Revelations Guide

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Revelations | Complete Map Breakdown

Created by /u/chrisd848

This guide is broken down into Chapters and Topics, a Chapter defines the content of the Topics
("Buildables" contains all relevant info to Buildables) to make all of the guides easier to navigate
and read.

On the right, there is a list of all the Chapters, Topics and Sub-Topics. Just click on the text of
whatever you want to know about and you will be taken there. Alternatively, to find specific
information, press CTRL + F' and type the information you want to find.

Check out the Author's Notes section below where you can find some specific notes about this
guide along with downloads to all my guides and links to all of my guides on /r/CODZombies

Map Walkthrough

This is a Walkthrough of the general features of a map, such as The Map Layout, Power, Pack-a-
Punch, etc. along with Revelations specific features

The Map Layout

Revelations is a relatively large map. It's a huge map. It also has a unique layout in the history of
Zombies, opposed to it being one large connected area, all of it is split into different
sections/areas that literally cannot be travelled to simply by foot without the use of a portal or
jump pad.

The map works like a large circle, but you can also move between the areas using the teleporters
in Nacht Der Untoten. For the sake of simplicity, below is a description of each island/sector and
where they lead to opposed to a particular order.

The door / debris cost listed below are for Co-Op. In Solo, doors / debris cost 250 points less.

Spawn / The House

This is where the game begins (Spawn). Towards the back of this area, you will see Quick Revive
(Solo: 500 Points | Co-op: 1500 Points). Towards the front of the area you will see a Gobblegum
Machine, a Box Location, a Power Grid, an RK5 & Sheiva wallbuy (750 Points), a door on the
right (750 Points) leading to Shangri-La and a door on the left (750 Points) leading to Origins.

Quick Guide

Zombie Barriers: 6
Wallbuy(s): RK5 (500 Points) | Sheiva (500 Points)
Gobblegum Machine(s): 1
Wunderfizz Machine(s): None
Box Location(s): 1
Perk(s): Quick Revive (Solo: 500 Points | Co-op: 1500 Points)
Important: Corruption Engine (500 Points) | Turret (2000 Points / Use)
Nacht Der Untoten

Nacht Der Untoten is the connecting area of the map; you can get here from the portals in
Spawn, Mob of the Dead, Verruckt or Der Eisendrache and vice versa. In this area, there are
multiple radios and Easter Egg locations. You will also see 7 Zombie Barriers, a Vesper (1250
Points) & L-CAR 9 (750 Points) Wallbuys, a Gobblegum Machine, a box location and Juggernog
(2500 Points).

There is a control panel for shocking the Apothicon and debris leading to the Apothicon's mouth.
Once inside of the Apothicon there will be nothing other than the Pack-a-Punch machine (5000
Points / Use) and four exits. And a hell of a lot of Zombie spawns & enemy types.

Quick Guide

Zombie Barriers: 7
Wallbuy(s): Vesper (1250 Points) | L-CAR 9 (750 Points)
Gobblegum Machine(s): 1
Wunderfizz Machine(s): None
Box Location(s): 1
Perk(s): Juggernog (2500 Points)
Important: Tesla Panel | Apothicon Entrance | Buildable Table | 4 Trial Chests | 4 Portals


You can get here either from Spawn / The House or Der Eisendrache (Primis). In this area, there
are multiple radios and Easter Egg locations. You will also see 5 Zombie Barriers, a KRM-262 &
L-CAR 9 Wallbuy (750 Points), a Gobblegum Machine, a box position and Stamin-Up (2000
Points). There is debris leading to the Der Eisendrache (Primis) area costing 1000 points.

Quick Guide

Zombie Barriers: 5
Wallbuy(s): KRM-262 (750 Points) | L-CAR 9(750 Points)
Gobblegum Machine(s): 1
Wunderfizz Machine(s): None
Box Location(s): 1
Perk(s): Stamin-Up (2000 Points)
Important: None

Der Eisendrache - Primis

You can get here either from Shangri-La or Der Eisendrache (Main). This is one of two areas in
Der Eisendrahce. In this area, there is a (possible) piece for the Dragon Shield and Keeper
Protector. You will also see 7 Zombie Barriers, a Kuda (1250 Points) and VMP (1300 Points)
Wallbuys, a Summoning Altar, a box location and a Wunderfizz Machine (1500 Points / Use).
There is a door leading to the Der Eisendrache (Main) area costing 1250 points and a door
costing 1500 points leading to Kino der Toten

Quick Guide

Zombie Barriers: 7
Wallbuy(s): Kuda (1250 Points) | VMP (1300 Points)
Gobblegum Machine(s): None
Wunderfizz Machine(s): 1
Box Location(s): 1
Perk(s): None
Important: Summoning Altar | Stone Keeper Protector Piece | Dragon Shield Piece

Der Eisendrache - Main

You can get here either from Nacht Der Untoten, Kino der Toten or Der Eisendrache (Primis). This
is one of two areas in Der Eisendrahce. In this area, there is a (possible) piece for the Dragon
Shield and Keeper Protector. You will also see 6 Zombie Barriers, an M8A7 (1500 Points)
Wallbuy, a Corruption Engine & Turret and a power grid. There is a door leading to the Der
Eisendrache (Main) area costing 1250 points and a door costing 1500 points leading to Kino der

Quick Guide

Zombie Barriers: 6
Wallbuy(s): M8A7 (1500 Points)
Gobblegum Machine(s): 1
Wunderfizz Machine(s): None
Box Location(s): None
Perk(s): None
Important: Corruption Engine (500 Points) | Turret (2000 Points / Use) | Anti-Gravity Plates |
Stone Keeper Protector Piece | Dragon Shield Piece

Kino der Toten

You can get here either from Verruckt or Der Eisendrache. There are 11 Zombie Barriers, ICR-1
(1500 Points) and Bowie Knife (3000 Points) Wallbuys, a Summoning Altar, a (possible) piece for
the Keeper Protector and the Widow's Wine perk (4000 Points). 2 doors are leading to the Der
Eisendrache area costing 1500 points each and a jump pad leading to Verruckt.

Quick Guide

Zombie Barriers: 11
Wallbuy(s): ICR-1 (1500 Points) | Bowie Knife (3000 Points)
Gobblegum Machine(s): 1
Wunderfizz Machine(s): None
Box Location(s): 1
Perk(s): Widow's Wine (4000 Points)
Important: Summoning Altar | Stone Keeper Protector Piece | Hat Mannequins


You can get here either from Mob of the Dead or Kino der Toten. There are 19 Zombie Barriers,
HVK-30 (1600 Points) and KN-44 (1400 Points) Wallbuys, a Summoning Altar, a Corruption
Engine / Turret, a power grid, an electric trap, a Wunderfizz Machine, a box location, a (possible)
piece for the Keeper Protector and Dragon Shield and the Speed Cola perk (3000 Points). There
are two doors in this area costing 1500 points each and two jump pads leading to Mob of the
Dead and Kino der Toten.

Quick Guide

Zombie Barriers: 19
Wallbuy(s): HVK-30 (1600 Points) | Bowie Knife (3000 Points)
Gobblegum Machine(s): 1
Wunderfizz Machine(s): 1
Box Location(s): 1
Perk(s): Speed Cola (3000 Points)
Important: Corruption Engine (500 Points) | Turret (2000 Points / Use) | Summoning Altar |
Electric Trap (1000 Points) | Skull Keeper Protector Piece | Dragon Shield Piece

Mob of the Dead

You can get here either from Verruckt or Origins. There are 9 Zombie Barriers, HVK-30 (1600
Points) and Argus (1100 Points) Wallbuys, a Corruption Engine / Turret, a power grid, a
Wunderfizz Machine, a box location, a (possible) piece for the Keeper Protector and Dragon
Shield and the Mule Kick perk (4000 Points). There is a door in this area that costs 1500 points.
Once you override the Corruption Engine, you can go to Origins for free.

You can also go to the Origins mound in this area which has a box location, a Wunderfizz
Machine, a Keeper Protector piece location, 6 Zombie barriers, a KN-44 (1400 Points) Wallbuy
and a door leading to Origins for 1250 points.

Quick Guide

Zombie Barriers: 15
Wallbuy(s): HVK-30 (1600 Points) | Bowie Knife (3000 Points)
Gobblegum Machine(s): 1
Wunderfizz Machine(s): 1
Box Location(s): 1
Perk(s): Mule Kick (4000 Points)
Important: Corruption Engine (500 Points) | Turret (2000 Points / Use) | Summoning Altar |
Electric Trap (1000 Points) | Skull Keeper Protector Piece | Dragon Shield Piece | Al's Hat

You can get here either from Mob of the Dead or Spawn / The House. There are 10 Zombie
Barriers, Vesper (1250 Points), KRM-262 (750 Points) and Pharo (700 Points) Wallbuys, a
Wunderfizz Machine, a box location, a (possible) piece for the Keeper Protector and Dragon
Shield and the Double Tap II perk (2000 Points). There is a door in this area that costs 1000
points. You can go to Spawn / The House for free using the jump pad.

Quick Guide

Zombie Barriers: 10
Wallbuy(s): Vesper (1250 Points) | Pharo (700 Points)
Gobblegum Machine(s): 1
Wunderfizz Machine(s): 1
Box Location(s): 1
Perk(s): Double Tap II (2000 Points)
Important: Summoning Altar | Flogger Trap (1000 Points) | Skull Keeper Protector Piece |
Dragon Shield Piece


Revelations has brought back some classic traps that still do a fantastic job of killing Zombies!

Be warned that all traps could hurt & kill players (except the Flinger trap which just flings players)
so be careful when activating them.

Below is a guide to all of the Traps in Revelations:

Type Ability Location Cost (Points)

Electric This shocks & kills Zombies Verruckt 1000
Flogger Swings & Kills Zombies Origins 1000


Each area of the map is separated by Wundersphere-type jump pads that can be used to travel
the map for free.

In each sector, the portal leads to Nacht Der Untoten and vice versa. Below is a guide to all of the
portals in Nacht Der Untoten (facing Tesla ray):

Back Portal leads to Spawn / The House

Left Portal leads to Mob of the Dead
Front Portal leads to Verruckt
Right Portal leads to Der Eisendrache

The portals in Nacht line up almost exactly as the map is laid out. So if you are in Spawn and
facing the Corruption Engine, then the guide above is 100% correct.


Power is not universal in Revelations. Regarding power, the map is split into four sections, and
each section has a Corruption Engine, once you override the Corruption Engine in an area, the
power for this part will activate.

To activate Power in a particular quarter, you must override/take over the 4 Corruption Engines
around the map (can be seen on the power grid map). These can be found at the following

In the Spawn / The House area

In the Der Eisendrache area (can be found by going right from spawn and through Shangri-La)
In the Mob of the Dead area (can be found by going left from spawn and through the Origins
In the Verruckt area (can be found by continuing from Origins or Der Eisendrache)


To activate Pack-a-Punch, you must first override the 4 Corruption Engines around the map (can
be seen on the power grid map). These can be found at the following locations:

In the Spawn area

In the Der Eisendrache area (can be found by going right from spawn and through Shangri-La)
In the Mob of the Dead area (can be found by going left from spawn and through the Origins
In the Verruckt area (can be found by continuing from Origins or Der Eisendrache)

Once you locate a Corruption Engine, go to the skull control panel in the centre and activate it for
500 points. A wave of enemies will begin to spawn in front of this area and will not reward you
points. Once complete, a portal will be opened leading to Nacht Der Untoten.

