Okiro - The Effect of E-Payment System On Revenue Collection by The Nairobi City County Government

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This research work is my original work and was not been presented for examination

in any other university.

Signature ------------------------------------ Date------------------------------------

Name: Albert Okiro

Reg: D61/68400/2013


This Research project has been submitted for presentation with my approval as

University Supervisor

Signature ------------------------------------ Date------------------------------------

Winnie Nyamute

School of Business

Department Finance and Accounting

University of Nairobi


I dedicated to my family for their support and prayers especially my daughters Angel

(Mum), Crystal (Toto), my wife Irene for their patience when I was busy with my

studies. To my late farther Samson Okiro for showing me the value of education early

in life, I will always cherish your ideals dad.


First, I wish to acknowledge the almighty God for this far he has brought me and

enable me to accomplish this project.

Secondly, I wish to acknowledge my supervisor Ms. Winnie Myamute for his tireless

guidance and positive criticism in this project work.

I also acknowledge the staff of Nairobi City county for providing me with the

necessary information required for this project.

My sincere thanks also go to my fellow students and colleagues in office who helped

in various consultative discussions during this project work.


A sound revenue system for devolved governments sets the pace for the success of
fiscal decentralization, since it is the avenue for administrative accountability by
empowering communities. Nowadays, modern e-payment services provide
convenience in revenue that highly improve revenue collection performance and gain
a competitive edge. The county governments therefore needs to improve targeting
revenue collection mechanisms and systems to reach collection targets aimed at
expanding the revenue base and increasing tax compliance through integration of
proper technology in revenue collection. However, there is a rising challenge as far as
adoption of e-payment adoption by County Governments in Kenya is concerned.
Since this is a new technology in Kenya and there are limited studies and information
about e-payment in Kenya. However, studies have not significantly addressed the
factors of e-payment system affecting revenue collection by the Nairobi City County
Government, a knowledge gap. It is in this light that this study sought to addresses;
level of compliance to budget estimates, and absorption of the e-payment by the
payers, resulting from the e-payments system as factor influencing performance of
revenue collection by the County Government, as it fills the existing knowledge gap,
in an effort to recommend on ways to ensuring optimal revenue collection. The
objective of the study was to determine the effect of e-payment system on revenue
collection by the Nairobi City County Government. This study used a descriptive
research in soliciting information in the area of research and its target population was
selected 18 Nairobi government departments, which were operational between 2013
and 2015. Data was collected from secondary sources and analyzed, with respect to
the study objectives using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The study found
that revealed that the revenue collection performance in Nairobi City County
increased considerably after introduction of e-payment system in revenue collection.
The study concludes that the adoption e-payment system positively influences the
revenue collection performance in Nairobi City County. There was a significant
relationship between level of compliance to budget estimates in before adoption e-
payment (p-value= .000) and level of compliance to budget estimates after adoption
of e-payment (p-value = .041) and revenue collection performance in Nairobi City
County government, since the p value for each predictor variable was less than 0.05.
It was found that 92.20% of variation in revenue collection performance in Nairobi
City County government is explained by the adoption of e-payment and before adopt
e-payment. The study recommends that the Government of Nairobi City County
should ensure that all its wards, departments and other related units are compelled by
regulations to adopt e-payment and other ensure management of revenue collection
system to lead to assurance total compliance to the budgets and there should be
awareness campaigns to ensure that the consumers get the right information as
pertains to e-payment revenue collection.

DECLARATION........................................................................................................ i

DEDICATION .......................................................................................................... ii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................................ iii

ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................. iv

TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................................................................... v

LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................. viii

ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................................. ix

CHAPTER ONE:INTRODUCTION ...................................................................... 1

1.1 Background of the Study...................................................................................... 1

1.1.1 E-Payment System ...................................................................................... 2

1.1.2 Revenue Collection in County Governments ............................................... 3
1.1.3 E-Payment and Revenue Collection ............................................................. 4
1.1.4 Nairobi County ............................................................................................ 5

1.2 Research Problem ................................................................................................ 6

1.3 Objectives of the Study ........................................................................................ 8

1.4 Value of the Study ............................................................................................... 9

CHAPTER TWO:LITERATURE REVIEW ....................................................... 10

2.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................... 10

2.2 Theoretical Review ............................................................................................ 10

2.2.1 Revenue Diversification Theory (RDT) ..................................................... 10

2.2.2 Resource Based View Theory (RBV) ........................................................ 11
2.2.3 The Expediency Theory of Taxation .......................................................... 12

2.3 Determinants of E-payments performance.......................................................... 13

2.4 Empirical Studies ............................................................................................... 13

2.5 Summary of Literature Review .......................................................................... 18

CHAPTER THREE:RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ....................................... 21

3.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................... 21

3.2 Research Design ................................................................................................ 21

3.3 Population and Sample ...................................................................................... 22

3.4 Data Instruments and Collection ........................................................................ 22

3.5 Pre-Testing ........................................................................................................ 23

3.5.1 Validity ..................................................................................................... 23

3.5.2 Reliability.................................................................................................. 24

3.6 Data Analysis .................................................................................................... 24


4.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................... 28

4.1.1 Study Response ......................................................................................... 28

4.2 Descriptive Analysis .......................................................................................... 29

4.2.1 Revenue Collection performance before and After E-Payment .................. 29

4.2.2 Peak Period in Performance of Revenue Collection ................................... 32

4.3 Correlation Analysis .......................................................................................... 32

4.4 Regression Analysis ........................................................................................... 34

4.5 Interpretation and Discussions ........................................................................... 38


................................................................................................................................ 40

5.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................... 40

5.2 Summary of Findings ......................................................................................... 40

5.3 Conclusions ....................................................................................................... 41

5.4 Limitations of the Study ..................................................................................... 42

5.5 Recommendations.............................................................................................. 43

5.5.1 Policy Recommendations .......................................................................... 43

5.5.2 Recommendations for further study ........................................................... 44

REFERENCES ...................................................................................................... 46

APPENDICES ....................................................................................................... 50

APPENDIX I : WORK PLAN ................................................................................. 50

APPENDIX II: BUDGET ........................................................................................ 51


Table 1: Analysis on Revenue Collection for FY 2013-14 and FY 2014-15 ............. 30

Table 2: Analysis by Revenue Collection Performance Peak Period ........................ 32

Table 3: Correlations Statistics of Independent and Dependent Variables ................ 33

Table 4: ANOVA for financial performance ............................................................ 35

Table 5: Coefficients for Study Model ..................................................................... 36

Table 6: Revenue Collection Performance Model Summary .................................... 37


ATM Automated Teller Machine

BPA British Parking Association

E-Cash Electronic Cash

EFT Electronic Funds Transfer

E-payment Electronic Payment

FY Financial Year

GoK Government of Kenya

ICT Information Communication Technology

IS Information Systems

OECD Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development

P2P Digital Person to Person

RBV Resource Based View Theory

RDT Revenue Diversification Theory

RoK Republic of Kenya

SPSS Statistical Package for Social Science



1.1 Background of the Study

Revenue collection is very important for every government in the world as it enables

the government to acquire assets which are not liable to debt and which the

government uses to develop its economy (Ngotho & Kerongo, 2014). More

importantly, high revenue collection performance is vital to promote efficiency in the

service delivery and economic development at the counties. However, studies and

other journal publication have shown that most governments face serious challenges

in their revenue collection performance (Balunywa, 2014), where governments are not

able to collect sufficient funds to cover their budget expectations. For years revenue

collectors have not been channeling all the amount of money they collect to the

County Treasury (Ngotho & Kerongo, 2014).

For instance, revenue collection staff may collude with the revenue payers to avoid

paying the prescribed charges and instead bribe the collector to shield against paying

the correct amount to the City County. The net effect could be a bigger loss, which

would deter county economic development (Mutakha, 2011; Mwangi, 2010), growth

(Olatunji, 2009), and improved service delivery (Namoit, 2012). To eliminate or

significantly reduce corruption, achieve the county financial objective and simplify

payments (Abor, 2004), the Electronic Payment (E-Payment) has been introduced

(Njanja, 2014). In fact, the world has witnessed an upsurge of Electronic Payment

(Njanja, 2014) system meant to facilitate elimination of losses of revenue through

corruption (Balunywa, 2014) and simplify payments (Abor, 2004).

