Stag200 Gofast Manual Eng

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Connection and programming

manual for


(also available in the diagnostic software and at

ver. 1.5 2015-06-30

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1. Set-up ......................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.1. STAG 200 GoFast connection diagram ............................................................................................................. 3
2. Description of Stag 200 Easy diagnostic software ....................................................................................... 4
2.1. Start-up ................................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.2. Demo mode ............................................................................................................................................................ 4
2.2.1. Signal monitoring window ............................................................................................................................ 5
2.2.2. Configuration and settings window ............................................................................................................. 6
2.2.3. Oscilloscope ................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.2.4. Multiplier map, rpm and correction of gas temperature........................................................................... 8
2.2.5. Errors and alarm messages of the gas controller .................................................................................... 9
2.2.6. Settings ......................................................................................................................................................... 10
2.3. Autocalibration ..................................................................................................................................................... 14
2.4. Multiplier setup ..................................................................................................................................................... 15
2.4.1. Setup with petrol and gas maps................................................................................................................ 15
2.4.2. Setup with automatic multiplier adjustment ............................................................................................. 16
2.4.3. Setup based on observation of petrol injection pulses .......................................................................... 16
2.4.4. Setup with an OBD scanner and STFT and LTFT trims of the ECU................................................... 17
2.5. Setting of maximum load .................................................................................................................................... 17
2.6. Idle speed control ................................................................................................................................................ 17
3. Tips for users and installers ...................................................................................................................... 17
3.1. LED switch operation .......................................................................................................................................... 17
3.2 Installation notes ..................................................................................................................................... 18

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1. Set-up

1.1. STAG 200 GoFast connection diagram

Fig. 1. STAG 200 GoFast connection to vehicle installation.

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2. Description of Stag 200 Easy diagnostic software

2.1. Start-up

Fig. 2. Automatic searching window.

Auto-searching is initiated upon software start. If the controller is connected to the computer, the
software establishes communication and starts the application automatically. For manual connection, press
Exit and indicate the respective port for the application manually. Press Demo to test operation and
functionalities of the software without controller connection. If communication with the controller is lost
due to the disconnection of USB cable, it will be restored after reconnection.
In order to connect the application to the controller, use an USB RS232 interface cable or a Bluetooth
adapter in the new version identified with an arrow symbol .

2.2. Demo mode

Press Demo in the auto-search window. The mode allows operating the software, as if the gas controller
was connected. It is used to view the offered software functions. By default, the oscilloscope file with the
multiplier is loaded.

Fig. 3. Main window.

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2.2.1. Signal monitoring window

Fig. 4. Signal monitoring window.

The monitor presents signals read by the controller:

P1-P4 petrol injection time [ms]
G1-G4 gas injection time [ms]
RPM engine speed (calculated based on petrol injector pulses) [rpm]
MAP press. pressure in the intake manifold [Bar]
Gas press. gas pressure between the reducer and gas injectors [Bar], this is a differential
pressure between the reducer outlet pressure and the intake manifold pressure
Red. temp. reducer temperature [OC]
Gas. temp. gas temperature downstream the reducer [OC]
Engina load currently calculated engine load [%]
Lambda oxygen sensor voltage [V]

Clicking on the signal value will call up the "Quick params" window. It is used for a quick view of the

Fig 4a. QUICK Params window.

Signal values are displayed in the oscilloscope window. Clicking the description of the selected signal
deactivates presentation in the oscilloscope window. The selected parameter is grayed and crossed.

Fig. 5. Signal monitoring window section.

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Selected gas injector is switched off by clicking its icon. The injector icon is grayed and a respective gas
injector is switched off throughout the software run. Upon gas injector switching off, a respective petrol
injector is switched on.

Fig. 6. Signal monitoring window section.

2.2.2. Configuration and settings window

Fig. 7. Configuration and settings window.

Options available in the Settings window:

Documentation wiring diagram
Language selection of the application language
Firmware updating the controller and LED switch. Browse to select the firmware file and perform
updating to the latest version for the controller. The same file is used to update the LED switch firmware.
Select the file and press Update. If a new firmware version becomes available, a prompt will be

Fig. 8. Firmware update window.

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Factory reset - restoring controller factory settings.
Save - saving controller settings on the disc; enter the name and save the file in a selected folder.
Open - loading previously saved controller configuration settings.
LED switch the switch in the application works like the physical switch in the drivers cabin. Clicking the
button results in gas/petrol switching. Fuelling mode and gas level displays are provided.