Once you override all 4 Corruption Engines on the power grid, go to the top floor of the Nacht Der
Untoten room, and you will see a control panel. Wait for the apothicon to fly by and activate the
Tesla beacons on the panel.

The apothicon will now be trapped there permanently for the rest of the game, and you can go
inside it by walking towards its mouth.

Once inside, you will see Pack-a-Punch trapped within its stomach. Only shoot the guts holding it
in place and it will fall and be usable.


To Activate Anti-Gravity, go to the pyramid room in Der Eisendrache. The player(s) must step on
all four platforms around the pyramid until they glow blue, once it is blue, you can move on until
all are active.

Challenges / Trials

In Nacht Der Untoten there are four gravestones (one for each player) with three medals. Each
represents a challenge which can be completed for a reward. You will only get one challenge per
medal, but they are different every game. You can check your challenge progress in the menu
All Challenges/Trials

Kill a Margwa in 3 Hits

Kill 3 Margwa's inside the Apothicon
Kill 5 Spider's using the shield
Kill 15 Spider's (any method)
Survive 15 minutes inside the Apothicon
Survive seven rounds in Nacht Der Untoten
Kill 5 Zombies on each island in 1 round
Kill 5 Zombies with each type of trap
Kill 5 Zombies on an island you are not currently on
Kill 10 Zombies with the turret
Kill 10 Zombies with beam deflection
Kill a Panzersoldat (Mech Z) without taking damage
Kill one of each elemental Margwa's
Headshot 10 Fury's
Craft the Summoning Altar
Equip the Dragon Shield


Once you have completed a challenge for its respective medal, you will be given the opportunity
to receive an award. You can take the reward at any point during the game, but you do not have
to receive the bonus at all. When you do press the button to receive it on the medal, it will not be
activated straight away; instead, the item you are receiving will pop out of the ground so you can
either re-roll or not take it. Below is the reward for each respective medal.

Left Medal Reward: Max Ammo power-up (always a max ammo and never a different power-
Bottom Medal Reward: A perk bottle which gives you a random perk
Right Medal Reward: One of the following Pack-a-Punch'd weapons: VMP, Man-O-War, or a

Melee Weapons

You can obtain melee weapons by completing a particular round by a certain time. In the menu
where you see buildable parts, trials, etc. there is a timer which shows you how long you have
been in the current game.

If you complete the challenge successfully, you will get a notification in the centre of your screen,
and you can receive your reward by going to the board to the right of the entrance to the Der
Eisendrache / Primis Statues area from Shangri-La.

NOTE: Going down in a co-op game will cause all time attack challenges in that game to be failed

NOTE: If you complete the Takeo's Katana easter egg, it will replace whatever melee weapon is
on the board

Weapon Round Time Cost (Points)

Nunchucks Round 5 5 Minutes 100
Skull Splitter Round 10 12 Minutes 200
Buzz Saw Round 15 22 Minutes 300
Nightbreaker Round 20 32 Minutes 500

New Zombies/Enemies

Revelations introduced a host of new enemies and Zombie types, along with some returning
classics! Below is a short list and description of each of the new enemies (this does not include
Boss Fight specific enemies).


The Marwa's are a large enemy that do mass amounts of damage. They can ground slam you
which will kill you instantly (without Perks or Hat's) or swipe attack you. Margwa's spawn very
infrequently. They can be killed by shooting all three heads (when the mouth is opened).

In Revelations, there are three types of Margwa (Fire, Void and Green). The Fire Margwa will
shoot flame blasts at the players, the Void Margwa will open portals and have apothicon skulls
attack the player, and the Green Margwa will simply attack regularly.


The Panzersoldat's are the same from Der Eisendrache. They shoot shock charges at the player
causing them to become disorientated, damaged and stop running. The Panzer's can also shoot
a continuous burst of flames which can kill players quite quickly.

Panzersoldat's are often referred to as "Panzer's" or "Mech Z" by the game.


Fury's are small apothicon creatures which spawn throughout rounds and during the special
round. Fury's teleport around the player and attack them.

Enslaved Keepers

Enslaved Keepers are essentially just Zombies; they spawn throughout rounds and during the
special round. They don't have any particular abilities or do an increased amount of damage.


Parasites spawn throughout the round and during the special round, they shoot bursts of yellow
goo which will damage the player and cover their screen. Parasites also dodge bullets and fly
away from the player to avoid being hit.

Special Rounds
The "Special Round" on Revelations is a mix of different enemy types. These rounds typically
happen every 4 - 8 rounds and during them, only waves of unique zombies will spawn: Parasites,
Fury's, Enslaved Keepers.

Once you survive this round and kill all of the enemies, the players will be rewarded with a Max


This is a breakdown of the Buildables on Revelations; how to build them, what the parts are and
where to find them

Buildable Tables

Buildables, such as the Dragon Shield are unique items which have to be obtained by collecting
parts around the map and crafting them. You can craft the Buildable items on a Buildables Table
which is located in Nacht Der Untoten.

There are 4 Keeper Protector altar's located around the map where you can craft the Keeper

Dragon Shield

The Dragon Shield is a buildable which protects the back of a player - stopping Zombies from
being able to attack them. It can also be equipped allowing the user to cover their front and to
attack the Zombies with it.

To obtain the Dragon shield you must find three parts scattered around the map and then
assemble it at the Buildable Table in Nacht Der Untoten; the three items can be located in the
following locations:

"Head" Piece (The left piece in the UI)

In Origins on the wall to the left of the jump pad from spawn
In Origins on a box next to the KRM-262
In Origins next to the door on the lower right resting on a chair

"Heart" Piece (The middle piece in the UI)

In Verruckt on the counter on the top floor
In Verruckt near the Zetsubou No Shima-styled tubes
In Verruckt on a chair right after going up the stairs

"Mouth" Piece (The right piece in the UI)

In Der Eisendrache (during Anti-Gravity) on the wall above the DE PaP area / wolf bow soul
collecting area
In Der Eisendrache (during Anti-Gravity) on the panels from the room above the Pyramid
In Der Eisendrache (during Anti-Gravity) on the wall between the Pyramid and the Primis
statues room

Keeper Protector

The Keeper Protector is a buildable which acts similar to the Civil Protector. It has to be built in
one of the summoning altars around the map and costs 5000 points to activate; players can
contribute to the fund and cumulatively purchase the Keeper Protector. The three parts can be
found in the following locations:

"Skull" Piece (The left piece in the UI)

In Verruckt on a chair on the balcony/stairs from the Corruption Engine
In Verruckt on a shelf to the right of Speed Cola
In Verruckt on a chair near a table upstairs right outside the room where one of heart piece
locations are for the shield

"Flag" Piece (The middle piece in the UI)

In Origins on the wall in the dirt mound across from the generator/Double Tap II
In Origins near the entrance to the excavation site / top of mound
In Mob of the Dead, in the cafeteria, on the wall near Mule Kick

"Stone" Piece (The right piece in the UI)

In Kino Der Toten on a table near the jump pad to the left of the room (outside)
In Der Eisendrache on the rubble surrounding the pyramid
In Der Eisendrache around the Primis Statues rubble

Once all parts have been located, you can build the summoning altar (for free) in any location,
and it will be available for purchase (5000 Points) in every location.

Special Weapons

This is a breakdown of all of the Special Weapons in Revelations, including Wonder Weapons,
Special Grenades & the Special Weapon

Ragnarok DG-4

The Ragnarok DG-4 is the unique weapon in Revelations. These can be obtained through the
mystery box by all players.

Lil' Arnie's

The only special grenades on Revelations are the Lil' Arnie's. All players can gain These through
the mystery box only.

Once you obtain them, you will have a maximum of three, and you can only gain more by getting
a Max Ammo.

When activated, a Lil' Arnie will attract all surrounding Zombies towards it and kill them. This will
also distract Margwas & Panzers. The Arnies last for 10 seconds before they explode killing /
damaging all nearby Zombies (can hurt players too).

A Lil' Arnie's must be thrown within the map limits, or it will disappear and not activate.

Lil' Arnie's Upgrade

To upgrade the Lil' Arnie's you must first obtain them from the mystery box. Then you must:

Obtain 100 - 150 kills using Lil' Arnie's (shared between all players)
Regain at least 1 of them to complete the next step
Go to Spawn / The House, go to the church and line up your sights (using grenades) so that
your grenades / Lil' Arnie's go inside of the open section of the church tower (where the bell
usually would be)
If you successfully put one Lil' Arnie's into the church, you will be given all three back, and they
will be upgraded (all players who have Lil' Arnies will obtain upgraded Lil' Arnie's)


One of the Wonder Weapon's on Revelations is the Thundergun. This weapon shoots a massive
blast of air which can kill up to a whole wave of zombies in one blast.

Here is everything you need to know about the Thundergun:

Only one player can obtain it

It can only be achieved through the mystery box
It has a two magazine size with 12 in reserve
It can only be reloaded when empty

Thundergun Upgrade

One of the Upgraded Wonder Weapon's on Revelations is the Zeus Canon. This weapon shoots
a massive blast of air which can kill up to a whole wave of zombies in one blast.

Here is everything you need to know about the Zeus Canon:

Only one player can obtain it

It is only obtainable through Pack-a-Punch'ing the Thundergun
It has a four magazine size with 24 in reserve
It can only be reloaded when empty

Apothicon Servant

One of the Wonder Weapon's on Revelations is the Apothicon Servant. Created by the evilest
race in the universe, The Apothicons, this weapon is one of their own chopped down into pieces
and reassembled to be used against them, shooting giant vortex's sending Apothicons to another
universe to be destroyed.

Here is everything you need to know about the Apothicon Servant:

Only one player can obtain it

It is only obtainable through the mystery box
It has a one magazine size with 9 in reserve (10 total)

Apothicon Servant Upgrade

To upgrade the Apothicon Servant, you must first override all of the Corruption Engines around
the map in the Pack-a-Punch guide; then you must obtain the Apothicon servant from the mystery

Once obtained, you must shoot 5 Element 115 cubes which can be seen floating above the map,
in space, in the following areas:
Spawn / The House - directly above spawn or towards the Corruption Engine
Shangri-La - almost directly above stairs, slightly to the left
Mob of the Dead - above the Corruption Engines in front of the Blue/115 Sun
Verruckt - one above launch pad from MotD
Verruckt - to the right of the portal in the Corruption Engine

You will know you have obtained a crystal if it disappears and your screen warps. Sometimes it
won't instantly go, wait a few seconds after the Apothicon Servant shot goes away.

You'll know you've done it right if the Pack-a-Punch machine has the five cubes placed inside of
it, filling it. Once the previous steps are complete, you simply have to take it to the Pack-a-Punch
machine and Pack-a-Punch it.

Here is everything you need to know about the Apothicon Servant Upgraded:

Only one player can obtain it

It can only be obtained through Pack-a-Punch'ing the Apothicon Servant
It has a one magazine size with 14 in reserve (15 total)

The reason for the specific name not being detailed yet is because it is currently not clear on the
names and their translations

Game Features

This is a breakdown of all of the Game Features of Revelations, such as the Mystery Box,
Gobblegum & More

Mystery Box

The Mystery Box works the same in Revelations as it does in any other map.

