Example Link Budget

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Plan du cours

!  Introduction
!  Basic concepts
•  Link budget principles
•  SINR and sensitivity
•  Propagation
Link Budget 4G •  Antennas, diversity and sectorization
•  Thermal noise and noise factor
•  Cable losses
•  Margins
Marceau Coupechoux •  Link Budget LTE
INFRES/RMS •  Generic parameters
•  Downlink
•  Uplink
•  Typical cell ranges
•  Conclusion
•  References
Institut Mines-Télécom 2 12/01/2016 Institut Mines-Télécom Modèle de présentation Télécom ParisTech

Basic concepts
Introduction Principles of the link budget
!  Principle: We start with a power budget from which we substract losses and
margins; received power should be higher than the receiver sensitivity.
!  Problem formulation :
•  Dimensionning a cellular network: How many BSs do we need to
cover a given area characterized by some radio propagation
parameters and traffic demand?

Transmit power
•  Capacity of a cellular network: How many users can the network Margins
serve? With which quality of service?
•  Coverage: What is the cell range?
•  Deploiement: Which radio techniques can we use to increase
coverage or capacity?

Sensitivity Losses
!  In this lecture, we are interested in coverage studies thanks to an
approximative tool: the link budget Cell range
Example: uplink Sensitivity
MAPL = Maximum Allowable Path Loss

Propagation model, e.g. Hata = MAPL

MAPL [dB] Cell range [Km]

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Basic concepts Basic concepts
Principles of the link budget Principles of the link budget
A MS at cell
edge transmits
!  The MAPL is the minimum of the uplink and downlink MAPLs.
Uplink at maximum
!  To increase coverage, it is needed to identify the limiting link:
Link Budget Link Budget
•  Uplink limited: MAPLul < MAPLdl
BS transmits •  Downlink limited: MAPLdl < MAPLul
ar maximum
!  Coverage extension is done by using appropriate radio
= = •  Uplink limited network:
Uplink maximum allowable path-loss Downlink maximum allowable path-loss ─  Receive diversity (2 or 4 antennas),
─  Tower Mounted Amplifier (TMA).
•  Downlink limited network:
MAPL = MIN(MAPLUL,MAPLDL) ─  High power amplifier,
─  Transmit diversity,
─  Low loss BS configuration.
NB: Uplink and Downlink budgets Cell range
are independent
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Basic concepts Basic concepts

SINR and sensitivity SINR and sensitivity
!  Sensitivity = minimum power needed to guarantee a certain quality of
!  Reminder on logarithmique scale, dB and dBm
service or a certain throughput in presence of noise only
!  We use the logarithmic scale to represent signal to (interference plus)
!  Dedicated channel technologies (UMTS R99, GSM): There is a target noise ratios
SNR or SINR γ*. Below this threshold, quality of service is not sufficient.

X_dB = 10 log10(X_linear) => X_linear = 10(X_dB/10) 10 dB = 10 times

!  Shared channel technologies (HSDPA, LTE): Throughput is an 7 dB = 5 times
increasing function of the SNR/SINR. We deduce from the target 3 dB = 2 times
throughput at cell edge, the SNR or SINR threshold γ* to be reached. 0 dB = 1 times
!  SNRdB = 10 log10(SNRlinear) -3 dB = ½ times
-10 dB = 1/10 times
!  From noise power and SNR threshold, we deduce the sensitivity: !  The dB milliwatt or dBm: -13 dB = 1/20 times
-17 dB = 1/50 times
P_dBm = 10 log10(P_mW).

!  Ex: SNRlinear= 2 <=> SNRdB = 3 dB

!  In a link budget, co-channel interferences are taken into account in an
!  Be careful: subscripts are rarely used
interference margin.
(but it does not mean that 2 = 3 (!))

