QW-Performance Review Templates

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Performance reviews are two-way, individualized
conversations—typically between a manager and an
employee about impact, development, and growth.

Having effective conversations means asking (and inviting)

the right questions. Best practices templates can help you
focus on the topics that are important to employee, team,
and business success.

These performance review templates will help you invite

honest, genuine feedback and uncover actionable ways to
improve performance.

Inside you’ll find performance review templates for:

• Peer, upward, and 360 reviews

• Behavior change and performance improvement
• Goal setting and progress checks
• Compensation and professional development

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Use this template to help guide an effective G.O.O.D. Feedback is:
one-on-one conversation.
Can you give me an example?

Goals: Wish I’d known this sooner.
• What long-term goals have we agreed to?
• How have things gone since we last spoke? Why does this matter?
• What are our plans until next time?
What am I doing well?
• What’s standing in your way? Conversational
• What have I noticed getting in your way? When do I get to talk?

• What can I do to help? What can you do?

• What are you proud of that people don’t know about?
• Do you feel you’re growing toward where you want to be?
• What could we do to make this your dream job?

• What actions will you take before next time?
• What actions will I take before next time?
• What others big decisions did we make?

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Use this template to layout the topics of
Managers reflect on past
discussion for quarterly
performance, provide
performance conversations.
suggestions, and end with a
summary of the meeting.

Reflect on the past: Employees and managers
• What were the highlights of your past month/quarter? review performance,
• What did not go well last month/quarter? collaboratively discuss action
plans, and look to the future.
• What are your goals for the upcoming month/quarter?

Make a plan:
• What would make the next 60-90 days successful for you at work?
• What kind of support do you need to achieve your goals?
• How will you measure or track your progress on these goals?
• What steps will you take to attain these goals?

Look to the future:

• What are your goals for next quarter?
• Do you understand how your personal goals align with team goals?

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Use this template to layout the topics of Managers reflect on past
discussion for mid-year performance, provide
performance conversations. suggestions, and end with a
summary of the meeting.

Reflect on the past: Best:

• What were the highlights of your year so far? Employees and managers
review performance,
• What did not go well in the last 6 months? collaboratively discuss action
• How have things gone since we last spoke? plans, and look to the future.

Make a plan:
• What would make the next 180 days successful for you?
• What kind of support do you need to achieve your goals?
• How will you measure or track your progress on these goals?
• What steps will you take to attain these goals?

Look to the future:

• What are your goals for the rest of this year?
• What can you do to positively impact your performance in the next 6 months?
• What can you do to positively impact your performance toward your ideal role?
• Do you understand how your personal goals align with team goals?

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Use this template as a guide for discussing Managers reflect on past
performance over the past year. Find out performance, provide
what personal and professional goals suggestions, and end with a
employees would like to prioritize and build summary of the meeting.
out a plan for the future.

Reflect on the past: Best:

• What were the highlights of your year? Employees and managers
review performance,
• What did not go well this year? collaboratively discuss action
plans, and look to the future.

Make a plan:
• What personal goals should we set for this year?
• What professional goals should we set for this year?
• What kind of support do you need to achieve your goals?
• How will you measure or track your progress on these goals?
• What steps will you take to attain these goals?

Look to the future:

• What performance impact(s) can I make moving forward?
• How do you see your personal goals aligning with team goals and the organization’s mission?

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Use this template to help employees
understand their performance and discover
barriers to, or opportunities for, success
and growth.

Questions to ask:
• In what ways can you improve your performance?
• What actions are needed to support the improvement?
• What barriers or hurdles exist to improving your performance?
• What metrics/milestones can we use to make sure you’re on track?
• How will you hold yourself accountable for achieving goals and results?

Examples of good performance:


Examples of poor performance:


Feedback from others:


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Use this template to provide employees
with an opportunity to give and receive
constructive peer-to-peer feedback.

Project execution:
• How are your projects or tasks going?
• How are you prioritizing your projects or tasks?
• How will you ensure your projects and tasks are completed on time?

Role fit and strengths:

• What ideas do you have about how we can match your talent to responsibilities?
• What qualities do you look for in a mentor?
• Is there anyone in our organization you’d like as a mentor?

Team and collaboration:

• How can you increase trust with your coworkers?
• What do you expect from your coworkers?
• How can your coworkers count on you?

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Use this template to help managers and
leaders recognize how they impact Managers ask for feedback and
their team. employees share anonymously
or through surveys.

Level set on support needed:
Managers and employees
• What can [manager] do to help you be more engaged? discuss opportunities for
• How is [manager] setting you up for success? growth and collaborate to work
better as a team.
• [Manager] brings focus to important, tasks,
ideas, or messages.
• How does [manager] ensure employees
are in the right role?

Ask for feedback:

• What are some things I do well as your manager?
• What is one area that I can improve as your manager?

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Use this template to build trust by creating an
open feedback culture among teams. Employees voice opinions
privately or with HR and
managers react accordingly.

Reflect on the past:
Teams discuss openly, sharing
• Any individual and/or team highlights worth sharing? roadblocks and hardships they
• Any individual and/or team lows worth sharing? experience, and the group
creates a joint solution.
• Review team goals and objectives.
(monthly, quarterly, annually)
• Review company goals and objectives.
(monthly, quarterly, annually)
• Review company mission, vision, and purpose.
• Celebrate wins and successes.

Make a plan:
• What individual goals could you set that would help assist overall team or company goals?

Look to the future:

• How can you contribute to other projects or tasks for which our team is responsible?

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Use this sample template to gather feedback
from the people that your employees work Employees receive feedback
with every day for a diverse set of data. from coworkers on their team
and their manager.