E-payment is a payment by direct credit, Electronic Transfer of credit card details, or

some other electronic means, as opposed to payment by cheque and cash. (Agimo,

2004). E-payment is a payers transfer of a monetary claim on a party acceptable to

the beneficiary, a financial exchange that takes place online between the buyer and the

seller. The process of cashless transactions plays a big role in ensuring that the

County Governments collect enough revenue to fund its projects.

1.1.1 E-Payment System

E-payment has been designed to help individual customers and companies as well as

the banks itself in eliminating or reducing some of the problems inherent in the

settlement and payment process. Customers can pay their bills without having to

actually move to the banks premises (Wahab, 2012). They may also have access to

their account information and even transfer money to other accounts in the comfort of

their homes.

When it comes to making electronic payments, there are a handful of options

available to people, primarily: checks, Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), Automated

Teller Machine (ATM), cards (debit, credit and smart), Electronic Purses/Wallets,

mobile money (Mobile Banking and Money Transfer), Telephone Banking, Personal

Computer Banking (Home Banking), Digitized 'E-Cash' Systems, Electronic Cheque,

Online/Internet Payments and Digital Person to Person (P2P) Payments (Wahab,

2012). The content of P2P exchange is usually the form of digital financial instrument

such as encrypted credit card numbers, electronic checks, or digital cash that is

backed by a bank or an intermediary, or by a legal tender.

According to Pariwat & Hataiseere (2004), for the achievement of effective and

efficient retail payment systems, the following considerations that shape the choice of

payment method for consumers and businesses should be taken into account; the

convenience, reliability and security of the payment method, the service quality,

involving such features as the speed with which payment are processed; the level and

structure of fees charged by financial institutions; taste and demographic; and

technological advances which have improve the speed, convenience and flexibility of

different payment systems. E-payment is convenient, safe, and secure methods for

payment of bills and other transactions by electronic means such as card, telephone,

the Internet, Electronic Fund Transfer. Electronic payment gives consumers an

alternative to paying bills and debts by cash, cheque and money order (Wahab, 2012)

1.1.2 Revenue Collection in County Governments

Revenue collection is very important for every County Government globally as it

enables the government to acquire assets which are not liable to debt and which the

government uses to develop its economy. So, revenue is collected by the government

upon its citizens for support or for the purpose of facilitating the Service Delivery in a

country (Aamir et al., 2011). It is neither a voluntary payment by the tax payer nor

like a donation. Rather it is an enforced payment to the government (Garner, 1999).

County Governments therefore collect revenue for investment, Socio-Economic

development and growth at the grassroots (Olatunji, 2009) and service delivery. Thus

collection of adequate revenue by County Government is essential for economic

development, growth, and improved service delivery at the County level (Clegg &

Greg, 2010).

So, sound revenue system for county governments is a vital pre-condition for the

success in promoting efficiency in the service delivery and economic development at

the counties (Ngotho & Kerongo, 2014). For most developing countries, revenue

collection goes hand-in-hand with economic growth and the revenue is the lifeblood

for governments to deliver essential services and to make long-term investments in

public goods (Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development [OECD],


However, revenue collection in the developing economies like Kenya has not always

been as effective as it should be. They face various challenges in their revenue

collection performance (Owuor et al., 2013), where counties are not able to collect

sufficient funds to cover their budget expectations and thereby causing huge local

revenue collection gaps (ICPAK, 2014; Onyango, 2013). Ismail (2013) indicates that

the main challenges in revenue collection rotate around revenue collection system.

The performance of revenue collection in County governments is deteriorated by

corrupt practices issues which result into tax evasion through corruption by corrupt

revenue collection officers (Balunywa, 2014). Completely avoiding tax evasion,

ensure total revenue collection performance (high revenue collection compliance).

Elimination of corruption would ensure that the county collects all the projected

revenue and thereby increasing the revenue collection performance.

1.1.3 E-Payment and Revenue Collection

Though the major aim of Revenue Collection for most governments is to stimulate

and guide the economic and social development of the country, there are several

determinants for an effective realization of the exercise. As such County governments

are successfully implementing E-payment to overcome the challenges of the

corruption earlier experienced by the former city, municipal and county and therefore

enhance optimal revenue collection. According to Balunywa et al. (2014), the use of

Information Communication Technology (ICT), such as e-payment, would

considerably increase the revenue collection as it helps tracking noncompliant

revenue payers.

Thus, the implementation of e-payment is paramount in ensuring optimal revenue

collection. Various ICT based revenue collection applications are available for use in

the modern world today. These are simply referred to as Electronic Payment (E-

payment) system (Ndunda, Ngahu & Wanyoike, 2015), integrated into revenue

collection. The E-payment system is accessible online through Point of Sale (PoS)

terminal devices and physical agents (such mobile phones, debit cards, agents, mobile

money). The E-payment is intended to help the companies using it to eliminating or

reducing and minimizing corruption (some of the problems inherent in the settlement

and payment process), by allowing customers to pay their bills without having to

actually move to the firm premises. The customers have access to their account

information and even transfer money to other accounts in the comfort of their homes

(Wahab, 2012).

1.1.4 Nairobi County

Promulgated new constitution of Kenya (Republic of Kenya [Rok], (2010) lays the

basis of devolution of funds in Kenya (Owuor, et al., 2013) to the 47 County

Governments (Namoit, 2012). This constitution empowers counties to collect revenue

and incur expense locally (Owuor, et al., 2013) on economic development, economic

growth and improved service delivery at the county level (Ngotho & Kerongo, 2014)

without relying on the National Government (Muriisa, 2008).

The Nairobi County government was the first county to adopt e-payment system in

Kenya, which went live to bring efficiency and convenience in revenue collection

(Njanja, 2014). In Nairobi City (which is within Nairobi County), users of city

parking space can make payments using mobile money, debit cards, over-the counter

payments at 29 partner banks and at independent agent stalls spread across the city.

The agents send money on behalf of a client but issue a receipt to confirm the

transaction. All the digital payment options offered are linked to the system through

the Nairobi County e-wallet that is created on signing up. No charges are incurred

when making payments through independent agents, the e-county mobile app and

using mobile money, but banks offering the service may impose a charge on


The e-payment system in Nairobi County is used for parking fees, single business

permit, rent and land rates (Mueke, 2015). Revenue collection is very important for

every county government as it enables the government to acquire assets which are not

liable to debt and which the government uses to develop its economy. However,

revenue collection in the developing economies in counties has not always been as

effective as it should be (Ngotho & Kerongo, 2014).To eliminate or significantly

reduce corruption, the e-payment project provides an alternative means of payment of

county revenue that do not require cash to exchange hands (Kinyanjui & Kahonge,


1.2 Research Problem

The enactment and adoption of Constitution of Kenya 2010 saw the devolvement of

several public services to the County Governments (Rok, 2010), including revenue

collection by these governments to finance their operations and/or functions (Ndunda

et al., 2015). The County Governments get their revenue from taxation, permit fees,

cess, license fees, parking fees and other sources (Odd-Helge, 2006). When the

County Governments fail to optimally collect requisite revenues, the public will

negatively be affected by being denied vital services, a challenges that would

drastically affect the devolution process (Fjeldstad & Heggstad, 2012). On the

contrary, a sound revenue system for devolved governments sets the pace for the

success of fiscal decentralization (Bird, 2010), since it is the avenue for administrative

accountability by empowering communities. According to Muema et al. (2014),

modern e-payment services, such as smart parking service, provide convenience in

revenue collection through use of devices such as mobile devices in the parking

industry, highly improve revenue collection performance and gain a competitive edge.

(British Parking Association [BPA], 2012; Wang & Wenbo, 2013).

