Marco Architectural Downlighting Catalog 1990

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ArchiL ect ura I Downlighting



Marco is proud to present it's Architec- custom fixture design, modificarion and
tural Downlight catalog. Everytbing you re\ri'lg we as\ure you oi rhe be.t 'olutions
need to know about architectural to your designs. \(e have the technology
downlights can be easily located and utiliz- and experience to make your planning
ed wirh ir' iniormat:re de.ign work for you.
'imple 1et Marco has been in the lighting industry
[hi' . atalog include' our comprete lrre since 19,{6, and in that time has proved to
of incandescent, compact fluorescent and be a forerunner in it's field. Highly in-
low voltage recessed downlights. Encom- novative, Marco invented such unique pro-
passing {ixtures with configurations for ducts as ir's R/PAR/A reflector, hanger Marco manufactures over 2 million
open, Iensed, *all-ash, ellipsoidal, ad- bracLcL.. accr,.ible qw rohage ballast. uni- recessedfixtures per year. And, with
justaole and lor
prolr'e u5rge. EveryrhinB que compact fluorescent ballast configura- warehouses in Dallas, Atlanta, Philadelphia,
you need for every possible situarion. And tions and, in fact, the original die-cast Chicago and Los Angeles, we can fil) your
even the "impossible" situation. \Vith our aluminum plaster frame. most time sensitive orders.


Conceived, engineered and manufactured An added safeguard for rhe specifier and
for every downlight applicarion, the Marco client.
fixure is a superior product for a deman-
ding industry. The R/PAR/A reflector Our plaster frames are made of die cast
configuration exemplifies our innovative rlum:num. _or iu'L \lamped -teel. Thi'
product design. helps to prevent oxidation, withstand cor-
If you choose reflector lamps (R and rosion and provide extra stren$h {or rhe
PAR) for your specification the best choice housing assembly. In addition, the frame
is the Marco R/PAR/A open aperture has a regression to accept the bead of the
downlight. If during the life of the lighring cone or baffle, thereby creating a trimless
system, it seems more cost effective not to appearance if desired.
use reflector style lamps, the R/PAR/A
unit will accommodate an "A" lamp, due Our reflectors are easy-toinstall thanks to
Lo it poli'hed alzak builr in reflecror. Marco's unique srap-in Grip Klip(rMl
Lighting efficiency wiil remain, regardless. systcm. They come in two forms. Clear

2 M,aFtco
and gold Alzak(ru), to maximize light out- installations. you order. Painted white to match ceiling
pur and preceisely control beam patterns! material, rhe recessed downlight slope
r. black AlzakoM)and black ba{fle for A Marco first! The J-box attaching to the :Jrpror :. .rrail;Llr lor 04250. Our ellrP-
visual con,fort and superior design rccessedlighting fixrure was a Marco idea .oid.rl .lope rd;pror ian a\commodrre
application. long before standards were created for the trom 0L300. Funnel slope adaptors can ac-
J-box. Marco recessed products with "J-box commodate from 00-450.
Merco hanger brackets are verticalll ad' City o{ Los Angeles Approved" was a
justable up to 712", to accommodate forerunner to al1 J-box U.L. Listings. Mar-
r rnor, ce ling rhi.kne*e' or con\rruction. co J-boxes come with Vrtt and %tt
.r.h.r. T bar. glpbold. pl.rrter.
Lnockours. Our knockouts are easier to
remove because they are stamped, not die-
l-re11 Martu r'x'u-. come. q :Lh rele.coP
c cut, for time saving installations.
slip straps that adjust to 25", something
most manufacturers don't supply. Our bar Our .lope ad.roror. are .tandr.d rc(e\\or:(.
hangers will accomodate all ceiling and are cut precisely to the degree slope

3 MAttrcl
A lamps are the most "common" lamp on R lamps, also called reflector lamps, are
rhe market. Desirable for wide distribution used for fixtures having partial optical con-
applications, rhey are easily attainable and trol. Inexpensive to install, they are
inexpensive. Their maximum output is 300 desirable where low initial fixture costs are
watts and they burn {rom 75A rc 2500 necessary. R lamps are available for narrow
hours. to medium-wide light distribution situa-
t;ons from task to ambient.

AJamp open reflecto$ are an excellent Designed to enlance a room's ambience,

choice for installations that require wide By collecring and accurately dlrecting light wall washing can be used for vaious ef-
distribution and high efficiency. Though energy. this elliptlcal design unit is ideal fects: to make e room seem larger; to
economical. a highly efficient fixture is re- Ior high ceiling applications. Aesthetic create a mood; to emphasize art objects or
quired to accenruate the potential of en in- enhancement, visual comfort and high level wall patterns. lfall wash reflector units il-
candescent A lamp. The cone's engineered efficiency is perfectly blended by the ellip- luminate the wall from top to bottom,
configtrration, precise luminaire position- soidal reflecror fixture. The output o{ while providing downlighting on the side
ing, and quality of coating all contribute to medium to broad distribution light is ac- away frorn the wall, without glare. \fall
the desired output distribution while complished through a commonly desirable washers are available in A lamp and R
minimizing undesirable ceiling brightness small ceiling apenure. A stylish black ba{- lamp configurations. The reflector sryle (il-
and glare. Well conceived and executed fix- fle is commonly employed to enhance lustrated) is the most common, but eyeball
Lures contribute to efficient spacing criteria aesthetic appeal without impairing the configurations can be very effective in cer-
and overall lighting balance. Producing a lighting efficienry. The combination o{ a tain specific applications.
warm, natural color rendition, the A-lamp smaller aperture and scepped black baffle
open reflector creates an atmosphere of act ro limir glere end brightness at rhe ceil-
comfort and eese suitable for most ambient ing level,
lighting situations.

PAR lamps have built-in reflectors and Compact fluorescent lamps combine the These high intensity, low voltage lamps
lenses. Vith an average life of 2500 hours, design benefits of incandescents with the nro\rdc \rliou\ beam ,oread.;-d effc.ri'e-
they come in a wide range of wattages and practicallity of {luorescents. Extremely ver- Iy r.du.< rnergy .on.JmPrion by ), \f/ir\
beam spreads. Effective indoors and out, satile, PL has 5 times the lumen to watt lrle ol IUUU J)UU irour\. ow
rhey can be utilized for ambient, accent rrtio to incandcrc(ntr. \4.rrco oiter' the 'n- llmpr rre erergy and co.' ef .
and tasL lighting. dustries' most complete line of compact Low voltage lamps are ideal for accent
fluorescent fixtures. You'Il find they are a lighting situarions.
bright choice for your plans.

The adjustable fixrure is ursurpassed in the

category of flexibility. They provide up to Compact fluorescent downlights add the Dramatic acccnting can be attained -ith
400 adjusrmcnt from verrical and can be design benefits of incandescents to the the precisely controllcd lightlng providcd
rotaced horizontally up to 358c. Combined practicality of fluorescents equaling a ver- by lo*' r'oltage fixturcs. Precisely contained
."itL the :ccommodation of PAR. R or satile, long lasting iuminary. PL lamps bcams of high color temperature light are
Low Voltage lamps, a controlled beam have high lumen per watt performance. by MRIo rnd PAR3o la-p..
spread can be focuscd in virtually anv \(ith one 13 watt lamp, 60 plus watts of They operate wirh smaller filaments and
direction. They can also provide a simple incandescent Iight can be replaced. Com- morc efiiciently engineered reflectors to
solutjon to sloped ceilings in place of a pact fluorescents can be used with reflec-,e higher luren pcr qrtl 'JLrIPul.
standard downlight adaptor. Since apenure tors, such as Gold Alzak[M), to warn, color ie'ulring in more nrcn.e. J're.reo l'gh.
sizcs. baffles and trims match other fix- rcmperatLlre. Versatile enough for indoors l on r o r.rg6 l.rmp' pr ^vide more pr< i.r
tures, they can be utilized for spccial ac-
ll larnp' Jrc rn choi(. .'c.rnt Lghring'r.. wartage. mrL:1F
cenr lighting while nTaintaining the visual for many installations. Since they operate rhcm an economical alternative as well.
harmony of an installation. Ideal for retail ror Lp ro IO.OOO hour.. lLe) rre perle.r fr" \ ith the striking alternativcs available
establishments, galleries and showrooms, Irr\ wncre r.l,r-p ng ir ditlicult. I h.i ,,. nith low voltagc, dramatic moods can be
thc rdjustable fixture provides track flex- also wcll suited for situations requiring set in any cnvironment-museums, hotels,
ibilitv with superior cosmetic appeal. continual 1o$r level illuminarion such as jewclry stores, showrooms, officcs and
hotel hallv,'avs. rcsidential.

As with others in the ne*-series o{ Marco
lireraru re. rLe Archite.tural Downlighring
catalog has been organized and prepared
with the engineer in mind. Specifying and
ordering criteria follow a logical flow, and
r-. con,i\re-1. p-od.rcr b1 p'ndu,r. 'e,rior
Adlustables and Accenis
Display Lights, Explorer, Eyeballs

Recessed Open
Aperture Rounds and
by section, catalog by catalog. Great care
has been taken to provide complete, ac- Elllp$oldal6
"hich r'
cJrr(e rnlormation in a Iormat Recessed Open Aperture Rounds and
con.i.renr from corpa.r fluore\.erl to:n Squares
candescenr to HID.
Following is a breakdown o{ Marco's Bound Lens, Recessed
catalog numbering system. Onc & T*'o Piece Die Cast Trims
Fixtures are only available with ac
cessories and finjshes listed. For special Square Lens, necesaed
modifications consult factory. One and Two Piece Die Cast Trims


Low Voltage

6 MARco
Letter prefix Three digit Second three Trim finish Optional ac-
deslgnates number p1.,s digits.rrc must bc cessottes are
housing type. letter prefix is rrim assembly specified when added to the
(see key at left) complete hous- catalog optional. cnd of the
ing assembly number- comPlete
Catalog catalog
number. number.

Ape ure

Max. !(/att. 50
Pg. 14

6u D2.,1 D2o2 D20a D20t o2oa


Max. \fatt. 150 Max. !flatt. 150 Max. \fatt. 150 Max. Watt. 150 Max. Waft.
Pg. 18 Pg. 18 Pg. 18 Pg. 16 Pg. 16

70 D30r D302 D30A D30t D30A


Max. Watt. 200 Max. 1X/an. 200 Max. rX/atr. 200 Max. rVart, 200 Max. Watt. 200
Pg. 22

D40t D402 D40A D40t D40A

Max. Watt. 300 Max. \7att. 300 Max. !0att.300 Max. Watt. 250 Max. lVatt. 250
Pg. 30 Pg. 30 Pg.30 Pg. 28 Pg. 28

Dt05 t2.,2

Max. Watt. 100 Max. Watt. 100 Max. lWatt. 200

Pg.32 Pg.35 Pg.38

E201 D305 E302 A602 (Lensedl

Max. Ifatt. 500 T4 Max. \tratt. 200 Max. \Vart. 200 Max. Vatt. 200 Max. Watt. 200
Pg. 20 Pg.32 Pg.36 Pg. 38 Pg.44

D306 E30{ D30t

Max. lvatt. Max. Watt. 200 Max. \gatt. 200 Max. \Vatt. 150
1s0r7 PAR38/CB Pg.3a Pg.48 Pg.46
Pg. 26

E40t w400 440I

Max. l(att. 300 Max. !(att. 300 Max. Watt. 150

Pg.34 Pg. 50 Pg. 46

4u FI 14 vloo

Max. rvalt. 13 Max. \?att. 50

Pg. 76 Pg.96

a50a Filxt S F Xr3 Fitxr3 v2oot275

Max. Vatt. 250 Max. rVatt. 13 Max. Watt. 13 Max. Wart, 13 Max. Vatt. 75
Pg. 40 Pg. 78 Pg. 78 Pg. 78 Pg.98,100

4303 xtt I lf,x?l I t xTt t v252

Max. Watt. 250 Max. Watt. 2-9 Ma* Wart. 2-9 Max. Watt. 2-9 Ma* $Fatt. 50
Pg. 40 Pg. 80 Pg. 80 Pg. 80 Page 97

4504 D400 D400

Max. Watt. 300 M^x. Watr' 2-26 Mal Watt. 2-26

Pg. 82 Pg. 84

4523 D500

Max. Watt, 150 Max. Watt. 2-26

Pe. 44 Pg. 85
10 MAFro
Max. Vatt. 100
Pg. 54

Incandescent lamps produce a warm, average of 750 hours.
natural color rendition that creates an at- R lamps, which means "reflector" lamps,
mospherc of comfort and ease. Since they havc built-in aluminized reflectors. \Vith a )
arc a.railable in many configurations to fit typical rated life of 2,500 hours, R lamps
most lighting applications, they are fre- can be used for commercial general
quentll the lamp of choice. lighting, display lighting and wall washing.
The basic rypes of incandescent lamps PAR lamps, or Parabolic Reflector lamps
are A, R, and PAR. A lamps are the also have a built-in reflector and comes
*-pl..r and mo'! Lormon on the markLt. equipped with a lens. Tbey come in a wide
lnerpcn,:ve rnd ersill attain;ble. rheir range of wattages and beam spreads and
maximum wattagc is 300 and they burn an have an average life of 2,500 hours.

I 12 MArico
Marco makes an innovative fixture thar larger and to create dramaj accent, to
will accommodate the three basic incandes- highlighr and dramatize art objects,
cenr lamps. Called the R/PAR,/A reflector, displays, paintings, planrs. They provide
its cones are supplied with a unique Alzak excellenr lighr conrrol and color -endirions
ellipsoidal reflecror ro assure oursranding and -equire no auxiliary equipn enr. Since
performance, even with an economical A they are available in a wide range or size.
lamp. and wattages, an incandescent lamp most
Incandescents can be used for all types of likely will fit your needs. Matched with
Lighting applications: ambient, for general the quality o{ a Marco fixture, the end
illumination; task, for a more localized ef- result is a superb lighting system.
fect; wallwashing, for making rooms seem
tO1 27" C channel Construction includes a one piece die cast
bar hangers plaster frame. Hanger brackets are ad-
1277 277V stey iustable to 1.5". Bar hangers, which ere
down transforrner supplied, adjust to 25". Other hanger ac-
cessories include27" C ch^nnel tol' J'
box with %" 6r %" knockouts is pre-
wired with ground wire included. Socket
assembly has porcelain socket. medium
screwshell base, and spun aluminum
socket cap.

Branch circuit alloq/s maximum

+in/+ont #12 A\fG conductors rated at
minimum 75 degrees C.

R.rted for use in damp locations and is

rhermally protected. j-box is accessible
&om below ceiling.

R20 50\7
Dlot l?5
R/PAR20 50\f
lo3 Gold Alzak R/PAR2O 50\f

rI rL_.".J

Dlot Black Baffle R/PAR/2o 50\(

R20 50\f

I 14 rvlArtco
in clear, gold and black
Alzak. Clear Alzak maximizes
light output and provides controlled
beam pattern. Black Alzak and baffle Clear Alzak
(D Gold Alzak
Black Ba{fle
reduces glare.

Narrow {1at aluminum design.

60 ?o 5030 loo DtorrT5

MTG, HI. FCb' DIA, s' ?O 50 30 lO 70 50 3o lo 50 iO lo 50 30 lo 50 30 lo o R20 FL 50V/
o 113 113 113 113 110 110 110 110 106 106 106 101 101 101 97 97 97 95
r 109 107 105 103 106 105 103 101 101 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 Total lumens-425
31 2 105 i01 98 96 103 100 s7 95 97 95 93 94 92 91 92 90 89 88 Spacingcriteria-.8
3 1A297 94 91 100 96 93 90 94 S1 89 91 89 87 89 86 86 85
DlOl lO2 CP x .5
6' ls 5.6
4 99 93 89 86 97 q2 a9 a6 90 37 a5 89 86 8487 85 33 82
-- 87 84 81 86 83 81 84 82 80 DlOl lO3 CP x .9
3' 3 5 95 89 85 82 94 89 85 82 79
3 92 36 32 79 91 86 82 79 84 81 78 83 80 78 82 80 78
s.3 7 89 83 79 76 88 82 78 75 81 78 75 AA 77 75 79 77 73
o. 6 S6 80 76 73 A5 79 75 73 7A 75 72 7A 74 7277 74 72 71
a a3 77 72 7A 83 76 72 69 75 72 69 75 7i 6974 71 69 68
10 a1 74 7a 67 AA 74 70 67 73 69 67 72 69 67 72 69 67 66

80 70 !o30 loo Dtorr04

MIG. HT. FC,OO OIA. $. 70 50 30 lo 70 50 30 lo 50 30 io 51, 30 lo 50 30 io o R2O FL 5O\T
o 70 70 70 70 69 69 69 69 66 66 66 63 63 63 60 60 60 59
I 68 67 66 65 67 66 65 64 63 62 62 61 60 60 59 59 58 57 Total lumens-425
2 66 64 62 61 65 63 62 60 61 60 59 59 59 58 58 57 56 56 Spacing criteria-.7
3 64 62 60 58 63 61 59 58 60 58 57 58 57 56 57 56 55 54
-- 4 63 60 57 56 62 59 57 55 58 56 55 57 55 54 56 55 s4 53
"0. 5 61 57 55 54 60 57 55 53 56 54 53 55 952s453 52 51
6 59 56 54 52 59 55 53 52 55 53 51 54 52 51 53 52 51 50
10' 5 6,9
? 5S 54 52 50 57 54 52 50 53 51 50 52 51 5052504949
s. a s6 52 50 49 56 52 50 4S 52 50 48 51 4S 4A 51 49 4A 47
I5551 4 47 54 51 4e 47 50 44 47 50 48 47 49 4a 46 46
'lo 53 49 47 46 53 49 47 46 49 47 46 4A 47 45 4A 47 45 45

15 MAHco

tol 27" C cha[nel Construction includes a one piece die cast

bar hangers pLasrer frame. Hanger brackets are ad-
1277 277V stey justable to 1.5". Bar hangers, which are
down transformer supplied, adjust to 25l'. Other hanger ac-
cessories include 27" C channel t0l, J-
box vrirh 1/:" & %" krockours is pre-
vzired with ground wire included. Socket
assembly has porcelain socket, medium
screwshell base, and die cast aluminum
socket cap,

Branch circuit allovs maximum

+in/+olx #12 AVG conductors rated at
minimum 75 degrees C.

Rated for use in damp locarions and is

therrnally protected. J-box is accessibie
from below ceiling,

D20l lll Clear Alzak R30/PAR30 75\r

R30 75w' I l2 Black Alzak RI0/PAR30 75W
I l3 Gold Alzak R30,/PAR30 75W

D20t rt4 Black Baffle R/PAR /ER 150\r

R40 150\r

D2l,1 Itl Clear Alzak l^21 150W

421 150W li2 Black Alzak 421, 150W
I 13 Gold Alzak A2l 150\r
ll4 Black Baffle 421 150W

D208 l16 Clear Alzak R,/PAR3O 75IO

A21 150\r
A21lR40 150W Slope must be t17 Black Alzak R,/PAR3O 75W
speci{ied A21 150W
I la Gold Alzak R/PAR 30,5'\ 7 )\
421 150\r
l19 Black Baffle R,/ER/PAR/A 15OV/

R/PAR/A Marco cones supplied with a
unique Alzak ellipsoidal rop reflector to
aisure outstanding performance cven with
econonical A lamps. Available in clear, Clear Alzak
(D --{'.
Cold Alzak
Black Brffle
gold, and black spccularAlzak. CJear
Alzak maximizes light output and provides
conrrolled beam partern. Black Alzak and
Balfle reduces glare.

Narrow flar aluminum design. For slope

cciLings use D208 housing. Degree of
dope musr be specified (0-30). Slope ceil'
ing adapter trim is low gloss white,
aluminum construction.

60 70 5('30 10o ])207111

s. 70 50 30 lO 70 50 30 tO 50 30 lO 50 30 l0 50 30 lO 0
R3O FL Z5\f
o a4 a4 a4 a4 a2 a2 a2 a2 7a 7a 7a 75 75 75 72 72 T2 71
'I 81 79 73 76 79 78 76 75 T5 74 73 72 71 7A -74 69 6A 67 Total Iumens-900
2 7A 75 72 70 76 74 71 70 71 7A 6A 69 68 6767 6665 64 Spacing criteria-.9
3 75 71 68 66 73 ?a 67 65 68 66 64 67 65 63 65 64 62 61
D2Ol I 12 CP x .6
6a. 4 72 6e 64 62 71 67 64 62 65 63 61 64 62 60 63 61 59 s9
D2Ol I l3 CP x .9
39 5 69 64 61 5a 6A 63 60 58 62 59 57 61 59 57 60 58 56 56
6 66 61 58 55 65 61 57 55 60 57 55 59 56 54 58 56 54 53
7 63 5S 54 52 63 58 54 52 57 54 52 56 53 51 55 53 51 50
m. a 61 55 52 49 60 55 51 49 54 51 49 53 si 49 53 50 48 48
9 5S 52 49 46 57 52 4A 46 51 48 46 5i 48 46 50 48 46 45
ro 56 50 46 44 55 49 46 14 49 46 14 4a 46 .14 48 45 43 43

ao705030ioo D201114
eo" 70 50 30 to 70 50 30 t0 50 30 ro 50 30 'lo 50 30 lo o R,+0 FL 150\(/
0 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 31 31 31 30 30 30 29 29 29 28 Total lumens-1950
1323231 31 32 31 31 30 30 30 29 29 29 2A 2A 2A 2A 27
2 31 30 30 29 31 30 29 29 29 2A 2e 2A 2A 27 27 27 27 26 Spacing criteria .6
3 30 29 28 27 3A 29 2A 27 2a 27 27 27 27 26 27 26 26 26 PAn t5OW CP x 1.05
eo. 4 30 2A 27 26 29 2A 27 26 27 26 26 27 26 26 26 26 2s 2s
5 29 27 26 25 2A 27 26 25 26 26 25 26 25 25 26 25 24 24
6 2A 26 25 24 2A 26 25 24 26 25 24 25 25 24 25 24 24 24
7 27 25 24 23 27 2s 24 23 25 24 23 25 24 23 24 24 23 23
30. a 26 25 23 23 26 24 23 23 24 23 23 24 23 22 24 23 22 22
9 26 24 23 22 25 24 23 22 23 22 22 23 22 22 23 22 22 21
10 25 23 22 21 25 23 22 21 22 22 21 23 22 21 22 22 21 21

ao 70 5030 loo D20ittl

eo. 70 50 30 io 70 50 30 to 50 30 io 50 30 lo 50 30 'lo o A21 150\0
o 67 67 67 67 65 65 65 65 62 62 62 60 60 60 57 57 57 56
I 64 62 61 60 63 61 60 59 59 58 57 s7 56 ss 55 54 54 53 Total lumcns-2780
2 61 59 57 55 60 58 56 54 56 54 53 54 53 52 53 52 51 50 Spacing criteria-1.0
3 585553a1 57 54 52 50 53 s1 49 52 50 49 50 49 48 47 At9 IOOW CP x .6
4 565249475551 49 47 50 48 46 4e 47 45 4A 46 45 44
O2Oll l2 CP x .6
5 53 49 46 43 a2 48 45 43 47 45 43 46 44 42 45 43 42 41
6 50 46 43 40 50 45 42 4A 45 42 40 44 .U 40 43 41 39 39 D2Otl l3 CP x.9
120 7 4A 43 4A 37 47 42 39 37 42 39 37 41 3S3740383736 D2Ol I l4 CP x .6
I454A37 35 45 40 37 35 39 36 34 39 36 34 38 36 34 33
9 43 37 34 32 42 37 34 32 37 34 32 36 33 32 36 33 31 31
ro 40 35 32 30 40 35 32 29 34 31 29 34 31 29 33 31 29 29

80705030t00 D20At 16
sa" 7O 50 30 lO 70 50 30 tO 50 30 lO 50 30 lO 50 30 lO O R30 FL 75 \(
o a4 84 84 A4 A2 A2 A2 82 7A 7B 78 75 75 75 72 72 72 71
I 81 79 78 76 79 7A 76 75 75 -74 73 72 71 70 70 69 6A 67 Total lurnens-900
2 7A 75 727A 76 74 71 70 71 7a 6A 69 68 67 67 66 65 64 Spacing criteria-.9
3 7a71 6A 66 73 70 67 65 68 66 64 67 65 63 65 64 62 61 D20gt l7 cP x .9
4 72 6A 64 62 71 67 64 62656361 6462606361 59 59 D2Oal la CP x .6
5 6S 64 61 58 68 63 60 s8 62 ',59 57 61 59 57 60 s3 56 56
6 66 61 s8 55 65 6i 57 55 60 s7 55 59 56 54 58 56 54 s3 Dzoat l9 CP x .6
7 63 58 54 52 63 s8 54 52 57 54 52 56 53 51 55 53 51 50
a 61 55 5249 60 5s 51 49 54 51 49 53 51 49 53 50 48 48
t s3 52 49 46 57 52 4A 46 51 48 46 51 484650484645
lo 56 50 46 44 55 49 46 44 49 46 44 4A 46 44 4A 45 43 43

lOl 27" C channel Construction includes a one piece die cast
bar hangers plaster frame. Hanger brackets are ad-
lAl9 A lamp fitring justable to 1.5". Bar hangers, which are
for A19 lamp supplied, adjust to 25". Other hanger ac-
1277 277V stey cessories include27" C ch^nnel lO1.
down transformer D2a2 reflector secured by single screw to
housing mounting yoke. J-box with %"
& %" knockouts is pre-wired with
ground wire included. Socket assembly
has porcelain socket, medium screwshell
base, and die cast aluminum socket cap.

Branch circuit allos's maximum

{in/4-our #!2 AWG conductors rated ar
minimum 75 degrees C.

D201 ta6 Clear Alzak A21 150\7

421 150\tr 187 Gold Alzak A21 150W


A21 150\7
262 Black Alzak
Shallow Cone
264 Black Baffle
Shallow Cone
A21 150!f

A21 150\fl
l L-.".---l tl
L_?% -ll

171 Clear Alzak A21 150W

A21 150\(/ 172 Black Alzak A21 150\(/
173 Gold Alzak A21 t50W

1,"") I

D208 216 Clear Alzak A21 150W

217 Gold Alzak A21 150!0
A21 150\fl Slope must be

18 MAFrco
Rated for use in damp locations and is
thermally protected. J-box is accessible
from below ceiling,

Reflectors designed for use with A21

tu_"_J (D (-;"; e Gold Alzak Black Alzak
Shallow Cone
hmps. tor A 19 lamp. .pecify llle1ex-
.eption: D202). A'ailable in clear. gold.
and black specular Alzak. Clear Alzak
maximizes light output and provides con-
trolled beam pattern. Black Alzak and
Baffle reduces glare. Black Baffle
Shallov Cone
Narrow flat aluminum design. For slope
ceilings use D208 housing. Degree of
slope must be specified (0-30). Slope ceil-
ing adapter trim is low gloss white,
aluminum construction.

ao705030too D20t ta6

s0. ?o 50 30 to ?o !o 30 ro 50 30 to 50 30 to 50 30 lo o
o 89 89 89 A9 A7 A7 a7 S7 83 83 83 79 79 79 76 76 76 75
A21 150\(/
I S4 82 S07983 81 79 77 78 76 75 75 74 73 72 71 71 69 Total lumens-2780
a 80767371 7A 75 72 70 73 70 6A 70 68 67 68 67 65 64 Soacine criterir-1.-1
3 7671 67 63 74 69 66 63 67 64 62 66 63 61 64 62 60 59 ztw CP * .s
oo" 4 71 65 61 57 70 64 60 57 63 59 56 61 58 56 60 57 55 54
5 67 60 55 52 66 59 5s 52 58 54 51 57 53 51 56 53 50 49 IOOW CP x .55
6 635651 47 62 55 50 47 54 50 47 53 49 46 54 49 46 45 D2Ol ta7 CP x .9
7 5851 46 42 57 50 4s 42 49 45 42 4A 44 42 47 44 41 4A
@" 6544641 38 53 46 41 38 45 41 37 44 40 37 43 40 37 36
I5A4237 34 50 42 37 34 41 37 33 40 36 33 40 36 33 32
to 47 38 33 30 46 3a 33 30 37 33 30 37 33 30 36 32 30 rA

to705030too 0201262
go" 7O 50 30 .rO tO 50 30 rO 50 00 tO 50 30 tO 50 30 lO O
o s9 59 59 59 58 58 5S 58 55 55 55 53 53 53 51 51 51 50
A21 150V/
t 57 56 54 53 56 54 53 52 52 52 51 si s0 4S 49 48 48 47 Total lumens-2780
2 54 52 50 49 53 51 50 4A 5A 4A 47 4a 47 46 47 46 45 45 Spacing criteria-.7
6', 9 524947 4551 48 46 45 47 45 46 46 45 43 4s 44 43 42
7sW (iP x .5
uo' 4 50 46 44 42 49 46 43 42 45 43 41 44 42 41 43 41 40 40
s 47 44 41 39 47 43 41 39 42 40 3a 41 40 3a 41 39 3a 37 IOOW CP x .65
6 4541 38 37 44 41 3A 36 40 38 36 39 37 36 39 37 36 35 D2O1264 CP x .9
7 43 39 36 34 42 38 36 34 38 35 34 37 35 33 37 35 33 33
30" a 41 36 :13 32 40 36 33 31 35 33 31 35 33 31 34 33 31 30
122 9 393431 293A?.431 29 33 31 29 33 31 29 32 30 29 2A
to 37 32 29 27 36 32 29 27 31 29 27 31 29 27 31 29 27 26

ao705030to0 D202171
eo. ?O 50 30 tO 70 50 30 lO 50 30 lO 50 30 lO 50 30 lO O
A21 150!(/
o 78 7A 7A 7a 76 76 76 76 72 72 72 69 69 69 66 66 66 65
1747271 69 73 71 70 68 68 67 66 66 65 64 64 63 62 61 Total lumens-2780
2 71 68 65 63 69 67 64 63 65 63 61 63 61 60 61 60 59 5S criteria
Spacing 1.3
3 67 63 60 58 66 63 60 57 61 58 57 59 57 56 58 56 55 54 7sw CP x .5
e. 4 64 59 56 53 63 59 56 53 57 55 52 56 s4 52 55 53 51 50
5 61 55 52 49 60 55 51 49 54 51 48 53 50 48 52 49 48 47
IOOW CP x .65
6 58 52 48 46 57 52 4a 45 51 47 45 50 47 45 49 46 44 44 D2O2172 CP x .6
7 54 4A 44 42 54 48 44 42 47 44 41 46 43 41 46 43 41 40 D2O2l73 CP x.9
$. 451 45 41 38 51 45 41 38 44 41 3A 43 40 38 43 40 38 37
9 4A 42 3A 35 47 41 38 35 41 37 35 40 37 35 40 37 35 34
ro 45 39 35 32 45 38 35 32 3A 34 32 37 34 32 37 34 32 31

ao705030roo D2052t 5
eo" ?O 50 30 lO 70 50 30 lO 50 30 lO 50 30 lO 50 30 lO O
A21 150!fl
o 89 89 89 a9 A7 A7 A7 87 83 83 83 79 79 79 76 76 76 75
t 84 82 80 79 83 81 79 77 78 76 75 75 74 73 72 71 71 69 I otal lumens-1,/80
2 44767371 7a 75 72 70 73 7A 6A 70 68 67 68 67 65 64 Spacing criteria-1.3
3 76 7t 67 63 74 69 66 63 67 64 62 66 63 61 64 62 60 59 75W CP x .5
*" 4 71 65 61 57 70 64 60 57 63 59 56 61 58 56 60 s7 55 54
5 67 60 55 52 66 59 55 52 58 54 51 57 53 51 56 53 50 49 IOOW CP x .65
6 635651 47 62 55 50 47 54 5A 47 53 49 46 54 49 46 45 D2Oa21l C,P x .9
75851 46 42 57 50 45 42 49 45 42 48 44 42 47 44 41 40
a 544641 38 53 46 41 38 45 41 37 44 40 37 43 40 37 36
9 50 42 37 34 50 4237 34 41 37 33 40 36 33 40 36 33 32
10 47 3A 33 30 46 38 33 30 37 33 30 37 33 30 36 32 30 23

19 MAHcO
Iol 27" C channel Construction includes a one piece die cast
bar hangers plasrer frame. Hanger brackers are ad-
l8O Slope ceiling justable to 1.5". Bar hangers, which are
adapter, op,e- mrrst supplied, adjust to 25't . Otier hanger ac-
be specrhed (U-JU cessories include 27" C channel lo1, J-
degrees maximum) box qirh /z" & r,r " knockouts is pre-
wired v'ith ground wire included. Socket
assembly has porcelain socket, minican
screwshell base, and die cast aluminum
socket cap.

