M300-21 (Optical Vapor Eliminator) PDF

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Optical Vapor Eliminator (US Patent #70000628) Installation

and Parts

Liquid Controls An IDEX Energy & Fuels Business M300-21

Table of Contents Safety Procedures

Be Prepared
Introduction Maintenance Safely Evacuate
Be Prepared
Piping System
Safety Procedures..................................................... 3 S3 Solenoid Disassembly........................................ 12 ! WARNING
Specifications............................................................ 4 S3 Solenoid Reassembly......................................... 13
General Information.................................................. 4 Optical Sensor Replacement................................... 14 Before disassembly of any meter or accessory component:
How Optical Vapor Eliminators Work........................ 5 Troubleshooting........................................................ 14
All internal pressures must be relieved and all liquid drained from the system in
accordance with all applicable procedures.,
Bill of Materials Pressure must be 0 (zero) psi.
Close all liquid and vapor lines between the meter and liquid source.
Exploded Views........................................................ 15
Dimensional Drawing................................................ 7
New Installations....................................................... 8 Failure to follow this warning could result in property damage, personal injury, or death from
Retrofit Installations................................................... 8 fire and/or explosion, or other hazards that may be associated with this type of equipment.
Wiring....................................................................... 10

This manual provides warnings and procedures that are intended to inform the owner
and/or operator of the hazards present when using the Liquid Controls Meter on LP-
In the event of large fires or fires that are spreading
Gas and other products. The reading of these warnings and the avoidance of such In the Event of a n Evacuate the building and notify your local fire department.
hazards is strictly in the hands of the owner-operators of the equipment. Neglect of Gas Fire
n Stop the leakage only if you can safely reach the equipment.
that responsibility is not within the control of the manufacturer of the meter.

In the event of small, contained fires that you can safely
n Stop the leakage if you can safely reach the equipment.
Be Prepared n Use the appropriate extinguisher: Class B fire extinguisher, water, fog, etc.,
! WARNING depending on the materials.
n If in doubt, call your local fire department.
Before using this product, read and understand the instructions.
All work must be performed by qualified personnel trained in the proper application, installation, and
maintenance of equipment and/or systems in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances.
When handling electronic components and boards, always use proper Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)
equipment and follow the proper procedures
Make sure that all necessary safety precautions have been taken.
Provide for proper ventilation, temperature control, fire prevention, evacuation, and fire management.
Provide easy access to the appropriate fire extinguishers for your product.
Consult with your local fire department, state, and local codes to ensure adequate preparation.
Read this manual as well as all the literature provided in your owners packet. In the event of a large gas leak
Save these instructions for future reference. In the Event of a n Evacuate the area and notify the fire department.
Failure to follow the instructions set forth in this publication could result in property damage, personal injury, Gas Leak
or death from fire and/or explosion, or other hazards that may be associated with this type of equipment. In the event of a small, contained gas leak
n Stop the leak and prevent accidental ignition.

n Prevent the entrance of gas into other portions of the buildings. Some gases, such
as LPG, seek lower levels, while other gases seek higher levels.
Publication Updates and Translations
n Evacuate all people from the danger zone.
The most current English versions of all Liquid Controls publications are available on our web site, www.lcmeter.com. It is the
responsibility of the local distributor to provide the most current version of LC manuals, instructions, and specification sheets in n See that the gas is dispersed before resuming business and operating motors.
the required language of the country, or the language of the end user to which the products are shipping. If there are questions If in doubt, notify your local fire department.
about the language of any LC manuals, instructions, or specification sheets, please contact your local distributor.

