Godfrey Research Report..2 PDF
Godfrey Research Report..2 PDF
Godfrey Research Report..2 PDF
I, Godfrey M Filbert, declare that A Research report entitled “Factors affecting revenue
collection in Tanzania revenue authority, a case of Tanzania revenue authority Dar es
salaam llala region at Mapato House flow no 4” is my original work and has not been
submitted and will not be presented. to any college, institution or university other than
the Mzumbe Mbeya campus college university(MCC).
I convey special gratitude to my supervisor Mr. Mpemba for his cooperation, advice,
assistance, encouragement and constructive criticism throughout the study, may
Godless you.
The heartfelt thanks go also to my family members especially my brother and my
brother-in-law for their prayers.
Special thanks to Regional Accountant Mr. Denis musing for support, and constructive
advice through this study. Without his assistance and encouragement, I do not think that
I would have come this far.
Many thanks should go to Tanzania revenue authority staff (whom I contacted) for their
support during data collection. Also to my classmates whom from time to time were
helpful in whatever case.
But above all to Almighty God for His overwhelming grace and mercy which have seen
me through this program; every step of the way.
This work is lovingly dedicated to Mr. & Mrs. Emmanuel Kabeya Bona for their
support and Encouragements.
TRA - Tanzania revenue authority
The purpose of this study was to examine the factors that affected, both positively and
negatively, revenue collection in Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) in Dar es Salaam
llala region. More specifically, it examined the effects of the Political Situation on
Revenue Collection, the effects of Policies on revenue collection, impact of support
system, adequate information, accountability and transparence and internal control
system on revenue collection. A descriptive research design was adopted as it addressed
the research questions through empirical assessment involving numerical measurement
and statistical analysis. Simple random sampling technique was used to select a sample
of 102 respondents. Data analysis was done using statistical package for social
scientists (SPSS). First, data was collected, cleaned, sorted and collated. Descriptive
statistics and measures of association were used to examine the relationship between
the independent and dependent variables. This was followed by analysis using
inferential statistics such as Pearson correlation to examine the relationship between
revenue collection and political stability. The analytical results showed that the impact
of political situation affected business operations, security of the people, as well
availability and distribution of resources and as a result, tax collection and
administration of tax laws. It also revealed that the policies in place at a specific point
in time did affect the revenue collection for the jurisdiction. But also analytical result
showed that the impact of accountability and transparency on revenue collection, that
revenue collection reduced or increased due to accountable of TRA staffs and also
information obtained in organization may affected in the organization of revenue
collection. And internal control system affected revenue collection due to human errors,
frauds, and lack of information technology from that point revenue collection were
affected due to internal control system. The study concluded that; although a stable
political environment enhanced revenue collection, closeness to general elections posed
hindrances to collection of revenue in Dar es Salaam ilala Region at Mapato House.
CERTIFICATION ........................................................................................................... i
DECLARATION ............................................................................................................. ii
DEDICATION ................................................................................................................ iv
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................... vi
1.5.2 The Government ................................................................................................ 4
2.10.2 But also lack of adequate information may lead inefficiency of collection
revenue especially in Tanzania revenue authority .................................................... 21
2.16 Adequate of information....................................................................................... 27
4.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 36
REFERENCES .............................................................................................................. 51
APPENDICES ............................................................................................................... 54
Table 3.1 Sample selection .............................................................................................. 32
figure 4.1 Conceptual framework/model ......................................................................... 23
1.0 Introduction
The research aimed to assess factors affecting revenue collection by the Tanzania
Revenue Authority in Ilala region. This chapter consist of background to the research
problem, statement of the problem, research objectives, research questions, hypothesis,
and significant of the study, scope of the study, limitation of the study, definition of the
key terms as well as organization of the study. but also The ever rising economic and
financial needs of Tanzania and the budget constraints that constantly exist threaten the
sustainability and growth of the Tanzania economy. The purpose of this study is to
examine the factors that affected. both positively and negatively, Revenue collection by
Tanzania revenue authority, more especially it examined the effect of the incumbent
policymakers and the effects of the TRA support system on revenue collection.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Compliance comes as a result of the probability of audit, coupled with the probability
of accruing penalties from underpayment of taxes (Aizenman and Jinjarak, 2005). As a
result, taxpayers only honor their obligations because there are repercussions to
noncompliance. The level of efficiency in revenue collection is affected by various
factors, which include: - taxpayer ignorance, lack of sufficient workforce to enhance
compliance of the entire taxable population, communication barriers/language problem
and low levels of information penetration, high levels of illiteracy among other causes.
