunities for the forestry sector by supporting the
development and use of new technologies and products to diversify Ontarios economy;
Encourage the use of biofibre to reduce Ontarios dependence on fossil fuels while
simultaneously reducing energy costs.
The Directive also specifically notes the strong interest of the Ontario Power Authority in
considering the potential of biopower to produce heat and electricity for the provinces
energy needs.

14 CONFIDENTIAL Not for distribution Wood pellet plant cost study Deloitte & Touche LLP and affiliated entities.
Wood pellet production process and key risks

The wood pellet production process can be broken down into three elements: Raw material
supply, production, and markets.
While the production risks are mostly manageable, there are key external risks on
opposite ends of the process that must be considered and addressed where possible.
Can be mitigated

Raw Availability of biofibre supply

Long term supply contracts

(Biofibre) Haulage costs
Competing technologies
Renewed and emerging forest product

Chipping/ Packaging
Screening Drying Pelletizing Cooling Distribution
Grinding or Storing

Global wood pellet demand

manage or
Difficult to
External :


Market pricing dynamics

Marketplace Transportation costs
Currency risk
Environmental directives
Disruptive technologies

15 CONFIDENTIAL Not for distribution Wood pellet plant cost study Deloitte & Touche LLP and affiliated entities.
Wood pellet production process and key risks

Grinding/ The wood chipper/grinder pre-processes the harvested wood

Chipping The hammer mill reduces the size of the output to less than 6mm

Screening The material is screened to remove stones, metal, or other similar material

The material is dried to achieve the desired moisture content

Drum driers are the industry standard for this process
The use of waste wood (including tops and slash) as opposed to natural gas
as a fuel for this process is becoming increasingly prevalent

Raw material is forced through the die hole of the pelletizing machine to
produce pellets
A great amount of pressure is required to ensure high pellet quality
Pellets at this stage are both hot and soft

Cooling Through an air cooling process, pellets are strengthened

Where applicable (i.e. if bagging pellets), a palletizing machine is used to bag

the product for distribution

To maintain their integrity, non-bagged pellets are stored in dry conditions

Underground tanks, container units, and silos are all used for pellet storage
Pellets are distributed in bagged or bulk form by truck, rail, or ship

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3. Fibre Supply
Fibre supply

MS Access databases and GIS data provided were mined for relevant information
Data was pulled and sorted by:
Merchantable unmarketable round wood v. cut tops v. bypassed tops
Excel file containing the above was distributed to SFL managers for each of the seven
forests participating in the study
SFL managers were asked to confirm data and/or provide any changes
SFL managers responses were received electronically and confirmed verbally, with any
significant anomalies from the data provided discussed
Cubic metres (m3) were converted to oven dried tonnes (ODT) to determine approximate
potential wood pellet production, net of dryer fuel supply (tops), per forest

18 CONFIDENTIAL Not for distribution Wood pellet plant cost study Deloitte & Touche LLP and affiliated entities.
Fibre supply
Overview of region being covered

The GLSL region has a wealth of tree species. Six species groups are being considered for
the purposes of this study, including both merchantable unmarketable round wood, their
tops, and bypassed tops (those left behind in the harvest of merchantable marketable
round wood).
The chart below shows the breakdown of species across the seven studied forests with a
detailed breakdown found in appendix B:

Breakdown of Fibre Supply by


12% 4%
23% White Birch
Other Conif ers

24% White/Red Pine

Tolerant Hardwoods

Each of the above species can be utilized in the pelletizing process. The only significant
difference for pelletizing purposes is moisture content of the incoming fibre, which can be
smoothed out by managing fibre intake and in the drying process.
19 CONFIDENTIAL Not for distribution Wood pellet plant cost study Deloitte & Touche LLP and affiliated entities.
Fibre supply
Fibre supply input assumptions

The November 2007 IEA Bioenergy8 report on global wood pellet markets and industry
notes that fibre supply is one of the greatest areas of concern for a pelleting facility, with
availability the main determinant of a plant's scale.
Fibre Supply:
Can be affected by stand accessibility, logging practices, top removal restrictions, etc.
Does not include private forest or First Nations forest, both of which can have a
significant impact on the recommended plant sizes and locations, except for:
Sudbury, where the NSwakamok hold 17% of the Sudbury forest; and
Nipissing First Nation, which is estimated to have 16,516 m3 available annually.
In the cases of Nipissing, Sudbury, and Temagami, 70% of the available fibre supply
represents assigned but not utilized round wood volumes. Removing these volumes
from the available annual fibre supply would leave the following:

Merchentable &
Forest All In (m3) Tops (m3)
Unmarketable (m3)
Nipissing 196,825 150,820 46,005
Sudbury 113,762 78,255 35,507
Temagami 60,434 44,138 16,296
Total 371,021 273,213 97,808

Based on information provided by wood pellet plant equipment manufacturers, between

15% and 20% of the total incoming fibre supply is required to fuel the dryer. An
average of 17.5% has been applied for the purposes of this study.