However, there is a rising challenge as far as adoption of e-payment adoption by

County Governments in Kenya is concerned. Since this is a new technology in Kenya

and there are limited studies and information about online banking in Kenya. So, the

adoption of online payment needs to be treated with caution (Muema, et al., 2014).

For instance, the Nairobi County Government, the e-payment introduced the e-

payment to enhance its revenue collection and to check theft of county revenue by

corrupt officials. Although the e-payment revenue from business licenses have grown

60 percent (Mueke, 2015), the system is yet to bear fruit because some officials are

sabotaging it. Most of the fees the government charged still ended up in the pockets of

county government staff. For instance, it had been revealed that half of citys revenue

cash does not reach the county treasury but ended up in the pocket of the county

revenue collectors (Muchemi, 2015). So, the e-payment system faced the challenge of

some officers, did not welcome it, colluding with revenue payer to defraud the county.

As results, the county achieved only 24.34 per cent of the revenue targets for 2014-15

by mid-year. The county therefore needed to improve targeting revenue collection

mechanisms and systems to reach collection targets (Wekesa, 2015) aimed at

expanding the revenue base and increasing tax compliance through integration of

proper technology in revenue collection. The performance of the e-payments

achievement of its core objective in performance of revenue collection was

characterized by; level of compliance to budget estimates, and rate of adoption by the

payers (Kinyanjui & Kahonge, 2013)by the payers (Kinyanjui & Kahonge, 2013) and

level of penalty recovery.

However, studies (such as by; Muema et al. (2014); Kinyanjui and Kahonge (2013);

Wahab (2012); Rocheleau and Wu (2005)) had not significantly addressed the effect

of e-payment system on revenue collection by the Nairobi City County Government.

This is to say that past studies hade not sufficiently addressed the factors of e-payment

system affecting revenue collection by the Nairobi City County Government, a

knowledge gap. It is in this light that this study sought to addresses, level of

compliance to budget estimates, and rate of adoption by the payers (absorption of the

e-payment by the payers, resulting from the e-payments system as factor influencing

performance of revenue collection by the Nairobi City County Government, as it

filled the existing knowledge gap, in an effort to recommend on ways to ensuring

optimal revenue collection. The study attempted to establish whether the E-payment

affect revenue collection in Nairobi County.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The objective of the study was to determine the effect of e-payment system on

revenue collection by the Nairobi City County Government.

1.4 Value of the Study

The study findings and recommendation would be beneficial to County Governments,

National Government, and the citizens of both governments. The Nairobi City County

government would benefit by gaining information on how to ensure effective e-

payment that would enrich the revenue collection by the government hence achieve

the objectives of the county and propel socio-economic development through

effective revenue collection performance. The potential success story of Nairobi

County would also motivate other peer Counties to emulate this trend.

The findings of the study would enable the National Government to recognize the role

of County Governments in creating effective strategies to enhance revenue

generation. The National government and its agencies might gain by obtaining

information to enable them put in place policies to support the achievement and

sustainability of devolved funds for socio-economic benefit through effective revenue

collection mechanisms.

The study added knowledge in the public-private devolution and revenue allocation in

a devolved government, making it useful to academicians and scholars. The findings

from the study would contribute to the body of scholarly knowledge in e-payments as

a tool to optimal revenue collection. The study was a window opener for more

research in the area of effective e-payment systems that would enhance high revenue

collection performance, making it useful to researchers and scientists.



2.1 Introduction

This chapter presents a review of literature pertinent to the study as presented by

various researchers, scholars, analysts and authors. It summarizes literature that has

been reviewed for the purpose of the study with regards to E-payment and revenue

collection performance. The literature covers an empirical review, which is an

overview of the literature of past studies, findings and recommendation showing the

research gap to be filled. It also has a review of theoretical literature (theoretical

framework). Lastly, the conceptual framework of the study and summary is provided.

2.2 Theoretical Review

The present study reviewed various theories e-payment and revenue collection. The

main theories reviewed include the Revenue Diversification Theory (RDT), Resource

Based View Theory (RBV), and The Expediency Theory of Taxation.

2.2.1 Revenue Diversification Theory (RDT)

Bernelot (2013) suggest that revenue diversification, i.e. an equal balance between

multiple incomes sources in the revenue portfolio of nonprofit organizations usually

lead to increased financial stability. In this study the revenue diversification strategy

that stems from the financial Modern Portfolio Theory, will be applied as the second

potential revenue strategy for county governments. According to Bernelot (2013), the

revenue diversification theory focuses on whether a more diversified, well-balanced

revenue portfolio increases financial stability for county by reducing revenue

volatility. There is a positive effect of the strategies adopted in raising revenues on

finances. Commercial and market-oriented revenue strategies have been found to have

a positive effect on revenue collection performance.

2.2.2 Resource Based View Theory (RBV)

According to Martinez-Costa et al., 2008), the resource based view theory is theory,

which has become one of the most widely used theoretical frameworks in the

Strategic Management (Newbert 2007), holds that the success of a firm is based on

the resources and capabilities it holds in control which may become a source of

competitive advantage. Scholars have always related dynamic capabilities to Resource

Based View (RBV) and in the process defined it as the key strategic and

organizational routine used by the Managers to alter their resource bases to generate

new value-creating strategies (Helfat and Peteraf, 2003).

Dynamic capabilities are the buffer between resources of the firm and the shifting

business environment, which enhance sustainability of its competitive advantage

(Protogerou et al 2008; Ambrosini et al, 2009). This a sentiment that was held firmly

onto by Barney (1991), who posits that for a resource to yield competitive advantage,

it must be valuable, rare among competitors, imperfectly imitable, and should not be

substitutable by competitors. According to Fahy (2002), the role of company

managers is crucial to firm-level competitiveness, since their perceptions of the

circumstances dictate the selection of resources to be exploited, developed and

protected (Sirmon et al., 2007).

As regards e-payments, the adoption is based on internal factors to enhance efficiency

and improve processes, the knowledge and expertise gained (Somsuk, 2010), which

actually creates opportunities for real competitive advantage (Alcina & Inaki, 2013).

An organization adopting e-payments would adequately improve the revenue

collection performance for the county. However, if the motivation for adoption of the

e-payments system is solely external, the organization implementing the system

would meet the pressures and might not improve revenue collection (Martinez-Costa

et al., 2008). The present study find this theory very beneficial in that the theory

revenue collection performance measures are used as the indicators to assess the

success of the county in achieving stated strategies, objectives and critical success

factors (Hass et al. 2005).

2.2.3 The Expediency Theory of Taxation

The expediency theory of taxation states that every tax revenue collection proposal

must pass the test of practicability, which must be the only consideration when the

county government is choosing a revenue collection proposal. Proposition is that the

economic and social objectives of the government should be treated as irrelevant,

since it is useless to have a tax which cannot be levied and collected efficiently.

However, there are pressures from economic, social and political groups. Every group

tries to protect and promote its own interests and county government are often forced

to reshape tax structure to accommodate these pressures (Bhartia, 2009).

In addition, the administrative set up may not be efficient to collect the tax at a

reasonable cost of collection. Taxation provides a powerful set of policy tools to the

authorities and should be effectively used for remedying economic and social ills of

the society such as income inequalities, regional disparities, unemployment, cyclical

fluctuations and so on (Bhartia, 2009). The expediency is relevant to the present study

in that, it seeks to explain influence of administrative set up, such as efficient e-

payment system, in revenue collections by County Governments.

2.3 Determinants of E-payments performance

The study borrows heavily from the RBV and the expediency theory of taxation. The

RBV is of the indication that an institution adopting e-payments ends up adequately

improving its revenue collection performance for the county. As a requirement, the

county would need to implement the system that would overcome external pressures

and eventually improve revenue collection. The expediency theory of taxation

emphasizes on the need for efficient administrative set up to collect enhance high

revenue collection performance. One of these set up system include the adoption of an

effective and efficient e-payment system.

