1 DVS Prinsiples & Practice of Marine Diesel Engines 85 (Turbo)
1 DVS Prinsiples & Practice of Marine Diesel Engines 85 (Turbo)
1 DVS Prinsiples & Practice of Marine Diesel Engines 85 (Turbo)
D.K. Sanyal
Over the years of the Author's experience in teaching marine
diesel engines, the real necessity of presenting a comprehensive
treatise of diesel engines from the point of view of students has
been strongly felt. The marine engineer's education right from the
beginning to the professional level is practical biased. Unless
the basic engineering principles involved are properly emphasised,
a clear picture of the diesel engine remains obscure to him. The
book is an attempt in that direction. In planning the work, the
chapters have been devised to unify those diverse functions which
are common to all diesel engines. An unified treatment to the
subject has been given all through with demonstrative examples
from the current marine diesel engine practice. Common running
problems have also been discussed. At the end, the students are
introduced to some typical modern-day marine diesel engines.
Price Rs.
D.K. Sanyal
Preface to 2nd Edition
Pielstick PC 2 engine
EUR-CONTROL Viscosity & Temperature
Dox Ford J - engine
D.K. Sany«l.
Theoretical cycles 1
Otto cycle or the constant volume cycle 2
Diesel cycle 4
Dual combustion cycle 5
Comparison cf cycles 7
The actual cycle 8
The working cycles 9
Compression Ratio 12
Engine dimensions 14
Mean Piston speed 17
Engine Weight 19
Mechanical efficiency 20
Power ratings 21
Engine Testing 24
Brake Power 25
Indicated Power 26
Test code 29
Output measurement 31
Flash point 34
Specific gravity 35
Viscosity 37
Chemical Composition 38
Carbon residue 40
Asphaltic matter 40
Combustion Chamber 44
Fuel oil system 48
Type of scavenging 53
Supercharging 55
Pulse system & Turbine Operation 57
Exhaust Grouping I 59
Constant pressure Turbocharging 61
Compressor 72
The intercooler 83
Oiliness 163
Diesel Engine Journal bearing 164
Crosshead Bearing 165
Cylinder lubrication | 166
Treatment of oil 182
Crankshaft 190
Material of construction 191
Crankshaft alignment 196
Dial deflection Gauge 196
Crankshaft deflection reading 202
Crankshaft failure 206
Piston cooling 219
Piston ring 220
Overhauling of Piston 224
Overheated piston 226
Oil scrapper rings 228
Cylinder liner 229
Chrome plated ring 232
Cylinder Liner 2iS
Diesel Engine Bearing *M
Large bearings 246
Defects in bearings 249
Governor Characteristic 264
Droop 265
Overspeed Governor 269
Hydraulic Governors 271
Basic Governor Function 274
Second Edition
Price Rs.
ooomooo- 48'
60 4O 2O 20 4O 6O
Fig. 17 Pressure variation in the cylinder during exhausting and scavenging
Exhaust ports open 65° before D. C.
Inlet ports open 48° before D. C.
1. — Scavenging manifold pressure
2. —• Gas pressure in the cylinder
3. — Exhaust manifold pressure.
A scavenging process may be considered to take place in a num-
ber of stages.
< (a) First period or the Blow down period—-The period begins
at the moment the exhaust ports are uncovered. The sudden
opening of the cylinder to exhaust accelerates the gas mass. The
exhaust gases are blown down in the exhaust manifold where
a lower pressure exists. The gas is compressed at ihe vicinity of
exhaust ports inside the cylinder leaving a rarefied area immediately
behjnd it. The pressure drops below the scavenge air box pressure.
*\b) Second period or the scavenging period proper — The
period begins after the scavenge ports are opened. Scavenge
air enters the main cylinder, sweeps the residual combustion gases
out of the cylinder and charges the cylinder with fresh air. The
mass of air drawn in the cylinder depends on the difference in
pressure between scavenge trunk and exhaust sysiem.
<^(c) Third period — A further period may be added in which
an effort is made to contain the air taken in the cylinder already.
The process of charging the cylindr of a two-stroke engine is
associated with a degree of inter-mixing with exhaust gases which
affects the purity of charge and increases the charge temperature.
Types of Scavenging
The methods of charging have differed from one engine design
to another in slow speed diesel engines. The systems employed
may be generally divided into two main groups:
(a) Uniflow and
(b) Reverse flow.