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Basic concepts Basic concepts
Propagation Propagation
!  Reminder: The three stage propagation model.
!  In link budgets:
Received Average attenuation in -10αlog(d)
signal •  Average attenuation (path-loss): We use an empirical model
•  Shadowing: Taken into account by a shadowing margin in the
computation of the MAPL
Fast fading
•  Fast fading: Usually taken into account in the sensitivity (except
in UMTS R99), which is computed from link level simulations
including fast fading models

Distance (logarithmic scale)

Transmitter Receiver

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Basic concepts Basic Concepts

Propagation Propagation
!  Path-loss: Difference in dB between transmit and received power !  Okumura-Hata model for 150-1500 MHz :

!  We use empirical models coming from extensive measurement campaigns L = A + B log10 R C

and that depends only on a small set of parameters characterizing the With:

!  Some models:
A = 69.55 + 26.16 log10 f 13.82 log10 hb
•  Okumura-Hata: measurements performed in Tokyo in 1968, B = 44.9 6.55 log10 hb
150-1500 MHz, distances between 1 and 10 Km, urban areas, 8
> 2
suburban areas, open areas <3.2(log10 (11, 75f )) 4.97 (Urbain)
•  COST231-Hata: 1999, extends Okumura-Hata model to 1500-2000 C = 2
2(log10 (f /28)) + 5.4 (Suburbain)
MHz >
: 2
•  COST231-Walfish-Ikegami: distances between 20 m and 5 Km,
4.78(log10 f ) 18.33 log10 f + 40.94 (Rural)
800-2000 MHz, LOS and NLOS f en
in MHz
!  There are other models for indoor propagation, micro-cells, below roof top
R en
in km
antennas, etc. hb en
in m
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Basic concepts Basic concepts
Propagation Propagation
!  COST231-Hata model for 1500-2000 MHz (urban environment) : !  Example in urban environment: 18 dB difference at 1 Km between
900 and 2600 MHz, few differences between 2100 and 2600 MHz.
L = A + B log10 R C 160

X: 1
With: 150
Y: 142.2

A = 46.3 + 33.9 log10 f 13.82 log10 hb

X: 1

Attenuation [dB]
130 Y: 124
B = 44.9 6.55 log10 hb 900 MHz

1800 MHz
2100 MHz
C = (1.1 log10 f 0.7)hm (1.56 log10 f 0.8) 3 110
2600 MHz

f en
in MHz 100

R en
in km 90

hb en
in m 80
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Distance [Km]
hm en
in m
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Basic concepts Basic concepts

Antennas, diversity and sectorization Antennas, diversity and sectorization
!  Antenna pattern
!  Main characteristics of an antenna (reminder):
•  Frequency band
•  Horizontal beamwidth (in °), H-BW
•  Vertical beamwidth (in °),
azimuth elevation
•  Gain (in dBi),
•  Polarisation (horizontal, vertical) V-HPBW
•  Height (rarely more than 2 m),
•  Electrical or mecanical tilt (in °).

Antenna tilt

Back to front ratio Secondary nul

HBW: Horizontal beamwidth beam
V-HPBW: Vertical half power beamwidth

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Basic concepts Basic concepts
Antennas, diversity and sectorization Antennas, diversity and sectorization
!  The gain depends on the height, the frequency band and the
!  Receive diversity reduces the effects of fast fading by combining different
capacity of the antenna to focus energy in a given direction.
correlated signals.
!  Typical antenna gains:
!  Spatial diversity: Two or more antennas are physically separated
horizontally or vertically. The visual impact is significant. Important gains in
Spectrum Omni Tri-sectorized
LOS: this solution is adapted to rural environments.
!  Polarisation diversité: Antennas have different polarisation planes.
Low bands 12 dBi 16 dBi Solution more adapted to urban environments.
(700 — 900 MHz) !  Typical gains : 3dB (2RxDiv), 6dB (4RxDiv)
Intermediate 13 dBi 18 dBi
bands Spatial diversity Polarisation diversity
(1.3 – 2.3 GHz)
antenna 1 antenna 2 antennas 1 and 2
Higher bands 14 dBi 19 dBi with vertical with vertical X-pol
(2.5 – 2.6 GHz) polarisation polarisation Different polarisation

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Basic concepts Basic concepts

Antennas, diversity and sectorization Antennas, diversity and sectorization
!  Evolutions towards !  Sectorization: increase the number of sectors per site
4RxDiv : !  Impact on the dimensionning:
Spatial diversity 4RxDiv
•  Antenna gain is increased (example at 900 MHz)
─  1 sector : 360°/12dBi
─  3 sectors : 65°/16dBi
!  Spatial constraints ─  6 sectors : 33°/18dBi
•  dh > 20λ = 3m dh •  Increased capacity (densification)
•  for f = 2GHz $ !  There is a need for more hardware modules
•  λ = c/f = 15cm •  Antennas
!  [Laiho02] recommands: Diversity in 4RxDiv
polarisation •  Amplifiers
•  dh = 1,5m •  Processing capacity
•  dh’ = 0,3m !  One can genrally observe a degradation of the average cell SINR when the
number of sectors increases

d h’