Branch circuit allows maximum

4-in/4-ott #12 AWG conductors rated ar
minimum 75 degrees C.

276 Clear Alzak T4 250W

T4 250\f 277 Black Alzek T4 250\Jf
Frosted Minican 2?A Gold Alzak T4 25a1w

279 Black Baffle T4 250!7

T4 250\fl
Frosred Minican

D234 276 Clear Alzak T4 500W

T4 500W 27' BlackAlzak T4 5oo\?
Frosted Minican 274 Gold Alzak T4 500W

D234 279 Black Baffle T4 500\fl

T4 500\fl
Frosted Minican

20 MAFco
Ratedfor use in damp locations and is
rhermally protected. J'box is accessibie
fron belo.v ceiling.
(._-,/ (D Gold Alzak
Black Baffle
Quartz lamp and re{lector configuration
pro'rde a nrrrro Ligh concentrarion or
light. Clear tempered lens enclosure for
qurnz l.,mp r'LanJ.,rd7 redu.<' ligl-r our-
pLrt by l0o/". Available in clear, gold, and
bLack specular Alzak. Clear Alzak max-
imizes light output and provides controll-
ed beam pattern. Black Alzak and Baffle
reduces glare.

Narrovr flat aluminum dcsign.

80705030r00 D233276
e0' 70 50 30 ro 70 50 30 ro 50 30 ro 50 30 ro 50 30 ro o T4 Quarrz 250\fl
o 84 84 84 A4 A2 A2 A2 82 T8 78 78 75 75 75 72 72 72 70
I ei 80 78 77 79 7A 77 76 75 74 74 73 72 72 7A 70 69 6a Total lumens-5000
2797674737775737273727071 70 69 69 68 6867 Spacing criteria-.8
a 77 74 71 70 75 73 71 69 71 69 68 70 68 67 68 67 66 65 D233277 CP x .6
.0" 4 75 71 69 67 74 71 68 66 69 67 66 68 66 65 67 65 64 64
5 72 69 66 64 72 68 66 64 67 65 63 66 64 63 65 64 62 62 D23?278 CP x .9
6 71 67 64 62 70 66 64 62 65 63 62 65 63 61 64 62 61 60
7 69 65 62 60 68 64 62 60 63 61 60 63 61 59 62 60 59 58
@. A 67 63 60 sB 66 62 60 58 62 59 58 61 59 58 61 59 57 s7
9 6561 56 56 64 60 58 56 60 58 56 59 57 56 59 57 56 55
to 63 59 56 55 63 59 56 55 58 56 55 58 56 54 58 56 54 54

80?o5030roo D233279
,0" 70 50 30 lO 70 50 0O lO 50 30 lO 50 30 lO 50 30 lO O
T4 Qurrrz 250\U
o 76 76 76 T6 T4 T4 T4 T4 T1 71 71 68 68 68 65 6565 63
173727t 7a727069 69 68 67 66 66 65 64 64 63 63 62 I oral lumens-5LiUll
36 271 69 67 66 70 68 66 65 66 65 63 64 63 62 62 62 61 60 Spacing criteria-.8
3 69 66 64 63 68 66 64 62 64 62 61 63 61 60 61 60 59 59
m. 4 67 63 62 60 66 63 61 60 62 60 59 61 59 58 60 59 58 57
5 65 62 59 57 64 6i 59 57 60 58 57 59 57 56 58 57 56 55
6 63 60 57 56 63 59 57 55 59 57 55 53 56 55 57 56 54 54
761 58 55 53 61 57 55 53 57 55 53 56 54 53 55 54 52 52
@. I 60 56 53 52 59 55 53 51 55 53 51 54 52 51 54 52 51 50
9 585451 50 57 54 51 49 53 51 49 53 51 49 52 50 49 48
lo 56 52 50 4A 56 52 50 4A A2 49 4A 51 49 4a 51 49 4a 47

80705030too D2t4276
so' 70 50 30 iO ?O 50 30 lO 50 30 lO 50 30 lO 50 30 tO O
T4 Quarrz 500V
o 98 98 98 98 96 96 96 96 9t 9t 91 A7 A7 A7 a4 A4 A4 A2
t 95 93 91 90 93 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 32 81 80 I oral lumens-Y5uu
2 92 A9 A7 85 90 88 86 84 85 84 82 83 82 80 81 80 79 78 Spacing criteria-.7
3 89 86 83 81 88 85 82 e0 m 81 79 A1 79 7A 79 7A T7 76
D234277 CP x .6
4 87 83 80 78 86 A2 7A 77 AO 7A 76 79 77 75 7A 76 75 74
"n" 5 A4 AA 77 74 A3 79 76 74 7A 75 73 77 747376747271 D23427A C,P x .9
6 A277 7472A1 77 74 72 76 7371 75 73 71 74 72 71 70
7 AAT571 69 T9 T4 T1 69 73 71 69 73 7A 6A 72 70 6A 67
m. a 7a 72 69 67 77 72 69 67 71 69 67 71 68 66 70 68 66 65
g 75 7A 67 64 74 69 66 64 69 66 64 68 66 64 68 65 64 63
'to 73 63 65 63 73 6a 65 63 67 64 62 67 64 62 66 64 62 61

a0?o5030roo D234279
so' 70 50 30 lO ?O 50 30 lO 50 30 lO 50 30 lO 50 30 'lO O T4 Quartz 500\(
o 94 94 34 94 92 92 92 92 88 88 88 84 84 84 80 80 80 79
191 89 8S 87 89 88 86 85 84 84 83 A2 A1 AA 79 7A 7A 77 Total lumens 9500
2 88 86 83 82 A7 A4 A2 81 82 80 79 80 78 77 78 77 76 75 Spacing criteria-.7
3 86 83 80 7A A5 A2 79 77 a0 7a 76 7A 76 75 76 75 74 73
*"-" 4 A4 A0 77 7a a2 79 76 74 77 75 74 76 74 73 75 73 72 71
s a1 n i472 aa 76 7t 71 7s 73 i1 i4 72 7a 13 71 70 69
6 79 75 72 69 T8 T4 T1 69 73 71 69 72 70 68 71 69 68 67
7 77 72 69 67 76 72 69 67 71 68 66 70 68 66 69 67 66 65
e. a 7s 70 67 65 74 69 67 65 69 66 64 6e 66 64 68 65 64 63
4 72 67 64 62 72 67 64 62 66 64 62 66 64 62 65 63 62 61
to 71 66 63 61 70 65 62 60 65 62 60 64 62 60 64 62 60 59

lO1 27" C channel Construction includes a one piece die cast
bar hangers plaster frame. Hanger brackets are ad-
l2l7 277Y stey justable to 1.5". Bar hangers, which are
down transformer supplied, adjust to 25". Other hanger ac-
(15010fl max.) cessories jnclude 27" C channel to1, J-
box with /z' 81 3/+" knockouts is pre-
wired with ground wire included, Socket
assembly has porcelain socket, medium
screwshell base, and die cast aluminum
socket cap.

Branch circuit allows maximum

+in/4-o,Ja #72 AIWG conductors rated at
minimum 75 degrees C.

Rated for use in damp locations and is

thermally protected. J-box is accessible
from below ceiling,

D30t l2l Clear Alzak R/PAR 200W

R40 200\tr 122 Black Alzak R/PAR 200W
123 Cold Alzah WPAR 200V

D30t Rlack Baffle R40 200\7

R40 200\f

o30l 721 Clear Alzak A23 2OOW

423 200\r 122 Black Alzak M3 200V.l
123 Gold Alzak A23 20017

D30a 126 Alzak

Clear R/PAR/A 200W
O.3O Degreea 127 Alzak
Black R/PAR/A 2oow
R/PAR/A 2OOW Slope must be r2a Gold Alzak R/PAWA 20019
speci{ied t2e Black Baffle R/PAWA 200\r

R/PAR/A Marco cones supplied s.ith

,op'r.fl..,o, ,u
pcrformance even with
economical A lamps. Available in clear,
.- q--

Clear Alzak
J (D cold
'... lL.
) C
Black Brffle
gold, and black spec,.riar A1zak. Clear
Alzak maximizes lighr output and provides
conrrolled beam partern. B1ack Alzak and
Brffle reduccs glare.

Nlrrrov fht aluminun design. For slope

ccilings use D308 housing. Degree of
rup! nrun rc 'o..ilied tO-]0t. S'opc cei
inq adirpter trim is low gloss white,
aluminum construction,

70 50 30 lO 70 50 30 lO 50 30 lO 50 30 lO 50 30 lO O
D30t l2l
o a3a3a33381 81 81 81 78 78 7874 74 74 T1 71 71 7A
R40 200\(/
.l aa 7a 77 75 7a 77 75 74 74 73 72 71 70 70 69 68 68 66 Total lumens-2400
2 77 74 71 70 75 73 7t 69 70 69 67 6S 67 66 67 65 64 63 Spacingcriteria .9
3 74 7A 67 65 72 69 66 64 67 65 63 66 64 62 64 63 61 60
l5ow CP x .25
,^" 4 71 67 63 61 70 66 63 61 64 62 60 63 61 59 62 60 59 58
5 63 6J brr 5J .1 62 59 57 61 59 56 60 58 56 5S 57 56 s5 D3Ol t22 CP x .6
6 65 60 57 s4 65 60 57 54 59 56 54 58 55 53 57 55 53 52 D3Ol123 CP x .9
7 6257 53 51 62 57 53 51 56 53 51 55 52 50 54 52 s0 49
!o. a 60 54 51 4a 59 54 50 4a 53 50 43 52 50 48 52 49 48 4T
9 5751 48 45 57 51 48 45 51 47 45 5A 47 45 49 4T 45 44
to 55 49 46 43 54 49 45 43 48 45 43 4e 45 43 47 45 43 42

ao705030loo D301124
so. 70 50 30 l0 70 50 30 tO sO 30 lO 50 30 lO 50 30 lO O
R40 FL 150\f
o 43 43 43 43 42 42 42 42 40 40 40 3a 33 33 37 37 37 36
141 41 40 39 40 40 39 39 38 38 37 37 37 36 36 36 35 35 Total lumens 1900
2 40 39 38 37 39 38 37 37 37 36 36 36 35 35 35 34 34 34 Spacing crlteria-.7
3 39 37 36 35 38 37 35 34 36 35 34 35 34 33 34 33 33 32 loow CP x .b5
4 37 36 34 31 37 35 34 33 34 33 33 34 33 32 33 32 32 31
2oow CP x
"n. s 36r4J3Jl 36 34 32 31 33 32 31 33 32 31 32 31 31 30
5 353331 30 35 33 31 30 32 31 30 32 31 30 31 30 30 29
7 343230 293431 30 29 31 30 29 31 2A 29 30 29 2A 2A
30. a 33 30 29 28 32 30 29 28 30 28 28 30 2A 27 2S 2e 27 27
9 3229242631 29 27 26 29 27 26 28 27 26 28 27 26 26
10 31 2A 27 26 30 2A 26 2A 2A 26 25 27 26 25 27 26 26 2a

70 50 30 lO 70 50 30 lO 50 30 lO 50 30 lO 50 30 IOO
D30l t2t
o 76 76 76 76 74 74 74 74 71 71 71 68 68 68 65 65 6s 64 A23 200\(/
17274696771 69 67 66 66 65 64 64 63 62 62 61 60 59 Total lumens 38J0
2 69656361 67 64 62 60 62 60 59 60 59 57 59 57 56 55 Spacing criteria-1.2
3 6561 58 55 64 60 57 55 58 58 54 57 55 53 55 53 52 51
-' 4 61 57 53 50 60 56 52 50 54 52 39 53 51 49 52 50 48 47 IOOW CP x 50
"^" s s3 s2 49 46 57 52 4A 45 51 47 45 50 47 45 49 46 44 43
322 D3Ot 122 CP x .6
5 55 49 45 42 54 48 45 42 47 44 42 47 44 41 45 43 41 4a
r0 1! 751 45 41 38 50 44 40 38 44 40 37 43 40 37 42 39 37 36 D3Ot 123 CP x .9
so. a 4a 41 37 34 47 41 37 34 4a 37 34 4A 36 34 39 36 34 33
9 45383431 44 3A 34 31 37 34 31 37 33 31 36 33 31 30
'to 42 35 31 2A 41 35 31 2a 34 31 2A 34 31 2A 33 30 2A 27

ao 70 5030 loo D30Ar26

e0' 70 50 30 lO 70 50 30 lO 50 30 to 50 30 lO 50 30 lO O R40 FL 200W
0 8383838381 81 81 A1 7a7A 7A 74 74 T4 T1 71 71 70
1A47877 75 7A 77 75 74 74 73 72 71 70 70 69 68 68 66 Total lumens-2400
2 777471 7A 75 73 71 69 70 69 67 68 67 66 67 65 64 63 Spacing criteria-.9
3 74 7a 67 65 72 69 66 64 67 6s 63 66 64 62 64 63 61 60 l5OW CP x .75
to' 4 71 67 63 61 70 66 63 6t 64 62 60 63 61 59 62 60 s9 5A D3oal27 CP x .6
s 68 63 60 57 67 62 59 57 61 59 56 60 5a 56 59 57 b6 b5
6 65 60 57 54 65 60 s7 s4 s9 56 54 58 55 53 57 55 53 52 D3Oal28 CP x .9
7 62 57 53 51 62 57 53 51 56 53 51 5s 52 50 54 52 50 49 D3Ogl29 CP x .5
$, 4605451 4e 59 54 50 48 53 50 48 52 5A 48 52 49 4A 47
9 5751 48 45 57 51 48 45 51 47 45 5A 47 45 49 47 45 44
to 55 49 46 43 54 49 45 4a 45 43 4A 45 43 47 45 43 42

23 MArlco
lol 27" C channel Construction includes a one piece die cast
bar hangers plaster frame. Hrnger brackets are ad-
fAl9 A lamp fitring justable ro 1.5". Bar hangers, which are
for A19 lamp supplied, adjust to 25". Other hanger ac-
lA2l A lamp fitting cessories include 27't C char,nel tO1, !
for A21 lamp box wirh Yr" & %" knockouts is pre-
127? 277\,1 step- vired with ground wire included, Socket
down transformer assembly has porcelain socket, medium
(150w max.) screwshell base, and die cast aluminum
socket cap.

Branch circuit allows maximum

4-in/4-o,,tt #12 AWG conductors rated at
minimum 75 degrees C.

Rated for use in damp locations and is

thermally protected. J-box is accessible
from below ceiling.

D30t 195 Clear Alzak A23 200\f

A23 200\v 197 Gold Alzak A23 200V

D30t 267 Black Alzak A23 200'Jr

Shallow Cone
A23 200W 269 Black Baffle A23 2aaV
Shallow Cone

D302 201 Clear Alzak A23 200W

A23 200\l/ 202 Black Alzak A23 2oo\0
203 Gold Aizak A2J 200V1

t s%.--J

D30a 229 Clear Alzak 423 200\{i

230 Gold Alzak 4.23 200\r
A23 200W Slope must be

Rellectors designed for use with A2J
l;np.. For A le lamp' rpeiiiy lAlg
A21 lamps specify lA2l (exception:
D302). Available in clear, gold,
. for

Clear Alzak
Black Alzak Gold Alzak
Black Baflle
and Alzak. Clear Alzak
black specular

maximlzes light output and provides con-
trolled beam pattern. Black Alzak and
Balfle reduces glare.
N,rrow flr- aluminum de-igr. For .'ope
ceilings use D308 housing. Degree of Black Alzak Black Baffle
Jope mu'r br .pe. if.ed rO-JOI. Slope cci - Shallow Cone Shallo*, cone
ing adapter trim is low gloss white,
a]uminum construction.

ao 70 5030 loo D30r r96

eo. 70 50 30 iO 70 50 30 'tO 50 30 rO 50 30 lO 50 30 lO O
A23 150\(/
o 33 88 88 88 86 86 86 86 83 83 83 79 79 79 76 T6 76 74
I 84 82 81 79 83 81 79 7a 7A 76 75 75 74 73 72 72 71 7A Total lumens 2780
2 A0 77 74 72 79 76 73 71 73 71 69 7i 69 68 69 68 66 65 criteria
Spacing 1.2
3 76 72 6A 65 7a 71 67 65 69 66 64 67 65 63 65 63 62 61 roow CP x .65
4 73 67 63 60 71 66 63 60 65 61 59 63 60 58 62 5S 53 56
^,. 5 69 62 58 55 67 62 58 55 60 57 54 59 56 54 58 55 53 52 2OOW CP )t 1.25
6 65 58 54 51 64 58 54 50 57 53 50 56 s2 50 55 52 49 48 D3ol t97 CP x .97
7 61 54 49 46 60 54 49 46 53 49 46 52 48 46 51 48 45 44
@' A 57 5A 45 42 56 50 45 42 49 45 42 48 44 42 47 44 42 4a
9 544641 3a s3 46 41 38 45 41 38 44 41 3A 44 40 3A 37
ro s0 42 3a 35 !9 42 38 35 42 37 35 41 37 34 40 37 34 33

60 70 5030 1oo D30t267

eo. 70 50 30 to 70 50 30 to 50 30 lo 50 30 to 50 30 lo o
A23 150\(
o 72 72 72 72 70 7A 7A 7A 67 67 67 64 64 64 62 62 62 60
I 69 67 66 65 67 66 65 64 64 63 62 61 61 60 59 59 58 57 Total lumens-2740
2 66 64 6i 60 65 63 61 59 61 59 58 59 58 56 57 56 55 54 Spacing criteria-1.1
3 63 60 57 55 62 59 57 55 53 56 54 56 55 53 55 54 52 s2 IOOW CP x .65
-- 4 61 57 54 52 60 56 53 51 55 53 51 54 52 50 53 51 50 43
2OOW CP x 1.25
"0. 5 58 54 50 48 57 53 s0 48 52 50 48 51 49 47 50 48 4T 46
6 56 51 48 45 55 50 47 45 50 4T 45 49464548464444 D3Ol269 CP x .9
7 53 48 45 42 52 47 44 42 47 44 42 46 44 42 45 43 42 41
30" 6 50 45 42 4A 50 45 42 40 44 41 39 44 41 39 43 41 39 38
9 48 42 39 37 47 42 39 37 42 39 37 41 38 37 41 38 37 36
to 46 40 37 35 45 4A 37 35 39 37 35 39 36 34 39 36 34 34

a0?o5030loo D30220r
eo' 70 50 30 lo 7o 50 30 lo 50 30 lo 50 30 to 50 30 lo o A23 200!(r
o 75 75 75 75 73 73 73 73 7A 7Q 70 67 67 67 64 64 64 63
1727069 68 70 69 68 67 66 65 65 64 63 63 62 61 61 60 Total lumens J830
2 69 66 64 62 68 65 63 62 63 62 60 61 60 59 60 59 53 57 Spacing criteria-1.1
3 66 63 60 s3 6s 62 59 57 60 58 56 59 57 56 57 56 55 54 IOOW CP x .42
4 63 59 56 54 62 59 56 54 57 55 53 56 54 s2 s5 53 52 5l
l5OW CP x .72
'0" s 60 56 s3 50 59 55 52 so s4 s2 49 53 51 49 52 so 49 4u
6 58 53 50 47 5T 52 49 47 52 49 47 51 434650484645 D3O22O2 CP x .82
7 55 50 46 44 54 49 46 44 49 46 44 4A 45 43 47 45 43 42 D!O22O3 CP x .97
30" A 52 47 43 41 52 47 43 41 46 43 41 45 43 41 45 42 41 4a
I50 44 41 3A 49 44 40 3A 43 40 38 43 40 38 42 40 38 37
10 47 41 3A 36 47 41 38 36 41 38 36 40 37 36 40 37 35 35

60 70 5030 1oo D30A22g

e0' 70 50 30 lO ?O 50 30 lO 50 30 lO 50 30 lO 5() 30 lO O
A23 150!i/
o 88 88 88 88 86 86 36 36 $ e3 83 79 79 79 76 T6 76 74
t 843231 79 83 81 79 7A 7A 76 75 75 74 73 72 72 71 70 Total Iumens-2780
2 AO 77 7472 79 76 73 71 73 T1 69 71 69 68 69 68 66 65 Spacing criteria-1.2
a76726A6s7571 67 65 69 66 64 67 65 63 6s 63 62 61 IOOW CP x .65
'' 4 7i 67 63 6a 71 66 63 60 65 61 59 63 60 58 62 59 58 56
2oow CP x 1.25
^" 5 69 62 58 55 67 62 58 55 60 57 54 s9 56 54 58 55 53 52
a D3O823O CP x .97
6 65 58 54 51 64 58 54 50 57 53 50 56 52 50 55 52 49 48
t61 54 49 46 60 54 49 46 53 49 46 52 4A 46 51 4A 45 44
30. a 57 50 45 42 s6 50 45 42 49 45 42 4A 44 42 47 44 42 40
9 544641 38 53 46 41 38 45 41 38 44 41 3A 44 4A 3A 37
to 50 42 3A 35 49 42 38 35 42 37 35 41 37 34 40 37 34 33

25 MAFco
tO1 27't C ch^nnel Construction includes a one piece die cast
bar hangers plaster frame. Black cylin&ical steel houg
1277 277V step- ing provides heat dissipation for cool
down transformer beam lamps. Hanger brackets are ad-
(150\fl rna-<.) justable to 1.5". Bar hangers, which are
supplied, adjusr to 25". Other hanger ac-
cessories include 27" C channel ,ol. J-
box with /2" & %" knockouts is pre-
wired with ground wire included. Fixture
has porcelain socket, medium screwshell

Branch circuit allows maximum

4-in/4-olt #12 A!|fG conduoors rated at
minimum 75 degrees C.

D306 .r59 Alzak

Clear PAR38/CB 150!f
PAR38 150W l?9 Alzak
Black PAR38/CB 150V
Cool Beam l8O Gold Alzak PAR38/CB 150\7

PAR38 150\f
Cool Beam
D306 16o Black Baffle PAR38/CB 150\(

t-"".J il


Rated for use in damp locations and is
thermally protected. T-box is accessible
{rom below ceiling.

Available in clear, gold, and black

Black Alzak
Black Bafflc

Clear Alzak maximizes

specular A1zak.
output and provides controlled
beam panern. Black Alzak and Baffle
reduces gLare.

Narrow flat aluminum design.

ao7o5030too D306r59
so' ?0 50 30 lO 70 50 aO tO 50 30 lO 50 30 tO 50 30 tO O
o lot lot 101 r01 98 98 s8 98 94 94 94 90 90 90 86 86 36 34
PAR38/CB 1s0\(/
I 97 95 94 92 95 94 92 9t 90 89 88 87 86 85 34 84 83 82 Total lumens-1600
2 94 91 89 86 92 90 87 86 87 85 84 85 83 82 82 81 80 79 Spacing criteria-.6
t33 3 91 87 84 82 90 86 84 81 84 82 80 a2 AO 79 AO 79 7A 77 D3O6i79 CP x .6
uo 4 AA 34 81 78 87 83 80 78 e1 79 77 AA 78 76 7A 77 75 74
a a6 a1 77 7544 A0 77 74 79 76 74 77 75 73 76 74 72 72 D3O6l5o CP x .9
6 A3 7A 74 7282 77 74 72 76 73 71 75 73 71 74 72 70 70
7 BA 75 71 69 80 74 71 69 74 71 6A 73 7A 6A 72 70 6A 67
s" a 7A 72 69 6677 72 69 66 71 68 66 70 68 66 70 67 65 65
1r' 9 76 70 66 64 75 69 66 64 69 66 63 68 65 63 67 65 63 62
to 73 67 64 62 73 67 64 62 67 64 61 66 63 61 66 63 61 60

ao 70 5030 loo D306t60

oo" 70 50 30 iO 70 50 30 lO 50 30 l0 50 30 lO 50 30 lo O
PAR38,/CB 150\(/
o 62 62 62 62 60 60 60 60 s8 s8 58 55 55 55 53 53 53 52
'I 60 59 58 57 59 s8 57 56 56 55 54 54 53 53 52 52 sl 51 1otal lumens lbulJ
.|' 2 58 57 55 54 57 56 55 53 54 53 52 53 52 51 5t 5t 50 49 Spacing criteria .6
3 57 55 53 52 56 54 53 52 s3 s2 51 52 51 50 51 50 49 49
.- 4 55 53 51 50 5s 53 5t 50 52 50 49 51 50 49 50 49 48 48
^^" 5 54 s2 s0 4a 5J 51 49 48 50 49 48 50 4A 47 49 48 47 47
6 53 50 49 47 52 50 4A 4T 4e 48 47 49 4A 47 4A 47 46 46
7 524947 4651 49 47 46 4a 47 46 4A 46 45 47 46 45 45
e. 451 48 46 45 s0 48 46 45 47 46 45 47 45 44 46 45 44 44
9 50 47 45 44 !9 46 45 44 46 45 44 46 44 43 45 44 43 43
lo 49 46 44 43 4a 45 44 43 45 44 43 45 44 43 45 43 42 42

27 nr'4A.F,c:O
lol 27" C chaanel Construction includes a one piece die cast
bar hangers plxter frame. Henger brackets are ad-
t277 277V sley justable to 1.5", Bar hangers, which are
down transformer supplied, adjust to 25". Other hanger ac-
(150\( max.) 27" C cha rLel to1,I
cessories include
box *ith Yr" & %" knockours is pre-
wired with ground wire included. Socket
assernbly has porcelain socket, medium
screwshell base, and die cast aluminum
socket cap.

Branch circuit allou's maximum

+in/4-ont #12 AVG conductors rated at
minimum 75 degrees C.

Rared lor use in damp locations and is

thermally protected. J-box is accessible
from below ceiling.

R40 250\tr
R/PAR 250\f
R/PAR 250\t
133 Gold Alzak R/PAR 250V


l_"r._!l tl

D40t Black Baffle R40 250W

R40 250\0

A23 200\f
Daot t3l Clear
132 Black
Gold Alzak
A23 200W
A23 2oow
A23 200W
I Lt-*"J

D40A 136 Alzak

Clear R/PAR/A 250\f
O.3O Degree3 r3z Alzak
Black R/PAR/A 250\(
R,/PAR/A 250\7 Slope must be 138 Gold Alzak VPAR/A 250'$q
specified 139 Black Baffle R-/PAR/A 250W

28 MAEco
R/PAR/A Marco cones supplied with a
unique Alzak ellipsoidal top reflector to
,ssurc outstanding performance cven with
econonical A lanps. Available in clear,
Black Alzak
Gold Alzak
gold, and black specular Alzak. Clear
Alzrk maximizes light outpur and provides
controlled beam pattern. Black Alzak and
Baiile reduces glare.

\rrror fl;t alrr:num de,ign. For .lopc

ceilings use D408 housing. Degree of
lope mu.L bc .pe. i-:ed tO-30). S ope .eil-
irg;deprcr rrim is low gloss white,
alunrinLrm construcrion.

ao 70 5030 loo D{Ot l3t

eo. ?O 50 30 lO 70 50 30 lO 50 30 tO 50 30 lO 50 30 tO O
o 96 96 96 96 93 93 93 93 39 89 89 86 86 86 82 S2 82 80 R40 200\fl
I 92 90 39 87 90 88 87 86 85 84 33 A2 A1 A1 AO 79 TA 77 Total lumens 2400
289868381 87 A4 82 80 82 30 78 79 7A 77 77 76 75 74 Spacing criteria .6
38681 78 76 84 80 78 75 7A 76 74 77 75 73 75 73 72 71 ISOWCP x .75
.0, 4 A2 7A 74 71 81 77 74 71 75 72 7O 74 71 69 72 7A 69 6A
a 5 7e 74 7a 67 7an7a57 72 69 67 71 68 6669 67 65 64 250W cP x 1.25
6 76 71 6-7 64 75 7A 67 64 6S 66 64 68 6s 63 67 65 63 62 D4Ol132 CP x .5
7 73 67 63 61 72 67 63 60 66 63 60 65 62 60 64 62 60 59 D4Ol133 CP x .9
30. A 70 64 60 57 69 64 60 57 63 60 57 62 sg 57 61 s9 57 56
9 67 61 57 54 67 6i 57 54 60 56 54 59 56 54 s9 56 54 s3
lo65sa&52645a5J52s754a2555451 56 53 51 50

ao705030too D40l t 34
so. 70 sO 30 tO 70 50 30 lO 50 30 iO 50 30 tO 50 30 tO O
o41 41 41 41 4A 40 40 40 39 39 39 37 37 37 35 35 3s 35 R40 FT 150\(/
I 40 39 38 38 39 38 38 37 37 36 36 36 35 35 35 34 34 33 Total lumens-1950
2 39 37 36 35 38 37 36 35 36 35 34 35 34 33 34 33 33 32 criteria-./
3 37 36 34 33 37 35 34 33 34 33 32 33 33 32 33 32 31 31
4 36 34 3J 3r 35 34 32 3t 33 32 31 32 31 31 32 3t 30 30 2OOW CP x 1.25
^n 53s3231 30 34 32 3t 30 32 30 29 31 30 29 31 30 29 28 2sow cP x 1.60
6 34 31 30 29 33 31 2S 28 30 29 23 3A 29 28 3A 29 2A 2S
7 32 3a 2A 27 32 30 2A 27 29 2A 27 29 2A 27 29 27 27 26
30. A 31 29 27 26 31 2a 27 26 2a 27 26 28 27 26 27 26 26 25
a 30 27 26 25 30 27 26 25 27 26 25 27 25 24 26 2a 24 24
'to 29 26 25 24 29 26 25 24 26 25 24 26 24 23 25 24 22 23

oo?o5030too D40r r3t

,0. 70 50 30 lO 70 50 30 tO 50 OO ,tO 50 30 lO 50 30 tO O
o 7a 7a 7a 7a 76 76 76 76 73 73 73 7A 7a 7A 67 67 6T 66
423 150\f
t 75 T3 72 70 73 72 7a 69 69 68 67 67 66 65 64 64 63 62 Total lumens-2/40
2 72 69 66 64 70 67 65 63 65 64 62 63 62 61 62 60 59 53 Spacing criteria-1.2
3 686461 59 67 63 61 58 62 59 58 60 58 57 59 s7 56 55 200w cP x 1.25
@. 4 65 60 57 55 64 60 57 54 58 56 54 57 55 53 56 54 52 51
5 62 57 53 50 61 56 53 50 55 52 50 54 51 49 53 51 49 48
D4Ol132 CP x .6
6595349475853494752494651 48 46 50 48 46 45 D4Ol i33 CP x 9
7 56 50 46 43 55 49 46 43 48 45 43 48 45 43 47 44 42 41
@. a 53 46 42 40 52 46 42 4a 45 42 4A 45 42 39 44 41 30 3s
9 49 43 39 36 49 43 39 36 42 39 36 41 38 36 41 33 36 35
lo 47 40 36 34 46 40 36 34 39 36 33 39 36 33 33 35 3a 32

ao705030too D40Al36
mG. Fl. FC/1r0 DtA. s. 70 50 30 lO 70 50 30 lO 5030 t0 50 30 tO50OOtOO
o 96 96 96 96 93 93 93 93 89 39 89 86 86 86 82 82 82 8o R40 F'L 200r{r
I 92 90 89 87 90 88 87 86 85 84 83 A2 A1 A1 AO 79 7A 77 Total lumens-2400
2898683A1 A7 A4 A2 30 82 80 78 79 7a T7 77 76 75 74 Spacing criteria-.6
38681 78 76 84 80 78 75 7A 76 74 77 75 ?3 75 t3 72 71 lsOW CP x .75
uo" 4 A27A7471 e1 77 74 71 75 7270 74 71 69 72 70 69 6S
q 47 55 s 79 74 70 67 78 i3 7a s7 72 69 67 71 63 66 69 67 65 64 25OW CP x i.25
6 7671 67 64 75 7a 67 64 69 66 64 63 65 63 67 65 63 62 D4O8l37 CP x .6
6.9 7 73 67 63 6t 72 67 63 60 66 63 60 65 62 60 64 62 60 59 D4oar38 CP r .9
tu. a 70 64 60 57 69 64 60 57 63 60 57 62 59 57 61 59 s7 56
I6761 57 54 67 61 57 54 60 56 54 59 56 54 59 56 54 53 D4OAi39 CP Jr .6
to 65 58 54 52 64 58 54 52 57 54 52 55 54 51 56 53 51 50

29 MAeco
lO1 27" C channel Construction includes a one piece die cast
bar hangers plaster frame. Hanger brackets are ad-
1277 277V step' justable to 1.5". Bar hangers, which are
down transformer supplied, adjust to 25". Other hanger ac-
(150w rna-x.) cessories include 27" C channel ,ol. J-
box wrth Yz" & %" knockouts is pre-
wired with ground wire included. Socket
assembly has porcelain socket, medium
screwshell base, and die casr aluminum
socket cap.