Uniflow scavenging — In the uniflow system the scavenging
air enters the cylinder from one end and leaves through the other:
Air flows in streams with slight induced rotational motion. The
charge is not allowed to change direction and hence intermixing is
minimum. The scavenge efficiency is the highest The system is
particularly suitable in slow speed engines with long stroke and
large area of escape for exhaust gases. Uniflow scavenging is
achieved —
(i) by two pistons working in one cylinder as in opposed
piston engine. In this system the top piston controls
the exhaust ports and the bottom piston controls the
inlet ports.
(ii) by a poppet valve arranged at the cylinder cover which
provides a large instantaneous opening for exhaust gases
to escape with sufficient rapidity so that the desired pressure
drop in the cylinder is created without turbulence at ex-
(iii) by an exhaust piston controlling the exhaust ports, while
the air inlet ports are covered and uncovered by the power
Reversed Flow scavenging — The engines employing a reversed
flow system of scavenging are structurally simpler. Depending
The power developed in a diesel engine cylinder is limited by
the capacity of air it can breathe in. By supercharging an air
quantity, larger than the engine can naturally aspirate, is admitted
in the cylinder at a pressure above atmospheric. Though super-
charging implies higher pressure at intake, it is the larger mass
of air that is required to obtain more powef within a given dimen-
sion of cylinder. Consequently it has become a common practice to
equip the marine diesel engines with this method of boosting of
power in the engine cylinder. Supercharging is primarily meant
for an increase in output by burning more fuel, it has no relation
with thermal efficiency. However, a slight gain in thermal efficiency
may result because of better combustion of fuel. The power is
alfunction ot average pressure but the engine dimensions are
ascertained on the basis of maximum pressure. Supercharging
increases the average power without appreciably increasing the
maximum pressure. Thus it is a means of obtaining more power
4 —.-
b Constant-pressure charging Crank angle
Fig. 20 Cyclic Variation of pressure in exhaust pipe
Exhaust arrangement
separated by = 240°.
From the foregoing it will be evident that four stroke turbo-
charged engines having number of cylinders 4 and above will
require exhaust grounin^- A timing diagram of a two stroke
turbo-charged engine shows an exhaust period of 130° and sca-
venge period of 96°. For a six cylinder arrangement the cranks
are displaced by 60 degrees. For the firing order shown the
exhaust grouping will be arranged as shown below:
Turbo Charger
The horizontal rotor (Fig. 28) has been constructed in parts and
made hollow out of high alloy nickel chromium steel. The shaft
carries a single stage axial gas turbine wheel at one end and a radial
single stage compressor at the other end. The shaft rests on slide
sleeve bearings. At the compressor end there is a thrust bearing
for keeping the rotor assembly in its true axial allignment while
it is free to expand at the other end. The rotor shaft is provided
with shrunk on bushes for bearings, & shrunk on labyrinth seal.
The labyrinth seals are built into that part of the bushing which
is screwed with the casing. The rotor shaft portion is plain,
thus no special care need be taken with the seals when the shafts
are removed from the casings at overhauls. In case of damage
these can be changed on board without re-balancing. The
labyrinth seals are supplied with sealing air taken from the scroll
housing through outside tubes, which are easy to inspect and elean.
The casing is divided to form the turbine and the compressor
housings at two ends. The subdivision wall is provided with water
cooling arrangement. Air is admitted axially through the impeller
and passes radially outwards to the tips. The blower side is equipped
with a silencer.
The turbine end housing contains one or two gas inlets. A grid is
provided before the inlet to arrest any large piece of metal—for
instance broken piston ring ends—from entering the turbine and
causing damage to the blades.
The turbine bearings are lubricated from an overhead tank
with a constant static pressure head above the bearings. The arrange-
ment ensures constant lubricating oil pressure while running.
In the event of lubricating oil pump failure! the lubrication it
continued unaffected for such time as precautionary measures are
taken. The overflow sight glass provides means for inspection of the
oil quantity and flow at all times.
Operation of Compressor
A compressor exhibits certain definite relationship between speed
of rotation N, mass flow Q and pressure ratio H. This relationship
is termed as compressor characteristics.
A typical characteristic curve for one particular speed is shown in
the diagram Pig. 23 (a) Let the mass flow be varied by increasing or
Fig. 30 Compnssiom Curve
decreasing resistance to flow by a discharge valve fitted in the
delivery pipe situated upstream. At the point C the valve is fully
open, evidently there is no obstruction at the end of the duct for
the flow to move ahead. The static pressure developed is negligible
but die velocity is maximum and the shait power is high. As the
resistance to flow is gradually intersposed by operating the valve,
the mass flow is reduced causing the pressure to rise. If the test
is carried from the full open position of the valve to the fully closed
position and the pressure ratio plotted for each position of valve
opening, a characteristic curve is obtained. It will be observed that
O 3
2 2-8
3 2 6
I 2.3 A 5 6 7 a S IO li 12 13
R. R. Turbochargers:
The R. R. turbochargers have been introduced by the BBC since
1968 mainly for engines with power rating approximately from
300 and 2000 h.p. It is suitably matched for auxiliary engines gene-
rating electricity or four-stroke engines on propeller drive.
