Adjustment - Check and Correction of Vertical Z and Horizontal Y Vibrations Main Rotor
Adjustment - Check and Correction of Vertical Z and Horizontal Y Vibrations Main Rotor
Adjustment - Check and Correction of Vertical Z and Horizontal Y Vibrations Main Rotor
Version: B2, B3
A. Applicable Documents
1. Main Information
AMM 53-51-00,4-1 Removal / Installation - Upper Cowlings
AMM 62-11-00,6-4 Checking main rotor blade track at blade tip
AMM 62-11-00,6-1 Inspection Criteria - Main Rotor Blades
AMM 62-21-00,6-1 Inspection Criteria - STARFLEX Star Assembly
AMM 62-21-00,6-2 Inspection Criteria - STARFLEX Star Bearing
AMM 62-21-00,6-3 Inspection Criteria - Upper and Lower Sleeve Flanges
AMM 62-21-00,6-4 Inspection criteria - Spherical Thrust Bearing
AMM 62-21-00,6-5 Inspection Criteria - Spherical Thrust Bearing Bolt
AMM 62-21-00,6-6 Inspection Criteria - Blade Attachment Pin
AMM 62-21-00,6-7 Inspection Criteria - Frequency Adapter
AMM 62-21-00,6-8 Inspection Criteria - Mast-Hub Attachment Bolt
AMM 62-21-00,6-9 Inspection Criteria - Electrical Bonding Braid
AMM 62-21-00,6-10 Inspection Criteria - Droop Restrainer Bracket
AMM 62-21-00,6-11 Check - Spring Anti-Vibrator
AMM 62-21-00,6-12 Inspection Criteria - Pitch Horn
AMM 62-33-00,4-1 Removal / Installation - Housing / Swashplate / Hub
AMM 67-10-00,6-1 Check - Main Rotor Flight Controls
2. Conditional Information
AMM 62-21-00,4-3 Disassembly - Main Rotor Hub
AMM 62-21-00,4-4 Assembly - Main Rotor Hub
3. General Information
MTC Replacement of self-adhesive self-gripping tapes
B. Special Tools
Commercial ROTORTUNER F-A (French) with SE - AS350 or SE -
AS350B1 adaptation kit
Commercial ROTORTUNER A-A (English) with SE - AS350 ou SE -
AS350B1 adaptation kit
Commercial VIBREX 177 M6 F (French) with CHADWICK 350A or
CHADWICK 350B1 adaptation kit
Commercial VIBREX 177 M6 A (English) with CHADWICK 350A or
CHADWICK 350B1 adaptation kit
Commercial VIBREX 2000 F (French) with CHADWICK 350 V2K
adaptation kit
Commercial VIBREX 2000 A (English) with CHADWICK 350 V2K
adaptation kit
Commercial CHADWICK 8500 C+ with CHADWICK 350 V2K
adaptation kit
As other types of equipment may exist, the operator is responsible for consulting the
manufacturer of the equipment and if necessary, Airbus Helicopters.
Only use the accessories supplied with the adaptation kit of the equipment in
703A94-1130-01 tab checking and adjustment tool
703A95-0300-00 servicing platform
C. Materials
CM 6074 adhesive
CM 776 lockwire
CM 789 adhesive tape
Commercial plastic tie
Commercial adhesive Velcro tape
Description Reference
Fig. Item
E. Job Set-up
1. Comply with the general instructions for the mechanical assemblies (AMM
2. Do the check of the vibrations along the vertical (Z), and horizontal (Y) axes
when the vibration level 1 Omega Y and/or Z is not satisfactory in flight.
3. Do not do the measurements on the ground when the wind speed is more than
15 kts (7.7 m/s).
b. do the adjustment of the dynamic balancing of the main rotor hub: remove
the excessive unbalance caused by the weight dispersion of a rotating
component of the main rotor, vibration level 1 omega Y not acceptable in
b. Make sure that the values for tabs T1 to T4 match the values recorded on
the FMs (Logcards) of the blades in question. Caution, it is prohibited to
change the values for tabs T1 to T4, only correction to agree with the values
noted on the FMs is permitted.
F. Procedure
a. Install the support (15) of the magnetic sensor (14) on the non-rotating
swashplate (16) with the bolts (11), the shim (12) and the nuts (13).
c. Adjust the magnetic sensor (14) with the nuts (17) to obtain a gap E of 1,25
mm 0,25 mm (.049 in. .01 in.) with the target plate (10).
d. Lock and safety the nuts (17) of the magnetic sensor (14) with lockwire CM
4. Install the accelerometer and the velocimeter (7) for the measurement of the 1
Omega Y (Figure 1 Sheet 1 - DETAIL B):
In this system, the accelerometer or the velocimeter (7) supplies the lateral
(unbalance) acceleration amplitude.
a. Unsafety, loosen and remove the attachment bolt (5) and the washer (6) of
the swashplate guide (4) on the upper housing (8).
b. Install the support (9) of the accelerometer or velocimeter (7) on the flange
of the swashplate guide (4), with bolt (5) and washer (6), then tighten.