These hindrances to revenue collection result in: - indebtedness of taxpayers, high
costs of collection which include taxpayer education, at times high risks for the tax
collecting officers, deficits in meeting of targets from treasury, which in the long run
leads to unavailability of funds to pay the country’s debts or to finance the national
budget (Waweru, 2005). Over the past eight years, there have been surveys and
reports carried out in Tanzania for the purpose of exposing weaknesses in service
delivery as well as enhancement of revenue collection due to the need to increase
revenue raised (Cheeseman and Griffiths,2005). The National Business Agenda
released by members of the private sector pointed out that despite improved services,
taxpayers still face difficulties from the complexities of ever-changing processes and
statutory procedures as well as the forms and paperwork that are required to be filled in
for service requests. As a result, the Taxpayer Program was developed so as to improve
service delivery and enhance service options to taxpayers, deliver focused education
outreach and alternate services as well as enhance information penetration levels and
ensure strict adherence to the provisions of the Taxpayer Charter; and revamp the
customer care desks as well as the call center program (Tanzania Revenue Authority,
2000). These initiatives have improved service delivery a great deal; however, there
still exists factors that hinder effective collection of revenue for TRA (Fjeldstad and
Rakner, 2003).
There exist valuable empirical literatures that study the revenue collection strategies.
These include Awitta (2010) and (Gachanja, 2012); however, not much literature
investigates actual factors that affect tax revenue collection in Tanzania Ngowi et al
(2009). This study therefore seeks to fill the literature gap in the country specific
study by exploring the factors that hamper revenue collection and possible solutions to
these factors, as well as those that boost collection of revenue in Dar es Salaam.
1.5.1 Tanzania Revenue Authority
The research findings would enhance the Authority’s collection levels as a result of
policies put in place by the government as well as helping in meeting of revenue
targets for the purpose of funding the government expenditure. Also, may increase
efficiency and sufficiency of internal control system within the organization.
objective of the study. Also were very difficulties to complete information on research
when conducting research due to problems of language between researcher and staffs or
other people relating in research. So, in order to complete information during the
research preparation should simple language used between researcher and staffs or
other in order to boost researcher to write research in a good report research.
2.0 Introduction
This chapter discussed the literature on the factors that affect the collection of tax
revenue collection. A literature review “. creates a firm foundation for advancing
knowledge. A successful literature review facilitates theory development, closes areas
where a plethora of research exists, and uncovers areas where research is needed"
(Webster & Watson, 2002 p8). Fink (2014 p3) describes literature review as a
"systematic, explicit and reproducible method for identifying, evaluating and
synthesizing the existing body of completed and recorded work produced by
researchers, scholars and practitioners”. The literature under review for this study seeks
to narrow down on seven factors that contributed to efficiency of revenue collection in
Tanzania. These are: the political environment, the tax policies in place and the
support systems of the revenue collecting agency, level of performance, internal
control system, accountability and transparency and adequate of information. This
section presents a review of all the literature under study relating to the research
problem itself and the purpose of the study. It delved into the details of how each of
these factors contributed - either positively or otherwise, to the efficiency of revenue
collection in Tanzania. It will organize according to the factors mentioned and a
summary concluded the chapter.
2.1.1 Agency Theory
Agency theory is concerned with resolving problems that can exist in agency
relationships; i.e. between principals such as shareholders and agents of the
principals for instance, company executives. The two problems that agency theory
addresses are: the problems that arise when the desires or goals of the principal
and agent are in conflict, and the principal is unable to verify what the agent is
actually doing and the problems that arise when the principal and agent have different
attitudes towards risk. Because of different risk tolerances, the principal and agent may
each be inclined to take different actions. Adams (2012) in his article stated that agency
theory can provide for richer and more meaningful research in the internal audit
discipline. Agency theory contends that internal auditing, in common with other
intervention mechanisms like financial reporting and external audit, helps to maintain
cost-efficient contracting between Principles and staffs and. Agency theory may not
only help to explain the existence of internal controls and internal audit in firms but
can also help explain some of the characteristics of the internal audit department, for
example, its size, and the scope of its activities, such as financial versus operational
auditing. Agency theory can be employed to test empirically whether cross-sectional
variations between internal auditing and internal controls practices reflect the different
contracting relationships originating from differences in organizational form. In case of
this study, this theory is related due to fact that Tanzania Revenue Authority act as
principal and staff of TRA act as agents who collect revenues on behalf of their
principal. It may arise conflicts when staff collect revenues and took them to
themselves without bringing it to their principal if effective internal control systems are
not designed. Responsibilities which include financial reporting, budgeting and
providing any other additional information to the principal. The contingency theory on
the other hand explains that organizations' behavior and functions are dependent on
factors such as technology, culture and the external environment that the organizations
operate in.