Fig. 9. LED switch.

- displaying the list of computer COM ports used for controller

communication; select the required port.
- displaying the controller status (no connection, connected, waiting for gas
or failure).

2.2.3. Oscilloscope

The oscilloscope allows the user to monitor the signals in real time and to load previously saved
oscilloscope files.

Fig. 10. Oscilloscope window.

- erasing displayed curve data and restarting oscilloscope recording

- stop, stops the oscilloscope recording
- loading an oscilloscope file for review

- saving an oscilloscope file on the computer disc

- increasing/decreasing the oscilloscope scale

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2.2.4. Multiplier map, rpm and correction of gas temperature

Multiplier a window with the multiplier map for correct setting of gas dosing (orange curve). Yellow
dots represent calibration points; select a point to define its value by using keyboard up/down arrow
buttons. The horizontal axis represents petrol injection time and the vertical one on the left stands for the
multiplier value. The right vertical axis indicates MAP pressure in the intake manifold.
The blue curve represents the petrol map vs. MAP. The green curve represents the petrol map acquired
when operating on gas vs. MAP. Individual point in the area of petrol maps (blue and green) represent
locations, in which petrol injection pulses were acquired and based on which the controller makes
displayed maps.

Fig. 11. Multiplier map window.

RPM correction Rpm correction allows the correction as a function of rpm to be made by marking any
area or point on the map and entering the required correction value. After selecting an area and pressing
the Enter key, the target value should be entered. The target value can be also changed by using the
arrow keys with the Ctrl key depressed (with steps of 1). When holding down the Shift key while using
the arrow keys, changes are made in steps of 10. The values on vertical and horizontal axes can be
edited by clicking on the selected value and entering a new value. The number of columns and rows can
be deleted. To do this move the cursor to the selected map cell and delete a row (Shift+Del) or a
column (Left Alt+Del). A row or column may reinserted with the mouse right button by clicking on the
selected location in a row or column. By clicking inside a map area both a row and a column are added
simultaneously. The button on the right side of the map is used to delete the corrections entered. The
button beneath serves to trace the cursor moving across the map. The button below allows the user
to configure the map based on the needs by specifying the target number of columns, maximum injection
time and step.

Fig. 12 . RPM correction window.

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Gas temperature correction enables the required correction depending on gas temperature
(horizontal axis) to be entered. The correction is made by setting the height of a selected point (yellow
point). The button on the right side of the map allows the entered corrections to be deleted.

Fig. 13. Gas temperature correction window.

2.2.5. Errors and alarm messages of the gas controller

Fig. 14. Controller errors and alarm messages window.

The window shows current errors and messages reported by the controller. The errors are cleared with .
If an error occurs, a "frozen frame" will be memorized, i.e. condition of error occurrence. In order to read the
"frozen frame", expand the error description.
The table below contains a list of possible errors.

Error name Description of remedy actions and error clearing

Setting error, check settings Update the controller firmware to the latest version. If problem
persists, restore default settings and configure the controller
once again.
The controller has been restarted. The battery or controller fuse was disconnected. If this error
occurs frequently, check electrical connections at the battery.
Connection to the control unit has No power supply to the control unit or no connection to the
failed. controller. Check control unit connections in the drivers cab.
Communication with the control Check connections at the control unit in the drivers cab.
unit has been lost
Reducer temperature sensor Reducer temperature sensor circuit is broken or sensor failed.
Gas temperature sensor missing Gas temperature sensor circuit is broken or sensor failed.
Check sensor connections (PS02 sensor connector).
Short circuit in reducer Wire insulation fault or sensor failure. Check wire harness.
temperature sensor circuit
Short circuit in gas temperature Wire insulation fault or sensor failure. Check wire harness.
sensor circuit
Low gas pressure Gas pressure drop below the declared value. Gas high
pressure hose bended, reducer failure , improper reducer, low
gas level, pressure sensor failure, failure of one of gas cut-off
solenoid valve coils or no coil connection.