Branch circuit allows maximum

4-in/4-out l12 AWG conductor. rated at
minimum 75 degrees C.

Rated for use in damp locations and is

thermally protected. J-box is accessible
from below ceiling.

D40I 236 Clear Alzak PS25 100\(r'

PS25 300W 231 Gold Aizak PS25 300!7

2?2 Black Alzak PS2s 300!r

PS25 300lfl 2?4 Black Baffle PS25 300V
Shallow Cone

D402 241 Clear Alzak PS25 300'\

PS25 300W 242 Black Alzak PS25 300W
243 Gold Alzak PS25 300\7

,h --l

D408 244 Clear Alzak PS25 300\f

245 Gold Alzak PS25 300\(/
PS25 300\? Slope must be

30 MARco
Reilecrors designed
hmps. Available in
for use with
clear and gold

Alzak and black and black bbaffle

shallow conc. Clear Alzak maximizes
Clear Aizrk
Black Alzrk
" ",
Black Brille
light output and provides controlled

bean prttern. tslack Alzak and baffle
reduces gl e.

Narrow flat alurninum design. For slope

ceilings use D,+08 housing. Degree of
Jnpe n'-.1 be .p,c ried t0-J07. Slope .< - Black Alz:k
BlacL Baffle
ing rdlpter r, im i' Jow qloss r hire, Shallow Cone
aluminum construction.

!0 70 5030 1o0 D40r236

so, 70 50 30 1O 70 sO 30 tO 50 30 tO 50 30 tO 50 gO tO O '
o 90 90 90 90 88 88 38 88 84 84 34 AA aO AO 77 77 77 T5
PS25 100\
t 85338t 798331 30 78 7e 77 76 76 74 35 73 72 71 7o 1.)tal lumens-{r ,uu
2 81 77 74 72 79 7673 71 74 71 69 71 69 68 69 68 6665 Spacing criteria 1.3
3 76 71 68 65 75 70 67 64 68 65 63 67 64 62 65 63 61 60
4 72 66 62 59 71 6s 61 58 64 60 58 62 59 s7 61 58 56 55 2OOW CP x .5
m. 5 63 61 57 D4Ol237 CP x
53 67 60 56 53 s9 55 52 58 54 s2 57 54 51 50 .9
6 64 57 52 43 63 56 51 43 55 51 48 s4 50 47 53 50 47 46
? 59 52 47 43 58 51 47 !3 50 46 43 49 46 43 43 45 42 41
30. a 55 47 42 39 54 47 42 39 46 42 39 45 41 3A 44 !1 38 37
951 43 33 35 50 43 38 35 42 38 34 41 37 34 41 3/ 34 33
lo 48 39 34 31 47 s9 34 31 38 34 31 37 33 30 37 33 30 29

4o 70 5030 100 o401272

,0. 70 50 30 t0 70 50 30 lO 50 30 tO 50 30 .tO 50 30 tO O
o 67 67 67 67 66 66 66 66 63 63 63 60 60 60 53 53 58 57
PS25 100\{r
r 6463 61 60 63 62 60 59 59 58 57 57 s6 56 55 55 54 53 Total lumens 6300
261 59 56 55 60 58 56 54 56 54 53 54 53 52 s3 52 51 50 Specing criteria 1.2
3 58 55 52 50 57 54 51 49 52 50 .19 5T 49 4a 50 48 47 46 A23 2OOW CP .6 r
,0. 4 55 51 4a 46 54 50 43 45 49 47 45 4A 46 44 47 45 44 43
5 5244444251 47 14 42 46 43 41 45 43 41 14 42 41 4a D4Ot274 CP x .9
6 50 45 41 39 49 44 41 39 43 40 38 42 40 38 42 39 33 37
7 4741 3A 35 46 41 37 35 40 37 3s 39 37 35 39 36 35 34
30" a 44 38 35 32 43 3A 34 32 3T 34 32 37 34 32 36 34 32 3i
I41 35 32 29 40 35 32 29 34 31 29 34 31 29 33 31 29 23
to 39 33 29 27 3a 32 29 27 32 29 27 31 29 27 31 2A 26 26

80?o5030too o402241
so. 7(, 50 30 .ro 70 50 30 lo 50 3() l0 so 30 lo 50 lo to o
o61 81 81 81 79 79 79 79 75 75 75 72 72 72 69 6S 69 68
PS25 300\(/
177 76 74 73 76 74 73 72 72 71 7A 69 68 68 67 66 66 64 Total lumens-6300
2 74 T2 69 67 73 70 63 67 68 67 65 66 65 64 65 63 62 61 Spacing crireria 1.3
3 7t 68 65 63 70 67 64 62 65 63 61 64 62 60 62 61 59 58
l5OW CP x
4 68 64 61 59 67 63 6t 53 62 60 58 6i 59 57 60 58 56 55
"". 5 65 61 57 55 64 60 57 54 59 56 s4 58 55 5.1 57 55 53 52 2OOW CP x .65
6 63 58 s4 52 62 57 54 51 56 53 51 55 53 51 54 52 50 50 D4O2242 CP x .6
7 605451 43 59 54 5l 48 53 s0 48 52 5A 47 52 49 47 47 D4O2243 C.P x 9
30. 6 57 51 48 45 56 51 4a 45 50 !7 45 50 47 45 49 47 45 44
9 54 48 45 42 54 48 45 42 4T 44 42 47 44 42 46 44 42 41
10 52 46 42 40 51 45 12 4A 45 42 4A 44 42 40 44 41 39 39

60 70 5030 10o D4oa244

eo. 70 50 30 10 70 50 30 to 50 30 ro 50 30 lo 50 30 to o
o 90 90 90 90 88 e3 33 88 84 84 84 AO 80 8a ?7 77 77 75 PS25 100 !(/
t 858381 79 83 81 80 TB 7A 77 76 76 74 35 73 72 71 7A Total lumens-6300
2 A1 T7 74 72 79 76 73 71 74 71 69 71 69 68 69 68 66 65 Spacing criteria-1.3
1767i 68 65 75 7A 67 64 63 65 63 676462656361 60
2OOW CP x .6
4 72 66 62 a9 71 65 61 58 64 60 5e 62 59 57 61 58 56 55
^n s 6361 57 53 67 60 56 53 59 55 52 58 54 52 s7 s4 51 50 D4Oa245 CP x .97
6 645752 43635651 4e s5 5l 48 54 50 47 53 50 47 46 D4O8t38 CP x .9
7 595247 435851 47 43 50 46 43 49 46 43 48 45 42 41 D4OAi39 CP r. .6
30. a 55 47 42 39 54 47 42 39 46 42 39 45 41 38 44 41 38 37
9 51 43 38 35 50 43 38 35 42 38 34 41 37 34 41 37 34 33
to 4a 39 34 31 47 39 34 31 38 34 31 37 33 30 37 33 30 29

31 MARco
lo1 27" C charnel Constmction includes a one piece die cast
bar hangers plaster frame. Ellipsoidal reflector sup-
l8o Slope ceiling plied with housing. Hanger brackets are
adapter, slope mus adjustable to 1.5". Bar hangers, which are
be specified (0-30 supplied, adjust to 25". Other hanger ac-
degrees maximum) cessories include 27" C chanr,el lo1, I
l27l 277V step- box wirh /2" 8r %" knockouts is pre-
down transformer wired with ground wire included. Socket
(150V max.) assembly has porcelain socket, medium
screwshell base, and die cast aluminum
socket cap.

Branch circuit allosrs maximum

4-in/4-o\tt #12 AlfG conductors rated at
minimum 75 degrees C.

Etot 301 Clear Alzak A19 100w

A19 100\( 302 Black Alzak A19 100w
303 Gold Alzak A19 100\(/
304 Black Baffle 419 t00w

rI L
t .".-l

tO1 27" C ch^nrlel Construction includes a one piece die cast

bar hangers plasrer frame. Flliproidal reflector
I8O Slope cei)ing plied with housing. Hanger brackets are
adapter, slope must adjustable to 1.5". Bar hangers, which are
be speci{ied (0-30 supplied, adjust to 25". Other hanger ac-
degrees maximum) cersories include 27" C channel rol. J-
1277 277\ stey Box with th" and %" knockouts is pre-
down transformer wired with ground wire included. Socket
(15osf ma-r.) xsembly has porcelain socket, medium
screwshell base, and die cast aluminum
socket cap.

Branch circuit allovs maximum

4-ia/4-ora #12 A\VG conductors rated at
minimum 75 degrees C.

E20 r gtr Clear Alzak A23 200'!fl

A23 200W 312 Black Alzak AT 2AA\r
313 Gold Alzak A23 200\fl
314 Black Baffle A23 200Sf

Rated {or use in damp locations and is
the-.r:l y p.'1s61.1.
J'box is accessible
rop arcc\\ \rr-Jrro.
fron below
Ellipsoidal reflector stLpplied

with hous-
Clcar Alzak
Black Alzak Gold Alzrk Black B,rffle
ing. Also permits using higher s,'atrage
nirh smrller aperrures than conventional
dosr ghL.. {v- lrblr in .ler', q.,ld, and
black soecul:r Alz.rL. Cl.rr Al;k
inizes iighr output provides controlled
bean paltern. Black Alzak and Baffle
reduces glare.

Nrrow flat aluminum design.

to ?o 5030 loo Et ot 30l

,0. 70 50 30 lo 70 50 30 ro 50 30 to 50 30 lo 50 30 to o
o 49 49 49 49 47 47 47 47 4a 45 45 43 43 43 12 42 42 41 A19 100\(/
147464544464544434342424241 41 40 40 39 39 Totai lumens-1710
2 45 43 42 40 44 42 41 40 41 40 39 40 39 38 39 33 38 37 Spacing Criteria-1.5
3 43 4l 39 33 42 40 39 37 39 38 37 38 37 36 37 36 36 s5 Al9 75t{ CP x.7
so. 4 4i 38 37 35 40 s3 36 35 37 36 34 36 3s 34 36 35 34 33
s 39 36 34 33 39 36 34 33 35 34 32 35 33 32 34 33 32 31 Erol3o2 CP x.87
5 38 34 32 31 37 34 32 31 34 32 31 33 32 30 33 31 30 30 ElOl3O3 CP x .98
7363230293532302932302A31 30 28 31 29 2S 28 ElOl3O4 CP x .85
30. I 34 31 28 27 34 3A 2A 27 30 2A 27 3A 2A 27 29 28 27 26
9 32 29 2T 25 32 29 26 25 2A 26 25 2A 26 25 2A 26 25 24
10 31 27 25 24 31 27 25 24 2T 25 23 26 25 23 26 25 23 23

Ratedlor usc in damo locations and is

rherm,rlly prorccred. iro access .tanJr.d
l.Bor rr r.'ccs'ible fn,m bclon .cilJng
Ellp,ord.rl refle.tor supplJed wrth hous-
ing. A ro permirs uring higher u artage
w rh \nallcr rDertures rhrn convenrion.rl
Clear Alzal
Bl:ck Alzrk
Cold Alzak
Black Balfle

dorinlrghts. Aiaileble in.Lear, g.rld, rnd

bLck spcculrr Alzak. Clcrr Alzik mrx
rr.r. lgtr ',rrp.L and prouior..onrr.l
cd bcrm p;irtern. Black Alz:k :nd Bafflc
redu,.s glrre.

Narro* fl;rr aluminum design.

0o705030too E20r3r I
eo. 70 50 30 to 70 50 3(, to so 30 lo 50 30 to 50 30 lo o
o 68 68 68 6a 67 67 67 67 64 64 64 61 6t 61 59 59 59 s7
423 200\f
r 65646361 64 63 61 60 60 59 58 58 57 57 56 56 55 54 Total lumens 3830
2 63 60 58 56 6t 59 57 55 57 56 54 55 54 s3 s4 53 52 51 Spacing Crireria-1.1
3 60 56 5.1 52 59 56 53 51 54 52 50 53 51 50 51 50 49 48 At9 lOOl{ CP x .5
4 57 5l 50 43 56 52 5a 4A 5r 49 47 50 48 46 1g 47 46 45
"n. 5 54 50 47 44 5J 49 46 44 48 46 44 4T 45 43 46 44 43 42 A2l l5OW CP r .75
6 524744 41 51 46 43 41 46 43 41 45 42 41 44 42 40 4A E2O1312 CP x .87
7 49 14 4A 38 48 43 40 38 43 40 38 42 4a 3A 41 39 37 37 E2ol3l3 CP x 98
30. a 46 41 38 35 46 4l 38 3s 40 37 35 40 37 35 39 37 35 34
9 44 38 s5 33 43 38 3s 33 38 35 33 37 U 32 37 34 32 32
E2Ol3l4 CP x .85
lo 42 36 33 30 41 36 33 30 35 32 30 35 32 3A 34 s2 3A 29

33 MAFttrc}
tOl 27" C chamel Construction includes a one piece die cast
bar hangers pla.rer Ireme. EllipsoidaJ reflecror .up-
I8O Slope ceiling plied with housing. Hanger brackets are
adapter, slope must adjustable to 1.5". Bar hangers, which are
be specified (0-30 supplied, adjust to 25". Other hanger ac-
degrees maximum) cessories include 27" C channel Iol'J-
1277 277V step- box with %" 8r %" knockouts is pre-
down transformer qired wirh ground wire included. Socket
(150\( rna-r.) assembly has porcelain socket. medium
screwshell base, and die cast aluminum
socket caP.

Branch circuit allows maximum

{itr/ |ort #12 AWG conductors rated at
minimum 75 degrees C.

PS25 200Iq
E30l 321 Clear Alzak
322 Black Alzak
PS25 200\0
PS2s 200\(
323 Gold Alzak PS25 200!tr
t24 Black Baffle PS25 200\f


i tL""l
L .r--J

lO1 27" C channel Construction includes a one piece die cast

bar hangers plaster frame. tllip,'oidal reflector sup-
lao Slope ceiling plied with housing. Hanger brackets are
adapter, slope must adjustable to 1.5". Bar hangers, which are
be specified (0-30 supplied, adjust ro 25". Other hanger ac-
degrees maximum) ces.orie. include 27" C channel ,Ol. J
1277 277V s.ep" Box with 7r" and %" knockouts is pre-
down transformer wired wirh ground *ire included. Socker
(150'W max.) assembly has porcelain socket, medium
screwshell base, and die cast aluminum
socket cap.

Branch circuit allows maximum

4-in/4-out #1,2 AWG conductors rated at
minimum 75 degrees C.

E40l 33t Clear Alzak PS25 300\(

PS25 300rr t32 Black Alzak PS25 300\(
333 Gold Alzak PS25 300W
334 Black Baffle PS25 300\7

34 MAFco
Rated for use in damp locations and is
rherma"y prorecred. rop rcce.. .randard.
J-box is accessible from below ceiling.
Q_ . _.,,u,
Clcar Alzak
Black AIzek Gold Alzak
Black Ba{fle
Eilipsoldal reflector supplied with hous-
ing.Also permits using higher wattage
vith smaller apertures than conventional
downlights. Available in clear, gold, and
black specular Alzak. Clear Alzak max-
imizes light output provides controlled
beam panern. Black Alzak and Baffle
redLrces glare.

Narrow flat aluminum design.

ao705030too E30r32r
eo' 70 50 30 r0 70 50 30 to 50 30 io 50 30 .to 50 30 to o
o 74 74 74 74 72 72 72 72 69 69 69 66 66 66 63 63 63 62 PS25 150W
a r 71 69 67 66 69 67 66 65 65 64 63 63 62 61 60 60 59 5S I otal lumens-258U
2 676482 60666361 s9 61 59 58 59 58 57 58 56 55 54 Spacing Criteria-1.0
t-* e.
3 64 60 57 5s 63 59 56
4 61 56 53 50 60 55 52
5 57 52 49 46 56 52 48
52 5l
48 47
45 44
PS25 2OoW CP x 1.25
E30r322 cP x .87
6 55 49 45 43 54 49 4s 43 4A 45 42 47 44 42 46 44 42 41 E3Ol323 CP x .98
751 46 42 39 51 45 42 39 44 4t 39 44 41 39 43 40 3A 37 E301324 cP x .85
@' 6 49 43 39 36 48 42 3S 36 41 38 36 41 38 36 40 38 36 35
t 46 39 36 33 45 39 35 33 39 35 33 38 35 33 37 35 33 32
lo 43 37 33 31 42 37 33 30 36 33 30 36 32 30 35 32 30 29

R,ued {or use in damo locarions and is

rhermally prorecrrd, iop access srandard.
l-Box i. accessible from below ceiling

Elhpsoidal reflector supplied with hous-

K-- - ,.,,t
Clear Alzak
Black Alzak Gold Alzak
Bhck Baffle
ing. Alro permia using higher warrage
rrth rr'le- rpertrre. than .onventional
dornlight'. Auailable in clear, gold, and
hlrk,n"c',1:. Alz:k Cle;r Al;k m,x-
imlzes light output and provides controll-
ed beam oaLtern. Bla.k Alzrk rnd B.rffle
reduces glare.

Narrow flat aluminum design.

6lJro5030too E40t33t
mG. ffr. eo' 70 50 30 lO 70 50 30 tO 50 30 lO 50 30 tO 50 30 iO O
PS2s 300\r
I o 86 86 86 A6 A4 A4 A4 84 80 80 80 77 77 77 74 74 -74 72
I 'I 81 79 77 75 79 77 75 74 74 73 71 72 70 69 69 68 67 66 I oul lumens 6J00
2 76 72 69 66 75 71 68 66 69 66 64 67 65 63 65 63 61 60 Spacing Criteria-1.1J
i ?5
3 72 66 62 59 70 65 62 59 63 60 58 62 59 57 60 58 56 55 PS25 2OOW CP x .65
Lrd 4 67 61 57 53 66 60 56 53 59 55 52 57 54 51 56 53 51 50
5 635651 48 62 55 51 47 54 50 47 53 4S 46 51 4a 46 4s E4Ol332 CP x .87
I 5 59 52 47 445451 47 43 50 46 43 49 46 43 48 45 42 41 E4Ol333 CP x .98
11.1 7 5547 42 38544641 38 45 41 38 44 40 37 43 40 37 36 E4Ol334 CP x 85
t 8 51 43 38 34 50 43 38 34 42 37 34 41 37 34 40 36 34 33
9 48393431 47 39 34 31 38 34 31 38 33 31 37 33 30 32
fo 45 36 31 2A 44 36 31 2A 35 31 2A 35 31 2A 34 30 2p, 27

tol 27" C chaenel Construction includes an extruded
bar hangers aluminrim plaster {rame. Hanger brackets
1277 277Y step- are adjustable to 1.5". Bar hangers, which
down transformer are stpplied, adjust to 25". Other hanger
(150S( max.) accessories include 27" C channel lol. J-
box with Y'" & %" knockouts is pre-
wired with ground wire included. Socket
assembly has porcelain socker, medium
screwshell base, and die cast aluminum
socket cap.

Branch circuit allows maximum

4-in/4-ott #12 AWG conductors rated at
minimum 75 degrees C.

Dr05 156 Black Baffle R20/R30/ER30

R30 100\fl A19 100V/ 1


I t
5!, r

lO1 27" C channel Construction includes an extruded

bar hangers aluminum plaster frame. Hanger brackets
1277 277\ step- are adjustable to 1.5". Bar hangers, wirich
down transformer are supplied, adjust to 25". Other hanger
(150V max.) accessories ircllude 27" C channel ,ol. J-
Box with %" and %" knockouts is pre-
*'ired with ground wire included. Socket
assembly has porcelain socket, medium
screwshell base, and die cast aluminum
socket cap.

Branch circuit allows maximum

4-rn/ 4-out #12 AI0G conductors rated at
minimum 75 degrees C.

R40 200\J7
D305 176 Black Baffle A23IR40/ER40
PAR38 200\f

Rated lor usc in darnp locations and is
thermalLy protected. J-box is accessible
liom belov ceiling.

R/PAR MARCO cones supplicd with a

uniqLre ALzak ellipsoidal top reflector to
assure ourstanding performance even with
economical A lanps.

Narrow ilat aluminum design finished in

low gloss rvhire.

ao70503('roo Dt05l56
eo' 70 sO 30 lO 70 50 30 'lO 5() 30 iO 50 30 lO 50 3r) lo O
R3O FL 75T{T
o 30 30 30 3a 29 29 29 29 2A 2A 2A 27 2T 2T 26 26 26 25
1 29 2A 2A 27 2A 28 2T 27 27 26 26 26 26 2a 25 25 25 24 Total lumens-900
2 2e 27 26 26 27 27 26 25 26 25 25 25 25 24 24 24 24 23 Spacing crireria-.65
3 27 26 25 24 27 26 2a 24 25 24 24 24 24 23 24 23 23 23
830 FL IOOW.
uo. 4 26 25 24 23 26 25 24 23 24 23 23 24 23 23 23 23 22 22
5 25 24 23 22 25 24 23 22 23 23 22 23 22 22 23 22 22 21 CP x 1.25
6 25232221 24 23 22 21 23 22 21 22 22 21 22 21 21 21 PAR3O 75W CP x .9
7 242221 21 24 22 21 2A 22 21 20 22 21 20 21 21 2A 20 ER3O CP x 1.1
30. a 23 22 21 2A 23 21 2A 2A 21 20 20 21 20 20 21 2A 2A 19
9 2321 2A 19 22 21 2A 19 21 20 19 20 l9 19 20 19 19 19
10 22 2A 19 18 22 20 19 13 20 19 ]a 20 19 1A 20 19 18 18

Rrrrd lor usr rn drmo b.arions rnd is

rherm,rlll prt,tc.t.d. j-Bor is accessiblc
irom bclor. ceiling

R/llAR MARCO cone' with a Illtl< Brffle

un que AlzrL .llrp'.rid.r1 rof'rcfJccror ro
performJncc c\cn \\i!L
".ure "'lr.rrrd.rg
r,mom,rrl A Lrmns

\rr '^r llrr 'llurnrnrrn J,'ix- [in .\e.r :-

or qlos ,r hrre.

ao?o5030roo D305r76
eo. 70 so 30 to 70 50 30 lo 50 30 to 50 30 io 50 30 ,to o R40 FL 150W
o 52 52 52 52 51 51 51 51 48 48 48 46 46 46 44 44 44 43
I 50 49 48 47 49 48 47 46 46 45 45 44 44 43 43 43 42 41 loral luficn\-1Y)U
i{ 2 .fO 46 45 43 47 45 44 43 44 43 42 43 42 41 42 41 40 40 Spacingcriteria-.8
3 46 44 42 41 45 43 42 40 42 41 40 4l .r039 40 39 39 38 R40 FL 200W
4 44 42 4a 4A 44 41 39 3a 40 39 3a 39 38 37 39 3A 37 36
"r. 5 43 40 37 46 42 39 37 36 38 37 35 38 36 35 37 36 35 34 CP x 1.26
6 !1 38 36 34 1A 37 35 34 3T 35 34 36 35 34 36 34 33 33 En4O l2OW CP x .85
? 39 36 34 32 39 36 34 32 35 33 32 35 33 32 34 33 32 31 PAR38 lsOW CP x .9
30. a 38 34 32 30 37 s4 32 30 33 32 30 33 31 30 33 31 30 30
9 36 32 30 29 35 32 30 29 32 30 29 31 30 2a 31 30 2a 23
to 34 31 29 27 34 31 29 2T 30 2A 27 30 2A 27 3A 2a 27 27

37 MARco
lO1 27" C charr'el Construction includes a one piece die cast
bar hangers pl.rsler irame, L.llip:oidal reflector
plied with housing. Hanger brackets are
12'17 277V s\ep-
down transformer adjustable to 1.5". Bar hangers, which are
supplied, adjust to 25". Other hanger ac-
cesrories include 27" C channel ,Ol. J
box w;th Yr" 6t %" knockouts, porcelain
socket, medium screwshell base, and die
cast aluminum socket cap, is pre-wired
with ground wire included.

Branch circuit allovrs maximum

4-in/4-o,tt #12 AWG conductors rated at
minimum 75 degrees C.

}'23 200V1
E202 353 Black Baffle 423 200\y/

I |t,.-l
I h-*'-- -r

lol 27" C channel. Construction includes a one piece die cast

bar hangers pla'ter frame. tllip.oidal reflector sup-
1277 277V $ey plied with housing. Hanger brackets are
down transformer adjustable to 1.5". Bar hangers, which are
supplied, adjusr to 25". Other hanger ac"
ce'sorie* include 27' C channel lOt. J
Box with 72" and %" knockouts,
porcelain socket, medium screq'shell base,
and die cast aluminum socket cap, is pre-
wired with ground wire included.

Branch circuit allows maximum

4-in/4-o.rt #12 AW'G conductors rated at
minimum 75 degrees C.

Black Baffle PS25 300\0

PS25 300\(/

t_?h ____-]

I' Rrreo
-or u.e in damp lo.ation- anJ
lrom below ceiling.
l-box i.
access is
Black Baffle

ELlipsoidal reflector supplied with hous'

ing. Also permits using higher wattage
with sm:rller apftures than conventional
downlights. Available in clear, gold, and
bLack specular Alzak. Black baffle reduces

Narrow flat aluminum design finished in

low gloss white.

60 70 5030 1oo E2o2t53

MIG HT. FC/OO DIA $' 70 50 30 to 70 50 30 to 50 30 to 5030 ro 50 30 ro o
A23 200W
o s6 s6 56 56 54 54 54 54 52 52 52 50 50 50 48 48 43 47
I 53 52 51 50 52 51 50 49 49 48 48 47 47 46 46 45 45 44 Total lumens 3830
251 49 47 46 50 48 46 45 46 45 44 45 44 43 44 43 42 41 Spacing Criteria-1.1
a 49 46 44 42 4A 45 43 41 44 42 41 43 41 40 42 41 4A 39 A23 IOOW CP x .5
,0" 4 46 43 41 39 45 42 40 38 41 39 3a 40 39 38 40 33 37 36
A23 lsoW CP x .75
5 44 40 38 36 43 40 37 35 39 37 35 38 36 35 37 36 35 34
6 42 38 35 33 41 37 35 33 37 35 33 36 34 33 36 34 32 32
7 39 35 32 31 39 35 32 30 34 32 30 34 32 30 33 31 30 29
30" 6 37 33 30 28 37 33 30 28 32 30 2A 32 30 2a 31 29 2a 27
9 35 31 28 26 35 30 23 26 30 2A 26 3a 27 26 29 27 26 25
to 33 20 26 24 33 2A 26 24 2A 26 24 2a 25 24 27 25 24 23

Rated for use in damo locations and is

rhernraLly protecred. J-Box is acces.ibJe
from bclo" ceiling. Top access Js
Black Ba{fle
Ellipsc,idal rellector suppJied wJrh hous-
ing. Also.permitr using iigher wattage
wiih ,mallcr roertrres rhan convenrional
doonlighrs. Black ba{fle reduces glare.

Nrrron f:t alrminum Je'iqn lini'\ed in

low glos white.

ao705030too E302355
eo. 70 50 30 lO 70 50 30 lO 50 30 tO 50 30 lO 50 30 lO O
L o 61 61 61 61 60 60 60 60 57 57 57 55 55 55 53 53 53 52
I I 58 57 56 54 57 56 55 54 54 53 52 52 51 50 50 49 49 48 I oral lumenS-6JUU
2 56 53 5t 49 54 52 50 49 50 49 48 49 48 46 47 46 46 4s Spacing Criteria-1.0
3 53 49 47 45 52 49 46 44 47 45 43 46 44 43 45 43 42 41
PS25 2oow CP x .66
4 50 46 4J 4r 49 45 43 40 44 42 4A 43 41 39 42 40 39 3a
^. 5 47 43 39 37 46 42 39 37 41 39 37 40 38 36 39 38 36 PS25 25ow CP x .8
q,o 6 45 40 37 34 44 40 37 34 39 36 34 38 36 34 37 35 34
f 42 37 33 31 4t 36 33 31 36 33 31 35 32 30 34 32 30 30
s. o 39 34 31 28 3S 34 3r 28 33 30 28 33 3A 2A 32 30 2A 27
9 37 322A 26 36 31 28 26 31 2A 26 3A 28 26 30 27 26 25
-v ro 35 29 26 24 34 29 26 24 29 26 24 2A 26 24 2A 26 24 23

39 MARco
tol 27" C chatnel Construction includes a one piece die cast
bar hangers plaster frame. Housing cylinder is heary
t2l7 277Y step- gage booderized steel, painted black with
down transformer access door inside for entry to J-Box. 18
(150w max.) gage matte black mounting yoke allows
358 degrees rotation and up to 30 degrees
rilt. Hanger brackets are adjustable to
1.5'l. Bar hangers, which are supplied, ad-
just [o 25". Other hanger accessories in-
cfude 27" C channel lol, J-box with %"
& 3/,+" knockouts is pre-wired with

ground wire included. Porcelain socket

has medium screwshell base.

Branch circuit allows maximum

+in/+o1rt #12 AlffG conductors rated at
minimum 75 degrees C.

4303 607 Gold Alzak PAR38/R40 150\f

PAR38 Quartz 250'ifl
PAR38 250\v 623 Clear Alzak PAR38/R40 150\fl
PAR38 Quartz 250W
624 Black Alzak PAR38/R40 150!fl

6t3 Black Baffle

PAR38 Quartz 250\(
PAR]8/R40 1s0\r
PAR38 Quartz 250$(/
t-sk. .l

lol 27" C channel Construction includes a one piece die cast

bar hangers plxter frame. Housing cylinder is heavy
l?9 Yz" x lz" x /2" gage bonderized steel, painted black with
black louver access door inside for entry to J-Box. Ad-
1277 277Y step- justable arm enables Iuminaire to be posi-
down transformer tioned partially or fully below ceiling
(150!fl max.) line. Horizontally rotates 350 degrees and
tilts in or out of housing up to 85
degrees when extended. Hanger brackets
are adjustable to 1.5". Bar hangers, which
are supplied, adjust to 25". Other hanger
accessories incfude 27" C channel ,ol. J-
Box with %" and %" knockours is pre-
wired with ground wire included. Fixture
has porcelain socket, medium screwshell

Branch circuit allows maximum

+it/4-ott #L2 AVG conductors rated at
minimum 75 degrees C.

asoa 6l3.P White PAR38/R40 150W

Luminaire PAR38 Quartz 250W'
PAR38 250'i7 Arm 8c Trim

I tt_.""-l

40 MAFrco
1 Rled Io- u'e ir drrp lo..rr:on,;nJ i,
therm,rllv prorecred.
Irom belov,' ceiling.
J-box is accessible
Clcar Alzrk
(D {_ ",j
Gold Alnk
Black Baflic
Cone is truncated to providc for lamp

Narror. ilat aluminum design.

60 70 5030 1o0 A303607

e. ?o 50 30 to 70 50 30 ,to 50 30 to 50 30 to so 00 ,t0 0
o 7272727271 71 71 71 67 67 67 65656562626261 oPARlS NSP 250W
I 70 69 68 67 69 68 67 66 65 65 64 63 63 62 61 61 60 59 T'oral lumens-3220
2 68 67 65 64 67 66 64 6s 64 63 62 62 61 60 60 60 59 58 Spacing Criteria-.5
3 67 65 63 61 66 64 62 61 62 6i 60 61 60 59 60 59 58 58 R4O l5OW CP x .61
,0. 4 65 63 6t 59 65 62 60 59 61 60 58 60 59 58 59 58 57 56
5 64 61 59 57 63 60 59 57 60 58 57 59 57 56 58 57 56 55 PAR3a i5OW CP x .60
5 63 60 58 56 62 59 57 56 59 57 56 53 56 55 57 56 55 55 4303623 CP x 1.10
7 61 58 56 55 61 58 56 55 57 s6 54 57 55 54 56 55 54 53 A303624 cP x .60
s" a 60 57 55 s3 60 57 55 53 56 54 53 56 54 53 55 54 53 52
A303616 CP x .60
9 59 56 54 52 58 55 54 52 55 53 52 55 53 s2 54 53 52 5l
lo 58 54 52 51 57 54 52 51 54 52 51 54 52 51 53 52 51 s0

Rted lor use in damo locations and is

thermally prorected. j Box is accessible

{rom belo." ceiling

Nrrr,,r' flat aluminum de'i"n finished rn

lor glo* ,r hire.

White Luminaire
Arm & Trim

F' A50a6l3.P
oPARls r50\(/
E 3.6 T'orel lumens-1220
R40 150\fl FL
Total lumens-1950


41 MAFlCc'

l0l 27" C charlrrel Construction includes a die cast

bar hangers aluminum plaster frame. Housing
rylinder is heary gage bonderized steel,
painted black with access door inside for
entry to J-Box. two piece cast socket
assembJy allo*s 358 degrees rotation and
up ro 25 degrees tiJt. Hanger brackets are
vertically adjustable to 1.5". Bar hangers,
which are supplied, adjust to 25". Ac-
cessory 27tt C channel hangers are
available as lol. J-Box with y2' and 3/4"

knockouts is pre-wired with ground *ire


Branch circuit allows maximum

4-irL/+o\tt #12 AIWG conducors rated at
minimum 75 degrees C.