The study therefore developed a concept which proposes that performance of the

revenue collection in Nairobi County is influenced by e-payments system. The main

factor contributing to performance of the revenue collection is the efficiency of the e-

payments characterised by; compliance to budget estimates and level of adoption (rate

of absorption of e-payment) by the payers (Kinyanjui & Kahonge, 2013).

This study therefore regards compliance to budget estimates and rate of adoption as

the independent variables (IV) while performance of the revenue collection as the

dependent variable (DV).

2.4 Empirical Studies

The present study reviewed various global, regional, and local studies on effects of e-

payments on revenue collection performance. For instance, a study by Ndunda et al.

(2015) revealed that level of tax payment (compliance) affected optimal revenue

collection. The study a regression model, which established am marginal relationship

between tax compliance and revenue collection. It was established revenue clerks and

tax officials were corrupt and the staff lacked adequate training facilities and

opportunities led to inexperienced employees in the County Government. The

recommendations by the study were that county governments needed to increase

competence of revenue clerks and other County officials and attract skilled and

competitive employees for the purpose of increasing revenue collection performance.

The study fell short of identifying other systems for improvement of revenue

collection, which the current study sought to establish.

A study by Kinuthia and Akinnusi (2014) found that the barriers to e-commerce

development were; Economic, Social, Telecommunications infrastructure barrier,

legal/political, individual and organizational barriers. The first three variables are

positively but moderately correlated with each other, while with the exception of

telecommunications infrastructure, others are poorly correlated with individual and

organizational barriers. As expected, the latter two correlate moderately with each

other. The regression analysis suggests that telecommunications infrastructure barriers

hold the key to unlocking the expansions of e-commerce in Kenya, as a decrease in

this area would have multiplier effects on the other barriers. The study recommended

that the government has a vital role to play in reducing the first four barriers, which

are all external to organizations, while at the organizational level, organizations

should set (ecommerce) goals and objectives that are well spelt out; build human

organizational capital structures to facilitate good working relationships and provide

training on e-commerce to minimize resistance and blocking of new changes in


A study by Nyongesa (2014) recommended for decentralized ICT based tax collection

systems and offices in the sub-counties in adoption of differentiation strategies in

revenue collection role in Mombasa County. Among other strategies was; the

remission of cash to the nearest bank and not to the cash offices, improved tax rates,

widened the tax base, devolution of tax base to county government departments,

improved controls on management of cash. However, the use of automation of

revenue collection system would widely increase the revenue collection. The study

recommends that the County Government of Mombasa needs to automate its revenue

collection, through partnering with the regional banks whereby the tax payers will be

given option of paying county fees through mobile money or branded credit cards via

new revenue collection system. The study also recommends the development of

revenue management capacity by training qualified personnel, established proper

revenue management mechanisms), so as for the County to provide quality services to

the people.

Muema et al. (2014) study indicated that Nairobi county and the parking industry

were generally ready to adopt the mobile parking management system, although as

with any technological adoption it was bound to face some barriers which could be

overcome. A study by Kinyanjui and Kahonge (2013) revealed that the use of e-

payment by mobile phone based technology in mobile parking increase parking fees

collection. However, there is need to develop an application to control traffic flow,

allocation and availability of parking space within the streets of Nairobi, which is a

major concern to every motorist.

Otieno et al. (2013) study found that there is a relationship between Information

Systems (IS) and both efficiency and effectiveness in revenue collection, there is a

strong positive relationship between Internal Control Systems and revenue collection.

However, resistance to change by the council staff was derailing the full

implementation of IS. The study is useful to the present study for full integration of

IS, and more specifically e-payment system, in revenue collection. A study by Wahab

(2012) established that the adoption and use of the e-payment system was found to be

low mainly due to the inadequate availability of point of sale terminals at shopping

points among others. These are affecting the perceived ease of use even though the

perceived usefulness of e-payment systems is strongly present among individuals and

businesses. The study recommended customer education and wide spread deployment

of e-payment point of sale terminals to merchants.

Kayaga (2010) study showed that new technology alone is not sufficient if the

government does not recognize the need for skilled tax officials. The scholar further

avers that, effective tax administration requires qualified tax personnel with requisite

skills to maintain these systems and operate them to their fullest potential. Simiyus (

2010) study indicated established that, tax officers accepted bribes when offered to

reduce tax liability and demand for bribes when they visited, a situation that hugely

affected revenue collection in Nairobi County, Kenya. Gikandi and Bloor (2010)

study found that some factors tended to inhibit the adoption of e-commerce in Kenya.

These include; lack of resources, constant change in technology, time available to

develop systems, the lack of spread of accessibility and use of Internet by the general

population, especially in the rural areas. Organizational, governmental and

developmental issues were also identified as constraints to the adoption of e-

commerce in the banking sector in Kenya. The study observed that e-banking

introduced new risks requiring new risk management strategies, including Internet

security, customer and legal related issues. The study concluded by emphasizing the

role of Kenya Government in achieving a secure environment for e-banking activities

by; putting in place clear laws, rules and regulations and providing relevant technical

training to the regulatory authority to empower them to enforce the laws effectively.

The study by Rocheleau and Wu (2005) found that some of the most challenging e-

government applications involve allowing citizens and other customers to conduct

financially related transactions electronically with governments on a 24-hour, 7-day a

week basis. Generally, usage rates are low, demonstrating that there is a gap between

the potential and reality of this form of e-government. Statistical tests showed that

convenience fees have a negative effect on usage rates. The governments can affect

usage rates by providing incentives to employ online transactions and/or penalties for

making payment by manual methods. Governments may also improve their usage

rates by making their websites and applications accessible and easy-to-use as well as

by extensively marketing these applications.

A study by Moulder (2005) showed that most county governments had plans to offer

online payment of utility bills, fees and fines. Norris & Moon (2005) point out that the

percent of governments adopting e-payments financial transactions should have

jumped by 32 per cent between 2000 and 2002 but the actual increase was only 6.5

percent. There are significant obstacles to offering online services which included;

lack of IT staff and financial resources; issues of security and convenience. This

finding could reflect their interest in developing online transaction systems. The study

by Kaburia (2004) found out that lack of suitable e-Payment alternatives was a critical

challenge to the growth of e-commerce in Kenya. An e-Payment model suitable for

individuals in Kenya was proposed. Perlman (2001) established that the use of third

party vendors has allowed counties without large ICT resources to implement an

online ticket-paying system. This shows that small and moderately-sized cities can

experience success through use of vendors and cooperative efforts of pooling


2.5 Summary of Literature Review

The study reviewed various literature on theories relate to e-payment and revenue

collections. The study reviewed theories found useful to the present study which

were; RDT, RBV and the expediency theory of taxation. RDT indicates that there is a

positive effect of the strategies adopted in raising revenues, such as the e-payment

system, on finances, The RBV shows that adoption of modern system in revenue

collection, such e-payments, adequately improves the countys collection

performance. The expediency theory of taxation indicates that efficient administrative

set up, such as adoption of an effective and efficient e-payment system, highly boost

collect revenue collection performance.

The study by Ndunda et al. (2015) revealed that level of tax payment (compliance)

affected optimal revenue collection but failed to show how use of modern collection

system such as e-payment would influence revenue collection performance. Kinuthia

and Akinnusi (2014) study found that telecommunications infrastructure barrier was

one of barriers to effectiveness of e-commerce but fell short of showing the impact of

e-commerce on revenue collection. The study by Nyongesa (2014) found that the use

of automation of revenue collection system would widely increase the revenue

collection but it was not clear how the revenue collection would be influence by e-

payment. In fact the study recommends that the County Government of Mombasa

needs to automate its revenue collection without specifying the system to use.

Muema et al. (2014) study was vocal in agitating for e-payment in Nairobi County

and the parking industry using mobile parking management system but the study was

cognizant of the barriers which could be overcome. The study did not give the

specific mechanisms of overcoming these barriers, which the current study will do.

