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The key takeaways are that this document provides requirements for testing and qualifying manual arc welding personnel and covers welding processes like GTAW, GMAW, FCAW, PAW, and SMAW.

The purpose of this document is to provide minimum requirements that govern the testing and qualification of manual arc welding (includes semi-automatic processes) personnel.

The welding processes covered by this specification are gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW), gas metal arc welding (GMAW), flux cored arc welding (FCAW), plasma arc welding (PAW), and shielded metal arc welding (SMAW).

PRC-0008, Rev.

Process Specification for the Qualification of

Manual Arc Welders

Engineering Directorate

Manufacturing, Materials, and

Process Technology Division

February 2004

National Aeronautics and

Space Administration

Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center

Houston, Texas

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PRC-0008, Rev. C

Process Specification for the Qualification of

Manual Arc Welders

Prepared by : Signature on File 2/12/04

Daniel J. Rybicki Date
Materials and Processes
Technology Branch/ES4

Approved by: Signature on File 2/12/04

Jose M. Hernandez Date
Materials and Processes
Technology Branch/ES4

Baseline Original version 9/21/97
A Change process owner, rewrote numerous sections to clarify, 07/19/99
rewrite section 6.4 to remove allowance for use of workmanship
qualification testing on pressure systems hardware, and to add
examination and testing requirements.
B Various editorial changes, rewrite 3.0, expand 5.2, amended 03/24/2000
footnotes in Tables 6.3.1, 6.3.3 and 6.3.4, added 4G-I plate
qualification position to Table 6.3.1, rewrite 6.4 for clarification,
combined 6.6 and 6.6.1, rewrite 6.7.I for simplification and
clarification, added 4G-I sketch to Figure A4, modified figures A1
and A2.
C Periodic ISO review. Various editorial corrections and changes. 02/12/2004
Added reference to ANSI/AWS D17.1. Add to table 6.2.1 alternate
acceptance test for fillet weld qualification.

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This process specification provides the minimum requirements that govern the testing
and qualification of manual arc welding (includes semi-automatic processes) personnel.
Procedural and quality assurance requirements are given. All work instructions and
Welding Procedure Specifications (WPS) used during welder qualification shall satisfy
the requirements of this process specification and its applicable documents.


This specification applies to the qualification of manual arc welding personnel (welders)
who fabricate, repair, or install welded hardware under the authority of NASA/JSC.
Welders successfully qualifying under this Process Specification (PRC) shall receive
certification for the manual arc welding of pressurized or structural hardware, both flight
and non flight as applicable to the type and scope of the test(s) passed.


The following processes and any pulsed derivatives thereof are governed by this

a) Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW).

b) Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW).
c) Flux Cored Arc Welding (FCAW)
d) Plasma Arc Welding (PAW).
e) Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW).


This process specification is considered to meet or exceed the intent of the major
recognized industry and government standards for welder performance qualification.
Therefore, vendors preparing to weld hardware for NASA/JSC that have existing
personnel with applicable and currently valid qualifications/certifications to AWS,
ASME, SAE/AMS or U.S. government standards for welder performance qualification,
for which qualification and continuity records are available and qualifications are
current, shall be considered acceptable for use where this PRC is invoked.
Qualifications/certifications are considered not transferable therefore, welders that are
newly hired by NASA/JSC or one of its contractors, shall be tested in accordance with
this PRC. Following an interruption to employment, welders rehired to the same
organization within 6 months from the last verification of a certification being current,
shall not be required to recertify at the discretion of the qualifier.


Work instructions shall be generated for implementing this process specification. The
work instructions shall contain sufficient detail to ensure that the skills performance
testing process produces consistent, repeatable results that comply with this
specification. At JSC, these work instructions are approved as Detailed Process
Instructions (DPIs) that describe in a detailed, step-by-step format the required
procedures, equipment, and materials to be used for conducting a given process.

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If the skills performance testing process is to be performed by an outside vendor, work

instruction development shall be the responsibility of the vendor. The contractor shall
ensure that the work instructions meet the requirements of this process specification.


All Welder Performance Qualification (WPQ) testing shall be conducted using a

qualified WPS. However, the qualification of a welder and the qualification of a WPS
can be conducted concurrently, but in the event that the WPS qualification test results
are unsatisfactory, the WPQ test shall be considered invalid.


The standards listed below shall be considered a part of this specification where
applicable. Where there is a conflict, this document shall take precedence. Unless
otherwise indicated, the revision that is in effect on the date of invitation for bids or the
date of request for proposals shall apply.
a. American Society of Mechanical Engineers

ASME/ B&PV Code Section IX, Welding and Brazing Qualifications

b. American Society for Testing and Materials

ASTM E1417 Liquid Penetrant Examination, Standard Practice for

ASTM E1444 Magnetic Particle Examination, Standard Practice for

ASTM E1472 Radiographic Examination, Standard Practice for

c. American Welding Society (AWS)

ANSI/AWS A2.4 Standard Symbols for Welding, Brazing and Nondestructive


ANSI/AWS A3.0 Standard Welding Terms and Definitions

ANSI/AWS B2.1 Standard for Welding Procedure and Performance Qualification

ANSI/AWS D17.1 Specification for Fusion Welding for Aerospace Applications

ANSI/AWS QC-1 Standard for AWS Certification of Welding Inspectors

d. NASA/Johnson Space Center

SOP-007.1 Preparation and Revision of Process Specifications (PRC)

PRC-6503 Process Specification for Radiographic Inspection

PRC-6505 Process Specification for Magnetic Particle Inspection

PRC-6506 Process Specification for Liquid Penetrant Inspection

TI-0000-04 Training Instructions for the Welding Processes

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S9074-AQ-GIB-010/248 Requirements for Welding and Brazing Procedure

and Performance Qualification


AMS-STD-1595 Qualification of Aircraft, Missile and Aerospace Fusion Welders


Qualification under this PRC requires completion of a specified test weldment and
acceptance by the qualifier of the test weldment and test results. The welder
qualification is limited by the essential variables given for each welding process as listed
in Section 6.3. Acceptance of performance qualification weldments is allowed by either
of two methods:
a) Qualification by standard test ( Section 6.2 ) or,
b) Qualification by workmanship test ( Section 6.4 ).

Performance qualification by standard test shall qualify the individual to perform welding
where qualification by either standard test or workmanship test is specified, but not vice


Each manufacturer or contractor (i.e., a fabricator, assembler or an installer is included

in this premise) is ultimately responsible for conducting tests to qualify the skill
performance of welders in accordance with a qualified WPS which that organization
employs in the fabrication of weldments.

The welder undertaking performance qualification tests shall be under the supervision
and control of a qualifying party (herein referred to as qualifier) during the welding of
test weldments. The extent of supervision and control shall be at the discretion of the
qualifier with due consideration given to any and all possible factors that may adversely
affect the integrity of the process activity governed by this PRC. Acceptance, rejection,
qualification, disqualification and documentation of test results is the responsibility of
the qualifier.

The qualifier shall have appropriate qualifications and experience in code governed
welding related activities. A preferred credential is certification as a welding inspector
(e.g., American Welding Society CWI), but not required. Performance qualification
documentation shall be signed (certified) and dated by the qualifier.

It is permissible to subcontract any or all of the work for preparation of test materials
prior to welding and subsequent work on the preparation of test specimens from the
completed weldments, performance of nondestructive examination and mechanical
tests. However, the qualifier shall be ultimately responsible for the validity and accuracy
of the work performed to support the process activities performed under this PRC.

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Vision acuity is considered essential to the proper execution of welding processes.

Therefore, at a minimum, welder candidates shall be tested and their vision shall meet
the following minimum conditions in each eye (natural or corrected): 1) for long
distance, better than 20/30 and, 2) for sixteen (16) inches distance, permits reading of
Jaeger No. 2 type. Failure to meet this minimum level of vision acuity shall be
substantial cause to 1) reject a candidate for performance qualification testing or, 2)
revoke a current certification or, 3) refuse recertification. Other vision acuity tests
determined by a qualified and licensed medical professional to be equivalent to the
above shall also be acceptable.

Welders shall be tested yearly to ensure that these vision requirements are maintained.
The examination (testing) shall be administered by an Ophthalmologist, Optometrist,
Medical Doctor, Registered Nurse, or by any ophthalmic or medical personnel (e.g.,
EMT, LVN, paramedic, Certified Physicians Assistant, etc.) qualified and licensed to
administer these specific exams. Records of these tests shall be made available to the
qualifier upon request. When corrective aids are used for the vision test, equivalent
aids shall be used for production welding.


The contractor shall assign a unique number or other identification to each welder upon
their initial qualification and is responsible for maintaining welder identification records
including the date of assignment of these numbers. The identification shall be
traceable to an employee number, social security number, or other information that is
unique to that person to ensure there is no duplication of assignment of
numbers/identifications during the same period of employment.


The performance qualification tests are intended to determine the ability of welders to
make sound welds. Qualification tests shall be conducted using a qualified WPS,
except that when performance qualification is done in accordance with a WPS that
requires a preheat or postweld heat treatment, and destructive testing will not be used,
these postweld processes may be omitted.


For each welder, the contractor shall complete a WPQ test record containing the
essential variables, type of tests and results, and the ranges qualified in accordance
with the applicable sections of this specification. Suggested formats for these test
records is given in Appendix A, Figures A1, A2, and A3. However, any reasonable
method of maintaining these records is considered acceptable provided the necessary
data is recorded and the records are readily accessible upon request.


Performance qualification by standard test shall be in accordance with the examination

requirements of Section 6.2.1. Qualification by standard test requires completion of a
standard test weldment that meets the essential variable requirements of Section 6.3

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and be welded in accordance with a qualified WPS. Test weldments shall satisfy the
applicable acceptance criteria of Section 6.7.

6.2.1 Examination Requirements

Except for the special requirements of Section 6.4, each welder who welds under the
rules of this specification shall have passed the visual and mechanical examinations
prescribed in Section 6.7 as applicable. The examination requirements shall be in
accordance with Table 6.2.1, except that the length of weld required for qualification by
radiographic examination shall be in accordance with Section 6.7.3.

Welders making a groove weld test coupon using FCAW, GMAW (except with the
short-circuiting arc mode), GTAW, PAW, or SMAW, or a combination of these
processes, may be qualified by radiographic examination, except for Material Group
Numbers 2X (Aluminum), 5X (Titanium), and 6X (Zirconium) metals. However, welders
qualifying on base material(s) in Group Numbers 2X (Aluminum) or 5X (Titanium) with
the GTAW and/or PAW processes may be qualified by radiographic examination.
Performance qualification for the GMAW process using the short-circuiting arc mode
shall always require bend testing except as specified in Section 6.4.