20 CONFIDENTIAL Not for distribution Wood pellet plant cost study Deloitte & Touche LLP and affiliated entities.
Fibre supply
Fibre supply and pellet production

Total annual available fibre, as provided by MNR and confirmed or adjusted by SFL
management, is as follows:

Total Fibre Supply Merchantable

Forest Tops (m3)
(m3) Unmarketable (m3)

Bancroft-Minden Forest 67,708 49,910 17,798

French-Severn Forest 189,280 189,280 -
Mazinaw-Lanark Forest 112,051 64,757 47,294
Nipissing Forest (incl. Nipissing First Nation) 608,121 419,123 188,998
Ottawa Valley Forest 40,668 15,006 25,662
Sudbury Forest 479,277 356,277 123,000
Temagami 179,952 126,686 53,266
Total 1,677,057 1,221,039 456,018

Fibre supply (tops) for dryer fuel (m3) @ 17.5% of total fibre supply 293,485

Fibre supply remaining for pelletization (m3) 1,221,039 162,533

Total pellet production (converted to ODT) 712,540 = 628,835 + 83,705

A conversion factor of 1:0.515 has been applied to convert green m3 to oven dried tonnes
Total potential pellet production of approximately 712,540 tonnes from available fibre
supply is net of the tops required to fuel the dryers but includes the remaining available
tops as calculated above.
Note that only tops are used as fuel for the dryers. The above shows that more than 60%
of tops are used for drying, with the balance put toward pellet production.

21 CONFIDENTIAL Not for distribution Wood pellet plant cost study Deloitte & Touche LLP and affiliated entities.
Fibre supply
Private forests

Private forest fibre supply and availability is difficult to ascertain as most have not
developed a Forest Management Plan (FMP) and are not required to do so.
Efforts are continuously being made by both the federal and provincial governments to
encourage land owners to develop an FMP in support of the forestry industry and forest
renewal and sustainability. Programs include:
support from government and the private sector in developing FMPs on private land;
special tax considerations for private landowners with sustainable FMPs in place.
Depending on the location of private forest, its size, and use, estimates of what might
reasonably be made available for harvest can vary significantly. For example:
Some forests have active cottage associations that are often against allowing their
forests to be harvested for a variety of reasons, making private wood increasingly
difficult to source;
Landowners in more rural areas often see their forests as a source of income and
recognize the importance of a sustainable forest management plan and renewal
program; and
Much of the private forest in the north is owned by forestry companies who have FMPs in
place but whose wood is committed to their own operations in the areas.

22 CONFIDENTIAL Not for distribution Wood pellet plant cost study Deloitte & Touche LLP and affiliated entities.
Fibre supply
Private forests

The following best estimates were gathered from participating SFL management and
converted to tonnes of pellets, net the fibre required for fueling the drying process:

Private Land Round & Tops (m3) Fuel Required (m3) Total Pellets (tonnes)
Bancroft-Minden 20,000 3,500 8,498
French-Severn 10,000 1,750 4,249
Mazinaw-Lanark 400,000 70,000 169,950
Nipissing Forest - - -
Ottawa Valley Forest 81,336 14,234 34,558
Sudbury Forest - - -
Temagami - - -
Totals 511,336 89,484 217,254

Due to the difficulty in ascertaining private forest fibre availability discussed on the
previous slide, this studys focus for plant recommendations is based solely on Crown
merchantable unmarketable fibre (and tops) within the study area, except where
otherwise noted.

23 CONFIDENTIAL Not for distribution Wood pellet plant cost study Deloitte & Touche LLP and affiliated entities.
Fibre supply
First Nations

Many of the forest areas owned by First Nations do not have FMPs in place and as a result,
official numbers are difficult to determine.
The First Nations communities across Ontario are extremely interested in participating in
the fostering of a sustainable and active forestry industry.
First Nations communities are active with management boards of the SFLs for the forests
in which they hold land.
First Nations support can provide investment, fibre supply and a skilled work force for
wood pellet plants.
Estimated fibre availability in the GLSL region from First Nations includes:
French-Severn: 5,000 m3 per year
Nipissing: 16,516 m3 per year
Sudbury: 17% of the forest (included in Crown volumes for the purposes of this study)

24 CONFIDENTIAL Not for distribution Wood pellet plant cost study Deloitte & Touche LLP and affiliated entities.
Fibre supply
Harvest cost input assumptions

Where harvest costs do not include slashing/bucking, a $4/m3 charge has been added for
Haulage costs have been provided as approximates and for each forest are based on a
varying range of distance, up to 150kms/one way/per m3. Where the haulage cost
provided was for a significantly lower distance, it was increased proportionally to represent
a 100-150km range for consistency.
Renewal and Stumpage fees are as per MNRs May 2008 document Evaluation Process for
Biofibre Volume and Value Calculations.9
Where no administration cost is included, it has been embedded by the SFL in the harvest
cost numbers.

25 CONFIDENTIAL Not for distribution Wood pellet plant cost study Deloitte & Touche LLP and affiliated entities.
Fibre supply
Harvest cost per m3 by forest

Fibre supply costs were assembled through a survey of forest managers who worked with
SFL board members and industry participants operating in their respective forests to
gather representative data.
The resultant fibre supply cost by forest and major component are as follows:

Bancroft French Mazinaw Ottawa

Nipissing Sudbury Temagami Average
Minden Severn Lanark Valley

Harvest Cost $ 24.50 $ 12.20 $ 21.00 $ 12.20 $ 17.00 $ 12.20 $ 12.20 $ 15.90

Slashing/Bucking $ - $ 4.00 $ - $ 4.00 $ - $ 4.00 $ 4.00 $ 2.29

Road Const. & Maint. $ 5.50 $ 6.00 $ 5.00 $ 6.00 $ 3.25 $ 6.00 $ 6.00 $ 5.39

Haulage (m3/ ~100 kms) $ 16.00 $ 12.00 $ 16.00 $ 12.00 $ 12.50 $ 12.00 $ 12.00 $ 13.21