The study by Kinyanjui and Kahonge (2013) revealed that the use of e-payment by

mobile phone based technology in mobile parking increased parking fees collection. It

recommended for development of an application to control traffic flow, allocation and

availability of parking space within the streets of Nairobi but failed to handle the

penalty payment mechanism, an issues the present study will handle carefully.

Otieno et al. (2013) study found that IS enhanced both efficiency and effectiveness in

revenue collection but did not touch on e-payment system as means of increasing

revenue collection and eliminating corruption. The study by Wahab (2012)

established that the adoption and use of the e-payment system was found to be low

mainly due to the inadequate availability of resources Gikandi and Bloor (2010) study

found that lack of resources tended to inhibit the adoption of e-commerce in Kenya.

The study by Rocheleau and Wu (2005) found governments can affect usage rates of

e-payment by providing incentives to employ online transactions and/or penalties for

making payment by manual methods but did not show the effectiveness of the e-

payments in risk management. A study by Moulder (2005) showed that most county

governments had plans to offer online payment of utility bills, fees and fines. Norris

& Moon (2005) point there is interest by governments to use e-payment systems. The

study by Kaburia (2004) found out that lack of suitable e-Payment alternatives was a

critical challenge to the growth of e-commerce in Kenya. Perlman (2001) established

that the use of third party vendors has allowed counties without large ICT resources to

implement an online ticket-paying system.

Although the studies reviewed provided very useful information to the present study

on e-payment and revenue collection, very few have addressed the efficiency of

revenue collection as being influenced by; penalty payment system, clamping system,

and control within the e-payments system in Nairobi County. This is knowledge that

necessitated the need for this study



3.1 Introduction

This chapter provides an explanation of the research design and the methodology that

was applied in carrying out the research study and justification for using a particular

research design. It also describes the characteristic of the population which was used

in the study, detailed description of sampling methods to be used, procedures, data

collection instruments and the procedure of data collection and finally describes the

appropriate data analysis methods.

3.2 Research Design

Orodho (2003) defines research design as the scheme, outline or plan that is used to

generate answers to research problems. A research design can be regarded as an

arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to

combine relevance with the research purpose. The study adopted descriptive research

design since it describes the state of affairs as it is. Descriptive design is used when

collecting information about peoples attitudes, opinions, habits and other possible

behavior (Orodho and Kombo, 2005). The study aimed at describing the state of

affairs of e-payments on revenue collection performance as it is and therefore

descriptive research design was considered as the most appropriate for this study.

The characteristics of officers from the Nairobi City County was the focus of

descriptive research. It provided a knowledge base which can act as a springboard for

other types of quantitative research methods. This involved the collection of data that

provided an account or description of the situations. Instruments used to obtain data in

descriptive studies included researcher own tool. This type of research described what

existed and might have helped to uncover new facts and meaning. The purpose of

descriptive research was to; observe, describe and document the aspects of a situation

as it naturally occurs (Polit & Hungler 1999).

3.3 Population and Sample

Target population refers to the entire group of individuals or objects to which a

researcher is interested in generalizing the results of the study and having observable

same characteristics (Mugenda & Mugenda, 2003). The population was the 18

Nairobi County departments.

Samples are always subsets or small parts of the total number that could be studied

(Orodho & Kombo 2002). The study used census since the target population was

manageable and easily accessible. All the 18 Nairobi County departments participated

in data collection.

3.4 Data Instruments and Collection

Data was collected from secondary sources using desk checking method. The main

source of secondary information was published guides, journals, reports and

information from internal sources. Secondary data was also obtained from existing

documents such as financial statements and journals. The study collected data on the

budget to estimates in FY 2013/2014 as well as budget to estimates in FY 2014/2015

from all 18 departments of Nairobi City County. Further, the study also collected data

on revenue collected in FY 2013/2014 as well as revenue collected in FY 2014/2015

for each of the 18 departments in Nairobi City County. The data representing the e-

payment was calculated as the difference between level of compliance to budget

estimates in FY 2014-2015 and level of compliance to budget estimates in FY 2013-

2014 for each department. The data was summarized into the main expenditure and

data collection vote heads.

3.5 Pre-Testing

The study conducted a pre-testing of the research instrument before administering it,

in an attempt to test the reliability and validity of the research tool. The exercise

enabled the study to identify possible problems; clarify on the instrument and

appropriateness of the language during the main study. The pilot also assessed the

relevance of the research objectives; test the respondents understanding of the

research tool and any potential problems. It was also possible to establish how long it

would take to complete the questionnaires. The pre-testing aims at determining the

reliability of the research tools including the wording, structure and sequence of the

questions. It will also test for validity of the research instrument. The pre-test is

conducted to detect flaws and weakness in design and instrumentation and to provide

data for selection of a probability sample.

3.5.1 Validity

Validity, which is the degree to which result obtained from analysis of the data

actually represents the phenomenon under study, was done to test the tool for

accuracy and meaningfulness using content validity test. This measured the degree to

which data collected using a particular the tool represented the specific domain of

indicators/content of efficiency of irrigation water use. The assessment of content

validity was carried by two professional experts; e-payment expert and revenue

collection expert. The e-payment consultant, who is the supervisor, assessed the tools

to establish what concept the instrument was trying to measure. The revenue

collection expert determined whether the sets of items can accurately measure the

performance of revenue collection. The Experts were requested to comment on the

representativeness and suitability of questions and give suggestions on the structure of

the tools. This helped improve the content validity of the data that was collected.

3.5.2 Reliability

Reliability was conducted to a measure of the degree to which research instruments

yield consistent results (Mugenda & Mugenda, 2003; Cooper & Schindler, 2008). The

data was tested for reliability to establish issues such as data sources, methods of data

collection, time of collection, presence of any biasness and the level of accuracy. The

test for reliability established the extent to which results were consistent over time.

The researcher improved the instrument by reviewing or deleting inconsistent items

from the instrument. To test for reliability, the study used the internal consistency


3.6 Data Analysis

Data Sampling, classification and analysis was done in order to come up with clear,

understandable, up-to-date, genuine and reliable information aimed at achieving

objectives of the research study. The collected data was thoroughly examined and

checked for errors and tabulated accordingly. The study used descriptive statistics to

analyze the data to establish patterns, trends and relationships. The various

representation of information include: figures, tables, and narrative.

The conceptual model was Y = f(X1, X2)

Y = Performance of revenue collection , measured in terms of the difference

between Level of compliance to budget estimates in FY 2014-2015 and

Level of compliance to budget estimates in FY 2013-2014 (Level of

compliance to budget estimates in FY 2014-2015 - Level of compliance to

budget estimates in FY 2013-2014)

X1 = Level of compliance to budget estimates in FY 2013-2014, measured in

terms of percentage of revenue collection to budget estimates

X2 = Level of compliance to budget estimates in FY 2014-2015, measured in

terms of percentage of revenue collection to budget estimates

The study data was collected from secondary sources of Nairobi County financial

statements and reports. To measure the performance of revenue collection (RV), the

study collected data on revenue collected in the Fiscal Year (FY) 2013/2014 and

compare this to the revenue collected in the FY 20145/2015. The study then

established the rate of growth or decline in revenue collection, performance of

revenue collection.

The study also established the growth or decline in compliance to budget to estimates,

level of compliance to budget estimates by obtaining the rate of compliance to budget

to estimates in FY 2013/2014 and rate compliance to budget to estimates in FY

2014/2015. The performance of revenue collection was the difference between the

two rates, rate of compliance to budget to estimates in FY 2013/2014 and rate of

compliance to budget to estimates in FY 2014/2015.

