Action Research About Positive Discipline

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Positive discipline is proposed as an approach to teaching that helps children succeed and respects their rights. Corporal punishment should be avoided and positive reinforcement used instead. The document also discusses usual behavioral issues faced by students in Bilogo National High School and proposes an action plan to address them using positive discipline.

The most usual behavioral problem identified is cutting classes. Students do so because they have difficulty managing their time and balancing school work and social life, and get bored in class looking for new activities.

Positive discipline is proposed as an important tool to resolve behavioral problems. It implements significant and long-lasting effects on student behavior to improve their school performance.

Researcher: Florentina M.

Division: Batangas
District: Taysan
School: Bilogo National High School



I. Content and Rationale

Positive Discipline is an approach to teaching that helps children succeed,

gives them the information they need to learn, and supports their development. It

respects childrens rights to healthy development, protection from violence, and active

participation in their learning. Positive discipline contrasts with negative discipline.

Negative discipline may involve angry, destructive, or violent responses to inappropriate

behavior. In the terms used by psychology research, positive discipline uses the full

range of reinforcement and punishment options:

The Department of Education has issued Department Order 40, s.2012,

which prohibits the use of corporal punishment and promotes the use of Positive

Discipline. Positive School Discipline is a comprehensive approach that uses discipline

to teach rather than punish and, as a result, helps students succeed and thrive in

school. Schools that take this approach promote positive student behavior while

preventing negative and risky behaviors. It is integrated into the policies, programs, and

practices of a school and is applied system wide in the classroom, school, and

community to create a safe, supportive learning environment for all students.

Likewise, students particularly those with chronic or serious behavior

problems, is a long-standing challenge for educators. They must balance the needs of

the school community and those of the individual student. At the heart of this challenge

is the use of supportive disciplinary practices. Discipline was brought up due to

misbehaving students. Students misbehave because of the lack of engagement and

stimulation, a rigid definition of acceptable behaviors and lack of attention and love.

Increasing numbers of students demonstrate inappropriate and unsafe behavior at

school . According to Epstein (2008), there is a clear relationship between academic

performance and student behavior.

Bilogo National High School, as a learning institution has been bombarded

with the behavioral problem of the students. Indeed, it has greatly been one of the

major concerns of the school. Furthermore, many efforts and programs had been

initiated, yet the issue remained unsolved. With this alarming concern, the school has

adopted the best practices of San Isidro National High School ( Leader School) gained

from School to School Partnership Program to improve the learning process.

Some of the other benefits of Positive discipline which was acquired from

the leader school include skill and perceptual watchfulness, reinforcing the

communication skills, solving the problems outside the classroom, concentrating on the

solution rather than punishment, helping teachers by other teachers, and providing

encouragement sessions for positive approaches to students with behavioral issues.

The present study aims to provide Positive discipline approach through a plan

of action including activities or programs in support to the learning process to the

students of Bilogo National High School by identifying students usual behavioral

problems .

II. Review of Related Literature

Positive Discipline teaches parents, educators, students and community

members the skills necessary to create healthy interpersonal connections in an

environment where each persons contribution has meaning, is valued, and

expected. School discipline refers to instruction, rules, policies or practices that are

intended to manage student behavior at the classroom and school levels. Positive

approaches to school discipline have been promoted as more effective alternatives

to harsh (e.g., corporal punishment) and exclusionary discipline (e.g., out of school

suspension) which remove students from their regular educational setting or


Positive approaches emphasize strengthening the capacity of both school

staff and students to establish and maintain safe, healthy and supportive school

climates to reduce and prevent inappropriate and disruptive student behavior. A

review shows that authors have a lot to say about positive relationships with

students. Thompson (1998) says, The most powerful weapon available to

secondary teachers who want to foster a favorable learning climate is a positive

relationship with our students (p. 6). Canter and Canter (1997) make the statement

that we all can recall classes in which we did not try very hard because we didn't like

our teachers.
This should remind us how important it is to have strong, positive

relationships with our students. Kohn (1996) goes a step further, saying, Children

are more likely to be respectful when important adults in their lives respect them.

and according to Zehm and Kottler (1993), students will never trust us or open

themselves up to hear what we have to say unless they sense that we value and

respect them. This study clearly shows that young people do better when they

perceive both firmness and kindness from their parents. Children who rate their

parents as authoritative (both responsive and demanding) engage significantly less

in socially risky behaviors. (Aquilino, 2001; Baumrind, 1991; Jackson et al., 1998;

Radziszewska et al 1996; Simons-Morton et al, 2001

Canter (1992) related the key to Assertive Discipline is catching students

being good, recognizing and supporting them when they behave appropriately, and

letting them know it is appreciated, day in and day out. He stated it is imperative that

classroom teachers have a systematic discipline plan that explains exactly what will

happen when students choose to misbehave. An effective discipline plan is applied

fairly to all students.