4504 Black Baffle R40/PAR]8 300\g

PAR46 200\r

QPAR38 250W I
R40 300\g ER40 120S/

L-s" t

A50a 6lt Wallvasher R40 300W

with Black
R40 300w

42 MAFco
Rated for use in damp locations and in
direct contactvrith insulation. J-Box is
cessible from below ceiling.

VaLlwasher supplied with mate reflector

to direct light onto wall. \Tallwasher is
Black Baffle
\(allwasher with
Black Baffle

eyelid rype, which provides little


Narrow {lar aluminum design finished in

low gloss white.

60to503l'too a5046lo
70 50 30 lO 70 50 30 tO 5rO 30 lO 50 30 !O 50 30 tO O
R4O FT, 3OO\J7
o 7a 7a 7a 7a 76 76 76 76 73 73 73 7A 70 70 67 67 67 66
1757371 70 73 72 70 69 69 68 67 66 66 65 64 64 63 62 Total lumens-3600
2 71 68 66 63 70 67 65 63 65 63 61 63 61 60 61 60 59 58 Spacing criteria-.9
3 686461 58 66 63 60 58 61 59 57 60 5A 56 58 56 55 54 R4O FL l5OW CP x .5
a 64 60 56 53 63 59 56 53 57 55 52 56 54 52 55 53 51 50
5 61 56 52 49 60 55 52 49 54 51 49 53 50 48 52 50 48 47 ER4O l2OW CP x .46
6 58 52 49 46 57 52 4A 46 51 48 45 5A 47 45 49 47 45 44 OPAR3a 25otY CP x .87
? 55 49 45 43 54 49 45 43 4A 45 42 47 44 42 46 44 42 41
I524642 3951 46 42 39 45 42 39 44 41 39 44 4l 39 38
9 49 43 39 36 48 42 39 36 42 38 36 41 38 36 41 38 36 35
lo 46 40 36 33 46 40 36 33 39 36 33 39 35 33 38 35 33 32

0' 4' 3' 2' r' O' t' 2' 3', o'o'f,2'I'o'12'1' o' A5046l I
l' 5 10 19 22 19
11 16 23 2A 23
10 5 1' 31 26 22 26 31 26 22 26 31 R40 FL 300\7
16 i1 2' 43 39 36 39 43 39 36 39
t' 12 20 32 37 32
lt 19 30 33 30
20 12 3' 47 44 42
4' 46 44 42
44 47 44 42 44 lf Total lumens-3600
a' 19 ll 44 46 44 42 44 46
t' 10 16 2A 28 2A 16 10 5' 40 39 38 39 40 39 38 39 40
0, 916202324 16 I 6' 32 34 36 34 32 34 36 34 32
1' 914 17 19 17 149 7' 30 31 31 31 20 31 21 31 30
onoielirr!rc mounied 3 n tom wa 'oL' edor3( celreb3tr homsat

I tO1 27" C chamel Construction includes a one piece die cast
bar hangers plaster frame. Housing cy)inder is heary
1277 277V stey gage bonderized steel, painted black with
down trans{ormer access door inside for entry to J-Box.
(150\( max.) Hanger brackets are adjustable co 1.5".
Bar f,angers, which are zupplied. adjust to
25". Other hanger accessories incllude 27"
C channel to1, J-box arirh Yr" U, t/1"
knockouts is pre-wired wirh ground wire
included. Fixrure ha. porcelain socket.
medium screwshell base.

Branch circuit allows maximum

4-i,^/4-o1Jt #I2 AVG conductors rated at
minimum 75 degrees C.

Inner Black-
R40/PAR38 150W

lO1 27" C channel Construction includes a one piece die cast

bar hangers plaster frame. Housing rylinder is heavy
l2l7 277Y step- gage bonderized steel, painted black *'ith
down transformer iciess doot inside for entry to J'Box. Ad-
(150\{r max.) justable socket permits up to 30 degrees
GR76 Lens vertical adjustment, trim rotates 358
degrees. Hanger brackets are adiusrable to
1.5". Bar hangers, which are supplied, ad-
ju.t ro 25". Orher hanger accessories in-
clude 27" C channel tot. T-Box wirh 'z.r'
and %" knockours is pre-wired with
I ground wire included. Fixture hx
porcelain socket, medium screvshell base.

Branch circuit allows maximum

4-ir./4-ofi #12 A\?G conductors rated at
minimum 75 degrees C.

A602 5O2 Lensed \fall- R40 200\g

vrasher with
R4o 150w200W Clear Alzak

Ratedfor use in damp locations and is
thermally protected. J-box is accessible
{rom below ceiling.
lnner Black,
Eyebail tilts 30 degrees-rotation 358 Outer \fhite

Nanow flat aluminum design {inished in

Iow glos white.


R40 FL 150\(
71 qq Total lumens-1950
PAR38 15OT(/ FL
5.3 Total lumens-1740
!' 64 !!
!1 r1 10' 41 5.7
ls , 12 28 6.9

Ratedfor use in damo locarions and is

rhermally prorected. l-Box is accessible
lrom below ceilJng

Roundel 50 deeree sDread lens orovides Lensed V/allwasher

even disrributiJn of )lghr on -l[. with Clear
Alzak Reflecror
Nuron flar aluminum derien tinished in
lov gloss -hire.

0' a' 3' 21'O'I' 2' O' 4' o, o, t, 2, 1' o' 1' 2, 1' O' 4602502
l' .2 i.3 3.3 9.0 13.2 9.0 t, 15.3 11.9 8.0 11.9 15.3 11.9 8.0 119 15.3 R4O FL 15OV
2.6 6.6 15.0 20.5 15.0 66 2.6 .9 2' 21.2 16.A 12.1 16.0 21.2 16.0 121 16.0 21.2
3.4 7.6 15.4 24,5 15.4 7.6 3.4 1.2 3' 192 14.6 11.7 14.6 19.2 14.6 11.7 14.6 15.2 Total lumens-1950
a' 1.5 3.4 7.3 12.8 16.0 12.8 7.3 3.4 1.5 4' 15.4 133 11.5 13.3 15.4 13.3 11.5 13.3 15.4 R4O FL 2oow CP x 1.25
!. 16 3.2 6.1 9.3 10.7 9.3 6.1 3.2 1.6 5', 11.9 11.1 10.3 11.1 119 11.1 10.3 11.1 11.9
t' 16 2.4 5.4 7.0 7.0 7.O 5,0 2.8 1.6 6' 9.2 9.2 9.2 92 9.2 9.2 92 9.2 9.2
t' 1.6 4.3 5.4 54 54 7' 7.7 7.9 74 7.9 77 7.9 7.4 7.9 7.7
vdr6 bded onone rxrurc nolnlod 3 n. fom wan.


Io1 27" C channel Construction includes a one piece die cast R

bar hangers plr.rer frame. Hanger bracket..rre ad- rl
1277 277Y step- justable to 1.5". Bar hangers, which are fr
down transformer 'upplied, adiu.r to
25" Orher hanger ac-
(150S[ max.) cessor:e. include 27" C channel ,ol. l- E
box v,'ith /:" & %" knockouts is pre-
wired with ground wire included. Socker pi
assembly has porcelain socket, medium
screwshell base, and die cast aluminum N
socker cap. lo

Branch circuit allows maximum

4'in/4-out #12 A\(G conductors rated at
minimum 75 degrees C.

D30r 259 Eyelid R40 150\(/ o'

with Black 3'
R40 1s0\f Raffle

lol 27" C channel Construction includes a one piece die cast R:

bar hangers plaster frame. Housing cylinder is heavy th
1277 277Y step- gage bonderized steel, painted black with fr<
down transformer access door inside for entry to J-Box.
(150\{ max.) Hanger brackets are adjustable to 1.5". *1
Bar hangers, which are supplied, adjust ro
25". Other hanger accessories include 27"
C channel lol. J-Box \'/irh 1/1" and 3/'" N:
knockout' i' pre-wired ground -ire lo.
in-luded. I irtu"e he. porcelain .ocket.
medium screwshell base.

Branch circuit ailows maximum

|in/ 4-ont #12 AWG conductors rated at
minimum 75 degrees C.

a40r 5Ol Eyelid R40 150\0 o'

S(allwasher 2'
wirh Black a.
Baffle a'

Ratedfor use in damp locations and is
therm:rlly protected. J-box is accessible
Irom below ceiling.
EyeLid \fl:llwasher
EyeLid wallwasher directs light at wall with Black Brffle
vhile providing little downlight. Accom
panies D30:l downlights.

Narrow flat aluminum design finished in

low gloss white.

0432'1',O',1'2'3'4' o' o' 2' I' o' 1' 2' O' D30r2s9
1' 93 1 93 3.3 5.3 6.4 5.3 3 3 1.93 .98 l' 8.4 8.5 9.3 8..r 9.3 8.5 8.4 R40 150\(/
2' 118 1.3 24 2.5 30 25 24 183 1 18 2' 4.4 51 5.3 43 53 51 4.8
Total lumens 1950
1 56 72 126 213 2.45 213 126 72 56 3', 36 35 35 36 35 35 36
a' 35 75 1.59 2.75 4.0 2.75 1.59 .75 35 4', 5.0 4.7 4a 5.4 4a 4.7 5a
5' 51 93 2.0 3.75 5.2 3.7s 2A .93 .51 s' 6.7 6.7 6.5 6.7 6.5 6.7 6.7
4 55 12 2.7 4.3 6.0 4.3 2.7 1.2 .55 5' 71 7A 7.7 7.1 77 78 71
?' 53 1.33 2.59 3.75 4.1 3.75 2 59 1.33 .53 7', 6.6 7.2 7.6 6.6 7.6 7.2 6.6

Rued lor use in drmo locetions and is

rhermr l-v protecred. Box j
lrom beLow eeiling

Eyehd nalha.hcr Jrrect' Light at r.all Eyelid \{rallwasher

p ding lirrle downlighr. A,com n'ith Black Baffle
':h', "v
panier D40l downlighrs.

Narrow flat aluminum dcsign finishcd in

low gloss white.

t 4' 3' 2' t', O', l' 2', 3', 4 o' o' 2' I' o' 1' 2' O' A40t50l
I 1.3 2.9 6.1 11.8 15.0 113 6.1 2.9 1.3 t' 13.5 13.4 14.3 13.5 14.3 r3.4 13.5 R,+0 150Vr
I 2.4 4.5 A.4 155 207 155 A4 4.5 2.4 2 22.2 20.9 23.9 222 239 209 22.2
t' 2.9 5.8 8.6 10.0 10.7 10.0 8.6 5.8 29 3' 14.6 15.8 18.3 14.6 18.3 15.8 i4.6 Total lumens 1950
f' 34 39 40 4.7 5.5 47 40 39 3.4 4' I0 8.5 10.1 9 0 10.1 8.5 9.0
5 21 2.4 25 40 5.6 40 2.5 2.A 21 5', 7.1 6.3 7.0 7.1 7.0 6.3 7.1
f' 1.r 1.4 25 44 6.4 44 2a 14 1.1 6' 6.4 61 6.8 64 68 61 64
t' 7 13 2.4 3.7 4.4 37 2.4 1.3 .7 7' 54 5 6 6.0 5.4 6.0 5.6 5.4

lO1 27" C chaurel Construction includes a die cast
bar hangers rluminum plaster lrame. Housing sup-
1277 277V Step- plied wirh dual reflecror cone assembly
down transformer which rotates for directional positioning
(150W max.) Two galvanized steel suppons hold
Available vith assernbly in position with Grip Klips
V305 only: Plaster frame accomodates maximum %"
t57 Conversion kit ceiling thickness. Hanger brackets are
for downlight only venically adjustable to 1.5". Bar hangers,
(clear cone) which are supplied, adjust to 25". Ac-
158 Conversion kit cessory 27" C channel hangers are
for downlight only available as lot. J-Box witht/2" and )4"
(gold cone) knockouts is pre-wired -irh ground wire
,Al9 A-lamp fittirg included. Socket assembly has porcelain
for A19 lamp socket, medium screwshell base, and die
lA2 I AJamp fitting cast aluminum socket cap.
for A21 lamp
Branch circuit allows maximum
4-ir,/4-out #12 AWG conductors rated at
minimum 75 degrees C.

180 Degrees
120 Degrees
90 Degrees j-
W305513 w3055r4 2/9A Degrees
100\g/ 1s0\(,/200 !7

L s".-------t I

w3065t7 w3065t8 180 Degrees

w306519 w306520 120 Degrees
w306521 w306522 90 Degrees
w305525 w306526 2/90 Degees

48 MAFrco
Rated for use in damp locations and in
direct with insulation. J-Box is ac-
cesible from below ceiling.
Clear Alzak Gold Alzak
Dual reflector cut-away wallwash system wallwasher
essurcs scallop-free, even washing of walls
from 90 degrees to 180 degrees while still
providing downlight. Double cut-a*ay
vdlwash (2/90 degrees) is ideal for
hallwrys providing uniform light
throLrghout the space. Cut-away, when
properly installed directs light ncar the
ceiling line.

Narrow flat aluminum design.

043'2',l',O'I' 2' o o .l' 1' o' l, .r, o, w30550s

't' 2 6999 6 117 16 t6 17 16 16 17 423 150!t/
7898 2', 1a 17 17 1A 17 17 18
tr'2 T 9 t0 9 3' 17 17 17 17 17 17 17
Total lumens-2740
7 t0 11 10 T 4192020 19 2A 2A 19 A23 2oOW CP x 1.4
6 10 10 10 6 5' 20 20 20 2A 2A 2A 20 A23 IOOW CP x .5
6'2 5896 5 6', 20 19 19 20 19 19 20
5676 5 1'. 17 1A 18 17 1a 18 17

l'o'I a' 1' o o 11,o, 1, 1'O' w3065t7

1' 999 52 1 17 16 16 17 16 16 l7 A2t 150\(/
, 898 52 214 17 17 18 17 17 1A
I' 9 10 I a' 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 Total lumcns-2740
a 10 11 10 4' 19 2A 2A 19 20 2A 19 A23 2OOW CP x 1.4
t' 10 10 r0 41 5' 2a 2A 20 2A 2A 2A 2A A23 IOOW CP x .5
I 498 32 6', 20 19 19 20 t9 t9 20
1' 676 32 7' 17 1A 18 t7 i8 18 18
.oL dd or ) 1 i4ae.5 I I io 1.on

Io1 27" C channel Construction includes a die cast
bar hangers aluminum plaster frame. Housing sup-
l27l 277V Step- plied with dual reflector cone assembly
dovrn trans{ormer which rotates for directional positioning.
(1501Ufl max.) Two galvanized supports hold assembly
Available vith in position with Grip Klips. Plaster frame
'W405 accomodates maximum %" ceiling.
187 Conversion kir Hanger brackets ere verticallF adjustable
for downlight only to 1.5?'. Bar hangers, which are supplied,
(clear cone) adjust to 25". Accessory 27" C channel
,88 Conversion kit hangers are available as ,ot. J-Box with
for downlight only y2 %, knockouts is pre-wired with
(gold cone) ^nd wire included. Socket assembly
has porcelain socket, medium screwshell
base, and die cast aluminum socket cap.

Branch circuit allows maximum

4-in/4-o1x #12 Ar$(/G conductors rated at
minimum 75 degrees C.

w405529 wao5530 180 Degrees

w405531 w405532 120 Degrees

90 Degrees
2/90 Degrees I
l I t-,"" t I


w40354t wto6542 180 Degrees

wao6543 w406544 120 Degrees
w406545 w406546 90 Degrees
wao6549 w406550 2/90 Degtees


Rated for use in damp locations and in
direcr conract with insulation. J-Box is ac-
cessible from below ceiling.

Clear Alzak cold Alzak

Dual reflector cut-away wallwash system w:lhvasher
assures scallop-free, even washing of walls
Irom 90 degrees to 180 degrees while still
providing downlight. Double cur-away
wallwash (2,/90 degrees) is ideal for
hallways providing uniform light
rhroughout the space. Cut-away, when
properly installed directs light near the
ceiling line.

Narrow flat aluminum design.

3' 2' I' O' 2' 3', 4', o' o' I' i' o' w405531
I 10 14 20 20 20 10 4 l, 39 35 35 39 35 35 39 PS25 300\(/
2' 11 16 18 20 18 16 11 5 2'. 41 37 37 41 37 37 41 Total iumens-6300
!' 10 16 20 23 20 t6 104 3', 39 38 3S 39 38 38 3S
915232523 i5 93 4', 42 4a 4A 42 4A 4A 42
5' 91423?323 5' 44 42 42 44 42 42 44
a' 8 13 18 20 18 13 83 6' 46 40 40 46 40 40 46
I' 710 14 16 14 ,' 39 37 37 39 37 37 39

0' a' 2' t' o' 1' 2' 3' 4'. o,o11'o'l'1'o' w406s4t
'I' 1A 14 2A 20 20 l0 4 r' 39 35 35 39 35 35 39 PS25 300W
11 16 18 20 18 16 11 5 2' 4t 37 37 41 37 37 41
Total lumens-6300
I 1A 16 2A 23 20 16 104 3' 39 38 38 39 38 38 39
915232523 15 93 4' 42 4a 4A 42 4a 40 42
!' 914232323 92 5' 44 42 42 44 42 4? 44
8' 813 18 20 18 13 83 6' 46 40 40 46 40 40 46
710 14 16 14 10 73 7' 39 37 37 39 37 37 39
on one rnu nounrad 3 n. r@n wa Va u6 based on 3 rxr mounted on 3 11. conrdre 3lt. irom walr

51 MAHco
Lensed fixtures can provide crcative aiter- efficiently controlled illumination. The
natives to your plans. Designed to collect fresnel lens, regressed 2%/'above the
light ;nd more etle.tircly di.rribure i.- finished ceiling, provides positive
lumination, diverse application crireria can downlighting with high candlepou'er at
be met with Marco's wide variety of nadir. This is especially use{ul in higher
lenses, diffusers and trims. ccilings wherc fixturcs arc spaced on a one-
Light rays are refracted and diffused by to-one ratio. The regressed lens with splay
the lenses utilized in these fixtures. The or stepped baffle, shields the brightness
spreacling of the light rays over the surface from tbe viewer by lifting the lens above
of the lens results in a precisely distributed the ceiling during normal viewing.
lighr. Also resressed 21/+" above the ceiling
Marco's oprically designed lenses provide line, the holophane lens provides a broadcr



52 MAFrCC'
drstribution for use in low ceilings with cludes a wide range of alternatives. In the trim to drop %" away from the sup-
gre;rter spacing criteria. Verrical surfaccs recessed rounds, we offer holophane, drop porting surface. Trims automatically relock
ffe more everly illuminated reducing harsh opal and flat difft sers and flat and regress- when pushed closed. Manufactured in two
visurl contrast, ed fresnel lenses. sizcs, 10 and 13 inches, thesc luminaires
lllarco's droppcd opal diffuser, though Our recessed squares include flar and fulfill the specifiers many needs.
puil. dr..r.u:'e. offcr. uniqrc.u'meri, drop opal diffuser, flat fresnel, concave, flat Lenses providc a r-ide varlety of alter-
This handsome unit, often used
appc:rl. and drop holophane, and C-73 tcmpered niti\.es for your specifications. Ideal for
Rth dimmers. is cnhanced when surround- lcnses. soffet installations, and quite frequently us-
ed bv the black stepped ba{fle. The drop Marco round and square recessed lcns ed for installations in hotels, offices,
opal isespecially desirable lbr lighting adja- fixtures arc trimmed nich die cast restauranrs, schools, stores, casinos and
cent ceilings and walls. .rluminum door a',.mbl:.r. Vr'.o ' er museums, all can be enhanced by the
Our complete line of lensed fixtures in- clusive, patentcd cam lock hinging allows Juminarv effects of lenses.

The lrcsnel lens, regressed 2%" abovc the The holophanc concave lens prcrtides a The clropped opal diffuscr is purely
iinished ceiling, provides positive broader distribution for use in low ccilings decorativc as indicated by the accompany-
downlighting *,ith high candiepower at .l'''itl, a greater spacing to mounting height .ng oi.rgr.rm. Thi' rourrJ .o ine Jisriburion
nrr:, l\i' i' c.p..r ' ; u..iul irr l-ighcr r3tio of 1.3. Vertical surfaces are evenly il curvc indicates light directed in all
Leilingswhcre fixtures are spaced on a onc lurninated, thereby reducing visual con- doq n\\ ard angl<. D..o:r:'e.rppl..:ri,n.
ro one ratio. The regrcssed lens vith splay rresr. The 2%" regrcssion of the lens above call for this handsome unit where otler
or stepped bafflc, shields the brightness thc ceiling line is especially desirabie ro prisrratic lenses are a little commercixl in
iron thc viever by lifting rhe lens above shield the luminance fron the viewer dur- :rppcarance. Used *ith dimmers, rhe drop
rhe ceiling during normal viewing. ing normal vicwing. opal diffuser is enhanced *'hen surrounded
by the black stcpped ba{fle.

53 MARco
O1 27' C channel Construction includes a one piece die cast
bar hangers plaster frame. Housing cylinder is heary
lO3 Tamper-proof gage bonderized steel, white baked
'\(eatherproof enamel finish. Hanger brackets are ad-
gasketing justable to 1.5". Bar hangers, which are
8277 277Y stey supplied, adjust to 25". Other hanger ac-
down transformer cessories include27" C cb^nnel to1, l-
(150\0 max.) box with zr" Ec %" knockouts is pre-
wired with eround wire included, Fixture
has porce)aii socker, medium screwshell

Branch circuit allows maximum

+in/+orlt #12 AWG conductors rated at
minimum 75 degrees C.

R lor Flat Diffuser P lWhite Paint

A19/A21 100rlil s Satin Alum.
Finish must be

R20l Flat Fresnel P Vhite Paint

A19lA21 1oo\r 3 Satin Alum.
Finish must be

B20t Drop Opal p Vhite Paint

s Satin Alum.
A19/ A21 100\f Finish must be

R20,1 Regressed P White Paint

Fresnel 3 Satin Alum.
A19lA21 100l|fl
Finish must be

Ratedfor use in damp locations and is
thermally protected. J-box is accessible :\\re::2/-/y'-l,
{rom below ceiling.
Flat Diffuser Flat Fresnel Drop Opal Regressed Fresnel
Lens optical characteristics ' see page 51

Narrow flat die cast aluminum design.

60705030too n201701
s. 70 50 30 ro 70 50 30 ro 50 90 ro 50 30 to5030too A21 100W
o 39 33 39 39 38 38 38 38 36 36 36 35 35 35 33 33 33 33
I 36 34 33 32 35 34 33 31 32 31 30 31 30 30 30 29 29 28 Total lumens-1650
.{ 2 33 31 29 27 32 30 2A 27 29 27 26 2e 26 25 27 26 25 24 Spacing criteria 1.3
3 30 27 2a 23 30 27 24 23 26 24 22 25 23 22 24 23 22 21
J e. 4 2A 25 22 2a 27 24 22 2A 23 21 t9 23 21 19 22 2A 19 1A
! 5 2622 19 17 25 22 19 17 21 19 1T 2A 18 1T 20 18 17 16
6242A1A162420t7i6i9 17 15 19 i7 15 18 17 t5 i5
7 22 1A 15 13 22 18 15 13 17 15 13 17 15 13 16 14 13 12
e. A 21 16 14 12 20 16 14 12 i6 13 12 15 i3 12 15 13 12 11
12 919 15 12 10 19 15 12 10 14 t2 10 14 12 10 14 12 10 10
iola 14 il 917 13 11 913 11 913 11 912 11 90

0o705030roo e2l'17l'2
$. 70 50 30 tO 70 50 30 lO 50 30 lO 50 30 lO 50 30 IOO A21 100\r
t o s4 s4 5!4 54 52 52 52 52 50 50 50 48 48 48 46 46 46 45
1404447 45 49 47 46 44 46 44 43 44 43 42 42 41 41 4A Total lumens-1650
t- 2174441 39 46 4s 41 39 41 39 38 40 38 37 39 37 36 35 Spacing criteria-1.5
0 43 39 36 34 42 39 36 34 37 35 33 36 34 33 35 33 32 31
G *" 4 40 36 32 30 39 35 32 30 34 3t 29 33 31 29 32 30 2A 2A
5 37 32 29 26 36 32 28 26 31 2A 26 30 2T 25 29 27 25 24
6 35 29 26 23 34 29 26 23 28 25 23 2A 25 23 27 25 23 22
I s.
731 26 22 2A
a 29 23 2A 17
19 18
17 16
Itz 4 2721 17 15 26 21 17 15 20 1T 1s 20 17 15 19 17 15 14
lo 25 19 15 i3 24 19 15 13 1a 15 13 18 15 13 17 15 13 12

60Tosotoroo R201703
* so. 70 50
o 44 44
0O l0 70 50 30 tO 50 30 lO 50 0O lO 50 30 lO
44 44 43 43 43 43 41 41 41 39 393938 383837
A21 100\fl
I 40 38 36 34 39 37 35 33 35 34 32 34 32 31 32 31 30 30 Total lumens-1650
i.' 2 36 33 30 28 35 32 29 27 31 2A 27 29 2T 26 2A 2T 25 24 Spacing criteria-1.,1
3 33 29 25 23 32 2A 25 23 27 24 22 26 24 22 25 23 21 21
& .0. 4 30 25 22 19 29 25 22 19 24 21 19 ?3 21 19 22 20 19 18
t' 5 2823 19 17 27 22 19 t7 21 19 16 21 18 16 20 1S 16 15
6 2621 1A 15 25 2a 17 15 2A 17 15 19 i7 15 18 16 14 14
Ln 7 23 18 15 12 23 18 15 12 17 14 12 17 14 12 16 14 12 11
ro. a 22 16 13 11 21 16 13 11 16 13 11 15 13 11 15 12 11 10
L I20 15
to 19 14
12 10 19
11 914
11 913
11 99
108 8

60705030too n201704
eo. 70 50 30 tO 70 50 30 lO 50 30 'lO 50 0O lO 50 30 !O O
A21 100!r
o 47 47 47 47 46 46 46 46 44 44 44 42 42 42 40 40 40 39
| 444241 40 43 41 4A 39 40 39 38 38 38 37 37 36 36 Total Iumens-1650
!,. 2
41 38 36 34
38 34 32 30
Spacing criteria-1.5
4 35 31 28 26 34 31 2A 26 3A 27 26 29 27 25 2A 26 25 24
"n" 5 32 2A 25 23 3? 2A 25 23 27 24 22 26 24 22 25 23 22
l' 6
30 26 23 20
27 22 19 1T
@. a 2520 17 15 25 2A 17 15 19 17 15 19 16 15 18 16 15 14
9 23 18 15 13 23 1e 15 13 17 15 13 1T 14 13 17 14 13 12
to 21 16 13 11 21 16 13 11 16 13 11 15 13 11 15 13 11 10 l

Io1 27" C chnnel Construction includes a one piece die cast I
bar hangers plaster frarne. Hanger brackets are ad- t
lO3 Tamper-proof justable to 1.5". Bar hangers, which are f
lO6 Weatherproof supplied, adjust to 25". Orher hanger ac'
gaskering cesrorie, include 27' L channel ,Ol. J 1
lO7 TriggerJatch Box with %" and 7"" knockouts is pre- ll
hinge wired
":rh Rround -ire in.luded.
1277 277\ step- a..embly hai porcele:n so.ket. medium c
down transformer screwshell base, and die cast aluminum h
(1501( max.) sockct cap, \
Rranch circuit allows maximum c
4-in/ 4-o1x #12 AWG conductors rated ar 5
minimum 75 degrees C.

R303 721 Holophane PP Inner Outer-

Splayed with Vhite Paint
A23 100\(r Touchlatch ss lnner C)uter
150\(//200w Trim Satin Alum.
Holophane (splay only)
Multistep KP Inner Black
*'ith Touch Outer Vhite L

latch Trim KS Inner Black- I

Outer Satin
Finish must Alum.
be specified

8303 Fresnel PP Inler Outer-

Splayed with \Whire Paint L
A23 100\(/
150\{//200s(r Touch-latch
ss Inner Ourer-
Satin Alum.
Fresncl Multi- (splay only) !
step with KP Inner Black- !!
Touch-latch Outer \White l
Trim KS lnner Black-
Outer Satin -]
Finish must Alunr.
be specified

R303 Drop Opal PP lnner Outer

Splay with \fhite Paint
A23 100\(/ TriggerJatch ss Inner Outer
15 0\(r /200\( Trim Satin AIum.
Drop Opal (splay only) la
Multi-srep KP Inner Black- [.
with Trigger- Outer'White !
latch Trim KS lnner Black-
Outer Satin I
Finish must Alum.
be specified

56 MAHco
Raredfor use in damp locations and is
thermally protected. J-box is accessiblc
lrom below ceiling.
Holophane Splav Holophane Multi-stcp Fresnel Splrv Iircsntl Muhi srep
Two piece die cast touch latch/trigger-
hrch trim. Inner trim houses lens and fits
on lens
in outer trim. Upward pressure
automatically activatcs touch-latch
hinge and relocks whcn pushed back.
Vhen opencd, hinge cam drops inner
tim L/" ro protect outer trim frcrm scrat' Drop Opel Sphy
Dn,p Op.rl N{ulti-stcp
ching. Lens optical characteristics-scc page

Narrow {lat die cast aluminum design

{inishedin eithcr inner-outer white paint,
inner outcr satin aluminum, inner
black/outer rlhite. or inner black/outer
stin aluminum.

ao 70 5030 loo n30372't 1727

eo To 5r) 30 to 7() 50 30 ro 50 30 ro 50 30 lo so 30 loo A23 150W
o 7a 7e 7e 7a 76 76 76 76 73 73 73 70 7A 7A 67 67 67 65
174 12 7A 6A 72 7a 69 67 68 66 65 65 64 63 63 62 61 60 Total lumens 2740
2 70666361 68 65 62 60 63 61 59 61 59 57 59 57 56 55 criteria 1.1
3 66 61 57 54 64 60 57 54 5a s5 53 57 54 52 55 53 51 50 423 IOOW = CP x .65
uo. 4 62 56 52 49 61 56 52 49 54 51 48 53 50 48 51 4o 47 46 A23 2OOW : CP x 1.25
5 5a 52 48 4457 51 47 44 50 47 14 49 46 43 48 44 43 42
6 554944 41 54 4e 44 41 47 43 41 46434045424039
7 51 44 40 37 a0 44 4A 37 43 39 36 42 39 36 41 33 36 35
s. 018 11 37 33 47 41 36 33 40 36 33 39 36 33 38 35 33 32
9 45 38 33 30 44 38 33 30 37 33 30 36 33 30 36 32 30 39
to 42 35 31 28 42 35 31 23 34 30 28 34 30 2a 33 30 28 27

ao To so30 loo R3lJ37231725

e0' 70 50 30 lo 70 50 30 lO so 30 lo 50 30 lO 50 30 lO O
A2l 150\Xr
o 747474 14 72 72 72 72 69 69 69 66 66 66 63 63 63 62
'l otal lunens-2740
r 70 68 66 65 68 67 65 6.1 64 63 62 62 61 60 60 59 58 s7
2 66 63 60 58 65 62 60 57 60 5a 56 58 56 55 56 55 54 53 Sprcing criterja-1.0
3 635a555361 535552565351 54 52 50 53 51 50 49
A23 IOOW = CP x .65
-^. 4 59 54 51 48 58 54 50 43 52 49 47 51 49 47 50 4A 46
5F, 51 47 44 55 50 46 44 49 46 43 43 15 43 47 44 42
42 A23 2OOW = CP x 1.25
6 53 48 44 41 52 4T 43 ,11 ,16 43 40 4a 12 4A 44 42 10 39
7 50 4.1 40 37 49 43 40 37 43 39 37 42 39 37 41 3a 36 35
oo. a 47 41 37 34 47 41 37 34 40 37 34 39 36 34 39 36 34 33
9 45 38 34 32 44 3A 34 32 37 31 32 37 34 31 36 33 31 30
ro .12 36 32 30 42 36 32 30 35 32 29 35 32 29 34 31 29 28

aoT0so30loo R303731r733
lf,fc NT so. 70 50 30 lO 70 sO 30 lO sO 30 lO 50 30 lo 5r) 30 lO O
A2l 150\(/
o 43 43 43 43 42 42 42 42 4A 40 40 38 38 36 37 37 37 36
r .10 38 37 35 39 37 36 35 36 35 34 34 33 33 33 32 32 3l Total lumcns-27,10
2 363431 29 35 33 31 29 32 3A 28 31 29 2A 29 2A 27 26 Spacing criteria-1.3
3 33 30 27 25 32 29 27 25 2A 26 24 27 25 24 26 25 23 23
20 ?O A23 IOOW : CP x.65
4 31 27 24 21 30 26 23 21 25 23 21 25 22 21 24 22 A23 2OOw = CP x 1.25
".. 5 2A 24 21 19 2A 23 21 1A 23 2A 1A 22 20 18 21 19 18 1T
6 2622 19 17 26 22 19 1T 21 1A 16 20 i8 16 20 18 16 15
724 19 16 14 23 19 16 14 18 16 M8 15 14 i7 15 14 13
ro. a 22 17 14 12 22 17 14 12 1T 14 12 16 14 12 16 11 12 11
I 21 16 13 11 20 16 13 11 15 13 11 15 12 11 1.1 12 11 10
tols 14 12 10 i9 l4 11 10 14 11 10 14 11 l0 13 11 109

57 MAnco
Iol 27" C channel Construction includes an extruded
bar hangers aluminum plaster frame. Housing is
lO3 Tamper-proo{ square, round aperture bonderized steel
lO6 \featherproof with white baked enamel finish. Hanger
gasketing brackets are adjustable to 1.5". Bar
lO? Trigger-latch hangers, which are supplied, adjusr to
hinge 25", Other hanger accessories include 27"
l2ll 277Y stey C channel lol. J-box with t/,tt & 3/4tt
dovn transformer knockours is pre-wired wirh ground wire
(150\( max.) included. Fixture has porcelain socker,
medium screvrshell base,

Branch circuit allows maximum

4'i*/4-our #12 A\VG conductors rated at
minimum 75 degrees C.