It consists of a rotor with radial blades at one end while the other
end is fitted with compressor. The turbine housing can be either
air cooled or water cooled. When the turbine pressure ratio is
small it is possible to arrange an inward flow radial turbine for
extracting work from exhaust gases. The gas enters the turbine
via a radial inflow casing and flows through a row of vaned nozzles
situated around the periphery of the rotor. The passage is so de-
signed that the flow finally exhausts in an axial direction. The rotor
is mounted on two bush bearings. The bearings are seperated from
turbine with a stream of sealing air in an equalising space. Lubri-
cation oil to the bearings is supplied from the engine system.
Title of parts for Fig. 32
A Turbine blades F Gas outlet casing
B Damping wire G Nozzle ring/nozzle blades
C Bearings at compressor end H Inducer and compressor impeller
D Bearings at turbine end I Diffuser
E Gas inlet casing
Service Problems:
Problem during service may appear in the following areas:
Turbine blading
Nozzle plating
Turbine casing
Fouling of compressor and diffuser surfaces.
Turbine blading :
Blade vibration cannot be eliminated altogether particularly
with turbines employing pulse system. The flow through the
nozzles and the pulsating flow of exhaust gases admitted partially
are regarded as the cause of vibration of blades. Unbalance of
the rotor due to deposits or fouling can also cause vibration.
Fatigue failures may occur at the blade root and on the binding
wire. Deposits on the blade surface occur due to carry over of
impurities of fuel and air with the exhaust gas. if heavy fuel is
used. Unburnt carbon. Sodium, vanadium, sulphur and silicious
matters are contained in the oil ash which are deposited on the
blade surface in molten state. A sample of deposit from blade
surface on being analysed may have the following approximate
quantitative composition.
Carbon — 80%
Vanadium — 2%
Sulphuric Acid — 5%
Iron — 4%
Silicon traces.
Nozzle Ring:
• The nozzles may be partially clogged due to deposits from
engine exhaust. The problem is more acute with turbochargers of
four stroke engines using residue oil or selected blend as fuel.
While the nozzles of large turbochargers in two-stroke engines are
generously pitched, the nozzle with small turbochargers with four-
stroke engines are narrow. Further narrowing of the nozzles will
affect the performance of the engine causing high back pressure,
loss of power, increase in thermal loading, frequent turbocharger
surging etc.
Bearings t
Turbine Casing:
Defects in the turbine casing are more wide-spread and may be
attributed to any of the faults occuring singly or in combination.
— Thinning of the wall due to corrosion in the exhaust side.
— Loss of metal due to errosion at high temperature by particle
of impurities in the gas.
— Appearance of thermal crack due to rapid load changes or a
cooling system working incorrectly.
— Thinning of wall due to corrosion in the cooling water space.
Fouling of compressor and diffuser surfaces —
The compressor and diffuser surfaces become coated with
deposits which are mainly compound of
dust particles from air
oily deposit from engine room atmosphere
soot from atmospheric contamination.
Deposits on the blade surfaces affect the balance of rotor and
reduce the efficiency of the compressor. If the deposits are allowed
to accumulate, it will thicken and ultimately reduce the flow area
over the blades. Deposits on the compressor and diffuser surfaces
increase friction, temperature and decrease the pressure ratio.
The onward delivery of air to the engine will be affected. Besides
the position of the operating point in the characteristics curve is
shifted and thus tending to bring instability in compressor opera-
BBC intercooler
1 Charge-air pipe 10 Ring
2 Outlet connection case 11 Seal
3 Measuring socket 12 Connection (turbocharger)
4 Seal 13 Bottom cover
5 Fin tube 14 Cooling water discharge
6 Intercooler 15 Cooling water admission
7 Cover 16 Ring half
8 Venting screw 17 Seal
9 Inlet connection case 18 Connecting pipe
Cleaning Procedure
1. Reduce power until the turbocharger runs at the required speed.
2. The temperature of the gas entering the turbine should be
less than 300°C/573K.
3. Open valve of the drain pipe and check whether the pipe is
4. Open the tap slowly until the desired water flow is obtained
(check pressure-gauge).
5. Check if the water drains through the drain pipe. The cleaning
is terminated when the water becomes clear, (approx. after
10 minutes).