2.1.2 Contingency Theory
Contingency theory is an approach to the study of organization behavior in which
explanations are given as to how contingent factors such as technology, culture, and the
external environment influence the design and function of organization. The assumption
underlying contingency theory is that no single type of organizational structure is
equally applicable to all organization. rather than organizational effectiveness is
dependent on a fit or match between the type of technology, environment volatility, the
size of the organization, the feature of the organizational structure and its information
system. Contingency theory is used to describe the relationship between the context and
structure of internal control effectiveness and organizational performance, especially
reliability of financial reporting. Empirical study suggests that internal environment,
technology, structure, and size, strategy and national culture. It suggests that the
demands imposed by the technical tasks in the organization encourage the development
of strategic to coordinate and control internal activities. The dimensions of structure and
control include authority structure and activity’s structure, example relus and
procedures that determine the option of individual, contingency theory states that the
design and use of control system is contingent upon the context of the organization
setting in which these controls” (Jensen 1998).
This theory has direct relationship with the study since management control is
contingent on a variety of internal and external factors. Therefore, researcher assessed
factors such as
ethnic differences.
some officers to enter into corruption and frauds or misuses of resource such as
revenue. Revenue
This according to Cobham (2005) is the main and most direct purpose of taxation. The
need for revenue is to cater to:
Urgent needs: these include crises solving and meeting of immediate problems, for
example wars, drought, famine and floods as well as poverty and emergency medical
Short-term needs: these include immediate needs that are not quite crises, but are
needs which may result in a crisis if they are not efficiently and effectively addressed,
for example, poverty eradication, provision of education and preventative medicine and
Long-term needs: these include the need to improve the people’s quality of life,
improve public amenities and infrastructure as well as to create suitable investment
environments. Redistribution
Cobham (2005) defined this as the need to achieve human development gain for the
society by removing members from the state of poverty that is as a result of inequality in
distribution of resources. The government works towards achieving wealth distribution
by charging higher rates of tax on those who are economically able as well as businesses
have high levels of economic and political stability; this implies that favorable tax laws
enhance stability of the government. Ghura and Mercereau (2004) analyzed the
relationship between trade and taxation, and political climate. They found that
turbulence in the level of trade and low levels of taxation bring about political
instability. This implies that, political instability was caused by, among other things,
shortages in revenue from taxation. 2.4.3 Re-pricing economic alternatives: Cobham
(2005) noted that re-pricing of economic alternatives arose when government used
policy to influence its citizen’s behavior, for example, by creating incentives to save
or by increasing the cost of dumping so as to protect the environment and thus, curb the
vice. After the goal of the policy has been identified, the policymakers can then go
ahead and make appropriate policies to fulfill the intended goal. This results in credible
policies that enhance collection for the intended purpose. Waris (2007) observed that, tax
laws and policies are as a result of the capabilities of a nation and its constitution and
legislative provisions. She was of the opinion that tax laws operate in a system of trial
and error. This implies that, there is no ‘one size fits all’ when it comes to formulation
of tax policies, policymakers have to tailor-make their policies to fit their constitutional
needs and economic trends, as well as to match the legislative structure and governance
of the society; and that there is no way of finding out how effective a policy will be
before it is implemented. Wares (2007) also noted that tax reforms in Tanzania were
moving towards new legislation, rather than increasing or reducing the tax rate imposed.
For instance, there are considerations of widening the tax base to include the informal
sector, that is, the ‘juakali’ and second-hand clothes Industry. Although this would be
hard to accomplish, it would drastically increase the amounts of tax revenue collected on
behalf of the government (Waweru, 2005). Waris (2007) also pointed out that tax laws
and policies source their authority from the constitution of the land they govern; and
that the policies are not static, rather, they change depending on the goals of the
government in power at the time and its priorities and intentions. Economy
Collection costs by the government and compliance costs by the taxpayer should be by
the taxpayer should be minimized; minimizing compliance costs leaves more time and
money for the taxpayer. certainty
A describe tax structure should be predictable and consistent, meaning that the taxpayer
should know when and where and how the tax will be levird, so that individuals and
businesses, and other organization can readily ascertain the tax consequences of any
endeavor or transaction.
