Cell Structure: Differences Between Light and Electron Microscope
Cell Structure: Differences Between Light and Electron Microscope
Cell Structure: Differences Between Light and Electron Microscope
Living things are composed of Cells. Cells are very small (usually between 1 and 100 m) and
between Magnification and Resolution: Magnification is how large the image is compared to real
life, whereas Resolution is the amount of information that can be seen in the image - defined
as the smallest distance below which two discrete objects will be seen as one.
Animal Cell
Plant Cell
Cell Structure
Nucleus: typical size of the nucleus is 10m. it is important as it controls the cells activities. It
contains the genetic information (DNA). Surrounding the nucleus is a double membrane
Nuclear Envelope: It is a double membrane structure that surrounds the entire nucleus. The
outer layer is consistent with the endoplasmic reticulum. The nuclear envelope has pores that
Nucleolus: It is a structure found in the nucleus. That synthesizes rRNA and assemble
Cell Membrane: The cell membrane is a phospholipid bilayer that allows certain substances to
enter and leave the cell. It is a selectively permeable membrane that aids to protect the contents
of the cell.
Cell Wall: A tough flexible layer that surrounds the cell membrane providing the cell with
support and protection. The cell wall is permeable and is made up of cellulose.
Chloroplast: This is found in plant cells and contains chlorophyll. Chlorophyll enables the plant
ER are continuous with the outer membrane of the nuclear envelope. There are two types of ER:
Rough ER: This ER is studded with ribosomes that attach and detach when needed. This
metabolism of fat. The sER also produces steroid hormones. It is more tubular than rER
and forms a separate sealed interconnected network. sER plays a role in detoxifying
Golgi Apparatus: This is a series of tubular networks that are connected. It is responsible for
receiving and distributing proteins made in the ER. Proteins synthesized in the ER are packaged
into vesicles, which then fuse with the Golgi apparatus. These cargo proteins are modified and
destined for secretion via exocytosis or for use in the cell. In this respect, the Golgi can be
thought of as similar to a post office: it packages and labels items which it then sends to different
parts of the cell or to the extracellular space. The Golgi apparatus is also involved
Mitochondria: These are double membrane bound organelle. It produces the energy needed for
the cell to function and as a result it is called the powerhouse of the cell.
Ribosomes: They can be found free or bound to structure such as to rER. Ribosomes make
Lysosomes: It is a membrane bound organelle found in most animal cells. They contain enzymes
that break down biomolecules. Enzymes of the lysosomes are synthesised in the rough
endoplasmic reticulum. The enzymes are released from Golgi apparatus in small vesicles which
ultimately fuse with acidic vesicles called endosomes, thus becoming full lysosomes. Lysosomes
digest excess or worn-out organelles, food particles, and engulfed viruses or bacteria.
The membrane around a lysosome allows the digestive enzymes to work as they require.
Lysosomes fuse with autophagic vacuoles (phagosomes) and dispense their enzymes into the
Centrioles: All animal cell has two centrioles. The centrioles become important in cell division,
smaller in size.
3 It cannot change its shape. An animal cell can often change its
4 Plastids are present. Plant cells Plastids are usually absent.
Nucleus lies on one side in the Nucleus usually lies in the centre.
6 peripheral cytoplasm.
8 animal cells.
of starch.
12 Plant cell synthesise all amino acids Animal cell cannot synthesise all the
13 Spindles formed during cell divisions Spindle formed during cell division is
method. or furrowing.
15 Plant cell does not burst if placed in Animal cell lacking contractile
1. Capsule: The outer layer of prokaryotic cells is a gummy or slimy covering (it is sometimes
labelled as the "slime capsule") that may help bacteria stay together in colonies and/or provide
2. Cell Wall: Prokaryotic cell walls have a rigid framework of murein, which is a polysaccharide
cross-linked by peptide chains. (Compare with plant cell walls which are made mainly of
3. Plasma membrane: The plasma membrane (sometimes also called the "cell membrane") is
phospholipid bilayer. Note that it is flexible i.e. non-rigid. See also functions of the plasma
4. Cytoplasm: Cytoplasm is a gel-like substance that consists mainly of water. In general
cytoplasm may also contain enzymes, salts, cell components (e.g. ribosomes, plasmids, food
5. Flagellum (sing.): Flagella are not limited to prokaryotic cells; certain eukaryotic cells also
have flagella - but there are differences between the three types of flagella i.e. those found in:
Bacterial cells (also called prokaryotes) and the subject of this page
Archaeal cells (although archaeal flagella are superficially similar to bacterial flagella)
In many cases the flagellum of a prokaryotic cell (e.g. a bacterium) is responsible for the
motility, i.e. ability to move spontaneously and actively - consuming energy in the process, of
the cell. The flagellum of a prokaryotic cell does not "beat" but rotates about a "bearing" in the
cell wall - resulting in a "corkscrew" motion that drives the cell forwards in much the same way
6.Pili (pl.): A pilus is a hair-like appendage many of which are present on the surface of many
bacteria. In this context the words "pilus" and "fimbria" are sometimes used interchangeably.