The teacher gives specific directions for each classroom situation. Canter

suggested that a discipline plan includes a maximum of five consequences for

misbehavior, but teachers must choose consequences with which they are

comfortable. Teachers must provide positive reinforcement for appropriate and on-

task behavior and disciplinary consequences for disruptive or continually off-task

behavior. In an earlier work, Canter (1989) stated administrators need to understand

that Assertive Discipline is not a negative practice, but it could be misused by

negative teachers. Additionally, he reported that administrators should mentor

teachers, and staff developers should coach negative teachers in the use of positive

reinforcement. Still other studies identifying risk and protective factors demonstrate

that the behaviors and concepts promoted by Positive Discipline are

completely in line with what we now know works for the young people in school.

III. Research Questions:

The researchers indented to answer the following research questions:

1. What are the usual behavioral issues/ problems of the students

in Bilogo National High School?

2. How could positive discipline be used to resolve behavioral

issues in Bilogo National High School?

3. What program/s or plan of action may be proposed to minimize

behavioral problems in school?

IV. Scope and Limitation

This study focused on Positive Discipline and such behavioral problems being

encountered by the teacher in the learning environment. The study was also dependent

on the ability of participants to be familiar with and be aware of school discipline needs

and current school discipline practices.

In addition to this, a limitation of this study is that parent participants, especially,

might have been embarrassed to admit their lack of knowledge about specifics

regarding school discipline practices and they might have been hesitant to speculate.
Moreover teachers and administrator might assume they could perceived

failures by acknowledging that discipline problems existed in their classrooms or

schools. These factors may have influenced responses and therefore skewed the

results of this study.

Generally The study was based upon answers given to open-ended interview

questions through oral responses as well as survey questionnaires and it was

assumed that the participants were thoughtful, forthright, and honest in providing

accurate data.

V. Methodology and Research Design

This study utilized the descriptive type of research. The main purposes of this

type of research are to describe, explain, and validate findings. The researchers

prepared the questionnaire themselves. This was then distributed to the target

respondents. After they were answered by the students and the teachers results were

tallied and interpreted to determine the students usual behavioral issues and its

reasons, as well as the role or used of positive discipline in resolving behavioral issues

of students.
VI. Workplan

From To
Gathering Literature October 16, 2016 October 18, 2016
Formulating objectives October 19, 2016 October 20, 2016
Analyzing and drafting October 21, 2016 October 23, 2016
Drafting the Introduction October 24, 2016 October 26, 2016
Identifying research design October 27, 2016 October 28, 2016
and methodology
Drafting and validation of October 29, 2016 October 30, 2016
Distribution and retrieval of November 3, 2016 November 4, 2016
Tallying and interpretation November 5, 2016 November 7, 2016
of responses
Drafting results and November 8, 2016 November 10, 2016
Drawing conclusions and November 18, 2016 November 20, 2016
writing recommendation
Finalizing the introduction, November 21, 2016 November 23, 2016
review of related literature,
results and discussion,
Drafting the Implementation November 27, 2016 November 29 2016
Encoding and polishing the December 2, 2016 December 4, 2016
entire paper and peer
validation of the
implementation Guidelines
Submission of the research December 7, 2016

VII. Results and Discussion

This part of the research presents the findings. The researcher sought the

help of 12 subject teachers and 12 students in Bilogo National High School as

respondents for this study.

1. What are the usual behavioral issues/ problems of the students in

Bilogo National High School?

The study sought 4 male and 8 female teachers of different subjects in Bilogo

National High School as respondents of the study. Table 1 shows the frequencies of

each of behavioral problems of the students in Bilogo National High School with their

corresponding percentage and rank.