Once it has moved from its starting point, it can spawn in any of the following locations:

Spawn / The House - at the back & near Quick Revive

Nacht Der Untoten - where it always has been / near trial gravestones
Shangri-La - next to the jump pad from Spawn / The House
Der Eisendrache - in the Primis Statue room / next to the Summoning Altar
Kino Der Toten - next to the ICR-1 Wallbuy on the stage
Verruckt - top floor near the Electric Trap
Mob of the Dead - inside of the Cafeteria
Origins #1 - in the centre area near the Flogger Trap & Double Tap II
Origins #2 - on top of the Origins mound next to the Wunderfizz machine


The Gobblegum Machine works the same in Revelations as it does in any other map.

Gobblegum Machines will be active in the following locations:

Spawn / The House - right in the middle near the power grid
Nacht Der Untoten - top floor across from the buildable table
Shangri-La - next to the stairs that take you to Der Eisendrache
Der Eisendrache - to the left of the Pyramid and Corruption Engine
Kino Der Toten - in the room before the jump pad to Verruckt
Verruckt - on the balcony opposite the mystery box location / electric trap
Mob of the Dead - bottom of the stairs from the jail cell row / Origins entrance/exit
Origins #1 - next to the Flogger trap activation switch
Origins #2 - outside of the jump pad room from Spawn / The House

There were 6 new Gobblegum introduced into Zombies (available on every map) with the release
of Revelations (DLC 4), you can see them here: Gobblegum, Perks & Weapon Kits | Game
Features Breakdown


There is a total of 9 perks available on Revelations which are: Quick Revive, Stamin-Up,
Juggernog, Double Tap II, Speed Cola, Widow's Wine, Mule Kick, Electric Cherry and Deadshot

All of these perks can are obtainable using the Wunderfizz Machine!

Juggernog - top floor of Nacht Der Untoten near the Tesla Control Panel
Double Tap II - in the centre of Origins near Generator 3 and the Flogger Trap
Speed Cola - bottom floor of Verruckt in the Jump Pad to Kino Der Toten room
Quick Revive - at the back of Spawn near The House
Stamin-Up - in the centre of Shangri-La where Quick Revive was on that map
Mule Kick - in the cafeteria in the Mob of the Dead section
Widow's Wine - in the projector room in Kino Der Toten
Electric Cherry - available in the Wunderfizz Machine only
Deadshot Daiquiri - available in the Wunderfizz Machine only

For a full description of each Perk (Name, use, cost, etc.) please see this companion guide:
Gobblegum, Perks & Weapon Kits | Game Features Breakdown

Wunderfizz Machine

The Wunderfizz Machine allows players to purchase a randomly selected Perk. The perks
available in the Wunderfizz Machine are: Quick Revive, Stamin-Up, Juggernog, Double Tap II,
Speed Cola, Widow's Wine, Mule Kick, Electric Cherry and Deadshot Daiquiri.

The Wunderfizz Machine can be found at the following locations:

Der Eisendrache - in the middle room between Der Eisendrache and Kino Der Toten
Verruckt - on the top floor of the chamber with the jump pad to Mob of the Dead
Origins #1 - in the middle of the area near the Pharo Wallbuy
Origins #2 - on the mound across from the box location

For a complete breakdown of the Wunderfizz Machine, please see this companion guide:
Gobblegum, Perks & Weapon Kits | Game Features Breakdown


There is a host of new weapons in Revelations - unique and not - here is a complete list of the
weapons whether they're available on the wall or in the box and whether they have a weapon kit
or not.

Weapons highlighted in bold are weapons either new to Zombies or unique to Revelations in
some way.
Weapon Name Wall Weapon? Cost (Points) Location(s) Box Weapon? Weapon Kit?
RK5 Yes 500 Spawn No Yes
L-CAR 9 Yes 750 Shangri-La | Nacht Der Untoten No Yes
VMP Yes 1300 Der Eisendrache Yes Yes
KRM-262 Yes 750 Shangri-La | Origins Yes Yes
Kuda Yes 1250 Der Eisendrache Yes Yes
Vesper Yes 1250 Nacht Der Untoten | Origins Yes Yes
Sheiva Yes 500 Spawn Yes Yes
HVK-30 Yes 1600 Mob of the Dead | Verruckt Yes Yes
KN-44 Yes 1400 Veruckt | Mob of the Dead Yes Yes
ICR-1 Yes 1500 Kino Der Toten Yes Yes
Argus Yes 1100 Mob of the Dead Yes Yes
M8A7 Yes 1500 Der Eisendrache Yes Yes
Pharo Yes 750 Origins Yes Yes
Nunchucks Yes 100 Shangri-La Pyramid No No
Skull Splitter Yes 200 Shangri-La Pyramid No No
Buzz Saw Yes 300 Shangri-La Pyramid No No
Nightbreaker Yes 500 Shangri-La Pyramid No No
Path of Sorrows Yes 500 Shangri-La Pyramid No No
M1927 Yes 1750 Der Eisendrache Pyramid Yes No
Lil' Arnies No - - Yes No
Weevil No - - Yes Yes
BRM No - - Yes Yes
Dingo No - - Yes Yes
48 Dredge No - - Yes Yes
Gorgon No - - Yes Yes
Locus No - - Yes Yes
Drakon No - - Yes Yes
SVG-100 No - - Yes Yes
Man-O-War No - - Yes Yes
205 Brecci No - - Yes Yes
Haymaker 12 No - - Yes Yes
XM-53 No - - Yes Yes
Raygun No - - Yes No
Apothicon Servant No - - Yes No
Thundergun No - - Yes No
Banshii No - - Yes No
Rift E9 No - - Yes No
Peacekeeper Mark 2 No - - Yes No

For a complete breakdown of Weapons & Weapon Kits (attachments, camos, etc.) see this
guides companion post: Gobblegum, Perks & Weapon Kits | Game Features Breakdown


This is a complete overview of the Storyline, Lore, Radios, Ciphers, etc. in Revelations

Main Story

Finally, Richtofen and the others teleport to the universe where the children exist, revealed to
be a perfect world. The children Samantha, Eddie, and child versions of Dempsey, Takeo and
Nikolai, residing in the house as a result of Richtofen collecting the souls, play with their toys as
an air siren sounds. Meanwhile in the basement, Richtofen, Takeo, Nikolai and Dempsey exit the
teleporter to meet Maxis, who then proceeds to destroy the teleporter with the help of Richtofen.
Sometime later, Maxis becomes overwhelmed by a voice begging for help, influencing him to
reach out for the Summoning Key, which ultimately releases the Shadow Man into the dimension,
who in turn captures Maxis within the Summoning Key. The Shadow Man then begins the process
of corrupting the dimension by allowing the Apothicons into it, wreaking havoc across the

We find out that when Richtofen sends the 1.0 souls to Maxis, they get their souls in the house
developing a child version of themselves to be safe in the house. Maxis's body was able to be
taken over by the shadow man in the house because when the maxis drone in sent to the house
in origins, he only gets a brain, not a soul, therefore the shadow man is able to contact him and
use Maxis to get out of the summoning key.


Below you will find facts, trivia and more about Revelations.

Map Facts

Characters: "Tank" Dempsey, Nikolai Belinski, Takeo Masaki, Edward Richtofen

Location: "The House" Remains within the Aether
Date (approx): After Gorod Krovi


Map No: 22nd (7th chronologically)

Previous Map: Gorod Krovi
Console name: zm_genesis


Treyarch Director's Cut:

Teaser Trailer:
Reveal Trailer:


There are 13 radios and 3 audio reels around Revelations. The audio reels are unlock during the
main Easter-Egg.

Radio #1
Radio Location: Origins area


Ludvig Maxis: "Where are they? They should have arrived by now."

Monty: "Oh Maxis, you worry too much. In fact, aside from worrying, what do you do these
days? Far as I can tell, you just repeat whatever I say in radio messages! No offense, of course,
it's important to feel relevant. Big fan of what you do."

Teleporter starts working, indicating someone's arrival.

Ludvig Maxis: "Look, they're here!"

Monty: "Well well well, sometimes free will does work out. Look at how he's used it, trying to
right wrongs instead of skulking about in the house talking into a microphone."

Sirens begin wailing.

Ludvig Maxis: "Put the toys away children. Make sure the windows are locked before you come
down to the basement."

Monty: "Good call on the windows there, Max. This whole process can get a bit... messy."

Radio #2

Radio Location: Der Eisendrache area


Robert McNamara: "This is Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara. I am transmitting on a

secure channel in the most dire of circumstances. The Pentagon is under attack from an
unknown enemy. As of this moment, I am safely ensconced inside a janitor's closet.
Unfortunately, I fear the President and the VIPs may not have found similar safe haven (crying).
From what I have observed, our attackers may be... blighted by some kind of sickness. Either that
or they're just dirty hippies under the influence of hallucinogenic substances. I can only hope that
this message will bring rescue. Until then, please, pray for me."

Radio #3

Radio Location: Verrckt area


Monty: "Our revels now are ended. These our actors, as I foretold you, were all spirits, and are
melted into air, into thin air; and, like the baseless fabric of this vision, the cloud-capped towers,
the gorgeous palaces, the solemn temples, the great globe itself, Yea, all which it inherit, shall
dissolve; And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff as
dreams are made on, and our little lives are rounded with a sleep."

Radio #4

Radio Location: Verrckt area

Monty: "Midway this way of life we're bound upon, I woke to find myself in a dark wood, where
the right road was wholly lost and gone. Ay me! How hard to speak of it - that rude and rough and
stubborn forest! The mere breath of memory stirs the old fear in the blood; But when at last I
stood beneath a steep hill's side, which closed that valley's wandering maze whose dread had
pierced me to the heart-root deep, then I looked up, and saw the morning rays mantle its shoulder
from that planet bright which guides men's feet aright on all their ways."

Radio #5

Radio Location: Verrckt area


Automated Voice: "R-4808N 27 14 06 115 48 40"

Unknown Woman: "I hope you're receiving this transmission, Peter. If you are not, then all hope
is lost. You must know by now that we failed to contain the asylum, that we had to move the
experiment here. Location. The numbers will guide you. The Giant must remain (static) at all
costs, repeat, Der Riese must (static) at all costs. The DG-2 experiments continue. You'll be our
only advantage now. Find Doctor Richtofen and Doctor Maxis, they may know what's going on.
The use of 115 is dangerous at best. I'm not sure if we can continue here. We've lost most of our
best (static). I hope you get this. I hope it hasn't happened there too, but I'm almost out of hope."

Automated Voice: "60 54 06.96 101 55 44.94"

Radio #6

Radio Location: Verrckt area


John "Banana": "Field report, a quiet retort, the mission has all gone south. It's Johnny here,
Smokey is near most likely with meat in his mouth. We've been here for ages, I ran out of pages
but now have a mic to record. The mission has failed, McCain must've bailed and now we must
fight off a horde. We came to Verrckt with low ammo and luck and now Smokey's lost his head.
We went down the halls, they bit Smokey's balls and now he walks with the dead. They call me
Banana, I worked at a cabana, I rhyme to keep myself sane. Though Smokey's dead, I'm holding
his head, but right now he's eating my brain..."

Radio #7

Radio Location: Shangri-La area


Unknown Woman: "It's been six weeks since the last of the Call of the Dead cast and crew
went missing. Hollywood lost its fucking mind at the story. An entire production vanishes? Crazy
talk! I told them this is why you don't shoot in Siberia. So (static) agent on line one and a manager
on line two. I need to sort this quickly. I read a report that zombies are coming from all over Egypt.
That's real horror. I don't need that."

