Maglev Wind Mill Report

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This project dwells on the implementation of an alternate configuration of a wind

turbine for power generation purposes. Using the effects of magnetic repulsion,
spiral shaped wind turbine blades will be fitted on a rod for stability during rotation
and suspended on magnets as a replacement for ball bearings which are normally
used on conventional wind turbines. Power will then be generated with an axial
flux generator, which incorporates the use of permanent magnets and a set of coils.
A SEPIC converter will then be used to regulate the varying voltage from the
rectifier to output a steady DC voltage.

Magnetic levitation, maglev, or magnetic suspension is a method by which an

object is suspended with no support other than magnetic fields. Magnetic pressure
is used to counteract the effects of the gravitational and any other accelerations.
The principal advantage of a maglev windmill from a conventional one is, as the
rotor is floating in the air due to levitation, mechanical friction is totally
eliminated. That makes the rotation possible in very low wind speeds. Maglev
wind turbines have several advantages over conventional wind turbines. For
instance, theyre able to use winds with starting speeds as low as 1.5 meters per
second (m/s). Also, they could operate in winds exceeding 40 m/s.
Renewable energy is generally electricity supplied from sources, such as wind
power, solar power, geothermal energy, hydropower and various forms of biomass.
These sources have been coined renewable due to their continuous replenishment
and availability for use over and over again. The popularity of renewable energy
has experienced a significant upsurge in recent times due to the exhaustion of
conventional power generation methods and increasing realization of its adverse
effects on the environment. This popularity has been bolstered by cutting edge
research and ground breaking technology that has been introduced so far to aid in
the effective tapping of these natural resources and it is estimated that renewable
sources might contribute about 20% 50% to energy consumption in the latter part
of the 21st century. Facts from the World Wind Energy Association estimates that
by 2010, 160GW of wind power capacity is expected to be installed worldwide
which implies an anticipated net growth rate of more than 21% per year [2.1]. This
project focuses on the utilization of wind energy as a renewable source. In the
United States alone, wind capacity has grown about 45% to 16.7GW and it
continues to grow with the facilitation of new wind projects [2.2]. The aim of this
major qualifying project is to design and implement a magnetically levitated
vertical axis wind turbine system that has the ability to operate in both high and
low wind speed conditions. Our choice for this model is to showcase its efficiency
in varying wind conditions as compared to the traditional horizontal axis wind
turbine and contribute to its steady growing popularity for the purpose of mass
utilization in the near future as a reliable source of power generation. Unlike the
traditional horizontal axis wind turbine, this design is levitated via maglev
(magnetic levitation) vertically on a rotor shaft. This maglev technology, which
will be looked at in great detail, serves as an efficient replacement for ball bearings
used on the conventional wind turbine and is usually implemented with permanent
magnets. This levitation will be used between the rotating shaft of the turbine
blades and the base of the whole wind turbine system. The conceptual design also
entails the usage of spiral shaped blades and with continuing effective research into
the functioning of sails in varying wind speeds and other factors, an efficient shape
and size will be determined for a suitable turbine blade for the project. With the
appropriate mechanisms in place, we expect to harness enough wind for power
generation by way of an axial flux generator built from permanent magnets and
copper coils. The arrangement of the magnets will cultivate an effective magnetic
field and the copper coils will facilitate voltage capture due to the changing
magnetic field. The varying 2 output voltage obtained at this juncture will then be
passed through a DC-DC converter to achieve a steady output DC voltage.

Wind is a form of solar energy. It is a natural power source that can be

economically used to generate electricity. The way in which wind is created is
from the atmosphere of the sun causing areas of uneven heating. In conjunction
with the uneven heating of the sun, rotation of the earth and the rockiness of the
earths surface winds are formed. The terms wind energy or wind power describes
the process by which the wind is used to generate mechanical power or electricity.
Wind turbines convert the kinetic energy in the wind into mechanical power. This
mechanical power can be used for specific tasks (such as grinding grain or
pumping water) or a generator can convert this mechanical power into electricity.
The wind turbine is used for conversion of kinetic energy of wind into electrical
energy. The wind turns the blades, which spin a shaft, which connects to a
generator and makes electricity. The Maglev wind turbine design is a vast
departure from conventional propeller designs. Its main advantages are that it uses
frictionless bearings and a magnetic levitation design and it does not need to vast
spaces required by more conventional wind turbines. It also requires little if any
maintenance. The Maglev wind turbine was first unveiled at the Wind Power Asia
exhibition in Beijing 2007. The unique operating principle behind this design is
through magnetic levitation. Magnetic levitation is supposedly an extremely
efficient system for wind energy. The vertically oriented blades of the wind turbine
are suspended in the air replacing any need for ball bearings.