Table 1
Behavioral Problems
Behavioral Problems of high school students Frequency Percentage Rank
1. Cutting classes 5 41.67 3.5
2. Absenteeism and tardiness 2 16.67 3.5

2 16.67 1
3. No assignments or projects

4. Violation of rules (such as vandalism) 3 25 2

Results from the table shows that cutting classes was incorporated by 5 or 41.67

percent . This was followed by 25 percent of the 12 respondents wherein they

encountered students who violate the school rules. While, absenteeism and not doing of

assignments and projects was incorporated by 2 or 16.67 percent of the respondents.

A study of the result shows that the most usual behavioral problem or issues of

the students in Bilogo National High School having its high percentage was cutting

classes. On the other hand, lesser number of the students who are not doing their

assignments and projects as well as absenteeism/ tardiness can be observed in the

said institution.

Table 1.1 shows the reasons of the most usual behavioral problem of students in

Bilogo National High School with their corresponding frequency, percentage and rank.

The researcher chose 12 respondents as well among the students.

Table 1.1
Reasons of most usual behavioral problem of students in Bilogo National High
Reasons Frequency Percentage Rank

1. The student have difficulty managing his time, 3 25 1.5

balancing school work and social life.

2. The student enjoy playing computer games. 0 0 6

3. The student are being pressured by their peers to cut 0 0 6

classes and engage in activities outside the school.

4. Students are bored and are looking for something 3 25 1.5


5. Students are seeking attention. 2 16.67 3.5

6.When the parents are working, students has to take 0 0 6

care of younger siblings

7. There is a peer pressure to skip to school. 0 0 6

8. The student are pressured by peers to join activities 1 8.33 5

away from school work such as drinking, smoking, etc.

9. Students were influenced by peers to engage in this 2 16.67 3.5

behavior. (violations of rules)

10. The project may not be suited to students capability. 0 0 6

As shown in Table 1.1, the common reasons of most behavioral problems of

students in Bilogo National High School that acquire the highest frequency value are

both students who have difficulty managing his/her time, balancing school work and

social life students are bored and looking for new activities was incorporated by 3 or 25

percent of the respondents. Next on rank, are students seeking attention who were

influenced by peers to engage in this behavior (violations of rules) by 2 or 16.67 percent

of the respondents. Lowest on rank are students who enjoyed playing computer games,

in addition the students are being pressured by their peers to cut classes and engage in
activities outside the school, when the parents are working, students has to take care of

younger siblings, and there is a peer pressure to skip to school.

An analysis of the results shows that most students misbehave because of the

following reason, students who have difficulty managing their time, balancing school

work and social life and students got bored and are looking for new activities that will

make their stay in class somewhat enjoyable.

2. Positive Discipline could be used to resolve behavioral issues among students

Table 2

Positive Discipline could be Frequency Percentage Rank

used to resolve behavioral
issues by..

Positive discipline can make the 1 8.33 4.5

school safer.
Reducing students alienation 1 4.5

Improving students behavior 5 41.67 1

and performance in class

Provide appropriate education 3 25 2

Appropriately implement rights 2 16.67 3

and respect to students

As revealed in the table positive discipline could be used to resolve behavioral

issues among the 12 respondents 41.67% believe that positive discipline can improve

students behavior and performances in school it was observed by the teachers in a

simple way like praising students.

Positive discipline could also provide appropriate education for all thus positive

solutions with 25% being 2nd in rank, address student needs, environmental conditions,

teacher interactions and matching students with curriculum.

Meanwhile Appropriate implementation of rights and respect to students having

16.67% believe to be the source of students dramatic improvements resulting to positive


On the other hand, 8.33% of the respondents emphasized that positive discipline

can reduce or lessen students alienation through schools-within-a school and other

peer relationships, especially in large settings.

Furthermore, opportunities to forge relationships with caring teachers, coupled

with engaging curriculum , prevent discipline problems, thus positive discipline can

make the school safer since they both have the same rank with 8.33% as well, teachers

believe that it can make the school safe in a certain way.

Moreover, positive discipline emphasize the importance of making positive

changes in the child's environment in order to improve the child's behavior as well as

resolving behavioral issues that continuously hampering the learning process. Students

with behavioral problems must have a strong support of parents , peers and of


Indeed those students who committed series of behavioral issues such as

absenteeism, cutting classes, disobeying rules and regulations, could be the clientele

of Positive Discipline an Approach to Minimize behavioral issues in school. Being under

this program could greatly help the students in accessing education despite the

circumstances they have.