Radio #8

Radio Location: Shangri-La area


Unknown Woman: "I started going through his research and good fucking Lord this is a
confusing mess. So much shit about time travel, different dimensions. Honestly I'm not even sure
(static) he's getting into, you couldn't make this stuff up! A mad German scientist, a foul-mouthed
American, a drunk Soviet and a warrior Japanese soldier, all working together?"

Radio #9

Radio Location: Shangri-La area


Unknown Woman: "So I started with a simple one, something about two guys named Brock
and Gary, looking for Agartha? They finished... the dig, the unites still there. Next thing I know, I'm
in this jungle and it's hot and humid and the sky goes black, like dark black. I looked up, there
was an eclipse and this things started chasing me, like zombies. Trust me, I know how it sounds.
I've been fighting them so long now, I should be dead. In fact, I'm pretty sure I have died but it just
keeps going."

Radio #10

Radio Location: Shangri-La area


Unknown Woman: "I start setting up the bears traps. Pretty damn proud of them if I do say so
myself. Wait, I hear something."

Brock: "...can't help but think they hold some kind of key clues. We should investigate the
stepped pyramid for some clues."

Gary: "I think we should get the hell out of here while we still have a chance!"

Brock: "But we're so close to proving the existence of Ag-!"

Bear trap is heard going off

Unknown Woman: "Ugh, finally. Sorry, the only thing more annoying than the undead are those
two guys, whoever they are. Anyway, I've been trying to survive in this mud for days and I'm
having no luck. I swear, if I die a few more times I may actually lose it. At least I'll have those
agents off my back."

Radio #11

Radio Location: Mob of the Dead area


Reporter: "So I just sat down with Stanley Ferguson, night guard at Alcatraz. He told me a heck
of a tale. A few years back, four inmates, three mobsters and some weasel had this brilliant plan
to escape the Rock. I know they sound like real geniuses these guys. Anyway this "Weasel" was
quite a talker, he had these guys convinced they could escape. He told them he could build a
plane and that together they all fly wide of the Rock."

Radio #12
Radio Location: Mob of the Dead area


Reporter: "Now the Weasel had plans and drawings and everything, I saw them, but even if
they built it no way that baby would ever fly. These mobsters, it's lost on me, they were smart
guys. I mean Sal DeLuca? No way you could convince a man of his caliber, something so absurd.
So I get at some point the whole sorry truth came out and the Weasel finds himself cornered.
They did him good, left him bleeding to death on the cold stone roof. They all got the chair for it
and that was that. Sad to think that three guys like that could find themselves swinging, all
because they bought into the lies of a delusional con man."

Radio #13

Radio Location: Mob of the Dead area


Reporter: "Anyway, no clue why Mr. Rapt wanted me to meet this Stanley first but I'm heading
the city now. Something about tracking down three doozies and a floozy. Oh yeah, not to mention
those artifacts in the South Pacific and Russia. I don't know what that's about. I never even met
this guy, why he does stay in the shadows, real weirdo. But the money's good."

Automated Voice: "Red line departing for the Waterfront District."

Reporter: "Maybe it will all make sense when I get there."

Audio Reel #1

Radio Location: Jump Pad


Sophia: "After many weeks of failure and frustration, Doctor Maxis finally achieved the
breakthrough he'd been searching for. The results were immediate... and startling. In the case of
subject two-six his instances of violent outbursts were non-existent. His docility appeared...
permanent. Unfortunately, while we prepared to implement the treatment on the other subjects,
there was an... incident. During his few tests this morning, subject two-six attacked a handler.
Two-six and the handler were both destroyed. Maxis believes subject two-six only attacked the
handler. He does not know I was attacked as well. I have observed a developing pattern of high
fevers and cold sweats. My thoughts are... erratic. My relationship with Ludvig is... complicated. I
fear I cannot keep this secret from him for long.

Audio Reel #2

Radio Location: Giant Apothicon


Ludvig Maxis: "The break in programming coincided with the flashing lights and loud noises of
the fire alarm in the test facility."

Knocking on door

Ludvig Maxis: "One moment."

Knocking repeats

Ludvig Maxis: "What is it?"

Sophia: "You wanted to see me Ludvig?"

Ludvig Maxis: "Sophia, yes. Do come in. Sit down my dear. Have some tea."

Sophia: "Is everything alright?"

Ludvig Maxis: "No, no, everything's fine. Drink your tea. I heard a... nefarious rumor earlier.
Regarding the field test with subject two-six. Are you feeling alright?"

Sophia: "Of course."

Ludvig Maxis: "Just strange, this rumor. May I see your arm?"

Sophia: "What? No. Why do you need to see my arm?"

Ludvig Maxis: "Relax Sophia, I would never hurt you. You know that right?"

Sophia: "Of course. But-"

Ludvig Maxis: "And you know I care deeply for you."

Sophia: "Yes, but-"

Sophia chokes, coughs and falls to the ground.

Ludvig Maxis: "Yes, yes... yes. Then you know everything I'm about to do is for your own

Audio Reel #3

Radio Location: Nacht Der Untoten area


Ludvig Maxis: This is Doctor Ludvig Maxis. Beginning Preliminary Trials for the Strategic
Operations Planning Heuristic Intelligence Analyser.

Machine is activated.

S.O.P.H.I.A.: Hello? My God, whats happening? Ludvig? Doctor Maxis?

Ludvig Maxis: Hello Sophia.

S.O.P.H.I.A.: Where am I? Its so dark here. I cant see anything.

Ludvig Maxis: Thats all perfectly normal. How are you feeling?

S.O.P.H.I.A.: I feel... nothing. What have you done to me?

Ludvig Maxis: I saved you Sophia. I saved you the only way I know how.
S.O.P.H.I.A.: Oh Maxis... What have you done?

S.O.P.H.I.A. starts crying.


There are 14 different ciphers around Revelations.

Cipher #1

Cipher type: Substitution

Solved by: /u/waterkh
Cipher image:


I am the last of us but I will be joining you soon my friends -cough, cough- death is near. I hope
what we have done doesn't come back to bite this universe in the ass. Thank god we will all be
gone because If Monty ever found this place, we would have been in a world of shit. Maybe now
with us all gone, the children will truly be safe. -D

Cipher #2

Cipher type: ADFGX

Solved by: /u/waterkh, /u/certainpersonio, /u/oxin8, /u/Lizizadolphin, /u/preferredwhale6, /u/bio-
roxas, Tac, Aquillan
Cipher image:


From all of us at Treyarch, it has been a fun and amazing experience making zombies with you
these last eight years without your love and input none of this could have been possible. Thank
you for playing

Cipher #3

Cipher type: Transposition

Solved by: /u/Lizizadolphin, /u/oxin8
Cipher image:


Thanks to the sacrifice of Maxis and the contraption called Sophia all the 115 has been purged
from the final universe. Thank fucking god. Time to get some rest. -M

Cipher #4

Cipher type: Unknown

Solved by: Unsolved
Cipher image:

wbSZKj La/s8qMsB
Cipher #5

Cipher type: Unknown

Solved by: Unsolved
Cipher image:


37 38 4e 70 69 67 51 62 45 66 67 63 65 75 64 34 50 69 59 37 65 34 56 42 7a 77 76 4b 2f 4e 69
49 6b 63 4a 55 47 46 59 74 73 52 39 77 48 4f 6a 49 44 68 54 6f 49 71 4b 58 79 33 61 57 48 70
37 77 74 6b 6d 36 50 4a 4c 4a 31 54 33 61 65 79 33 44 65 59 79 35 47 41 4a 55 34 35 4f 2b 6c
2b 35 61 72 51 73 76 76 4c 62 49 47 45 59 34 43 6a 65 70 49 6c 63 32 64 4d 44 34 50 56 77 6b
45 37 6f 68 6b 6f 72 41 6f 5a 72 4a 62 77 5a 42 34 49 6c 4e 4a 57 31 66 72 5a 38 4f 57 70 58 30
6c 63 76 64 49 33 68 78 74 62 38 58 44 6b 66 70 6c 42 6b 47 73 30 42 39 67 62 74 4a 58 61 46
55 6e 44 2f 34 6a 6a 58 35 38 54 36 48 7a 30 6f 67 62 2b 7a 68 61 59 33 79 78 61 6b 62 70 57
2f 47 51 62 6b 5a 37 69 2b 41 53 34 45 34 34 47 45 56 33 35 67 55 43 65 77 34 35 53 77 4d 76
41 4f 2f 43 37 50 4f 52 56 4a 74 48 76 6c 56 69 70 66 67 4e 67 34 55 55 2b 5a 51 7a 50 6a 47 2f
57 2f 44 39 77 6f 33 4a 47 6d 62 79 59 4f 2b 44 2b 38 4a 33 79 65 44 34 34 6e 73 54 6b 44 6e
58 51 58 46 48 36 6c 73 43 63 68 39 42 72 2f 53 57 7a 61 36 32 2f 78 45 61 49 71 49 38 4d 79
32 66 76 59 39 58 43 2b 52 4a 38 6e 33 41 55 74 44 51 70 69 2f 50 37 53 46 2f 71 34 4d 69 46
45 75 34 43 78 54 67 4e 39 78 50 49 4a 71 39 6d 51 47 54 4a 75 6b 49 61 6b 52 61 67 4f 4c 58
33 73 53 74 71 58 4f 62 54 41 49 31 31 55 46 79 4e 51 4a 45 55 68 4f 36 41 4c 32 7a 62 30 34
58 78 42 49 4a 30 38 63 6b 4d 41 57 71 61 6a 56 58 79 59 5a 41 34 56 45 6a 34 42 59 6f 2f 43
58 52 58 71 37 34 75 56 37 6e 68 42 63 4e 46 43 34 6d 53 4f 5a 71 56 35 2f 7a 67 64 6f 65 44
44 55 6f 79 6c 36 31 6a 6d 71 6b 38 62 44 57 37 72 4a 4d 75 58 32 46 52 36 39 61 38 69 4e 63
6a 57 46 52 66 37 42 51 39 57 64 30 52 53 54 59 45 32 52 36 4f 47 4d 58 70 6c 67 45 65 48 39
63 68 6e 41 34 2b 66 79 74 59 42 48 77 51 53 58 61 4f 50 7a 66 66 79 2f 49 56 55 70 47 74 6e
52 58 59 66 63 36 75 32 70 52 65 67 72 32 47 54 6a 73 70 6d 71 46 6b 44 62 6e 54 6f 71 75 77
48 32 54 53 2b 62 35 42 62 79 54 68 73 39 74 77 6e 2f 55 57 2f 47 71 54 4f 59 58 34 39 30 2f 66
63 44 6e 52 66 4b 63 59 33 75 4e 66 34 79 4f 2f 6a 77 49 50 61 39 50 79 56 36 31 55 55 52 72
46 39 72 6a 65 6a 5a 32 39 54 62 52 73 41 42 52 68 59 4c 48 44 64 6c 71 42 45 76 4a 39 77 41
35 6b 42 34 78 4a 37 6d 79 33 4f 4c 38 37 61 48 69 7a 78 64 2b 2f 59 30 2b 58 4f 37 55 35 37
53 38 45 30 35 30 54 6f 44 53 4a 5a 41 4b 65 4a 77 63 33 6b 31 47 50 42 70 55 43 6e 77 55 6e
39 47 76 31 2b 6d 4a 61 2b 67 78 2b 63 2f 73 63 30 37 79 73 73 72 34 37 70 47 69 66 57 5a 72
4a 48 69 37 2b 51 43 38 4f 67 52 4a 67 46 48 7a 2b 46 62 30 39 4f 5a 45 2b 73 46 45 4b 63 4f
6d 32 49 45 74 50 51 57 4f 47 4f 70 48 6a 51 53 47 55 6c 56 36 2f 71 7a 67 79 39 45 49 67 57
41 47 49 31 72 4f 6f 78 4f 72 70 69 7a 61 42 59 35 79 78 72 46 70 68 6b 51 4f 4f 55 79 54 42 47
38 43 76 59 4c 56 76 78 75 63 56 41 70 69 36 73 37 66 37 63 65 2b 46 2b 57 57 73 2f 79 68 30
47 38 56 75 5a 4d 58 6b 7a 48 4a 48 59 55 30 2b 6e 4f 68 6a 58 55 79 33 64 72 45 4f 76 76 6c
61 6f 54 62 54 6e 67 30 51 49 6d 50 64 51 72 4b 51 76 6f 53 72 30 71 62 39 4e 4a 5a 56 59 35
6e 6a 4e 62 76 48 4c 61 63 4c 36 35 46 53 6c 41 33 70 58 35 57 6b 72 58 44 4a 56 50 36 34 46
4b 44 34 31 33 5a 68 2b 64 47 4b 4f 31 31 42 31 36 6d 56 5a 73 6e 33 7a 79 63 6c 6a 62 4f 78
7a 72 52 42 57 37 61 4a 2f 43 38 68 59 63 4d 31 4c 6f 48 65 48 43 4b 4c 76 75 55 54 78 37 6f
61 6f 45 57 69 44 2b 4e 41 56 7a 6a 65 4c 69 53 33 6a 42 32 7a 50 33 33 43 39 62 53 54 50 63
35 57 6a 43 30 70 69 53 4e 67 6c 79 2f 36 37 46 76 6c 31 59 70 43 5a 62 62 6f 70 4e 35 72 6d
58 6b 52 6f 39 54 4b 61 2b 32 56 57 55 6d 69 71 56 49 4f 37 50 6e 4d 6c 4b 2b 41 30 35 76 2f
65 74 76 78 4f 48 62 30 36 39 4a 52 41 39 78 47 4f 76 75 49 5a 58 70 32 68 77 6e 37 42 32 64
61 4a 32 78 47 44 2f 59 53 32 48 63 7a 2b 4b 51 47 34 71 51 57 71 62 56 44 56 72 6a 57 34 2b
34 36 4c 50 53 70 2f 43 4a 43 79 36 62 48 68 36 2b 52 54 41 67 77 67 56 34 47 52 36 5a 6d 64
30 68 67 51 59 65 58 47 31 49 44 59 49 57 36 5a 58 78 6f 4b 45 6f 4c 4b 35 7a 71 4b 4e 6b 59
50 57 4f 71 6f 48 65 65 68 32 69 76 5a 4d 2b 54 53 4b 47 78 70 6e 6c 42 6b 6f 35 30 52 51 35
6e 54 58 57 4a 6c 59 6f 35 4c 73 67 55 45 48 72 6c 71 6f 44 6a 69 6e 42 73 66 42 57 6d 64 42
39 32 67 31 57 38 52 35 50 49 32 71 72 54 4d 6d 6b 32 50 7a 59 39 42 72 2f 62 49 6a 62 76 4f
53 67 73 36 49 4f 72 72 46 4f 75 4f 44 6a 6c 6e 4a 7a 56 6c 6d 37 70 74 6c 30 4c 6c 56 45 5a 79
53 6b 57 67 41 6e 35 68 37 58 61 45 4b 77 76 49 75 64 6b 77 65 4e 49 41 43 69 59 38 71 6a 47
6f 38 39 59 4e 38 47 55 32 71 77 30 5a 64 32 46 71 74 56 5a 57 4e 32 68 42 2f 43 61 2f 46 6d
7a 67 64 35 2b 56 74 52 6e 66 6a 4f 31 55 4d 4d 33 56 68 78 6e 70 79 38 4d 76 51 5a 70 36 31
57 38 55 79 62 42 4b 6d 36 43 78 30 38 30 33 70 67 4e 78 37 77 68 49 6f 54 63 51 33 66 45 62
44 74 69 4d 6d 33 35 79 6a 52 4a 4a 66 46 35 6c 78 6e 33 63 67 32 76 78 6e 42 33 58 62 45 63
4d 37 4d 4d 4f 48 56 55 74 59 6d 76 39 47 77 71 5a 55 6d 2f 55 2b 6f 73 46 4f 52 77 71 6a 6d 75
6c 36 4d 53 78 6f 2b 74 62 73 56 61 4c 4d 4d 78 4c 6b 72 39 34 6d 30 2b 55 4f 45 73 4c 35 77
6a 6d 66 66 61 64 58 76 78 48 76 5a 56 36 4c 2f 58 6f 6d 4f 6c 77 68 47 58 34 32 32 70 42 75
6a 78 37 63 66 35 6b 31 51 33 68 71 39 51 63 69 6f 36 59 52 5a 30 32 6d 76 71 56 38 63 42 59
7a 74 5a 45 77 63 78 46 37 6b 69 61 59 56 6a 36 31 75 71 44 45 38 52 66 78 56 45 5a 73 77 47
51 78 42 77 55 2f 38 31 6d 39 67 75 4e 7a 36 36 42 38 54 39 56 53 66 64 55 75 36 63 66 61 69
48 62 73 47 4f 36 42 36 49 39 53 41 6a 59 53 37 7a 35 48 53 72 6a 64 79 72 68 78 47 32 59 56
4b 62 4e 33 5a 79 69 6f 2f 6c 33 52 30 73 70 67 68 6e 62 68 72 45 49 65 64 54 6c 72 37 44 37
6f 70 61 57 65 51 35 38 2f 65 4a 66 69 6c 48 46 62 75 6a 46 72 4c 6e 35 48 61 32 67 79 7a 62
54 74 6a 44 6a 50 70 51 66 59 79 56 68 46 77 6f 74 4a 44 74 4b 58 49 75 42 6d 4f 38 51 30 59
46 4e 59 37 39 4d 62 52 52 64 71 7a 4b 47 70 58 53 59 70 4e 70 54 4a 4c 6e 44 39 53 4d 62 67
4a 71 71 4c 7a 32 34 50 61 6a 36 33 74 57 34 78 77 72 52 4d 69 46 4e 61 37 70 67 46 49 6c 45
6b 41 4a 66 39 32 6f 47 6a 57 31 42 45 55 53 79 79 44 6c 31 33 43 47 57 52 55 6a 39 79 34 6f
57 36 47 49 41 39 79 4f 41 4f 62 39 64 76 78 55 35 48 44 4a 69 76 63 71 2b 42 48 36 34 79 33
33 78 41 78 5a 61 79 4c 74 37 4d 41 58 52 79 53 36 44 49 74 78 62 51 32 6f 4e 51 6d 76 68 69
4b 79 43 59 31 58 71 54 70 50 44 36 72 4a 34 33 44 7a 61 61 43 6f 30 61 42 62 6c 73 45 41 34
6a 43 49 43 45 4d 48 46 61 53 47 2b 49 66 78 4f 2f 36 74 51 30 67 37 73 38 2f 61 52 4e 56 37
4c 4c 71 59 52 47 4e 32 6a 6d 73 75 77 67 6c 47 2f 55 58 45 71 6e 77 68 6b 50 33 59 4c 68 49
30 47 48 4e 4d 30 30 5a 6d 6c 32 71 73 6b 61 43 4e 75 41 68 51 46 73 5a 58 33 46 31 47 75 56
70 46 37 48 6a 63 51 50 32 38 46 44 7a 79 4a 38 65 50 77 32 72 46 59 68 2b 66 52 2f 6e 4e 2f
63 43 61 54 4c 5a 51 36 44 49 66 52 2b 73 79 76 62 62 57 4d 45 7a 50 4a 76 6d 62 59 37 30 54
47 31 36 31 69 46 39 6d 2f 4e 32 53 63 64 56 4a 6e 4a 69 72 52 49 42 4d 37 37 75 6e 47 44 30
72 77 4c 6e 6f 4a 6c 69 50 76 69 50 53 46 62 47 64 64 4a 62 41 42 49 53 4c 35 64 6a 59 4f 56
76 2b 57 30 65 6e 51 6a 4a 34 79 46 4e 68 49 71 38 33 73 42 46 67 75 30 32 55 59 37 30 57 30
57 62 68 55 62 54 43 4c 4a 4e 69 57 72 39 2f 6c 68 6a 54 4d 5a 43 53 36 4e 7a 44 68 70 70 4a
44 71 72 2f 50 4c 64 39 44 73 44 31 73 76 70 2b 71 7a 34 39 66 77 34 43 73 59 38 56 6c 70 48
78 32 49 79 33 59 38 44 46 65 5a 56 51 30 50 49 6c 45 53 63 50 74 36 59 6a 50 31 53 37 37 6c
36 61 63 33 4c 53 62 4e 69 4b 6d 66 46 48 37 74 77 30 47 55 48 46 52 70 6f 59 74 4f 46 65 46
2f 6a 4e 57 69 57 48 69 39 6e 68 7a 39 4b 5a 59 71 2b 44 79 74 58 7a 71 72 59 52 6d 6e 4c 2b
58 2b 71 58 63 58 7a 33 74 4b 54 53 4c 32 4f 6a 54 58 6a 66 77 34 64 49 39 46 59 78 78 78 47
69 51 62 6e 38 4a 36 69 76 4f 65 75 6a 6b 70 72 37 48 54 44 53 49 46 30 51 56 75 4a 31 6a 41
41 6e 34 7a 2f 47 41 6b 32 67 64 61 6b 6e 51 68 52 33 72 44 64 61 34 71 7a 4c 59 63 61 37 69
7a 77 38 34 46 48 2b 34 7a 41 37 63 48 30 63 30 66 73 78 32 73 75 39 42 45 70 4c 52 31 30 41
42 34 4b 78 56 51 75 58 69 75 79 53 68 64 73 31 43 46 43 64 5a 75 48 45 4a 59 77 36 71 6c 37
6f 64 55 53 70 41 35 36 6c 4f 6b 32 65 66 30 55 67 74 34 5a 6b 45 68 4a 4f 6e 33 45 53 59 69
62 46 52 30 75 32 38 72 45 56 71 31 66 50 62 62 6e 4c 66 42 68 67 58 49 52 64 65 44 74 38 6d
44 30 54 39 56 39 37 77 75 73 70 76 52 37 54 4c 48 43 58 4d 31 4f 36 6d 6d 2b 5a 77 2b 63 55
44 2f 54 42 62 59 48 64 4b 55 36 53 62 45 51 51 65 36 6f 4e 74 42 65 38 55 39 51 47 78 6e 37
77 4a 46 45 30 44 6d 2b 39 69 79 4b 34 42 73 62 62 5a 59 7a 76 49 6c 4a 43 48 6b 6a 77 44 65
7a 2b 68 68 54 6a 78 75 76 69 59 43 57 73 2b 52 34 48 32 75 49 72 31 64 33 59 74 47 43 38 33
45 38 41 4e 5a 56 38 59 42 57 64 61 69 77 45 5a 61 44 50 72 67 42 35 77 51 50 6c 35 62 49 77
68 58 34 5a 35 35 33 69 6f 57 67 56 68 61 77 34 6e 33 31 4f 51 67 4e 6f 38 6d 7a 4a 74 45 67
79 76 52 77 74 70 6b 47 36 4b 78 66 62 77 58 34 4a 79 55 6f 6c 43 36 69 52 6c 41 67 4d 6b 41
59 72 78 33 6e 63 51 75 30 30 2b 4d 41 49 38 4c 42 2f 67 41 64 2f 6b 5a 54 78 4d 3d 0d 0a