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High gas pressure Reducer failure, pressure sensor failure.
Gas injector failure 1/2/3/4 Gas injector coil failure, short circuit in injector wire harness.
Gas injector missing 1/2/3/4 Injector circuit broken. Check electrical connections. Gas
injector coil failure.
Peripherals power supply circuit Power supply failure for the following components: control unit,
failure PS02 sensor. Check wire harness.
Injector power supply circuit Check gas injector wire harness.
Solenoid valve power supply Short circuit in solenoid valve power supply or gas cut-off
circuit failure solenoid valve coil failure. Check the cable installed under the
vehicle floor between the rear solenoid valve to the solenoid
valve under the hood. Check solenoid valve coils.
Solenoid valve missing Solenoid valve power supply circuit broken or solenoid valve
coil failure.
Low voltage at the power supply Check the battery.
High voltage at the power supply Check the battery charging system.

2.2.6. Settings

Fig. 15. Basic settings of the gas controller.

Description of functions:
Expert/Standard application viewing modes; in the Standard mode only basic functions
and settings can be viewed and the Expert mode activates the full functionality of the application.
gas injector type select the type from a dropdown list,
oxygen sensor type - select the type of voltage probe or none,
reducer temperature sensor type of reducer temperature sensor,

gas level indicator type select the type of gas level sensor,
engine type standard, turbo, valvetronic (selection of valvetronic results in deactivation of petrol
and LPG map curves in the multiplier window no negative pressure in the intake system),

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fuel type LPG or CNG,

injection control standard, doubling. Doubling can be used if gas injection pulses are too short to
allow full opening of the injector (e.g. semi-sequential engines). Switching the option on will result in
doubled gas injection time for the operation to be more stable, however, injection will occur at every
second petrol injection pulse. Example: For the standard setting, gas injector opening time based on the
multiplier is 1,2 ms, injection pulses are performed at every command of the petrol injector. For the
double setting, injection time is extended to 2,4 ms, but injection pulses will occur at every second petrol
injector pulse.
number of cylinders the number of engine cylinders,

switching to gas specify condition for switching to gas: rpm, reducer temperature, cylinder
switching (time between switching of gas injectors), reducer filling delay (time between solenoid valve
opening and the first gas injection pulse), switching time (time elapsed from turning on the ignition to
switch over to gas even if the other switching conditions are satisfied).

switching to petrol switching to petrol occurs if one of the conditions is fulfilled: minimum gas
temperature, minimum rpm, maximum rpm, minimum gas pressure, maximum engine load.
Autocalibration Press Autocalibration to display the automatic calibration window.

Fig. 16. Autocalibration button.

Car and system info

Fig. 17. Car and system info window.

The window is used to enter reminder notes related to the following: milage for the required change
of the oil, air filter and gas filter. Information of the vehicle equipped with an autogas system.
Additionally, petrol and LPG fueling time from the installation is displayed. Required service counter.
Emergency starts control. For selected Emergency starts, specify the number of allowed emergency
starts. Leaving the option unchecked sets no limits to the number of emergency starts. Checked "Block
LPG/CNG" option does not allow engine operation on gas when the required service date is exceeded.

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Emergency start procedure:
Turn the key to ON.
Press and hold the LED switch button until a sound is made.
Release the button.
Start the engine.

Gas controller info the window contains information about the installed controller, for
example: first connection to PC, first setting modification, last connection to PC, modification date 1-5,
error clearing, controller serial number, code of PC being connected. The date and time of events along
with the code of computer that made connection.

Fig. 18. Gas controller info window.

Gas injectors settings

Fig. 19. Gas injectors settings window.

The window allows corrections of individual sections of the injectors. Example: If there is an
assumption that the car operates incorrectly within one section (uneven engine running when switched
between gas and petrol), try to increase/decrease the correction in selected sections to ensure optimum
working conditions. Selection of correction adjustment ranges by percentage or time. This is an
ultimate setting required only when there is no spare injector available. Such problems confirm gas
injector failure and it should be replaced as soon as possible.
The Injection seuence matrix is used to configure gas injector control. B1-B4 (petrol
injectors), G1-G4 (gas injectors). Deafault control settings are B1-G1, B2-G2, B3-G3, B4-G4. This
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means that petrol injector B1 is synchronized with G1 gas injector. An additional option of injection
sequence advance 180 is a pre-programmed strategy for earlier injection of gas to the suction manifold.
The function can be only activated when the injector emulation sequence agrees with the original
sequence of injectors (the first injector is usually located on the timing gear side). For the autocalibration
procedure, turn off the option and set cylinder switching on the gas switching tab to 0 ms or use higher
rpm for switching to gas, e.g. 1300, to avoid problems when fuels are switched.