Renewal Fees $ 0.25 $ 0.25 $ 0.25 $ 0.25 $ 0.25 $ 0.25 $ 0.25 $ 0.25

Stumpage Fee $ 1.07 $ 1.07 $ 1.07 $ 1.07 $ 1.07 $ 1.07 $ 1.07 $ 1.07

Administration $ 2.81 $ 5.31 $ 5.75 $ 4.81 $ 3.10 $ 4.81 $ 4.81 $ 4.49

Total delivered cost / m3 $ 50.13 $ 40.83 $ 49.07 $ 40.33 $ 37.17 $ 40.33 $ 40.33 $ 42.60

26 CONFIDENTIAL Not for distribution Wood pellet plant cost study Deloitte & Touche LLP and affiliated entities.
4. Site selection
Site selection

Three step process used:

Deloitte based research

(including input from MNR, SFLs, industry experts and research)

Step 1: Apply broad identification criteria to

Identify Long List determine long list

Step 2: Apply narrowing criteria

Identify Short List to determine short list

Step 3: Analyze
Short list
Identify Recommended

final list will consist of multiple sites with varying output levels

28 CONFIDENTIAL Not for distribution Wood pellet plant cost study Deloitte & Touche LLP and affiliated entities.
Site selection
Step 1: Identify long list

Interviews conducted with:

SFL managers
Industry participants and experts
Broad identification criteria applied included:
Cities or towns in or in the vicinity of the forests being considered in the study
Cities or towns with operational or recently operational saw, pulp, pole, etc. mills
Infrastructure, utilities, etc.
Skilled / experienced labour
Access (e.g. roads, permitable sites etc.)
Long list: 34 potential sites
Bancroft-Minden: 3
French-Severn: 5
Mazinaw-Lanark: 1
Nipissing: 3
Ottawa Valley: 13
Sudbury: 4
Sites outside study area: 5

29 CONFIDENTIAL Not for distribution Wood pellet plant cost study Deloitte & Touche LLP and affiliated entities.
Site selection
Step 2: Identify short list

Further site criteria and consideration developed through:

Interviews with MNR and SFL managers
Industry experts
Published forestry reports, wood pellet reports and related studies
Characteristics used to analyze long list include:
Proximity to rail lines (within 5km)
Proximity to operating or potential deep water ports
Opportunities for synergies (e.g. CHP, district heating, etc.)
Short list: 17 potential sites
Bancroft-Minden: 0
French Severn: 5 (Huntsville, South River, Bracebridge area, Parry Sound, Britt)
Mazinaw-Lanark: 0
Nipissing: 3 (Mattawa, Sturgeon Falls, North Bay)
Ottawa Valley: 2 (Pembroke, Renfrew)
Sudbury: 2 (Sudbury, Nairn Centre)
Sites outside study area: 5 (Rossland, Peterborough area, Trenton, Bowmanville,

30 CONFIDENTIAL Not for distribution Wood pellet plant cost study Deloitte & Touche LLP and affiliated entities.
Site selection
Potential ports

Deep water ports are critical to the export of wood pellets to Europe, currently the worlds
largest market. Proximity and accessibility to deep water ports is an important
consideration in locating pellet plants to help reduce logistic challenges and transportation
costs to market.
The following deep water ports (at least 20-25 feet) were identified through discussion
with MNR and the SFLs as potential ports (some currently operating at limited capacity)
from which to ship wood pellets produced in the GLSL Region:
Fisher Harbour
Owen Sound
Parry Sound
Prescott (active port with capacity and bulk handling facilities, direct rail access and
operating ethanol plant)
Each of the above along with the short list of pellet plant sites is identified in the map on
the following slide.

31 CONFIDENTIAL Not for distribution Wood pellet plant cost study Deloitte & Touche LLP and affiliated entities.
Site selection
Short list of plant sites with potential ports

32 CONFIDENTIAL Not for distribution Wood pellet plant cost study Deloitte & Touche LLP and affiliated entities.
Site selection
Step 3: Identify recommended sites

Based on the potential for approximately 712,540 tonnes of pellet production from
available round wood and tops:
Six plants are recommended, with optimal efficient plant sizes ranging from 100,000 to
150,000 tonnes per year
Each plant will be located and sized based on the fibre supply basket within an
approximately 150km range
This will allow for a small amount of excess capacity at each plant that can utilize fibre
Private forest;
First Nations forest;
Algonquin forest; and
Forests outside the study area in Ontario and/or Quebec.

33 CONFIDENTIAL Not for distribution Wood pellet plant cost study Deloitte & Touche LLP and affiliated entities.
Site selection
Final site recommendations

Operating mills and biochem plant, skilled work force

Renfrew Freight rail running through

Operating mills, skilled work force

Freight rail running through
South River Proximity to Algonquin park which currently harvests over 500,000
m3 per year (potential plant expansion opportunity)

Freight rail running directly through non-operational mill

Skilled work force throughout Parry Sound Area
Britt Potential deep water port revitalization being studied by Parry
Sound Area Community Business & Development Centre

Several operating mills, skilled work force

Sudbury Freight rail running through
Opportunities for co-gen / sale of district energy

Operating mills, skilled work force

Sturgeon Freight rail running through
Falls Able to capture fibre from each of Sudbury, Nipissing & Temagami

Several operating mills, skilled work force

North Bay Multiple freight rails running directly through it
Opportunities for co-gen / sale of district energy

34 CONFIDENTIAL Not for distribution Wood pellet plant cost study Deloitte & Touche LLP and affiliated entities.
Site selection
Final site recommendations and output levels

35 CONFIDENTIAL Not for distribution Wood pellet plant cost study Deloitte & Touche LLP and affiliated entities.
Site selection
Final site recommendations and output levels

