Cursed City - Failing Light (A)

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The Failing of the Light

The Cursed City of Ulfenkharn has returned! Defying impossibility, the city has emerged from the Shyish Nadir and has become a new cursed
underworld. Its former inhabitants, those that failed to escape the city have becomes shades; revenants that continue to act out their daily
routine, not recognizing that their fate has already been determined. Even a part of the spirit of Radukar himself lurks within, believing it
continues to work on its own designs. And the city itself is changed. Alleys have become dead ends. A door walked through may not lead to the
same place as it once did. And malign intelligences lurk in the shadows, seeking to stake their claim on this underworld and enact their own

In this Quest, the Witch Hunter, Hanniver Toll, and his most trusted companion, Armand Callis, find themselves trapped
within the Cursed City and at the mercy of a mysterious entities that would see them serve their own ends. This is a Quest
for Cursed City using two heroes from the Saviours of Cinderfall.
“What is the place creature? Speak or I will end your worthless existence.” Toll aimed his pistol at the thing before them.
Its lower half seemed insubstantial, comprised of wisps of smoke held together unbidden but its upper body was a hideous
thing. A skull-like face framed a distended jaw and its bare and withered chest was a dull pale grey.
“Welcome, welcome little witch hunter. Took a wrong turn on the path I see. You need fear me no more than I you so you may
put away your crude weapon.”
Toll did not move.
“You and your companions find yourself in a cursed place, once called Ulfenkharn, once called Mournhold.”
“Lies” interrupted Toll. “I have seen the reports. Ulfenkharn was claimed by the Nadir. Nothing returns from that vortex.”
“True and yet false” chuckled the creature. “The Nadir swallows all but sometimes it spits some things back out again”.
“Impossible” replied Toll, drawing the hammer on his pistol back.
“It hardly matters” the creature replied. “Here you find yourself and so here you are. And there is no escape from this place
little witch-finder. No escape without my keys.”
“Perhaps I should just end your profane existence and take your keys” suggested Toll.
“You could. You could” the thing grinned, its smile unnaturally wide. “But are you certain your silver is up to task? Besides,
what good are my keys to you if you know not what lock they fit.”
Toll’s brow furrowed further but he slowly lowered his pistol.
“Then what, spirit, is it that you want?”
Armand marched to match his friend’s pace step for step. Toll had that fire in him now. The one that burned with purpose and
only the fulfilment of his goal would see it extinguished.
“You don’t really think that key-thing means to keep its word, do you?” enquired the former soldier.
Toll didn’t break his stride as he answered.
“Of course not but we nevertheless find ourselves faced with a predicament. Do you recall how we arrived here Armand?
Callis made to reply but, before he could, Toll cut him off.
“In point of fact, do you recall what you were doing before we found ourselves here? Were we together or apart? What time of
day was it? Which city were we in? Or even which Realm?
Callis looked stunned as he wracked his mind for any recollection of the events that had led him to this spot.
“What, Armand, is the last thing you do remember?” Toll asked.
Callis considered this for a moment.
“I’m not sure. There was the business in Cinderfall which we concluded.” Callis’ frustration boiled over. “Argh! Damn it Toll!
what witchcraft is this? It’s all a muddle. I can’t even put an order of events together.”
Toll’s reply was cool and pragmatic.
“I do not know how we came to be here anymore than you. This may be the machinations of Chaos, the work of some sorcerer
or necromancer. We may even be dead. The answer changes nothing.”
“I rather think being dead might change some things.” Callis interjected.
“My point is that all we can do is act upon what we know. We know we are here, in this city. We have no obvious means of
egress any more than we are aware of our means of ingress. We do not know if we can trust the word of this Key Keeper but we
do know something about it.”
“And what is that?”
“We know that its price for our freedom is Realmstone. We know that it believes there is a good deal of it within the city’s walls
and that it is not willing to enter the city to collect it. Hence there must be something in the city that it fears.”
“And so…” prompted Callis.
“So, we find whatever it is this Key Keeper fears and we use it to gain leverage.”
Callis rubbed his temples.
“Wonderful. So we’re hunting a “something” which terrifies a, likely immortal, spirit, in a cursed city filled with the undead.
And we have no idea where to begin.”
Use the following changes to the rules in the Getting Ready to Play section to play the Failing of the Light Quest in Warhammer
Quest: Cursed City.
◆ Set Fear and Influence to 5 each.
◆ There is only a single type of Journey called an Investigation Journey.
◆ To set-up an Investigation Journey, build a Deliverance Journey as usual. However, no Suffocating Gravetide will
pursue the heroes. Instead, the heroes must explore the city, collecting Realmstone and seeking a way to escape.
◆ Build the Exploration Deck as follows: take the two Exploration cards marked with two enemy symbols (referred to
below as The Courtyard and The Menagerie), randomly choose one and return the other to the box. The chosen card
is the Objective. Then shuffle the Objective card with 4 other random Exploration cards. Finally, deal another 5
random Exploration cards on top of the 5 already assembled leaving you with a deck of 10 cards in which the Objective
is located somewhere in the last five.
◆ Each time the heroes perform the Explore(4+) action, they place only a single board tile instead of the usual two. All
gateways are closed and only flipped when an Explore(4+) action is performed on them.
◆ The heroes may not perform the Warn(6+) action. There is no-one to save from the Gravetide.
◆ If, when a tile is placed, its Exploration card has no Lychgates, it has two possible exits. Place two gateways at the two
farthest locations. Then divide the Exploration deck into two by dealing one card at a time, from the bottom of the
deck, into two respective piles. Place each pile next to each Lychgate. If the heroes select a route that does not contain
the Objective, they will need to retrace their steps, losing the daylight as they do.
◆ To complete the Journey, consult the requirements for the selected Objective when it is discovered (see below).
◆ Certain tiles have special rules (see below). When the Exploration card for that tile is drawn, place Lychgates and
gateways as usual but also apply the rules stated below.
◆ The heroes do not roll on the Extraction Table and do not apply the Consequences for a Deliverance Journey. Instead,
after each Investigation Journey, apply the rules listed under Journey’s End below.
◆ Use the Event Table below in place of the usual Event Table.