Diagnostics this window offers testing capabilities for the actuating devices, gas injectors,
solenoid valves, buzzer and switch panel LED diodes. Testing should be performed with the engine
running.The test should be carried out with the engine switched off.

Fig. 20. Diagnostics window

Gas level indicator - set gas level indication by entering

voltage values representing the empty and full tank. Current voltage value signal from the sensor is
displayed in the monitor window. Next to the level thresholds also current sensor indication is displayed
Sensitivity to rpm an auxiliary function used when rpm information for
engines of short petrol injection times is misinterpreted, e.g. semi-sequential engines. The value should
be chosen with the slider so that rpm are correctly interpreted when short injection pulses occur. The
injection pulses below the value set with the slider will be omitted in rpm calculations.
Hot start checking the option allows engine start on gas, when the reducer is warmed up.
External ignition switch signal check the configuration mode of the ignition switch signal when the
option is displayed. Check the option, if the wire is physically connected to the ignition switch signal line.
Intelligent extra-injection handling this option is particularly helpful in Mazda
(automatic detection of the running mode and activation of a respective control algorithm for operation of
the gas injectors). The option can be also used in other cars with a high number of extra-injections
resulting in more difficult setup of gas fueling. The Extra-injections off threshold cannot be used
Extra-injections off threshold an algorithm used to ignore injection pulses that are lower than set.
The option of Intelligent extra-injection handling cannot be checked simultaneously.
Injectors heating option used to start gas injectors when operating on petrol and cold engine to warm
up and prepare the injectors for working on gas. The option should be used as a last resort for worn out
and contaminated gas injectors that perform poorly on cold engine. If heating improves injector
performance, it should be replaced.
Pressure release an algorithm for overpressure reduction in the cutoff mode. Specify the limit of
pressure resulting in pressure release and gas injector pulsing reduction. Gas pressure is reduced by
injection of gas into the manifold until the pressure drops or cutoff mode ends. The algorithm can be
used for poorly performing reducer, in which overpressure and subsequent injection of gas (e.g. when
driving to a junction) results in engine stalling due to flooded with a rich or lean mixture (gas controller
pressure correction generates so short gas injection pulses that physical opening of the gas injector is
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VAG an option that is particularly useful in cars with long petrol injection pulses (e.g. 40 ms) on cold
engine, which results in respectively longer gas injections and flooding the engine while accelerating,
staggering or even stopping. Set correct gas injection (gas injection reduction) and reducer temperature
as the limit for activation of the function (note: it is emulated temperature, i.e. estimated by controller
calculations) experimentally. Set the maximum rpm level for activation of the function. If the function is
required to be active all the time, set the maximum available temperature.

2.3. Autocalibration

Fig. 21. Autocalibration window.

In order to autocalibrate the system, start the vehicle on petrol and warm up the engine to the working
temperature of 60C. All load points, e.g. air-conditioning and lights, should be off during the autocalibration
process. Do not turn the wheel either to avoid fluctuations in engine load due to steering assistance. The
vehicle should be in working order (no engine error codes). Check LTFT (long-term fuel trim) and STFT
(short-term fuel trim) petrol corrections for deviation from normal conditions using an OBD diagnostic
scanner. Press Start when engine working temperature is reached. Autocalibration progress is displayed on
the status bar. The controller will switch to gas (each section of the injector) and adjust the multiplier on idle
run. After the autocalibration is completed, adjust the multiplier on the road.

Note: If the rpm signal is interpreted incorrectly (e.g. in semi-sequential control), the autocalibration
procedure adjusts an rpm splitting factor automatically. After autocalibration, rpm signals are read correctly.
Note: For engines running in the Full Group mode, the ignition switch wire must be connected.