Site Location Fibre Source Pellet Fibre Supply (m3) Pellet Output (tonnes) Fibre Source and Pellet Fibre
Renfrew Mazinaw-Lanark 92,442 47,608
Ottawa Valley 33,551 17,279 Supply refer to the
Bancroft-Minden 55,859 28,767 originating forest and
Total 12,323 93,654
Plant size 100,000 respective annual volumes.
South River French-Severn 78,078 40,210 Pellet Output refers to the
Nipissing 122,019 62,840 tonnes of wood pellets
Total 13,496 103,050
Plant size 110,000 produced from the
Britt French-Severn 78,078 40,210
remaining Fibre Supply.
Sudbury 59,311 30,545
Nipissing 73,211 37,704
Plants are sized with excess
Total 2,993 108,459 capacity that can be filled by
Plant size 110,000
a number of sources
Sudbury Sudbury 276,782 142,543 discussed earlier.
Total 14,480 142,543
Plant size 150,000 In addition, if alternate sites
Sturgeon Falls Nipissing 97,615 50,272 or plant output levels are
Temagami 74,230 38,229 desired, Pellet Fibre Supply
Sudbury 59,311 30,545
Total 1,854 119,045 can be reallocated
Plant size 120,000 accordingly to
North Bay Nipissing 195,230 100,543 accommodate.
Nipissing First Nation 13,626 7,017
Temagami 74,230 38,229
Total 8,177 145,789
plant size 150,000

Total Pellet Production from Fibre Supply 712,540

Total Pellet Production Capacity 740,000

36 CONFIDENTIAL Not for distribution Wood pellet plant cost study Deloitte & Touche LLP and affiliated entities.
Site selection
Additional considerations

Further consideration for finalizing site recommendations should include:

Geographic distribution of accessible fibre supply within the forests participating in this
Consideration of available fibre supply outside the boundaries of the forests participating
in this study as additional supply sources, potentially having an impact on plant size and
More detailed analysis of the private forest fibre potentially available as supply for pellet
Consideration of pellet plants proposed outside of the forests participating in this study
but close enough to utilize the same sources of fibre;
Existing potentially available sites (non operational mills, sites with existing permits,
etc.) in the short listed cities and towns;
Ease of ingress (fibre supply) and egress (final product), including accessibility to rail
line (each of the 17 short listed have a freight rail line running directly through or in
close proximity); and
Potential tax and other financial incentives available from local and municipal

37 CONFIDENTIAL Not for distribution Wood pellet plant cost study Deloitte & Touche LLP and affiliated entities.
5. Capital costs
Capital costs
Input assumptions

Base capital cost: $125 per tonne output

i.e. 145,000 tonne per year plant = $18.125 million
Includes key equipment, building, site development and soft costs
Based on research indicating a range of $100-150 per tonne of output
~$100 from equipment manufacturers , BC Biomass Energy Primer (not including building, site
development, soft costs, etc.)
~$127 from a 2005 study titled "Strategic Analysis of a Pellet Fuel Opportunity in Northwest British
~$100 to $150 from industry sources, dependent on experience of management and timing
Additional capital costs included:
Grinding on site: $3-4 million
Grinder, log deck, handling and debarking equipment, etc.
Considerably cheaper to operate with electricity at plant than diesel at harvest site
Pellet market currently has some difficulty absorbing this additional cost but as the need to utilize
round wood for pelletization increases, markets will be forced to adapt (available merchantable
unmarketable in Ontario, Pine beetle infested wood in BC, etc.)
Enhanced emission controls: $500k-1 million
Including Electro Static Precipitator
Can reduce emissions from 120-150 tonnes per year to 1-2 tonnes per year
Pellet storage, rail car loading facility and equipment: $2 million
Based on information from wood pellet plant equipment manufacturers and industry sources

39 CONFIDENTIAL Not for distribution Wood pellet plant cost study Deloitte & Touche LLP and affiliated entities.
Capital costs
Optional items

Optional capital costs, if applicable (not included):

Bagging equipment, if not selling all output in bulk:
$150,000 Semi automated bagging system, hand stacking and palletizing
$500,000 Fully automated bagging system, automated bagging, stacking and
Based on information from pellet bagging equipment manufacturer

Rail spur if not adjacent to existing line or spur:

$2 million per km for single freight track line, basic signaling, flat geologically sound
sparsely populated area, includes electrical & mechanical equipment
Based on information from Railway Finance - Railway Technical Web Spaces

40 CONFIDENTIAL Not for distribution Wood pellet plant cost study Deloitte & Touche LLP and affiliated entities.
6. Operating &
maintenance costs
Operating and maintenance costs
Input assumptions

Operating period:
24 hours per day, 7 days per week (if need be, 5 or 6 days per week but always 24 hours per day)
10% annual downtime for scheduled and unscheduled maintenance
Approximately 8,000 hours per year of operations

8-12 staff per shift, plus administration, for an average of 25-30 jobs created per plant
Skilled labour rates ranging from $20 to $30 per hour
Price per tonne output varies with plant capacity (~$10 per tonne at 150,000 tonnes per year)
Based on information from pellet plant developer, BC Biomass Energy Primer and industry sources
Total staff
Estimated Labour Requirements Staff per shift Number of shifts Rate per hour Per employee Total amount
General Manager 1 1 1 $ 30 $ 78,840 78,840
Plant operators 1 3 3 $ 25 $ 65,700 197,100
Mill wrights 2 3 6 $ 20 $ 52,560 315,360
Material handling 2 3 6 $ 20 $ 52,560 315,360
Logistics 1 1 1 $ 20 $ 52,560 52,560
Maintenance 1 3 3 $ 20 $ 52,560 157,680
Electrician / Programmers 1 3 3 $ 25 $ 65,700 197,100
Finance & Admin 3 1 3 $ 25 $ 65,700 197,100
Total $ 1,511,100

