0002 7051057 004 02 Safety

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Stork Prints

Original Instructions
Table of contents

1 Safety.................................................................................................................................. 4
1.1 Safety Signs........................................................................................................................ 4
1.2 General ............................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Precautions......................................................................................................................... 5
2 Personal protective equipment........................................................................................... 6
2.1 Clothing .............................................................................................................................. 6
2.2 Hand protection.................................................................................................................. 6
2.3 Foot protection ................................................................................................................... 6
2.4 Eye protection..................................................................................................................... 6
2.5 Hearing protection.............................................................................................................. 6
2.5.1 Method Noise reduction ................................................................................................ 6
3 Safety during transport and installation.............................................................................. 7
3.1 Hoisting/Lifting.................................................................................................................... 7
3.2 Slinging loads ..................................................................................................................... 7
3.3 Using lift trucks safely......................................................................................................... 7
4 Operational safety .............................................................................................................. 8
4.1 Before the start of the production....................................................................................... 8
4.2 During production............................................................................................................... 8
4.3 When changing products and at the end of production .................................................... 8
5 Maintenance safety ............................................................................................................ 9
6 Machine safety devices.................................................................................................... 10
6.1 Emergency stop(s) ........................................................................................................... 10
6.2 Drive guards ..................................................................................................................... 10
6.3 Electrical cabinet .............................................................................................................. 10
6.4 Main switch....................................................................................................................... 10
6.5 Safety signs ...................................................................................................................... 10

© Stork Prints B.V. - 7051057 004 02 3

1 Safety
1.1 Safety Signs

Sharp edges Moving part Rotating parts Slipping hazard

High temperatures Explosives Electrical hazard Fire hazard

Danger zone May start CE-mark Hazardous

automatically chemicals

Magnetic field Objects may be Falling objects Low temperatures


Belt conveyor

© Stork Prints B.V. - 7051057 004 02 4

1.2 General Never use any liquids to clean electrical
The system is provided with a range of safety
and protective devices, to comply with many
Never use any substance which may cause an
international regulations. However, care
explosion. If the use of such materials cannot
should be observed whenever working on the
be avoided then they should be used in an
area where special precautions have been
taken to prevent explosions.
Personnel using the system should be
thoroughly familiar with all safety and
If stepladders, ladders or scaffolds have to be
operations aspects. To ensure the safety of
used when working on the machine then these
personnel, this section of the manual should
shall carry the relevant approvals.
the read carefully before starting-up the
Regularly check that all safety signs are
present on the machine, at the appropriate
To promote the safety awareness of personnel
locations. If any sign is damaged or lost it
it is important that the safety measures are
should be replaced. New signs may be
discussed regularly.
ordered from Stork Prints B.V.
The system includes a number of moving and
If any work has to be carried out on the
hot parts which always pose a hazard
machine, for maintenance, overhaul, cleaning,
(danger). Hence, you should always remain
etc., then it should be disconnected from all
alert to prevent accidents.
energy sources. These should remain
disconnected until the completion of the work.
The customer is required to check that all
safety devices are present and operational
and to include them in procedures if any repair Additional safety measures
or modification of the machine is carried out. required by the local authorities
shall be reported immediately in
1.3 Precautions writing to Stork Prints B.V.
Never remove any guard (protective cover)
while the system is operating or if the mains
supply is still switched on.

Wear protective clothing. Do not wear any

loose jewellery or loose clothing.

All safety devices should be inspected

regularly and any defects should reported and
should be repaired immediately.

Never override safety devices, unless this is

absolutely required for maintenance or repairs.
In that case remember to reinstate the safety
devices after the completion of the work and
ensure that they are immediately effective

Do not leave any tools on the machine, they

may fall into moving parts.

Only qualified and authorised personnel may

undertake electrical or mechanical work, other
than that required to operate the machine.

Keep the machine and the area around it

clean. Place all waste in appropriate

© Stork Prints B.V. - 7051057 004 02 5

2 Personal protective equipment
2.1 Clothing 2.3 Foot protection
Wear closely-fitting protective clothing if you — Wear safety footwear if there is any risk of
are working on or in the vicinity of moving injury due to transport, assembly, or other
equipment. Such clothing should have operations involving heavy components.
covered buttons and pockets and the sleeves,
— Safety footwear also protects against
legs and collars should fit closely.
slipping and has a high electrical
Never work on, or in the vicinity of moving
equipment while wearing loose items of — When climbing ladders, etc. be sure to
clothing such as ties, collars, bracelets, etc. wear shoe-type footwear rather than clog-
type footwear.
Ensure that your sleeves are not loose.
— Wear safety boots when working in a wet
Long hair is dangerous in the vicinity of moving
parts. Wear a hat or hair net.
2.4 Eye protection
Do not wear any rings. Wear safety glasses or goggles which are
appropriate for the work to be carried out. They
Do not wear work clothing soaked in paste, oil are available for protection against metal
or grease, this may lead to skin complaints and particles, sparks, chemicals, dust, radiation,
poses a fire hazard. etc.