Cipher #6

Cipher type: Unknown

Solved by: Unsolved
Cipher image:

83 B57B2 C3434 697F6 FCA3F 8EAD6 63C42 B7F20 041B5 B6A0D A4AE0 AD24B 93B27
FF54C 6E79A 1136E 36860 C69C7 2D497 CDC98 2D49C D25B3 FCB36 D934C F0D31 512AF
A78E6 26FFD 81CAC AAED6 226DA CD449 86768 3A2E0 B9E64 406C6 10C14 04907 51A9D
4A5F2 4475C 91C91 9AE5E 89D79 477DB 2B29C 5444D EA362 54E94 A14A7 58C42 096FE
BD177 739B3 A4185 6272A D9A2F 9554F 80E68 504F9 2451C 27D00 68013 8373A FB6C2
91439 F7E83 A7F12 1E56C 99646 74046 2623C CF85C 3D87A ABE63 1F4D3 FABA7 5E003
D64F4 D4F50 04919 CB2BE 566D9 6C7E2 E2123 7B0EE E030E CF5A7 E383C 217F0 3590A
3DC0A 617B1 778E7 BD434 0BA62 24F29 B213B C390D ED68D 7FB60 21BFD E9CD9 69C5D
DF57F 1E3B3 E4BFA E9630 7A3B2 FB559 4A8F3 520AE B7760 0ED80 6BDF4 76CA1 31844
879C3 81DCA 6B9A4 F3168 53F6B 1C15D FE58A 9007C CE75D 97CC9 FD74D 95B1E 66957
6CE78 EC9B1 BDBD4 51768 FBA8F F5B36 1DA93 7800B 7822D 8332E EB388 4262A A9D57
C829C 329F9 2FFAC BB3AE A9042 CD610 64631 F3C8B 6B05F 2DD79 FF30E A845E B9A74
DC3DB 9B86D 5AC11 F9ACA C0D84 352ED C149F 5A53E E6D13 FF408 E65EC 1B9EC
F2413 1C3F9 54649 2303F E2A1A A5E3D E8EF4 4FB4E 0C8BD 7FBBD 5DD75 6A8F5 A92FE
2E330 DF116 7E2AD 03175 6EA4B 1C85C 36F4F 9BDE6 06624 2EC70 9B190 6C126 72174
5A5F5 880E8 92691 E9881 D59C6 62276 4400D EE4EC 37527 88749 66860 AEF41 499D9
5B5EC F4559 EF642 50488 962F2 D3D23 3862E F7C1E 77554 47DE4 294E1 1A47F

Cipher #7

Cipher type: Unknown

Solved by: Unsolved
Cipher image:



Cipher #8
Cipher type: Unknown
Solved by: Unsolved
Cipher image:


38 63 39 37 38 65 35 65 33 65 37 64 33 35 34 35 33 64 37 65 66 65 36 65 35 34 32 63 33 65 35
34 33 36 63 31 37 32 35 63 37 61 63 31 36 62 61 37 65 32 32 66 66 39 38 65 31 32 36 36 33 34
64 30 31 63 37 62 37 36 63 36 32 37 66 37 33 37 32 64 65 34 31 61 38 36 63 32 66 65 31 37 35
30 34 62 38 33 32 33 62 38 38 66 65 33 63 35 33 64 62 62 61 65 63 32 32 31 65 37 35 66 65 37
66 61 34 35 35 34 30 36 33 63 37 62 30 31 38 63 66 62 34 35 32 37 62 32 31 61 32 36 36 35 61
65 30 39 33 33 39 39 61 38 34 38 31 63 33 66 65 32 32 35 31 66 39 63 66 31 32 39 61 31 38 31
63 31 34 36 39 33 65 66 38 33 39 31 39 66 62 35 61 66 65 66 31 61 66 61 38 33 37 64 31 38 36
35 64 39 36 32 63 35 37 39 33 30 64 65 61 31 63 31 61 38 65 66 65 66 30 64 30 38 30 64 61 30
39 33 36 66 32 65 32 37 62 61 66 66 37 35 35 65 30 66 35 32 39 65 36 38 64 63 66 37 37 30 35
32 32 38 34 39 36 38 37 61 64 38 61 61 64 39 38 63 62 30 38 63 36 34 39 65 38 34 31 37 39 64
34 61 38 66 62 33 31 32 34 64 36 30 66 61 61 37 31 64 32 65 65 38 30 66 32 35 61 65 64 66 36
35 66 65 64 30 34 34 64 30 33 36 33 62 39 38 65 64 39 39 38 30 38 30 66 36 32 35 64 35 66 31
32 62 66 35 32 33 39 66 33 33 34 38 37 33 34 65 37 64 36 63 36 63 65 65 30 66 32 62 33 33 32
61 66 39 31 61 39 62 39 34 35 36 36 65 31 33 61 37 63 32 62 38 35 32 34 35 30 35 38 64 62 65
62 65 65 62 62 35 38 34 38 31 38 62 63 39 31 37 32 37 62 36 36 38 31 37 34 63 33 62 63 34 35
37 32 64 31 37 64 33 34 37 34 63 32 39 30 34 61 61 64 36 33 35 65 62 33 36 35 62 63 39 38 30
33 31 39 66 39 66 66 35 35 32 35 65 36 39 65 38 36 32 30 63 65 61 64 64 33 36 65 63 30 38 39
34 30 30 38 39 37 38 39 32 64 66 35 30 36 64 36 35 37 37 30 38 36 33 33 64 38 63 35 32 65 65
34 36 63 32 39 66 37 37 63 39 33 64 35 37 62 32 33 38 39 65 64 63 30 39 36 62 33 30 39 32 35
30 31 33 65 66 65 32 65 36 61 33 33 35 65 30 37 63 62 32 61 61 64 30 38 64 38 32 62 39 37 62
35 38 64 61 64 63 66 35 34 33 34 36 63 33 38 63 62 65 32 36 38 61 65 62 62 35 34 32 62 34 66
61 30 61 32 35 35 65 63 63 32 34 61 63 61 36 34 64 62 39 33 38 65 38 30 36 32 62 65 31 66 38
39 30 63 39 36 39 38 38 37 62 33 35 62 64 31 66 32 39 66 31 33 33 64 31 31 33 33 64 31 37 62
35 39 37 30 63 66 64 61 64 65 31 63 32 33 64 39 34 65 30 36 31 64 64 32 66 65 36 36 35 39 34
66 66 63 32 63 66 36 62 33 36 38 33 34 35 34 38 64 36 35 35 61 30 35 61 34 37 31 38 31 61 30
63 62 62 66 36 39 30 35 32 37 38 32 35 61 31 63 36 39 37 32 30 61 38 31 36 32 32 32 39 39 61
62 34 65 62 32 37 61 34 63 61 61 64 62 38 62 65 61 66 35 63 37 32 63 36 63 62 39 31 38 35 34
39 36 34 33 63 63 30 63 65 37 37 37 38 63 32 65 30 33 30 30 34 31 33 39 34 63 33 32 38 35 32
63 64 39 39 39 63 64 35 61 35 62 63 31 35 38 63 63 34 33 64 62 33 35 64 39 35 62 31 30 39 35
39 38 61 38 37 39 30 63 31 34 39 30 63 34 65 66 35 34 37 63 37 35 32 36 39 33 61 36 39 32 33
35 64 37 35 61 63 34 30 64 66 64 61 63 66 37 33 62 37 65 38 30 63 33 31 33 39 63 65 62 61 35
35 38 38 31 63 64 32 34 31 66 62 61 64 63 30 64 36 64 30 65 62 36 61 36 35 61 61 65 36 30 30
61 32 61 61 64 64 64 38 30 62 33 63 30 64 64 61 65 31 30 63 65 35 66 33 38 38 61 66 37 30 35
36 64 37 66 31 34 62 35 38 33 32 64 61 66 37 38 38 61 30 66 33 65 63 34 61 62 32 37 61 39 36
35 34 63 38 34 30 36 37 61 37 61 35 62 64 39 63 63 33 66 38 39 62 33 64 33 31 64 31 39 65 38
33 64 62 38 33 36 65 39 61 64 38 65 62 30 36 39 63 30 32 37 65 35 37 33 66 63 61 66 63 32 39
65 66 39 34 35 63 39 36 64 61 35 62 34 63 64 39 39 62 30 35 33 37 30 65 34 61 64 37 36 66 36
64 34 66 64 31 66 62 38 37 35 66 30 66 65 37 33 65 30 37 61 31 62 34 37 31 61 63 35 30 38 31
38 63 61 31 61 65 62 37 33 38 65 32 39 62 61 66 64 62 31 61 33 61 66 36 65 36 33 31 61 62 34
61 38 61 32 63 38 64 62 34 38 39 61 65 38 63 33 39 37 39 63 35 33 39 37 32 36 39 32 39 63 62
62 62 61 62 63 65 65 33 66 31 66 31 32 31 32 35 65 39 38 34 64 31 30 61 39 63 31 63 64 34 64
61 34 66 31 31 37 30 37 30 30 65 31 62 32 65 30 64 63 64 32 61 66 34 31 34 34 62 35 66 65 61
39 35 30 39 39 33 34 38 31 62 30 66 61 65 61 30 61 39 32 61 37 64 36 31 62 38 39 31 62 39 38
34 64 32 36 38 65 39 30 35 39 65 64 31 31 36 37 35 61 66 38 36 36 61 31 62 37 37 33 31 65 63
30 39 31 66 35 35 61 32 39 31 64 32 64 39 35 65 63 32 32 39 34 38 34 32 39 33 39 38 34 31 66
61 30 31 63 34 30 32 33 66 34 35 31 63 35 32 37 35 33 30 64 36 37 62 62 30 65 37 37 65 36 61
36 65 38 38 64 66 36 32 66 61 62 34 39 39 32 34 35 39 32 65 65 35 61 32 34 61 37 31 62 30 35
37 32 36 66 38 37 36 37 38 35 62 63 31 32 62 38 65 62 34 33 30 61 64 63 66 38 66 31 65 61 39
38 62 66 63 34 31 32 31 65 66 31 38 65 65 31 31 36 37 39 38 33 66 64 64 36 33 34 64 38 37 39
38 31 31 63 66 33 64 32 33 64 30 30 65 31 30 39 37 38 33 63 65 63 61 37 33 61 31 66 61 64 61
36 36 37 63 66 64 39 31 31 35 33 61 66 63 30 34 63 32 38 65 37 39 62 34 63 33 63 36 36 36 37
61 32 37 61 30 61 30 36 66 64 38 35 65 37 31 34 65 66 30 35 62 34 37 38 36 63 38 38 61 31 39
38 63 33 35 38 63 38 63 66 65 63 32 30 64 62 35 66 31 64 62 31 32 38 38 65 39 38 64 33 66 38
66 37 30 30 62 65 65 38 37 36 64 30 35 61 63 36 62 36 33 39 39 39 38 65 63 63 39 39 31 35 63
33 66 34 66 39 34 34 64 38 34 34 31 30 37 33 64 37 37 34 32 36 36 66 33 36 38 37 32 34 30 39
31 39 36 64 62 36 66 61 61 36 33 62 64 63 33 62 37 30 33 33 39 33 33 30 32 38 62 37 61 33 63
32 62 36 32 36 34 37 31 38 39 30 36 63 62 62 30 30 32 32 31 66 63 33 37 65 37 61 30 62 62 30
32 65 35 34 37 65 33 37 37 36 65 32 36 34 39 38 38 33 36 33 39 64 39 39 64 30 34 62 65 39 65
34 63 31 36 65 35 33 63 66 34 35 33 61 61 66 33 36 64 31 66 64 31 37 36 65 63 35 39 33 38 63
38 36 33 36 34 62 62 61 37 62 30 62 31 36 61 39 34 64 37 32 31 34 39 63 62 36 37 61 34 61 30
38 32 63 33 61 61 36 34 39 31 31 31 61 37 31 37 31 61 36 33 63 65 37 62 62 66 35 30 33 35 34
61 35 33 38 39 66 30 39 39 39 63 32 66 37 62 64 62 35 37 38 38 34 34 65 36 63 32 39 32 38 64
64 63 32 61 64 32 33 65 36 37 63 65 65 33 37 63 66 64 33 31 30 34 34 66 35 64 31 36 39 33 65
35 61 39 65 37 65 38 34 39 34 63 31 36 34 64 64 31 37 35 61 38 63 34 31 38 37 31 32 39 35 64
36 65 66 35 65 32 34 34 62 37 61 63 35 38 30 39 61 32 64 30 39 37 66 35 36 66 63 38 65 38 35
33 36 66 30 64 32 63 62 33 38 38 38 32 37 38 35 64 34 65 30 37 35 35 65 38 66 66 35 33 65 30
39 39 34 66 64 33 36 31 32 64 30 64 62 33 31 33 37 36 33 35 63 30 30 32 30 65 61 63 33 37 65
64 63 38 63 64 33 33 31 63 37 38 63 63 30 62 32 38 39 66 38 32 34 39 35 65 61 62 65 30 31 61
66 37 35 62 33 38 31 63 35 66 62 63 38 31 33 30 34 63 35 35 63 38 62 65 34 35 32 31 30 36 63
36 34 39 32 32 37 30 31 65 36 64 35 33 32 38 39 63 65 31 61 36 35 38 34 66 37 64 62 37 32 31
61 61 30 39 65 66 62 33 33 31 62 37 33 34 36 38 65 31 37 36 32 31 33 36 33 64 30 64 62 35 36
38 36 39 35 61 61 64 36 65 31 34 66 33 39 38 63 30 37 63 61 32 61 37 63 35 36 36 35 65 30 62
30 63 61 37 30 65 66 34 39 63 62 64 38 33 33 61 39 66 63 32 32 30 30 38 37 33 35 31 63 37 39
63 61 66 35 33 36 33 38 36 30 64 34 66 38 61 34 30 34 37 31 65 39 34 35 38 39 62 33 62 63 39
34 34 32 36 39 63 38 65 0d 0a