Table 6.2.1
Examination Requirements - Qualification By Standard Test
Pipe or Plate
Examination / Testing Groove Fillet
Visual Examination Yes Yes
Radiographic Examination Yes (1) --
Guided Bend Test Yes (1) --
Fillet Weld Shear Test -- Yes (2)
Fracture Test -- Yes (2)
Macro Examination -- Yes
(1) Either radiographic examination or guided bend test may be performed.
(2) Either fillet weld shear test or fillet fracture test may be performed.


A welder qualified to weld in accordance with one qualified WPS is also qualified to
weld in accordance with other qualified WPSs, using the same welding process, within
the limits of the essential performance welding variables. A change in the essential
variables as specified below will require additional performance qualification by the

a) A change in the welding process.

b) The deletion of backing (The term backing shall mean metallic or non metallic
materials in any form or back welding at any stage of welding the joint.).
c) The deletion of auxillary shielding gas (e.g., trailing gas) or root side shielding
gas where it is a WPS requirement, except for joints welded from both sides.
d) A change in the welding position except as allowed by Section 6.3.1.

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e) A change in the weld metal thickness or tube/pipe diameter range beyond that
for which the welder is qualified (Section 6.3.2).
f) A change in the base metal (M-No.) except as allowed by Section 6.3.3.
g) A change in the filler metal (F-No.) except as allowed by Section 6.3.4.
h) A change in vertical welding progression, upward or downward, except for final
dress passes (cap passes).
i) Except for SMAW, a change from AC to DC, or vice versa, or a change in DC
j) For GMAW, a change from the standard mode (spray arc, globular arc, or pulsed
arc) to the short circuiting arc mode, or vice versa.
k) For PAW, a change from transferred arc mode to the non transferred arc mode,
or vice versa.
l) For GTAW and PAW, the addition or deletion of filler metal or consumable

6.3.1 Position
The positions for which a welder becomes qualified when successfully completing a test
weldment in one or more of the positions illustrated in Appendix A, Figures A4, A5, A6,
and A7 are shown in Table 6.3.1.

6.3.2 Thickness and Diameter

The thickness, and diameter where applicable, of a groove weld or fillet weld test
weldment shall be based upon the weld thicknesses and diameters to be welded in
production. For groove welds, Table 6.3.2 (a) shows the ranges qualified by a given
test weldment thickness and Table 6.3.2 (b) shows the ranges qualified by a given test
weldment diameter. For fillet welds, Table 6.3.2 (c) shows the ranges qualified by a
given plate test weldment thickness and Table 6.3.2 (d) shows the ranges qualified by a
given test weldment diameter. Any groove weld qualification shall also qualify a welder
for fillet welds of any base material thickness, fillet sizes and diameters.

6.3.3 Base Metals

Qualification shall be performed with a base metal(s) from the same base metal
group(s) to be used in production, which shall qualify only for base metals under the
same M Number (see Appendix C), except that some base metals qualify for other
base metals as specified in Table 6.3.3.
6.3.4 Filler Metals

Qualification shall be performed with a filler metal(s) from the same filler metal group to
be used in production, which shall qualify only for filler metals under the same F
Number (see Appendix B), except that some filler metals qualify for other filler metals
as specified in Table 6.3.4.

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Table 6.3.1
Welding Position and Diameter Limitations

Position and Type Weld Qualified (1)

Qualification Test Groove Fillet
Weld Position Plate & Tube/Pipe Tube/Pipe less Plate & Tube/Pipe
over 24 OD than 24 OD
Plate - Groove 1G F --- F
2G F, H --- F, H
3G F, V --- F, H, V
4G F, O --- F, H, O
3G and 4G F, V, O --- All
2G, 3G, and 4G All --- All
3G and 4G-I(4) All --- All
Plate - Fillet 1F --- --- F (2)
2F --- --- F, H (2)
3F --- --- F, H, V (2)
4F --- --- F, H, O (2)
3F and 4F --- --- All (2)
Pipe Groove(3) 1G F F F
2G F, H F, H F, H
5G F, V, O F, V, O All
6G All All All
2G and 5G All All All
Pipe Fillet(3) 1F --- --- F
2F --- --- F, H
2FR --- --- F, H
4F --- --- F, H, O
5F --- --- All

(1) Positions of welding as shown in Appendix A, Figures A4, A5, A6, and A7.
F= Flat, H= Horizontal, V= Vertical, O= Overhead
(2) Tube/pipe 2 7/8 and over.
(3) Square (box) tubing flat-to-flat dimension shall be considered the OD.
(4) 4G-I means 4G Inclined. This term is used to describe a position which closely simulates both the overhead
and horizontal positions. The plate is oriented in the overhead position except that the torchside of the plate is
inclined to 45O 5O , about the axis of the weld joint.

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Table 6.3.2 (a)

Thickness Limits and Test Specimens - Groove Welds

Thickness (T) Range Type and Number of Tests

Bend Thickness (T) of Qualified Required (Guided Bend)
Specimens Test Coupon Minimum Maximum Side Bend Face Bend Root Bend

Transverse 3/8 T 2T Note (1) 2 2

( In the 5G or T 2T Note (1) 2 2
6G Position )

Transverse 3/8 and T 2T Note (1) 2 2

( In the 5G or T 2T Note (1) 2 2
6G Position )

Transverse T unlimited 4 n/a n/a

( In the 5G or T unlimited 4 n/a n/a
6G Position )

Longitudinal Any T 2T -- 1 1

(1) - A side bend may be substituted for each of the required face and root bend tests.

Table 6.2.1 (b)

Groove Weld Diameter Limits
Outside Diameter(1) QUALIFIED, in
of Test Coupon, in Minimum Maximum
1 size welded unlimited
1 but 2-7/8 1 unlimited
2-7/8 2-7/8 unlimited

(1) Square (box) tubing flat-to-flat dimension shall be considered the OD.

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Table 6.2.1 (c)

Thickness Limits and Test Specimens - Fillet Welds (Plate)

Type and Number of Tests Required

Thickness (T) of Test
Type of Joint Coupon as welded Range Qualified Macro Fracture

Tee Fillet 3/16 and 3/8 All base material thicknesses, 1 1

fillet sizes, and diameters
2-7/8 OD and over

Tee Fillet 3/16 T to 2T base metal thickness. 1 1

T maximum fillet size, and all
diameters 2-7/8 OD and over

Table 6.2.1 (d)

Small Diameter Fillet Weld Test

Outside Diameter(1) Minimum Outside

of Test coupon Diameter Qualified Thickness Qualified

1 OD Size welded Unlimited

1 but 2-7/8 OD 1 Unlimited
2-7/8 OD 2-7/8 Unlimited

(1) Square (box) tubing flat-to-flat dimension shall be considered the OD.

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Table 6.3.3
Allowable Test Weldment Base Metal Groups (M-Numbers) (3)
Base Metal M-Number(s) Used
for Welder Qualification Test (1) Qualifies for Base Metal M-Number(s)

M-No. 1 through M-No. 11 or M-No. 1 through M-No. 11, M-No. 41 through

M-No. 41 through M-No. 47 M-No. 47, and any unassigned base metals of
similar chemical composition to these metals.
M-No. 12 M-No. 12 only (2)

M-No. 13 M-No. 13 only (2)

M-No. 21, 22, 23, or 25 M-No. 21, 22, 23, or 25

M-No. 26 M-No. 26 only (2)

M-No. 31 through M-No. 35 M-No. 31 through M-No. 35

M-No. 48 M-No. 48 only (2)

M-No. 51, 52, 53 or M-No. 61, 62 M-No. 51, 52, 53 and M-No. 61, 62
M-No. 55 M-No. 55 only (2)

M-No. 81 M-No. 81 only (2)

M-No. 91 M-No. 91 only (2)

(1) Performance qualification tests using a base metal not listed in Appendix C shall qualify only for that base metal.

(2) Each base metal in this M-Number group will require individual qualification.

(3) M-Number base metal alloys are as follows:

M-No. 1 thru M-No. 13 - Steel and Steel Alloys

M-No. 2X - Aluminum and Aluminum-Base Alloys
M-No. 3X - Copper and Copper-Base Alloys
M-No. 4X - Nickel and Nickel-Base Alloys
M-No. 5X - Titanium and Titanium-Base Alloys
M-No. 6X - Zirconium and Zirconium-Base Alloys
M-No. 81 - Cobalt and Cobalt-Base Alloys
M-No. 91 - Magnesium and Magnesium-Base Alloys

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Table 6.3.4
Allowable Test Weldment Filler Metal Groups (F-Numbers) (3)

Filler Metal F-Number(s) Used

for Welder Qualification Test (1) Qualifies for Filler Metal F-Number(s)

Any F-No. 1 through F-No. 4 The F-Number used in test weldment and any
(with backing) lower F-Number, with backing only.
Any F-No. 1 through F-No. 4 The F-Number used in test weldment with or without
(without backing) backing and any lower F-Number, with backing only.
Any F-No. 5 (with backing) Any F-No. 1 or 5 with backing
Any F-No. 5 (without backing) Any F-No. 1 with backing and any F-No. 5 with or
without backing
Any F-No. 6 Any F-No. 6
Any F-No. 12 Any F-No. 12 (2)
Any F-No. 13 Any F-No. 13 (2)

Any F-No. 21 thru F-No. 24 Any F-No. 21 through F-No. 24

Any F-No. 26 Any F-No. 26 (2)
Any F-No. 31, 32, 33, 36, or 37 Only the same F-Number that was used during the
Any F-No. 34 or F-No. 41 thru F-No. 34 and any F-No. 41 thru F-No. 45
F-No. 45
Any F-No. 48 Any F-No. 48 (2)
Any F-No. 51 thru F-No. 54 Any F-No. 51 thru F-No. 54
Any F-No. 55 Any F-No. 55 (2)
Any F-No. 61 Any F-No. 61
Any F-No. 81 Any F-No. 81 (2)
Any F-No. 91 Any F-No. 91 (2)

(1) Performance qualification tests using a filler metal not listed in Appendix B shall qualify only for that filler metal.

(2) Each filler metal in this F-Number group will require individual qualification.