Functions displayed in the autocalibration window:

All injectors together function used when switching to gas during autocalibration results in engine
stalling upon the sequential switching of gas injectors.
Start with current multiplier checking the option allows the fitter to specify the initial multiplier for
calibration (initial gas injection time). Use buttons to set the required multiplier value. Verify the
multiplier setting with the switch button (switching should be smooth and not resulting in significant
changes in petrol injection pulsing, while keeping consistent dosing of fuel, which can be verified based
on the Lambda probe reading or LTFT and STFT trims with an OBD scanner.
Erase collected petrol map checking the option after completed autocalibration will result in erasing
the petrol map saved in the controller.
Multiplier auto-match a function facilitating multiplier setting; a number of automatic multiplier
adjustments to be defined based on thee collected maps. This function can be enabled/disabled at any
Operational pressure a pressure value entered automatically during auto-calibration when the
manual edit option is chosen.
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Calibration gas temperature a gas temperature value entered during auto-calibration; it is possible to
enter it manually by choosing such option.
Injection nozzle selection indicator an indicator of gas injector nozzle selection correctness. When
this indicator is near the green field it should be assumed that gas injector nozzles are selected properly.
When the indicator is moved to the left, the nozzle diameter should be reduced and conversely, when
moved to the left, the nozzle diameter should be increased. Additionally, the actual nozzle size must be
specified to configure the nozzle selection step.

If auto-calibration is impracticable, manual calibration function should be used. After pressing the
Manual key, the options Start from present multiplier, Operating pressure and Gas are
chosen automatically. The gas pressure and gas temperature values will be entered automatically when the
engine is running for at least 5 seconds (the green progress bar appears). These values can be entered
manually, too. The multiplier value to be chosen manually so that the petrol and gas injection times are
identical. When such result is achieved the calibration can be considered as correct and complete.

2.4. Multiplier setup

After the autocalibration on idle is completed, adjust the multiplier in a test drive. Yellow points on the
multiplier curve are used to adjust its level. Select a point and use the up/down arrow keys to set multiplier
position for a given calibration point. Press the key once to switch to another point. Keep the Shift key
pressed to change the value by 10. Keep the Ctrl key pressed and use a left/right arrow key to activate an
adjacent calibration point.

Fig. 22. Multiplier map view.

2.4.1. Setup with petrol and gas maps

Acquire all signals of the petrol map (blue line) and adjust engine load to teach the controller petrol
injection pulses in individual points (acquire as many blue points as possible). The controller makes a map
based on the sufficient number of points.
When the map is acquired, switch the controller to gas and acquire the map as described for petrol
(green line).
Ideally, the maps should overlap. If there is a difference between the maps, lower the multiplier level for
the gas map arranged too high or raise the points for the gas map being lower than the petrol map.
Corrections should be made with small steps. After adjustments of the points clear the gas map with .
Acquire the gas map once again to verify the correct multiplier, repeat the adjustment procedure, if

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2.4.2. Setup with automatic multiplier adjustment

Acquire all signals of the petrol map (blue) and gas map (green) for all load points. The blue and green
vertical bars on the right side of the multiplier window make map acquiring easier. The bar disappears as the
mapping progresses. The green marker of the bar indicates that a map gas should be acquired for a given
location and the blue marker represents the need to acquire the petrol map, conversely.

Fig. 23. Multiplier map view.

When both maps are acquired, the automatic multiplier adjustment function is activated.

Press the button to perform multiplier automatic adjustment. Based on the computed deviations the
controller corrects the location of multiplier points. When automatic adjustment is completed, the gas map is
deleted and a green bar appears to assist in indication of the gas map acquisition. A gas map should
acquired once again.
Automatic adjustment function can be used without limitations until appropriate setting is reached. As an
additional aid the automatic multiplier adjustment function can be used. In the auto-calibration the
anticipated number of automatic adjustments after the gas map is acquired should be indicated. The
declared number of automatic adjustments is displayed when the algorithm is running.

Once the gas map is acquired, the algorithm decides on multiplier adjustment, decreases the counters
value by one, deletes the gas map and starts acquiring another gas map. This function will run until the
counters value reaches 0 or the user disables it.

2.4.3. Setup based on observation of petrol injection pulses

Calibrate each multiplier point by adjusting engine load so that the cursor is positioned close to the
configured point. For the first phase chose a position on the calibrated point (adjust engine load to accelerate
lightly) while running on petrol. When the conditions are stable, switch the controller to gas. Observe petrol
injection pulses without changing the load. Correct the multiplier in a given point if there is a change in petrol
injection time after switching. If petrol injection is shorter, lower the level of the point by a few steps, if petrol
injection is longer, raise the multiplier. Perform calibration for as many points as possible (excluding the
extreme points and the point positioned close to the longest injection pulses, approx. 13 ms as presented on
the figure above to represent the maximum engine load range). Perform petrol/gas switching on each point
until satisfactory results are obtained, i.e. no changes in injection time after switching (minimum deviation is

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As an aid the autoselection function can be used; the function follows the current point on the
multiplier line, thus manual selection of current points is not required.

