21 Pinlong

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The 21st Century Panglong conference will be convened based on the Nationwide Ceasefire

Agreement (NCA), said State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu

Kyi in her capacity as chairperson of the Union-level Peace Dialogue Joint Committee
(UPDJC), adding that the UPDJC will thus remain active during the peace process. She spoke
at a UPDJC meeting yesterday in Nay Pyi Taw.

The State Counsellor also said the UPDJC will be reformed, and discussions on the details of
the reforms will continue during Saturdays meeting. The organisational structure of the
UPDJC will have to be changed, and this will be discussed today and tomorrow. In this
function, the changes are required to suit political changes and to meet future needs. Changes
are believed to contribute to our peace process, she said.

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi said that although she has not acted as a representative of the
National League for Democracy during UPDJC meetings, she has held discussions with
stakeholders in the peace process in her capacity as NLD chairperson.

Our policies and attitudes will remain the same because we will not deviate from the NLDs
policies and principles in the reformation of the organisational structure of the UPDJC or in
changing certain terms and conditions as permitted by the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement
(NCA), she said.

The main objective of this meeting is for the peace process to go on smoothly, to reform the
Myanmar Peace Centre (MPC), and also to prepare for the Union Peace Conference. There
are certain people who are asking if the Union Peace Conference and the 21st Century
Panglong Conference are one and the same or two different forum. My answer is that they are
one and the same. Despite using two different names, they are the same event, but both
names are used as they both appeal to the taste of the people, the State Counsellor explained.
She continued to say the NLD will adhere to the same policies and principles concerning
peace, and if changes are made, they will be made as and where appropriate to be in
accordance with existing principles and policies.

The attendees of the UPDJC meeting include members of ethnic minority groups, political
organisations, civil society organisations and government offices, she added.

The people from government are new, but there are some old ones, depending upon their
positions. Although the ministers are new, they represent the same ministries as before, said
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi.

The three people from the NLD are old representatives. So are the people from the Union
Solidarity and Development Party (USDP). There are also
old representatives from other political parties. Id like to say there will be changes
concerning them; changes are made not just because of election results but also out of
principle. Currently, there are over 90 political parties. We cannot reach an agreement as to
whether they are all allowed to represent their parties at the peace conference, she said.

We believe that the participation of the political parties should be based on their
representation in the hluttaws. What Id like to say is that not all political parties will be
represented, but parties that have at least one representative in a hluttaw will be allowed to
attend the peace conference. You may say this means the other political parties are not
involved in the peace conference. No, they are also involved.
How? There are CSOs. The role of CSOs in the peace process can be explained like this: they
have two-pronged role. One role is they are directly involved in the peace process. The other
role is a parallel rolethey serve as their own forum [in which political parties may
participate]. Weve chosen the second way, said the State Counsellor.

There are many CSOs in our country. If they all attend the peace conference, there will be a
substantial inflation. The main objective of the conference is to be able to effectively
implement the peace process. Thats why weve decided to hold a CSO forum. Today, our
main task is the reorganisation of UPDJC. In this regard, I would like to have the opinions of
all current members of the UPDJC. Well also present the views of the new members. Well
exchange views to make a final decision. We cant delay things. The UPDJC will have to be
reorganised promptly. Only after reorganisation will we be able to prepare for the peace
conference, she said.

The reorganisation of the UPDJC and the reformulation of the resolutions will be discussed in
todays meeting.

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