R304 Drop Opal PP Inner Outer-

Splay with White Paint
i A23 100\? TriggerJatch ss Inner Outer-
150\r/200\r Trim Satin Alum.
Drop Opal (splay only)
Muhi-step KP lnner Black-
with Trigger- Outer
latch Trim xs Inner Black-
Outer Satin
Finish must
be spe

R304 Holophane PP Inner Outer-

Splay with Whire Paint
A23 100w' Touch-larch ss Inner Outer-
150w2001ifl Trim Satin Alum.
Holophane (splay only)
KP Inner Black-
with Touch- Outer White t_,"'_ !
latch Trim KS Inner Black-
Outer Satin
Finish must Alum.
be soeci

R304 741 Fresnel Splay PP Inner Outer-

A23 100V with Touch- rVhite Paint
1s0\fl/200\f latch Trim sll Inner Outer-
745 Fresnel Multi- Satin Alum.
step with (splay only)
Touchlatch KP Inner Black-
Trim Outer
'lfhite t_,." --,_J
KS lnoer Black-
Finish must Outer Satin
be specified Alum-

Rated for use in damp locations and is
thermally protected.
Irom below ceiling.
J-box is accessible a V
Holophane Splay HoLophane Multi-step FrcsncL Splay Fresnel Mulit*rep
Two piece die cast touchJatch/trigger-
latch dm. Inner trim houses lens and fits
.e.urelu rn oute' rrim. Uoward prerrure
on Lens automatically activates touch latch
hinge and reJocks when pushed back.
\Yhen opened, hinge cam drops inner
rrim %" to protecr outer trim from scrat- Drop Opal Splay Drop Opal Multi-step
ching. Lens optical characteristics-see page

Narror.flat die cast aluminum design

Iinished in either inner-outer white paint,
inner-outer satin aluminum, inner
bl,rck/ourer r* hite, o- :nner black/outer
rarin aluminum.

ao705030too t304735t737
eo" 70 50 30 to 70 50 30 ro 50 30 lo 5l) 30 to 50 0(, lo o A23 150\(/
frcNr o 37 37 37 37 36 36 36 36 34 34 34 33 33 33 31 31 31 31
'! 34 32 31 30 33 32 31 29 30 29 29 29 2A 2A 2A 27 27 26 Total lumens-2740
1,, 2 31 2A 27 25 30 2A 26 2a 27 25 24 26 25 23 25 24 23 22 Spacing criteria-1.3
a 28252321 27 25 22 21 24 22 2A 23 21 20 22 21 2A 19 A23 IOOW = CP x .65
i,, 4 26 23 2A 1A 2s 22 20 1e 21 19 1A 21 19 17 20 19 17 17
5 2420 18 16 23 20 17 15 lS 17 15 19 i7 15 18 16 15 14 A23 2OOW : CP x 1.25
f" 6 22 19 16 1A 22 1A 16 14 18 15 14 17 15 14 17 15 i4 i3
7 20 16 14 12 2a 16 13 12 16 13 12 l5 13 12 15 13 11 11
30" A 19 15 12 10 13 15 12 10 14 12 10 14 12 10 13 12 10 i0
917 13 r1 917 13 11 913 11 913 11 912 109I
ro 16 12 10 a 16 12 10 8 12 10 8 11 I A 11 I 8 7

ao 70 5030 loo R3047391743

go. 7O 50 30 tO 70 50 30 lO 50 30 iO sO 30 tO 50 30 lO O
A23 150\0
o 63 63 63 63 61 61 61 61 58 58 58 56 56 56 54 54 54 53
I 59 58 56 55 5a 57 55 54 54 53 52 s3 52 51 51 50 49 48 I otal lumen\-ll4u
i{50 2 565351 49 55 53 50 49 51 49 48 49 48 47 4A 47 46 45 Spacing criteria 1.2
3 53 49 47 44 52 49 46 44 47 45 43 46 44 43 4a 43 42 41
A23 IOOW = CP x .65
4 50 46 43 4A 49 45 42 40 44 42 40 43 41 39 42 40 39 38
e' 5 47 42 39 37 46 42 39 36 4i 38 36 40 38 36 39 37 35 35 A23 2oow CP x 1.25
i" ,. 1oB
6 45 40 36 34 44 39 36 34 38 36 33 38 35 33 37 3s 33 32
7 42 36 33 30 41 36 33 30 35 32 30 35 32 30 34 32 30 29
Lu a 39 34 30 28 36 33 30 23 3s 30 28 32 29 27 32 29 27
so. 26
I 93731 27 25 36 31 27 2a 3Q 27 25 30 27 25 29 27 25 24
10 34 29 25 23 34 2A 25 23 2A 25 23 2A 25 23 27 25 23 22

ao 70 5030 loo 43047411745

s. 70 50 30 lO 70 50 30 lO 50 30 t0 50 30 lO5030loO A23 150\(/
o 61 61 61 61 59 59 56 59 57 57 57 s4 54 54 52 52 52 51
I 58 56 54 53 56 55 53 52 53 52 51 51 s0 49 49 48 48 47 Total lumens 2740
2 545249 475351 49 47 49 47 46 48 46 45 46 45 44 43 Spacing criteria 1.0
351 48 45 43 50 47 45 43 46 44 42 45
43 41 43 42 41
40 38 41 39 38
A23 IOOW :
CP x .65
4 49 45 42 39 4A 44 41 39 43 40 39
s 46 41 3g 36 45 41 38 36 40 37 35 39 37 35 38 36 35 34 A23 2OOW = CP x 1.25
6 44 39 36 34 43 33 36 33 38 35 33 37 35 33 36 34 33 32
7 41 36 33 3i 40 36 33 30 35 32 30 34 32 30 34 32 30 29
30. A 39 34 31 28 33 34 30 28 33 30 28 32 30 2A 32 30 2A 27
9 37322A 26 36 31 28 26 31 2A 26 3a 2A 26 30 2A 26 25
ro 35 30 27 24 34 30 26 24 29 26 24 29 26 24 2A 26 24 24

59 MAFrco
lOl 27" C charnel Construction includes an extruded
bar hangers aluminum plaster frame. Housing is
,03 Tamper-proof squrre, round aperture bonderized steel
lo6 \0eatherproof with white baked enamel [inish. Hanger
gasketing brackec are adjustable to 1.5". Bar
w7 277V stey hangers, which are supplied. adjust to
dovn transformer 25". Orher hanger accessories include 27"
(150\f max.) C channel ,ol. J-Box s.ith yrtt and 3/4t'
knockouts is pre-wired wirh ground wire
included. Fixture has porcelain socket,
medium screwshell base.

Branch circuit allows maximum

4-il)J4-out #12 A\?G conductors rated at
minimum 75 degrees C.

R602 Flat Diffuser P Whire Paint

s Satin Alum.
Finish must be

8602 7lO Flat Fresnel P Vhite Painr

s Satin Alum.
Finish must be

R602 7l I Drop Opal P White Paint

Diffuser s Satin Alum.

Finish must be
t_,,,.-- -l

?12 Regressed P White Paint

Fresnel s Satin Alum.

Finish must be
Rated for use in damp locations and is
t[erma11y protected. J-box is accessible
{rom below ceiling.
I I.rr lrrltuser Flat Fresnel Drop Op.rl Dilluser
One piece die cast aluminum held into
housing rvith torsion springs. Lens optical
characteristics, see page 51

Nrrrow flar die cast aluminurn design.

80 70 5030 100 F502709

s0. ?o so 30 ro 70 50 30 lo 50 3l' to 50 30 to 50 30 10 0
o 5.1 54 54 54 53 53 53 53 50 50 50 48 48 48 46 46 46 45
A21 150W
'I 50 48 46 44 48 4T 45 43 45 43 42 43 42 41 41 40 40 39 Total Iurnens-2740
2 46 42 39 37 44 41 39 37 40 38 36 38 36 35 37 35 34 33 Spacinq criteria-1.2
3 42383431 41 37 34 31 35 33 31 34 32 30 33 31 29 29
e. 4 39 34 30 27 38 33 30 27 32 29 27 31 2A 26 3A 2A 26 25
5 36 30 26 24 35 30 26 24 29 26 23 28 25 23 27 25 23 22
6 34242421 33 27 24 21 27 24 21 26 23 21 25 23 21 20
7 31 25 21 18 30 24 21 18 24 20 18 23 2A 1A 22 2A 18 17
s. a 2422 19 16 2e 22 19 16 22 1A 16 21 1B 16 20 l8 16 15
9 2620 17 14 26 20 1T r420 i6 14 19 16 14 l9 16 14 13
lo 25 19 15 13 24 18 r5 13 18 15 13 13 15 13 17 15 13 12

a0705030too R6027t O
eo. ?O 50 3() lo 7(} 50 30 lO 50 30 lO 50 30 ,lO 50 30 to o
o 64 64 64 64 62 62 62 62 60 60 60 57 57 57 55 55 55 54
A2i 150\(r
r 60 58 57 55 59 57 56 54 55 5,1 53 53 52 51 51 50 50 49 Total lunens-2740
2 57 54 51 49 55 53 50 48 51 49 47 49 43 ,16 48 46 45 44 Spacing criteria-1.2
3 53 49 46 44 52 48 46 43 47 45 43 46 44 42 44 .13 41 40
4 50 rr5 42 39 49 45 42 39 41 41 39 42 40 33 41 39 38 37
"n. 5 474234 364641 3A 35 40 37 35 39 37 35 38 36 34 34
5 44 39 3s 33 44 38 35 33 38 35 32 37 3r, 32 36 34 32 3i
711 35 32 29 4A 35 32 29 34 31 29 34 31 29 33 30 23 28
:0. a 39 33 29 26 38 32 29 26 32 29 26 31 2e 26 31 2A 26 25
9 36 30 26 24 35 30 26 24 29 26 24 29 26 24 2A 25 23 23
10 34 2A 24 22 33 27 24 22 27 24 21 26 24 21 26 23 21 21

00 70 5030 10o R60271 I

,0. 70 50 30 lO 70 50 30 lO 50 30 lO 50 30 tO 50 30 lO O
o 53 53 53 53 52 52 52 52 49 J9 49 17 4T 47 45454524 A21 15CVr
'I 48 46 44 42 47 45 43 4t 43 41 40 41 40 39 39 38 38 37 Total lumcns 2740
50 2 44 4A 37 34 43 39 36 34 33 35 33 36 34 32 35 33 32 31 Spacing crireria 1.2
3 40 35 32 29 39 35 31 29 33 30 28 32 3A 28 31 29 27 26
uo" 4 37 32 2A 25 36 31 27 25 30 27 24 29 26 24 2A 26 24 23
5 34282421 33 2A 24 21 27 21 21 26 23 21 25 23 21 2A
6 322622 19 31 26 22 19 25 21 19 24 21 19 23 21 19 18
7 2923 19 16 2a 22 19 16 22 l8 i6 21 1A 16 20 18 16 1s
30. g 27 21 17 14 26 2A 17 14 20 16 14 19 16 14 19 16 14 13
9 25 19 15 12 24 1e 15 12 18 15 12 1T 14 12 1T 14 12 1.1
10 23 17 14 t1 22 17 13 11 16 13 11 16 13 11 t6 13 1t 1o

ao 70 so30 l00 R602712

so. 70 50 OO lO 70 50 30 lo 50 aO lO 50 30 lo 50 30 lO o
421 150\fl
o 656565 65646t' 64 64 61 61 6t 58 58 58 56 56 56 55
I 62 60 58 57 60 59 57 56 56 s5 s4 s4 53 52 52 52 51 50 Total lumens-2740
2 53 55 53 50 57 54 52 50 52 50 49 51 49 4A 49 4A 47 46 Spacing critcria 1.2
3 55 51 48 .15 53 50 47 45 4A 46 44 47 4a 43 46 44 43 42
uo. 4 51 47 43 41 50 46 45 40 45 42 4A 44 4l 39 43 41 39 38
5 48 43 39 37 47 42 39 37 41 38 36 41 3a3640373635
5 46 40 36 34 45 40 36 34 39 36 33 33 35 33 37 35 33 32
7123633 3041 36 32 30 35 32 30 35 32 30 34 31 29 29
o. a 4a 34 3A 27 39 33 s0 27 33 29 27 32 29 2T 31 29 27 26
9 37 31 27 24 36 31 27 24 3A 27 24 29 26 24 29 26 24 23
lo 35 28 25 22 34 2A 2a 22 28 24 22 27 24 22 27 24 22 21

61 MAEco
lO1 27" C chatnel Construction includes a one piece die cxt
bar hangers plaster frame. Hanger brackec are ad-
lO3 Tamper-proof justable to 1.5". Bar hangers, which are
lO4 Top access supplied, adjust to 25". Other hanger ac-
,06 lfeatheryroof cessories include 27" C channel ,ol. J-
gasketing Box with lz" and %" knockouts is pre-
lO? Trigger-latch wired with ground wire included. Socket
hinge assembly has porcelaio socket, medium
screwshell base. and die cast alurninum
socket cap.

Branch circuit allows maximum

4-n/4-o:ut #12 AWG conductors rated at
minimum 75 degrees C.

n603 Holophane PP Inner Outer-

Splayed with
'!/hite Paint
PS 300\( Touch-latch ss Inner Outer-
Trim Satin Alum.
Holophane (splay only)
Muhi-step KP Inner Black-
with Touch- Outer \0hite
latch Tdm KS Inner Black-
Outer Satin
Finish must Alum.
be speci

8603 Fresnel PP Inner Outer-

PS 300\r Splayed with Vhite Paint
Touch-latch ss Inner Outer-
Trim Satin Alum.
Fresnel Multi- (splay only)
step with t(P Inner Black-
Touch-latch Outer \White
Trim KS Inner Black-
Outer Satin
t_,"'__ !
Finish must Alum.
be soeci

R603 Drop Opal PP Inner Outer-

Splay with
'Vhite Paint
PS 300! TriggerJatch ss Inner Outer-
Trim Satin Alum,
Drop Opal (splay only)
Multi-step KP Inner Black-
with Trigger- Ourer White
latch Trim KS Inner Black-
Outer Satin t__13,__J
Finish must Alum.
be specified

62 MAFco
Rated for use in damp locations and is
thermally protected.
fiom below ceiling.

Two piece
J-box is accessible

die cast touch-latch/trigger-

Holophane Splay
Holophanc MLrlti-stcp l:resnel Splay
Iresnel lt{uld step
latch trim. Inner trim houses lens and fits
securely in outer trim. Upward pressure
on lens automatically activates touch-latch
hinge and relocks when pushed back.
\{hen opened, hinge cam drops inner
lrim y1" to protect outer trim from scrat' Drop Op:l Splay Drop Opal Mu[i'step
ching. Lens optical characteristics-see page

Narrow flat die cast aluminum design

Iinished in either inner-outer white paint,
inner'outer satin aluminum, inner
ba.L'ourer white, or inner black ourer
satin aluminum.

ao 70 5030 loo R603722t72a

Tc. Hr e0. 70 50 30 to 70 50 30 to 50 90 to 50 30 lo 50 30 lo o
I o 83 83 83 a3 A2 A2 A2 A2 78 7A 7A 75 75 75 72 72 72 70
PS 3001fl
'I 79 76 74 T2 T7 75 73 71 72 70 69 69 68 67 67 66 6s 64 I ot:ll lumens-t'uuu
2 74 70 66 64 72 69 66 63 66 64 62 64 62 60 62 60 59 58 Spacing criteria-1.3
t, ,, s7
69 64 59
65 58 53
56 68 63 59 56 61 57 55
50 63 57 53 50 s6 52 49
59 56 54 57 55 53
54 51 48 53 50 48
A23 l5OW = CP x .5
," 116 5 60 53 48 44 59 52 47 .44 51 47 44 50 46 43 48 45 43 42 A23 2OOW = CP x .65
[,, 6 56 49 44 40 55 48 43 40 47 43 40 46423945423938
1,,.e145 7 524438 35s1 43a35423835 41 37 34 40 37 34 33
30. a 48 40 35 31 47 39 35 31 39 s4 31 38 34 31 37 33 31 29
1., 9 453631 28 44 36 31 28 35 31 28 34 3a 27 34 3A 27 26
to 42 33 2A 25 41 33 2A 25 32 2A 25 32 27 25 31 27 24 23

ao705030too R603724t726
oo. 70 50 30 lO ?O 50 30 lO 50 30 lO 50 30 lO 50 30 lo O
o 79 79 79 79 77 77 77 77 74 74 74 70 7070 68 63 68 66
PS 300\fl
'I 74 72 70 6a 73 71 69 68 68 67 65 65 64 63 63 62 6t 60 Total lumens 6000
2 70 66 63 61 68 6s 62 60 63 61 59 61 59 57 59 57 56 55 Spacing criteria-1.0
3 66 61 s7 54 64 60 57 54 58 55 53 57 s4 52 55 53 5l 50
A23 l5OW = CP x .5
4 62 56 52 49 61 56 52 49 54 51 48 53 a0 4A 52 49 47 46
^n. 5 7A 52 4e 45 57 52 47 44 50 47 44 49 46 44 4A 45 43 42 A23 2OOW = CP x .65
6 564945 41 54 4A 44 41 47 44 41 46 43 41 46 43 40 39
7 52454a37 51 44 40 37 44 40 37 43393742393736
30. 6 49 42 37 34 4A 42 37 34 41 37 34 40 37 34 39 36 34 33
I 46 39 35 32 4s 39 34 32 38 34 32 37 34 31 37 34 31 30
lo 44 36 32 29 43 36 32 29 36 32 29 35 32 29 35 3i 29 2a

60705030too e6037321734
xrc. Nr. eo. 70 50 30 lO 70 50 30 lO 50 30 tO 50 30 lO 50 30 lO O
PS 300\r


o51 51 s1 51
t 4T 45 44 42
2 43 4A 3-7 35
3 40 35 32 29
50 48
41 43
3s 3a
29 33
48 46
4A 41
34 36
29 32
46 46 44 44 44
35 33 35 34 32
30 2A 31 29 2A

Total lumens-6000
Spacing crireria- L3
A23 l5OW = CP x .5

l" :0.
4 37 32 2A 2s
5 34 28 24 22
631 26 22 19
7 2423 1S 16
a 26 21 17 14
25 3a
22 27
19 25
14 20
25 29
21 26
19 24
14 19
26 24 2a 26 24
23 21 25 23 21
21 19 2a 21 19
18 16 20 18 16
16 14 19 16 14
A23 2OOW = CP x .65

924 19 15 13 24 1g 1s 13 18 15 13 1/ 15 12 17 14 12 12
'lo 23 1T 14 11 22 17 13 11 16 13 11 16 13 11 16 13 11 10

63 MAFco
IOI 27" C channel Construction includes an extruded
bar hangers aluminum plaster frame. Housing is
,o3 Tamper-proof square, round aperture bonderized steel
106 \(eatherproof with q'hite baked enamel finish. Hanger
gasketing brackets are adiustable to 1.5". Bar
lO? TriggerJatch hangers, which are supplied, adjust to
hinge 25". Other hanger accessories include 27"
C channel lol. J-Box with Yr" t/n"
^nd u ire
knockouts is pre-wired wirh ground
included. Fixture has porcelain socket,
medium screwshell base.

Branch circuit allows maximum

4-in/4-olr #12 AWG conductors rated at
minimum 75 degrees C.

R604 74O Holophane PP Inner Outer

Splayed with Vhite Paint
PS 300 !{r Touch-latch sls lnner Outer-
Trim Satin Alum.
744 Holophane (splay only)
Multi-step KP lnner Black-
with Touch- 'White
latch Trim KS lnner Black-
Outer Satin
Finish must Alum.
be specified

736 Drop Opal PP Inner Outer-

Splayed with Vhite Paint
PS 100\( Trigger-latch ss Inner Outer
Trim Satin Alum.
738 Drop Opal (splay only)
Multi-step KP Inner Black
with Trigger- Outer
latch Trim KS Inner Biack-
Ourer Satin
Finish must Alum.
be specified

R604 742 Fresnel PP lnner L)uter-

PS 300\fl Splayed with \(hite Paint
Touchlatch ss Inner Outer-
Trim Satin Alum.
746 Fresnel Multi- (splay only)
step with KP Inner Black-
Touch-latch Outer'\(hite
Trim KS Inner Black-
Outer Satin
Finish must A1um.
be specified

64 MARco
Ratedfor use in damp locations and is
thernally protected. J-box is accessible
{rom below ceiling.

T*,o piece die cast touchJatch/trigger-

Holophane SpLay
Holophane Multi-stcp lrresnel Splay Fresnel Multi-step

hrch trim. Inner trim houses lens and fits

,e.u ely in outer trim. Upr.lrd p'e..ure
on lens automatically activates touch-latch
hinge and reJocks when pushed back.
Vhen opened, hinge cam drops inner
tim y{" to protect outer trim from scrat- Drop Oprl Splay Drop Opal Multi step
ching. Lens optical characteristics-see page

Narrow flat die cxst aiuminum design

inished in either inner-outer white paint,
inner-ourer satin aluminum, inner
black/outer white, or inner black/outer
ruin aluminum.

ao?o5030roo n60474ot744
eo' 70 50 30 lO 70 50 30 lO 50 30 iO sO 30 lO 50 30 lO O
PS 100\(/
o -74 74 74 74 73 73 73 73 69 69 69 66 66 66 64 64 64 62
r 71 69 67 65 69 67 66 64 65 64 62 62 61 61 60 59 59 5S Total Iumens-6000
36 2 67 63 61 59 65 62 60 58 60 58 57 58 57 5s 57 55 54 53 Spacing criteria-1.0
3 63 59 55 53 62 5a 55 s2 s6 s4 51 55 52 51 53 51 50 49
.0" 4 60 54 51 48 58 54 50 48 52 49 47 51 49 46 50 43 46 45
5 56 50 46 44 55 50 46 43 49 45 43 4A 45 43 4T 44 42 41
6 53 47 43 40 a2 47 43 40 46 42 40 45 42 4A 44 41 39 3A
7 50 43 39 36 49 43 39 36 42 39 36 41 38 36 41 38 36 35
30" A 47 40 36 33 46 40 36 33 39 36 33 38 35 33 38 35 33 32
9 44 37 33 30 43 37 33 30 36 33 30 36 33 30 35 32 s0 29
to 41 35 31 2a 41 34 31 2A 34 3a 2A $ 30 28 33 30 23 27

ao705030too R604736t734
eo. 70 50 30 lO 70 50 30 lO 50 30 10 50 30 lO sO 30 lO O PS 300W
o41 41 41 41 40 40 40 40 39 39 39 37 37 37 35 35 35 35
138373534373634 33 34 33 32 33 32 31 32 31 30 30 Total lumens 6000
2 35 32 30 2A 34 32 3A 2A 30 29 27 29 2A 27 2A 27 26 25 Spacing criteria 1.3
3 322A262431 2A 25 24 27 25 23 26 24 23 25 24 22 22
u'' 4 29 26 23 20 29 25 22 20 24 22 2A 23 21 2A 23 21 19 19
s 27 23 2a 1a 26 22 zo 17 22 jg 17 21 19 17 20 ra 17 rti
6 2521 i8 16 25 21 18 16 20 17 16 19 17 15 19 i7 15 15
130 723 18 15 13 22 18 15 13 18 15 13 17 15 13 17 14 13 12
o. a 21 17 14 12 21 16 14 12 16 13 12 16 13 12 15 13 11 11
9 2A1a12 10 19 15 12 10 14 12 10 14 12 1a 14 12 109
.to 18 14 11 918 14 11 913 11 913 11 913 11 98

8() 70 5030 1o0 R6.J4742t746

MTG, NT. FCrc' DIA, eo' 70 50 30 lO 70 50 30 l0 50 30 lO 50 30 10 50 30 lO O PS 300W
o 66 66 66 66 64 64 64 64 61 61 61 59 59 59 56 56 56 55
16261 59 58 61 60 58 57 57 56 55 5s 54 54 53 53 52 51 Total lumens-6000
34 2 59 56 54 52 58 55 53 51 54 52 50 52 50 49 50 49 48 :r7 Spacing criteria-.9
3 56 52 49 47 55 52 49 47 50 43 46 49 47 45 47 46 45 44
e' 4 53 49 46 43 52 48 45 43 47 45 43 46 44 42 45 43 42 41
63 5 sa 46 42 4a 49 4s 42 40 44 41 39 43 41 39 42 40 39 3a
6 48 43 40 37 47 43 40 37 42 39 37 41 3937403a3636
7 45 4A 37 34 45 40 36 34 39 36 34 38 36 34 38 35 33 33
:0. a 43 33 34 s2 42 37 34 32 3/ 34 32 36 33 32 36 33 31 31
941 35 32 30 40 35 32 30 35 32 30 34 31 29 34 31 29 29
ro 39 33 30 2e 38 33 30 28 33 30 28 32 3A 28 32 29 2A 2T

65 MAFTCt!
lO1 27" C channel Construction includes an extruded
bar hangers aluminum plaster frame. Hanger brackets
/O3 Tamper-proof are adjustable to 1.5". Bar hangers, which
IO6 \flearherproof are supplied, adjust to 25". Other hanger
gasketing rcce\sorie\ in.lude 27" C channel lot. J-
1277 277Y step- Box with Y2" and 7i" knockours is pre-
down transformer wired with ground wire included. Fixture
(150\(/ max.) has porcelain socket, medium screwsheil

Branch circuit allows maximum

4-in/4-out #12 A\VG conductors rated at
minimum 75 degrees C.

A21 100\(// 50\(/

s40t Flat Diffuser P
Satin Alum.
T- t:
Finish must be
specified Ir

s40t Fiat Fresnel P \(hite Paint

A21 100\(/150\(/ s Satin Alum. i:l
Finish must

s40t Flat P \fhite Paint

42l 100\(//150\( Holophane s Satin AIum. []
Finish must

s40t Concave P Vhite Paint

Holophane s Satin Alum.
A21 100\{/,/150W
Finish must be

66 MAFCcl
Rared for use in damp locations and is
thermally protected. J-box is accessibie
Iron below ceiling.
FIat Diffuser Flat Holophane Concave Holophane
One piece die cast aluminum heid into
housing with rorsion springs. Lens optical
characteristics, see page 51.

Narrow flat die cast aluminum design.

ao705030too s40laot
FCrc. On. eo" 70 50 30 lO 70 50 30 'lO 50 30 lO 50 30 lO 50 30 lO O A21 150\fl
o 47 47 47 47 46 46 46 46 44 44 44 42 42 42 40 40 4A 39
14341 4A 3a 42 40 39 3a 39 33 37 37 36 35 36 35 34 34 Total lumens-2780
2 4A 37 34 32 39 36 34 32 35 33 31 33 32 30 32 31 30 29 Spacing criteria-1.2
3 37 33 30 2? 36 32 29 27 31 29 27 3a 2A 26 29 27 26 25 A2l IOOW CP x .65
. 4 34 29 26 24 33 29 26 24 2A 25 23 27 25 23 26 24 23 22
531 27 23 21 30 26 23 21 25 23 2A 25 22 20 24 22 2A 19
6 292421 19 29 24 21 19 23 21 19 23 20 1a 22 20 1A 1A
7 2722 18 16 26 21 1a 16 21 18 16 20 18 16 20 17 16 15
30. A 25 2A 17 14 24 19 16 14 19 16 14 18 16 14 18 16 14 13
923 1e 15 13 23 t8 15 13 17 15 i3 17 14 13 t6 t4 12 12
10 22 16 13 11 21 16 13 11 16 13 11 16 13 11 15 13 11 11

ao705030too s40tao2
FC/O. 0rA. ,0. 70 50 30 lO 70 50 30 'lO 50 30 lO 50 30 tO 50 30 lO O
A21 150\(/
o 57 57 57 57 56 56 s6 56 54 54 54 51 51 5t 49 49 49 48
t 545351 50 53 52 50 49 50 48 48 4A 47 46 46 45 45 44 Total lumens 2780
2 51 48 46 44 5A 47 45 44 46 44 43 44 43 42 43 42 41 40 Spacing criteria-1.2
622 3 4844423947 4441 39 42 40 38 41 393840383736 A2l looW CP x .65
uo. 4 45 41 38 36 44 40 37 35 39 37 3s 38 36 34 37 36 34 33
312 s 42 4e 34 32 41 37 34 32363432353331 35 33 31 30
6 40 3s 32 29 39 35 32 29 34 31 29 33 31 29 33 30 29 28
r0 3 120 7 37 32 29 26 36 32 2A 26 31 2A 26 30 2A 26 3A 27 26 25
e. a 3s 30 26 24 34 29 26 24 29 26 24 2A 25 24 2a 25 23 23
9 33 27 24 22 32 27 24 22 26 23 21 26 23 21 24 23 21 21
10 31 25 22 21 3A 2a 22 2A 24 22 20 24 21 19 24 21 19 19

60705030too s40r804
so, 70 50 30 lO 70 50 30 lO 50 aO lO 50 0O lO 50 30 lO O
A21 150V
o 6i 6i 6i 6i 59 59 59 59 57 57 57 54 54 54 52 52 52 51
r 57 55 54 53 56 54 53 52 52 51 50 50 49 49 49 48 47 46 I oral lumrn\-llUU
2 5451 49 47 53 50 4e 46 4A 47 45 47 45 44 45 44 43 42 Spacing criteria-1.2
3 51 47 44 42 50 46 44 41 45 43 41 44 42 40 42 41 39 39
A2l loow CP x .65
.0" 4 48 43 40 38 47 43 4A 3A 42 39 37 41 38 37 40 38 36 35
5 45 40 37 34 44 40 36 34 39 36 34 38 35 33 37 35 33 32
6 43 38 34 32 42 3T 34 32 36 33 31 36 33 31 35 33 31 30
7 403431 28 39 34 31 28 33 30 28 33 30 2A 32 30 2A 27
o" a 37 32 2A 26 3A 32 2A 26 31 28 26 3A 2E 26 30 27 26 25
9 35 29 26 24 34 29 26 24 29 26 24 2a 25 23 2A 25 23 23
10 33 27 24 22 32 2T 24 22 27 24 22 26 23 22 26 23 21 21

ao 70 50 30 .ro o s40rao7
eo' 70 50 30 lO 70 50 30 lO 50 30 lO sO 30 lO 50 30 iO o A21 150IJr
o 67 67 67 67 66 66 66 66 63 63 63 60 60 60 58 58 58 56
r 63 61 60 58 62 60 58 57 58 56 55 56 55 54 54 53 52 51 Total lumens-2780
2 59 56 53 sr sa 5s 53 51 53 51 49 52 50 48 50 49 47 46 Spacing criteria-1.2
3 5652484655 51 48 45 49 47 44 4A 46 44 46 45 43 42 A2l IOOW CP x .65
c d' 4 53484441
5 49 44 40 37
44 42
41 38
L8l 64741 37 34 46 4A 37 34 39 36 34 39 36 34 38 35 33 32
7 433733 31 43 37 33 30 36 33 30 35 32 30 3s 32 30 29
a 4t 34 31 2A 40 34 30 28 33 30 28 33 3A 28 32 29 27 26
"0. 9 3A322A2537 31 28 25 31 27 25 30 27 25 30 27 25 24
ro 36 29 26 23 35 29 25 23 29 25 23 2A 25 23 2A 25 23 22

67 MAFTtrc'
Io1 27" C channel Construction includes an extruded
bar hangers aluminum plaster frame. Hanger brackets
lO3 Tamper-proof are adjustable to 1.5". Bar hangers, which
lO6 lVeatherproof are supplied, adjust to 25". Other hanger
gasketing acce\\ories include 27" C channel ,Ol. J-
1277 277Y step- Box s,/ith y2" and j/r" knockours is pre-
down transformer q.ired with ground wire included. Fixture
(150\fl max.) has porcelain socket, medium screwshell

Branch circuit allows maximum

4-in/4-out #12 AWG conductors rated ar
minimum 75 degrees C.

