4 Wti Wellsite Validation

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Wellsite Validation

Whether acquired through surface readout in real time or by downhole recorders, data must be
validated at the wellsite. Validation ensures that the acquired data are of adequate quality to sat-
isfy the test objectives. On-site validation also serves as a yardstick for measuring job success.
When used with surface readout in real time, wellsite validation reveals when sufficient data have
been acquired to terminate the test, thereby optimizing rig time.
Examining the acquired transient data in a log-log plot of the pressure change and its deriva-
tive versus elapsed time is the focus of wellsite validation. If the downhole flow rate and pressure
are measured at the same time as the bottomhole pressure, the convolution derivative is also
plotted. This technique is discussed in greater detail in Use of downhole flow rate measure-
ments (page 46).
On-site validation can be complemented by a preliminary estimation of the formation para-
meters accomplished using specialized plots such as a generalized superposition or Horner plot
(pressure data alone) or a sandface rate-convolution plot (downhole rate and pressure data).
These plots are used for computing formation parameters such as kh, the near-wellbore value of
s and the extrapolated pressure at infinite shut-in time p*. The appropriate straight-line portion
used in these specialized plots is the data subset that exhibits a flat trend in the derivative
response (see Flow regime identification, page 27).

Well Test Interpretation Wellsite Validation 19

Figure 12 illustrates the validation of a test conducted using a surface pressure readout con-
figuration, followed by an early estimation of formation parameters. The validation plot at the top
of the figure shows that infinite-acting radial flow was reached during the test. The superposition
(or generalized Horner) plot shown on the bottom has the pressure plotted on the y-axis and the
multirate (or superposition) time function on the x-axis. The selected straight-line portion (high-
lighted) corresponds to where the derivative is flat. Its intersection with the y-axis defines p*,
and kh and s can be calculated from the slope.

10 1
Pressure match = 2.87 103
Time match = 22.0
10 0

Pressure and pressure 10 1

derivative (psi)

10 2
Pressure data
10 3 Derivative data
10 4 10 3 10 2 10 1 10 0 10 1 10 2

Elapsed time (hr)



Pressure (psia) 3600

Slope = 0.17039
p* (intercept) = 5270.2
0 8000 16,000
Superposition time function
Figure 12. Test validation and early estimation of parameters using the log-log diagnostic plot (top)
and generalized superposition plot (bottom).

The log-log plot of an openhole DST in a gas well is shown in Fig. 13. The data were acquired
with downhole memory recorders. The pressure derivative curve fails to exhibit the horizontal
portion indicative of radial flow in the reservoir; therefore, kh and s must be determined from a
type-curve match. If the data had been acquired with real-time surface readout or the
DataLatch* system, which transmits data stored in downhole memory to the surface before ter-
minating the test, the lack of straight-line formation could have been recognized and the
transient test continued for a few more hours.

10 4
Pressure change
Pressure derivative

10 3
Pressure and pressure
derivative (psi)

10 2

10 3 10 2 10 1 10 0 10 1
Elapsed time (hr)

Figure 13. Validation plot for an openhole DST in a gas well (Ehlig-Economides et al., 1990).

Well Test Interpretation Wellsite Validation 21

Figure 14 shows the log-log plot of a drawdown test with transient downhole flow rate and
pressure data. The plot also shows the convolution derivative curve. This curve accounts for flow
rate variations during the transient, which cannot be interpreted using pressure data alone. It is
particularly useful in this example because the changes in flow rate during the test resulted in a
pressure derivative curve with a complete lack of character, precluding any estimation of the
reservoir parameters. However, the convolution derivative contains enough information to
enable parameter estimation. It also suggests that part of the tested interval was not open to
flow. A flow profile run at the end of the test confirmed this hypothesis.

10 4
Pressure change
Pressure derivative
Convolution derivative

10 3

Pressure and pressure First radial flow

derivative (psi)

10 2
Spherical flow

Final radial flow

10 1
10 3 10 2 10 1 10 0 10 1
Elapsed time (hr)
Figure 14. Validation plot for a drawdown test with transient rate and pressure data (Joseph and Ehlig-Economides, 1988).

Figure 15 shows a validation plot for a test dominated by outer-boundary effects. Like Fig. 14,
this data set does not exhibit a flat portion in the derivative curve. However, the data are of excel-
lent quality and can be interpreted by type-curve matching.
Complete analysis of these data types requires detailed modeling techniques. The best results
are realized when the interpretation is conducted by an expert analyst, using sophisticated well
testing software and accessing information from other disciplines (seismic, geology and petro-

Pressure change
Pressure derivative

10 4

Pressure and pressure

derivative (psi)

10 3
10 0 10 1
Elapsed time (hr)
Figure 15. Validation plot for a reservoir limits test (Ehlig-Economides et al., 1990).

Well Test Interpretation Wellsite Validation 23

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