(3) F-Number filler metal alloys are as follows:

F-No. 1 through F-No. 13 - Steel and Steel Alloys F-No. 5X - Titanium and Titanium-Base Alloys
F-No. 2X - Aluminum and Aluminum-Base Alloys F-No. 6X - Zirconium and Zirconium-Base Alloys
F-No. 3X - Copper and Copper-Base Alloys F-No. 81 - Cobalt and Cobalt-Base Alloys
F-No. 4X - Nickel and Nickel-Base Alloys F-No. 91 - Magnesium and Magnesium-Base Alloys

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Under special conditions, where it is determined that the standard tests may not be fully
applicable or do not accommodate the actual hardware requirements, the welder may
be qualified by a workmanship test (sometimes referred to as Production Assembly
Mockup) in lieu of the standard test weld requirements of Section 6.2. This method of
qualification must be approved by the responsible Materials & Processes (M&P)
organization and shall only apply to welding activities for flight or non flight structural
hardware. Welding of non flight pressurized hardware shall be performed only by
welders qualified by standard testing.

6.4.1 Workmanship Test Weldments for Non Flight Structural (NFS) Hardware

Performance qualification by workmanship test requires completion of one or more

workmanship weldments in accordance with a qualified WPS, representing a typical
production configuration(s) and conditions. The workmanship weldment may be an
actual production weld in lieu of a test sample representative of the production
hardware. Qualification Limitations for NFS Hardware Workmanship Tests

When workmanship qualification testing is performed, the maximum qualification range

allowed shall be limited to the condition ranges (i.e., essential variables) allowed by the
WPS used to make the test weld. However, the responsible M&P organization shall
have the authority to further limit any or all of these condition ranges as determined
necessary, to ensure the quality of the manually applied welds. Workmanship Test Examination and Testing for NFS Hardware

At a minimum, workmanship test weldments shall be accepted or rejected based

primarily on the visual examination criteria given in section 6.7. As deemed necessary
and appropriate by the M&P organization, additional testing (e.g., NDE, metallography,
destructive testing, proof testing, etc.) may be specified for the test weldment to validate
the soundness and integrity of the deposited welds. Failure of Workmanship Weldment for NFS Hardware

If the performance test is made on a given production weld and it is deemed rejectable
during examination, this weld shall be treated according to the applicable process
specification requirements for weld repairs. No further welding shall be permitted on
the production hardware and further performance testing shall be administered only on
mock test samples per 6.4.1 or standard testing per 6.2. All other retesting
requirements of 6.5 shall also apply.

6.4.2 Workmanship Test Weldments for Flight Hardware

Performance qualification by workmanship test requires completion of one or more

workmanship weldments in accordance with a qualified WPS, representing a typical
production configuration(s) and conditions. The workmanship weldment may be an
actual production weld in lieu of a test sample representative of the production

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PRC-0008, Rev. C Qualification Limitations for Flight Hardware Workmanship Tests

When workmanship qualification testing is performed, the qualification range qualified

for production welding shall be limited to the welding conditions of the test weld with
regard to process, base metal thickness, specific filler metal, position, weld type and
joint configuration employed during the welding of the test weld, and any other welding
condition or parameter identified by the M&P organization. Workmanship Test Examination and Testing for Flight Hardware

At a minimum, workmanship test weldments shall be accepted or rejected based on the

results of all examinations and testing that duplicate that specified for the production
hardware, and at the sames classes of quality as specified for the production welds. As
deemed necessary and appropriate by the M&P organization, additional testing (e.g.,
NDE, metallography, destructive testing, proof testing, etc.) may be specified for the
test weldment to validate the soundness and integrity of the deposited welds. Failure of Workmanship Weldment for Flight Hardware

If the performance test is made on a given production weld and it is deemed rejectable
during examination, this weld shall be treated according to the applicable process
specification requirements for weld repairs. No further welding shall be permitted on
the production hardware and further performance testing shall be administered only on
mock test samples per 6.4.1 or standard testing per 6.2. All other retesting
requirements of 6.5 shall also apply.


A welder who fails any performance test may be retested under the following conditions
described below.

6.5.1 Immediate Retest Upon Test Failure

When the qualification coupon has failed the visual examination, mechanical testing, or
radiographic examination, an immediate retest shall be allowed. When an immediate
retest is made, the welder shall make two (2) consecutive test coupons for each failed
test, both of which shall pass all of the prescribed visual inspection requirements. The
qualifier shall then select one (1) of the successful test coupons (for each specific test)
for mechanical or radiographic testing. Retesting shall be allowed only once. If a
welder fails the retest, further training and practice shall be required prior to attempting
another test.

6.5.2 Retest Following Further Training

When the welder has had further training and practice, a retest consisting of all the
original test requirements shall be permitted. If welder training is considered necessary
it shall be conducted in accordance with TI-0000-04 or a vendor generated training


The performance qualification of a welder shall remain in effect indefinitely unless one
of the following conditions occur:

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a) When the welder has not welded with a process during a period of six (6) months
or more, the welders qualification for that process shall expire.

b) When there is specific reason to question the welders ability to make welds that
meet the applicable specification, the qualifications which support the welding
the welder is doing shall be revoked by the M&P organization, management, or
supervision. All other qualifications not questioned shall remain in effect.

6.6.1 Renewal of Qualification

a) Renewal of qualification expired under 6.6(a) above may be made for any
process by welding a single test coupon of either plate or pipe, of any material,
thickness or diameter, in any position, and testing that coupon in accordance
with Section 6.2.1 or the original test requirements for that qualification. A
successful test renews the welders previous qualifications for that process.

b) Welders whose qualification have been revoked under 6.6(b) above shall
requalify to the same test conditions as administered for the original qualification.
Qualification efforts shall utilize the appropriate process, test coupon, position,
and all other essential variables employed with the qualification that was revoked
and test that coupon in accordance with Section 6.2.1. A successful test
restores the qualification.

c) Following an interruption to employment, welders rehired to the same

organization within 6 months from the last verification of a certification being
current with that employer, shall not be required to recertify at the discretion of
the qualifier. If it is determined that the welders skill in a given process has
deteriorated due to the interruption in employment, then at a minimum, the
welder shall be required to test per 6.6.1 a) above.


All visual inspections of welded test coupons shall be performed by an American

Welding Society (AWS) Certified Welding Inspector (CWI) qualified in accordance with
AWS QC-1. The CWI certification must be current.

6.7.1 Visual Examination of Groove Welds

All test coupons shall be examined in the as welded condition with the weld
reinforcement left substantially intact unless otherwise directed by the qualifier.
However, at the discretion of the qualifier, surface dressing such as minor grinding,
sanding, wire brushing, and/or light filing shall be allowed to prepare the weld for

For plate coupons, all surfaces (except areas designated discard or drop off) shall be
examined visually before the cutting of bend specimens or prior to radiographic
examination. Tube/pipe coupons shall be visually examined over the entire
circumference, inside and outside before the cutting of bend specimens or prior to
radiographic examination. The acceptance criteria is as follows and T shall mean
base metal thickness:
a) Cracks are unacceptable.
b) Underfill (caused by welding or mechanical means) is unacceptable.

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PRC-0008, Rev. C

c) Complete fusion and joint penetration is required.

d) Overlap is unacceptable.
e) Mismatch allowed in T 1/16 shall not exceed 0.2T. Where T >1/16 mismatch
shall not exceed 0.1T or 0.10, whichever is less.
f) Weld reinforcement shall be substantially smooth and shall transition into the
base metal gradually so as to form a considerably low stress surface condition.
Weld reinforcement allowed for the root and face for T 1/16 shall not exceed
0.02 + T or 0.05, whichever is less, and for T 1/16 shall not exceed 0.8T or
1/8, whichever is less.
g) Undercut (caused by welding or mechanical means) shall not be greater than
0.1T deep or 1/32, whichever is less.
h) For T 1/16 there shall be no voids or inclusions 1/32 or 0.6T in any
dimension, whichever is less. For T 1/16 there shall be no voids or inclusions
3/32 or 0.4T in any dimension, whichever is less. If 2 or more voids/inclusions
are separated by a distance the diameter of the larger void, the cluster shall be
counted as one void and measured and evaluated accordingly to the criteria
i) Arc strikes are unacceptable and shall be removed.

6.7.2 Visual Examination of Fillet Welds

For plate coupons all surfaces (except areas designated discard ) shall be examined
visually before the cutting of fracture and macro examination specimens. Pipe-to-pipe
and pipe-to-plate coupons shall be visually examined over the entire circumference
before the cutting of fracture and macro examination specimens. The acceptance
criteria is as follows and and T shall mean base metal thickness:

a) Cracks are unacceptable.

b) Overlap is unacceptable.
c) Fillet weld leg size shall be equal to the thickness of the thinner component being
joined unless otherwise specified by the qualifier. Maximum leg size shall not
exceed 0.2T or 3/16 greater than the minimum required, whichever is the lesser,
unless otherwise specified by the qualifier.
d) Fillet welds shall have approximately equal legs. If the legs of the weld are
measurably different, the leg size ratio shall be no greater than 1.5 at any
e) Weld reinforcement shall be substantially smooth and shall transition into the
base metal gradually so as to form a considerably low stress surface condition.
Welds may be slightly concave, convex, or flat. Concavity and convexity shall
not exceed 10% of the average leg size or 1/16, whichever is the lesser, at any
f) Undercut (caused by welding or mechanical means) shall not be greater than
0.1T deep or a maximum of 1/32, whichever is less.
g) For T 1/16 there shall be no voids or inclusions 1/32 or 0.6T in any
dimension, whichever is less. For T 1/16 there shall be no voids or inclusions
3/32 or 0.4T in any dimension, whichever is less. If 2 or more voids/inclusions
are separated by a distance the diameter of the larger void, the cluster shall be
counted as one void and measured and evaluated accordingly to the criteria
h) Arc strikes are unacceptable and shall be removed.

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PRC-0008, Rev. C

6.7.3 Radiographic Examination

Radiographic examination is intended to evaluate the internal quality of a weld deposit

therefore the criteria stated herein is intended to be applied to the same. However,
where a weld test coupon(s) cannot be adequately evaluated/inspected by visual
examination on all external surfaces (e.g., small diameter tubes/pipe), the applicable
criteria stated above in 6.7.1 shall also apply to the radiographic film interpretation.

When a welder is qualified by radiographic examination, as permitted by Section 6.2.1,

the minimum length of coupon(s) to be examined shall be six (6) inches and shall
include the entire weld for plate (less designated discard sections) and the entire weld
circumference for pipes. For small diameter tube/pipe, multiple coupons may be
required, but the number need not exceed four (4) consecutively made coupons. The
acceptance criteria is as follows and T shall mean base metal thickness:

a) Cracks are unacceptable.

b) Lack of fusion is unacceptable.
c) For T 1/16 there shall be no indications, voids, or inclusions 1/32 or 0.6T in
any dimension, whichever is less. For T 1/16 there shall be no indications,
voids, or inclusions 3/32 or 0.4T in any dimension, whichever is less. If 2 or
more voids/inclusions are separated by a distance the diameter of the larger
void, the cluster shall be counted as one void and measured and evaluated
accordingly to the criteria above.

