LSI Heritage Series Brochure 1981

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The Herilage Series: N,4odu ar sty lng that s

d st nctive and funct ona . ts smooth exter or
B" ru'
desrgn and h gh perlormance provdes a ght ng
concept for a app cat ons. Combined with +

opt ona ens se ection, energy effic ent gh1
sources and a cr sp aesthet c des gn, the
ler tage Series rs a natural cho ce for your
arch tectura setting.
Look to L S I lor the new, trright. bo d look in 23',

Luminaire A comp ete y waterprool one piece we ded a um num housrng The doub e strength
fabr cated a-um num refractor frame, with we ded milered corners. s sea ed w th adhes ve to the
relraclor A neoprene gasket s !sed to sea the reiraclor door to the hous ng. The refractor lrame
s hrnged to the lur.rina re with concea ed h nges and ocked with ,n turn capt ve fastener

Lens Avai ab e w th either an nject on mo ded 2 " drop pr smatica y cut acryl c lens or clear
f at g ass Optional 2" drop injection molded, vandal res stant, polycarbonate ens

Lamps * Lumina re is furnished with a sing e amp in your cho ce ol meta ha ide, super meta
ha de, h gh pressure sodium or de uxe mercury vapor.

Luminaire Finish Fnshed surfaces are degreased, deox d zed and etched pror to beng
f nished ln either black, bronze, or white baked-onename F n sh s guaranteed for 5 years.

Luminaire Ordering lnlormation

Watts Order Number Descripiion Lumens Weight Lbs.
Super Metal Halide
1t5 HE 175SN/H Drop Lens r 5.u00 34
175 HEF.175SN,lH FatGass I5.000
400 HE,40OSM H Drop Lens 40.0u0 4A

400 HEF 4OOS[,1H FatGass 4U.OUL) 39

Metal Halide
250 HE 250IVH Drop Lens 20.5!0 36
25u HEF 25OMH FalGass 20.500
400 llE,100l'/lH Drop Lens 34 0{J0 40
4 0L) HEF 4OONlH FatGass 3,1 000

High Pressure Sodium

r50 HE.] 50HPS Drop Lens I6 001) 34
I5{_) HEF ]5OHPS FalGass 16 U00 33
250 HE 250HPS Drop Lens 27 504
250 HEF,250H PS FatGass 2/ 5AA 3t
400 H E.4OOHPS Drop Lens 50 000 AI
40lJ HEF 4OOHPS FalGass 50 000 46

Deluxe Melcury Vapor

25(l HF.25Ut)X Drop Lefs I3 U00 32
250 HEF 25ODX FalGass t3 u0L) 3l
,11]O HE 4OODX Drop Lens 22 000 35
400 HFF 4001)x 22 00{l
Note: Spec ly ba asl vo ldge 120. 208 240 211 ot 48O vo ls afd Lrrn na rc I I sh brorze b ack o, ,,'/hrle
Oplions: Polycarbonale drop ens (HE PL) Photoelectnc contro (HE PCR)


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LS HE 2iril 4201 Nialsbary P.O. Box 42419 C ncinnati, Ohia 45242
(513) 793.3200

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