2.4.4. Setup with an OBD scanner and STFT and LTFT trims of the ECU

Vehicles provided with an OBD connector can be set up using an OBD scanner to observe STFT and
LTFT corrections while operating on autogas. The engine load should be set to move in the area of multiplier
point being calibrated and observe STFT and LTFT corrections. The sum of both trims should be usually
close to 0%. If STFT correction while running on gas is positive, raise the multiplier point until the sum of both
trims is approx. 0%, if the STFT values are negative, lower the multiplier to make the sum of STFT and LTFT
close to 0%. Perform calibration for as many points as possible (excluding the extreme points and the point
positioned close to the longest injection pulses, approx. 13 ms as presented on the figure above to represent
the maximum engine load range).
While running on gas with corrections at LTFT 3% and STFT 7%, raise the multiplier (STFT 7%) until the
correction is about -3%. STFT+LTFT=0%. Minimum deviations are allowed.
Make sure that petrol corrections are proper while working on petrol, deviations exceeding +/-25% are
not allowed, which can indicate engine failure and difficult or impossible setup (engine jerking while
switching, increased gas consumption, etc.).

2.5. Setting of maximum load

Following the autocalibration on idle and multiplier configuration on the road, set the multiplier for the
maximum load. Set the last but one multiplier point on the petrol injection curve, which represents the
maximum time of petrol injection under the highest load. While driving on constant and steady speed,
depress the accelerating pedal fully and while observing the Lambda indication in the application of the OBD
scanner set the correct A/F ratio by changing the position of the multiplier at the maximum load point. If there
is a voltage-type oxygen probe installed, adjust the multiplier so that probe indication is 0,8-0,9V. If the
vehicle is equipped with a current-type probe, use the OBD scanner and adjust the multiplier to make the
probe reading as for petrol.

2.6. Idle speed control

Following the operations described above, verify engine running on idle. Perform gas/petrol switching to
verify if the curve points are correct for the idle run. Switching should be smooth and petrol injection time
after switching should not change. If necessary, correct the multiplier point representing the injection pulse on
idle run.

3. Tips for users and installers

3.1. LED switch operation

Fig. 24. LED switch.

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The switch includes:

Gas level indicator. Indicator diodes inform the driver about the current fuel level. The last red diode
represents the low fuel level alarm.
Gas controller operating mode. Activated status diode indicates that the engine runs on gas fuel.
Flashing LED after the engine is started indicates either engine preheating or defect the engine is
running on petrol then. Inactive status diode indicates that the engine runs on petrol.

Fuel switch button. Press the button to switch between gas and petrol fueling.

Sound alarms:
(--- --- ---) three long tones repeated in three cycles low gas pressure, the issue can be caused by the
low gas level in the tank
(...) four short tones repeated in three cycles gas controller error

3.2 Installation notes

The controller is not provided with an rpm signal wire. The rpm parameter is calculated based on the
injection pulsing. In some cases, the rpm signal can be interpreted incorrectly after the installation of the
controller. Following the autocalibration, rpm reading will be corrected.
The controller does not require connection with the ignition switch wire. Following the installation, verify if
the ignition switch signal is correctly interpreted. When the ignition switch key is turned, the LED switch in
the cabin should be active and responsive to pressing of the fuelling mode button. When the ignition is off,
the switch should be switched off (sometimes after up to 1 min). If the LED switch remains activated,
connect the ignition switch with the wire provided in STAG harness.
Note: For engines running in the Full Group mode, the ignition switch wire must be connected.
Reading the gas level with a WPGH sensor is possible only when the shut-off solenoid is activated, as the
sensor requires voltage supply. Correct reading is possible only when operating on gas or with external
supply to the solenoid valve.
Note: The petrol injector emulators should be connected properly. When emulations are made on the
petrol injector inlet side will cause that both gas and petrol will be used simultaneously.

If STAG system fuse is blown (no active diodes in the LED switch and no response to pressing the
button) contact the STAG Authorized Service Point to remove the fault. Driving with a blown fuse may
impact operation on petrol in extreme situations and under high load.

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