6.7.4 Guided Bend Testing

When a welder is qualified by guided bend testing, test specimens shall be prepared by
cutting the test plate or tube/pipe to form specimens of approximately rectangular cross
section. The cut surfaces shall designate the sides of the specimen. The other two
surfaces shall be called the face and the root surfaces. For plate coupons the face
shall be designated as the side that the weld the weld was made from (torch side) for
single sided welds or the side of the weld that the first weld pass(es) was made from for
double sided welds. For tube/pipe coupons, the outside surface of the tube/pipe is
typically the torch side. In any case, equal numbers of specimens shall be tested from
each side of the test coupon. Test Specimen Removal

The location of specimen removal shall be in substantial accordance with the following
figures located in Appendix A.

For plate test coupons, the following shall apply:

a) Transverse face and root, or side bends in accordance with Figure A8.
b) Longitudinal face and root bends in accordance with Figure A9.

For tubular product test coupons, only transverse bends are used and the following
shall apply:

a) Face and root bend specimens removed from tube/pipe with a wall thickness of
up to 0.750 in accordance with Figure A10.
b) Side bend specimens removed from tube/pipe with a wall thickness of 0.750
and over and alternate from 0.375 but less than 0.750 wall thickness in
accordance with Figure A11.
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PRC-0008, Rev. C

c) In the situation where a square (box) tubular product is used for the test weld,
specimens shall be removed from the test weldment in substantial accordance
with the applicable figure found in Chapter 3 of AWS B2.1.

For tubular products with a diameter equal to or less than 1-3/8 O.D., the bend
specimens may be obtained by cutting the tube/pipe into quarter sections. These
quarter sections specimens are not required to have one surface machined flat. Preparation of Test Specimens

The size and preparation of guided bend specimens (plate or tube/pipe) shall be in
substantial accordance with the following figures in Appendix A.

a) Side bend specimens in accordance with Figure A12.

b) Transverse face and root bend specimens in accordance with Figure A13.
c) Longitudinal face and root bend specimens in accordance with Figure A14. Test Jigs

Guided bend specimens shall be bent in test jigs that are in substantial accordance with
the following figures in Appendix A. Bend radii and other test jig dimension shall be in
accordance with Table A in Appendix A.

a) Guided bend test jig, in accordance with Figure A15. When using the guided
bend jig, the side of the specimen turned toward the gap in the jig shall be the
face for face bend specimens, the root for root bend specimens, and the side
with the greater defects, if any, for the side bend specimens. The specimen shall
be forced into the die by applying a load on the plunger until the curvature of the
specimen is such that a 0.125 diameter wire cannot be inserted between the
specimen and the die.

b) Guided bend roller test jig (bottom ejection), in accordance with Figure A16.
When using the guided bend roller jig, the side of the specimen turned toward
the gap in the jig shall be the face for face bend specimens, the root for root
bend specimens, and the side with the greater defects, if any, for the side bend
specimens. The specimen shall be forced into the die by applying a load on the
plunger until the specimen is bottom ejected.
c) Wrap around jig, in accordance with Figure A17. When using the wrap around
jig, the side of the specimen turned toward the roller shall be the face for face
bend specimens, the root for root bend specimens, and the side with the greater
defects, if any, for the side bend specimens. Acceptance Criteria

The acceptance criteria for guided bend test shall be as follows:

a) The weld and heat affected zone of a transverse specimen shall be completely in
the bent portion of the specimen after testing.
b) There shall be no open defects in the weld or heat affected zone 1/8,
measured in any direction on the convex surface of the specimen after bending.
c) Open defects occurring on the corners of the specimen during testing shall not
be considered unless there is definite evidence that they result from lack of
fusion, slag inclusions, or other internal defects.
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PRC-0008, Rev. C

6.7.5 Fracture Test

The stem of the plate specimen 4 inch center section in accordance with Appendix A,
Figure A18 or the stem of one of the pipe quarters in accordance with Figure A19 or
A20, as applicable, shall be loaded laterally in such a way that the root of the weld is in
tension. The load shall be steadily increased until the specimen fractures or bends flat
upon itself. If the specimen does not fracture, it shall be considered acceptable. If the
specimen fractures, the acceptance criteria is as follows:

a) The fractured surface shall show no evidence cracks or incomplete root fusion.
b) The sum of the lengths of inclusions and porosity visible on the fractured surface
shall not exceed 3/8 in plate specimens or 10% of the length of the quarter
section of tube/pipe.

6.7.6 Macro Examination

The cut end of one of the end plate sections in accordance with Appendix A, Figure
A18 or the cut end of one of the tube/pipe quarters in accordance with Figure A19 or
A20, as applicable, shall be smoothed and etched with a suitable etchant to give a clear
definition of the weld metal and heat affected zone and then examined. The
acceptance criteria is as follows:

a) Complete fusion is required.

b) There shall be no cracks.


Any deviations or waivers regarding the use of this process specification shall be
requested in writing. This request shall be directed to the NASA/JSC M&P organization
with the appropriate justification and rationale. A written response will be provided upon
such a request.

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PRC-0008, Rev. C

Appendix A


Name Id. SS No.

Joint welding procedure Welder [ ] Welding operator [ ]

Base metal description Group No.

Welding process Single weld [ ] Double weld [ ]

Current AC [ ] DC [ ] Backing Yes [ ] No [ ]

Vertical Down [ ] Up [ ] Penetration Complete [ ] Partial [ ]

Position Dimension, inch

Sheet groove 1G [ ] 2G [ ] 3G [ ] 4G [ ] 4G-I [ ] t

Tube groove 1G [ ] 2G [ ] 5G [ ] 6G [ ] O.D. t

Sheet fillet 1F [ ] 2F [ ] 3F [ ] 4F [ ] t

Tube fillet 1F [ ] 2F [ ] 2FR [ ] 4F [ ] 5F [ ] O.D. t


Visual Pass [ ] Fail [ ]

Radiographic NA [ ] Pass [ ] Fail [ ]
Bend NA [ ] Pass [ ] Fail [ ]
Metallographic NA [ ] Pass [ ] Fail [ ]


Base Metal Group No. Single weld [ ] Double weld [ ]

Current AC [ ] Backing Yes [ ] No [ ]

DC [ ]
Vertical Down [ ] Up [ ] Penetration Complete [ ] Partial [ ]

t, inch O.D., inch

Position Min. Max. Min. Max.

Sheet groove Flat [ ] Hori [ ] Vert [ ] Over [ ] ALL [ ]

Tube groove Flat [ ] Hori [ ] Vert [ ] Over [ ] ALL [ ]

Sheet fillet Flat [ ] Hori [ ] Vert [ ] Over [ ] ALL [ ]

Tube fillet Flat [ ] Hori [ ] Vert [ ] Over [ ] ALL [ ]

The above named individual is qualified in accordance with PRC-0008 which meets the requirements of AMS-STD-1595 within the above limits
for the welding process used for this test weld.

Date of test weld Qualifier

Figure A1

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Appendix A

Name Identification Welder ( ) Operator ( )

Social security number Qualified to WPS no.
Process(es) Manual ( ) Semi-Automatic ( ) Automatic ( ) Machine ( )
Test base metal specifications To
Material number To
Fuel gas (OFW)
AWS filler metal classification F no.
Backing : Yes ( ) No ( ) Double ( ) or Single side ( )
Current : Ac ( ) DC ( ) Short-circuiting arc (GMAW) Yes ( ) No ( )
Consumable insert : Yes ( ) No ( )
Root shielding : Yes ( ) No ( )
Pipe 1G ( ) 2G ( ) 5G ( ) 6G ( ) Diameter(s) (T)
Plate 1G ( ) 2G ( ) 3G ( ) 4G ( ) (T)
4G-I ( )
Rebar 1G ( ) 2G ( ) 3G ( ) 4G ( ) Bar size Butt ( )
Spliced butt ( )
Pipe 1F ( ) 2F ( ) 3F ( ) 4F ( ) 5F ( ) Diameter (T)
Plate 1F ( ) 2F ( ) 2FR ( ) 4F ( ) (T)
Other (describe)
Test results : Remarks
Visual test results N/A ( ) Pass ( ) Fail ( )
Bend test results N/A ( ) Pass ( ) Fail ( )
Macro test results N/A ( ) Pass ( ) Fail ( )
Tension test N/A ( ) Pass ( ) Fail ( )
Radiographic test results N/A ( ) Pass ( ) Fail ( )
Penetrant test N/A ( ) Pass ( ) Fail ( )

Pipe Flat ( ) Hori ( ) Vert ( ) Over ( ) ALL ( ) ( T ) Min Max Dia
Plate Flat ( ) Hori ( ) Vert ( ) Over ( ) ALL ( ) ( T ) Min Max
Rebar Flat ( ) Hori ( ) Vert ( ) Over ( ) ALL ( ) Bar size Min Max
Pipe Flat ( ) Hori ( ) Vert ( ) Over ( ) ALL ( ) ( T ) Min Max
Plate Flat ( ) Hori ( ) Vert ( ) Over ( ) ALL ( ) ( T ) Min Max
Rebar Flat ( ) Hori ( ) Vert ( ) Over ( ) ALL ( ) Bar size Min Max
Weld cladding ( ) Position(s) T Min Min Clad Min
Consumable insert ( ) Backing type ( )
Vertical Up ( ) Down ( )
Single side ( ) Double side ( ) No backing ( )
Short-circuiting arc ( ) Spray arc ( ) Pulsed arc ( )
Reinforcing bar - butt ( ) or Spliced butt ( )
The aboved named person is qualified in accordance with PRC-0008 which meets the requirements of AWS B2.1 within the above limits
for the welding process used for this test weld.

Date tested Qualifier

Figure A2

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Appendix A


Welders name Clock number Stamp no.

Welding process(es) used Type

Identification of WPS followed by welder during welding of test coupon

Base material(s) welded Thickness

Manual or Semiautomatic Variables for Each Process (QW-350) Actual Values Range Qualified

Backing (metal, weld metal, welded from both sides, flux, etc.) (QW-402)
ASME P-No. to ASME P-No. (QW-403)
( ) Plate ( ) Pipe (enter diameter if pipe)
Filler metal specification (SFA) : Classification (QW-404)
Filler metal F-No.
Consumable insert for GTAW or PAW
Weld deposit thickness for each welding process
Welding position (1G, 5G, etc.) (QW-405)
Progression (uphill/downhill)
Backing gas for GTAW, PAW, or GMAW; fuel gas for OFW (QW-408)
GMAW transfer mode (QW-409)
GTAW welding current type/polarity

Machine Welding Variables for the Process Used (QW-360) Actual Values Range Qualified
Direct/remote visual control
Automatic voltage control (GTAW)
Automatic joint tracking
Welding position (1G, 5G, etc.)
Consumable insert
Backing (metal, weld metal, welded from both sides, flux, etc.)