6. After the injection of water the charger must be operated at
the same power rate during 3 minutes until all parts are dry.
7. Cleaning should take place periodically every 250 to 1000
operating hours. Depending on the results obtained, the inter-
val between two washes may be increased or reduced.
Removable connecting
Protecting ?rids
The Intercooler
When air is compressed by the turbo compressor heat is gener-
ated. The heat must be carried away before the air is charged in the
cylinder. The fig. (34) shows the construction of a BBC air cooler.
The cooler consists of a boxshaped frame with top and bottom end
covers. The cooling surface consists of two banks of rolled-in
aluminium-brass finned tubes which are expanded in tube plates.
The top tube plate is firmly held whereeas the bottom tube plate can
slide to take up expansion of tubes. It is a surface type of heat
exchanger where air is passed over the fins and cooled down.
Cooling water is circulated through the tubes in two straight passes.
While it is necessary to cool air before it is admitted in the cylinder,
it should be borne in mind that cooling too far i.e., below the dew
point of the vapour at the condition of pressure, temperature and
humidity existing in the charge air pipe, will cause condensation.
The volume of condensate produced will be considerable if the
charge air humidity and temperature are high at intake.
This is demonstrated by the following example:
Engine output — 12,400 kW.
Specific air flow raxe — 7.1 kg/Kwh.
Ambient air condition —
Temperature 45°C
Relative Humidity 90 %
Charge air after cooler — 50°C
Charge air press — 2.2 above atm.
Precipitated condensate due to compression and subsequent cooling.
= .034 kg water/kg of air (obtained from P. chart)
Air per hour = 12,400 x 7.1 kg.
Precipitated condensate per hour,
= 12,400 x 7.1 X .034
= 3000 kg. of water per hour
The figure demonstrates that the amount of condensation can be
considerable which will adversely affect the engine's internal parts by
promoting corrosion. Care therefore should be taken that at higher
intake temperature and humidity, the air after the turbo compressure
should not be cooled too much, under no circumstances below 40*C.
It is equally important to operate the leakage water drain pipes
regularly so that the precipitated condensate escapes freely.
L. P . Compressor ;
It is a five stage axial flow unit having split aluminium casing
cast in two halves. The rotor is disc type, made of stainless,
steel in which five rows of stainless steel blades are dovetailed.
Intermediate Casing :
It is fitted between the low pressure and high pressure com-
pressor. A bleed point is taken from this place for cooling the
power turbine casing. The gas generator accessories are driven
through gear from the shaft. The high pressure compressor is a
seven stage axial flow machine made entirely of stainless steel.
The low pressure (UP) and high pressure (HP) compressors are
arranged in tandem with the LP compressor driven by the second
stage turbine and the HP compressor driven by the first stage
is is
M /
Combnstion Chamber:
Eight flame tubes are arranged around the annulus between
the combustion chamber outer casing and the inner drum. The
flame tubes can be replaced without removing the gas generator.
Each flame tube is fitted with a swirler and a burner. The problem
associated with gas turbine combustion chambers is the passage of
air at a high velocity and to deal with a high air to fuel ratio. This
keeps the temperature at turbine inlet down to permissible limit.
Two turbine wheels are mounted on two shafts one telescoping
with the other. All turbine blades are impulse-reaction type,
shrouded at the tips. The root of each blade is of Sr-tree form.
The disc and blades are made of special heat resisting material.
arranged for total admission with no throttle valve fitted before the
Inspite of many advantages the system has same inherent
difficulties. The speed of reciprocation of a free piston engine
is not an independent variable as it is in a crankshaft engine. It is
dependent on gas pressure in the various cylinders. The range of
speed from no load to full load is limited. The stroke of the piston
changes and the permissible minimum stroke being determined by
uncovering of the scavenge ports. The power output is controlled
by controlling the quantity of fuel admission in the combustion
chamber, which has the effect of varying the stroke and hence
mass flow through the turbine. The power output of the turbine is
proportional to the mass of gas generated. Increase in gas flow
increases delivery pressure and at the same time the gas temper-
ature. The mechanical problem of reciprocating pistons in the
engine and compressor remains. There is some problem of starting
and control of output. The fuel injection and synchronisation with
variable load remain other areas of difficulty which need to be
Miscellaneous Questions
1. Compare the Otto, Dual and Diesel cycles on Ts and Pv diagrams
under conditions of same maximum temperature and heat input.
Prove by reasoning which cycle is the most efficient.
2. In what manner does the actual C I engine cycle differ from the theore-
tical air cycle?