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Basic concepts Basic concepts
Thermal noise and noise factor Cable losses

!  Noise power (N) = Thermal (or background) noise x receiver noise !  Cable losses: feeder, jumper, connectors
factor !  The feeder is at the interface between the antenna and the BS.

!  Thermal noise (background noise) Jumper

!  The feeder is a thick rigid cable whose attenuation depends
-  N0 = -174 dBm/Hz = 10 log(kT), psd (power spectral density) on feeder type and length and on the frequency band.
Example : LCF 7/8’’ 900 MHz 3.7dB/100m
-  k = 1.38066 10-23 J/K (Boltzmann constant), T = 290 K
-  Noise power in the band: N0 W = -174 +10 Log(W) !  The jumper is a flexible cable which is used at both

!  Noise factor of the receiver

ends of the feeder. His losses are greater. Feeder
Example : 0.15dB/1m
-  Noise introduced by the components of the reception chain
!  The connectors link different cables together.
-  Typical value: NF = 5dB (BS) NF = 8dB (UE) They introduce additional losses. Connectors
p.s.d W
!  Some other components are needed if the feeder is shared Jumper
N0W f N = N 0W ⋅ NF (diplexer) or if the site is shared (filters).


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Basic concepts Basic concepts

Cable losses Cable losses
!  Duplexer: an electronic device used to combine or separate Antenna
!  Tower Mounted Amplifier (TMA): (or Mast Head
transmission and reception on the same frequency band Amplifier MHA) improves BS sensitivity
!  Combiner : an electronic device to combine or separated several !  It compensates for cable losses (typically 3 dB). Jumpers
frequencies in the same band
!  But it introduces an insertion loss on the
downlink (typically 0.5dB) TMAs
antennas antennas
Antenna Jumpers
duplexer duplexer
combiner combiner 1 Jumpers
Low Noise
Amplifier LNA
4 TRXs combiner 2 combiner 2

4 TRXs 4 TRXs Duplexer

[Laiho02] plug

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Basic concepts Basic concepts
Cable losses Cable losses
!  Noise factor reduction: the global noise factor of a cascade of active and passive
!  Example of computation of the noise factor:
components is given by the Friis formula:
•  NB: passive components have a noise factor equal to their loss
NF2 − 1 NF3 − 1 NF4 − 1 •  Typical gain of a TMA: 12dB
NF = NF1 + + + + ... •  Typical noise factor of a TMA : 2dB
G1 G1G2 G1G2G3
Component Gain Noise factor
Noise factors: F1 F2 F3 F4
TMA 12dB 2dB
Feeder -2dB 2dB
Connectors -0.3dB 0.3dB
Gains : G1 G2 G3 G4 BS - 3dB

!  Without TMA: NF = 5.3dB

!  The number of stages depends on the site architecture
!  With TMA: NF = 2.4dB
!  Typically: TMA – Feeder – Connectors – BS (if jumpers are neglected)
!  Gain brought by the TMA: 2.9dB
!  TMA impact is often modeled by the suppression of cable and connectors losses
on the uplink: interesting for high antennas
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Basic concepts Basic concepts

Cable losses Margins
!  RRU (Remote Radio Unit) or RRH (Remote Radio Head): allows to
move certain functions of the BS in a module close to the antenna
!  Main margins:
•  Shadowing margin
•  Fast fading margin (for UMTS)
•  Indoor penetration margin (loss)
Jumper Transmitters/Receivers (TxRx) •  Interference margin
Power amplifiers RRU •  Body losses
Optical fiber (CPRI/OBSAI)

Controlers (antennas, O&M)