Guided Bend Test Results

Guided Bend Tests Type ( ) QW-462.2 (Side) Results ( ) QW-462.3(a) (Trans. R & F Type) ( ) QW-462.3(b) (Long. R & F) Results

Visual examination results (QW-302.4)

Radiographic test results (QW-304 and QW-305)
(For alternative qualification of groove welds by radiography)
Fillet Weld - Fracture test Length and percent of defects in.
Macro test fusion Fillet leg size in. x in. Concavity/Convexity in.
Welding test conducted by
Mechanical tests conducted by Laboratory test no.

We certify that the statements in this record are correct and that the test coupons were prepared, welded, and tested in accordance with the
requirements of PRC-0008 which meets or exceeds the requirements of Section IX of the ASME Code.

Date Organization

Figure A3

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Appendix A

Figure A4 - Groove Welds in Plate, Test Positions

Figure A5 - Groove Welds in Pipe, Test Positions

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Appendix A

Figure A6 - Fillet Welds in Plate, Test Positions

Figure A7 - Fillet Welds in Pipe, Test Positions

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Appendix A

Figure A7 (continued) - Fillet Welds in Pipe, Test Positions

Figure A8 - Standard Plate Transverse Bend Test Weldments

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Appendix A

Figure A9 - Alternate Plate Test Weldment, Longitudinal Bends

Figure A10 - Face and Root Bends Figure A11 - Side Bends

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Appendix A

Figure A12 - Transverse Side Bend Specimens

Figure A13 - Transverse Face and Root Bend Specimens

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Appendix A

Figure A14 - Longitudinal Face and Root Bend Specimens

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Appendix A

Figure A15 - Guided Bend Test Jig

Figure A16 - Guided Bend Roller (Bottom Ejection) Test Jig

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Appendix A

Table A - Guided Bend Test Jig Dimensions

Thickness of A C
Base Metal Specimen ( T or inches ) ( T or inches )
M-No. 2X, welded with F-No. 23;
M-No. 23, as welded; M-No. 35; 1/ 2-1/16 2- 3/8
Any M-No. welded with F-No. 36 Less than 1/ 16-1/2 T 18-1/2T + 1/16

M-No. 11; M-No. 25 3/ 2-1/2 3- 3/8

Less than 3/ 6-2/3 T 8-2/3 T + 1/8

M-No. 51 3/ 3 3-7/8
Less than 3/ 8T 10 T + 1/8

M-No. 55 All 20 T 22 T + 1/8

M-No. 52; M-No. 53; 3/ 3-3/4 4-5/8

M-No. 61; M-No. 62 Less than 3/ 10 T 12 T + 1/8

All other M-Numbers with greater 3/ 1-1/2 2- 3/8

than or equal to 20% elongation Less than 3/ 4T 6 T + 1/8

All other M-Numbers with less ( see note 1 ) 37-7/8 T max. 34-7/8 T + 1/16
than 20% elongation

Note 1 - The dimensions of the test jig shall be such as to give the bend specimen a calculated percent
outer fiber elongation equal to at least that of the base material joined with the lower minimum elongation
as specified in the base material specification.

Percent outer fiber elongation (POFE) = 100T

The following formula is provided for calculating the bend specimen thickness:

Thickness of specimen = A x percent elongation or,

[ (100 - (percent elongation) ]

The following formula is provided for calculating the diameter of the bend mandrel (A):

A = 100T -T

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Appendix A

Figure A17 - Guided Bend (Wrap Around) Test Jig

Figure A18 - Standard Fillet Weld Test Weldment - Plate

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Appendix A

Figure A19 - Standard Fillet Weld Test Weldment, Pipe

Figure A20 - Alternate Fillet Weld Test Weldment, Pipe

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Appendix B

F-Numbers - Grouping of Electrodes and Welding Rods for Qualification

F-No. Specification No. AWS Classification Number or Other

Steel and Steel Alloys

1 5.1 & 5.5 EXX20, EXX22, EXX24, EXX27, EXX28

5.4 EXX25, EXX26

2 5.1 & 5.5 EXX12, EXX13, EXX13-X, EXX14, EXX19

3 5.1 & 5.5 EXX10, EXX10-X, EXX11, EXX-11-X

4 5.1 & 5.5 EXX15, EXX15-X, EXX16, EXX18, EXX48

5.4, other than EXX15, EXX16, EXX17
austenitic and duplex

5 5.4, austenitic and EXX15, EXX16, EXX17


6 5.2 RX

5.9 ERXX


5.20 EXXT-X
5.22 EXXXT-X

5.28 ERXXS-X, & EXXC-X

5.29 EXXTX-X

12 AMS 6457 4130 (VM)

AMS 6458 17-22AS (VM)

AMS 6461 6130 (VM)

AMS 6462 6130

AMS 6463 MAR300

AMS 6466 502

AMS 6468 HP-4-20 (VM)

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Appendix B

F-Numbers - Grouping of Electrodes and Welding Rods for Qualification

F-No. Specification No. AWS Classification Number or Other

Steel and Steel Alloys (continued)

13 AMS 5774 AM350

AMS 5780 AM355

AMS 5782 19-9Wmo

AMS 5784 29-9

AMS 5812 15-7 Mo

AMS 5817 Greek Ascoloy

AMS 5823 Jethete

AMS 5824 17-7

AMS 5825 17-4

AMS 5840 14-8 Mo

Aluminum and Aluminum-Base Alloys

21 5.10 ER1100
22 5.10 ER5554, ER5356, ER5556, ER5183, ER5654

23 5.10 ER4009, ER4010, ER4043, ER4047, ER4145, ER4643,

24 5.10 R-A356.0, R-SC 51A,

R-SG 70A
26 5.10 ER2319

Copper and Copper-Base Alloys

31 5.6 Ecu

5.7 ERCu

32 5.6 ECuSi
5.7 ERCuSi-A

33 5.6 ECuSn-A & ECuSn-C

5.7 ERCuSn-A

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Appendix B

F-Numbers - Grouping of Electrodes and Welding Rods for Qualification

F-No. Specification No. AWS Classification Number or Other

Copper and Copper-Base Alloys (continued)

34 5.6 ECuNi
5.7 ERCuNi

36 5.6 ECuAl-A2 & ECuAl-B

5.7 ERCuAl-A1, ERCuAl-A2, ERCuAl-A3

37 5.6 ECuNiAl & ECuMnNiAl

5.7 ERCuNiAl & ERCuMnNiAl

Nickel and Nickel-Base Alloys

41 5.11 ENi-1

5.14 ERNi-1
42 5.11 ENiCu-7

5.14 ERNiCu-7

43 5.11 ENiCrFe-1, ENiCrFe-2, ENiCrFe-3, ENiCrFe-4, ENiCrCoMo-1,

ENiCrMo-2, ENiCrMo-3, ENiCrMo-6

5.14 ERNiCr-3, ERNiCrFe-5, ERNiCrFe-6, ERNiCrCoMo-1, ERNiCrMo-2,


44 5.11 ENiMo-1, ENiMo-3, ENiMo-7, ENiCrMo-4, ENiCrMo-5, ENiCrMo-7,

5.14 ERNiMo-1, ERNiMo-2, ERNiMo-7 (alloy B-2), ERNiCrMo-4,
ERNiCrMo-5, ERNiCrMo-7 (alloy B-4), ERNiCrMo-10
45 5.11 ENiCrMo-1, ENiCrMo-9, ENiCrMo-11
5.14 ERNiCrMo-1, ERFeCr-1, ERNiCrMo-8, ERNiCrMo-9,

48 AMS 5660 Alloy 901

AMS 5683 Alloy 42
AMS 5687 Inconel 600

AMS 5698 Inconel X-750

AMS 5778 Inconel 69

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Appendix B

F-Numbers - Grouping of Electrodes and Welding Rods for Qualification

F-No. Specification No. AWS Classification Number or Other

Nickel and Nickel-Base Alloys (continued)

48 AMS 5800 Rene 41

cont. AMS 5804 A286

AMS 5805 A286 (VM)

AMS 5828 Waspalloy

Titanium and Titanium Alloys

51 5.16 ERTi-1, ERTi-2, ERTi-3, ERTi-4,

52 5.16 ERTi-7
53 5.16 ERTi-9, ERTi-9ELI

54 5.16 ERTi-12,
55 5.16 ERTi-5, ERTi-5ELI, ERTi-6, ERTi-6ELI

Zirconium and Zirconium Alloys

61 5.24 ERZr-2, ERZr-3, ERZr-4

Cobalt and Cobalt Base Alloys

81 AMS 5789 Stellite 31

AMS 5796 Haynes 25 (L-605)
AMS 5801 Haynes 188

Magnesium and Magnesium Base Alloys

91 AMS 4350 AZ-61A

AMS 4395 AZ-92A

AMS 4396 EZ-33A

AMS 4418 QE-22A

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PRC-0008, Rev. C

Appendix C

M-Numbers - Grouping of Base Metals for Qualification

UNS Common
M-No. Number Description ASTM & AMS Numbers

Steel and Steel Alloys

1 J02502 WCA ASTM- A216

J02503 WCC ASTM- A216
J03002 WCB ASTM- A216
K00040 -- ASTM- A620
K01200 A ASTM- A178, A179
K01201 -- ASTM- A179, A192, A226
K01501 A ASTM- A414
K01700 All types, grades, & classes ASTM- A285
K01800 All types, grades, & classes ASTM- A516
K01807 A2 ASTM- A214, A556, A557
K02001 All types, grades, & classes ASTM- A284, A515
K02100 All types, grades, & classes ASTM- A516
K02104 All types, grades, & classes ASTM- A524
K02200 All types, grades, & classes ASTM- A285
K02201 B ASTM- A414
K02202 All types, grades, & classes ASTM- A442
K02203 B ASTM- A662
K02401 All types, grades, & classes ASTM- A283, A284, A515
K02402 All types, grades, & classes ASTM- A442
K02403 All types, grades, & classes ASTM- A516
K02501 All types, grades, & classes ASTM- A106, A369
K02503 C ASTM- A414
K02504 All types, grades, & classes ASTM- A53, A523
K02505 All types, grades, & classes ASTM- A414
K02506 Carbon Steel ASTM- A727
K02700 All types, grades, & classes ASTM- A516
K02704 E ASTM- A414
K02800 All types, grades, & classes ASTM- A515
K02801 All types, grades, & classes ASTM- A285
K02803 All types, grades, & classes ASTM- A299
K03002 Type 1 ASTM- A372
K03003 All types, grades, & classes ASTM- A139
K03005 All types, grades, & classes ASTM- A53, A523
K03006 All types, grades, & classes ASTM- A106, A234, A333, A334, A369, A556
K03007 B2 ASTM- A557
K03008 1 ASTM- A333, A334
K03009 LF1 ASTM- A350
K03011 LF2 ASTM- A350
K03017 Cl. 4 ASTM- A266
K03101 All types, grades, & classes ASTM- A515
K03102 F ASTM- A414