generated within an established timely manner after initial service delivery. Through that
revenue collection can be proper collected. Due to the special nature of funds received from grants, developers,
partners and other entities
Governments should consider whether separate procedures should be established for
recording and depositing these funds.
local notice requirements and regulations should be considered when their use proves
cost-effective. Compliance
Governments should ensure their revenue control and management policy and
procedures are in full compliance with any federal, state, local or other applicable laws
or requirements.
regardless of the type of information that is stored. Support system was essential to
increase transparency and accountability of government agencies, reduce transaction
costs in service delivery and enhance participation of citizens, businesses and civil
society in the workings of governments. Better accountability and improved
transparency were the identified characteristics of good governance at that point revenue
collection can be collected proper and Tanzania revenue authority may enjoy to enhance
revenue collection.
Support systems include the people, that is, the human resources involved, as well as
stakeholders who include the government, investors, the board of directors, creditors
Among others who have vested interests in the organization and other system such as,
2.6.1 Information Technology
Information technology offers opportunities for any organization to substantially
amplify its productivity and effectiveness while cutting costs of production and
enhancing efficiency, effectiveness and accountability in the processes. However, this
may be hindered by users’ unwillingness to embrace change and to utilize the available
systems, as well as insufficient training of the users, as well as shortage of funds
available to conduct user training on new and current systems (Davis, 1989).With the
world evolving into a global village and everything being ‘technologified’, it is
important to accept change and adapt to the technological changes taking place in-order
to enhance efficiency in revenue collection (Miyahira, 2008). He also noted that, new
technologies have brought about new tools to help businesses work more efficiently,
this in turn translates into higher taxes from the businesses. The revenue collecting
agency therefore has to keep up with the technological advancements in-order to
exploit the new avenues created in enhancing revenue collection. Miyahira (2008)
pointed out that the massive numbers of taxpayers bring about complexities in efficient
collection of revenue; however, many different information technology systems have
been put in place for the purpose of assisting in the tax collectors to carry out their
Within each of the six projects started up as part of implementation of the RARMP,
Information Technology has been a big part of the reforms implemented. This has been
in the form of: establishment of an online portal as a means of enabling taxpayers to
access TRA online services; integration of TRA business systems into a single view for
taxpayers across all functions; implementation of IT best practice and ensuring
compliance with ISO complaint quality management system (Tanzania Revenue
Authority, 2000). This has brought about higher levels of compliance due to: easier
access to documentation and taxpayers’ records; empowerment of taxpayer through
introduction of do-it-yourself processes, this ensures that the taxpayer can keep track
of their records and transactions
2.6.2 Human Resources
Huselid (1995) was for the argument that the use of high performance work
practices that include proper and comprehensive employee selection and recruitment
procedures, feasible and incentive compensation, performance monitoring and
management systems, and extensive employee involvement in decision making and
training can improve the knowledge, skills and abilities of a firm’s current and potential
workforce, increase their motivation and reduce employee turnover while enhancing
retention of quality workforce. Cutcher-Gershenfeld (1991) found that the firms that
employed ‘transformational’ labor relations, that is, those that emphasized cooperation
and dispute resolution mechanisms had lower costs and higher productivity than
those that did not. According to the (Turkish Revenue Administration), among the
most important factors to improving revenue collection is the level of quality of the
service offered by the tax collecting agency. That is, there is need to have Total
Quality Management training in order to develop a comprehensive, innovative,
effective and high-quality taxpayer service system.
Factors that were highlighted in this were:
(i) Training of all personnel in the organization, and especially those involved in
service delivery on teamwork, problem solving techniques, leadership and motivation;
(ii) Creating a standardized measure and evaluation system for employee satisfaction;
(iii) Enhancement of employee growth by motivating them to further their studies;
(iv) Promotion of gender equality within the organization and having equal
opportunities for growth and progression for both genders as well as the minority
groups, for example, persons with disabilities. Cheese man and Griffiths (2005) pointed
out that the TRA Corporate plan 2003/2004, 2005/2006, used the Balanced Score
Card (BSC) as a performance measurement strategy along four dimensions.