Fibre supply for pellets (at plant): $5 per ODT equivalent
Fibre supply for dryer fuel (in bush): $10 per ODT equivalent
Based on information from forest industry participants and wood pellet industry sources

42 CONFIDENTIAL Not for distribution Wood pellet plant cost study Deloitte & Touche LLP and affiliated entities.
Operating and maintenance costs
Input assumptions

Energy: $10 per tonne output

Includes electrical and natural gas requirements
Typically $12-15 per tonne output however adjusted in consideration of:
Decrease for replacement of natural gas with biofibre for dryer fuel; and
Increase for addition of whole log grinding operation on front end.
Roughly 25-30% of caloric value coming in is consumed in the pelletization process:
5% in hammer mill
10% in dryer
10% in pellet press
5% in material moving (can be reduced considerably if designed with gravity in mind)
Based on information from wood pellet plant equipment manufacturers and industry sources

Dryer fuel (tops): $12.79 per tonne output

Tops going to dryer fuel have been separated out from fibre supply numbers and have had the average
harvest cost less renewal fees, stumpage fees, slashing and half of the average harvest cost applied.
Approximately 17.5% the fibre supply is required to fuel the dryer to desired moisture levels
The remaining tops will be pelletized, making up ~12% of the total pellet production output
Tops typically contain higher ash levels but at these levels, should not impact the desired
specification of <1%
Based on information from wood pellet plant equipment manufacturers and industry sources

43 CONFIDENTIAL Not for distribution Wood pellet plant cost study Deloitte & Touche LLP and affiliated entities.
Operating and maintenance costs
Input assumptions

Materials and operational maintenance: $5

Includes the regular maintenance and replacement of knives, dyes, rollers, machine
parts, etc.
Based on information from wood pellet plant equipment manufacturers and industry
Repairs and lifecycle maintenance: $5
Includes shutdowns, maintenance and overhaul to extend the life of major equipment
Similar to pulp mills, with regular maintenance and upgrading (including updated
programming and controls as they become available), pellet plants can run efficiently for
several decades
Based on information from wood pellet plant equipment manufacturers and industry
Loading onto rail for bulk shipments: $2.50
Includes costs associated with movement of finished product, logistics and loading onto
rail cars for shipment to port or customer (if by rail)
Based on information from wood pellet plant equipment manufacturers and industry

44 CONFIDENTIAL Not for distribution Wood pellet plant cost study Deloitte & Touche LLP and affiliated entities.
7. Financing
Pellet plant financing
Input assumptions

Pellet plants are built, financed and operated by private sector entities, sometimes in
partnership with other forestry industry partners but most often as independents.
Project timing
Planning to commissioning typically 12-18 months
Construction assumed to begin in 2009, lasting a period of 1 year
Debt to equity ratios: 50:50
require the backing of well financed and highly experienced ownership
Return on equity: 20%
Pellet plants require experienced management with specialized backgrounds. Given the
risk involved and the amount of equity required to set up and operate a pellet plant, a
reasonably high return will be required to attract willing parties.
For financial modeling purposes a terminal value equal to the initial equity investment is
applied to the project in year 10
Debt terms: 10 years
Debt can be financed by traditional banks at standard rates however terms beyond 10
years are unlikely to garner favourable rates, if accessible at all
Rate of interest: 8.00%
Based on July 2008 Government of Canada benchmark bond yield, monthly series, 10 yr
(V122543) at 3.81%
Risk premium of 4.19% based on Deloitte's current experience with projects of similar
risk in the forestry sector

46 CONFIDENTIAL Not for distribution Wood pellet plant cost study Deloitte & Touche LLP and affiliated entities.
Pellet plant financing
Opportunities for financial assistance

Government assistance programs can in some cases be accessed where applicable, for

Ontario MNR Forest Sector Prosperity Fund10

Provides grants of up to 20% of project capital costs, to a maximum of $25million
Increases to 30% of project value for electricity related projects (CHP opportunity)
Typical grants given are in the range of 10%

Ontario MNR Loan Guarantee Program11

Provides loan guarantees for 2 to 5 years ranging from $500,000 to $25 million
Can be for up to 100% of the loan received for the project
Guarantee fees of 0.5% one time if Residual and 1% one time if 1st call

47 CONFIDENTIAL Not for distribution Wood pellet plant cost study Deloitte & Touche LLP and affiliated entities.
8. Findings and analysis
Review of input assumptions

Based on the fibre supply distribution, site recommendations and input assumptions, a
cost per tonne has been calculated for each of the six recommended wood pellet plants.
Cost per tonne is based on:
Maximum efficient plant size of 100,000 to 150,000 tonnes of pellets per year;
Final list of 6 plant sites, narrowed down from an initial list of 33 potential sites;
Disbursement of several forests' fibre supplies to multiple plants based on geographic
distribution and average distance per forest to the recommended plant locations; and
Total proposed plant capacity, including excess beyond noted available fibre supply.
After separating the required tops for dryer fuel, the remaining tops are pelletized and
represent approximately 12% of the overall available annual fibre supply for pellet
production. For simplification, these remaining tops have been combined with the
merchantable unmarketable fibre supply and priced at their originating forests harvest
Taxes have not been accounted for in these models.

