2 Sian Vs PNB
2 Sian Vs PNB
2 Sian Vs PNB
Nimfa filed a petition with RTC Negros Occidental [Cadastral
Case:22] for cancellation of mortgage liens annotated on
three titled properties against PNB-Republic Bank [PNB-RB],
now Maybank Philippines, Inc., and RD Negros Occidental. On
23 August 2001, the last day for Maybank to file responsive
pleading, PNB moved for substitution and to dismiss alleging
that: (1) the properties involved were already transferred
from Maybank to PNB by virtue of dacion en pago executed by
them; (2) PNB, having acquired legal interest over the
properties, not Maybank, would be adversely affected by an
unfavorable judgment; and (3) complaint has no verification
and certification against forum shopping.
Whether or not lack of due process is an additional ground for
annulment of judgment. [YES]
Petition is Denied.
x x x x (Underscoring supplied)