This section introduces and provides a brief description of the major components
and factors that will contribute to an efficiently functioning wind turbine. These
factors are wind power, the generator, magnet levitation and the DC-DC converter.
Later sections will provide an in-depth look into the essence of each factor and its
function and importance to the overall operation of the vertical axis wind turbine.
A. Wind Power Undoubtedly, the projects ability to function is solely dependent
on the power of wind and its availability. Wind is known to be another form of
solar energy because it comes about as a result of uneven heating of the
atmosphere by the sun coupled with the abstract topography of the earths surface.
With wind turbines, two categories of winds are relevant to their applications,
namely local winds and planetary winds. The latter is the most dominant and it is
usually a major factor in deciding sites for very effective wind turbines especially
with the horizontal axis types. These winds are usually found along shore lines,
mountain tops, valleys and open plains. The former is the type you will find in
regular environments like the city or rural areas, basically where settlements are
present. This type of wind is not conducive for effective power generation; it only
has a lot of worth when it accompanies moving planetary winds. In later chapters,
more focus will be placed on the power of wind and effective ways to design wind
turbines for optimal wind power production. B. Generator The basic understanding
of a generator is that it converts mechanical energy to electrical energy. Generators
are utilized extensively in various applications and for the most part have
similarities that exist between these applications. However the few differences
present is what really distinguishes a system operating on an AC motor from
another on the same principle of operation and likewise with DC motors. With the
axial flux generator design, its operability is based on permanent magnet
alternators where the concept of magnets and magnetic fields are the dominant
factors in this form of generator functioning. These generators have air gap surface
perpendicular to the rotating axis and the air gap generates magnetic fluxes parallel
to the axis. In further chapters we will take a detailed look into their basic
operation and the configuration of our design. 4 C. Magnetic Levitation Also
known as maglev, this phenomenon operates on the repulsion characteristics of
permanent magnets. This technology has been predominantly utilized in the rail
industry in the Far East to provide very fast and reliable transportation on maglev
trains and with ongoing research its popularity is increasingly attaining new
heights. Using a pair of permanent magnets like neodymium magnets and
substantial support magnetic levitation can easily be experienced. By placing these
two magnets on top of each other with like polarities facing each other, the
magnetic repulsion will be strong enough to keep both magnets at a distance away
from each other. The force created as a result of this repulsion can be used for
suspension purposes and is strong enough to balance the weight of an object
depending on the threshold of the magnets. In this project, we expect to implement
this technology for the purpose of achieving vertical orientation with our rotors as
well as the axial flux generator. D. DC-DC Conversion In order to begin the
analysis of DC-DC converters it is important to first understand the concept behind
a converter. Over the years, alternating current has been the common choice of
power supply. AC is popular because the voltage can be easily stepped up or down
using a transformer. Due to the inherent properties of a transformer, DC voltage
cannot be altered using this type of equipment. Transformers operate due to a
changing magnetic field in which the change in magnetic flux induces a current.
Direct current cannot provide a changing magnetic field therefore a transformer
with an applied DC input would only produce heat. The concept of DC-DC
conversion emerged after the development of fast switching transistors. By varying
the duty cycle of the pulse that is applied to the gate of the transistor for switching,
these converters can buck or boost the voltage as if it were a DC transformer.
When accurate feedback back is applied to this type of circuit, the converter will
not only transform a supply voltage to the desired output but also maintain it given
a varying input. These qualities of DC-DC converters are the foundation of the
circuit that will be chosen for this project.

Renewable energy is generally electricity supplied from sources, such as wind

power, solar power, geothermal energy, hydropower and various forms of biomass.
These sources have been coined renewable due to their continuous replenishment
and availability for use over and over again. The popularity of renewable energy
has experienced a significant upsurge in recent times due to the exhaustion of
conventional power generation methods and increasing realization of its adverse
effects on the environment. It is estimated that renewable sources might contribute
about 20%-50% to energy consumption in the later part of the 21st century. Facts
from the World Wind Energy Association estimates that by 2010, 160GW of wind
power capacity is expected to be installed worldwide which implies an anticipated
net growth rate of more than 21% per year. Maglev wind turbines have several
advantages over conventional wind turbines. For instance, theyre able to use
winds with starting speeds as low as 1.5 meters per second (m/s). Also, they could
operate in winds exceeding 40 m/s. It would also increase generation capacity by
20% over conventional wind turbines and decrease operational costs by 50%. This
makes the efficiency of the system higher than conventional wind turbine.
Currently, the largest conventional wind turbines in the world produce only five
megawatts of power. However, one large maglev wind turbine could generate one
GW of clean power, enough to supply energy to 75,000 homes. The turbine uses
permanent type of rare earth magnets (neodymium) instead of electromagnets and
therefore it doesnt require electricity to run. The friction between the turbine
blades and the base can maximum power output.