Result Event
1 A Destiny Denied: Do not make a destiny roll at the start of the next turn.

The Odds Are Against Us: The hostile group with a model furthest from the leader makes a Charge action.
2-4 If there are equidistant hostile groups, the leader picks which one makes a Charge action. If there are no
hostile groups, draw an Encounter card and deploy the corresponding hostiles as reinforcements at the
nearest Lychgate.
We Dare Not Linger: Move the nightfall token clockwise one space (unless the nightfall token is on the space
5-6 with the night symbol).
It’s Too Quiet: There is no further effect.
A Brief Respite: Each hero may either make a free Recuperate (1+) action or remove one ailment.
11 Inspiring Effort: Each hero gains 1 inspiration point.
Our Goal Is Close: draw the top card of the Exploration deck. If it is the Objective card, return it to the
12 deck. If it is any other card, the heroes may discard it if they wish. If the Exploration deck has been divided,
the leader may choose which deck to draw from.

The narrative of this Quest is written with Callis and Toll from the Saviours of Cinderfall in mind. However, there is nothing
to stop players from using any alternative heroes if they wish to do so (and they should invent a suitable narrative to
accompany their Quest…for example, perhaps Qulathis escaped to Azyr after the final battle but her dreams are haunted by the
call of those she failed, summoning her back to the Cursed City. So motivated, she calls upon her fellow survivors to
accompany her).
If you play with more than two heroes, consider drawing two Encounter cards whenever you would usually draw only one
(otherwise each Journey may prove a little too easy).
Before the heroes stands one of the old nemeses of those who
fought and died for the salvation of Ulfenkharn before its

Roll the Quest Dice and then place the hostile group listed.
Do not draw an Encounter card for this tile:
1-2: Radukar the Wolf.
3-4: Torgillius the Chamberlain.
5-6: Gorslave the Gravekeeper.
7-8: Watch Captain Halgrim.
9-10: 3x Vyrkos Blood-born.
11-12: 2x Khorsagi Nightguard.
If the heroes defeat the hostile group, read Journey’s End.

The cages of this former zoo lie sprawled and broken across
the floor. Though its original inhabitants have either fled or
become food, an altogether more dreadful creature has made
this place its lair.

When this tile is placed, remove all other hostile models.

Then place one Vargskyr hostile group adjacent to the Point
of Interest. It is Hostile Group 1. Do not shuffle its initiative
card with the heroes’ cards. Instead, place it in the leftmost
space on the initiative track, each Round, until it is slain.