3. With respect to four stroke cycle supercharged engine draw a valve
timing diagram in relation to indicator diagram and discuss the signi-
ficance of
(a) Period of overlap.
(b) Exhaust valve opening early or late.
(c) Inlet valve opening early or late.
(d) Fuel injection early or late.
4. With respect to a two stroke supercharged engine cycle draw the timing
diagram in relation to the indicator diagram and explain the signi-
ficance of
(a) Exhaust port or valve opening early or late.
(b) Air port opening early or late.
(c) Fuel, injection early or late.
5. Why high compression pressure is economical in a diesel engine?
What are the considerations for determining the maximum and mini-
mum compression ratios ? What is the result of loss of compression ?
6. State and explain different Power ratings used to distinguish diesel
How is the Brake Power determined in the test bed shop trial of diesel
7. Define specific fuel consumption and explain its significance. Give
typical values for large two-stroke engines and medium speed four
stroke engines on I P and B P basis.
8. Explain the various losses that take place in a diesel engine. State
approximate normal values. How the losses can be minimised?
9. How can the power density increase in a diesel engine cylinder?
Discuss the parameters which can be manipulated and state the limi-
tations in each.
10. Explain the mean piston speed and state how does it effect —
(a) the power generation,
(b) "working of the engine.
What are the values of m. p. s. in slow speed, medium speed
and highspeed engines? What considerations limit its value?
11. What should be the basic properties of a fuel suitable for combustion
in diesel engine? Explain how does it affect the engine type.
12 What is heavy fuel oil? What are the difficulties encountered in
burning such oil in diesel cylinder and how they are overcome?
13. Define viscosity of oil and state how it is measured and expressed?
Explain the importance of viscosity-
(a) in effecting fuel injection
(b) in lubrication
(c) in the storage and handling.
14. With reference to combustion of fuel in the diesel engine cylinder,
discuss the factors i n the design which promote a smokeless combustion.
Sketch an example of a combustion chamber and justify how those
requirements have been satisfactorily met.
How the efficiency of combustion can be lowered?
IS. Discuss the factors in the design and in service subsequently which
influence perfect combustion of fuel in the diesei cylinder. What are
the undesirable effects of faulty or imperfect combustion?
16. With reference to comubustion of liquid fuel in a diesel cylinder explain
the significance and limitations of the following :
(a) Water content in fuel.
(b) Combustion carbon value check in ms
(c) Sulphur Content
(d) Injection pressure
(e) Delivery timing.
( 0 Ignition quality.
17. Sketch the fuel system of a large diesel engine and comment specifi-
cally on the importance of the following :
(i) Heating arrangement with control of over and under
(ii) Prevention of gas lock in the system,
(iii) Cleanliness of fuel.
18. Explain the necessity of maintaining a steady value of viscosity.
Describe the action of an automatic device for control of viscosity.
19. With reference to two stroke cycle engine operation explain the seque-
nce of events that follow during the process of scavenging. Comment
on the relative merits of Uniflow and Reversed flow systems. Select
one example of each type from actual applications and justify their
20. With reference to supercharging comment on —
(i) the objectives and the real gain
(ii) the injection timing and pressure
(iii) maximum cylinder pressure
(iv) compression pressure
(v) point of exhaust release
(vi) the system of turbo-supercharging.
21. Discuss supercharging of a diesel engine employing constant pressure
and pressure pulse systems. Comment on relative advantages and
disadvantages. Mention m. e. p. rating, exhaust temperature, pressure
and air pressure and justify their adoptation in each case.
22. Describe the principal constructional features of a turbocompressure
rotor which are distinguishable according to its function. Explain
the process of diffusion and state how does it take place
23. With reference to the construction of a turbocharger, sketch and
(a) the rotor bearing and its method of lubrication
(b) rotor gland seal
(c) rotor blades and its fixture
(d) impeller and its fixture.
Mention material of construction and state the probable faults likely
to appear in each case and the periodic maintenance required.
24. Explain the phenomen of 'Surging' in the turbo compressor. What are
its harmful effects? Select any two engine systems and state the
measures adopted in the design and operation to obviate the possibility
of surging.
25. What reference to an air cooler
(a) show the method of construction.
(b) explain the necessity of controlling the temperature
before the engine.
(c) • the degree of cooling in relation to atmospheric humidity
and temperature.
26. With reference to an exhaust system explain —
(a) Exhaust interference
(b) Exhaust tuning.
Howdo these affect the performance of an engine? Sketch and exhaust
system from an engine and describe how these are avoided.
27. Discuss generally the various types of fuel injection systems employed
with diesel engines mentioning advantages in each case.