A. Wind Power Technology Wind power technology is the various infrastructure

and process that promote the harnessing of wind generation for mechanical power
and electricity. This basically entails the wind and characteristics related to its
strength and direction, as well as the functioning of both internal and external
components of a wind turbine with respect to wind behavior. 1. The Power of
Wind As mentioned earlier the effective functioning of a wind turbine is dictated
by the wind availability in an area and if the amount of power it has is sufficient
enough to keep the blades in constant rotation. The wind power increases as a
function of the cube of the velocity of the wind and this power is calculable with
respect to the area in which the wind is present as well as the wind velocity [4.1].
When wind is blowing the energy available is kinetic due to the motion of the wind
so the power of the wind is related to the kinetic energy. We know:

The volume of air passing in unit time through an area A, with speed V is AV and
its mass M is equal to the Volume V multiplied by its density so:

Substituting the value of M in equation 4.1 we get:

To convert the energy to kilowatts, a non-dimensional proportionality constant k is

introduced where,


With equation above, the power being generated can be calculated, however one
should note that it is not possible to convert all the power of the wind into power
for generation. The power harnessed from the wind cannot exceed 59% of the
overall power in the wind. Only a portion can be used and that usable portion is
only assured depending on the wind turbine being used and the aerodynamic
characteristics that accompany.


Many types of turbines exist today and their designs are usually inclined towards
one of the two categories: horizontal-axis wind turbines (HAWTs) and vertical-
axis wind turbines (VAWTs). As the name pertains, each turbine is distinguished
by the orientation of their rotor shafts. The former is the more conventional and
common type everyone has come to know, while the latter due to its seldom usage
and exploitation, is quiet unpopular. The HAWTs usually consist of two or three
propeller-like blades attached to a horizontal and mounted on bearings the top of a
support tower as seen.

Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine

When the wind blows, the blades of the turbine are set in motion which drives a
generator that produces AC electricity. For optimal efficiency, these horizontal
turbines are usually made to point into the wind with the aid of a sensor and a
servo motor or a wind vane for smaller wind turbine applications.

With the vertical axis wind turbines, the concept behind their operation is similar
to that of the horizontal designs. The major difference is the orientation of the
rotors and generator which are all vertically arranged and usually on a shaft for
support and stability. This also results in a different response of the turbine blades
to the wind in relation to that of the horizontal configurations. A typical vertical
axis design is shown
Their design makes it possible for them to utilize the wind power from every
direction unlike the HAWTs that depend on lift forces from the wind similar to the
lift off concept of an airplane. Vertical axis wind turbines are further subdivided
into two major types namely the Darrieus model and the Savonius model. Pictured
above in figure 4.2 is an example of the Darrieus Model which was named after
designer and French aeronautical engineer, Georges Darrieus.


Some factors need to be assessed in choosing the permanent magnet selection that
would be best to implement the maglev portion of the design. Understanding the
characteristics of magnet materials and the different assortment of sizes, shapes
and materials is critical. There are four classes of commercialized magnets used
today which are based on their material composition each having their own
magnetic properties.

The four different classes are Alnico, Ceramic, Samarium Cobalt and Boron
neodymium Iron also known Nd-Fe-B. Nd-Fe-B is the most recent addition to this
commercial list of materials and at room temperature exhibits the highest
properties of all of the magnetic materials. All of the following information is
supported by reference and explains the importance of the B-H curve
corresponding to magnet design. The hysteresis loops also known as the B-H
curve, where B is the flux density and H the magnetizing force, is the foundation to
magnet design. Each type of material has its own B-H characteristic which
describes the cycling of the magnet in a closed circuit as it is brought to saturation,
demagnetized, saturated in the opposite direction, and then demagnetized again
under the influence of an external magnetic field. Of the four quadrants that the
hysteresis loop passes through on the B-H graph, the most important is the second.
This quadrant commonly known as the demagnetization curve, will give the
operating point of a permanent magnet at a given air gap. In the case of maglev for
the wind turbine, the air gap corresponds to the space in between the two opposing
magnets and should stay moderately constant as long as the wind [5] is not too
violent. If the air gaps where to change, the operating point of the magnets on the
B-H curve will change respectively.

