Ke Sun Thesis

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The document discusses optimizing a biomass gasification reactor through modeling and sensitivity analysis using Aspen Plus software.

The thesis analyzes optimization of a biomass gasification reactor using Aspen Plus modeling and simulation software.

Aspen Plus V8 software was used for modeling and simulation of the biomass gasification process.

Masters Thesis 2014

Candidate: Ke Sun

Title: Optimization of biomass gasification

reactor using Aspen Plus

Telemark University College

Faculty of Technology
3914 Porsgrunn
Lower Degree Programmes M.Sc. Programmes Ph.D. Programmes TFver. 0.9
Telemark University College
Faculty of Technology
M.Sc. Programme

Student: Ke Sun

Thesis title: Optimization of biomass gasification reactor using Aspen Plus

Signature: .................................

Number of pages: 76

Keywords: . .Biomass steam gasification . . . . . . . .

. . Aspen Plus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . Gasification efficiency. . . . . . . . . . . .

Supervisor: Prof. Britt M. Halvorsen sign.: .................................

2nd Supervisor: Rajan K. Thapa sign.: .................................

Censor: Prof. Christoph Pfeifer sign.: .................................

External partner: Vienna University of Technology sign.: .................................

Availability: Open

Archive approval (supervisor signature): sign.: ........................ Date : . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Biomass is an ideal renewable and clean energy resource. Counties all over the world are paying more and more
attention to biomass because it can effectively reduce greenhouse effect due to its zero carbon dioxide emission.
Among the biomass utilization technologies, biomass gasification for combined heat and power is an attractive
solution for utilizing biomass effectively.
The biomass gasification was studied based on the dual fluidized-bed gasifier developed by the Vienna University
of Technology, which has been successfully demonstrated in Gssing, Austria. Aspen Plus V8 was used for the
modelling and simulation of the biomass gasification process. The gasifier was modeled using minimum Gibbs
free energy method. The key operating parameters including the feed steam temperature, feed air temperature,
steam to biomass ratio, and the gasification temperature were varied using the sensitivity analysis block of Aspen
Plus. The effects of changing the parameters on the output syngas composition, LHV of the syngas, char split
fraction and the gasification efficiency were studied.
The sensitivity analysis results indicated that both preheating the feed steam and air have positive effect on
increasing the LHV of the syngas and the gasification efficiency. Preheating air is more effectively than preheating
the steam. Increasing the steam to biomass ratio results in the increase of the hydrogen yield and the proportion of
hydrogen content in the syngas, while the increase of the S/B had negative effects on increasing the LHV of the
syngas and the gasification efficiency. Increasing the gasification temperature resulted in the decrease of the
gasification efficiency and the hydrogen yield, while it had positive effect on the increase of the LHV of the syngas.
The gasification results behaved a little different when the steam to biomass ratio and the gasification temperature
are low.
Base on the results, it was found that the optimum gasification temperature should be kept around 750-850 , the
steam to biomass ratio should be kept around 0.4-0.6. If excess heat is available it should be used to preheat the
feed air.

Telemark University College accepts no responsibility for results and conclusions presented in this report.

Table of contents
PREFACE .............................................................................................................................................................. 5

NOMENCLATURE .............................................................................................................................................. 6

LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................................................................ 7

LIST OF FIGURES .............................................................................................................................................. 8

1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................... 10

2 PROBLEM DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................... 11

3 THEORY .................................................................................................................................................... 13

3.1 BIOMASS ................................................................................................................................................. 13

3.1.1 Types of Biomass ........................................................................................................................... 13
3.1.2 Composition of biomass ................................................................................................................ 14
3.1.3 Thermodynamic properties of biomass ......................................................................................... 15
3.2 GASIFICATION ......................................................................................................................................... 18
3.2.1 Gasification theory ........................................................................................................................ 18
3.2.2 Type of gasifiers ............................................................................................................................ 20
3.2.3 Dual fluidized-bed gasifier ............................................................................................................ 24
3.3 ASPEN PLUS INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 28
3.4 GASIFIER SIMULATION MODELS ............................................................................................................... 28
3.4.1 Thermodynamic equilibrium models ............................................................................................. 29
3.4.2 Kinetic models ............................................................................................................................... 29


ASPEN PLUS ...................................................................................................................................................... 31

4.1 PROCESS DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................................ 31

4.2 COMPONENTS .......................................................................................................................................... 34
4.3 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES ............................................................................................................................. 35
4.4 STREAM SPECIFICATION........................................................................................................................... 37
4.5 BLOCKS SPECIFICATION ........................................................................................................................... 38
4.6 CALCULATOR SPECIFICATION.................................................................................................................. 39
4.6.1 Calculator 1 .................................................................................................................................. 39
4.6.2 Calculator 2 .................................................................................................................................. 41
4.6.3 Calculator 3 .................................................................................................................................. 42
4.7 SENSITIVITY ANALYSES ........................................................................................................................... 42

5 RESULTS ................................................................................................................................................... 43

5.1 SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS: STEAM TEMPERATURE ....................................................................................... 43

5.2 SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS: AIR TEMPERATURE ............................................................................................ 45
5.3 SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS: STEAM TO BIOMASS RATIO ................................................................................ 48
5.4 SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS: GASIFICATION TEMPERATURE ........................................................................... 51

6 DISCUSSION ............................................................................................................................................. 55

6.1 STEAM TEMPERATURE ............................................................................................................................. 55

6.2 AIR TEMPERATURE .................................................................................................................................. 55

6.3.1 Effect of steam to biomass ratio on the syngas composition ......................................................... 56
6.3.2 Effect of gasification temperature on the syngas composition ...................................................... 56
6.3.3 Effects on the char split fraction ................................................................................................... 57
6.3.4 Effects on the LHV of the syngas ................................................................................................... 57
6.3.5 Effects on the gasification efficiency ............................................................................................. 59
6.3.6 Effects on the hydrogen yield ........................................................................................................ 61
6.4 HEAT REQUIREMENT FOR THE BIOMASS DECOMPOSITION ........................................................................ 62
6.5 SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................................... 63

7 CONCLUSION .......................................................................................................................................... 64

7.1 SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE WORK ........................................................................................................... 64

APPENDICES ..................................................................................................................................................... 68

APPENDIX 1: PROJECT DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................................... 69




AND GASIFICATION TEMPERATURE ....................................................................................................... 74

Biomass is believed to be a promising energy source that can relive the energy crisis and reduce
the damage to the environment in the near future. The current direction of researches is how to
utilize the biomass efficiently. One of the option is gasification of biomass for combined heat
and power. The aim of this project is to optimize the gasification reactions in order to increase
its efficiency using Aspen Plus.

This project requires a solid knowledge of Aspen Plus. In addition the knowledge of biomass
properties as well as the understanding of steam gasification process is also required.

I would like to express my gratitude to my supervisor, Prof. Britt Halvorsen for her kind support
from the beginning of the thesis until now. She has been always giving me instructive advices
and useful suggestions on my work. I am honored to have such a friendly supervisor like her.

I am also indebted to my co-supervisor, Mr. Rajan. K. Thapa, for his professional opinions and
suggestions on my thesis.

Special thanks should go to the teachers at the Telmark University College who has helped me
and taught me useful knowledge for the last two years.

Last but not least, my gratitude also extends to my families who have been supporting and
caring for me all of my life.

I hope this thesis will at least have some contribution to the study for making a better

Nttery, 2nd June, 2014

Ke Sun

BFB Bubbling Fluidized-bed
CFB Circulating Fluidized-bed
CHP Combined Heat and Power
DFB Dual Fluidized-bed
FICFB Fast internally circulating fluidized-bed
HHV Higher Heating Value
LHV Lower Heating Value
S/B Steam to Biomass Ratio
MSW Municipal Solid Waste
RDF Refuse Derived Fuel

atm Atmosphere
kg/h Kilogram per hour
MJ Mega joule
MJ/kg Mega joule per kilogram
MJ/Nm3 Mega joule per normal cubic meter
Nm3 Normal cubic meter
Scmh Standard cubic meter per hour

Letters and expressions

p,dry Specific heat capacity in dry basis
p,wet Specific heat capacity in wet basis
FC Fixed carbon
M Moisture
VM Volatile matter
vol. % Volume percentage
wt. % Weight percentage

List of tables
Table 3-1: Types of biomass ............................................................................................ 13
Table 3-2: Ultimate analysis of some biomass and fossil fuels (dry basis, wt. %) .......... 15
Table 3-3: Proximate analysis of corncobs and rice husk (dry basis, wt. %) ................... 15
Table 3-4: Specific heat of wood and wood char ............................................................. 16
Table 3-5: Higher heating values of some biomass and fossil fuels (kJ/kg) .................... 17
Table 3-6: Ignition temperatures of some biomass and fossil fuels ................................. 17
Table 3-7: Main reactions taken place in the gasifier [1, 22, 23]. .................................... 19
Table 3-8: Characteristic data of the CHP plant in Gssing [25, 26]............................... 25
Table 3-9: Detailed of the Dual fluidized-bed gasifier in Gssing [25, 28]..................... 27
Table 4-1: Detailed data of the components modeled in the simulation. ......................... 34
Table 4-2: Specifications for the nonconventional components enthalpy model ............ 35
Table 4-3: Compositions of Biomass and ash (wt. %) [34]. ............................................ 36
Table 4-4: Specifications for the inlet streams ................................................................. 37
Table 4-5: Description of the blocks used in the modeling.............................................. 38
Table 4-6: Operating parameters for the blocks ............................................................... 39
Table 4-7: Definition of the import variables for the Calculator 1 .................................. 40
Table 4-8: Definition of the export variables for the Calculator 1 ................................... 40
Table 4-9: Definition of the variables for the Calculator 2 .............................................. 41
Table 4-10: Definition of the variables for the Calculator 3 ............................................ 42

