Diesel Engine Manual

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Prepared by a Staff of Technical

Experts under the direction of


Book8 of allied interest ...


",,'iut Published 1!lIiO
Second Ed'i lion 1\);)3
Third Edition 1955
ji'ou,'th Edit'i on J!I,ifl


N preparing tl1i edition the opportunity ha been taken of r vising
I the material in 'hapter 1 dealing with th basi(' priJl('ipJ 8 of two- and
four-stroke diesel engines. MOl' information is given on two- tr k
ngines, dual -fuel engines and on turbo-chargers, \VhiJ n w otion d al
with combu tion chamber and oil cooling.
Of special importance is the n w addition to hapter 11 of It d tail d
description of the C.A.V. distributor-typ fuel-injection pump, a pump
which will become increasingly popular wit,h mass-production ngin
Full details of governors are included in .hapter Tl. Chapters 1 V aud
V are devoted to the installation of tationary engines and to starting
mechanisms respectively.
hapter VI has been further xtended to inc'lude ads 'ription with
servicing instructions on the 'ommer T, '3 two-stroke ngin, whil
continuing to give fullest details of the 'at'dner and P rkins autom bit
engines and the A.E. '. horizontal types.
Practical method of testing both for I.H.P. and B.H.P. rm th
subject of 'bapter VIII, and in 'hapter IX the pl'Ocedur for carrying
out exhau t gas analysis and temp ratuT tests are drib d. Th
details enable the ngineer to determin within cl08 limits th p rfor-
mance and efficiency of die el engines for whi 11 he is responsibJ .
It is hop d that tills book will prove to b of valu to engineers con-
cerned in the installation , operation and maintenanc of all typ s of
diesel engine.









Chapter I


HE compression-ignition engin may be r gard d liS a d velopm nt

T of the petrol engine. As most r ad r8 will be awar ,th P trol ngin
depends for its op ration upon the following qu nc :
Induction troke.-A mixture of air and petrol vapour i drawn into
the cylinder.
Compression Stroke.- The charge is compressed as the piston moves
back towards the oylinder head.
Firing Stroke.- Th compr ssod obarge is now ignit d by a park
and the eA-panding gas foroes th pi ton outwards again, doing xOOrnal
Exhaust troke.- Near the end of the firing strok , the haust alv
opens and the in rtia of the moving part oarri s th piston baok toward
the oylinder bead, expelling the burnt ga s.
The above is known as the four- troke oyole beoause four trok f
t he piston are neoessary for each firing troke.
By a special arrangement of valvo ports and defleotors and by using
the crankcase as a com pre sion chamo;;r, the above sequ nce can b
modified to give the two-stroke ~trol engine, whieh has on us ful
stroke for every two strokes of the pi ton.
In the compression-ignition or diesel engin no sparking plug is u d;
the ignition being obtained by the h at of compr ssion. A s oond
point of difference is that tb fuel is not vaporised by being injeoted at
tbe top of the oompres ion stroke. It is inj oOOd through an atomi r
spray or nozzle.
The full sequence of the four- trok compression-ignition engin
cycle is a follow :
uction troke.-At; th pi ton moves outwards, air is drawn into th
oylinder. Air-inlet valve then olose .
Compress-ion and Injection troke.- Th.e piston now mov s inwards,
compre in.g the nclo d air to about 33 atmospber and rai ing tb
temperature above th flash point of the fuel. Near the top of th
compre sion stroke the fuel-injection valve opens and a fin pray f
fuel oil is injected into the heated air.
D.II. -}. 9




Fig. l.- SnowING PRINOIPLE 011' 1I'0'UROYOLll: DlES:EL ENOINl!l

The four di agrllIll8 show the Buction, compro88ion, firin g, Lnd exhalJElt Lrokes respec

Firing Stroke.- The high temperature due to the rapid compression

of the air in the oylinder ignites the fuel. This oauses a sudden rise of
pressure and the piston is driven outwards whil t the combustion of the
fuel continues. Near the end of the stroke the exhaust valve opens.
Exhaust Stroke.- Thtl momentum whioh the moving parts have
aoquired during the fu'ing stroke oauses the piston to travel baok towards
th cylinder head, exp lling the products of combustion. Near the top
of this stroke the exhaust valve closes and the inlet valve opens ready
for the recommencement of the oycle.
Before passing on to describe the corresponding sequence which occurs
in the two-stroke compression-ignition engines, we would draw attention
to one or two points of specia.l interest whioh apply equally to four-strok
and two-stroke types.
The first point to note is that muoh higher compression ratios are used
in compt: ssion-ignition engines than in petrol engines. Whereas the
latter may have compre ion ratios of about 5 : J the compression-
ignition engine is designed for compression ratio 0 from 13 : 1 to 1 .
Anyone who has used a hicycl pump is aware that a su en com-
pression of air cau es it temperature to ri e. It is this simple fact which
forms the ba. is of the compr s. ion-ignition engine.
Th e~ point to note is that as a. high compression ratio enables
high internal cylinder temperatures to be a.ttained, fuels having a high
fla.sh point can be u ed. Such fuels, i.e. heavy oil , are considerably
ch aper than the highly refined petrol or aviation fuel. Also, the e oils
have a high oalorific valu and can be tor d with greater safety.
A third point. which in many cases is th mo t important factor, i
that the high compre sion ratio conduce to greater thermal efficiency

2 3

.4 5 6
t 0 OYLINDER or A LZER TWO81'Mltll: X OI:NlC

A Connecting rod. E Fu I.injection valve.

B CrlUlkshaft F Exhaust pipe.
C Piston. H cav nging.air uppJy pipe.
D Cylind r. J 'onreturn valv .
( 1dur BrN. (London) W.)
than oan be attained with t he lower compressions whioh are us d in petrol
engines. In this oonneotion it may be remarked that if the oompression
ratio of a petrol engine is inor ased beyond a certain limit, pinking or
pr -ignition of the charge occurs, due to the high temperature engend red.
The fmal point to be borne in mind with regard to the compression-
ignition engine is that the high compre sion ratios involve very high
internal cylind l' pressures, both immediately preceding and after
ignition. This, in turn, oalls for a much sturdier construction than was
necessary with the earlier type of internal-combustion engine.
Having described the basic principles upon whioh all compression-
ignition engines depend , we now give below some particulars regarding
two-stroke and other modifications of the basic systems.


Although presenting a few design problems where the ntmost efficioncy
is desirable, the two-stroke diesel, becau e of it ba i simplicity, is in
gr at demand espeoially in the larger capaciti s (greater than 2,000 h.p.).
It is, n v rtheless, used quite frequently for smaller enITines, even on road
v hicl s.
ince the two-stroke system, with one power- troke per l' vollltion of
the crankshaft, has no induction troke,'the most important design prob-
I m is scaveng~[ the con equent inprodn tion of a fresh charge of ail'.
cavenging is . ved by a pump driven from the crank haft. This may
b a vane-typ 1) ower (Roots type) or a double action reciprocating pump,
s metimes cast into the crankcase during manufaotur and driven by a
oonnecting rod to the crankshaft. The pump supplies a reservoir whi ch
maintains a constant pressure of air on the inlet ports.
The scav nge air mnst pu h out the exhau t gases from the cylinder
and, owing to a certain amount of mixing, it i necessary to supply more
than one cylinder-full of air, som of the air going to waste.
A l' cent development to improve this situation is exbau t pulse pre -
sure timing. By careful de ign of the exhaust system a wave of back-
pressure may be set up in the exhaust from one cylinder, 0 timed that it
prevent scavenging air from another ylinder passing into th exhaust.
Thus not only d es this avoid wa te of scavenge air but it increa s the
weight of air in the cylind l' for th next stroke.
Improvement in scavenging i possibl by difF rent de igning of the
port. irople t is the de ign with ports opposite each other in the yLinder
and a piston with a d lector. Thi provide cros - cavenging, as in
Fig. 3. Mol' fr quent i th loop- caveuging design, variations of this
giving good scannging but l' quiring careful machining of the part. In
oppo d-pi ton and poppet exhaust-valve type of engine d ign, th
uniflow d ign, giving a onstant sweep of air down the length of the
cylinder, i xtremely efficient and easy to construct.

To demonstrate a two-stroke engine with simple ero -flow s av uging

('onsider the en ine in Fig. 2. Fig. 2 (I) illu trat tho ompr ion strok ;
Fig. 2 (2) hows the pi ton at 'T.D. . with fu 1 being inj cten thr ugh h
injeetion nozzle E ; Fig. _ (3) shows the piston a.pproaehin ~ th bottom f


the firing strok , wbere the upper air admiBsion or seaven p rts 011 th
right and the exhaust port on he left are uncov red.
Note that the upp r seavenge ports ar provid d with autornati<: nOIl -
return valves. These prevent the combusti n gase f1' m entering th
air scavenge pipe ev n if the cylind r pressure is higher than the p ure
of the air in the scavenging system. As soon as th xhaust p rts ar
qpened and the yJinder pre sure hl11 fallen below that of th seav nging
air supply, th non-return valves op n to admit the avenging air.
As soon as the pre ure in th cylinder falls b low that in the cav ng-
ing-air supply pipe, fre h air flows in through the op n scavenge p rts,
driving out the remainder of the combustion gases into th xhau pi
Fig. 2 (5). Fig. 2 (6) shows the pi ton at the beginning ofth compr ion
stroke, the exhau t port is now cIo cd and further air j entering th
cylinder through the upper scavenge ports. The qu n i then r pea d
as already de cribcd.

Marine Engines
An illtere ting e ample of a two- troke marine ngin is tb ox~ rd
ingl&-acting oppo ed-pi ton type. In this engin each ('yHnd r unit ba
two piston, which move in oppo itt> direotions fr mac ntra,l C' mbuRtioll
hamb r. The lower pistoll at th bottom nd of its l' k UllCO rs a

III row of scavenging ports, and the upper

fu.. "'{~ \\ ~;;C piston a longer row of exhaust ports,
'1 ~~ '(.,. r Scavenging air is upplied by one
~ !!!! engine-driven pump of the crank-driven

"'~" -- type, or by one or more lever-driven

pumps at the side of the engine. Each
eylinder unit has a three-throw crank-
shaft, th centre crank being at 1 0 to
the two side cranks, The lower piston
~ is driven from th centre crankpin by '"
~ single cOlmectil1g rod and cros head,

~ /'
whilst the upper piston carries a cross

(:' iii beam or transverse which is attached at

its ends to two side rods with cro sheads

,\"" D and co nne ting rods coupled to the two
side crankpins,
To secure primary balan e of reei pro-
eating masses the lower piston stroke
is about one-third more than th stroke
of the upper pistons ; from an examin-
ation of Fig, 4 (a) , which shows the
arrangement of a single cylinder, the
weight of the upper pi ton with trans-
v rse side rods and crossheads is
obviously heavier than the lower pi ton
with one crosshead, The engine is started
by means of compressed air stored in
air tank at 600 lb./sq, in" two tanks
being u d on .single-screw and three on
twin-scr w ve selB. Fuel is injected as
in an atomised state, at a pressure of
about 6, 00 lb. /sq. in. by two mechanic-
ally-op rated fuel valves.
- r--
Irr-,-, ----" f--- [\ Figs. 4 (a) to (f) show ix pha es
I- - ofth working cycl during one complete
revolution, namely:
e- IIJ! --
4 (a) Engine on B. .C.; scavenge and
exhau t ports fully open, allowing
scavenging air to flow from the air
r c i vel' to the exhaust manifold.
I \ \
(OllcU ~ continued Of page 16)









Fig. 4, (contin'lUd).-J!'.rVE
(b) cavell:ge ports closed but exhaust still open.
(c) Exhaust ports closed, thu commencing compression as engine
(d) Pistons approaching inner dead-centre ; fu el entering ylinder and
combustion taking place from about 28 befor dead-cent,r to 22 after
dead-centro, when engiJle running at full spe d and power. For dead
slow the fnel valve is open only from 5 before t.o 5 after top dead-
( ) Pistons have moved apart, exhau st ports just commencing to
r lea e products of combustion to exhaust manifold .
(f), avenge port just eommencing t,o open to permit fresh air to
clear out products of combustion and refill cylinders with fresh air for tlJe
next r volution.
Large marine engines a1' almost invariably two -stroke units often
with exhanst-driven turbo -chargers. Power outputs up to M ,OtIO b.h.p.
are produced by mon tel' units in , for instance, new O,OOO-ton oil tankers.
maller marine engines are in qual proportion four- and two-stroke and
n w variations in lude free-pi ton engines (see page 206) and turbines.


The p wer output of a diesel engipe is in direct proportion to the
amount of air, and fuel, consumed. Thu, in order to increase the power
output, the engine must be made to consume more air. This may be
achieved, to a small degr e, by an increa e in engine speed, a method
whi h brings about considerabl d sign difficulties. In fact, the only
suitable method is to r a reater char'ge of air in by u ing a ~l'.
A blower or supercharger may be driven from the engille crankshaft but,
in doing so i absorbs a lot of the pow r in rea e it provide. It is, how-
ever, possibl to utilise the r idual energy in the exhau t gases to drive a
blower, thi efficient mechani m improving th output of a four-stroke
die el engine by around 50 per cent. for a supercharging pre sure of
5 lb./sq. in. Th method of barging is particularly uitabl for engines
running at high altitudes.

Four-stroke Engine Turbo-charging

Two methods ar available, low-pres ure and high-pressure turbo-
oharging. Th former is applied to an ordinary engine to produce a
50 p r oent. improvem nt, whereas th latter pr du e a 12 140 per cent.
improvement and require a speciaUy designed engine.
Basically, the turbo-char r i a gas turbine, driven by the exhaust
pules, direotly oupl d to a rotary ompr s or. B th axial and radial
forms ar us d. ote that ther i no meohani 111 couplin to the ngine

3Jld in practice it is found that the sp d of th blow r adju I, itt! If 1,0 th

speed of the engin. DiagrammatieaUy, Fig. 5 sh ws th prin 'ipl f
turbo-charger design. .
Wb n fitted with a turbo-charger the cngille f(quirNI a few adj ustlll lit
and mod ifications. The cam haft Hceds alteration to ('omp nRate for t h
different injection properties re-
quired and, most impol:tanL, <t
change in valv timing i ne('essa.ry.
In fact an overlap period of about.
140 0 is required, thi being to
ensure scavenging of the ey lindel'
and adequate cooling, starting the
working cycle at as low a tempera-
ture as possible. T he overlap
ne essitates cuL-a,ways in the piston ,
and a slight decreas in compr SSiOll
ratio resu lt.
High-pressure turbo-charged en -
gines are of steel construction, PISTON
except for pistons, b cause of the
Jarge stresses involved. CooliuO' is
a problem and sp cial arrangements
provide oil-cooled pi tons and
correct heat-flow around the top of Piq. 5 . - Anfl.ANO.l!:bIENT 01' ENOJNE AND
the liners. T noo IlA.ROER

In the high -pressur turbo-

charging ystem it is neoessary to introdtwe air-cool ra betw 11 th blower
and the engine. These are ometimo fitted to low-pressur charged
engines. Typical coolers ar shown in Fig. (j, and they 110t only lower
the temperature of the cycle but also slightly in rae th weight of air
Two-stroke Engine Turbo-charging
Thi has only been intensively studi d in th past Ii w y ars as th
problems involved are con iderable. l'wo-strok engin 8 Tun with low r
exhaust temperature than four- troke with con quent 10 of D rgy to
drive a turbine. Also the pistons and ring run at rather high tempera-
Coolers must be fitted between the turbo-charger and the ngine and
a scavenge pump is still vital, as the turbo-blower, when the ngin i
started or on light load, delivers inauffioi nt pr sur of air.
Turbo-charger Design and Fitting
All d igna ha in ommon an axle with an 8 atta'h d at ach nd.
Axial and radial d ign a.r u ed and th d ign depends up n th air

Fig. 7 . - ROTIONAL VrEW OF TVPIOAcI. TUR:BOOBAJI.G:sR (D. apier on Ltd.)


supply b illg internal (air cleaner and axial d ign) or xt rnal through
ducts (radial design). A typical example is shown in Fig. 7 in ut-awa
Most important in fitting is to arrang the exhau t pip ati fa torily
so as to take full advantage of the energy in aoh pul . Thi invo]v
manifolds connecting not more than thr e cylind rs and ntaiL a s ri of
different inlet casings to take a variable num b r of xhallst pip s, 8\1oh as
are shown in Fig. 8.
A gauge is fitted to the delivery volute and regi tel' allY drop in inl t
Depending upon the size, either plain or ball b arings may b uso<1.
Lubrication is by a small disc-type pump taking oil from a r s rv ir 01'
sump cast in the blower or, in some case, by a ~ d from an external
source. In all cases labyrinth oil-seals aSlliAted by air pr Asure from
an intake bl d-off ensure that oil does not p n trate into th van
To inspect the turbine, IInscrew the retaining nut and Jift off th
turbine inlet casing. The impeller and diffuaer may b inap -ted by
removal of the compressor outlot casing.
The components of a typical turbo-blower ar shown in Pig. n, from
which the construction and layout will be clearly sen.


An interesting variation of the four -stroke di s I engin ha b n
adopted by certain American manufactur ra. This typ of engin i
designed to operate either as a four- troke petrol ngin with carburettor,
sparking-plugs, and magneto, or alternatively as a four-stroke compr i n-
ignition engine using heavy o.il as a fuel.
This engine has a duplex intake manifold. n branch of th dupl x
intake is conne ted to the carburettor, whilst tho other bl'anoh is open to
the air. Ganged butterfly valves control th two in! t pipes, 0 tha.t wh n
the air intake tube is opened the carburettor intake tube is clos d, and
vice versa. Each cylinder head is fitted with th usual in} t and exhau t
valve and injector nozzle, and in addition a d ompr or valve is
fitted. When the decompre sor valve is opened, the cylinder is pl&c d
in connection with an auxiliary chamber which contain a 8parking~
When the engine is required to run on petro), a speoial ntrol crank is
moved, and through this agenoy the decompressor valve in the cylinder
is op ned, and the double butterfly valve is turn d so as to Jose th
free-air intake and open the carburettor intake. The magneto is put
into gear with the engine crankshaft and the fuel pump is di con-
Under these condition the compression ratio is reduced from 17:1 to

Fill. H. - Avl'lm.NATlVE T ltDlNE rNLE'1' MUN(lS

(D. apirr o1ld Son, Ltd.)

lNg. !I. O&U'(l ~: 1'8 Ot' 'rYl'1 Al.. T ltD :BLOWlIlt

(D. N<tp ' r amt on, Lid.)
5: 1 and when the engine i started i!. will OpCl'8.t as all OTclil1ttry fOllr- trok
petrol engine. When it is desired to change OY J' to dies -I rUllning, the
control rod is moved so that th d ('ompr sRion yah' is closed, the car-
burettor intake lased and the air intake 01 ened, th rnag)) t.o dis ngag I,
and the fuel-pump drive brought illto op ration,
'rhe compression ratio is now 17:1 : air and not petrol vapour i dt'awn
into each cylinder and injection takes plac(' through til fu [-injelt,ion
nozzles, so that the engine wi ll now opOI'atc on !.he l'Ol1lpr ssion-ignition
This sy tern has the advantage of providing all asy star!., and in
('ertain engines u ed in agricultlJra.J ma('hinery thc me(\hanislll is arrang d
so that the change over from petrol to heavy-oi l p rat.ion Lttke pia
automatically after the engine has waJ'med up.
Thi particular type of engin is not often meL with in this ('ountry,
though there are a certain number f vehid of Ameri('all origin in which
this principle is employed,

Dual-fuel Engines
These engines are designed to run 011 gllr~ (naturally oc('urrillg gaR,
producer gas, etc,) and also to run as diesc ls wh n so requjr('d . mixtur
of gas and air is drawn or blown inLo the cylinder and ignited at the right
moment by a tiny jet of diesel fuel ( ometimes spark ignition is us d , but
this is not quite s satisfactory, is 1I10re complicaLed , and out ide th scop
of this b ok).
Gas may be induced, mixed w:ith air in tho induction pip , and pass d
into the cylinder (risk of backfiro) or pass d into th {'ylindor through its
own valve and mixed with the air in the cylinder, In order to obLain th
fu U compression necessary when compression ignition j used , the ail', ill
normally aspirated engines, is not throttled, A throttl is provid d for
the gas, which usually flows ill narrow piping to nsur satisfac ry
~"'uel oil is injected through the usual typ of nozzl and the pumping
is provided by one of two cornmon methods. For running as a dj s I a
normal pump and injector is u ed and for running as a gaB engin a small
auxiliary pump takes over with a eond smaU r inj tor. The otb r
method is to use a pump whi h ha two plungers and overriding ontrol
o that the large pump is used for running as a diesel and the small r for
running as a gas engine, u ing the same inj ctor.
Particularly where supplies of gas are bountiful the mo t ffi i nt
compression-ignition engine is the supercbarg d gas di s 1. An e haust-
driven turbo-blower supplies air to a four-stroke gas onginc and gas i
supplied at about 10 lb./sq. in, through a separate valve into th oylind T.
A gas governing valve is fitted.


Chapter 2, ]'ig. 1, shows the basic layout of a typical fu I-injection
system. Of primary importance is the cleanliness of the whole system.
Filters are most valuable components and should be cleaned or replaced
regularly, ac ording to the manufacturers recommendations.
Filtered fuel is pumped through a second filter to the injection pump
which delivers the correct quantity of fuel to the inj ction nozzle in the
cylinder. Let it be emphasised here that the manufacturer has set the
fuel pump, on the experience of his designers and development staff, at
the setting mo t suitable for the engine in question. It is most unlikely
that the setting will require any alteration and it may be reasona bly
assumed that the injection system adopted is that likely to give the most
satisfactory performance under actual working conditions.
Fig. 11 illustrates the essential features of a typical injeot,ion system
for one cylinder of a multi-cylinder engine.
The sequence of events in the actual injection of the fuel is, briefly:
With closure of the port A by the upward-moving plunger B, the fuel
in the system up to the nozzle valve is under compression . Further
movement of the plunger increases the pressure in the system to the point
where the nozzle valve lifts. Injection now begins and the pressure in the
system is controlled from this point until the end of the injection period
by the cross-sectional area of the holes ill th nozzle tip and the velocity of
the moving pump plunger.
It is neces ary, in order to regulate the amount of fuel delivered to
the cylinder, to have some mans of varying the effective stroke of
the pump plunger. Various courses have been followed to achieve the
same object, but the be t-known and simplest is the system whereby a
oonstant plunger stroke is us d, with by-pass or "spill" controlled by the
engine governor of compre sion-ignition engines. Another type of pro-
prietary fu 1 pump which is in extensive u e is the imms (see Fig. ]0,
page 40).
rtain engin builders, notably Messrs. Ruston and Hornsby, and
Robey of Lin oIn, have also develop d fuel pumps of their own design.
The internal construction of the Ruston fuel pump is shown in Fig. I ,
pag 48.
Associated with the fuel-injection pump are:
(a) The injeotion nozzle which delivers the atomi d oil into the oom-
bu tion chamber or cylinder head; and
(b) The governor meohanism which ontrol the oil delivery in aocor-
dane with the r quirements of the engine.
Typical injection nozzles, namely C.A.V., Ru ton and Horsnby,
Rob and Bry e, are shown in Fig. ,19, 20, 23, and 27 in hapter II.




mlJ-_-l. VAL.Va.


F ig. IO. -TvprcAL AUllANGEMIi:.NT OF rUlilr.


It may be mentioned that there are no fewer tha.n six differ nt type of
C.A.V. nozzles. Thu an engin builder is enabled to s I ct h type of
nozzle which is found by experien to give th best r suIts with his
particular d ign of engin .
Compre ion-ignition engine governors ar ofthr main types, nam Iy
centrifugally controlled, vacuum or pneumatically op rated, and hydrau-
Ii ally operated.

Fill. 11.- A.lUlANOEMEN'r OF RUSTON 1I0lUZ N'l'Al. m'lOlNE FtJ~;L


I. Pump-delivory connection . S. Pump swing lever.

2. Pump -doli vo.y vulve. !J. Govornor verli eul rod .
3. 'pill valve, 10. Govornor inclin d shoe.
4. pill valve overflow. II. Plung r tappot.
G. uotion valve stop, 12. Opomting 1 vel'.
6. uction valv . 13. Fuel-pump cam.
7. Pump plunger. 14. Fuel-pump CUOI adjustment .
' . Dill. Deion l -Governor bracket. und inclined shoe .
. Dimension 2- pill valve clearance.
Z. Dimens ion 3-Fu I plUl1p liming.
The Ruston and Hornsby Governor
Fig. 11 shows the governor used on Ruston and Hornsby hodzonta.}
engines. This is of the centrifugal t.ype, in which th movom nt of th
governor elements controls the op ning of thc fll I-pump spill vaiv(', tIm
by-passing mol' or Ie s of the fu I oil aocoruing to the p w r requir mont
of the engine.

The Robey Governor

Another g0vd modern example of a di J ngine governing syst m
is that of the Robey. The es entinl of th R b y gov rn l' ar as
The Robey governor i de ign d to 0] rate in ('onjuction with the
Bryce fuel-injection pump (see page 54). Regulatioll of til fuel -p ump
output is obtained by rotating th plunger f the pump by m all of a
Loothed central rod or rack. The word "I top" is engrav d n ne elld of
this control rod with an arrow whih hows the directioll in whj h th
eontrol rod must be moved t,o hut off the fu el supply to th engin.
Re~ rring to Fig. ] 2, D is the link which r gulates the control l' d on the
fuel pump. It will be een by r feren ce to th diagram that this link D
can be moveu in a horizontal dir etion by means f th arm a, whi h i
fixed to th shaft carrying the b II -crank I v r B. ne nd of the b 11 -
rank lever bears against the end of the gov rnor spindle A.
As the governor speed incr ases th weights tend to move outwards,
Lhus imparting a rightward motion to the governor spind l . It wi ll b
appreciated from this that as th engine speed increas the J w r arm f
the beJJ -crank lever B is forced to the rjO'ht, causing th upper arm a,
which is mounted on the same spindle, to move to th left, carrying with
it the link D which move the pump control rod into a po itioll which
reduc s the fuel upply to the engine.
. It will be noticed that the upp I' half of the b lJ - rank lev r B i link
to the lower end of the spe der spring F. Th tension of this spring 'an
be varied by means of the knurled nut. In creasing th tension of he
pring will, of cours , rai e the normal engin sp d.
The governor as embly i held in po ition by the governor bra'k t /iI,
and the governor which operates in a horizontal position is driv n by
gearing from the engine crankshaft.
Th governor is de ign d to give a mom ntary speed variation from
full-load to no-load of Ie s than 7 per c nt. and a permancnt variation f
Ie than 3 per cent.

C.A.V. and Simms Governors

Th .A.V. idling and maximum -speed gov rnor and th . . . and
'imms 'P pn umatic governors are the ypes gcnerall u din conjuction
with C.A .V. and Simms fuel-
injection pumps fitted to com-
mercial vehicles. Particulars of
these types together with notes
on their adjustment and main-
tenance are given in Chapter

The aim of the designer is to
provide good mixing of fuel
spray and air in th!' cylinder
head. Many models have been
produc d which achieve this,
either by causing the spray to
diffuse through the air or the
air to circulate into the spray.
Many designs employ a
smaH auxiliary combustion
chamber in the cylinder head ,
connected to the main chamber
by a tapered orifice. Fuel is
injected into the smaller one,
starts to burn and forces itself
out into the main chamber
where the burning continues in
the fuel distributed through the
new supply of air. Fig. ] 4
shows an American design on
thi principle. Variations of this
impart a swirling motion to the
mix'iiure for even better perfor-
Alternative combustion
Fig. J2.-TBlil ROBEY OOVl!IRNOR chambers are those of toroidal
basic design incorporated in the
pi ton which, in ol1junotion with good valve porting, give high efficien y.

Espeoially in high-efficiency di e1 engines, both the oil and also the
pistons tend to reach high temperatures, r ulting in loss of effectiveness of
the oil and ri k of distortion of the pistons. The only medium which can

j' ig. J4.- .l'11EC0ll1BUSTION

(Caterpillar Tractor Co.)

F i g. l li.- TonorDAL OOMB USTlON HAMBE'RS

tak heat from the pistons i the oil, and in practice a jet of oil is directed
at th und rside of th piston whe1' it ab orbs h at and falls down into
the sump. The oil is pumped through Il> driWng in the connecting-rod,
round a groove in the gudgeon-pin bush and through a jet to the piston.
When th oil has the additional task of cooling, an oil-cooler b comes
n oe sary as whh many high- ffioiency engines, and is in erted between
the pump and th engin. It is usual to fit a afety valve acro the oil-
ooler t omp n at for the high pressur s developed ju t after starting-
up , when th oil is thick.
il 0001 rs tend to ooke-up and should be checked very few month
for ffi ienoy.

1'h ardner ngin in Fig. 13 i a typi a1 four- troke com pres ion-
igniti n ommer ial ngine and it design features are indicated b the
annotation. Note tb layout of th h rizontal governor in the entre,
and th dri e to th two m haft .
Chapter II
With pecial Note on C.A.V., imm , Bryc and oth r
widely us d typ
HE fuel pump of the diesel engine is a vital part. It i manufactur d
T by precision methods and is a delicate piec of apparatu. Th r a1'
quite a number of pumps on the market; som ngin -mak ra
design and make their own, while others PI' r to fit a standard typ of
pump mad by firms specialising in them.
The fuel pump controls the time and amount of fuel suppli d to th
Rprayer at each firing stroke of the ngine : Now it is obvious that th
load on any engine must vary, and ther Ii l' , to k ep the sp d con tant,
the amount of fuel mu t be varied accordingly. Thi is don ith l' by
varying the stroke of the pump plunger or by a sl ve having a h lical
groov. The engine governor is oonn cted to th fu I pump, and as th
speed tends to fluctuate the action of the governor incr as or d cr a s
the supply of fuel to compensat for the fluctuation.
When servicing fuel-injection equipm nt for high-spe d .1. ngine
it must be realised that as th function of the injection system is to
provide small, aocurately metered quantiti 8 of fin Iy atom is d fu )
proportional to the amount of work the engine i r quired to do , and als
to time each injection with the utmost pr ci ion, th highest quality of
material and workman hip must be u ed in it produotion.
Thi calls for something mor than ordinary car wh n handling th
equipment during periodical overhauls or when making r pairs or
A the fuel-injection equipm nt made by tb firm f .A.V. Ltd.
i proba.bly th most wid Iy known and u ed on the British engin
market, it is propo ed to deal with this mak in som detail, but the
care empha ised her applies equalJy to all fu I-injection quipment for
C.r. engines.
Details of the imms, Bryce, Bellis and Morcom, Ruston and Hornsby,
Robey and Atlas-Die el equipment are given later in thi chapter.
Before examining these in detail the l' ader i advised to tudy the
typical fuel-injection diagram which i given in Fig. 1, as this shows
the essential element in a well-designed injection system. It will be n
tha.t a. fuel-feed pump is shown, this being used to ensure a.n adequa.te
. 29

supply of fuel to the

fuel-injeotor pump .
Further details are
as follows:
Equipment Layout
In Fig. 1 will b
seen a typical fuel -
injection equipment
layout: the fuel-
injection pump is
mounted in 8 , con-
FUEL FEED PUMP venient position on
the engine oasing,
Fig. ) .- TllPIOAL FUEL INJECTION EQUIPMENT LA YOUT and its camshaft if;
driven at half orank-
shaft speed in the 080 e of four-stroke engines and at crank-
shaft speed for two-stroke engines. The injeotion pump is provided
with on-e pumping element per engine oylinder, and each outlet
is oonneoted by bigh-pressure steel piping to an injeotor, which
is fitted in the engine oylinder head and consists of nozzle holder
and nozzle. A fuel-feed pump is mounted on the side of the injection
pump, and is driven by one of the cams which opera.te the pumping
elements. A preliminary filter is fitted to the suction side of the feed
pump to protect its suotion and delivery valves, and a main filter is
provided in the system between the feed pump and injection pump to
prevent dirt, pipe scale, swarf, or other foreign bodies in the fuel from
damaging the pumping elements and nozzles.
Fuel is taken from the storage tank by mea.ns of the feed pump and is
pa ed through the preliminary and main filters to the low-pressure side
of the pumping elements in ' the injeotion pump. It is then poured
through the outlets to the injectors, whioh d liver it in a finely atomised
oondition to the combustion ohambers in the engine oylinders.
As the fuel-feed pump is designed to deliver fuel in excess of the
quantity normally required by the engine, a relief valve is arranged in the
main filter to return the surplus to the storage tank. It will be observed
that th relief valve is hown fitted at the highest point in the system, and
this should always be arranged for, as it then ensures automatio air
venting of the fuel system whioh eliminates air looks.


The C.A.V. injeotion pump is of the oonstant-stroke type, employing
one pumping unit for eaoh oylinder of the engine, and is a.va.ila.ble in two
ba.sio models :

Fig. 2.-D.A.V. 'I'YPE aPE FlJ l~L-INJE '1'10 1'IJMP SH:O'l'ION&D "0 8HOW 1N1'ERNA1,
()ON8T RU ''I'10N

I , Housing. II . Screw with spring ring 21. H olioa.lapring for p lung r.

2. Clo8ing plug. for inspootion ('Ovel' 22. Spring plate (lower).
3. Oil dip8tick. plate. :l3. D livory valve and seat-
4. Inlet closing plug. 12. Locking 80r wand jOillt, ing.
o. Joint for inl..t olosing 13. Camshaft. 24. Delivery-valve spring.
plug. 14. BaU bea.ring. lW. IJ livery- v(J.lv hold r.
G. Inlet oonnection stud. 15. Bearing end plato. 20. D livery nipple nut.
7. Joint for inlet conner 17. Pump element (barrel 27 . IWgulnting 81! v .
tion stud. and plunger). :lB. Iwgulating toothed quad.
S. Puel-inlet nipple nut. lB. Pump-element plungel. rant.
9. Suction chamber . 19. Pump-olemont barrel. 29. CIRmp 8 rew.
10. InspeCtion oover pla.te. 20. pring p lat (upper). 30. ontr I rod .

. (a) BPE, incorporating camshaft and tappet goar (soe Fig. 1 and
Fig. 2).
(b) BPF, without camshaft and arranged with base lang for mount-
ing on a cambox built on the engine (s e Fig. 3).
In both types the working principle is the same, and ach pumping
elem nt oomprises two eBSential components, namely:
Pumping element (plunger and barrel).
Delivery valve and seating.
The plunger is moved vertically in its barrel with a constant stroke by the
tappet gear and cams (supplied in the pump with models BPE (see Fig. 2),
or built into the engine with models BPF (see Fig. 3 , and th output of
fuel is determined by rotating the plunger in relation to its barrel by
means of the control rod (30) and regulating sleeve (27).
Apart from the camshaft, the only other difference in design betwe n
the two basio types is that in order to make the BPF model a self-
contained unit when it is removed from the engine, it i provided with
special plunger guides ( ) and retaining rings (9) ; this also entails the use
ofpreBS bolt (14) and speoiallower spring plates (13).

F ig. 3.- .A.V.}' EL-1 N'.mCllON PUMP, , 'YPE BPF, SE , 'l ONED TO SHOW INTERNAL

1. Housing. o. Sp ring ring. 16. Delivery-valve spring.

2. In! t closing plug. 10 . Pump lem nt (plunger Ii. Delivery-valve holder.
3. lnlet connoction stud . und blll'rol). I . Joint for delivery-valve
4. Fuel-inlet nipp l Hu t. I I . Sprin g plate (upper). holder .
S. Inspeotion covor plute. 12. H elical spring for 19. Delivery nipple nut.
6. crow with s pring ring plunger. 20. Regulating s leeve.
for cover pluto. 13. 'pring plate (lower) . 21. R egulating toothed qlllld.
7. Looking pin and joint. I 4. Press bolt.. rant.
8. Plunger g uide. J fl. D live ry valve and 22. Clump screw.
seating. 23. Control rod.

The syst m of operation of the pump element, which is comprised of
the plunger and barrel, is shown in Fig. 4. When the plunger is at b.d.c.
as at (a), oil oan ent r through the barrel ports either by gravity flow
from an overhead tank, or force feed from a fuel -feed pump, the latter
being the most usual arrangem nt. In a primed system, of course, the

(0) (bl (c) (d) (f)


barrel and the pipe leading from the pump to th injector nr
oil. As the pump plunger riscs a certain amount of fUl'1 i push baok
through the barrel ports, until the plung r r ach s b po iti n (b)
where the top land of the plunger has closed both p rts. The fu lab V'
the plunger is then trapped, and its only outlet is via. th d livery valv
(part 15) which is mounted on top of the pump barrel ( Fig. 3).
The pressure exerted by the rising plung r UpOll tb oil cans 8 this to lift
the valve and to enter tb pipe which co])n ots th pump to the ulj tor.
As this is itself al ady full of oil, the extra oil which is being pum d
in at the pump end caus s a rise in pI' s ur throughout th lin and lifts
the nozzle n edle (or injector valve). This permits oil to b spray d into
the engine combustion chamber. Thus, at tbis
moment we have oil being pumped into th line
at the pump end, and all equal quantity bing
pushed out at the nozzle end. This continu Ii
Ilntil the plunger reaches tho p sition sh wn
at (c). Here the lower edge of the ntroJ
helix has uncovered the barr 1 port, th us
allowing fuel to be by-passed back to th suction
chamber (which is under a very mucb low r
pressure than the fuel oil above the plunger)
by way of the vertical slot. This causes tho
delivery valve to shut under tho action of its
Rpring, and with the consequent collaps of
pressure in the pipe line the nozzl ,' alve also
The plunger stroke is always oonstant, but
that part of it which is actually pumping is
variable. By means of the helical cdge which
TUns around the plunger, which itself can b
rotated within the barrel (ee Fig. 3), it is
possible to make this point of cut-off occur later
or earlier in the stroke-compare positions
shown at (a) and (e), which are full load a.nd
idling respeotively. To stop the engine, the
plunger is turned so that the vertical slot
coincides with the barrel port ( e f) during
the whole of the plunger stroke; thus no fuel Fig. 5.-O.A.V. DUE I l!I.
i delivered. The position of the plung r PiaU' ELEMENT IN 8 ION
stroke at which the helical dge will uncover 1. Valv spring.
the port is adjustable by rotating the plullg r 2. D livery valv and a.t.
axially by means of a toothed quadrant, 21 ( 3. Pump blltT(ll.
Fig. 3), which i clamped to a 81 ev ,20, baving 4. Pump plung r.
5. Control rod..
slots engaging the lugs of th plunger at it 6. Toothed quadrant.
lower end. . 7. Control 1 ve.
Troubles and Remedies
Fuel - injection diffi -
culties may arise on
engines from nUlllerous
causes, oroe of which
may be traoed to the
injection pumps, and,
therefore, before pro -
ceeding with particulars
of servioing, it may be of
CLOSED OPEN interest to briefly r view
some of th e possi hI
oauses and suggested
In the tables the
word" pump" applies to the pump unit blook as a whole or to individual



P088ible cau,8e Location Condition or II'UflgeIJted remedy

__ I for correct ~rking
Pump does not deliver fuel. (a) Fuel oook. Must be open.
(b) Fuel tank. Must oontain an adequate
(c) Fuel inlet pipe or filter Clean-examine, and if
lements. choked replace cloth or
clean fllter pad.
(d) Air in pump. I Air-vent filter and pump.
(e) Pump plunger 10. If worn, replace element 10.
I!}speot filter and if neoe88-
I ary insert new cloth or felt.
(f) Delivery valve 15. I Clean and inspect. If worn
or damaged, replace both
valve a.nd seating.
Pump does not deliver fuel
(g) Air in pump. I
Air-vent filter and pump.
(II) Delivery-valvespring 10. If broken, replace.
(j) Delivery valve 15. If damaged on face or guide,
replace complete.
(1.1) Plunger spring 12. If broken, replace.
(l) Pump plunger 10. Ifstioking, lean and r fit. If
I trouble continues, replace
element 10 complete.
(m) Fuel inlet pipes or BIter Proceed OB (c)
(n) .. Head" between tank Increaae if too small.
and pump.
The mom nt of inj tion oom- (0) Tappet adjusting screw. If 10086, readjust and well
mano moot hOB altered. tighten nut.

--- ------
(p) Cam profiles.

I If badly worn, replace cam-

Oondition or 8Ugg IIted rem dy

P088ible cause for correct lI>orki1lfl
Quantity of fuel delivered per I (a) Delivery valve 15. If leoking, BOred, or dam
stroke is in sufficient. aged, replo.ee both valvo
und l!etltinp;.
(b) Pre88ur .system joints. If I a k ing. clean j int faNl8
and tighten.


Condition or mug (It.d rrlllCciy

P088ible cause I Jor correct working

Quantity of fuel delivered per Regulating quadrant 21. If movod, du to Scr w 22

st roke i8 exceS8ive. being 10080, adjust to murk
ond Ligh t{ln screw III or


Oondition or I",gg~ted remedy

Possible oou.ae Locatwn
Jor correct working

Control rod 23 has ja m med. (a) Pump pl ung riO. Ifsoized, dismantlo tlnct 01 on.
IC damng d, r pIal' .
(b) Control rod 23. loan tooth d ruck if rout d
with dilt or olh r for ign

Sprayer Nozzles
Fig. 7 shows a
sectional view of Fio. 7.- EO"l'ION OJ'
the C.A. V. nozzle C.A.V. ozzr.
holder . Spray e r KOLDER, TYPE DKB
nozzles are designed 3, 0 m p r 88 ion
to suit the shape 4. pr ing-cap nut.
of the combustion Ii. a lve spring.
chamber, and are O. Valve Bpindle.
made in man y 7. Noml cop nut.
ty pe s, and v a.r y . Noz7.1e valv .
in sizes of holes 9. Nozzle body.
to suit the volume 10. 1'uolinl t connec-
of the cylinder. I I . Leakoff conn
Fig. shows six tion.
different types of 12. pecial oopper
nozzle made by waeh r.
C.A.V. The nozzle 13. Protecting cap.
should always be
kept clean.
It is a good plan,
if the ngine has to
be shut down for a
month or two, to
pump thin lubricat-
ing oil through the
nozzle after shut-
ting down, to prevent
corrosion. The
modem nozzle does
not give much trouble
providing that the
A B c oil filter are kept in
good order.
Whilst the fuel
pump seldom, if ever,
gives trouble, the in-
jection nozzle- lik
its petrol-engine
oomponent, the
sparking plug oes
D E F occasionally either
fail or work erratic-
A, Conical ond, single h 10; D, Pintle; C, Long stem; D, To ascertain which
D lay pintle; E, Multi -hole; ]:0' , Single bole.
cylinder has the faulty
When the engine is working in-egularly, eaoh of the nozzl s should
be "out-out" in turn, by reI asing its fuel supply, until the ofti nding
one is found. The faulty nozzle will be the one which, when its fuel
supply is cut off- by undoing the union of the fuel pipe from the pump-
giv no ffeot upon the ngin running. On the oth r hand, when any
of th other nozzl s, whioh are in proper order, are " out-out," the engine
will slow up and work more unevenly.

Nozzle-testing Apparatus
The faulty nozzl should be remov d and te ted in the open air,
eith r on it own fuel piping or on a nozzle-testing appa.ra.tu (Fig. 9)
Whioh ver m thod is u ed, the &pray emiUed 8hould be quite symmetrical
in form and finely atomised. Moreover, the valve 81wuld give a distirwl
buzz if th nozzl is in proper condition. If the nozzle mils an irregular or
one-sitkd tream (in th case of single-hoI nozzl ), this is a sign of dirt on


I. Fu I oontainor and fiI 5. ][Il.nd levor. 10. Eo nLrio ('am.
taring unit. 6. Preasu.re gaug . 11. Handwheel.
2. Chock valve. 7. Preasure food pipe. 12. Fu I-drain 'k.
4. Inj otion pump.

the eating. imiLarly, if tbe individual sprays from the multi-hole nozzl
are irregular the hole may be partly ohoked or thor may be di.r on th
eating .
The 1no t likely fuel-inj ection nozzle troubles a.r as follow
(a) Dirt between the nozzle valv and its seating.
(b) aoked nozz1 body.
(c) Broken n zzl -valve control pring.
(d) ozzle valve stioking in it guid .
(e) pring not properly tensioned. Tbj is g nerally caused y the
djusting crew ha.ving lacken d I aok.
The presence of dirt on the valve seating is usually detected by blue
smoke ill the exhaust gases, when the fuel-injection timing level' is
fully advanoed.
A nozzle valve Slicking in its guide generally causes the cylinder in
question to give a knooking noi e, with normal fuel-injection timing. A
cracked nozzle is indicated by misfiring in the oylinder to whioh it is
A broken compression spring is usually indioated by a smoky exhaust.
The inj ction nozzles generally have at their outer ends a pin, known
as a f eeler pin,. th e latter is sometimes enclo ed in a readily detachable
oap. If th cap is removed and the finger is pre ed on the end of
th , eler pin, when the engine is working , a sharp kicking or pulsating
movement will be f elt if the valve is working properly.
A f eble motion or the absence of any motion at all indioates that the
injector valve is sticking in its guide or the valve spring is broken ;
alternatively, th e spring adjustment sorew may have worked bAde


This is an adn.ptation of the hand -pump-type tester, th hand lev r
bing aotuated by mans of a cam and flywhe I, as illustrated in Fig. 9.
This In ohanism i so designed that when the flywhe ) is rotated at a
natural hand-turning p d of 5- 90 r.p.m., the pump-plunger velooity is
equivalent to that obtained on an ngin running at 25 r.p.m., with
normal tangential oam profiJ .
Th advantages of this sch me are two-fold in that it i easi r t o
maintain a sp ed of - 90 r.p.m. by hand than 25 r.p.m., and that 85- 90
soparat inj otions p r minut instead of only 25 are provided- thu a
01 0,1" and fairly constant pictur of th spray form oan be obtained.
When using th pump, no ob ervations should be made until all air
has b n xp Bed from the system.
Th pr me at which th pray breaks should b recorded and com-
par d 'w ith the engine manufaoturer's reoommended value. The spray
should also b ob erved for uniformity and the shape for symmetry.
Th re bould b no emblance of a jet of fpel; the end face of the nozzle
should r main dry and no drip should come from it.

Bad Atomisation and its Consequences

After dismantling an atomis r, care hould be taken that not only
ar th parts replaced as originally, but also that all metallio joint are
eating, and if there are any signs of leakage, new joints should be used.
Bad atomi ation of the fuel may be th oause of 1000.1 overheating and
burning of the pi ton. This in tum may be th cause of overheating
and oraoks, but providing that the fuel pump and its timing are in order,
and th atomi rs are cleaned regularly, the troubles should not be
experi nced.


Fault P08,nblfl atUie RClllrdy

Nozzl does not I. Needle valve too tight, biJld I('!m n07.zle. Exmnino (mp "ut .
buzz while injoct. ing, or valvo soat ing len.ky . If nl'<'OS8ury rorI nA' n()zzlo ruld
ing (rotary type noodlo vulve.
testing outfit). 2. Nozzle rap nut distorted. N .11 .- }lelny typo n07.z108 and
Poppot non) II do nnt u8Ulllly
buZ7. at slnw pllll1!(C'r v 10 'itio~
givon by t ting outfits.

Excessivo leak.off 1. Needle valve slack.

2. Foreign matt""r present, be
tw n pressure fll<'08 of
nozzle and nozzl holder.
3. Nozzle oap nut not tight. Tight "n cap nut, nIh r inJlpnrt ing
joillt f(,eos.
ozzle blueing. Fnult,y installing, tightening, or Heplt].('e non Ie (lnd nl'OlI valv . '
Chock cooling "ystom.

Nozzle opening pres, I. omprossion screw shiftoo. Adjust for pre!!<'rihod pI' 111'0 .
sure too high or 2. Noodle vll lve seized up, 001" j{ place nozzJ Ilnd neodJo VIlJV().
too low. roded.
3. Needle valve seized up, dirty, lonn nozzl
4. Nozzl openings clogged with lem nozzJ
dirt or carbon.

Nozzle pressure too Nozzle spring broken. IInel r adjUllt


Nozzle drip. Nozzle leak du to carbon de

posit; 8ticking needl valve n zzle

Form of spray dis 1. Excessivo carbon deposit on

torted. tip of needle valve.
2. Injection holee partially Clean nozzlo.
I 3. Nozzle noodl valve damnged Replace nozzl flnel pintl VIIJV.
(pintle type only) .