49 CONFIDENTIAL Not for distribution Wood pellet plant cost study Deloitte & Touche LLP and affiliated entities.
Cost per tonne per proposed plant

The resultant costs per tonne are as follows and are presented in both 2008 (current)
costs and 2010 (year of commissioning) inflation adjusted costs:

Recommended site Renfrew South River Britt

Pellet tonnes per year 100,000 110,000 110,000
Year 2008 2010 2008 2010 2008 2010
Fibre supply $ 91.08 $ 94.76 $ 78.94 $ 82.13 $ 78.73 $ 81.91
Dryer fuel (tops) $ 12.79 $ 13.30 $ 12.79 $ 13.30 $ 12.79 $ 13.30
Grinding $ 7.12 $ 7.41 $ 7.12 $ 7.41 $ 7.12 $ 7.41
O&M + Lifecycle $ 37.61 $ 39.13 $ 36.24 $ 37.70 $ 36.24 $ 37.70
Total $ 148.60 $ 154.61 $ 135.09 $ 140.55 $ 134.87 $ 140.32
Financing $ 35.73 $ 35.73 $ 34.57 $ 34.57 $ 34.57 $ 34.57
Cost / tonne $ 184.33 $ 190.34 $ 169.66 $ 175.11 $ 169.44 $ 174.89

Recommended site Sudbury Sturgeon Falls North Bay

Pellet tonnes per year 150,000 120,000 150,000
Year 2008 2010 2008 2010 2008 2010
Fibre supply $ 78.53 $ 81.70 $ 78.35 $ 81.51 $ 78.43 $ 81.60
Dryer fuel (tops) $ 12.79 $ 13.30 $ 12.79 $ 13.30 $ 12.79 $ 13.30
Grinding $ 7.12 $ 7.41 $ 7.12 $ 7.41 $ 7.12 $ 7.41
O&M + Lifecycle $ 32.57 $ 33.89 $ 35.09 $ 36.51 $ 32.57 $ 33.89
Total $ 131.01 $ 136.30 $ 133.35 $ 138.73 $ 130.92 $ 136.21
Financing $ 31.46 $ 31.46 $ 33.59 $ 33.59 $ 31.46 $ 31.46
Cost / tonne $ 162.47 $ 167.76 $ 166.94 $ 172.33 $ 162.37 $ 167.66

50 CONFIDENTIAL Not for distribution Wood pellet plant cost study Deloitte & Touche LLP and affiliated entities.
Cost per tonne breakdown

The 2010 inflation adjusted average cost per tonne on a base case 150,000 tonne per year
plant, applying an average harvest cost to fibre supply, can be broken down as follows:

Wood Pellet Cost per Tonne (2010)


Fibre supply
Dryer fuel
2% Grinding
3% 50%
Materials & operational maint.
Repairs & lifecycle main.
Loading for bulk shippment
Principal repayment
6% Interest expense
Equity draw


Three inputs of particular note are fibre supply, which represents 50% of the cost per
tonne, equity draw, accounting for 10% of the cost per tonne, and dryer fuel at 8% of the
overall cost per tonne.
51 CONFIDENTIAL Not for distribution Wood pellet plant cost study Deloitte & Touche LLP and affiliated entities.

The chart below shows the sensitivity of key, non-variable inputs to the 2010 base case
cost per tonne of $172.12 ($166.66 in 2008), with equity return and debt term having the
most pronounced impacts.

Key Financial Input Sensitivity Analysis



$180.00 Debt/Equity Ratio

Equity Return
Interest rate
Debt term (yrs)
Oper. Inflation
Const. Inflation
FSPF Grant

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120% 140% 160% 180%

52 CONFIDENTIAL Not for distribution Wood pellet plant cost study Deloitte & Touche LLP and affiliated entities.

In addition to managing the aforementioned, reducing variable costs, particularly capital

cost per tonne as the largest cost component, will yield significant reductions in overall
cost per tonne. This can be accomplished through:
Government and industry grant programs;
An experienced managed team; and
Evolving wood pellet plant technologies allowing for cheaper and more efficient wood
pellet production.
As demand for wood pellets increases, markets will soon be forced to absorb the additional
costs of harvesting and processing round wood to ensure sufficient supply, particularly as:
BC moves towards round wood pellet processing as it begins to utilize Pine Beetle
infested stands in pellet manufacturing; and
Russian tarrifs on wood exports put Russian fibre supply, one of the largest suppliers in
the world, increasingly out of reach of European markets with the resultant shortage of
supply to Europe allowing the higher priced Canadian whole log pellets to be sold
profitably overseas.

53 CONFIDENTIAL Not for distribution Wood pellet plant cost study Deloitte & Touche LLP and affiliated entities.
Consideration of cost feasibility
Spot prices for bulk deliveries in Europe fluctuate widely by country and by supply and demand dynamics.

A group of European industry participants has started the PELLETS@LAS Project whose goal is to create
transparency in the European pellet market by addressing information gaps , removing supply bottlenecks,
reducing fluctuations in spot prices, and addressing quality assurance and consistency.

In a May 2008 report12, PELLETS@LAS noted the following recent historic pricing:

January 2008 spot bulk prices at European ports range from 125 - 190 (~$196 - $298 CDN)

January 2008 loose delivery prices to European households range from 165 - 255 (~$259 - $400 CDN)

An August 2007 factsheet prepared by SenterNovem13 in the Netherlands noted CIF price per tonne to Rotterdam
at 140 (~$219 CDN)

The European Pellet Centre14 noted prices of 180 (~$283 CDN) for large customers in Denmark, Sweden and
Germany, delivery included.
54 CONFIDENTIAL Not for distribution Wood pellet plant cost study Deloitte & Touche LLP and affiliated entities.
Consideration of cost feasibility