List of figures
Figure 2-1: Sketch of a dual fluidized-bed gasifier .......................................................... 11
Figure 2-2: Simplified flowsheet of the dual fluidized-bed gasification process ............ 12
Figure 3-1: Reaction sequence of the gasification process .............................................. 18
Figure 3-2: Detailed classification of gasifiers based on the gas-solid contacting mode 20
Figure 3-3: Schematic of an updraft gasifier. ................................................................... 21
Figure 3-4: Schematic of a downdraft gasifier. ................................................................ 21
Figure 3-5: Schematic of a crossdraft gasifier. ................................................................ 22
Figure 3-6: Schematic of a bubbling fluidized-bed gasifier. ............................................ 23
Figure 3-7: Schematic of a circulating fluidized-bed gasifier. ......................................... 24
Figure 3-8: Schematic of a circulating fluidized-bed gasifier [27]. ................................. 26
Figure 3-9: Principal of dual fluidized-bed gasifier [27]. ................................................ 26
Figure 4-1: Flowsheet of biomass gasification process in a dual fluidized-bed gasifier . 33
Figure 5-1: Effect of the steam temperature on the syngas composition. ........................ 43
Figure 5-2: Effect of the steam temperature on the char split fraction. ........................... 44
Figure 5-3: Effect of the steam temperature on the LHV of the syngas. ......................... 44
Figure 5-4: Effect of the steam temperature on the gasification efficiency. .................... 45
Figure 5-5: Effect of the air temperature on the syngas composition. ............................. 46
Figure 5-6: Effect of the air temperature on the char split fraction. ................................. 47
Figure 5-7: Effect of the air temperature on the LHV of the syngas. .............................. 47
Figure 5-8: Effect of the air temperature on the gasification efficiency. ......................... 48
Figure 5-9: Effect of the steam to biomass ratio on the syngas composition................... 49
Figure 5-10: Effect of the steam to biomass ratio on the char split fraction. ................... 50
Figure 5-11: Effect of the steam to biomass ratio on the LHV of the syngas. ................. 50
Figure 5-12: Effect of the steam to biomass ratio on the gasification efficiency. ............ 51
Figure 5-13: Effect of the gasification temperature on the syngas composition. ............. 52
Figure 5-14: Effect of the gasification temperature on the char split fraction. ................ 53
Figure 5-15: Effect of the gasification temperature on the LHV of the syngas. .............. 53
Figure 5-16: Effect of the gasification temperature on the gasification efficiency. ......... 54
Figure 6-1: Effects of the S/B and gasification temperature on the char split fraction. ... 57
Figure 6-2: Effects of the S/B and gasification temperature on the LHV of the syngas. . 58
Figure 6-3: Effects of the S/B and gasification temperature on the 4 content. ......... 59
Figure 6-4: Effects of the S/B and gasification temperature on the gasification efficiency. ...... 60

Figure 6-5: Effects of the S/B and gasification temperature on the cold gas volume flow rate. 61
Figure 6-6: Effects of the S/B and gasification temperature on the hydrogen yield. ....... 62

1 Introduction
As the price of oil and gas as well as the energy crisis are continuously increasing, there is a
growing demand for the energy which is environmental friendly and less expensive. Biomass
is one of the choices among these kinds of energy resources. This oldest source of energy known
to the mankind does not make any addition to the earths carbon dioxide levels. Because most
of the biomass grow through photosynthesis by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
When it converts to energy, only recently absorbed carbon dioxide will release [1]. Biomass
can be reproduced and does not take millions of years to develop, which is considered as a
renewable energy. Besides, a wide variety of biomass can be used as raw material for the
production of energy such as waste wood chips, agricultural crops and animal waste etc. In this
respect, biomass is one of the most promising energy sources in the immediate future.

Biomass can be converted via biochemical route and thermochemical route. For
thermochemical conversion, production of thermal energy is the main driver for this
conversion. Biomass is converted into gases and then synthesized into the desired chemicals or
used directly. Direct combustion, pyrolysis and gasification can be included as thermochemical
process [1]. Traditional combustion of biomass shows low efficiency in utilizing energy and
therefore cannot compete with fossil fuels. Biomass gasification for combined heat and power
(CHP) production offers much higher energy efficiency. This technology has been
commercialized successfully in some countries [2].

Gasification is the process which converts the carbonaceous solids into synthesis gas under
certain range of temperatures and oxygen-starved conditions [3]. A typical gasification process
includes drying, thermal decomposition or pyrolysis, combustion and char gasification. Current
Gasifiers can be classified into two types: fixed-bed gasifiers and fluidized-bed gasifiers.
During the process, a gasifying agent is needed. It can be oxygen, steam or air [4]. Application
of the particular gasifier and the gasifying agent depends on the design capacity of the
gasification plant and the desire properties of the product gas respectively.

A successful design and efficient operation of a biomass gasifier is important, and therefore a
thorough understanding of the gasification process is required. Since gasification process
involves a series of complex reactions, manipulating operation parameters will lead to various
results [5]. Despite implementing experiments can be a choice to obtain these parameters, it
requires lots of time, energy and resources. Using a mathematic model to simulate and optimize
the gasification process is relatively economical and efficient. The aim of this study is to
simulate and optimize the gasification process using simulation software Aspen Plus.

2 Problem description
Optimization of biomass gasification reactor using Aspen Plus is the aim of this project. There
are some successful stories using biomass gasification technology for the combined heat and
power, one is the dual fluidized-bed gasification technology developed by the Vienna
University of Technology, which is used in a biomass CHP plant in Gssing, Austria. This
study is based on the concept of this reactor.

The dual fluidized-bed gasifier combines a combustion reactor and a gasification reactor. The
gasification of biomass takes place in the gasification reactor and non-react char and bed
material flow into the combustion reactor where the char is combusted with excess air and heat
up the bed material. The hot bed material is then separated by a cyclone and flows back into the
gasifier to supply heat for the gasification reaction. Figure 2-1shows a sketch of a dual fluidized-
bed gasifier [6].

Figure 2-1: Sketch of a dual fluidized-bed gasifier

When modeling the dual fluidized-bed gasifier using Aspen Plus V8, the whole process was
broken down into different blocks including the decomposition unit, char separation unit,
gasification unit, char combustion unit, and a cyclone. Additional heat was provided for the
decomposition of biomass and there is heat transfer between the combustor and the gasifier.
Figure 2-2 shows a simplified flowsheet of the dual fluidized-bed gasification process.

Biomass Char-Gas Product gas

Char Char Char
Seperator Combustion

Flue gas


Figure 2-2: Simplified flowsheet of the dual fluidized-bed gasification process

Key operating parameters were varied to study the effects on the gasification results for
optimization of the biomass steam gasification rector. More details will be given in the
following chapters.

3 Theory
This chapter contains the fundamental knowledge of the biomass, gasification process as well
as the introduction of the simulation software Aspen Plus.

3.1 Biomass
Biomass refers to any organic materials which come from plants or animals that is alive or
recently dead [7]. As a sustainable energy resource, botanical biomass grow through
photosynthesis by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere in the presence of water and
sunlight. Biological species consume botanical or other biological species to support their lives.
Microorganisms break down the dead organisms into constituent parts and potential energy.
The amount of carbon dioxide which releases through the combustion or the microbial
decomposition of the biomass was absorbed by the biomass in the recent past. As a result,
utilizing biomass as an energy resources does not increase the global CO2 emission level.
Thus, biomass is considered as green-house gas neutral.

3.1.1 Types of Biomass

There are many ways to classify the biomass. Generally, it can be divided into two main groups:
virgin biomass and waste biomass. Table 3-1 shows a detailed classification of biomass [1, 8].
Table 3-1: Types of biomass

Woody biomass

Virgin Biomass Herbaceous biomass

Energy crops

Agricultural waste

Municipal waste
Waste Biomass
Industrial waste

Forestry waste

Virgin biomass or primary biomass comes from plants directly. Woody biomass includes trees,
vines, shrubs and bushes. Herbaceous biomasses are the plants that die annually at the end of
the growing season. Energy crops are those plants exclusively for producing energy. These
corps have high energy density and short growth period. The cost for cultivation is relatively
low since those energy crops require little fertilizer or water. Energy crops like willow, poplar,
and switch grass are widely used for energy production [1].

Waste biomass or secondary biomass is the biomass derived from virgin biomass during the
different stages of its production or come from the industrial and municipal wastes. Agricultural
wastes mainly include straw, sugar beet leaves and animal manure. Forestry wastes contain
bark, wood blocks and leaves etc. Industrial wastes come from the sawdust during the
production of lumber and demolition of wood products. Waste oil and fat are also included in
the industrial waste. Municipal wastes comprise municipal solid waste (MSW), sewage and
landfill gas. MSW is an important source as the combustible part can be used for the production
of refuse derived fuel (RDF).

3.1.2 Composition of biomass

Biomass is constituted by a variety of complex organic compounds, moisture (M), and a few
inert solids called ash (ASH). The organic compounds consist carbon (C), hydrogen (H),
oxygen (O), nitrogen (N), and small amount of chlorine (Cl) and sulfur (S).

The composition of biomass is one of the necessary information which needs to know for
designing a biomass gasifier or a combustor. Ultimate analysis and proximate analysis are two
types of composition analysis method which are mostly used.

For ultimate analysis, the basic elements of the hydrocarbon fuel are analyzed. Together with
the moisture (M) and ash (ASH) of the fuel, a typical ultimate analysis can be expressed as:
C + H + O + N + S + Cl + + ASH = 100% (3.1)
Elements in the equation (3.1) represent the mass percentage of the corresponding elements in
the fuel. Table 3-2 shows the ultimate analysis of different biomass compared with other fuels.

For proximate analysis, the composition of hydrocarbon fuel is given as volatile matter (VM),
fixed carbon (FC), moisture (M), and ash (ASH). Volatile matter is the vapor released when
heating the fuel. Fixed carbon is the solid carbon which remains after devolatilization of the
pyrolysis process. Proximate analysis can be expressed as:
FC + VM + + ASH = 100% (3.2)
Table 3-3 shows the proximate analysis of corncobs and rice husk [9].

Table 3-2: Ultimate analysis of some biomass and fossil fuels (dry basis, wt. %)

Fuel C H N S O Ash Source

Redwood 53.5 5.9 0.1 0 40.3 0.2 [10]

Maple 50.6 6.0 0.3 0 41.7 1.4 [10]

Douglas 52.3 6.3 9.1 0 40.5 0.8 [10]


Douglas 56.2 5.9 0 0 36.7 1.2 [10]

fir (bark)

Straw-rice 39.2 5.1 0.6 0.1 35.8 19.2 [10]

Husk-rice 38.5 5.7 0.5 0 39.8 15.5 [10]

Paper 43.4 5.8 0.3 0.2 44.3 6.0 [11]

MSW 47.6 6.0 1.2 0.3 32.9 12.0 [12]

Animal 42.7 5.5 2.4 0.3 31.3 17.8 [10]


Lignite 62.5 4.38 0.94 1.41 17.2 13.4 [1]

Coal 65.8 4.88 0.86 1.0 16.2 11.2 [13]

Anthracite 83.7 1.9 0.9 0.7 10.5 2.3 [14]

Petcoke 82 0.5 0.7 0.8 10.0 6.0 [14]

Table 3-3: Proximate analysis of corncobs and rice husk (dry basis, wt. %)


Corncobs 18.5 80.1 1.4

Husk-rice 16.7 65.5 17.9

3.1.3 Thermodynamic properties of biomass

Biomass gasification process involves a series of thermochemical reaction. Therefore in order
to achieve proper reactions in different stages and to optimize the process, the study of the
biomass thermodynamic properties is necessary. Specific heat capacity, heating value, and
ignition temperature of biomass are described in the chapter. Heat of reaction for the
gasification reactions will be discussed later.

