Distillation Technology Bottled Water Industry: The Use of in The

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The Use of

Distillation Technology
in the
The Planet Earth storefront emphasizes
the use of distilled water in its bottled
water products.

A purification unit used by Planet Earth to

distill its water for bottling purposes.

By Bruce Kucera

Summary: Distillation is one of the most natural and efficient technologies available for purifying water supplies for use in the bottled
water industry. Previously, cost was an overriding issue working against it, but with new
designs also has come a more cost-efficient
option for dealers.

istillation technology replicates

the hydrological cycle found in
nature, using the simple evaporation-condensation-precipitation model.
Historically more expensive than the reverse osmosis (RO) process because of
higher initial investment in equipment
and the electrical power required to boil
water, the latest distillation technology
has closed the operational cost gap with
In practice, many bottled water operators use a combination of methods
to remove impurities from their source
water prior to introducing it into the
bottle-filling process. Thats because no
one method can remove all impurities.
Available methods include distillation,
RO, activated carbon filtration, ultraviolet and ozone disinfection and ion exchange.
The most common single method
of removing contaminants from source/
feed water with the bottled water industry is RO with about 40 percent of
U.S. bottlers using this process vs. an
estimated 15 percent that use distillation.
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The other 45 percent of bottlers either

dont remove contaminants because
they produce and market spring water
or mineral water, or they use other technologies.

A matter of dollars and cents

Expense is likely the single most important reason that only about one in
seven bottlers use distillation. The major cost factor is equipment. Operators
can invest more than $100,000 in setting
up a first-class distillation system while
RO systems are about a tenth of that
total. The cost of energy required to heat
the water to boiling in the distillation
process has historically made even the
cost of producing a gallon of distilled
water much more expensive than RO.
New distillation technology has answered that challenge, as we shall see.
Yet, in the long run, distillation can
be quite economical. For one thing,
while RO typically creates one gallon of
reject water for every gallon of product
water produced, distillation produces up
to six gallons of product water for every gallon of reject water it produces.
Distillation is broadly viewed as the
single most effective method of purifying water. High quality water can be
produced by distillation from virtually
any municipal supplies, wells (bore
holes) springs, lakes and rivers. Because
of the extended boiling process, any mi-

crobiological contaminants, including

Cryptosporidium, are killed.
While there are different types of
distillers, they all operate on natures basic principles:
Water is heated to boiling, changing it to a gas (steam), leaving impurities behind.
As the steam cools, it condenses
back to water.
Condensation is collected as distilled water.

Two types of systems

Two basic types of distillation systems are multiple effect (ME) and vapor
compression (VC). VC distillers operate
on the principle of heat exchange to recycle heat generated to boil the water,
thus conserving energy (see FYI).
ME distillers are more simply designed. With no moving parts, theres
nothing really to wear out. Distillers with
more than one boiler (effect) are designed to recycle the heat energy, which
creates the steam in the first boiler to
heat the water in the second boiler. A
two-boiler unit produces twice the distilled water as a single-boiler unit for the
same cost. A four-boiler unit produces
four times the water, and a six-boiler unit
will produce six gallons of water for the
approximate cost of distilling one gallon of water.
Technical advances, as seen in the
Water Conditioning & Purification

latest VC systems, allow many of

todays better commercial distillation
systems to produce water to 1 part per
million (ppm) total dissolved solids
(TDS) at a fraction of the cost of earlier
distillers. In fact, bottled water companies can offer very competitive prices
on their products often equal toor
even less thancompanies using RO
Initial investment is certainly
higher for distillation equipment than
for RO, says Troy Krause, manager of
Planet Earth, the leading bottled water
company in Lincoln, Neb. But the actual costs of producing a gallon of water
using the newest vapor compressionstyle distillers is now about equal with a
gallon produced by RO. Distillation
produces water at one cent per gallon.
RO produces water at slightly less. Locally, Krause says, Planet Earth competes
on an even field with its RO competitors: In fact, our prices are often a little
lower than theirs.
While Krause thinks that, to the average customer, bottled water is bottled
water, he adds, theres still perceived
value of the product in the customers
eye if they know its distilled. And, of
course, some of our customers demand
distilled for such uses as in scientific laboratories.