Thereafter, regression was carried out to estimate a model to explain performance of

Revenue Collection in terms of; level of compliance to budget estimates, rate of

adoption, and level of penalty recovery resulting from the e-payments. The study

carried out multiple regression analysis to establish the relationship between the

independent variables (predictor) and dependent variable (response) and measure the

strength of the relationship based on the regression model below. The regression was

achieved using multiple regression analysis to establish the nature of the relationship

based on the model;

Y 0 1 X 1 2 X 2 (3.1)


0 = is a constant, which is the value of dependent variable when all the

independent variables are 0

1 - 2 = Regression coefficients of independent variables or change induced by

X1 and X2

= Error of prediction

Y = Performance of revenue collection, measured in terms of the difference

between Level of compliance to budget estimates in FY 2014-2015 and

Level of compliance to budget estimates in FY 2013-2014 (Level of

compliance to budget estimates in FY 2014-2015 - Level of compliance to

budget estimates in FY 2013-2014)

X1 = Level of compliance to budget estimates in FY 2013-2014, measured in

terms of percentage of revenue collection to budget estimates

X2 = Level of compliance to budget estimates in FY 2014-2015, measured in

terms of percentage of revenue collection to budget estimates

The values for level of compliance to budget estimates were regressed against the

performance of revenue collection to estimate the study model. The study used IBM

Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) ver 20.0 software.



4.1 Introduction

This chapter contains data analysis, results, and discussions from the analysis of the

collected data. The results from analysis were presented using tables and

interpretation in form of narratives. The study analysed the data using descriptive

statistics and thereafter inferential analysis. Further, the chapter contains discussions

of the research findings. When discussing the results, the study referenced the

literature reviewed in chapter two, which was both theoretical literature and empirical


4.1.1 Study Response

The study sample population was chose to use 35 ISO certified government

institutions and 35 non certified institutions as the, which translated to sample

population of 70 respondents. The entire study sample population responsed to the

study by availing all the required data for 2014-2014 FY and 2014-2015 FY. So, the

response rate was also 100%. The response was very high from the words of

Mugenda and Mugenda (2003), who classified response variously. According to

Mugenda and Mugenda (2003), a response rate of 50% is adequate, any response not

exceeding 60% and greater than 50% is good, and response rate above 69% is very

high. The response of 100% was therefore very good and would produce useful data,

further, all the areas of data collection were represented.

4.2 Descriptive Analysis

The study used the study objective to analyze the data and considered three variables,

level of compliance to budget estimates in FY 2013-2014 (Independent variable),

level of compliance to budget estimates in FY 2014-2015 (Independent variable) and

change in performance of revenue collection (Dependent variable). The study

objective was to evaluate the effects of e-payment on performance of revenue

collection in Nairobi City County. First, the study analyzed the data using descriptive

statistics. The study could not obtain data for FY 2013/2014 because there was change

of hand from the former Nairobi City Council to the Nairobi City County

Government, after the promulgation of the new constitution and creation of County

Governments. The other data that was obtained was for the FY 2014/2015, after the

introduction of the e-payment system by the Nairobi City County in some of its

revenue collection functions. It was not possible to use other data for detailed


4.2.1 Revenue Collection performance before and After E-Payment

The study first assessed the performance of revenue collection before the introduction

of e-payment and after the introduction of e-payment. The study sought to establish

whether there was significant change in the performance of revenue collection due to

e-payment system. This was in an effort to establish whether the dependent variable,

e-payment affected the performance of revenue collection in Nairobi City County.

The study analysed the performance of revenue collection data for each financial year

FY; 2013/2014 and 2014/2015. The study also obtained the performance of revenue

collection, expressed as percentage for each year where the FY performance was

expressed as level of compliance to budget estimates = Revenue collection for the

FY*100/ the Budget Estimates for the FY. This was later expressed a percentage to

simplify for interpretation and the results were recorded in Table 1.

Table 1: Analysis on Revenue Collection for FY 2013-14 and FY 2014-15


REVENUE FY 2014-2015 % FY 2013-2014 % PERFORMACE %
DECENTRALIZATION 98.23 98.58 -0.35
DISASTER MANAGEMENT 73.72 65.13 8.59
LEGAL DEPARTMENT 98.87 18.56 80.31
INSPECTORATE 95.87 63.82 32.04
FINANCE 98.68 72.13 26.56
HEALTH 96.17 135.36 -39.19
PROCUREMENT 97.12 107.95 -10.83
& NATURAL RESOURCES 108.74 54.43 54.31
VALUATION 90.16 69.45 20.71
HOUSING SECTION 95.48 91.91 3.57
CULTURE & SOCIAL SERVICES 99.85 64.28 35.58
EDUCATION 99.28 75.65 23.63
RESOURCES 104.23 68.77 35.46
AVERAGE 95.41 75.59 19.82
Source: Research Data (2015)

Table 1 showed that on the average performance of revenue collection was higher in

FY 2014-15 than in FY 2013-14. In FY 2014-15 the average performance of revenue

collection was 95.41% and in In FY 2013-14 the average performance of revenue

collection was 72.59%.From these results it was also shown the performance of

revenue collection increased by 19.82% for the FY 2013/2014 to FY 2014/2015. Most

departments showed higher performance of revenue collection in FY 2014/2015 than

in FY 2013/2014.

Legal department recorded the highest increase revenue collection performance of

80.31%, followed by water, energy, forestry, environment & natural resources

(54.31%), then housing development department (51.31%) and then education, youth

affairs, sports culture & social services (35.58%). The next was agriculture ,forestry &

natural resources (35.46%) followed by city planning department (33.36), inspectorate

(32.04%), finance (26.56%), education (23.63%), valuation (20.71%), public works

and infrastructure (10.22%), compliance, fire services and disaster management

(8.59%) and administration department (3.76%). the housing section recorded the

least increase in revenue collection performance of 3.57%,

However, other revenue sources showed that they underperformed in FY 2014-2015

as compared in FY 2013-2014. This was indicated by a negative change in revenue

collection performance. Health Showed the highest underperformance of -39.19%, the

next was trade, industrialization, co-operative development and tourism (-12.18%) as

procurement (-10.83%) increase and the, decentralization (-0.35%).

The results in Table 4 indicate that the e-payment considerably influenced the revenue

collection performance in Nairobi County between the FY 2014/2015 and 2013/2014.

The e-payment considerably influenced the revenue collection performance in Nairobi

County between the FY 2014/2015 and 2013/2014. However some revenue source

performed poorly after introduction of e-payment system, a situation attributable to

the e-payment system not being implemented in some areas. The most pronounced

application of e-payment in the Nairobi County government was in parking and rate


4.2.2 Peak Period in Performance of Revenue Collection

The further evaluated the maximum, minimum and average revenue collection value

for FY 2014-2015 and 2013/2014, using descriptive statistics. The results obtained

were captured in Table 2.

Table 2: Analysis by Revenue Collection Performance Peak Period

FY 2014-2015 FY 2013 -2014 CHANGE

Statistics % % %
Average Performance 95.40 75.59 19.83
Lowest Performance 73.72 18.56 -39.19
Highest Performance 108.74 135.36 80.31
Source: Research Data (2014)

The results in Table 2 showed that the average performance of revenue collection

increased by 19.83% from 75.59% to 95.40% in the FY 2013/2014 and FY 2014/2015

respectively. The lowest performance of revenue collection in FY 2014/2015 was

73.72% and that of FY 2013/2014 was 18.56%, while the lowest change in

performance of revenue collection was 39.19%. The highest performance of revenue

collection was 135.36% of FY 2013/2014 while that the highest in FY 2014/2015 was

108.74% as the highest change in performance of revenue collection was 80.31%.

4.3 Correlation Analysis

A correlation analysis was carried out on the study variables to establish whether

there existed any significant relationship between the dependent variable and the

independent variables using 0.05 level of significance test. The study proposed that e-

payment system affected revenue collection by the Nairobi City County Government.

The assessed whether that there was a statistically significant relationship between e-

payment system and the performance of revenue collection used in the study. The data

was analysed using the Pearsons product method correlating the Dependent Variable

(DV); performance of revenue collection to all Independent Variables (IVs); level of

compliance to budget estimates in FY 2014-2015, and level of compliance to budget

estimates in FY 2013-2014.