Specific heat capacity or specific heat in short indicates the heat capacity of a substance. It is
heavily influenced by the temperature. The moisture and the type of biomass also affect the
specific heat. Table 3-4 lists the specific heat correlation equation of different types of wood
and wood char [1].
Table 3-4: Specific heat of wood and wood char

Fuel Specific heat in KJ/kg Validity () Source

Dry wood p,dry = 0.1031 + 0.003867

Wet wood p,wet = [(p,dry + 4.19dry )(1 + dry )] +

- [15]
dry is the moisture fraction on dry basis, T in
K, and = (0.02355 1.32 6.191)dry

Wood char p,dry = 1.39 + 0.00386 420-1720 [15]

Softwood 0.00546 + 0.524 40-140

Char from 0.0038 103 2 + 0.00598 0.795 40-413 [16]


Wood p,dry = 0.1031 + 0.003867

[(p,dry + 4.19)(1 + 0.01)] + Ac

7-147 [17]
Ac = (0.06191 + 2.36 10 1.33
104 )

Various p,dry = 0.266 + 0.00116( 273)

p,wet = p,dry (1 wet ) + 4.19wet 0-106 [18]

wet is the moisture fraction on wet basis

Heating value is the maximum heat released when certain amount of a fuel has completely
combusted in the presence of air at standard conditions (25 , 1 atm). Heating value depends
on the phase of water produced after the combustion of the fuel. If the water is in gas phase, the
value of heat release is called the lower heating value (LHV). When the water vapor condenses
into liquid, the value of the total heat release is called the higher heating value (HHV).The
difference between the lower heating value and the higher heating value is the latter includes
the latent heat of vaporization [19]. Table 3-5 lists the higher heating values of different biomass
compared with other fuels [1].

Ignition temperature of a biomass is an important thermodynamic property when designing a

gasification plant. During the gasification process, the combustion is required for providing

energy for the drying and pyrolysis process. Reactions occur in the gasification part are mainly
endothermic, therefore the combustion can also provide energy for the endothermic reactions.
Table 3-6 lists the ignition temperatures of some biomass compared with other fuels [1].
Table 3-5: Higher heating values of some biomass and fossil fuels (kJ/kg)

Fuel HHV (KJ/kg) Source

Redwood 21,028 [10]

Maple 19,958 [10]

Douglas fir 21,051 [10]

Douglas fir (bark) 22,098 [10]

Straw-rice 15,213 [10]

Husk-rice 15,376 [10]

Paper 17,613 [11]

MSW 19,879 [12]

Animal waste 17,167 [10]

Lignite 24,451 [1]

Coal 26,436 [13]

Anthracite 27,656 [14]

Petcoke 28,337 [14]

Table 3-6: Ignition temperatures of some biomass and fossil fuels

Fuel Ignition Volatile Matter in Fuel Source

Temperature () (dry ash-free wt. %)

Wheat straw 220 72 [20]

Poplar wood 235 75 [20]

Eucalyptus 285 64 [20]

High volatile 667 34.7 [21]


Medium volatile 795 20.7 [21]


Anthracite 927 7.3 [21]

3.2 Gasification

3.2.1 Gasification theory

Gasification is the process that converts the carbonaceous solids into synthesis gas under certain
range of temperatures and oxygen-starved conditions. A typical gasification process includes
drying and pyrolysis, combustion and char gasification. Figure 3-1 illustrates the gasification
process paths.

(CO, CH4
H2 , H2 O) CO, H2 , CH4 ,
Gas phase
H2 O, CO2 ,
Cracking products
Drying & Liquids
Pyrolysis (tar, naptha)

CO, H2 , CH4 ,
Solids Char-Gas
H2 O, CO2 ,
(char) reactions
Uncoverted carbon

Figure 3-1: Reaction sequence of the gasification process

Biomass is first preheated in order to dry the biomass for the further use. It then undergoes
thermal decomposition or pyrolysis in the absence of oxygen. In the pyrolysis part, the biomass
breaks down into volatiles, liquids including tar and heavy hydrocarbons, and carbonaceous
solid known as char. Gasification then occurs in the presence of a gasifying medium. The
gasifying medium can be oxygen, air, or steam. The choice of gasifying medium will affect the
product gas composition and its heating value. During the gasification part, both the gas-solid
reactions and the gas-phase reactions happens. Usually there is char combustion for producing
heat in order to support most of endothermic gasification reactions as well as the energy
required by the drying and pyrolysis parts [1]. Table 3-7 lists the main reactions taking place in
a gasifier.

Table 3-7: Main reactions taken place in the gasifier [1, 22, 23].

Reaction Chemical equation Reaction kinetic (molm3 s)

Char gasification C + H2 O CO + H2 22645

= 1.372 exp ( ) [H2 O]
(R1) +131 kJ/mol
= 1.044 104 2 exp ( 17.29) [H2 ][CO]

Boundouard C + CO2 2CO 22645
= 1.272 exp ( ) [CO2 ]
(R2) +172 kJ/mol
= 1.044 104 2 exp ( 20.92) [CO2 ]2

Methane 1 1 13578
CH4 C + H2 = 0.151 0.5 exp ( 0.372) [CH4 ]0.5
decomposition 2 2
(R3) +74.8 kJ/mol 8078
= 1.368 103 exp ( 7.087) [H2 ]

Water-gas shift CO + H2 O CO2 + H2 36640
= 7.68 1010 exp ( ) [CO]0.5 [H2 O]
(R4) -41.2 kJ/mol
= 6.4 109 exp ( 0.372) [H2 ]0.5 [CO2 ]

Steam reforming CH4 + H2 O CO + 3H2 15042
= 3.0 105 exp ( ) [CO]0.5 [H2 O]
(R5) +206 kJ/mol
= 0.0265 exp ( ) [CO][H2 ]2

3.2.2 Type of gasifiers
Based on the gas-solid contacting mode, gasifiers can be classified as (i) fixed or moving bed
gasifiers, (ii) fluidized bed gasifiers and (iii) entrained-flow bed gasifiers [1]. Entrained-flow
bed gasifiers is not suitable for biomass, therefore it will not be discussed in this section. Figure
3-2 shows a detailed classification of gasifiers.

Dry-Ash gasifier
Updraft gasifiers
Slagging gasifier

Fixed/Moving bed Throatless gasifier

Downdraft gasifiers
Throated gasifier
Crossdraft Gasifiers

Bubbling fluidized-
Transport gasifier
bed gasifier
Fluidized bed
Circulating fluidized- Dual fluidized-bed
bed gasifier gasifier

Chemical looping

Top-fed gasifier
Side-fed gasifier

Figure 3-2: Detailed classification of gasifiers based on the gas-solid contacting mode Fixed-Bed/Moving-bed Gasifiers

Fixed-bed or moving-bed gasifiers are the most common gasifiers for producing syngas. This
type of gasifiers is easy to build and operate. Besides, Fixed-bed gasifiers can also be built in a
small size. With these advantages, they are widely used in the industry.

A typical fixed-bed gasifier is the updraft gasifier. In this reactor, fuel is fed from the top and
moves downward through the drying, pyrolysis, reduction and the combustion zone. While the

gasifying agent is fed from the bottom and moves upward. Figure 3-3 shows a schematic of an
updraft gasifier. High cold-gas efficiency is an advantage of the updraft gasifier [1].

Figure 3-3: Schematic of an updraft gasifier.

In a downdraft gasifier, gasifying agent is fed at a certain height below the top as it is shown in
the Figure 3-4. The fuel is fed at the top through the drying, pyrolysis, combustion and reduction
zones. The product gas then flows out from the lower zone. Compared with the updraft gasifier,
it has lower tar production rate [1].

Figure 3-4: Schematic of a downdraft gasifier.

In a crossdraft gasifier, the air flows in from the side of the gasifier while the fuel is fed from
the top as it is shown in the Figure 3-5. A combustion zone and a gasification zone are formed
around the entrance of the air. The heat released by the combustion zone is conducted radially
to support the pyrolysis of the fuel. The product gas flows out from the sidewall opposite to the
entrance of air. The crossdraft gasifier has a quick response time and can be implemented for
small-scale biomass units [1].

Figure 3-5: Schematic of a crossdraft gasifier. Fluidized-bed gasifiers

The fluidized bed gasifiers have been successfully implemented for coal gasification.
Compared with the fixed bed gasifier, the greater uniform temperature distribution in
gasification zone is achieved by using bed material to cause the fluid and solid mixture behaving
as a fluid under certain conditions. The fluidized-bed gasifiers can be classified into two main
types: bubbling fluidized-bed gasifier and circulating fluidized-bed gasifier.

In a bubbling fluidized-bed gasifier, air is fed at the bottom through the grid. Above the grid,
the fuel is introduced into the vessel while the bed material is fed at the opposite side of the
wall. The product gas goes into a cyclone where the solid particle is separated. Figure 3-6 shows
a schematic of a Mitsubishi bubbling fluidized-bed gasifier.

Figure 3-6: Schematic of a bubbling fluidized-bed gasifier.
A circulating fluidized-bed (CFB) gasifier is composed by a vessel called riser, a cyclone and
a solid recycle device. Figure 3-7 shows a schematic of a Mitsubishi circulating fluidized-bed
gasifier. Unlike the bubbling fluidized-bed gasifier, the separated bed material is recycled into
the riser, thus a circulation of the bed material between the riser and the cyclone. In a circulating
fluidized-bed gasifier, the fluidization velocity is higher than the velocity in the bubbling
fluidized-bed gasifier. There are many commercial applications based on the circulating
fluidized-bed technology.

Figure 3-7: Schematic of a circulating fluidized-bed gasifier.

3.2.3 Dual fluidized-bed gasifier

If air is chosen to be the gasifying agent, there is a problem that the product gas will be diluted
by the nitrogen in the air. This problem can be solved by using oxygen as the gasifying agent.
But air separation will consume a lot of energy and the cost can be expensive. The dual
fluidized-bed gasifier (DFBG) designed by the Vienna University of Technology has overcome
this problem [24]. They built a 8 MWfuel combined heat and power plant in Gssing, Austria,
based on the dual fluidized-bed technology [25]. Table 3-8 lists the characteristic data of this
CHP-plant [26].

A dual fluidized-bed gasifier combines a bubbling fluidized-bed gasifier and a circulating

fluidized-bed combustor. The biomass is fed into the bubbling fluidized-bed gasifier where
drying, pyrolysis and gasification take place. Steam is used for the gasifying agent. The product
gas then goes into a cyclone where solid particles are separated. Residual char and bed material
flow into the combustor through a chute where the unreacted char is combusted to heat up the
bed material in the presence of air. The product is then goes into a cyclone where the hot bed

material is separated and flows back to the gasifier. The heat carried by the bed material
supports the reactions in the gasifier. Figure 3-8 shows a schematic of dual fluidized-bed
gasifier. This system is easy to achieve auto stabilization because if the gasification temperature
changes, the amount of the residual char will change and thereby changing the energy support
for the gasification and stabilizes the temperature. Figure 3-9 shows the principal of a dual
fluidized-bed gasifier clearly. The high quality product syngas has high H2 content and high
heating value. Table 3-9 lists the detailed data of the Dual fluidized-bed gasifier in Gssing.
Table 3-8: Characteristic data of the CHP plant in Gssing [25, 26].

Startup of gasifier November 2001

Fuel type Wood chips

Fuel power 8 MW

Electrical output 2 MW

Thermal output 4.5 MW

Electrical efficiency 25.0%

Thermal efficiency 56.3%

Electrical/thermal output 0.44

Total efficiency 81.3%

Figure 3-8: Schematic of a circulating fluidized-bed gasifier [27].