.. Wh n it is found necessary to r place the nozzJ ,th faulty unit Mould be carefully
packed IIDd returned only to a .A.V. rvic Depot for 8peciali80() attention.

Clean Atomisers Regularly

Atomisers should b cleaned regularly with petrol or fu I oil, aft r
about 250 hours' running, but their condition will vary with th quality
of fuel oil used and the load on the engin. P riodical 1 arong, as
indicated above, will r nder unn ce ary the grinding or I pping of valve
seats, which is not recommended.




The Simms PE-B rie fu l-inj ction pumps ar 0 lliItruoted for
engines having from one to six cylind rs.

The following are the chi [ constru cti nal d tnils of thi typ of
fuel pump:
(1) Th pumping el m nt is illustrated in Fig. 10. Th phmg r has
the oomparativ ly short stroke of 7'5 mm. , which r du es spill disturb-
ance and the stress in the plung r spring. The pltmg l' h lix is d sign d
to preserve the maximum waring surface at th upp r nd of th plung r.
(2) The d livery valve is of the piston pl'essure-r li f pattern.
(3) The tappets ar provided with a SCI' w adjustm nt and ne dl -
roller bearings to the cam
(4) The control raok-and-
pinion JU chan ism i made as
light as pos sib le to giv
sensitive gov rning at idling
(5) Th pump body is
split horizontally into two
halves, the upper half con-
taining the fu I passages
and pump elements and the
lower half the camshaft and
tappets, the two hal ves being
bolted together by six bolts.
This construction gives
excellent accessibility, since
it i possible to remove the
upper half containing all
the pumping elem nts, etc .
without disturbing the cam-
shaft and governor.
(6) The governor c ntrols
the ma.ximum and idling
speed of the engine only,
intermediate speeds being
controlled by the lever.
The method of operation
is as follows : Fig. 11. ECrJOI!I' 07 110(8 ru:cz..nflll:Ol'l'OI!l' PUMP

(1) When the plunger i!;1
at the bottom of its stroke,
fu 1enters the barrel through
inlet port A (ee Fig . ] 2
and 13).
(2) The upstroke of tIl
plunger cuts off this port and
injection of the fuel then
takes place.
(3) Inj ctioncea eswhen
C the helical groove C in thc
plunger meets the spill port
B in the barrel. Th pilled
fuel can then pass down the
central hoI D in the plunger
and out through port B.
(4) The qnantity of fuel
delivered is contl'oll d by ro-
tation of the plunger in re-
lation to the barrel.
(5) The pressure gener-
ated by the plunger lifts the
delivery valve E against it
spring until the fuel can flow
pa t the valve through the
grooves F.
At the clo of inj ction
the valv fall again on to its
Fig. 13.-PUAfP ELK seat. Immedintely the piston
Fig. 12.- Pu)fP ELEAIJl:NT MENT WITH PLUN G r -enters the guide the
~ 4
O .... ~~' CE
.~-, .
f uel ystem a b ove t he va Iv
is out off from the pump.
Th remaining valve trav I th Jl increase the volume ofthi system and
r duo or unload the pre ure in th pipe, thus pr venting dribble
from th nozzl .
(1) The lubricating-oil I vel in the pump houJd be ohecked weekly
by tb dip tick provided and engine oil added if nece ary to bring the
Dill v I up to the mark on the dip tick. The oil I vel in the governor,
which i lubricated eparately, hould al 0 be checked; an oil-level plug is
provided in the gOY roor cas for this purpo e.
(2) Filters- Ever two w k cl Iln filter and drain off any diment
from th filter bowl.
(3) Injector -Ev ry four w k remov injector and te t on hand
pump for correctness of spray and pres ur tting. If a hand pump i
not available, the injectors may b te ted by r moving th m on at a tim
from the engine to idle on the remaining cylind rs.
(4) Pipe Unions- Once weekly inspect all pipe uni ns on th inj ti n
system when the ngine is running, and tighten any showing igns of il


The PE-A series f multi-cylind r inj etion )lUlllPS howlI in Fig. 14
i suitable for oil engine having a maximum C'u ie eapaeit of Itppr . i-
mately I t litre per cylinder. The GP typo l111eulllllt,i governor (R pag
74) operated from the induction manifold if; normall ~upp li d with t It Be
pump.. A fuel -fe d )lump can 1 e mounted Oil t h pump Itnd oJlerat d fr m
the cam haft..

Pump Elements
P ump elem nta of 60 6,5, 7,0, 7'5, and 0 mill. plullger tli!ll11 >1, r nn
be fitted. Thc el ment is of thc not'ma l tYl1c in whjch the fu I d livery if.!
controlled by an inclined groove 01' helix . Th rotati n f UH.' pump
plungers, to vary the fu I delivered , is effe't d by a control r rI of II IUl1r
ection-sliding in bushes in the cam cas n whi h ar clamp d forks
which engage with arms proj ting from the lowcr ndk of t.h plung rs.
Movement of the ontrol r d , theT' fore , caUkeSIl,n angular mov In nt of th
arm and plunger.
alibration of the fu 1 d livery of ach pump lem nt iF! ~ ct d by
slackening the clamping screw in th control fork and liding th latt r
along the contro l rod. This m thod of fuel control has he advu.ntag -
oompared with rack -and-pinion mechanism- hat back Ie. h is conRid rably
reduced , th re being only ne cl aranc c mpar d wi h tw on th
conventional ontrol Ie ve and pillion. This I nran i at a gr r
radial distance from the plung r axis, th r by improving th ac ur 'y of
calibration. Fri tion r ulting in luggish ontrol-rod mov In nt il! cds
I' due d.
Th large-diameter top end of th plung r barrel forms ad p lang
which eats on a hould r in the upper portion of th body, and it has n
annular gr ve around i from whjch two radial hoI spa d] 0 apart
commwlicate with the inner bor of the barr I to {< rm th main and
auxiliary port. A vertical groove i milled acr tb annular n
that it verti 1 axi i in th arne plane a the axi of th auxiliary p rt.
Rotation of the plung rs by the arms projecting from their I w r nd
effects spill control.
Wh n a pneumatjc governor i fitt d, a maximum fu] p is pI' vid d
at th free eod of he control rod. An ex -fuel d vice for pro iding
tra fu 1 for ld . th iti n wh n I' quir d.

DELIVERY VAI.VE DELIVERY VALVE The pump casing i divi-
SPRING. ded horizontally in halves .
Th upper part contains th
fuel pas. agea and pump ele-
ment the lower half-or
camcRae- the camshaft and
tappets. The upp r half can
be removed for in p etion
of el ments, te., without dis-
turbing the eam haft.

Camshaft and Tappets

The oamshaft is of large
diluneter to give the maximum
stiffn SS. For pumps fitt d
with plunger elements of 60
and 65 mm. diameter, the
camshnJt tap red driving-end
T. extension ha a maximWl1 dia-
CAM SHAFT. met r of 17 mm. P1ID1pa fitted
lNg . ) 4.- TMlllfl ~]'g. PUMP with el mtuts of 70 rom. dia-
meter and abov have a driving
xt naion f20 mm., and h avier cam. haft bearings identical to the PE-B
eri s pump . The adjustm nt of tappets to equalise the phase angle be-
two n injections is canied out by xchanging pacing pieces of graded
thickness, S OUl' d in t.he t, p of til tapp t by circlips.

Fitting New Pump

Wh n fitting a n w r r condition d pump to an ngine, the im'lpection
cover hould r mov d and pint (70 e. ) of engin lubricating oil
pour d into the int rior of the pump. ubsequent lubrication in S 1'\, i
iR maintained by 1 aka of fuel oil from th pWl1p element. No toppin -
up witI) lubri ating oil i n ces ary.
If the Iwin i 11I1U d for a p riod exc eding two mon hR , or if the
pump is stor d for long period , all fuel oil hould be drain d fr m th
pump and the gall ry, and r placed with light lubricating oil. In damp
n.tm ph r s it i (1,1 0 nee n.r compl tel to fill th ambo ' of unu d
p1ll11p with lubri ating oil, so a to ubm rg the ball bearing, I;l.od
Ii rally to at th phmg r springs and low r ods of plun r
with oil.


Fig.. 15 and 16 show s otional vi W B of th B. & M.- . . V.
fuel pump.
It is a oam-operated spring-return plunger pump f th nstant-
. trok typo.
Whon th plunger i
at itslowcstpositioll , th e
two ports in the pump
barrel Me open ann th
bore is full of fu 1. On
Lho next up or delivery
stroke the plung r dis- FUEL 01" lNa r.
places fu I back through ~~-,;~
the ports until it top W~ff--I~r,wW.Uj[!Ml
edge oovers them, so
that remaining fu I i
pressed out through a
delivery valve via th
connecting piping to the
nozzle in the cylinder
head. 0 long as the
ports are kept overed
by the plung r, the
pump will continue to
inject Eu I at th nozzle,
but b for the plunger
reaches th top of its
stroke, the helical edge of the annular groove has uncovered tb " suction"
port, which enabl s the enclosed fuel to soap back through this port
to the common suction chamber.
The position of tbe pJung l' stroke at which this b lieal dg will
uncover the" suction" port is adju table by rotating the plung r through
a determin d a "ial angle by moving th contr 1 rod. By m vmg th
control rod in the direotion of the arrow engrav d on the ntroJ rod (and
ma.rked TOP) the output is reduced to zero, and by moving in th oth r
direction, increased, until maximum output is ached.
The control-rod positions are regulated by th governor.

Belliss & Morcom- C.A.V. Atomi er

Th atomiser used in Belliss & {oreom ngines is illustrated in
Fig. 17. It i of very impl construe ion, and providing the fu 1
tr in 1'8 are in operation and th ngine i run with norma.l attention,
doe not require frequent c) aning, but it bould ins oted after every
500 hours' running, according to the quality of fuel used. To dismantle
or inspect an atomiser it is necessary to r move it from the cylinder head.
To Examine and Clean the Nozzle
(1) Unscrew the nozzle cap nut (1) (see Fig. 17).
(2) Remove the nozzle complete (2) and lift out the nozzle valve, tak-
ing care not to touch the highly ground guide surfac with the fingers
or tools.
(3) Th nozzle body and nozzle valve should then be washed in clean
and strained fuel oil to ensure that they are entirely free from grease,
grit, or oil. The nozzle valve can now be returned to the nozzle body,
after rinsing out in clean fuel oil, and must on no account be touched
with a cloth, wast , or dirty hands.
(4) The nozzle valve is a proper fit for the nozzle body if it can be
l'otat d freely on its seat with the finger tips without "sticking" and
without" rattle."
(5) Mak sure that the flange of the nozzle body and the face of the
nozzle holder are faultles ly cl an and free from dll.mage. Replace
the nozzle complete on nozzle bolder and tighten down the cap nut with
the special ring spanner.


Throughout their range of vertical engines Ruston & Hornsby Ltd .
uso singl -unit fueL pumps of their own manufaoture, and, where an
ngin is d signed to tak fI. block pump , the ear of .A.V. manufacture.
A t. pical Ruston fu 1 pump is illustrated in Fig. ] 8, and it will be
obscr d that. though it varies somewhat from the .A. . pattern , the
general principl of operation is imilar.
Throughout tbe range of horizontal engine' a " pill valve" type of
ftl1 pump is used. Thi i a sy tern in which fuel in excess of the
quantity)' quir d for the particular loading of the ngine i by-pa d by
th spill valve and retul'ned to th fuel filter.
Til operati n of th spill val i controlled by a c ntrifugal governor
whi hi gear dJiven ff m the camshaft, a typical pill valv type of pump
i illu trated in Fig, , page 21.

Ruston Injectors
Both the Mark 37 (elf-aligning nozzle) and the cap type injector
illnstrated in Fig . l!} ar in curr nt u on Ruston engines, Th principle
of op ration of both d igns is imilar; they are of extrem Jy impl
con tructioll and r quir little attention provided that c1 an fu 1 i alway
u d,
Th inje tors fr qu ntly work for y ral thou 'and hour. without
attenti n; U8 1'8 therefore hould inv; tigate all ource of po ibJe



Fig. ) 7. ECTION Al. VlliW

.A.V . ATO);lJ 8ER

l 'ig. 16.- TUE


Pi{/. lil.- Altlv.NGEMEN'l' ()b' It uS'l'ON n ' I'I. rUMl'

I. Fuol IWllIl' hody . I :;.Support fo,' ,'out "01 rack.
2. D liv ry, vrllve a at. I (i.Plunger Rprin!( t'f'taining ('011,,1'.
S. PIWlg l' guide. 17. Jtiu!( fOI' pll1ngpr Rpt'in g.
4, Plunger. Iii. Sprhl g for phl11ger.
G. PlulIgel.operating pinion. 1\.1.Plunger tappet.
(I. Contl'ol ru.ck. 20. Delivory.pip C'OllllOl't ion.
7. Air.vent, plug. 2 1. Apring for delivery valve.
S. ,Toint for airvent pillg . 22. Deli v ry valve.
9. ut for controlrack Bl'PPOIl. 23 .Joint for d li very. valve seat.
10. Skid for ('ontrol.rack support. 24. Lorl,ing Rcr{1W for pltmgor guide.
It. Slipp I' for control rack. 25. J oint for plunger gnide' lockin g
12. Wl\8her for control m ck. screw.
lS. Split pin for oon trolTIll'k slipper. 20. Phmger eprmg retaining o))ar.
14. rm for control rack. 27. R taining rmS for plunger tappet.

trouble beforo dismantling an injector without po itive evidence of its

unsatisfactory fun tioning.

Dismantling Mark 37 Injector

To dismantl the Mark 37 ( if-aligning nozzl ) inj ctor proc d as
isconn ct fu 1 supply and overflow pipes. Remove overflow
conn ction 12 and scr w out plug 9 (Fig. 19). I cr w the extractor into
the need! -valv top. Tight n th nut on the xtractor wa ber; the
need! - 0,1 top tog th r with the copp r \vash l' can be withdrawn
(Fig. 20). 1'he internal parts may now be extrac d fr m the bod .
hould th noml stick it should b ta.pp d out, u ing a. oft hollow
copp r drift.
Reassembling Mark 37 Injector
To ass mbl th lDJ tor th foUo\\rin pro edw' hould be adop
Drop th mn.ll pring wa, b r 5 in tIl hoI in th n ed1 guid.

Fig. IQ.-RUSTON MARK 37 F;g. 20.-RuflT N AP INJE n

I. Rody. 10. Ocllnry oODnt!CUon 1. I nJector bod,. 9. Plug.
2. No.,.le. alld fit"'r body. 2. Oap.. 10. nion coml linn for
n. N ...dle v..lve. It. Jo:dgetyl'" 81t.. r. 3. Seedl OMI,... o.. rlIow 1)1"".
4. NcedJ.t! ya]ve guide. n . Ov rflow oontlf'ctJon. 4. Needle VIII "uld . II. J"lnt rI", fur fiHN Mdy.
~ . Spring ", ...hM. U. Delivery 1,1"" union 6. Nonie. 12. T)('lIv ry conn 1.1011 .nd
6. Sprtug. out. , 611"'r bolly.
i . eedl vnl ll.o". 1(. Delivery pipe n)I'pl. O. I nih rod for nerol .u.lvo. la. "Ed ..... type Olt.t'r.
S. Ping Join.. 10. PUwr body.pring. 7. p,bur.l.op. 14. Prtng lor lIllA'r.
O. Plug. 16. Leak pipe. ~. Spring. 16. Jam rlnll for Injector.

Hold tb

Dismantling Cap-type Injector

Th oap-typ inje tor mcy be dismantled a follows:
P lace injeotor in a vioe, nozzle uppermost , and with ring spannel
provid d , un crew the oap 2 (Fig. 20). Extract nozzlc , needle valve and
guide. R emove inj ctor fr m vice, and unscrew b dy pluO' 9; the spring
and stop may now be remov d. Uns rew delivery conne tion ]2, and
r move edg -type filter, and "pring.
It will not normally be neces ary
to dismantle the whol injector for
cleaning or r condition.ing. In
which ase di smantling hould
case after removing injector from
Reassembling Cap-type Injector
The following is tlle procedure
for r as.embling the cap-type
inj ector :
R place n edIe-valve push rod
6 in body. Insert pring Rt.op
and spring, scr wing up injector
body p lug. Tak up cap 2 and
insert J10zzl n die valv and guide.
F it cap 2 c mpI t.e with internal
F ig. 21.- Jt S'l'ON I JE TOIt TESTING sub-a 'embly to the inject r body;
n 'ur t he joint is tight. R place
This pump is designed for olouning nnd ('opper joint ring ]] (if in doubtful
testing tho carr ct funotioning of
inj coors. condition r new) . Replace dge-
typ filter and lwing into deliv ry
conn oti n. cure d liv r connection to inj oLor body , and, finally
t st pray.
Not .- When th inj tor has only been partially di 'mantled. re-
as embly will b confined to items 3 and 4.
are mu t b taken not to damag the internal part of the injector,
and th part hould n t be touohed with a file or coarse abrasiv
material. Nozzle hole hould be cleaned out with the wir broach
supplied. All part hould be r as embl d dir t from their immersion
in 01 an paraffin without wiping or draining.
Ru ton inj tors can b r onditioned on site b the u of the imple
r 0 nditi ning to Is obtainable from th maker.

Ruston Injector Testing Pump

Af rr ouditioning on hen doub exi t 0,. to th accurate functioning
f a.n inj ctol'it 'b uld be te d, u ing the te tillg pump hown in Fig. 2] .











Fig. 22.-A 8ECTIO AL VIl!:W Oil" TRE RoBEY FUEL P Ml'

The release pre ure of ea h injector i inscribed on the brass plat

affix d to the b dy, tolerance of 100 lb. p r squar inch a. per-
missible. The pre UTe gauge of the testing pump hould be heck d a.t
interval again t a " master" gauge and if doubt exi ts a t.() it reasonabl
accuracy it should b!:l changed. for attaching I\.n inj t
pump en ur tb COlT t siz adaptor i. 1 ing u d .
ir t , fill te t pump r rvoir with w 11- train d fu I oil and 0 ra.te
pump until syRtem is free of air. Then , connect injector to pump,
using sp oifi d adaptor, and ensure that the pr ssur gauge valve on
the rum p iF! closed. Pump oil fuel through injector for the pW'pose of
c1 anjng, and when certain that the injector is thoroughly clean , opcn
pr ssure-gauge valve.
ntinu pumping and eh ck that at tho release pres ur prescribed
for the particula.r
inj ctor, that fuel
is discharg d in a
fine spray quaIl.
from all nozzl
holes. Wip in -
j ctor nozzle, and
r sume pumping;
oheck that nozzle
A face is dr and
free from dribble.
Note fall off of
pressure on c sing
to pump; if fall
off is rapid the
}'ig. 23.- A SECTfONAL VIEW 011' TI11!! BODEY S PH.AYKR injector is 1 aking,
but if sluggish an
obstruction is pr nt in th system.
It cn,nnot be too Rtr ngly tl'oRsed that wh 1\ a nozzl is spraying, the
II zzle holder should b turn d away from th op rator. On TlO account
m'll I Ih hands b brought in contact t~:ith the 8pray, which has very gr at
p 11 trating force.


Fuel Pump
Th fll 1 pump whioh is illustrated in Fig. 22 is of th constant-stroke
variabl by-pa s type.
It i driven by a r eiprooating plung r operated from the oamshaft.
Variation of th fll 1 output to the engin is effected by the co-operation
of por in th pump barr 1 and a helical groov on the plunger. In
ord r to cff, ot this control, th plun er is rotated by mean of a toothed
control r d or rack. The th engage in a pinion mounted on the upper
nd of a I tted 1 'V , which in tw-n ngag and oonsequently rotates
th plung r to differ nt angular po itions.
ntr 1 f th fu 1 d liv red, from nothing to full output, i by the
longitudinal moY' ment of the ontrol r d.
Robey Atomiser
The performance of the engine depends Iarg'ly on th ability of til
atomis r to cony rt the fuel into a condition uitabl Ii r ombu tion.
Th oharge of fuel should be inj cted into th COmbllRtion chamb rill th
form of a very fine spray, which cuts off imm dil1tely with ut UlIY drib -
bling. Fig. 23 shows a sectional view of th Robey spray r. A steel
atomiser nozzle A is fitted to the cnd of the atomi r b d and f, rms a
seating for the end of th plun r valve D, whioh is h ld to it s a. by a
trong spring J acting on a w her N, both of whioh ar c ntu.ill II in th
spring box H. The load on the spring and th plunger D is fix u by
the hexagon cap ](.
This load is adjusted when the prayer i I, sf' d by the makers, the
setting b ing suitable for a comparativ \\id rang of fu Is. Th fuel
enters the atomiser by way of the pipe conn ction E and flows to an
annular chamb r surrounding the filter bush G, finally reaching tb nozzl ,
and when the requisite pressure i obtained by operati n of th fll 1-
pump plunger, th plunger D lifts, and th charg of oil is sprayed
through the fine holes drill d in the nozzl its if, but instantly c ns 8 wl1('11
the pr ssure is cut off.
The needle valve F provides an air-releas valve, so that th fuel -
injection system may be primed b for tarting. It is important that the
fine hoI s ill the atomis r nozzl should b kept clea-n, oth rwiRe th fuel
camlot be atomised prop rly, and ther will b difficu lty in Htarting th
engine and securing offici Ilt combustion.


Th Bryce multi -plunger fuel pump is of th 8 Jf ontLl.in d (~atnHh!\n
t.yp. T h plunger diame rs range from 5 to 11 111m " alld th unit, LA
Huitablc for two- to ix-cylind r ngin s r quiring nlll load fuel lip to
250 (m. mm. per stroke. Eight- and tw Ive-ey lind r unitll can be built up
by the coupling of two pumps. Provi!!ion iH mad f r moullting 0. fu J
d pump on the front of th pump hOllKing, and an e Iltl'i ' drivC' ~ r
this iq provid d on the camshaft.
The Bryce Camshaft Pump
Like the Bry fta.ng -mounted pump , the camsha.ft pumps op rat
on th constant-.strok variabl -spill prin ipl , utilising a. h lix rnachin d
on th plung r head to giv the r quir d pill con l' 1. It i a ~ atur of
the plunger that th area of metal r mov d in th machining of til h Hcal
spill groove i held to th minimum that will p rmit th unr tri t d
passage of the spilled fu I, thus giving the maximum aring 8w-fa.
the pump plung r a.t this vital point.
Th pump i hous d in a mon bi c aluminium casting. Th fr nt
opening j cov r d by a die co. t cover plate which carri 8 th pump ir





fi lter and breath r. This coy r plate ha an upward xten ion to COy r
and eal th he ds of th Ie e locating or w. Tb amshaft i oarri d
in roller baring , and pring-loaded oil seal are pre ed into the end cover
which arry the c!\m haf bearings. Roll r tappet ar located by dowel
SCI' w pa. sing thr ugh th pump housing and tapp t adju tment for
pump pha ing i obtain d b th use of fin -pitch crews and lock-nuts.
Pump calibrati n devic ar d ign d to en ur tha each pumping
1 m nt deli l' th am amount of fuel oil to a h engine cylind r.
Th d Iiv r valve 0.1' of the onv ntional mitre-fa d typ having an

unloading collar formed on 1,11

,.hank of the valve above the
fluted guide p rl,ion. Fig. 24
shows a Bryce tappet- 'operated
fuel pump .
Operation of Fuel-pump Element
Fuel is supplied directly by
gravity or by means of a fuol
feed pump from a servic tank, ( a) OURINCO
(C) aoTTO,",
Of' 5TR~C
through suiiable filters, and led NO DELIVERY
to the suction chamber in thl:'
pump hou ing, around ports I
flnd 2 in th banel (see Fig. 25) .
When the plunger is at th Jow st
position , it do s not cov I' til{' (A) PLUNCOER
ports and fuel can flow ere Iy into CONTROL [DCE5

t he barrel.
When DO delivery is required ,
Lhe plunger is rotated to the
(0) DURIN(, (f) BOTTO..
angular po ition shown at (B) and STRO~[ Of JT ~O~[
(C). In this case, port I in the NORMAL DELIVllIY

barrel remains open throughout Fig. 2Ci.- OPERA1!ON o~ l' lIl~ Bn)' E l"UEL
the stroke. and the pump working INJEOTJCJN J' UMl'
chamber i , therefore. o.lways in
communication with tbe suction chamber. Towards th top of th strok
the helical edg also uncovers port 2.
Con idermg vi wa (D) and (E) , which show th plung r in th angular
po ition for norm al d livery, it will b s en that, as tll plWlg r riscs, it
lirst expels oil through the ports baok into the suction chamb r, until th
ports are covered by the top of the plunger. At thi point. d liv ry com-
menc ,and continu until th helical groove reach port], after whioh
further movement of the ri ing plunger simply displaces the fu I down
the helical groove and out of the pump barr 1 through port].
For other deliveries, th angular position of the plung l' is varied, thus
cllusing the helical groove to over-run port 1 earlier or later in the trok ,
with consequent d crease or increa, r p ctively in the am unt of fu I

Control of the quantity of fuel delivered, from nothing up to the
full output, i by the longitudinal movement of the control rack.
When no governor i fitted , th rack i coupl d dir ot to the hand-control
The word STOP is stamped on ono end of the rack, together with an
arrow. When th rao)e is moved in th directi 11 of th arrow to the limit
of its travel, delivery of the fuel i cut off and the engine stops.
Pumps oan be supplied so that 81'QF can be effected with either
direction of raok travel, as required, but the standard arrangem nt is tha,t
the STOP position is with
the rack to tho extreme
right when viewed from
the front of t he pump.
The front is the side on
which the control rack is

The Bryce injector, or
4 atomiser, consists of a nozzle
holder and nozzle assem bled
as shown in Fig. 26. The
delivery from the injection
pump is at A, the fu el
passing under pressure I\,long
the passage B into the
annular groove of th nozzle
body at 0, and so via the
nr.:llfo- - - - 6 holes D , lifting the nozzle
needle (6) against tbe pressure
Fig. 26.- THlII BnYOE INJEO'1'OR ASSEVlILY of the spring (5 ), and permit-
ting the fuel oil to be inj cted
into th combustion chamber in the form of a ery fine spray through the
hole or hoI in the end oftbe nozzle body.

Nozzle Holders
Although there are sev ral different typ s of nozzle holders, as far a
sternal d sign i (lon rn d , Fig. 26 shows the g neral construction of th
Bryce bydraulica.lly operated unit. Till oonsists of the body (1), which i
provid d with an inlet connection a.t (2), a" I ak-off" connection at (3),
and a pindIe (4) through which the pressure from th spring (5) is tran -
mitted to maintain the nozzle ne dIe (6) upon its seat. pring adjust-
m nt is provided b mea.us of the adju ting screw (7), and the locknut (8)
carried by th top nut. The adju ting crew i provided to enab] the
atomiser reI e p ur to be adjusted to th requirements ofth pa.rticu-
lar type of engine. It is tat th pres ure required by the engin -maker.
and ill the event of any adjustment being necessary, oare should be taken
to reset at the original pressure.

As a general classmcation, Bryce nozzl s belong to th
ue igl1, in which the nozzle valve is h ld on to its at by th nozzl hold r
spring, and pressure exerted on the fuel by the pump during th inj otion
period is the only means of op ning the valv .
There are two main types of nozzles, namely, tho "hole" and th
" pintle" designs, the former g nerally bing used when tb fu 1 s ks
or attacks the combustion air, and th lat001' wb r the air attacks
the fuel.

Pintle-type Nozzles
As prcviou ly mentioned, this tYJ is used when the air in th com-
bustion chamber is " attacking" the fu I, so a diffus('d spray is OOM -
gucntly required. To cater for this condition, th spray produc d by th
pintle nozzle has the form of a oone, th pintl diameter and anglo of this
con b jng sel ted to suit the particular oharacteristics of each d ign of
('ngine. With any given form of oombustion ohamber thor is gen raIJy
on po.rticular type ofnozzlo which give optimum perfonnano ,and it is,
therefore, es ential that the typo specified by the ngine manufactur r is
always retained in the engine.

Hole-type Nozzles
With certain d signs of engin combustion chambers, it is S8 ntial
that the spray of fuel should s ek tho air, and to seour this fli ot nozzl 8
as shown in Fig. 27 und r (c) or (d) are used. With c mbustion oham rs
where the nozzle is situated in a relatively cool position, or whore Bpac is
Hot limited, de ign (d) on l!"'ig. 27 is generaIJy fitted. In th lat r yp ,
the nozzle-need! guide surfac extends near to the sea.t. H nce th
nece88ity for good cooling by bringing the engine circulating water as 010
to the nozzle seat as practicable.
In the ca.se of engines of small cylinder bore, however, having combu -
tion cha.mbers r quiring the injeotor to be pla.ced centrally in t11 cylind r
head, there is rarely room for good cooling. Largo valves are ssentiaJ to
eoure high output, a.nd for such an applica.tion the type shown in Fig. 27
(c) is, therefor , recommended. In this design the n07.z1e valve is guid d
at the upper part only, so ma.king it pos ible to reduce the diameter of the
lower portion of tbe nozzle, with the consequence that larg r inlet and
exhaust valve a.re practicable. As only the top pa.rt of the need! valv
is a lapped fit in the body, the problem of nozzle cooling is simplifi d con-

------, ---
c;----.,.J - - """,

-=-.. - - - -":"

r - -- .

(a) (b)

,.. - - - -- ~I
,... -- -- - - -
L, - - - - , . . . J ....., --~
- ----h


(d) (e)
Fig. 27.- TvpE or BRYOJ!l NOZZLES
(n) Pintl. (b) ntrl\l hole. (e) Multihole, long stem. (~) Multi.hole, short stem.
(e) ingl hole. off8et.
Testing Bryce Injectors
Before coupling up the inj ctor to th nozzl -testing unit a mall quan-
tity of fuel oil should be pumped to wa.ste, in ord r to r mov any dirt that
may be present in the delivery pip. TJlen proc d Ii follows :
(1) Couple up the injector to th delivery pipe of t.h test lmit.
the pres ure-gauge communicating co k and work th hand I v r
until the nozzle discharges fuel fr from air- thi generally takes
at lea t ten stroke .
(2) Open the gauge cock and work th pump at tw nty d liv r
strokes per minute ; note th pressure at which th nozzl om -
mences to spray (needle relea pr ur) which hould corre pond
to the pre sure recommended by tb engin mak r. Th nozzl
tip should remain dry, indicating that the valv s at doe not I ak ;
this can be easily tested by wiping the tip with the back of the hand ,
when moisture b oomes immediately a ppar nt. In addition ,
there should be no leakage round th nozzl nut.
(3) till working the pump lever at about twenty d livery strok s per
minute, study the spray for :
(a) treakiness (in pintle type) .
(b) Off- et spray (in pintle type).
(c) " quirting "-lack of buzzing noi o.
(d) Leaky seat.
(e) Uniformity of str ngth and dir ction of spray (multi -hoI

Nozzle Inspection and Cleaning

hould any of the faults mentioned be appar ut, the inj 'ctor should b
dismantled as follows: .
Place the injector- nozzle upwards-in a vice and slacken off th
nozzle nut with special spanner. Remove this nut and take off th nozzl
for examination, putting the nut back in position on th hold r and taking
the unit from the vice.
'rhe nozzle holder and nozzle joint face should be per~ otly oJ an, with
mirror-like appearance. They may be wash d in clean paraffin, but if
further treatment is needed the parts should be r turned to the work to
be relapp d. The nozzle clamping shoulder, nozzle-nut clamping
shoulder, and the joint-washer faoe, should be carefully oleaned. A hr s
wire brush will be found u eful for cleaning all surfa.ces except th nozzl -
nut clamping shoulder, which oan generally be 01 red of a.ny roan
depo it by the fuel-cha.mber scra.per. AI ,examine the joint wa h r
to be sure that it i not damaged so a to queeze the nozzl body
Now take the nozzle and withdraw the needle from the body, wh nth
guide urfa.oe of tho n Ie hould be found to be 01 an, with an ven
mirror-like finish; that is to say, there should not be any dull or soratched
patohes or very bright spots. Furthermore, the needle seat should not be
disooloured blaok, blue, or yellow. If any of these defects should be
apparent, however, and the afterrnentioned treatment prove unavailing,
the complete nozzle should be returned to the manufaotur rs for examina-
tion and r oondition, if possible.
Next, put the body and needle to soak for a short time in olean
paraffin, after whioh take the needle and lightly brush the stem, seat, and
(in the ca e of pintle nozzles) the pintle, with the brass wire brush.
Now tak the nozzle body from the paraffin and in peet the joint face
to be oerta,in that it is not scratched or damaged, after whioh the fuel-feed
holes should be cleaned by pushing a small wire or twist drill down to the
fueJ ohamber, being careful in doing so not to soratch the joint face.
Then take the fuel-chamber scraper and insert into the nozzle-b dy
fu I chamber, press sideways and, by rotary motion, remove any carbon or
depo it whioh may be there. After this, the scat-cleaning tool should be
us d by in erting in the same way, and pressing downwards WIth rotary
movement, and then the seat should be examined under a strong light
to he sur that all tru,ces of for ign matter have been removed. The
for going operations are common to all Bryoe nozzles, irr speotivo of sizo
or type.
Tho pintle hole may be cl~alled by in erting the tip of the seat-cleaning
With hol -type nozzles, a prioking tool is requircd, which comprises a
hold r fitted with suitable cleaning wire, the size of which will depend
upon th diameter oftbe hole to be oleaned.
When the carbon in the holes is oft, it is a simpl matter to probe the
hol 8 with the too), but hould thi have become too bard, the complete
nozzle hould b returned to the manufaoturers for attention. This
J)1'oo dur is advi ed, a an inexperienoed operator is very liable to break
the wir in the hole, whiob probably results in the sorapping of the

Nozzle-holder Cleaning
No It tali: th nozzle hold r and unscrew the nozzle nut in ord r to
xnmine th joint fao ,whioh 110uld be perfectly clean so that it make
a good pr til' -tight joint with the nozzl .
If fitted with a high-pressure filter, thi should be dismantled and
01 an d by unsorewing the feed pipe from the nozzle-holder body, when th
flIt r lement oan be tapped out with a oft punoh after removing the
so ok t or w. It can be wash d in paraffin and any dirt removed with
a bru h. When reas mbling til , d pipe into th body, be sure that
th copp r joint washer is in place at the bottom of the tapped hole in the
nozzle-holder body.
The nozzle holder should be taken apart compl tel , 0 that th internal
parts can be cleaned. Then apart from giving the hold r 1.\ g n ral cl an
externally, the only other attention need d i to wipe and gr th
llozzle-holder spring to guard against corrosion. It should be pnrticularly
noted that if a nozzle-testing unit is not availabl ,oare must be taken that
t he adjusting screw locknut is firmly in position before unscr wing t11 top
nut, so as to ensure that the pressur of the pring will remain unal r d
uuring overhaul.
The complete injeotor should now be ass mbled after car ful rinsing
of all parts- partioularly pressure faces. Car should be tak 11 in
tightening the nozzle nut, as excessive force will ca.us di tortion, and til
use of a special Dozzle-nut spanner is recommended. Examin th joint
washer, which should always be fitted betw en tb joint-wash r fao amI
the cylinder head, to see the faces are not damag d and that it is a good
easy fit on the nozzle body, but at the same time not too I 0 e.
Finally, the injector should be tested on n. nozzl -testing uu.it, nfter
which it may be fitted in the engine, care being taken to tighten down tho
injector-Bange securing nuts evenly in order to pr vcnt " nipping" tll
Bazzle in the cylinder head.
The hole in tbe oylinder head should be fr e from carboll, so that the'
injector enters freely.
When assembling any parts of fuel -injection quipm nt, on no account
must rag, cotton waste, or cloth of any kind be used. Ha.ving thoroughly
rinsed the hands in clean paraffin, r move th parts fr m th J o.raffin
bath, rinse and as mble them dripping wet without allowing th 111
to come into contact with anything apart from th cl an fing rs.


This fuel-injection sy tem is applicable to both two- and four-strok
engines, and the a.dvantages claimed are that th maximum combustion
pre sures are lower d, the pressure rise is slowed down, and cons qu ntly
the hard ignition noise, or "diesel knock," i eliminated, while th
mechanioal strains on the engine components a.r materially r duc d.
The patented method which Akti bolaget Atlas Di eel of Look-
holm developed, and which is licensed to .A.V. Ltd., mak 8 use of a
two-stage cam in the fuel pump, together with a special d sign of fu 1-
injeotion valve. By this mean a continuous two-stage fu 1 inj ction
is achieved, the first stage being cffi oted at low pressure and low 8pe d
of the fuel, and is direotly continued by the later stag , during which
fuel pressure and speed a.r successively increased.
Owing to the low injeotion rate during the first stage tb amount of Cu I
present in the combu tion cham her when ignition tak place is 0 mall
that the pressure rise at the sudden combustion of this quantity cannot
create any knock or violent stressing of the engine parts. The high

Fig. 28. - AJ.'LAS DIES El. F i g. 29.- F'UE L-J:N'JI!: CTION PRESSURE DlAURAM

temperature created in the cylinder during the combustion of the fuel

injected during the first tage ensures that the fuel injected later burns
successively as it enters th e combustion chamber.

ntinuous two-stage inj ction is effected oy means of the two-stage
cam as illustrated in Fig. 28, the contour depending on the design of the
inj ction puml in which it is to be incorporated. Injection commences a.t
the part ai' and the contour of aI ' to bl is designed with a rather moderate
slope, giving a r latively low injection pre sur. The s cond stage, b1 to
cl ' ha a relatively st ep slope giving an injeotion pI' s ur that i increa ed
suoo ssively up to its maximum value.
T h schematic diagram in Fig. 29 illu trates how the fuel-injeotion
pres ure varies wh n ucl! a oam i employed. When a pressure is built
up uffioiently high to open the fu l-valv needle, the injeotion starts at a,
and oontinues at low pressur during the period a to b. At b, the inj ction
pe d and pressure a1' uocessiv ly illor a ed. Th injeotion ceases at
point c.

The Fuel Injector

A the pre-injeotion hould take place a.t a. low pre sure, the fuel
nozzl must be design d to open at thi low pressure, and to avoid" after-
dribble" the nozzle valve should 010 very rapidly at the relea e of pump
pr sure and , therefore, ha to be oapable of clo ing at a pressure muoh
higher than the opening pre ure.
Th Atlas Die I injeotor nozzle developed to me t these requirements
i illu trat d in Fig. 30. The nozzl valve opens in the direction away
from the combu tion chamb r.
When the pump begins to d liv r
fuel to the d e livery pip e, the
pressure rises and reaches dir ctly
into th upper annular pace in th
nozzle and also into th lower
annular space ' through tb non-
return valve, and when th pressur
rises sufficiently to overcome the
helical spring pressure, the valve
At tbe end of the injection
period, pre sure in the pump and
system suddenly falls. The com-
pressed fuel under the non -return
valve then closes the latter ery
rapidly. This valve j so designed
that the pres ure behind the nozzle
boles is rapidly r duced , so that the
injection terminates without
" dribble."
As the upper annular space is
in direct connection with the
delivery pipe, the fuel pr ssure falJs Fig. 30. I!!QTJON Oir TIl' A1'J.AS DII!:s L
almost immediately to approx.i- EUEI, NOZZLE AND D"EI. IVlmv VALVE
mat e ly atmospheric prc ss ure.
Therefore , during the cl sing period th ne dle-valv spring has to aot
only again -I, the remaining pres ure in the low r annular spae , and this
pres ure act - upon an area corrosponding to the small lapp 'd diam ter
of the n cdle valve.
In this way, it is possible for the spring to close the n die valve against
It considerably greater pres ure than that required to op n th valve.
In engines running at high peeds pressure wav cr ated in the fu I
pipes by the pr sure release in the inj ction pump and by til clo ur
of the needle valve very often have bad eft' cta on the injection.
These pre ure waves might tra el along the fuel pipe, and when
reaching the injection pump might disturb th injection of fuel to th
other cylinders. This may be prevented by the u of a. non-return
valve betw en the injeetion pump and th delivery pipe, but the pI' sure
wa.ves in the latter might be reflected against the valve, and at the
arrival at the injector eventually open the needl va.lve.
In order to pr vent this, a. combination of valves is located in the
fuel-injection pump at the outl t to the delivery pipe. Thi combination
is, in effect, a delivery valv which permit return flow of fuel at a. pI' -
nre consid rably lower than the deliv ry p ure.


The equip mont described here is a combined pump-and-injector unit,
incorporating the E-H. sonic system of fuel injeotion. This unit has
been designed to overoome the defects inherent in conventional methods
of injection and oan be adapted to practically any engine requirement.
It is operat d by the pressure in the engine cylinder.
An advantage of the pressure-operated system is that the injection
characteristio remains the same whatever the speed of the engine.

Differential Injector-pump
The differ ntial gas-operated injector-pump, illustrated in Fig. 31,
has b en designed mainly for ships' propelling engines, having cylinder
bor s of 15 in. diameter and upwards. The diameter of the pump plung r
ranges from 05 in. or 12 mm., to 1'5 in. or say 40 mm., whilst th stroke
whioh is govern d by the engine speed can be 2 in. or mor. The range
offuel-oiJ pressures produc d is from 7,000 lb. per sq. in. (approx. 492 kg.
per sq. cm.) to 15,000 lb. per sq. in.
(approx. 1,000 kg. P r sq. cm.).
Operating power for this pump i
derived from the cylinder com pres ion
pressure. Orthodox cam operation is
therefore eliminated, but th admi -
sion of air from the engin cylinder is
positiv ly timed.
The pump aot as a metering
d vioe in th ordinary way, but follows
th ba ic E-H. principl as an injection
pump. The injeotor i of tbe normal
E-H. op n typ whioh dispenses with
differ ntial valve as a method of
rectifi cation.

Operation of the Unit

The timing valve S, which is of
the oon ntional poppet typ , can be
opera.ted by a hydraulic ervo, pu h-
rod, pull-rod, rooking lever, or any
other convenient means. The timing
gear, shown in Fig. 32, is of the
hydraulio type and is used where the
engine cam haIt is a.b nt or inac-
IN.J OT01\l'Ul>Q> ro1\ HlP '},ROPELLING
cessible. Oil pressure is supplied by
IIlNO~ means of a plunger-type displacer,

which is controlled by a cam on th ngine, and timing valv through

the medium of t he piston and tappet R.
As the piston in the engin cylinder concerned reaoh th point
where injection should take place, the valve S opens and 11 ws air at
com pres ion pressure to enter the s~rvo cylind r by m an of th port T.
This effects th downward strok of th pump plung rand inj tion
takes place. When the compr ssion in the ngio 0 linder faU , tul
result of the exhaust valve opening, th spring P r turns th s rvo pist.on
and plunger to the top of the stroke.
Fuel oil enters the feed chamber I at a pr 8 ure of appro. imat ly
10 lb. per sq. in. (0703 kg. p r sq. cm.), pass through th by-pass
port E, and enters the pressure chamb r F via th radial and ntre
longitudinal drillings in the plunger . Wh n the plunger is d pr 8S d,
injection takes place during the time both th by-pass port II and th
release port K are closed.
Injection ceases-entirely without dribble- as SOOI1 as th edg s of
the top radial holes in the plung r me t the edg s of the releas port.
Control of the volume of fuel oil injected j by th slicling muff J , through
the throttle control pinion and shaft L. Th funotion of this g ar is to
alter the position of the release port in relation to th top radial hoI s.
urplus fuel oil is conveyed by port M, b dy passag ,and th 8 rvo
cylinder jacket, to cooling jack t in the 1'vo cylinder head U. Th
surplus fu I oil and air hI ed is th n normally piped from the yJind r-
head jacket to the day storage tank.
Final training of the fuel oil , immediately prior to its inj ti n into
the combustion chamber, is effected by tho knife- dg strain r O.
Wear of the working components in the timing valve and rvo
mechanism is r due d to a minimum by a liberal supply of lubricating
oil. This leaves the timing valve spring chamb r via pip 0, and nters
the servo through the drilling N.
The s rvo piston V, and check valves E and B, are fitted with dash
pots Q, D, and A to bring them to rest without shook or .vibration.

Hydraulically-operated Fuel Pump

With this arrangement, oil under compre sian i admitted in the form
of a sonic wave, stroke by stroke, to the servo piston. and produ s inj otion
at very high pre ure-20,OOO lb. for instance- and allows th injection
period to be greatly curtailed. This wave impulse is produced by a di -
placement plunger mechanically operated from th engine and using
ordinary lubricating oil. It hould be noted that th re is approximately
4 mm. of free movement before the plunger overrun the lower or by-pa
port groove, the plunger end and lower lip of the groove form ing a " valv "
with a very high rate, provided the r lative movement of th plunger and
sleeve is high. The recommended peed for the plunger is 6 ft. per condo
D.1l.- S


This is a new fu l -inje~tion sy tern which has be n developed fol'
super-charg d engine running on boiler oil . The ystem uses a gar-
op rated fu 1 pump, wit,h a metering device, which eliminates the ne d
for a separate fuel pump and accumulator.
Operation of Fuel Pump
A sectional view of the gas-operat d fu I pump is shown in Fig. 32.
ompressed gal:! 1 aVCR tb engine cylinder and by way of the cylindlr
cover (2) enter. th pump ylind r (1). A screw (3) can be used for
regulating the flow of gas. There i ' a differential ratio between the gaR
piston (4) and the plu11ger (5) of JO : 1, i .. the pressure on the fuel in the
lower chamber is t 11 times til gas compression pre' ure. Th springs
(6 and 7) re t,urn the piHtOIl n.nd plunger to tOJl posit.ion aft-er each delivery
strol e.

.Fig. 32 (left). - RCTIO

TlffiO OR Wn..sON & KYLE

Fig. 33 (above).-A.RRANOE.
(Reproduced by courtuy oj Th
Motor Ship)
}uel is d liver d to th fu] 'hamoor through a suction n.Iv () .
This valve is op Tnt d by movement of the plunger t.hrough f\, forl( lev('r
(9) and tappet (10). On the downward strokc f Lhe piston and pJUllg r
fuel is return d to the upply pip through tbe suction va,l v unt.iJ it, i
do ed. Next, fu I is delivered to tIl inje tor through the vstlv (J 1)
and flow cease' when the disoharg port to th alv is cov red b 010
plunger. Th fuel is meter d by mealls of llloYillg a level' on the shaft
(13) , varying the point at whic h the !-Iuction va! c1ot;('s alld ddi cry
commences. The actual timing of th illje tiOll is carried out by the fu J
valve. The gas in the cylinder is xhauHt cd tlll'otlgh fl, ball alve (J 4)
ou the upward stroke of the piston. Thit; lm8 th advantag of by-
passing t,he r gulat.ing SOl' W (3), t hUH enflb ling the t'hltll1uel' 1,0 be
recharged quickly.

Fuel Valve
The fuel-injection Vl1lv uscd with the gas-op I'ateu fu 1 pump is
Hhown diagrammatically in Fig. 3:1. A spring (J) contralf! t he initio]
opening pressure of the nozzle, The spring casing (3) it; held agn,insL the
housing (4) by another spri1lg (5). The load of this spring doel! not aej,
on the nozzle needle. The spring casing (3) makes 'ontact with a plunger
(7) ill the top housing. Thifl housing cn.rries a sle v (G) baving all
annulus in the top to whi h fuel at deliv ry pl' 'ssur i" feu thr ugh a
double check valve (8). The oil pr SSUI' on th plungeI' (7) , at St,fl,f'l.illg
a.nd slow spe d, is not enough to compr 8S th upper spring (5), but lL8 the
('ngine speed ulCrea8es the }Jump delivery PI' SSIll' 8 rise in dir (.1, ratio
to the engine y linder compl'el>sion pressure. Th plunger (7) tit n
pres. es down the spring casing (3) , compres in y th flpring (1) and raiRing
the injection pressure. When the engine revolutions d creaRC', th
pressure is relaxed and fu 1 deliv ry pre sure al' redllc d.
The pressure spind le (9) acting on th nozzl n dJ is, in ffi ct, a
piston working in th cylinder (10) , forming a dash-pot. Th cylind r is
filled with fuel at atmo pheric pressur and has a v ry small soap orific
at the top. When the nozzle n edle is lifted by th fuel pr fl8ur the oil
in the dash-pot is forc d through the orific. This restriction slows down
the lifting of the needle and controls the rate of injection so that initially
a small quantity of finely atomised fu 1 i d liver d to tbe ngin yJind r
to start combu tion. The rate of injection is progr siv Iy increa.s d
up to the end of the delivery period. At the nd of inj tion th piston
and needle are mov d down sharply by th spring and oil i again drawn
into the do. h-pot. Oil is suppli d to the do. h-pot fr m th normal
back leak past the nozzle needle.
By this arrang ment th rate of combustion is ol,rolled 0 that a
more even ri e in oylinder pr ure i obtain d t thus liminating 1m ok
and oonsequently reducing th ngine stresses.
This small, compact fuel -injection pump incorporating a sensitive alI-
sp ed governor is now fitted as standard equipment on many commercial
vehjc)es, tractors and on contractor ' plantandgeneratot' sets. Iti8suitable
for modern high-sp d diesel engines of up to appl' ximately 2 litres capa-
city pel' cylind r.
t is arrang d for flange mountin , and is driven by a splined drive
shaft. R latively simple in de ign, it contains no ball or roll l' baring,
aI's r highly stressed springs, alld employs a single pumping element
which s ryes each nginecylindel'in turn. NospccioJ lubl'icatioll6ystem or
lubricants are required, since a ll the working parts ar adequately lubri-
cated by fuel oil. Fuel} r ssure maintain d within the completely fill d

I.oplined driv shaft. 7. R gulnting valv .
2.H'ydrnulio gov rnor. . TrllJU!fer pump.
3.Motering valve. 9. Higb.pressure delivery connection.
4.Hydraulio h nd. 10. Automatic advnn device.
U.Pumping and distributing rotor. 11. Com ring.
6.Fuel illl t oonn otion. 12. Pumping plung rs.

pump housing pr ent the formation of air locks and th ingress of dirt
or water.
A gov rnor of ither hydraulio or m chanica! f1.Y' eight typ is incor-
ported in the pump i the former being g nerally uitabJ for rno t auto-
motive applications whil the latt r i suitable for application which
I' quir particularly 10 gov rning.