Note: A 360 typically looks at several core

concepts such as those related to performance, Best:
accountability, trust and respect, upholding Employees give and receive
company values, and more. This is example feedback to employees
content to get you started. across teams, departments,
and levels.

Self: On a scale of 1-5, rate your ability to hold others accountable.
Peer: On a scale of 1-5, rate [employee’s] ability to meet the goals he/she set.
Open-ended: Tell me about a time when [employee] held others accountable for desired results.

Self: On a scale of 1-5, rate your ability to bring energy to the workplace.
Peer: On a scale of 1-5, rate the level of energy that [employee] brings to the workplace.
Open-ended: Is [employee] more likely to use intrinsic or extrinsic motivations?

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Use this template to understand how an Good:
employee’s skills and strengths align with Goals are primarily focused on
their role. Then discuss their goals and what professional growth within
steps they will need to take to reach the year.
their goals.

Address alignment: Best:

• Which of your strengths are underutilized in your Goals are focused on personal
current role? and professional growth over
the next 3-5 years.
• What are your current career priorities and goals
that most excite you?
• How do you think this job aligns with your
personal values?

Discuss development:
• What barriers or hurdles exist to achieving your professional goals?
• Are there any learning opportunities that you would like to participate in?
• What can you start/stop/keep doing to help you reach your professional goals?

Talk through training and goals:

• What new or improved skills would help you be more effective in your role?
• What new or improved skills would help you be more efficient in your role?
• What skills are needed to reach your long- and short-term goals?

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Use this template to discover what’s
hindering top performance and create a plan Managers reflect on
to improve it. performance and provide
feedback to improve.

Address accountability: Managers and employees
• How did you perform on your goals? discuss opportunities for
• What resources would have been helpful in growth and coach to be
achieving your goals? successful together.

• How can I help keep you accountable for achieving

goals and results?
• How will you keep yourself accountable for meeting goals,
deadlines, and results?
• How are you being efficient or inefficient with your time?

Make a plan:
• Include specific objectives and key results that will lead to reaching your goal(s).
Make sure to include due dates for each OKR or SMART goal to keep on track.
• Discuss goal progress with your manager or a mentor.
If you encounter a barrier to achieving your goal, ask for help in removing or working around the barrier.

• What is a recent situation you wish you had handled differently?
• What would you have changed?
• What are other situations you can use these strengths?

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Use this template to find out what behaviors
Managers address past issues
are enhancing or detracting
and provide feedback for how
from performance.
to improve.

Questions to ask: Managers and employees
• What behaviors do you bring to your work and to the discuss past issues, identify
team that have a positive impact? needs, attempt to remove
barriers, and create a joint plan
• What skills or behaviors would you like to improve to improve.
or refine?
• What steps can you take in order to improve or refine
these behaviors?

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Use this template to review an employee’s
first 90 days at your company. Align on
employee role, resources, and goals.

Role clarity:
• What are your favorite and least favorite parts of this job?
• Are the responsibilities of your role what you expected? Why/why not?
• What excites you the most about your day-to-day responsibilities?

Training, tools, and resources:

• Do you have the resources and tools you need to perform your job?
• What resources and tools could help you perform your job better?
• Do you have all the information needed to do your job effectively?

Goal setting and alignment:

• Are there any goals that will be challenging for you to accomplish this month/quarter?
• Do you understand how your personal goals align with team goals?
• What do you think will be the keys to your success over the next (6, 9, 12) months?

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Use this template to track an employee’s
understanding of compensation, benefits, Managers share a
bonuses, and pay. compensation policy and offer
HR as a resource.

Check in: Managers and employees
• What questions do you have about how you are paid? discuss the compensation
• What questions do you have about our benefits package? together, answer questions,
(Health, wellness, 401(k), etc.) and keep an open door for
regular conversations.

Follow up:
• What compensation goals do you have for yourself in the next five or ten years?
• What questions do you have about the benefits you are currently receiving?
• How could the organization help you better utilize our benefits?
• What other benefits would you add to our benefits package?

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Use this template to discuss development of
an employee’s monthly, quarterly, or Managers determine and share
annual goals. goals for employees to meet in
the upcoming year.

Reflect on the past: Managers and employees
• Share some highlights from last month/quarter/year. discuss goal opportunities
together and create a plan to
• What accomplishment are you most proud of so far?
achieve them as a unit.
• What other projects or tasks would you like to work on?

Make a plan:
• What are your goals for the upcoming month/quarter/year?
• What inspired these goals?
• What can you start/stop/keep doing to reach your goals?

Address alignment:
• Do you feel your short- or long-term goals are attainable and realistic?
• Who here do you lean on to help set short- or long-term goals?
• How can you contribute to other projects or tasks for which our team is responsible?

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Use this template to facilitate a discussion on
performance on goal progress.

• What’s top of mind for you since our last check-in?
• How’s the project/task/goal going?
• Do you have any existing or anticipated roadblocks or challenges we should discuss?

This section is a list of suggested follow-up prompts to guide what comes up during the check-in.

1. Update Is this still in alignment with you meeting your goals/objectives?

2. Learned How did you apply what you learned?
3. Roadblock Do you have (or need help with) ideas to accomplish your work?
4. Ideas Have you tried [fill in the blank]?

• What went well?
• Anything you would change for next time (or the future)?
• Discuss other similar or new projects/tasks to work on next.

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Effective performance conversations are an essential part of
your performance management strategy. Your performance
management software should help you get there. Find a tool to
help do the heavy lifting.


Our software helps you:

• Make regular performance conversations more effective

• Build a shared agenda for collaboration and transparency
• Easily converse and take notes within the 1-on-1 meeting
• Pull in important data like goal progress and feedback
• Leverage custom templates to fit your culture and team


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