2 3
Specifications Introduction

Optical Vapor Eliminators (A8302) How the Optical Vapor

Eliminator Works
Materials of Construction Temperature Rating Vapor (or air)
released through
Solenoid Open The Liquid Controls Optical Vapor Eliminator removes
Body: Anodized Aluminum -40 to 160F (-40 to 71C) vent in back vapor from the metering system. Removing the vapor
Solenoid: Brass LectroCount LCR-II from the metering system ensures that only liquid can
Solenoid (S3) Optical
pass through the meter for measurement.
Pressure Rating Voltage: +12 ( 2) VDC Sensor
(in back)
Product #
Shift Total

Maximum non-shock working pressure +24 ( 4) VDC available upon request An optical sensor, installed in the wall of the vapor
Product #
Product # SELECT

350 PSI (24.1 BAR) Current: 1 Amp maximum Liquid

eliminator housing, activates and deactivates a solenoid

valve (S3) located at the top of the vapor eliminator.

When the liquid level is below the optical sensor (and

a delivery is initiated) the solenoid valve opens to vent

vapor to a supply or storage tank (Figure 1). At the
Valve Closed
same time, the electronically acuated control valve,
located at the meter outlet, closes to stop the flow of

Figure 1: Liquid Level below Optical Sensor As vapor is exhausted and liquid rises over the optical
sensor level, the optical vapor eliminator solenoid valve
(S3) closes the vent while the electronically actuated
control valve opens so that a delivery may begin or
Solenoid Closed
continue (Figure 2).
LectroCount LCR-II
As long as a delivery is active and the liquid level
remains at or above the optical sensor, the optical
vapor eliminator solenoid valve (S3) remains closed
General Information Sensor
(in back)
Product #
Shift Total
Product #

and the electronically actuated control valve remains

Liquid Controls Optical Vapor Eliminator (A8302) is designed for use with LectroCount electronic registers and
Product # SELECT

open. If the liquid level drops below the optical sensor,



require the use of a solenoid-operated valve. It is constructed to be used with Liquid Controls MA5 and MA7 meters the optical vapor eliminator solenoid valve (S3) opens
measuring liquid propane gas. Because it is designed with the same mounting dimensions as Liquid Controls to vent the vapor, and the outlet control valve closes
mechanical vapor eliminators, the optical vapor eliminator requires minimal plumbing changes in order to retrofit to blocking product flow.
existing meter installations of the same application. Electronic registers require CPU board part number 81920 for
LCR and LCR-II; CPU board part number 81924 for LC.

When the delivery is complete, both the outlet control
valve and the optical vapor eliminator solenoid valve
Valve Open close until activated for a new delivery.

Figure 2: Liquid Level at or above Optical Sensor

A8302 LPG metering systems use materials specifically intended for their application to ensure high
performance, longevity and above all safety. Under no circumstances should a system designed for LPG
be used to deliver another product without first replacing the necessary metallurgical and seal materials
specified for the application. Conversion kits are available from Liquid Controls.

4 5
Introduction Installation

How the Optical Vapor Top

Eliminator Works
The figures to the right show a cutaway view of the vent
port through the solenoid valve.

When the liquid level is below the sensor, the S3

solenoid valve opens and allows vapor through to the
vent port (Figure 4). When the liquid level is at or above
the optical sensor, the S3 solenoid valve closes the
vent path (Figure 5).

The diagram in Figure 6 shows the LectroCount

register logic for a preset delivery. In order to function Figure 4: Solenoid and Port Open
properly, the optical vapor eliminator must be used in
conjunction with a solenoid actuated control valve at the
meter outlet.


Figure 5: Solenoid and Port Closed


Dimensions shown are not for construction use.

Figure 6: Optical Vapor Eliminator Operating Sequence Consult factory when certified engineering drawings are required.