Rated for use in damp locations and is

thermally protected. J-box is accessible
from below ceiling.

s60t Flat Diffuser P rVhite Piant

A2l 150\(,/200Sf One Piece s Satin Alum.
8,41 Flat Diffuser PP Inner Outer-
Multi-step $(hite Paint
Two Piece KP Inner Black-
Trim Outer White
Finish must KS Inner Black-
be specified Outer Satin

s60t Flat Fresnel P rVhite Paint

15o\fl/200w One Piece s Satin Alum.
Flat Fresnel PP Inner Outer-
Multi step rJ(hite Paint
Two Piece KP lnner Black-
Trim Outer I7hite
Finish must KS lnner Black-
be specified Outer Satin

s60 r Drop Opal P Vhite Paint

A21 150\y/200\( One Piece s Satin Alum.
Trim il
Drop Opal PP Inner Outer- L.
Multi step !/hite Paint
Two Piece KP Inner Black- L,
Trim Outer White
Finish must KS Inner Black- [:
be speci{ied Outer Satin l.l

s60t Flat P Vhite Paint

A21 150\0,/200\(/ Holophane s Satin Alum.
One Piece I-
Trim PP Inner Outer- [,
Flat \fhite Paint 83
Holophane KP Inner Black- E;
Multi-step Outer \Vhite
Two Piece KS Inner Black- &'
Trim Outer Satin F1
Finish must Alum.
68 MARco be specified
Mounting for one piece trims is torsion
spring. Mounting for two piece trims is
touch-latch hinge. Two piece die cast
touch-latch trim fits securely in outer FLat Dilfuser Flat Diffuser Muhi- Flat Fresnel Flat lresnel Muhi
_rn. Upsrrd pre\\ure on len. eut.,.
a.- One Piece Trin, stcp Two Piece Trim One Piecc Trim step Tvo Piece Trirn
tivates roughJatch hinge and re-locks
vhen pushed back. Ifhen opened, hinge
drops inner trim %' to protecr
outer trim from scrxtching. Lens optical
characteristics, see page 51.
\ I
Flat Holophrne Flat Holophane Muiti- Drop Opal Drop Opat Multi-
Return flange design finished in either One Piece Trim step Two Piece Trim One Picce Trim step Two Piece Trim
low gloss white or satin alum. for one
piece rrims or inner/outer white paint,
inner blk/outer white. or inncr blk/outer
'rt r lor rwo piec. rrim.. 5peLil) lin..h.

80 70 5030 10o s60ra2r

s. 7(' 50 30 t0 ?0 50 30 io so 30 lo5030 to5030too
o 59 59 59 59 58 58 58 53 55 55 55 s3 53 53 51 51 51 50 s60ta4t
1545250485351 49 48 49 48 46 47 46 45 45 44 43 42 A23 200\f
2 50 46 43 41 49 45 43 40 44 41 39 42 40 38 41 39 3S 37 Total lumens lgOO
3 46 41 38 35 45 41 37 34 39 36 34 38 35 33 37 34 33 32
uo. 4 43 37 33 30 42 37 33 30 35 32 30 34 32 29 33 g1 29 2A Spacing criteria-1.2
5 39 34 29 26 38 33 23 26 32 2S 26 31 2A 26 30 2A 25 24 A2l l5OW CP x .75
63731 27 24 36 3A 27 24 30 26 24 29 26 23 2A 25 23 22
7 34 27 23 20 33 27 23 20 26 23 2A 25 22 2A 25 22 2a 1s
r" 431 25 21 18 31 25 21 1a 24 2A 18 23 20 1A 29 2a 1A i
9 2923 19 16 2A 22 19 16 22 18 16 21 18 16 21 t8 16 15
10 27 21 t7 15 27 21 t7 14 20 17 14 2A 17 14 19 16 14 14

00 70 5030 10o s60r 822

iftc. FT FC/jto otA e0. 70 50 30 tO 70 50 30 lO so 30 lO 50 30 lO 50 30 tO O
o T3 73 73 T3 T2 72 72 72 68 68 63 66 66 66 63 63 63 62
s60I a42
16967656463 66 64 63 63 62 61 61 60 59 59 58 57 56 A23 200\{r
2 65 62 59 56 64 61 58 56 59 56 55 57 55 53 s5 s4 52 51 Total lumens-3900
3 61 s7 53 50 60 56 53 50 54 51 49 53 50 48 5t 49 4S 47 Spacing crireria-1.2
uo. 4 a8 52 49 46 57 52 4a 45 50 47 45 49 16 44 4A 46 44 43
5 544A4441 53 4A 44 41 47 43 41 45 43 40 44 42 40 39 A2l l5OW CP x .75
651 45 41 33 50 45 41 33 44 40 37 43 40 37 42 3s 37 36
10 12 130 7 4841 37 34 47 41 37 34 40 36 33 39 36 33 38 35 33 32
30. A .45 38 34 sl 44 38 33 31 37 33 31 36 33 30 36 32 30 29
156 9423s31 28 41 35 31 28 34 30 28 35 3a 2A $ 3A 27 27
ro 3s 32 28 25 3A 32 2A 25 31 28 25 31 2A 2a 3a 27 25 24

ao705030too s60r823
s0' 70 50 30 lO ?O 50 30 tO gO OO lO 50 30 tO 50 30 lO O
o 63 63 63 63 61 61 61 61 59 59 59 56 s6 56 54 54 54 53 s60I a43
.t 57 54 52 50 55 53 51 49 51 49 47 49 47 46 47 45 44 43 A23 200!(
2 524744 41 50 46 43 40 44 42 39 43 40 38 41 39 37 36 Total lumens 3900
t20 3 47 4237344641 37 34 39 36 33 38 35 32 36 34 32 31
oo. 4 43 37 33 29 42 37 32 29 35 31 29 34 31 2A 33 30 2A 27 Spacing criteria-1.2
96 5 40 33 29 25 39 33 28 25 32 2A 25 3A 27 24 30 27 24 23 A2l l5OW CP x .75
6 37 30 26 23 36 30 26 22 29 25 22 2A 25 22 27 24 22 21
7 3427 22 19 33 26 22 19 26 22 19 25 21 19 24 21 $17
30. A 32 24 20 17 31 24 2A 17 23 19 17 26 ls i6 22 19 i6 15
9 29 22 2A 15 29 22 1A 15 21 17 15 21 17 15 2A 17 15 14
'to 27 2A 16 13 27 2A 16 13 19 16 13 19 15 13 t8 15 13 12

ao7050aotoo s60ia24
FCl00 D A. so. 70 50 30 l0 7o 50 30 to 50 oo lo 50 30 to 50 30 to o
o 75 75 75 75 73 73 73 73 7a 7o 70 67 67 67 64 64 64 63
r 7t 69 67 65 69 68 66 64 65 64 62 63 62 61 60 60 59 58 423 200W
2 67 64 61 58 66 62 60 58 60 s3 56 58 57 55 57 55 54 53 Total lumens-3900
3 63 59 55 52 62 58 54 s2 56 53 51 54 52 50 53 51 49 48
uo. 4 60 54 50 47 58 54 s0 47 52 49 47 51 48 46 50 47 45 44
Spacing criteria 1.2
104 5 56 50 46 43 55 50 46 43 4A 45 42 47 44 42 46 44 42 41 A2l l5OW CP x ./5
5 43 47 43 40 52 46 42 394542394441 39 43 41 39 3S
130 7 43 43 39 36 49 42 38 3s 42 38 35 41 38 35 40 37 35 34
$. 6 46 40 35 32 46 39 35 32 39 35 32 38 35 32 37 34 32 31
156 9 43 37 32 29 43 36 32 29 36 32 29 35 32 29 34 31 2s 28 Continued on next
!o 41 34 30 27 4A 34 29 27 33 29 27 32 29 27 32 2s 27 26 page

lOl 27" C channel Construction includes an extruded
bar hangers aluminum plaster frame. Hanger brackets
lO3 Tamper-proof are adjustable to 1.5". Bar hangers, which
,OO Veatherproo{ are supplied, adjust to 25". Orher hanger
gasketing accessories inclrde 27" C channel lol. J-
1277 277Y step- Box u'ith 7r" and %" knockouts is pre-
down transformer wired with ground wire included. Fixture
(150\f max.) has porcelain socket, medium screwshell

Branch circuit allows maximum

4-ir,/ 4-out #12 AWG conducrors rated at
minimum 75 degrees C.

Rated for use in damp locations and rs

thermally protected. J-box is accessible
from below ceiling.

s60r 825 Drop P Iflhite Piant

A21 150\(r/200\(/ Holophane s Satin Alum.
One Piece
445 Drop PP Inner Outer
Holophane \flhite Paint
Multi-step Inner Biack-
Two Piece Outer Vhite
Trim KS lnner Black-
Finish must Outer Satin
be specified Alum.

s60t 8.27 Concave P Vhite Piant

Holophane s Satin Alum.
A21 150\(/,/200\(/ One Piece
847 Concave PP Inner Outer-
Holophanc \(hitc Paint
Multi-step KP lnncr Black-
Two Piece (Juter \Vhite
Trim KS LT ner Black-
Finish must Outer Satin
be specified AIum.

A21 150\0/200r/
s60r C73
Two Piece

Inner Outer-
\7hite Paint
Inner Black
Outer 'White
Inner Black-
Finish must
be specified
Outer Satin

Mounting for one piece trims is torsion
rpring. Mounting for two piece trims is
touchJatch hinge. Two piecc dic cast
touchlatch trim fits securely in outer Drop Holophanc Drop Holophane Multi- Concavc Holophane Concave Holophane lluLti'
trn. Lp":rd pr(\\ur< on len. auto. a,- One Piece Trin, step Two Pircc Trinr step Tx'o Piece "Irin
rivarestoughJatch hinge and reJocks
when pushed back. When opened, hinge
crm drops inner trim /a" to protect
ourer rim from scratching. Lens optical
characteristics, sce page 51.
C-73 Tcnpered Multi
Return flange design finished in either step Tr-o Piece Trim
low gloss white or satin alum. for one
piece trims or inner/outer white painr,
inner blk/ourer white, or inner blk/outer
satin for two piece trims. Spccify {inish.

ao70so30too s50la25
e0' 70 sO 30 l0 70 50 30 tO 50 30 lO 50 30 tO 50 30 tO o
o T1 T1 T1 71 69 69 69 69 66 66 66 64 64 64 61 61 61 60 s60ta45
r 66 64 62 63 65 63 61 59 60 59 57 53 57 55 56 55 54 53 A23 200V
2 62 5a 55 50 61 575452555351 53 5t 5052504947 Total lumens 39OO
3 58 53 50 47 57 53 49 46 51 48 46 49 47 45 4A 46 44 43
Spacing criteria1.1
4 55 49 45 42 54 49 45 42 47 44 42 46 43 41 45 43 41 40
"n" 5 524641 38 51 45 41 38 44 40 38 43 40 37 42 39 37 36 A2l l5OW CP x .75
6 49 43 39 36 4A 42 3A 35 41 38 35 40 37 35 39 37 35 34
ro' 13 7 46 39 35 32 45 39 35 32 38 34 s2 37 34 32 36 34 31 30
:0. 6 43 36 32 29 42 36 32 29 35 32 29 35 31 29 34 31 29 23
9 40 34 30 27 40 33 30 27 33 29 27 32 29 27 32 29 27 26
to 38 31 27 25 47 31 21 2a s1 27 25 3A 27 25 3a 27 24 24

ao70503('roo s60ra27
,rac 8T. s0. 70 50 30 lo 70 50 30 ro 50 30 to 50 30 to 50 30 to o
o 80 a0 a0 a0 78 78 78 7a 75 75 75 7i 71 71 68 63 68 67 s60t a47
t 757371 70 74 72 7A 69 69 68 66 67 65 64 64 63 63 61 A2l 200\(r
2 71 68 65 62 70 66 64 61 64 62 60 62 60 59 60 59 57 56 Total lumens-1900
642 3 67 62 59 s6 66 61 58 55 60 57 54 58 55 53 56 54 53 sl Spacing criteria-1.2
4 61 58 54 51 62 57 53 50 55 52 50 54 51 49 s3 50 48 47
3' 24 103
^". 5 60 53 49 46 s8 53 49 46 51 48 45 50 47 45 49 46 44 43 A2l l5oW CP x 75
6 56 50 45 42 55 49 45 42 48 44 42 47 44 41 46 43 11 4A
135 7 53 46 41 3A 52 45 41 38 44 40 3a 40 37 43 40 37 36
30. a 49 42 38 35 49 42 37 34 41 37 34 40 37 34 40 36 34 s3
9 46393431 45 39 34 31 38 34 31 37 34 31 37 33 31 30
'lo 43 36 3i 28 43 36 31 2A 35 31 28 34 31 2a 34 31 2A 27

4o 70 5030 1o0 s60 r 848

00. 70 50 30 r0 70 50 30 io 50 30 lo 50 30 to 50 30 t0 0
o 74 74 74 74 72 72 72 72 69 69 69 66 66 66 63 63 63 62
A23 200\f
17068676569 67 65 64 64 63 62 62 61 60 60 s9 58 57 Total lumens-J900
2 66 63 60 58 6s 62 60 57 60 56 56 58 56 55 56 55 54 53 Spacing critcria-1.3
4 625855 5261 57 54 52 56 53 5i 54 52 s0 s3 sr 43 43
,Ull 2OOW CP x 1.,+5
,n. 4 59 54 50 47 58 53 49 47 52 4a 46 50 48 46 49 47 45 44
5 55 49 45 42 54 49 45 42 48 44 42 46 44 41 45 13 41 4A
6 a2 46 42 39 51 45 41 38 44 41 38 43 40 3A 42 4A 38 3-7
7 4441 37 34 47 41 37 34 40 36 34 39 36 34 39 36 33 32
30. 6 45 38 34 31 44 37 33 31 37 33 30 36 33 30 s5 32 30 29
941 34 30 27 4t 34 3A 27 34 30 27 33 29 27 32 29 27 26
'lo 39 31 27 24 3e 31 27 24 31 27 24 30 27 24 3A 26 24 23

lO1 27" C channel Construction includes an extruded

bar hangers aluminum plaster frame. Hanger brackets
to3 Tamper-proof are adjustable to 1.5". Bar hangers, which
106 Weatherproof are supplied, adjust to 25". Other hanger
gasketing accessories incl.ade 27" C channel lol. J-
Box with %" and %" knockouts is pre-
q.ired with ground wire included. Fixture
has porcelain socket, medium screwshell

Branch circuit allows maximum

#12 A!(G conducors rated
4-ir/4-ort ar
minimum 75 degrees C.

saot Flat Diffuser P lVhite Paint

PS30 300!( s Sarin Alum.
Finish must be

sao I Flat Fresnel P \fhite Paint

PS30 300!( s Satin Alum.
Finish must be

saot Drop Opal P Sfhite Paint

PS30 300\( s Satin Alum.
Finish must be

sao I 854 Flat P Vhite Paint

Holophane s Satin Alum.
PS30 300\(r 455 Drop
Finish must be

72 MAHco
Rated for use in damp locations and is
rhermally protected. J-box is accessible
irom below ceiling.
Irlat Dilfuscr Flat Fresnel Flat Holophane Drop Holophane
One piece die cast aluminum held into
housing with torsion springs. Lens optical
characteristics, see page 51.

Raurn flange design finished in either

low gloss white or satin aluminum.
finish must be specified. Drop Opal

ao?o5030roo saora5r
eo. 70 50 30 lo 70 50 30 to 50 30 ro 50 30 lo 50 30 lo o PS30 300S(
o 7a 7a 7o 70 69 69 69 6S 65 6s 65 63 63 63 60 60 60 59
'l 65 62 60 58 63 61 59 s7 s8 56 55 56 54 53 54 53 52 50 I oral lumens-bulJu
2 59 55 51 48 58 54 51 4A 52 49 47 50 48 46 48 46 45 43 Spacing criteria-1.2
3 55494441 53 48 44 41 46 43 40 45 42 39 43 41 39 37
4 s1 44 39 36 49 43 39 35 42 38 35 40 37 34 39 36 34 33
"n. 5 47 40 35 31 45 39 34 31 38 34 30 37 33 30 36 32 30 29
6 44363228433631 28 35 31 2e 34 30 27 33 30 27 26
7 4A 32 27 24 39 32 27 24 31 2T 23 3A 26 23 29 26 23 22
30. A 37 29 24 21 36 29 24 21 2A 24 2t 27 24 21 27 23 21 2a
9 3427 22 19 34 26 22 19 26 22 19 25 21 19 24 21 1A 17
10 32 24 2A 17 31 24 2a 17 24 20 17 23 19 17 22 19 17 16

60 70 5030 loo saot 452

go. 70 50 30 lO 70 50 30 to 50 30 lO 50 30 lO 50 30 lO 0
PS30 300\(
o81 81 81 81 79 79 79 79 76 76 76 72 T2 72 69 69 69 68
1 767472 7A 75 73 11 69 70 6a 67 67 66 65 65 64 63 62 Total lumens-6000
2 72 6A 65 62 7A 67 64 61 64 62 60 62 60 58 60 sS 57 56 Spacing criteria-1.2
3 67 62 58 55 66 61 57 54 59 56 54 58 55 53 56 54 52 51
654 /t 63 57 53 49 62 56 52 49 55 51 48 53 50 4A 52 49 47 46
to' s s9 s2 4e 44 58 52 41 44 so 47 44 49 46 43 4e 45 43 42
5 56 49 44 40 55 48 44 40 47 43 40 46 42 40 45 42 39 38
751 44 39 36 50 43 39 35 42 38 35 42 3A 35 41 37 35 34
:0. 6 48 40 3s 32 47 4a 35 32 39 35 32 33 34 32 38 34 32 30
I 45 37 32 29 44 37 32 29 36 32 29 35 31 28 35 31 23 27
10 42 34 29 26 41 34 29 26 33 29 26 32 2A 26 32 2A 26 25

a0705030roo s80l453
MrG. HT FCm. On. e0. 70 50 30 ro ?o 50 30 lo 50 3o to 50 30 ro 50 30 to o PS30 300\(r
o 68 68 68 6A 67 67 A7 67 64 64 64 61 61 61 53 5a 5a 57
I 62 59 56 54 60 53 55 53 55 53 51 53 51 50 51 50 48 47 Total lumens-6000
2 a6 52 4A 44 55 a1 47 44 49 45 43 47 44 42 45 43 41 4A Spacing criteria-1.2
3 52 46 41 37 50 45 40 37 43 39 36 41 383s40373534
,n. 4 48 41 36 32 46 4n 35 3' 39 35 31 37 34 31 36 33 30 29
s 44 36 31 28 43 36 31 27 35 30 27 33 30 27 32 29 26 2a
6 41 33 2a 25 40 33 2A 25 32 2A 24 31 27 24 30 2T 24 23
7 37 292421 36 29 24 21 2e 24 21 27 23 20 26 23 2A 19
@. A 352722 1a 34 26 22 1A 26 21 1A 25 21 1A 24 21 18 17
9 322420 16 31 24 19 16 23 19 16 23 19 16 22 19 16 15
10 3A 22 1A 15 29 22 t7 15 21 17 14 21 17 14 20 1T 14 13

so 70 5030 1o0 saota54

go. 70 50 30 lO 7(, 50 30 r0 50 30 lO 50 aO lO 50 30 lO O
PS30 300\/
o 90 90 90 90 87 87 37 87 e4 84 84 AA AA AO 77 T7 77 75
1A4A1 79 77 A2 A0 7a 76 77 75 73 74 72 71 71 70 69 6A Toral iumens-6000
2 79 74 71 67 77 73 69 67 70 6S 65 68 66 64 66 64 62 61 Spacing criteria-1.3
3 74 68 63 59 72 67 62 59 64 61 58 63 60 57 61 58 56 55
4 69 62 57 53 67 61 56 53 59 55 52 58 54 51 56 53 51 49
60' s 64 a7 s1 47 63 56 5i 47 54 50 47 53 4s 46 52 4a 46 44
661 52 47 43 59 52 47 43 51 46 43 49 4a 42 48 45 42 41
7 5647 42 385s4741 38 46 41 37 45 4A 37 44 40 37 36
go. 6 52433A34 51 43 37 34 42 37 34 41 37 33 40 36 43 32
9 48 39 34 3C 47 39 34 30 38 33 30 37 33 30 37 33 30 23
ro 4s 36 31 27 44 36 3A 27 35 30 27 34 3A 27 34 30 27 25

In the relativcl,v shorr time thrt Pl. lamps PL lamps burn for up to 10.000 lTours,
h:rvc been on the nerket. Marco hes rrahing them perler:t lor locarions that
become the undispuced leadcr in PL nced to bc lit:Lround rhc clock, iike
do*'nlight fixrures. It's oul speciahv. hall'va1s, lobbies and othcr horcl applic:r
lf vou're looking for a lamp thar conr rlons, 'fh;Lt mcitns Less replacenrents. and
bines the design bcnclits of incanclescenrs m;rkcs PL lamps i,.lcal for locations there
*ith the practicality of fluorcscents then rclanrping is diilicLrlt.
ll . rlr. lrrnp l. ', r, I'l l,- t. ., ( PL lamps mav bc compact, but rhev
ccononic:rl and durrblc lihe traditional prch r Lot of porler due to their uniqr.Lc
fLuorcsccnrs, bur can produce an dcsien. I'or cxamplc, *ith one 1l-rl,atr
incandesccnt-likc light that's warmer and l.rmp, r'ou c:rn rcpl:rcc 60-p1us w:rts oi in
morc ple:rsanr when combined nirh rhe crnclescent 1ight.
proper rcflccror. PL lrrnps burn llt a lo$er teJnperaiurc
ll-<r rrc r, ,n.rr;L ' l'.rF -- thrn inc:rndcscents. rviLhour sacriticing
teriors and cxrcliors. Their pleasrnt lighr brightncss. So vou mighr jLrst find yourseli
mrkes them ideal for indoors. while their srrinq on :rir condirioning bills:rs r.'clL.
durabilirl. and brishtness makes therr Less naintenance. less use of po*'cr pcr
suirable ior somc outdoor installationr. ,,r,,. . nJ l, ,. .\npp n. .rr r.-J . ,l r

fl--]r \ -
lerent lamps for di{ferent needs, means
more savings and convenience for your Input Input Input Input Input Input Inpur Input Starting
client. Amps Watts Amps Vatts Amps Varts Amps Vatts I"umens Temp.
Some of Marco's unique PL fixtures con, 9 0.18 12.4 0.11 \2.4 0.14 15.0 0.05 13.0 600 25a F
trin Iwo lamps, so you have the option of r 3 0.30 17.0 0.16 17.A 0.28 19.0 0.08 19.5 900 120 F
burning either both or just one, depending ra 0.35 24.0 4.21 24.4 4.35 22.A 4.07 18.5 1250 050 F
on your lighting needs. \When you ned a 26 4.75 32.4 0.28 32.A 0.75 30.0 0.10 26.5 1800 naF
lor of light, it's available. !7hen you don't, 2xg 0.36 24.4 0.22 24.4 4.36 26.4 0.10 26.4 1200 250 F
you save energy by burning just the single 2 x 13 0.60 34.0 0.32 34.0 0.60 39.0 0.16 39.0 1800 320 F
lamp on a separate circuit. 2 x la 0.78 48.0 0.42 48.0 4.17 44.4 0.15 37.A 24AA 050 F
And, if you require a lamp with an 2 x 26 1.34 64.4 0.56 64.0 a.T 60.0 0.20 43.0 1600 230 F
emergency back-up, but want to avoid ugly
incandescent "bug-eyes" - PL lamps are
your answer. Marco 9 and 13 watt {ixtures
offer emergency battery packs that will ig-
nlte for 90 minutes.
PL lamps and Marco fixtures can be an
unbeatable combination for your project.

145 27" 1 piece bar Construction includes a stamped steel
hangers plaster frame. Hanger brackets are fixed,
146 Extender clips Bar hangers, which are supplied, adjust to
for 25" off center 22y2". Othet hanger accessories include
mounting 27" I piece bar hanger 145 and extender
,Ell Emergency clips for 25" off center mounring 146.
Battery Pack ignites Ballasc enclosure is construcred of
lamp for 90 aluminum J-Box is pre-wired with ground
mlnutes. vrire included.
IHPF For High
Power Factor see Branch circuit allows maximum
the appropriate +in/ 4-o.ut #12 AWG conductors rated at
housing category. 75 degrees C.

Normal Power Factor (NPF) is staadard.

Voltage must be spceified. For High
Power Factor (HPI-) accessory specifl
,rHPFi3l (120V) and I1HPF132 (277Y.
lnput amps and s.atts can be found on
page 7.

l3 Wait
1-13 lratt
Quad Tube
Sylvania Only
02AV /277y
NPF standard)
Clear Matte
Gold Matte T-

Voltage must be

76 MAFco
for use in damp locations and in
cootact with insulation. J-Box and
access from below ceiling.

Clear Matte Gold Matte

in anodized mate, clear and
Matte finishes eliminate spectral im-
and lamp reflection image.

flat aluminum design.

60 to 50 ao ,to
70 5l' 3i' .to ?o 50 30 to 5tt ao to stt 30 ,to 50 30 io oo
o 50 50 50 50 48 48 48 48 46 46 46 44 44 44 42 42 42 A,2
146454442454443424241 40 41 40 39 39 39 38 37
F X4.K3
1-13 Watt Quad Tube

a 4341 39 37 42 44 3A 36 39 37 36 37 36 35 36
4 40 37 34 32 39 36 34 32 35 33 31 34 32 31 33 35
4 383431 2a 37 33 30 2A 32 30 28 31 29 29 30 29
5 5531 27 25 34 30 27 25 29 27 252926252A?52424
34 33
32 30 30
27 27
Total lumens-860
Spacing criteria-1.3
Total Efficeincy-4 1.60lo

,E 6 33 28 25 23 32 28 25 23 27 25 23 27 24 23 26 24 22 22
, 30 25 22 20 30 25 22 20 24 22 20 24 21 20 23 21 .lg 19
FilX4-K? CP x .90

'E a 282320 17 28 23 20 1A 2220 $22 1g $21 19 1Afi

9 2621 18 16 26 21 18 16 20 18 16 20:1620
'to 24 19 16 14 24 19 16 14 19 .16 14 18 16 14 18 17 1A$
16 14 14

145 27" 1 piece b^r Construction includes a stamped steel F
hangers pla'ter frame. Harger brackeLr are [ired. d
t46 Extender clips Bar l'rnger', which are s.-rpplied. adiu.r ro b
for 25" off center 22/2". Accessory T-Bar clips are available
mounting as r9l. Hanger accessories include 27" 1

l9l T'Bar clips (4) piece bar hanger t45 and extender clips
,Eil Emergency for 25" off center mounring 146. Ballast fl
Battery Pack ignites enclosure is constructed of aluminum. J-
lamp for 90 Box is pre-wired with ground wire li
mlnutes included. b
IHPF For High sl
Power Factor see Branch circuit allows maximum al
the appropriate +it/ 4-ott #I2 A\!G conductors rated at d
housing category. minimum 75 degrees C. d

Normal Power Factor (NPF) is standard. \

Voltage must be specified. For High r
Power Factor use (HPF) accessory. Input B
amps and watts on page 7.

NPF 52 Gold Alzak Low Gloss

Fti'x13 (12A\/ /277Y 62 Clear Alzak '{/hite Paint
1-13 \Watt NPF standard) 63 Clear Alzak
Quad Tube HPF with Baffle
S1'lvania only 120V 72 Clear Matte
FMXl3rt HpFr 3r 73 Clear Matte
277v with Raffle
FMXl3It ttPFt 32

Voltage must be

NPF GIOO Flat Shower P'S

FilX13 (1.20V /277v Light
1-13 \Watt NPF standard) loo Flat Diffuser P,B,S,R
Quad Tube NPF GlOl Opal Showcr P,S
Sylvania Only 120V Light
FMXI3'I HPFI3l tol Drop Opal P,B,S
277Y 106 Flat Fresnel P,B l_
Finish must ,,""--l
Voltage must be specified


NPF RlOS Rcgressed P'B

Fti'x13 02AV /277v Flat Fresnel
NPF standard) Y223 Baffle with P
1-13 $(att HPF Lens
Quad Tube 120V Y226 Baffle with P
Sylvania Only FMXI3'I HPFI3I Drop Opal
277V Finish must be
FMXl3nHPFt32 specified
rt 1r
r ""----l
Voltage must be

NPF 30 Vall.lasher Low Gloss SL

FMX13 (12AV /277y $(/hite Paint
1-13 \tratt NPF standard) I
I Q.,ad Tube HPF
I Sylvania Only 120V I


277V I

I r--',
Voltage must be
for use in damp locations and in
contact with insulation. J-Box and
ballast access from beiow ceiling.

Clear Mane
\r' _.- JL.