Cipher #9

Cipher type: Unknown

Solved by: Unsolved
Cipher image:


c8d902 e1fcc68075baf7cf806dad703d7943be2f08bc8272b324f60744dfc4460b9632f237233e8c5

Cipher #10

Cipher type: Unknown

Solved by: Unsolved
Cipher image:



Cipher #11

Cipher type: Unknown

Solved by: Unsolved
Cipher image:


100 097 102 050 048 050 050 057 099 100 102 051 101 101 097 054 050 050 050 097 101 100
099 052 098 097 050 101 056 054 056 052 057 101 057 055 097 049 057 100 098 049 100 051
057 100 049 050 052 098 101 057 102 056 049 057 099 101 102 051 052 054 052 048 052 054
052 102 098 054 101 097 099 050 097 050 056 052 054 100 098 048 053 052 098 053 098 098
050 098 097 097 049 097 101 051 052 052 052 050 097 050 054 100 048 052 097 050 054 052
049 053 097 057 098 051 057 098 048 100 050 048 048 097 051 048 098 100 099 054 057 057
056 099 101 098 052 051 099 048 051 051 053 097 054 050 097 097 100 051 056 053 050 099
054 057 101 054 101 057 102 101 098 097 099 100 050 051 056 100 052 054 100 099 053 102
055 100 052 101 097 049 048 102 100 099 051 057 049 056 054 100 056 049 057 052 054 099
102 054 052 050 051 100 102 049 056 056 102 102 101 057 102 102 057 102 102 049 050 053
050 101 051 101 101 097 054 048 049 097 051 053 098 101 048 054 101 102 099 099 054 097
057 054 049 054 056 100 099 101 053 054 056 100 013 010

Cipher #12

Cipher type: Unknown

Solved by: Unsolved
Cipher image:



Cipher #13

Cipher type: Unknown

Solved by: Unsolved
Cipher image:

bx re yh zy bf lm kt ut yg se tb sx ky co jh km aq we tx wx cy ji ut vt kn vc gx aw ij av qn lg ef fj uq
bd kn sv cx fn je wr rk kn cg aw xq vn zf li fh vz wt ta ia ij zf eh uf tj qm yg hl yq cx ij vw ig de qz tg
nj rs er vk tm sa yv tw hr hs lt vy kr qc tv gh hb jn yb qh er ut gk et cs wv jl rh xo wr ex hr xt zi kc
xs qs fd wd cm ku ah fh fj lf ui ly sh vf au xm hx qw dl gi cx vb dh wt xm kv un ej kt kt ye cq jd ef
eh zv xt he uz tg cl jw nr tw ur vo jt jo ru iq iy rz ey ho gd nq yn bq ul ai fh bu ji ho nw qg yg vj if yv
zu id jc gh ke xr qf cq ra it gw dl fc gq ti iu qu ny vr gy sj rh iu hi wr mv ym zi lk re vk xu ry uq gs ve
gd yn bq ch ky er qh jr ho ya el ky zj ei hz cb if dk

Cipher #14

Cipher type: Unknown

Solved by: Unsolved
Cipher image:



Easter Eggs

This is a walkthrough of all of the Easter Eggs in Revelations, all the way from the Main Easter
Egg to minor Easter Eggs

Main Easter Egg

Important: To complete the Revelations Main Easter Egg, you must activate Power & Pack-a-
Punch, obtain the Upgraded Apothicon Servant & Lil' Arnies and build the Keeper Protector. You
can find guides on all of those by clicking them.

Shoot the Gravestones from left to right in the order 2, 3, 1, 4 with any standard weapon (to the
left of spawn there are four gravestones with our characters names; shoot them going left to right)
Build the Keeper Protector (click here for a guide to all locations for each part)
Look for a Triangular Stone at the back of a launch pad on the ground (easier to see when the
pad is red and not blue)
Once you locate the stone, summon/purchase the Keeper Protector, take it to that pad with the
stone, use the pad and then use the opposite pad and the ritual should trigger
The Keeper Protector will now be doing a ritual and all Zombies will attack it and not you:
you must defend it, or you will need to restart the ritual
If you aren't able to locate the stone, try taking the Keeper Protector back and forth on all
pads until it begins the ritual
Once the ritual is complete, an audio reel will drop on the ground, and you must put in the
player in Nacht Der Untoten opposite the Tesla Control Panel
Go inside of the Apothicon and around the walls you will see nine holes where Zombies can
spawn; throw a Lil' Arnie into all nine holes and an audio reel will drop on the bridge overlooking
Pack-a-Punch; once obtained, take the reel to the audio player in Kino Der Toten opposite the
Mystery Box
For every three holes you successfully put a Lil' Arnie into, a wave of Margwas will spawn,
and you are likely to get a Max Ammo
You should (not guaranteed to be heard) hear a chime/noise if done successfully or
Samantha's Laugh if you failed
If you throw 3 and don't get Margwas or you do all 9 and don't get Margwas, try to throw
them in the holes you didn't get the first time or do all nine again
Using the Upgraded Apothicon Servant, you must shoot 6 sets of bones (some bones must be
shot with another weapon before the Apothicon Servant) around the map to teleport them; the
locations are:
Spawn - go to the Corruption Engine, look through the stones into the church and shoot the
wall/bone with any weapon and when it is revealed, suck it up with the Apothicon Servant
Origins - go to where Speed Cola was in the original Origins, look over the fence (the gap in
the fence) and shoot the rock in the flames to reveal the bone and then use the Apothicon
Servant on it
Veruckt - go to the Corruption Engine and look to the left side of it/the waterfall and shoot the
rocks sticking out until the bone comes out of the ground and use the Apothicon Servant to
retrieve it
Nacht Der Untoten - go above the Der Eisendrache portal and shoot the broken roof until the
bone floats mid-air and use the Apothicon Servant to absorb it (can be best seen standing next to
the Vesper Wallbuy)
Shangri-La - above Stamin-Up there is an out-of-place rock that must be shot to reveal a
skull which you can retrieve with the Apothicon Servant
Der Eisendrache - go to the left of the Corruption Engine and look at the wall run, shoot the
bottom left corner (this might require a Ray Gun to reveal) to reveal the bone and then use the
Apothicon Servant
Now that you have retrieved all six bones, return to Nacht Der Untoten and shoot the area just
under the whole in the roof on the top floor (across from the Tesla Control Panel) which will
spawn Sophia's skeleton which you then must shoot; it will disappear and the final audio reel will
drop and must be taken to the Origins mound
Now you must direct all 4 Corruption Engine turrets towards Sophia's ghost form in Nacht Der
Untoten; this can be done by firing the laser at the silver/blue rocks to the left/right (behind) the
Corruption Engines (some have 2 rocks so just shoot both until you are taken off the turret and
laser stays on the rock)
Interact with Sophia and guide her to Kino Der Toten; she will power the teleporter and once all
players are inside, you will be teleported to Samantha's room where you must obtain the
Kronorium (signified by the Grammerphone playing)
You must now locate 4 Apothicon Eggs around the map, take them to the fertilisation chambers
in the green pool inside of the Apothicon and feed them souls (locations are listed below)
You can only see one egg on the map at a time
You can collect all four eggs first then feed them or feed them one at a time, it does not
Whoever collected the eggs must be the one to kill the Zombies for their souls
The Eggs are a bright orange colour with brown/green veins on the bottom (for reference to
find them)
Spawn - very close to Quick Revive
Spawn - on top of a barrel to the left of the jump pad from Origins
Shangri-La - laying in one of the fire pits
Shangri-La - at the bottom of the stairs from the jump pad near a broken pillar
Der Eisendrache - at the bottom of one of the Primis Statues feet
Revelations - within a bucket in the connecting pathway between Kino Der Toten and Der
Eisendrache (Wunderfizz Machine room)
Kino Der Toten - on a chair just before the Bowie Knife Wallbuy
Kino Der Toten - on a viewing stand above the staircase to the left of the stage from Der
Verruckt - in-between the 2 green Zetsubou No Shima-like vats near the KN-44
Verruckt - near the Wunderfizz Machine on the floor
Origins - inside a box/on the ground opposite the KN-44 wallbuy
Origins - near the stairs next to the original generator 3 / near Double Tap II
Origins - on the pathway behind the Summoning Altar
Origins - Snow pile at the top of Buried slope, where Origins dig site is
Nacht Der Untoten - on top of one of the fallen cabinets
Once you fill an egg with souls, you will receive a gateworm; you must go around the map with
the gateworm and listen for a sonar sound and vibrating indicating where to place the gateworm
which will, in turn, reward you with a rune of creation to pick up
You will know the right spot when the beeping and vibrating become intense and rapid
The area where the beeping begins is tiny so be sure to check every corner of the map and
not just general areas
You must repeat this process for all four gateworms until you have all four runes of creation
Once all previous steps are complete, go to the Projector Room in Kino Der Toten and all four
runes of creation should be on the ground, and the puzzle should be glowing; if so, all players
must stand on a rune and you will be teleported to the boss battle arena
At the front of the room, the Kronorium will flip pages and reveal the order you need to enter
the four runes of creation. On the other side of the room, each rune will flash mid-air in a yellow
glow, and you must press them in the correct order for all 4 (a symbol will turn purple if entered)
Once the previous step is complete, you must now defeat four different waves of Zombies &
other enemy types until eventually, you can pick up the Summoning Key from the centre of the
room and now you must throw it at the following locations/items:
Shangri-La - go to the staircase and throw it at the blue focusing stone
Nacht Der Untoten - throw it at the red barrel just outside of the barrier opposite the spiral
Verruckt - throw it at the fountain with the MG-42 on top of it just behind the power grid
Mob of the Dead - throw it at the poster in the cellblock on the complete opposite end of the
room with the Corruption Engine
Origins - throw it at the Tombstone just outside of the Origins mound
Der Eisendrache - throw it at the clock which is visible on the roof of the area from the
Corruption Engine
Kino Der Toten - throw it at the chandelier in the centre of the cinema/roof above the chairs
If you successfully hit all items, you are now able to go to the boss fight by all players going
inside of the Kino Der Toten teleporter
This can result in death barriers so be warned
This can be challenging so you will want to get good weapons (wonder weapons
recommended), Gobblegum & a powerful mask
You must now place the Summoning Key on one of the four pedestals/fountains around the
beast mode area which will then begin to charge it. Once charged, throw it at Sophia to allow her
to fire a laser at the Shadowman, destroying his shield; now you must shoot him until he his
completely inside of the Apothicon's mouth and interact with the Kronorium to complete the boss
This may require all four fountains to be done but it is completable using only one
You will now be awarded 20,000XP for completing the "Home Sweet Home" Dark Ops
You may also be granted 1,000,000XP for completing the "Primis Rulz" Dark Ops challenge
The ending cutscene will now play and afterwards, your game will end as you have
completed Zombies!