3 . Proposed Plan of Action for Positive Discipline Implementation An
Approach to Minimize Behavioral Issues of Students in Bilogo
National High School

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Batangas
District of Taysan
Bilogo National High School

I. Rationale:

The Department of Education (Dep Ed) continuously working out to

diminish countrys problem in behavioral issues that hampered the

learning process of the students.

With the school adherence on pursuing quality education the school

drafted a Proposal Plan of Action to address such dilemmas in behavioral


A. Specific Objectives

The Proposed Plan of Action for Positive Discipline Implementation

an Approach Address to Behavioral Issues, aims to achieve the


Minimize usual behavioral issues of the students

Strengthen teacher- students relationship through positive


Improve access to education

Assists students whom are deprived of education because of

unwanted behavior among the teachers and peers.

B. Main Features of Schools Positive Discipline Implementation

Monitor students progress

Provide Positive Reinforcements

Updating methods in teaching

Build mutually respect for students and vis--vis

Give hand for Positive Discipline in everyday teaching

C. Target Learners of Schools Positive Discipline Implementation

Students who are having behavioral issues such as violating

school rules, absenteeism, and cutting classes.

VIII. Summary of Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations

After the analysis of the research the following conclusions were drawn:

1. The result shows that the most usual behavioral problem or issues

of the students in Bilogo National High School having its high

percentage was cutting classes. While the result for the reasons of

behavioral issues stated that students have difficulty managing their

time, balancing school work and social life; students got bored and are

looking for new activities that will make their stay in class somewhat


2. Positive discipline is an important tool in resolving behavioral problems

of the students, it implements significant effects and durable impact

on students behavior to uplift their performance in school. It also

touch the affective domain of the learners.

3. The proposed plan of action for the implementation of an Approach to

Positive Discipline could be utilized to minimize usual behavioral


On the other hand, the researcher would also like to recommend the

following based on findings and conclusion:

1. Heighten powerful and positive interaction among students can

lessen the students tendency to misbehave in school especially in


2. Educating students with regards to their behavior would be of great

help to have access in learning.

3. The school may adopt the proposed action plan to minimize

behavioral issues that can affect students learning; Enhancement of

the proposed Plan of Action should be done to ensure its

IX. Action Plan

A. Proposed Plan of Action for Positive Discipline

Implementation An Approach to Minimize Behavioral Issues of
Students in Bilogo National High School

Areas of Objectives Activities Persons Target Success

Concern Involved Date Indicator
Students Monitor Providing Advisers June- Complete
Behavioral Students individual Teachers March checklist of
Development progress checklist for Students 2017 students
daily students Parents progress
Students Identify Advisers June- Compilation of
Behavioral students Teachers March Home Visitation
Development causes of Home Students 2017 form, agreement
cutting Visitation Parents ( &
classes Quarterly) pictures
Students Fit students Update Teachers October Lessen cutting
Behavioral interest in Pedagogies Students 2017 classes,
Development learning thru INSET Principal absenteeism,
failing grades
Students Build Ibahagi Mo Guidance June- Teaching non-
Behavioral mutually Pakikinggan Counselor March violence,
Development respectful Ko Students 2017 empathy and
relationships Teachers self-respect
Students Increase Positive Guidance Competent &
Behavioral students Discipline in Counselor June- Confident
Development competence Everyday Students March students
& confidence Teaching Teachers 2017 Accomplishment

X. Policy Note

Class advisers are expected to provide a narrative report to

monitor the proposed activities.

The Guidance Counselor thru the help of class advisers will

act as one of the main facilitators of various activities.

Result must be evaluated by the principal

XI. References

DU Preez, P ., & Roux, C. (2010) Maintaining Positive Discipline in Multicultural

Schools. South African Journal of Education Vol. 1 pp. 13-23

Mcrarr, D., Lechtenbergerr, D.& Wang E. ( 2012) The Effect of School Wide Positive

Behavioral Supports on Children . Preventing school failure, Vol. 56, issue 1, pp. 1-7

Mcvitte, J. (2007) . What is positive discipline? The positive discipline associate (a

5013 nonprofit corporation) www.

Grusec, J.E., & Goodnow, J.J ( 1994) . The Impact of Parental Discipline Methods on

the Child Internalization of Values.

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