Goid Alzak
i j-
_i L--
Clear Alzak
Available in clear rnatte anodized, and
Matre Baffle
clear and gold specular Alzak. Black baf-
Jle available with clear matte and clear
Alz;l' reflecror'. Clear Alzak mr-\imir(\
lighr output and provides controlled

bearn pattern. Matte finishes eliminate

spectral imaging and lamp reflection im- Flar Shorver I-ight Drop Opal Opal Shor,r'cr Lighr
rge. Vallwashcr is eyelid type which
drrecn light at wall and provides little

Narrow flat aiuminum design. Finish

must be specified (P Vhire, B Sarin
Brass, or R Polished Brass).
Regressed/ Baflle with Lens Balfle \fith Drop Opal lfallwasher
Flat lrresnel

ao?o5030loo FMXl3.62
sa' 70 50 30 to 70 50 30 to 50 30 lo 50 30 lo so 30 to
o 75 7s 75 75 73 73 73 73 70 7A 7A 67 67 67 64 64 64
1 1l Watt Our,l Tube
r 71 70 6A 67 70 6A 67 66 66 65 64 64 63 62 61 61 60 59 Toral
2 68656361 67 64 62 60 62 61 59 60 59 58 59 58 57 s6 Specing crireria-.8
3 65 61 58 56 64 60 58 55 59 56 55 57 55 54 56 54 53 52 Toral Fflicienrv-st no/"
oo. 4 62 57 54 51 61 57 54 51 55 53 51 54 52 50 53 51 49 48
5 59 54 50 47 58 5350 47 52 49 47 51 4846s0484645 FMXI3-52 CP x .90
5 56 50 37 44 55 50 46 44 49 46 44 4A 45 43 47 45 43 42 FMXi3.63 CP x.80
7 53 47 43 40 s2 46 43 4A 46 42 4A 45 42 40 44 42 40 39 FMX l3.72 CP x.80
oc t sa 44 4a 37 49 43 40 37 43 39 37 42 39 37 41 39 37 36
I 47 4A 37 34 46 40 37 34 40 36 34 39 36 34 38 36 34 33
FItlXl3.73 CP x .75
to 44 38 34 31 43 37 34 31 37 34 31 36 33 31 36 33 31 3n

30 to FMXl3.t06
MIG HT. FC/O! 70 so 3(' ro 70 50 30 l0 50 30 to 50 30 to 50 30 to o
o 20 20 20 20 19 19 19 1S 18 t8 i8 18 18 18 .17 17 17 1/ l-lJ \Vatr Qu:d Tube
11A17 17 t6 18 17 17 t6 16 16 15 16 15 15 15 15 15 14 Tor.ri lumens 8r,O
217 16 15 14 16 15 i5 14 15 14 t3 14 14 13 14 13 13 13 Spacing crireria-.5
3 16 14 13 l2 i5 14 13 12 13 13 12 13 12 12 .13 12 11 11 Toral Flflicien,rv- lr' so/"
415 13 l2 1t 14 13 12 ti 12 11 11 12 11 10 12 11 10 10
514 12 11 10 13 l2 10 10 11 10 911 10 911 1o 9I FI$xl3.loo C? x .95
613 11 l0 913 11 i0 911 10 910 S 910 9A FMXI3.GtOO CP x .95
7 12 1A I I 12 10 9 810 I 98 I a7 CP x .8
a 11 I 3 7 lt 9 I 7 I I 9A I
9 i o 7 b I0 3 / o I ; a7 8 66 FMXl3.Glol CP x.8
to 10 8 7 6 10 8 7 6 3 7 6 8 7

ao705030too FMXl3.Rr O6
FCrcO so. 70 50 30 io 70 50 30 to 50 30 to 50 30 lo 50 30 to o
o 2a 2a 2a 20 19 i9 19 19 18 18 18 1A 18 18 17 .17 17 17
l-ll \ arr Qu.rd Tube
I t 1e17 17 16 18 17 17 16 16 16 15 16 15 t5 15 15 15 14 Toral lumens-8t'O
217 16 15 14 16 15 15 14 15 14 13 .13
14 14 13 14 13 13 13 Sprring crireria-.5
3 16 14 13 12 15 14 13 12 13 13 12 12 12 13 12 11 11
Tor.rl Fffi, i.nrv- it' 60l"
4 15 13 12 11 14 13 12 t1 12 11 11 12 il 10 12 11 10 10
^o" 514 12 11 10 13 12 10 10 11 10 Ii1 i0 911 10 9I FMXi3.V223 CP x.85
6 13 11 10 9 13 11 10 I 11 10 I 1o 9 9 10 I I 8 FMXi3.Y226 CP x .75
712 10 9 812 10 9 810 I I9 8 8I I I7
s" a 11 9 I 7 11 I 8 7 I I 7 I A 7 9 A 7 7
:12 9 11 I 7 6 t0 8 7 6 8 7 6 a 7 6 I 7 6 6
lo 10 3 7 6 10 I 7 6 8 7 6 A 7 6 7 7 6 6

SlnEle Flxture Data Multiple Flxture Data FMXI3-30

n'4'a,2, 1'O'1'2'3 o' o, 2, .1, o, t, 2, o' 1-13 \fxtt Quad Tube
f 5 96 1.85 2.95 33 2.95 185 .96 l' 3.9 39 4.4 3.9 4.4 39 3.9 Total Lumens-S60
2' .52 .77 1AA 1.32 1.5a 132 10A 77 2' 29 30 3.0 29 30 30 2.9
l' 34 49 .91 1.75 2.6 1 75 91 49 34 3' 36 3.3 3 2 3.6 3.2 3.3 36
1' 30 .6 133 2.O 225 20 133 6 30 4 3.4 3.5 3.7 3.4 3 7 3.5 3.4
5' 37 .73 1.13 14-7 1.55 | 4T 1.13 73 5 2 9 3.1 3.2 2.9 32 3.1 29
0 39 63 87 1.07 1.1 107 .67 .63 .39 6' 2.3 2.45 2.7 2.3 2.7 2 45 2.3
7 35 51 .7 .42 A5 A2 .7 .51 .35 7' 2.O 1 A 1.9 2.0 1.9 1 8 2.0

79 MAF.G.O
llO2 T-Bar clips Construction includes a stamped steel
IEM Emergency breakaway plaster frame and built-in
Battery Pack ignites holding clips for remodel installations
one lamp {or 90 Hangei brikts are fixed. Captive venical
mlnutes, bar hangers can be inserted to accom-
,HPF For H;gh modate most ceiling constructions. Sup-
Power Factor see plied Bar hangers adiust to 22/2". Ac-
rhe appropriate cessory T-Bar clips are available as llo2.
housing category. Ballast enclosure is constructed of
aluminum. Housing tims contain ballast
and socket adaprer for fluor. lamps. J-Box
is pre-wired with ground wire included.

Branch circuit allows maximum

4-in/ 4-out #12 AWG conductors rated at
minimum 75 degrees C.

Normal Power Factor (NPF) is standard

and will power 7 or 9 watt lamps.

NPF 9Ol Clear Matte

MX711 02Av /277\l 902 Gold Matte
2-7 /9 \,t^ NPF standard) 903 Clear Matte
Dual Tube HFF with Baffle
120V 904 Clear Alzak
MXTI I gos Gold Alz:rk
277v 'HPF9I
MX7 71 tllPFg2

Voltage must be

NPF 9OO Flat Lens

ailx711 (t20v /277\,/
2-7 /9 'Wan NPF standard)
Dual Tube HPF
I1 rl-.-
F-'. 'l

Voltage must be

HPF 906 \flall*'asher s

MX711 (120V /277Y
2 7/9 W^tt NPF standard) 'I'
Dual Tube HPF 2

Voltage must be

Voltage must be speci{ied. For High
Power Factor (HPF) accessory specify
['rPFgr (120V) and |tllPF92 (277\).
- '\n _--L--'

Input amps & vratts can be found on
page 7.
Clcar Matte Clear Alzrk Gold Alzak
Rated for use in damp locations and in
direct contact with insulation. J-Box and
ballast access from below ceiling.

Available in clear and gold matte anodiz-

ed, and clear and gold specular Alzak. Rhck Bafl.le Flat Lens \{/
Black baffle available with clear matte
rellector. Ciear Alzak maximizes light -
output and provides controlled beam pat-
tern. Matte finishes eliminate spectral im-
aging and lamp re{lection image.

Narrow flat aluminum design.

ao705030too MXTr r.904

MIG, HT. FC/OO DIA, so. 70 50 30 lO 70 50 30 tO 50 30 rO 50 30 tO 50 30 lO O
o 61 61 61 61 60 60 60 60 57 57 57 s5 55 55 52 52 5251 2-7 /9 \X|att Dual Tube
I 57 55 53 s2 56 s4 53 51 52 51 50 50 49 4A 4A 47 47 46 Total lumens-1200
2 53 5A 47 45 52 49 47 45 47 45 44 46 44 43 44 33 42 41 Soacins criteria-1.1
3 50 45 42 39 48 44 41 39 43 40 38 42 39 38 40 39 37 36 i",,t Ftlt.;".."-s r tc"
*" 4 4641 37 l5 45 4A )7 34 39 36 34 38 36 33 37 35 33 32
34 5 43 37 33 30 42 37 33 30 36 32 30 35 32 30 34 31 29 28 MXTi l-9O3 CP x .80
6 40 34 30 28 39 34 30 2A 33 3a 27 32 29 27 31 29 27 26 MXTl l-90r cP x .95
7 37 30 26 24 36 3a 26 23 29 26 23 29 25 23 2A 25 23 22 MXTl1.902 CP x .85
8 34282421 33 27 24 21 27 23 21 26 23 21 26 23 21 20
9 322521 19 31 25 21 19 24 21 19 24 21 19 23 21 1A 1A MXTI l-905 cP x .90
lo 30 23 19 17 29 23 19 17 22 19 17 22 19 17 22 19 17 16

ao?o5030roo MX?t l-900

FC/o. e0' 70 50 30 ro 70 50 30 to 50 ao to 50 30 to 50 30 l0 0
o 33 33 33 33 32 32 32 32 31 31 3i 29 29 29 2A 2A 2A 2A 2-7 /9 \Xtaff Dual Tube
1 3A 29 27 26 29 2A 27 26 27 26 25 26 25 24 2s 24 24 23 Total lumens-1200
2 27 24 23 22 27 25 23 22 24 22 21 23 22 21 22 21 2A 20 SprcJng crireria-1.2
63 4 252220 1A 24 22 2A 18 21 19 18 20 19 t820 18 17 i7 Tor:rl Ffficiencv 27 5?"
uo" 4 23 20 18 16 2j 20 lS 16 19 17 16 18 17 15 18 16 15 15
5 21 t8 16 14 21 16 15 14 17 15 14 17 15 13 16 15 i3 13
6 2A17 14 13 20 16 14 13 16 14 12 15 14 12 t5 13 12 12
125 718 15 12 11 18 14 12 1t 14 12 11 14 12 10 13 12 10 t0
e. A 17 13 11 10 17 13 11 10 13 11 913 11 912 11 99
916 12 10 916 12 10 812 10 811 10 811 10 a I
to 15 11 9 815 11 I 811 I 811 9 810 I I 7

Slngle Flxture Data Multlple Flxture Data MXTt t.905

o' 2-7 /9 Wa$ Dual Tubc
04'3'2'IO'1', 34' o, 2' i' o' I' 2' O'
1' 56 l.i 2 3 3.9 4.8 3.9 2.3 11 .56 r' 59 56 6.2 5.9 6.2 5.6 5.9 Total Lumens-1200
2 63 1.4 2.6 3.S 4.5 3.9 26 1.4 63 2' 60 63 65 60 65 63 60
3' 66 1.i 13 25 3.5 3.5 11 .66 3' 4.8 46 5 0 4.8 5.0
a' 61 1.1 1.a 26 3.1 2.6 1.6 11 .61 4' 42 4.3 4.4 42 4.4 43 4.2
5' 61 1.i 17 2.3 2.6 2.3 1.1 .61 5' 3.9 3.9 41 3.9 ! 1 3.9 3.9
0' 5s .88 1.3 16 18 16 1.3 88 .55 6' 30 3.0 3.2 30 3.2 30 3.0
t' .41 .65 89 1.2 i.4 1.2 89 .65 .41 7' 22 22 23 22 23 22 22

lol 27" C channe\ Constructioo includes a die cast
bar hangers aluminum pla*er frame. Hanger brackets
,Ell Emergency are vertically adjustable to 1/r". Bar
Battery Pack ignites hangers, which are supplied, adjust ro
one lamp for 90 25". Accessory 27" C channel hangers are
minutes. D407 arailable as lol. Bailasr enclosure is cotr-
6rD447 only. structed of aluminum. J-Box is pre-wired
ll{PF For High with ground wire included.
Power Factor see
the appropriate Branch circuit allows maximum
housing category. Lin/4-ont /112 A\fG conductors rated at
minimum 75 degrees C.

Normal Power Factor (NPF) is standard.

Voltage must be specified. For High
Power Factor (HPF) accessory refer to
the FIPF section under the appropriate
housing caregory. Input amps and wars
can be found oA page 7.

I{PF 446 Clear Matte

2-7/9 W.ttt D4/07 02AV /277V 47
Gold Matte T-
l_ lf-*." -ll
Dual Tube NPF standard) Clear Alzak
HPF 49 Gold Alzak
12AV 400 Clear Alzak
D4O7'HPF9I with Baffle
D4O7'HPF92 I lr_ ,,."_____l I

Voltage must be

NPF 466 Clear Matte

2-13 \vart D447 (120V /277V 67 Gold Matte T-
Dual T'ube NPF standard)
,168 Clear Alzak
1169 Gold Alzak
470 Clear Alzak
D447 t,lPFt31
srith ba{l'le
lF-'-" -ll
Ill---'__.1] rs%^ _

IIPF 446 Clear Matte

2-18 \X/att
Quad Tube
D44a 02AV /277V
NPF standard)
Gold Matte
Clear Alzak I II
.ra9 Gold Alzak
490 Clear Alzak
vith L_ IT
II I L--,*
I l

Voltage must be ;

2-26 V^t
D449 02AV /277V
496 Clear Mane
497 Gold Matte t- II
Quad Tube NPF standard) 498 Clear Alzak


Gold Alzak
Clear Alzak II
with Baffle
I tt- ||.- II
Voltage must be
82 MAFtco specified
Rated for use in damp locations and in
direct contact with insulation. J-Box and
(, \/'_-r1
ballast access from below ceiling.
Clear M;rrte Gold Matte ( Alzak (lold Alzak
Available in clear and gold mxne ano.liz'

ed, and clear and gold specular Alzak.
Black baffle available n'ith clcar Alzak
reflcctor. Clear Alzak maximizes light
output and provides controlled beam pat-
tc'1. \4rtr( rrrirhe. elimin:rc.p(.lr.ll .r
aging and lamp reflection imagc. Clcar Alzak with
Bh,:k R:f{].
Narrow flat aluninum design.

ao7050aot00 D407 -448

Foroi e" 7(} 50 30 lo7(}5030 to 5030 lo5030 lo 5030 loo
o 85 85 85 85 83 83 83 83 79 79 79 76 76 76 73 73 73 71 2-9 lVatt Dual Tube
la1 79 77 75 79 7T 76 74 74 T3 72 72 71 70 69 69 68 66 Total lumens 1200
2 77 73 70 6A 75 72 7A 67 70 6a 66 63 66 64 66 64 63 62 Sprcing crJrerir 1.1
3 7368646271 67 64 61 65 62 60 63 61 59 62 60 58 57 Toral Fffi, ien, i t'2 lq"
eo. 4 69 63 59 56 68 63 59 56 6i 58 55 60 57 54 58 56 54 53
5 65595451 64 53 54 51 57 53 50 56 52 50 54 52 50 43 D4O7.449 CP x .90
661 55 50 47 60 54 50 47 53 49 47 52 49 46 51 48 46 45 D4O7.446 CP x .95
i06 7 57 5A 46 .12 56 50 45 42 49 15 42 4A 44 42 47 44 41 4A D4O7.447 CP r .85
30. a 54 46 42 3a 53 46 41 3A 45 41 3A 44 41 38 44 40 38 37 D4o7.4oo CP x .75
133 9 50 43 38 35 49 42 38 35 42 37 35 41 37 34 40 37 34 33
to 47 39 35 32 46 39 35 32 38 34 31 38 34 31 37 34 31 30

007('5030too o447-468
MIG NT eo" 70 50 30 lO 70 50 30 lO sO 30 lO 50 30 lO 50 30 lO 0
2-13 \(atr Duai Tube
o TTTT 77 TT T5T5 15 T5 72 T2 T2 69 69 69 66 66 66 65
'Iocal lumcns-1800
'I 73 71 7A 6a 72 70 69 67 67 66 65 65 64 63 63 62 61 60
2 70 66 6.1 62 63 65 63 61 63 61 60 61 60 53 59 58 57 56 Spacing critcria 1.2
3 66 62 58 56 65 61 58 55 59 56 54 57 55 53 56 54 53 52
Totrl F.fficie n cv-64.8 o/"
4 62 57 54 51 61 s7 53 5n
"n" 5 59 53 49 46 58 53 49 46 51 48 46 sA 4T 45 49 4T 45 44 D447.469 CP'x .9C
6 56 50 46 43 55 49 45 42 4A 45 42 47 44 42 46 44 42 41 D447.466 CP x .95
13.0 7 52 45 41 38 51 45 41 38 4.1 41 38 43 40 38 43 40 38 37 D447.467 cP x .E5
30. 6 49 42 38 35 48 42 38 35 41 37 35 40 37 34 40 37 34 33
D447-47O CP x .75
9 46 39 34 32 45 38 34 31 38 34 31 37 34 31 36 33 31 30
to 43 36 32 29 42 35 31 29 35 31 29 34 31 29 34 31 2A 27

ao705030too D44A.4Aa
MTG fr. FCl00 DrA. s" 70 50 30 lO 705030 lO5030 lO 50 30 lO5030lOO 2 18 \Vxrr Ou.rrl TLrbe
o 79 79 79 79 7A 7A 7a 78 74 74 74 71 71 71 68 68 68 67
176747274747271 69 69 68 67 67 66 65 65 64 63 62 Total lumens)-2400
2 72 69 66 64 70 67 65 63 65 63 61 63 62 60 61 60 59 53 Spacing crircria-1.3
3 68 64 60 5e 67 63 60 57 61 58 56 59 57 55 58 56 54 53
Total Fl{fic ic n cv-4,2.2ol.
uo" 4 64 59 55 53 63 5A 55 52 5T 54 52 56 53 51 54 52 50 49
s 61 55 51 4o 60 54 51 4s 53 50 47 a2 49 47 51 4a 46 45 D44a-449 CP'x.90
6 5751 4T 44 56 51 47 44 50 46 44 49 46 43 48 45 43 42 l,44A-446 CP x .95
7 54 47 43 4A 53 47 42 40 46 42 39 45 ]l2 39 44 4l 39 38 D44a-447 CP x .85
o 50 43 39 36 4S 43 39 36 47 39 36 42 3a 36 41 3A 36 35
D44a"4eO CP x .75
9 47 40 36 33 46 40 35 33 39 35 32 38 35 32 38 34 32 31
10 44 37 32 30 43 36 32 30 36 32 29 35 32 29 35 32 29 2A

ao?o5030too o449-494
MTG HT ea' 70 50 30 to ?o 50 30 ro 50 30 r0 50 30 ro 50 30 ro o 2 26 Vatt Qurd Tube
o 64 64 64 64 62 62 62 62 60 60 60 57 57 57 55 55 55 54 Totl lrrnren< 1s00
r 61 59 57 56 59 58 66 55 56 55 54 54 53 52 52 51 50 49
2 57 45 42 50 56 54 52 50 52 50 49 50 49 48 49 48 47 46 1.2
3 5451 4 45 53 50 47 45 4A 46 44 47 15 41 46 44 43 42 Tor.rl F ff icie n.:v-5 1.7or"
ur. 4 51 47 44 41 5A 46 43 41 45 43 11 44 42 4A 43 41 4A 39 D449.49a CP x .90
5 4a 43 40 38 4T 43 40 3T 42 39 37 41 393740383636
6 4641 37 35 45 40 37 35 39 36 34 39 36 34 38 36 34 33 D449.496 CP x .95
-.J. 7 43373431 4237 33 31 36 33 31 35 33 31 35 32 30 30 D449.49? CP x
\. a 403431 2a
9 37 3224 26
39 34
37 31
30 2A 32 3A 2A 27
27 25 3a 27 25 25 D449.5OO CP x
to 35 29 26 22 35 29 26 23 29 25 23 2A 25 23 2a 25 23 22

83 MArico
Kll 27t' C channel Construction includes a die cast
bar hangers aluminum plaster frame. Hanger brackets
lElrl Emergency are vertically adjustable to 1/2". Bar
Battery Pack ignites hangers, which are supplied, adjust to
one lamp for 90 25", Accessoty 27" C channel hangers are
minutes. D407 available as lot.
Ballast enclosure is con-
2*D447 only. structed of aluminum. J-Box is pre-wired
IHPF For High with ground wire included.
Power Factor see
the appropriate Branch circuit allows maximum
housing category. +in/+o:ur #12 AWG conductors rated at
minimum 75 degrees C.

Normal Pos'er Factor (NPF) is standard.

Voltage must be specified. For High
Power Factor (HPF) accessory refer to
the HPF section under the appropriate
housing category. Input amps and watts
can be found on page 7.

2-7 /9 V att
Dtral Tube
D4o7 02AV /277V
NPF standard)
45o \Tallwasher
120V I
277V L+'-,---il
r 3'r.'-----1

D407'ltPF92 i

Voltage must be


I'PF 455 \fallwasher

2-13'Watt D447 (120v /277V
Dual Tube NPF standard)
120V ]_
D447 t,tPFr31
D447 tH?F132

Voltage must be

I{PF 4a5 Vallwxher

2-18 \tratt D44a (120V /277V
l_ lF-'*" -ll
Quad Tube NPF srandard)
D{44'HPFI82 n_,.__l I

Voltage must be

NPF 495 \flallwasher

2-26 W D449 02AV /277V
Quad Tube NPF standard)
I f-s?"'-__-.]
Voltage must be
Rated for use in damp locations and in
direct contact with insulation. J-Box and
bdlast access from below ceiling.
Standard reflector finish is clear specular
Alzak. \0allwasher is "eyelid" type
which directs light on wall and provides
litde downlight.

Narrow flat aluminum design.

o' 4' .' 2, 1, o, |' 2' o, o' o' 2' 1' o' 1' 2' O', D407.450
I' .21 .39 .69 1.12 l.4l 1.12 .69 .39 .21 i' 1.88 184 1.95 1.88 1.95 1.84 1.8S
2-9 $/att Dual Tube
.23 .34 .43 .59 .73 .59 .43 .34 .23 2' 1.21 1.t7 1.24 1.21 124 1 t7 1.21
a' .21 51 1.45 2.85 39 2.S5 1.45 .51 .21 3' 4.02 3.95 4.3 4.02 4.3 3.95 4.02 Total Lumens-1200
.5 t t5 2.25 3.2 3.3 3.2 2.25 1.1s 4' 5T 55 5.9 5,7 5.9 5.5 5.7
a' .86 1.54 2.35 3.3 3.6 3,3 2.35 154 .86 s', 5.47 5.7 5.95 5.47 5.95 5.7 5.47
6' 1.75 1.6 2.2 2.64 2.9 264 2.2 1.6 6', 4.87 5.1 55 4.87 5.5 5.1 4.87
1 98 14 19 22 235 22 19 14 .98 7' 427 445 4.9 4.27 4.9 4.45 427

0' 4' 3' 2', 1' O', t', a', 3', 4' o'o'21,o, 1,2'O' o447-465
i' 35 ,53 .83 1.51 1,93 1.51 .83 .53 35 1' 297 2.78 3.0 297 3.0 2.78 297 2-13 \fatt Dual Tube
2' .41 .79 164 3.58 4.73 358 1.64 79 .41 2' 6.08 5.39 5.83 6.08 5.83 5.39 6.08
a' .62 132 2.40 4.02 5.5 4.02 2.44 132 .62 3' 767 6.93 732 T.6T 732 693 7.67 Total Lumens-1800
4' 84 145 2,76 44 539 4.4 276 1.45 .44 4' 7.7 TA7 AA3 71 aA3 7AT T.T
5 1.03 1.77 2.89 3.91 4.4 3.91 2.89 1.77 1.03 5' 7.07 7.32 7.65 7.07 7.65 7.32 7.07
6' 1.24 1.97 2.64 3.22 3.52 3.22 2.64 1.79 1.24 6' 624 7.t5 677 6.24 677 7.t5 624
?', 1.19 1,63 218 2.67 3.O3 2.67 2.1A 1.63 1.19 7' 5.24 5.17 5.72 5.24 5.72 5.17 5.24

0' 4' 3' 2' 1' O' 1' 2' 3' 4' o' o' 2' I' o' t' 2' o' D44A-445
t' .33 .61 1.1 1.73 2.2 1.73 1.1 .61 .33 1' 3A 2.75 2.93 3.0 2.93 275 3.0 2-18 !tratt Quad Tube
2' 39 .69 1.46 1.76 2.25 1.76 106 69 .39 2 33 25A rg3 33 2C3 254 33
a' 47 1.15 2.83 5.35 7.0 5.35 2.83 1.15 .47 3' 73 7.15 7A 7.3 7.4 715 73 Total Lumens-2400
4 1.45 2.25 39 5.65 6.5 5.65 3.9 2.25 1.05 4' 8.4 8.8 9.3 8.4 9.3 18 8.4
5', 1.65 2.78 3.9 4.65 50 4.65 3.9 2.78 1.65 5' 8.5 9.3 95 8.5 9.5 9.3 85
6', 1.78 2.5 3.25 3.85 4.0 385 3.25 2.5 1.78 6' 7.6 7.75 8.3 76 33 775 7.6
7' 1.6 1.95 2.45 2.75 2.9 2.75 245 1.95 16 7' 62 63 6.75 6.2 6.75 6.3 6.2

o' 4' 3' 2' 1' O' 1' O' D449.495

i' .45 66 .83 1.8 2.32 r.8 .89 .66 .45 l' 3.3 2.83 3.2 33 32 243 3.3
2--26 W^n Dual Tube
2' .56 l0 1.98 4.5 6.2 4.5 1.98 1.0 .56 2' 7.57 6.7 7.1 7.57 7.1 6.7 7.57
3' .78 1.79 3.35 5.2 6.1 5.2 335 1.79 78 3', 9.23 9.05 8.75 923 875 905 9.23 I oral Lumens-JbUU
4' 114 1.98 345 5.5 67 5.5 3.45 1.9S 1.14 4', 9.8 9.95 10.6 9.8 10.6 9.95 9.8
5' 1.43 2.36 3.55 4.9s 5.5 4.95 3.55 2.36 1.43 5', 9.33 9.75 10.75 933 1075 975 9.33
6' 1.63 2,43 3.35 4.05 4.5 405 335 243 1.63 6' A23 ASs S35 A23 935 865 423
?' 1.53 2.15 2.65 3.15 3.2 3.15 2.65 2.15 1.53 7' 64 7.4 a.0 6.4 A.O 7.4 6.4
n 3 fi. conlore 3 ft. irom wa

85 MAFco
tO1 27" C ch^nnel Construction includes a die cast Rz
bar hangers aluminum plaster frame. Hanger brackets dir
,Ell Emergency are vertically adjustable to 1%". Bar ba
Battery Pack ignites hangers, which are supplied, adjust to
one lamp for 90 25". Accessory 27" C charrtel hangers are
rninutes, D507 available es rol. Ballast enclosure is con- ed
only. structed of aluminum. J-Box is pre-wired Blr
IXPF For High with ground wire included, rel
Power Factor see olr
the appropriate Branch circuit allovss maximum tet
housing category. $in/lout #12 A\flG conductors rated at ry
minimum 75 degrees C.
Normal Power Factor (NPF) is standard.
Voltage must be specified. For High
Power Factor (HPF) accessory refer to
the HPF section under the appropriate
housing category. Input amps and watts
can be found on page 7.

NPF 556 Clear Matte

D5o7 (r20v /277v 557 Gold Matte T T
NPF standard) 558 Clear Alzak I
Gold Alzak
Clear Alzak
with Baffle
must be

I{PF 976 Clear Matte

D54A (120V /277V 977 Gold Matte
NPF standard) 9?a Clear Alzak
IIPF 979 Gold Alzak
120V 980 Clear Alzak
with Baffle
I Ir-* -lI
||-10,-_1 ,,,!._
must be

I{PF 946 Clear Matte

D549 (120V /277Y 98t Gold Matte T
2-26 W^tr
Quad Tube NPF standard)
Clear Alzak
Gold Alzak
990 Clear Alzak
v.rith Baffle
l[ *" -l] II
Voltage must be

Rred for use in damp locations and in tt
direcr contact with in'sulation. J-Box an<l _.r -l ._
bailast access from below ceiling.
Clcar Marre Gold M:ttc cold Alzak
Avrilabl. in elear and gold mrtr( ,-udi7
ed, and clear and gold specular Alzak.
Black baffle available with clear Alzak
reflector. Clear Alzak maximizes light
output and provides conrrolled beam pat'
rern. Marre {inishes eliminate spectral im
aging and larnp reflection image.
Clear Alzak vith
Narrow flat aluminum design. Black Baffle

60 70 so30 loo D507.554

e0. 70 50 30 to 70 50 30 ,t0 50 30 to 50 ao to 50 30 ro o 2-13 \tratt Dual Tube
o a7 a7 a7 87 85 85 85 85 81 81 81 77 77 77 74 7474 73
182AO7A76AA7A7775757473737271 7o 69 6A 67 Total lumens-1800
2 7A7471 6A 76 73 70 68 70 68 66 68 66 65 66 65 63 62 SpacJng crireria-1.J
517 3 73 68 64 61 72 67 64 61 65 62 60 64 61 s9 62 60 s8 57 f orel Flllciencv-72 7'r"
eo. 4 69 63 59 56 68 62 5a s5 61 s7 55 59 56 54 58 55 53 52 D5o7.559 CP'x .90
310 5 65 5a 54 50 64 58 53 50 56 52 49 55 52 49 54 51 49 47
6 61 54 49 .46 60 53 49 46 52 48 45 51 4A 45 5A 47 45 44 D5o7.556 CP x .95
106 7 57 49 44 4i 56 49 44 40 48 43 40 47 43 4A 46 42 4A 39 D5o7.557 CP x .85
30. A $ 45 40 36 52 ,r4 40 36 44 39 36 43 39 36 42 39 36 35 D5O7-56O CP x .75
9 49 41 36 33 48 41 36 33 40 36 32 39 35 32 39 35 32 31
ro 46 3a 33 29 45 37 32 29 37 32 29 36 32 29 35 32 29 2A
1 s.
70 50 30 lO
70 50 30 lO
50 30 lO
50 30 tO 50 30 lO O
o 7a 7a 70 70 68 68 68 6S 65 65 65 62 62 62 60 60 60 58
2-18 Quad Tube
I 66 65 63 62 65 64 62 61 61 60 59 59 58 57 57 56 56 55 Total lumens-2400
2 63 61 58 56 62 60 58 56 5a 56 55 56 55 53 54 53 52 51 Spacing criteria 1.1
3 60 57 54 52 59 56 53 51 54 52 50 53 51 s0 52 50 49 48 for:lFf{ici.n, v-5R.5ol.
@! 4 57 53 50 48 56 52 50 47 51 49 57 5048464947464s
5 54 so 46 44 53 49 46 44 4a 4s 43 47 45 43 46 44 42 42 D54A-979 CP x .90
6 5247 43 41 51 46 43 41 45 42 4A 44 42 40 44 42 40 39 D54a-976 CP x .95
7 49 43 44 37 4A 43 40 37 42 39 37 42 39 37 41 39 37 36 D54a-977 CP x .85
:0. a 46 40 37 34 4a 40 37 34 39 36 34 39 36 34 33 36 34 33
D54a-9aO CP x .75
15.6 t 43 36 34 32 43 3-7 34 32 37 34 31 36 33 3l 36 33 31 30
lO rtl 35 31 29 40 35 31 29 34 31 29 34 31 29 33 3i 29 28

ao 70 5030 100 D549.944
[fiG HT. FC/oo DIA so" 70 50 30 lo 70 50 30 ro 50 30 ro 50 30 lo 50 30 lo o 2-2b \Vatt Quad Tube
l o 66 66 66 66 64 64 64 64 62 62 62 59 59 59 57 57 57 55
r 63 61 59 58 6i 60 58 57 57 56 55 55 54 s4 53 53 52 51 Toral lumens-l600
52 2 60 57 54 52 58 56 54 52 54 52 51 52 51 50 s1 50 49 48 Soacing criteria 1.1
3 57 53 50 48 55 52 50 47 51 48 47 49 47 46 48 4T 45 44 t'or:l F{l;.iencv-55.4ol"
.^" 4 54 5a 46 44 53 49 46 44 4A 45 43 47 44 43 46 44 42 41
D549-989 CP x .90
"" 5 51 46 ,t3 4t 50 46 43 40 45 42 4a 44 41 40 43 41 39 38
6 48 43 40 38 4a 43 40 38 42 39 37 41 39 37 41 33 37 36 D549.986 CP x .95
. 7 46 40 37 35 45 40 37 34 39 36 34 39 36 34 38 36 34 33 D549-9a7 CP x .85
$, a 43 38 34 32 42 37 34 32 37 34 32 36 33 31 36 33 31 31
D549.99o CP x .75
9 41 35 31 29 40 35 31 29 34 31 29 34 31 29 33 31 29 28
ro 38 33 29 27 3A 32 29 27 32 29 27 31 29 27 31 2A 27 26

87 MAFlCc,
145 27" 1 piece bar Construction includes a stamped steel
hangers plaster frame. Hanger brackets are fixed,
146 Extender clip Bar hangers, which are supplied, adjust to
for 25" off center 22y2" . Other hanger accessories include
mounring 27" l piece bar hanger 145 and extender
,El Emergencl cI;p fot 25" off center mounting 146.
Battery Pack ignites Ballasr enclosure is constructed of
one lamp for 90 aluminum. J-Box is pre-wired with
minutes. D507 ground wire included.
IHPF For High Branch circuit allows maximum
Power Faclor see 4-in/4-o\ia #12 AWG condtrctors rated at
the appropriate minimum 75 degrees C.
housing category.
Normal Power Factor (NPF) is standard.
Voltage must be specified. For High
Power Factor (HPF) accessory specify
,HPFgr (120V) and ,HPF92 (277V).Inpat.
amps and watts can be {ound on page 7.