The words "fimbria" (singular) and fimbriae (plural) are also used in other contexts within
In the context of prokaryotic cells, a fimbria (or a pilus) is a protein rod that is sometimes called
a proteinaceous appendage. It is shorter and thinner than a flagellum. Fimbriae (or pili) tend to be
approx.3-10 nm in diameter and up to several m long. Fimbriae (or pili) help bacterial cells
adhere to each other, to animal cells and to inanimate objects. A single bacterium can have as
phototrophic bacteria.
Photosynthesis and bacterial photosynthesis: Photosynthesis occurs in plants, algae, and many
species of bacteria. It can happen in different ways but always starts by light energy being
chlorophyll-type molecules. In plant cells these proteins are inside organelles called chloroplasts
while in bacteria they are embedded in the plasma membrane - on surfaces called photosynthetic
membranes. (Bacterial cells do not contain any membrane-bound organelles so they obviously
(sometimes described simply as "infoldings") of the plasma membrane. Enzymes associated with
respiration of the prokaryotic cell, e.g. a bacterium, are located on the infoldings. Not all
prokaryotic cells have mesosomes. Both mesosomes and the cristae (folds of the inner-
mesosomes are only found in prokaryotic cells and mitochondria only in eukaryotic cells, these
structures are sometimes compared when discussing the differences between prokaryotic and
eukaryotic cells.
9. Nuclear body: The genetic material consists of a circle of double-stranded DNA. The nuclear
body of prokaryotic cells differs from the nucleus of eukaryotic cells in that the nuclear body
10. Plasmids: Plasmids are short pieces of circular DNA. They replicate independently of the
cell genome. Plasmids are not present in eukaryotic cells (also called eukaryotes, e.g. plant cells
11. Food Stores: The food stores in prokaryotic cells can be e.g. lipid globules or glycogen
granules - hence the slightly different sizes and colours of "food store" particles in the above
12. Ribosomes: The ribosomes found in prokaryotic cells are much smaller than the ones in
eukaryotic cells. The (smaller) ribosomes in prokaryotic cells are the 70S type, compared with
the (larger) ribosomes in eukaryotic cells which are the 80S type.
The ribosomes in bacterial cells are scattered throughout the cytoplasm - as opposed to supported
Now that we know about both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, let's look at the endosymbiosis
theory. This theory suggests that mitochondria and plastids in eukaryotic cells were once
independent prokaryotic cells. Basically, this means that once upon a time, there were three
prokaryotic cells: one that was capable of aerobic respiration and converting energy, one that
was capable of photosynthesis and one that was incapable of doing either of these processes. The
lazy cell that was incapable of doing respiration and photosynthesis engulfed - or ate - the other
Now, this may have been intentional or accidental. However, when the lazy cell engulfed the
respiration cell, it was then able to make useful energy. When it engulfed the photosynthesis cell,
it was then able to convert energy from the sun into stored chemical energy.
Let's go back to the term endosymbiosis to understand the role of each of these cells. You may
remember that symbiosis is a close relationship between two different organisms. In this case, we
are looking at the relationships between several ancient cells. The cell that ate the other cells is
called the host, while the other two - the respiration and photosynthesis cells - are endosymbionts
because they live within the host. It may sound like the only one benefiting in this situation is the
cell that ate the other cells, but it could be that all cells are benefiting. While the lazy cell now
has a source of energy and a way to convert that energy, the other cells have a safe place to live
and grow.
Because all eukaryotic cells have mitochondria but not all have chloroplasts, it is thought that the
host cell first engulfed the respiration cell. Quite a while later, one of these cells that contained