Figure 3-9: Principal of dual fluidized-bed gasifier [27].

Table 3-9: Detailed of the Dual fluidized-bed gasifier in Gssing [25, 28].


Parameter Value

Type BFB

Gasifying agent Steam

Bed material Olivine

Feedstock Wood chips

Capacity (Kg/h) 2000

Temperature () 850

Pressure Atmospheric

Internal diameter (cm) 220

Effective total height (m) 6


Parameter Value

Type CFB

Temperature 930

Pressure Atmospheric

Circulation ratio C/F 50 kg/kg dry biomass

Internal diameter (cm) 85

Total height (m) 9.7

Product (vol. %, dry basis)

Hydrogen 35-45

Carbon monoxide 20-30

Carbon dioxide 15-25

Methane 8-12

Nitrogen 3-5

3.3 Aspen Plus introduction
Aspen Plus is a market-leading comprehensive chemical process modeling tool, used by the
worlds leading chemistry organizations and related industries. It originated from a joint project
called Advanced System for Process Engineering (ASPEN) which is started by the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the US Department of Energy in the 1970s
and finished in 1981. AspenTech was founded in the same year and the ASPEN project was
commercialized by AspenTech called Aspen Plus [29].

Aspen Plus is used in the industrial chemical process modeling, simulation, optimization,
sensitivity analysis and economic evaluation. It provides the comprehensive physical property
models and the library of unit operation models, fast and reliable process simulation functions,
and advanced calculation method. With the physical property database and the operation
models provided by Aspen Plus, engineers are able to simulate actual plant behavior effectively
and accurately thereby improve the productivity and reduce the costs [30].

Aspen Plus has been widely used for simulating coal conversion. Literatures like coal
gasification simulation, coal hydrogasification processes and integrated coal gasification
combined cycle (IGCC) power plants have been already published [31]. There are also detailed
guides about modeling and simulation coal conversion published by AspenTech [32, 33].
However, there are not many researches related to the modeling and simulation of biomass
gasification process in a dual fluidized-bed gasifier [34].

3.4 Gasifier simulation models

Commercial plants require optimal operating parameters to achieve maximum interest. The
operating parameters are often obtained by conducting experiments on pilot plants. Although
accurate data can be obtained through the experiments, it is always expensive and takes a lot of
time to get the results. Furthermore, the optimum parameters are often size dependent. The
experimental results may not be the optimum in the real plants. Modeling or simulation of a
plant may not predict the process very accurate, but a good simulation model can help the
engineers find out the effects of changing different parameters on the process results thereby
optimizing the operating conditions efficiently [1]. Gasifier simulation models can be classified
into four groups [1, 35], they are:
Thermodynamic equilibrium
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
Artificial neural network (ANN)

In Aspen Plus, thermodynamic equilibrium and kinetic models are often used to simulate the
gasification process.

3.4.1 Thermodynamic equilibrium models

The basic principle of using thermodynamic equilibrium models is the equilibrium state gives
the maximum conversion under certain conditions. In these models, the reactions are considered
to be zero-dimensional and they are independent with time. The reaction kinetics and the reactor
hydrodynamics are not considered in the thermodynamic equilibrium models. The
stoichiometric and nonstoichiometric methods are used to determine the thermodynamic
equilibrium [1]. Because biomass gasification involves a series of complex reactions, the
stoichiometric model are not suitable for this situation as every reaction should be considered
in this model. The nonstoichiometric method is frequently used when simulating gasification
process using Aspen Plus.

For nonstoichiometric method, the reacting system has minimum Gibbs free energy when the
equilibrium is reached. This method is also called Minimization of the Gibbs free energy
method. The advantage of minimization of the Gibbs free energy method is no specific reaction
mechanism is needed to solve the problem, only the elemental composition of the feed is needed
for the input, which can be obtained from its ultimate analysis [1]. Therefore the
nonstoichiometric method is particular suitable for biomass gasification simulation as the exact
chemical formula of biomass is unknown and the gasification reaction mechanisms are very
complicated. Ramzan et al. simulated a fixed-bed gasifier using the minimization of Gibbs free
energy method for the modeling [36]. Doherty et al. developed a simulation of biomass
gasification in a dual-fluidized bed gasifier (called the FICFB gasifier by the authors) [34].
Gibbs free energy minimization with temperature approach method was applied in this
simulation. He et al. simulated the biomass gasification process in a DFB gasifier developed by
Mid Sweden University using Aspen Plus [37]. The minimization of Gibbs free energy method
is also used for modeling the gasifier in this simulation.

3.4.2 Kinetic models

Thermodynamic equilibrium model has its limitation for the reaction time is not considered in
this model. Sometimes the simulation results may be a little different from the real situation.
The kinetic models consider the reaction kinetics and reactor hydrodynamics. The reaction
results include the product composition and overall gasifier performance after a finite time are
given by a kinetic model [1]. Though a kinetic model can give accurate results, parameters such
as reaction rate, residence time of particles and reactor hydrodynamics are involved in a kinetic
model which significantly increase the workload and the complex of the modeling. Because
biomass gasification involves a series of complex reactions, each reaction mechanism needs to

be studied. In Aspen Plus, the external Fortran subroutines for hydrodynamics and kinetics are
needed for simulating biomass gasification process [5]. Therefore the solid knowledge of
Fortran programming is required. Besides, the kinetic models has more accuracy at relatively
low operating temperatures (< 800 ), because the reaction rate is slow and the time for the
conversion is long under lower temperatures. At higher temperature the equilibrium models
may be more suitable than the kinetic models [1]. Abdelouahed et al. simulated a Dual
fluidized-bed gasification process using Aspen Plus based on the Tunzini Nessi Equipment
Companies (TNEE) technology [2]. The kinetic model was used and bed hydrodynamics were
neglected. Nikoo and Mahinpey simulated an atmospheric fluidized-bed gasifier using kinetic
model [31]. Both hydrodynamics and reaction kinetics were considered simultaneously.

4 Simulation of biomass gasification in a dual
fluidized-bed gasifier using Aspen Plus
This chapter describes the simulation of biomass gasification in a dual fluidized-bed gasifier
using Aspen Plus V8 in detail. Process description, components, physical properties, block
specification and sensitivity analyses are introduced in this chapter.

4.1 Process description

In Aspen Plus, there is no particular gasifier model ready for use, therefore to model a dual
fluidized-bed gasifier, it is necessary to separate the whole process into different blocks that
can be simulated with the existing models provided by Aspen Plus. Figure 4-1 shows the
flowsheet of this simulation process.

Biomass is fed as a non-conventional component into a decomposition reactor-PYR which

converts the biomass into conventional components by calculate its ultimate analysis and
proximate analysis. Heat Q1 is supported for the decomposition process. A calculator is used
to determine the yield of the components. Then the decomposition mixture goes into a
separator-SEP where a portion of char is separated and flows into the combustor. The char is
combusted in the combustor-COM with excess air, the heat Q is generated to support the
endothermic reactions in the gasifier-GASIFIER. The split fraction of char is varied until the
gasification temperature is reached at certain degrees. This is done by setting a design
specification block. The rest of char with gases from the separator-SEP are fed in the presence
of steam into the gasifier-GASIFIER where the gasification takes place. The gasifier was
modeled based on the minimization of Gibbs free energy model. Therefore the RGIBBS reactor
provided in Aspen Plus was chosen as a gasifier. The outlet stream from the gasifier is expressed
as AFT-GAS. After the char combustion, the unreacted char and air is separated in a cyclone-
CYCLONE into solid and flue gas.

According to the features of Aspen Plus and the thermodynamic equilibrium model used for
this simulation, the following assumptions were made in this simulation of biomass gasification
Steady state operation
Particle size is not considered
Uniform temperature distribution for the biomass particle
Pressure drops are neglected

Heat loss for the reactors are neglected
Tar formation is not considered
Char is 100% carbon
Equilibriums for all the reactions is reached in the gasifier
90% of char is burned in the combustor
Cyclone efficiency is 85%
Ash comes from the biomass is considered as inert, it does not react with other components.
All elements that compose the biomass yield into char, H2 , O2 , N2 Cl2 , S.

Figure 4-1: Flowsheet of biomass gasification process in a dual fluidized-bed gasifier
4.2 Components
At the beginning of simulation, all the components were specified properly. Table 4-1 lists the
components modeled in the simulation. Because the uncertainty of exact formulas of biomass
and ash, they were defined as nonconventional solid components. For these components, only
enthalpy and density were calculated during the simulation. Aspen Plus includes special models
for estimating both enthalpy and density for coal-derived materials. These models can be used
to estimate biomass properties as well since biomass can be considered as coal-derived material.
More details will be discussed in the next section.
Table 4-1: Detailed data of the components modeled in the simulation.

Component ID Type Component name Formula

BIOMASS Nonconventional - -




H2 Conventional HYDROGEN H2

H2O Conventional WATER H2O

N2 Conventional NITROGEN N2

O2 Conventional OXYGEN O2

CH4 Conventional METHANE CH4

CL2 Conventional CHLORINE CL2

S Conventional SULFUR S

ASH Nonconventional - -


NH3 Conventional AMMONIA H3N



4.3 Physical properties
The PK-BM property method was selected as the global property method for this model. This
method uses the Peng Robinson cubic equation of state with the Boston-Mathias alpha function
for all the thermodynamic properties, which is suitable for the nonpolar or mildly polar mixtures
such as hydrocarbons and light gases. The PK-BM property method is recommended for the
gas processing, refinery, and petrochemical applications [38].

Since biomass and ash were defined as nonconventional components, only the density and
enthalpy were calculated during the simulation. HCOALGEN was selected as the enthalpy
model for both biomass and ash, the density model was DCOALIGT. Different empirical
correlations for heat of combustion, heat of formation and heat capacity are included in the
HCOALGEN model. Table 4-2 lists the correlations and the corresponding code value for the
enthalpy properties used in this model. The density method DCOALIGT is based on equations
from IGT (Institute of Gas Technology) [32].
Table 4-2: Specifications for the nonconventional components enthalpy model

Biomass and Ash

Model Parameter
Code Value Correlation

Heat of Combustion 1 Boie correlation

Standard Heat of Formation 1
Heat Capacity 1 Kirov correlation

Elements in their standard

Enthalpy Basis 1
states at 298.15K and 1 atm

Components attributes comprises the ultimate analysis, proximate analysis, and sulfur analysis
for the biomass and ash, which were required once the enthalpy model and density model were
specified. Table 4-3 lists the compositions of the biomass and ash based on their ultimate,
proximate and sulfur analysis. Usually the data of sulfur analysis is not given in most of the
references. In this model, all the sulfur was specified as organic. Because wood chips was
used as the feedstock in this simulation which has very low contents of sulfur. Therefore, there
is no effluence to the simulation results.

The stream class for global was specified as MIXCINC. This option was for the situation
when both conventional and nonconventional solids are present, but there is no particle size
distribution. Here, MIX stands for MIXED substream, CI represents for CISOLID
substream, NC stands for Nonconventional substream.
Table 4-3: Compositions of Biomass and ash (wt. %) [34].