NPF lo Flat Diffuser P,E

2-7 /9 wart FMXI (r2OV /277Y II Drop Opal P'B
Dual Tube NPF standard) 16 Flat Fresnel P,B
120V Finish must be
FMXt'HPF9I specified

Voltage must be

NPF 17 Mini-Louver Low Gloss

2-7/9'Watt FtilxlQ2av /277v Vhite Paint
Dual Tube NPF standard)

Voltage must be

88 MAFrco
Rated {or use in damp locations and in
direct contact with insulation. J-Box and
ballast access from below ceiling.
Flat Diffuser Drop Opal Flat Fresnel Mini-Louver
Len'es proride
"ide lighr di.triburion.
Louvers reduce glare and increase visual

Narrov.' flat aluminum design. Finish

must be specified (P \ hite, B Sarin

70 50 30 to 70 50 30 lo 50 30 lo 50 30 to 50 30 lo o
FMXt.t I
o 323232 3231 31 31 31 30 30 30 29 29 29 2T 2T 27 27
2-9 S(att Dual Tr.rbe
1 29 2A 27 26 2A 27 26 25 26 25 24 25 24 24 24 23 23 22 Total lumens-1200
2 27 242321 26 24 22 21 23 22 2A 22 21 20 21 2a 19 19 Spacing criteria 1.2
3 2422 19 1S 24 21 19 18 20 19 17 20 18 17 19 l8 17 16 Toral Fff iciencv-2r' 9ol"
oo" 4 23 19 17 15 22 19 17 15 1A 17 15 18 16 15 17 i6 15 14
FMXr.rO cP i 1.10
521 17 15 13 20 17 15 13 17 15 t3 16 14 13 16 14 13 12
619 16 14 12 19 16 14 12 t5 13 12 15 13 12 14 13 12 11 FMxl-16 CP x 1.10
714 14 12 10 17 14 12 10 14 12 10 13 11 10 13 11 10 9
e. A17i3 11 916 l3 11 9t2 10 912 10 912 1098
915 12 10 815 12 10 all I811 g 811 I I7
to14 tl 9 714 11 9 714 9 710 I710 I7 7

ao705030r00 FMXt -t?

so. 70 50 30 to 70 50 30 to 50 30 to so 30 to 50 30 to o
2-9 \(att Dual Tube
o 31 31 31 31 30 30 30 30 29 29 29 2A 2A 2A 27 27 27 26
1 30 29 2A 2A 29 28 2A 25 27 27 26 26 26 26 25 25 25 24 Total lumens-1200
2 2a 27 26 25 2A 26 26 25 26 25 24 25 24 24 24 24 23 23 Spacing criteria-.9
3 27 25 24 23 26 25 24 23 24 23 22 24 23 22 23 22 22 21 Toral Flficiencv 2c.1ol.
.0. 4 26 24 22 21 25 23 22 21 23 22 21 22 21 21 22 21 20 20
5 242221 2A 24 22 21 19 21 20 19 21 2A 19 21 2A 19 19
6 2321 19 la 23 21 19 i820 t9 18 20 19 18 20 r9 18 17
7 22 19 1S 17 22 19 1A 17 19 18 17 19 17 17 18 17 17 16
30. A 21 18 17 16 20 18 17 i6 i8 i7 16 18 16 15 17 16 15 15
9 20 17 16 14 19 17 15 14 17 15 14 16 15 14 16 15 14 14
ro 19 16 1s 13 1e 16 i4 i3 16 14 13 16 14 13 15 14 13 13

89 MAFCcl
lO2 25" 1 piece bar Construction includes a stamped steel
hangers, pair pl*tr"r Ir".". A*!.i l'"lt"it iio.a.
l!{PF For High Bar hangers, which are supplied,"'"adjust ro
Power Factor see 22V2". Accessory 25, I piece bar hanger
the appropriate lO2 is available. Ballast enclosure is con-
housing category. structed of aluminum. J-Box is pre-wired
with ground wire included.

Branch circuit allows maximum

+in/+owr #12 AIfG conductors rated at
minimum 75 degrees C.

Normal Power Factor (NPF) is srandard.

Voltage musr be specified. For High
Power Factor (HPF) accessory specify
,HPFrst (120V) and tHP?1a2 (277V\.
Input amps and watts can be found on
page 7.

Fatxzla (120V /277V
Flat Diffuser
Drop Opal

I |r
Quad Tube NPF standard) 2a Flat Fresnel
120V Finish must be
F X2tarHPFl St specified
I [-'*.'-+

Voltage must be

2-18 \(att
Fnx21a 02Av /277V
Low Gloss
'Vhite Paint
Quad Tube

NPF standard)
FMX2l3fllPFt 6l

must be

IIPF 2a Deep Cell Los. Gloss
2-18 Fnx2ta (120V/277y Louver Vhite Paint
Quad Tube NPF standard)
Fl x2tSrHPFt8t
Frix2 I arH PF r a2

Vohage must be

90 MAFco
Rated for use in damp locations and in
direct contact with insulation. J-Box and
ballast access from below ceiling.
Flat Dif{user Drop Opal Flat Fresnel Regressed Louver
Lenses provide wide Iighr disrriburion.
Louvers reduce glare and increase visual
comfort. l!

Narrovz flat aluminum design. Finish \: _ -,_,,

nust be specified (P Whire, B Satin
brass). Deep Cell Louver

70 50 30 to 70 5(' 30 to stt 30 to 50 ao to 50 30 to o
o 53 53 53 53 52 52 52 52 50 50 50 47 47 47 46 46 46 45
1504447 45 49 47 46 44 45 44 43 43 43 42 42 41 41 40
2 464441 39 45 43 41 39 41 40 3a 40 38 37 39 37 36 36
2-18 Vatt Quad
Total lumens-2400

3 43 40 37 35 42 39 36 34 38 36 34 37 35 33 30 34 33 32
441 36 33 31 40 36 33 31 35 32 30 34 32 30 33 31 30 29
5 38 33 30 28 37 33 30 27 32 29 27 31 29 27 30 2A 27 26
Soacins criteria- 1.2
X2la-21 C? x

o3631 28 25 35 30 27 25 30 27 25 29 27 25 28 26 25 24
7 33 2A 24 22 32 27 24 22 27 24 22 26 24 22 26 23 22 21
a31 26 22 20 30 25 22 20 25 22 20 24 22 20 24 21 20 19
t 292320 1a 2A 23 20 18 23 20 18 22 20 18 22 19 18 17
FMX2IA-26 CP x 1.10

to 27 22 1A 16 26 21 18 16 21 18 16 21 18 16 20 1a 16 r5

U".G o
70 50 30 to
48 48 48 4A
45 44 43 42
30 to 50 30 to 50 30 to 50 ao to
47 47 47 45 45 45 43 43 43 41 41
43 42 41 42 41 40 40 40 39 39 38
2-18 Watt Quad Tube
Total lumens-2400
4341 39 3A
41 36 36 34
36 32 30 2A
37 36
34 33
32 31
30 ?8
Spacine criteria-1.3
t'.r,I Fffi.;"..'-lo tq"

34 30 27 26
3227 252331
3025 2221 29
27 23201427
33 30
1A 22
2A 26
26 24
24 22
22 20
to 26 21 l8 17 25 21 21 18 16 20 1a 16 20 18 16 20 16 16

Z w
70 50 30 .ro 70 50 30 to sar 30 to 50 30 ro 50 30 ro o
o 46 46 4ti 46 45 45 45 45 43 43 43 41 41 41 39 39 39 38
4 434241 40 42 41 40 39 39 39 38 38 37 37 37 36 36 35
2-18 Vatr Quad Tube
Total lumens-2400

Z ,.G z 41 3A 37 35 40 38 36 35 36 35 34 35 34 33 34 33 33 92
3 3A 35 33 31 37 35 33 31 34 32 30 33 31 30 32 31 29 29
Spacing crireria-1.2
for:l Efficiencv-18
4 36 32 30 28 35 32 30 2a 31 29 27 30 29 27 29 2A 27 26
"G 5 33 30 27 25 33 29 27 25 29 26 25 28 26 25 27 26 24 24
o31 28 25 23 31 27 25 23 27 24 23 26 24 23 25 24 22 22

6 "E 7 29 25 22 20 2A 24 22 20 24 22 20 23 21 20 23 21 20 19
a 272X20 18 27 22 20 1A 22 20 1a 22 19 18 21 19 1A 17
"U 9 2521 18 16 25 21 1S 16 20 18 16 20 i8 16 19 t7 16 15
to 24 19 16 15 23 19 16 15 lS 16 15 1a 16 15 19 16 15 14

lO2 25" 1 prece bar Construction includes a stamoed steel
hangers, pair plaster frame. Hanger brackeis are fixted.
lllPF For High Bar hangers, which are supplied, adjust to
Power Factot see 22V2". Accessory 25" 1 piece bar hanger
the appropriate lO2 is available. Ballast enclosure is con-
housing caregory. strucred of aluminum. J-Box is pre-wired
wich ground wire incLuded.

Branch circuit allows maximum

+in/ 4-ont #12 A\(G conductors rared at
minimum 75 degrees C.

Normd Power Factor (NPF) is standard.

Voltage must be specified. For High
Power Factor (HPF) accessory specify
,HPF26r (120V) tltpF262 (277V).
^nd, can be fould on
lnput amps and watts
page 7.

2-26 ly/att
FMX226 (12AV /277V
Flat Diffuser
Drop Opal
I I tt '"-l
Quad Tube NPF standard) 26 FIat Fresnel P,B
HPF Lens
120V Finish must be
FMX226'HPF26I specified
Fl/Ix226tllPF262 Il--'"'r_.-]
Voltage musr be

NPF Regressed Lol. Gloss

2-2() W^tt Farx226 02Av /277V Louver Whire Paint
Quad Tube NPF standard) I

Voltage must be

2-26 \UJatt
Quad Tube

(120Y /277V
NPF standard)
Deep Cell
Lov. Gloss
Vhite Painr

Voitage must be

92 MAFEo
Ra ed for u,< in damp locrrons :nd in
d 'ecl contacr w:rh in,ularion. .l-Box and
@ :tffi
ballast access from below ceiling.
Flat Diffuser Drop Opal Flat Fresnel Regressed louver
Lensesprovide wide light distriburion.
Louvers reduce glare and increase visual

Narrow flat aluminum design. Finish

must be specified (P \flhite, B Satin
brass). Deep Cell Louver

ao705030too F1tx226.20
MTG. ltt. e0" 70 50 30 to ?o 50 30 to 50 30 lo so ao to 50 30 lo o
o 49 49 49 49 48 48 48 48 46 46 46 44 44 44 42 42 42 41 2-26 Vatr Quad Tube
I 46 44 43 42 45 43 42 41 42 41 40 40393939383737 Toral lumens-loO0
2 43 40 39 36 42 39 38 36 33 36 35 37 35 34 36 35 34 33 Soacins crireria-1.2
tr 40 37 34 32 39 36 34 32 35 33 31 U 32 3.1 32 31 30 29 t'oral Eff iciencv-4 I {,./.
oo" 4 37 34 31 29 37 33 30 28 32 30 2A 31 29 2A 30 29 27 27
100 5 35 31 23 25 34 3A 27 25 2S 27 25 29 27 25 2A 26 25 24 F X226-21 iP x .gA
6 33 28 25 23 32 2A 25 23 27 25 23 27 25 23 26 24 23 22 FMX226.26 CP x 1.10
107 7 30 26 23 20 3A 25 22 20 25 22 2A 24 22 2A 24 22 20 19
30" a 28 24 21 19 2A 23 20 1a 23 2A 1A 22 2A 1A 22 20 1A 17
I 2T 22 19 17 26 21 1S 17 21 18 17 21 18 16 20 18 16 .t6
10 25 20 17 15 24 20 17 15 19 17 15 19 17 15 19 17 15 14

oo 70 50 30 ,to o FMX226.27
MTG NT. FC/J'O D]A $. 705030 lo705030 to5t 30 lo 50 30 lo5030too
o 43 43 43 43 42 42 42 42 40 4A 4A 38 38 38 37 37 37 36 2-26 \fart Quad-Tube
I 40 39 38 38 40 39 38 37 37 36 36 36 35 35 35 34 34 33 I orf,l lumer\- i6ull
2 38 37 35 34 38 36 35 33 35 34 33 34 33 32 33 32 31 31 Spacing crireria-l.J
3 36 34 32 30 36 33 32 30 32 3i 30 32 30 29 31 3A 29 2A Toral Eff iciency-35.8o/o
o. 4 3431 29 2e 34 31 29 2A 3A 29 27 29 2A 27 29 2A 27 26
5 32 29 27 2s 32 29 27 25 2a 26 25 27 26 2s 27 25 24 24
6 3a 27 25 23 3A 27 24 23 26 24 23 26 24 23 25 24 22 22
7 242s2221 2A 24 22 20 24 22 20 23 22 2A 23 21 20 20
30. a 26 23 19 18 26 22 20 1A 22 2A 1A 22 20 18 2t i9 l8 la
9 2521 1A 16 24 20 1A 16 20 18 16 20 l8 16 19 13 16 16
ro 23 t9 16 15 22 19 16 15 18 16 t5 18 16 15 18 16 15 14

ao705030too tMx226.2A
eo" 70 50 30 lO 70 50 30 tO 50 OO tO 50 30 lO 50 30 tO O
o 43
.r 41 43 43 43 42 42 42 42 40 40 40 39 39 39 37 37 37 36 2 2o Vart Ouad TL-rbe

40 39 38 40 39 38 37 37 37 36 36 35 35 35 34 34 33 I or;rl lumenq- ]600
2 39 36 35 33 38 36 34 33 35 33 32 33 32 32 32 32 31 30 Spacing criteria- 1.2
3 363331 30 35 33 31 29 32 30 29 31 3A 28 30 29 2A 27
4 34 31 2A 27 33 30 28 26 29 2A 26 29 27 26 2a 27 25 25 Total Effic ienq
*n. -30.4olo
5 322e262431 2A 25 24 27 25 24 26 25 23 26 24 23 22
5 3A 26 24 22 29 26 24 22 25 23 22 25 23 21 24 23 21 21
7 242421 19 27 23 21 1S 23 21 19 22 20 19222A1S1
30" a 26 22 19 17 25 21 19 17 2.1 .19 17 21 19 17 20 18 17 16
I2424 17 16 24 2a 17 16 19 17 t5 19 17 15 19 17 15 15
to 23 18 t6 14 22 1A 16 14 18 16 14 17 15 14 17 15 t4 13

93 MARco
A designer's dream system could be attain- wide range of beam patterns and waltages.
ed through the striking alternalives Mrrco ofler' a broad linc of fixture' lor
available in low voltage lighting. Precisely these economical sources. Economical
controlled, low voltage iighting is your because they provide more precise task
best choice for dramatic accenting. lighting using less wattage. Low voltage
These precisely contained beams of high lamps have longer operating lives for fewer
color temperature light are projected by relampings.
two most revolutionary lamps-the MR15 Marco designs its low voltage fixtures to
and PAR36. They operate *ith smaller enhan.e rhe unique illuminrting quelirie:
fiiaments and more efficiently engineered of low voltage. Its extensive adjustable and
reflectors to produce higher llrmen per standard trims and aperture selcctions
watt output than standard incandescents. allow variety to satis{y design necds, as
Resulting in more intense and direct 1ight. does a full line of accessories. \(ith custom
Low voltage lamps are available in a filters and lenses in amber, b1ue, green,


94 MArlEo
pink, red, clear and yellow, any mood can Marco's unique transformer box design
be set in any environment-museums, allows for accessibility from below for
hotels, jewelry srores, showrooms, offices, replacement on 4" apertures. For installa-
your home. Honeycomb louvres can be tion ease, Marco's housing features U.L.
added to reduce glare and lamp brightness Iisting for thru'wiring from below-ceiling.
with minor efficiency reduction. Low voltage is an exciting, flexible,
Marco housings are venically adjustable creative lighting alternative. \fith excellent
to rclommodare uariou. ceiline rhickrrqsrs', color rendition, longer lamp life, and
including rhe demounrable 'TY bar ceiling. significant energy savings, it's a logical
The housings are removable from below choice for architecural lighting. Add that
the ceiling for access to the transformer to Marco's innovative fixtures and ac-
and junction box. Due to Marco's ex- cessories, rhe possibilities are up to you.
clusive wiring harness, lamps and socke$
are easily replaced if required.

95 MAnco
145 27" 1 piece bar Construction: stamped steel plaster frame;
hangers (2) {ixed hanger brkts; bar hangers supplied
146 Off center ad:u't ro 22 :". adiu't. rerL. in
extender clips (2) plaster fiame. Accessories: 27" 1 piece bar
155 Housing hanger' 145: extender.lip. for 25" off
5V2" supplied without center mounring 146; T-bar clips l9l. J-
integral box: prewired; ground wire; %" knockouts.
transformer Socket:2 pin porcelain socket, supplied

l 168 277Y primary,

12V secondary
120V standard; 4-in,/4-out #12 A\(/G

l!* --l 183 250VA remote

(12a/277Y pittt ty,
condLrctors /5!(..

Class "H"; 120V primary, 12V secondary.

12V secondary) for Accessory: 277\ primary, 12V secondary
width 5' maximum 5 fixtures 168; 250VA remote transformer 183;
using 50 watt 500\ A 'emore tran,lormer 184: hou'ing
lamps. supplied without inregral transformer 155
184 5O0VA remote Ior u'e " ith 183 or 184 remot( tnn\.
(t20/277v pinary, Maximum 50 watt MR16 (lamps by orhers)
secondary) for Constru,tion:.teel or aluminum trim ring:
vtoo Round Aperture 50 watt MR15 maximum 10 Iamp h.lJ b1 -rrentiu- cLipr clear protecti'.
fixtures using 50 1rn.. Fin:.1: rri- ring .l"r glo*
Rough-in "hire
watt lamps paint; baffles painted matte black for
l9l T-bar clips (4) reduced glare. See rrim informarion for rilt
and rotation details.
See page 99.
Rated for damp locations; thermally
protected; J-box and transformer accessible
from below ceiling.

(D '+t
@ (=_ )

471 472 473 48r 462 4a3

Clcar cone pinhole 2" Black cone pinhole 2" Gold pinhole 2" Clear cone Black cone Gold cone
50\(r MR16 50w MR16 50w MR16 50\(/ MR16 50\(/ MR16 50\i/ MR15
5v4' o.D. 5t/4' o.D. 5%', o.D. 4ta" o.D. 4ta" o.D. 4%', O.D.
'\fhite trim ring lVhite trim ring 'l(hite trim ring !(hite trim ring rl(hite trim ring Iflhite trim ring


475 476 477 479 479 49r

Clear cone adjustable Black cone adjustable Gold cone adjustable Baffle adjustable Recessed adjustable Eyeball w/clear cone
so\fl MR16 50\r MR16 50w MR16 50\r MR16 50\(/ MR16 50w MR16
5',O.D. s, o.D. 5'O.D. s" o.D. s%" o.D. s, o.D.
Rotates 3580, tilts 250 Rotares 3580, tilts 250 Rotates 3580, tilts 25! Rotates 3580, tilts 25c Rotates 1580, tilts 250 Vhite trim ring
Vy'hire trim ring 'White trim ring \Vhite trim ring \(hite trim ring Vhite trim ring

492 493 494 84 474
Eyeball w/black cone Eyeball w/gold cone Eyeball w,/b1k baffle Black baffle Black baffle pinhole 2"
50\(/ MR16 50\(r MR15 50!(/ MR16 50\(r MR16 50w MR15
5',O.D. 5" O.D. s, o.D. 4%" O.D. 51A" O.D.
\(hite trim ring 'White
trim ring \fhite trim ring \flhite trim ring '\(hite trim ring

96 MAFTtrc'
145 27" 1 piece bar Construction: stamped steel plaster frame;
hangers (2) fixed hanger brackets; bar hanger supplied,
146 Extender clips adjust to 22 r/,2". Housing adjusts verticaly.
for 25" off center Access: 27" 1 piece bar hangers /45;
moundng (2) exrender clip' lor 25" off cenrer mounting
t55 Housing /46; T-bar clips l9l. J-box; prewired;
supplied withour ground wire; %" k.o.s.
integral transformer
168 277Y primary, 120V standard; 4-in/4-o.rr #12 AIflG 750C.
12V secondary
!!ansformer Class "H"; 12OV primary, 12V secondary.
183 250VA remote Accessory: 277'l p/rmary, 12V secondary
transformer 168; 250VA remote transformer,83;
(12A/277Y primary, 500VA remore rranqformer 184: hou"ing
12V secondary) for supplied withour integral transformer /55
maximum 5 fixtures for use with /83 or 184 remote trans.
using 50 watt lamps
184 500VA remote Maximum 50 r{atr MR16 (lamps by others)
(120/277V Construction: Alum. round pull down;
primary, 12V luminaire mounted to adjustable yoke which
secondary) for allows ic ro be inside the housing for
maximum 10 downlight or outsidel lumineire rorares J58o
v252.P Round Aperture 50 \x'att MR16 fixtures and tilts 850 from venical; alum. trim; lamp
Rough-in with using 50 watt with retention clip; clear protective lens.
white luminaire lamps. Finirh: rrim is Lo- gloss white paintr balfle
r9l T-bar clips (4) painred maire black for reduced glare.
Lum. rotates 3580
tilrs to 850 from See page 99. Rated for damp locations; thermally
vefiical protected; J-box and transformer accessible
from below ceiling.

,NR 636
Round trim
50!( MR16
8" O.D- white trim

97 lMA.fto
145 27" 1 piece bar Construction: stamped sreel plaster frame;
hangers (2) fixed hanger brackets; bar hangers supplied
146 Off center ro 221/1" . Housing adjusts verticaly.
extender clips (2) ^dju$ 27" 1 piece bar hangers 145;
168 277\I prrmary, extender clipr for 25" off.enter mounting
12V secondary 146: T-bar clip. 19l. J-box, p-en ired:
transformer ground wire; %" k.o.s. Socket: supplied
183 250V4 remore with trim.
02a/277Y pimary, 120V standard; 4-in,/4 out #12 AWG
12V secondary) for conductors 750C.

maximum 5 fixtures

using 50 watt
/84 500VA rernote
Class "H"; 120V primary, 12V secondary.
Accessory: 277Y prirnary, 12V secondary
168; 250VA remote transformer 183;
ii., . ''-- transformer 500\ A remote tran.former l84l housing
widtn 7%r" 02A/277\t pr;mary, supplied without integral transformer I85
12v {or use with /83 or 184 remote trans.
secondary) for
maximum 10 Maximum 50 watt MR16; 50W PAR36
fixtures using 50 (lamps by others)
F'att lamps
185 Housing Con.truction, qteel or aluminum trim ring:
suppiied without l.rmp held wirh rerenrion .lip: clear prorecr've
Round Aperture 50 watt MR15
50 watt PAR36 integral lens for MR16 rrims. Finish: trim ring is 1ow
Low Voltage
trans{ormer gloss white paint; baffles painted matte black
lel T-bar clips (4) for reduced glare. See trim information for tilt
and rotation details.

Rated for damp locations; thermally protected;

J-box and ballast accessible from below ceiling.

,-"-"'3 (D
56r 562 563 571 572 573
Clear cone Biack cone Gold cone Clear medium cone Black mediun, cone Gold medium cone
50w MR16 5OV MR16 50w MR16 5010 MR16 50\gMR16 50\tr MR16
7t ' o.D.
lVhite trim ring
7t ' o.D. 7/,'O.D.
lVhite trim ring
8'o.D. 8' O.D. 8" O.D.
\Vhite trim ring White trim ring White trim ring \flhite trim ring

(D {!9 (D (D
58r 542 543 554 574 544
Clear pinhole Black pinhole Gold pinhole Black baffle Medium baffle Black baffle pinhole
50\f MR16 50\7 MR15 s0\( MR16 50\(/ MR16 50\(/ MR16 50!tr MR16
8" O.D. 8" O.D. s',O.D. 7Vr'O.D. 8'O.D. 8" O.D.
Vhite trim ring White trim ring 'ifhite trim ring Vhite trim ring \flhite trim ring \fhite trim ring

569 570
592 black cone/eyeball 593
* i
'' ...)

Recessed splay adjust. Recessed flush adjust. Baffle adjustable Eyeball w/clear cone 594 baffle,/eyeball Eyeball w/goki cone
s0\( MR15 50v MR16 50w MR16 50\(/ MR16 50\(r MR16 50w MR16
8'O.D. 8" O.D. 7/," O.D. 7/," O.D. 7v,', O.D. 7%'O.D.
trim ring 'l0hite trim ring Rotates 3580, tilts 200 Rotates 3580, tilts 250 Rotates 3580, rilts 250 Rotates 3580, tilts 250
Vhite crim ring Vhite trim ring trim ring Vhire trim ring
98 MArlco
l98A Amber
l98B Blue

l98O Green

iiliil,ji"*'-''"' -_--/
l98s Clear spread
/98Y Yellorq

,ESX 201W nrw spot

,BAB 20\(/ flood tr
,EXl 50rJ( nrv. spot
,EXZ 50\tr nrw flood
,E L 50'W flood
rEx 50V flood

lP25 25W narroq/

lP2sW 25\f wide
,P25I 36\F narrow
lP25W 36V vzide
lP25lI 50\f narrow
rP25l 50V wide

951 952 953 954 960 96r
Clear cone Black cone Gold cone Black baffle Flush adjustable Clear adjustable
50\fl PAR36 50rir PAR36 50,{f PAR 36 50!{/ PAR 36 5OT7 PAR 36 50w PAR 35
7y,, o.D. 7%',O.D. 7y,, o.D. 7/r' O-D- 8'O.D. 7/z' O.D.
lfhite trim ring rWhite trim ring rVhire trim ring \flhite trim ring Rotates 3580, rilts 20 Rotates 3580, tilts 30
'\fhite trim ring
'l(hite trim ring

\*\rt- t { (..:p

962 933 964 99r 992 993

Black adjustable Gold adjustable Baffle adjustable Eyeball /clear cone Eyeball w,/black cone Eyeball w/gold cone
so\r PAR 36 so\r PAR36 50\r PAR35 50\f PAR36 5oritr PAR36 so\f PAR36
7h, o-D- 7Yr' O.D- 7Vx' O.D. 7y2, o.D. 7V," O.D. 7Yr' O.D-
Rotates 3580, dl$ 300 Rotates 3580, tilts 30 Rotates 3580, tilts 30 Rotates 3580, tilts 20 Rotates 3580, tilts 20 Rotates 3580,ril$ 200
Vhite trim ring White trim ring '\fhite trim ring 'Vhite trim ring 'White
trim ring Vhite trim ring

Eyeball w/ba{fle
50!fl PAR36
7Vr' O.D.
Rotates 3580, tilts 200
Ii0hite trim ring
145 27" 1 piece 6ar Construction: stamped steel plaster frame;
hangers (2) fixed hanger brackets on 4 sides; bar hangers
146 Off center supplied adjust to 22%". Housing adjusts
exrender clips (2) verticaly. Access: 27" 1 piece bar hangers
,55 Housing l45l ertend.r.lipr lor 25" ott ccnter
supplied without mounring 146r f ber clip, 19l. J-box:
integral prewired; ground wire; %" k.o.s. Socket:
transformr supplied with trim.
I6a 277\l plmary,
12V secondary 120V standard; 4-rr/ 4-out #12 A\(/G 750C.
t83 250VA remote Class "H"; 120V primary, 12V secondary.
transformer Accessory: 277Y primary, 12V secondary
(12a/277Y pim ry, 160; 250\ A remote rran:former 183,
12V secondary) for 500\ A renore t'anrlorn er l84l hou,ing
maximum 5 fixtures supplied without integral rransformer /55
using 50 watt for use *ith 183 or 184 remote trans.
184 50OVA remote Maximum 75 watr MR16,/PAR36 (lamps by
lmnsformer others)
(12A/277Y ptimary,
12Y Con.rrucrion:.reel o- alum num rrim ring:
secondary) for iamp held with retention clip; clear
Round Aperture 75 watt MR16 maximum 10 protective lens for MR16 trims. Finish: trim
Low Voltage 75 watr PAR36 fixtures using 50 ring is low gloss white paint; baffles painted
Rough-in watt lamps matte black for reduced glare. See trim
/9r T-bar clips (4) information for tilt and rotarion details.

Rated for damp locations; thermally

protected; J-box and ballast accessible from
below ceiling.

a_*3 (D
561 562 563 571 572 573
Clear cone Black cone Gold cone Clear medium cone Black medium cone Gold medium cone
75\(/ MRl6 75\r MR16 75W MR16 75\fl MR16 75\fl MR15 75\f MR16
7h' o.D. 7%' O.D. 7V,', O.D. 8" O.D. 8',O.D. 8" O.D.
!flhite trim ring '\ 'hite trim ring Vhire trim ring '\?hite trim ring Vhite trim ring 'White trim ring

<D 4ti (D (D
5at 542 543 564 574 544
Clear pinhole Black pinhole Gold pinhole Black ba{fle Medium baffle Black baffle pinhole
75\(/ MR16 7s\r MR16 /5\(/ MR16 75\i/ MR16 75\(/ MR16 75 \tr MR15
8" O.D. 8" O.D. 8" O.D. 7%', O.D. 8" O.D. 8',O.D.
Vhite trim ring 'White \Vhite trim ring 'White
trim ring Vhite trim ring V/hite trim ring trim ring


). q)
549 592 black cone/eyeball 593
Recessed splay adjust. Recessed flush adjust. Baffle adjustable Eyeball w/clear cone 594 baffle,/eyeball Eyeball w,/gold cone
75 \f MR15 75V MR16 75Ir MR16 75\tr MR16 75\fi MR15 75\/ MR16
8'O.D. 8" O.D. 7/," O.D. 7t/,, o.D. 7y,' o.D. 7Y,'O.D.
\Shite trim ring lVhite trim ring Rotares 3580, rilts 200 Rotates 3580, tilts 250 Rotates 358c, tilts 250 Rotates 3580, tilts 250

Iflhite trim ring \0lite trim ring Vhite trim ring Vhite rrim ring
l98A Amber
f98B Blue
,98G Green
l98H Honeycomb lvr.
l9aP Pink
l9aR Red
l98S Clear spread
l98Y Yellow

,ESX 20W nrw spot

IBAB 20\V flood
,EXT 50W nrw spot
,EXZ 50ltl(r' nrw flood
IENL 50W flood
IEXN 50\0 flood
IEYF 75!7 nrw spot
IEYG 75V flood

lP25N 25\X/ narrow

lP25W 25W wide
/P36N 36\( narrow
/P36W 36I( vzide
,PsOtl 50$(/ narrow
IP5OW 50V wide
75\( Lamps by others

|t,\_ q-r) qrl

95r 952 954 954 960 961

Clear cone Black cone Gold cone Black baffle Flush adjustable Clear adjustable
75W PAR36 75\( PAR36 7s\fl PAR 36 75!(/ PAR 36 75\f PAR 36 7s\tr PAR 36
7/,' O.D. 7y,, o.D. 7/,' O.D. 7%' O.D. S',O.D. 7Y," O.D.
lfhite trim ring '\7hite trim ring 'White
\fhite trim ring trim ring Rotates 3580, tilts 20 Rotates 3580, tilts l0
lffhite trim ring '!/hite trim ring

!- r , .. . " - ,
962 963 964 991 992 993
Black adjustable Gold adjustable Baffle adjustable Eyeball w/clear cone Eyeball w/black cone Eyeball w/gold cone
/5!(/ PAR 36 75W PAR36 75\( PAR.36 75W PAR36 7s!0 PAR35 75\ PAR36
7%' O.D. 71/,' O.D. 7Vr' O.D. 7/r'O.D. 7%'O.D. 7V,' O.D.
Rotates 3580, rilts 300 Rotates 3580, tilrs 30 Rotares 3580, tilts 30 Rotates 3580, tilts 20 Rotates 3580, tilts 20 Rotates 3580, tilts 200
lfhite trim ring '!(hite trim ring ite trim ring \White trim ring lffhite rrim ring
'White trim ring

Eyeball w/baffle
75\fl PAR36
7/," O.D.
Rotates 3580, til$ 200
! hite trim ring
The photometry in the following chans
show approximate values; there may be MR16 reflector display lamps are rypically
some vadarion from lamp to lamp. These chosen for retail and other upscale applica-
charts are to be used for convenience only; tions. These lamps are specifically designed
precise data will be necessary for critical to provide great color rendition (100%
applications. Photometric data supplied by CRl, 1050K) *ith a cooler beam and a size
lamp manufacturers. that is esrhetically desirable. They have ex-
cellenr optical control allowing you to put
the light where you want it. Beam control
is precise because MRl6's are offered in as
many as fou. beam spreads.

t","E ryry
t*,8 ryry
t"""t ryry
I"'G U".G IU"",E t,",G
u""E t,.E
G""E d,,E
lt". u U"E
d ,.,8 t""E
w,,E 6*U

il"""G ryw
tf ,",Gil-,G
il,*G U.,"E
E".G t""G
t"E E,-E U"E
1622 E E''E W,,nI
6 E !t"E

Par36 lamps are available in 25, 36, 5A, and
75 watt packages in spot and flood beam
spreads. The halogen capsde provides
brjllianr white light rhat renders colon
b'eautifully. Excellent for retail store mer-
chandising and other applicarions where
vivid color is desirable. They are available
with clear lenses with patterns that precise-
ly control beam spread, With PAR36
lamps, more fixtures can be used in rack
lighting and downlighting applicarions rhat
formerly called for higher watt incandes-
cem lamps.

r,,,"I 55
tr,,"E Eg
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Hubbell/Lighting Dtvision
610o sourrr w n ioron Avenue

re 12131s33.6s5r Fat i2r315a3 3155

6100 South Vilmington Avenue

Los Angeles, California
(211) 583-6551

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