!  Body losses: losses introduced by the head of the user when he is in
Base Band Boards (BBU) a phone call. Recommanded figure is 3 dB [GSM03.30]. 0dB for
visiophonie or data services.
Jumper Transmitters/Receivers (TxRx)
Power amplifiers
BS Controlers (antennas, O&M) BS
Base Band Boards (BBU)
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Basic concepts Basic concepts
Margins Margins
!  Shadowing (in dB) is modeled by a normal distribution (with zero mean
!  Shadowing margin: shadowing is modeled by a log-normal and standard deviation σ which is typical of the environment)
distribution; the shadowing margin ensures that the signal level is
above the sensitivity in the whole cell with a probability of 90% - 95%. •  One wants to ensure a coverage at (1-Pout)% of the cell
•  or alternatively a coverage at (1-Pout)% at cell edge
!  Shadowing margin depends on the standard deviation of the log- •  In urban areas, (1-Pout)=95% or more
normal •  In rural areas, (1-Pout)=90% or more

!  Standard deviation depends on the !  Propagation model

environment: •  Path-loss plus shadowing has a Gaussian distribution in dB
•  Close to 8 dB in dense urban, •  With mean: A+Blog(r)
•  Close to 6 dB in rural. •  With variance: σ2
Shadowing Att(r) = PL(r) + s = A + Blog(r) + s
!  Two approaches: margin
•  On the whole cell area, E [ Att ] = A + Blog(r)
•  On the cell border.
Smoy Sseuil E [ Att 2 ] = σ 2
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Basic concepts Basic concepts

Margins Margins
#K &
•  At cell border: r=R Pout (R) = Q% s ( (Jakes formula)
!  We look for the shadowing margin Ks $σ '
!  We compute the probability to overcome this margin at distance r •  With a constraint of 90% coverage at cell border (Pout(R)=0.1) and σ=8dB,
the margin is 7.8dB

Pout (r) = Pr ( s + PL(r) > PL(R) + K s ) €

•  To avoid ping-pong effect, the UE may leave the cell beyond R, r=aR :
= Pr ( s > K s − Blog(r /R)) $ K − Blog(a) '
Q( x) = 1
−t 2 / 2
dt +∞ Pout (aR) = Q& s )
2π 2
% σ (
x = 1
2π ∫e −t / 2
K s −B log(r / R ) •  Example: with a=1.1 and B=35, the margin should be 9.3dB
Q(x) = 12 erfc(x / 2) σ
•  In average over the cell:
' K − Blog(r /R) *
= Q) s , €
( σ + 1
€ $ K − Blog(t) '
R Pout = 2 ∫ Q& s ) tdt
Pout = πR1 2 ∫ Pout (r )2π rdr 0
% σ (
[Viterbi94] [Viterbi94]

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Basic concepts Basic concepts
Margins Margins
!  Computation of the shadowing margin with the Jakes formula:
!  Penetration margin: losses due the propagation across walls and
windows; to be taken into account if we want to cover indoor or inside
Ks = Q (Pout ) cars.

!  Cars without a kit: ~ 7 dB

!  With: !  Cars with a kit: 0 dB (antenna is on the roof)
!  Indoor (first wall) :
Margin •  Dense urban: ~ 18 dB
•  Urban: ~ 15 dB
•  Rural: ~ 10-12 dB Indoor (first wall)
!  Deep indoor (second wall): +3 dB

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Basic concepts LTE Link Budget

Margins General parameters
!  Operation bands: the standard has defined several frequency bands
!  Interference margin: Link budget is based on the computation of the for the FDD mode (around 700, 800, 900, 1400, 1800, 2100, 2600
sensitivity in presence of noise. To take into account co-channel MHz).
interference, we add an interference margin. •  Typical bands in Europe: 800, 900, 1800, 2100, 2600 MHz
•  Typical bands in US: 700, 1700, 2100 MHz
!  UMTS: the interference margin depends on load
!  LTE and GSM: the interference margin is computed thanks to system !  Bandwidths: radio resources are organized in PRB (Physical Radio
simulations Block) made of 12 sub-carriers of 15 KHz and 7 OFDM/SC-FDMA

Bandwidth 1,4 MHz 3 MHz 5 MHz 10 MHz 15 MHz 20 MHz

Sub-carriers 72 180 300 600 900 1200

PRB 6 15 25 50 75 100

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LTE Link Budget LTE Link Budget
Transmission modes Link adaptation