Ultimate analysis (dry basis) Biomass Ash

Carbon 51.19 0

Hydrogen 6.08 0

Oxygen 41.3 0

Nitrogen 0.2 0

Sulfur 0.02 0

Chlorine 0.05 0

Ash 1.16 100

Proximate analysis Biomass Ash

Volatile matter (dry basis) 80 0

Fixed carbon (dry basis) 18.84 0

Ash (dry basis) 1.16 100

Moisture (moisture-included basis) 20 0

Sulfur analysis (dry basis) Biomass Ash

Pyritic 0 0

Sulfate 0 0

Organic 0.02 0

4.4 Stream specification
The detailed specifications for biomass, air, steam, and Q1 as feed streams are listed in Table
Table 4-4: Specifications for the inlet streams

Mass flow
Stream Component Temperature Pressure Source

Specified as its
BIOMASS 25 1 atm 2000 kg/h
proximate and
sulfur analysis

Air to
21% O2
AIR 79% N2 450 1 atm [34]
ratio is
(Volume fraction) 1.12

Steam to
STEAM H2 O 450 1 atm [34]
ratio (S/B)
is 0.6

25 for both
Q1 - begin and end - -

The mass flow rate of air and steam was calculated by setting calculator blocks. The air to
biomass ratio is defined as:
Air to Biomass ratio = air biomass (4.1)
The steam to biomass ratio (S/B) is defined as:
SB = (moisture content in biomass + steam )dry biomass (4.2)
The heat required for the decomposition process was calculate by setting a calculator block.

4.5 Blocks specification
After specifying the inlet streams, all the blocks were specified according to the design
operating condition. Table 4-5 gives a brief description of the unit operation blocks presented
in the flowsheet. Table 4-6 gives the detailed operating parameters for the blocks.
Table 4-5: Description of the blocks used in the modeling

Scheme Block ID Description

Reactors where stoichiometry and kinetics are

unknown or unimportant but a yield distribution
is known. In this simulation PYR was used for the
RYield PYR convertion of the non-conventional stream
BIOMASS into conventional components
(C, H2 , O2 , Cl2 , N2 , S). A calculator block was used
to determine the composition of the products.

Separates inlet stream components into multiple

outlet streams, based on specified flows or split
frractions. In this simulation, SEP was used for
spilt a portion of char into the combustor to
Sep provide heat for the gasification reaction. The
spilt fraction was controlled by a design
specification block. CYCLONE was used to
sepreate the product mixture after the
comubustion into the flue gas and the unreact char

Models stoichiometric reactor with specified

reaction extent or conversion. In this simulation,
RStoic COM
COM was used for modeling the char combustion
reaction. Excess air was fed.

RGibbs reactor does not require the knowledge of

the reaction stoichiometry. It uses Gibbs free
energy minimization with phase splitting to
calculate equilibrium. RGibbs also allows
restricted equilibrium specifications for systems
that do not reach complete equilibrium. In this
simulation GASIFIER was used for modeling the
gasification reaction.

Table 4-6: Operating parameters for the blocks

Block ID Temperature () Pressure (atm) Specification

Component yields were determined by

PYR 25 1
a calculator block

Char split fraction was determined by

SEP - -
a design specification block.

Combustion reaction was specified as:

COM 900 1 C + O2 CO2
99% of C is converted

Calculate phase equilibrium and

chemical equilibrium. Products
determined by RGibbs model. RGibbs
considers all components as products

Typical cyclone separation efficiency

CYCLONE - - is 0.85. Therefore the split fraction of
char was specified as 0.85.

4.6 Calculator Specification

In this simulation, three calculators were implemented. The variables for each calculator need
were defined and the Fortran statements was entered.

4.6.1 Calculator 1
Calculator 1 was used to determine the product composition after the decomposition reactor.
Table 4-7 shows the definition of the import variables using category Streams created in the
Calculator 1.

Table 4-7: Definition of the import variables for the Calculator 1

Type Stream Substream Component Attribute Elements



ULT is the vector defined for accessing the values in the ultimate analysis of the biomass.
WATER is the variable corresponding to the first element in the proximate analysis of the
biomass, which is the value of the moisture. Here, ULTANAL and PROXANL stand for
ultimate analysis and proximate analysis respectively.

The definition of the export variables using category Blocks is listed in Table 4-8.
Table 4-8: Definition of the export variables for the Calculator 1

Variable Name Type Block Variable ID1 ID2









Here ID1 stands for the corresponding components. ID2 stands for the classification of the

The Fortran statements was entered as below:
FACT = (100 - WATER) / 100
H2O = WATER / 100
ASH = ULT(1) / 100 * FACT
C = ULT(2) / 100 * FACT
H2 = ULT(3) / 100 * FACT
N2 = ULT(4) / 100 * FACT
CL2 = ULT(5) / 100 * FACT
S = ULT(6) / 100 * FACT
O2 = ULT(7) / 100 * FACT

Here FACT is the factor to convert the ultimate analysis to a wet basis.
This calculator block was executed before the PYR block operation.

4.6.2 Calculator 2
Calculator 2 was used to determine the air mass flow rate. Table 4-9 shows the definition of
the variables using category Streams created in the Calculator 2.
Table 4-9: Definition of the variables for the Calculator 2

Variable Variable
Type Stream Substream Variable
Name Classification



The Fortran statements was entered as below:


This calculator block was executed at the beginning of the simulation.

4.6.3 Calculator 3
Calculator 3 was used to determine the steam mass flow rate. Table 4-10 shows the definition
of the variables using category Streams created in the Calculator 3.
Table 4-10: Definition of the variables for the Calculator 3

Variable Variable
Type Stream Substream Variable Component
Name Classification

Stream- MASS-


Stream- MASS-

The Fortran statements was entered as below:


This calculator block was executed at the beginning of the simulation.

4.7 Sensitivity analyses

In Aspen Plus, sensitivity analysis is a tool for determining how a process reacts to varying key
operating and design variables. In order to optimize the gasification process, sensitivity
analyses were set for the study of the gasification performance. During the sensitivity analyses,
one operating parameter was varied while the others remained the same.

In this simulation, gasification temperature was varied from 650 to 1100 . Steam to biomass
ratio was varied from 0.3-1.0. Steam temperature was varied from 150-1000 . Excess air
temperature was varied from 25-1025 . LHV and composition of the product gas, char split
fraction, and gasification efficiency were analyzed. Gasification efficiency or cold gas
efficiency is defined as:
LHVgas (MJNm3 )Vgas (Nm3 /h)
Gasification efficiency = LHV (4.3)
biomass (MJ/kg)biomass (kg/h)

The LHV of biomass is 19.09 MJ/kg [34].

5 Results

5.1 Sensitivity analysis: Steam temperature

In this case, steam temperature was varied from 150-1000 while other parameters remained
unchanged. The syngas composition, gasification efficiency, char split fraction and the LHV of
syngas were studied. For all the syngas compositions results, the compositions are given in
volume fraction, dry and NH3 , H2 S, HCl free. Figure 5-1 shows the effect of the steam
temperature on the syngas composition (vol. % dry basis).

Figure 5-1: Effect of the steam temperature on the syngas composition.

As the steam temperature increases from 150-1000 , CO rises from 33.69% to 34.56%. Both
H2 and CO2 decrease. H2 drops from 57.00% to 56.66% and CO2 from 9.18% to 8.64%. Both
CH4 and N2 contents are very low. (0.05% and 0.08%).

The effect of the steam temperature on the char split fraction is illustrated on Figure 5-2. When
the steam temperature increases from 150 to 1000 , the char split fraction decreases from
0.137 to 0.108.

The effect of the steam temperature on the LHV of the syngas is illustrated on Figure 5-3.

Figure 5-2: Effect of the steam temperature on the char split fraction.

Figure 5-3: Effect of the steam temperature on the LHV of the syngas.

When the steam temperature increases from 150-1000 , the LHV of the syngas increases from
10.42 to 10.50 MJ/Nm3 .

The effect of the steam temperature on the gasification efficiency is illustrated on Figure 5-4.
When the steam temperature increases from 150-1000 , the gasification efficiency increases
from 76.16% to 79.11%.

Figure 5-4: Effect of the steam temperature on the gasification efficiency.

5.2 Sensitivity analysis: Air temperature

In this case, air temperature was varied from 25-1025 while other parameters remained
unchanged. The syngas composition, gasification efficiency, char split fraction and the LHV of
syngas were studied. Figure 5-5 shows the effect of the air temperature on the syngas
composition (vol. % dry basis).

As the air temperature increases from 25-1025 , CO rises from 33.13% to 35.20%. Both
H2 and CO2 decrease. H2 drops from 57.21% to 56.41% and CO2 from 9.52% to 8.25%. Both
CH4 and N2 contents are very low. (0.05% and 0.08%).

Figure 5-5: Effect of the air temperature on the syngas composition.

The effect of the air temperature on the char split fraction is illustrated on Figure 5-6. When the
air temperature increases from 25-1025 , the char split fraction decreases from 0.155 to 0.087.

The effect of the air temperature on the LHV of the syngas is illustrated on Figure 5-7. When
the air temperature increases from 25-1025 , the LHV of the syngas increases from 10.38 to
10.56 MJ/Nm3 .

The effect of the steam temperature on the gasification efficiency is illustrated on Figure 5-8.
When the air temperature increases from 25-1025 , the gasification efficiency increases from
74.32% to 81.31%.

Figure 5-6: Effect of the air temperature on the char split fraction.

Figure 5-7: Effect of the air temperature on the LHV of the syngas.

Figure 5-8: Effect of the air temperature on the gasification efficiency.

5.3 Sensitivity analysis: Steam to biomass ratio

In this case, steam to biomass ratio was varied from 0.3-1.0 while other parameters remained
unchanged. The syngas composition, gasification efficiency, char split fraction and the LHV of
syngas were studied. Figure 5-9 shows the effect of the steam to biomass ratio on the syngas
composition (vol. % dry basis).

Figure 5-9: Effect of the steam to biomass ratio on the syngas composition.

As the steam to biomass ratio increases from 0.3-1.0, CO drops from 43.25% to 26.33%. Both
H2 and CO2 increase. H2 increases from 53.55% to 59.40% and CO2 from 2.79% to 14.17%.
Both CH4 and N2 contents are very low. (0.32%-0.02% and 0.08%).

The effect of the steam to biomass ratio on the char split fraction is illustrated in Figure 5-10.
With the steam to biomass ratio increases from 0.3-1.0, the char split fraction decreases from
0.122 to 0.136.

The effect of the steam to biomass ratio on the LHV of the syngas is illustrated in Figure 5-11.
With the steam to biomass ratio increases from 0.3-1.0, the LHV of the syngas decreases from
11.36 to 9.74 MJ/Nm3 .

The effect of the steam to biomass ratio on the gasification efficiency is illustrated on Figure
5-12. When the steam to biomass ratio increases from 0.3-1.0, the gasification efficiency
decreases from 83.65% to 71.31%.