These are:
(i) Financial, that is, to surpass revenue targets;
(ii) Internal processes, that is, to increase efficiency of the processes and reduce cost;
(ii) Stakeholders, that is, to ensure high quality service to taxpayers, government and
all other related parties; and
(iv) People, that is, to develop a highly motivated and professional work force. The
Taxpayer program was also developed so as to improve service options to deliver
focused education outreach and alternate services as well as enhance information
penetration and ensure strict adherence to the provision of the Taxpayer Charter and
revamp the customer care desks and call center programs (Tanzania Revenue
Authority,2000). Having a productive and motivated workforce would play a
significant role in enhancement of revenue collection (Waweru, 2005).
2.7.2 Enhance inefficiency of revenue collection
It means that sometimes the level of performance with the staffs may lead the collection
of revenue to be inefficiency due to lack of performances of the staffs and other
member relating with Tanzania revenue authority for example to perform their duties
out of the normal working hours without any allowances. But also, the staffs to attend
with the job to rate may also lead inefficiency of the collection revenue.
revenue collection.
2.10.2 But also lack of adequate information may lead inefficiency of collection
revenue especially in Tanzania revenue authority
As we know that collection of tax revenue is a major source of Tanzania revenue
authority, so luck of information from the clients during the assessments of sales lead
inefficiency of revenue collection but also fail to pat tax on time may led revenue
collection to be inefficiency. But also delaying of submission information from one
place to another also may lead inefficiency of revenue collection.
Despite the fact that many researchers who conducted different studies on factors
affecting Revenue Collection as stipulated in literature review above presents various
factors leading to performance of revenue collection, these studies have left other
important factors for achieving more revenue such as Political stability, good
policies, level of performance, accountability and transparences, adequate of
information and support systems. Therefore, under this study apart from factors
discussed by other scholars, some other factors which might affect revenue collection
and those that explain revenue collection situation in TRA will be evaluated.
independent variables and dependent variable. Independent variables in this study are
factor affecting which are political stability, policies, support systems, level of
performance, accountability and transparences and adequate of information. Dependent
variable of this study is effectiveness of Revenue Collection.
2.13 Operational Frame Work
2.13.1 Political stability
Political stability means government stability, which means political stability. People
will know the terms and conditions of the state. They will get the firm place to stand and
act according to the law and order (Friedmann 1977).and obligations; reductions of
corruption as digital records are quite hard to alter or eliminate; reduction of errors in
data inputted, as the systems detects some forms of errors wile inputting data. A
computerized tax system may also reduce the operational costs of revenue collections
and as a result, a reduction in expenditures, a probable residual budget may be invested
in means to enhance the citizens’ welfare prioritizing the society’s needs (Miyahira,
2008). Waweru (2005), the former Commissioner General of TRA noted that, the use
of information technology in support of tax administration had boosted the tax
administration in countries as diverse and multi- cultural as Spain, Mexico, Canada,
Singapore and New Zealand. He pointed out that there was a need to use technology to
support tax administration and although it is an expensive venture, it would enable the
government to address the problems of transfer pricing, taxation of e-commerce and tax
evasion by some tax planning techniques. It was his vision and dream to have a TRA
that was completely computerized
most important factors to improving revenue collection is the level of quality of the
service offered by the tax collecting agency.
aimed to; determine the effect of organization resources; find out the effect of revenue
collection; assess the effect of Information Communication Technology adoption and
establish the effect of tax regulatory framework on revenue collection performance at
TRA. The study adopted a descriptive research design and the target population
comprised of a total of 102 staff working at the Tanzania Revenue Authority Mapato
House in llala region Dar es salaam. The study adopted a probability sampling design by
using a stratified random sampling technique to select a sample size of 83 respondents.
The main data collection instruments were the questionnaires containing both open
ended and close ended questions with the quantitative section of the instrument utilizing
both a nominal. A pilot study was carried out to test the reliability and validity of the
questionnaires. Descriptive statistics data analysis method was applied analyze data
aided by Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) to compute responses
frequencies, percentage mean and standard deviation results. Finally, Multiple Linear
Regression model was employed to establish the significance of the independent
variables on the dependent variable. The findings were presented using diagram.
Findings from the study showed that organization resources, revenue collection, ICT
adoption and tax regulatory framework were the key determinants influencing revenue
collection performance at Tanzania Revenue Authority. The study concluded that that
ICT adoption, followed by tax regulatory framework, then organization resources and
lastly corporate governance practices determines revenue collection performance. The
study recommendations were that; allocation of more human and financial resources in
order to strengthen the organization capacity in revenue collection; appointment of board
members who are competent and have capability in directing, controlling organization
operations; effective implementation and use of automated revenue collection systems
and improve on the level of tax regulations enforcement.
take responsibility for their activities performed and from that point revenue collection
can be more efficiency. The mechanisms by which Tanzania revenue authority officials
can be held responsible for activities against formed principles and rules is called legal
2.17.2 Tax Base
This is amount of economic wealth that is liable to taxation (Talvi and Vegh, 2005). It
is the total value of financial assets and incomes on which taxes can be imposed. This
also varies depending on the current tax rate as well as the jurisdiction; in some
countries some categories of income are not liable to tax while in others, they are
(Aizenman & Jonjarak, 2009).