Distillation gives us product differentiation, Krause says. All our competition uses RO so we can talk about
the benefits of distilled water.

doesnt test out at 1 ppm TDS, then we

dont bottle it. By comparison, municipal water guidelines are a maximum of
500 ppm TDS.

Part of customer awareness


His salespeople are trained to emphasize that product differentiation,

Krause says: We tell them the benefits
of distilled water include a better taste, a
more consistent product, and distillation
removes more impurities than RO... Another advantage to distilled water is primarily for ourselves. That we sell only
distilled water assures us that were providing our customers with the best water possible.
Krause says Planet Earth, like most
other bottlers using distillation, first softens its feed water with an ion exchange
treatment system before water enters
the distiller. This treatment removes a
lot of the minerals that can create scaling and other corrosion within the distillers themselves, he says. We want
to remove as much of such minerals and
nitrates as we can up front, so we dont
have to deal with them in the distillers.
Planet Earth also uses an activated
carbon filtration system to put a polish
on our finished product to make it the
highest quality water we can produce,
Krause says. If our product water

Distillation is natures way of removing impurities from water. While investment in equipment remains higher
for distillation systems, the latest technology has lowered the actual cost of
producing a gallon to about one penny
per gallon. The answer is in the design
of todays energy-conserving distillation

About the author

6 Bruce Kucera is vice
president of Norland International Inc., of Lincoln, Neb., a company that
supplies complete bottled
water operations to companies around the world.
The companys products
range from turnkey bottling plants to a variety of components for the
bottled water industry including distillers,
bottle washers, fillers and cappers, blow
molders and packaging equipment. Kucera
can be reached at (402) 441-3737, (402) 4413736 (fax) or email: [email protected]

FYI: Vapor Compression Technology

heating elements will cycle on and off
The boiling process begins with
Figure 1. Flow diagram of vapor compression
periodically as needed to provide any
both heating elements turned on. As
method of water distillation
make-up heat thats required to keep
the water in the boiling chamber
the system operating at optimum temreaches near-boiling temperatures, the
perature for maximum efficiency. At this
compressor turns on, engaging the
stage, the condensed steam is considnon-contacted liquid ring seal. When
ered distilled water, but is still very hot
the operating boiling temperature is
only slightly cooler than boiling temreached, the No. 2 heating element
perature. This outgoing hot distilled
turns off and the No. 1 heating elewater preheats the incoming new feed
ment cycles on and off, maintaining
water that will soon be distilled.
the boiling at just the right temperaAs the incoming water is preheated,
ture. This step minimizes the amount
the outgoing distilled water cools to
of energy required to heat the water,
within 20F (11C) of the incoming
achieving maximum efficiency.
feedwater temperature. This exchange
The steam from the boiling water
helps to pre-heat the incoming feed waflows through a baffling system and
ter to within a few degrees of the boilthen into the compressor. In the coming temperature, saving even more enpressor, the steam is pressurized,
ergy. High-quality vapor compression
which raises the steams temperature
distillers recycle nearly 98 percent of
before routed through a special heat
energy required. It uses about 0.12 kiloexchanger located inside the boiling
chamber, causing this water to boil and creatwatts per hour (kWh) of electrical power to
chamber. The pressurized steam is at a higher
ing more steam.
produce one gallon (3.78 liters) of distilled
temperature than the feed water inside the boilWhile the pressurized steam is giving of
water. Depending on local electricity rates, power
ing chamber. The pressurized steam gives off
its latent heat, the steam condenses. One of the
costs could be as little as one cent per gallon.
its heat to the feed water inside the boiling

Reprinted with permission of Water Conditioning & Purification Magazine 2004

Water Conditioning & Purification

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