6 7
Installation Installation

New Installations Retrofit Installations

When ordered with a new meter, the optical vapor
eliminator is supplied mounted on top of a strainer on To retrofit an optical vapor eliminator:
the inlet side of the meter. An example is shown in the
figure to the right. 1. Remove Old Vapor Eliminator and Baffel Cup
After the internal pressure has been relieved from the
A vent line must be connected from the output port system and the assembly drained of liquid, remove
of the optical vapor eliminator to a supply or storage the four bolts and washers used to fasten the vapor
tank. This connection is NPT. The vent line must be eliminator to the top of the strainer. Inspect the O-ring
connected to the supply or storage tank. and replace if necessary.
Figure 8: Remove old
The optical vapor eliminator solenoid valve and optical Vapor Eliminator
sensor are shipped pre-wired to the LectroCount 2. Mount the Optical Vapor Eliminator
electronic register.
Depending on strainer being used, the optical vapor
eliminator may be fastened to the strainer/vapor
eliminator in any of four 90 rotational increments. Select
the most suitable orientation for the final installation of
wiring and vent piping.
Figure 7: New Assembly Fasten the optical vapor eliminator to the strainer using
the four bolts and washers. Tighten the bolts to a torque
of 27 lb-ft (37 Nm).
Retrofit Installations
Depending on the existing configuration, adding an The optical vapor eliminator requires the following
optical vapor eliminator valve may require modification components to operate: Figure 9: Orient and Fasten the 3. Connect the Control Piping/Tubing for LPG
of the vent piping, modification or change of the outlet Optical Vapor Eliminator
valve, and modification or change of the register. LectroCount LCR/LCR-II electronic register with Make plumbing connections from the 3-way solenoid
internal CPU board 81920 or 84040, LC with CPU valve assembly to vapor eliminator and differential valve
board 81924, or LCR 600 with CPU board 84040 assembly. Follow the lettered designations in Figure 10.
Electronically controlled outlet valve
Refer to the manuals accompanying these components for Follow the Letters stamped
proper installation and configuration. on solenoid body 4. Wire the Solenoid and Sensor to the Register
Wiring instructions begin on Page 10.

Relieving Internal Pressure
All internal pressure must be relieved to zero pressure before disassembly or inspection of the strainer,
vapor eliminator any valves in the system, the packing gland, and the front or rear covers.
Figure 10: LPG Plumbing Connections
Serious injury or death from fire or explosion could result in performing maintenance
on an improperly depressurized and evacuated system.

Relieving Internal Pressure Procedure for LPG and NH3 Meters

1. Close the belly valve of the supply tank. 6. Slowly crack the fitting on top of the differential
2. Close the valve on the vapor return line. valve to relieve product pressure in the system.
3. Close the manual valve in the supply line on the Product will drain from the meter system.
inlet side of the meter. If no manual valve exists 7. As product is bleeding from the differential valve,
on the inlet side, consult the truck manufacturer for slowly reopen and close the valve/nozzle on the
procedures to depressurize the system. discharge line. Repeat this step until the product
4. Slowly open the valve/nozzle at the end of the stops draining from the differential valve and
supply line. discharge line valve/nozzle.
5. After product has bled off, close the valve/nozzle at 8. Leave the discharge line valve/nozzle open while
Figure 11: Optical Sensor and Solendoid Valve
the end of the supply line. working on the system.

8 9
Installation Installation

Wiring Wiring
The electrical installation of the optical vapor eliminator
includes connecting the S3 solenoid and the optical 3. Reassemble Cable Plug
sensor to the LectroCount register.
Reinstall the terminal block into the cable plug housing
The optical sensor has a 24 cable potted to the inside to its original orientation. Tighten the strain relief strap
the optical sensor assembly at one end. The other end inside the cable plug using the two screws. Tighten the
of the cable has a threaded cord grip that fastens into cable gland on the bottom of the cable plug so that it
the back of the LectroCount register. seals around the cable.
Reconnect the cable plug to the coil. Place the cover
The S3 solenoid-operated valve requires a 12 AWG, over the cable plug and fasten with the screw to a torque
two-wire, braided cable, approximately 24 to 36 in of 8.8 in-lbs (1 Nm).
4. Connect to LectroCount Electronic Register
The S3 solenoid-operated valve requires a
LectroCount LCR/LCR-II electronic register with CPU Route the cables from the optical sensor and solenoid
board part number 81920 or 84040 (LC with 81924). If valve to the back of the LectroCount register. Connect
the LectroCount does not contain a proper CPU board these to two open ports on the back of the register using
(LC with 81924), replacement CPU boards can be the appropriate connectors.