A simple automatic device may alao b fitt. d to PI' vid automatio

advanoement of injeotion timing as engine pe d i rai d.
Working Principle
The single pumping elem nt oomprising twin pIling rs is sit/ua d in '"
tran ver e bor at one nd of th rotor. An axial fu 1 paR ag in th ro r
('onn cts the space between the plung ra with a s ri of qnally spac d
radial drillings leading to inlet ports on th surfac of th r tor alld, a
another level, with a ingle distributor port.
As the rotor turns, the inlet ports in the rotor ar align d u ( iv Iy
with a single inlet port in the hyurauli c head. Th singl di tributor port

sw ps au' e ion of qually spa d distribu r ports in th hy raulio

had, whi oh lead to the inj tor connection .
When inlet ports in the head and rotor ar aligo d, fn I at a controll d
metering pressure passes through tbe a 'io.l fuel passage in th rotor and
for s th plungers apart. Aotuating roll rs, carried in aho which contaot
the outer ends of th plunger, mov outward as the plun r ar displao d.
The inlet ports are "cut off ' as the rotor turn, and th ingL distribu r
port in tb rotor is brought into alignment with one of th di tributor ports
in the hydraulio head. The aotuating rollers then cont t 10 on tb
stationary cam ring, and the plung rs ar for inwards to pump the
cbarge of fuel at high pr ur to th inj ctor. harging, pumping and
di tribution ar repeated until, at th compl tion of on pump r volution,
all engine cylinder have been s rved in the correot firing ord f.


.... ~
i C




Fuel Metering
Apart from mall los which occur during tho pumping st.r k , th
total volume of fuel introduc d into the el mCllt pllSS t,o thl' ('11 Tin
cylinder. This volume of fuel i controlled by r gulating t.he pn'l'lsur
(m tering pressur ) at the illl t port in the hydrauli c had.
Fuel entering the pump p se into the transfer pump (Fig. :35), f\, s!hall
vane-typ pump mOllnted on th nd of the pumping n,nd dist.rihuting
rotor. Th pres ure on th out I t sid
of the pump (transfer pressure) rises as
the spe d of rotation iner('a ea, a pre-
determined rclationaltip betwe II RI'C (1
and pressur being maintained by a
regulating alv situated in the end
plate of the pump. Th valve consis(.i'\
of a spring-loaded plunger within a
sleeve provided wjth a reg1llating port,.
As transfer pressur in creas s with in-
creasing pumpspecd the pi tonisfol'(, II
along the sleeve to uncover progressi ve-
Iy th 111 toring port ami allow fll to
escape to the sllction side of the trans-
fer pump.
Fuel at transfer pressure plH!SeH to
a ehamb r in the hydraulic heau which
houses a metering val\'o. The ar It
of a metering orifice i con troll 'd by
rnov ment of the metering valvo s ueh F i(/. :l . R01'OIl WI'I' II 1I1UVE I'LATE
nBM()VI~ 1J
movement being It ted manually
when making a s)) ed selection, and
by governor action in maintaining a 8 1 ted 8)) (). PI" RlIr ' ur
c ur at the m tering orific , Rinne th orifi (' c'ol1HtituLes a varianl "-

nO!: TBAVlIIL 01' TIIl!I Pl1Ml'lNO 1'L NGJ!R8
striction to fuel flow, and transfer press-
ure is r duced to metering pres ure. The
smaller the area of the metering orific ,
the greater will be the pressure drop and
vice ver a.
Metering pressure is applied to tbe
in let port in the rotor, and it is this
pres ure together with the time factor
which determine tho quantity of fuel
whi h enters the pumping element at
a h charging troke.
Maximum Fuel Adjustment
maximum fuel setting is madt> y
limiting the outward travel of the p lun-
Fig. 40.- DJAORftM 011 HYDRA Ll

gel'S at a pomt were t h 0 requIre.
. rl
mum fuellin g i. obtained. Adjustment
o M. t rillg vulvo. is provided on the pump so that a wide
P Motoring port.
R Shut-olI wlt8hor. rang of settings can be obtain d. Ears
hut-off CRm. 011 tho roller sboes proj ct into eccentric
T Shut-off shaft. slot in adju ting plates fitted on either
side of the pumping s ction of the rotor.
Th outward lim it of travel of th plungers i attained wb 11 the ears
conta t t h sine of t he slots. Since the slots are e 'c ntric, maximu m trav I
can b vari d by rotating the adjusting plates in relation to the rotor.

Automatic Control of Injection Timing

Under full -load conditions the plunger ar displac d to the maximum
fuel positi n al1d contact betwe n the actuating rollers and the cam lobes
is mad at points near the ba s of the cams.
nd r light-load conditions and at low speeds, fuel r quir ments are
Ie s, and p lunger di placem nt is reduced. ontact b tween rollers and
oams is then mad at points neal' l' th cam p ak. It follows, therefore,


A Thrust sleove. K Control lever.
B ovornor woights. L ConnC)oting link.
C GO"el'nor arm. M 1\1 tering vruve I \' r.
D Idling spring guid . T pring-loaded hook lever.
E hut-off bIn. o letering valve.
F hut off sho.ft P Hook I v r pring.
G Shut-off lev r. R Pivot plac .
H Idling spring. R toining spring.
J Governor spring. T plined drive shaft.
that at low fuelling, injection ('orom nres laLol' in the ]Jumping c 'el and
injection timing is therefore r tarded.
A simple device (Fig. 37) pro,ides a timi1lg advance as th sp d of th
engine is increased. A piston moYing under in6ue1l('c of tran I' pI' ur
rotates the cam ring towards th advan d s tting as tran fer PI' Uf'
I'i es (with incr a ed engine speed). 'pring preHsure mov th pi tOil and
cam ring toward the retard d po ition when engill sp cd fall .

Pumps arc manufactured with hydraulic and ,,-jth mechani a1 go 1'-
The hydraulic governor (Fig. 40) is op rated by transfet pres ur
acting upon the piston-type metering v(l.lv O. Fuel passes through th
valve to an annular groove.
Operation of the Rpeed control moves a rack which varies th forc
xerted on the valve by til main spriug. Thill fore oppos 8 trans< l'
pre sure. When acceleratin " the compression of the spring is iner as c1
and the valve moves to the full fuel pOSition, the m tering port bing fully
open to the anllular groove. Trallsfer pl'eStmre if Cl'cas s with ris in
engine speed and the valve mov s until transfer 131' sur and 8pring PI' B-
sure are in equilibrium . Changes ill Rpe d, a compani c.I by chang s in
transfer pressure, cause movement of the metering valvo and a compen-
sating change of fuelling.
The mechanical governor (Fig. 41) employs a simple system of fly -
weights and linkage which op rate the metering valve to bring about om-
I ensating change of fuelling when sp d flu ctuations occur. Th wights
B, moving in respon to c11anges in centrifugal force, move the control
sleeve A along the driv shaft. This movement is transmitted th
metering valve by the pivoted arm 'and til pring-loaded Jev r N.
Operation of the sp cd control varies the tension of the spring J which
exerts a force on the governor arm in opposition to the fore x rwd by th
weights. If tension is reduced (when dec lerating) the weights mov
outwards and move the m teri.ng valve towards th dosed p sition. Wh n
accelerati.ng, tension is increased. The weights move inwardB and th
metering valve moves towardB the full. fllel position. When running at a
selected speed, entrifugal force and spring tension ar in quilibrium .
Any fluctuation of speed will be accompanied by a bange in c ntrifugal
force which will cau e movement of the weights and bring about a com-
pensating change of fuelling.
Maximum fuel and advance device setting are mad. at the time f
manufacture, in accordance with tbe requirements of the engin manu-
faoturer. Unauthorised adjustment should not be mad , inc acourate
setting can be made only on a test machine.
(With acTcnowUaglMrU to O.A. P., Lid.)
Chapter ITI

HREE representative types of governor are described in this chapter,
T namely the Bryce hydraulic governor, th C.A.V. idling and maximum
spe d , and the .A.V. and imml:! pneumatic governors.
Tb Bryce hydraulic governor has been developed for use with engines
operating over a wide range of speed, sucb as those for locomotives and
marine PI' pulsion. 'l'he only rotating parts are those of a small gear-type
pump, and the working fl.uid is fuel oil as used for the injection pump.
Both C.A.V. governors are designed for use with the C.A.V. pump
which is gen rally fitted to commercial vehicles, the idling and maximum-
spe d governOl' being of the centrifugal type.


Th operation of the gO"\rernor is illustrated diagrammatically in Fig. 1
and is briefl.y as follows:
}"uel oil nters at F, fl.owing by gravity (or from the pump) into the
separator V cast in the casing of the governor. The governor gear-pump
G is driven by the camshaft of the fuel-inje 'tion pump. The rack of the
fuel pump is normally kept in the STOP position by the helical spring S .
Pump G maintains a constant pressure against the release valve E, and
the sam pres ur 0.1 0 is transmitted to cylinder 8, where it builds up and
foroes the pump rack to the full-fuel position.
Th sp d-control lever is connected to th working plunger 0, so as
to rotate it without restraining its longitudinal movement under the
a tion of the hydraulio pressure. Longitudinal grooves in th plunger
co-operate with ports 0 in th barrel, the op ning of the ports being
controlled both by the angular and longitudinal position of the plunger.
The pre ure on plunger 0 dep nds, therefore, both on the rate of delivery
from the g ar pump, a controlled by engin speed, and on the position
of th plunger.
Til pressure on plunger 0 is, therefore, variable, and supplies the
nece ary working foroe for the governor. ince it is determined by
the throttle p sition, for any given throttle setting the governor holds the
pump rack in th appropriate position. If, at any given throttle etting,
the engine p ed rise , then the pre ure in the barrel W 0.1 0 rises, and,
acting on plunger 0, moves the pump ra.ck to a lower position, and vice
versa. Thi i the governing aotion.


The reaction of the governor to any alteration of p ed or chang of

throttle i extremely rapid and positive. The dr pin pr sur, ev n fot a
small movement of th spe doc ntrollev r, is considerabl ,with th (. suIt
that t he rack move sharply to th full-fuel p sition, and tb ngin th n
exerts its maximum torque. A th ngin sp diner a ,a orr -
sponding increas of pr sure acts upon the plunger a, and it is pushed
back, thus reducing the fuel supply to th ngine until a sta of balanc
is again reached.
hould the speed-control lever be releas d lightly, an actly opp site
sequence of events occurs, the fuel being cut compl Iy off until th pe d
has fallen to that corresponding to the new po ition of the spe c)-control
lever pedal, when th governor again mo e to restor quiliLrium.
This quick over-running action of th governor adds to th liv lin s of
th engine, and should not be confused with hunting.


The idling and maximum-speed governor prev n the ngin from
tailing or exceeding a predetermined maximum speed, but oth rwis btl.
no part what oever in peed regulation. Any peed and 1 ad of tb ngin
between the idling and maximum-speed setting of th governor is con-
trolled direotly by the operator by means of the accel rator pedal. B ing
of the centrifugal, flyweight type (see Fig. 2) it chiefly consists of a By -
weight assembly (12) lockfld on to the end of the ca.mshaft, with an end
cover in whioh is oarried an eooentric shaft (14) , with floating lever (16),
and suitable linkage (17 and Hl) for oonnection to the control rod of
the injection pump.
Referring to Figs. 3 and 4 the operation is a follows: Through the
accelerator pedal and linkage the control rod of the injeotion pump i
placed in the idling position, permitting the injeotion of only a relatively
small quantity of fuel. At the idling speed, the flyweights (12) move
outward for only a short distano ,compressing the outer idling springs (41)
only slightly, and the oontrol rod (7) is regulated in such a way that the
idling spe d remains nearly oonstant. Should th idling spe d tend to

Fi.g.2.- 0. .V. ll'tTEt.-INn!:OTJON PUMP WITH OOVERNOB.

1. 10 ing plug. . Coupling. 15. Control lev r.
2. Dipstick. 9. Oil oup. 16. Floating lever.
3. Fu I-inlet connection. 10. Oov mor 8prings. 17. Outer li.n k fork.
4. ntrol-rod stop. 1 I. Bell-onmk, levers. 1. crew for link forks.
5. atnsha.ft. 12. Fly weights. 19. Inner link fork.
6. Tappet sore . 13. djust.ing nut. 20. Coupling etOIIiIhead pin.
,. ontl'ol rod. a. Eocentric.

Fig. 3.- PJUN II'LE (11' 01'EB.ATION OF


(a) Idling speed. (b) Normal rrutge. (0) Speed excooding
predetermined maximum.

rise, the flyweights mov farther apart, pulling th ooupling cro b ad pin
(21), by means ofth b 1I oranks (11), to the right. Through the floa.ting
lever (16), thi movement is transmitted to the control rod (7), with th
result that the latter is moved towards the STOP position. Thus I s fu 1 i
deliver d by the injection pump, and th idling speed drop to normal.
If the idling speed drops below normal, the flyweights mov clo r
togeth r, pushing th coupling crosshead pin by mean of the bell crank
on the I ft. Through the floating lever, this movement i again tran -
mitted to the control rod, with the result that the latter is mov d away
from the STOP position. Thus more fu I is d liv red by the inj ction
pump, and the idling ape dis r stored to norma.l.
For intermediate-speed control the a.ction of the governor is follow:
when the a.ooelera.tor peda.l is depre , the operating lever (15), and

Fl:g, 5,- A DJ US'!'I NO MA XI MU M OOVE lloNOn SP EED

ocent,.i shaft (14), are turned olookwise, and their movement is tran '-
mitted to the floating lever (16) , and oontrol rod (7) , with the resuJt that
th In,tt r is mov d away from the STOP position, and fuel is admitted into
the engine cylind rs,
When the maximum speed is exceeded, the inorea ed centrifugal force
of the flyw ights is sufficient to overoome the ten ion exerted by th stiff
pring (43), (see Fig, 4 (c)), The flyweight til n mov farther apart,
oausing the oontrol rod (7) to be moved towards the STOP position,
reducing the amount of fuel delivered to the engin , and reduoing the speed
to the pred termined figure,

Spring Adjustment
This op ration i g n rally oarri d out on a testing maohine, and is
p rform d in the following manner, without taking the governor to pieoes :
R move the aco ss plug from th governor housing, and turn the pump
oamshaft 0 that the adjusting nut (13, Fig, 3) oom in line with the
op Ding,
Turn th adju ting nut by means of the peoial key provided, either to
th right or left, d p nding upon whether it i de ir d to increa e or d -
or a th speed (Fig, 5), Turn th adjusting nut only 1 0 degrees at a
tim , so that it engag in its looking d vio, Both adjusting nuts mu t
b altered tb sam amount, and mu tn vel' be orew d out 0 far that th
position wh [' the fa. f tb l1U is 5 mill. y nd th end fth bol
th total ra.ng f adju tm nt of thi nut bing approximately 3 rom. It
mu t be tres d that only minor alterations to the speeds can be carried out

in this way, and for any alteration of

more than 40 to 50 engine r.p.m. which
is desired, it is n c sary to obtain
suitable springs for the new spe d
range. Alterations to th se governor
~peeds should not b made, however,
Iyitbout consulting the engine buildE'rs.
}<';f/. 6.- ('ONTIWI .- IWIl 111'01'

Setting the Maximum-fuel Stops I . ( 'onlml rod . :1. Stop 11111 .

'!. Slop b'\Iml. 4 . Split p ill.
Two stops are provided to limit the G. J)ust {'''p .
fuel delivered by the pump:
(a) Contrvl-rod stop (Fig. 6) mounted on the pnd ftlle pump huusing
(b) ntrol-} v r stop (Fig. 6A), mOIll,t d 011 the gOY mor-housing
The correct adju tm nt of thes HtO]lR iR extr In ly important to
efficient engine performance, and in Rome cases both ar B Itl d bcfor
leaving the engine build r 's tel:lt -b d. P rmiHsion Hhould, th r fore,
alwn,ys be obtained from the ngine build l' b fore I1ltE'ratioll ar mad ,
~Llld a surning this i obtained the prooedur if.; as follows:
With the engine doveloping the d sired fiP od and power with a 01 all
exhaust, adjust the control-lever top CJ' W (), Fig. 6A) )jntit th mov -
ment of the control lever to ke p the ngine running under tbefl condi-
tion. With the ngine still running , screw in the c ntrol-r d flt p -nut
until it just touches the nd of the control rod. Th rna imum stops ar
now set, but to assi t starting, the control -rod stop -nut is usually
withdrawn one or two turns, the xact amount ing d rrom d by
starting tests earri d out with the ngine cold.

l!'ig. 6A.-CoNTROL-LEVER STOl' Fig. 7.- I'RI O-LOADF.D IDLtNO STOP ,urn
Altemativ C.A.V_ gOY mor-.top &rf8llgemente .
In making these adjustments it is necessary to effect a compromise
b tween the power develop~d 'and fuel consumption ; i.e. assuming the
power is ufficient, but exhaust condition and consumption bad, it may be
possible, by slightly limiting the oontrol-lever movement, to improve the
exhaust and consumption without appreciable los of power; but, on the
other hand , it may be necessary to sacrifice a little of the power to obtain
satisfactory conditions of the other faotors.
Of the two , the control-level' stop is the more important, as it control
the maximum delivery at all speeds above idling speed , whereas the
oontrol-rod stop come into operation only on starting or at speeds below
the idling range. The adjustment of the latter should not be treated
lightly, however, beoause if it is not correctly positioned it may set up un-
due stress s in the governor, so always take oare to adjust the two stops
in unison.
Note.- After adjustments are 0 mploLed, replace the dust cap (Ei) and
split-pin (4) in the control-rod stop barrel (2, Fig. 6).
Mount tho injeotion pump, with governor attached, on the driving
head of the testing machine, and remove the control-rod stop-nut (3)
Attaohments are supplied with the testing maohine to nable the move-
m nt of the pump-control rod to be observed easily.
Th maohin is then run at a speod slightly below that at which the
governor is required to control the idling speed of the engine. By
manipulation of tho hand control of the machine, the speed is gradually
inoroa ed, until th oontrol rod of the pump just commences to move
towards the STOP position under the influence of the governor mechanism ,
and a reading is tak n from the tachometer at the first t mm. of oontrol-
rod movement. This indioates the speed at which the governor idling
springs oommenc to operate, and for 200 r.p.m. governor springs should be
of the ord l' of 170- 1 0 T.p.ID . Readings for each millimetre of control-
rod travel should now be reoorded up to 5-7 rom., which is the normal
idling range, and again a uming 200 r.p.m. governor springs, th maximum
po d record d in the idling test should be approximately 220-230 r.p.m.
Th test machine is then run up to the spo d at which the governor is
r qUIT d to c ntrol the maximum p d of the ellgiTh , and spe d readings
taken for each millimetr of control-rod movement from the point where
the oontrol rod ju t coromenc moving to the point where no fuel is
pump d.
Thea r ading should b taken with th governor-oontrol 1 ver held
against th maximum stop, and for 9 0 r .p.m. spring the control-rodmove-
m nt should tart at approximately 900 r.p.m. and finish a.t a.bout 1,050
r.p.m. It lllU t be appr ciated, how v 1', that thes figures a.r only given
a an indioation of th ranges to be exp cted, and it does not follow that
they would be rigidly borne out in practice.


The C.A.V. pneumatic governor ba rtain ad anta.ge
oentrifugal type by reason of its flexibility in contr lling r /1,11. ) w po dB.
rt is suitable for commercial vehiole , as it contI" Is the fuel deliv r fr m
the pump through the entire speed range, from idli1lg to lIlaximum 'Iimit ,
which are d termined by adju tm nt of tsor Wi'.
The governor consists of two main part :
(a) Venturi unit, which is JUOlUlWd on th air inLa,k f Lh ngine.
(b) Diaphragm unit, mounted on the fuel pump.
Fig. 9 clearly shows these units, and it will b ob (H'ved tha,t th
\'enturi-unit body is provid d with a f1ang wlli II enah) 8 it 1,0 moun d
directly on the engine air manifold , and at Lhe th r ' tr mity with a
spi ot to carry the air filter .

Operation of Unit
Referring to Figs. 9 a nd 10, it will be s (~J1 i.hat the interior of th
body i aha,p ed t form a venturi B , the a,ctuai dimensi os of whi h ar
deterrnincd by the ngio to whi ch it is itt d and S od range d ir d.
A butterfly valve C is PI' vided to control the air flow , and is onn oted
t hrough a spindle and 1 ver A to the accelerator p dal. Th mov m nt
of the butterfly valv for nu\,ximum and idling!lp d can be con troll d
by adjustable stops, T and U. A conll ction D is arranged a.t right
angles to th v nturi , and on th sa.m centre-lin as thc butterfly valv ,
to exhaust air from the diaphragm unit, which actuates the pump-oontrol

l'ig. .-C.A.V.PNE JIfA'1'lO OOV:E1\NOR I'ITrXD '1'0 A 81XCYLlNDJ:Jl PUIU'. 8UOWl110

The diaphragm unit consists of a main housing H and diaphragm
housing, between which a diaphragm J is held, and thu an airtight
compartment is formed within housing G. pring K is arranged in





this compartment to act on the diaphragm, and tends to push th pump-

oontr 1rod to the maximum-fuel po ition, and J ver (L) is provided so that
til engine may be topp d by op ration of a control attach d to th lever
by a wire or linkag , and fitted on th dash boa.rd.
Two method of diaphragm control for idling speed are available, as
shown in FigB. Uand] I, nam ly s trw ndjllstJlll'nt II lid eallllLdjllst.llltlI .
With the sct cr w adju tm n it iRP 8Ribl to s I, ll. nd p l'mllnontly til

tilo point at which an auxiliary ot"

damping spring comes into op ratioll ,
whereas with the cam type th
auxiliary or damping spring is ten-
sion d by the cam V , which i.
connected to th acc lerator or speed
ro ntrol tlU'ough a spindl and levc r
11'. OnJy when tb acc I ra.tor ilS
return d to the Jdling position i t.he
ISpring P brought into operation. The
oporati 11 of the govornor is as foil 0 \I' 8 :
Spring K pushes the control rod to Fiy. 10. (ONTH.OJ, S1'()I'~ UN VI~ N T II II :
t ho maximum -fuel position , thus T . djUHtllhl(l S(,I'{'W f Of tnllximllm Mp I.
. A"justnhlc> ,wrow for idling.
allowing sufficient fuel for stltrliing
('h engine, but when the engill is rurming and th ac I ra r is l' 1,111'11
to the idling po ition , the butterfly valve () remains pra ti 'a,lIy dos d , and
a high vacuum is created in the vacuum pipe E and b hiud tho diaphragm .
Consequently, the pressure on the oth r side of th dia.phragm , whioh is
atmospb ric pressure. overcomes the tension of th main Rpring K. and
the diaphragm draw the control rod towards the STOP p sition until tb
rngin is running at the pr d termin d idling sp d for which the idling
stop U has been set.
When the accelerator is d pr ss d , th butterfly valve is op n d , and
this causes a reduction in v locity of th air pressing through th v nturi
throat, so that th vacuum is reliev d , which allows
spring K to push the control rod toward6 th full -
load position , to increas the amount of fuel pump d
and rai the ngine peed.
When the stop lever is aga.inst the maximum
stopTthemaximumenginespe disobtain d. How -
ever, should the engin p d tend to cxc th
Fig. 1 J. - DlAPHRAGM
predetermined figur , an incr ased depr sion i
N I T WITH IO LIN cr ated in th vacUlUD pipe and pring com part-
!!PlUNG ADJUSTI':D BY ment, due to th~ inor a d v locity ofth air through
the venturi throa.t, whi h dra.ws th control rod
W. am-opo ra ting
toward the STOP position and thus r tor tb
Ie or. engine speed to normal.
The vacuum usua.lly pr vailing in th
manifold is amplified by the venturi -control unit, and if thi
propedy adju ted, no los of volum tric effici ncy of th ngin 1'6 ult
from th us of th pneumatic gov mor, l.l.R th d pre ion i always I 88
than at the air-inlet valves.


The imms GP pneumatic governor uses the suction created in the
engine induction pipe to control the fuel pump. It can be fitted to the
SPE-A or PE-B series of injection pumps, where considerations of space
and weight render this type of governor preferable.
The governor oonsists of : the throttle control unjt, mounted on the air
intake of the engine; the governor unit, mounted on the injection pump;
and tho suotion pipes connecting tl11'ottle unit and govern r unit.
The throttle unit is mounted between the engine ail' intak and the ail'
cl aner, and contains a butterfly throttl valve A , which is connected to
the driver's f1,cceloratol' p dttl '01' control lever. This throttle cont.rols the
sp cd of th ngine, there being no direct connection betweell the driver's
control Etlld the fuel pump. Two portR, Band C, are armnged in the
throttle unit so that, when the throttl valve approaches tho closed
position, one port is 011 the engine side of the throt.tle and the other on the
atmosphere side. The ports are oonnected by the suction pipes to the
governor unit.
The governor unit comprises a bOil ing containing a diaphragm E,
which is attached to the pump control rod. When the pump is at l' st
this is held in the maximum fuel delivery position by spring F. The
diaphragm is retained in tha rear half of the housing by a teel plate and
spring ring. At the opposite end of the housing are two ports G and H,
to which the suotion pip s are connected. Port G is in direct oommunica-
tion with chamber D, while port H communicates with th external
annular groove in the damping valve guide J. This annular groove is
oonn oted to the main chamber by cross-holes communicating with the
central bore of the guide J , in whioh slides the damping valve J(, which is
attaohed to the diaphragm.
A stop lever L is provided, whioh moves the pump control rod to the
no-delivery position when it is desired to stop the engine. Some types of
governor unit ar fitted with a piston and employ a oup leather in place
of a diaphragm, but the method of operation is the same.
The suotion pipe M oonnects the port B, on the engine side of the
throttle, with the diaphragm chamber D, via th port G ; and the auxiliary
suotion pipe N eOlmeots th port C, on the atmospheric side of the
throttle, with this main chamber D, via the port H and the damping
valve guid J.
Operation of the Governor
Wh n the throttle valve i moved to the 010 ed position, an inerea d
suction i erea.ted on the eogin id of the throttle valve. This i tran -
mitted through the uotjon pip MOto th diaphragm, which is drawn back
against the pr ssur of th pring F, thus moving the pump control rod 80
as to r duee th fuel delivery. Clo ing the throttle, therefore, reduoos the



Fig. 12.- IldIKB OP PNEITHATlC OOVli:llNOa

engine sp ed. By openjng the throttle the suction on the diapluagm j ~
r duced , so that the spring F movos the pump control rod towards the
increased-fuel delivery position, thus increasing the engine speed.
The purpose of the damping valve K is to prev nt hunting or surging
of the engine at idling speeds. Trus is accomplished by adjusting the
valve guide J so that, when the diaphragm is in the slow-running position,
th tap r d portion of the valve will admit air from the port H, via the
external annular groove and cross-holes in the valve gujde J, into the
chamb l' D , if the diaphragm moves too far toward the stop position due
to surges in the engine sp ed. As the valvo gwde J is connected to the
auxiliary suction pipe N, it is therefore at approximately atmospheric
pressure. The damping valve acts in the same way as a buffer spring and
prevents excessive oscillations of the diaphragm at idling speeds.
The excess-fuel stop is mounted on the end of the pump opposite to
the gov rnor. It also contains the maximum fuel stop-screw P , which
limits the travel of the pump control rod towards the maximum fuel
delivery position under pressure of the spring F. Th maximum fuel
stop-screw must be adjusted so that the pump delivcrs the correct
quantity of fuel for the type of engine to which it is fitted . Access to the
stop- cr w is obtained by removing cover U .
When excess fuel delivery is l' quired , for the purpose of starting a
cold engine, the button Q is depressed again t the spring R. 'rhe stop-
SCI' w P is then moved aside to a position opposite to the !'Itep in the end
of the . ntrol rod. It is then push d towards the excess-fuel position by
th spring F, for a distance equal to the step. The pressure of the spring
R will lock th control rod in this po ition while the engine is started.
Wb n the engin speeds up , the throttle is closed and th depression
cr ated in the governor draws the diaphragm and control rod back toward
th idling position. When the control rod is dra'wn back clear of the stop-
SCI' w P , the spring R r turns but.toll Q together with the stop-screw, to
its normall'unning position.
Chapter I


OTH the foul'-stroke and th two-strok ngine ar mad horizontal

B or v rtical, In comparing the verti 0.1 and horizontal engin s tb
detail roo t discuss d i tb piston, Vertical-engin build r 00.11
attention to the di advantage of the weight of th piston, and th id
pr ssur thereby produced on th cylind r b r in th cas of th
horizontal engine, and claim floor spac sav d by th v rtical ngin ;
while the horizontal-engine builders claim a y ov rhaul, mor c n-
veniellC for attention, betterlubrication of baring and pi tons, ' sp cio.lly
thc ren wo.l of pistons without disturbing th cylind r h d and valv
gear, and r duc d beight of engine-room, as all pip scan b und r
the floor in trenches n,nd do not obRtruct th room.

Vertical or Horizontal Engines?

The horizontal 0 10. of engino iR still v ry popular and g n rally
employ the m chanical system of fu 1 inj ction, For layouts rob dying
a driv from engine to mill haft, itb r dire t 01' indir ct, this class of
engin is favour d, owing to th low r head foom r quir d and tb
lower engine speed which generalJy enables a satisfactory driv to b
Th v rtical engine is minently suitabl for ooupling dir ct on to
electric g nerator , compressor's, pumps, tc" for which it bll many
special advantages.

The building or engin -foom for oil-engine installation will d pend
na.turally on tb ize of plant being installed and tb amount of capital
availabl for this item. Generally speaking, m n y pent on a. ub-
stantial, dry, and clean ngin -room will not be wa ted and will result in
more efficient and economica.l running, and long r]jf, from the ngin.
No hard -and-fast rule can be laid down on tb ma.t l' of building, for all
con ideratioDB will obviously be gov rn d by the degree of perman noy
required and the factors mentioned pI' viou Iy.

Fig. lA.- MoVING lllNGIN1ll TO 8rTE Fig. In.- MovING E NGINE TO SITE
Nol.e method of sliding and tackle IlIiI o.id. To.ckl usod hOlizonto.Uy for sliding ongine.


Th 8i ,with gon rater in tem.p_ornry position. ote th shifting tackle hitched up
to stake in bolt hal.
(By courtuy of lof1Wlf'8. Ku,el Powu Plant)
Modifying an Existing Structure
For waterworks and similar installations, ston and bri k-built
struotures are usual, wherea in som ca es it might be found d irabl t
use an existing building to house the plant.
In this oase it may be neoe ary to modify or improv the old truotur
to suit its new purpose. For instanoe, buttr es may have to be add
to carry orane supports, windows may have to be inor a d or 11larg d if
the house is poorly ventilated or lighted, and door and roof may ha.
to be improved to exolude dust and damp. A go d Boor may 0.1
have to be laid which hould be fre froUl anything tha.t 1ik ly to mak
dust or grit in the course of time.

Heating the Building

Large plants, thos which include I otrica} gar, whioh arc in parti u-
larly oold or damp situations, or which are likely to shut d wn for any
length of time, may requir heating arrangem nt to ma.intain a. reason-
able temperatur and to keep th place dry. Th usuall tak th form
of a hot-water boiler and ciroulating pipes or radiators, and tb boil r j ,
a a rule, either coal, coke, or oil fir d. lith latter, it may, ifn 0 s ary,
be placed in the engine-room , but if coal or ook fir , it js almost im-
perative that the boiler shall be in a s parate compal'tm nt on &aoount
of the dust and dirt entailed.
A Cheap and Satisfactory Building
From the foregoing it might 8 m that lab ra ngin -room.e r
ess ntial for oil- ngine plant, and although a go d building i d ir bL
and should be provided where possible, it mu t be menti ned that
tremely good results ha.ve been and ar being obtained from engin with
a very meagre covering. oheap and quite ati factory building f r
average u e consists of a. steel-frame k} ton with galvanis d corruga d-
iron covering.
li financial oonsiderations will allow, it i an advantage to lin th
inside with asbestos sheeting or with suitabl light boarding, this will
assi t in preventing extreme ' cold and the ingr 8 of damp and moistur
during .bad weather.

Arranging for Lifting Tackle

The four main stanohions of the building can be arrang d to carry the
orane rails. lithere is only one engine, how ver, and parts to b !if d d
not exceed, say, 15 owt., it is often a. simple matter to support a gird r
a.long the centre of th room and arrange lifting tackl from this. Over-
nauling is sometimes provided for in this wa.y when th pJant comprise
more than one engine, but in these cases it is not much more expensive to
fit a crane of the hand tra.velling type, which will be generally more


SWinging plant into temporary p sition ov r bed. Note temporary supports.


Note metbod of rolling into p08ition until lugs overbang baae holes.



Note att;a(:hment of depth irona.


satisfa tory in us. If tackle i rigged from a ingle girder, two m n 0.1'
usually r quired for the l' moval of pistons, etc., whereas a crane can be
operated with ea e by on mechanic. This point is worthy of considera-
tion wh n deoiding nth initial outlay of suoh an acce sory.


Th foundations r th plant should be put in carefully to the makers'
p cial foundation drawing.
The Foundation Block
A surning that the p ition in will h to place th ngiu he. been
deoided upon, th maker' foundation drawing should be car fully
studi d. Th ngin centre lines hould then be marked out, and the
11. oes ary (lavation made in tho engine-room floor to reo ive the
foundation blook.
In th case of lUO t m k of vertical ngin s, the c n l' to foundation
finish a.t, or a few inch s above, ground-l v 1. In larger types of
horizontal ngin s, th foundation is canjed up to bring th centr lin
of th crankshaft to a suitable height. Boarding or huttering is then
built round th pit to bring the founda.tion up to th ize giv n on th
drawing to keep the concrete in position until it has set. Deep pockets
are usually left in this block to receive the engine foundation bolts, th
former being made by pieces of square timber, tapering towards one end,
and well greas d, 0 that they can be withdrawn when the concrete has
set. I t is most important that these bolt holes match tho e on the engine
bed, so t hat when the concrete has et, and the engine bed i lifted on ,
t h re is no doubt t hat the foundation bolt will drop into their respective
pock ts.
Anot her point is to leave the top of t he foundation rough and about
1 in. lower than the drawing dimension; this enables the engine to b
corr ctly lev lied and Hned up by means of steel wedges.
If the engine is f a type having an outer crankshaft baring, th
plinth for this outer baring should b I ft about 1 in. low, as it is far
asi r to raise it by means of packin'R tban t o chip off a lay r of

Local Conditions Affecting Foundations

If th 1) r n installing thc ngino has not previous knowl dge of local
conditions affecting fo undations, it is as w II eith r to g t ad vi ce on this
point, or lse to mak t h ngin -build l' fully r sponsibl fOJ'th ad quacy
of th foundation shown on the ir drn.wingfl.



The work oflay-

ing the foundation
ii:! u ually easier if
the building is fir t
compi ted .

A Note on Installing
Overhead Tanks
Befor the
builder removes his
scaffolding, his
servi s should b
enli ted to plac in
position any over -
head water or fu I
tanks, etc. It may
b found an ad -
vu.ntage to have
the e fixed befor
the roof is finish d ,
andthiswork hould
then form part of
t he builder's con-
tract, and deliv ry
of the tank , tc.,
arranged accord -
ingy .

Concrete Work to
do at the Same Time
In proceeding
with the work of excavating th foundations, it should be r m In r
that concrete supports for fuel and water tankil, xhau t pits, and
pipe trenohes hould be made at the same time. It may that
t he men doing this part of the work have had pr vious xperi nc of
suoh work, but in any oase the maker's notes and instruotions, oontain d
either in book form or on the drawing , hould be , llow d car fully .
The e notes oontain th knowledge of long xp riance, and if ignored an
unneoe sary waste of tim and expense ma.y ell. ily r suIt.

Excavating the Ground

The ground should be tak n out indicated in the drawings, and th
ides of the excava.tion timbered if n ce ry in soft ground. If th

= ----,1Jo.I



; / II
,/ /
-------r~---,' I I
-===::~.!-.:f----J :
subsoil is not solid at the depth indica. don th drawing for th found
in question, the depth must be increased until a. g od firm b m i
obtained. In the ca. e of water being ncounter d, pumping and 0)
boarding may have to be resorted to.
Making and Placing Wood Boxes tor Concrete
Make an open box r presenting th engin bed or p d st.aI. h
centre lines to the drawing. Now fix th box or t mpla. in th
position relative to the building or oth r machin ry. Thi oan don
by nailing it to two long planks r sting on p g or on tb ground. Tb
underneath side of the e piece of wood should
represent the top of the foundation prop r.
If the engine is to be dir ct-coupled to a
pump or electric gen rator, th foundations f r
the complete set should be cast in one piece.
In any co. c, the outer bearing pedestal and
!,mch projections as the air-compres or or
water-pump blocks rou t be cast at th am
time as the rest. The boxes for th p de tals
are also supported at floor-lev I in the
way 8S the engine bed.
Providing for Bolt Holes in Concrete
Holes in the ooncrete for the foundation
bolts should extend blow th bottom of the F i o. .- W OOUJ!:N 1)0 l'OR
Wooden boxes (Fig. ) or the o I
h es can
be made of 1 in. square corner piec with sid pi c t in. thick, nail d
lightly together. The wo d sb uld b w 11 soaked in water, to pr v nt
expansion wh n filling in th foundation. To withdraw the bo after
the concrete bas set, br ak the corner pi c away and th sid will asily
collap e.
Check the Position of Boxes before Concreting
Before co rom ncing the actuaL concreting work, the po itions of th
various boxes should be carefully check d to drawing and xisting plant
and care should be taken to ee that there is uffici nt material available
to complete tbe work in one operation.
Mixing the Concrete
The conorete may now be mixed and should consi t of r ugbly four
parts of good clean ballast or equal. not larg r than Ii in., two pa.rts of
sharp sand, and one part of best Portland cern nt. Quiok- tting cern nt
may be used if desired, but should be placed in position with littl d lay
as po sible.
Filling in t he
The whole of
the concret e
should be filled in
carefully. Take
care to see that
the boxes are not
disturbed and that
the work proce d
continuously, so
that one solid
homo ge neou s
blook of concrete
is formed. Tb
top surfao should
be left rough abou t
t in. below finished
level for grouting
up. Concreting
should not be don
in frosty weather.
Providing Clear-
ances in Concrete
The founda -
tions should b
about 3 in. olear
of the wall and
Fig. 1l. - FrTTlNQ lilXn .... ST S YSTEM
footings of th
This shows exhaust pip being conneoted betw n engine
and expansion box. building. F ly -
whee l races ,
olearanc for pulley , etc., and the rec s under th engine bed can be
form u b light box placed in po ition a til foundation work proceeds.
rainag for th flywh 1 rae and til pip tr nch 8 can be provid d
by a.rthenwar pipe fL d in the oner teo
Trench Covu s
K rbing for the tr nch cover bould b grouted in and care taken to
that th top' flu h with th fini h d floor-lev 1.
Wh n th founda ion work ha be n lini h d and all brick , du t and
dirt., t' J u('h a u ually coJUlected with a building job, 11a. ebe n

removed :l.lld the

concrete has had a
few days to harden,
er ction may com-
Keep Engine Clean
during Erection
At this stage it
will, perhaps, be as
well to giv a few
words on the sub-
j ct of olea.Illines .
It is mo t impor-
tant that any oil
engine, or for that
matter an engine of
any 80rt, should b
kept crupulously
clean whilst it is
being er oted., and
care should be taken
that no bearings or
wearing parts go
to geth r with
foreign matter be-
t.we n them. Gi" n
cl an engine, cl an
fuel oil, olean lubri-
cating oil , and cl an Fig. 10.- BOWING LAYOUT 0
c ooling water , Note pipe going through wall into
sterling servioe can n xt photograph.
be expeoted from
an oil engine, where a. dirt aocumulated during r tion may tak y IlTA
off the ultimate life of the engine.

Conveying Parts to the Site

It is usual for one door of the ngin -room to be ma.d 8uffioi ntl
wid to allow for the maohinery in its various parts to be ith r 0 rri d
or rolled in. Where an xtra.-wide doorway i l)rovid ,it may
pos ible to run the lorry clo e up to the foundation and lid uch 8.
part a the bedplate dir ct on to its b ,thus aving a good d I
of time. In ome ca. it ma.y be advi ble to I av part f th all
djoining th doorway un.fini hed, 0 &8 to allow th lorry or trail r to
Lowering BedpJate
on to Foundation
If the lorr y
should happen to be
higher than th
foundation, timber
should be packed on
the latter until th
respeotive levels are
the same, and th
part can then be
rolled on to the
wood packing and
gradually lowered
by removing the
packing piece by
pi ceo
Foundation Bolts
Before low ring
engine on to
foundation, th
holding down bolts
with washer plate
should be lowered
into the holes with
ufficient length <;>f
wir attach d to
jI'tg. J 1.- T:aJl) EX1lA ST PIT pull them through
WillIs fpit being rend red. End of exbaustpipe can be_n, the hole of the bed-
als (Ltmosph I' pipe. Note that pitia divided into throolillotioll8.
plate afterwards:
also fasten tb w her plate to tb bolt head with wire to prev nt them
b oroing jamm d half-way down the hole .
As th b dplate is being low r d, pull the foundation bolts through the
hoI in b dplate by mean of th wir atta.ch d to the bolts and put on
th nut and w he .
Th foundation bolt when in position should always b clear of the
bottom of th hoI in th foundation.
Now Check Position of Engine, etc.
Th distanc from th 0 ntr lin of th orank haft to th fini hed floor-
I vel i now ch ck d with the drawing, and th bedplate rais d by mean
of Iw d until this dim naion is corr ct. At the ame time dim n-
siona from th 0 ntre line of the cranksha,ft to the wall, and from No.1
oylind r to the wall, should be ohecked, lik wi leading dim naion rela-

Fig. 12.-SEOTION TEOtOUOH BUll E S SlLENClllil (Burg Proiuct.. , I,ld.)

Pig. 13.-OoNNJI:OTING RUBBER no:z TO Fig.It.- MftIlOD 0 .. ADJUSTIN TBX1ULu:.

tive to other plant or maohinery, and the position of the bedplate altered
as may be necessary.
Belt or Chain-drive Alignment
Where the engine has a belt or chain drive to existing machinery, the
crankshaft should be placed in it bearings with pulley, etc., fitted and a
line taken to ensure that the belt will run true on both pulleys.
Checking Direct-coupling Alignment
For checking alignment r lative to existing plant to whioh the ngine
is to be direot-ooupled, th r epective half-couplings hould be fitted and
the fac s brought to coinoide. Feeler gauges will show whether align-
m. nt is oorrect.

Connecting Shafts by Flexible Coupling

rrhe actual procedure to be followed in lining up a flexib! cC'lupling will
vary with different types and makes, but the que tion of correct align-
mont will always b important, and a method of checking can easily b
dovised to suit the partioular make of ooupling in question.
There is a tendenoy for erectors to be somewhat car less over this
op ration and to rely on the fl xibility of the coupling itself to prevent
tr ubI . Whilst most good 11. xible coupling are oapable of dealing with
l' ,11 on able rrors in alignm nt, th shafts should be adjusted in line as far
as pra.cticabl , in ord r to avoid undu wear of the belt and possible
b Itring troubl s.
Diesel-electric Alternator Coupllng
In th gr at majority of case wh r a dies 1 ngine is to be coupi d to
an alternator, th ngin will be of a four- r six-cylinder type. With a
small r number of cylind r th cyclic variations of speed in a crankshaft
may be so pronouno d as to oause a perceJ!tible flicker on any lighting
cirOllit uppli d from th altemator. It has, however, been found
po ibl in 0 rtain cas s to use a two-oylinder four-stroke diesel for pro-
viding a satisfaotory fliok rl drive to a single-phase altemator.
If, for xampl I th engin speed is 1,500 r.p.m. and the alternator
i a four-pol , fifty-cyc! maohine, it i usually po sibl to arrange the
tw hal of th coupling in such a. wa.y tha.t the cyclic variations of the
crank haft p d oincid with th "no-volts" position of the altemator
winding. To provid for th nec ary adjustm nt it is desira.ble to
ha.v eight- or sixte n-boit coupling .
In order to carry out the adjustment, the engine and alternator should
b coupI d with the two hal s of th coupling in any random position.
Th et hould then b run up to speed a.nd a. lamp of the correct voIta.g
onn cted acros the alterna~r supply. If no flicker is observable, th
c upling is corr t. If a. perc ptible flicker is ob rv d, thi indica.tes
that the slight slowing up of th orankshaft during th
and the slight speeding up during th firing t.r k a
points of maximum voltag of the alternator. Th
down, the ooupling bolts remov d, and tb r lati p ition of th two
halves of the ooupling alter d by forty -fly d gr . This will b found
to reduoe, if it does not eliminate entir ly, th flioker.
It should, bowever, be born in mind that thi m thod i not applioabJ
to a thre -pbase alternator. As a generalrul , how vel', it will b found
that most diesel-electric generatirlg s ts havo cngin of not I than four
Grouting Bolts into Foundation Block
Flat steel packing pieces of varying thiokn ss amI of 11 1 ngtll and widt,h
to suit the particular size of engin should be provid d by til maker and
It set put next to each holding-down bolt. The s I I velling w dg ar
t ben removed , and the bolts arc th n grouted in th foundation block to
within, say, 6 in. of th top. Th grout lIouId cODsi t of qual parts of
sharp sand and Portland oement, mix d with water 80 that it flows fre ly.
Proceed with Erection of Tanks, etc.
Whil t the grout is h rdening- and quiok-s tting n
this prooess-the er ction of tanks and other aoc ori 8 clln proce d.
There should be several day' work coupling up piping, eto., but tJl final
p sition of the tanks, etc. , is best 1 ft until th pip s ar (lompl tely
finished, thus avoiding any difficultios in mating {lang 8, , hioh i om-
times apt to be difficult if working b tw n two fix d points.
Next Step- Making Bedplate Level
A soon as the foundation bolts ar fu.st, work on tb ngin must
proceed, and other work must be I ft until th cngln is properly grouted
in. All the nuts can now be tightened up and a 81,irit 1 v 1 uacd ill 11-
junotion with a straightedg both longitudinally and aor th dpla.
Lining Up the Engine
After the engine bed is in position on the foundation blo k, whl 11
mu t be given a long as possible to 8 t (th foundati n bol air ady
positioned in their r peotive hoI ), proe at one to g t th ngin
lined up corr ctly with the line shaft or whatever haft is to take th
driv. This is b t done by putting the crank into po ition fi 1., and
lining up from it, as the bed, being only a casting.' not suffici ntly
aocurate to serve a a datum line.
When this operation has heen completed. th foundation bolts are
grouted in by pouring liquid cement in all the hoI s and under the pace
left by th wedges betwe n the bottom of engine bed nd foundation
block. If the flywh el is keyed to the crankshaft, it mn t put on
before the crankshaft is lifted into position.