28. Sketch and describe the common rail system of the Doxford engine
and comment on the following :
(a) how the system adopts itself to quick fluctuation in
(b) how fuel is controlled quantitatively with variation of
29. Compare the common rail system of injection as exemplified in Doxford
engine with that of the 'jerk type'. State and explain with at least two
reasons to justify its adoption.
30. Sketch and describe the Doxford timing valve and detail the procedure
of its setting.
31. Discuss the types of basic fuel pumps employed in diesel engine injec-
tion systems stating methods of quantity control. Comment on the
suitability or otherwise in pump control with
(a) constant beginning and variable end
(b) variable beginning and constant end
(c) two end control.
32. Sketch and describe any type of port controlled fuel pump. Explain
the meaning of 'effective stroke', 'idle stroke'. How to ascertain
commencement of delivery and termination of delivery? Does it
vary with control position?
33. It is said that 'the zero admission is the basic pump setting' in port
controlled pump. Explain the statement. How is the zero admission
of an individual pump set and then matched in the engine hand and
governor control.
34. What is a cam? Explain its function. With reference to the appli-
cation in a diesel engine discuss the requirements and the type of cam
used in.
(a) fuel pump.
(b) exhaust valve.
(c) inlet valve
(d) indicator drive
(e) starting air distributor.
35. Sketch and describe a camshaft chain drive arrangement. Discuss
the advantages and disadvantages of chain drive over the gear drive
of camshafts.
What arrangement is provided for retensioning the chain? How to
rectify faults arising out of a snapped chain and advanced timing of
fuel cams.
36. Detail the procedure for fitting a replacement fuel pump and its synchro-
nisation with the engine injection system. Enumerate the faults which
may lead to such a necessity. What measures may be taken to enhance
the service life of a fuel pump.
37. Sketch and describe the construction of essential features of a hydrau-
lically operated fuel injection valve.
Enumerate the faults which may arise in course of its service and
explain in each case the effects of such faults on engine operation.
State how and at what intervals a fuel injection valve needs to be set.
3«. With reference to a fuel valve, comment on the following :
(a) the location.
(b) number, size and angle of orifice holes
(c) cooling and the cooling media
(d) quantity control.
39. Analyse the stress system in a diesel engine and mention the type of
loading on
(a) bed blate
(b) engine frame
(c) tie bolts.
(d) foundation bolts.
Discuss the materials of construction and methods of manufacture.
40. What causes vibration in the engine system? What is a critical vibra-
tion? Mow one would come to know the existence of a dangerous
41. What is damping in a vibratory system? Explain the function and
the method of construction of
(a) vibration dampers
(b) vibration isolators
State where each of them can be fitted.
42. Discuss generally the types of vibration an engine system is subjected
to and comment on the measures taken in the design and in operation
to reduce the peak amplitude.
43. Sketch and describe the construction of —
(a) a cylinder cover stud,
(b) a bottom end bolt.
Discuss the principal properties of material required and mention the
Analyse the conditions under which these may fail in service. State
features in the construction which are aimed to prevent failure.
Discuss the necessity of hydraulic tightening and describe the method.
44. Sketch the construction of a tie rod showing —
(a) method of fitting.
(b) securing to prevent vibration.
Discuss the necessity of providing tie rods and stresses to which these
are subjected to.
How the tensioning of tie-rods are to be checked?
45. In a diesel engine system bolt failure has caused serious damages to
the engine.
Discuss why these components seem more vulnerable to service failure.
What features in the design and in service are paitcularly directed to
prevent such failures. Is there any difference in the working condi-
tion between two-stroke and four-stroke engine?
46. Bolts with parallel fitted surfaces are used to secure different members
in the engine system.
Select two such example and comment on the necessity of such fittings.
Sketch and describe the construction of one such bolt and detail the
attention it requires to prevent a service failure.
47. Discuss generally the lubrication of a diesel engine and hence state
the properties of lubricating oil which figure promiently in the matter
of its choice.
48. Discuss lubrication of a journal bearing under the following heading:
(a) The condition of contact surfaces while stationery.
(b) The process of wear.
(c) The action of lubricant in effecting hydrodynamic condi-
(d) The effectiveness of lubricating oil properties under
boundary conditions.
49. Discuss the problems associated with the lubrication of top end bearing
of a diesel engine connecting rod. Give details of the various methods
adopted in the design to prevent overloading and ensure lubrication-
Elaborate your answer by drawing a top end bearing of any engine as
an example.
