Mudras and Benefits

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The document describes different hand mudras and their health benefits such as reducing stress, curing diseases, and improving concentration.

Some mudras described are Gyan, Prithvi, Surya, Shunya, Vayu, Prana with benefits like reducing pain, increasing energy, curing infections. Overall mudras help balance the body and mind.

The four types are metabolic hormones, regulating hormones, stress hormones, and sexual hormones such as thyroid hormones, cortisol, insulin, and estrogen.



Touch the tips of thumb and index finger with each other and apply gentle pressure, keep the
remaining fingers straight.

a). Develops good concentration and meditation.
b). Improves positive thoughts & attitudes, removes negative thoughts completely within 21 days
of practice.
c). Enhances greater memory power, improves knowledge & IQ.
d). Cures Head ache instantly if performed with a piece of mild & melodious music.
e). Cures insomnia, diabetes, stress & strain, and balances the B.P.
f). Reduces anger, jealousy, and brings happiness & satisfaction.
g). It is a symbol representing the union of SHIV-SHAKTI.

For better results perform minimum 12 minutes two times in a day. Ie.. morning & evening.
Maximum 48 minutes in a day.


Touch the tips of ring finger and the thumb with each other and apply gentle pressure, keep the
remaining fingers straight.


a). Reduces body pain, makes the body strong & healthy.
b).Increases the vitamin intake in the body thereby develops a luster & glow in the face.
c). Improves digestion power, reduces weakness of the body, balances leanness, obesity, & other
d). Increases the spiritual insight of the mind and produces detachment slowly from the worldly
e). Develops the good qualities like love, tolerance, patience, compassion, & kindness in a
g). Removes cold and catarrh.

Prithvi mudra can be practiced for 24 minutes at a time or as per requirement maximum upto 48


Keep the ring fingers tip at the root of the thumb and lock the ring finger with the thumb and
apply gentle pressure for good result.


a). Balances the body, balances obesity, reduces body weight.

b) Increases heat in the body for good digestion.
c). As surya represents sun symbolically, naturally it draws energy from sun and makes a person
d). Very useful in Diabetes, reduces cholesterol, useful in liver problems.
e) Reduces severe headache and removes tension.
f). Very useful in the removal of Goitre.

Faith is the source of energy, which when applied along with such
Mudra practices can bring miraculous cure in any diseases.


Put the middle finger tip at the root of thumb exerting a mild pressure, keeping the rest of the
fingers straight.

a). Cures the hearing problem, half deafness, ear infections etc
b). Ear infections like secretion of puss due to fungus can be cured.
c). It is useful in throat infections, and cures thyroid problems too.
d). It removes unwanted sounds from the ear. (disturbing sound).

Avoid this mudra while walking & eating.


Bend the fore finger( index finger) and put it at the base of thumb. Lock the index finger with
thumb and gently apply pressure. Maximum duration of practice 48 minutes, do it as per the

a). Sciatica, lumbago, gastric pain, paralysis, stomach pain etc
b). Entire body pain, knee & joint pains, pain in the spine, etc..
c). Neck pain can be reduced, cholera, parkinsons disease
d). Reduces gastritis, gas problem, flatulence, indigestion etc
e). It cures the impurities of the blood & controls the heart diseases.

Practice for longer time according to the severity of the diseases.


Apana & Vayu mudraa are performed together. The little finger remains straight.


a). Cures heart diseases, and further protects the heart for ever, if performed regularly.
b). One can perform this mudra even at the time of heart attack, and can save ones life from
surgery & medication.
c). Cures angina, hiccup, and eye lid problems
d). Releases gas accumulated in the stomach, relieves pressure & migraine.
e). Balances nervous system, blood circulatory system, excretory system, and neutralizes the
negative pressure and brings a relief in the system. ie.. neutralizes vata, pitta, & kapha.
f). Removes rheumatic pain & joint pains instantly.

Cure for Heart blockages & heart related problems are very fast and recovers heart patients
miraculously even without surgeries or major operations.

Perform this mudra twice in a day at least 16 minutes per time.


Join the tips of little finger & ring finger with the thumb and apply gentle pressure. Minimum 12
minutes to maximum upto 48 minutes, this mudra can be performed.


a). Develops mind concentration power & improves eye sight.

b). Improves immunity of the body and enrich vitamins deficiency.
c). For curing insomnia it can be performed along with gyan mudra in the right hand first &
exchange the mudras by hands from right to left to achieve full result.
d). It can control hunger & thirst in a diabetic patient, and helps them to stay longer in the
process of fasting.
e). Helps fast recovery from any long illness, during post pregnancy, recovers post paralysis
patients fast to attain normalcy.
f). Purifies blood & blood circulatory system, strengthens the bronchial tube etc

Commoners can perform maximum upto 48 minutes..but an yogi can perform longer hours upto
12 hours in a day to attain Samadhi.