Figs. 15 a.nd 16. -D llITAIL8 .lI'on ALIGNAIlIlNT AND ADJU8TMEN'r 01l' ClUNXSl'lAlI'T BEAlUNOS

Alignment and Adjustment of Crankshaft Bearings

If the maker's services ar not obtainable to check over the alignment
of the orankshaft and bearings, then this should be carri d out with the
aid of a olook miorometer or a pin gaug made to suit, as follows :
(1) Rotate ora.nkshaft until orankpin is in its lowest position (Fig. 15 A) ,
then with a clook micrometer measure the di tanc between the oranJs
webs at a point n ar t thew.upper edges.
(2) Now turn th crankshaft until th crankpin is uppermost (Fig.15 B) ,
and again measur the distance between the w b , making ur by having
pr viou ly marked the pots that the micrometer i located at th sam
point on the webs.
(3) If the second m asurement is greater than the fir t (see Figs. 15 A
and 15 B), th n the outer bearing is high and must be lowered; but iftbis
measur m nt is I ss than th first (see Figs. 16 A and 16 B) , then the outer
baring i low and must braised. Tbi i don by inserting or removing
one or mor shims interp sed b twe n the outer-bearing pedestal and
(4) haft alignment in the horizontal plane should b te ted in both
baokward and forward positions, and if any disorepancy is found, th
outer baring must b moved baokwards or forwards a r quired.
Note.- The to ts should be mad with th main bearing cap on and
tight. Th outer-bearing cap should b off, b cause if th re wa.s con-
idera.bl mi alignment and all the cap were tighten d down a p rman nt
s t in th haft might be cau ed. Wh.e n th micrometer to ts hav shown
that the baring are in alignment, marking uch as prussia.n blue or ruddle
should be thinly and evenly applied to th journal and the ha.ft revolved.
The shaft is then lifted to ee wh ther the journal is bearing evenly over
it whole length. The caps can now be put on and tightened down.
The bedplate nuts should all be tightened equally, that is, from comer
to comer a.nd a.ero s, as shown in Fig. 17.

... 8 6 10 2

I ,.. ! :rOUR OYI.INOl!lll VIIlI\TTOA

+- +
c. . _ .cV'L..

"1- +

Fig. 17.- COll.l\l': ar OUllER won TIGBTENING Itor; OlNQ DOWN 11 LTB
Bedplo.te nuts should all be tightened equally from 'om r to c rn r Ilnd 1\ lUI
shown above. This method avoids springing Md MIIists in lining tip bearings oorr tly.

Testing for Loose Crank-journal Bearings

It is as well to go over the oranlc journals with a pirit I I and to try
ta.pping the bottom halves of the bearings to find th )OOt,l on 8 which ar
not taking their share ofth wight of til cra.nkshaft. Th bearing ah 11
should have been bedded into th ir r s otive hou ing at til work
and each numbered, and care should tb r for b taken to tha.t th
bearings have not become mi plao d from th ir corr ot po itions.
Now Turn Crankshaft by Hand
With the top halve ofth bearings tighten d down v nly, th orank-
shaft, when lined up, should turn a i1y by hand.
If Crankshaft Runs Stiffly
If stiff, each top half hould be in p oted and crap d, if n 0 sary.
unt il free, and to give a running 01 aranee as r commend d by the mak
and determined by feel r gauges.
The bottom halves of the bearing should not be bedded to th C1' nk-
shaft until all is done that can be done by I velling th dpIa proper.
The makers will have previously run the engin on te t and very littl work
should be required in this respect.
Tool for Removing and RepJacing Bottom-half Bearing
F or removing the bottom half of main baring a. tool hown in
Figs. 18 and 19 can be used, the procedur being follow:

Fig. I.-ToOL FOB RE-

To remove 0. flywheel
bearing the tool is 8crewoo
into the gear-wheel.
(Ruaton &1 HOTn8by, Ltd. )

(a) R mo bearing cap and top half of bearing.

(b) For a flywh 1 baring th tool is ser wed into the geal'-wh el as
shown in Fig. 1. To avoid jamming, car mu t be taken that
tb diam tel' of the tool is les than the width of the baring
s ti n. For tandard b arings the tool is in el'ted in the lubri-

Fig. lB.- TooL II' n RE-

'1'0 r mov sLo.ndo.rd
b ll.l'ings Lh tool is II86d
int.o th lubricating hole.
(R'1I8tOtl tl1 Hornsby. Lid.)

10. T
p rtion



b ~ r th

Fitting Keyed-on Flywheel

If th flywheel is in halv or oth rwi
tending in on pioe to tho outer a.ring. tb n th
po ition and it foun a.ti n bol grou d in
bearings are lined up.
Generally, the
quickest way of doing
this i to place the
. ole-plate on the
concrete pedestal, and
to hang the bearing
on the crankshaft.
The sole-plate is then
packed up to the
(8) (~,wK",7 liD.C. bearing, with packing
pieces similar to those
P ig. 20.- HANKSllAlI"J' WITH EXAGGERATED ALIGNMENT used under the engine
Showing "breathing" of webs adjacent to a high bed, until the bearing
baring. is properly supporting
the sha,ft; the shims
will, of course. have been fitted between the bearing and the sole-plate
before placing in position.
The holding-down bolts can then be grouted in, in a similar manner to
those for the main bedplate.
After allowing sufficient time to set, the nuts may be tightened down
and th crankshaft alignment checked and corrected if necessary. The
flywheel should then be fitted , and if this is in one piece it will be necessary
to r move the crankshaft from the bed plate. This u ually has to be done
with th horizontal type of engine.
To Check Alignment of Complete Crankshaft
To ch ck th alignment of the compl te crankshaft is now necessary,
and for this purpo e a tick gauge is inserted between the crank web
and on rot ting the shaft it is not d whether the web open or close.
A tel copic gauge can easily be made if not supplied with the engine,
and will, in any ca , be extr mely useful for periodically checking over the
crankshaft alignment.
Fig. 20 shows a line drawing of a multi-cylinder ngine crank haft, with
exagg rated alignment fault. One can se from this that the crank webs
of th throw, adjacent to a high bearing, will 010 e wh n the throw in
question approache the bottom position.
Rectifying Non-alignment
The cylinder n are t th flywhe 1 hould be the first to have attention ,
and when the crank is on top dead centre, the gauge should be placed
b twe n th web in the plan of the centr line of the orankshaft and
adjusted to fit. The . haft is then given half a turn and the gauge tried
between the w b. If slack, then the outer bearing is low, and it must be
paoked up slightly. If the gauge will not enter, then the packing of the

bearing should be adju ted until th gaug is an "aot fit in top and
bottom positions. Th horizontal alignm nt of the outer baring should
be ohecked in two positions, with the cra.nk midway b tw n top and
bottom centres, and the bearing moved sideways ulltilno breathin of th
webs takes place.
On multi-cylinder engine the cranks should all be dealt with in turn
and, when apparently COIT ct, the whol shaft should h eked ov'r to
make certain that the adjustment to one throw has not int 1' r d with that
for the other cylinders.
Using Micrometer Dial Gauge
A spring-loRdcd gauge can b obtain d whi h ill Ol'jl ratcs a Illi ro-
meter clock. This gauge should be left betw en the w hI; and th plu OJ
minus readings tak n as the shaft is r volv d. Thi typ of instrum nt if:!
sensitive and is easily us d , and it is invaluable for showing at a glan' th
condition of the main bearings. The micr m t r an ala b adapt d
for measuring the clearances of the conn cting-r d larg - and small- nd
Testing Shaft with Spirit Level \
The crankshaft can a160 be tested for alignm nt with a Ii nsitiv spirit
level, but it must be borne in mind that a light allowance wi ll bav to b
made for a deflection due to the weight of the flywh 1. Th I v 1 will
read downwards towards the wheel both from th engin baring and th
outer bearings, the amount varying somewhat according to th distanc
of the centre of gravity of the whe I from the respective bearings.
Now Grout in the Bed
The b d can now be grouted in, and the space 1 ft wb n grouting th
bolts will erve to form a key. A wall of clay or of wood of uni rID
height should be placed around the bed, to retain th grout, and this h uid
form the finish d level of the grouting. Th grout must stirI'd w 11
underneath with a flat rod, and in the ca e of larg ngin s the main
grouting should extend over two or three days to give tim for s ttling.
The outer bearing is similarly grouted in, but not until the grout in th
bolt holes has finished settling. The finish d 1 vel of th grout should be
above t he bottom of the bed plate and sole-plate, thus h lping mak a.
good solid job.
Fitting Large-end Bearings to Crankshaft
The ereotion of acces orie can now proceed once mor. Wh n the
grout has suffi.oi ntly hardened to permit furth r work on th ngin.
the large-end bearing can b fitted to the crank haft, after first makjng
Ufe that all part ar ab olutely cl an and that no for ign mat r is
oontained in the oil holes of the orankshaft, eto. The orank jonrnal
should be well oiled and the oil wiped round by hand hefor the hearing



halves are bolted tog ther. The compression plates should have been
stamped for each cylinder at the maker's works, and these should now be
oh oked over and plaoed in po ition.
Fitting Connecting Rod
The hou ing and gear can now be assembled, and, in the oase of a
h rizontal engine, th piston and conn oting rod. To fit the latter, the
rod is fitt d to the piston and then slung as near to the ~kirt of the piston
a 10 ible and the pi ton pushed into the cylinder liner by means of the
large end of the oonnecting rod. It will be neoes ary to adjust the height
of the piston v ry car fully to permit ntry to the cylinder skirt.
Fitting the Piston
With the oranksbaft oorr ctly aligned, the piston (or pistons in the
cas of a multi-oylinder engine) is fitted, complete with its connecting rod.
If the ngin is of the horizontal type, the orankpin should be located
at th bottom, so that when the pi ton and oonneoting rod are lowered into
po ition tho piston may b pushed into tb cylinder without the tee end
of th conn oting rod fouling the crankpin.
The oonneoting rod oan b wedged into a horizontal position for
oonv nienc of slinging by means of hardw od wedges, a shown in
Fig. 21.
After Lh pist n Ita be n pu bed in about two-thirds of it 1 ngth, the
wood block hould be r moved and th connecting rod raised to about
30 degrees from tho horizontal, and in this position it is possible with most
horizontal engines to put a bar und rneath til conneoting r d, thu
supporting it while the large-end bearing is being fitted.
Arrangement of Piston Rings
All the rings should be well oiled and the gaps arrang d flO that they
do not come in line, for this would cause loss of compre sion. Th liller
should be well oiled, and oil wiped round the piston befor as m bling. When
closing the rings so that they en ter the liner, care should be tak n that tb
edges are not damaged, which would cau scoring of tb piston or liner.
Take Care to Prevent Breaking Skirt of Piston
Before lifting the pistons of vertical or borizontal engines, a block of wood
should be wedged between the under sid of the connecting rod and tb
piston skirt. lithis is not done, the piston may fall back with th gudgeon
pin as fulcrum and thus break the skirt. In the ca of vertical engin s
the packing is taken out as soon as the piston is in the vertical plan .
With horizontal engines .the paoking is kept in position until ready to
connect up to the large-end bearing. A piece of wood should be plac d
under the rod and rested on each side of the engine bed plate to take tb
weight of the rod. A length of pipe may b used for this, but ther is a.
danger of it slipping fON ard towards the main bearings.
The back half of the large-end bearing is next mated up to th con-
necting rod, and the bolts pushed through until the bearing half is h ld in
position. The crankshaft is now turned so that the large-end journal is
close up to the large-end bearing, the packing under the rod b ing adjusted
so that the bearing half is in the path of the journal. The crankshaft can
then be turned steadily until the journal touches the bearing, and th
front half of this can then be bolted up and tightened. This procedure is
reversed for removing pistons or large-end bearings, and it i soon learned
and quiokly executed.
The same operation for a vertical engine is usually assi ted by an y
bolt screwed into the piston crown, the cylind r -head bing, of cours ,
removed, so that the pi ton and rod can be lower d into po ition from the
top. For maintenance work it is generally po sible to hold th piston in
place by means of a bolt through the cylinder-head whilst th large-end
bearing is being removed.
To remove the piston and rod, the oylind r-head is tak n off and a bolt
fa tened in the piston; the large-end bearing is then disconn cted and the
piston and rod lifted out.
Care must be taken to see that the crankshaft is not turn d whilst any
bolts are fastened to the pistons, and it will also be necessary to see that
the front of all rods are pointing to the front of th ngino, for when
the large-end connecting-rod bearings are bedded to the crankshaft
journals they have to be lined up to the pistons, a.nd to the small-end
bearings, and this alignment may be lost if the bearings are reversed.




Fitting the Bearings

All ngin -maker marl the halves of bearing, so that when the are
plaoed tog tb r the numbers, letters, or symbols match. This is a point
that should b most oarefully watched, as the b arings must be put in
exactly a th y w re intended to be fitted by the makers.
The larg -end baring hould now be fitted, and will usually be found
to have either one thick shim or several thin ones placed between the two
halves. This is to allow for w ar to b taken up by removing a thin shim
or filing down a thiok one.
Wbil th crank haft is still at the bottom, place the back half of the
larg - nd baring in po ition, and put in the bolts so that the ends just
show through (s e Fig. 22). The crankshaft is then slowly turned in the
rver d.ir ction until the pin com round and engage in the back half
of the conn cting-rod baring.
N t, the front half is put in position, oare being taken to fit
the rum betw n each half, and the bolts are th n tapp d through.
Th nut should now be fitted and cr wed up tight. The bar is
now r mov d from under th connecting rod, and the engine turn d
slowl by hand. Th ffort r quir d should not be unduly great.
It must be str s ed h re that the split-pins or locking screws for

the large - end

bolts must not POweR STROkE SUCTION STROKE
be omitted, a
many an engine
has been com-
pI tely wrecked
by the connect- ourER
ing-rod bolts
coming 100 e.

Erection of
Valve Gear

of the valv gear Fig. 23.-IoNITION TIMING DIAGlUM

and camsba,ft ,
etc., can now pro-
ceed, and aU brackets hould have locating pegs, r els fitted studs or
bolts, to ensure correct alignment. Gear-wheels which m sh will hay th
teeth tamp d so that they can b meshed in th corr ct positions, and no
mi take must be made bere, otherwise the cam settings will be ups t
It cannot be empha ised too much that absolut cl anliness is ess ntial
in all stages of erecting and fitting major and minor part. If the ngin -
room is not quite completed, all windows , door, and op nings likely to
alJow the ingress of dust and dirt should b blooked up with tarpaulins and

The camshaft, whether it be driven by a chain, skew gear , or pira]
bevels, must be in corr ct r lation to the crankshaft to give the proper
timing to the valves and fuel pump.

The wheels are generally marked by the maker, 0 that one mark on
the one gear falls into position between two mark on th other; or, if a
chain drive, the wheels are marked and a pointer fitted inside the chain
ca e. Should this not be the ca e, the timing is set as indicated in
Fig. 23.
Timing for the two-stroke engine is only a matter of th fuel-inj otion
cam being set to deliver the charge of fuel at th corr ot moment,
i.e. just before inner dead centre.
After all the parts have been tighten d up in position the
engine should be pulled round by hand, to make ure that nothing is




'l'his m thod of cooling is not suitable for la rge engin

The Cooling-water System

Th 1'e are two systems of cooling :
(1) Thermo-syphon, whioh perhaps is th more simple and gives the
least trouble, but, owing to the large quantity of water required, is not
suitabl for larg engines.
A singl tank, or a numb r of tanks carried on a concrete or brick
foundation, g nerally 3- 6 ft. abov the engine foundation, may be used
for this system. The es ential point i that the water-level in th tanks
should always cov r the outlet pipe from the engine or the system will fail.
(2) The Run-through System. Here water is pumped from a sump,
pond, or stream and lifted into a comparatively small tank, from which it is
gravity fi d through the ngine and then allow d to run to waste or return
to the sump.
Whiohev r system is adopted, be quite certain that there are no air
locks and that the oylinder and combustion-head water ja.ckets are full
of water befor starting up. .
Pipe work can n w be permanently ooupled up, sor w d oil and water
joints being made tight with hemp and a good jointing compound.
Cleaning Out Pipes
Pipes, other than oil pipes, should all be blown out with e mpr d
air, if availabl , and during th r etion of th ngu) th y sh uld hav
their ends protected from dirt and damag . Oil pip s sl)ouJd cleaned
out with paraffin before fitting.

Bend Pipes before Connecting Up

Pipes generally should bo bent corr ctly heror oonn 'Ling up, in
order to avoid strains on joints and flanges, te. , when tho ngine is
All pipes liable to expansion mu t be fr a to move.

How to Pack Exhaust Pjpes Passjng through Wall

The exhaust pipes should b from 12 to 1 in. from !tny wood -
work where they pass through the wall. It i advisabl to pack til
exhaust pipe in the wall with asbesto. To mak a good job of this,
bricks should be out away to make a hole about 3 in. larger than tb
outside diameter of the pipe. Asbesto rope is then wrapp d round
the pipe to a thiokness of about 1 in. and th remaining spao grouted
up with aement. This will permit expansion of the pipe, but th weight
of the exhaust pipe and that of the exhaust manifold should b taken by
means of roller supports.
Making Joints of Vertical Pipes
Very speoial preoautions are nco ssary with the joints of v rtioal pip 8 ,
since these are liable to transmit vibration. Makers' drawings and
instruotions should be rigidly adhered to in such cases; for in tance, in
the case of a vertical pipe connecting on to the flat bottom of an overh ad
water tank, or any pipe requiring a water joint where it passes through
a. roof.
Carry Pipes Outside Engine-room where Possible
Wherever possibl ,pipes should be carried outside the engine-room in
a horizontal plane and should be amply supported.

Water Pipes- Drain Taps

rain tap should be fitted at the lowest points of all water pipes
and provision made for emptying t he pipe trenohes of oil or water, as
previously mentioned, when dealing with foundations.
Lagging Oil Line Exposed to Frost
If ther should be a length of fuel-oil line from the storage tank above
the ground and exposed to frost , it is a good plan to lag this with straw
or oth r suitable material.
Except when the fuel storage is overhead, it is advisable to install a
s mi-rotary or other suitable type of pump to assist the flow of viscous
oil and to remove air locks from the system.
Fuel-oil Tank- Its Position
A usual position for the fueJ -oil tank is immediately outside the engine-
room , supported by brick or concrete piers, the bottom of the tank being
about 1 ft . 6 in. to 2 ft. 6 in. above ground-level.
Oil-level Indicator
An oil-] vel indicator should be itt d inside the engine-room, and
wbil t this can b arranged for almost any position ofthe tank. it is as well
to keep the arrang ment of pulleys and gear as simple as possible.
When Tank is Underground
'fo conomise in spaoe above ground the tank or tanks can be buried
underground, or else arranged in a pit with a suitably designed cover, fitted
with a manhol so that a .fillfug pipe from the wagon to the tank can be
easily oonneoted. Drainage of the pit should be provided for, likewise
aco ssibility to pip connections. The tanks should be well painted, and
if to b buried and not enolosed in a pit they should be painted with
sp oial bitumastio paint. A fuel pump will be necessary in either of these
oa s.
Fuel Tank in Roof
Th fuel tank can be arrang d in the roof of the building, if thi is
suitably designed and sufficient spaoe is available, but this is, as a rule,
found mor exp nsiv than an outside tank. If, however, an overhead
storage is d oided on, then oare should be taken that it is not 80 high that
the fu 1 supplier's wagons cannot pump to it.
Water-cooling Tanks- Test for Leakage before Installation
When s veral water tanks are supplied, as for the thermo-syphon
sy tem of oooling, each tank should b tested for possible leakage at the
s ams owing to damage rec ived during transit. If eaoh tank is tested
separately, this saves 10 of tim and the trouble involved in disconnecting
g ar to rectif faults afterwards.
Piping Water from Pond or Sump to Jackets
With om tern of water cooling a pump draws water from a pond
or ump and delivers it to the jaokets. In these c&ses the suction pipe
should have a gradual rise to the pump, oth rwi air looks ma.y result jf
the pipe slopes towards the pump in any part of its length.

Piping to Cooler
If pumping hot water for delivery into a cooler, the I ngth of uotion
pipe and the number of bend in it hould b k pt to a minimum, so that
the total suction head, inoluding friction , does not amount to mor tban
about 10 ft. for a water temp rature of, say, ]50 0 F. Ten t i not
the maximum suction head allowabi , but if ex ded it i pos ibl that
trouble may be experienc d due to air bubble , etc.; furth rm r , the
pump efficiency will be greater if the suction bead is kept low.
A foot valve and strainer of approved typ should be inAerted at th
end of the suction pipe.

Installing Fuel-service Tank

The fuel -service tank in the engine-room should not be low r than tl1
dimension given on the maker' drawing, whilst a littl xtra h ight will
not do any harm. Cocks and valv s in th various pip s should a.sily

Water Drain from Compressed-air Receiver

There should be a water drain in the compl'es. ed-air l' c iver, which i
usually included in oil-engine installation for starting purp B. If n t
possible or convenient for this drain to be taken from th bottom of th
vessel, then a simple arrangement is sometimes obtain d by fitting th
drain valve or oock at the top of the rec iver and leading an in rnal pip
from this almost to the bottom of the vessel. In thi way, wh n th
valve is opened, any acoumulation of water is foroed out by the air
pressure, and when such a valve is us d a bent pip should also b fitt d
to defleot the stream of water and air downwards, thus avoiding th
possibility of this being sprayed about the engine-room.

Air Receiver
Most engines a.bove 20 h .p. are fitted with automatic air starters, and
will have an air receiver, a. small air compre or whioh can b driven by
a. belt from a. pulley on the main engine crankshaft, or, in the case fa.
large engine, the sta.rting compressor is usua.lly independently driv n by
a. small petrol engine or an electrio motor.
The piping from the compre sor to the air receiv r, and from th
reoeiver to the engine, should b fitted in accordance with the maker'
The next thing is to fill up the fuel tank, and prime th fuel pump by
the hand-Ie er. It is be t to disoonnect th fuel -oil pipe at th inj tion


This shows Il. Lister oil engine with inl t cI aranc of 0017 in. and exhaUllt clearance
r 0032 in.

end, and pump until the oil is flowing f" cely, in order to remove a,ll air
from th pip -line.
Position of Air Receiver
Th air r ceiver should b placed as near to the compres or as possibl ,
at th same time in a conv nient position for the attendant and olose to
til engin ,with a valv a ilyacc sible for starting-up purposes.
Fuel-oil pipes should, where pos ible, be run in the same trenches as
the xhaust pipes and cl se to th ro , thus assisting the flow of oil.
.All moving parts rou t be well lubrioated . If the engine is of the
~ 1'0 d-lubri ation typ (that i , th oil is ciroulated to the bearings by a
pump), th oil ump 01' contain r hould b filled with a reliable diesel-
ngin lubrioating oil. Th pump hould then be worked by hand to
n or that all the air i driv n from th pip and that t h oil has actually
MTiv d at its variou point . This priming 0 ration is of gr at
importano .


Filling the Tanks and Pipe-lines
When all ereotion of pip work, eto., is oomplete, tb various tanks and
pip -lin s may be fill d.
Preliminary Precautions
Care should be taken to that fuel-oil and lubri ating-oil tanks ar
thoroughly clean and dry before allY oil is put into th ui.
Before opening up on any of the lin connec d dir t to th engin an
inspection should be made to see t.hat all connections hav b n mad
correctly and that everything i clear away from the engin and that th r
are no packings, etc., left behind. Th elementary pI cautions may
seem futile, but th yare well worth whil for th ake of th hort tim
that they take.

See that Lubrication is Satisfactory

A final precaution is n c ssary befor attempting to start th ngin,
and this is to s e that all lubri cation servio s ar thoroughly prim d and
that they are olear and the oil is actuaJJy reaohing th pIa intend d.
It is not mer ly sufficient to see that the sight- d lu brioators ar working;
the point to verify is that the oil is going wher it is wanted.

Is the Foundation Well Set?

Provided that the foundation is sufficiently w 11 se and in th
majority of cases this will be so- the ngine is now I' ady for starting. It
should be borne in mind that the foundation should be about foul' w k
old if made with Portland cement, although this will depend a little on th
quality of cement used and the size of th foundation. bviollsly , if
rapid-setting cement is u d this wi lll'ed uce the tim l' quir d .

Ready to Start
The engine may now b started, as dir ot d by the makers in th ir
in tructions. ome typical starting-up instructions will be found on pag
112. Here are a few hints which may be us ful should the engin fail
to start :
(1) The fuel system may have ail' looks. This can be r me died by
taking off the fuel pipo to the inj ctor, removing th inj at-or from the
cylinder-head, and coupling it on to the pipe so that it will pray outwards
instead of into the cylinder. Work the pump again by hand , and it can
be seen at once if tb inj ctor is functioning. hould the inj otor not b
working, the cause of the trouble must be further trac d , as follows:
(2) Fuel-pump plunger stioking. Dismantle, examine, and oj an the
plunger. Never use emery oloth.
(3) Fuel-pump suction or delivery valve I aking, due to partiole of
foreign matter between the valve a.nd its seat. In handling in I-pump
parts, do not use any cloth otb r tha.n clea.n linen wipers, as the use of
dirty cleaning material invaria.bly causes troubl owing to lint, grit, tc.,
getting into the oilways.
(4) Exhaust valve sticking. In a new engine a few drops of paraffin
injected into the guide will usually remedy.
(5) Valve timing incorrect. Check up from Fig. 23.

The First Run

This first te t should be made without any load on the engine, and it
should not last for more than a few minutes at the most. At the end of
this time the engine should be stopped and all bearings felt for signs of
undue warmth, and an inspection made to see that they are getting
adequate lubrication.

The Second Run

Next run for, say, ten minutes, and again inspect.

Running under Load

If satisfactory, the engine may then be run up on load, commencing
with a short run of about a quarter of an hour on quarter-load and
subsequently increasing this to half-load if satisfactory. After running
for about a half-bour on half-load, if tbe engine seems to be going well
and no symptoms of trouble pave appeared, such as hot bearings, etc.,
th load may be incr ased to full load and a run of, say, two bours'
duration carried out. everal bours should b completed on load before
any fuel-consumption tests or endurance tests are attempted.

How to Tell what is Going On Inside the Engine

With a multi-cylinder engine, tuning up and the distribution of load
b tween the cylinders can be achieved with the aid of an indicator, but
the same results can usually be obtained by a trained man using his
physical sens salone.

Distribution of Load between Cylinders

If the exhaust branch from one cylinder is cooler than the others, tbis
oylinder is not taking it fair share of the load. This also applie to th
cooling-water outl ts.

What Smoke from Cylinders can Tell You

The smoke from the cylinders is also a valuable indication of what is
going on inside the engine, and test cooks or plugs, usually provided on
the exhaust manifold, enable the exhaust condition to be observed. The
loudest exhaust usually indicates th heavi at load, and is most often
aocompanied by heavier smoke. Dark-coloured moke usually indicates
overl ading, whereas light-coloured smoke indioates underloading.
Indications of Over-lubrication
A pale-blue smoke may indicate underloading, but it is al 0 an ind x
of lubricating oil in the cylind r over and above that normally neo s ar .
It may be that the piston is being over-lubricated, or lse that the sorap r
ring is not doing its work properly.
Smell of Exhaust Smoke
A different smeli attends the various load .

Blowing Past the Piston and its Causes

Light loading may be coinoident with crankca ' pres ur , when Ii
blowing past the piston will be notic d. This may b du to badly fitting
piston rings or ring stuck in their grooves, neither f which i likely ' b
the case in a now engine. If a local blowing i noticed, this may b cau ed
by the rings working round so that the gaps are all in lin. On som typ s
and sizes of engines wh re this trouble bas occurred the maker peg th
rings with the gaps staggered, thus permanently overcoming this troubl .
If the pistons have been put in as instructed, it is unlik Iy that th gap
are in line, and it is more likely that there is a slight distortion, which may
disappear when the working parts bed down together.

How to Get an Accurately Tuned Engine

A clear exhaust should be th aim of the ngin attendant. To assist
in this the fuel injectors should all b made int rchang abl and th
springs and needle valves should be identioal, whilst on some mak s th
lift, or spring pressure, can be ad justed to corr spond with that of oth r
Fuel pipes from fu I pumps or distributors should all b of the
same length, and for a neat arrangement of these p ip ,coils can be mad
of the surplus length of those nearest th pump.
Valve clearances must be uniform and to the maker's r comm ndati n.
Air filters must be clean to prevent obstruction to th air charg upon
the opening of t he in} t valves.
Checking Fuel Consumption
Finally, th fuel consumption should be ch ck d , and thi is the
ultimate proof of an accurately tuned ngin. Th fuel nsuroption
guaranteed by th maker should at 1 ast be obtained, for th tigur
are mostly covered by a margin.
Causes of Heavy Fuel Consumption- Remedies
If the consumption is heavy, then the cam setting hould be oh ck d
over , t he governor inspected for teadines, and the atomi rs or fu I
injectors te ted for a. correct spray without" dribble."



' - - - -- - - - REl.IEF VAl.VE


Showing various oontrols required for starLing Ul)' (B. A . Li8ter &: Co., Ltd.)

Dirty Exhaust
A dirty exhaust may be cau d by a fll I inj ctor not working prop rly,
Ia.te timing of the fuel injeotion, or by a choked air filter.
Th needle valves of th injector or atoroi er should be an easy
running fit in their sIc ves or in tho body, and should seat corr ctly.


The following notes on starting up and stopping a solid-injection
die I engine apply to a typical hand-controlled engine of this type.
The engine, as illustrated in Fig. 26, is fitted with a oompre sion change-
ov r valv , whioh ensures a very high oompr s ion for starting, thus
giving gr ater heat of compr 8 ion for the ignition of the fuel.
Preparing to Start
Befor aotually starting the engine, the following procedure should
be adopted:
(1) Open th oil fill r K (Fig. 26) and pour in lubricating oil of the
c rreot quality, until the leV1'l1 in the sump reaoh s the mark on the
dip tick O. CIo the oil filler after filling.


(8 . .A . Li8tIJr d: 0., Ltd.)
(2) FiJI the water-c oling system with water, avoiding "hard"
water whenever possible. In the case of tank cooling, op n th thl' -
way tap in the bottom water-tank oonnection so that water can .f1.ow fr Iy
from the tank into the oylindor jacket. 'fh water must b k pt abovo
the top connection in
the tank.
(3) Now fill the fuel
tank, using a fine gauze
strainer. 1-+- - FUEL LEVEL INDICATOR
The fu I tank
should be fitted so that
the bottom of th tank L---+-I---- LOOSE STRAINER
is approximately It ft.
above the fuel pump. FLOAT
To collect the ludge,
etc., deposited by the
fuel , a good method FILTER
i for the fuel tank to be
fitted with a sloping
bottom leading to a
drain tap, which
hould be used to fiu h DRAIN TAP OR PLUG FOR
out the sludge from
time to time, as found
nece sary. To prevent Fig. 2 .-FUEL TAliX
ludge from entering howing drain tap and . Ioping bottom with level inwcator
the fuel pipe, the fuel- and Boat. (R. A . IMt.er d: 00., Ltd.)
outlet conn ction should be placed at Jeast 2 in. above the bottom of the
fuel tank and the drain tap at the lowest point.
(4) After filling the fuel tank, turn on the fuel tap on the tank.

Priming the Fuel System

(5) N xt prime the fuel system. To do this, prime the filter by
unscr wing the vent screw on top of the filter with a spanner until the
oil flows freely through. Th n retighten the screw.
As it is highly important that all air should be removed from the fuel
pump and fu I valve, in ord r to prime the fuel system, disconnect the
fuel -injection pipe from the d livery-valve holder on the fuel pump by
unser wing the union. It is nec Bsary to see that the governor Ie er
handl is in the STOP poeition.
Then remov the delivery-valve holder and pring, and with the fingers
slightly raise th delivery valve from its 13 ating ; a soon as this is done
fuel should app ar. The delivery valve should be held off its seat
until all air bubbles are out of the system and until a solid column of
fu I oil appears. Then replace the delivery-valve holder and spring
and tighten down th holder car fully, and not too vigorously, so that the
body of th fuel pwnp is not di torted.
The fu l-inj ctlon pipe hould now be connected again to the fuel
pump, but in ord r to ee that no air i
present in the fuel pipe, loosen the fuel-pipe
union at the injector. Then place the
governor-lever handle in the START position
by withdrawing the release pin. Put the
tarting handle on the crankshaft and push
in the compr ssion-relea e knob on the
crallkca door , in order to lift the xhaust
valve. Then turn the crankshaft until fuel
fr from air bubblcs appears at the fuel-
pip injeotor union. Tighten the fuel-pipe
Finally, in order to make a.b olutely
c rtaill that a solid column of fuel is reaching
Fig. 20.- JUNOE OVJllR VALv;m: the fuel valv and that no air is present,
plao a fing r on the it ling pin in the top of the inj ctor, and if fueJ
i pr nt without air, a d fini creak will be heard in the fuel valve,
and the lift of the valv will b felt by the finger.
On multi-cylinder engin s thi proc dur mu t be carried out with each
pump 1 ment.
(6) After priming the fuel y tem, e that the compre sion-release
knob ar pushed in.
(7) Set the governor handle to TART.





AmQOHPRESSOlt TYPE (R. A. Li81tr &: 00., Ltd.)

(8) Lift the overload pawl to allow gov rnor lever to mov to it rea j.
mum position. This pawl will return to normal as soon as th ngin tart.
(9) Sorew the oompre sion-ratio chang -ov r valves inwards tight on
to their s ats
To Start
(1) Grip the starting handle firmly, ensuring that it is fully engag d
with the orankshaft end, and turn smartly. When a good p d ha b n
atta.ined on the flywheel, pull out the valve lifters, when the engin should
immediately fire. On multi-oylinder ngine the other valve lift rs
should be pulled out immediately after.
(2) As soon as the engine has attained its normal speed, op n the
compression-ratio change-over valve by screwing the bandwheels out-
wards until they come to a stop.
(3) When the change-over valve is sorewed in, it beds against the
seating at A, Fig. 29, and when sorewed out against seating at B. Th
seatings should be kept free from carbon. Thi can be done by turning
the valve handwheeI backwards and forward once or twice befor 1 aving
in the final position, tight up.
Speed Regulation
Should a slight adjustment in speed be required, thi can be made
by screwing the adjusting screw inwards to incr ase the tension on tb
governor spring. This increa s the speed, and by crewing out th
adjusting screw th tension on the spring i ed and 0 the ape d is
dropped slightly.
To Stop Engine
Turn the governor lockffig pin until it falls into the slot.. Pull back
the governor handle in the direction of the ourved arrow (Fig. 27) and
the engine will stop.
Do not turn off fuel-supply tap except in case of emergency. Til
turning off of this tap may lead to air locks in the fuel-supply system
and the necessity for repriming it. Never try to stop the engine by
lifting the exhaust valve.
Compressed-air Starting
If the plant is fitted with air receiver and air oompressor for com -
pressed-air starting (Fig. 30), to start the engine carry out the instructiOllS
aIr ady given with regard to filling up with fuel, oil, and water, etc.,
and set the governor-lever handle in the starting position. Screw in
the handwheels of the compression change-over valves, except that.
fitted with tb starting air valve, and put tbe engine on top dew centre
of No.1 cylinder, as marked on the flywheel. In this po ition the baJJ
pad on the starting lever should be on the top of the starting cam. Put
the engine on full compression by pulling out the exhaust-valve lifter .
Open the outlet valve and press the starting lever, when the ngine should
start immediately. Sorew out the hand wheel , clo e the outlet valv ,
and proc d to oharge the air'reoeiver.

The notes below relate to the engine prop r and cover the routine
op rations whioh are required in oonnection with all typel'! of stationary
compression-ignition ngine. Maintenanc not s on fuel -injectioll
equipment will be found in Cbapter II.
Attention to Valves
The exhaust valves should be given attention and cleaned, and
here the running period may be extended up to, say, about 1,000 hours,
given reasonable conditions, and the inlet valves should be insp cted
and oleaned after about the same interval has elapsed.
When and How to Overhaul Pistons
The pistons may b withdrawn after, say, every nine months to a
year, and thoroughly cleaned, and all carbon deposit r moved, both
from the inside and the outside of the piston. Th rings should then
be removed, and should be labell d so that they can be returned to th
same grooves as previously, provid d t.hat they are in good condition.
The grooves in the pistons can now be oleaned, and the rings also, and
the can then be ta.ken one by one, and the labels removed, and tried in
the liner to see that they are a..good fit. If satisfactory, they should b
returned to their respective places in the pi tons, whereas, if they are

not satisfac-
tory, and hav
lost their
pring, they
Rhould b re-
plac d by new

While the
pi tons are re-
there is no
leakage po. t
the water j oin ts
in the cylinder-
head and re-
move any
carbon deposi .

Cleaning Out
Water Deposits
Under nor-
mal circum-
.F i{/. 31.- FITTWO 1Jl' CUUDE- OrLENOum YLlND:r: I~ nEAD8
stances the
The cylinderh ad co.rriee th fuel, air inlet, and exlmullt valves.
liners may be The operator is soon grinding ill th fuel valv , whilst to the I Ct is
withdrawn, the rocker shaft whioh carri08 the rtlIIpectiv co.m.op rating g o.r.
and the water
jackets of the cylinders and cylinder-heads cleaned of scale and oth r
deposits from the cooling water, at about yearly in rvals. If th
cooling water is very hard, it may be neces ary to install a water softener
to treat it, or else to clean and scrape the jacket more fr quently. .A
lime softener may help and may be us din th cooling water.

Trouble Due to Silt

ilt can be a source of troubl and is inclined to be mor troublesom
than a lime deposit, for while lime forms a scale of regular thicknes ,
silting up may ocour fairly quiokly in certain places and may therefor
cause overheating and distortion. It is more easily removed than
scale, provided that its pre ence is suspected. It must not be in rred
from this that lime scale is not dangerou - it is; but its formation is
lower and can be counteracted by a boiler compo ition as mentioned
Adding Boiler Composition to Water
The practice of adding a quantity of composition to the cooling
water at regular intervals has muoh to oommend it, and every two Or
three days will be a suitable period, except in extreme cases. The
neoessary quantity will, of course, vary with the degree of hardness of
the water, the quantity in circulation in the system, and the amount
of make-up due to evaporation losses. The only remedy for deposits
of silt and sludge is naturally to purify or filter the water, but fortunately
this trouble i not often met with.
The Annual Overhaul
It is, of course, wise to have a regular annual overhaul wherever
possible for this to be arranged.
Gauging Liners for Wear
When th pistons are out for oleaning, the liners should he gauged
for wear and the particular carefully noted and kept for reference
purposes. Readings should be taken from front to back and from side
to side, at the top, oentre, and bottom of the piston travel. Three
further intermedia.te sets of readings should be taken, spaced equally
between the top and the centre of the piston travel. These readings
are, of course, repeated for eaoh cylinder on the engine, and carefully
identifi d with th r peotive cylinder number. The actual measure-
ment can b made with a good stick gauge and feelers, the gauge being
made to the original cylinder bor and kept p rmanently ; alternatively,
an inside micrometer may be u ed.
How Long Should Liner Last?
The rate of wear will, as a rule, be found to decrease after the first
two or three thousand hours' running, but the actual rate will vary with
the type and make of engine. The permissible wear in a liner bore will
also vary acoording to the engine, and this should either be taken from
the maker ' instruction book, or else the matter should be referred to
them. Assuming ten houfs' running daily, a good liner should run, with
oare, for about five to seven year , depending mainly upon the quality
of fuel used, the suitability and cleanliness of the lubricating oil, the
lubricating arrangements generally, and the average load oarried by the
When to Replace Connecting-rod Bolts
Large-end conneoting-rod bolts should be replaced every 12,000
hours' running and must not be merely heat treated and returned.
Running Clearances of Bearings and Journals
The engine makers mo tly indioate suitable figures for the running
clearanc of bearings and journals. Great oare should be taken when
re,bedding these bearings to ensure that a good wearing surface i obtain d,
owing to the high working pressures now mployed.
Check Crankshaft Alignment Periodically
The crankshaft alignment should be ohecked p riodicaUy, peoiaUy
in the oase of belt or chain drives.
Check Compression Annually
Bad or insufficient compression will adversely affect oombustion ;
the compression of the various oylinders should th r for b to ted
annually or whenever a new connecting-rod baring i fitted . An
indicator is generally used for this, but in some ca sp ial gaug s
a.re supplied.
Loss of Compression- Causes and Remedies
Low compression may be caused by wear of piston, piston rings, or
liner, and if this is the trouble an overhaul of these parts is n ces ary.
It may be due to nothing more than rings gumming up, but in any cas
an inspeotion will u ually reveal what is wrong. It should not b forgott 11
that low compression may he caused by wear of bearings or by the fitting
of a new bearing to th connecting rod. The remedy in this cas is to
fit liners between the connecting rod and the large-end bearing until the
posit ion of the piston relative to the cylinder is oorrected.
The Lubricating System
The lubricating-oil sump of vertical engines should be fill d to normal
level daily. It is preferable that ome arrangement should b made
for filtering and purifying the oil, either continuously or p riodically.
The sump should be drained p riodically and thoroughly cl aned and
refilled with the filtered oil.

Hints for Operators

DON'T-use dirty fuel oil.
use any but the best-quality lubricating oil.
try to economise with lubricating oil.
run with a smoky exhau t.
leave a mechanical knock unattended.
allow circulating water to get too hot.
DO- clean air filters peri dically.
oil little and often.
keep everything tightened up.
attend to all leaks at once.
drain engin jackets in frosty weather.
Above all, keep engine olean; a dirty engine refleots upon its operator.
D .'Il.-5
Chapter V

OR large dies I engin the generally a c pted method of tarting-up
F is by the use of compressed air supplied to the ngin cylinders over
about 90 0 of the power stroll. .
orne engine makers us compressed air for starting purposes, for
cylinders down to 6 in. bore. Normally, however, the line can be drawn
about 8 in. to 10 in. bore. An alternative meth d for the starting of
ngines by com pI' ss d air is by means of a mall air motor, fitted with a
pinion which ngages a toothed rim on the engine flywheel. uch a
sy tern is suitable for engines with cylinders up to, say, ]0 in. bore.
As an alternative to the us of compr saed air, electric starting is
wid ly favomed. The advantages of electric starting are its simplicity
and effectiveness.
Usually th arrangement consists of an electric motor, which drives a
pinion, which engages a toothed rim on the engine flywheel. To obtain
th cmr nt for the motor a small electric generator is driven from the
engine. An automatically charged accumulator i supplied. To start an
engine th shut-down lever is pulled down , and the starter button pressed .
As soon a th engin has gained momentum , the decompression hand!
is dropped, and the engine fires and picks up speed. When the engine has
started to fire, the tarter button is reI ased. The starter motor dis
ngages automatically.
Hand starting is, as a rul ,satisfactory only on the very smallest sizes
of engines, even using the decompres ion gear on certain cylinder. If
there ar six cylinders in suoh an engine, decompression gear may be fitted
to three oylinders and the engine started on the other thr e.
For small engines- u ually but not always single-oylinder units- a
oartridge i sometime u ed for tarting. A small charge of slow-bmning
propellant is fired at one end of a tube which oonveys pressme to the
engine cylinder and driv s forward the piston.


Th range of .A.V. starters oan b divided into two cIa s-axial and
non-axial typ .
Axial" Starters

The " axial" tarter group-whioh compri the makers' B 5 and

U6 typ - i 0 oalled b cau the compl te armature a. mbly and the

--_ooooi . . . _ . . . -
N..;ill (.) A~~ c ~
.... ...,
pinion move forward axially when the pinion engages with the engine
flywheel gear-ring. Fig. IbhowB a.sectional view of an axial-type starter.
Normally the armature is held in the disengaged position by a return
spring at the commutator end of the machine, and, in this position, the
armature is out of register with the pole-shoes. The field windings of the
starter consist of a main series, and a shunt winding. A solenoid-operated
switch forms an integral part of the starter; hence, to handle the olenoid
current, only a small push switch is required.
When the tarter push is pressed, the first contacts on the solenoid
010 e, thus energising the shunt and auxiliary eries windings and causing
the annature to move forward slowly into register with the pole shoes and
the pinion to mesh with the flywheel gear-ring. When the pinion is
meshed , the armature trips a catch on the solenoid switch , thus allowing
the main contacts to close and complete the circuit through the main
. eri s windings. A multi-plate clutch is incor] orated in the starter and
provides an ffective safeguard against damage in tho event of engin
" bact-rock ," or abnormal conditions which would oth rwise overload
the starter motor .
.. Non-axial" Starters
The essential feature of the "non-axial" typ of starter is that
engagem nt of th pinion is ue to inertia, the pinion moving into engage-
ment along a quick-start threaded sleeve mounted on the armature shaft.
The C.A.V. Type 7-type starter has b en design d specifically for use
on the larger marine and industrial-type oil ngines. Although the pinion
i in rtia- ngaged, this tarter incorporates an overload clutch , similar in
principle to that of the axial-type starter. The startel' is u d in conjunc-
tion with a parate two-stage solenoid switch.
When th tarter pu h switoh is clo ed, one-half of the olenoid switch
is energised and the starter is connected to the battery via a heavy series
resl tano incorporated in the base of the switch. As a result, the starter
is suppli d at reduced voltage, causing the armatur and the pinion to
rotate lowly. The pinion thu moves along th threaded sleeve into
mesh with the flywheel gear-ring. Any po ibility of damage to the
pinion or flywheel gar-ring teeth, due to viol nt engagement, is therefore
comp! t ly liminated. As it approaches the end of its forward travel,
th pinion clo es a trip switch, whi h is an integral part of th tarter.
This en rgi es th second tage of the solenoid switch, which hort-
circuit the ries resi tanoe and allows the full battery voltage to be
applied to the tarter.
A oon as the engin is rmming under its own power, the acceleration
of the flywh I automatically cau es the ejection of the pinion. As a
a guard against premature pinion ejection, due to the erratio torque
oharaoteristi of orne engin ,the switch incorporates pedal" holding-
on "winding in th eoond stage switch.