The most important points of the hysteresis loop are when it intersects with the B-
H. The point where the curve intersects the B axis in the second quadrant is known
as the magnets retentively, which is the point where a material will stay
magnetized after an external magnetizing field is removed. It seems that levitation
would be most effective directly on the central axis line where, under an evenly
distributed load, the wind turbine center of mass will be found as seen in Figure 4.
This figure shows a basic rendition of how the maglev will be integrated into the
design. If the magnets where ring shaped then they could easily be slid tandem
down the shaft with the like poles facing toward each other. This would enable the
repelling force required to support the weight and force of the wind turbine and
minimize the amount of magnets needed to complete the concept.

The permanent magnets that were chosen for this application were the NX8CC-
N42 magnets from K&J Magnetics. These are Nd-Fe-B ring shaped permanent
magnets that are nickel plated to strengthen and protect the magnet itself. The
dimensions for the magnets are reasonable with outside diameter of 1.5 inches,
inside diameter of 0.75 inches and height of 0.75 inches.
The functioning of this model is dependent on drag forces from the wind. This drag
force produced is a differential of the wind hitting by the inner part of the scoops
and the wind blowing against the back of the scoops. Like the Darrieus model, the
Savonius turbines will work with winds approaching in any direction and also
work well with lower wind speeds due to their very low clearance off the ground.


In the designed prototype, the stator and rotor are separated in the air using
the principle of magnetic levitation. The rotor is lifted by a certain centimeters in
the air by the magnetic pull forces created by the ring type Neodymium magnets.
This is the principal advantage of a maglev windmill from a conventional one.
That is, as the rotor is floating in the air due to levitation, mechanical friction is
totally eliminated. That makes the rotation possible in very low wind speeds.
Figure 6.3 illustrates the magnetic levitation in our prototype.
The blades used in this prototype are not of the conventional type. In this
prototype, As compared to the standard design model of the Savonius, we took a
bit of a different approach in our design by modifying it with a curvature design
from the top of the sails to the bottom. This design was attained with four
triangular shapes cut out from aluminum sheet metal and due to the flexibility of
the sheet metal, we were able to spiral the sail from the top of the shaft to the base.
The height of the blades were 400mm.

The blade motor used is a 12-volt electric motor. The blade motor is a permanent
magnet motor that operates on the 12-volt battery, which gives the motor enough
power to turn the steel blade at high speeds. The design of the blade motor will
remain consistent to that of other electric mowers except that the microcontroller
with a relay onboard will control it.


This motor follows linear laws of operation and because of this it is easier to fully
exploit its characteristics compared to synchronous or asynchronous motors.


Many applications call for a high start-up torque. The D.C. motor, by its
very nature, has a high torque vs. falling speed characteristic and this enables it to
deal with high starting torques and to absorb sudden rises in load easily. The speed
of the motor adjusts to the load. Furthermore, the D.C. motor is an ideal way of
achieving the miniaturisation designers are constantly seeking because the
efficiency it gives is high compared with other designs.


Brushed DC Motors

Brushed DC Electric Motor

The classic DC motor design generates an oscillating current in a wound rotor with
a split ring commutator, and either a wound or permanent magnet stator.

Many of the limitations of the classic commutator DC motor are due to the need
for brushes to press against the commutator. This creates friction. At higher speeds,
brushes have increasing difficulty in maintaining contact. Brushes may bounce off
the irregularities in the commutator surface, creating sparks. This limits the
maximum speed of the machine. The current density per unit area of brushes limits
the output of the motor. The imperfect electronic contact also causes electrical
noise. Brushes eventually wear out and require replacement, and the commutator
itself is subject to wear and maintenance.
A stepper motor is an electromechanical device which converts
discrete electrical pulse into discrete mechanical movements. The shaft or spindle
of a stepper motor rotate at equal angle of increment called steps when electrical
command pulses are applied to it in the proper sequence. The sequence of the
applied pulse is directly related to the direction of rotation of motor shaft and its
speed directly related to the frequency of input pulses and total radiation at a
stretch is directly related to the number of input pulse applied. Stepper motors with
steps of 12, 24, 72, 144, 180 and 200 per revolution are available resulting in angle
of the shaft increments of 30, 15, 5, 25, 2 and 1.8 per step. Special micro-
stepping circuitry is sometimes provided to allow many more steps per revolution
and these circuitry offer 10,000 steps per revolution or even more.
Length: 80mm

Torque: 1.5

Shaft Diameter: 6mm

Weight: 130.00g
Supply Voltage 12V
Speed = 500 RPM

3. Major Components and Operation of a Wind Turbine

A wind turbine basically draws the kinetic energy from the wind and converts this
power to electrical energy by means of a generator. Its operability is dependent on
key components of the turbine and its response to the wind based on how it is built.
illustration of a conventional wind turbine and its parts.

