Healing Codes SW P

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Balance negatives with positives, be in

touch with your Inner Being, clarify the situation, generate, radiate and
experience love and acceptance, align energies and be in peace and wellness,
unaffected by ridicule and negative energy.
For Healing Code for Adam's Apple Point:
The Adam's Apple is where the thyroid cartilage crosses the larynx (voice box).
Thyroid is the seat of self-love and self-expression. Larynx generates sound and
controls tone and pitch of voice. Voice tone and pitch display - at least as much
as the words themselves - our emotional tone. I would think that the Healing Code
over the Adam's Apple then would be working to balance and bring back self-love,
self-expression and emotional balance.




Tolerate, dispel arrogance and hatred, generate, radiate and experience love and
acceptance, be flexible. (Upper Burner)
Reduce nervousness and anxiety, harmonize well with increased self-esteem, self-
love and confidence, release worries and negative thoughts, dispel anger and
resentment, end pettiness, be in peace an wellness, unaffected by ridicule and
negative energy, be in high spirits and harmonize well with passion and enthusiasm.
(Middle Burner)

Create balance, bury grudges, align energies, release, tolerate and allow,
flourish, create, build faith and trust. (Lower Burner)

For Healing Code Temples Points: 1/2 inch above the temple, and 1/2 inch toward the
back of the head, on both sides of the head
This area is the area of the Triple Heater (Triple Warmer, San Jiao). The Triple
Heater refers to three areas of "burning spaces":

The Upper Burner corresponds to the thoracic cavity. This space includes the Lungs
and Heart, and is associated with respiration.

Grief, intolerance and arrogance go to Lungs.

Abandonment, betrayal and love unreceived go to Heart.

The Middle Burner corresponds to the upper part of the dorsal cavity. This space
includes the Stomach, Spleen and nutrient uptake system, which includes the Hepatic
Portal System, various secretory pancreatic cells, the duodenum, portions of the
lymphatic system carrying chyle, as well as catabolic and transaminoic functions of
liver cells and is associated with digestion.

Anxiety, despair, disgust, nervousness and insecurity go to Stomach.

Self-esteem, self-love, fear of future, lack of control go to Spleen.

Judgmental, guilt, shame, and incorrect use of ego go to Pancreas.

Lack of enthusiasm, feeling unaccepted and negative thoughts against yourself go to

the Lymphatic System.

Anger, resentment, pettiness, critical thoughts and unforgiveness go to Liver.

The Lower Burner corresponds to the lower part of the dorsal cavity. This space
includes the Small Intestine, Large Intestine, Kidneys and Bladder, and is
associated with elimination.

Lost, vulnerable, reversals and betrayal go to Small Intestine.

Stubbornness, rejection, withholding and dogmatic go to Large Intestine.

Fear, repressed emotions, blaming, peeved and horror go to Kidneys.

Paralyzed will, stuck, inhibition and trauma go to Bladder.


WOMB-LOVE-NOURISH-RELAY-WINGS. Reconnect with Source, generate, radiate and

experience love and acceptance, develop, move forward, move freely and

For Healing Code for Bridge Point: In between the bridge of the nose and the middle
of the eyebrow, if the eyebrows were grown together
This area connects Pineal gland (Third Eye) with the Pituitary Gland (Master

Pineal is purported to be the seat of the Soul, the gateway to inner realms and
spaces of higher consciousness. Pineal is often considered the link between
intellect and the body. Pineal is nestled deep within the brain and is singular,
the only part of the brain without two hemispheres, and as such may be the space
where the two hemispheres flow together, merging into singularity.

Pituitary is the Master Gland of the endocrine system. Pituitary secretes hormones,
and stimulates other endocrine glands to secrete hormones. Two of the hormones
Pituitary secretes are Oxytocin and Vasopressin two very important hormones for
bonding. Vasopressin also plays a key role in balancing blood constituents to
create homeostasis. Oxytocin is often referred to as the love hormone.



by ending pettiness, burying grudges, gaining perspective, creating and building
faith and trust, severing ties to anger, be safe and secure, feel cherished.

For Healing Code for Jaw Points: On the bottom back corner of the jawbone, on both
sides of the head
These points correspond to the Stomach Meridian. Stomach relates to security,
spite, craving, anxiety, despair.

I also have found that Father tends to reside in the Stomach. This point may be
helpful in balancing and releasing judgments and interference in the relationship
with Father. If you have issues with Stomach and digestion, CONSIDER that the roots
may be in your relationship with your Father.

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