The starter m tors developed by Mes rs. Williams & Jam s (Engiu ra
Ltd., are of vee-form design having four cylind r ,th pistons ing
connected to a double-throw crank haft, at th one end f which runs a
pinion whioh engage with the teeth of the flywh e1 gar-ring of th engin .
Normally these starter motors are operat d by compr ss d ajr at
250-450 lb. per sq. in. though the actual minimum pr sure r quir d
depends upon the char ot ri tics of the engine to be started.
The flow of compre sed air to the cylind rs' controll d by a rotary
distributor valve. This valve i so design d that it out off th ir supply
to th cylinder at pproximately thr -quarter of the trok wh n th
motor is running lowly or at one-third wh n running fa t. Tbi m thod
of controlling the air supply r duces the consumption of d ir
The pinion which engages with the flywheel gear-ring i designed with
an integral clutch which ensures that a certain amount of slip will occur
hould the motor be subjeoted to torsional overload. The supply of
compressed air to the rotary distributor valve i controlled by a two-cycl
starting valve.
The first cycle feeds a small amount of air to the distributor valve,
whioh turns the motor slowly, whilst at the same time oompressed ail' i
fed behind the pinion to assist it, in engaging with the flywheel. The second
cycle feeds the full air supply to the rotary distributor valve, whilst the
flow of compressed air to the rear of the pinion is cut off and exhausted
to atmosphere.
Four sizes of th se starter motor are made, giving different torque-
power and speed characteristics. The yoke diameters are 5 in ., 6 in.,
in., and 12 in. for the No.1 , 2, 3, and 4 size motor respectively. It i8 not
possible to give here the exact application for each size of starter, and fun
details of the engine to which it is desired to fit the startcr should be sellt
to the manufaoturers.
The particulars of the engine l' quired are: make, type ize and num b )'
of oylinders, horse-power and speed, firing speed and temperature, starting
torque and temperatur -, compression ratio, numb l' of cycles. type of
aspiration, direotion of rotation, diameter of f1ywhe I, details of flywheel
gear-ring teeth , including pressure angle, et. By calculatioml based on
th se details, th ize of starter motor, together with the minimum air
pres Ul' required, can be determined.
W. & } . Cartridge
'fhi has b en devised as an emergency device to operate the starter
in place of compressed air. It is a slow-burning safet,y cartridge whose
explosive oontent is negligible.
Attach d to the in! t of th starter motor is a breech block into which
the oartridge is placed. The firing mechanism i then attached. When
the cartridge has b n fired the contents form a gas, and this pa ses through
an orifice whioh oontrol the flow of gas to the rotary distributor valve of
th starter motor.
Fitt d on the bre ch blook is a bursting disc and pI' sure relief valve,
this lat r normally being pip d to the engine maust. This l' lief valve
serves as a pre sure controller, so that the character] tic f th artridgc
can b maintain d irre p otive of "engine re i tan ." The bur ting
disc i inoorporated so that there is no danger from exces i ve pressure
within the breeoh blook if, for any rea on-such a an engine seizure-the
starter should b come oompletely blooked.
This is a l' Jay method of air starting which, for die e1 engine of
250 b .h.p. and upwards of four or more oylind I' , consist of a distributor
I ,- -


I '
I ._



Fig. 3.- 'fypl AL STARTING Ilt U IT 011 H\""MATIC Am s'rAR'rlN G 8 lt8TJ!:~f

driven at crankshaft or camshaft speed pendent on th typ of di s J

cycle employed- and an injeotor valve mounted on each cylind r had,
The complete unit consists of an engine-driven compr s or, an air
storage tank, the distributor, and the injector valves mounted on th
cylinders. From the air storage tank an air-feed pipe pass s throu h a
master on/off cock to a tee-junction. The cr -pipe of this to -jun tion
continues as the main air line to the cylinder head air-injector valv s ; the
right-angled branch , in mailer bore piping, leads to the distributor which
may be mounted on the end of th camshaft or the crankshaft according
to the engine design. mall-bore piping connects the di tributor to the
air injectors.
et in operation, air at 350 lb. per sq. in. enter the d pip from th
storage tank and pas e along the main pipe-lin to all the injeotors and
also down the branch line to the di tributor. Air in. the branch pip is
then d.ir cted by the distributor-depending upon its po ition- along one
of the relay pipes to the appropriate air injector, where it enters tho valve
and forces down a piston whioh, opening the valve bead, allow compressed
air from the main line to pass into the engine cylinder.
By the time the pow r- troke in the cylinder is compi d, th
distributor disc h80 rotated and th pres ur in the relay pi ha b n
exhau ted to atmosphere. The air-injector valve th n c1 ,utting off'




th flow of air from the main pipe-line. The closing load is provid d by a
r turn spring. The compres ed air in the engin cylinder escapes through
th xbaust pip to the atmosphere. Meanwhile, th distributor disc,
rotating continuously, has r ach d the point where the cycle ha begun
again with another cylinder. The relay control ensures sharp opening and
cl ing of th injector valves.
By accurat timing of the opening period, from the distributor, a
minimum of air is u ed; con quently the maximum number of tart
per bottle-oharge i obtain d. This i partioularly valuable where
fr quent tarting is needed for manreuvring and tarting under adver e
temperature conditions. U ually, one air-injector al e is fitted to
a h cylind r ; but in ve - ngin s it is normally sufficient to fit them to
on bank of cylinders only.
For small di 1 engines of approximately 10 h.p. upwards and of two
or mor oylind r , a. range of air tarting valv ha also been develop d.
Titi y tem do not mploy the ervo prinoipl but utilis direct iuj c-
tion from th storag tank throll h the distributor and h inj tor
va)v into tb cylinder.


Thi i a hand-op rated starter , the pow r bing mad availabl by a
combination of pneumatic and hydrauli principles. he tart I' i
especially u efuI for oil ngin s which dri e ontra tors' plant, ran 8,
excavator , compressors, boats, vehi les, and pow r unit of all kind .

F ig. 5.- TH E BErtON E nAN-


A Pinion with helical tooth .

B Piston ro. ks driV"in g pin-
ion A.
Hydraulio fluid inlets.
1) Piston -rack return spring .
E Driving dog integral witl.
pinion A.
F Drivon dog on crankshaft.
a Axial thrust due to h li cal
teeth of piston rac k a.nd
R tarter mounting flan ge.
J Hydrauli accumulator.
K Piston lowored under com-
pressed air.
L Piston ruisod by hydraulic
pressUf .
M Relay starting valve.
N Hydranlio fluid food tank.
o Hand pump for charging
ao umnlator.
P Plunger pressure gaug .
Q Starting lever.
The start I' works within a closed circuit nd has only three moving
parts, i.e. two piston-racks and a piJlion. Energy is provided by a
pneumo-hydraulic accumulator. UsualJy, the starter is fitted to the free
nd of the ngine crankshaft. Engagement and starting are effected
without nois or shock.

Hydraulic Accumulator
The hydraulic accumulator (J) , as will be se n from Fig. 5, consi ts of
a small 1'e 'ervoir fitted with a s If-sealing piston (K). The reservoir is
initially filled with air, oompressed to approximately 2,800 lb. per sq. in.,
and is then sealed. As th air is not consumed and as there can be no leak-
age, the accumulator does not need recharging. When only air is in the
accumulator, the piston r sts at the bottom. Hydraulic fluid is pumped
into the lower part of the accumulator by a hand-operated pump, lift ing
th piston (as at L) , thus com pres ing the air above it to approximately
4,000 lb. per q. in. The piston oompletely isolates the ail' from the
hydraulic fluid. In the charged state the pressures art' equal on both
sides of the pi ton, and therefore it is not subject to strain.

Starter Unit
The fltarter unit comprises two oppo ed cylinders, each containing a
piston-rack (B) , which are engaged with pinion (.4). The pinion is
int gral with a toothed dog (E) which engages with a oorresponding dog
(F) on the engine crankshaft. The teeth of the pinion and racks being
helical, a forward movement (G) i imparted to the pinion on rotation
thus bringing the dogs into engagement during the fir t stage of the
starting operation.
When the controll ver (Q) is relea. ed, the energy stored in the high-
pr ssur air in the accumulator is transmitted through the hydraulic fluid
1,0 the starter. The control lever op rates a two-stage valve (M). The
first stage admits suffioient pres ure to th starter to engage it with the
crankshaft. During the econd stage, when the dogs are fully engaged,
oil at full pressure is admitted to the heads of the piston-racks. The
rank haft is ther by rotated at high sp d, with a high starting torque.
When the engin fires, the dog are automatically engaged.
n the r turn of the oontrol lever, the piston-racks return to their
original po itions, under the influ nce of return springs (D). The fluid is
di charged to the fe d tank (N) , to be r ady for pumping into the accumu-
lator for further starts.
Tb building-up of the fluid pressur in the accumulator, which is not
a.lways 11 ary after eery start, is achi ed by a hand pump (0) for a
minut or so. If d ired, a mall meohanioal pump can be fitted, so that,
after the engine has been started initially, the accumulator fluid-pr ssm'
will b l' charged automatically.
Chapter VI


VERHAULING and maintenance proc uur for th ardn rand
O Perkins engines are dealt with in this chaptcr. Tb two typ s hav
been selected as b iug representative of the aut mobil di s I ngin ,
and a number of vehiole manufacturers now fit th m to th ir h avier
mod Is, either as standards or as alternative to petrol engines.


Easy tarting is one of the important feature.'> of ardn r ngin s.

Where electric starters are fitted only a comparatively small amount of
pow r is drawn from the battery. If- as is more usually th ca e-hand
starting is employed, it will be found that the effort requir d is COlT -
spondingly light. This easy-starting feature is due to the special arrang -
ments for relieving the compr ssion and altering the inl t timing.

Priming the Fuel System

When a new engine is put into commi sion, or after an ngine has b n
dismantled and reass mbled, it is necessary to flush out the pipes in order
to olear any foreign matter and to eliminate air.
After this has been done, recouple the sprayer pipe unions and
tighten firmly.
Now, work each priming lever until the elea.stic fi eling, if a.n , ho.
valli hed, that is, until a" olid feel" i obtained. This c mpl s the
operation of priming. The object is to cl ar out th air from th sprayer
pipes. Each stroke of the priming lever fore s orne f th impris n d
air through the prayer into the cylinder. When the last v tig of air
has been forced out, the" feel" of the lever suddenly becom s " oUd."
It is important to cease working the priming levers as oon as the" oUd"
feeling is attained, otherwise one is liable to injeot a harmful amount of
fuel into the cylinder .
Oaution.-Do not inject fuel into the cylinders by means of the priming
Before dealing in detail with
maintenance and repair of Gardner
engines, ther are two features of
construction and operation to which
special attention may be drawn.
Th first of these is the decompres-
sion gear. Mention has already been
made of the fact that easy starting
is one of the outstanding features
of this range of engines. The de-
compression gear is the device which
8 cures this feature. Fig. 1 shows
thr e positions of the decompression
Having regard to th high degr e
of compr ssion necedsary in engines
of the compre sion-ignition type,
starting by hand is quite an achieve-
ment and depends among other
things upon the Gardner Patented
Valve Gear, by which (1) the engine
is I' lieved of all compression during
th first stage of hand starting, and
(2) during the econd and la t stage,
the timing of th inlet valve is
alter d so as to obtain maximum
compression during the slow turning
at starting. On the valve rocker
bo of each cylind r head i a
quadrant g ared to a small cam-
shaft which operates on each of the
inlet-valve rooking levers for one or
both of the following purpo es,
according to th cil'cumstances:
(1) To relieve ntirely the com-
pI' ion by lifting the inlet valves
from their eats and preventing
them from clo ing.
(2) To slide th inlet-valv levers
along the rocker shaft into such a
position that the time of opening
and closing of th inlet valv gives
maximum oompr on at slow

hand-turning speeds. The starting 1 er which turn th quadrants

is arranged so that a control can be tak n to a p ition adja nt to th
tarting (cranking) handle.
To recapitulate, there are three position of th tarting g ar :
Position No. 1. Decompre sion for easy turning.
Position No.2. Maximum compr s. ion for cold tarting.
Position No.3. For running; udal 0 when starting a warm engin

Starting Fuel Plunger

Underneath and at the nd of the aluminium bo . attach d th front
of th fuel pump will be found a v rtical pring-load d plnn l' whioh , on
being pr ss d up as far as it will go, r 1 as tb gov rnor-oontrol bar of
the pumps and allows it to slid towards th fiywhe 1, in whioh p ition
the pump deliver an ill reased oharge of fuel for starting from cold. A
soon as the engine is started, th governor-control bar automatically r -
take its normal working po ition in which tb pump cannot giv an
excessive charge of fuel.
This plunger rnust on no account be held up whilst tit ngine is runnino ,
otherwise too much fuel will be delivered to the engine and 8 rious trouble may
The operation of starting is as blow:

Hand Starting (Cold Engine) under Normal-temperature Conditions

1. et the engine stopping lever or knob to the running po ition.
2. Open lightly hand speed control if fitted.
3. Press up the starting fuel plunger as far as it will go.
4. et the decompression lever in the po ition No.1 (d compr
5. Turn the starting handle smartly, and when maximum sp d
is attained turn the d compres ion lever to the engine working po ition
No.3. The store of energy in the flywh 1 will overcom th compr ssion
and the engine will commence to work on all cylinders.
6. Close gradually hand speed control as soon as p ibl, without
stalling the engine, which should be warmed up at a fast idling speed.
Put the engine under load as soon as possibl by moving off.

After Starting
ee that the circulation pump and lubrication pump ar operativ and
that the pre ure gauge of the latter registers not 1 than 45 lb./ q. in.
at about 1,000 r.:{>.m. H not, shut down at once and investiga.te.
The engine is at once able and ready to take up full load, but it is
better practice to apply the load gradually in Old r that the pa.rts may
expand without setting up internal stresses.
To Stop
Turn the stopping lever to
such a position that it moves the
governor-control bar towards the
radiator as far as it will go. In
this position the fuel-injection
pumps immediately cease to deliver
fuel and the engine stops. On no
account should the engine be
topped by turning off the fuel
supply, because this would empty
all the fucl pipes and so would
n cessitate To-priming of the whole
fuel system b fore the next start.
Tt is neither necessarv nor
advisable to turn off the fuel
supply when the engine is standing
l~ i(/ . 2.- DJJ:L1VlI:HY 1'ILTEH idle.


The seoond construotional feature worthy of peoial note is
the lubrioation system. This is designed 0 that the whole of the
working parts of the engine are automatically lubricated from the
main pressure system, whioh is maintained by a gear pump carried by
the crankcase immediately over the oil sump. The pump is driven
by a vertical shaft from the oamshaft. The oil sump is formed in the
bas -chamber, whioh is readily removable for inspeotion. The sump
is proteoted by a primary gauze filter of extremely large area, which
r quires oleaning only after long intervals. Under normal orioum-
stano s and with reasonable precaution it need be oleaned only after
very 30,000 miles. Th oil is d liver d from the pump through a
pas ag formed in the crankcase and thence by an external pipe to the
delivery filter and pI' sur regulator. It now passes into the feed pipes
of the main b arings and thence, by drilled pas ages, to the crank pins
and gudgeon pins. From the arne pressure y tern, oil i fed under
pr ssure to the valve gear in the cylinder heads. The surplus oil rejected
by the pre ure regulator is separately circulated through the governor
unit, the fu I-injeotion pump cams, the tappet meohanism, and finally
through th main timing drive of the valve oamshaft. This surplus-
oil pip is situated on the near side of and external to the engine. It
run along th bas of th oylinders from the pr ure regulator to th
oasing of the main drive. This pipe should be dismantled and xamined
for signs of stoppage every 30,000 miles.

Cleaning the Delivery Filter
The whole of the lubrication oil passes t hrough this fiJt,cl' befor goin
to its work, so that it is of the greatest importan that th filter h uld b
kept clean.
This unit must b thoroughly olean d af rver 3 0 6,0 mil s.
To this end, first remov the drain plug of th slucl g sump R.nd so drain
away the contents. Next remove the fil ter covel', take out th gauz
element and wash it thoroughly in olean parn,ffin or fue l oil.
After d carboni ing or otb rwi e disturbing th ngin , incr ased
collection may be found on the gauze. Anticipate thi by early inspe ti n.

In doing this, it is r commended that th cover of th fil r be g ntly
rotated on the faoe joint in order to miuimis the ohance of any foreign
matter causing a leak. It is r commended also to r pI nish th fiJter
with clean oil through the orifice, whioh is n rmll.lly 1 cd by tb
square-headed plug.

How to Adjust the Pressure-valve Regulation

The function of this unit is to maintain within c 'rtain limits th
pre sure of oil in the lubrication sy tern. It consists of a spring-loaded
valve. The correot amount of spring loading is effected by an adjusting
screw. It will be easily understood that varying the spring load will
correspondingly vary the pr ssure at which th valve permits the surplu
oil to e cape through the surplus-oil pipe.
The adjusting screw is set during test to 45 lb./sq. in. at about 1,000
r.p.m. with lubrication oil at a temperatur of about 1300 F. It is well to
mention here that, under normal conditions of vehicular work, the oil
in the sump does not attain so bigh a temperatur as 130 0 F., cons quently
the pre ure r corded is usually about 47 lb.! q. in . Th r for , if this
regulation valve be di mantled for any r on, it should b r t to giv
47 lb. /sq. in. when the engine is thoroughly wanned up at normal cruising
peed. Au eful guide to the setting of th adjusting sor w during test
is to count and record the number of screw threads that stand above the
hexagon locknut. This, of course, should be don before dismantling.
If correctly counted, this should prove a usefuJ aid when r as mbling.
If the pr sure-regulation valv . correctly adjusted, and if du to
wear or other cau os the pressur records approximately 40 lb. /sq. in.,
the main bearing will receive suffici nt lubricant but all auxilil1ri s fed
by the surplus oil-pipe will receive insuffici nt l' no lubricant. bOllld
the oil pr ure fall below 40 lb./sq. in. the llowing tabl will give th
possible ca.uses and their suitable remedies.


Delivery ruter r quires cleaning Dismantle, clean and reassemble.

Foreign matter under the seat of the prel!8ure- If foreign matter prevents the proper seating
regulation valve of the regulation valve, this is usually
indicated by the pr l!8ure gauge recording
normal prel!8ur6 when the engine is run-
ning a.t maximum r.p.m. ,md too Iowa
pressure at slow speeds. ometimes 11
light tap on the body of this unit suffices
to dislodge the obstruct,ion; if not, th
valve should be withdra.wn, wiped cleM
and replaced, making the correct spring-
load adjustment 8S described.
Frnctur of the spring of the regulation Replllce with spare spring.
prayer pipe unions slack, allowing fuel to Drain the base-chamber sump and replace
reach the crankcllse with new oil of the correct grade. In My
('.ase this operation sbould be onrried out
after every 3,000 to 6,000 milos.
The ga.uz filter over tbe sump is choked f01' I Remove Md clean the base-chamber.
want of nttention
hortage of oil in the sump The oil levol in tho Bump should not be
allowed toIall below tbe minimum mark of
tho dipper rod, nor, in passing, should it
be allowed to rise above the maximum
A pipe fractur somewhere in the syst m Repair or replace.
Benring fnjlure Repnir or replace.

Note.- When leading the small oil pipe from the pipe on the engine to the prel!8ur6 gaug
on the instrument pan I, it is imp rto.nt to secure the pipe from all vibration Md con-
sequent pOl!8ible fro. tur. A flexible piece of connecting pipe is supplied for this purpose
which insulates the solid pip from the engine.

Removal and Cleaning of Base-chamber, Sump, and Primary Filter

Reml4ve the base-chamber from the engine and also the primary gauzll
filter whioh is ecured by a number of cheesehead screws. Wash the
gauze and surfac s of the base-chamber with clean fuel oil or paraffin and
allow to drain.
Replacement of Primary Filter
This is so simpl as to r quire little comm nt. Make sure t hat th e
curing sorews are perfectly tightened home and that the making-up
collar around the oonneotion of the lubrication pump is in its place.
Replacement of Base-chamber
The joint betw n the bas -chamber and the crankca is designed to
be mad by gold siz or oth r suitable jointing compound, therefore all that
is nec ary is to clean the joint surfac with m t iculous care nd apply
the liquid with a brush.
Fuel Filters
Two fuel filters are fitted to th e engines. Th notes b low will nabl
these filters to be kept in perfeot working condition.

Testing Fuel Filters for Stoppage

The filter elements can be te ted for obstruction, ith r by unooupling
the feed pipe from the filter to the fu I pump and ob. rving tb flow, 01,
alternatively: take the filter elements one at a tim , and hold in a
vertioal position, open end uppermost, 010 e the small hoI in th bottom
with the finger and pour fuel oil into the elem nt. If fu I oolleots and
does not run through the gauze almost as quickly as it is pour din, th
filter is probably ohoked sufficiently to oa.us rratio running if not C 111 -
plete stoppage of the engine.

Cleaning and Re-covering

The frequency of thi operation d pends among oth r things n th
type and quality of the fuel used. It is r comm. nd d that th outer
lement in aoh filter b taken out and examined after 3,0 0 mil sand
replaced if it be found to be almost free from foreign matter. Th n r -
examine after, say, 6,000 miles; if it i. still found to b clean, the mileag
can be further increased. Repeated examination will show th us r wh n
cleaning becomes really necessary. When cl aning the el ment ,it is not
po sible to be quite sure that partioles of foreign matter do not g t into
circulation; therefore, the idea intended to b convey d by this para-
graph is for the user to find by inspeotion how seldom he may, with safi ty,
clean the elements.
The gauze elements are most conveniently oJ aned by bmshing th In
in cl an fuel oil or paraffin. If brushing fails to mak th elem n 8
t he tests mentioned, they should be re-cover d by four layers of m tal
oloth of the following mesh. First, one layer of 50's, on top of this two
layers of 140's, and finally, the last and outer layer of O's m sb. Both
inner and outer elements bave the same oovering.
When replacing the filter covers gently rotate th m on their j int
faces so as to minintise the chane of foreign matter cau ing an unsound
joint. Do not use a spanner or hammer to tighten th nut on the cov r :
hand tightening is all that is needed.
In order to ensure satisfactory operation of the fuel filters it is
es ential to oarry out two simple operations at the beginning of each day's
run. These are as follows :
1. Open th vent cock on top of the cond filter in ord r to make sure
that the filters are full of fuel oil.
2. Open the drain cock of the filter sumps in order to draw off any
WAter or sediment that may have collected during the previous da.y's run.


Fuel Sprayers
Effi.cient running of the
ongine depends very largely
upon the perfect working of
the sprayers. They should
be withdrawn every 30,000
miles and the carbon deposit,
if any, wiped fl'Om around
the jet hole., at the sam
time making sure that the
ne dIe valv s do not leak and
that ach jet holo in t e
nozzle is deliv ring the same
amount and form of spray,
also that none of the jet
holes are stopped up. It
should be noted that some
fu Is more than oth [' poss ss
the characteristic of forming
this deposit around the jet
GRINDING TOO~ boles. The nature of duty
performed by th engine can
also have an effect on this.
When these engines are used
for marine work this figure is
Jt'iy. 3 .- SEO1'1ONAL VIEW OF l.'llE GA.RDNJl:.R approximately 3,000 hours, al-
FUEL BrRAYER o d pendent upon duty of the
engine and the fuel used, etc,
To test for stoppage of the jet holes, remove the sprayer from the
cylinder head and reconnect with its sprayer pipe in such a position that
the fuel j ts are visibl while the hand lever of the pump is b ing worked
by hand. ( Fig. 4.) The jets of fuel emitted from the jet holes should
all travel the sam distance and should aU I ok alike. If they do not,
take the sprayer to pieces and prick and clear the jet holes by means of
the prickers suppli d with th engine, and at the same time clear out the
oentral bor of th nozzl. The size of the e j ts is of the utmost import-
anc ,therefore it is imperative that prick r of the correct diameter should
After having priok d th jet hole (from th outside, of course), it will
b r alis d that ainy ob truction 0 rem v d will fall into the central bore.
Obviously, th nIy ffective way of cleaning the c ntrs.l bore is to force a.
liquid through th j t hoI from th outside of the nozzl to the inside.
whioh is don in th following manner:
Take tb utility syring supplied with the engine and change the


ordinary nozzle in favour of the sp cial one mad to fit the spray r
nozzle. (This special nozzle i also supplied with the ngin.) Draw
into the syringe some clean paraffin and, in th special syring nozzl,
insert the sprayer nozzle, pressing it in place by the fingers. A pr sur
now applied to the plunger of the syringe will force a flush of paraffin
through the jet holes and the c ntral bore in a dir otion opp site to that, of
the fuel when the sprayer i in work.
To repeat, it is obviously futile to attempt to clear the central bor by
blow-through in the same direction as the fu 1 flows when the spray r is
in work.
To Test for Leak of Sprayer Valve
Remove the sprayer from the engin and recouple it to its spray r
pipe as directed, with both union nuts tight. ive tb fuel -pump hand}
a few strokes in order to expel all air from the pray r. Now pr B on
the pump handle with a force ju t short of that required to lift th spray r
from its eat. If the valve be unsound, fuel will merg from th j t
holes and run down the nozzle. A 0 rtain amount of I ak i in vitabl in
the best of valve eats.
The following will be a useful guide: if, when pr ing on th pump
handle with about one-half of the force nece . ary to lift th spra.y r valv
no more than two drop per minute fall from the prayer nozzt , th
valve seats may be pas ed as being sound. When the priming lever are
working rapidly a sprayer valve and seating that is in reasonable con-
dition will make a noise due to rapid opening and closing of the valve.
This noise can be described as a squeak, and sprayers will vary cansid r-
ably in this characteristic. It should be noted that sprayers that make
most noise are not of necessity better than those which make only a
moderate noise.
Dismantling Sprayer Valves
Should the sprayer have become fast in the cylinder head, it can be
removed by using the special drawing tackle supplied with each engine.
This consists of a flat bar, passing through which is a screwed rod and nut;
the end of th rod should be screwed into the union on the sprayer, the
bar set to bridge the top faces of the cylinder head, and the nut screwed
down, when the sprayer will be dl"awn out.
Take the sprayer to pieces in the following order;
(1) The screwed cap and the nozzle.
(2) The breech plug and spring.
(3) The hollow piston valve with the small spring seat.
Lift of Piston Valve
It is very important when dismantling sprayers to do them one at a
time, so that the parts be k pt to their own sprayer bodies and not b
interchanged with those of another sprayer. This happens to be one of
the few cases where interchangeability is not practicable.
Grinding the Sprayer Valve
Remove the spring seat from the hollow end of the piston valve and
screw into the hollow the knurled grinding tool supplied with the engine
and replace the piston valve in the sprayer. Then smear the valve seat
with the most minute possible dab of flour emery and oil, taking the
utmost care that no emery gets anywhere but on the valve seat, as
otherwise it might tend to destroy th close fit which is so e ntial for the
pi ton. Placing the sprayer nozzle in its sorewed cap, screw the latter
about two turns on the sprayer body, then, while pressing the piston
valve hard down on to its seat in the nozzle, by the aid of the grinding
tool, screw home the cap, first with the fingers and then tighten up lightly
with a spanner. uring grinding apply only very light hand pressure.
After Grinding
Take all to pieces and wash very part scrupulously clean with clean
paraffin, and, without wiping. reassemble in the following order:
(1) Piston valv with grinding spindl attached.
(2) Nozzle and cap.
(2a) Hold th spra er by means of the hea y end with the body
b riz utal in a i , take tbe valve and grinding spindle attached in the
right-hand fingers, ins rt the valve in the body and with the left-hand
fingers on th cap nut gently tap the alv Oil th nozzle s t, graduaU
tightening the ca.p nut from lack to fing r ti ht. Th' a ti II will b
found to align the nozz1 with th valv, 0 that th lat r will b
perfectly free to b lifted from the at. If incorr ct nligOln nt i
obtained, the valve will be found to stick in the eat. Finally, tighten th
cap nut with the spanner and r -check. This instruction is of th
utmost importance.
(3) Spring pad.
(4) Spring and breech plug.
Spring Load on Sprayer Valve
The opening and closing pr ssure of th sprayer valv is d termin d by
the load required to compress the spring a given amount. This mettlOd of
determining the opening and olosing pressuT is a more reliabl In ails of
setting them than by using a pump and hydraulic gaug .
The correct spring load (which should b rigidly adher d to) for
sprayers stamped K is 615lb. wb n compre ed to 1320 in. Th load f, I'
sprayers stamped with E or El is 55 lb.
It is very desirable but not imperative that an ngin riginal1y
quipped with sprayers stamped K bould also b s l'vic d with spra rs
stamped K.
Replacing a Sprayer in the Cylinder Head
When the sprayer is withdrawn from the cylind r head, it 1 aV a
conical liner of carbon which must be r mov d befor replacing th pray l' ;
oth rwise the oarbon liner is liable to become disturbed and 0 pr v nt th
sprayer body making a tru gas-tight joint on til conical sat. Th
carbon liner is easily removed with the aid of the fluted l' am r supplied
with all engines.
When clamping a sprayer in th cylinder h ad, d not tighten up tb
nuts more than is necessary.
Routine Cleaning of Sprayers
In cas of large annual mi}eag , it is an xc llent practi to hay a
complete set of spare sprayers which may be changed v ry 30, mil.
This permits of systematic leisurely cleaning and examinati n without
10 s of mileag. In this conn otion it may b m ntioned that th mak rs
have a special rvice for the cleaning, examination, and ting of
spray rs. ,
This con itJts of water jackets, circulator pump, and radiator. Th
circulator pump is driven from the engine through gearing. A th rmo-
st atically controlled valve is included in the circulating system and, und r
norma.l oonditions, this valve ensure suitable engine temperatures.
Water Pump
The onJy attention which the pump requires is the lubrication of the
ball bearing. This should be carried out by using not more than one
grease cup full per 10,000 miles or per two months. Do not fit grease-gun
nipple in order to uae a grease gun. Grease is detrimental to carbon gland.

Drain during Frost

As the pump is exposed and is not automatically dJ:ained with the rest
of the system, it is necessary to drain it separately. The drain cock will
be found at the lowest point on the pump case. If, by any chance, water
became frozen in the pump, it is obviou that serious consequences might
follow any attempt to start and run the engine. In order to guard against
this contingency, so far as is possible, the diameter of the impeller spindle
is reduced for a short length n ar the driving square, so that any undue
load will fracture the r duced spindle by twisting and thus prevent rlamage
to the driving gears, which cost considerably more to replace than an

Impeller and Spindle Repairs

As sp cial tools are required for the fitting of impellers to spindles,
these two components ar no suppli d separately. In case of a fracture
to eithel', it would be nece sary to obtain an impeller-spindle assembly
from the near st Gardner ervice Depot.
When fitting a new impeller and spindle the sealing faces of the
carbon gland and imp ller should be lightly lapped together with pumice
powder and water.
Should it become nece sary to replace the carbon gland it is desirable
that the pump be r turned to the works, as a special tool is necessary for
this purpose. Und r certain circumstances this procedure may be im-
practicable, in which case the makers will be pleased to supply the
nee ssary tool with instructions for its use.
After Repair
Wh n any r pair has be n carried out in the circula tion system, it is
imp rtant that an in p ction should be made in order to ascertain if
circulation be taking place. This can be seen through the radiator cap.
It mu t b remembered that circulation does not take place until th
temp rature rises suffici ntly to open the thermo tat alve to the radiator.
Above 1600 F. or 71 0 C. it should alway be po sible to observe this
circulation. The operation of the thermostat unit can be readily ob-
a rved by removing it from its c e and raising its temperature when
imm I'S d in water. In th event of the th rmostat bellows becoming
damag d th alve assume a full-open position, so that dangerou ly high
temperatures cannot occur through this cause.
Removal of Cylinder Heads
In order to obtain the best re ults from th ngine and to maintain it.
in an effioient and economioal state, it is reconun nded that th h ads b
lifted off and the valv s and other parts oleaned not Ie fr qu ntly than
every 30,000 miles. .
Littl need be said about th removal of carbon d posits, whioh will
be found ohiefly in th valve ports, the depo it on th piston and oylind I'
heads being of little oonsequence. '1'he op ration of removing the h ad
is very simple and straightforward. For thc most part, th holding-down
nuts are accessibJe by means of the box panner from the top ofth had.
Tho e which ca.nnot so be reach d lue ncco sible by an ordinary spann r
ufter removing the small aluminium doors from tho n ar sid of th
oylinder head.
'1'0 avoid damage to tho sprayer nozzl s, whioh proj ct from th flat
lll'face of the cylinder head, these should b withdrawn befor removing
the heads.

Replacing the Inlet Valves

These valves are form d with patent deflectors and are pI' vent d from
tUl'niug round by the pecially formed valve oollars and split-pins. Tt, is
a,bsol1J.tely essential that the valves be rcplac d in th U C01'l' ct position,
that is, with the deflector on the sarno side of the valv spindle as are the
manifolds, and they must be definitely positioned by the split-pin in the
valve collar. To ensure thj , th slot for th split-pin in the ollar and also
the pin hole in the valve stem do not pass through the centr lin of th
valve stem. It will be realised that this devic makes it impossibl for
one to crew the valve Ulto the collar and to thread in the split-pin with
the valve half a turn wrong. When the inl I. valves ar r placed care must
be taken to see that ther is a minimum cleanl.nc f 000125 in. b tw 11
the stems and guides. hould the valve stems be a 01 r fit than this
the guides must be reamed out until the 000125 in. clearanc is obtain d.

Replacing the Exhaust Valves

When the exhau t valves ar replaced care should b taken to 8 that
th carbon i removed from the holes in the guid s, and thn,t th r i a
minimum clearanoeofO00275in. b tw n the stem andguid . hOlild the
valv stems be a closer fit than this the guid s must b r am d out lIntil
the 000275 in. clearance is obtained.

Refitting Inlet and Exhaust Valve Spring Collars

Particular care should be taken to mak sur that the spring collar
ar not screwed farther down the valve stems than is nece ary to thread
in the plit-pin, otherwise the valves would not ha.ve sufficient Jjft and th
operating mechanism would suffer damage. Always use a new pin,
which should be sprung op D. previously to pr vent movement in ervic
and .firmly locked by thoroughly spreading the ends.
Replacing a Cylinder Head
The gas joint of head to cylinder is made with a thin metallic asbestos
packing. It is recommended that this be renewed whenever a cylinder
head is removed. When replaoing a cylinder head, it is recommended to
r n w the small water-joint rings.

Tappet Clearance
Mter replaoing a oylinder or after every 20,000 miles adjust, if
necessary, tho clearance betwecn the end of the tappet rod and the heel
of the valve rooker. The oorrect clearance for the inlet valves jl'l 0005 in.
and exhaust valves is 0012 in. When tightening the locknuts, it is quite
unnecessary to u e gr at pr sure. The adjustment should always be
made with the piston at the top of the compression stroke and when the
ngine is cold. To find this position, decompress all the cylinder and
turn the flywheel until the inlet valve under consideration just closes,
then turn th f1ywhe I a futth r half-turn; the piston will now be at
or near the end of the compression stroke. This position may also be
verified by observing the inj ction pump' belonging to the cylinder in
question ; the pdming I ver of this pump will show that the pump tappet
is in th lifted po ition.
Slow Running
As the speed of these engines is always under control of the governor,
th idling spe d remains sensibly the ame whether the engine be hot 01'
cold and does not vary with climatic conditions. Advantage of this
stability hould be tak n by the u er to set the idling speed to such as will
give him the smoothest running for his particular vehicle. This adjust-
ment is {fected by a knurled scr wand locknut adjacent to the accelera-
tor lever. During test at the works, the idling speed is set at approx.
425 r.p.m. During ervic it will be found that light wear in the governor
and oontrol m ohanism will cau e the idling speed to reduoe slightly and
the running to become rratio. This should be corrected by scr wing in
th slow-running screw. This adjustment should be in peoted at regular
Accelerator Control
'rhis should be inspected from time to time to make sure that the
pedal-operating m chanism is working the control throughout the whole
of its range, that is, from idling to maximum speed. An inspection of the
lever of the accelerator
will reveal the limiting
stops, the one for idling
being the "slow-run-
ning " screw, while that
for maximum speed
consists of two Is-in.
diameter pegs at the
end of the cam lever.
Do not under any cir-
cumstances alter or in-
terfere with these A-in.
In order that the
foot control be as light Fiq. 5.-CYLtNt>Elt IlEAD, SJlOWlNO VALVE OEAlt
as possible, it is neces-
sary to make the connecting rod of th acc lerator lev r of suoh a length
that the rod and the lever contain an angle of 90 0 wh n th pedal is in
the position for maximum speed. Thi clearly gives th gr ate t 1 v r g
when the greatest effort is required. Otherwise stated, th I ngth of th
rod should be such that it is squar to the I ver with th dal in th
position of maximum speed, b cause th n the leverage i greatest wh nit
is needed.

Adv~ce and Retard of Injection

The accelerator lever, being a peed control and not a torqu control,
is coupled by a connecting rod to th lev r of th advanc and r tar
mechani m, con quently the timing of the moment of injection is van d
automatically as the speed of the engine vari . The m hanism con iste
of a smalll ver adjacent to the acc I rator 1 ver which is coupl d by a
horizontal, fork d-end connecting rod to the lev r of advanc and r tard
mechanism located at the forward end of th engine on th main drive c .
hould this mechanism become deranged for some r ason or oth cr, it' a
simple matter to readjust it when it is known that the maximum and
minimum advance marks on the ind x plate corr pond to th maximum
and minimum speed po itions of the acoolerator lever. Occasional in-
spection should be made to see that these po itions ar maintained.

Advance and Retard Device

The advance and retard mechanism controls th axial po 'ti n of a
helical gear capable of liding along the splined camshaft of th inj ction
pump, consequently there is a light reaotion of the cams on th m chan-
ism. To provide against this being transmitted to th acc lerator lev r
and so wearing the connecting links, etc., an adjustabI friction d vi

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is fitted. This consi t of a cork washer clamp d betw nth cas and th
advance pointer lever loaded by a castle nut and a spring w h r. This
should be inspeoted every 30,000 miles and if, whil th ngin is idling,
the pointer lever is seen or is felt to move slightly backward and rward ,
the ca tIe nut should be tigbten d by the minimum amount r quir d to
damp out the vibration. If the friotion device b over-tighten d, it will
make the accelerator lever stiff to move and will pr v nt it r turning to
the position of slow running. The amount of fri tion appli d oan in thi
way be judged by orerating the accelerator lever, but if this be don with
the engine stopp d, it is necessary to pull back all the prim.in 1 v 1'8 n
the injection pump so as to liberate th pump cams from all spring I ad .

Governor-control Slider Bar

Trus slider bar is op rated by the c ntrifugal governor, and its fun tion
is to vary the amount of fuel inj cted into the cylinders and thus vl1ry th
power of the engine. It is connected to th gov mol' I v r by th go verno r-
bar oonnecting link. Th effect of m ving th lid r bar towards th
flywheel is to incroa e the amount of fuel inj cted into th ongin , and
vice versa. If the bar is moved to th full extent towards tI1 tinling
case, there is no injection. The c IT ot setting of th lid r bar with
relation to the gov ' rnor weight is such that wb n the gOY rnor weights
are parted to their full tent by inserting the ling rs through th in -
spection opening in the governor oas , the length of th gov rnor-bar
connecting link is so adjusted as to give the slid r bar a po ition approxi-
mately n in. from its maximum strok towards the timing cas. If th
link has thus to be adjusted at any tim ,oar should be ex rcis d in s ing
that the holes of the joint pins are parallel and that the slider bar mov
fr ely.
It is of the utmost importanc that tho governor-bar conn ting link
be adjusted as above. Should the link b adjusted to uch a 1 ngth as to
leave no clearance in the above position, th r is a grave risk of the mall
centre ball race su taining damage, with s rious consequ no s. This will
be readily understood when it is realis d that the gov rnor wight ar
provided with a substantial abutment at their fulcrum to determin their
maximum extended position and so r lieve the connecting link and amaH
ball race of this duty. To amplify this further, if i!i-in. cl aran . not
allowed, th full power of the govern r wight i transmit d through
this small bearing, whioh normally carries only th load appli d by th
governor-bar return spring. '

Timing-chain Drive
It is not good to run the engine with the chain unduly lack; on th
other hand, it is imperative that it runs with a oertain amount of lack
as defined as follows: The chain is oorrectly adjusted when it is po ibl to
move the middle of the nearly vertical run through approximately a dis-
tance of t in. on either side of its mean position. 'i'he adjustment is
e~ oted by an idler sprocket running on a stud eccentrically housed in the
timing oase. The method of adjustment is obvious.
The chain should be inspected for slack after the first 10,000 miles and
ubsequently very 30,000 miles. To repeat, do not, on any account,
run the chain with less slack than that indicated above.
Decompression. Adjustment of Valve Lift
The act of turning the quadrant into position No.1 (d compression)
cau s a cam to bear upon an adjustable screw fix d in the heel of the inlet-
valve rocker lever, which cam lifts the heel and consequently holds open
th inlet valve, i. . it cannot now close. The amount of opening is
determined by the adjustable screw. In case of derangem nt, adjust
this screw so that it lifts the inlet valve 0040 in. (forty-thousandths of an
inch) from its seat.


The pistons and connecting rods of four-, five-, six-, and eight-cylinder
ngin oan b withdrawn in two ways: (1) by lifting the cylinder blocks
or (2) by withdrawing from underneath after removing the bas -chamber.
The gudg on pin is free to turn in the piston and in the connecting rod;
in oth r terms, it is fully floated. To remove the pin, it is sometimes
necessary to u e a wooden drift and so lightly drive it out. To facilitate
assembling of th cylind rs on the pistons the makers have designed
peoial ring tools. These can be purchased from their works or ervice
d pots.
Piston Rings
Owing to th peouliar hape assumed with wear after about 70,000
to 140,000 mil ,the face of the upper two piston grooves will not make
a satisfaotory gas s al with new rings. It is therefore essential that the
grooV1 be r -machined and over-size rings fitted. The correot clearanc
b tween gudg n pin and bush is 00015 in. Peripherally chromium-
plated piston rin sal' used in the upper two grooves.
Big-end Bearings. Main Bearings
Wh never new bearing shells ha e to be fitted to any of thes bearing,
the following point should be ob rved. The bearing shells must be a.
perfeot fit in their housing. Both the big-end baring and the main
b aring ar so de ign d that, wh n bolted up, the halves of the bearing
shells butt again t each other, metal to metal, as also do the cap of the
bearing and it hou ing, V,u ,VI QIA" 011. I ".

and the fitting is such

that, when bolted up,
the bearing is perfectly
free On the orank pin
or journal. In order
to ensur that the
bearing shells are
tightly held in their
hou ings, the whole is
so fitted that, when
the bolts are only
slightly more than
finger tight (just before ...m
finally tightening) ,
there remains a gap of
0002 in. (two-thou-
sandths of an inch) oaVIClI
between tho cap and ADoIvtTO
the housing.
Bearing shells
should be carefully
hand-soraped so that,
when bolted up, they
are perfectly free on F i g. ? - EN) VIEW 0 11' QARDNER ENo r NR
the pin or journal but Showing tintingohain oojus tm n t.
yet have no play or
slack. Do not mak any att mpt to " burn in " a baring by running th
engine, as this will bring no end of troubl .
Ob rve that the oil grooves in the main baring ar in corr ct align -
ment with the feed holes in the crankshaft. Th re is a right and a wr ng
way round for thes shells. Bearing are 80 fitted that the numb rs lie on
the Dear side of the engine for th big-end baring and on th off id of
th engine for main bearing .
Pay particular attention to the joints of the feed pipe of the main
baring and alway us Dew packings. It is works practi to ann a1
the large oil main when overhauling an ngin.
This is located endwise between the two main bearings near t to th
flywheel. The shaft mn t run truly about its axis and the bearing ur-
face mu t b parallel and truly round. Th axis of th crank pins must
be parallel with the journal bearings in both plan and th radii joining
bearings to web mn t be accurately formed and not be small r than the
original dimension.
Before aasembling the crankshaft, thoroughly clean
and wash out all the feed passages and oarefully examine
all the bearing sUJfaces for any signs of abraaion: a
scratch or a dinge can usually be detected by rotating
the half of a bearing shell on the shaft.

Valve Camshaft
Little need be said about this organ since an in-
spection will readily reveal th m thod of construction.
When aasembling, take care that the cams come under
th correct tappet, e.g. that the exhaust cam is under the
xhaust tappet and not under the inlet tappet or vice
versa. The exhaust cam, it will be noticed , has a less
rise than the inlet cam but is of longer period . MaIre
sure that the binding screws are thoroughly tighten d
home. A sp cial squa!' box key is suppHed with th
ngine for this purpo e.

Clearance between Valve Heads and Piston

F ig.8.- Pls'roN It will be seen that shallow recesses are formed on
AND ON-MD th top of the platons to give clearance to the valve heads
and to allow of an overlap timing diagram_ Th diameters
Noto that th
of the inlet valves and their recesses differ from those of
g udgeon pin is
fully float d.
th xhaust valves, therefore this must be taken into
account when fitting the piston on the conneoting rod
so that tb rec seE' shall faU underneath their corresponding valves.
The correot way in for the pi ton i clearly indicated by the lettering
"Tapp tide " 011 th top of the piston.

Timing of Valves
Wh n rambling an engine after an overhaul, it is of the utmo t
importance to pay sp cial attention to the timing of the valves and other
organ with r lation to the orankshaft, for if the timing be not in accord-
anc with th timing marks on the flywheel and the timing gears, the
valv s will foul the piston and serious consequences will result. For this
r as n it is desirable during timing to place the lower end of the tappet
l' d in th cam-tappet socket, and not to push the upper end under the
val e rocker until all is verified. In this way one can observe the vertioal
moti n of the free end of the tappet aa th flywheel is rotated to and fro.
This motion should be such that when the piston is towards the top of
th xhaust stroke, if all is correct the inlet valve will be on the point of
opening while the exhau t valv will be on the point of clo ing. In other
words, the centre of the overlap between the inlet opening and the
. exhau t clo ing should occur wh n th piston'
approximately on th top d ad entre, aft I' th
exhaust stroke.
Timing Ma.rks of Fuel Injection. Top Dead Centre
Drawn aero th p riph ry f th fl rv h 1 will
b fOUJld a numb l' of timing lin ,a group of tht
for each cylinder or crank A short lin wilJ al
be obs 1'ved on top of the crank a at th ba
the cylinders, called th zero lin. Taking, for
example, the group of three lin on th flywh 1
b longing to cylinder No.1, wh 11 th liru mark d
, No.1 T.D.C." regi tel's with th z 1'0 lin , crank
No.1 is exactly on the top d ad c ntr (T. . .), and
when th line mark d " No. 1 inj ction 2 0 "
r gist l' with th zero Jill , the timing lin s on th
fuel-inj ction pump should incid, as de cribed
in the paragraph on 'riming of u 1 lnj ction,
blow. Th numbers d note th numb I' of clegr s
befor T.D ..
It goes without saying that, while h king th
timing in this way, th pointer of the advance and
retard device must b turned to point to til
position of maximum advanoe.
Note.-No. 1 cylinder is that situated at th
forward end of the engine, th inj ction-pump nd.
Timing of Fuel Injection
Each fuel pump is provid d with a sight hoI
or window through which oan b s n th plung r
moving up and down. n th sides of th window'
is a horizontal line, and ther is also one on t he
plunger. When the two coinoid ,the correspond-
ing injection line on th flywheel registers with tb
zero line, as described in th above paragraph.
When so checking the timing, be careful not to be
misled by turning the. flywh I in the WTong
direction. n th fuel-pump tappet are locke<l
screws which should nev r be disturbed.
Timing of Camshaft of Valves and Injection Pump
In th first place it is to be noted that the larg r chain gear and the
gear of the valve camshaft are bolted tog th I' face to face by tbr
tude. The stud holes in the chain gear are elongated to permit a rta.in
small amount of rotation relative to the oamshaft gear for the purpo
of a curate timing. When the timing is done, the relative accurate posi-
tion of the two gears is marked by tracing on the periphery of the camshaft
gear the contour of the sight hole in the chain gear, the resulting mark
forming a lune or arc of a circle. Now remove the cover of the gearcase
and turn the flywheel until No.1 crank comes to the T.D.C. after th
ompression stroke, as directed in the paragraph above dealing with
Timing Marks of Fuel Injection.
If all be correctly timed, the following events will be observed to
take place:
(1) The dots 1 and 2 on the gearcase and the dots 3 and 4 on the peri-
ph ry of the camshaft gear will allli on a straight line as indicated by a
stretched cord.
(2) Through the sight hole in the large chain gear will be visibl the
teeth of the gears of the valve and fuel-pump camshafts, and it will
be found that the dotted tooth of the gear of the valve camshaft lies be-
tween the dotted t eth of the fuel-pump camshaft.
(3) ThY' ugh the same sight hole will be verified that the lune on the
edge of the g ar of the valve camshaft (described above) is in its correct
position, in which case the lune will not be very conspicuous; but should
the gears b incorr ctly bolted together, the lune will exhibit the defect
very conspicuously.
(4) The dotted spline on the camshaft of the fuel pump will register
with the dot on the camshaft gear.
Note.- All the dots referred to above are countersinks made by the
point of a drill.

Teeth of Gears on Cylinder Heads

Thes a1' marked similarly to the teeth of the timing gears. When
corr otly m hed so as to give the three tarting positions described, th
dotted tooth on th quadrant lies b tween the dotted teeth on the pinion
( Fig. 1, position 3).

Correction for Stretch (Wear) of Timing Chain

In th oourse of time the ohain wears and consequently increases lli
I ngth, which causes the timing of the valve and fuel injection to become
slightly r tarded, th refore oompensation should be made every 30,000
miles. To this end, inspeot as indicated, and if it be found that the timing
i r tard d, slaoken th three hexagon nuts securing the main ohain
wh 01 to th va.lve cam haft hub. (ee Fig. 7, page 147.) Rotate valve
oamshaft (which also rotates fuel camshaft) until lines on the fuel-pump
window coincid , re-tighten the three nuts. On engines equipped with
th lever-type adjuster looa d adjacent to the dynamo drive, adjustment
of the ohain suffio to r tore correot timing_


Perkins high-speed di el engin ar v rticru p' r
units. The P6 engine embodies the re ult of -peri nce gain d in
tbe production of high-sp ed diesel engin s 0 rap ri d of man
year. It is a six-oylindered unit, baving a bor and tr k of 3! in. and
5 in. respectiv ly. It is rated at 3 b.h.p. at 2,400 l.p.m.

After a period, depending upon th condition und r whioh th ngin
is operated, the valves may need attention. This will be om Q,ppal' nt,
by 10 s of compressi n. Thi is a matter of gr I1ter importanc in a
diesel engine than it is in a petrol engine, so that wh n th r is 10 f
compression (I, top overhanl is necessary. Proce d a foll w :

Begin by assembling aU th joints and oth r part r quired .
Drain all water from the cylind r head and jack ts. Th drain ock
is on either side of the engin .
Disconnect the exhaust pipe from the ngine xhaust manifold.
Uncouple external conn ctions to cylinder head.