!  There are 7 Transmission modes !  Mapping between data rate and SNR: A data rate is targeted at cell edge.
The mapping between data rate and SNR can be obtained as follows:
•  TM1 : SIMO (single antenna port)
•  Link level simulations: A target BLER (Block Error Rate) is set, for
•  TM2 : MIMO/TxDiv (transmit diversity)
example 10%. Transmission and reception chains are simulated for
•  TM3 : MIMO/SM-OL (open loop spatial multiplexing) different modulation and coding schemes (MCS) and channel profiles
•  TM4 : MIMO/SM-CL (closed loop spatial multiplexing) and BLER vs SINR curves are obtained. The combinations SNR/MCS
•  TM5 : MU-MIMO (multi-user MIMO) at BLER=10% provides the data rate vs SNR mapping.
•  TM6 : Beamforming CL (losed-loop) •  Approximated Shannon formula: It is a fitting of the data rate vs SNR
•  TM7 : Beamforming curve obtained by simulations. Example:
!  For transmission modes TM3 to TM6 good radio conditions are required. TM7 SN R
is not always available.
C = ↵W log2 (1 + )
!  Modes TM1 et TM2 are backup solutions to be considered in the link budget. Another example:
!  Transmit diversity provides a typical gain of 3dB. 8
<0 si SN R < SN Rmin
!  If two power amplifiers are used (a typical deploiement approach), then 3
addition dB gain should be considered. C = ↵W log2 (1 + SN R) si SN Rmin  SN R  SN Rmax
Cmax si SN R > SN Rmax

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LTE Link Budget LTE Link Budget

Link adaptation Link adaptation
α et β$
!  Example 1 [Mogensen07] : !  Example 2 [36.942] :
Spectral efficiency [bits/s/Hz]

SNR [dB]

Downlink, TU10 TU10 (DL)

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LTE Link Budget LTE Link Budget
Link adaptation Link adaptation
!  Example 2 [36.942] :

!  Channel models for fast fading: the standard has defined 3 new
channel models [36.104]

•  Enhanced Typical Urban (ETU): 9 paths, large delay spread,

urban environment and large cells

•  Enhanced Vehicular A (EVA): 9 paths, intermediate delay spread,

urban environment and large cells

•  Enhanced Pedestrian A (EPA): 7 paths, low delay spread, indoor

TU10 (DL), TU3 (UL) environment and small cells
DL UL Note
α$ 0,6 0,4 Implementation loss
SNRmin -10 dB -10 dB QPSK 1/8 (DL) 1/5 (UL)
SNRmax 22 dB 15 dB 64QAM 4/5 (DL)
16QAM ¾ (UL)
Cmax/W 4,4 bits/s/Hz 2,0 bits/s/Hz

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LTE Link Budget LTE Link Budget

Scheduling Scheduling

!  Scheduling: Dynamic allocation of radio resources to UEs in !  Example of scheduling algorithm [NSN11] taking into account the
frequency and time domains. channel variations:
!  Accounting for the channel state in these two domains increases •  The TD part selects N users based on delay constraints, buffer
system performance. size, number of retransmissions, priorities, etc
!  Principle of the scheduling in the frequency domain. •  The FD part allocates RBs according to a PF criterion
(Proportional Fairness).
Décisions de
l'ordonnanceur : UE2 UE3 UE1 UE3 UE2
Qualité du canal

Canal UE1

Channel 1

Canal UE2 2
Canal UE3 3

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LTE Link Budget LTE Link Budget
Scheduling HARQ
!  Examples [NSN11] of gains obtained with FDPS with respect to Ack=1
Round Robin (RR).
SN=0 SN=1 : SN=2 SN=3 *SN=1 SN=4
!  Gains are higher when:
•  Bandwidth is large
•  The number of users is large

0, 2, 3

SN=0 SN=2 SN=3 *SN=1 SN=4


•  On this example: From two erroneous versions

of the same block, one can recover the original Err. Correct.
•  HARQ brings a gain in term of time diversity SN=1

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Target data rate at cell edge

LTE Link Budget LTE Link Budget
Downlink Downlink
Spectrum efficiency parameters 2 transmit antenna, transmit
diversity mode

Antenna heights used in the

propagation model
Total transmit power = Power per
Reliability: used for shadowing margin and antenna + 10Log(#antennas)