3.0 Introduction
This study aims at establishing the extent to which revenue collection reacts to
changes in the political environment, laws and regulations in the land, and changes in
internal controls such as support systems and information technology. This chapter
specifically presents the methodology that was used to conduct this study. It covers the
research design, area of the study, sapling, population of the study, units of
inquiry/analysis, sampling size, sampling techniques or procedures, data collection
methods/instruments, primary data collection method, secondary data collection
method, data analysis methods.
3.2 The Area of the Study
The Researcher selects Tanzania Revenue Authority in Dar es salaam llala region
b e c a u s e there are many source of revenue located in this area. With the objectives of
the study in mind, selecting this area afforded the researcher the opportunity to contact
TRA officials who have made evaluation on numerous challenges they face and
therefore have a lot of experience to share. The reason for choosing Tanzania revenue
authority is it is a regulatory agency that collect licenses revenues and most of
employees there are directly or indirectly involved in decision making and controls,
therefore researcher was in position of assessing factors affecting revenue collection by
the Tanzania Revenue Authority in Dar es salaam llala Region.
homogeneous group as stated above. The minimum sample of 79 people was selected
from the population which was assumed to respond for questionnaires lectors.
n = N / (1 + Ne^2)
Where by:
n=Number of samples
N = Total population (104)
e = Error tolerance (0.05)
n= 104
1 + (104*(0.05) ^2)
n = 82.53 or 83
Profiling was then conducted for the purpose of spreading this number across the
various sectors within the four districts. This sample was seen as an adequate and
sufficient representative of the population of 104 large taxpayers.
Table 3.1 Sample selection
Accountants officers 6 6
Enforcement officers 18 15
ICT officers 5 2
TaxData Collection
property officers Methods
13 8
This section describes the types of data that collected in the field which was both
Legal counsel officers 2 2
qualitative data and quantitative data. Data Collection were collected both in primary
and secondary data; in collecting
TOTAL 104 primary data the researcher
76 used numerous tools for
primary data collection such as interview, questionnaire and observation also survey.
Secondary data were collected through documentary review, internal auditor report and
external auditor report, Electronic Data, Tanzania revenue authority records, Internet in
today’s world is the fastest growing source of information. Interview
An interview is basically an interaction, where questions are posed or a discussion takes
place, between two or more people with a specific purpose in mind. A researcher
employed Interview as the research tool in the field with a view of collecting
information. The researcher opted to use a combination of both structured and
unstructured interview.
The use of interview made the respondents feel free with the issues being discussed and
that the flexibility of this tool helped the researcher in getting in-depth information on
the problem of the study in the sense that it was done face to face, hence, it allowed an
interviewee to seek clarification on the kind of questions that the researcher asked. Observation
The researcher also used observation in collecting primary data. Observation helped the
researcher to discover issues that could not come out from interviews and those that
were concealed, either knowingly or unknowingly by the respondents. Observation
involved close follow-up, observing events in the field and synchronizing them within
the context of the theme of the study and at last draw a conclusion. Questionnaire
A questionnaire is a written list of questions prepared in a series form by the researcher
on a given legal problem that are sent to respondents. The researcher made use of this
method in primary data collection in the field through commencing the process of
discovery from the perspective of the respondent. This method was chosen due to the
fact that questionnaires when carefully crafted and administered, they are very useful
tool for getting data from specific groups or people or entire populations on the
identified legal problem. Questionnaires were both close-ended and open-ended, this
tool were useful in time and financial management as well as enhanced the researcher
in getting the relevant answers in accordance to the nature of the problem of the study.
researcher. A researcher sometimes was collect data or information through secondary
data in order to get enough evidence for report research. In secondary data information
was collected through;
3.6 Data Analysis Methods
Data analysis refers to the process of rearranging and reducing data so that it can be
easily utilized (Kabiru & Njenga, 2009). The data collected through questionnaire,
documentary review survey and observations was examined and analyzed and put it in
writing. The quantitative data from questionnaires was collected and processed and
analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Qualitative data from
interviews was sorted to obtain major themes that answer research questions in order
to come up with concrete findings and suggestions computer program called package
for social scientists was used to analyze the data.