The 81920 and 84040 CPU board has an additional

terminal, J15 (J11 on the LC 81924 CPU board).
The extra terminal vital for operating the optical vapor LC3 Wiring LCR Wiring
eliminator, and it is not present on other board models.

To wire the S3 solenoid and the optical sensor: Optical Sensor Connection Optical Sensor Connection
Wire Color J11 Pin Connection Wire Color J15 Pin Connection
1. Remove Cable Plug
Red 33 Red 56
Loosen and remove the screw from the cover of the S3 White 34 White 55
solenoid valve cable plug. Remove the cable plug from Black 35 Black 54
the solenoid valve coil. Remove the cover from the cable
plug housing and then remove the terminal block. Be S3 Solenoid Connection S3 Solenoid Connection
sure to note its orientation in the housing. Leave the flat Terminal J11 Pin Connection Terminal J15 Pin Connection
gasket in place on the coil. 1 (Red) 31 1 (Red) 52
2 (Black) 32 2 (Black) 53

2. Connect Cable to Cable Plug

Gnd/Black (15) Gnd/Black (15)
Route one end of the cable through the conduit fitting 2 2

and into the cable plug housing. Connect the cable

wires to the terminal block. Connect the BLACK wire
to Terminal 2 and the RED wire to Terminal 1. The Optical Sensor
+Vo/Red (14)
Optical Sensor +Vo/Red (14)
terminals are indicated by a small 1 and 2 raised
plastic. S3 S3
! Caution

+Vo/Red (52)
Out8/Black (54) Gnd/Black (53)
Incorrect wiring can damage the optical sensor

Gnd/Black (53)
In5/White (55) +Vo/Red (52)

+Vo/Red (56)
and the LectroCount register. +Vo/Red (56)

In5/White (55)
Out8/Black (54)
! WARNING CPU Board 81924
Terminal Block J15
Terminal Block J11
For North American Installations, the installation must be fully in accordance with the National Electrical Code (US) CPU Board
81920 or 84040
or the Canadian Electrical Code respectively.

10 11
Maintenance Maintenance

Disassembly (cont.)
5. The armature guide post is composed of four
Before disassembly of any meter or accessory component, ALL INTERNAL PRESSURES MUST BE components: two O-rings, the guide post, and the
PROCEDURES. Pressure must be 0 (zero) psi. Close all liquid and vapor lines between the meter and liquid

Failure to follow this warning could result in property damage, personal injury, or death from fire and/or explosion,
or other hazards that may be associated with this type of equipment.
6. The valve body has two O-rings found on the face that
butt against the housing. The two O-rings are identical.
O-rings Inspect them for damage. Inspect the ports for blockage.
The optical vapor eliminator consists of a housing, an Tools required:
optical sensor, and a solenoid-operated control valve.
Flat blade screwdriver
Of these three components, only the solenoid valve
is serviceable; however, if any part of the solenoid is 14 mm box end or open end wrench
damaged, a new solenoid assembly (PN 502011) can
be ordered. The optical sensor contains no serviceable
parts because the internal components are potted. If Reassembly
the optical sensor fails, the complete assembly must be 1. Place the spring inside the plunger and insert the
replaced (PN 81947). plunger, spring end first, into the armature guide post.
Place the armature guide post assembly on the valve
To disassemble the S3 solenoid: body.