If the heroes slay the Vargskyr, each hero may perform a free
Search (4+) action. Then read Journey’s End.


Great pipes are laid into the floor tiles of this room,
emerging from some strange device of arcane origin. Who
can say what its original purpose was.

A single hero on this tile may perform the Tinker(4+) action.

If they do, roll the Quest Dice and look-up the results below:

1-3: Green Lightning erupts from the device, arcing across

those in the vicinity. Each model on this tile suffers a
Grievous Wound.
4-6: Despite a lot of hammering, banging and tapping of
dials, the device remains inert. There is no further effect.
7-10: The device emits a strange red gas which has
remarkable restorative properties. Each hero may heal all
11-12: Before their eyes, a portal opens before the heroes. If
they wish, they may end the Journey here and treat it as a
Though they no longer have need of the rest this place once
provided, the Ulfenwatch still stand in silent repose,
guarding their grim captain.

When this tile is placed, place Watch Captain Halgrim

adjacent to the Lychgate and 4 Ulfenwatch adjacent to him.
Assign a hostile group number to him (if they are all
occupied, remove hostile group 4 and replace it with this
hostile group).
Watch Captain Halgrim is defended by his bodyguards. He
cannot suffer any Wounds until his 4 Ulfenwatch have been
If Watch-Captain Halgrim is slain, each hero receives 1
Inspiration Point.

Once the luxuriant pastime of the rich and famous, this
bathhouse has been drained and converted into some sort of
grotesque fighting pit. Sharpened stakes are thrust into the
edges and the floor is slick with blood.

Fighting on this tile is particularly hazardous. If a model

suffers any Wounds from a melee attack while it is on this
tile, it suffers 1 extra Wound.


The landing of this staircase is readily defensible against
aggressors from the lower levels.

Any model standing on a square with stairs treats success

results as misses and critical success results as successes
when making combat actions that target models on the other
squares of this tile.
The fires of this forge burn now with a strange witch light
that emits no heat but nevertheless burns to the touch.

If there are no hostiles on this tile, any hero on the tile may
perform the Enhance(6)+ action. If they do, roll the Quest
Dice and apply the result below:
1-3: The hero is hideously burned by their efforts. They
suffer a Grievous Injury.
4-6: The strange flames flicker across the hero’s weapon but
there is no obvious effect.
7-12: The fire enhances the hero’s weapon. The hero adds
+1/+1 to one of their melee weapon actions until the end of
the current Journey.


Though this stall is long abandoned, there may yet remain
some interesting items which the heroes may liberate and put
to good use. Occasionally, that may even take the form of an
unexpected ally...

If a hero performs the Search(4+) action on this tile, they

may draw two cards instead of the usual one.

Alternatively, if a hero performs a “Here Boy”(6+) action,

they can take the Gryph-Hound Empowerment card (see
Place the Balthus model from the
Saviours of Cinderfall set adjacent to
the hero with this Enhancement.

When this hero activates, they may

move Balthus up to 4 squares and make
a single Melee attack with the profile
Balthus may be attacked as if he were a
hero but does not roll Defence. If he
suffers 3 Wounds, he is removed and
this Empowerment is lost.