The study first correlated the study variables to establish whether there exist any

relationship between the IVs and the DV. The result on Table 3 illustrates these


Table 3: Correlations Statistics of Independent and Dependent Variables

Performance of Budget Compliance Budget Compliance
Revenue Collection FY 2014-2015 FY 2013 -2014
Performance of Pearson 1 .765 -.026**
Revenue Collection Correlation
Sig. (1-tailed) .046 .000
N 18 18 18
Budget Compliance Pearson .765 1 .130
FY 2014-2015 Correlation

Sig. (1-tailed) .046 .303

N 18 18 18
Budget Compliance Pearson -.026 .130 1
FY 2013 -2014 Correlation

Sig. (1-tailed) .000 .303

N 18 18 18
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (1-tailed).
Source: Research Data (2015)

The study analysed the correlations as computed in Pearson correlation. The results in

table 3 show that under the Pearson correlation, all the Independent Variables; level of

compliance to budget estimates in FY 2014/2015 and level of compliance to budget

estimates in FY 2013/2014 were statically significant to financial performance. From

the results; level of compliance to budget estimates in FY 2014/2015 had the highest

relationship (r = .756, p =.046) and then level of compliance to budget estimates in

FY 2013/2014 (r = .026, p =.000). For each Independent Variables (IV), the p-value

was less than .05. In fact for each Independent Variables, p< .01<.05. This made the

relationship very significant. In short, all the Independent Variables can be used to

explain revenue collection performance, which allowed for further analysis to

establish the regression model.

4.4 Regression Analysis

The independent variables were tested to establish whether they were determinants of

dependent variable using multiple regressions using the 0.05 level of significance test.

The regressions tests were carried out on the independent variables; level of

compliance to budget estimates in FY 2014/2015 and level of compliance to budget

estimates in FY 2013/2014 against the dependent variable; revenue collection

performance and thereby estimated the model;

Y 0 1 X 1 2 X 2 (4.1)


0 = is a constant, which is the value of dependent variable when all the

independent variables are 0

1 - 2 = Regression coefficients of independent variables or change induced by

X1 and X2

= Error of prediction

Y = Performance of Revenue Collection

X1 = Level of Compliance to Budget Estimates in FY 2013-2014

X2 = Level of Compliance to Budget Estimates in FY 2014-2015

The values for status of certification, and period of certification will regressed against

the mean for Financial Performance to estimate the study model.

Table 4: ANOVA for financial performance

Sum of Mean
Squares df Square F Sig.
Regression 12402.404 2 6201.202 101.450 .000b
Residual 916.889 15 61.126
Total 13319.293 17
a. Dependent Variable: Performance of Revenue Collection
b. Predictors: (Constant), Level of Compliance to Budget Estimates in FY 2014-2015, Level of
Compliance to Budget Estimates in FY 2013 -2014
Source: Research data (2015)

The study designed hypotheses to test the model based on 0.05 level of significance.

These were;

H0: 1=2=0 (i.e. the coefficient of level of compliance to budget estimates in FY

2014-2015 and level of compliance to budget estimates in FY 2013 -2014 are all zero)

H: At least one i 0

H0 is accepted if p-value >.05 (at 5% level of significance)

H0 is reject if p-value <=.05 (at 5% level of significance) H: and is accepted

From Table 6, it can observed that p-value = .000. Since p-value <.001< .05

(F=101.450, P-value=.000), then we reject then null hypothesis and accepted the

alternative hypothesis. So, at the 5% significance level (i.e =0.05, level of

significance), there exists enough evidence to conclude that at least one of the

predictors; level of compliance to budget estimates in FY 2014-2015 and level of

compliance to budget estimates in FY 2013 -2014, is useful in predicting the

Performance of Revenue Collection. Therefore the model is useful.

Table 5: Coefficients for Study Model


Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
B Error Beta t Sig.
(Constant) 58.609 18.183 3.223 .006
Budget Compliance FY 2013 -2014 -1.045 .073 -.973 -14.239 .000
Budget Compliance FY 2014-2015 .431 .193 .153 2.239 .041
a. Dependent Variable: Performance of Revenue Collection
Source: Research data

From the results in Table 5, the level of compliance to budget estimates in FY

2013/2013 is .000 and level of compliance to budget estimates in FY 2014/2015 is

.041. Since the p value for each predictor variable was less than 0.05, there is an

indication that there was a significant relationship between each independent variable

and the dependent variable. This is to say that all the predictor variable; compliance to

budget estimates in FY 2013/2013 and level of compliance to budget estimates in FY

2014/2015 could be used to measure (estimate) the dependent variable, performance

of revenue collection. The coefficient for level of compliance to budget estimates in

FY 2013/2013 is -1.045, and level of compliance to budget estimates in FY

2014/2015 is .431.

The model was therefore fitted as; Y 58.609 1.045X 1 .431X

It should also be noted that level of compliance to budget estimates in FY 2014/2015

variable is positive and -values is positive. This was an indication that level of

compliance to budget estimates in FY 2014/2015 is directly proportional to revenue

collection performance at Nairobi City County, in which case an increase in level of

compliance to budget estimates in FY 2014/2015 caused an increase (improvement)

in revenue collection performance. However, level of compliance to budget estimates

in FY 2013/2014 is negative and -values is negative. This was an indication that

level of compliance to budget estimates in FY 2013/2014 is indirectly proportional to

revenue collection performance at Nairobi City County. So as an increase in

compliance to budget estimates in FY 2013/2014 lead to decrease in revenue

collection performance at Nairobi City County.

Table 6: Revenue Collection Performance Model Summary

Model Summary
R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
.965a .931 .922 7.81831
a. Predictors: (Constant), level of compliance to budget estimates in FY 2014-2015, level of
compliance to budget estimates in FY 2013 -2014

Source: Research Data (2015)

Further, from table 6, the adjusted R2 was 0.922, which means that 92.20% of change

in revenue collection performance at Nairobi City County is explained by the

independent variables; level of compliance to budget estimates in FY 2013/2014 and

compliance to budget estimates in FY 2013/2014. This is shown in Table 6, which

indicates that the coefficient of determination was .922, implying that a variation in

level of compliance to budget estimates in FY 2013/2014 and compliance to budget

estimates in FY 2013/2014 cause an increase of 92.20% of revenue collection


4.5 Interpretation and Discussions

The adoption e-payment was found to considerably affect the revenue collection

performance in Nairobi City County, which was in agreement to study by Gupta

(2000) which found that a study by Ndunda et al. (2015) revealed that level of tax

payment (compliance) affected optimal revenue collection. The study by Ndunda et

al. (2015) established a marginal relationship between tax compliance and revenue

collection, which was true in the present study. The findings in the current study

which also agreed to those in Nyongesa (2014) which recommended for decentralized

ICT based tax collection systems and offices in the sub-counties in adoption of

differentiation strategies in revenue collection role. These two studies found that ISO

certified companies improved their financial performance while the non-certified ones

experienced substantial deterioration. There was consistency in the study findings and

cited studies.

The study by Kinyanjui and Kahonge (2013) revealed that the use of e-payment by

mobile phone based technology in mobile parking increase parking fees collection as

that by Muema et al. (2014) indicated that Nairobi county and the parking industry

were generally ready to adopt the mobile parking management system. The findings

were confirmed by the present study, which showed considerable increase in revenue

collection performance after introduction on e-payment system.

Also the Otieno et al. (2013) study found that there exists a relationship between

Information Systems (IS) and both efficiency and effectiveness in revenue collection,

there is a strong positive relationship between Internal Control Systems and revenue

collection. In the case of the present study it was established that e-payment

significantly increase the revenue collection performance, a confirmation of the

findings in the study by Otieno et al. (2013). Perlman (2001) study established that

the use of third party vendors has allowed counties without large IT resources to

implement an online ticket-paying system. This shows that small and moderately-

sized cities can experience success through use of vendors and cooperative efforts of

pooling resources.

The present study found that lack of e-payment system reduce the revenue collection

performance as indicated by the level of budget compliance in FY 2013/2014. This

agreed to the study by Kaburia (2004), which found out that lack of suitable e-

Payment alternatives was a critical challenge to the growth of e-commerce in Kenya.