This Easter Egg took nine days to be completed, remember: Roses are red Summoning Keys are
round Definitive steps for this Easter egg have yet to be found

Map Easter Eggs

For constant easter egg, storyline information updates, cyphers and more, please visit
MrRoflWaffles' channel:

You can also stay updated on the story at our Wiki: /r/CODZombies Storyline Wiki

You can also see my post All Main Easter Eggs, Radios, Quotes & More - Every Map for a guide
to all sorts of Easter Eggs!

'The Gift' Music Easter Egg

"The Gift" lyrics - Elena Siegman Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Revelations easter egg song

Activating all of the Music Bears listed below will activate a music easter egg:

One in the front row of seats in Kino

One under the excavation site in the operating room for MotD
The last one is from the jump pad from MotD to and just go straight to Verruckt

All Zombies Songs Music Easter Egg

This Easter Egg plays multiple songs and pieces of music from past maps. This can be achieved
by unlocking the radio in Nacht Der Untoten by pressing all four of the following buttons (all
located in Nacht Der Untoten):

At the top of the staircase next to the Mob of the Dead portal
To the left of the Der Eisendrache portal
To the left of the Tesla Control panel
To the left of the L-CAR 9 Wallbuy

"Takeo's Katana" Wall Weapon

To begin this easter egg you will need to complete up to step 10 of the Main Easter Egg but do
not go inside of the teleporter.

Once you have the teleporter ready to be used, return to the spark on the left light of the truck
in spawn and pick it up.
You will now need to walk all the way back to the teleporter in Kino Der Toten without being hit
by anything (only the person with the spark can't get hit)
Once you get to the teleporter, go inside of it and you will be taken to Samantha's room
Inside of Samantha's room, on a shelf, will be a music box; this is where you place the spark
If all previous steps are done successfully, you will now be able to purchase "Takeo's Katana"
("Path of Sorrows") for 500 points on the board at the top of the Shangri-La staircase

Permanent Wall Power & Crate Power

To begin this easter egg you will need to complete up to step 10 of the Main Easter Egg but do
not go inside of the teleporter.

Once you have the teleporter ready to be used, return to the spark on the left light of the truck
in spawn and pick it up.
You will now need to walk all the way back to the teleporter in Kino Der Toten without being hit
by anything (only the person with the spark can't get hit)
Once you get to the teleporter, go inside of it and you will be taken to Samantha's room
Inside of Samantha's room, on a shelf, will be a music box; this is where you place the spark
If all previous steps are done successfully, every wallbuy and box weapon obtained will give
you the Pack-a-Punch'd version of that weapon (essentially giving you permanent Wall Power &
Crate Power for the entire game)

Free Perk Wallrun Easter Egg

Activate the Anti-Gravity in Der Eisendrache

Run and jump over the wall facing the Corruption Engine and you will notice a series of walls
around the area
Run around these (similar to a free run course) and complete it successfully and you will see a
perk bottle floating high in the sky above the ritual point

M1927 Wallbuy / Weapon Swap Easter Egg

This Easter Egg will unlock an M1927 Wallbuy in the Der Eisendrache Pyramid Room. It will also
allow players to swap their weapons by placing & picking them up on the table next to the box
location in Nacht Der Untoten.

Open all of Der Eisendrache and activate Anti-Gravity

Find and obtain the pink chalk (can be found on the ledge of the pillar carving on the right wall
in the left corridor facing away from the pyramid)
Locate & Replace the chalk drawings in the following locations
DE Pyramid Room - "Wish Too Often And Your Wishing Well Will Run" belongs to the
Verruckt Power Room on the floor, where you will be able to pick up "Ascend From Darkness"
Verruckt Power Room - "Ascend From Darkness" goes to the Spiral Staircase in Nacht Der
Untoten, where you will be able to pick up "Salvation Lies Above"
Spiral Staircase/Nacht - "Salvation Lies Above" goes to the Help Room staircase on the wall
in Nacht (Note: There is no chalk to pick up here)
Behind Teleporter In Kino - "A Soul Alone Can Follow The Path" goes to the furthest doorway
on the left to the Infirmary from the Corruption Engine in the Mob of the Dead area, here you will
be able to pick up "Knowledge Itself Is For The Taking"
"Knowledge Itself Is For The Taking" goes behind the Teleporter in Kino, just above the
Power Switch to the right

Once all of the chalk quotes are successfully placed, you will hear a noise confirming that you
have completed the Easter Egg. The M1927 Wallbuy will be available in the Pyramid Room for
1750 Points, and you will be able to swap weapons in Nacht Der Untoten.

Hats / Masks

This is a Breakdown of all of the Hats / Masks in Revelations, what they do and how to get them

Al's Hat

Al's Hat is located in the jail cell to the left of the door leading to Origins in the Mob of the Dead
area. It currently has no known use or ability that isn't cosmetic.

Wolf Hat

This mask gives you Purple Stamin-Up which increases sprint duration.
Throw a grenade in the hole of the wolf bow upgrade step and a wolf skull will fall
Activate the Anti-Gravity in Der Eisendrache
Go back to the skull and it will be floating and spinning and kill Zombies around it to collect
their souls (anti-gravity mode only), Parasites also contribute to filling the skull with souls
Eventually the skull will disappear and is unlocked at Kino der Toten

Viking Hat

This hat gives you Purple Juggernog which gives you +1 hit from all enemies.

Shoot the numbers 9, 3, 5 on the clock above the Der Eisendrache area of the map
Get headshot kills near all 4 Urns located around the map
Origins area near the floating truck beneath a table
Between the Shangri-La Temple and Der Eisendrache on the wall filled with skulls
Kino Der Toten projector room on a shelf
Verruckt kitchen on the oven
Once completed the mask will be located on the back-right side of the Kino der Toten stage

Keeper Hat

This hat gives you Purple Juggernog (+1 extra hit from Zombies), 50% damage reduction from
enslaved keepers, 33% more damage to enslaved keepers and the keeper protector lasts 30
seconds longer

Build the Keeper Protector and activate it (5000 points)

Allow the Keeper Protector to kill multiple Zombies until you hear a screeching audio queue
Once complete, go to the back of Kino - on the stage - you will see a Keeper's Mask/Helmet,
simply pick it up and you will obtain Purple Juggernog

Margwa Hat

This mask gives you 50% damage resistance from Margwa's, 33% extra damage to Margwas,
and Purple Stamin-Up.

Kill three types of Margwa in one shot per head (3 shots to kill total)
Once completed the mask will be located on the back-right side of the Kino der Toten stage

Fury Hat

This mask gives you Purple Juggernog (+1 extra hit from Zombies), 33% damage resistance from
Fury's, and 50% additional damage to Fury's

Headshot 15+ Apothicon Fury's

Once completed the mask will be located on the back-right side of the Kino der Toten stage

Knight/Templar Helmet

This mask gives you Purple Stamin-Up (increased sprint duration), 50% damage reduction from
all Boss Attacks, 33% extra damage to Bosses and no damage from elemental zombies' death
Get 50 - 150 kills using traps
Shoot the face plate off of a Panzer

Apothicon Mask

This mask gives you Purple Juggernog (+1 extra hit from Zombies) and Purple Stamin-Up
(increased sprint duration), 33% damage reduction from all enemies, and 50% extra damage to
all enemies. To obtain this Mask, you must do the following challenges inside of the Apothicon
while the green gas is being emitted and all kills must be in the acid pool.

Kill 50 Zombies
Kill 5 Spiders
Kill 5 Parasites
Kill 10 Fury's
Kill 5 Keepers
Take Panzer's Helmet off
Take a Panzer's Power Core off
Kill 2 different types of Margwa with the last hit being unique (the way you get the final hit/kill
must be different for each margwa)

Tips & Tricks

This is a guide to all the different Tips & Tricks in Revelations, including survival tactics, strategies
& more


If you would like to contribute a text or video guide/strategy, please message me the guide
privately, I'll link it in this post, and you will be credited.

You can find an array of different and unique strategies for all types of gameplay and amount of
players for every Zombie map on our Wiki: /r/CODZombies Strategies Wiki

Maximizing Points & XP

For easy-to-follow, detailed and helpful guides on how to maximise points and XP in the early
rounds and for the whole game, please read my other posts: The Knifing Strategy and Advanced

When knifing, please use this technique for best results: Advanced Knifing.

Another point is to lay down in front of perk machines; this will give you 100 points per machine
(not all machines work).


Training is one of the most essential and universal skills that any Zombies map will ever ask of
the player. If you aren't familiar with training, It essentially boils down to running in circle
movements around an area which means you can control the Zombies position. Learning how to
train properly will be a great asset to your games and once you are comfortable, you can get
more creative and sophisticated with your training strategies, mainly, you can learn how to train in
smaller/tighter areas or begin to cut your trains, run through separated Zombies and train with no

Luckily, in Revelations, there is an array of areas that are ideal for training. You could probably
run a successful train in almost any section of the map and thankfully to the vast range of
powerful weapons. It's unlikely you'll ever go down.

Map Features for Survival

Use the map to your advantage! If you do the following things you will have an easier experience
when playing Revelations:

Obtain the Apothicon Servant + Upgrade it

Obtain the Thundergun + Upgrade it
Obtain the Lil' Arnies + Upgrade them
Obtain the Ragnarok DG-4's
Craft the Dragon Shield
Craft & use the Keeper Protector
Obtain a helmet / mask
Use the Turret

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