5. Install the accelerometer or the velocimeter (1) for the measurement of the 1
Omega Z (Figure 1 Sheet 1 - DETAIL A):
In this system, the accelerometer or the velocimeter (1) supplies the vertical
acceleration amplitude (track).
a. Remove the first cabin floor attachment bolt (2) on the LH side in the
forward section, at the left foot of the copilot.
b. Install the parallel support (3) of the accelerometer or the velocimeter (1) in
the forward section of the cabin floor with bolt (2).
b. If a stroboscope is used, install the 15 mm (.59 in.) targets (19) with the
bolts (18) provided in the adaptation kit (Figure 1 Sheet 4).
7. Installation of cables:
a. Route the cables and secure them with plastic cable ties and/or with
aluminium adhesive tape.
c. Connect the power supply cable of the measurement equipment to the (28
V) utility connector of the helicopter.
d. Make sure the routing and the connections of the cables are correct.
e. If the targets are installed, make sure that the targets are correctly
positioned and tightened.
10. Measurements:
If the unbalance between the ground run and the hover flight changes by
more than 0.3 IPS, the rotor cannot be adjusted correctly. Replace the 3
frequency adapters (AMM 62-21-00,4-3) and (AMM 62-21-00,4-4).
a. Tolerances:
a. For an unbalance of 0.6 IPS at 6 o'clock (point N) (Figure 1 Sheet 5), you
- Add 4 plates to sleeve B (Blue).
- Add 4 plates to sleeve R (Red).
c. Install the (aluminium) shim washers (21) and the nuts (22). Then torque to
the value.
a. For a vibration level 1 omega Z equal to 0.25 IPS located at 6h15' (point M)
(Figure 1 Sheet 6), you must:
- Correct the red blade by -2 (upwards) on tab(s) (No.5 and/or No.6) so
that there is uniform bending of the tabs.
- Or correct the yellow blade and the blue blade by +2 (downwards) on
tab No.5 or No.6 so that there is uniform bending of the tabs:
. +1 on tab No.5 or No.6 of yellow blade.
. +1 on tab No.5 or No.6 of blue blade.
G. Close-up
1. Document follow-up:
a. Record all tab corrections (bending direction and value) on the equipment
log cards of the applicable blades.
4. Check that the balancing plates (20) are correctly secured (AMM 62-21-00,4-4).
5. Check that the pitch-change rods are correctly secured (AMM 62-33-00,4-1).
8. Remove the targets (19) from the rotor blades Figure 1 Sheet 4.
11. Remove the magnetic sensor (14) (Figure 1 Sheet 1 - DETAIL C):
a. Remove the safetying and remove the magnetic sensor (14) from its support
b. Loosen and remove the nuts (13), the shim (12), and the bolts (11).
a. Remove the safetying and remove the accelerometer or the velocimeter (7)
from its support (9).
b. Loosen and remove the bolt (5) and the washer (6).
c. Remove the support (9) from the flange of the swashplate guide (4).
d. Install the washer (6) and the bolt (5) which attach the swashplate guide (4)
to the upper housing (8).
e. Torque to the value and safety the bolt (5): Refer to (AMM 62-31-00,4-3).
a. Remove the accelerometer or the velocimeter (1) from its support (3).
b. Remove the bolt (2) and the support (3) from the cabin floor.
Sheet 2
Re cord of the 1 Ome ga Z (Ve rtica l) Me a s ure me nt (In Forwa rd S e ction of Ca bin)
Da te of me a s ure me nt:
Aircra ft No:
Aircra ft ope ra ting hours :
Me a s ure me nt 1 2 3 4 5 6
Tra cking S
P ha s e
Ground run
P ha s e
Hove r flight with
P ha s e
Le ve l flight with
45 ba nke d P ha s e
flight with
Re d (T6)
Ye llow
Blue (T6)
Aircra ft configura tion for the flight:
- We ight: =2000kg (4406 lb).
- Ce nte r of gra vity: a ve ra ge (=3.30 m (10.8 ft)).
Me a s ure me nt ra nge :
- Le ve l flight with MCP
- 45 ba nke d flight with MCP
Tole ra nce s :
- Le ve l flight with MCP : 0.2 IP S .
- 45 ba nke d flight mith MCP : 0.35 IP S
- Ta bs n. 5 a nd n 6: +/- 8 pe r ta b.
Sheet 3
Sheet 4
Sheet 5
Sheet 6
End of Document