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PRC-0008, Rev. C

Appendix C

M-Numbers - Grouping of Base Metals for Qualification

UNS Common
M-No. Number Description ASTM & AMS Numbers

Steel and Steel Alloys (continued)

1 K03103 G ASTM- A414

cont. K03200 All types, grades, & classes ASTM- A696
K03501 All types, grades, & classes ASTM- A106, A210, A234
K03502 All types, grades, & classes ASTM- A181
K03503 C ASTM- A178
K03504 All types, grades, & classes ASTM- A105, A695
K03505 C2 ASTM- A557
K03506 All types, grades, & classes ASTM- A266, A541
K04001 Type II ASTM- A372
K05001 Cl. 3 ASTM- A266
K11224 Alloy Steel ASTM- A562
K11500 Alloy Steel ASTM- A587
K11831 A ASTM- A724
K12001 B ASTM- A737, A738
K12031 B ASTM- A724
K12447 All types, grades, & classes ASTM- A738
K13502 Cl. 1 ASTM- A508

3 J11522 CP15 ASTM- A426

J11547 CP2 ASTM- A426
J12521 CP1 ASTM- A426
J12522 WC1 ASTM- A352
K11422 T1b ASTM- A209, A250
K11522 T1 ASTM- A161, A209, A250
K11547 T2 ASTM- A213, A250
K11578 P15 ASTM- A335
K11820 A ASTM- A204
K12020 B ASTM- A204
K12021 A ASTM- A302
K12022 B ASTM- A302
K12023 T1a ASTM- A209, A250
K12039 C ASTM- A302
K12042 Cl. 3 &3a ASTM- A508
K12045 Cl. 3 &3a ASTM- A541
K12054 D ASTM- A302
K12122 F2 ASTM- A182
K12143 Gr. 2, Cl. 1 & 2 ASTM- A387
K12320 C ASTM- A204
K12520 F1 ASTM- A336
K12521 Type A, Cl.1 & 2 ASTM- A533
K12529 Type D, Cl.1 & 2 ASTM- A533

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PRC-0008, Rev. C

Appendix C

M-Numbers - Grouping of Base Metals for Qualification

UNS Common
M-No. Number Description ASTM & AMS Numbers

Steel and Steel Alloys (continued)

3 K12539 Type B, Cl.1 & 2 ASTM- A533

cont. K12554 Type C, Cl.1 & 2 ASTM- A533
K12765 Cl. 2 & 2a ASTM- A541
K12766 Cl. 2 & 2a ASTM- A508
K12821 WP1 ASTM- A234
K12822 F1 ASTM- A182

4 J11562 CP12 ASTM- A426

J12072 WC6 ASTM- A217
J12082 WC4 ASTM- A217
K11267 4 ASTM- A333
K11535 1 ASTM- A423
K11540 2 ASTM- A423
K11562 F12, Cl.1 ASTM- A182
K11564 F12, Cl.2 ASTM- A182
K11572 F11, Cl.1 & 2 ASTM- A182
K11597 T11 ASTM- A199, A200, A213, A250
K11742 A ASTM- A202
K11757 12, Cl.1 & 2 ASTM- A387
K11789 11, Cl.1 & 2 ASTM- A387
K11797 B11 ASTM- A739
K12062 WP12, Cl.1 ASTM- A234
K12542 B ASTM- A202

5 J21890 WC9 ASTM- A217

J22091 Gr. 8, Cl. A, B, & C ASTM- A487
J42045 C5 ASTM- A217
J51545 CP5b ASTM- A426
J82090 C12 ASTM- A217
K21390 B22 ASTM- A739
K21590 All types, grades, & classes ASTM- A182, A199, A200, A213, A234, A250, A335, A336, A369,
A387, A508, A542
K31509 T22 ASTM- A199, A200
K31545 All types, grades, & classes ASTM- A182, A199, A200, A213, A335, A336, A369, A387
K31830 F3V ASTM- A508, A541, A832
K41245 T5c ASTM- A213
K41545 All types, grades, & classes ASTM- A182, A199, A200, A213, A234, A335, A336, A369, A387
K42544 F5a ASTM- A182, A336
K51545 P5b ASTM- A335
K81590 T9 ASTM- A199, A200, A213

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PRC-0008, Rev. C

Appendix C

M-Numbers - Grouping of Base Metals for Qualification

UNS Common
M-No. Number Description ASTM & AMS Numbers

Steel and Steel Alloys (continued)

6 J91151 CA15M Cl.A ASTM- A487, A743

J91540 CA6NM Cl.A & B ASTM- A352, A356, A487
S41000 Type 410 AMS- 5504, 5505, 5591, 5613, 5776, 7493 ASTM- A176, A193, A194, A240,
A268, A276, A314, A473, A479, A493, A511, A580
S41026 F6b ASTM- A182
S41500 F6NM ASTM- A176, A182, A240, A268, A479, A815
S42900 F429 ASTM- A176, A182, A240, A268, A276, A314, A473, A493, A511, A554, A815

7 S40500 Type 405 ASTM- A176, A240, A268, A276, A473, A479, A511, A580
S40800 -- ASTM- 268
S40900 Type 409 ASTM- A176, A240, A268, A791, A803
S41008 Type 410S ASTM- A176, A240, A473
S43000 Type 430 AMS- 5503, 5627 ASTM- A176, A182, A240, A268, A276, A314, A473, A479,
A493, A511, A554, A791, A815
S43035 Type 439 ASTM- A240, A268, A479, A791, A803
S44400 18Cr-2Mo ASTM- A176, A240,A276, A479, A791, A803

8 J92500 CF-3 ASTM- A351, A743, A744

J92600 CF-8 ASTM- A351, A743, A744
J92710 CF-8C ASTM- A351, A743, A744
J92800 CF-3M ASTM- A351, A744
J92900 CF-8M ASTM- A351, A743, A744
J93400 CH-8 ASTM- A351
J93402 CH-20 ASTM- A351, A743
S20100 TP201 ASTM- A213, A240, A249, A412, A666
S20200 202 ASTM- A213, A240, A249, A314, A412, A473, A666
S20910 Type XM-19 AMS- 5764 ASTM- A182, A184, A213, A240, A249, A269, A312, A403, A412,
A479, A580, A813
S21600 216 ASTM- A240, A479, A492
S21603 216L ASTM- A240, A479, A492
S21800 Nitronic 60 AMS- 5848 ASTM- A193, A194, A240, A276, A479, A555, A580
S21904 21-6-9 LC AMS- 5562, 5595, 5656 ASTM- A182, A276, A314, A412, A473, A479, A580,
S24000 18-3-Mn A666
S30200 302 ASTM- A240, A249, A269, A312, A412, A479, A580, A688, A813, A814
AMS- 5515, 5516, 5600, 5636, 5637, 5688, 5693, 7210, 7241 ASTM- A167,
A240, A276, A313, A314, A368, A473, A478, A479, A492, A493, A511, A554,
A580, A566, A813, A814, A851

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PRC-0008, Rev. C

Appendix C

M-Numbers - Grouping of Base Metals for Qualification

UNS Common
M-No. Number Description ASTM & AMS Numbers

Steel and Steel Alloys (continued)

8 S30400 304 AMS- 5501, 5513, 5560, 5563 - 5567, 5639, 5697, 7228,7245 ASTM- A167, A182, A193,
CONT. A194, A213, A240, A249, A269, A270, A271, A276, A312, A313, A314, A320, A336,
A358, A368, A376, A409, A430, A473, A478, A479, A492, A493, A511, A554, A580,
A632, A666, A688, A793
S30403 304L AMS- 5511, 5647 ASTM- A167, A182, A213, A240, A249, A269, A270, A276, A312,
A314, A336, A403, A473, A478, A479, A511, A554, A580, A632, A666, A688, A774,
A778, A813, A814, A851
S30409 304H ASTM- A182, A213, A240, A249, A271, A312, A336, A358, A376, A403, A430, A479,
A813, A814
S30451 304N ASTM- A182, A213, A240, A249, A312, A358, A376, A403, A430, A479, A666, A688,
A813, A814
S30453 304LN ASTM- A182, A213, A240, A249, A269, A276, A312, A336, A376, A403, A479, A666,
A688, A813, A814
S30600 18-15 ASTM- A182, A240, A269, A312, A358, A479
S30815 253 MA ASTM- A213, A240, A249, A276, A312, A473, A479, A813, A814
S30908 309S AMS- 5523, 5574, 5650, 7490 ASTM- A167, A213, A240, A249, A276, A312, A314,
A473, A479, A511, A554, A580, A813, A814
S30909 309H ASTM- A240, A269, A312, A336, A479
S30940 309 S Cb ASTM- A213, A240, A249, A312, A478, A479, A554, A580, A813, A814
S30941 309HCb ASTM- A213, A240, A249, A312
S31000 310 ASTM- A167, A182, A213, A240, A249, A276, A314, A336, A358, A403, A409, A473,
A580, A632
S31008 310S ASTM- A167, A213, A240, A249, A276, A312, A314, A473, A479, A511, A554, A580,
A813, A814
S31009 310H ASTM- A213, A240, A249, A312, A336, A479
S31040 310Cb ASTM- A213, A240, A249, A312, A478, A479, A814
S31254 254 SMO ASTM- A182, A240, A249, A312, A479, A813, A814
S31600 316 AMS- 5524, 5573, 5648, 5690, 5696, 7490 ASTM- A167, A182, A193, A194, A213, A240,
A249, A269, A270, A271, A276, A312, A313, A314, A320, A336, A358, A368, A376,
A403, A409, A430, A473, A478, A479, A492, A493, A511, A554, A580, A632, A666,
A688, A771, A813, A814, A826
S31603 316L ASTM- A167, A182, A213, A240, A249, A269, A270, A276, A312, A314, A336, A403,
A473, A478, A479, A511, A554, A580, A632, A666, A688, A774, A778, A813, A814
S31609 316H ASTM- A182, A213, A240, A249, A271, A312, A336, A358, A376, A403, A430, A479,
A813, A814
S31635 316Ti ASTM- A240, A368, A478, A479