◆ At the end of an Investigation Journey, first determine if Fear or Influence have increased. If, during the Journey, the
Nightime tracker reached the Nightime space, increase Fear and Influence by 1. The heroes have tarried too long in the
city and the powers that seek to control it have had time to exercise their will.
◆ If the heroes failed the Journey, increase Fear and Influence by 1.
◆ If either Fear or Influence, reach 10, the heroes have failed in their Quest. They are doomed to wander the city
eternally, joining the other shades that inhabit this strange realm.
◆ At the end of each Investigation Journey the heroes may elect how best to spend the accumulated Realmstone. They
■ Purchase Enhancements as usual;
■ Give Realmstone to the Keeper of the Keys to reduce Influence. For every 3 Realmstone spent,
reduce Influence by 1.
■ Give Realmstone to the White Knight to reduce Fear. For every 3 Realmstone spent, reduce Fear by
◆ Heroes gain experience in the usual way save that there is no requirement that a hero complete any particular Journey
to increase in levels.
◆ Heroes may keep Realmstone between Journeys. Return Realmstone cards to the deck and make a note of the total
accrued Realmstone.
At the centre of the courtyard, sat astride a great destrier, was a knight clad in pale armour the colour of bone. Toll drew his
pistol but the Knight waved him down and dismounted. Toll noted that the great warhorse did not so much as twitch as the
armoured warrior descended from it.
“Welcome friends” called the knight as Callis emerged from the door Toll had just passed through (closing it quickly behind
“Oh what fresh horror is this?” Callis enquired, a hint of exasperation in his voice but Toll remained silent as the knight strode
towards them.
The warrior addressed the companions.
“You are neither dead nor dying I see. To wit, you are out of place within my fair city. As you can see, this place is overcome
with the shades of those that once ruled here. I would see it restored to its former glory.”
Toll frowned.
“What are you?” He enquired.
“Naught but a humble soul that wishes to see the city saved from that which plagues it. Perchance you have already
encountered my arch-rival and nemesis at the city’s gates? And his cursed words have forced you into the city with promises of
safe departure?”
“Perchance” replied Toll.
“Make no mistake, his vile countenance is exceeded only by his depraved soul. He is not to be trusted.”
“Indeed.” Toll’s voice was level. He placed no trust in the warrior before him either but listened intently all the same.
“Perhaps, you may aid me in this and, in exchange, I can offer you the freedom falsely promised.”
“Perhaps” mused Toll. “And how might we go about aiding you?”
“Are you familiar with Realmstone?” The knight enquired.
“No Armand. Before you ask, I do not trust the knight to keep his word. My suspicion is that he is no more noble than our
friend at the gates.” Toll answered before Callis could even pose the question.
“So, we either deliver treasure to a knight or a revenant, neither of whose motives may we trust” complained Callis. “I feel like
we’re no closer to getting out of here.”
“I suspect” replied Toll “that this is but some twisted game and we find ourselves mere pawns within it. I do not like games
that I am forced to play Armand.”
“You have a plan then?” asked Callis.
Toll was quiet for a moment before replying.
“Let’s upset the board shall we?”

When either Fear or Influence are reduced to zero, the heroes must play one final Investigation Journey but with the
following differences:
◆ When the Objective tile is placed, do not follow the usual rules for that tile. Instead, the enemy summons the last of its
strength to direct its minions at the heroes. Draw 4 Encounter cards. If the heroes defeat all hostile groups, they win the
Quest. If they are defeated, they lose.
◆ If the heroes win the Quest and Fear or Influence reached 0, read the corresponding entry below. If both Fear and
Influence reached 0 during the same Journey’s End Phase, read the final entry below instead.