1. Loosen the thin hex nut holding the solenoid in place Fasten the armature guide post to the valve body. Two
using a 14 mm wrench. Remove the nut and coil from holes of the valve body are threaded and two are not.
the armature guide post. Screw the proper two screws into the threaded holes
Position solenoid
valve body with
number stamp in this 2. Align the solenoid valve body so that the stamped
2. Remove the plastic bonnet from the armature guide number on the valve body faces in towards the
post. housing assembly (shown in the pictures to the right).
The valve body can physically be fastened to the
housing assembly in one of two orientations. Only one
orientation is correct.
With the valve body in the proper orientation, fasten it to
3. Using a screwdriver, loosen the upper left and lower the housing. Tighten to a torque of 15 to 18 in-lbs (1.7 to
right screws of the valve body. These two screws hold 2.0 Nm).
the valve body in place. The upper right and lower left
screws fasten the armature guide post and valve body Number Stamp
together. Remove the valve body from the optical vapor If the stamped numbers face away from the housing,
eliminator housing. the optical vapor eliminator will not function properly.
The port will never open.

3. Place the plastic bonnet over the valve body and snap in
4. Place the valve body on a flat surface. Using a flat place.
blade screwdriver, remove the two screws which hold
the armature guide post and valve body together. Lift
the armature guide post off of the valve body. There is a 4. Place the coil over the armature guide post and fasten
plunger and a spring inside the guide post. Inspect the with the thin hex nut. Tighten the nut with a 14mm
spring for damage. wrench to a torque of 4.5 in-lbs (0.5 Nm).

12 13
Maintenance Bill of Materials - Exploded View

! WARNING Optical Vapor Eliminator (LPG)

Before disassembly of any meter or accessory component, ALL INTERNAL PRESSURES MUST BE
PROCEDURES. Pressure must be 0 (zero) psi. Close all liquid and vapor lines between the meter and liquid

Failure to follow this warning could result in property damage, personal injury, or death from fire and/or explosion,
or other hazards that may be associated with this type of equipment.

Optical Sensor
To replace the optical sensor (PN 81947):
1. Drain the system and relieve all internal pressures.
2. Use a 1" open end wrench to remove the optical sensor
from the housing.
3. Replace with new optical sensor. When tightening, do
not exceed a torque of 75 in-lbs (8.5 Nm).

A light coating of grease or anti-seize lubricant should

be applied to the threads of the sensor prior to assembly.

Excessive liquid flowing out of Liquid not flowing though
vent to supply or storage tank. meter during delivery.

Scenario 1: Solenoid not closing. Scenario 1: Liquid level not rising in optical
vapor eliminator.
1. Check S3 solenoid wiring.
1. Check S3 solenoid. It may not be opening to allow air/
2. Measure resistance across S3 solenoid. It should read
vapor to vent.
approximately 15 . If not, replace S3 solenoid.
2. Check S3 solenoid wiring.
3. Inspect S3 solenoid for blockage. Refer to disassembly
instructions. 3. Measure resistance across S3 solenoid. It should read
approximately 15 . If not, replace S3 solenoid.
4. LectroCount CPU failure. Replace CPU board.
4. Inspect S3 solenoid for blockage. Refer to disassembly
Scenario 2: Optical sensor not functioning.
5. LectroCount CPU failure. Replace CPU board.
1. Check optical sensor wiring.
2. Measure resistance between the RED and WHITE
Scenario 2: Meter outlet valve not opening
wires. Value should be approximately 10k. If not,
replace optical sensor. 1. Check wiring of the outlet valve S1 solenoid.
3. LectroCount CPU failure. Replace CPU board. 2. Measure resistance across S1 solenoid. Value should
read approximately 15. If not, replace S1 solenoid.
3. Inspect S1 solenoid for blockage. Refer to the manual
that accompanies the valve.
4. LectroCount CPU failure. Replace CPU board.

14 15
105 Albrecht Drive
Lake Bluff, IL 60044-2242
1.800.458.5262 847.295.1050 2008 Liquid Controls
Fax: 847.295.1057 Pub. No. 500352
www.lcmeter.com (2/15)

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