It will be necessary to carry out th following eries of operation wh n
removing the cylinder head.
R move the air cl aner.
Detach entilation pip between cylinder head and v ntUli.
Take off oylinder-head cover.
Uncouple unions on oil pip to rocker gear.
Take away nut holding rock r-shaft as embly.
Lift off rocker- haft assembly, bringing above-named oil pip with it.
Remove leak-off pipes to atomiser .
Remove pres ure pipes to atomisers.
Remove atomisers.
elease clip holding lower end of main leak-off pipe.
Take away leak-off pipe.
Remove the pip betwe 0 the venturi and th pneumatio gov mol'
00 tbe injection pump. There is a clip holding this pipe, seOUl' d by on
of the nuts at tbe rear end of the camshaft tunnel, or cylind I' head.
Replace this nut after freeing the clip.
Take off cylinder-head nuts, and then cylind I' bead, compI te with
manifolds, venturi, etc.
Place the cylinder head with the machined face downwards on th
bench. Depress the spring cap and springs by means of a valve lifter
and remove the two half-conical cotters. Remove the spring caps and
springs, thus liberating t~e valve, which can be taken out when the cylinder
head is turned upside down.

The valves and valve seats should be reconditioned in the orthodox
way, using grinding compound or by means of specialised equipment.
The valve seat is recessed into the cylinder head, and a groove is cut
where the proper valve seat ends in the mitred recess in the head.
When valves have been reconditioned several times, it is possible that
the valve may become masked by sinking too low into the head, and in
these circumstances the groove referred to should be recut accordingly.

Examine aU parts for wear, having in mind the following points:

Valve springs deteriorate because of the fatigue resulting from the
combined effect of heat and the normal working of the spring. After a
period, the spring becomes weak and is then prone to fail. This, of
course, applies to all type of engine.
A new set of springs should be fitted whenever the engine undergoes
a tnajor overhaul.


Wash the rocker-shaft assembly thoroughly in paraffin.
E amine the rocker-shaft bushes for wear. The rockers should b
an asy fit on the shaftt without exces ive side play.
It may have happened that one or more rocker levers may be tight
upon the rocker shaft. As a result or due to inadequate lubrication,
the r eker bushes may have seized on the rocker shaft, and the rockers
will have worked 100 on the bushes. Each rocker should be examined
for this fault. Whenever it is pr ent, new rockers and/or bushes should
be fitted.
When dismantling rocker-shaft assemblies make careful note of the
order of as embly of the various parts, support , distance pieces, springs,
and roeker , so that reas embly may be faoilitated, and that left- and
right-hand rockers are correctly placed and come opposite their respective
tappets and valves.
Valves and Guides; Valve Seatings
There will be little wear of the valve stems or their guid provided
that the lubrication of these parts has always been adequate.
When fitting new valves, take oare that the clearanc betw n the
valve faces and oylinder head is not less than 0070 in. Ch ok this by
putting a straight-edge aoross the fao of the cylinder head and m Muring
the distanoe between the straight-edge and the top of the valve.
It is always important to remember that the effioi noy of operation
of the diesel engine depends largely on the maintenanoe of good oom-
pression. Contaot between valves and seatings must th refore b th
best possible.
When grinding-in valves make certain that no signs of pitting ar I ft
on the seating. Valves should be ground-in until a continuous" high
mark" is present the full way round the ating, both on th valv and
on the valve seating in the head.

The tappets slide in holes bored in the oylinder head. Th wear,
under normal conditions, is negligible.
The running clear noe between the top of the tappet and th rooker
s40uld be 0010 in. when the engine is hot.
When adjusting this clearance, tighten the tappet locknut elf, otiv ly,
so that it does not slacken in servioe.

Fuel Pipes
~o two of the pressure pipes, from inj ction pump to atom.isers, are
alike. Each is numbered on one or other of the unions. Ke p this in
mind when replacing.
Examine the" olives," whioh will be found on aoh end of these
If the union nuts have at any time been over-tightened, there is a risk
that the" olives" will have cracked or be n unduly oompressed. If so,
leakage will result.
In this connection bear in mind that the working pressur which
these joints must sustain is several thou and pounds per square inch.
Only a perfect joint is satisfactory.
It is quite easy to ~eplace these" olives."
Clean up a length of pipe near the end, using a fine-cut file for the
purpose, until the " olive " will slide on to it.
Remove the" olive" and replace the union nut and steel washer.
The latter must have its countersunk faoe towards the" olive."
Now press the" olive" on to the pipe, leaving -h in. of the latter
protruding. The blunt end of the " olive" must be near t the nd of
the pipe.
Hold the pipe in a vic so that the " olive" r ts on the washer and
the washer r sts on the top of the vic .
Riv t the protruding portion of the pipe over the " olive."
Take oare that the hole in the pipe is not cl0 ed whilst riveting.
Clean off with a fine -cut file.
When refitting, take care that it is th "olive" which makes the
joint and not the actual riveted portion of the pipe.
After fitting new " olives" wa h th fuel pipe with fuel oil, u ing either
th atomiser-testing pump or the engine-fuel pump, thus removing any
filings which may be ill the pipe.

Cylinder Heads
Wash out and thoroughly cl an the water passages in the cylinder
head, subs qu ntly drying it out and finally cleaning it with compressed
If the water jacket of the cylind r h ad shows signs of exc ssive
scal , a proprietary brand of descaling olution su h as "Clensol "
should be used.

Combustion-chamber Joints _
It is not, as a rule, neces ary to remove the covers of the combu tion
chambers during top overhaul, as carbon rarely forms in these chambers.
]ffor any reason these COy l' are removed, new copper gaskets should
b fitted when they are l' plaoed.
If new oopp r gaskets are not available, the old ones may be used
provid d that they are softened befor being refitted.
To often these copp r gask ts, heat them to a dull r d heat and
quench in cold water.
Again having in mind the importanc of good oompression for efficient
operation of die el ngines, peoial car is neo ssary when refitting these
overs to ensure that th re are no leakages at th joints.

Replacing Cylinder Heads

B fore r plaoing the oylinder head it is extremely important to
nsure that th fac s af the oylind r block and cylinder head are pem otly
cl an. It is r commend d that a n w gasket should be used.
When r placing th ga ket, take care that it is of th correct width
and fits th head, al 0 that it i placed corr ctly. The ga k t is marked
to indicate how it hould be replaced.
ver both sid of the gasket with a thin coating of good jointing
Wh nth under fac ofth oylinder head is perfectly cl -an, th head
may blower d into po ition on its studs and the nuts tighten d down in

Fig. 10. - DUGBA t

8110W11'l0 TlU OI\O~lt

the order shown in l!lg. 10. Th cylind r-head nut hould b pull d
down to 55 to 60 lb. -ft. torque.
R place the atomisms.
The rock r shafts can DOW b r plac d, and th tapp ts should b
adjusted to approximately 012 in.
Thoroughly clean the oil- d pipe to the rock r gear and blow ole n
air through them.
Examine the unions to 8C that they are in good oondition. R place
th e pip ,taking oare to screw the uni ns up tightly.
Replace the hose coupling to the water manifold, the fl ibl pipe
betwe n the venturi and th po umatie g vernor; al 0 th v ntilati n
pipe between induotion-pipe, cylinder h ad, I ak-off gall ry, Ki
pip ,etc.
Starting the Engine
Fill up the radiator with water.
Check for leakage of water, noting in particular th insert.
heck for leakage of fuel oil and lubricating oil.
Fill injection pump with lubricating oil to the COlT ct 1 v l.
Wa h t he air cleaner, using olean paraffin; dip th clean r J m nt in
c1 an lubricating oil and r place. Fill with engine oil to the L vel mark.
Prime the fuel y tem as follow :
Remove the small plug on the top of the .A.V. filter and operate
the hand primer on th fuel-lift pump until fu 1 fr fr m air bubbl
issues from the plug hole. plac the plug.
Slack off the bleed cock on the top of the fuel pump.
Again operate the hand primer on the fuel-lift pump until fuel . sues
from the bleed cock and all signs of air have disappeared.
Tighten the bleed cock seourely and give the primer a few more
strokes in order to deliver the fuel through the relief valve on the C.A.V.
filter, clearing this part of the system of air.
Make quite sure that the conneotions on the pipe from the butterfly
valve to the pneumatio governor on the fuel-injection pump are tight
and that the stop control outs off the fuel completely.
Cheok that t}:l.e starter battery is fully charged and that all electrical
oonneotions are properly made and all oircuits in order.
The engine is now ready for starting.
Move the speed-control lever to full-fuel position.
Check the oil pressure-40 to 60 lb. per sq. in. Allow the engine to
run for 15 minutes at, say, 600 to 700 r.p.m., noting that all connections
are secure and that there is no leakage either of water, fuel, or oll. Check
that the dynamo is charging.
After warming up, the engine should be shut down and the rocker
shafts removed, when the cylinder head can be again tightened down,
th nuts being tightened in the order shown in Fig. 10.
Refit the rooker shafts ..and reset the tappets. After warming up,
the tappets should be finally set with cl arance of 0010 in. The cylinder-
head cover oan now be replaced.
A new joint should be fitted, and oare should be taken to see that it is
correctly placed, otherwise oil may leak away in considerable quantity.
uoh a leak could be bad enough to starve the engine of oil if left un-
ch eked.
Run engine for 30 minutes, meantime examining all external nuts
and connections.
Major ov rhauls, nee ssitating the removal of the engine from th
ohassis prior to dismantling it, are carried out as follows.
Removing the Engine from the Chassis
ompletely drain all the water from the oylinder jacket , etc.
Remove radiator.
Turn off the fuel; disoonnect both fuel pipes, oil pipe to pI' sur
gaug , controls, eleotrical connections, eto., inoluding Kigass pipe, when
that equipm nt is fitted, and heater.
isconneot exhauster pipes (on engine equipped with exhauster).
Uncouple exhaust pipe.
Detach gearbox and accessories to the same at rear end of clutch
bou ing after making provision to support the weight of the box.
Remove nuts holding engine feet to engine supports.
Inspeot the engine to ensure that everything i 01 ar and that nothing
is attaohed to the engine whioh will not oom away freely wh n th
engine is lifted.
Remove engine from ohassis.
Set the engine on a suitable support, preferably a properly d igned
engine stand.

Dismantling the Engine

Remove the air filter.
Detach ventilation pipe between oylinder head and v nturi.
Take off cylinder-head cover.
Remove oil pipes coupling cylinder head and r ducing valv .
Unoouple unions on oil pipes to rook r gear.
Take away nuts holding rooker-shaft assembly.
Lift off rocker-shaft assembly, bringing above-named oil pipe with it.
Detach oil pipe.
Remove leak-off pipes to atornisers.
Remove fuel-feed pipes to atomiser .
Remove atomiser&.
Release clip holding lower end of the main leak-off pipe. Take off
leak-off pipe.
Remove the pipe between the venturi and the pneumatic gov rnor
on injection pump. There is a clip holding this pipe secured by on of
the nuts at the rear end of the camshaft tunnel, or cylinder head.
place the nut after freeing the clip.
Slacken fan-belt tensioner and remove fan belt.
Remove water pump and fan.
Take off cylinder-head nuts and then oylinder head, complote with
manifolds, venturi, etc.
Lift gasket off cylinder block.
Remove the oil-gauge oonnection and the no-lo valve.
Remove oil pipe leading from delivery side of oil pump to lublicating-
oil filter. Remove oil pipe whioh conneots the filter to the main oil-
pressure rail.
Remove the lubricating-oil filter.
Remove the fuel-injection pump. This is held by four tscr ws, all
accessible from above, and two dowelling set crews acc ible from below
the bracket.
It is not advisable to remove the fuel-pump bracket.
Remove the clips holding the dyna.mo in place, then take awa.y the
Remove the starter motor.
Remove the starter braoket.
Remove clutch.
Take off flywheel.
Remove clutch housing and, if fitted, rear-engine support plate.
Take off the timing-case cover.
Remove th plug at the bac. of the top of the timing case.
Note, for future r ference, the markings on the camshaft sprocket,
auxiliary-drive sprocket, and timing ca e.
Examine the timing chain and find the master link; it is the link the
pins of which have b en hand-riveted. Turn the crankshaft until that
link is exactly opposite the hole in the back of the timing case from which
the plug has been removed.
Take out the link, bing car ful not to lose the intermediat plates.
1 eep the old link, as it is useful as a guide when reassembling the chain
with a new link.
Wind off the chain, being careful when doing so to keep it taut so
that it do s not beoome wedged under the crankshaft sprocket.
The cam haft and its sprocket gear will pull straight onto
Now prepare to remove the auxiliary-drive sprocket..
orum nc by taking off the triangular top cover over the oil-pump
driv , bringing with it the spiral gear and the upper shaft of the oil-
pump drive.
Next lift out the intermediate pump-drive spindle. This is best
effected by the us of a pair of long-nosed plier. (See Fig. 11.)
Now take off the auxiliary-drive assembly. This is held by four set-
screws, two of which have the heads inside the timing case and are locked
by wir , and two are outside.
Prepare to take off the auto-tensioner.
]!lrst l' mov the pawl holder, which is held by two setsorews that
ar wired. Take care that the pawls are not lost. When this is taken
away, the sprocket with its spring will come off its braoket, which should
next be removed. It is held by two countersunk screws, the heads of
whioh are normally locked by obi el marks.
Next romov the low l' part of the timing case, which is held by two
h -ill. nut and four set orews.
Now take off the upper part of the timing case. It is held by fourteen
tsCl' w, ight of which ar counter unk and locked in place by chisel
marks; six ar he agon-head d s tscr ws locked by wire. This timing
oa is located in th top of the oylinder blook by two dowels.
Th re i a gasket b tw en the timing case and the oylind r block.
Remove tqe oil-r lief valve.
R mov dipstick.
Turn engine on sid .
Remove th oil strainer in sump.
Remov ump.
Th oil pump may now b r moved. It should be taken away,
compl te with bracket. Th latter is secured to the cylinder blook by
studs, the nuts on which are 10 ked by wi I' thin box pann I'
ne ded to slack n th nuts.
Having remov d the nut, th pump !lIld br k (, will In wa
tog ther.

Connecting Rods and Main Bearings

Next remove the conne ting rods.
Begin by taking out the plit-pins.
Each connecting-rod cap, onnecting rod, and bearin sh 11 i mark d
1 and ] , 2 and 2, 3 and 3, Lc.
Th connecting rod. should b dealt with in th foll wing ord r :
In the ca e of the pe engin : N s. I and 6 t g 1,11 1', os. 2 and /;
together, and Nos. 3 and 4- togeth r.
In the case of the P4- engin : No . Land 4 tog th rand . 2 nnd 3
The eylinder-h ad gasket must bremo\' <1 b for th piston al'
pushed out.
If there are ridges in the oylind r b r s, r move th m, using n s raper
for the purpose.
After removing th bolts, th caps of th oonn eting r ds with th
half shells can be taken nwny and th COlT sponding pi tons push d ut
of t he top of the cylind 1'.
Keep all piston', connecting ro<1s, caps, baring hils, b Its, and
nuts together, ach to each, a marked.
The main-bearing bolts ar s cured by turnov r wa hI's.
numbered con ecutively, tarting from th fmnt, nd th
numbered to cOITespond. It i. 1110 t important that ach ap go A
back to the bearing from which it if; taken, as all the b a.tiogA ar b r d
with the caps in position.
The gudgeon pins which can next b r moved ar fully floating: th y
ar held in plaoe by circlip. Th cir lip. wh n r mov d should b
scrapped so that th yare not n d
a econd time. If the pins ar tight
in the pistons, warm the latter in
boiling wnter : this will fr th pin .

Cylinder Head
In the abov nothing ha b n
said about dismantling tb cyl-
inder head and its parts. If fol'
any reason such dismantling i
nece ary, proceed in the first plac
to take away valve , spring , and
spring collars.
D.)(. -6
Then detaoh, in the following order: the venturi and butterfly-valve
assembly, exhaust and water manifolds, combustion-ohamber oaps,
atomiser inserts, valves, springs, etc., all or any of these, according to
the extent of dismantling desired.
Be careful not to interfere with the settings for the butterfly-valve
control on the ventUri: do nbt break the seal.

Examination for Wear

After dismantling, 0.11 parts must be thoroughly oleansed by washing
in paraffin or some other approved process.
Examination for wear oomes next.
Cheok the oylinder bores, oonneoting-rod small and big ends, pistons,
piston rings, orankshaft, valve guides and valves, oamshaft bearings, and
timing ohain against the limiting dimensions.
Other points of importance in this oonneotion will emerge from the
following instruotions for reassembly.

Cylinder Block
Thoroughly clean the oylinder block and flush out all water-ways.
Clean out all oil-ways formed in the oasting, esp cially the main
pressure oil-way and the oamshaft chamber,
The studs on the top surfaoe should be removed and examined for
damage or " stretoh." Affooted studs must be sorapped.
The top face of the blook must be examined for signs of erosion, suoh
as oan be oaused by a faulty gasket or failure to keep the oylinder-head
nuts tight.
heok that the face of the oylinder blook is perfeotly plane, using for
this purpose either a surfac plate or straight-edge.
Refit stud and pull up tightly.
As the effioient running of the engine is partioularly dependent on
g ad compression, cylinder bores which are worn to the extent of 0015 in.
or more in diameter should be relined.
It is most important to take car that the true alignment of the bores
relative to the orankshaft axis be maintained. .
The angl b tw n th oylinder bores and orankshaft axis should be
90 plus or minus 0'05.

Main Bearings
Pr par now to fit the main-bearing shells.
When fitting replacement main-bea.ring shells it is preferable to bore
them" in line." In that way correct crankshaft alignment is ensured.
If it be impossible, in the ciroumstances prevailing, to arrange for
boring" in line," the shells may be bedded elir ct to the orank haft or
to a mandril.
In either event pr pare by bedding th shell into th oylind r blook
and bearing caps, the top halves of t~ shells into th oylind r blook,
the lower halves into the bearing caps.
It is important when performing this operation to mate the oap to
the bearing housings and the two half shells eaoh to its llow. Th
bearing houses and caps are numb red , the half-bearing sh lls mu t b
numbered to oortespond.

Main-bearing Clearances
The ' running" clearance between tile bearings and orankBhaft
journals is 00035 to 0005 in. It is, therefore, advisable when u ing a
mandril to obtain one which is 0002 to 00025 in. larger in diam ter
than the crankshaft. When a mandril is used it should, of oours ,
reach from end to end of the cylinder block.
In the absence of a suitable mandril use the orankshaft, bearing in
mind the necessary running clearance that is required. The marking
may be obtained upon the top halves of the main b arings wh n th
cylinder block is in v rood; the lower halves can only be aocurately
fitted by setting the block upright and then rotating the crankshaft to
obtain a marking.
Reference has already been made to the importance of correct align-
ment of the crankshaft axis in relation to the cylinder bores. Thi
should be checked progressively as b arings are bedded. When th
fitting of the bearings is completed, a final oheok should be made as
Lay a straight-edge across the bottom face of the cylinder blook (the
sump flange). Check the distance from the straight-edg to the front-
crank bearing and also to the rear-crank bearing. The difference b twe n
these two distances must not exceed 0006 in.
The bearing oaps may now be finally tightened down, and the cap
setscrews locked seourely by means of the locking plates. New looking
plates must always be used when the bearings are removed for any
reason whatever.
Note.-As the front and rear main bearing oaps ar exposed, i.e. not
covered by the sump, care should be taken to ensure that no oil leakage
takes place when reas embling. A light coating of sotite or the like
should be smeared on the faces of the main bearing caps and the t-
screws should be fitted with hemp.
Bearing-cap setsorews must be renewed if their condition is at all
doubtful. In no case should setscrew other than those supplied by th
manufacturer be used, sa they are all of special heat-treated high-grade

Connecting Rods
When the engine has been completely dismantled the big-end bearing
should b carefully washed off and examined.
The bedding of the bearings on the crankshaft pins should be checked,
and any high or low spots noted.
The surface of the bearings should be further examined for any
signs of" picking up " or the emb dding into the metal of foreign material.
On no acc unt mu t connecting-rod caps be filed: as there is not
suffici nt metal in the b arings to allow of this.
If th oonn cLing-r d cap have been filed and, at a later date, it i
desired to fit n w bearing, the connecting rods will have to be scrapped,
as the oonnecting rods ar not interchangeable.
If the baring aurfac s show signs of breaking up, the bearings must
immediately b l' jected.
If the bearing surfaces show signs of oorrosion, the bearings must be
rejected, and the quality of the lubri-
cating oil used in the engine inve ti-
gated, as this corrosion is an indication
that oil of th wrong quality ha been
If the bearings appear to have
bedded satisfactorily on the crank pins
- that is, show a minimum of high and
low spots-:-they may be u ed again.
All connecting rods and caps, as
w II a their bolts and nuts, are plainly
marked with a number cOn' sponding
to their position in the engine. (eo
Fig. 12.) The numbers on cap, rod ,
bearing, nuts, and bolts coincide.
On the one side of the l'od ar
numbers with dots (thus: 2), on the
other side just numb fS (thus: 2). That
ide with the dots is on the camshaft
ide of the engine.
Th original c nn cting-rod bearing
shells are al 0 numbered, and care
should be taken to see that the shells ar
mbled with th numbers in the
corr ct po ition, as d crib d above.
New bearing shells mu t be number d
as those which th y replace.
Bearing shells, caps, and r ds must b
scru ulously clean before a mbly.
Before fitting big-end bearing sh Us to th crank haft th h uld
be assembled and the connecting-rod caps bolt d in plac, 0 that tb
following can be checked.
(1) That the bolts are a good fit and do not distort th baring 8h 11.
(2) That the shells ar not proud of th ir bou ings.
(3) That the faces of the rod and cap are m ting quar ly wh n th
nuts are tightened.
(4) That the O'udgeon pins are in alignment with th \ big- nd bearing ;
this should be heck d in two dir tions, as shown in Fig. 14 and J 5.
When thi ha!'l been done, dismantl th r ds again and fit t h b arillg
shells to the crankpin , taking care that a go d marlcil1g i btain d.
Replacem lit connecting-rod baring 'hells aro b red to O 4 in.
clearance on a standard crank pin . Tho sido clearanc b tw n th
crank cheeks must not be mor than 0013 in.
The oonnecting-rod bolts must bo examin d car fully for damn ' d
threads or " stl' tch." Doubtful conn cting-rod'b Its must b orapp d
and replaced.
When refitting bearings to connecting rods and caps, tak car th t
the dowels are Dot preventing the bearing shells from s atillg prop rly
in the connecting rods and oonnecting-rod caps. Th y must b d w Jl
Fit each connecting rod to it appropriate crankpin, bearing in
mind the marking as de cribed above.

Crank Ovality
Check for possible bval crankpins, by testing th end play of th
big-end bearing on the pin in two positions of th crank, one at right
angles to the other.

Pistons and Rings

The arrangement of pistons and rings is shown in lig. 13. Ther are
two compression rings, four steel segment rings in one groove and two
crapers, one above and one b low the gudg on pin. This oombination
ensures adequate seal whilst allowing suffioient lubricant to r ach th
cylinder walls.

Fitting New Rings

Pistons should be thoroughly washed and the rings e 'amin d for a.ny
tendenoy to stick in their grooves. Wear is most lik ly to occur in
Nos. 1 and 2 pressure rings. The que tion a to wh ther r fit or r -
place is a matter for discretion, but, gen rally speaking, if p. tons ar
removed from an engine after any reasonabl riod of running, ay
20,000 miles, it is advisable to fit a new s t of piston rings.
Examine the piston
ca.refully for bruising
of the ring grooves and
nsure that the ring
move freely in their
gr oves.
Any tendency to
tightnes when fitting
new rings should b
corrected by carefully
rubbing the ring
down on fine emery
cloth on a perfectly
plane surface, until thc
requisite freedom of
movement is obtained.
F i g. J 3.- REMOVING OIUCLlPS lJ'ROlll PlSTON The correct ring gap
(F. Perkin8 Ltd.) in the cylinder bore is
0009 to 0013 in., and in
worn ngines this gap should be checked with the ring set squarely at the
lower end of the cylinder borc.
Make certain that the ring gaps are equally spaced round the piston.
When pr paring to assemble the gudgeon pin, piston, and connecting
rod warm the piston, not too much, but to a temperature such that the
piston can just be comfortably handled.
Whilst it is in that state, insert the gudgeon pin. The gudgeon pin
should b a fre working fit in the connecting-rod' bush. If the clearance
exce ds 00025 in. the pin and/or bush must be renewed.
The pistons are numbered con ecutively, No.1 being that belonging to
the cylinder nearest the timing cas. They must be replaced accordingly.
Each piston must be as mbl d on its connecting rod so that th
r c s in the p' ton crown is on the side opposite to that on which
are the numbers with dots on the rods. That side of the rod, i.e. with
dots, is on the same side as the camshaft. This procedure ensures
that the r cesses in the pistons come beneath the injector , as is most
When assembling gudgeon pins and pistons new circlips must
invariably be fitted.
The circlips must be fitted correctly in their grooves.

Alignment of Piston
The pistons when fitted must be in true alignm nt with the cylinder
bores and at right angl s to the crankshaft.
The gudgeon pin should be pa.rallel with the big-end bore and &
tolera.noe of only 0001 in.
in the length of the pin
is the maximum allow-
ance. Misalignment
exceeding that limit must
be corrected by setting
the connecting rod.
The pistons may now
be fitted in the cylinders.
It is first, of course,
nece sary to remove the
connecting-rod caps.
Insert the pistons in
the cylinders from the
top, dealing with them in
this order:
In the case of the P6
engine: 1 and 6,2 and 5,
3 and 4. Fig. 14.- REe KINO TITE AUO MJ!l T Oil' T nE Ollila" .II
In the case of the P4 PIN WITH Tlm DlO'ENl> BEA1UNO WI'I'lI
nOD VERTI. AL, (F. P erkin6 Ltd.)
ONI'IE 1').11 0

engine: 1 and 4, then 2

and 3.
Take care not to damage the rings. hould th pi ton accid ntally
drop partly into the bore and it is held suspend d by a p' ton ring, it
must be taken out again and the ring examined to s if it is orack d
or broken.

Fitting New Pistons

It is important when fitting new pistons to ch ck tb distanc from
the crown of the piston to the fac of th cylinder blook.
When the crank is at top dead centre th crown of the piston must
not be less than 0002 in. or more than 0010 in. blow th fac of th
cylinder block, This must always b ch k d when 0. s mbling n w
pistons. The method is shown in Fig. 16. If tb piston stands high r
than this, the crown must be reduced accordingly; if low r, that p' ton
must be rejected.
Having fitted all pistons into their r spectiv cylind r th conneot-
ing-rod caps on their rods, the nuts of the connecting-rod bolt should
b tightened down to 70 lb.-ft. torqu. plit-pins must now be in rted
in connecting-rod cap bolts. The split-pins should b so fitted that all
heads are towards th front of th engine.
Rotate th crankshaft by hand and note that all parts m ve
Timing Case
Prepare to fit timing case.
Fit new gasket, using
Fit upper part of timing
Fit lower part of timing
Be careful to screw the
setscrews holding the timing
case as tightly as possible.
Lock them.
Fit auto-tensioner, which
must b so adjusted that when
in po ition it i free to slide to
Fig. I Il.- : 1I1~ JUNO 'rHI~ ALJONMEN'!' OJ' TlIE OUD- t he right (looking at the gears
CQ,'OI'E "1'rNO ROD IfOlUZONTAL. (F. Perkin8 Ltd.) from th front of t he engine).
Replace oil-relief valve.
Put gtt k t in place fot covel' of oil-relief valve.
Replaco cover of oil-relief valve. Fit gasket for oil pump.

Oil Pump and Driving Gear

E amin th pump gears and the nd cover.
If worn, or if th l' has boon any diminution of oil pressure, they must
be r n wed.
Proce d as follow :
Wash out body of pump thoroughly with clean paraffin.
Wa h all component .
As emb1 pump without pump-cover joint, smearing spindle and
gars with c]ean lubricant.
Mak sur that spindle and gars revolve with reasonable freedom.
Wh n practicable, th pump on ass mbly should be " run-in " as
A uitabl m thod of driving th pump is first required.
An lectdc pillar drill is l' comm nded for thi purpose. A pump-
driving spindl can bud in th usual drill chuok.
This pindie can easily b made by grinding or filin g snitable
"flat " on a pi ce of i-in. diameter round bar. The " flats "
will t h n form a " dog" which will engage the slot in the driver-gear
spindl .
The pump h uld be mounted or clamped inside a small metal tank
itu d blow th pill r drill in such a manner that the oil pump can
be driv n insid this tank, which serv as a re rvoir in which the lower
part of the oil pump is imme d.

The tank should be '

partly filled with thin
oil, and in this the pump
may be " ground-in."
This process bouJd
continue until the
driving-gear spindle can
be revolv d freely with
a screwdriver.
The oil pump should
then be stripp d, and
completely and
thoroughly fll~hed out P ig. J6. - E .NSU111NU ~ IIAl.' DlS'I'AN I'; FIlO I l"A 1!.: 011 ' Yl.JN-
DEn nLOCK TO ]tOWN OJ!' l'1 8T N 18 o'r I.ESt4 '1'11 N
with clean paraffin. 0002 IN. Ott MORE TRAN 0004!.N. (1'. }'erki118 LId.)
Reassemble with
clean lubricant, but this time include th pump-coy l' joint, wili h pro-
vides the neces ary clearance b tw n COy l' and pump g i~rs.
ecurely lock all nuts and the pump is ready for installation.
R place the oil pump and suctioll pip .
See that the suction-pipe joint is tight.
Take care that locking wires ar fitted to all nuts on oil pump and
suction-pipe flange.
Examine the oil-pump driving and driv n kew g ar for war. Th
gears may be put baok in the engine if a high baring mark i pl' 8 nt
along the full length of each tooth. '
Fit gask t for auxiliary-driv g ar ca.sing.
Fit sleeve, springs, and packing washers for oil-pump driv spindl ,
and then fit auxiliary-drive gear assembly.
Care must be taken to ensure that th oil-pump driv car fully
A rocker shaft may conveni ntly be used a mandril.
For the te.st it is, of course, Dec ary temp r rily to r mov tb
pump-driving spindle.
Check that all setscrews, etc., in the interior of the timing case hay
looking wire fitted.
Before finally tightening nuts holding pump cov r in place, soo that
pump will work freely.
Use a haoksaw blade engaging th driving d g of th pump to t
for ease of running. It should be possibl to tum th blad with fing r
and thumb.
Wire the nuts on the pump oover after th y hay b n finally
Wire a.lso nuts ouring b dy to oylind r blook,
Fit intermediate pump spindl .
Fit oa.p and spiral gear,
Replace camshaft sprocket if this has been removed. It is secured to
the camshaft sprocket by three setscrews.
The arrangement of holes in the sprocket affords a fine adjustment
of timing, and differences in valve timing in multiples of 3 of crankshaft
angle oan be achieved.
If difficulty in timing occurs, it may be necessary to remove the
sprocket and replace, using another set of holes.
Replace camshaft.

Cylinder Heads
Wash out and thoroughly olean the water passages in the head ,
subsequently drying out and finally cleaning with compressed air.
Replace any defective studs, following the procedure described above
in r ference to the cylinder block.
Bronze studs must be replaced by bronze studs and bronze nuts by
bronze nuts.
All studs should be fitted in with a compound of white lead and
gold size.

Valve Guides
Examine the valve guides for wear.
If the wear is greater than 0003 in., replace with_new guides.
Clean the new guides, removing any burrs.
SmeaT the outer surface with clean oil, and, using a suitable pres!!,
drive home hard up to the collar.
The guides are made of cast iron, and are therefore comparatively
brittle. Care should be exeroised as the collar approaohes the oylinder

Examine valves for cracks. Check wear of valve stems and their fit in
guid s. If the stems are worn more than 0003 in., fit new valves.
Number all new valves to correspond with the numbering of the
old valves.
Grind-in valves.
Wash oylinder head in paraffin and blowout with compressed air.

Reassembling Cylinder Head

R plac valves, springs, oollars, and cotters, taking care that the
colla,rs ar of the latest type, d igned to pr v nt the valves dropping
through into the oylinders.
Plaoe oombu tion-chamber cap gaskets in position and fit the oaps.
New copper gaskets should be fitted. If new ones are not ava.ila.ble

the old ones may be used, provided that th y ar soften d b for being
To soften these copp r gaskets h at them to a dull red h at and
quench in cold water.
Having in mind the importance of good compr ion for ffioi nt
operation of diesel engincs, special car is n c s l'y wh n r fitting
Lhese covers to ensure that th re ar no leakag at th joints.
Lightly smear water-manifold inlet joints and joint f, l' wat r pump
with jointing compound.
Refit water manifold and water pump.
imilarly, fit exhaust-manifold gaskets and xhaust manifold, th n
\'enturi assembly.
Assembly of the cylinder head is now compI teo
Prepare to fit cylinder-h ad gasket.
Note that it is marked for corr ot fitting.
arefully clean fae s of cylinder-blook and cylind r-h ad 11 s mbly.
Put Osotite both sides of the gasket, taking oar that no for ign matter
is allow d to adhere to it.
Fit gasket.
Fit oylinder-head assembly.
Sorew cylinder-h ad nuts in placo in the order shown in th dia.gram,
Fig. 10, p. 155.
Fit injection pump.
Note that the injection-pump coupling will hav b en mark d
that replacement will be easy.
Wear in the timing chain is inevitable but comparativ ly slow.
There is no need to renew the ohain until its total length has inOI' d
by fa in.
If worn to that extent, the ohain should be renewed.
Replace the chain and time the engine.
Time the valves.
Couple up the injection pump, setting the coupling so that the
markings register.
Now time the injection pump.
Replacing the Sump
Put the cork strip over the front-end crankshaft bearing, using
Osotite to make the joint.
Put gasket and Osotite on face of sump, taking care that all surfac
are clean.
Place sump in position and screw all setscreWB lightly home.
Tighten all setscr ws.
Replace the oil strainer.
Fit the oil filler.
Replace the timing-case cover.
Check the adjustment of the tappets to be 0012 in.
Replace oil pipes to rocker gear.
Replace cylinder-head cover.
Replace dynamo.
Replac starter.
Replace oil pip s and ventilation pipes.
Replace pipe between venturi and pneumatic governor on the injection
If care has been taken, when handling the venturi and pneumatic
governor, not to disturb the adju tment to these components, and if, as
should be the ca e, the seals are unbroken, they may be replaced with
the c rtainty that the engine will function as before.
In the vent of di turbanc or of a new pump being required, arrange-
ments can be made for the pump and governor to be set by the makers,
so that the engine speeds and control will be as they were previously.
To that end, in the case of disturbance the old pump must he Ieturred,
and in the ca e of a new pump it mu t be ordered from the makers.
In either event a request should b made for the setting to be carried
out and the number of the engine must be stated.
Replace water pump, fan , and fan belt.
Replace the rear-engine support plate (when fitted) and clutch housing.
Replace flywheel and clutch.
Reset the engine in the frame.
Couple up gearbox and accessories.
Reconnect fuel pip s, control gear, electrioal wiring, etc.
Replace exhaust pipo, radiator, and connections to radiator.
If exhau ter is fitted, couple.
Put water in radiator.

The timing or re- etting of the timing on the Perkins P series engines
can be simply and exp diently carri d out if the following instructions are
follow d. It i well to remember that if the cylinder head has been re-
mov d it do s not, in any way, affect the timing of the ngine.
The valve timing for Perkins P eries engines is given in the table below.
Inlet valve open 13 0 B.T.D.. Inlet valve clo es 43 A.B.D.C.
Exhaust valv opens 46 B.B.D .. Exhaust valve closes 10 A.T.D.C.
Note.- Valve timing mu t b within UO and 16+0 for inlet opening
b fore T . . .

Timing Operation
The ihst op ration is to t tappets to 0012 in. and then turn the
orankshaft to bring Nos. 1 and 6 pistons to the top, No.1 piston being


Flywheel Angle in Degre

I in. on
I 8

---- R'i m
Diam~ter 10 11 0 13 I 16, 20 43 ,u,"
in. ;n. ill. irl. 'fl. tn. ;11.

13i ~'4
I,IR 130 1,53 194 3,42 Ci ,07 lHI2
14* 7g o J26 1,39 164 2011 366 tH4 Ci' 3
J5 7-()(i. 131 1' 44 I i 216 3 IHI3 6,02
l6~ 74 13Ci 1'49 170 223 3'92 Ci83 023
Hit 694 144 J.li8 ) 87 23 4 1B 020 I 63
17i G65 153 HI 11l9 2Ci2 4'43 6'57 I 7,03
lSi 6'10 162 I 17 210 26(l 47 69Ci I 744
lOt 6BS 1 '~0 I 'S7 221 2 I ""Oll 7-32 7 "
20 573 175 192 227 2 50 HII S'03
21 5.46 0 I 7 202 23 312 IH I 7 8 844-

on the compression trok, th rockers on No. G cylind r b iog just

In case of four-cylinder
engines refer to Nos. I and
4 pistons.
That T.D.C. on Nos. 1
and 6 pistons has be n
obtain d can be checked
by examining the flywheel
or the orankshaft at the
front end where th key
for the fan-belt pull y
should be at th top of its
To ensure that the fuel
pump is tim d in con-
junction with the ngine,
and provided th ngio
is still set as mentioned
above, place the fu 1 pump
on the fuel-pump platform,
with the thre" "s aero Fig. 17 .-DlAORAM 8lJOWINO TIT J'OXLP 1IU"
the coupling in line. OUl'IJ 0 WITH IICam1!lD LIlOi:II
cr w in the two locating setscrews b low the fuel-pump platform.
Tighten down the four securing bolts.
The scribed line n the coupling should coincide with the scribed line
on the pre-set plate, but if the lines are slightly out of line, the fuel-pump
coupling can be adjusted to correct this difference.
Certain engines have a plate with a vee notch which coincides with
the above line.
Having timed the engine the tappets should be readjus~ed if necessary
to 00]0 in. with the engine warm.

Re-setting Original Timing

Re-setting the timing to the original markings, if for any reason the
timing chain has been removed, can be easily and quickly carried out if
the following procedure is adopted:
Remove atomisers and rocker gear.
Release the pawls in the automatic tensioner and push as far to the
left as it will go. Wedge it there with a piece of wood.
Bring No.1 and No. S or No.4 pistons to the top. That T.D.C. has
been obtained oan be checked by examining the flywheel or the front
end where the key for the fan-belt pulley should be at the top of its
p riphery.
Turn the oamshaft sprocket until the arrow stamped on the sprocket
is in line with the arrow stamped in the timing case.
Turn the fuel-pump drive sprocket until the arrow stamped on the
sprooket is in line with the arrow stamped in the timing case. The
orib d lines on the fu I-pump coupling and pre-set plate should be in
Fit timing chain and rivet up master link.
Remove wedge from automatio tensioner.
With the timing ohain in its tensioned position, oheck the four points
a mentioned above to ensure they are in correct position.
Replao th rocker gear and adjust the tappets to 0012 in.
Replace the atomiser .
The tappet should be readjusted if nec ssary to 0010 in. with the
ngine warm.


The horizontal diesel engine has the advantage that it can be placed
under the floor-level of the vehicle, enabling a greater proportion of the
overall oho,ssis length to be used for passenger aocommodation. A typical
example of this type of oonstruction is the A.E.C. 96 and 113 litre
borizontal 6-cylinder engine which is illustrated in Fig. 1 .
In this engine the engine casing is divided vertically at the crankshaft

FirJ. lS.-Cno s lilCTlO1f TlIROUGIi 1),6 AND 113 LlTlUI RORIZONl'Al. ENOINE
(A.O.V. alu Ltd.)

I . Fuel return (or S. rankshaft g !\r. 17. il 8trtliner.

dribble) pipe. 9.Idl r wh 1. 1. il pre uro reli f
2. l<'uel injector. 10, Oil pump. valv.
3. Exhaust IDn.nifold. II. Oil pump g aT. 1I). Camsbaft.
12. Oil inlet pipe to filler.
4 . Wo.ter conn cting
j S.Oil filter pressu .. 20. 'J'app t.
pipe. relief valve, 21. Oil ~ pipe to
5. Exho.ust port. 14. Oil filter. rockers.
6. 'Restraining link 15. Oil strainer cov r. 22. Exhau t Illv.
brtl.Cket. 16. Oil suction pipo to oil 23. Push rod .
7. onnecting rod. pUlnp. 24. Ro ker.

centre line, and comprises an integrally cast cylind r blo k and crank a ,
to which a crankcase extension and sump are bolted. Th lubrication
system diI) rs from the vertical engin in that th dry~sump pJ'incipl is
enlployed, utilising two gear~typ oil pumps, s av ng and pr s ur ,
driven through h lical g aring from the orankshaft. th rwis in rno t
respects the horizontal engine are similar in d ign to th v rtical ngin s.
The can:rshaft bevel-g ar assembly provid s th drive for th fu 1-
injeotion pump which, du to th po ition f th ump n th ngin, is
diffi r nt from the pump driv on vertical engin .


A new and somewhat unu ual engine is d cribed h r but it is baai ally
a two~stroke die el and it method of servicing will apply equally to any
two-stroke unit.
Three wet-type cylinder liners are employed and they lie in a horiz nt J
plane, as is evident from th cut-away photograph, Fig. 19. Each cylind r
has two oppo ed pistollB, the exhaust pistollB on one ide of the engine the
inlet the other. From Fig. 20 A, B, and can be nth linkage from

Fi(]. 19. lIT AWAY VU;:W OF T 3 ENOINE

(Commer CarB Ltd.)

pistons to the rankshaft and the cycle of operation. A hart con-

n tin rod f1' m the piston is attach d to the 1'0 ker and the other end of
th r ck r has a conn cting rod to th crankshaft. cavenge air is
d livered by a Roots type blower. The inje tion pump is the C.A.V.
N -typ as d scrib d in Chapter II.

rVlcmg proc dure is similar to four-stroke engines and the only
additi n is the blower and inl t system.
The blower l' quir no attention other than checking for leaks and it
is not r ommend d that it be taken apart. There is a venturi system
betwe nth air silencer and the intake pip by which the idlirtg spe dmay
h reaulated. Idling sp ed is adju t d by means of a top crew on the
entul'i mut and an idlin valve on th diaphragm unit, " hi h is part of
th gov mar rn unted on th inj ction pump. The idling val j op n d
" h n til ontr I r d is drawn ba k towards the idling po ition (by the
d pr . ion in th diaphragm chamber) and mak ontact with th valv ,
thu cau jng an air hIe d to m dify the vacuum in the chamber and damp
out any t nd n y hunt. The idling valve can b seen in :B'ig. 19, the
proj tion with th pip running from it on the front nd of the pump-
gov rnor unit.
The idJina valve is adju t d in th followin mamler, with the engine
warm and ielling with the venturi butterfly stop right back against the
idling top l' W.


lNg. 20.- CYCLE Ol' Ol'ERA'l'ION

lacken union llut on the pipe conn cting th idling val

venturi unit.
Slacken the locknut on th idling valv body.
crew out the idling valve body until en in 81 cd b c me unfit ad ,
then screw in ju t sufficiently to au e th en ine to idl wadi].
tighten the 10 knut and the union nut pr viou ly sla k n d. Engin
speed can now b increns d or deer aaed by th adju tm n f th idlillg
stop screw on t~e venturi unit. Do not rom v idling valv fr m gOY r-
nor housing with engine running or run up ngine with pipo b tw 11 th
idling valve and the venturi unit and/or til locknut slack n d, or run th
engine without the air cleaner.
Chapter VB
HE first part of this chapter refers to a typical engine of the four-cycle,
T compression ignition, direct injection, vertical type, all working parts
being totally enclosed. The example selected for treatment is the
National eries " M4A " heavy-oil engine for marine purposes. This is
a multi-cylinder engine with reverse reduction gears. Much of the general
information given her with regard to erection, operation, and mainten-
ance naturally applies to other engines of similar type. There follows
descriptions of two interesting designs adaptable for marine use: the Napier
" Deltic " and the free-piston ngine.
In the case of a marine engine successful running depends very largel y
on its proper installation in the first place. Great care should therefor
be given to this work, and only a skilled man allowed to carry it out.
Determine the position ofthe engine in the boat, and thus the position
and inclination of the sterntube. If the makers have been consulted,
this will be found on their seating drawing, otherwise it will be necessary
to make a drawing- using the makers' outline drawing of the engine.
Rem mber that the normal inclination of the engine must not exceed 7.
Also bear in mind that the propeller should be as low and as far aft
a,w ay from the sternpo t as practicable, so as to obtain the best pos-
sibl stream of water. The propeller blades should have a clearance of
not less than 1 in. (25 mm.). The propeller should not overhang so much
that the expo ed portion of the tailshaft is longer than about one and
a half times the tailshaft diameter.
Checking Alignment of Hole for Sterntube
Bore the hole for th sterntube, having fir t made a pilot hole. Tak
gr at car to see that the alignment of the finished hole is correct to th
drawing. This can be done by first stretching a thin steel wire tightly
through th pilot hole and lining it up to the drawing, and then b
lining up the boring bar to the wir. The sterntube mu t on no account
be a slack fit, but at the same time it must not be driv n in too tightly, a
this will tend to distort it and interfere with its bearings.
The Stern tube
In rt the terntub, placing under the flange at each end a grummit
oak d in red lead. If the stern tube i found to be slightly too long, ev n
1 6
when full advantage is taken of the screwed portion, th n a ha.rdwo d
paoking piece should be plaoed under the inboard lang.
Installing the Bearers
Install the bearers, making th m extend as far as pos ible for and
aft of the engine, so that the weight of th engin is spr ad ov r a larg
number of frames. See that the bearers are of good proportion ,and that
they are securely fixed and oross-brac d. Tbe bearers can be lin d up b
means of a thin steel wire tightly stretch d througb th 0 ntr of th
sterntube, the top face of the bearers b ing I f about 1 in. to I in.
(19 mm. to 25 mm.) lower than the underfaoe of the ngine ba pIa .
Smear the tailshaft with oil and insert it in th sterntube.
Forward Stuffing Box and After Gland
Pack the forward stuffing :Cox of the stemtube with soft gr asy h mp
or ootton packing and screw it up. If there i an after gland, paok thi
in the same way, but leave it untightened.
Force in light grease 01' gear oil, by mean of the gr as oup at th jnboard
end, until it squeezes out at the after end.
If there is an after gland, this should now b SOl' W d up.
Fitting the Propeller
Fit the propeller, taking care to e that the holding nut is hamm red
up and the locking setsorew centr -punched to pr v nt it 81 cking back.
Tanks and Sea Cocks
Install any tanks, if their position is such that th y could not b fit d
in after the engine is in place (see" Erection ").
If the boat is to be launohed before installing tb engin, th a cock
should now be installed (see" Erection ").
Install the engine with wooden slivers or trips (or ca t -iron oll ck
if the boat is of steel) between the bearers and th engin baseplate.
When Boat is Waterborne
If the boat is waterborne, the ngine can now be finally lined up,
bolted down, and ooupl d up. Lining up can be don by adjusting th
thiokness of the slivers or chocks, taking great oar to s that th weight
of the engine is being taken evenly over the whole length of th baseplate,
as otherwise there is a danger of distorting and possibly cracking it.
In many cases it is not possible for all the holding-down bolts to be
through bolts, in which case coach bolts mu t be used. In all cas s,
however, an endeavour should be made to have at 1 ast four through
bolts per engine. When coach bolts are used, pr ference should be given
to the type which are threaded at the top and fitted with a nut for finally
tightening down.
When checking the final alignment great care should be taken to see
that the half-couplings not only coincide vertically and horizontally
but that their axes are also accurately in alignment. This latter can be
determined by inserting feelers between the half-couplings before they
are bolted up, and seeing that there is the same clearance all round.
When-Boat has Still to be Launched
If the boat has still to be launched, the engine should only be
approximately lined up, and finally lined up when the boat is in the
water. This is a most important point, as no boat is an absolutely rigid
structure, and therefore its form is bound to change slightly when it is
. launched, and consequently the alignment is upset.
Water Piping and Fittings
Install the water piping and fittings according to the manufacturers'
arrangement drawing. The sea cocks should be so placed that they are
not likely to be above water-level when the boat is rolling, and yet they
should not be so low that mud or sand is drawn in when the boat is
working in shallow water. All sea oocks must, of course, be fitted with
a r movable strainer. Keep the suction pipe from the sea cock to the
ciroulating pump as short as possible, and free from sharp bends. The
bilge suotion must also be kept as short as possible to avoid trouble in
priming. The delivery side of both the oU'cuJating and bilge pumps
mu t be kept fr e of any cooks or fittings whioh might oause 11 restriotion
or temporary stoppage of the flow. All piping should have a bore of not
less than Ii in. (32 mm.).
The Exhaust System
In tall the exhaust system in acoordanc with the makers' arrang -
ment drawing. Do not forget to make allowance for expansion and
condensation wh re nece sary.
Main Fuel Tanks
Install the main fuel tank(s), if this has not already been done b for
tho installation of the engine. Unles the main fuel tank(s) can be
situated at least 2 ft. (610 mm.) above the engine fuel pump, it will be
essential to install a servioe tank at, or above, this height, together with
a hand pump for transferring oil to the service tank from the main
Install the fuel pipes and fittings aocording to the manufaoturers'
installation drawing.
Deck Controls
Install th deck oontrols, if these are to be fitted.