Figure 5-10: Effect of the steam to biomass ratio on the char split fraction.

Figure 5-11: Effect of the steam to biomass ratio on the LHV of the syngas.

Figure 5-12: Effect of the steam to biomass ratio on the gasification efficiency.

5.4 Sensitivity analysis: Gasification temperature

In this case, gasification temperature was varied from 650-1100 while other parameters
remained unchanged. The syngas composition, gasification efficiency, char split fraction and
the LHV of syngas were studied. Figure 5-13 shows the effect of the steam to biomass ratio on
the syngas composition (vol. % dry basis).

Figure 5-13: Effect of the gasification temperature on the syngas composition.

As the gasification temperature increases from 650-1100 , both CH4 and CO2 decrease.
CO2 drops from 16.18% to 7.40% and CH4 from 5.04%-0%. H2 increases from 53.22% to
54.90% then decreases to 56.39%. CO increases from 25.47% to 36.12%. N2 content is very
low (0.09%).

The effect of the gasification temperature on the char split fraction is illustrated on Figure 5-14.
When the gasification temperature increases from 650-1100 , the char split fraction increases
from 0 to 0.191.

The effect of the gasification temperature on the LHV of the syngas is illustrated on Figure
5-15. When the gasification temperature increases from 650-1100 , the LHV of the syngas
decreases from 10.77 to 10.41 MJ/Nm3 at 800 then increases to 10.65 MJ/Nm3 .

The effect of the gasification temperature on the gasification efficiency is illustrated on Figure
5-16. When the gasification temperature increases from 650-1100 , the gasification efficiency
increases from 66.97% to 78.03% at 700 then decreases to 73.29%.

Figure 5-14: Effect of the gasification temperature on the char split fraction.

Figure 5-15: Effect of the gasification temperature on the LHV of the syngas.

Figure 5-16: Effect of the gasification temperature on the gasification efficiency.

6 Discussion
The results obtained from the four sensitivity analyses are discussed in this chapter. The effects
of different operating variables on the gasification results are analyzed in order to derive the
optimized gasification condition.

6.1 Steam temperature

Syngas composition and LHV are almost unchanged with the increase of steam temperature as
it is shown in Figure 5-1. Figure 5-2 shows that the increase of the steam temperature reduces
the char split fraction from 0.137 to 0.108. This is because the heat required for the gasification
is reduced, the reduced heat is provided by the heated steam. Therefore less char is needed for
the combustion, which means more char is gasified and more syngas is produced. Figure 5-3
shows the gasification efficiency increases by 2.95%, which is only a little improvement of the
gasifier performance. As a result, preheating the steam to a high temperature is not
recommended unless excess heat is available.

6.2 Air temperature

Syngas composition and LHV are almost unchanged with the increase of air temperature as it
is shown in Figure 5-4. Figure 5-5 shows that the increase air temperature reduces the char split
fraction from 0.155 to 0.087. This is because the heated air supplied a part of heat required in
the gasifier. Therefore less char is needed for the combustion, which means more char is
gasified and more syngas is produced. Figure 5-6 shows the gasification efficiency increases
by 6.99%. The results show that preheating air is more effective than preheating steam.
Therefore, preheating the air is more recommended than preheating the steam. If excess heat is
available, the air should be preheated. The flue gas contains sensible heat that can be used to
preheat the air. This can be realized by implement a heat exchanger.

6.3 Effect of steam to biomass ratio and gasification

temperature on the gasification results
The results in section 5.3 and section 5.4 showed that the change of steam to biomass ratio and
gasification temperature has significant impact on the gasification results. Therefore in the
analyses of the LHV of syngas, char split fraction and the gasification efficiency, both S/B and
gasification temperature are considered. The range of gasification temperature is changed to
700-1000 .

6.3.1 Effect of steam to biomass ratio on the syngas
Figure 5-7 shows that the steam to biomass ratio (S/B) has great impact on the syngas
composition. Over the S/B range from 0.3 to 1.0, both CO and CO2 increase while CO decrease
significantly. H2 increases by 5.85% and CO2 increases by 11.38%. CO decreases by 16.92%.
Both CH4 and N2 contents are very low (0.32%-0.02% and 0.08%). From a thermodynamic
point of view, if other reactants are constant, increasing the steam mass flow rate means
increasing the concentration of the reactants. This results in the equilibrium point moves
forward and more products are generated. In char gasification reaction, steam reforming
reaction, and water-gas shift reaction, char, CO and CH4 are consumed to generate more H2
and CO2 . From this result, increasing the S/B has a positive effect on obtaining high H2
syngas. But the heat consumption for the generation of steam should also be considered.

6.3.2 Effect of gasification temperature on the syngas

Figure 5-8 shows that the H2 content increases over the gasification temperature range from
650 to 850 and the H2 increases by 3.68%. The maximum value of the H2 content is at
800 and 850 . After 850 , H2 content has a slightly decrease. Over the gasification
temperature range from 650 to1100 , CO increases significantly from 25.47% to 36.12%
while both CO2 and CH4 decrease. CO2 decreases by 8.78% and CH4 decreases by 5.04%.
N2 content is very low (0.09%). The result is because the char gasification reaction and
Boundouard reaction are endothermic reactions. Increasing temperature will move the
equilibrium point forward, which encourage the consumption of char and CO2 to generate
more CO. Meanwhile, the water-gas shift reaction is exothermic reaction, increasing
temperature will move the equilibrium point backward which has the same effect on the CO
and CO2 as the Boundouard reaction. The H2 yield is dominated by both the char gasification
reaction and water-gas shift reaction. The char gasification reaction is endothermic reaction
while the water-gas shift reaction is exothermic. Increase of gasification temperature will move
the equilibrium point forward in endothermic reaction resulting in the increase of H2 yield.
But for water-gas shift reaction, the equilibrium point will move backward, which resulting in
the decrease of H2 yield. Therefore the H2 content is almost unchanged. The reduction of the
CH4 is because of both the methane decomposition reaction and the steam reforming reaction
are endothermic, increasing temperature will move the equilibrium point forward which leads
to the decomposition of CH4 into C and H2 . That is also the reason why there is an increase
of H2 content at lower temperature.

6.3.3 Effects on the char split fraction
The effect of steam to biomass ration and gasification temperature on the char split fraction is
shown in Figure 6-1. The char split fraction varies between 0 and 0.2132.

Figure 6-1: Effects of the S/B and gasification temperature on the char split fraction.
From the figure, it is obvious that char split fraction increases with the increase of steam to
biomass ratio and the gasification temperature. Because higher gasification temperature
requires more heat, the amount of char that goes into the combustor has to increase to provide
more heat for the gasifier. Increasing steam to biomass ratio means more steam is fed into the
gasifier. To heat up the increased steam to the gasification temperature needs to burn more char
to supply enough heat. Therefore the char split fraction increases when the steam to biomass
ratio rises up.

6.3.4 Effects on the LHV of the syngas

The influence of steam to biomass ratio and gasification temperature on the LHV of the syngas
is shown in Figure 6-2. It can be seen that the LHV varies between 11.51 MJ/Nm3
and 9.58 MJ/Nm3. The LHV decreases with the increase of the steam to biomass ratio when
the gasification temperature is kept constant. Referring to Figure 5-13, when the steam to
biomass ratio increases, the H2 content increases by 5.85% while the CO decreases
significantly (16.92%). Since the LHV of CO is 12.622 MJ/Nm3 which is higher than the LHV

of H2 (10.788 MJ/Nm3, NREL data), the reduction of CO results in reducing the LHV of the
syngas. Therefore the LHV of the syngas decreases with the increase of steam to biomass ratio.

Figure 6-2: Effects of the S/B and gasification temperature on the LHV of the syngas.
Figure 6-2 also shows a general trend of the LHV increases with the increase of the gasification
temperature. This is because when the gasification temperature increases, the content of CO
increases while there is little change in other combustible gas content, which results in the
increase of LHV.

However, under lower temperature (<800 ) and low steam to biomass ratio (<0.5), the trend
of the LHV changes with the S/B and gasification temperature is different comparing with the
overall trend. This may be because at lower temperature and low steam to biomass ratio
conditions, the content of CH4 is relatively high as it is shown in Figure 6-3. According to the
NREL data, the LHV of CH4 is 35.814 MJNm3 , which is more than three times as the LHV
of H2 (10.788 MJNm3 ). Therefore even a small change of the CH4 content will have a
greater impact on the LHV of the syngas.

Figure 6-3: Effects of the S/B and gasification temperature on the 4 content.

6.3.5 Effects on the gasification efficiency

The influence of steam to biomass ratio and gasification temperature on the gasification
efficiency is shown in Figure 6-4. The gasification efficiency varies between 84.41% and
63.39%. The maximum gasification efficiency appears at 800 with the S/B is 0.3. The figure
shows the gasification efficiency has an overall decreasing trend with the increase of the S/B
and the gasification temperature. Equation (4.3) indicates the gasification efficiency is
determined by the LHV of the syngas and the volume flow rate of the cold gas together. Figure
6-5 shows the effects of the S/B and the gasification temperature on the cold gas volume flow
rate. The cold gas volume flow rate is defined as the volume flow rate of the combustible gas
produced under standard condition. Figure 6-5 illustrates that above 800 , the volume flow
rate of the cold gas decreases with both the increase of the S/B and the gasification temperature.
Since the char split fraction increases with the gasification temperature and the S/B as it has
been discussed in section 6.3.3, the increase of the char split fraction will reduce the char
involved in the gasification reactions, resulting in the reduction of the cold gas yield. As it was
discussed in the previous section, the LHV of the syngas decreases with the increase of the S/B
and decreases with the increase of the gasification temperature, therefore the gasification
efficiency reduces with the increase of the steam to biomass ratio. Although the LHV of the
syngas increases with the increase of the gasification temperature, the gasification efficiency
shows a decreasing trend with the increase of the temperature.

At lower temperature (750 ) and lower S/B (< 0.6), the gasification efficiency increases
with the increase of the steam to biomass ratio and the gasification temperature. This may be
because at lower temperature and lower S/B, there is not enough steam and heat to support the
endothermic reactions, which results in the low yield of CO and H2 . Again, the gasification
efficiency is determined by the LHV of the syngas and the volume flow rate of the cold gas. As
it has been discussed in 6.3.4, at lower temperature and S/B, the changes in CH4 has a great
impact on the LHV. Therefore the gasification efficiency does not follow the overall pattern
under these conditions.

Figure 6-4: Effects of the S/B and gasification temperature on the gasification efficiency.

It is clear that the gasification efficiency can be maximized at the gasification temperature
between 750-800 and S/B as low as possible.

Figure 6-5: Effects of the S/B and gasification temperature on the cold gas volume flow rate.