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PRC-0008, Rev. C

Appendix C

M-Numbers - Grouping of Base Metals for Qualification

UNS Common
M-No. Number Description ASTM & AMS Numbers

Steel and Steel Alloys (continued)

8 S31640 316Cb ASTM- A240, A368, A478, A479

cont. S31651 316N ASTM- A182, A213, A240, A249, A276, A312, A336, A358, A376, A403, A430, A479,
A666, A688, A813, A814
S31653 316LN ASTM- A182, A193, A194, A213, A240, A249, A269, A276, A312, A320, A336, A376,
A403, A479, A688, A813, A814
S31700 317 ASTM- A167, A182, A213, A240, A249, A269, A276, A312, A314, A403, A409, A473,
A478, A511, A554, A580, A632, A813, A814
S31703 317L ASTM- A167, A182, A213, A240, A249, A312, A774, A778, A813, A814
S31725 317LM ASTM- A167, A182, A213, A240, A249, A269, A276, A312, A358, A376, A409, A479
S31726 317L4 ASTM- A167, A182, A213, A240, A249, A269, A276, A312, A358, A376, A409, A479
S31753 317LN ASTM- A167, A240
S32100 321 ASTM- A167, A182, A193, A194, A213, A240, A249, A269, A271, A276, A312, A314,
A320, A336, A358, A376, A403, A409, A430, A473, A479, A511, A554, A580, A632,
A774, A778, A813, A814
S32109 321H ASTM- A182, A213, A240, A249, A271, A312, A336, A376, A403, A430, A479, A813,
S33100 F-10 A814
S34700 347 ASTM- A182
ASTM- A167, A182, A193, A194, A213, A240, A249, A269, A271, A276, A312, A314,
A320, A336, A358, A376, A403, A409, A430, A473, A479, A511, A554, A580, A632,
S34709 347H A774, A778, A813, A814
ASTM- A182, A213, A240, A249, A271, A312, A336, A376, A403, A430, A473, A479,
S34800 348 A813, A814
ASTM- A167, A182, A213, A240, A249, A269, A276, A312, A314, A336, A358, A376,
S34809 348H A403, A409, A479, A580, A632, A813, A814
S38100 18-18-2 ASTM- A182, A213, A240, A249, A312, A336, A479, A813, A814
ASTM- A167, A213, A240, A249, A269, A312, A813, A814

9 J22500 LC2 ASTM- A352

J31550 LC3 ASTM- A352
J41500 LC4 ASTM- A352
K13050 LF5 ASTM- A350
K21703 A ASTM- A203
K21903 7 ASTM- A333, A334
K22035 WPR ASTM- A234
K22036 LF9 ASTM- A350
K22103 B ASTM- A203
K31718 D ASTM- A203
K31918 3 ASTM- A333, A334
K32018 E ASTM- A203

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PRC-0008, Rev. C

Appendix C

M-Numbers - Grouping of Base Metals for Qualification

UNS Common
M-No. Number Description ASTM & AMS Numbers

Steel and Steel Alloys (continued)

10 J03004 Gr.1, Cl.A & B ASTM- A216, A757

J13005 Gr.2, Cl.A & B ASTM- A487
J13047 Gr.4, Cl.A & B ASTM- A487
J93345 CE8MN ASTM- A890
J93370 CD4Mcu ASTM- A744
K02900 -- ASTM- A612
K12047 T17 ASTM- A213
K12524 C ASTM- A225
S31200 F50 ASTM- A182, A240, A789, A790
S31803 F51 ASTM- A182
S32900 Type 329 ASTM- A240, A268, A789, A790
S32950 7 Mo Plus ASTM- A240, A268, A789, A790
S44600 TP446-2 ASTM- A176, A286, A276, A314, A473, A511, A580, A815
S44626 Type XM-33 ASTM- A176, A240, A268, A791, A803
S44627 FXM-27Cb ASTM- A176, A182, A240, A276, A314, A336, A479, A731, A791, A803
S44635 25-4-4 ASTM- A176, A240, A268, A791, A803
S44660 26-3-3 ASTM- A176, A240, A268, A791, A803
S44700 29-4 ASTM- A176, A240, A268, A479, A493, A511, A580, A791, A803
S44800 29-4-2 ASTM- A176, A240, A268, A276, A479, A493, A511, A791, A803

11 J13047 Gr.4, Cl. B & E ASTM- A487

J42215 LC2-1 ASTM- A532
K11576 F ASTM- A514, A517, A592
K11625 J AMS- 6386 ASTM- A514, A517
K11630 B AMS- 6386 ASTM- A514, A517
K11695 E ASTM- A592
K11856 A AMS- 6386 ASTM- A514, A517, A592
K12521 Type A, Cl.3 ASTM- A533
K12529 Type D, Cl.3 ASTM- A533
K12539 Type B, Cl.3 ASTM- A533
K12554 Type C, Cl.3 ASTM- A533
K21604 E ASTM- A514, A517
K21650 P ASTM- A514, A517
K22375 Cl.4 & Cl.4A ASTM- A508
K41583 -- ASTM- A645
K42365 Cl.5 & CL.5A ASTM- A508
K71340 Type II ASTM- A522, A553
K81340 8 ASTM- A333, A334

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PRC-0008, Rev. C

Appendix C

M-Numbers - Grouping of Base Metals for Qualification

UNS Common
M-No. Number Description ASTM & AMS Numbers

Steel and Steel Alloys (continued)

12 G41300 4130 AMS- 6348, 6350, 6351, 6360, 6361, 6362, 6370, 6371, 6373, 6374, 6528, 7496
ASTM- A322, A331, A506, A507, A513, A519, A646, A829
G41350 4135 AMS- 6352, 6365, 6372 ASTM- A331, A519, A829
G41400 4140 AMS- 6349, 6381, 6382, 6390, 6395, 6529 ASTM- A322, A331, A506, A513, A519,
A646, A711, A829
G41500 4150 ASTM- A322, A331, A519, A711
G43400 4340 AMS- 6359, 6409, 6414, 6415, 6454 ASTM- A322, A331, A506, A519, A646, A711,
G86300 8630 AMS- ASTM- A322, A331, A513, A519, A646, A752, A829
K24728 D6AC AMS- 6431, 6432, 6438, 6439 ASTM- A579
K44315 300M AMS- 6417, 6419 ASTM- A646
T20811 H11 AMS- 6437, 6485, 6487, 6488 ASTM- A579, A681

13 S13800 PH 13-8Mo AMS- 5629, 5864 ASTM- A564, A693, A705

S15700 PH 15-7Mo AMS- 5520 ASTM- A564, A579, A693, A705
S17400 17-4PH AMS- 5604, 5622, 5643 ASTM- A564, A693, A705
S17700 17-7PH AMS- 5528, 5529, 5568, 5644, 5673, 5678 ASTM- A313, A564, A579, A693, A705
S35000 AM-350 AMS- 5546, 5548, 5554, 5745 ASTM- A579,A693
S35500 AM-355 AMS- 5547, 5549, 5743, 5744 ASTM- A564, A579,A693, A705
S45000 Custom 450 AMS- 5763, 5773, 5859, 5863 ASTM- A564, A693, A705
S45500 Custom 455 AMS- 5578, 5617, 5672, 5860 ASTM- A313, A564, A693, A705
S66286 A-286 AMS- 5525, 5726, 5731, 5732, 5734, 5737, 5804, 5805, 5853, 5858, 5895, 7235
ASTM- A638
S66545 W545 ASTM- A453

Aluminum and Aluminum-Base Alloys

21 A91060 1060 AMS- 4000 ASTM- B209, B210, B221, B234, B241
A91100 1100 AMS- 4001, 4003, 4062, 4102, 4180, 7220 ASTM- B209, B221, B241
A93003 3003 AMS- 4006,4008, 4010, 4065, 4067 ASTM- B209, B210, B221, B234, B241, B247

22 A93004 3004 AMS- ASTM- B209,

A95052 5052 AMS- 4004,4015, 4016, 4017, 4096, 4070, 4071, 4114, 4175, 4178, 4348 ASTM-
A95154 5154 B209
A95652 5652 ASTM- B209, B210, B221
ASTM- B209
23 A96061 6061
AMS- 4009, 4025 - 4027, 4079 - 4083, 4113, 4115 - 4117, 4127, 4128, 4146, 4150,
4160, 4161, 4172, 4173, 4248, 4312 ASTM- B209, B210, B211, B221, B234, B241,
A96063 6063 B247, B308
AMS- 4156 ASTM- B210, B221, B241

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PRC-0008, Rev. C

Appendix C

M-Numbers - Grouping of Base Metals for Qualification

UNS Common
M-No. Number Description ASTM & AMS Numbers

Aluminum and Aluminum-Base Alloys (continued)

25 A95083 5083 AMS- 4056, 4057, 4058, 4059 ASTM- B209, B221, B241, B247
A95086 5086 ASTM- B209, B241
A95456 5456 AMS- ASTM- B209, B221, B241

26 A03560 356 AMS- 4217, 4260, 4261, 4284, 4285, 4286 ASTM- B26, B108
A92014 2014 AMS- 4028, 4029, 4121, 4133, 4134, 4153, 4314 ASTM- B209, B210,
B211, B221, B241, B247
A92219 2219 AMS- 4031, 4066, 4143, 4144, 4162, 4163, 4313 ASTM- B209, B211,
B221, B241, B247, B316

Copper and Copper-Base Alloys

31 C10200 OF AMS- 4501, 4602, 4701 ASTM- B42, B75, B133, B395
C10400 OFS ASTM- B152
C10500 OFS ASTM- B152
C10700 OFS ASTM- B152
C11000 ETP ASTM- B133,
C12000 DLP ASTM- B42, B75, B111, B133, B359, B395
C12200 DHP ASTM- B42, B75, B111, B133, B152, B359, B395, B543
C12300 DHP ASTM- B152
C12500 FRTP ASTM- B133, B152
C14200 DPA ASTM- B75, B111, B133, B152, B359, B395
C19200 -- ASTM- B111, B359