If Fear reaches 0
“Fool” hissed the Keeper “You have chosen poorly.”
The spirit seemed to swell in size for a moment as coruscating energies gathered amidst its incorporeal form.
Toll fired. The silver shot, inlaid with holy script, tore through the incorporeal matter. The being screamed as its essence was
violently ripped asunder. With a great clawed hand, it reached for the Witcher Hunter but, before it could claim him, a knight,
armoured in bone and sat astride a pale warhorse thundered through the great gate of Ulfenkharn, laughing as it did.
“Begone foul creature.” The knight’s voice was brimming with satisfaction. “Your duty is ended for there are no more locks
that are closed to me.”
The Keeper hissed its distaste and shrank back but it could not avoid the thrust of the knight’s lance. The bone-hewn weapon
cleaved through the Keeper and it screeched as it dissipated into the ether.
The knight dismounted. And raised the grisly grill of its helm. Beneath lay a pale face with the grey pallor of one long dead and
its sunken eyes were bloodshot orbs. It turned and addressed the companions.
“You have done me a service little Sigmarites.” Its voice was full of self-aggrandisement. “This city and its shades bend now to
my will alone. My liege will be pleased at the harvests we will reap. Allow me to fulfil my side of our accord.”
It gestured to the great iron gates of the city and, between them, a shimmering portal appeared; a Realmgate.
“Where does it lead?” asked Toll.
“That is for you to discover.” The bruised lips of the knight’s mouth creased into a rictus grin.
Toll hesitated for a moment, unsure if he had made the correct choice in aiding this cadaverous knight in its quest to take
control of whatever Ulfenkharn had become. Then he gathered his resolve, set his back to the city, and stepped through the
If Influence reaches 0
The knight wore its suit of bone-hewn armour but the helmet was removed. Cracks ran through the breastplate and leaked a
viscous black fluid. It seemed unable to rise.
Toll grimaced at the knight’s complexion. Shorn of its helm, his cadaverous appearance was visible to all. Bloodshot eyes were
sunken into a pale, grey face and black lips cracked apart as the knight tried to smile at their approach.
“I presume you have opted not to save this city then so-called agents of order?” Its voice was like a spade shifting gravel.
“This city is cursed” replied Toll. “And I do not think anything you would have done would stand to change that.”
The knight coughed and spat more black liquid upon the worn rug at its feet.
“But to sacrifice it to my thrice damned-cousin? He will treat this place as his own private lock-box, entrapping those he can
and feeding from their nightmare existence.”
“So be it” replied Toll. “I have duties to fulfil and I will waste no more time tending to the lost souls of Ulfenkharn.”
Toll raised his pistol but, before he pulled the trigger, the Keeper appeared before him.
“Do not destroy him little Witch Hunter” its sibilant voice called. I have need of him yet. The dismay of the vanquished is a
truly delectable delight.”
Toll frowned but stowed his pistol.
“Our bargain?”
“Yesss, yes. As promised, I will unlock the final door for you and you may leave this realm.”
The Keeper waved its hand and a door at the end of the hall swung open. On the other side, Toll could only make out white
stars against a pitch black night.
Toll hesitated for a moment, unsure if he had made the correct choice in granting this malignant spirit they keys to whatever
Ulfenkharn had become. Then he gathered his resolve, set his back to the city, and stepped through the Realmgate.
If Fear and Influence reach 0 during the same Journey’s End
Toll stood once more before the great gates of Ulfenkharn and scoured the ruined streets for a sign of his quarry. Then he saw
it. The Keeper floated towards him, its ethereal hands repeatedly grasping at nothing. It seemed nervous.
“Have you brought it?” The spirit’s voice was a sibilant whisper. “Do you have the Realmstone I require?”
“I have brought what you deserve” replied the Witch Hunter.
Callis found the knight, clad it its bone amour, in a place which once would have been the citadel’s gardens. Nothing grew in
this underworld though, save the thickly thorned black roses and Callis had no love for those wicked stems.
The knight turned at his approach.
“Have you brought me what I seek noble Azyrite?” it enquired.
Callis grimly observed the cracks in the knight’s grotesque armour. Black ichor seemed to be leaking from them.
“I’m afraid not” answered Callis, drawing his blade.
The Keeper lashed at Toll, ethereal chains slashing the air and seeking to bind him. But the Witch Hunter had battled gheists
before. He ducked beneath the chains’ grasp and tossed a vial of sanctified oil on the earth where the smoke-like apparition
touched it.
The Keeper screeched in rage and pain and Toll drew his pistol.
The knight’s movements were clumsy, its swings near-ponderous. Callis blocked one strike and stepped inside his opponent’s
guard. He struck with the pommel of his blade and the knight reeled back.
Callis pressed his advantage. Taking his blade in two hands, he smashed aside the knight’s rusted sword and, with a single
thrust, plunged the Azyrite steel into the thing’s breastplate.
The Keeper halted its assault for a moment. The witch-light in its eye-sockets seemed to burn more fiercely.
“Wait!” it pleaded. ‘The knight. He is slain?”
Toll silently reasoned that this creature’s connection allowed it to sense when its nemesis was no more. Good, Toll mused.
Callis had been successful.
The Keeper continued its malodorous mewlings.
“I do not understand. Why bring this assault if you did not side with him? If you vanquish me now, you will have no means to
leave this underworld.”
Toll drew the hammer back on his pistol.
“That, spirit, is quite simple. I am a servant of the Order of Azyr and I do not bargain.”
Toll pulled the trigger.
Callis met Toll by the gates. He looked up at them for a moment, quietly mourning the loss of their grandeur.
“It is done then?” he asked Toll as his friend approach.
“It is done” confirmed the Witch Hunter.
“So, what’s next for us? How exactly do we leave this hellscape of an underworld?”
“I don’t know” Toll confessed. “But I have faith in Sigmar and I do not think he is quite done with us yet Armand. Come on,
let’s find our path.”

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