50. Discuss the problems associated with lubrication of the cylinder liner.
In this respect comment on the following :
(a) properties of lubricating oil
(b) working condition
(c) timing the injection of oil
(d) location of the oil feed points.
(e) quantity of oil feed.
State approximate values of oil feed per b h p/hour for two stroke and
four stroke engines.
51. Sketch and describe the lubrication system of a large marine diesel
engine. Make reference to tests for determining the quality of lubri-
cating oil.
52. Enumerate the various contaminants that tend to deteriorate the pro"
perties of lubricating oil. Mention the periodical tests with the off
limit unacceptable values. State the effects of contaminants in each
case and mention how oil can be recovered for use again.
53. With reference to cylinder lubrication, explain how it is performed?
Sketch and describe the operation of a cylinder lubricator mentioning
in particular how the quantity of feed is regulated? What are the bad
effects of feeding (a) more oil, (b) less oil.
54. Discuss suitability of material for construction of "bed plate.
Discribe the construction and show how it is secured with tank top.
What defects these members are subjected to ?
55. Analyse the major stresses which arise in the crankshaft of a diesel
engine. Discuss the properties of material required. Mention special
treatment which helps to improve the service life.
56. Describe the method of construction of large diesel engine crankshaft.
Explain the factors considered in establishing the position of the cranks
and the firing sequence.
57. Describe the method of checking the wear down of main bearings by
means of deflection gauge. Give a set of values and interpret the
result to ascertain the condition of main bearings.
58. With reference to a large diesel engine crankshaft, state:-
(a) the factors in the design
(b) the factors in the operation.
Which would influence its alignment. Give possible bad effect of
59. Discuss the various factors affecting the failures of crankshafts in
marine diesel engines.
Mention the characteristic types and probable places of failure.
60. Sketch and describe a two stroke engine piston with dimensions.
Comment on
(a) variation in diameter
(b) the necessity for long or short skirt
(c) fitting of rubbing and scraper rings.
61. Discuss the development of a modern piston with reference to
(a) material of construction
(b) thermal deformation
(c) cooling medium
(d) combustion of fuel.
62. With reference to piston ring,
(a) analyse the working condition
(b) outline method of manufacture
(c) considerations that specify number and location of
piston rings.
What are the causes for ring failure?
63. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of fresh unevaporated
water, evaporated water and lubricating oil for cooling of main engine
What selective treatment the cooling media has to undergo in each
case and for what reason?
64. With reference to the liner of a large two stroke engine :
(a) discuss material of construction
(b) method of manufacture.
How the sealing of cooling water space is achieved?
65. What examinations are carried out on pistons and liners and at what
(a) without dismantling the piston
(b) after dismantling the piston.
How could the piston crown be burnt and with what consequence?
66. Discuss the indications and causes of the following :
(a) an overheated piston.
(b) a leaky or broken piston ring.
(c) crack in the cylinder head or piston crown.
What immediate measures should be adopted following the detection?
67. Explain in detail the effects on diesel engine cylinder liners consequent
(a) the use of low grade fuel oil
(b) increase in m. e. p. rating.
What methods have been adopted in the design and in operation to
minimise these effects ?
68. Detail the procedure of calibrating a cylinder liner. How the results
should be presented for future reference? State the normal rate of
wear —
(a) when burning low grade fuel
(b) when burning clean distillate fuel.
69. Sketch and describe the construction of a cylinder cover. Comment
on the following :
(a) advantages of composite construction
(b) difficulty in cooling
(c) nature of deposits and their removal.
(d) defects to which these are subjected to.
70. Discuss generally the evolution of cylinder heads from earlier C. I.
construction to present day solid type commenting on —
(a) the ideal requirements to be satisfied
(b) selection of material of construction
(c) ammeanability to processing techniques
(d) method of cooling.
71. State the approximate composition of a bearing material suitable for a
diesel engine and mention its physical properties. Describe a process
of lining a bearing shell and comment on
(a) methods of bonding
(b) methods of inspection.
72. Enumerate the reasons for which a bearing may be overheated. What
are the indications for an overheated bearing. What damage may be
caused if the engine is allowed to run in that condition?
73. With reference to an engine bearing write short notes on —
(a) galling and its effect
(b) wear and its effect
(c) cracks
(d) formation of hard surface.
74. Discuss the requirements of a diesel engine bearing metal and the
general trend towards its development. Comment on the merits and
(a) directly lined bearing
(b) tri-metal bearing
(c) insert type thin-shell bearings.
75. Describe the procedure for the removal and examination of main
engine bearings top and bottom shell. What defects are looked for?