4.0 Introduction
This chapter presents findings, discusses and analyses the information collected from
TRA in Dar es Salaam Ilala region. It tries to scrutinize the data into a critical analysis in
order to obtain information that could provide the answers to the questions under study
on the factors which hinders the performance revenue collections in Tanzania. The
analysis is directed at answering the main research question with the aid of answering
the eight specific research questions as showed above which are, how does political
instability affect revenue collection? How do policies affect revenue collection? what
impact do the support systems have on revenue collection? Why the level of
performance from staffs affects revenue collection in TRA, how internal control system
affects revenue collection, How the accountability and transparency for the staffs affect
revenue collection to find out on how network system affect revenue collection and How
adequate information can be obtained.
4.1.2 Age of Respond
The study was interested in getting different opinions and views from respondents of
different age groups as shown in figure 4.2 below,
Table 4.1 Age of Respondents
Age of respondent
20-25 26-30 31-40 41 and above
The results in Figure 4.2 showed that, the age distribution of the respondents which
was number between 20 and 25 years was 15%, and number between 26 and 30 years
was 19%, and the number between 31 and 40 years was 36%, and those with number
of 41 years and above was 30%. This implies that the majority of respondents were
Figure 4.1 Education level of respondents
protected to show information during the research. Simple random sampling technique
was employed to obtain the respondents. Data obtained was analysis by use of
descriptive statistics and presented in frequency tables.
Accountants officers 4 4
4.2.2 Effect of Tax Policies on Revenue Collection
This section sought to disclose how tax policies affect revenue collection and numbers
53 of respondents felt that the taxation laws put in place were hard to understand and
interpret; this, coming from respondents from Tanzania revenue authority at Mapato
house Ilala region and a majority of management level respondents indicate that the
general level employees with much fewer years of employment found the taxation laws
difficult to understand and interpret. The respondents who are from TRA are in
favorable positions as they can employ tax experts and auditors who with the help of
the laws and policies in place help make administration of the organization easier.
Figure below show the respondents.
Total 64 53
TOTAL 64 46
At this section a researcher was finding information which was provided by respondent
during the preparation of research report. If information provided by respondent to
customer or information provided by customer to its organization staffs is complete,
accurate sufficient, and properly then can affect revenue collection to increase. For
example, during the assessment of revenue made by TRA staffs to its customer, if the
information provided by customer about his or her sales was collect automatically
collection revenue increase due to staffs charged tax depends on assessment made
between two parts. And from that point adequate information affect revenue collection
by increases.
Table 4.5 The impact of adequate information in revenue collection
TOTAL 64 61
Researcher was use finding in the way of adopting Accountability and transparency with
the organization staffs through that may affect revenue collection to increase. And also it
brings out a new way of providing real-time information. This not only solves the
customer problems but also service quality can be improved. The relationship
between Tanzania revenue authority and people can be enhanced and make people feel
more connected. Therefore, revenue collection will be high at the all-time due to good
performance of accountability and transparency with the organization staffs to its
Table 4.6 Impact of accountability and transparency with staffs
TOTAL 64 61
according to detail and information provided by TRA staffs.
5.0 Introduction
This chapter highlights the conclusions and recommendations based on the findings of
this study. More specifically, the chapter discusses the summary of the research
questions that guided the research, the methodology that was used to study those
objectives and the findings resulting from the study. Finally, the section highlighted the
implication, limitations and recommendations of the research
5.1.2 Policies
The findings in this study have shown that, majority of the respondents agreed that laws
on taxation hard to understand and interpret. This corresponds with past studies (Camilo,
2010), who found that People don't like paying taxes. That’s because they don’t
understand them. However, some researcher like Bonus and Jackson (2013) in Zambia
came with same findings. According to them, tax laws are always complicated to the
side of taxpayers. Also researcher was interested to know from the respondents if the
laws on taxation make administration of the organization easier. From the findings the
respondents felt that because the taxation laws are not ambiguous, and they do not
change frequently, they enhance better planning for the organization and thus make
administration of the organization easier. Also the findings reveal that imposition of tax
laws enhanced protection of the environment.