32 C23000 Red Brass, 85% ASTM- B43, B111, B135, B359, B395, B543,
C28000 Muntz Metal, 60% ASTM- B111
C36500 Leaded Muntz metal Uninhibited ASTM- B171
C36600 Leaded Muntz metal, Arsenical ASTM- B171
C36700 Leaded Muntz metal, Antimonial ASTM- B171
C36800 Leaded Muntz metal, Phos. ASTM- B171
C44300 Admiralty, Arsenical ASTM- B111, B171, B359, B395, B543
C44400 Admiralty, Antimonial ASTM- B111, B171, B359, B395, B543
C44500 Admiralty, Phosphorized ASTM- B111, B171, B359, B395, B543
C46400 Naval Brass ASTM- B171
C46500 Naval Brass, Arsenical ASTM- B171
C46600 Naval Brass, Antimonial ASTM- B171
C46700 Naval Brass, Phosphorized ASTM- B171
C68700 Aluminum Brass, Arsenical ASTM- B111, B359, B395, B543

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PRC-0008, Rev. C

Appendix C

M-Numbers - Grouping of Base Metals for Qualification

UNS Common
M-No. Number Description ASTM & AMS Numbers

Copper and Copper-Base Alloys (continued)

33 C65100 Low Silicon Bronze B ASTM- B96, B98, B315,

C65500 High Silicon Bronze A AMS- 4615, 4665 ASTM- B96, B98, B315

34 C70400 Copper-Nickel, 5% ASTM- B111, B359,

C70600 Copper-Nickel,10% ASTM- B111, B122, B151, B171, B359, B395, B466, B467, B453
C71000 Copper-Nickel, 20% ASTM- B111, B122, B206, B359, B395, B466, B467, B453, B694
C71500 Copper-Nickel, 30% ASTM- B111, B122, B151, B171, B359, B395, B466, B467, B453
C71640 Copper-Nickel ASTM- B111, B543, B552
C72200 Copper-Nickel ASTM- B111, B122, B171, B359, B395, B466, B453
C96200 Cast Copper-Nickel ASTM- B30,
C60800 Aluminum Bronze ASTM- B111, B359, B395
C61400 Aluminum Bronze D ASTM- B111, B150, B169, B171, B315, B432, B608,
C62300 Aluminum Bronze ASTM- B124, B150, B283
C63000 Aluminum Bronze ASTM- B124, B150, B171, B283,
C64200 Aluminum Bronze ASTM- B124, B150, B283,

Nickel and Nickel-Base Alloys

41 N02200 Nickel 200 ASTM- B160, B161, B162, B163, B366, B725, B730
N02201 Nickel 201 AMS- 5553 ASTM- B160, B161, B162, B163, B366, B725, B730

42 N04400 Monel 400 AMS- 4544, 4574, 4575, 4675, 4730, 4731, 7233 ASTM- B127, B163,
B164, B165, B366, B564
N04405 Monel 405 AMS- 4674, 7234 ASTM- B164

43 N06002 Hastelloy X AMS- 5390, 5536, 5587, 5588, 5754, 5798, 7237 ASTM- B366, B435,
B572, B619, B622, B626
N06600 Inconel 600 AMS- 5540, 5580, 5665, 5687, 7232 ASTM- B163, B166, B167, B168,
B516, B517, B564
N06625 Inconel 625 AMS- 5401, 5402, 5581, 5599, 5666, 5837,7490 ASTM- B366, B443,
B444, B446, B704, B705
N06690 Inconel 690 ASTM- B163, B166, B167, B168

44 N06022 Hastelloy C-22 ASTM- B366, B564, B574, B575, B619, B622, B626
N06455 Hastelloy C4 ASTM- B574, B575, B619, B622, B626
N10001 Hastelloy B AMS- 5396 ASTM- B333, B335, B366, B619, B622, B626
N10002 Hastelloy C AMS- 5388, 5389, 5530, 5750
N10003 Hastelloy N AMS- 5607, 5771 ASTM- B366, B434, B573
N10276 Hastelloy 276 ASTM- B366, B564, B574, B575, B619, B622, B626
N10665 Hastelloy B2 AMS- ASTM- B333, B335, B366, B619, B622, B626

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PRC-0008, Rev. C

Appendix C

M-Numbers - Grouping of Base Metals for Qualification

UNS Common
M-No. Number Description ASTM & AMS Numbers

Nickel and Nickel-Base Alloys (continued)

45 N06007 Hastelloy G ASTM- B366, B581, B582, B619, B622, B626

N06030 Hastelloy G-30 ASTM- B366, B581, B582, B619, B622, B626
N06975 Hastelloy G-2 ASTM- B581, B582, B619, B622, B626
N06985 Hastelloy G-3 ASTM- B581, B582, B619, B622, B626
N08007 ACI CN-7M ASTM- A351
N08020 Carpenter Cb3 ASTM- B366, B581, B582, B619, B622, B626
N08024 Columbium Stabilized ASTM- B581, B582, B619, B622, B626
N08026 Carpenter 20Mo6 ASTM- B581, B582, B619, B622, B626
N08028 Sanicro 28 ASTM- B668, B709
N08320 Haynes 20 Mod ASTM- B619, B620, B621, B622, B626
N08366 AL-6X ASTM- B675, B676, B688, B690, B691
N08367 AL-6XN ASTM- B472, B564, B675, B676, B688, B690, B691, B804
N08700 JS 700 ASTM- B599, B672
N08800 Incoloy 800 AMS- 5766, 5871 ASTM- B163, B407, B408, B409, B514, B515
N08810 Incoloy 800H ASTM- B163, B407, B408, B409, B514, B564
N08811 Incoloy 800HT ASTM- B407, B408, B409
N08825 Incoloy 825 ASTM- B163, B423, B424, B425, B456, B704, B705
N08904 Fe-Ni-Cr alloy ASTM- B625, B649, B673, B674, B677
N08925 -- ASTM- B625, B649, B673,B674, B677
R30556 HS 556 AMS- 5874 ASTM- B366, B435, B572, B619, B622, B626

46 N08330 RA-330 AMS- 5592, 5716 ASTM- B366, B536, B546, B710, B739

47 N06230 Alloy No. 230 ASTM- B435, B572, B619, B622, B626

48 N05500 Monel K500 AMS- 4676

N06601 Hastelloy F ASTM- B366
N07001 Waspaloy AMS- 5544, 5586, 5704, 5706, 5707, 5708 ASTM- B637
N07031 Pyromet 31 ( SAE J775 )
N07041 Rene 41 AMS- 5399, 5545, 5712, 5713, 5800, 7469
N07080 Nimonic 80A ASTM- B637
N07252 M252 ASTM- B637
N07500 Udimet 500 AMS- 5384, 5751, 5753 ASTM- B637
N07718 Inconel 718 AMS- 5383, 5589, 5596, 5597, 5662 ASTM- B637, B670
N07750 Inconel X750 AMS- 5542, 5582, 5583, 5598, 5667, 5668, ASTM- B637
N09706 Inconel 706 AMS- 5605, 5606, 5701, 5702, 5703
N09901 Inconel 901 AMS- 5660, 5661
N09902 Inconel 902 AMS- 5221, 5223, 5225

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PRC-0008, Rev. C

Appendix C

M-Numbers - Grouping of Base Metals for Qualification

UNS Common
M-No. Number Description ASTM & AMS Numbers

Titanium and Titanium-Base Alloys

51 R50250 Grade 1 ASTM- B265, B337, B338, B348, B381

R50400 Grade 2 AMS- 4902, 4941, 4942 ASTM- B265, B337, B338, B348, B367, B381
R52400 Grade 7 ASTM- B265, B337, B338, B348, B381

52 R50550 Grade 3 ASTM- B265, B337, B338, B348, B381

R53400 Grade 12 ASTM- B265, B337, B338, B348, B381

53 R56320 Grade 9 AMS- 4943, 4944 ASTM- B265, B337, B338, B348, B381

55 R54250 Ti-5Al-2.5Sn ASTM- B367

R54620 Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo AMS- 4919, 4952, 4975, 4976
R54810 Ti-8Al-1Mo-1V AMS- 4915, 4916, 4933, 4955, 4972, 4973
R56210 Ti-6Al-2Cb-1Ta-1Mo None
R56260 Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-6Mo AMS- 4981
R56400 Ti-6Al-4V AMS- 4905, 4906, 4911, 4920,4930, 4931, 4934, 4935, 4954, 4965,
4967, 4993 ASTM- B265, B348, B367, B381
R56620 Ti-6Al-6V-2Sn AMS- 4918, 4936, 4971, 4978, 4979
R58640 Ti-3Al-8V-6Cr-4Mo-4Zr AMS- 4957, 4958

Zirconium and Zirconium-Base Alloys

61 R60702 Grade R60702 ASTM- B493, B494, B495, B523, B550, B551, B653, B658, B752

62 R60705 Grade R60705 ASTM- B493, B495, B523, B550, B551, B653, B658, B572

Cobalt and Cobalt-Based Alloys

81 R30006 Stellite 6 AMS- 5373, 5387, 5788

R30021 Stellite 21 AMS- 5385
R30023 Stellite 23 AMS- 5375
R30027 Stellite 27 AMS- 5378
R30030 Stellite 30 AMS- 5380
R30031 Stellite 31 AMS- 5382, 5789
R30188 Alloy 188 AMS- 5608, 5772, 5801
R30605 L605 AMS- 5537, 5759, 5796, 7236
R30816 S816 ASTM- B639

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PRC-0008, Rev. C

Appendix C

M-Numbers - Grouping of Base Metals for Qualification

UNS Common
M-No. Number Description ASTM & AMS Numbers

Magnesium and Magnesium-Base Alloys

91 M10100 AM100A AMS- 4455, 4483 ASTM- B93, B199, B275, B403
M11311 AZ31B AMS- 4375, 4376, 4377, 4382 ASTM- B90, B91, B107, B275
M11610 AZ61A AMS- 4350 ASTM- B90, B91, B107, B275
M11800 AZ80A AMS- 4360 ASTM- B91, B107, B275
M11910 AZ91A AMS- 4490 ASTM- B94, B275
M11920 AZ92A AMS- 4434, 4453, 4484 ASTM- B80, B93, B199, B275, B403
M12330 EZ33A AMS- 4442 ASTM- B80, B93, B199, B275, B403
M13210 HM21A AMS- 4363, 4383, 4390 ASTM- B90, B91, B275
M13310 HK31A AMS- 4384, 4385, 4445 ASTM B80, B199, B275, B403
M13312 HM31A AMS- 4388, 4389 ASTM- B275
M13320 HZ32A AMS- 4447 ASTM- B80, B93, B275
M14141 LA141A AMS- 4386, 4397 ASTM- B90, B275
M16620 ZH62A AMS- 4483 ASTM- B80, B93, B275
M18220 QE22A AMS- 4418 ASTM- B80, B93, B199, B403

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