The ngine must be thoroughly cl an d xternally and II ru -
preventing compound remov d with a cloth l' brush clipp d in pn.rl1ffin.
Do not use cotton waste for cleaning the engill a an tim during it
life. Take great oare to see that all the water and fu I-oil nn tion8ar
p rfectly clean befor coupling up th pip s.
Fill the cooling system with water, v nting th
th cock in the top of the water-ciroulating pump. alt wa r mu t no
b llsed on the cooling jackets of this ngin. The ja k ts mu t b fill d
with soft fresh water or distill d water. This water i ircula cl thr ugh
the jaokets and a heat exchanger by a built-in centrifugal pump. TIl
heat is removed from the exohang r by s a wat r, whioh is irouJa cl by
the sea-water circulating pump. Watoh for any leaks as th onn tions
may possibly have been damag d during tran it. A slight 1 akag from
the circulating-pump gland is permissible and will tak up wh n til pump
is running. Fill up the engin sump with lubricating oil ( " Lubrioat-
ing il ") to the mark on the dipstiok. U ing th lubri a ing-oil priming
pump maintain an oil pres ur until oil is deliver d to th va.lv -ro k r
bearings. Cheok oil level in ump, top up t mark n dip tick.
considerable quantity of oil will have b n U8 d filling up th lubricating-
oil piping system. Lubricate the valv -rock r 1 vors at b th nds, also
th fulcrum pins. Lubricate all the fu I-pump gov rnor gear. plash
oil over the bottom ends of the cylinder liner. To do this it will b
necessary to bar the engine over until each piston 0 m on top c tr in
Examine the trough in which the camshaft opera to 8 that it i
perfectly olean. Any loose nuts or tool in this trough are lik ly to foul
th camshaft and cau e serious damage.
Examine the fuel-oil tank to ee that it is perfi ctly cl an and fill it
with clean fuel oil. V nt the system by m ns of the valv s on p of th
fuel-oil strainers and piping and prime th fu 1 pump (Fig. 1).
Before the fuel-pump inspection door is replaced, th shut-down I v r
must be placed in " Run " position.

Priming the Fuel System

If th fuel ystem has been drained at any tim ., it is n c ary
ensure that all the air has been removed befor at mpting to start th
engine. This should be don as follows :
(1) e that the drain cock or plug on th main fu 1 pipe, &10 th v nt
cr ws on the fuel filter and oil main, a.r cl d. n th cock on th
fuel service tank.
(2) Open ach vent crew very lightly in turn to allow th air to
e oape. Keep them open until fu 1 issues freely without any ign of air.
(3) The fuel pumps mu t now b prim d in turn. In the c of oil

J!'ig. 1. -FlT.EI>1' MP J' RIMUI 1'001"

engines this can be done whether the fuel-pump inspection door is in

position or not. If it is in position the shut-down lever must be put into
the " Run" position and the fuel-pump priming covers removed.
(4) Rotate the engine until the fuel-pump plunger is on the bottom
of its stroke.
(5) Insert the fuel-pur:xi.p priming handle into the pump-operating
lever and pump everal times until the atomiser can be heard working
with a chattering noise. If the pump does not prime, it will be necessary
to sl.-cken the air-release screw which is to be found at the top of the
pump body immediately below the delivery-valve conneotion. Do not
take the sorew out oompletely; one turn is quite sufficient to allow the air
to esoape. When the fuel issues without any sign of air bubbles, the
screw can be closed and the priming tool operated again. The pump
should now prime and the atomiser be heard working.

Starting with Auxiliary Oil Engine
Pull down the decompr ssion lever (situated on fuel pump side at th
flywhe I end). This opens all the exhaust valves and allows the engin
to be turn d over more easily. Start the auxiliary engine.
Allow the auxiliary engine to warm up and then, releasing the pinion
oatch on the Bendix gear, pu h in the pinion-starter plunger handle, thus
ngaging the B ndix gear pinion. Now operate the Burman clutch by
means of the operating lever, moving it from the fuel pump to the air-
distributor side and allow the main engine to gather sIX*"d. Then push
up the deoompression lever and, as soon as the main engine is firing,
throw out the operating lever and stop the auxiliary engine. The pinion-
starter plunger handle will come out of its own aooord, and will be held out
by the pinion catch. It is desirable to ch ck that thi h happen &nd
then pull the plung r out if the catch is not right hom .

Starting with Compressed Air

For seven- and eight-oylinder engines: bar the flywb I rOlmd to
that the engine is free and, with the engin all full compr ion, 0]
air valve smartly; as soon a th engin fir s cIa the air v Iv .
For three-, four-, five-, and six-oylind r engin ngag th ll-tal
(situated on th air-distributor side of the engin 1 v 1 with th n xt
but one cylinder from the flywheel end) by turning the knob until tIt
peg slides into its slot. Bar round until the tell-tal is fully :tended.
Disengage the tell-tale by pulling the knob out to it full extent and tb n
giving it a half-turn so that the peg pr v nts th tell-tal lipping ba k.
With the engine on full compression op n the air valv smartly, and as n
as the engine fires close the air valve.

Electric Starting
In this case the engine is equipped with a 24-volt taTting motor whi h
operates through a pinion on to a toothed ring on th Iywh l. 24-volL
accumulator is suppli d, together with a charging dynamo. The dynam
is direct coupl d to the engine and accumulator cbarging is automatio.
To start the engine, put the shut-down lever to th "Run" position,
pull down the decompression handle, and pI' ss the starter button. Wh n
the engine has gained momentum, drop the decompression handl and th
engine should fire and pick up speed. The starter motor will b dil:l-
engaged automatically; releas the starter button soon th ngin
fires. Always decompress.
Occasionally put a few drops of lubricating oil into the oil cup at th
flywheel end of the starter motor. The accumulator must b xamin d
periodioally and filled up with distill d water. If th ngin is lying idl
for long periods, the acoumulator should b removed a.nd given an occa-
sional <;harge at some external source.
OOORTANT.- Every fuel pump is provided with an overload top. Thi
stop is a hinged catch ntted on the fuel-pump rack, and it limits the output
of the fuel pump to the maximum engine load. Wh n tarting the ngine
for the first time or after a. long period of standing, it may be n c ary
to raise the stops 0 that the pump can deliver a larger quantity of fu 1.
As soon as the engine has started, they should fall back into place auto-
matically. It is advisable, however, to examine them to ensure that they
are in running position, i.e. lying down on the fu I-pump laoks. Under
normal oonditions the stop need never be raised, and this m thod must
be resorted to only in an emergency. We advi e idling for a few minutes
after a first start up.
Under no ciroumstanoes must the stops be removed or adju ted in
any way. When th yare in position and overload is applied to the
. engine, tho engine will lose speed, which immediately indicates that the
engine is overloaded. If the stops are raised or removed, the governor
will open the pumps beyond the safe limit and the engine will be liable to
It will b necessary to remove the fuel-pump insp otion door to gain
acoe s to the overload stops.

Alway stop the engin by moving the shut-down lever to the" Stop"
position. N v r attempt to stop by shutting off the fuel or lifting the
decompre sion handle. If the fuel is shut off while the engine is running,
th fu 1 system will beoome air-lock d and require priming before another
start is made.
L ave the shut-down lever in the " Stop" position until ready to start
the engin again. This will pr vent any fuel from being tlprayed into
th cylinder should the engine be barred round.
It is also advisabl to put the gearbox into the " neutral" position
b fore stopping the ngine. If the engine is to stand for some time, shut
the sea cooks.
If the engine is not l.i$ely to be used for a oonsiderable time, it is
aqvi abl to oover up the end of the exhaust pipe to keep out rain, spray,
or otb r for ign matter.

Th following period ar given as a guide for a maintenance schedule,
but it is impossible to lay down fixed cleaning time. Many factors,
suoh as fuel oil, lubricating oil, load faotor, atmospheric condition, etc.,
inilu nee the condition of the parts. E 'p ri nce may show that it is
nec ssary to short n the periods b 1 w but, on the other hand, it may be
po sibL to lengthen them.

(1) Ke p the engine olean.
(2) heok th lubricating-oil I vel in the sump and add oil if nece sary.
heck th level of the oil in the g arbox. (The engine must be stationary
wh n th 1 el is oh ck d.)
(3) Check the cooling system to see that it is operating satisfaotorily.
(4) Remove th cylinder-head cover while th ngine is running and
amin the alve levers to ee that they are properly lubricated.
(5) While the cover is remo ed, examin the fuel-oil and lubricating-
oil pipes and connections to see that they are in good order and not
l ....].dna
(6) Give the lubricating-oil Auto-KI an filter , ur or fiv turns in tb
course of the da.y.
(7) Give the tauffer lubricator a half-turn on th 0 ntl'ifllgal a r
( ) Fill the fuel service tank. (Always u e a fil r.)
(9) Giv a turn on the gr aser on th s mtub and att nd to th
lubrication of any intermediate shaft baring .
(lO) If there is any dang l' of freezing, dnt.in th water from th
cylinder jacket after hutting the engine down.

After 200 Hours

(1) Remove the atomi ers. Clean and test them.
(2) Clean tb air filter.
(3) h ck the valve-tappet olearanc and adjust if n cary.
(4) When electric starting is us d, the battery should be examin d
for level of acid and, if low topped up with distilled water until the pIa s

ar ju t covered.
Oaution.- Do not fillllP with acid, a only th water vap rate under
charging conditions.

After 1,000 Hours

(1) Withdraw the pi tons and grind th inlet and exhau t valv s.
(2) Clean the fu I-oil and lubricating-oil filters.
(3) lean the exhaust ystem if nec 8sary.
(4) Drain and clean out the engine lubricating-oil ump, 1'e811 with
clean lubricating oil. If auxiliary lubrioating-oil filters 0.1' fitted, the
period between oil changes can be lengthened to 2, 00 hour. This
presumes, of oourse, that th auxiliary filters 0.1' maintain d in good
condition and are op rating satisfaotorily.

After 3,000 Hours

(I) Examine all the bearing for wear.
(2) Exa.mine the cooling-water jackets for cale or dirt. lithe mak 1'8'
recommendations for suitable cooling water are followed, th jaok te
should not require to be cleaned.
(3) Check the tensi n of the timing chain and adjust if necessary.

Testing Atomisers on the Engine
If no nozzle-testing outfit is availabl , the atomiser can be tested in
the engine as follows:
(1) Withdraw the atomiser from the engine in the u ual manner.
(2) Uncoupl the delivery-pipe connection on the fuel pump and push
D.K .-7
the pipe to one side. It is not necessary to take the pipe right off the
(3) Fit the special atomiser-t sting pipe on to the pump so that the
100 e end is pointing away from the engine. Coupl up the atomi er to
this pipe with th nozzle pointing downwards.
(4) Rotate the engine until th plunger on the fuel pump concerned
is at the bottom of its stroke. This can be seen by watching the line
in the pump window. llt the engine shut-down lever to the" Run "
(5) Fit the loose priming handle into the socket in the pump-op rating
I vel' and operate th pump in the same manner as the nozzle-testing
Do not allow the 8pray to come into contact with the hand8 or face.
The condition of the nozzle can be ob erved but, as there is no pressure
gaug for setting the static pressme, a differ nt method must be em-
ployed. Th pr ssur can be s t approximately as follows:
lacken the pres ure-adjusting screw locknut and unscrew the ad-
justing SCI' w to its full extent. Grasp the screw very lightly and slowly
tighten it until it just touches the spring cap and the fir t sign of pressure
oan be felt. Repeat this two or three times to check the position, and
then mark the position of the slot in the top of the adjusting screw in
relation to the atomi r b ely. This can be done with a pencil or a pieoe
of chalk. Th adjusting screw must now b screwed in a certain distance
to give the correct pressure.
With the nozzle fitted in this type of engine, the adj usting screw
requires thre full turns.
If thi adjustment is carried out carefully, the static pressure should
b very n ar 3,000 lb./sq. in.
This method is approximate and should be employed only wher a
nozzle-te ting outfit is unavailable.
N ote.- When an atomiser i dismantl d for any purpo e, it is es8ential
that the adjusting screw be slack n d back and re-set.

Adjusting Inlet- and Exhaust-valve Tappets

The in} t and exhaust valv s are actuated by two solid camshaft
operating through tappet lever , vertical pushrods, and horizontal rocking
I vel's. All the working surfaces are hardened and hould, therefore,
only ne d infrequent adjustment.
To en ure that the engine operate effici ntly, the tappet clearanoes
must be adjusted and maintained as follow
Inlet valvetl . 0006 in.
Exhaust valves . 000 in.
To s t th tappet clearance, r mov the fuel-pump in pection door,
pull down the d compr s ion handle, and rotate the engine until the cam
no e points downwards, i. . wh n the tapp t I r is r tin on tb baok
of the cam. Lift the decompres ion handl and insert a. 1 r gau of
the oorrect olearance b tw en th rocking lev r and the val spindl.
If the feeler gauge is too loa or will not nt f, lack n th adjusting-
screw locknut on the rocking 1 \' r and adjust th cr w with a s r w-
driver until the desired cl aranc is obtain d. It is h Ipful to us two
feelers for each valv : a 0004 in . and a 0006 in. for th inl t o.lv, and
a 0006 in. and a 0008 in. fol' the exhaust valv. Th tappet is th n
adjusted so that the smaller fe ler is an a y fit and th larger , I r tight.
Tighten the locknut and aga.in cheok th ciearano. ar must b tal< n
when tightening the looknut to see that th rook r arm i not b nt by
using too mnch foroe. Eaoh valve DlU t b oh ok d in a Iii<
It is essential that th cam nose must be poilJting dOWDWIlJ'dfo! ;
sufficient to rotate the engine until tb valve is just off th lift.

Timing of Fuel-injection Point

Two forms of adjustment are provided 011 th fuel-pump op rating
gear. Firstly, the a,djusting sorew wbioh oontrols the positi n of th
pump plunger relative to its barrel. condly, the pump-l v r co ntrio,
the position of which determin s the point of fu I inj ction r lativ to th
engine crankshaft.
The position of the pump plungor must be eh oked fir t as follows:
every fuel pump is provided with a small window through whioh th
timing lines may be seen. Pull down the engine deoompressi n handle
and rotate the engine until tb line on th moving plung r guid r aoh
its highe t position, i.e. when the fu I-pump I ver is on the baok of th
oam. Again note the dis tan e of the timing lin to the bottom of th
window. The two distances noted should b the same. If th y differ
much, the pump-adjusting screw must be adju ted with the -h-in.
spanners provided until they are approximately the same. Th adjusting-
sorew locknut must be securely looked when the adjustment is compl teo
Important.-Under no circum tances must th timing lin on th
pump-plunger guide go out of sight beyond tb top of th window or
serious damage to the pump is likely to re ult.

Checking Fuel-injection Point

The fuel-injection point must be check d n xt as follows:
The engine flywheel is marked with the top dead centre" T.D.C."
and fuel-injeotion "F.I." of each c linder. Rotate the engine until the
fuel-injeotion point of the required cylinder is r aoh d. This will b
when the line on the flywh el stamped "F.I." and tb appropriate
oylinder number registers with the pointer. The Bywh I housing i
provided with an inspection window for ob erving tb flywheel markings,
and a pointer is fitted to en ure acouracy. Being a four-stroke engine,
it will be necessary to see that the cylinder in question is on the com-
pression stroke and not the xhaust stroke. This can be checked by
watching the exhaust valve, which must be closed and the tappet free.
If the exhaust valve is open when the marks on the flywheel register with
the pointer, the flywheel must be given another complete revolution.
Now look at the fuel-pump inspection window again. If the fuel-
pump timing is correct, the timing line on the moving plunger will register
exactly with the lines on the pump body at the side of the window. If
the line is high, the timing is too early, and, conversely, if it is low, the
timing is too, late.

Timing Adjustment
To adjust the timing, slacken the locking screw which secures the fu 1-
pump lever fulcrum and rotate the fulcrum until the timing lines coinoide.
This can be done by inserting a small tommy bar or nail in the hole in the
end of the fulcrum. Do not forget to secure the locking screw when the
adjustment is complete.
If it is found necessary to rotate the fulcrum any considerable distance,
it will be advisable to re-check the position of the pump plunger relative
to its barrel. If the plunger has to be readjusted, the fuel-injection point
must be checked again.

Adjusting Quantity of Fuel

The quantity of fuel that each pump delivers is determined by the
position of the fu I-pump rack. All the racks are coupled to the control
rod and adj ust d at the works 0 that each pump delivers exactly the
same amount of fuel. This adjustment must not be altered uole s there
is definite proof that it has been upset in any way. The settings of the
raok can be oh eked as follows :
A line is soribed on the top right-hand side of each raok. When this
line just touohes the fuel-pump body, the pump is delivering sufficient
fuel to enabl the engine to carry full load (10 per cent. lower than
maximum load). t the oontrol rod 0 tha.t the mark on No.1 pump
raok is in this full-load position. All the other pump racks should now
be in exaotly the same position, i.e. all the marks just touohing the pump
bodies. hould it be found that one of th pumps is set inoorreotly, it
will be neo ssary to adjust it. This is done by laokening the looknut
on the fuel-control eooentrio (Fig. 2) of the pump in question and turning
the ccentrio of the pump in question by mans of a screwdriver until
the mark on the f\lel-pump raok takes up the same position, relative to
the pump body, as the other. ee that the eoc ntrio looknut is seoured
properly. If at any tim the fuel-oontrol spring eye is taken off the
eccentric, great oare mu t be taken to soo that it is not inadvertently
turned on the spring. The fuel-pump raok eye, the spring, and the spring





F ig. 2. -FI:TEL-OONTno L OIll AR

eye determine the position of the fu I-pump raok, and if the spring is
altered in length by turning either the raok eye or th link eye, th pump
setting will be deranged.
An overload stop in the form of a hinged oatoh is fitted to eaoh foel-
pump rack. The e stops limit the travel of the rack and only allow th
pumps to deliver sufficient fuel to enable th engin to carry its maximum
load. As mentioned under" tarting," the e stops may have to b
lifted occasionally when starting, but on no account must they b left in
the raised position when the engine is running.
The overload stops can be used for checking approximately the ad-
justment of the fuel-pump racks. Th stops should all be the sam
distance from the pump bodies and, when the control rod is moved, aU
make contact with the bodies at the same time. The overload stop
are not interchan~able and each one mu t b kept to its own pump.
With this end in view, the stop are numbered to corr pond with th

Timing Wheels and Chain

(1) Bar the engine round until No.1 cylind r (gov rnor nd) i on top
dead centre.
(2) Place the camshaft wheels on the camshaft so that they ar
located on the key-ways and rotate until the timing mark stamped on
the wheels coincides with the setting peg on the oolumn.
(3) Fit the ohain with the wheels in position. The fitting of the ohain
will be greatly facilitated by using a. piece of wir to thr ad it round th


If '\~\

ECCENTRIC PLATE ~._.........'


SHAfT ~,.


Fig. 3.- B.Al:N-D[nV.F~ AOJUS'! 'OR

Adjusting the Chain

(1) Remove the chain-inspe tion covers.
(2) Slaoken the looknut on the adju ting or wand unsorew the set-
sorew until the locking-whe 11 vel' (Fig. 3) can be drawn baok far enough
to wsenga.g from the teeth on th locking whe 1.
(3) In rt a small tommy bar int.o one of the holes in the adjustor
00 ntdo and turn the ooentrio until the d -ir d ohain ten ion is ob-
tained, When oorreotly adjusted, it should be po ible to deflect th
ohain about i in. are should b taken in turning th ecc ntrio. If it is
turned the wrong way or th tommy bar slips out f a hole, the weight of
the ohain will move it to the maximum slaok position; the ohain then
slips one tooth round the crank haft gear-whe I and th timing i re-
tarded. h ck the timing after tightenin the ohain.
(4) Engag the locking-wh I I ver with the looking wheel and
tighten the s tscrew and locknut.

Removing and Grinding InJet and Exhaust Valves

There a.r two m thods of grinding-in the alve. In normal mainten-
anc routin th valve are ground in without r moving the cylinder
heads. This work is carri d out through the cylinders after the piston
hav b n withdrawn. Th oth r method is u d on! when the engine i
wsmantl d for a g neral 0 erhaul, and the oylinder heads are removed
from the engine. In this instanoe the head ar r mov d oompI wi h
the valves, which are then ground in on the ben h.

Grinding-in Valves (Cylinder Heads On)

(1) Withdraw the atomi er.
(2) Remove the two nut.c:; which hold down ach valv oro k r-I v r
fulcrum brack t and lift, the brackets off complete with the rock r I v r.
(3) crew the valve- pring xtractor on on of the atomi r holding-
down studs so that the barrel oan be fitt dover th valve-spring cap.
(4) Cut a piece' of 1 in. quare wood 22! in. long, /tod w dge in b tw en
the valve head and the opposi crankw b. This will hold ih valv
spindle in position whil the spring i b ing r 010V d.
(5) D pres the extractor handle until th valve split ooUR,f an b
taken out. The inl t valve is fitted with a small half-r und k y which
secures the valve in the correct position and prevents it from rotating.
This key must be remov d before the valve spindle can b withdmwn.
Take off the spring plate and springs, lift tb k y-retaining collar and
extract the key.
(6) Remove the piec of wood and lower th valv out into th oylinder.
(7) lean the valve and the eating in th oylinder head and grind-in
in the usual manner with a suitable grinding compound. The valv is
inserted from below and the special grinding tool i fitt d to th spindl
as it protrudes through the top of th head. Th grinding is th n don
by pulling the valve on to its eat f!'Om ab 'Ie.
The seats can be vi w d quite cl arly with th aid of a mirror and
hand lamp or electrio toroh. The mirror is held On the crank webs, and
the light is directed on to the mirror, the angl of whioh is adjusted
It is advi able to fit a sh et of cardboard on top f th crankw bs to
retain any carbon or grinding oompound that may faU from th valve.
On completion of the grinding operation, the valve eat and valve-
spindle guide must be thoroughly cleansed with paraffin until no trao of
grinding compound remains.

Attention while Running

(1) Pay frequent attention to the lubricating-oil pr sure gauge and
ee that a pressure of not less than 30 lb ./ q. in. and not mor tban 50
lb./sq. in. is maintained. This pre ure appli to an ngine running at
full speed. Where the engine is u ed r variable peed work, the
pr ure may b slightly under the figures at low sp ds. hould the
pre sure gradually fall, this is a sign that the Auto-Kl an oil filter is
dirty. Give th filter two or thr turns and, if th re is no improv ment,
shut down the engine and remo e th strainer cartridg and clean.
(2) ee tha.t th temperature of the cooling water does not rise unduly.
If the temperature rises higher than 1600 F., the circulation is evidently
unsatisfactory .
(3) P riodical attention must be given to all the fuel- and lubricating-
oil pipes. This should be done while the engine is running, by removing
the top covers and examining all the visible pipes and connections.
Special care must be given to the fuel-oil pipes to prevent dilution of the
lubricating oil.
Fuel on
The most prolific source of trouble in oil engines is the use of wrong
or dirty fuel. Th se engines are designed to operate on gas oil or light
diesel oil; they will also run on many grades of diesel fuel oil.
The following fuels, which are procurabl in most parts of the world,
are quite suitable for these ngines:
as Oil. Essostat.
Shale il. holl Die e1 Oil.
Solar Distillates. hell Dieseoline.
Balik Papan SoJa,r Oil. Venezuela Gas Oil.
Esso Die el Oil. Anglo-Iranian Diesoleum.

Lubricating Oils
Only the best lubricating oil should be used, and should be within the
limits of the following specification:
S.peoifio Gmvity at 60 F. . 0881-0931
Flll.llh Point (Op n) . . Min. 400 F.
Min. 2040 C.
Viscosity-R dwood No.1 in econds-
at 70 F. (21 0 C.) Mme. 1,300
at 140 F . (60 0.) Approx. 135
at 200 F. (OS 0.) Min. 50

Engler Viscosity-
at 70 F. (21 0 0.) Max. 4212
at 140 F. (600 C.) Approx.44
at 200 F. (9S C.) Min. 172
Cold Teat or Pour Point Ma.x.. 25 F .-5. C.
Total Sulphur Not exoeeding 08 per cent.

Points to Remember
(1) If the ngine is negl cted in any way, trouble of some sort will
sur ly b experienced.
(2) The sump should not be overfilled. Thl cau s waste, and also
oau the engine and exhaust system to b sooted up.
(3) Always allow the engine to run a. w minutes after starting up
befor getting under way.
(4) The lubrioating-oil level in the engine sump and reverse g ar
should be examined whilst the engine is stopped and the boa.t on an ven
keel, as otherwise a fal e indication ma.y b giv n.
(5) ee that the oil pre sure is con ct and the oooling water ciroulating
(6) If fuel oil is u ed from barrels, alway allow th se to stand so that
any sediment or water can settle. Always u a filt r wh n filling the
service tank.
(7) On no acoount must petrol be used for pouri.ng into the oylind r
or for washing out the orankca e.
( ) If the boat is being laid up for an appr oiable tim , it is ad i abl
to cover up the end of the exhaust pipe specially if this points in an
upward direction, to prevent the entranoe of rain or spray.
(9) Sterntube glands should not be tightened unn c ssarily, a thie
only causes excessive wear.
(10) If the boat is working in fresh water and there is any chanoe of
the water in the cylinder jacket freezing, be on the safe si.de and run it
off. Failure to do this may result in a oracked column.

Below are set out some of the more usual troubles that may ari ,
together with their causes and remedies.
Engine Will Not Start
(1) Shortage oj Fuel.- ee that the cock is op D on th fu I t.ank.
See that the tank is full.
e that the fuel filter is not choked.
(2) Air in the Fuel SY8tem.-Proc ed as describ d under" Priming
the Fuel System."
(3) Atomi8er Nozzles Badly Worn or Wrongly Adjusted.-Se "T ting
(4) L088 oj Oorrvpre8sion.
(a) tioky valves. This can sometimes bo r medied by pouring
a little paraffin down the valve spindles, but it is a sign that th
valve want removing and oleaning.
(b) Val e seats leaking. The valves must be removed and
ground in.
(c) Piston rings fast in their groov . This should not occur if
suitable lubricating oil is used. It may be caused by some other
troubl suoh a (a), (b), or (d). Remove piston and clean.
(d) Insufficient valve-tappet clearance. Check the tapp t clear-
ances and adjust if necessary.
Engine Runs Irregularly
(1) Shortage oj Fuel. ee above.
(2) Air in the Fuel ystem. ee above.
(3) Atomiser Nozzles Badly Worn or Wrongly Adjusted.- See above.
(4) Fuel-pump Delive1y Valves Sticking or Leaking.- Remove and
clean the valves.
(5) Water in the Fuel.-CIean the fuel-oil system out and refill with
new oil.
(6) Valves Sticking.-See above.

Dirty Exhaust
(1 ) Black Smoke.
(a) The engine is overloaded. Reduce p ed.
(b) Fuel injection incorrect. S e "Timing of Fuel Injection
(c) Fuel-pump delivery valve stuck. ee above.
(d) Insufficient air for combustion. CI an th air filters.
(e) Piston rings sticking. ee " Engine Will Not tart."
(2) Grey Smoke.
(a) The atomiser needles are leaking. See" Te tillg Atomisers."
(b) Fu 1 injection incorrect. See" Timing of Fuel-injection
(3) Blue moke.
(a) Lubricating oil is _passing the pistons.
(b) The valve guides are badly worn allowing oil to get past.
R n w th guid s.

Engine Knocks
(1) Fuel Injection Incorrect.- ee" Timing of Fuel-injection Pumps."
(2) A Bearing is Loo e.-Examine the b arings and renew if
n cessary.
(3) A Piston is Seizing.- e that the engine i not being overloaded.
Examin th pistons.
(4) Oarbon on the Pistons is Hitting the Oylinder Heads.-Withdraw
th pistons and d carboni e.
Note.- lf the ngin is hard to be knocking at any time, it must be
stopp d at once and the oau e investigated. On no aooount must it be
allow d to continue running.

Engine Overheats
(I) Water Oirculation has Oeased.- hut ngine down immediately.
that th y tem is full of water. that any cocks in the system
are open. Inspect th pump.
(2) Fuel Injection Incorrect. " Timing of Fuel-injection Pumps."
(3) Exce ive cale or DirUuLS Accumulated in the Water Jacket8.-
Cl an out th jack ts and ohang the water.
Engine Will Not Carry Full Load
(1) Fuel Injection Incorrect.- " Timing of ~ uel -inj tion Pump ."
(2) Atomisers Dirty or Wrongly Adjust d.- "T ting Atomi rs."
(3) Fuel-pump Rack.s a1'e et Wrongly. - " Adjusting Quantity of
(4) Valves are Leaking.- The valvcs must b reDlO d and ground in.
(6) Insttfficient Air Jor Comlntstion.- Clean th air filters.
(6) Piston Rings ticking.- "Engin Will Not tart."
Engine Stops of its Own Accord
(1) Shortagf!- of Fu l.-Fill up the fuel tank.
(2) Fuel Filter Choked. '1 an th filter.
(3) Wate?' in the Fuel Oil.- 'lean ut the fu 1 system and refill with
new oil.
(4) Excessive Overload.- R due sp ed.
(5) A Piston has Seized.- Examin th piston.
Low Lubricating-oil Pressure
(1) lack Ma,i n and onn cling-rod B arings.- R quir r n wing.
(2) Loose Oil PipeJi Alloll'ing Leakage.-Tight n conn otion .
(3) Oil-pressure Gauge upply tak n from hain-idler Wheel.-
this is not badly worn.
(4) Faulty afely Valve.- R quires el aning.
(5) Faulty Pressur Gauge.- R quit's eh oking for ao uraoy.
(6) Choked Oil Filter.- lean.
Heating of Stern tube or Intermediate-shaft Bearing
(1) Misalignment.
Check and, if n cessary, re-align the engine and intermedjat -
shaft bearings, if any, from the tailshaft half-coupling.
(2) Tight terntube Paoking.
Try slaokening the nuts holding the gland slightly. If th gland
oannot be eased without causing 1 akage, th packing ha b oome
hard and should be renewed.
(3) Damaged Prop ller.
Examine the prop ller to see that it ha not becom daOlag d
to such an extent as to throw it appreciably out of ba.lance. If
necessary, the propeller must be repaired or renewed.
We are indebted to the ational Go. & Oil Engine Co., Ltd., r
supplying the a.bove information. It should, however, be born in mind
that altera.tions and improvements are made to engin s from time to
time whioh may affect the above instructions.


This engine is most usually found in small high-speed Naval craft but
other versions are being installed in railway locomotives and in industry,
both for traction and for generating purposes. An important point is
that it obviates most of the fire risk present in a oomparable petrol engine
All Deltio engines have the same basic oylinder block arrangement but
the end-plate and method of drive take-off will vary according to the
installation; also a turbo-blower may be fitted. Three crankoases are
situated at the vertices of an inverted triangle and are held by long high-
tensile through-bolts. Figure 4 shows the layout of the engine, being a
section aoross the blook. Each orankpin oarries one inlet and one exhau t
pi~ton, the equalised loading oontributing to the smoothness of t. e
engine. The engine works on the two-stroke principle with very efficient
unifiow scavenging, a twenty-degree phase difference b tween the inlet
and exhaust ports being uncovered and a port design which imparts air
swirl ensuring this. ylinder liners are "wet" with chromium plated
bores and contain one inlet and one exhaust piston, the exhaust piston
connecting rod having a forked big-end.
The bottom crankshaft has a spur drive to the oil pump which delivers
lubricating oil to the main and big-end bearings and gudgeon pius, while
metering pumps direct oil to the bearings of the centrifugal scavenge
blower and to certain gears. Camshafts along the side of each oylinder
block, driven via the pha e gearing, operate the injection pumps, one per
cylinder. A closed-circuit water-oooling system is employed with a
oentrifugal pump driven from the phase gearing.
At the drive end eaoh crankshaft is conneoted by gears to the output
shaft, the gear train in orporating take-offs to the ancillaries. This is
the phas gearing. The scavenge blower is at the free end of the engine
driven by long shafts from the drive end. A turbo-blower, when fitted,
is mounted on the free end and consists of a single-stage axial-flow
exhaust-driv n turbine turning a centrifugal air compres or.
A minimum of moving parts contributes to the ease of servicing of
the engines. Remarks made earlier in this chapter about servicing and
running of small marin diesel will, for the most part, apply here too.
The manufacturers hav evolved a repair by replacement system for most
parts, the design lending it elf to standardisation of oomponents very well.

Although the ar now finding applioations as air compre ors and in
generating et they are still uncommon, pecially in Great Britain.
However, a brief desoription of the de ign would m appropriate.
Referen to Fig. 5 will help in understanding of the working oyole.
Th two small pistons constituting the diesel engine are la.belled 1 in


1. "BC" orankahaft. 8. Conn ting rod. 15. Engin mounting face.
2. " BC" orankce.ee. 9. Crankce.ee ti bol 16... A" orankc .
3. Inlet piston. 10. Drain oil manifold. 17. "QA" orankshaft.
. "B" oylinder block. ll. Airinlet manifokUJ. I . Pumps drive ahaft.
6. Exhaust piston. 12. "A" oylinder block. 19. Cutellated ring nut.
6. "AB" orankoase. 13. Fule injection pump. 2 . Cylinder lin r.
7. "AB" orankshaft. 14.. Exhaust manifold. 21. " "oylind r block.
.(D. Napi' and Scm, Ltd:) 22. Blower drive IIhafte .
Fig. 5. These are rigidly onnected to the much larger compre or pistons,
the as embly lying on the s.yis of the engine. The diesel pistons work
in the cylinder bore 2, at the centre of which are two fuel injectors 7.
Each diesel/compressor piston assembly carries a crosshead, horizontal
and at right angle to the axis of the engine. onnecting rods at each


.. ... 81I1IIlATOIl




end of th cros head ar attached to ro king Ivers aoh side of the eugin ,
these being pivoted on th oentre lin. TIlls is a link mechanism for
syn hroni ing only, i. . not for tran mitting power.
The ngin op rates as follows. tarting at outer dead centre, as th
pistons mo inwards valves 5 hut, valve 4 open aud air is trapped and
comp d in chamber 6, the ugine pi ton ha ing 0 er d th inl t port.
Th pi ton rea h inn l' dead c ntr and fuel i injeoted into th com-
pr d air in th ylinder 2 as in a normal die el engine. On being
thrown apart b th firing, th pistons unoov r fir t the exhau t port and
then th cavenge port. During this half of th cycle, the alv 5 open
and admit air to chamber 4; also th valve into chamber 6 are c]o ed.
Thus this air trapped in chamber 6 an only pass into the cylinder and, in
fa. t, it caveng th cylind r and supercharge it for the ne ~t cycle_ The
piston at their out r limit r b und off of the air trapped in the paces 3,
and are thrown og th r again.

Two types of engine are possible, a direct-air oomprc sor and a g Wer
for use with a turbine.

The Air Compressor

With this version an air rebound cushion is employed at one end only
and the cushion space at th other end j modifi d into au air pump. The
modified end ha a one-way full-flow air valve of sp ial d ign, a di~ ront
cooling jacket and a blocking piston whlch automatically lifts wb n
working pressure is reached. There is enough p wer in the xbaul'l t t
drive a fan, water pump or lubrication ystem, et. The air is d liv r d
at up to 100 lb./sq. in. to a reservoir.

The Gasifier Turbine

}:I ere the engine is as orginally described and is tun d to provid hi h-
energy exhaust gas whlch, as shown in the eliagram , is fed to a ga coli ct r
and on to drivo a turbine. Exhaust gases at 850 0 ]t. and 45 Ib./ q. in.
leave the engine and at the turbine the temp ratur is a !ittl low r, say
450 0 F. , the pres ure bing reduced to atmospherio. 1,250 g h .p. is
converted to 1,000 shaft h :p. at th turbine.
The ma.nufacturers' instructions must be stri tty ad her d to in r sp t
of the lubrication oil, ~hich must be of the correct grade as it must provide
cooling as well as lubrication. Dismantling is straightforward; the nd
covers are removed fir t, then the air valve assembly, the gasifi 'r piston,
the cro shead and con-rod assembly, the eli 1 piston and th n the
Because of the excess of air even the heaviest of fuel oils may be used.
A combination of a turbine with a steam g norator and a fr -pi~ton
gasifier is an extremely efficient unit; the exhaust from th eli sel pass B
through the turbine and then on to the steam gen rator wher it giv B np
its residual heat, the steam then drives a turbine coupled to th gasifi r
Chapter vm
OW that compression-ignition engines are b ing used for motor
N vehioles, and are being made to run at v ry high speed , it i
important, so far as indicators are ooncerned , to di tinguish between
engine of this typ and tho e running at comparatively low spe d , such
as ships' main engines and auxiliaries, and engines used for driving large
leotrio g nerators. Each type has it 'own indicator, and the following
d soription relates to the m dium -speed model. We shall consider indicat-
ing, say, a ship's main diesel engin , the apparatus requir d con isting of
the indioator, indicator valve, and reducing gar, all of which differ from
the corr sponding units used for steam engines.

The Indicator
Fig. 1 shows a well-known type of diesel engine indicator, and
although it operates on a similar principle to the steam engine indicator,
it has a number of featur s to Buit the exacting conditions met with in
compression-ignition practice. inc cylinder pressure are much higher,
the indicator is strength ned throughout, and while double- instead of
single-ooil spring are used to pr vent the use of unn essarily heavy
SPl'ing wir , whioh would unduly stres the instrument, a piston of
reduc d ar a is :6.tted. This means that with tb same engine pressure
in the indicator cylinder, a pring of only half strength gives the same
diagram height with a half-ar a pi ton and only half the force is felt by
the pi ton rod. Th pi ton, which i. hardened and of h at-resisting steel,
has groov s cut in its surface to collect carbon and 0 her grit blown into

high. .
the indicator cylind l' by the engine ga es. These channels a1 0 accom-
modate lubricating oil. The recording drum allows for a diagram in.

A notable feature of this model is the incorporation of a cooling device

so that it can be used on high-temperature te par cylinders and
pistons are also provided, and a quiok-acting drum-spring adjustment is
fitted, tog ther with a " detent" gear, so that th drum can be stopped for
ohanging th diagram paper without unhooking the cord.

The Diesel Indicator Valve

When indicating a diesel engine, it is found that if an ordinary
indioator cock is used, eizur of the cock plug tak 8 place owing to the
intens heat. Ther for a
valve is used instead, and it
is of pecial design, so that
the indicator can be opened
either to atmo phere for
taking the atmosph ric lin
or to the engin c lind r.
A conveni nt type of valve
is shown attaoh d to th
indicator in Fig. 1 and in
section in Fig. 2. Th
valve has only on handle,
is straight through (b nds
cau'e diagram inaccuracy),
and is double- eated, so that
when the engine is isolated,
n,s shown in the illustration,
the in dicator is open to
atmosph re , and when th
spindle is screwed outwards
the upper seat come into
play, clo ing the Q,tmospheric
bole and opening the indicator
to the engine. No tuffing
box is required with this
valve, and a the spindle is
screwed with a "quick"
thread, the full movement
can be accomplished in
under two turns of the
Fig. 1.- "
Reducing Gears
Unlike the team engine, the die I ha a ca.mshaft which is no far
from the indicating points. This shaft i therefore conveniently u d for
the reducing gears- th contrivance used to actuate ach indicator drum
so that the mov ment of the latter shall be a r u d- cal oopy f th
m tion of the partioular engine piston. B for th g ar ar fit d, it
must be remembered that the drums must pulled forward and back-
ward once while the re p otive pi ton mov from op <i d centr to
bottom dead centre and back again; also tha.t the wo-cycle ngine
ca.msha.ft rota. once for every revolution of the crankshaft a.nd th four-
cycle camshaft only ha.lf a. turn per cra.nkshaft r volution.
Fig. 3 illu tra.te a.n eccentric-type gea.r often fitted to the cam haft of.a.
two-cycle engine; it will be noted that it is really a small reproduction of
the connecting rod and crank of the engine, and to obtain a correct dia-
gram it is important that:

distance a length of engine connecting rod

distance b = - length of engine crank

For a four-cycle engin

a double-cam gear is
frequently used (see Fig.
4) .
When con tructing this
type of gear it i insufficient
merely to fit two semi-
circular cam profil i! on
opposite sides of the shaft,
even though they may be
accurately set so that their
peaks are under the
rocker-arm roller when the
engine is on top dead
centre; the cam profiles
must be accurately de-
- - NEW - -
signed to allow for what
DI ES EL. I NDICATOR is known as the eccentri ity
- VALVE - of the connecting rod.
;S-WAY . . No allowance n ed be made
QU I CK ACTI N G for this when fitting a
HEAT RESISTI N G red u ing g ar to an engine
crosshead, but we are now
dealing with a rotary part
between whieh and the
Ol'JliN1llD TO ATAlO PHElIJIi piston the conn cting rod
and crank intervene.
Connecting Up the Reducing Gear
Ifr duoing gears have not b n fitted by the engine builders, this must
b don in acoordance with the above, and the gear must be set so that
the point to whioh the indicator leads are to be attached will move in
pba with the r p ctive piston. Indicators and valves are then
screw d into the cylinder tail pipes, which should be of large bore and
as traight as pos ible. A 1 ad made of indicator cord, teel tape,
or wir i tr tohed betw en the book or ring on ach gear by
a strong spring to a fixed pin on the engine, the spring being u ed
to keep the lead taut---see Fig.
5-and the lead should b INDICATOR LEAD
taken as near to the indioator
as possible, with the pin
preferably beyond it. A loop
is made in the lead or attaohed I
to it for the indicator cord I


Setting the Drum Cord I.EN6TH Of INDICATOR DIAGRAM

Anyone piston is put on F i g. 3.- E CENTlU TYIg OEAH
top centre, at whioh point the a-/b must qual ongin conn ting rorl t
indicator lead will be at the crnnk l'Iltio.
end of its troke. Tho drum
oord is 1 ngthen d or shortened
until, when hooked to the loop,
t he drum is clear of th stop.
On slowly turning the engino
one revolution , th drum
should rotate forwards and
backwards without reaching
either stop.

Indicator Spring
ll;'g. 4.- AJoFrVPE OEAI"
After cleaning and oiling run profil must be o.courat.ely d si!(nl'ri.
the indicator piston, a pre sur Rooker arms shown of equal l ngth.
spring is chosen for tho
instrument, from a knowledge
of the maximum engine
I.E"D FROM GUll STifF aI'IIl"'
pressure, to give the requisit
diagr am height. O n re- _t-_II5="F=iii:::::;::::;::::--""/'''.-4
assembly, the instrument i
ready for the test, the drum
oord being unhooked , the
valve shut to the engin,
and a diagram card placed on ONNECT1NO I NDI ATon

the drum. Stiff epring reli ves indicator drum spring

from n_ity of keeping lood taut.

The Test
When engine conditions ar r ached for which indicator diagram aT
required, the drum cord is hooked to th 1 op to t the drum in motion.
The valve is opened to th indica.tor, the pencil of which is lightly put in
FIRIN G contact with the paper for one
oyole and withdrawn. The
valve is shut and the pencil
is again applied to draw the
atmospheric line. Since ther
is no oondensation to clear
away, as in the steam engine,
the valve should always be shut,

A - - -!:r"::::::::::::==--=====:=::J I
exoept when aotually taking
the card.

ON SAME OA.RD Five important types are
shown in Figs. 6 to ll, whioh
are copies of actual diagrams obtained from larg six- and eight-
oylinder marin engines.
Four-cycle-engine P.V. Power Diagram
Fig. 6 illustrates the type of diagram obtained as d soribed above. It
will be noticed that at the pea.k, where firing takes place, the diagram is
very narrow, because the indi~ator drum is at the end of its travel and is
moving very slowly. To investigate what is happening during combustion
a draw diagram is taken; th most important part of this is shown on the
right of the pressure-volume diagram, and is obtained by pulling the
indioator drum cord by hand as the pencil rises and falls. The point at
which firing begins is clearly shown, and the height of the outline at thi
point gives the com pres ion pre sur. AL is the atmospheric line common
to both diagrams. '
Four-cycle-engine Light Spring Diagram
To examine events during exhaust and intake; it is necessary to
magnify th bottom of the diagram which app ars in Fig. 6 as straight
lines coinoident with the atmospheric line. A light spring is therefore
fitted to th indioator and the result is shown in Fig. 7.
Crank-angle Base Diagram
Since the shape of the
p ak of a die 1 diagram is
of such importance, means ar
often provided to give a
mechanicall op rated draw A," IHTAIC & L IN
card, so that the diagram
ha.s a form similar to th , Fig. 7.- FoURCYCLEENGINE LIGHT IlPBINO
draw diagram shown in Fig. THE TWO .. IDLE" STROKES
6, but ea.n b calibra.ted
horizontally as well as vertically. uoh a diagram i bow'll in Fig.
S-the crank-angle ba e diagram wh r horiz ntal m a ur m nt
repre ent not piston stroke or volume but degr sturn d hr ugh
by the crank haft. It i obtain d on a ontinuou rol1 of pap r dri en



(Diagram can be seen on indicator cha.rt)

by a spindle coupled to the cam haft, the special instrum nt u d

being the "Dobbie-McInnes" continuous tim -ba diagram die I
Compression Diagram
This i obta.ined by shutting oft'the fuel from th cylinder being indi-
oated and is used to test the 8 tting and accura.cy of the indicator gar.
Its correct shape is as shown
in Fig. 9, with compression
and expansion lines apparently
coincident. Should it be
looped, the gear requires

A Continuous Diagrams
Fig. ' 9.- C It is sometimes of value to
MP.&1l:8810N DIAGll.AM TAKEN WlTli
1I'0lllL SHUTOFF TO OYLINDER BEINO study changes in the form of
the diagram under varying
conditions. ] or tbis purpose the continuous-diagram indicator is
used and gives a complete record of consecutive diagrams on the Fame
paper. A roll of paper is used, which is wound from a spindle
inside th~ drum round the periphery of the drum and back to a second
int mal spindl. Movement of the paper with respect to t.he drum occurs
automatioally during the the intake or exhaust stroke, and therefore does
not interfere with the form of the diagram, wbich is the normal p.v.
diagram repeat d. Fig. 10 shows continuous diagrams from a four-cycle
di sel engine running at full load. Fig. 11 illustrates the pressure and
power changes while the engine starts up and stops. It should be noted
that Figs. 10 and 11 are tracings of the originals, and that in Fig. 11 the
toes of diagrams 2 to 7 have been omitted, as in tbis particular test only
the peaks were under consideration.

Engine Faults
To obtain maximum eoonomy in running, and to ensure there are no
undue strains on the engine, it is essential that valves should open and
close at the correot points of the cycle and that combustion should be even.
Valve setting is checked by examination of the indicator diagram, wbich
al 0 shows uch faults as chok d atomi ers, early or late firing, over- and
under-loading of the ngine. Fig. 12 shows an example of late firing.


Horizontal line at bottom is dr wn by a se<lond pencil and may be made ooincident
with atmospherio line as shown in Fig. ll. Engine running on full load.

Note the dip at the top of the draw card and the low ma. -imUlll pr ssuro
as compared with the compr ssion pres ur ; such conditi I1R pr nl
the particular oylinder from giving full pow rand ffici n y .


The mean indicated pressure, om times caUed indicated m an
effective pressure- LM.E.P.-oan be found by th planimeter, an instru -
ment for measuring area ,or by th following siro pI m tbod :
Referring to Fig. 13, draw a stmight lin p rp ndicnlar to th o,tm -
spheric Ijne AL at caoh end f the diagram AB and LM RJld di id
the distanoe between th perl lIdiculal's into ]0 equal parts, A-I , 1-2,


1. Air impulse (pressure oarried noarly full length of sLrok ).
2. Firing lightly. 3. :Firing (ignition late). 4. Fi ring heavily
(handles hard over). 6. Full power (fu 1 being shut off). 6. }'uel
being sh ut off. 7. Fuel off (almost a compression oord--engine
nearly stoppod).