6.3.6 Effects on the hydrogen yield

The influence of the steam to biomass ratio and gasification temperature on the hydrogen yield
is shown in Figure 6-6. The hydrogen volume flow rate varies from 1296 Nm3 /h to
2059 Nm3 h. The figure shows that the hydrogen yield increases with increasing the steam to
biomass ratio and decreases with increasing the gasification temperature in general. As it has
been discussed in section 6.3.1, increasing the S/B will result in the increase of H2 yield. The
H2 yield is mainly dominated by the water-gas shift reaction and char gasification reaction,
increasing the gasification temperature will lead to the increase of H2 yield in the char
gasification reaction and decrease of H2 yield in the water-gas shift reaction as it has been
discussed in the section 6.3.2. Since the two reactions have different reaction rate, it maybe the
reaction rate of the water-gas shift reaction is more sensitive to the change of gasification
temperature than the char gasification reaction, results in the hydrogen yield decreases with the
increase of the gasification temperature. Another explanation might be the char involved in the
gasification reaction reduces with the increase of the gasification temperature as it has been
discussed in section 6.3.3, which also lead to the reduction of H2 yield. At lower temperature
and S/B, the trend is different. This may be because at lower temperature and S/B, methane
does not completely decompose and the char gasification reaction is low at these conditions,
which results in the low H2 yield. When the temperature and S/B increase, the methane

decomposes completely and the condition is suitable for the gasification reaction, therefore the
H2 yield grows faster.

Figure 6-6: Effects of the S/B and gasification temperature on the hydrogen yield.

It is clear that in order to maximize the H2 production, the steam to biomass ratio should be
high and the gasification temperature should be kept low. The heat consumption for the steam
generation should also be considered

6.4 Heat requirement for the biomass decomposition

The consumption of the heat for the biomass decomposition is 2.38MW, which is nearly 1/4 of
the total heat produced after the gasification process. Therefore the gasification of biomass
produces sufficient heat even the decomposition of biomass requires a lot of energy. In a real
plant, additional fuel is needed for the combustion part to supply heat for the pyrolysis.
Therefore in this simulation, a heat stream was modeled to provide heat for the decomposition
of biomass and a design specification block was set to calculate the heat required for the
decomposition instead of split more char into the combustor.

6.5 Summary
The optimum operating parameters can be concluded though the above analyses. The
gasification condition changes according to the different requirement. For general purpose, the
gasification temperature should be kept around 800 , the steam to biomass ratio should be
kept around 0.5. Considering the complex situation as the plant is in larger scale when
commercialized and the equilibrium may not achieved in a real plant due to the reaction time
and reaction kinetics as they were not considered in this simulation. The optimum gasification
temperature can be controlled between 800 and 850 and the steam to biomass ratio can be
controlled between 0.4 and 0.6. If the excess heat is possible, it can be used to heat up the fed
air for the maximization of the gasification efficiency.

7 Conclusion
Biomass is a promising energy which is environmental friendly and carbon neutral. Fluidized-
bed gasification technology for combined heat and power is particularly suitable for biomass
utilization. Among the different types of fluidized bed gasification technologies, the dual
fluidized-bed gasification technology developed by the Technology University of Vienna has
been commercialized successfully in Gssing, Austria.

The biomass gasification in a dual fluidized-bed gasifier was simulated using Aspen Plus V8.
The gasifier is a minimization of Gibbs free energy model. Key operation parameters which are
feed steam temperature, feed air temperature, steam to biomass ratio and gasification
temperature were varied by implementing sensitivity analysis blocks. The effects of these
parameters on the syngas composition, char split fraction, LHV of the syngas and the
gasification efficiency were studied.

The simulation result shows that the modeling is successful and qualified for analyzing the
effects of the key operation parameters on the gasification results. The sensitivity analyses
indicates that preheating the feed air is more effective than preheating the feed steam. Increasing
the steam to biomass ratio has positive effect on increasing the hydrogen yield and the
proportion of hydrogen content in the syngas. The increase of S/B has negative effects on
increasing the LHV of the syngas and the gasification efficiency. Increasing the gasification
temperature will result in the decrease of the gasification efficiency and the hydrogen yield
while it has positive effects on increasing the LHV of the syngas. The gasification results
behave a little different when the steam to biomass ratio and the gasification temperature are

In summary, the optimum gasification temperature should be kept around 750-850 , the steam
to biomass ratio should be kept around 0.4-0.6. If excess heat from the flue gas is available, it
should be used to preheat the feed air. Due to the different demand for the product gas, the
optimum operation parameters may vary.

7.1 Suggestions for future work

Based on the experience gained from this project, more studies can be carried on using Aspen
Plus. Since this simulation was based on the minimization of Gibbs free energy model, the
simulation based on the kinetic model can be studied. Simulation of the gasification process
with CO2 capture using CaCO3 can also be studied. Besides, there is no research on the
simulation of the whole CHP plant based on the dual fluidized-bed gasifier, which can be a

good research direction. The CHP plant can be modeled and simulated using Aspen Plus and
the behavior of the CHP plant can be studied under different operating parameters.

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Appendix 1: Project description
Appendix 2: Sensitivity analysis data for changing steam temperature
Appendix 3: Sensitivity analysis data for changing air temperature
Appendix 4: Sensitivity analysis data for changing steam to biomass ratio and gasification

Appendix 1: Project description

Appendix 2: Sensitivity analysis data for changing
steam temperature
Volume flow of syngas components and syngas composition at different steam temperature
Volume flow (Nm3 /h) Volume fraction
Temperature H2 CO CO2 CH4 N2 H2 CO CO2 CH4 N2
150 1751.991 1035.524 282.164 1.6330 2.5557 57.00% 33.69% 9.18% 0.05% 0.08%
200 1753.744 1038.291 281.670 1.6459 2.5557 56.98% 33.73% 9.15% 0.05% 0.08%
250 1755.515 1041.098 281.165 1.6589 2.5557 56.96% 33.78% 9.12% 0.05% 0.08%
300 1757.313 1043.947 280.653 1.6724 2.5557 56.94% 33.83% 9.09% 0.05% 0.08%
350 1759.133 1046.841 280.129 1.6859 2.5557 56.92% 33.87% 9.06% 0.05% 0.08%
400 1760.981 1049.781 279.598 1.7001 2.5557 56.90% 33.92% 9.03% 0.05% 0.08%
450 1762.851 1052.770 279.052 1.7143 2.5557 56.89% 33.97% 9.00% 0.06% 0.08%
500 1764.753 1055.807 278.499 1.7292 2.5557 56.87% 34.02% 8.97% 0.06% 0.08%
550 1766.677 1058.896 277.932 1.7440 2.5557 56.85% 34.07% 8.94% 0.06% 0.08%
600 1768.633 1062.036 277.356 1.7596 2.5557 56.83% 34.12% 8.91% 0.06% 0.08%
650 1770.613 1065.229 276.765 1.7753 2.5557 56.81% 34.18% 8.88% 0.06% 0.08%
700 1772.626 1068.474 276.165 1.7916 2.5557 56.79% 34.23% 8.85% 0.06% 0.08%
750 1774.662 1071.774 275.549 1.8080 2.5556 56.76% 34.28% 8.81% 0.06% 0.08%
800 1776.731 1075.125 274.926 1.8252 2.5556 56.74% 34.34% 8.78% 0.06% 0.08%
850 1778.822 1078.531 274.286 1.8424 2.5556 56.72% 34.39% 8.75% 0.06% 0.08%
900 1780.946 1081.988 273.637 1.8604 2.5556 56.70% 34.45% 8.71% 0.06% 0.08%
950 1783.09 1085.499 272.972 1.8784 2.5556 56.68% 34.50% 8.68% 0.06% 0.08%
1000 1785.267 1089.058 272.299 1.8973 2.5556 56.66% 34.56% 8.64% 0.06% 0.08%

Char split fraction, LHV, and gasification efficiency at different steam temperature
Char split
Steam Temperature () LHV(MJ/Nm3 ) Gasification Efficiency
150 0.137 10.42 76.16%
200 0.135 10.43 76.31%
250 0.134 10.43 76.47%
300 0.132 10.44 76.62%
350 0.131 10.44 76.78%
400 0.129 10.44 76.95%
450 0.128 10.45 77.11%
500 0.126 10.45 77.28%
550 0.124 10.46 77.45%
600 0.123 10.46 77.62%
650 0.121 10.47 77.80%
700 0.119 10.47 77.98%
750 0.117 10.48 78.16%
800 0.116 10.48 78.34%
850 0.114 10.49 78.53%
900 0.112 10.49 78.72%
950 0.110 10.50 78.91%
1000 0.108 10.50 79.11%

Appendix 3: Sensitivity analysis data for changing
air temperature
Volume flow of syngas components and syngas composition at different air temperature

Volume flow (Nm3 /h) Volume fraction

Air Temperature
H2 CO CO2 CH4 N2 H2 CO CO2 CH4 N2
25 1730.613 1002.218 287.980 1.4850 2.5557 57.21% 33.13% 9.52% 0.05% 0.08%

75 1734.349 1007.970 286.997 1.5100 2.5557 57.18% 33.23% 9.46% 0.05% 0.08%

125 1738.073 1013.755 285.991 1.5346 2.5557 57.14% 33.33% 9.40% 0.05% 0.08%

175 1741.822 1019.578 284.980 1.5606 2.5557 57.10% 33.42% 9.34% 0.05% 0.08%

225 1745.579 1025.458 283.945 1.5866 2.5557 57.06% 33.52% 9.28% 0.05% 0.08%

275 1749.371 1031.397 282.898 1.6140 2.5557 57.02% 33.62% 9.22% 0.05% 0.08%

325 1753.185 1037.408 281.827 1.6418 2.5557 56.98% 33.72% 9.16% 0.05% 0.08%

375 1757.029 1043.494 280.735 1.6702 2.5557 56.94% 33.82% 9.10% 0.05% 0.08%

425 1760.904 1049.658 279.620 1.6995 2.5557 56.91% 33.92% 9.04% 0.05% 0.08%

450 1762.853 1052.770 279.053 1.7144 2.5557 56.89% 33.97% 9.00% 0.06% 0.08%

475 1764.811 1055.900 278.482 1.7296 2.5557 56.87% 34.02% 8.97% 0.06% 0.08%

525 1768.748 1062.221 277.322 1.7606 2.5557 56.83% 34.13% 8.91% 0.06% 0.08%

575 1772.716 1068.619 276.138 1.7924 2.5557 56.78% 34.23% 8.85% 0.06% 0.08%

625 1776.710 1075.091 274.932 1.8250 2.5556 56.74% 34.34% 8.78% 0.06% 0.08%

675 1780.730 1081.635 273.704 1.8586 2.5556 56.70% 34.44% 8.72% 0.06% 0.08%

725 1784.772 1088.247 272.453 1.8931 2.5556 56.66% 34.55% 8.65% 0.06% 0.08%

775 1788.836 1094.926 271.181 1.9284 2.5556 56.62% 34.66% 8.58% 0.06% 0.08%

825 1792.917 1101.667 269.887 1.9647 2.5556 56.58% 34.76% 8.52% 0.06% 0.08%

875 1797.015 1108.469 268.573 2.0020 2.5556 56.53% 34.87% 8.45% 0.06% 0.08%

925 1801.127 1115.326 267.238 2.0401 2.5556 56.49% 34.98% 8.38% 0.06% 0.08%

975 1805.250 1122.237 265.883 2.0793 2.5556 56.45% 35.09% 8.31% 0.07% 0.08%

1025 1809.384 1129.200 264.509 2.1194 2.5556 56.41% 35.20% 8.25% 0.07% 0.08%

Char split fraction, LHV, and gasification efficiency at different air temperature