Do not carry out any work with bare arms or a Wear a face shield if the rest of your face also
bare torso. requires protection.

2.2 Hand protection When working with chemicals it is advisable to

wear safety glasses which fit your face closely.
Wear protective gloves. There are gloves for all
Alternatively you could wear a hard hat with
kinds of operations.
face shield.
For example, there are gloves for:
— handling slippery and wet objects;
The protection provided by safety glasses is
— handling corrosive liquids;
improved by fitting them with side panels.
— handling hot and cold objects;
— handling sharp objects, etc.
For temporary activities glasses or goggles
which fit over normal prescription glasses may
Never wear gloves in the vicinity of operating
be worn.
machines or moving parts.

2.5 Hearing protection

Most plastic gloves are only
! resistant against some liquids - Remember: ear damage due to noise is
request information from experts permanent and incurable.
or the supplier.
Wear hearing protection of the noise level
exceeds 75 dB(A).
Damaged gloves should be replaced,
particularly if they have to protect against If you do not wear hearing protection there is a
liquids. risk of loss of hearing at sound levels
from 80 dB(A).

Hearing protection methods and their noise


2.5.1 Method Noise reduction

ear plugs approx. 20 tot 25 dB(A)
ear caps approx. 25 tot 30 dB(A)
earmuffs approx. 30 tot 40 dB(A)
otoplastics approx. 40 dB(A)

© Stork Prints B.V. - 7051057 004 02 6

3 Safety during transport and installation
3.1 Hoisting/Lifting Never undertake any welding on an object
supported from a crane by a wire rope or
Any lifting equipment should be clearly
marked with its capacity.
Never use damaged slings.
Always store lifting equipment at the specified
3.3 Using lift trucks safely
Monitor the inspection dates of lifting Always observe the safety instructions
equipment and ensure that it is tested by an provided by the supplier of the fork-lift truck or
approved authority when required. other lift truck.

Ensure that distorted chain links are repaired These trucks may only be operated by suitably
and that distorted eyebolts are replaced. trained personnel.

Replace kinked wire ropes (steel cables) and Check the brakes, steering, lights, horn, etc.
wire ropes with broken strands. before driving away.

Replace rope or webbing slings which are cut, Leave repairs to experts.
frayed or damaged in any other way.
Never exceed the maximum permissible load
3.2 Slinging loads indicated on the nameplate.
Select the appropriate lifting equipment, which
Ensure that the load is properly stacked and
is suitable for the weight of the load.
Consult the rated load tables of chains, wire
The forks should never be extended.
rope slings, ropes and slings and ensure that
the tables are always at hand.
If the situation is unclear then reduce speed
and give adequate signals.
Remember that the slinging angle (angle
between the legs of the slings) can greatly
Passengers may only be carried if an 'official'
increase the force acting on the sling. At a
passenger seat is provided.
sling angle of 120° the force is double the
weight of the load.
While moving, keep your head, hands and feet
within the outline of the truck.
Ensure that you make a good estimate of the
load if its weight is unspecified. You may want
Reverse the truck if the forward view is
to discuss it with your colleagues. Do not lift
obstructed, e.g. when carrying a tall load or
any load if you cannot estimate its weight.
when entering or leaving a building.
Use edge protectors, wooden blocks, burlap
The forks should not be more than 10 cm
(jute) bags, etc. to protect the slings.
above ground level when the truck is moving.
Only lift a load if the slings are tight and the
When going up or down an incline, keep the
hook is positioned above the centre of gravity
forks on the highest side.
of the load. This is to avoid swinging of the
When parking the truck, drop the forks down to
the floor and remove the key from the truck.
Ensure that you can withdraw safely should the
load swing towards you.

Never use a crane do drag a load sideways.

Sling the load such that it cannot roll, slip or tilt.

Before starting the lift be sure to check the

position of the marks on the crates and boxes.

© Stork Prints B.V. - 7051057 004 02 7

4 Operational safety
4.1 Before the start of the production
Check the adjustments of the machine.
Switching the system off at the
main switch is incorrect and may
Check the machine and its surroundings on
even be dangerous.
hazards. These could include:
— loose, defective and worn components;
— defective or bypassed (overridden) safety Any defects should be reported to your
devices. immediate superior and/or the person
responsible for these issues. At shift changes
Any defects should be reported to your inform the person who relieves you of such
immediate superior and/or the person defects.
responsible for these issues. At shift changes
inform the person who relieves you of such Defects which may affect safety should be
defects. remedied immediately by trained staff.