2-3, etc. At the midpoint of each division draw 10 straight lines, aa,
bb , cc, etc. , also perpendioular to the atmospheric line. Find the total
length of those parts of aa, bb , cc, etc., contain d by th diagram , multiply
by the pressure scale of the diagram , and, by dividing by ]0, av rag
the result to give the required mean pressure. For exam pi , if tb total
length of the "mean ordinates " was found to be 250 in. , and th
indicator spring scale was 360 lb./sq. in. per inch, then:
250 X 360 .
M.I.P. = - -10 = .90 lb./sq. m.

I.H.P. is obtained from the M.I.P. thus found by multiplying it by

the product of the stroke in feet L, the cylinder area in 8quare inches A and
the number of working 8trokes per minute N , dividing th r ult by 33,000,
i.e. :
M.I.P. X L X A X N li d
I .H .P . = 33,000 - - per oy n r.
For a two-cycle engine
N is the same as the
number of revolutions
per minute j for a four-
oycle engine N i half the
r.p.m., as there is only
one working stroke every
two revolutions.

Use of the Planimeter

Compare with Fig. 6. The above method of
determining M.I.P., while
frequently used, is not
B 2 5 M
as accurate theoretically
t as one which enables
I the diagram area to be
I determined, thus
eliminating calculation
by mid-ordinates. The
" Amsler" No. 6 plani-
meter shown in Figs. 14
L-~+q;::!=YJ...i..:l:;::t:4::!:~ L actual and 15 m eas ures the
area of the
Fig. I3.- THE .. MEAN ORDINATE" METHOD OF MEA diagram, and it has, in
M.Ll'. AND I.n.p.
addition, an arrangement
(M.r.p. of this diagram is 90 lb. per sq. in,)
for finding the mean
Thus, a small
variation at the p ak of
c the ca,r d, which would
not be taken into
account by the mid-
ordinate method, would
be shown in the result
obtained by the plani-
Th diagram card is
pinned to a drawing-
boa,rd, and, a hown in
WIDTlI Fig. 14, the planimet r
is reversed.
By moving th Hde on the traoing arm, the planimeter is set
so that the di tanoe b tween the points on th upp l' side of the
arm is equal to the width of the diagram. Without altering thi

distanc , the planimeter, Fig. 15, i

placed on the board in a convenient
position with the needle point E
outside the diagram and tb pointer
F resting on th outline of th
diagram. An initial reading is taken
on the dials and D. Without
disturbing E, the pointer F i
carefully traced round th diagram,
following every feature of the ourve
until one complete cirouit is made.
The final reading is taken, and the
initial r ailing subtract d from it.
Dividing the 1" suIt by 04 gives th
mean h ight in inch s, which , when
multiplied by th scal of tho
indicator pring, gives the M.I.P.
from which I.H.P. is found in the
usual way.
cond reading of
planim ter 1 7 4
First reading of plani-
meter 16 2

Differeno 0102 -
Divide by 04 . 0255in. j
m an height.
If scale ofspring is 36 lb./sq. in.
per inch.
M.I.P. = 0255 X 360
= 91 lb./sq. in.
It is now an a y matter to
calculate the indicated hor e-power
of th engine by using the formula
= M.I.P. X L X A ~
I .H .P . 33,0 0 '
baring in mind that the formula
gives the hor e-pow r of one oylinder only. The total I.H. . of a 4-oylind r
engine, for example, would be four times the valu giv n by the formula.




Fig. 16.- TlIE .. F A.l\.NBORO " INDICA~'OR

The Optical Indicator

Thi type of indicator employ , in tead of a link-work and p neil
me banism, a small mirror which is capabl of beiug deflected in 1\ vertical
plane by the pressure existing in the engine cylinder, and in a horizontal
plane by th to-and-fro movement of the piston in the cylinder. A beam
of light focused on the mirror is reflected back from it, and will trace out an
indicator diagram on a suitable sere n or photographic plate. These
indicators are chiefly used for laboratory and re earch work.

The " Farnboro " Indicator

This is an electrical indicator in which th varying pres ure in th
oylinder of the ngine under test is recorded by means of lectric sparks
\ hioh punctur the indicator card,
A only very slight movements of a pressur disc or diaphragm are
requir d to cau e th spark , thi indicator is almost fr e from inertia
trects. It is particularly adapted to use on high- p ed engin s, and has
b n u d largely in the testing of aero engines.

Construction and Operation of the " Farnboro " Indicator

The e sential parts of the" Farnboro " indicator are illustrated in Fig.
l6 . Th components are a. follows:
An induction coil for producing high-ten ion sparks.

A pressure contaot unit whioh is sorew d into th cylind rh a.d of th

engine to be tested.
A compressed-air oontainer with control valv .
A rotating drum for holding the indicator oard.
A spring-controlled pivoted r cording lever.
It will be seen tha.t the high-tension winding of the park oil is
connected to the recording lever, the high-ten ion ou:ouit being ompl d
through the meta.l drum and the engine frame.
The low-tension side of the ignition coil is oonn ot d to a mo a.bl
metal diso inside the pressure unit. This disc, which oan movo tw D
two seats, interrupts the primary circuit of the coil when v r it I av
either the upper or the lower sea.t.
The air container is connect d through it,s contr I valv with th upp r
side of the pressure unit, so that when the control valv is op ned slightly
the disc is forced on to its lower seat and the air pr ssur is transmitt d to a
spring-controlledpistonwhichcontrolsth mov m ntoftb r cordingl v r .
The position of the sparking poin t along the axis of the drum i determin d by
the air pressure acting upon the upp r side of the pressure unit. Th rotating
drum is driven from the engine crankshaft directly or by chain, s that th
angular position of the drum corresponds tothe angularp sitionoftb cranle.
When the
pressure in the INDICATOR UNIT
engine cylinder rises
above the value of

disc valve
the air lifts from
pressure, the ====9~~~r::~~~~,~~~~~~~
its seat and a spark
occurs between th
recording lever and
thedrum. Similarly,
when the cylinder
pressure falls below
the air pressure, the
disc leaves the upper
seat and a spark
occurs. These spark
mark the indicator
Fig. 17 .-CATRODEru. \'
The indioator unit i8
cooled by directing a
blast of oompreseed air
at one of the ventilating
holea in the body.
To obtain an indicator diagram, the engine should be run up to speed,
and when steady conditions have been reaoh dan inoreasing pressure is
admitted from the air reservoir to the upp r part of the pressure unit. As
the air pressure rises, the spring-oontrolled piston in the pressure unit
gradually moves outwards, carrying with it the recording lever.
The diso valve leaves the lower seat every time the engine-cylinder
pressure exceed the air pressure above the disc. In the meantime, the
indicator drum is rotating in synohronism with the crankshaft. In this
wayan indicator diagram is obtained in the form of spark punctures on
the indicator card. The line joining these punctures gives a pressure
reoord plotted against crank angles. This may afterwards be converted
to obtain an indioator diagram showing oylinder pressures plotted against
piston displacements.
Improvements in the " Farnboro" Electric Indicator
In conjunction with Messrs. Ricardo of hor ham and B.RRA. of
London, the maID rs of the" Farnboro " Indicator have developed a new
pick-up unit whioh is much more sensitive to pressure ohanges and which
obviates spr ading of the spark holes in the diagram paper. The pick-
up operates on muoh the same lines as the diso-valvo unit already de-
soribed exc pt that it has a sp cial form of diaphragm whioh, through a
simple eleotrio oirouit, oause a spark to pass through the indicator paper
when it makes and br aks an el, otrio contact. Since a very small current
now pas s b tw en the electrode to the diaphragm, no pitting of the
contact surfac s ooours, and b cause of this, and also beoause there is no
1 akag of engine gas from one side of the diaphragm to the other, clean-
ing of the new unit has to be done very rarely. Maintenance work is
ev n less often r quir d than it is with the normal" Fa1.'llboro " Indicator,
and the new unit will operate continuously for many hours without clean-
ing. Apart from this the aoouraoy and clarity of the diagram is muoh
The Cathode-ray Indicator
This is one of the la t and most convenient types of indicators for
use with oompre sion-ignition engines. The indioator unit consists of a
small metallio cap ule which can be screwed into the oylinder head, as
shown in Fig. 17. When the varying oylinder pressure aots on this
oap ul , leotrioal voltages are generated in it, the voltage being propor-
tional to the pressure. Two eleotricalleads from this unit are taken to a
oathod -ray indioator. The horizontal sweep of the cathode-ray beam is
controlled hy an electro-meohanical ,l),ITang ment operated from the
engine shaft, so that the spot moves horizontally acro the screen in
ynohroni m with the movement of the pi ton in th engin oylinder.
The varying voltages g nera-ted in the indicator unit oontrol the vertical
defleotion of th oa.thod ray, 0 that when the apparatus is in use an
indicator diagram can be seen on the scr n of th oathode -ra.y tube
With suoh appara.tus means ar provided for obtaining a p rman nt l' ord
on a photographio plate whenever thi is requir d.
For testing purpose it is nece ary to provid an artificial load for
the engine. There are four po ible method : namely by the u e of a
rope or band brake applied to the rim of the f!.ywh 1; by m ana of a
dynamometer; or by the us of an air brak . r small- and m dium-
sized engine somt' form of friotion brak i the simple t.
Where a large number of test are to be an-i doutonarang of ngines,
e.g. in production testing, a dynamom ter load is the mo t suitabl .
For general-purpose work the ]~roude hydraulic, th H nan dynamatio,
and the Heenan electric dynamometer ar very stisfs. tory.


I . High.qualit;y steel shaft, 2. Moobonicai tachomotor mounted hore
wh n speeified. 3. Spring balance on ewiv lling hood. 4. Windins- con
struoted to withstand hig)) speed. 5, Commutator COJUltruotod for high.
speed. running. 6. Gen rator for use with electrical tacbometer. 7. Rigid
For small very high-
speed engines an air
brake offers the
advantage of great
simplicity in usc,
though it involves
special care being taken
in observing atmos-
pheric conditions, as
the resistance offered
by the air screw varies
according to the bar-
ometric pressure, the
air temperature, and
th humidity during
the period of the test.
Friction Brakes
The two main types
of friction brakes used
Ol/T are the rope brake and
the band brake.
The arrangement
for applying a rope
brake to an engine
which is about to
Fig. lS.- AlmANOlllMBN'T 0]1' THlll ROPE BRAXlIl
undergo a test is
hown in Fig. 1. A flanged rim is attached to the flywheel , and
a rope wrapped onc round. Weights are attached to one end of
the rope and a spring ba!anc upports the other end. As the en-
gine flywheel rotates, the friction between the rope and the rim tends to
lift tho weights, so that the spring balance indicates a figure less than the
total weight on the brake. Th difference between these weights, multi-
plied by the" lever arm" (see Fig. 18), gives the torque on the engine.
It will b noticed that the rim, which is bolted on to the flywheel, has an
outer flange. It will also be seen that there are two pipes, the ends of
which are bent over this flange so that they are located near the inner rim
of the brake attachm nt. A supply of water passes from one of these
pipes into the interior of the brake rim when the latter is revolving, and
this water is sc oped up by the outlet pipe after it has passed ronnd the
wh 1. This prevents th friction of the rope from overheating the brake rim.
The points requiring sp cia! attention when using the rope brake are
a follows:
1. Th diameter of the rope must be taken into account when calculat-
ing the 1 v I' arm, as shown in Fig. 18.

2. The weight of the rope between th points XX and Y Y h uld b

allowed for. XX should be taken from the weight shown on th balan ,
and YY added to the ml1in weight.
3. A re training bracket should alway be fitt d to pr vent th weight
from being thrown over the wh el should the rop sudd nly "s iz "th
brake rim.
The limitation of the rope brake i that tIl friction b tw n th rop
and the wheel is liabl to fluctuate slightly. Til s flu tuations will, f
cour e, be seen on the spring balanc , but an intelligent ob. rvation of
this will enable faiJ:ly corr ct average r ading to be obtain d.
If a weight of 50 lb. is placed on the hook at the low r nd of th rop ,
the spring b",lance should r gister a littl over 50 lb. , beaus it sbould
also show the weight of the book upporting the wights and alHo ill
weight of the straight part of tb rop. If the rop is wrapp d round th
brake rim and the engine started, the rope will t nd to b carri d round
in th direction of rotation. This will have the e~ ct of deer asing v ry
considerably the weight indicated on the spring balanc .
Assuming with the engine at rest the spring balanc giv s a reading of,
say, 52 lb., and with the engine rotating ov r a certain peri d the avel'ag
reading is 27 lb., then the braking foroe is qual to 25 lb., aoting at a
leverage equal to th . distanoe from the centre of th Bywhe I to th
vertioal centre line of the rope.
To determine the horse-power the engine is devel ping und l' load, it i
necessary to observe the speed of the engine sbaft in revolutions p r
minute, by means of an ngine oounter or by meal of asp d indicator.
The revolution counter l' quires an ob ervation to b tak n ov l' a
period of a minute or more. The l' suIts obtain d a1' bighly acourat ,
but they represent the averag sp ed ov l' the p riod of obs rvation.
The speed indicator gives an instantan ous reading of th sp d. It
also shows whether tbe sp dis teady or fluctuating, but from th point
of view of accuracy it is not so reliable as tbe revolution counter, becau
in course of time the control springs of th governor mechanism, or th field
strength of the generator magnet, may become weaken d. uch an
instrument, therefore, n cds fairly frequ nt recalibration if acourate l' ults
0.1' required.

B.H.P. Calculation
If in an engine undergoing a friction brake test the following r adings
are obtained:
Brake load, 70 lb.
Effective radius of brake, 24 in.
peed, 250 revs. per min.,
the brake horse-power can be calculated as follow



Fig7 19.- TlIlIl BAND BR.AXE

Thie type of friction brake is more 8.()curate and stable than t he rope brake.

Foroe applied to rim of brake, 70 lb.

Distano moved by rim of brake in 1 min.
250 X 24 X 21T ft.
3,142 ft.
Work done per min. = 70 X 3,142 ft. /lb.
1 h.p. = 33,000 ft.flb. p r min.
Brake horse-power of 70 X 3,142
engine under test - 33,000
= 666

The Band Brake

This is an alternative to the rope brake, the rope being replaced by a
steel band to whioh wood or fibre blooks are attaohed (see Fig. 19). This
band oan b tightened on to the wh el to il10r a e the load by means of a
sorew. A lever of fi.~ d I ngth is attaoh d to the band, and the torque is
measured on a spring balanoe. A balanoe weight is fitted to balance the
weight of the lever or th weight of the lever oan be subtraoted from the
spring-balance reading (a. sight feed is most satisfaotory), and the rim


The electric motor is the starting motor, Md is d lutched when not required . It ml~y
also be employed for dri ving tho engine to d tennine pumping lossos.

mu t be cooled. Many engineers admit a trick] of water to th ooling

channel, allowing the water to boil, but a mor sati factory m thod is 0
fit a scoop to withdraw the water.
The chief difference in the method of calculating brak h TS -pow r
when using the band brake a compar d with th rop brake is that
instead of using the effective radiu of the brak rim as the lever arm th
measurement must be a shown in Fig. 19, i.. the ffectiv I v rage mu t
be mea ur d from the centre of the flywheel th centr lin of th spring
The Froude Dynamometer
The Froude dynamometer i a d vic which i suitabl for coupling up
to an engine to be tested. It provide an artificial load, utilising th
principle of hydraulic friction. A detailed de cription is as follows:
The main shaft carrie a rotor which revolve inside a wa rtight
casing ( ee Fig. 20).
Each face of th rotor i formed into a rie of semi- lliptica.l pock
divided from each other by a series of oblique vanes. The internal faces
of the casing are pooketed in the same way, but these pookets faoe in the
opposite direotion to those in the rotor. Between the rotor and the oasing
are fitted adjustable sluice plates to control the load.
As the rotor revolves, the water is Bung outwards and forwards out of
the pookets. The streams of water so formed are reversed by the casing
pookets and Bung back into the rotor. The reversing of the Bow in this
way exerts a foroe on the oasing, and tends to drag it round with the rotor.
The oasing is mounted on rollers, and is restrained from movement by a
weighing gear (spring balance or weights, or both). Measurement of the
restraining force requir d, which includes not only the hydraulic reaction,
but also the gland and bearing friotion, gives an exact measure of the
power output of the engine.
For oaloulating the brake horse-power the makers provide a simplified
formula whioh takes aocount of the dimensions and oharacteristios of the
particular model used. For example, a typical formula is,
Brake horse-power = 1000',
where W is the weight shown on the spring balanoe and N is the speed in
r volutions per minute. The faotor 1,000 would, of course, vary accord-
ing to the partioular model of dynamometer in use.

Eddy-current Dynamometers
Th H nan Dynamatic Eddy-current Dynamometer, like the Froude
Hydraulic Dynamometer, is us d extensively for the absorption and
measur ment of engine power. The rotor, whioh has the appearanoe of
a toothed g arwheel of wide face and coarse pitch, runs with a small
olearanc inside the stator, whioh has a smooth cylindrioal bore. Ap-
plication of direct-current excitation to a field coil wound ciroumferenti-
ally round the stator produces a magnetic flux whioh links the rotor with
the tator. Heavy BlL,{ conoentrations are oreated in the regions of the
tips of th rotor teeth, and when the rotor is turned, in either direotion,
th e conc ntration give rise to induced eddy ourrents in the stator.
The e et up magnetic fields whioh, interacting with the main field, resist ro-
tation of the rotor and give th dynamometer its capaoity to absorb power.
Th engin -power output is entirely converted into heat, which is
oarried away by a Bow of oooling water oiroulating in the olearanoe space
b twe n th rotor and stator. The rotor haft is oarried in bearings
looated in the stator end covers, and the stator, mounted on trunnion
bearing , is oonneoted to aocurate torque-reaction weighing gear on
exaotly th ame lines as the Froude Hydraulic Dynamometer.
The amount of D.C. exoitation ourrent pas ed through the stator
field ooil d termines the load absorbed by the dynamometer. The D.C.
exoitation ourrent is provided by an el otronio oontrol unit designed for
operation from A.C. mains upply, and the output from thi unit is
adjusted manually or automatically.
Manual adjustment of load is u ed when testing a gov rn d engin ,
the dynamometer then being he to run at th speed dictated by th
engine governor. Automatic adju tment of load is us d wb n t ting
an ungoverned engine, the dynamom t r then running at th d
dictated by its control-unit setting irrespectiv of th pow r d el p d
by the engine. A governor generator (mounted on th dynamom r
shaft) modulates the electronio control unit in a mann r uoh that the
dynamometer acts as a governor tending to maintain a con tant peed
of rotation by increasing or deoreasing load automatioally a may be
required to suit the engine-power output.
Electric Dynamometers
The Heenan D.C. Electric Dynamometer is al 0 U8 d xtensi ly for
the absorption and m asur ment of ngin power, but in addition it
has the advantage of providing motoring facilities and th mans for
current regeneration to reduce the engine manufaotur r's d mand on th
electric supply mains. Th e features app al mainly to tho con rns
who consider it d sirable to run-in engines to bed down pistons, ring and
bearings, etc., prior 0 allowing their ngin s to run on load, and to r -
search and development engineers who wish to have facilities for making
a very quick change-over from power absorption to motoring duti .
This quick change-over is usually considered to be e s ntial wh re ngine
friction and pumping losses have to be asc rtain d.
The dynamometer comprises in ssentials a D.C. motor gen rator in
which the armature shaft is carri d in bearings located in th stator nd
covers, and the stator, mounted on trunnion bearings, is conn oted to
acourate torque reaction weighing gear similar to the Froud Hydraulio
When used to absorb power, the dynamom ter g nerate D.C. curr nt,
and when used as a motor to drive tb ngine the dynamom ter ta.k 8
current from the mains supply. The dynamom ter control g ar usually
involves a. combination of series r istance and shunt-field c ntrol, or
alternatively a combination of Ward Leonard and hunt-ti Id control.
It can be made non-regenerative, fully regenerative, or partially r -
The partially regenerative system u a Heenan Dynamatic Eddy-
current Brake to dis ipate any power which cannot be fully utilis d in ide
t he engine builder's works. This i.~ a very valuable ature wher for
various rea ODS it may b impracticable to regenerate curr nt to the upply
Aut hority's external mains, and is indispen able when faoiliti to change
over instantaneously from ab orption load to motoring dutie ar re-
quired on a research and development te t bed where external reg neration
is not permissible.
Chapter IX

HE analysis of exhaust gas is a simple operation which may be u ed
to estimate the air consumption of an engine. It is of particular
importance when an exhaust-gas boiler is employed, as the weight and
speoific heat of the gases entering the boiler may be ascertained, thus
enabling the boiler efficiency to be determined.
The Orsat Apparatus
Many types of apparatus are available, but all work on the same princi-
ple. A measured volume of gas is drawn from the exhaust pip"'. Carbon
dio ide, oxygen, and carbon monoxide are absorbed successively in suit-
able solutions, and th reduction in volume after each operation givcs the
volume of gas contained in the original sample. Fig. 1 shows the
simplest of the portable apparatus, which is known as the" Orsat."
The branch X i oonnected to he exhau t system, Y is open to the atmo-
spher . The three-way c ok G enables either branch to be put in com-
munication with the apparatus as required. K is the measuring tube,
calibrated from 0 to 100 c.c., and the ve sel H which contains water
colour d y llow enables the sampl to be drawn into this tube by manipu-
lation of the water-level. I , II, and IIJ are the reaotion vessels controlled
-by the ooks D, E, and F. They are usually fill d with glass tubes to
incr a e th area of" wet" surface. A rubber balloon is often attached
to th air v nts, to insolate th solution from atmosph ric pollution.
Preparation of the Apparatus
In use , it is first n cessary to draw the liquid in J , IT, and III up to the
level A A A. To do this, His rai d until the water-level in K is at B,
the oocks D, E, F being clo ed, and Z being in communioation with Y.
Close G, lower H a little, and open D. The liquid in I will now ri e, and
H must b lowered slowly until the level in I i at A. Clo e D, raise H,
and op n G to Yagain. Now repeat for II and III. Finally rai e the level
in K to B, 010 e G and lower H as far a po ible. The lev I at A A A
and B hould not ohang over a period of (say) 20 minutes. If any change
is ob rv d , an air 1 ak must be susp cted, and the rubber connections
should be e 'amin d. If all is well, the apparatus may now be t to work.
Conn t X to the exhaust pipe, pI' fetably a shown in Fig. 2. Open
G to X ( Yolo d) and draw in a sample. E pel tbi via Y, and draw in



a second sample, also exp Hed via Y. (The purpo of the manipuJa-
tions is to purge the apparatu of air.) The final ampl may now b drawn
in. It is now necessary to equali e the pressure in X with th atmospher.
Close W (Fig. 2) and remove the rubber tube at W, closing it with the fingers.
lowly raise H alongside X, until the water-level 0 is in lin with 0 1 , at
or a liUle above the zero 1nark on X, at the same time r leasing the rubber
tube. If not at zero, make a note of the soale reading. 10 G, is lating
the apparatus completely, and replace the rubber tub at W.
Making the Analysis
The ana.lysis may now be made, in the order I , n, III (i.. , 2' ,J
CO). Raise H and open D, slowly rai ing H until th I vel in X is at th
mark B . CIo e D, and place H on the stand at the top of th appara.tus,
and leave for two or three minute. (Alternatively, th op ration may b
aocelerated by repeatedJy raising and lowering H, thus agitatmg th liquid
in I.) Now draw the gas baok into X, until the liquid-l vel is ga.in at A
in 1. Equalise water-level in H and X , and not the 0 1 reading.
The operation should now be repeated until two successive observations
are alike. This will indicate that all CO 2 has been absorbed.
The gas is now transferred to vessel II, and the oxygen absorbed , but
here the process will take longer owing to the slowness of the reaction.
(It should also be noted that as the pyrogallic acid in II will absorb atmo-
spheric oxygen, it will become exhausted even when not"in use, and it is
wise to replace the solutions each time the apparatus is used.) The
difference between the final observations and that made after CO 2
absorption gives the volume of oxygen absorbed.
Finally, the gas is passed into tjle CO vessel III, but in a well-behaved
oil engine the quantity should be nil. (A small volume of CO may be
found on overload, but as black smoke indicates unburnt carbon in the
exhaust, analysis of the exhaust gas is unreliable under these conditions)

w ....
~ ~
~ c ~
~ ~

(a) (b) (e)


An appreciable volume of CO tnay indicate that absorption of oxygen in

II has not been complete, and in these ciroumstances a second sample may
be taken as a oheck. The r mainder of the gas in the apparatus may be
presumed to be nitrogen.

Example of Test Log

The operator's log may then appear as below:
Initial soale reading = 2 0.0. Therefore initial volume = 98 0.0.

After 00 2 absorption. 88
Ther {ore volume of 00 2 = 7'3 c.o.
_ 73 X 100 0
- 98 = 75 Yo CO 2 ,
After O2 absorption 126
1 1
1 1
Therefore volume of O2 = 1 1 - 93 = . 0.0 .
_ 88 X }OO _ 0/ 0
- 9 - 9 /0
A'ter CO absorption 1 2
Therefore volume of CO = 1 2 - 1 1 = 01 0.0.

_ 01 X 100 _ O. 0 / CO
- 9 - 1 /0

Nitrogen by difference = 83'4%.

The small volume of CO might be ignored.
It will be noted that the Orsat cannot give an estimation of the ~O
present, but as shown below this may be caloulated from the fu 1analy is.
Fig. 2 indicates three ways of talring the sample. At (a) th apparatus
is connected directly to the exhaust pipe, a length of about 6 ft. of oopp r
pipe being coiled up to cool the gas on its way. At (b) the sample is drawn
into a 250-c.c. receiver fitted with cocks C, C. The r ceiver and tail pipe
are filled with water, the tail pipe being say 3 ft. long, its lower nd im-
mersed in a bucket of water. W is open d and the oocks C, C manipu-
lated to allow the water to flow out slowly. At (c) a continuous str am of
exhaust gas is drawn along the upper pip by means of an ejector attaoh d
to a water tap. The apparatus is connected to this pipe.
Method (b) enables suffioient gas to be taken to allow two analyses to
be made at leisure.
Calculation of Exhaust Gas and Air Quantity
The carbon in the fuel will, unless smoke is being made, b burnt to
CO2 or CO in the exhaust. The weight of fuel carbon burnt per hour will
then be exaotly equal to the weight of carbon p r hour pa sing through the
exhaust.. The fuel analysis must be known, of COU1'8e, but this can easily
be obtained from the suppliers as each batch is deliver d.
The first thing to do is to convert the analysis by volume to analysis by
weight. The relative weights of th various substances are as follows:
Hydrogen (HI) 2 Steam <Hs0) 18 (2 + 16)
Oxyg~n (0 2 ) 32 Carbon Dioxide (CO,) 44 (12 + 32)
Nitrogen (Nt) 28 Carbon Monoxide (CO) 2 (12 + 16)
Carbon (C) 12
The relativelyaroall amount of carbon deposited in t he oombuttion obamber may be ignored.
Consider the a.na.lysis shown :
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
% Vol. Rd. Wt. % Vol. X Rel. Wt. 00l.3 % Wt.
CO 2 75 44 330 330
CO 01 2 2 28
. 2,956

2 90 32 2 2 8

N2 834 28 2,335 2,335

2,956 7900%

Sum 2,9558 9999

. /
It IS n. useful check to remember tha.t th sum of col. 3 should always be
olose to 2,950.
Now calculate the weight of carbon present per lb. of water-free ex-
haust gas:
In 0llI5Ib. CO 2 there will be 44 X 01115 lb. carbon = 00305
In 00009 lb. CO th ere will b 2 X 00009 lb. carbon = 0.0003 11
Total 0030 81

Say 00309 lb. per lb. water-free exhaust.

A typical diesel oil may contain 14'5% Hydrogen, 85% Carbon
(sulphur should be included in the ca.rbon).
Thu in one pound of fuel there will be O & lb. carbon. Hence the

weight of water-free exhaust gas/lb. fuel = 0~~3~9 = 275 lb.

To obtain the total weight of exhaust gas, the weight of steam formed
must be add d.
In one pound of fuel i found 0145 lb. of Hydrogen (Hz). Each
pound ofH s will produce ~8 = 9 lb. of H 2 0.
Thereforewt. of Hz OperIb. fuel = 9 X 0'146 = 1305 lb . .
Total weight of exhaust made per lb. of fuel burnt = 275 + 1305
= (say) 288 lb.
To make this quantity, the engine burnt one 1 ound of Eu 1. It follow
therefore, that the rest is air. Thus the weight of air us d p(',r lb. of fu I
burnt is 27 lb.

Heat Carried Away in Exhaust

To obtain the heat carried away in the hall t gas, u may mad
of the following table :

Differencea between AtmOB. Heat carried away in 1 lb. Heat carried away;n 1 lb.

Temp. and Ex'h. Temp. wa.t erjree exhauat H.o at nONnaI exllaust pr swrc

F. B.Th.U. B.T/i.U .

)00 I 26
200 50 ),1411
300 75 1,191
),2 5
600 JIi} 1,332
700 J76 1,3 0
800 202 1,429
900 229 1,479
1,000 257 1,629

The heat per lb. of steam is calculated assuming atmosph ric temp ra-
ture is 62 F., but even if this were 2 F., the rror in h at to haust
would not exceed one third of one per cent.
Assume now for purposes of example that the engine wa d v loping
600 B.H.P. at a fuel consumption of 037 lb. P r B.H.P. p r hr. , that h
exhaust temperature was 760 0 F., and th air tcmperatur 60 F. up-
pose also that this gas leaves the exhaust boiler at 260 0 F.
Total weight of water-free products per hour = 6 0 X 037 X 275
= 6,100 lb. per hr.

Total weight of water vapour per hour = 600 X 037 X 1305

= 2 951b. P r hr.

Heat carried away in dry products per hour

= 6,100 X 176 = 1,072,000 B.Th.U.
Heat carried away in water vapour per hour
= 2 95 X 1,3 0 = 399,000 B.Th.U.
1,471,000 B.Th.U.
Heat contained in dry products leaving boiler
= 6,100 X 50 ;;= 305,000 B.Th.U.
Heat contained in water vapour leaving boiler
= 2895 X 1,145 = 331,900 B.Th.U.
636,900 B.Th.U.

Therefore heat given up to exhaust boiler = 1,471 ,000 - 636,900

= 834,100 B.Th.U. per hr.

Note.-(l) The heat extracted by the exhaust boiler is equivalent to

328 B.H.P. The equivalent coal consumption would be about 75 lb. per
(2) A great part of the heat lost in the exhaust leaving the boiler is due
to the latent heat of the water vapour. This cannot be recovered without
condensing the vapour with consequent corrosion troubles.

Volume of Air Consumed

At 30 in. Hg. and 60 0 F., 1 cu. ft. dry air weighs 00762 lb.
In the above example (6,100 + 289'5)-222 lb. air was used per hr.
= 6,167'5 lb.
. H g. an d 60 0 F . = 6,1675
V oIume at 30 m. .0762 = 81,000 cu. ft . per hr .

Knowing the bore, stroke, and speed of the engine, the piston swept
volume can then be calculated and the volumetric efficiency determined.

Temperature Tests
In addition to the composition of the exhaust gas, the exhaust tempera-
ture of an engine is of primary importance, particularly on multi-cylinder
engines, and its measurement should be subject to the same care as
measurement of fuel or power. Whatever type of thermometer is used, it
should be ensured that the bulb or sheath is in the full flow of exhaust
gas. If the bulb is not clear of the port walls, heat will be absorbed by
these walls and give a false reading.
It is possible to obtain sm Ids for thermo-couples designed to prevent
the port walls from affecting the pyrometer sheath, but even if these are
used, it is important to see that the sheath projects exactly the same
amount into the exhaust port.
The mercury-in-steel dial thermometer is most convenient for the
testing of multi-cylinder engines, although multi-dial pyrometers are
becoming more popula.r. Pyrometer and thermometer dials should
always be as large a.s possible.
A lev lling, 103
Accelerator control, 152 lowering, J 00
Adva.nce and retard, 72, 153 B 1Ii88 and Morcom fu liuj etlon lIyat m,
After dribble, 62 45
Air, Brake,
compressor, free-piston, 207 nil', for testin~, 221
container, 219 band, for testmg, 221, 223
reoeiver, 117 rop , for testing, 221
reservoir, 12 Bryce,
scavenge, 12, 1 4 cru:nshaft pump, 53
starter motors, 122 fuel.inj otion equipm nt, 53
Alignment, h ydraulio governor, 74
checking direct coupling, 102 injectors, 56
of belt 0" chain drive, 102 nozzl hold rs, 56
of crankshaft borings, 104 nozzl 8 , 57, 5
of delivery ports, 71 tapp t -operated pump, 54
of pistons, 175 testing inj t fe, 69
rectifying faulty, 9 Butterfly valve, 10, 5
Analysis, exhaust gM, 22
Anti -vibration engin bed, 92
Atlas Diesel fuel-injeotion system, G1 c
Atomisation, faulty, 39 .A.V.
Atomiser, fuel -injeotion pumps, 30, 68
Be1liss and Morcom-C.A.V., 45 idling and m8Ximum speed governor,
Bryce, 53 69
of small marine engine, adjustm nt to, h ydmulio gov mor, 73
181 lift pump, 165
Robey, 52 mechanioal governors, 73, 76
Ruston, 46 nozzle hold r, 36
testing pump, 50 pneumatic governor,
Automobil diesel engin S, start fa, 130
Commer, 1 3 aloulation,
four-strok , 139 air cousumed, 234
Gardner, 139 B.H.P., 223
Horizontal A.E . . , 1 2 xhaust gll4 and air quantity, 231
Perkins, 161 aroshaft, 157
troubles, 144 Caroshof pump, Bry ,53
two-stroke, 183 athod -ray indic tor, 220
Auto-tensioner, 17G Ohang -over valve, 124-
01 aning,
nozzl and holdete, 59, 60
B sprayers, 149
B.H.P., Cl arances,
oaloulation of, 223 bearings and journala, 12
formula for, 226 main bearings, 171
m asureroent of, 221 Cl08ed nozzles, 57
Bearing , Combustion and th fu I 'yatem, 22
crank-journal, testing for 10080, 105 Combustion cbambers,
fitting, 112 auxiliary, 26
in Gardner engin , 13 dceign of, 26
running olearances of, 128 joints, 164
Bed plate, toroidal,2
alignment, 104 Common rail lyat m, 53
Compressed air, stational'Y, 118
by fr a-piston campr BB01', 207 tests on. 20
rec iv r, water dl:ain from, 117 turbo-charging of, 16
starting, 126, ] 30 working cycle of, 9, 15,] 5, 20G
Compression, Differ ntia] injector pump, G4
and injection stl'oke, 9 DobbieMcInnes indicator, 210
diagrnro, 214 Dual-fuol engin , 21
loss of, 120 Dupl x intake, 19
rutio, 10, 10 Dyna.mometer,
Comprossion-ignition ngin, eddy-om'r nt, 226
bns io prinoiples, 9 electrio, 221, 226
Connecting rods, }<~roudc, 22 ]
P d<ins, J 00. 172 torque-reaction, 22G
Ire -piston, 200
Contaim'l', air, 2J 9,
ontinuous dingrrunB, 2 14
ontrol, accolorator, 152
Control I'od stop, 79 E
Cooling, Eccentriotype geru', 211
of charge ail', J 7 Eddy-ourrent dynamometer, 226
of oil, 26 Eh'ctl'ic dV)lamometer, 221, 226
of pistons by oil, 28 Electrio starting cquipm nt, 1 ao, 1 0
Gardn r ngines, 149 Engine,
water, system, 220 A.E.C., 182
water, small marin engin s, 189 Commer, ] 83
rank-angl" base dia.gram, 212 DoxIord,13
l'ankpins, oval, J 73 Dual-fuel, 21
Cro.nksht1ft, Fl' -piston, 204
bearings, adjustro nt of, 104 Gardner, 130
faulty alignment of, 108 Napier, 204
fitting Jarg -end b arings to, J 09 Nationtll, I SO
Oardn 1', 157 P rkina, 161
Cycl of operation, fOUl'-stroke dies I, 9 ulzer, 11
ycle of operation, two-stl'oke di sel, 11 Engine bed, 92
y lind r blook, Perkins, ] 70 Engines,
ylind r had, automobile, 131:1
Pel'kina, 169, 17S II II, 19
I' mova!, free piston, 2 7 installation of, 8 i
r moval, Gardner, 151 governing of, 2lS, 73, 74
removal, P rkins, 161 lubri ation of, 129
ylinders, power of. 16,221
horizontal, ! 3 sil ncing of, 101
smoke from, 120 small marin , 1 6
sts on, 20
of small marin engine, 1 7
D of tanks, 103
DecRrbonising, 127 of valv gar, 113
D oompression gelll', Gardner, 140 Examination for WOOl', 170
D ompre or valve, 19, 156 Exhaust,
D livery filter, Gardner, 143 dirty, 122
D livery valv , Atl!lB Diesel, 03 g!lB analysis, 22
Dioso] ngin indicator, 209 g!lB hea.t lost, 233
Diesel knock, 61 gas sampling, 22
Diesels, gas tomperatu tests, 234
automobile, 130 pit. 100
B,H.P. of, 221, 223 pulse pl'f'BBUl'e timing, 12
for g n rating, 93 system, layout of, 99
installation of, 7 system of small marin eogin ,1
power di.a grams of, 212 system with pit silen r, 96
power of, 16 Exhaust-driven tUl'bo-chargers, 16
mall marin , 1 6 Exhaust-val", adjustment, 194
F lubrication system, 142
" Farnboro .. indicator, 21 ml'untenanco not 143
Faults, o"erhoul a nd repair notes 150
!n~ect!on pumps, 34
valve timing. 158 '
ill) ctlon system, 14-4- G(lS diesel emgin , J 9
marino diollel!!, 201 Gl18i6cI', froo ",Laton, 2 6
F~ling sump of sma.!1 marine engine, I, 9 GIIBoperat d injt'ctor pump, 64. 06
FIlters, 22 Ge01'8.
fuol , C.A.Y., 165 p h l18e. 204
high pl'Ossul'e, 5 rt'ducing 209
Fittin~ a nd water piping of small mMine Governor. 23, 74
engll1e, 188 GO\'t'r110 I'S,
FJElxiblc co upling, lining up , 102 Hr\,(l(' 74
Flywh'el, re pl acing on shaft 107 ('.A.,,~. 72. n.
FOl1ndation blook, 9:: ' Robe". 25
Fowldation ~oncr('w, HURton (Iud Hornsbv, 24
bolt holes in. ()7 RimTJl8. 84
eXCiloVlltion fol', 95
mixing of, 97
providing clearances in, 98 H
wood boxes for. 97 Haud.starLing, Gal'dn r <'nguw 141
Foul.eycle ongine. R oal loat in l.x hnus t gus. 23S '
Jig~~t spring dillg l'run, 210
liN,I.ing the t'ngim.roorn , 81l
P .\. pow('r diagram. 210 Heavy fu('1 (~OllRtlnlptio[). cnuses of. 12 1
Fourstrokl' cycle. 10 Heavyoil ongine, Nn,tiol\nl Seril's M4A l RIl
Friction brnko. engine testing, 220 H igh' IJ1'{'SSlI l'(' fi lt {'r. (I() ,
Froudc dynrunometer, 225 H igh.pr SSUl'" turbo .('}lQl'gulg, 17
Fuel, R o le. typc nozzles, 57
consumption, oh('cking, 121 H OI'izontn l l1u t ornobll ngines, I H2
contr ol. Bryce pump, 55 H ~d rll.u li r gov('rnol'R,
plunger. Rtorting, 141 Bryce, 74
8t'''''ico tank , installing, 127 .AX., distributor pump. 72
sprnyel'8, Gnr'dner, 146
system and combustion , 22
tanks, marine, 1
Fu I fil ter , 1
.A.V., 16.5 II II ('ngin 8, 10
Gardner. 145 I.E .P. lind M.l.P . 215
Fuel inj etion , 22 Ignition tirning, ]13
equipment, 29
Ind ieal OI'S,
Atll18 Diesel, 61 cu.thod,. I'IJ.\'. 220
Bryoe,53 .. Farnboro," 2 111
C.A.V., 30, 6
opticl11,2 1
Belliss and Morcom .A.Y., 45
spring. 211
E- H . system, 64 tests on di flllOl nginll8, 20
Robey,1i2 valve of diesel, 20
Ruston and Hornsby, 46
Wilson snd Kyle, 66 fu I, cquipm nt, 29
Fu I system,
nozzle tcator. 37
distributor type, 69
Doz7.1 troub! , 36
prinling, 124 pumps, C0118truction of. 41
priming small marin engino, 1 9
vslve and pump, arrang m nt, 23
G Ail Di 1.61
Gardner engines, Belli snd l\1orcom- .A.V.,046
6L3 oil engine, 27 Bryce, 50
cooling ByS m, 149 . . V., 35
decompre ion gcar, 140 differ ntisi, 04-
fu I filter, 145 Robey, 52
fuel sprayers, 146 Ruston, 4
Install 0. ti on, N
of pipework nnd tanks, US Napier Deltio engine, 204
of small marin cngine, 187 N on-a,oal startors, 132
of etationa.ry oil ongine, 7 T ozzle holders, 35
Irregular running, small marine cngin , 201 Nozzlos,
apparatus for testing. 37. 50
AtJo.s Diesel, 62
J Bryoe, 57
Jerk system, 53 .A.V . 35
Joints, combustion chamber, 164 hole-type, 157
J oUl'llals, running clearanccs of, 12 illB,I>Oction of, 59
mlllntenance of, 39
pintle-type, 57
K t sting, 59
Keyed -on flywh eel, fitting, 107 types of, Bryoe, 58
Knocking of small marine diesel, 202 types of, C.A.V., 36

L o
Large- nd bearings, fitting, 109 Oil,
Law fuel inj oction, diagram, 216 engine, smo.ll marin , 186
L ok-off oonnection, 66 engines, installation of, 7
Lift pump, .A.V., 166 lubri cating, 200
Lifting taokl , nrranging for, 9 pump, ardner, 142
Linor8, guaging for woor, 12 pump, Pcrkins, 176
Lining up fl ,obI ooupling, 102 Oil ooolers, 2
Loa.d. Oil cooling, 26
artificia.I, 225 p ration of Cu I-injection pump, 32
distribution of, 120 pposed pistons. 13
I"ltnning under, 120 Optical iudicator, 208
LoSfl of omp.l"Ossion, 129 Orsat apparatus, 228
Low'p'reSflU1"C turbo .oharging. 17 0\'0.1 orankpinll. 173
Lubricating, Overhauling pistons, 126
iI -pl'ossur system of small marin Overhead tanks, inlltal1ing. 95
di!,8('I. 1 9 Overheating of small marine engine, 202
oils for cooling. 26
oils of small marine cngine. 200
system. 129 P
Lubri ation, P.V. diagram, 212
indic&tions of over-, 121 P erkins lll?ines,
of small marine eogin 189 dismantling, 161
of stationlJ.ry ngin , 118 major overhaul, 166
of turbo-ohargers. 19 oil PU1DP, 176
system, Gardncr engine, 142 ree.s.sembJy, 178
starting, 165
tuning C080, 176
r top overhaul, 161
M.I.P. and I.H.P . m068urement of. 215 P trol/diesel engines, 18
j\f ain bearings, 159 Pintl .type nozzles. 57
Maint nance notes, 126 Pipelines and tanks, filling of. 11
Gardn l' engine , 143 Pipework and tank installation. 1115
fuel -injection quipment, 39 Piping water to jack te. 116
Marin!' cnginos, Piston rings, arrsngem nt of, III
Doxford,13 Pi tons,
frec -piston, 204 nlignm nt, 174
Tapier D Itic, 204 Gardn c, 156
stional, J 6 oil-cooled, 26
ulz r, 11 overhauling, 126
feohanioal gov mor , Perkins, 173
.A.V., 73, 76 rings. fitting, 156, 173
Microm tel' dinl gaug , 109 valve. 14
Multi-hole nozzlo" [) withdrawing, 156
INDE 239
Pit silene r, 96 ouio, E-H. injootion I!Y. m, 6'
Planimeter, UlIe of, 2) 0 peed,
Plunger, regulation, ) 26
pump, 55, 64 variation, 26
starting fuel, 141 pirit JO\ ' I, use of, 109
Pn umatic governor, C.A.V., prayer,
Poor atomillation, 3 nozzlt'll, 3G
Position of !'ngine, checking, 100 pi IX' uniOIlli, 13
Pressu" e, valve. 147
contact unit, 210 , pla~I'I'8. ,Ieoning. 1-101)
regulator "sh'o adjustment, 143 I'itl\l'tin~.
waves, 12 ctlrtrldgc. 130, J 33, 134
Pricking tool, 60 compressed air. 1:16. 130
Priming. (.I(1('t rio, 130
fuol ij\'stem, 124. ] 3 fuel plunger, l41
wat ,:-cooling ayet m of small marine ardu r ('ngino, I.j,J
engine, J I) P rkina flngintltl, J 60
Pump, smull lTlflrint, ongine. 100
('amshaft operlltE'd. ;i3 solid.injeclion ditltlCl ngines , J 22
lift, .AX., 1M l'iterntuu alignment, J U
plunger, 44, 35, 64 f)topping, J 26. 192
water, 11;0 Rulzer ('ngine, J I
Pumps, ump ftlling. I 0
Atlas, 61
B elli88 and )Ioroom, 41i
BI'Yc ,53 T
.A.'-.,31 Tauk Md pipework ius tnlJatioJUl, J Iii
_AX., DPA, 6
differential injE'ctor-, 64 and pipelines, filling, 11
Robey. 52 erootioll. J 03
Ruston aJld Hornsby. 46 inshdilltion of ovorhead, 06
imms, 4J Tappet el 61'ono 8,
Wilson and Kyle, 66 Gardnor ('nginfl6, lii2
Perkins flginea, 163
Tappllts, small marine' ngine, 104
R Tappet-operated fu I pump. 114
Reduoing gears, 209 Temperature ttltIts, xbaust, 234
Robey, T st log. Orsat apparntu8, 230
fuol injeotion equipment, ii2 Tt'ster, injection nozzl 36
governor, 25 Thermo.syphon cooling 8),stem, 114
Rope brake, 221 Timing.
Rotary nozzl tester, 3 adjustment, small marin "fllline fu.el
Run-through water-oooling system, 114 pu.mp, 196
Ruston and Hornsby, C88e, Perkins, J 76
governor, 26 chain driv , 155
injection equipment, 46 diagram, ignition. I J 3
Timing wheel and chain, J 97
Top o\' rhauJ, P rkins ongilltltl, JOI
S Torque reaction. dynrunom tel', 226
ampling exhaust gas, 22 Trouble tracing, Oll.rduer ngine6, 144,
cavenging, Troubles,
oross, 13 and r modiOlI, fu I.injoction pumpa, 34,
loop, 12 of inj ('tion noU'.I<l8, 31i
Schntlerl , 12 of 8lTlnll marine ngin. 2 1
uniftow, 13 Turbo-chargE'rs, xhaust-driv n,
Scraper, fuel chamber. 60 design and construction, 1
Silt, trouble due to, 127 for four-stroke engin ,16
imms, for two-stroke engines. 17
fuel-injection pumps, 41 bigh-p Ute, 17 .
pneumatio gov(lrnor. " low.p ure, 17
ingl .hol offset nozzles, 5 lubrication of, 1
olid.injection diesel engine, 122 Two-8ts cam, 62
Twostroka engin.es, 12, 183, 204 timing, Gardner, 158
Commer, 183 V nturi,
Donord, 14 adjustment, 184
o.pier, 204 unit, 81, 184
ulz r, II
V Water,
Va.lve, deposits, elearing out, 127
butterfly, 83 drain from comprossed .w receive)', 117
d om pI' ssor, Hi6 piping and fitting of small mal'ine di ('I ,
d livery, 54, 6J J 8
gea.r, ero tion of, J 13 pump, Gardner, 150
guid 8, P rkins, 17 Water. ooling,
pjston, 148 system, 114
pressuro regulation, 143 tnnk..~, test for lookage, 116
sprayer, J4 7 Wilson and 1 yle injection system, 66
Due Dale SUp

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