Antenna gain depends on the

Shadowing standard deviation used frequency band and on the
in Jakes formula for the shadowing sectorization (here: tri-sectorized
margin computation sites)

Load = proportion of used radio EIRP = Total transmit power +

resources (used in the computation Antenna gain – Cable losses –TMA
of the interference margin) insertion loss

HARQ retransmissions add a diversity


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LTE Link Budget LTE Link Budget
Downlink Downlink
SINR obtained from the target data
rate and the spectral efficiency
!  Target SINR: Inversion of the approximated Shannon formula giving
the spectral efficiency as a function of the SINR
In LTE, UEs have two receive Ccible
C target
antennas SN Rcible
target = 10 log10 ( (2
↵W 1))

Typical figure obtained by

silmulation (depends on the
number of UEs and the bandwidth)



Common channels overhead

S = SINR + N + NF – Gains + Protocol


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LTE Link Budget LTE Link Budget

Downlink Downlink

!  Protocol overhead: Due to the transmission of PDCCH, SSS/PSS, PBCH

and Reference Signals (RS). !  Canaux de contrôle :
Radio frame (10ms)

•  Smaller is the bandwidth, higher is the overhead

•  Order of magnitude: 30%
•  Example: 30% induces a power loss of 10LOG(1-0.3)=-1,5 dB Sub-frame (1ms)

!  PDCCH: 1, 2, or 3 (or 4 for 1,4 MHz) OFDM symbols per sub-frame

!  PBCH: 4 OFDM symbols x 72 sub-carriers in the second slot of each frame
!  SSS/PSS: 4 OFDM symbols x 62 sub-carriers per frame

System bandwidth
!  RS: 4 (1 antenna), 8 (2 antennas) or 12 (4 antennas) RE per RB

1, 2, 3 or 4 OFDM symbols

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LTE Link Budget LTE Link Budget
Downlink Downlink

!  Orders of magnitude:

DL Overhead (%)

MI = -10LOG(1-load*SINR/SIRmin)

Jakes Formula

Margins = MI + Shadowing + Body

loss + Penetration

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LTE Link Budget LTE Link Budget

Downlink Downlink
!  Interference margin: One obtains by simulation the SIRmin as a !  Example: urban environnment, hb=55m, reliability = 0,95
function of the coverage required reliability. One then deduces the SINR/SIR/SNR distribution (DL)
interference margin from SIRmin and from the target SINRas follows: 0.9
S 1 0.8

SIN R = = ⌘ 1

⌘I + N SIRmin+ SN R 0.7

MI = 0.6


1 ⌘ SIR min 0.3


Note 1 : SIRmin depends only on the propagation model and on the required reliability −5 0 5 10

Note 2 : withCOST231-Hata, SIRmin depends only on B (i.e., on hb) and on the reliability SINRtarget SIRmin SINR, SIR, SNR [dB]

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LTE Link Budget LTE Link Budget
Uplink Uplink
Only a portion of the whole system
bandwidth ca be allocated to UE
!  Protocol overhead:
•  Reference signals: 1 OFDMA symbol per slot
•  PUCCH: 4 RBs per slot
Use the bandwidth allocated to UE:
C=αWalloclog2(1+SINR/β) •  PRACH: 6 RBs per frame (depends on PRACH configuration)
With Walloc = #PRBx12x15 KHz

!  Orders of magnitude on the uplink:

Use the bandwidth allocated to the UE: UL Overhead (%)

N = N0Walloc

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LTE Link Budget LTE Link Budget

Uplink Typical cell ranges

!  Figures of SIRmin (COST231-Hata) on the uplink:

Rayon en Km

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Conclusion Références

!  Advantages: !  [GSM05.05] Radio Transmission and Reception

•  Allows to quickly obtain a first estimate of the cell ranges !  [GSM03.30] Radio Network Planning Aspects
!  [Viterbi95] A. J. Viterbi, « CDMA - Principles of Spread Spectrum Communications », Addison-Wesley, 1995
•  Quick and simple
!  [Viterbi93] A. M. Viterbi and A. J. Viterbi, « Erlang Capacity of a Power Controlled CDMA System », IEEE JSAC,
!  Limitations of the link budget approach: August 1993
!  [Gilhousen91] K. S. Gilhousen et al., « On the Capacity of a Cellular CDMA System », IEEE Trans. on Vehicular
•  Does not accuratly take into account interferences and frequency reuse schemes Technology, May 1991
•  Does not take into account the dynamics of the system in terms of user traffic !  [Chan01] C. C. Chan and S. V. Hanly, « Calculating the Outage Probability in a CDMA Network with Spatial Poisson
Traffic », IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, Jan. 2001
!  [Evans99] J. S. Evans and D. Everitt, « On the Teletraffic Capacity of CDMA Cellular Networks », IEEE Trans. on
Vehicular Technology, Jan. 1999
!  [Baccelli05] F. Baccelli et al., « Blocking Rates in Large CDMA Networks via a Spatial Erlang Formula », INFOCOM,
!  [Godlewski04] P. Godlewski, « La formule de la capacité cellulaire CDMA revisitée au second ordre », rapport ENST,
!  [Goldsmith05] A. Goldsmith, « Wireless Communications », Cambridge University Pres, 2005

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!  [Sipilä00] Sipilä et al., « Estimation of Capacity and Required Transmission Power of WCDMA Downlink Based on a
Downlink Pole Equation », Sipilä et al. VTC 2000 Contexte public } sans modifications
!  [Holma04] « WCDMA for UMTS », Edited by H. Holma and A. Toskala, 3rd Edition, Wiley 2004 Par le téléchargement ou la consultation de ce document, l’utilisateur accepte la licence d’utilisation qui y est attachée, telle que détaillée
!  [Veeravalli99] Veeravalli et al., « The Coverage-Capacity Tradeoff in Cellular CDMA Systems » Trans. on Vehicular dans les dispositions suivantes, et s’engage à la respecter intégralement.
Technology, 48, 1999
La licence confère à l'utilisateur un droit d'usage sur le document consulté ou téléchargé, totalement ou en partie, dans les conditions définies ci-après
!  [Viterbi94] « Soft Handoff Extends CDMA Cell Coverage and Increase Reverse Link Capacity », IEEE JSAC, Oct.
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1994 Le droit d’usage défini par la licence autorise un usage à destination de tout public qui comprend :
!  [Sipilä99a] Sipilä et al. « Modeling the Impact of the Fast Power Control on the WCDMA Uplink », IEEE VTC’99 -  Le droit de reproduire tout ou partie du document sur support informatique ou papier,
!  [Sipilä99b] Sipilä et al., « Soft Hand-over Gains in a Fast Power Controlled WCDMA Uplink », IEEE VTC’99 -  Le droit de diffuser tout ou partie du document au public sur support papier ou informatique, y compris par la mise à la disposition du public sur un
réseau numérique.
!  [Laiho02] « Radio Network Planning and Optimisation for UMTS », Edited by J. Laiho, A. Wacker and T. Novosad,
Wiley 2002 Aucune modification du document dans son contenu, sa forme ou sa présentation n’est autorisée.
!  [Lempiäinen03] « UMTS Radio Network Planning, Optimization and QoS Management », Edited by J. Lempiäinen
and M. Manninen, Kluwer Academic Publisher 2003 Les mentions relatives à la source du document et/ou à son auteur doivent être conservées dans leur intégralité.
!  [25.942] 3GPP TR 25.942 « RF System Scenarios »
Le droit d’usage défini par la licence est personnel, non exclusif et non transmissible.
!  [25.104] 3GPP TR 25.104 « Base Station radio transmission and reception (FDD) » Tout autre usage que ceux prévus par la licence est soumis à autorisation préalable et expresse de l’auteur : [email protected]
!  [25.101] 3GPP TR 25.101 « User Equipment radio transmission and reception (FDD) »
!  [Baccelli01] Baccelli et al., « Spatial Averages of Coverage Characteristics in Large CDMA Networks », Rapport
INRIA N°4196, Juin 2001
!  [Baccelli03] Baccelli et al. « Downlink Admission/Congestion Control and Maximal Load in Large CDMA Networks »,
Rapport INRIA N°4702, Jan. 2003
!  [Mogensen07] Mogensen et al. « LTE Capacity Compared to the Shannon Bound », VTC 2007.
!  [NSN11] Nokia Siemens Networks, « Air Interface Dimensionning » 2011.
Marceau Coupechoux

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