Touch the tips of the middle & ring finger with the thumb each other and apply gentle pressure.
Keep the little finger & index finger upraight straight.


a). Strengthens the abdominal region strongly.

b). Controls gastritis and Diabetes.
c). Removes kidney stones, strengthens the kidneys, removes
blockages in the urinary tract.
d). Tooth ache & dental pain are removed.
e). Cures insomnia & controls high blood pressure.
f). In the course of pregnancy, if the women practices this up to
Delivery time, the delivery will become easy & normal.
g). Excessive heat in the body can be removed as a result of
Sweat. (sweating)

For certain cases it may be done up to 40 minutes both morning & evening. Excess sweating as
well as excess urination may happen.


Touch the tips of ring, middle, & index fingers along with thumb and apply gentle pressure.


a). Develops lot of joy & laughter.

b). Increases lightness in the body.
c). Develops good concentration, improves knowledge & wisdom.

Perform this mudra maximum 48 minutes, minimum 12 minutes.


Join all the fingers together, by the coordination of the 5 elements, ie.. the pancha bhutas will
balance the body system. Thats how its known as samana which means balance.

a). Balances the body system by balancing the 5 elements.
b). Develops good strength in the body.
c). Enhances pituitary glands & improves mind concentration.

Perform this mudra for a maximum 5 or 10 minutes, dont do longer time as it may result in


Join both hands together and interlock all the fingers leaving the left thumb erect facing
skywards 90 degrees, apply gentle pressure over the neck of left thumb with the help of right
index finger & right thumb, hold it tight & firmly. See the pulsation inside the palms. This is also
known as Angustha mudra or Agni mudra.


a). Cures Asthma, paralysis, & low blood pressure.

b). Increases the heat in the body, controls cold & sinusitis.
c). completely dries the phlegm in the control of asthma.

Persons with abdomen tumor kindly avoid this practice.

Persons who have high blood pressure kindly avoid.
Padmasan / Vajrasan are the best for this mudra.

Practice during early morning hours or cool nights.

Practice minimum 16 to maximum 48 minutes.


Touch the tip of the thumb with the middle portion of ring & middle finger, leave the index and
little finger straight. The looks are like a face of a deer, thats why its known as mrigi.


a). It cures seizures, epilepsy, and nervous weakness.

b). Removes tension & head ache due to cold or sinus.
c). Stabilizes the mind and brings happiness to your feelings.
d). To some extent helps to remove dental pain.

Mrigi mudra can be practiced maximum up to 30 minutes those are diseased with epilepsy.
Mudra Therapy is a part of Yoga treatment which helps without harming. Mudras are various
postures of fingers and thumbs. In mudra therapy, different diseases are treated by holding and
retaining the fingers and thumbs in different ways.

Surya Mudra

Method: This mudra is formed by first placing the tip of the ring finger on the base of the thumb
and then bringing gentle pressure of the thumb upon this finger. This amounts to suppression of
element earth (residing in the ring finger) by element fire (residing in the thumb). The earth
element thus suppressed, fire is able to rage unopposed.

Effects: Surya mudra increases the Agni (fire) element within the body but subdues the Prithvi
(earth) element. The element Agni (fire) is associated with body-temperature and metabolism.
Practice of Surya mudra helps to maintain the body-temperature and keeps the metabolism
going. The element Agni is also connected with vision. Hence, regular practice of Surya mudra
helps to strengthen weak eyes and improve vision.

Benefits: Prithvi-shaamak (Agni-vardhak; Surya) mudra can be used to treat the following
disorders : 1. Abnormally low body-temperature, 2. Coldness of skin, body, limbs, hands, feet,
etc., 3. Intolerance to cold, shivering, 4. Under activity of the thyroid gland causing slow
metabolism, 5 . Obesity, progressive weight-gain, 6. Loss of appetite, indigestion, constipation,
7. Absence of sweating, 8. Certain vision/eye problems, especially cataract.
Duration: 30 to 45 minutes every day either at one stretch or in 3 parts (i.e., for 10 to 15
minutes, thrice a day).

Ideal time: Though this mudra can be performed any time, practicing it at anytime from 10 am
to 2 pm or 10 pm to 2 am gives better results.

Precaution: Over-performance of this mudra may cause undue heating of the body.

There are many different yoga mudras and each of them have a different benefit. Below is the
explaination to each.

1. Gyan Mudra:

This is the first yoga mudra pose known as Gyan Mudra or the Mudra of Knowledge.

How to do?

Practice this mudra when doing meditations. Its perfect when you do it early in the mornings
with a fresh mind. Touch the tip of your index finger with the tip of your thumb. The other three
fingers, you may keep it straight or just keep it free, doesnt matter even if they are slightly bent.
This is a very commonly used mudra when practicing meditations.


This is a very beneficial mudra and anyone can practice this.


As the name suggests, this mudra is meant to increase your concentration and memory

This mudra sharpens your brain power.

It has the ability to cure insomnia.

Practice this mudra regularly to heal yourself of all mental and psychological disorders
like anger, stress, anxiety or even depression.

2. Vayu Mudra:

How to do?