In selecting the vertical axis concept for the wind turbine that is implemented as
the power generation portion of this project, certain uniqueness corresponded to it
that did not pertain to the other wind turbine designs. The characteristic that set this
wind generator apart from the others is that it is fully supported and rotates about a
vertical axis. This axis is vertically oriented through the center of the wind sails,
which allows for a different type of rotational support rather than the conventional
ball bearing system found in horizontal wind turbines. This support is called
maglev, which is based on magnetic levitation. Maglev offers a near frictionless
substitute for ball bearings with little to no maintenance. The four different classes
are Alnico, Ceramic, Samarium Cobalt and Neodymium Iron Boron also known
Nd- Fe-B. NdFe-B is the most recent addition to this commercial list of materials
and at room temperature exhibits the highest properties of all of the magnetic
materials. It can be seen in the B-H graph shown in Figure 5.1 that Nd-Fe-B has a
very attractive magnetic characteristic, which offers high flux density operation
and the ability to resist demagnetization. This attribute will be very important
because the load that will be levitated will be heavy and rotating high speeds,
which will exhibit a large downward force on the axis[3] . The next factor that
needs to be considered is the shape and size of the magnet which is directly related
to the placement of the magnets. It seems that levitation would be most effective
directly on the central axis line where, under an evenly distributed load, the wind
turbine center of mass will be found as seen in Figure 5.2. This figure shows a
basic rendition of how the maglev will be integrated into the design.

Wind Solar Hybrid Street LED Lights

zBTS Base Transceiver Station

Off-Grid Power System

Grid-tie Power System

Residential z Commercial
The home for the magnetically levitated vertical axis wind turbine would be in
residential areas. Here it can be mounted to a roof and be very efficient and
practical. A home owner would be able to extract free clean energy thus
experiencing a reduction in their utility cost and also contribute to the Green
Energy awareness that is increasingly gaining popularity.

At the end of the project, the magnetically levitated vertical axis wind turbine was
a success. The rotors that were designed harnessed enough air to rotate at low and
high wind speeds while keeping the centre of mass closer to the base yielding
stability. The wind turbine rotor levitated properly using permanent magnets,
which allowed for a smooth rotation with negligible friction. Generator satisfied
the specifications needed to supply the LED load. An output ranging from 40V to
45V was obtained from the magnetic levitated vertical axis wind turbine prototype.
A modified design of savonius model wind turbine blade was used in the
construction of the model. An aluminium shaft was used to avoid the wobbling
movement of the rotor. Overall, the magnetic levitation wind turbine was a
successful model.

[1] Dinesh N Nagarkarand Dr. Z. J. Khan,Wind Power Plant Using Magnetic
Levitation Wind Turbine, InternationalJournal of Engineering and Innovative
Technology (IJEIT) Volume 3, Issue1, July 2013.

[2] Liu Shuqin,Magnetic Suspension and Self-pitch for Vertical-axis Wind

Turbines, ISBN:

[3] MagLev Wind Turbine Technologies, Inc. (MWTT) & Off Grid Technologies,
Inc. (OGT), Vertical Axis Wind Turbine 200 Mega Watt off Shore Wind Farm
(VAWT Off Shore JV)-City of Evanston, Illinois Lake Michigan Project.

[4] M. A. Mueller and A. S. McDonald,A lightweight low speed permanent

magnet electrical generator for direct-drive wind turbines, Institute for Energy
Systems, Institute for Energy Systems, Edinburgh University, Edinburgh
University, Edinburgh, UK.

[5] Vishal D Dhareppgoaland MaheshwariM Konagutti, REGENEDYNE Maglev

Wind Power Generation, SARC-IRAJ International Conference, 16th June 2013,
Pune, India, ISBN: 978-81- 92747-8-3.

[5.3] Hambley, Allan R. Electrical Engineering Principles and Applications (4th

Edition). Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall, 2007.

[5.4] Mohan, Ned. Electric Drives An Integrative Approach. Mnpere, 2003.

[6.1] Magnet Design. 2000 Magnet Sales & Manufacturing Company, Inc. .

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