5.1.5 Internal control system
The finding shown that internal control system led impact on revenue collection. The
respondents gave information that internal control systems were encouraged in
contribution of revenue collection at Tanzania revenue collection, for example
Segregation of Duties. When work duties are divided or segregated among different
people to reduce the risk of error or inappropriate actions. Physical Controls,
Reconciliations Policies and Procedure Transaction and Activity Reviews, Information
Processing Controls, those were examples led revenue collection in Tanzania revenue
collection. Therefore, internal control system encouraged in revenue collection but also
internal control system was reducing time management like activities which done
through manual report was protected by using control system.
Statements from the organization’s leaders such as its CEO and region officers, Profiles
of directors and information about the organizational structure, Information about key
organizational, resources (such as staff and volunteers); and Information about the
organization’s activities within the reporting period, including key statistics and
performance data.
5.2 Conclusion
The study concludes that the political stability and gave different impacts of the
political environment on revenue collection. The study further concludes that closeness
to the general elections instills fear in the general citizens and hence inhibits normal
operations to everything they undertake; Political stability of the country affect
taxation of individuals and organizations, the study further concludes that there is a
direct relationship between political stability and the revenue collection. The study
concludes that taxation accomplished redistribution of wealth, that is, taxation was a
means by which the government raises funds to build schools, hospitals and other
social amenities for the good of the larger community. The study further concludes that
the evolution and improvement of information technology has created avenues for
organizations to maximize their productivity and efficiency. The study also
concludes that revenue collection can be enhanced by improvement on the quality of
service that is offered by the personnel of TRA to the taxpayers and also the study
concludes that. Accountability and transparency for the staffs led enhance of revenue
collection therefore should be provide segregation of duties with the staffs in order to
increase accountable with the TRA staffs, also adequate of information such as
disclosing of relevant information lead enhance of revenue collection to the Tra so the
staffs should provide or disclose relevant information specific space in order to increase
revenue collection.
5.3 Recommendations
iii. Factors that affect the accuracy, fairness and timely tax collections.
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2. How long have you worked in your organization?
[a] Over 20 years
[b] 16 – 20 years
[c] 11 – 15 years
[d] 5 – 10 years
[e] Below 5 years
3. Level of employment?
[a] Senior Management [b] Management [c] Supervisory [d] Employee
5. In your opinion, does political stability of the country affect taxation of individuals
and organizations?
[a] Yes [b] No [c] Not Sure
8. In your opinion, do the laws set accomplish redistribution of revenue, that is, from
businesses’ profits and individuals’ incomes to social development amenities
(development of public resources)?
[a] Yes [b] No [c] Not Sure
9. In your opinion, do the laws set enhance protection of the environment e.g. anti
dumping laws and the TEBS regulations?
[a] Yes [b] No [c] Not Sure
10. When you pay taxes, do you achieve the feeling of accomplishment as you are part
of nation building?
[a] Yes [b] No [c] Not Sure
III: Impact of Information Technology and Human Resources on Revenue
11. Information Technology has created opportunities for the organization to amplify its
productivity and effectiveness while cutting costs of production in the long run.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
12. Information technology systems have made it easier for the organization to comply
with the tax laws and policies in place
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Strongly Disagree Disagrees Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
13. The introduction of the TRA Online Portal and do-it-yourself services has made it
easier for taxpayers to comply with the tax laws at the comfort of their offices or homes
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Strongly Disagree Disagrees Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
14. Trained and well informed and knowledgeable TRA personnel clarify all questions
regarding taxation and make compliance with the tax laws easier
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Strongly Disagrees Disagrees Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
15. The level of quality of service offered by TRA personnel is an important factor to
revenue collection
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Strongly Disagree Disagrees Agree Neutral Strongly Agree
1V Effect of internal control system on revenue collection
16. The impact of internal control system were able to led efficiency of operation?
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Strongly Disagree Disagrees Agree Neutral Strongly Agree
17. internal control system were able to be one of the factor affecting revenue
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Strongly Disagree Disagrees Agree Neutral Strongly Agree
18. The internal control system were able to reduce human errors ant time
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Strongly Disagree Disagrees Agree Neutral Strongly Agree
19. The impact of increased adequate information from the TRA staffs may led enhance
of revenue collection?
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Strongly Disagree Disagrees Agree Neutral Strongly Agree
20. Information obtained from TRA staffs may be enough for one of factor of revenue
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Strongly Disagree Disagrees Agree Neutral Strongly Agree
21. Accountability and transparency with the TRA staffs may led revenue collection to
be increased?
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Strongly Disagree Disagrees Agree Neutral Strongly Agree