This mudra can be practiced in a standing, sitting or lying down posture. Its easy to do. Fold
your index finger. As you fold your fingers you can see two bones. These are called phalanx
bones. When you have folded your index finger the second bone that you see, you have to press
it with the base of your thumb just as shown in the above picture. The rest of the three fingers
should be kept extended as much as possible.

Do this at any time of the day as per your convenience. There is also no compulsion of doing this
at an empty stomach. You may also practice this mudra with a full stomach.

[ Read: Yoga For Reduce Stress ]


Once you achieve the benefits from this mudra, stop doing it. After a certain time, it may cause
imbalance within your system.


As the name suggests vaayu mudra, it balances the air element within your body. This mudra
releases excess wind from stomach and body thereby reducing rheumatic and chest pain.

3. Agni Mudra (Mudra of Fire):

How to do?

Fold your ring finger and press the second phalanx with the base of your thumb. Keep the rest of
the fingers straight. This mudra should be practiced only in sitting position early in the morning
with an empty stomach. Maintain this mudra for atleast 15 minutes every day.


But if you are suffering from acidity or indigestion, avoid this mudra.


It helps to dissolve the extra fat boosting metabolism and controls obesity.
Quickens digestion.
Improves body strength.
Reduces stress and tension.
Controls high cholesterol levels.

4. Prithvi Mudra (Mudra of Earth):

How to do?

Touch the tip of your ring finger with the tip of your thumb. Pressing the tips of these two
fingers, keep the rest of the fingers extended out.

It is preferable that you perform this mudra in the morning. However you may even do it at any
time of the day and for any duration. Sit in a padmasana keeping the palms of both your hands
on your knees with straight elbows. Perform this asana when you feel stressed out and exhausted.
Padmasana accompanied by this mudra will immediately perk you up.


Nothing at all. Perform this asana freely.


It improves blood circulation throughout the body.

Increases patience and tolerance.

Increases concentration while meditating.

Helps strengthen weak and lean bones. Also increases weight of people suffering from
low weight.

It reduces weakness, exhaustion and dullness of mind.

This mudra makes you more beautiful by improving your complexion and giving a
natural glow to your skin.

5. Varun Mudra (Mudra of Water):

This is the best yogic mudra for your outer beauty. It has a positive effect on your skin and keeps
it away off all problems. A very effective yoga asana for your overall health let us learn to do
this mudra with perfection.

How to do?

Lightly touch the tip of your little finger with the tip of your thumb. The rest of the fingers
should be kept straight. There is no specific time to perform this mudra. You may do it at any
time of the day and in any position, but sitting cross-legged when doing this mudra is preferable.


Take care not to press the tip of the little finger near the nail. That will cause dehydration instead
of balancing the water level in your body.


A number of benefits can be achieved by doing this mudra:

Varun Mudra balances the water content in our body.

It activates fluid circulation within the body keeping it moisturized always.

It cures all skin issues like dryness, skin diseases and skin infections. Moreover it also
prevents the appearance of pimples for a longer time.

It adds a natural glow and luster to your face.

Varun Mudra also relieves and prevents any muscle pains that you may suffer from.

6. Shunya Mudra (Mudra of emptiness):

How to do it?

Press the first phalanx of your middle finger with the thumb.


Practicing this mudra with full concentration will cure earache within 5-10 minutes at the

It is also very helpful if someone is deaf or mentally challenged. But those who are
handicapped inborn wont benefit from this mudra.


After you are cured of these diseases, stop practicing this mudra.

7. Surya Mudra (Mudra of the Sun):

How to do it?

Press your ring finger and press it with the thumb just as shown in the picture.


It is quite beneficial when it comes to reducing bad cholesterol.

Want to lose weight? This mudra comes handy.
Reduces anxiety.
Also improves your digestion.

8. Prana Mudra (Mudra of Life):

This is a very important mudra as it activates the energy in your body.

How to do it?

This yoga mudra pose should be accompanied along with padmasana. Bend your ring finger and
little finger and touch the tip of both these fingers with the tip of your thumb.

There is no specific time to perform this asana. Any time of the day will be suitable.


This mudra improves your immune system.

It also increases your eye power and also cures any sort if eye diseases.
It reduces fatigue and tiredness.

These are some very important mudras in yoga and are beneficial for your health. Practice them

here are 4 types of hormones in the body based on the grouping of functions:

Metabolic hormones Thyroid hormones, Insulin, Growth hormone

Regulating hormones Aldosterone, Melatonin, Parathyroid hormone
Stress hormones Cortisol, Adrenaline, Noradrenaline
Sexual hormones Oestrogens, Progesterone, Testosterone
There are four methods to bring about hormone optimization:
Firstly, paying attention to what you eat quantity, quality and timing
Secondly, paying attention to exercise strength training/anaerobic/resistance exercises
Thirdly, paying attention to stress management meditation, yoga and pranayamas
Lastly, hormone replacement therapy for depleted hormones to bring about hormone balancing
Without following all the four methods of hormone optimization, either onset or slowing down or
reversal or progression to severity of degenerative diseases is not possible.

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