Defects which may affect safety should be 4.3 When changing products and at
remedied immediately by trained staff.
the end of production
Do not undertake any repair or cleaning Check that the machine is safe.
operations on the machine while it is operating.
Beware of any corrosive substances, sharp,
Always check if anyone is in the danger zone pointed and hot parts. Use appropriate
before activating the machine. protective equipment to prevent injury.

Warn anyone in the vicinity before starting the Clean the machine. Observe the safety
machine. instructions for cleaning operations.

4.2 During production

Do not leave the machine operating
unsupervised if this could lead to dangerous

Keep your body and other objects outside the

danger zone of operating machinery, unless
otherwise indicated.

Keep well clear of operating machine parts.

Never override protective and safety devices.

Use the specified or required personal

protective equipment such as safety glasses/
goggles, gloves, etc.

Avoid any loose clothing or jewellery.

Cover long hair with a hair net.

Stop the machine immediately if anything

unusual happens which could be dangerous.

Use the emergency stop if there is an

press one of the emergency stop buttons;
trip (activate) one of the other safety devices
which will shut the system down.

© Stork Prints B.V. - 7051057 004 02 8

5 Maintenance safety

Always undertake the operations in

The operations described in this
accordance with the guidelines of the
! section may only be undertaken by
adequately trained and
operating manual and within the periods
specified in this manual.
experienced personnel. The
operations should be undertaken
The machine may not be pressure cleaned
with appropriate care to prevent
with water or steam, unless specifically stated
personal injury or damage to the
Electrical components should never be
All energy supplies to the machine should be cleaned with water or other liquids.
switched off before starting inspection,
maintenance, repair or cleaning operations: Any worn, damaged, defective or loose parts
Switch the main switch off and press the should immediately be repaired or replaced.
emergency stop button(s) to ensure that the Only use original Stork Prints components.
machine cannot be switched on inadvertently.
Lock the main switch with a padlock to prevent After any repair the machine should be
unauthorised activation. returned to its original state.

Remember that some components of the

machine may still be electrically live after
switching off the power supply. De-energise
these parts. Check that the system is no longer

Isolate the system from all other energy

sources such as compressed air, water,
steam, gas, hydraulic systems, etc. Close all
valves and lock them shut.

Reduce the pressure on the system to zero

using the vent and drain facilities provided.

Protect all mechanically, pneumatically,

hydraulically or otherwise driven component
against inadvertent movement.

Check the results of the above steps.

If the machine has to be operated during the

work then the main switch should only be
switched on for as long as absolutely required.
Check that switching the system on will not
endanger anyone.

If any safety devices have to be overridden

during the work then this may only be done by
specifically authorised personnel.

The machine should always be earthed. Any

interruption of the protective conductor inside
or beyond the system or the disconnection of
the protective earth means that the system
poses a danger to life.

Before starting work, place an adequate

number of warning signs around the machine.

© Stork Prints B.V. - 7051057 004 02 9

6 Machine safety devices
The safety devices of the machine include:

6.1 Emergency stop(s)

Use the emergency stop only if

! there is an IMMEDIATE THREAT to
personnel or the system.

The emergency stop can be activated by:

— pressing one of the emergency stop
— tripping (activating) one of the other safety
devices which will shut the system down.

Note: switching the system off at the main

switch is incorrect and may even be

6.2 Drive guards

These guards cover the chain, gears, drive
belts and other drive components.

6.3 Electrical cabinet

This cabinet can only be opened with a special

6.4 Main switch

The main switch can be locked in the OFF
position with a padlock.

6.5 Safety signs

The machine carries a number of

! safety signs. Their meaning is
explained in the 'Safety signs' and
in the chapters on each unit.

Never remove, override or jam safety devices.

Safety devices should regularly be checked to
verify that they are present, in the right position
and operative. Any defects should be repaired

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Stork Prints B.V.
P.O. Box 67
5830 AB Boxmeer
The Netherlands
Tel.: +31 485 599 555
Fax: +31 485 599 556
E-mail: [email protected]
Internet: www.spgprints.com

© Stork Prints B.V. (Boxmeer, The Netherlands). All rights

reserved. As far as not intended for the use of the
installation, it is without prior explicit permission in writing
by Stork Prints B.V. not allowed to copy, distribute or
transfer the user manual or parts of it as well as the
software necessary for the installation, the drawings and
the technical descriptions with electronic or mechanic
methods, by photocopying or other recording procedures
or any other way.


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