An e-Payment model suitable for individuals in Kenya was proposed. The study also

found that some departments were not recording viable results in revenue collection

after adoption of e-payment. The findings agreed to the study by Rocheleau and Wu

(2005), which found that there are some of challenging e-government applications

involve allowing citizens and other customers to conduct financially related

transactions electronically with governments on a 24-hour, 7-day a week basis.

Generally, usage rates are low, demonstrating that there is a gap between the potential

and reality of this form of e-government.



5.1 Introduction

This chapter provides the summary of findings, conclusions as well as the

recommendations based on the findings. It further highlights the research gaps the

researcher felt should be filled by further research as well the limitations of the study.

The conclusions and recommendation were based on the study objective, which was

to determine the effect of e-payment system on revenue collection by the Nairobi City

County Government.

5.2 Summary of Findings

The objective of the study was to determine the effect of e-payment system on

revenue collection by the Nairobi City County Government using; level of

compliance to budget estimates in FY 2014-2015 and level of compliance to budget

estimates in FY 2013/2104 as independent variables revenue collection performance

as the dependent variable. The aim of the study was to establish whether the e-

payment system would significantly increase revenue collection by the Nairobi City

County Government through assessment of the level of compliance to budget

estimates in FY 2014-2015 and level of compliance to budget estimates in FY

2013/2104 (measured using compliance of the budget).

The study found that the e-payment system would significantly influenced revenue

collection performance by the Nairobi City County Government positively, such that

increased adoption of e-payment system increases revenue collection performance.

However, reduced adoption of e-payment system negatively influenced revenue

collection performance, where it reduced the compliance to budget hence poor

financial performance of Nairobi City County Government.

There was a there was a significant relationship between level of compliance to

budget estimates in FY 2013/2014 (p-value= .000) and level of compliance to budget

estimates in FY 2014/2015 (p-value = .041) and revenue collection performance in

Nairobi City County, since the p value for each predictor variable was less than 0.05.

It was found that 92.20% of variation in revenue collection performance in Nairobi

City County is explained by the level of compliance to budget estimates in FY

2013/2013 and level of compliance to budget estimates in FY 2014/2015. The study

there found that revenue collection performance in Nairobi City County was

positively associated to adoption of e-payment system.

5.3 Conclusions

Based on the study findings, this study revealed that the revenue collection

performance in Nairobi City County increased considerably after introduction of e-

payment system in revenue collection. The adoption of e-payment makes the Nairobi

City County ensure higher compliance to budget estimated, meaning that adoption of

e-payment system has pronounced revenue collection performance in Nairobi City

County effect than non e-payment system. The study concludes that the adoption e-

payment system positively influences the revenue collection performance in Nairobi

City County

It was established that the period after adoption e-payment system affected the

revenue collection performance in Nairobi City County. The revenue collection

performance in Nairobi City County government institutions ensure that they enhance

the continuous improvements during the period after adoption e-payment system,

which enhances the revenue collection performance in Nairobi City County as the

period increase, the revenue collection performance becomes better. The study

concludes that the period before adoption e-payment system influences the revenue

collection performance in Nairobi City County government negatively, decreasing the

revenue collection performance of the government.

There was a there was a significant relationship between level of compliance to

budget estimates in before adoption e-payment (p-value= .000) and level of

compliance to budget estimates after adoption of e-payment (p-value = .041) and

revenue collection performance in Nairobi City County government, since the p value

for each predictor variable was less than 0.05. An increase in adoption of e-payment

leads to an increase in revenue collection performance in Nairobi City County

government and vice versa. It was found that 92.20% of variation in revenue

collection performance in Nairobi City County government is explained by the

adoption of e-payment and failure to adopt e-payment. So the two factors; adoption of

e-payment and/or failure of adoption of e-payment are predictors of revenue

collection performance in Nairobi City County government.

5.4 Limitations of the Study

Various limitations challenged the study. For instance it was very difficult to obtain

the some study data due to reluctance and uncooperativeness of the respondents, who

felt that they were being disturb and would even fail to explain some technical terms.

The researcher and research assistant struggled to get meaning of these data and

values. However the researcher explained that the data that was to be obtained was for

academic purpose only. The respondents might have given inaccurate and incorrect

information but the researcher first conducted meeting with the respondents to explain

that the purpose of the study was purely academic.

Further, the study used the revenue collection instead of the unit vote head to obtain

the desired, which limited the precision of the data, considering that Government of

Nairobi City County has many vote heads that would give more data to arrive at better


The study also faced the challenge of limited time for data collection and other

processes. To overcome this challenge, the study the researcher employed the services

of a researcher assistant to assist in collecting data and analysis.

The study was further constrained by limited financial. The researcher then sought for

a loan from his SACCO to obtain more fianc which supplement the study budget.

Lastly, the study was limited to the honesty and of respondent.

Lastly, the study model was also limited as it showed that 92.20% variation of

revenue collection performance in Nairobi City County government was cause by

change in adoption in e-payment. This means that there are other factors that account

for the remaining 7.80%.

5.5 Recommendations

5.5.1 Policy Recommendations

The study recommends that the Government of Nairobi City County should review its

revenue collection standards and audit policies to ensure that all its wards,

departments and other related units are compelled by regulations to adopt e-payment

and other ensure management of revenue collection system to lead to assurance total

compliance to the budgets There should be structured e-payment adoption standards

and structure in Nairobi City County. The free hand operated by the City county

departments in revenue collection should be tightened to ensure that all sections

departments and other units have adopted e-payments systems. There should be clear

regulation and policies governing adoption of e-payments systems. The Government

of Nairobi City County should increase their public awareness campaigns to ensure

that the consumers get the right information as pertains to e-payment revenue


5.5.2 Recommendations for further study

The study embarked on collecting data from revenue source heads sections in Nairobi

City County government. However, it isolated the specific basic revenue source,

which limited the applicability of the results to Nairobi only. So other studies should

be done to assess the affects specific basic revenue source of Nairobi City County


The study found that it was very difficult to obtain the some study data due to

reluctance and uncooperativeness of the respondents, who felt that they were being

disturb and would even fail to explain some technical terms. It therefore recommends

that another study should be conducted on the same variables by a researcher from

within Nairobi City County government to avoid the limitations of inaccurate and

incorrect information.

The study also faced the challenge of limited time for data collection and other

processes. To overcome this challenge, another study should be conducted with the

authority of Nairobi City County government and county staff compelled to assist in

collecting data and analysis.

The study was further constrained by limited financial. The study therefore

recommends that another study should be conducted by the county government itself

and the study should be fully sponsored to avoid limitation of financial resources.

The found that 92.20% variation of revenue collection performance in Nairobi City

County government was cause by change in adoption in e-payment. This means that

there are other factors that account for the remaining 7.80%. From these findings it clear

that there are other which affect the revenue collection performance in Nairobi City

County government, raising concern of which factors are. The present study therefore

recommends that studies should be conducted to assess the other factors contributing the

remaining 7.80%.


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The project will be undertaken between July 2015 and November 2015. The entire
schedule for the project will be as follows: -



Produce Proposal

Submission of Proposal


Tools development and

Data Collection

Data processing and


Report Writing

Final Defense

Correction and Final


Source (Researcher, 2015)


No. CORE ACTIVITIES Item/ Participants Total (Kshs)

1. Consolidation of Internet usage 2,000.00

Literature Library search 4,000.00
Travelling Expense 3,000.00
2. Designing and Typing and photocopying of 10,000.00
development research instruments

3. Consultancy Professionals 40,000.00

4. Research Induction and Transport for researcher and two
Training research assistants 10,000.00

5. Pilot Testing, Finalizing 5 questionnaires 5,000.00

of research instruments
6. Main field data collection Travel, accommodation and
(2 months) subsistence 12,000.00

7. Data processing and One research assistants

report writing 10,000.00

8. Contingency and
institutional costs 7,000.00

Source (Researcher, 2015)


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