According to the Pellet Fuels Institute April 2008 Market Update Industry Survey15:
Market prices in Canada currently average $170-$180 CDN per tonne; and
Market prices in the North East US currently average $120-$179 CDN per tonne
In order for a pellet plant to be feasible, transportation costs, logistics costs, and middleman or retailer
markups must be recoverable in the spread between the cost per tonne to produce and the market price.
Transportation cost considerations can include:
Hauling to local port for shipment and from port to purchaser in Europe or Asia
Shipping by rail to US market
Shipping by rail or transport to distributors or directly to power generating facilities in Ontario that
have been retrofit to co-fire low carbon emitting wood pellets
When compared to existing pellet plants, it is important to note that most current operations utilize saw
mill residue and residue from other wood product processors/manufacturers, resulting in considerably
lower fibre supply costs:
Fibre supply: no harvesting and lower transportation costs (often located near supply mills);
Capital: no need for chipping equipment; and
Operating: no labour or energy for chipping, less dryer fuel required per tonne of pellets.
While the spread may initially appear close, further investigation into market prices, transportation and
logistic costs to market are critical to determining feasibility. While there appears to be room between
the cost of production and current market prices, both in Europe and North America, the unpredictability
of the current spot markets make forecasting feasibility on tight margins particularly difficult.
If demand continues to rise as predicted however, markets will find themselves either adapting to
additional costs, such as whole log chipping and Russian tariffs, or accelerating the development of
newer, more efficient technologies, and the Ontario forestry industry has the opportunity to be at the
forefront in both respects.
55 CONFIDENTIAL Not for distribution Wood pellet plant cost study Deloitte & Touche LLP and affiliated entities.
8. Other considerations
Other considerations

Broad infrastructure considerations

Access may be required to areas where harvesting has not previously taken place, requiring some road
construction and access clearing;
Upgrades to roads, utilities, water, and sewer may be necessary depending on the condition of specific
sites selected;
Short rail spurs may be required to connect pellet plants to the main rail line or nearby spurs if not
located directly on them; and
Ports with suitable pellet storage facilities, loading and unloading equipment, dust and fire suppressant
systems are required for shipment overseas.

Contract structuring
Commercial sales contracts are trending towards pricing in BTU or MW value;
When priced in cubic metres or tonnes, moisture levels and HHV can be manipulated. These
specifications should be noted in contracts only as minimum acceptable levels with the benefit of the
same size and consistency for the end user; and
ISO Standard M28/95 has been established for thermal value measurement consistency and should be
used as the standard in sales contracts.

Harvest cost synergies

Harvesting merchantable unmarketable round wood and removing tops in conjunction with
merchantable marketable wood harvests where applicable could lower overhead and other costs; and
Opportunities may exist to more economically chip whole logs at the harvest site if done in conjunction
with larger harvesting operations. This will reduce both the capital and operating costs of new plants
but must be included in fibre supply contracts where possible to avoid incurring unexpected and
avoidable costs up front or down the road.

57 CONFIDENTIAL Not for distribution Wood pellet plant cost study Deloitte & Touche LLP and affiliated entities.
Other considerations

Combined Heat and Power synergies

As new pellet plants are built in Canada, they are increasingly being considered as CHP
facilities to produce up to 10 MW of power. While a higher initial investment will be
required, the ability to sell power at renewable or clean energy prices into the power
grid can help return the investment quickly and help with the economics of the pellet
plant itself. Several opportunities for pellet plants with CHP in the forests under study
North Bay:
First Nations nearby have property adjacent to a hospital that they have been considering as a
site for a CHP plant, which could be built in conjunction with a wood pellet plant.
Significant private forest held by Inco and Falconbridge who have considered setting up a CHP
plant, that could be built in conjunction with a wood pellet plant for maximum synergy
Britt/South River:
Running along highways 11 and 69 respectively, heavy load carrying electricity lines would be
ideal for a CHP plant to sell large amounts of electricity into the grid without the worry of network
overload. Interest has recently been expressed in building a CHP pellet plant in South River, but
has not been pursued further.
Interest has been expressed in building a wood pellet manufacturing plant in Cornwall with a CHP
component. Steam from the facility could be sold to any number of companies or institutions in
Cornwall and pellets could be loaded directly onto ship for transport overseas.

58 CONFIDENTIAL Not for distribution Wood pellet plant cost study Deloitte & Touche LLP and affiliated entities.
Other considerations

Torrefied pellets
According to the BC Biomass Energy Primer, torrefied wood pellets are an emerging technology developed in the
Netherlands, with an energy density some 20% higher than commercial wood pellets and consuming only half
the electricity in production.
Thermo chemically treated pellets, while not yet widely produced or used and still under study, are designed to:
increase energy density, reducing transportation costs;
reduce biological activity;
reduce smoke production;
withstand up to twice the crushing force of normal wood pellets; and
store longer and be more forgiving to fluctuating temperatures and humidity levels.
Topell, a torrefied pellet manufacturer in the Netherlands points out that "all fibrous biomasses are suitable for
torrefaction resulting in a higher feedstock flexibility and thus in the opportunity to process low valued raw
materials to a high value biocoal."
This would link well with the recent MNR directive encouraging the use of biofibres in creating renewable, carbon
neutral fuel sources for power generation and further development of the technology might find support under
programs contemplated by MNR stemming from this directive.

Moisture levels (of <5%)

Lower moisture means higher density and higher energy value.
This provides benefits in shipping and logistics as more energy can be transported at a lower price.
The lower the moisture levels however, the greater the wear on pellet manufacturing equipment, leading to
increased maintenance costs and wear on equipment ,and in turn increased operating costs.
Moisture levels <5% may require treatment to reintroduce lignin and many buyers will not buy treated pellets.
Low moisture levels also require additional care in storage and transport due to risk of spontaneous combustion.