76. Describe, in detail, an arrangement which permits the main propul-
sion diesel engine to be manoeuvred from the bridge. Illustrate your
answer with diagramatic sketches showing all the necessary instrumen-
tation and safety devices.
77. Describe a comprehensive alarm system suitable for an automated
machinery space and comment on
(a) its effectiveness
(b) action to take following an alarm condition.
78. Discuss the limitations and advantages of gas turbines for marine
propulsion and express opinions as to their future role.
Give an outline description of a marine gas turbine plant.
79. Explosions in starting air lines and crankcase have caused hazard in
the engine room. Discuss the factors which influence such hazards.
Explain the (a) protective and (b) preventive devices that have been
80. Sketch and describe the operation of a governor suitable for diesel
81. What is meant by the term'droop'in governor characteristics? What
is the advantage or otherwise of droop. Describe the action of a
governor which limits droop.
82. Sketch and describe the action of a starting system mentioning parti-
(a) an interlock device which prevents the control being
placed in a wrong direction.
(b) an interlock device which prevents wrong direction of
83. Sketch and describe an air starting valve and explain its action.
How an explosion may be propagated in the starting air line.
Describe the protective devices.
84. Explain the operation of a crankcase mist detector. What maintenance
does this instrument require for efficient performance.
85. Describe by simple sketches the function of a Distributor in the starting
system of a diesel engine.
86. Sketch and describe a reversing servomotor used in the Sulzer engine.
How does the camshaft set for astern running?
87. Describe the procedure to be adopted in the event of failure of one
turbo-charger out of a two-charger installation. How is the engine
affected and what precautions to be taken (a) to run the engine (b)
to the defective charger.
88. Discuss the effects of the following on engine—
(a) late injection
(b) early injection
(c) chocked inlet
(d) leaky piston ring.
Show how these defects affect the indicator card.
89. Discuss the problems of safety which arise in the unmanned auto-
mated machinery space.
90. Describe how the amount of fuel is controlled in modem day diesel
engines? Explain the effect of advancing the fuel cam on —
(a) exhaust temperature
(b) cylinder pressure
(c) specific fuel consumption.
91. Describe with the aid of sketches the construction of an all welded
starting air bottle.
Give details of construction of welded joints and subsequent treatment.
What are the mountings and what maintenance does it require?
92. Sketch and describe the construction of a piston for a medium speed
engine. Comment on
(a) use of aluminium alloy for piston
(b) working clearness
(c) reasons for overheating
(d) method of lubrication and cooling.
93. Describe the safety measures that are built in the main engine system
of a motor ship whose machinery space is left periodically unmanned.
94. With reference to the construction of main engine turbochargers
explain how
(a) axial thrust is balanced.
(b) shock loading is eliminated
(c) noise level reduced
(d) air pressure raised.
95. Give reasons which govern the clearance of the following bearings —
(a) crosshead guides
(b) connecting rod top end
(c) bottom end
(d) thrust.
96. Define each of the following terms and explain its relevance to combu-
stion —
(a) cetane number
(b) after burning.
(c) ignition delay
(d) detonation
(e) turbulance.
97. Explain why the performance of camshaft chains fall off in service.
Describe, with the aid of an indicator diagram, the effect of 'fall off'
has on engine performance.
Describe how the fall off is corrected.
98. State with reasons, two places in a crankcase that should be examined
for cracks.
Describe a test if cracking is suspected.
Describe a repair if crack is found.
99. Describe the instruments and equipments necessary for the automatic
control of the temperature of cooling water at inlet to the engine.
100. Give reasons for the occurrence of scavenge fires. Explain how
scavenge fires constitute a hazard.
Suggest ways of combating scavenge fire.
Heat Balance . . 27 Nozzle ring . . . . 81
Heavy oil burning 40
Hot spot 351 O
I Oil properties . . .. 134
Oil evaluation after use 183
Ignition phases of 38
Impellor 72 Oil mist ditector .. 353
Indicator diagrams Level type .. .. 355
Injection advances 120 Oil, treatment of .. 182
Oiliness .. .. 163
Injection Pump .. .. 93,415
Oil, overall intervals . . 307
Injectors setting 133
Oilput compatibility of
Inhibitors 256
Engine .. .. 19
Intercooler 85
Oil measurement .. 31
Inertia 147
Opposed piston principle 385
Inertia forces 145
Oxidation .. .. 225
J Otto Cycle . . . . 2
journal bearing 164
2. ^ ••.
3. Rule of the Road w*h latest amentlmente
:v 4. Rule of the Road Models (235 Carfc) .'
J 8. Maritime Law of India . . . ^-^2. . .
7. Lie Saving AppHanca* Butee t978/
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