Air Temperature () Char split fraction LHV(MJ/Nm3 ) Gasification Efficiency

25 0.155 10.38 74.32%

75 0.152 10.38 74.64%

125 0.149 10.39 74.96%

175 0.145 10.40 75.28%

225 0.142 10.41 75.60%

275 0.139 10.42 75.93%

325 0.136 10.43 76.26%

375 0.133 10.44 76.60%

425 0.129 10.44 76.94%

450 0.128 10.45 77.11%

475 0.126 10.45 77.28%

525 0.122 10.46 77.63%

575 0.119 10.47 77.98%

625 0.116 10.48 78.34%

675 0.112 10.49 78.70%

725 0.108 10.50 79.06%

775 0.105 10.51 79.43%

825 0.101 10.52 79.80%

875 0.098 10.53 80.17%

925 0.094 10.54 80.55%

975 0.090 10.55 80.93%

1025 0.087 10.56 81.31%

Appendix 4: Sensitivity analysis data for changing
steam to biomass ratio and gasification temperature
Volume flow of syngas components and syngas composition at different S/B (Gasification
temperature is at 850 )

Volume flow (Nm3 /h) Volume fraction

S/B H2 CO CO2 CH4 N2 H2 CO CO2 CH4 N2

0.3 1550.622 1252.331 80.791 9.3486 2.5557 53.55% 43.25% 2.79% 0.32% 0.09%

0.4 1635.859 1180.321 154.306 4.2391 2.5557 54.94% 39.64% 5.18% 0.14% 0.09%

0.5 1704.173 1113.533 220.161 2.5432 2.5556 56.00% 36.59% 7.24% 0.08% 0.08%

0.6 1762.851 1052.770 279.052 1.7143 2.5557 56.89% 33.97% 9.00% 0.06% 0.08%

0.7 1814.213 997.463 331.904 1.2321 2.5557 57.64% 31.69% 10.55% 0.04% 0.08%

0.8 1859.563 946.957 379.523 0.9226 2.5558 58.30% 29.69% 11.90% 0.03% 0.08%

0.9 1899.813 900.661 422.585 0.7111 2.5559 58.88% 27.92% 13.10% 0.02% 0.08%

1 1935.659 858.069 461.652 0.5599 2.5559 59.40% 26.33% 14.17% 0.02% 0.08%

Volume flow of syngas components and syngas composition at different gasification

temperature (Steam to biomass ratio is 0.6)

Volume flow (Nm3 /h) Volume fraction

temperature H2 CO CO2 CH4 N2 H2 CO CO2 CH4 N2

650 1508.587 721.990 458.583 142.973 2.5465 53.22% 25.47% 16.18% 5.04% 0.09%

700 1714.853 976.744 370.659 79.297 2.5490 54.54% 31.07% 11.79% 2.52% 0.08%

750 1797.412 1032.515 326.857 22.105 2.5518 56.50% 32.45% 10.27% 0.69% 0.08%

800 1792.192 1049.043 299.814 5.940 2.5540 56.90% 33.31% 9.52% 0.19% 0.08%

850 1762.853 1052.770 279.053 1.714 2.5557 56.89% 33.97% 9.00% 0.06% 0.08%

900 1728.923 1051.677 261.462 0.543 2.5568 56.78% 34.54% 8.59% 0.02% 0.08%

950 1695.172 1047.902 246.118 0.188 2.5576 56.66% 35.02% 8.23% 0.01% 0.09%

1000 1662.652 1042.151 232.615 0.070 2.5582 56.55% 35.45% 7.91% 0.00% 0.09%

1050 1631.508 1034.759 220.696 0.028 2.5586 56.46% 35.81% 7.64% 0.00% 0.09%

1100 1601.641 1025.952 210.149 0.012 2.5590 56.39% 36.12% 7.40% 0.00% 0.09%

Char split fraction, LHV, 2 flow rate, cold gas flow rate, 4 volume fraction, and
gasification efficiency at different S/B and gasification temperature

Gasification H2
Gasification LHV Char Split Cold gas flow rate CH4 volume
Temperature S/B
Efficiency (MJ/Nm3 ) fraction (Nm3 /h) (Nm3 /h) fraction
0.3 64.47% 11.12 0.0000 1307.814 2213.456 3.16%
0.4 65.20% 10.97 0.0000 1380.330 2269.732 4.08%
0.5 66.03% 10.85 0.0000 1447.095 2322.737 5.04%
0.6 66.97% 10.77 0.0000 1508.587 2373.774 6.02%
0.7 70.59% 10.74 0.0126 1606.287 2510.542 6.44%
0.8 73.34% 10.55 0.0286 1733.683 2653.944 5.91%
0.9 72.28% 10.19 0.0352 1847.504 2707.905 4.88%
1 71.32% 9.89 0.0409 1946.622 2752.788 4.05%
0.3 63.39% 11.10 0.0000 1295.667 2181.022 3.30%
0.4 69.10% 11.04 0.0224 1426.743 2389.199 3.52%
0.5 76.53% 11.03 0.0524 1577.536 2649.264 3.50%
0.6 77.77% 10.71 0.0666 1714.852 2771.116 2.86%
0.7 76.13% 10.34 0.0714 1825.039 2811.456 2.16%
0.8 74.68% 10.04 0.0751 1916.439 2840.298 1.67%
0.9 73.38% 9.79 0.0781 1993.479 2861.063 1.31%
1 72.21% 9.59 0.0806 2059.217 2875.974 1.04%
0.3 75.26% 11.36 0.0573 1421.151 2530.231 1.98%
0.4 82.24% 11.24 0.0887 1585.040 2792.941 1.77%
0.5 79.99% 10.79 0.0934 1704.853 2831.526 1.12%
0.6 78.03% 10.44 0.0961 1797.412 2852.257 0.77%
0.7 76.30% 10.17 0.0981 1873.465 2864.125 0.56%
0.8 74.77% 9.94 0.0998 1937.951 2870.868 0.42%
0.9 73.40% 9.75 0.1014 1993.623 2874.320 0.33%
1 72.17% 9.58 0.1030 2042.234 2875.496 0.26%
0.3 84.41% 11.51 0.1053 1519.355 2799.327 1.09%
0.4 81.85% 11.03 0.1100 1637.495 2832.845 0.51%
0.5 79.62% 10.69 0.1120 1722.356 2843.652 0.31%
0.6 77.67% 10.41 0.1136 1792.195 2847.401 0.21%
0.7 75.96% 10.18 0.1151 1852.072 2847.783 0.15%
0.8 74.43% 9.98 0.1167 1904.321 2846.151 0.11%
0.9 73.06% 9.81 0.1184 1950.354 2843.143 0.09%
1 71.82% 9.66 0.1202 1991.150 2839.113 0.07%
0.3 83.65% 11.36 0.1217 1550.622 2812.525 0.33%
0.4 81.17% 10.99 0.1240 1635.859 2820.642 0.15%
0.5 79.01% 10.69 0.1257 1704.173 2820.473 0.09%
0.6 77.11% 10.45 0.1275 1762.851 2817.559 0.06%
0.7 75.43% 10.24 0.1294 1814.213 2813.132 0.04%
0.8 73.92% 10.05 0.1315 1859.563 2807.666 0.03%
0.9 72.56% 9.89 0.1338 1899.813 2801.409 0.03%
1 71.31% 9.74 0.1362 1935.659 2794.511 0.02%


Gasification H2
Gasification LHV Char Split Cold gas flow rate CH4 volume
Temperature S/B
Efficiency (MJ/Nm3 ) fraction (Nm3 /h) (Nm3 /h) fraction
0.3 82.77% 11.31 0.1338 1548.809 2794.750 0.10%
0.4 80.38% 10.99 0.1360 1618.409 2792.875 0.05%
0.5 78.30% 10.72 0.1381 1677.408 2787.808 0.03%
0.6 76.46% 10.50 0.1405 1728.921 2781.364 0.02%
0.7 74.81% 10.30 0.1431 1774.328 2773.998 0.01%
0.8 73.32% 10.12 0.1458 1814.564 2765.919 0.01%
0.9 71.96% 9.96 0.1487 1850.337 2757.255 0.01%
1 70.71% 9.82 0.1517 1882.214 2748.094 0.01%
0.3 81.85% 11.29 0.1447 1536.577 2767.288 0.04%
0.4 79.56% 11.00 0.1473 1596.992 2760.704 0.02%
0.5 77.54% 10.76 0.1502 1649.277 2752.549 0.01%
0.6 75.74% 10.54 0.1532 1695.167 2743.481 0.01%
0.7 74.11% 10.35 0.1565 1735.690 2733.718 0.00%
0.8 72.63% 10.18 0.1599 1771.606 2723.382 0.00%
0.9 71.27% 10.03 0.1635 1803.515 2712.558 0.00%
1 70.02% 9.90 0.1672 1831.905 2701.311 0.00%
0.3 80.91% 11.29 0.1553 1521.179 2736.836 0.01%
0.4 78.70% 11.02 0.1586 1574.827 2727.168 0.01%
0.5 76.73% 10.78 0.1622 1621.574 2716.488 0.00%
0.6 74.97% 10.58 0.1659 1662.650 2705.095 0.00%
0.7 73.36% 10.40 0.1699 1698.901 2693.120 0.00%
0.8 71.88% 10.24 0.1739 1730.983 2680.651 0.00%
0.9 70.52% 10.09 0.1782 1759.419 2667.756 0.00%
1 69.25% 9.96 0.1825 1784.640 2654.484 0.00%
0.3 79.97% 11.29 0.1658 1504.753 2705.327 0.01%
0.4 77.82% 11.03 0.1698 1552.782 2693.109 0.00%
0.5 75.89% 10.81 0.1741 1594.703 2680.116 0.00%
0.6 74.15% 10.62 0.1786 1631.506 2666.517 0.00%
0.7 72.55% 10.44 0.1832 1663.922 2652.409 0.00%
0.8 71.07% 10.29 0.1880 1692.527 2637.863 0.00%
0.9 69.70% 10.15 0.1929 1717.786 2622.933 0.00%
1 68.41% 10.02 0.1979 1740.082 2607.664 0.00%
0.3 79.01% 11.28 0.1763 1487.960 2673.343 0.00%
0.4 76.91% 11.04 0.1811 1531.081 2658.781 0.00%
0.5 75.02% 10.83 0.1861 1568.693 2643.571 0.00%
0.6 73.29% 10.65 0.1913 1601.639 2627.827 0.00%
0.7 71.69% 10.48 0.1966 1630.564 2611.627 0.00%
0.8 70.21% 10.33 0.2020 1655.979 2595.032 0.00%
0.9 68.82% 10.19 0.2075 1678.301 2578.088 0.00%
1 67.52% 10.07 0.2132 1697.873 2560.834 0.00%


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