59 CONFIDENTIAL Not for distribution Wood pellet plant cost study Deloitte & Touche LLP and affiliated entities.
Appendix A:
Premium pellet specifications
Premium pellet specifications
(as per MNR Terms of Reference)

All pellets are to be produced to meet current typical wood pellet specifications (all values,
as received):
Gross Calorific Value (HHV): > 19MJ/kg
Moisture: < 5%
Ash < 1%
Bulk Density > 650 kg/m3
Particle Size Distribution 100% < 3mm
(dust in pellet) 95% < 2mm
75% < 1.5mm
50% < 1mm
Pellet Size < 10mm diameter
< 40mm length

61 CONFIDENTIAL Not for distribution Wood pellet plant cost study Deloitte & Touche LLP and affiliated entities.
Appendix B:
Fibre supply
Fibre supply
Breakdown of species by forest

The following is a breakdown of Crown forest fibre supply by species considered for the
wood pellet cost study, including round wood and tops, as confirmed by forest
White/Red Spruce-Pine- Tolerant
Forest White Birch Other Conifer Poplar All In
Pine Fir Hardwoods
SFL Manager Estimates
Bancroft-Minden Forest 3,879 2,398 17,424 9,527 5,255 29,225 67,708
French-Severn Forest 6,760 15,210 18,590 27,040 21,125 100,555 189,280
Mazinaw-Lanark Forest 7,758 5,129 25,954 10,785 5,435 56,990 112,051
Nipissing Forest 63,024 18,569 180,481 32,714 166,841 129,976 591,605
Ottawa Valley Forest 6,174 696 5,543 2,523 1,589 24,144 40,668
Sudbury Forest 63,297 7,580 119,590 79,408 190,896 18,506 479,277
Temagami 51,985 12,013 32,282 37,096 27,346 19,230 179,952
202,877 61,595 399,864 199,092 418,487 378,626 1,660,541

Breakdown of Fibre Supply by


12% 4%
23% White Birch
Other Conif ers

24% White/Red Pine

Tolerant Hardwoods

63 CONFIDENTIAL Not for distribution Wood pellet plant cost study Deloitte & Touche LLP and affiliated entities.
Appendix C:
Fibre supply haulage distances
Fibre supply haulage distances

Forest City Avg. Distance (km) Deloitte was provided with

Bancroft-Minden Forest Britt 298 average distances, based on GIS
Bancroft-Minden Forest Huntsville 160
Bancroft-Minden Forest Prescott 263
data, from each forest to cities
Bancroft-Minden Forest Renfrew 154 throughout the GLSL Region.
French-Severn Forest Britt 121
French-Severn Forest Huntsville 90
French-Severn Forest North Bay 137
French-Severn Forest South River 95 This data was used to help
Mazinaw-Lanark Forest Huntsville 226 determine site recommendations.
Mazinaw-Lanark Forest Prescott 192
Mazinaw-Lanark Forest Renfrew 120
Nipissing Forest Britt 164
Nipissing Forest Huntsville 180
Nipissing Forest Nairn Centre 203
Nipissing Forest North Bay 73
Nipissing Forest South River 114
Nipissing Forest Sturgeon Falls 84
Nipissing Forest Sudbury 153
Ottawa Valley Forest Huntsville 213
Ottawa Valley Forest Prescott 218
Ottawa Valley Forest Renfrew 88
Sudbury Forest Britt 130
Sudbury Forest Nairn Centre 96
Sudbury Forest North Bay 154
Sudbury Forest South River 206
Sudbury Forest Sturgeon Falls 116
Sudbury Forest Sudbury 69
Sudbury Forest Thessalon 260
Temagami Nairn Centre 255
Temagami North Bay 140
Temagami Sturgeon Falls 137
Temagami Sudbury 204

65 CONFIDENTIAL Not for distribution Wood pellet plant cost study Deloitte & Touche LLP and affiliated entities.
Appendix D:

1. Standard & Poors, Industry Surveys: Paper & Forest Products, January 2008
2. IEA Bioenergy, Global Wood Pellets Markets and Industry: Policy Drivers, Market Status
and Raw Material Potential, November 2007
3. proPellets Austria, Production and market trends and EU perspective, June 2008
4. Pinnacle Pellet Inc., Canadian Pellet Production for Worldwide Markets, June 2008
5. Biofuels Canada, On the Path to a Bioenergy-Rich Future, August/September 2008
6. Canadian Council of Forest Managers, Facing the Challenges of Forest Industry
Restructuring, October 2006
7. Government of Ontario, Ministry of Natural Resources, Forest Management Directives
and Procedures: Forest Biofibre Allocation and Use (Directive FOR 03 02 01), August
13, 2008
8. IEA Bioenergy, see 2 above
9. Government of Ontario, Ministry of Natural Resources, Evaluation process for biofibre
volume and value calculations, May 6, 2008
10. Government of Ontario, Ministry of Natural Resources, Forest Sector Prosperity Fund,
11. Government of Ontario, Ministry of Natural Resources, Loan Guarantee Program,

67 CONFIDENTIAL Not for distribution Wood pellet plant cost study Deloitte & Touche LLP and affiliated entities.

12. THE PELLETS@LAS PROJECT, A Comprehensive European Pellet Market Overview, May
13. SenterNovem, EUBIONET2: Factsheet 10 the Netherlands: Wood Pellets from
Canada, August 2007
14. Ibid
15. Pellet Fuels Institute Newsletter, 2008 Issue #1, Page 6

68 CONFIDENTIAL Not for distribution Wood pellet plant cost study Deloitte & Touche LLP and affiliated entities.
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